;dt=.~" -:,- ,ii"orani. P., iii) tailu . a anitler staieraknik„_ ~r;trit:ln'tbliall tun* ~--gattatevai_seAciiiitinjf°. q4lO- 'the: proper ..` del relator, , _the ._condition tif: torenner citt l alh , do n a t ii rattkoebetveentlliii. ~.._:rt urserlio tnit io w id atto b ti t h i n4H t bal i _et _t.rit"sagan.: They ' a bi tro bi leije.ll : prftbr a li n bjeot ha re.. 4 41147th:dud jaarniii,— fabrientions. - Their be !' bls P!irt e . llll4l'"ltal the commercial classes gum' s btfon'a,6 alarm 1 , : l/ i r a o r r . lerYaltercfa political e a c ud ° ffn a anei t 1 These elects Tiro by. excitement.: • l a n 1 i , times - at calm , • g ur u an d it 11. prosperity they ' are utterly .. :_fittence_att _ s u gn fi eont—srithont interest or In d to only by lashing tbo , public ;:`.mind favor of wrath os of apprehension, that . theyaccotnolinportant or notorious. J ' IM now their endeavor to to create the be- Ilef that the South lo ceasing to trade or to as : Image with the North—that cur hotels aro empty, our ships rotting at tho wharves, our Southern steamers unemployed, bur dry geode MCCelllitliEldeprindof their ususlB Dada ru trade, 'and failing to tectrlve Motley in payment of their ! debts from Southern Stater,. This is, part of a systematie- Oaf by ' Watt the present crate ! meat Is to be kept up,and the two sections stim ulated into a position of mutual distrust, haired 'arid hostility. It Is apurely incendiary proceed lag—part of the 'scheme for the circulation of Abolition speeches, letters and appeals to issue iwotton is the Senthern• States—all done under cover of extravagant regard dor Southern mutt and the public peace! The feels which we publish this morning prick thht bitbble very, erectually. Our trade with the South has not fallen off at all. Indeed, so far air indications at this early period may bo re '.d on, it promises to bo larger and better than "›- - isnot Oar hotels are quite as full as ever of Southern guests. Our dry goods merchants are doing as brisk and as profitable a businees as _ever with their Southern. customers. And our steamboats, express lines andilealling vessels were never more thoroughly occupied than at present. - - . Aff thlel shows that the laws of. traria are strong , -I,3lati the. efforta of fanatics; and that com mute is Pot obedient to the schemes and nation s Of mischief-makers in either section of the Union,. A very vigorous and earnest movement has been Fished at ffichmond and other South ern ports, CO promote non-intercourse with the "-• North; and Senator Mason hks ostentatiously clothed himself in -Virginia homespun in the United States Senate, greatly to the improve ' Meat of his personal appearance, byway of die :. nouraging trade with foreign States. There is also a great deal of violence practiced upon Northern men in various sections of the South, some of it due to mere bnitality,some to business ' rivalry, and much to a blind, panio-stricken re- tentment of imaginary wrens. But, still the trade maintain their ascendancy, anSput egedual cheek upon the efforts of disunion ' Asiwand incendiaries. ,We believe the trade of New -York with the South Kee timer in a sounder condition than at the preeertt moment.—N. 1". Times. Anna's A•altlCE.—The following amusing ancodote is told d John Jacob Astor, in the • double thardithr of a patron of-literature and Text/mortionsmoney-holder, whie,ltgyAsittnii exceedingly characteristic: . Among the inabseribeinto.-ganbon's maga - lloent jerk ongllillreTogy, the price of which was $l,OOO dopy, appeared the name of John J..ll4obAillth. During the progress of the work, fhe prosektion of whith was exceedingly expen sive, AliNAndubon of course milled upon several . oafs =heathers for payments. It so happened Meth.. Astor, (probably that he might not be troubled about small matters) was not applied to before the delivery of all the letter-press and plates. Then, however, Audubon asked for his thitsand dollars; but be was put off with one ex . (rise ,or another. "Ab;hlr. Audubon," would :-. the owner of millions observe "you some at a bad time; money le very scarce; I have nothing in bank; 7. have invested slimy funds." -At length, the