itrOlgrAtkO r A3PaNti; 0242.5jAW , . ... Saw Kwatiatitow Tai Waire:,;..By thOloSerfaid mallweihtee some nielancholyintelligoineit feats the reginiskittipistas Cll2loli- Volley, bested la' ~ .',lireatern -iftah• on the vergs, of Califon* insi . • isonatitntitig - the inohoste _tertitemofltimadd The Cold in that quartr had bean intent:6; lad,: to add tei the distrees f the people, there vas -a . on greet:ls, satsleclen!,"nedoilbt.iii , i . on the rush thither of emigrants from Ca1i ..7),. fortis to avail themselves of the slur , and sold. 4 , i -mines. Then twilit, also, hirre been thereinaly ti , 21, ' overland emigrants withslialr stook, ior we read in the telegram that thennmber ofeattle winter -4 i - . bit in the walleyeast - of the Mountains - I . ns esti ..,.i. : : _mate 0120,000, and many of these etanrarg from 4. , _ - thesiatraity ,of hay. This is getting to be pret - • Wettish the natal result of any great discovery 4-_ of 'gold In eur ootustry. Thousand rash heed -7 ~'"- '• leaely to the mines, without the requisite peeper- Woo, hart provirtioned and depending on fortune to help them through. Next summer or spring -„,-, • this'will ail be remedied in Nevada,- the prodne• ~t tiveness of th e mines being ascertained and the fi •induceutents to palpation no lengfr , debatable:- - We regret also Audi's this news an Hem slat t - leg that the legislature of Washington territory . ~... ' bad r bill before it'to *organize the disputed is -1 -- " - - (1 .-,:,--143,4112 the Canals Hato is Harney county. -'-' 1* - • --44.1 ' , 14 ' - *high it • I •LityP , - * ' - ''"- '''''''"'-- — , 11111111 . 1111111 . 111 . 1 . 1 10 111 a1 of d -...tend, with ...ese tuitoiial legisia • . .. .... . ._. .tt if the bill should be vetoed by the Governor; vr, Ti not, that the general government will Promptly give orders to inevent tieuble from this Bonne. Bat the disposition manifested in y 5 that quartnr to mike aa much mircidef out of, tide affair as possible dorms the severest repro • tension. Tan Timms' PAMPIIIXt.—The following in ._- a brief and intpUlgible scoonot of the Napoleonic hfob lh s - ^sotto' pauiphlet which has just made such a eeesation_ in Europe: A pamphlet, entitled "The Pope and the eon grees,! has just been published - at Paris, from the pen of If. De la Guerroniere, Abe author of the pamphlet "Napoleon 111, et I'ltalle," which heradded the lite war. The misgovernment of the Papal dominions is treated ae something in veterate and inevitable, arising from causes roach deeper than the good or evil dispositiOn of any particular Pontiff, and springing out of the very nabdie of the Pontificate itself. The Pepsis not fit to govern a large State, or indeed, to perform any political duties, and therefore, the Romagna 'should not be restored to him. "The city of Rome and - the patrimony of St: Peter must be guaranteed to the Sovereign Pontiff by the great Powers, with a considerable revenue,- that the Catholic' States will pay, as a tiibute of respect *and protection to the head of, the Church. ea Italian militia, (Molten from the elite of the Feder al 'army, should assure the tranquility and invi olability, of the Holy See. Municipal liberties, as Wendy° as poseible, should release the Pa pal Government from all the details of adminis tration, and thus give a share of public_ local life to those who aro disinherited of political as. tivity. Finally, every complication, every idea of war and revolt must be forever banished trout the territory governed by the Pope, that it may be said, where reigns the Vicar of Christ, there also reign well-being, concord, and Peace. It is the task of the Congress to effect this trans. • formation, become necessary to consolidate the temporidantherity of Rome." Bais.—A property in Franklin, Veuango 'county, known as the rolling mill property, has -.recently been eoldto a New York company. It is the intention of the company to pat up an Oil Refinery on the property, as soon as the arrange° merits for ed doing can be made.. They have looked at various localities for this pupate, but find none that plesees them as well as Franklin, it being eurrounded an all sides by oil Bites— mutes there are so many_wells being sank In thin vicinity, give it the preference of all other plaits for a refinery. The above we learn from the Acuriron Odken, published in Venange county. GAZETTE JOB OFFICE - • RALSTON it-YOUNG, [scM:222l3 ~®z SILITMCga BOOK, CARD & JOB PRINTERS. , ca.a.-zzamma 331:_rxxxamva:, -EFIPTII STREET, NEAR POST OFFICE, PrzTsßussa, PENNA., 46-Exeonts every kind of BOOR and FANCY GOD PAINTING with neatness . and dispatch. In27:dawtfP fErROCSINGi• CHEAP AND DURABLY.. 391.1)ALY s Stocking Manufacturer; Corner Fifh St. and Market alley, HAS on hand a tremendous assortment of Woolen gioridtigs, Mae, Socks, Corolrte, Doods,Dasks for men and women, together with. eery oz. tandrs anortment dint Clesmiptiorm of Goole In his Ito, imitable to the season. lie sells prime articles at low prima: Cell and munnloo. 1111.11,amambed M. DALY has bit one nice; and that on the min of FM street nid Market alley. SUNDREES-501thdz. N. 0. Sugar; bble A Crushed ao 20 do B Coffee do 30 do NY and Boston Syrtis 20 do Amin s, • 35 do Inaba% 23 do Roan 'do 23 do Sank ,do 100 bona an/ brands-lotion 60Catly Ins do do 160 half ants Y H and Blast Ins. E6O bap 160 Ithls. ak. .nlme C°s*C w Ohlo Cloeereoed , In More and (nolo by BAO WIS Nat. 191 and 193 Marty street ~.. 0 t. - PRoDuez—a) Mils White Beans; 20 lullsRao" Batter; • 3 nicks Peatben. On hotrid and f. islets 4141 . MIME& A DILWO3TLI. SUNDRIES -1 Dry Hide; 92racks Bomar. 8. do Ground Nutr, 1 bbd Gl.i. toSid,/ 00 Armor Clara Poo, for ado try 6.15 12.1611D1CE322 A CO. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE for sale by 11,17 JOE. FLEMING, coaxer Marta .freet, sad the Diamood. =iLEY--300 bush. Spring Barley rec'd sad for ale by JAALEA A. HEUER, pas comer Biarketand Pint street. '.'::'' ..",:•::- , . .. ~, ,, .1, ., MICIAINY,IS bbls. choice Pearl Hominy, - • ..ILA. Just reed end .or We by J. A. FETZER, ;'! 4.. , '',. • • J• 18 . , . . caner Market and net stmts. .... 4 7. 4 * - • ..-. 7 .•'.. ; 4, . SUGAR. --10 bhda. prime new crop New.dor s •_, nem Boger, lapdog Crum gamer Neptune, for eby ' - :e}t 4 GLYCERINE -100 lbs. for sale by 1 B. L. FAJDIESTOOR. k 00, 4 , 6. brae.), corner Wood sod ixtrUs sta. :7...!.... - :i '-, ' - • . D RIED FRUIf-100 sacks Apples; NI , - for sale by , JO 10 J. B. do oA P ertt h EL e p h a nt' CO ". . .. ,,,, :i.: .. . - ,Q. • ~, , , , .......,.... i . gov„,..A.PPL‘EmS— :.•••!. . --..... 75 do • do Appko. '' • ' • -In date Nod for Isle by dm J. B. CANFIELD A 00. ~ • -' D"' 1..........„...., I'EACEEB--balves and "quarters —lO brads NEW MOP, Is store and for isle by ....... ' ' •Ja2l. azWirtiyArraoaDan., 114 Second at ~:....„. -: . 5(;) PRIME (RIBA MOLASSES 2 ....,•‘..:,.- : , on couilgument—ln afore and CO LO by :. . '.• " •• • deall Clatilt, a VAN ROEDER; Na 114 Eooond at , •,.. 7 •"';,::V." 1200 BBLS. FAMILY FLOUR, choice ankle, for 'ale by Jil9 :11 • P - .EABL HOMINY-33 bble. choice Pearl Made, Jun reed on Collegailtrit ad for ode by Jai - 7AS.b YBTZER. cot. Market and Pon sue A_PRETTY LITTLE LIBRARY - _i. 10 Volum:n-1n Box. Trice, One Dolls, A now eDpply reached J. L. READ, den -- No. TB Fourth Wert. riLOVER HONEY—GO boxes lioney•for 11 1.1 sal• at ,183 Liberty lit. BIWA a LAZCEB. RF I SSED PORK-12Cheshiro Hogs corn fad. for gab .1 114 BECK a LezkAlt. - WAR CORN--250 bus. at depot for sale by .1!/ BEM LAZIWI LORE. BARRELS-250 new in storo and so sale low toeless lot by , Wansst DASHES.. TIMOTTIMOTHY 81ED-100 bus. choice for ease HY - jal2 • lIERI32T BARIUM ROL ASH-50 casks to arrive and for 1112 0 L.l D.I7ANYIELD lk OD. - - Y Iu t ARLE 139 bags prime Fall Barley in JElrAtarciadf — or sal:by 'MOWN EIREPATIIIRA. IW2O koga NZ. 1 I n in store and I for Ws by • • BROWN lIIRKPATRIOW. CATS --150 beads - extra - beam for fee!l• ing,tcar mu by [Jal2f AWE LAZISAR. T Big I AR1)—.800 tierces fot sale by sees P. sO.LLEas 4t co. 1860 DIAR u k 24l , lB'. &LE 18 .; BAGSTBAOS-2,500 seamleis for solo by ' Erfoßccatolottazgar s 00. • ' • , - 20 BBIS—WIIITE FLINT ii.OIIIINY. at P. - - Ili Biwa et. [da72.3 /MAO It TAN (KILMER t ' ' ' ' EjN/04S- 50 bbts. in storo and for sao by 11 ELD a co. TIM ZA r - ... • 2,. , .