sixth time, Audubon called up on Astor for his thousand dollars. As he was "mitered into his presence he found Wm. B. ::Astor, the eon, conversing with the father. No ' 3 4 80011er did fiAt the rich i, Mr. man see the man ot art; than began, Audubon, Co you have coma master your money. Hard times, Mr. Audu bon, money very scarce." But jest then catch- lag an inquiring look from hie son, ho changed hia tone: • "However, Mr. Audubon, I suppose '. we mead you have some of your money if pos . Bible: - William," he added, calling to hie eon, who hidwalked into an adjoining parlor, "have - -we' any money at all in the bank?" ••Yee, father," replied the eon, supposing he was asked en eanest niestion pertinent to what they had r . - -been talking about when the ornithologist came in sgere have $22,000 in the Bank of New York, 510,000' in the Merchants', $02,400 in the echanies', $83,000—" That'll do, that'll do," _exclaimed John Jacob, interrupting him. "It • seems that William can give yen a check for your money."—Com. Bulletin. GAZETTE JOB OFFICE RALSTON & YOUNG, (mamas To Zola I. cairocc,) BOOK, CARD & JOB PRINTERS GA=TM 331:T xx.Dirva, IMMO. STREET, IMAM. POST OPTICS PITTGBIMOH, PENICA, 44r/Shscute_iivory hind or BOOK and -AP . /1110Y JOB PRINTING with nsittiata• laTalaartf P STOCKING EAMCP0.R.1171%,.1 CHEAP AND DURABLE .DALY StoCking Manufacturer, Corner Fifth St. and Market alley, HAS on hand a tremendous assortment of 'Woolen Efocklap, Mee, Socks, ComfL.rts, ' Iftolsi.o=ks for men and nomen,.togetber with • very os .tensiver assortment of all desaiptions of Goods to his line • mdtable to the 06200. U 0 sell. prime guildes at low priced, Gat and examine. I)34lonnel M. DALY hsa but one store, and that Is on Use censer ofFlfth Meet and Mutat alley. no7:3e.d SIINDBLESObhds. N. O. Sugar, 25 toble A Crumbed 00 fo , ) do 11 Correa do • 60 do N Y and Bolton Syrks 20 do Yams do 25 do Wbaleo2l; do Bosh do 25 do Bank do 100 boom .. kranda Tobacco, Weeny by do de 160 half dust. Y Ilmd Black Toas; 120 beg. Rio Coda.; • ' 120 bldi. prime nek Ohio Clovereeed, In almond for .21e bO BROWN I KIRKPATRICEJ a 7 N. 191 eied 193 Liberty otroot. • QIINDRIES -1,7 CLOVER/NERD—HO bnah.l. ;gime; POTATOES—KO bushel. Rats: .:BUCKWHEAT YLOUR-50 • • CORN lERAL-60'busbel. froth ground; . : PENIBI3E-23 gaddlag PREAKAKIE-10 palm ONIONR-9)0 bruheln largr; . • BEANS-2) barrelavehlter. CHZE9Z-2.(olsoae. Watery Reserve; PLOUR-100 tomb choice bread. • • Tot isle at 183 Liberty street DECK L &TEAR, Enamor. to Riddle, Wirt. a Co. PLOUB, PRODUCE, ke.— 1,400 bbls. White Wheat Family hour; • 10,000 ban shelled and ear Corn; 2,0001 mt. Spring Wheat; 1,000 box II ashannock Potatoe; . 125 bbla. Apples (co errivel) - 20 do ' , reap:Won 1,000 bus. Barley; 2,0001bh Buckwheat Ikon 1 Platform Scale, math naw /or Enla by 114T0/1001%. 51cORWERT A CO., 1= &wand and 161 SIM atre.L S . „ lINDRIE§---40 bblo. prime Syrup; 20 do dugs, Haase do 110 bags yrbas 1110 Coffer; ~ • , • 100 born Mould o.dleg .T) do_ Marano do „ V) do Starr do 12=2necotgunIng Tobac c _ .i po 40 basal German and Ololno Soap: 10 times prima Illco, In asap end fat tali low by • LITTLW d. runtraz SUNDRIES -2 Etas reattters ; • 3 bblo Grease; 14.7 1 do Woo - -•-_. 4 boadlos Elto; Psotg Ow loading from Itastner /iliac*, for Ws by • dab 1831411 DICKEY 4 CO. RIINDRIES- 4 sacks Feathers; Am" 7 do Dry Applez 6 do (fraud fiats, On nib smer 9. P. Illbtard alb y_ ISAIAH DICKEY 600. max. F&&ll—Mtbs. Middlings; ALL' 410001bs aortic 03001:bi chopped Orta and CM; In atereand frtaalo M.'DLTIE Atialt, 114 eccond rt 101:1NDItIES-1 Dry Bide; Baal gamic: IMg Gram. NaN Now !analog fra • Zito= /a. MAY. for sals by ISAIAH DICE= &.00. ADRODUCE-20 ktrbbls White Beane; ,* rwukt mow; d _ • eacza Tambora, Ohn an .„,„a ige by . MIMES pnmo new clop Now 9y• • 0 n ..., landing f statuary Masausa,fot al. O/ JOAN ILOYD A 00,178 Wocd ttreet. • "GLYOEBINE-1 4 X) lba. for 'sale by , B. L. Lantana's. CO, No. 60, won'? Wad Ind Tatath fft. FNUITITIT-10 BackßAPPles;. - itolol7.l,lva. 'PEARLIIOMINY=-33 bbls: choicePeul lioganyltat troOlonconshpunentUntforaleby • - .140 a.. YJSZIM.var. Mutat and Ent eta PRETTY LITTLE LIBRARY—. . .30 Yotame•—in Ate; nyizrrecaM °4° dea - • Asoistternioaresam-. 4 _ ,:„ 174 d c , ao APIA* • Istatasoadkiao,7=, 4o24 '. 4 AC A • - PARE!) GY-tre .. .l g's Proparea -Gluej " SPALIAN Spaldiri-es Prepared Glue"! _ , - p _ SA* :1 THE, PIECES! ECONOMY!! DISPATCH( A Er4 . ou rs ; Tuts SrAri 17rms" As ars-ideas siO happen, ere in Ical-r0u6 , f. 4 ♂ It Is very restrabls to have some cheap ant niu vonlent any for infosirtng Furniture, Toys, Crockery, ele. • I Spalding's Prepared Glue totals all Inch emiirgeneles, and no household can afford bo 'without It tls always ready, and op to the click ing point MTh ita no longer , a necessity for limping ehalrs„ SPllntered ! veneers, beadleis dolls, sod tauten cradles It Is just the allele for cone, shift and other ornamental work, 4, pennies with ladles of refinement end taste. 'Dal, admirable Prepiirstlan is used told, being chemi cally held in sedation, and possessing all the val4ie qualltlei of the b e st cablint•mstars' Glue. It may; be osod in lb., plass of ordinary mucilage., being rah , '" more adhesive. .LBF.• FITL LY F:TEBY EfOUSF:," 'N.B.—ABTA accompanies each bottle. • !Price, 25 Cents. Wholesale Depot, No. 90 Platt-street, Now York HENRY C. SPALDING & CO., Box Na 8,600; Nsa TorX Tut up for Dealers In Cones nontsluing Four, Dila, Twelve Doran, • botutlful Lithographic Show-Cord ccompaurtutencil pachngn. VE" A Fin;lo Softie of tTALDING'S MEP:VETS , GLUE will MIS ten tOnca IL, cost donnally to e•e:y household. • soul 'by ail prominent Stationers, Druggists, ITardsrare in/Fornitrire'Dmilers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. . Country mamba:lla ehonlit make a note of SPAT.lit litili PREPARED GLOE, scheri trtklng; np their list t attind any climate. Spalding's Prepared Glue, CriEFUL IN EVERY nousE, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, SOLD BY STATIONEUS. S PALDING'S PEEPARED GLUE, sotn nr DIMGGISTS. SPALDING'S FEEPAILED GLUE, SOLD IVY HARDWARE DEALERS. SPALD*G'S PREPAIIED GLUE, SOLD BY lIOUBE•FVERLSIILNO BTO7IP-3. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, V. 0 1 ,4; FT.-% I:EP ;13' I=l Cl= It F.D + 01. i) fly COUNTRY NIERCIIANT, Maqufl,l.,4l.s' HENRY C. SPALDING & CO .:, 31 Pl/41-atzwei. New VO : ilL l'At Cox No A.. Annexed In nu Alphabetical 1.1•1 of Arti‘deo Able's. If danmged, tan• be restored Co their tiginnl strength and usefnlneen b• SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE 1 6lends ACCOUNT ROUES 11 Mends 111111 EA ITS .... t • ...Mends CRADLE-S. II !demi, 'POLLS N t .Mends 31TAGTIEJ-Is enrbt WASS . Mends GUITAI.I3 . II !lends lIARPS .. . . . I ...Wends INLAID-WORK .1 ...Mends KN08 5 .... . . K .!fends KNOB 1. ' Mends LEATITER-W0171: M Mond, lIIIITP.OII.FP.AME_3 N . Mends NEWF.T. PO3TS... ....Mends.OTTOMANTi. P . Mends. I C T I IA I N I..TO-11A17TES II .Ifenrs B O BBIN N FRME B E llends OG-IEI3 Mends SOEAS T . 'deeds TABLETS • ...Mends UMBRELLA,STICKS ✓ . Men.lt VASES ... Mend. WORE-13031.4 . X Mends NYIATS3ItrtI I IIIC-\COI:6. . Y . !Gods TNED•STICKs • 1 7. .Mends ZEPHYR WOOD-WOLK Z .5 Tr, en:sell:sten, 5PAL1T1.1.7633 PREPA RFD G I: is useful in Libraries and Sehort:... 1 .2 ..Nfencln SOFAS 1...1 .Mends ACCORDEONS . S. 3 • L Mends LETTER . I 6..1 T.. Mends DA GUEEILTIOTYPII t/A31.21..0. 4. • I ..!fends IMAGES 1 .4. 4 7.. N..lfends NEW BREAKAGES ....... 6..0 ...Mends GUN-STOCK. ..... G..; . SCHOOL-BOOKS . . ......5..,. 9 1 4 . P..lTends PARASOLS 11..11..Mends ftL11,111:13 . .. E.. Mends ELECTRICAL M AT;II IN E..- • .. 3 P,IFF:II.IIANriI.NII3 .11 :4. A Mends ARM-CII A IRS 1 ..14 IA .I:...Alrnds RICKETY FI7ENITIII.I IT It ..,. I. 14 E. Mends EP.A3IIII-TIANITLKs F I , 17. II .. Mende DESES D.. . I I..li..ldentls GLOBES 19..L..Nlends LOOSENED LEAVES L.. . 9a.. I'.. Mends It rilot.srna) 1 1 1 1 N ITU R.E.. v.. ; .2 , .. E..Monds EGG-BEATERS .2 ACORS-WOltK 11 Slctots CHESS-BOARDS 24 Mena., FIDDLES eS Sta•nds SHELL-WORK • ea.. ~'lends FILLET-WORK 27 Sten:ls IIOBBY-HORSES.... 2- Mends KALEIDOSCOPES ....tdends MONET-ROSH. en Mends INCITER FRASIES .... . 211 'E ...Is SECRETAP.IES }lends VENEERING /91 Mends SCHOOL FURNITUIIE ea Steads PAPIEP.-NIACLIE ti Mends WAI:DROSES t ....ends PARIA.N' MARBLE ed• ...Mends cams ea Meads BABE-JUMPAIS SD Vends ITORTACORK an Mends MATCH-SAFES . ..... 