„.:,, -• . jilyriattfO r P . '-' • . F I N ATiI.E.RS--1 sack prime risk Feather! • 1. - r . wo gs kr,z- , I. YITTLEITAI3I/11a. , jEtNik+Z) kbls. n store and tor sale by i_. .I.massirress sum . t. -,;• -- • --"- i—tr" Paii -r— LLES-130 bushel Babel% tind 6iartm, (Or amie by - MUM t VAN 003DHlt. Baolll4Dr,ftS-5,000 lama for Bale Bp 0013N-64000.6ci0. i to , ,arrito for 'irrfurrn Azurff4llf3w-aostrat. 8 .11-if astir lb I . ° "- l Ac( f a 4r :alims °l7 n.! PANAO.IIA-2 5 ~~. ~• ~~mi LOttLB. -- 4 LITT "-- iat. ,ar. T at rum:, - Gn 1 1 • 61 E 1 A ', IN -,, A ,N , D D..u.-..E.,,A,r L„..a-,.-n.J.ew, Aum.i ii co i o caesi, r praltA•ol_..glana.t 410 - NON T,7iiN:, WIT.T.TA BACIALBY, :%C r3o7- ' 3EI . 4 ;iTtPsazilt. Ircut. 18 sod 20 Wood Strout, . li.ibanceas • lISNWAItrt Of Lewis a Zdphacy,PittsVg. Ithurett is Matto, Phila. En&sumo& & STEWART, (Bezestristo Davis t Ur:dm) Wholesale Croceri and Commission lerthants, 107 w;Dod street. Pittsbersh. TWIN M'OILL k SON. Oroa Eli era and CO- V ettlastsm Enchants. Ag•ots for the oh. of Pig lrOn and Bloom, !Goan Liberty west, Pittgunb. fd&tyd ALEXANDER KING, WILOLESAIR Grocer mrl Importer orlette dab, No. Z 3 Marty *Wale Pittebargb; Ps. • spltlydr 410. b. L. 000131. TONER .tCOOLEY, WLIOIMVAT.E GRO CP 01:11.8 and Nat ,7sra6here, dealers in Predate and Plttibtuidt Man • -etsetedoe, 0.111 Wake street, near Chard Alley,Pittstoritt, Pe.; . ade2A VALUABLE COALIAND FOR bALK-- A very valnable tract of cord land, Gollifirtiug of 331 i AlltiES,and enlisted luau Webster, Westmoreland county, P.. Here la an encellent opportonity preeented or any parlor, desiring to go Into the coal bnaineas, and one that ehoold be taiga advantage of, as - chance. llke Has do tot often occur. For further lolermation apply at Tihid ancnrap I °Melt, whore all the pat liculara cau tw asok.rtsinu.l. domed. WeL P. a. numroaTic SHRIVES bi o DILWORTII; WHOLESALE t and.. ! let z ani Ana. ( twt~sea Wood TOUN FLOYD, & c 0. ,• WHOLESALE u Groom and Comlilabeilock Dlttcbauts, N 0.173 Woad ontl 928 Llbat7 stale, Pittgourgb. PLO 1111/1011. WATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE ORG. CEA Cecataidoll Y ;ibeata and Dealirn In Pre. lemma Patabargb hisitairstires, 2$ Liberty creel, Eitel:wet s M. McO - W1TH13101919 1- 0) • , . Baal Otcccri Prodnce oral Coinmlsalon Merchant, and Dealer In; Pi tt berN liszafactund Ankh's , . Na I b 9 berg street, comer et Brewery eh Pittsburgh. Pa. rnyll Co. AL TW,ELL, LEE • CO.; -WHOLESALE Gramm Prodstas Commission hierchnstsond um In PM30,133th Usaufactures, No. B Wood street, he• tween Water sad Front et., Pittsburgh. 11108 Lomax,- .- —urn idoaros. ROBISON CO., WHOLESALE amaers, Ceruadrarou Iderelta=r, and Dadra In .kludr of Provisions, Produce =I Piterburgh Precurfactaree, No. 256 lAbertyetrest„Pitraborgb, joWJyd ROBERT DAT)7AILL do CO., WHOLE BALH Qmcan. Clostudasion sad Forwarding Mgr amnia and Deadersin prodateaadPitlaborgh Mazofactares, N 0.251 Meaty itteet,Pktabluieh Pa. tay2 TSAIMI DICKEY ft CO., WHOLESALE: Groeen, CoscusassiOnMerthanta,and Dealer. in Produce, No. SO Water street,sad 63 Plant street, Pitlstrargh. tiobluselleto, &c. WM. G. JOUNSTON m CO., Stationers, Blunt Book Istinuactorers sad Job Prittetk j No. PI Wood street, Pittsburgh, Ps. ae2o TORN S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AND V Stationer, nemajor to Daylma & Agnew, No. 63 Marta Urea, near Toarth, Pittabargh,Ps. KAY & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND TIOMMS, No. SIS Wood atnarb, nest door to the air. row of Third, Pittsburgh, Pa. &halal and Law Books con. dandy on hand.. L. READ, BOOKSE : ' AND STA MIER; N 0.78 Fourth ot, Apollo Balldlogo. HDNT k MINER, BOOKSELLER and Btatlonerd.Lamonlo IW I, 7iftb Amt. 4i micro. J OIIN TAOMPSON ct. CO 110II3E, EON AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS No. 133 TIDED STREET, PIITHBORGII, PL curZklyd Etat lesstatt Runts WI4LIAIII DEALER IN PROMISSORY NOTES, Bond; Mortgage. and all nocuritim for money: Persona am procuMlomm through my Agency, on moon 'Ma term. Those wishing ito Invest their money to good adwudage, Win always find flab. and second clam paper at my odloo, for ed. All commuckstiont and Interstate strictly confidential. Ofews OltAliT STRUT, opposite St. Paul'. Cathedral. elattf 11?Noir, &c. - - TORN 11. MELLOR,'No. 81 WOOD ST., t/ Dawson Diamond Alley and Fourth ettent.Solo Agent . IbrOMOKRILENO A EOM? (Boston) PLANO FORTES. /SA WN A ILLMLEWS, MODEL. MELODEONS and ORGAN IMMONIIIMEiand Dealer In Moak and Muskat Goods. _js.23 la KLEMM & BRO., No. 53 FIFTH Sign of theGoldenfarp,Bole Agera tor NUMMI CLARS•B ((Now York) artrirallod 0TA134 sod &pare PIANOS, and CAIIIIIIIT & NEEDRAM•d gamble MELO• DEONS sod ORGAN akEZIONIMI, Dealers In azi4 Ifloakol Tmotranxes. fah CH BLUME, DLANUFACTUE , 14.,1 ER and Destez h. Pluto Yoe., and Importer of liosiO 'and Musical Instimmoota. Eole Agoat for the HAMM= PIANOS, also for HALL= DAVIi A CO.ll Barton PLOOOr, withsrld without atoterat Attachment. 1111 Wood itreel, c 023 qtacciaggss. CARRIAGES! .BUGGIES! ROCKAIVAYS! PHAETONS, BAROVCEIZS, 0168, A ND overythingin tho Eke, prolumml from the mons reliable EASTEitlildaliilYACTlllllBllB, legethor with a full acsortmont of elegant • liastern Huns'. In ere ry variety imitable for single or double teams. Al.o" eprings, and other Items, too nanteran to mention, constantly on hand and for sale at reasonable prices 1), JOLLY B. SLIA/Pitit, Diamond gave, mar Liberty, Pitlaburgb, P.. /Er llandages bought and sold on commission. 'Lenoir• og neatly and promptly dorm. rriTotly tiptioloUtp. Tama p.xustu.u..--------:—Josiza a. aro.* • Well Paper Warehouse. WALTER P. MAILSRALL & CO., hn4 routers and Dealers, WI Wood street, between Fourth street and Plamond Alley where may be found ran extermtnt eamrtment of erer7 description of PnPerWanatn , few Purl on. Halts , Direng Burma end Clambers. Alm. nudes! In groat Teddy at lowest prices to connvy dealers, sale • WALTER P. isausuALL A co. Insucants agcnii 'WERRA INSURANCE COMPANY 99 j 12.4 Water larva. HOST. FINNEY, !key. O. W. WM, nos, lioness' Agent. my 3 A A. CARRIER, SECRETARY. Penosylvsula tusursuce Ootopsay of Pittsburgh, Aloe/ Building, Fourth street. • FM. GORDON, Secretary Western Ineur • 92 Watorareet: T GARDINEJt COFFIN, Agent for Frank. . flu fire Insurance Oonapeur, Nort&oest owner Word and Third strecno. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware D W. POINDEXTER, Agent Great wolf ern Inssmatce 00.,9/ Front stpet. CatTido. W., D. 415. n. WCALL On. DEALER IN CARPETS, OIL !MOMS, MATELDIGIS, No. 87 Fourth greet near Wald- . Altp, Gans. I. K. staal4ll; DIIROLIFIELD & CO., (successors co Mur4 phy Borchteld,) Witslads sad Batal - 1 Dealers In Sagas and isaulfry Goode, Norltvcast corner Fourth sod Nartotsta, Pitlabargh. sal C I. LOVE, Dealer in Staple and Fanny m y .:4 Dry Gloot i s a l i gt ,i 7 , f . the original 800 lilve,Z,9l-11 la 11. PALMER, No. 106 Market Street; lib. Dealer In Bonnets, Mb, easy irlgnminp, end Straw Onalsgenerally. •28 gutnttucc. JAMES W. WOODWELI.. FORNITIIIIEZAAD CHAIRS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, rmpraclog every style of tf R ST I r 4 = A:T , ROSEWOOD, MANOGANI,`,tAND WALNUT, sultan, row PARLORS, CILAAIIIRBIS AIM DINING ROOSIS, tud to m4:fit NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA , Waionooxs, Nos. 77asn 79 TIMID SMIST, mr2frAtt pirresuacw. P. xorifo-....n10n. v. TOCSBI.--.30.20 t. T.ll , W. 11. YOUAG HURNITITRE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description. lAOTORY—iWaaLlA,betacenVie = 4 Atone Ar 10.4 Wertheim—Rs. $8 1440 Smithfield St., QV:A MROAT OABIN FEIBNITURE-Wo conoool, touturoGraing STY43IIIOOT ufunivao ell AMA end Invite ea stunGoo2 0 Wee lateooo In fabGthiog boats. pekdO•T SR. YOUNG 0 CO. 1-‘o:t.**c.) , `;‘) Ho. 256 Liberty Street. 