41 \tends I'ICTUIIES 42 .. Mends qUILL-WHEELS 1.4 Mends 10R - EL-SACKS.... . 44 442919 WASHSTANDS . 4 , .. ...Mendn BEDSTEADS 42 .Mends DRUMS 91014.1 s GIIESSMEN . . . . at,nd, Lt.crr•noit3 . . Mends 11F.ItUARIUM$ • Vends BACKGSAINION-B0.11:DS. DAND.RGXES. . si HI.ACK-110 A .. • . . Hand. IlSec-VIOLS ot. Flt 1.1.111:1)-TABLIL5 . st , :als HILLIARD-CUES. •. 1.1 r: as MILD-CAGES . : I St , -as BROOMSTICKS . : . Mend, BOOK-CASES ,e. .IDnds,ROOT•CIIIMPS Mends DRESII-HANDLE.. . ri Meods REUSIIFS.. Mends t'.. .114nds CHURNS :14 _Mends CLACK-CASES . . s. ...Mends CRUTCHES tst . . ...Mends 'I7PROARDS .Mr.nds DETAINS.... . • _Mends ASINGGI is .. _Mewls CADDIES _Mends CAMERAS . ..Ntends CILAIRS ........ . 1. ..Mends CHARTS 7.1 ...-NtendsrHES• FRAMES. 1.41 AII 74, 914D-CASE3 ....... 1t... _MendsCHESTS ...Mends DIARIES • Mends W, ORITSTANDS ta ...Mends DRAUGHT-BOARDS 7'J Mends DISHES so, Mends DIVANS 21 .Mends DIOE-BOXES • ..Mends DOORS es ...Mends DOMINOES 1...... Mends F [LEBO/OMS' . . Mends FLUTES ....Mends BALLUSTERS tat. ...Mends GLASSWARE . ...... Meads HANDLES Mends GUTTA-PEROIIA-WARE .90. ...Mends KITES • . 21,434 TOPS , Y 2, ....Mends ORGANS . Mends MODELS 94 ....Moods HEWING-MACHINE STANDS.. ..9. 19 Mends FANELS 21 ...Mends PASTEBOARD-WORK Y. .... Mende PATTERNS 9S Mends BIDEBOARDS DD Mends TVOODEN-WARE : 91 .. Mends WILLOW-WANE 101 Spaldin's Prepared Glue, OLD BY STATIONERS. SPALDING'S PP.EPAIIED GLUE TOLD Dr Dr.IIGGISTS. ETALDINGT. PIMPARED GLI7I; BOLD BY oßocEns. SPAIDINO'S PREPARED SOLD BS HARDWARE STORES ISPALDIRG'S PREPARED Fol.D 131 ROPP.E.FUENISRIND ETORE. SPI4DIIOS PREPARED GLUE, FANCY-000D3 DEAI.EIIII. SLIOING'S PREPAP.ED GLUE, alftiTliS MEr.CIIiNTS GENER.6.IiY. g4r.nrac.turc4 . , _HENRY C. SPALDING & CO tk. ' tio..3oSattrUrect, New le,t P62t-(5111c0,340X No. 3,600. ', . . . rus&-e-mirOutr7- f rAYa M . /ray tub., btantlfil ' .;Niter ratr7 - Pt*. ltniocatradevo ,', 4r ,, !spar,. MEM - to; z.931-i-;* - • •• . „trlltatee on tuttr it elmttbdttd D ie _ no.s3matationa—stetroind Dima.140.6. : . • Moro Seas luta Dwelling:corm Gnat szed_toirdjta.,' 24.12611bini attroot—D.allhigliocoo end P. Dwelling Douse and Egope r eonsitellstitsteng Tblul sta.. Two Dwelling Doane: gee 63 aste gr go. fa Duquesne st.psteollitiegirand 3I Dumpsite st. gi g gskir, stove, carnseGgsreU sad login limit& • sitgeptopse. sorest Firif istd giolthfletelste.• Westi:ass an Wood street, nesegesond. Dwelling nouseitien 51beeassi street: - Dwelling Doug% No. g Foletiets Dwelling Musa and ilium otgieannd on !seeing ton, Ate, ie., tor ient by . • _ • J sle ' I k SON, , Hertel. pt. "al WOE ST. DWELLING FOE. 'SALE.— JUld Being &Ink to remove from the city, I OMi foredo the Iletelllng - ott , •lUdge Wee, Allegheny ati, fettnerlY owned by oev. B,V.llleck. The honey LOS Jost hed matt tie eddltlonn made to 14 is newly pelntol • Maio nod out, end 1. in ctmplete repair throoghoot. It hes .efm cham bers, In all tharfeen 1 . 031112, end ts in all reelects 0110 of the most deeirabledeololons to the two eitlat. The tot 1n DO by 200 feet. Jalklmd JULIA A. WILB3N, 1 , 1 Wood at. 01110 Lanni lot Bale. Orli& subscriber offers for sale ea.ltion ten, township 12, range 10, Start (Monty, Ohio, confroonly known us -I.turrumeatim,"ountalulog 640 acrea. 11 la Situated three mita amnia thwadllun, on the Motu Mad beading to Wooster, and within about two adios of the Situ. burgh, FL Wayne and Clucaso Railroad. The south, east and north-mat quarters urn portly cleared sad Dann:mod— the remainder is covered with superior !Umber—m ai the whole Is well wetered by spriug• and mantas stream.— Ttdosection Is teauldered Use Attest body of land la the notfuty. It Will be mold undivided or In quarter. to soil =ll p;ri .i. 7 T 011,.. ,: . w r tv i o , d o lt r re to tow estate el in teal a ea J. IL BiVntrinet, uMilettleotlT 101 4th anat. Plwsborutf. lOWA FABMINO LAND.—Tho SUbherilf en offer for sale on favorable term. nil hundred Xl-1,-• titmice lauds, situated in W Mem end Hancock pommies, annsceut to Ilona of laNeood, nowmst. of efaarop two, and one truet may two ml lee from thauty pat The above will ho add low for moth, or es/han,,i farming lends Io this or anointug memo a. nodO SIMIAN'S t ANJ Ell, 124 &wood at. VALUABLE COAL LAND FOB SA LE A very saleable mast of Punt lend, emaistmg of a 3,1 AUnktd,end meowed near Wetoner, Westmoreland romaT hero Is as escellent oppuf tunny preaeuted ter any person desiring to go tato the coal bnalnew, nod one that should be taken advantage of, sa chanma like this donot often Amcor. For fortber Worn/111We apply ut Tins OFFICX, where ell the pattocolara can te• eltult eetf OR SALE—That splendid Residenee,tga with largo,Lot of Grumbl, Fruit Tf we nod Ft./Ulsl'4'' Wry, altuated 'nettle two W.:2OWe walk of lb. Wilk:ea. berg Itailreed btatloa. The boom, Is lerg, and finished In modern elybk at present occupied by kloore Illvenwou Will LW Inld ors eeswoaable terra Apply to ' ' W. A. ANDEIVON, cle9AkotlF AL Bart.'. Otllcry cm. sth A firma... 4}-.] , j I 200 000 ACRES FOR SALE AT' very low ratan—from 26 to LC , Cont. {NW acre. ' Plots furnished gratis. lial a Nares paid for porchasers of land under tbo Gnulie &Lon Act to all the counties of the Kato. Patents proco, ad, Lc. Apply to W 11.6011, ILAWLINGS A CU., p0Z2.30.1 65 Chestnut street St. Lolls, Si.,. Oli SALE—A ' tract of land containing, tine and one ball writ situate on tbo Fourth Street Noma, abont three tulio• train the Court Moose. Will be Soldlow for cash. Inquire of 1612L1 A SIACKENZIF., triy'l.dif Atey. at Law, Nu. CO Fourth atiut FOR RENT—A Country Residence in Pitt' tovrnahlp, consisting of a goco bonsa i rupiah:ling night rooms and au expellant cellar. Thar, la alga • good loath, and clinarn; &leo, taro acres of marid, planted with &Nun, peach and other fruit trier, a grape arbor, •c. for Nrlber irarticularn enquire of WATT & WILSON, jatidif ritiS Liberty stn.[_ OR RENT—Store Room No. 241 Liberty Dg staget, opposite, head of Wmd ettert, with Roble to rota; oecuplot by Messrs. Wool & Co, Oro:era. F.Ar fem. OPP)/ to R. ILOBLION A CO, .I•l7lard No. ^S6 Liberty meet. TO LET—A two story Erick Dwelling 131 on Wyllestreat, nearChottuttct, wash:dog eight MI room., with all the modern tlltoreg good pull. Also, to let, a sow two story &WI Dwollioy, toss the comer of ebothans street sod Cloy alley, containing four moon sod cellar. Engels, of jallAtf Ult. SITEIIRETT.277 Peon street. WWAREHOUSELET.—A fine WARE -1101:75 C. No. :17 Wood greet, opposite the St. Charles note!, now occupied by I. Si. Pennock. I Co., for rent. Pot melon Angell first. UITOUCON, WOKENICY A CO. V 10 LET.—The large Warehouse, corner of 1. Perm and Weyoe err...l4(tle property of the Hartford errata) Foment. given Immediately. For term. apply to JOLLY T. LOOAN,Adrzer, Jeff,dtf No. 62 Wont .Met. To LET—Several fine Store Roome on St. Clair Wart, our of which will to rented In connection with the carious room on the mama Emir, and is well out. culated for • fortiltare orcarpet More. Enquire of °elicit! Kit. tltle9. No. 60 Fourth M. FOB HEN T—Posseuion First April—Store and Dwelling on Market , near Tbird. Large Dwel l l'enn et. Dwelling on Colwell I/wenn:l,lton ofAce63 Pitthst. Warehouse corner }Vet nod Solltinleis sta. 130111 Dwellingof 6 moo.. Two [louses on Duquesne .t. ore rooms each. Apply to Jan S. OUTLIBEE.r. A SON, Si Market Ft. FOB RENT—A comfortable dwelling house Oa Hood street. Alwr, one on PIM Orr.a ono on sec- ood street, one on Ids corner of 011111, and Third At-new— /IJan, No. 32i.d No. 9d ?fun street; sten room and dwell. tog corner That and Starker armors; dwelling bonne. corner Logan and Llrlswil street twu Iwo es on Duquesne stmt.; IL CUT/MEET 6 hOdl, ta Harker street. Foli BENT—The Store Room, No. 53 Mar kat West, with Dwelling beim," at present es-copied by 111 re. N. flatter. Pweariva peen on April lee deZ a. CUTLIDDAT a E4YN,6I Market et. OFFICES TO LET—Iwo good Offices to la, with or ritlwat stbrage, coriv.nieut to blinsoogs. bets Wharf J. 5 to JALL bIOHEY k co. Grrorms. =MMEEEI=I W EIOLESALS (111.00EILS AND DEA LBRB /N Flour,' Bacon. Cheese, Prulee,oll•& Produce, .610 112 eI:C(IND DT. P/1113 D 0 WiLL.T.A2d BAGALEY.. cfxsc>r-- - E.P., MOMMOMMMIZ=t:=I Of L..1.k Ittlgeton,Plttab'g. Warrett L Martin. - YUGEt[TOI t STRWART, tiktverosore to L. L Jidgertuu,) Wholesale Grotty' and COl=lll4oo DI re blab, 107 Wood .treat. Pittedmriat, P4:174 JUEOI7IIISI - 11. —. A: knoTinn WOW. JOHN M'OILL & SON, °keen and Cow mission Merobouts. Apra* for the NO., or PO{ Iroo sod Bloom. No. IQ Übrrty croft., Pinablorgb. k14:10 A . LEXANDER KLNO, WHOLESALE Orocof tad luieottor of eoda A.sl, No. 2":3 W.f., Pittsburgh, Pa. otlff.t.l7. J ' - • -•••••- ONES & COOLEY, WIIOLELAI,E ORO OM and Boat fornlnbern, nosier. In Produce .4141 Pittsburgh Blaanbctartr, N 0.141 Water street, nonr Cherry &Bey, Pittsburgh. m rID Lutz,ollltinTl--- -10(111 0/1.711. QIERIVER & DLLWORTII, WHOLESALE. 