'DANK. OF . DISCOUNT, ,EXCIIANGE 'DANK DEroarr. clip%tai 5t0ck...........-- ...... ......—....1 150,000 Caplital lieprooestted, over-- 1,000000 safivxzeoprts mem mew lantrtovoir Lams lit Uotd, Silver, rar loath sad Carr ono remise au dtral t• ALL atigYS &Mood to ram aht far a Olaalkd liat. WlLin DRAW mrEngr. Plea thdboagooa tb, loatom and eatora-'ritleo coostaatly for solo Ito mit. 0311 tiOn. motbilz an Utopia:that caken togams be Vatted Stant wad tho Ciaidaty EA P8.00.6:1D3 PILOBIPTLY R& bIIT I TAI - t0 au: Mitred ootot, on day of =Wait,. i ~.. , .AllattotOpor Join Mooriend, Masada TorsyiNJabn Math, Ow a lio.onJ. Md. William &Abort, W. Itkintotock, Hero 11o• Cationish, Doh A t0.100..a. ". . " L ; / - 1 , . &Jo. Wit mum. E.:maga. 1 ... rd " R. 0: StRIMISUTZ. Cashier_; Eratat AND MOLASSES.-. abbnagilgirclarwpriza.,! 3. :.•; 'SO bbli Porto Slo)lots!ogr,. - - - 916 Lblelltellmod Bow; SS bids Peons:Apsrp. So doii sad for tab DP ;dab: 888tilrat k DILIVOB FLOWEBAS- . -5 t~nlee fu ' ,144: /4.4.714M1=01, , z. for tale' .'d 7 or - 11Dp - IDGE • ST:DWALINTx FOR SALS.— Wag &boat tOukitoltoiram We chi, I oder for sale .tbs ,trioolitz%- Ilidgo Omni' Allegboolzl•letty, fortotrtii Ber.W.W. Moot. Oat:mom hse 16ethid taste. Ha &Italian otollot to It ea, UAL in et mpleto rtpalr throogbouu. Lt boo ootea bon, tbmiaoasettoots, sad II to ali iesireits ooe or th, moetdeslnbled.eidoge intim two cities. The lot to tO by JOEIN A- tY,ILI3" 94 Wood tt.. onto Latta - tot Bala lIE anbseriber :*offlirsTOti sale M otion ten, towtedt. /2, 1 *irk meaty, Otdo, commonly !Morro .Boirman'a containing 64Cracrea. IL la attnatad Wm. Who meat of qn- Ytala Rotel 4,0,4 to Wombat.; and within about two miles Of the Pitta• Wet, Ft. Wayne and Chicago. Harm& .. The won. east •aad north-eatt qacrieni era pully cleared and torprored— Abe remainder Is antral with tini L L•rior timber-acif the Idle la real watered by apringa and running atreaci.— AMU section La cohablered tha finesl body of land In tha egrintyi 'lt silt be idol undivided or In newton to son rhalera... To thourirlio &ere to tared In real oidatir• net ofigorhicdtyla rarely offered. J. B. 81;1111"ZInt, realialairifT . 00.101 art Areas. Pltubrirgh. --- I OWA FARMINti LAND.—The subsarib .l. en offer for'ule on favorable terms six hundred noon Choice Lando, altnated In Wright and Ilancock comae', adjacent to lima of Railroads now ireamnia of comma. Lion, and coo tract only two milts from County scat. The ahoy° will be sold low for Cash, or antiunion,' for fuming lands in tide or adjoining mannaa no= bleirAtilll i A14.1%11„12.4 Peered at. FF OR SALE—That splendid Residence, in with tarp Lot of Oronnd, Fruit Tr.. and bhrulelflia Inry, situated within two minOtes' walk of the {Vilnius. burg Railroad bistro., The bonen Is 'sego and finished In ,modern styled at present anctiplinl by &tonne Thinupeou.— Will be a:Won MINJII.OIII3 taro... Apply to W. A. AbiDn'RbOX,4 dettilAwllP At Ilirtinfioll/Icen onr. sth a grant sr. MISSOURI. LAND. .2004000 AC E 'S FOR 26 SALE AT tray to rake—Roar to GO cents par sera 'Plots Waited v. paid for Arab re al laidander the Gradu ation Actin all the count'. re the h LIAO Pateraa prorat ed, Aci Apply to WILSON. RAWLINGS d CO, noLiZina fib Cheidnut et t, tit. Lords. Mo. 1 4 1011. SALE—A tract of land containing nine sad one hAlf acres, situate on the Fourth fitteee 'Bert about thus miles Wm the Covet Moe, Will he mold low for club. Inquire of 1111E11 & hIAOSENZIE, etrf.dtf Att'ye at Lao, No. 60 inerth attest - 111rOOSES FOR RENT.—Two Dwelling .11 Mont. on linh et, shorn Smithfield, pea 6.1 Market street—Moro and Dwelling nonce. Storo RoOrn and Lauding, rumor Grant and TM, d els. ' No. 15 Third etreot—Dr. elan Homo and Storo. Dwelling Mouse and • Store, currier Market and Third els. Two Dwelling nooses, Nos. 55 and 12 Third et: No. 27 Duquesne at.; ahnotioa.V and NI Dooposnr. sr_ Dwelling Holm, Corner Colwell and Logan at, eats. Warehouse, torpor First and Smithfield sue Warehouse on Wood etreet, near Second. Dwelling Henan, Nee 65 Second Area. Dwelling Hansa, No; 3 Sylane'a Conti: Dwelling Housestnd 7,4 acres of Around on Mt Waehing , ton, it, at., for rent by al4 S. CDTIIBEIIT d SOsi, 51 Market et. . 'BUSINESS HOUSES TO LET.—A large _LA Wareham* on Wood street, below recood, now In ..- .money of the American Coal Co. A Warehoneo—s good stand for linslntri—corner of Plist and Smithfield ate. A Warehouse or two Ptcre Rooms, on Water et, next to National Hotel. A Store ROOD, on Market et ' near Yom - t h. A Store Room and Dwellingllonso, No. 43 Market at. A Skins Boons, No. 53 Youth at., near Wood. A Store Room and llwelliog, corner Pint and Marta eta. A Store Room find Dwelling corner Third and Grant am. Apply to Si-CUTIIRS.RT A SON, 61 Market en FOR RENT—A-Cow:dry Residence in Pitt towndzip,cormietlng of • good house, containing eight room. and an excellent cellar. There Is also a good stable and deters, also, two scree round, planted with apple, peach and other fruit trees; a grape arbor, An Vor further particulars enquire of WATT A WILSON, ,laTidtf 265 Liberty etrott. WAREHOUSE TO LET.—A fine WARE IIOUBB, P 10.37 Wool stria, opposite the BC. Cherie. Hotel, ewer occupied bri. 211. Peacock t Co, tor root. Poe edition April m,L fTOIIOOII, DIVIIERILY a co. TLET.—The large Warehouse, corner of A. Penn and Wayne streets, (the property a the Hartford evtate.) Porevit.o given hiamodialely. For terms apply to JOLIN T. MOAN, Muir, Ja4dlt No. at Wood arta_ TO LET—Several tine Store Rooms on St. Cllr street, one of whith .111 be rented lo connection with the spool°ns room ou the *KOMI COur, sod In .011 [O. allotted for s Ictrniture or carpet wore. Nottalre of oclidtf E. 11. 1111011, No. 10 Fourth at. arIFFICES TO LEl . —rwo good (Aces to k.glat, or without sturago,s/l wowoot to ltowsog. hoLifWhor( 1.5 /SAUL! & CO. r E FIRST BAPTIST CONGREGATION OFFER THEIR CHIIRCh EDIFICE, CORNER GRA:VT.IND THIRD STS. FOR s.ALI? I=l Together VIIC 16n ORG AN ARA FURNITURE. It Is well and iraborsattally b llt, capable of rtallog +ll hondrool person comfortably, amt I. only offend for rod* beau. It la roma:4ll[or their occommodotioo. For terms, 41c, atiply to WM. EVERSON, No . Water grat, or J. BO OBY ER, is., No. "..25 LO.arty atm& O. D. ANDERSON, Jo=dtf Searstary Ikaar.l of Trask.. CIA NITRE HAT STORE, 75 WOOD STRICIET. FFILLERMAN t COLLORD Are now proporect In teen the &mewls of thwe .ho mar want BATS, CAPS AND LADIES' FURS. JUST ARRIVED—Tho NEW CONCERT GRAND PUN% aniceinxed • h-er Gays Les nr. timid end will be opened taley. The einaleal renteaelno and the pub& in ecnerel me re. erectfully lathed to call et the rtuu Wurrocens et the nutacnber, end examine it JOHN Ti. sim..ton, 2to. 61 W 4.1 ara.,l, Detwoott Dimond_ Ally A roarAh otreot, Sole Agent for ClAckrthis k PL.," f.r PitiwburKb and Western Pwan'a. Jul. WALL PAPER FOR SPRING OF 1600. —WALTER P. NIAILNUALL hue welt exelArrre arrangements with the leading Ol.ntscntrers of Paper thougings In this montry and In Pomp, ...hereby b. will receive and otter toe suit, in the Poring. the moat complete assortment of Wall Paper ever brought to Oil market_ jal2 NO. 07 WOOD VIOLET. WHEAT, WHEAL—MO bush prime Clnb Tilmeat elderyt, fro rale by dels I.II.TCUCOCE..bcCELEETLY 3 CO. DRIED APPLES.-1,000 btitheL , prima Dried Apples, Jest received mud Watt* ty jell 0 ILAY F I VAN 0011DY.D., iu eiscond .1 CILIEESE-2.50 box.el We6tero Reserve, to nalnigrunent. for We far )alt BEGS A LAZEAP,ISS LlL.rty tL Q n IWLS. N. 0. 3IOLAIiSES arriving and fo, sale by Oat) J AMISS 0.1 liDlb 11}L. lODIDE POTABII-100 lbs. for sale by B. L. MILNE:MOCK t COFFEE-200bags Rio Coffee; so ma. “U id Goat' Java Cat, Por ulo by BURIVICE t DILISOIaII ALoOIIOL-50 bbls. for rale by B.A. FA ILNELATUCK k 00, da3 owner of }lnt and Wor.l .t. SYRUP -50 bbls Golden and Eastwiek's,lor Wei by 011AVP /1 VANOORDER. di , 9. 114 &cam/ WWI.. . __ _ DOTA'fOES-600 bus. priiiij.Ncsburuioslks, MO.! P. Day,t to-day. kw ale by dal IWPCIIOOOg, DPCILECHY • CO. LARD 011;—Z bbbi No. 1 for sale by Y. SELLKI.i9 • CO. Manur•auror., deTJ N 0.30111,11.0,4 rt... REFINED SUGARS AND SYRUPS for by the a'acnts of the Pettooylvools la 4 GRAPY Y.N 60111,Fit pEARCSA(7O-5 cases for Rae by B. k FAIINCINTOOK a CO, d 02.9 ' GO, 01:1111tr coma cod woofs. BUTTEH.-30 jars prime packed Butter, Just rccdrad and for sale by JAS. A. M Bud EM, comer first sta. IThRIED REACHES-50 bus. just received 1../ and for We. by WANK I . DICKEY. der= •5 o.eis Liborty smut!' A NVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, SCREW A PLATO, &c. with a genet el asuntmont of Bloch tualth's Toola, for vale b 7 71 WOLFF, Jal7corner of Liborty and AL Clair sta.: DISSTON'S full stock ofOTd, Tenn., Comp..., Mill and Oruro Cot Paws of Mt. oolabratad Mats, for tale by xLwoLir, .1117 corner Liborly sub At. Clair Marto. SEAbILESS BAGB--5000 two bus. Bags in Mrs end for tale by HERBST* usiouut, las comer Liberty and Iland MONKEY WRENCHES, of all styles, for 111 sal° by U. WOLVV, JalB corner St. Clair and Liberty eared. FLOUR -300- . Central City Mille stare Estra Yawlly, to arrive and for sale ny Jal7 BA!dOSL II FLOYD a 00. FLOU.IIOO bbls. favored brands Extra sad Superfine; GO bop Bockarball Pinar, In .tore and for asle by I sl 6 SAMUEL D. FLOYD P 00. GOO BUS. niu 4l4 atol N. W. ow. Ohio al • K. COW, dkilogb.of WiIEAT-150 bus. Kentucky Bed Wheat le store and for mle by de2o _ ideI3ANE • A Nit% 121Recond QYROPS-50 bble. Penna. and pattimore; U 'al., 10 ?A ‘lO do do In dote and for sale by 11E8IIST A 11Altant. TA RN APPLES-350 built Western Reserve and Ky. Apples foe ealo by Eat) 01:ADF A VAN CIORDER. - "at, —.Jo bus. Spring Barley in stare Ai, and foraldo by ;JAS. A. Fef ZEN, da"..3 Corner Muted and Pint eta. OLL BUTTE I.±-8 barrels and 9 boxes lily Fm b J oil Bntterjost reed and roc by - J. 14 .7. A. PITZItg, corner Herta end Vint ots. BUTTER -3 bbls prime Roll cutter, just recolved nild for pale by jail lIENRY COLLINS. .DOULTRY—Dressed Turkeys and Chickens 1 received cud for eat, bj J. A. FETZER, deli coma Harked and ',lndite FLOUlt—Extra, Extra Family and Fancy actinic. brand., alwa7• uuhaml hi lag J. IX' OARYIELD it Cu. OLIVE 011.--10 bbls. for ealo by 0. In VAIINEBTOUIt &CO. dalll core* r Wood and Fourth rte . UOK W LIKAT nouß-50 esnekB for solo jij by • ROAMS ANYER,II4 Becloud .t. DOTATOES--100 bush. choice white Pink Jr.. Ste potatoes, Ind received for rata Dj , JIM) J. A.IIXTZ IR. arras Dbrket sad Lute.. MACE -2 cases for gate by • F. IIAOKKOWN,I67 Liberty at. V9OB-7 bble. prime fresh Eggsin store WALE ellebY AS" a TIMMS= 11110.14 BUTTEIC-43 pps. choice, iticlothi, All' 6lll Jasl 4 V P /42 !" p " 43-.* 140 1 00111bta abberUittingittO• C 0., ""5,4,2 Meath-St Street,-' roftweiu alma ; soiewl NEW II et euiLTaTIQDB-GIRL WATC II KS PATHS; PtUI UPK & CO. Watches, In 43 nova. ! ,CUARLES ,1 , 114013$11&,111, Lo don Tin. new sock*, Nlslsee,,tn Ilnattna. Cowes awl Open face. - I _ jarSole:Arithorized ,ligents for ibove. GOLD AND fiLLVER., DISOLDDI AND BWIII3 c7:3Er.. Er /AWE LDP. new designs. Ina MONDS, pl4/.2.1,8, and all thil'astautaLte BILVDR MANIC, entearpened in style; quality sad &deb • Dllegteeernsi slatting Philadelphia, an Wilted teal amine thelr NS 2f d.r/IAELLISID/E57, • •idt enuallhikizo L obllutioa to yardman. - UNWJELII NUCE.I3, In plain Lcarn.•nd no nrf•tion. ertlyd 'arboutultural. arc KRik RETIE , R ill ri :FLACE FOR E ac -20,001 waos iue, smiwa of the finest, hardy yr dories, from 1)4 tO 8 feet. 40,010 trourantall to 23 feet; fledextra 41111 charry,ll2.ooopaach on 2 'ads. Oho, three years old; dwarf Lad standard. . Our Nursoryilcock to tarry &pasta..lst ls large. •ttich It Will giro a {Measure to show to for friends and the public. Plthtburet and Oakland tiarsuM, Oct. 2 L I ES B, oe..l7.lAwtff / Ja. TIOTTSBOOII AND OAKLAND NIIII-9 SERIES. 34500 ApplaTreas, 5 to S 5.440 sarlotiOM 45,000 do :do 1 to 3 foot, 60 do • 60,0 d° Daaarli 0,000 Cherry; amo Wt.% 3,000 Standard Posrdtxtra fine; 10.031 Dwarf Paul 1,000 Ilnuahlon's Gooaleberil-,3 .or olds—awe: 5,000 Siler.lisplo, 16 to 10 tea t; 53,000 Zvermroatao, l to 5 featt 200 of the oelabrated flop Trete, with atitie assortment of Shade Trees, Strawberry, Bose% Greanhotine Plants, Sc., an. W Wboluaio paubsaers will he dealt with liberally. me . 153.*•71r t - JOSLN 1111:1RDOC11. iR *natal:woos (Bath. C. L. 11. F. EIELLEEIS & co., DDALETtS IN PI?.OVLSIONS, AND LARD OIL MANUFACTURERS No, 309 Liberty Street. PITTDBURGB• 1.26 ILUMMOU....-Aril. ..... ?MIT. .P 1 1 4 013 , 11.11.111iV011...-......... RN. 11. 1111110¢11. 11AR8.11.13011.9 & CO., Pottif. PACMCFLB • An 4 dealers In- PROVISIONS. miu. on Concord steak needraet Lane, dike &any City. link., No. 209 Liberty Greet, POW:lntel, Pa n019,3m0. .;,KEltit .ArOhiteot, No. 20 St. Clair street, PI itsbarsh . 13 F. 11.0 PE, NERCII.AhT TAILOR, No. 75 S3.IITIIVIVLD ST.; macs to order and In the notion manoot Men'a and Boy's Coats Pants, Vans, to. Wily., him • nail : aplldtt J. N. ErItA.L.LECN.B.E.Fpa R. sr. co. [..Suncessors to R. Dunlap, Jr.: • • IBIFCiItTIRI3 AND/DEALT:/!1l HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Nri. 101 Market Stre l et, PITTSBURGH, PA. 1, [my17.11.1 .1111 EBIOVAL.—J. Liptgett Qo., have to ilt morodtiom Nc0.69 nod 743 - Water !divot to No. 75 Wow oud IN7 'rout aroot. FLOUR FACTORS and Produce Commie aim. Ale . echants for the ale of Floor, 0 rain, Beals sod Produce geoerslly, Non. 79 Witter and 90 Proof Street, EiftsimrSh. Peso's. fe2S.l 7 _ . - s. ~ -roam csanirstr., a .:BOAT PUBNISIIERS AND DK4LERS IN 11. real Cotton Owls" um, tir,Pitch, WADI md.ol lc Tarpaulin, Dnrk, Light an Drillings, an, aptas 5 No, Pi Nester and TS Prost Stmt. :FACOB REESE, MINIM AND DEALER IN OANADA, mOsirrie, CHAMPLAIN AND LAKE SUPERIOR I. 0 N E S ; WROUGHT, scam. IRON AND PIO ?ANTAL AisTOIFFICE: , -0011N ER OF FRONT AND AMMINELD EITIMPTA. up:nth; . . - - ALANE'S I.IIOTOGRAPIIIC LEDT;corner of VI irlll kiwi GRANT STROM to itTigho's Or Coml. Demo. This Uallerx Ru. jut Len Ott...lap with superior Wile and skplikbt., Pbotagrapba, Atobrutypeo, Degnerreetypeo, to., tOker, to dyke not to be. ktranger• and dtliano ore cotilially Invited tonal and ex. atuln• for abed:trey. Price. moderato. air Zotrume on /Mk drool. Ifoomammy of ado.. ap2elld , . . _ TAW-I/WEL L dk'SCHIFCLL, Dr H D Pt 8, , • , 8011E.ELBET, PENNA. AlEar(l.4l , balicited and Entarim promptly f bIECUAtiICS . BANG, PSUbtrib. • PATATCK 103. do WILIP .7. .1.0611311 J. .11(.1130. aecxmei WIIOLtSAIVDELILERS IN FOREIGN T V SGUIO, NCTS BPICE.d. 03N/TAftIONISIIT, 2101/AB.S, HNC WOUNS, AT. No. 39 WOOD STRENt opi.oolte St- PiSsbu.SS, PS. mr11.49 W-ORKER. 4AftIES OVW IGNS, • . CIOENZB ELM END wrLix NTREETS, NA.PTINICI:f AND MAATIC WININKLL, CIrM iwtlcalikr attention tonft mints 44 •nork In Ws It.S.CENINES and ONNAAINN'In of all tlnd. fiarnlntled on enL•rt frAleA. WAIN, T. VV.a.4.ol.lUlikla • •ad Clock 101•k•r, '.' IMPORTS& OF VINE WATCHMAN]) JEWELRY, 2 , 44ftlioarrt4,betlopewtt Wool and 11•2104 klus. 4utietk, Pa., . AkirP•rtlicul#r Mel:lU= mid laths 'vial:Yoga! Watch awl Jr 411 ,• irAll workwarnknow. 131.11.1/TIIOLIP i itICOVIN GAS Ail) STEAM FITTERS, No. 130 Navemo wood and Ca1it66.14 au. /1!"-Allesprbn ham/ Rom&hers, Brackets and riatunas of all kindle.) Plumbing dmie In a =peace Idyls. all olden promptly attended as, . • - • . • Cl.Alru,! PL. .4 rlpectlialtioor furnished fur Gas Wort* OS. Work. arra:lA.4 of .y op.dti fur pub. lic or printio vas marly4 JOlllll VAMP • scLL, M A N UP ACTURER OF BOOTSL Ihs .1.11. and MOPS of estry descrlpoo, If 0. 54 E1m11512415 41t0,t, t4,44,4h. P.. 0ra.14.4 Pearl Steam Mill, KENNEDY & ERO WHEAT, RYE AND CORN YU RCIIASED CORN MEAL AND lIOMINY N NU FAPTURED AND I.4;LIVERED, IN Pl7+3llllficill ANI) Terms—CAßO on Delivery. N W USIA SG & 00., BRA6B FOII xsT - JD e BINA!! AND GAB IIMILS AND PLUAIBNBS; IiIiNISAPS or ALL KINDS or BRASS tinalong In UAA , FIXTORFA Aa. AIGI-41P1* AND WAUNIIGOMB, .IFoor,,EIF) , , Nu 1152 Olnot nlr.wt, (Ivo Joon. L.113b011l 14 Uuusn, 401..11 Wooi Rod kilulthauld. 