1 1 / 4 3 Grocer., No. 130 and in Second 01 , 0.4. Wood and 13.11110.1.1. Pittsburgh. nwn JOAN FLOYD & CO., WIIOLESA.LE Grooeriand Oommite Morcbanto, No. 13 Wood and VS liberty Rant, Pittaborich. Joie SOON WILSON. WATT .b. WILSON AV HOLESALE 0110- MILS, Ourrarulegbut hltirchactia utd Dealer. in Pre lim:it and Pittlibut i gh Menutscturie, No. 2LA Liberty street, Pltteburgh. J it2s W. oCUTO EON WllO - L — F;- - BLIM Guam, Products slut Commission Slurchrukt, =I Dealer In: Pittsburgh hbanufactured Articlos, N 0.154 Liberty street, rumor of hrnhary ay. Pittsburgh, Ps. my 3 ZOOS ATWELL. e.l. Lte cnss. ATWELL. , A TWELL, LEE Fr, CO., WHOLESALE 11 Grocers, Produce end Commission Morcbsots, and Dealers in Pittsburgh blannactorea, No. 0 Wood 'lima, be. Moan Water and /rout st., Pittsburgh. spin LOST 11011M05,,... UN . 1.0 mamma BOBISON At — CO., WHOLESALE R• Groom, °on:mansion Idovntuints, sod Dorame is NI kinds of Provisions, Produce and httaktrp,h lilautincturos, No. 266 Molly soanot, Pittsburgh. ialintyd , C. 5 . ra c. rw 4') ROBERT DI I LZELL & CO., WHOLE &LLD :Grams, Oonsruisdou and Pomading blor chants gra Dpeleran Pmbacosnd Pittsburgh !do Isctorte, No. 261 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Ps. oy2 BALill DICKEY 1c , C0., WIIOLESA LE Groom, Commlesiou Mercbauts, ere Dralors in Produce, 0. 80 Weer street, m 163 Trout street, Plltaluarith. TUB IRON CITY TILUST 00., No. 250 Liberty Street. DANK OF DISCOUNT, EXCHANGE AZID WORT, Ungifted Ittoek.-. El 130,000 Capital Represented, over 1,000,000 /fir Proczootwas Al. tr.ll, Odd, fillear,Par Wanda and (hermit" raculral an &puede. ALL 8L0N1063 allowed to 'amain for el 4ecifial hew. WILL DRAW INPLItEIifT. Mehl Ree.banee on the Eastern and Wags= Mlles conalantly for sale In um. to snit. Oollaction. made In ail tha principal cities In th. liana! Btatarand the Canada, and PROCEEDS PROMPTLY ND BUTTED td any &Oral point, on day of nod ity. examinees,: John blonrbeeo, AloZoo tor Yormyth, John Roth, Goo. Hood, J. HW, Wllll.o &Wort, W. lloollotock, lloory Mc. IXHough, aebert Anacreon. 0. E. G'ARGBII, Pros Mont. an26l.yd E. 0. 1301131EKTZ. Conteler. T HE FIRST IMi'TiST CONUMWAVON OPFER TEEM OILITROII EDIFICE, GORP6I2 GALANT AND THIRD 81"3. FOR SALA ON REMONADLN TERMS, Together with the ORGAN and lURNITIMX. It Ia yell and anbstantlally built, copsblu of orating aLS bunthml persona comfortably, and It only °Scud tut sale Imam., It la too mall for their atcontmodatlon. for to mr, &0., apply to WM.II. EvragoN, No. 04 Watt& lame; or BOOBY'S% Jo, No. 22 Marty Moot. 0. U. ANDEILIION, Jci=dif Becrotarr Board of Truman_ U r - IC.Nl'll.tl OAT STORE, tat WOOD B 12. 111 HILLESDIAN £ OLLOILD Are sole piepared to meet the demands of lloto who onsy , *sot RATS, DAPS AND LADIES' FURS SUGAR AND MOLASSES— . . 60 bbdo Sow "bar to prime! • 3)0 bbl. N. O. Molrw• f.,0 bbb Porto Rico Molorour; o • WO bbla Rel/ood Hugo ; 76 bblo Nom By rap. .10 .taro and for rodo by 111,9 , i . IHARIVRIL R. DILWORTH OFFRE--MOings Rio Coffee; .50 mu /0 Owe Jiro CAW. ralebt_4 - . SUR-WEIL Os DUAVORTIL A JA11)11Q14—: - ...40 bbla. for solo by joa; LIIINEAMOK k CO, 5 '22 =nor of Finland Wood *IJUITILS=I 1-16; 1/641-;24 inch. -..Eho jpak.tboodeettiatra sad for saltior„,, aak - NARIALLEMBEROZILA 00.101 Miuitgit.; (1 4 019MILEIWITARS=4:bale6 . 1cir s»l4 . .,74141.140)17 ,1 1A4-; • -•!;" . 5 • Y Z tirkWll4la - & ;C . 