01t1/11118 PIu)MPTLY jultAltt Pt I t.riiiirgh Agrultural Work., V 1 141.16C1.3 I. WILLaADIS, Nos. 49 and 61 Perry It/ A NU F A OTUREIt OF WILLSON'S AY-LT. l l 6 kb MS. Alma sod Fodder Cutter, Blowing lamps., I otee Powor Threshers, elder faille and abet Agstettlimil mutant's. atantly'l H AIV ATII A NUT AND DOLT WORKS. PATINT itur DillTß of all alma on band and rnanufactorod, Mad, BOLTS fur Bridged, Machinery, As. rfenitural Ingt.laindata, Ac., farntabad at short notice. ea-Wartnadoso, No. 114 Watar BtraaL and:dm/14 fild.SP, SCULLY a CO. kEmD-2 4 0 0 to d n o e Middlings;. 'AI do Dna. • Reed ad for male by EIMPRON Is NELSON. DR.SWIFT'S Fortieo Anniversary Ser rano, pu bilAed nod foe Ws by Whf. O..IOIINSTON k 00., Motors and Stationer., 57 Wood et. All MILS 111011 WINES receiving and for uloby doOO JAS. POCKIIir bids. Pickles just ree'd and for We la (WO) A..6EL DRIEDAPPLES -50 Wis. in store and for Wu 64 Jos , LITTLE•TRIMBLE T Alt kegs No. 1 for sale by J.J d 629 ATWXLI., LEa & 00. bbls fresh, for sale by dae GRAY/ VAN GORDER. B ULK BIDES-40,000 pieces for sato by Y. BELLEW • u 3. BUfa JIAMS-5,000 pieces for sale by aea r. BILLEIIB a 00 OATS -435 bash. prime Oath, for sale by do?) JAA. A. VATZ.IO6 comer Eartet t tat id. DRY '.APPLES-175 bush prime Dry Ap ples, for.% by GRArsa VAN GOILDRR. "DRINA: HAVANA .CIGAHH—A largo cos rec'd by Jai /LEMUEL APPLEs -200 bbls. choice Russet Apples • .e.a,441...1. br KIN" El•°"/"45* and au n , u , c , k , wvAhNelaiotto-B.taiiiputeto.oro: FLOUR, -200 bbls , Fnmily and Extra Fain; put *l2 01111.11V1 riftelt." u. 1420( lU6':buehels small white Beans Or'" , bPY.' ' UO2l BEMs LAZHAIL LOCO1k3•••• 00 -tow No:-1 Juniata Chia.' Lost ;hi*/ toryibi Pr 1 • LTMM /01141011,4 JUisuilantoug. ST-BREOSCO PES AND VIEWS AT READVARTERS. Natty .111mA U ia their s . d . ..a6ge to .4min• (be Stock • ' or it,. LONDON STEREOSCOPIC COMPANY, Tau' NEW YORE DEPOT, 534 BROADWAY. 173==1 Largest and most complete Stock of trot>. rep* Goods in America. The Gall.. of the L. 8. Co. for &applying their N. Y. Depot with weekly eoreagameets of the newest and ban anode ma t an Nab ll[ll2•43,lly WIN • Num ertale theta to supply deal AN VNPAUALLSLLED ASBORTMINV et prizes which defy surceesfal competition. A NEW REVOLVING STERESCOPE, Vor canton:anon, number of ttew•, from MTV to TLMER HUNDRED, slue or paper. ham Jnot beau patented tty th• la &Co., •nd l•nnw reedy for the tr•da Thin Instrument, handeoently got op' In w tiara and tuae•wd, WILL BS BOLD AT t} PRICK Than thou herelotote .old for 111 and 50 vleva. AB A PRESENT FOR A OLIOIOBNIEN, or so on IN• BTRUOTIVB AND PLRABLNO AMOS...LENT torPohooliN MD Instrument, forming A RI •lIIIFIIL PARLOR 08. NAMENT, will tro wand dui niost imitable that can to w ;echo!. doLL-Gaid TEAS! TEAS!! TEAS!!! J. P. WiLLIA6I3, 111 &Whited coca, Piat 6o, 9k. 15... very choice aeleCtloll4f Family Grocenes, minvisting k ro ri ct o ,ce n tr cl i nt b r saw Eno Oolong and Chelan Tees: 60 " " Ilyam G. P. end Imp. Tea., 60 catty bow extra Eine Weer,. " " 60 661..1:hau1m% Prilvericed and Coffee Boor; 2 t t o ib p a 10exe aL l eg y ney pn MOolldft G e o e: vernment Jere Coffee; 10 " Pore Cider. Plciaitart 25 box.. 61.16 , !Ayer end Velontie Itelobri 10 bbla. Zente Currents: 60 born "Woman's Yrtend" Soap; ° ColgOe's Tenet " Palm. Germ. and Hain Soap; 40 " Sperm, Star, Opal and Mould Candle's Peal and Silver Glees Starch; cans pore ground Bpicaiff 100 ° (rah Bleckberrlea 300 The. Glove., Nntmege, Mom and 0..04 10 mast Olive, Uordeang and Vlrgla 0160 20 bocce , Cam, Brame and Chocolitter, 2000 Ma super and Eel Bode; 100 down Meson's and Annear'. BLacklng; Water, Matra Sneer, Sod. and Wine Mecham Ar., Sc , which they offer, Whalessle and Retell, et very morete advent., to tae Wad, or femilles, and rapeotrulty solicit their patroange 1.10 ME EAGLE &TIC COPIIPTiPi V BEING 'prepared to receive orders for their SUPERIOR GREEN AND PURPLE )1001f1NO ELATES, delivered after the opening of navigation, would all attention to the low rut of tot. PLRE.PItuOY materiel, and to the great purity of raln-water collectel from elate roots, not being impregnated with taint of depyed shingles, or the polsonop gualitles of painted metals. They would also potion the ',ohne against partiee fake!, representing themaelvee as A genteolhemby fortnehing an ledmior art'. de In oar namo,—the only agency getabliehed by the Com pany being In the City of New York. Portia, to Cenci. and the North Western BMW wishing for the • ' GENUINE E&OLB 001113LATK8 will please address the Company, et ally de Vt." whore orders will receive prompt stteolloo. Jalp-3md 0. FUR.HAN, Vire Pr. , Wont. HOLIDAY GIFTSI )13DAT Clint WORKED COLLARS AND REM at lou thin cad to don ant. WINTER GLOVES, GAUNTI,Ers AND HOSIERY at coal FANCY TRAVELING BASKETS and Leather Ratle CHENILLE AND VELVET. HEAD DRESSES. FANCY EMT HOODS AND OAPS, SLEEVES, TAIWAN, HITT% te. THE BEST STEEL SPRING SKELETON SHIRTS at largely rodueadvleae. d. 71 EATON, CRIS A RIACRUM, 17 Fifth et. bbls. Penna. Syrup; 15 do dogar Wass do • 100 torus lootf CandloK :10 do Stearin° do 70 do Starr do I.:00bag• prime Rio Cast e • 40 boxes/Ss Tobacois nOcbreta Y. IL and Black TeaK bbla smelled Stator. • 10 tierces prime Moe, In store and for solo by LITTLK & TI: klltL6. AT BURCIIFIELD CO'S. t AT noIICUEIELII A 00 . 8. AitRIZOIDICRIER, LACE 3SIT3, - - ;YRESOII SWISS BETTP, 800 T Cll DO, POINT LACE COLLARS. MALTISE DO, . . . . . . . . _ MALTY.HE BETTS, TRENCH LACK BETTS. Inch Rioter Soul., Show's, Cloaks, Dm. Bilk. and at.. Dm, goods, on oultoblo for And ell closing out at far leen than e.lua. .1.21 Fp iti) SEED, clean and fresh; Speldlng'• Prerwred &MN Catawba Wine at St per bottle, French /lacking by dna or pot Ylnenewortment of Sponge., llskree Ord Liver 011, 01d French Brandy. Perfumery and Fancy God& For Sala by S. JOHNSTON, Drusylvt, cor., Smithfield and Fourth vtrrefit. DURNINi/ FLUID, LAND AND CARBON OILS always on bend et low {d'irem. GROCERItS —suu 6614 prune N. V. blo !sari; • 160 hbd• N. 0. !agar. 100 tads Pyrop: :Ad bap RP , Cod, 100 bxs aroma! brand. Tat.nan 160 hatroboata Y. IL, G. P. and Black Toon to an Iva and for rala by KIRI PER • DILWORTH. Jail No 130 and 132 Hanna] at. PRODUCE--5 bble prime Roll Butter; 6 6616 prime bolld y•clica Bauer, 56 kr., prime Jo &r, 50 keg. prhaeLard; 5 MA. prime L 6141 bbl. Glover Seed; 56 bag. Duelmbeit Floor; 210Ime•ms11.1116. Beans DO 5. Lire Ger, Tmlbes-r. 56,,e1Ted and for nle 67 Vial V ER & DILWORTH, 141 . N 0.130 atol 102 &.cclll ROCERItS - x_ll - 100 bbl, PhiLt.iind Raltlicor* liyropit :3.'0 bort pi Imo Ri Oaf,: 100 boxes Lamp tobaociA 100 ball chews T... to bbl.. Reglioel WOO. Stiorri 100 MU. We No. 3 lizzliemi: 1000 0) bbl. Illsoctoid Whale soil Ttnorre 011. Pee bee by JOT It. RARIOON A CO SUNDRIES -300 bus. Dried Apple,i, Ica do Whae bo-ut.; 100 keptard; 0) bbls. Ores.. Cracklinga 11 tap tuatara; 60 tut Timothy pad, jal7 ft. ROBISON 1 C.O. BROWITS BRONCHIAL TROCHES; Bryan'. Poldsoule Wafer.; Los«Wm Ptdatonic Mateo; Wistar's Cotigh ImenSec Pd.'. Conti Candy. Kept condtantly on hand at JOS. TLESIIIMS, corner Market .rove and Dizsdadd. HOTEL SOCIABLES OR SETTEES. We have on band and tout. four Spring Peat Po- dablan varying ne laden from 8 to SS fact. and atelannie for notated saloons. T. O. 100N0 • co. We. SA And 40 Smithfield street G REASE AND FEATIIERS -13 8414 Orm.; 4 Packs retaken, Oneteatain. gam Elrkman to arrive and for m:0447 ISAIAH DiCENV A CIO. NEW GOODS SIIPERIOIt SIIIRTING MUSLIN& A CO. Invite tae epeciat attention of fact. Mot to their =poly of the above goods .4. alto, Stonttog Linens of pare flu. deg TilE OLD FRANKLIN ALMANAC, IE6O, add by Vaslety bailers and Booksellers generally and by the Da Wisher., W. G. JOUNSION 1. CO, 444 Printers, 67 Wood street. SLEDS AND JUMPERS—A large assort mout alkyl' Rods and lompoit—an approprizto and inuonable gift for the bolidays, for sale cheap for cub at the Wood and Willow Store of B. RIDDLE, WW2 St Diamond. F LOUR --100 bbls. Extra Flour; 'LO do Parolly do Reed and for oalrtly 340 LITTLE it TRIMBLE. CCOIN'-1 car load Ear Corn to and or s ale by lIONTIR • ROBINSON, .147 No. a Smithfield street. PEACIIES-60 bus. Dried Peaches just re...'4 and for by ROST. DICHEIL 34.3 Liberty &trek._ F LOUR -100 bblx. Ex. Sup. Flour; ICO do RAO* Fondly Flour. To .torono•1 for osto by BROWN! KIRKPATRICK THOMPSON'S WASHING COMPOUND. --GO gro. for nalo by B. I. FAUNS/37'006 & 00, . jall No. 60, corner Woad awl Fourth streets. ARD —2O in bble. No. 1 Lard, consigned. Lnod (ornate by GRAFF A VAN 00RDER, d 02.9 N. 114 Elwood stroeL LSHIETIINO MUSLINS, IRISLI LINENS, Linen Shirt Boaome, Check., linking; lllngbatne, Print; Canton Flannel's Woolen Flannel., etc. Ja7 O. RAMON L0V6,74 Market Weed. iffIER bbls choice brands Extra IJ Fe&dl/ Flotir•, 2) tone Snorts. Alms Mrs and Be. perflm Floor, Oats. Cornmeal, F. 1.1 Udyt Onloee, Whit. beans, In store and for sale by da2.3 OQLP & BIIIPAAD, .It 3 Liberty atreot, pRODOO4-10 bbls. fresh Roll Butter; 8 do Ego. lOU !mi. - Dried Apples; 8 UM. White Beaus, In Mom and for silo by 'LITTLE A. TRIMBLE. 011 MEAL-8 tone Oil gear to arrive by Wawa Bay Olty and fiir .4'o by MINTER. ROBINSON, 1.,17 N. 6 Smithfield !Meet. FLOUR -1000 bbl.. Extra Family Flour; 1000 do do do 200 do Superfine do Parade by ' Jel7 Si. ROBISON • 00. MILL FRED-90 tone Bran and Shorts, mixed, and 60 ton. Choyyald, Corn arid Osts, half each, an oseelleut feed, received nd for =dishy 8. LIGGETT k 00., aG 76 Vidor and 02 Cott street.. IjobK OUT FOR YOUR RlDER.—Storea with the subscriber by steamer Emma, lot Dry Hides, consigned to antique k Alchalst. h. worms will please tall and take tbensawey or they Id I .1 be sold far Oman. 60.6. FETZER, Ale cuter of Ilatket and Fink strata ROLL HOTTER-1O ba rely and 7 boxes blab foil Better, rocatard and for We by; de22 J. A. WRTZEit, comer Market and Pint Ma BILEARL d' AROII-200 bl 9. Erkinbrech eirmiciwitl No.l Pearl Starch for isle by Jill i MoBANS • ANJEII, Ilearad duvet.. CHEESE -200 br.s. prime cutting W. R Cbseeskut teed and for goo by Ala HENRY 11. HOLM& PEA NUTS-50 sacks to arrive per steam rlYaotcaoocoodgamentfor sato by Jel7 , ROUT. DICKS% 548 Liberty street. C 101.1041. NUTS-2 Ithds. Cocoa Nuts to ar ILJ rite au contigriment for Welly pill MIT. MIMI, US Liberty Amt. LEMON S-40 bona Sicily Lemons, in good order, to att.. per atostant !Lanka, on nootlstuotutt toe W. 11 • MST. DICElit, us Liberty maat. MEW CROP SUGAR AND bIOLASSAS In atom mut for Gelb by LIITLI a ThDIBLE. UTTBR-4-2 We. fresh. Roll Butter just redd and tor isle by 801UEL a LLOYD AW. niumsre;•-soo bag. Cream Cheese for sale JaIT R. ROBISON it 00. fILOARS43 cases Gorman Cigars in More NJ and foe We by DROWN d. EltatniTAlDE. TINANS--10 • bbla. Small White for oak by 11.11121 & DAI.ZYLL ♦ CO. OLL BUTTER-1 box prima zedd and Mitorjiaabi jalS intla rentouk illebteaL BaCLEULiii — STRYWCUENINGI Cordial BLOOD PURIFIER. Beton Raring, T"greatest Remedy . iir the world. This cordial la distilled from s berry known only tampon and chemically camtiord with =le of the mud ealstable medicinalrcots, herbs mid Nuke known to the mlnd of moo rIo Blood Boot, heck Boot,Mt Chart' Bark, ra" ism ' Drrk, Dt.ult/ion. stursdparald, Motor Amers, wltb others, pritdocing the moat Infallible remedy for the tea* ALLA St health scar kno•n. It is natters's own remedy, coring dbanaes by natural bre. Whoa takantittardki' an. LS felt coursing through ovary rein of the body, part. tying 1104 acceleratihg the circnlation ct the blood.. It nentraliras any bilious matter!, the ainsmcb, and strength ena the ah,lo nritsoluatkn. lILEAN'S STRIINOTRENING CORDIAL WIII ettatrudly cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chron• is or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or 4. Stomach, Dyspepsia, • Heartborn; Inward Pile; Acidhy or niceness of the Stool!. ach, Fon.. of Blood to the Heed, Dull Pain or Swimming In the Bead, Palpitation of the Heart, Debase. or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Brocuilonv, Choktog or Suffocating Feeling when lying down, Drynen or Yellownew of the Plain sod Wpm Night Sweats, Inward borers, Pain In the all of the Bock, Ohreitor Fide, Sadden Rothe. of Heat, Depreseion of Spirits, Frightful Dreams, Langow,Dropon dency or soy Berretta Diseases, Sorsa or Blotchee the Selo, and Fever and du.* (or Chill, and Bever.) It db oleo core diseases of the Bladder and Womb, suche. Scab nal Wakens/1N Incontinence of Urine, Streams:7, Inflaoh motion or Weaknew Of the Womb or Bladder, Whiten, old. THERE IS NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT. 'fhb Cordial sill never fall b care any of the above dl e'7 wet, If taken an per directions. each tattle, in Clectean. Iteglleh ani Trench. OVER A lIILLION BOTTLES liare been sold during the last etx months, and in no in• sterna bee it felled In g, iring entire eatlefection. Who, then will suffer from emitter or debility, when 61cLeelee Errengtheolog Cordial will cure you? TO TEE xak...tnir.s: • Do you wish to be hoatlby and drone Then go at Once and got aimed idoLean'aCordlaL It will strengthen arid 1 7,1,Far„ y oTbro b llo " ritl= g e n Ts b ry ")21 ; na l d ttfr: rich, rimy bloom of health to mount to your theca spin., ET,Ty bottle to warranted to ere aansfaetion. FOR CHILDREN. We say to parent., If your enCldren are giddy, puny, eta afflicted with cocapialcas prevalent slam children, glen them a amall quantity of McLean% Cordial, and It will make them Maltby, tat, and rotent. relay not a monol4, try It, anlLoci: . .lllDascearlocatL_ _ _ _ IT IS fiKi,IWOCIS TO TAKE, palm of druggists or dealers who May try to palm upon you some Bitter or Itentewilla trash, whla they ran boy cheap, by saying It Is Just so gaxt. Avoid such men. Ask for IdcLean'e iltrengthening Cordial, and take nothing else. It Is Meanly roma; that will purify the blood thoroughly, and of the some time strengthen the system. One tablespoonful taken every morning resting, Is • cap ten preventive for Cholera, Chilleand lever, Yellow lover, or any prevalent Omsk, It Is put up in large bottle.. Price only $1 per bottle, or d bottle, Coq& J. to cLIAII, Sole Proprietor or this Cordial. Also, McLean'• Volcardo Oil Unimak Principal Dopot on the corner of Third and Pine streets, Pt. Lon* Mo. • MCLEAN'S VOLCANIC LINIMENT The Beat Liniment 61 the World. The onr safe and certain core torn, Pike, Tooncrl, Sweden, and Bronehate or Goitre, Panay*, Manta* Wealmen of the el 046* Chronic or Inflammatory Rhea. madam, Stidoon of the Joint; Oontratted Mac Lean Lfga. canto, Earache or Toothache, Dation, Bpralna,- Worrode, Fresh Cote, Clean, Parer Bona, Caked linnets, Sore Nip. vim Born, Scalds, Bore Throat, or an? Inanimation or Palo, no darer..., bow ware, or how long the dhow mop hare existed. McLean's Celebrated Lintotent is a eortidn remedy. Thomann of human Won bare bean nred a life of de crepitude and echoer; by the on of thle Invaluable, Medi. eine. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment WIII relleve pals ahnosttnetantannonsly,eindlewlllnleatin, purify, and heal the foulest Knee In an Incredibly sbott time. For Horses and other Animals Sic celebrated Liniment to the only only safe and gaellable remedy for them:ire of Sparta, Itlng Bono, Wind. la, Splints, Unnatural Lumps, Node or Swellings It will never fall to core Bit Ord, Penwell, fistula, Ohl Auto oing Sores, or Sweeny, if properly applied. For Ppralne. Brauer, Pm-etches, Cracked Heels, Onaiee, Paddle or Collar Gallo, Cali, Sorra or Wound., It is . tuWlmle rermedyk- Apply I Inf o ected, and • cam m any fei every instentil. Time cm !nacre with the worthless Linhnenb offered to pod. Obtain • @apply of Dr.bic Lean's co:ebrated Liniment. It will care you. J. 11. MeLEAII, Solo Proprietor, •• Cursor Third and Pi. atm., Ph Louie, Mo. , Dli. ORO. 11. EileTtiett, lid Wood street, Pittobarei. I. the sole agent, La whom all orders most be eddreeted. eaStdavrlyi, % THE - PERUVIAN SYRUP, Oft 01.0111:0TED • No , lutiOn-el. - arOtoxiclo of Iron 0 0 M BIKED. THIS PREPARATION DLEFERS FROM all others, being an unchangeable protosid• of iron, attained by a combination never before /cam. , For Letffigraitlon, Torpid liver, Dynode% ima., all atlas of dleeemo canoed by imporeruffiment of the blood, general debility, and axpecislly the Olean. peculiar to female:ol