0 , Ecwous ,uoraal: .v. pz~rAarzfia. fi W 1 ft pormirkroles.viviss iiv.krcir P PGILLIPB2OO. Watet _ CtLLILIS IGOD3ILI3III Ltradmt_ _ oew "esti; all Rla3g, In llnntlng.enan and tenole dahorizfal Agents for above. GOLb /NO SiLireft, asatD3IIAND B=B Stir iii7VEL . R AL Y,gtit - aTilealTs.. DIAIIOSIIII3,.P.EARLFt, mad ail Ma Yaaldanttd• SIINZFa wan; anstirpaned in agla, quality and Onlatt 111 . -E trauma visiting libiladalidtia, ate Invited to ex amine their . 'ATV MARIUS .01•AILISII MENA a Irian eitai ling no obligation to purchusra., uslp.mtm Palen, la plain tawny and no vat latiai. Jeddidgit.: arboricultural. Llo.lolll' rLACE FOR' •BVEKIKEENS, &0.-423,0 W extra &no, (frownof the finest hardy vo elethis, (real 1558 feet Sa•OUltreea maatl to Wad. WOO ext. One 2lerry,4l,ooollpaSl .4 2 Yards, Bas, three yearj old, died said standard- Oar Sect in seers, ant Is ;ergo, which It out Ore tat pLeaure to show to friend. and the public. Plustorxh sod °allied Norm Oct Pty 18Ni oc27aUtistfr .10 If MU ItDOCR. PITTSBUOII. AND OAKLINI) N O R-2 81C111113.. 36,00 6..pple Trees, 6 tog feet, 40 Mitt's% 65,000 to Co 1 to 2 1.460 do; 10,000 Pesch:6,ooo Cherry, 3,000 Quincy; 3.400 litaollard Pear, Extra Anet 10,000 Dwarf Pon 1,000 floughtorPs (looasharry-3 year elds—One, 6,000 Silver :Maple, 12 to 16 teat: 80,600 Rvercrrarer, 1 to 8 roll 200 or the celebrated nap Treol, with &fine napormant of Shade Trite, Strawberry, Boes. Grseshou. Plabra, tc., te. ea- Wholesale purchaaen will. be dolt with liberally. ..21:1 . **P JOHN aI.IIRIXICII, eatb V . ... C. A. R. MEALY i ,. . - 75LIAEnti Ate CO.. DEALERS .IN PROVISIONS, AND LARII OIL MANUFACTURERS .1•0. 309 Liberty Street. PIT TbIIVAGIi. ' m,:6 4090 1,451111 . ISAUZIAMII3-...---...-..-111111. If. wiltrAcits. TTARASAIR3IIB & CO., nod dealer.; in PACKERS PROVISIONS. tro-Nock 'lnn. on Concord...trot!, near Nast Latin All. Fhiinr City. Offico, No. ellatlberry &tire, Pittsnargh, Pa. JW. KERR, • Architect, No. 2il ea. Clair Cruet. Pittsburgh. B F. S 11.‘,) MERCHANT TAILOR, No. BMITLIFIF.LD ST., makes to order and In the mutest manner Men's and Boy's Cont., Pants, V. 1., Ac. ,Cleo him a can. apttaitt J. N. SII.II.I..I...IMNSECILOICR. & CO [Soars:ors to R. Dunlop, Jr.] 114PORTVIt9 AAD DIALSRB IR • . R At.D WARD AND CUTLERY, No. 101 Market St. - root. • • PITTEMOUGII, Pa. Dayrtaltl REMOVAL. -J. S. Liggett & Co., have re. Xto moved from Nos. NI and TO Water street to No. 76 Water eod V 2 Front street. • J. S. LIGOETT L CO., VLOUR FACTORS and Produce Commie .' ofin Northants., for dm gels of Flour,Gralo,&*6ll sod Pro4oco gooorally, No.. 75 Water and 02 Ifrout otrbef, Pittsburgh, Pof,fVo. fORS,Iy- CALpwELL VV BOAT MNIAM, RS AND DEALERS IN ManillS, Env and Oottott o=r, Pitch, Rosin and Oils: Tarpaulin, Dna, Light and Ham Drillings, At, No, MI Wzg'cr and 78 Pratt .Street. • JACOB REESE, - ?JIVER AND DEALER IN CANADA, MAGNETIC, CRAM - PLAIN AND LAKE SUPERIOR IRON 0 R 6; WROUGHT, SCRAP IRON AND PIG METAL. SIPORI/CE-CORN ER OF FRONT AND SMITHFIELD STREETS my:l7.ltf !LANE'S PLIO'COGILAPHIC VIAL . LEGY, corner of PIM] and GRANT BTRZETS, to d"rtykria:fintlding, °granite, the Own" Room Ilia Gallery has Jut been Wed op with anperlor aide and akyrilght. Photograph; Ambrotype; Dagoirrootypet, An, talon to stylestlf4 to be aurpaned. Strange,' and citizen. are cordially Invited local! and ez. amine fontheourelroa. Priva Sargotrance on 111th street. Roc.. easy of oxen. •PUIYIT :I:REDWELL SCHELL, 33.A.1 , 7XL3:3-ViS, 1301EX88ET, PMNA. • .15rOolicctl.ms Reigate.] and Rwtarce promptly remitml. . , LTIIIIISCO. • i i rrn Site(UNICE RANIS, PithDcrigh. R. PRTRICK ARC ~ , do Es.V.lyd 'dun. iIiNSIIII- - -- Aoszat.l. AA... !: !RN fit/ ' '.Ie .. AIS7DERSOrg • 11LTIIOLESAL .' ERS IN FOREIGN TV .IfiIUITS, NUTS ..id a PICIIi, coratarioNzav, 8110ARS, PULS WORKS, Lc, N. 39 WOOD STRKRT, oppoettir Rt. Charles Hotel, PittAburgb, P. tarMlyd 4,2 TV 000 WORKER. JAME! OW1i1:118, CORNER ELM AND wiLLE STREETS, 11119—intiC00 AND MASTIC WORKER, friors particular •ttentiOuto ail orders fir work In his 1111..C&I'KE3 and ORNAMENTS of all kinds .itirritshed on snort noel.. sp . /Wily • T. W. .coUtillttltlf Watchlaud Clook Mahar, DirOlerkill Or FINE WATMESA.ND JEWELRY, Is,3klliftbstrert,betworo Wcwri awl Market, kink. Womb, Pik a lte . rittrobr attention sad repairlosof WSLake Airqin work ..maw. tiOILDTHOLLP & KUHNS., GAB AND STEAM FITTERS. No. 130 TIURD