hae been found extremely effic•clous. Pamphlets, atrial a fall desert/ff. of the remedy ultd the renmultable carer It bee effected, may be obtained bf the agents. . i . . [Certificate of Dr. Reyer.l . le well known that the medicinal effect of Protorldo 0 f Iron iv kegt even by a brief azpomn to air, mod that W maintain a volutunt of Prolovade of Iron without botthkr oxIDWIon, hes been deemed impoestble. - _ In the feruelan Yvon, thia desirable point has been at. tatted by combination in a may Wore entbsolm and gbh mitittort may re LI. all the proaabouatee, citrates abd tartrate. a the lfit rle 3ledloa. Is Mahar amlueutly adapted to lateens place of any Pim toslde of Iron. which physicians tom used to ware) doe scorbutic attacks, nod to meet such two the Syrup alionhi he 10110410 the medic'oe cheat of ovary shlp. A. A. IiAY/tA, Amoy Ist to the Blahs of Idassachneettt.' IA Boylston street. The endemigned haring experienced the beeeflt 4 . l arson of the “Pertielen Syrup. do not hermetic to reosousernyt to the attentionof the public. - Prom our own experience, no well no Dom the tedium(' of ether; rhos* Ititellittenen and InUotty altoifethor onquermonattle. we bare no doubt of Its eMaccyto ceenieof looplent. Dieetwe of the Lunge and Bronchial Pennon, D lerinf= " To tr=re 7 but ' fr ' tfmn i tt /rats el!;. ecter of those who entneeeed them, and hove relnuteerrd their testimony, ea tee do ones, to Ito reeturstire power. 1 nos.loten Pierrest, Thomas o.Aroorp, 'Thome A. Dexter, Peter Harm, Keutdall, LI. D, James CI. Phan", detouri kW, Rev. Thom. Whittemore. /or .at by DL G 0. B. KW/MN anaelAnlyir N 0.160 Wood Etreet: PITTBOMME PLOW WOELEI3.• J. C. BIDWELL:, I Late of Speer A Bidwell.] • LT A S ON HAND A VERY LARGE, .11 stuck of PLOWS AND PLOW C STINGS, ..-: iLL. ;t Of di th e diger:tit earietleemady to a pply his friends and COStomers as usual. Ills NEW WO 81,how being ereciest In th e central part of the city, on • ilot Berating 1Z:l feet each on Duque.). Wsy and ray. street, arid exteadlag. 340 fret on Oarrlson idler, will beequal .la exlent and 'ca pacity to soy Plow Works to the Malted Staten, bash/gill the modern impreraments in both wood and Iron worldhg Machhaery, and will be .10 fall operation *bout the drat pf January awning, ifirddlaarel Warehouse. for the present 130 Liberty street, corner of Cecile alley, and ititt Fen, street. ••'. iliirOrdere are respectfully solicited, ~ uotUtf j, C, BIDWELL; ...._ HALL a !SPICER. PLOW MANUFACTURERS, No. 16 Podia Street, Pittsburgh; PATENTEES of the celebrated First Pre ma= IRON CliNTftli AND lIILLSIDI !avow INO BILLSI PLOWS. Also manufacture Patent Lane Centre lOW, Improvfel Peacock, Thought- IdoldbOard, Creole, Valley arid every other Maori. paten of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, CULTIVATORS, Ac. • R3.They mho medico.. loamy on the old Phoenix Foun dry, corner of Peon Meet awl Owdl alley, the CosUnya of which have been lung celebrated for their excellence. All Order. promptly filled and witlafactlon given to cuatomiou In every particuler wady/ 1859. Second Asrival of. 1E63: CARPETS AND OM CLOTHS, !..! AT THE FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE, PITTSBURGH, PENNA. „. .; D. ISDOALLIIM RESPECT FULLY announce that they are remising a Sees and mipplyof CARPATING, selected directly from Itne Importers and Manefactmare by cce of the arm, now le the Elam, to which they Invite the attention of pc:chaser. Alma new style of CANTON MATTING, for mimeo. per lons. The latest make of CARPET BWEEPERd, ,, ..‘I. - whlch shall tweeted at the lowest rates. W. D. A 11. ISTOALLINDIS 25 11 .8. • 11/1E :IJG • Co do Pair • do; 30 bblit Nolan.: Tb do Baltimore Bo gy ""Br; arriving and forn by(delf JAGAIDN B L" CLOSING OUT ALL OUR is. CLOAKS, NEEDLEKPOrtIL, °7 IIO " SIEB REU T G A DS' 811 AW WHIN, clow al Tory Ica. Plan all And amine for yoluvelres. i:: ‘._.lq4 O. lIMISON 14098, 7i Market mime. ' INDIA RUBBER DRESSING OOMBSi— A warranted not to warp or rout; and as be elaadlo WIMP .water; alio s large eieififieui of fait sod Tap B ritabea, Jut realied by JOS. YLIMING, _,•' 4.14 comer Market it. sod Clamed; SUNDRY PRO PUCE.- 176 Ills cb010061.0 6 0. 5 prem.! HOP. 60 do Onions, 50 sts Botkwhtat 110ar 3 do Umtoy, WO bah 15prtht Bark/. JAB.*.YITZ 14.“1"d "d 'de by -First 65166666 Mee* dell eons& an WOE TUE 110L1DAYS.—Fatoy Goode, Bawd; Cheek., Needle Work, Collars, Bette and Wools, ell marked very low to clone them out. We aolc lt en earls mil. C. MANSON LAVA 74 Market sl. J DIE —250 bbls. Louisville Lime, a *Oh articleJast recyl.d and for sale by mom" moonimi. 4010 USSETTB, RUBSETTB.-200 bantls choke Brunk A pplteimet noble!' and Or We 14 eels lIZNRY 11. D0L41116. !'TORN, CORN-1000 bu prime Bhollgd, ex , do s.e o m , beu, bt licatiMarl DR I A ' PLES-50 bash. bright I Apple's jait'recitit4 and timid* br intiZEl4 ex Matta sad Ist ItO 'cLOVERSEED.-12 bushels prime Oloyer -*Rd notact km We J.A.M1311; 6111 - wain UnkaS WI MIRK: . 08,..„. 1 ..:....„.:....- ...... , ...........:.,:_.....,..........-.,„ 1„,. T." PENNSYLVAMAximm PLLTRAILAFLECIAD. . 1 _MO =WM MINA num . Ilie dilaally efait Busdisseasesereerg,,gT3 mu. corii, 4 TIMER Tlig,o llo ß - MISFECkER TILMS i Xietweve PALA:WeI and PhilaaillptiL,_• ~,, L t,,, ttes duvet hi the than De et ..... ..Tl,,,, Thi a trains fromaltWestato =a far ar'koritarion Mi. Bataan and Wasldelgton f g .fsellltler tor the traraPatlitha - at pareo l my toe wad and annlatAnypthr_ -routs.. - and het or run, throctabli , Paleitaplida vil a Tj thg eband r e . of mini or mitiehr i t i t i din 1 0„ 6 , 4thart Sleeping Cam to Rama wan ad Put Trabite- Tun =num wnws Jana, kw and hat Una tikindala 416 1 9 4 0 - Three Daly halts coontut attest kr New York. 'Exproas ma Past Lima connect ter lealtbnreandWaidanailt. 81i rally Teal. batmen Ptibidelphis and Saw rattV "'woliully 'Vans between New York acti harm. Through I F in dtelefer e j t ; tlll. ll6j a ta rtagt iough::: °d i.... l 7 l3.. aw t. T * Lti fthe froo. v.d : t.e.i *r : b :• N ak : wmat4 ' " :7 I. 74llX i. nut iw y be ,..t chtal .a... nal t a t a bo. ny m ot th .. .;:a r pa tbs tag ke. Sall , . ti lr a l r a " . o 7 "om :: th i:: "'"a" , and eini:as b pd rhtzL ek a. by any 1 AWL FOR TIMMS Et rivrsutratin. 1 The moophdlou aka Wash= conamitans of the Pena. sollas Woad to Calagoonakes Mb the Wrung. Liao between Ohs Lave mike es,. 1 Gr•stNortit West. ithe connecting of tutelar by the ,'Jun Road Bridge at atsleirgh,auilding all drayage or kraus of hada, b. tar with the aming am., an advantegee nfthly v. otec(ated by Bldppers of FrtJat and the Mrsailliagraila..; i Pat Palobe Canasta cir Shipping Di. valour apply to or address Oar or the following Apia of the oilapabr . - • 1 1 , D.A. BEMPANT, Illabaray -- • • H. 81 Pito., A Co., Sanest Me, U; -J J_Jobata.n,Rlplay:o; , 11. stiNeeie, Maysville, s y; Urinal A ; Cropper. rftlaitoolk materhey , kW li W , Baia le 01, I, 9; at i Zi k ,it; Ath j ern e t. Ilebbett, Chula W. 001 0 Ma. eiruni, Madam. Sad; Area IC Mare, Lilkalle, 87; 8.0 Filer a co, Evansville, Ind; N W Gramm Albs alto, • 11Ir S u s, Shaer A Glass, St Lank, libil Jahll M Mania, aslarille,Tento Hera A Iltit. Meal:ads, TailillOSlE 4 8 t , 01, 3 4, " W , . Koontz, Alton. Mk ato }WPM gaile or liallroods at &haat perdu In the Wirt. Mk Greatsst. Funnies olicred rot Ili* / Protection and Speedy Traiimpottli-: - „ 1 / lion ofLIVAW STOCilLyi '- - Ind :Goa Accosisommtan with urda Plialrem la Pa* ' atm 'knelling to charge thereat . '• • 1 Ir.R.E.IG-ELTB. :1 , . 1 Si Ode 11. ts heights of all deecriptleaa Cal Is (a Banded to from Ptladelpida, New Yurkatostos,or Sala, Mark to and from any pant on ea Harriukt of Ohio, Ka , ' fmak ,ara' hail re arm Winces, Whiantan, lows,or Bilamia fif d dict. Tito Penneylvanis Railroad alto annuals at Miami" l athl Stamm by which Goals an be forwarded to and Port nn tke Ohlo, atuaingam. Hootocky, dam berilltAi Ilialls. Malesifol, Wiscotain, , Kaolstr Actium and Bed Ilivorv; mid til ilievetad, Sandusky and Willa with namely to all Ports a the Forth-Western Lias. , Merchants gad Shippers entrudiug the of taishelat to thie Company,ati rely Irltt: In h. !bawdy Malt Tall SATES OP YRKIWIT to any point to the Watt by Or, Penneyinala AM Itosd, are atoll Meet at fanotialcia 1 ., charged by &Vs B. X tbaspanks. • " ' _ alp Ite particular to mark packages mva Pates IL IL"' Ir..6:tomanme, Pliflaittala. kIAOSAW A KOONS 80 North Street, Saimaa. LL.BOII A CO., No. 2 Astor Bona, or Na. 1 8. Win. St. etraall A 00., No. 77 Fats street, SW= IIL= 11008 TON, Gall „Praddi Adt, Philadalplits , LW. 110UPT, Gal hart Jot, PUildelphia. - 8: A. 131307 T, &Wawa., Aitooas. PS, ikia.vd l i ;WAYKR A CHICAGO SU4II, troroplaal from Pittamuti to Ohioan .. L76OOIIItUIPEI i BLEEPING CAIIB attached teas ,olght A Thrash without change awe. • 100 a ad miler 10016 DAY, Januar , lea, 1860, Train* I leen the Von, earner Liberty and Grant strata, • pl tleorgh, es fa laws: Pittsburgh. I Ortatilal Pt. Wayne 1k11,k,::: 110 a. x. atm AK. Slip..: - Itsp ...-.----- 145 r. se. I10:10 r. a. 417 A. a. , lAtlire atedraptsas kW .11.:Rtpial10,41i4s / 4 , SZTURNING. - _ i Aithe ar PIM orgh-ltatess - Nalt; 6:05, a. it, Komi , 00 rat. i Actioamastiori Trans, from lidera street, Allegan gar New Walton 9.401. 11, and 440 P. N. rola" " s:,5 0 " 1210 0 Throligh Trains eatuact as fawn- 'rte.. t Alliance, with tram on We Comilla A Plumburilit. After Toting. tote, Ohio, Wand from ilillenburg, Akron,Coyaboo labs, eta t Manaheld, Ohio, for Mt. Vernon, Shelby, SandtuiltD,Da• Ude; Ditto% eta. tOfeatlins for Delaware, Bp;ingfield, Columbus, Olneinnee ItL Mania, Darer, Inilanapolle, St. lonia Lonbraillei - etc.. t Some. for Pringileid, Sandusky, Dayton, Cinclanatt, eui, etc. t Una for Findley, Dayton, Cincinnati, eto etc. t Wayne for Pero, Lafayette, Dad., St.l.Alle, and intar mediate port In Central Indiana and USW, t Plymouth for Laporte. t Wanatah for ail points on the New Albany and &dent Italinted. ttittokt Chl tuM r d p, m islthtrt . • for ell poluts loßlluols, low*, I lir fprther Information and threelitTiekets wets to J. stawma, Ticket Agent, Passenger Mellott, PitlSburgh. IL O. BTEVM.NIfON, Tkiliet Agent, - Paesenger BUG. Allephenr. roUgh Tickets for sale at all the Tick et Oaks of/ 1 T i 4o ton tha Ie uf the rood. to' au ports otater Oa . • • ..80U82911, Geo.-os* yr.- l ui . and ' 1 • , GB OF TIME--W DITES ABILLBGEMENT. and 'Pittsburgh Bat/road, . ON: .and after Mox i ttlrarommi : 4 Jammu 16th, 1852, daesais Dm Depot of tLo ronnarleards Itailroad,ln POW' CI ,as follows: A Pidstarryk and Dtimtpolism. Liars Lamm at Arrive, at Arrives at lITtEDURCIEL CLIVALAND. 2VL.EDO. CIUDAD°. 2f)O aim 1113 a m 1.210 a m -1100 a m • 1:43 p m 7.L.1 p m 1.210 . 5 . fa-4 2023 • = Pairencers desiring to go M irtataaa, VIA Cleveland, mist • *lmam to ask for =tots eta Cdovoland •. • •1,44 Mambos and Matfasati Ehort Lau, Ma En t's., knee at rriva at Ariii. at Anivee at trr 2410114311, C0L411111138, CINCINNATI, bT. LOLITS.. , 1 t.t.; mm Isso p m 0,35 p m . 1S)0 p m 1;45 • m 8.430 am 1545 pm Tide route is Gunter to Cincintati, Louisville, Columutia , : and i all . points tlouth, than any other roma Splendid.. S reaping Clare Mtachod to all Night Tram. _ 1.1 . . Plitsbargh dad Raveling Eins. Lam Arrive d at Antra at Arrina et Anlvea at' EITS)443, SOCElEtilt, WELLS'S, .STalib'S, W HEIM' - ;10st re :al • m 4:45 a m 535 • m 7= a m i 3- 5p m btOpe at all statlons—anner at vas I:,' m 1 145 0 m MA 1p m 4:00 pea 5:03 p m I:t15 p m T. 1:45 p. m. Train dom not mop Lemmata-beau Mid heelie& 1 Timm& Tickets on be prcensid at Pittsburgh, Ilarrla. burtatuladelphls, New York and Baron. 5' P. S. MUMS, General Ticket Aorta. _ M I Y lusher thlormaticat JliCt appaTlly to isltf . SWART,Tkkat Agsa4 • . nol6 Liberty at. depot, Pittsburg!. !SQ.' Balllztora and Ohio Railroad Go., 1811. Tg o ara now prepared to rests and forward Merchandise under ihrdnan kills of Lading to and from •Ittsburgtt tad the BC to . , Bites guaranteed to be equally favorable, with tacos of penotylrania Sall Boat Co.. or any other Par information aa to rates, facallim, etc., etc., applies. o , lntiy be made by bettor or In paean to aittror_of the Ins* segued agents: e dt BOSTON, Mem Potter, our. two and Weablogton Mit NSW YORK, C. W. Persoll, ELD Breadiray, above tha Astor Bosse. PHTLIDELPEI ft, Colhoun t Cotton, *bruit Broad and Cherry atreeta. Kelly car. Sixth and thestunt m. BALTIMORE, J. T..lingiald,Camden Station. 1 4. rMsauun .1. a. 0.../b.y,114 Warm short. a Ar Particular attention of inerrhantactoram 11.0,1104 pm generally, of Pittaborgh, Allegheny City kid : ticfnlty, la mitt to the facilitlet of teta Nos Route ascent , Vered' with others, and their patronage and before an to. aseattrilly aolkited. EMMY D. /MRS. kIBU General freight tgemt EL tO. lb E. Co. .---7-, .-- -- - 60':h 1)M11-....-.-.....................:".---.4.- ro e, sou t,. UNDER TILE NLliiii AND STYLI Olt .. . ;oss ac cloaar.s.risr.: . VINO recently purchased the eiteneive -, PALL evoase, may owned Do Illalllvery At Smith, are now prepared to 4MOW, el their Depot. itionadietely Wow au. Wood loweg PIA In host; bargee or lemma. They will him (ankh, with their own teams in either of the cities to rvantestarersar private tatrillies, at reseonable prkee. wbarfa bare second the WM= of JOILLI lIMISLHIf, h 4 111/ bad many year. experience in Ilia Coal bubo= in pacity of Superintemdent and salosnion. Jalfidly Zbl'aitillTEßEP 1, . . ki.IiAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLE, - I. DIAMONDS ialtllT,NlLalt LIBERTY. e• . e' PITIZIJURGII, PA. -.. ORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES - AND 'iteeryttgag small) kroad In •lint elan Ituaar, on sato order at at /Imes. Harsco kvit trak" and k,iigablr; Vehicles tiormtond cotefortok t. ktilKirdara for carriages to trsirato, Or tar familia, with:Lally attended to, at all boom • *lr Wawa bonen cad tali 04 koPt kVtlis 4.14, I -: Or Meta. sellelly P4taburtitt Stamp and Stencil Wort* • .rivo. n. zer-Alerxia-kows. • . Stamp, Stencil and Brand Cutter, tfOBBING OSTLER, GRINDBR, de,— annee,sdaersiele anon anntne, Ate; Ken, Blade guano& Tab% an Repaired. sad Quern Jobbing at. nanao,lte LOCEI3III I IaND BJILIAWiGXB,_ Ste. las endanneid Street. near Sixth, ' t • - ' • - , YEIT/87712041.1. /kern sten arm Is prepared to make any kklagak tho ei ~ gnat edge am, or do any of tenth wort weal • Ant none. Waled 7tv:ei...3 2. *ALL REST A 13gAZIT, ' 'ALUMS /1.421,17712 MU= i! • __• p - go EIPFi .v.riaostmal. PROPILIIITOII - • • AAL TJfl . DELICACIES (W AI L je.L. TUE SEASON, prepared by the mad ex- ,p er a e ored rooksoerval up 13th. ahorteet no tW-ei from • . SIX crow= A. M. UNTIL TWELVE O'CLOCK P. 11.• AllArticlea In the Soo, pectins: to the Nut, Went or floiltb,recielred dolly by Expreas,end serrod ina to order... frailness men LE And the tat &at WALNUT NAM all Lthat thaadmaie oool4 d apot for Oyeters lffb; Game i y Yeaetedlom to their ereeon.Soli . 1.13 ..: " d i- Thl - fYrICE is hereby given that aiiplie ' Jo' , - ir . ill be made to the Legislature al !tap:meat . I !tie Trustees sod Elders of 'the German Xrangalkat tout Church I. Cittanurgh, for thew:rage ot a law laufhoriaing them to Imes and unproos a portion of theta. .... ps an tee comer of Sixth mad dimithtleld -WNW la sald IP, stid to moon the deed from the burial greund Ives raid lot. LIYDRA.UI.IO OntrAT.--11. tanorita met., mad and appraird by Itafindl Cant Inatome, Mktg. and Mats= Baltdats far year, past." War. attated to La *I a man superior quality than any °tin:iv:4- [o3od in the market. ll= t lIIYPCUR 8O I. 0141 . ` /Id Second and Ita Alum iamb— ODIDRY PRODUCE lsa UAL eranbarrter, bbli. (tab Cider; bbla. P kkler, OXlbtiprfass OiAg 1:6 MA L Onion 100 arks Buttirheat Slow; 1 74 bu. Timothy Seed. ItrAt teed cut for Ede JAS. A. FETZER,' .I , I I A earsei !dirket amt Pint ereitaf' •• ICOliblo Roar, extritlilder i: . •1100 da do liatiqoodly. do - - 1 , i2D0 l s & -3di do o Bockwbod„ • - IIXO btu_tooToLiow Ear Coro, _ tom* SIM rood, tar oolo!y - gaT nuislexa a ItOURBON, NO. 6 BsoUldlolds1; iiool9-40 DFesimsi Fl.,ogerjuat *mind 'iktr salio . by • • - easeatidur!Wirbs tlz.