ItTREAT, between Woad and dmftbflehl eta. ird-Alyrays cm baud Chauf/rhers, Dreads, mud Yistares of all kballe. Plumbing At. In it superior style. All orders promptly atistarbej to. airdlso, Flaw furl Specifications !omelettes! for Use Woe. AO Uu 14'orks coustracte4 of ant repeat, tot pub lic or pillars me. tortc4fl JOUBI GADIPHIKLIL, MAiN AOTURER OF BOOTS laid MOW of every dcacriptlou, No. S 4 amltttnehl Mee; rittebtirefrP4. fe4ably4 Pearl Steam Mill, ALLZGUYNY CITY. A. T. KENNEDY & BRO. PURCHASED FLOUR, CORN biKAI, AND HOMINY M A ND FACTURED AND IN.PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY. OAIL.LAGIIIM, (MAIO & 00., POLTINTIDEIie, Errno AND tIAS PIPE rirrEns AND PIAISIDENS; FINTSIIERS or ALL KINDS or BRASS 4viiras, end doaldr• to GAS FIXTU KM, Ac. AircIPPIOE AND WA 11NR,MIR. .44--rbirY. NFL 152 S'ln2 'trod, Ave &Km. below tL 11out.nitAtiola Iforoe, I.laccp 2naJnnil grrtithtletd. 45+ALL 012112{14YLOMYTLY PILLISS;2,II, J 1.2422 Pittsburgh Agrioulturttl Work.. FRANCIS B. N 08.49 and DI Ferry M A NU F A OTORER OF WILLSON'S Btrin and Fodder Cutter, Blowing Keepers,. Horse Fovrer Thrnbers, Cider Stilts end other Agrictlitural =ohne.. delfhlyd 111. n W A T II A 4.17) BOLT WORKS. PATWIT NOS PRESPSD NUTS of all Jason) band and manufactured. Moo. DOLTS for Bridges, fdaehlaery, ricaltartalmplemosta,Ao., tarnished at abort notice. 03..Warebooie, f o. 114 Water atroet.. autoulta KNAP. SCULLY k CO. LL FED-4 tons Middlings; 40 do Shlistoff; an. Rft'd for Ws by SIM Br PSON NELSON. k 20 do SWIFT'S Fortieth Anniversary' Ser Dwbo, pobliehod EA Ins ask by VULG. JOHNSTON t 00, JLLI• Printers and &idioms, Wool at. 40 E j e I P Rig WINES ITaivaifiDlX'Ellor DICK ES-7 Lb's. Pickles .just reed and I(club by 0.30) ' J. All'ErZlilt. I MED APPLES-50 bus. in store and fur iist• by J*s LITTLE JL TRIMBLN AHD -12 keg No. 1 for oak by 1-1410 ATIML, LIS 00. R ° S-10 bbLi fresh, for order by '629 GILAV gig VAN °ORDER. URIC SIDES-40,000 pieces for sale by II .442 P. BRUM & JlAril 6--5,000 pieces for sale by B • : 411M Y. SELLERS s CO. 'ES-135 bush. primo Oath, for sale by O cal • JAS. PKTZEIL, corner Earket it lit .b. PA fo IAPPLES-175 bush rr r sib PN.Atioot rt... . r •PLES-200 bble. choice. Russet Apples A 4ed sod 4ft. do by littißY IL COLtyti. A . , APPLES-175 birth prime Dry Ap• N (abide by 0 ILA,/ VAN4IOI.OEa. JIAVANA 010411 M—A. Jaw as. niment kat 'IVA by JOS YLE.IIOIO. Wrilit—Wlwat ;it'd Buckwheat—in store A: ea' fur drab, by ' 011. AU TAN ORDEig. DIAUX- 7 2.01) tibia Family and Exult Yam : Ps.',NlVoltirituutiattieei. Bats 0141S-40(Vtoda•No. 2Juniattaela . Pkookwalf 3 l,- - /4 3 ) 1 1A,:a MOP , . 1 , 7 "P. - • . •;- small - white liciins Li 4 13 1. --dot a Lizeix.-• .- . ~; r. i WHEAT, RYE AND CORN DELIVERED, Terme—DASD ou Delivery Nit: W bl NO. 134 WOOD IiTIIEET, . ~JR ufancous. f." PAR - NAM CO PN SANti VIN S 14.7 - ; - ArIIBADQUAIMIRA. tr If 111fIallitto:11:3.1- p lAl c rat= ex.A.Tthe tta Ptak STEELEOS " COPIC COMPANY, YORE DZPOT,•S34 EMIT=IISI . -.Wages! and incis . ralplete Stack or Stereo . seopie Goods in America- The liallitiee 011 the L.& Co. for ilnpplling their N.Y. Depot with weekiy.usignmetb or the newest and belt Roads at to vuorruCe lees tare enable MOIR to .apply dealt. with - At prketwblel defy .ucoe.llll compelltiou ANEWREVOLFIiIG STEItEtCOPE, Far mntalnlog uuy taunter el 'km., trans FIFTY IoTTIBER lIIINDICED, glee+ or topor, Jcm town putout:a by lb. L. 8.C0., mud II nu* Bead) fur the Tblu loutrutueut, bandromely gut up in if .1.1. inni WILL BE RILL , AT LEsS PRICE Tan thoso Incelokira sold forTninal Ln flow. AB A PRESENT Yor. A CLERGTVEM, or w an IN STI4UCTIVr. AND PLEADING ANOSatIENT k r t.o this tam-union% forming A BCAOPIFUL PARLOR On- NASIZET, will ho found the aim enit.l,ll that can ta , w• I ded. deLtAind TEAS! TI J. P.: 114 S.:dilute . ..4 Res e eery glace selection , In pert of the following: 100 thefts One to extra Die Oolong *nil Chelan Tots, to " " 1 , " '' • 11r. l, u, 0. P. end lop. Teat 60 catty boxes, eXtra fie 11y.on, " " LO 1,1615. Crushed, Paler zed and ColTre S 0,11111, 60 ogee 1010, Lsgttayra a d Old tioterzonew Jura Cutt..e; e 00 blu Petra Ilyrupean. Motszserg 10 " Pure aro, Vtne rt 22 Luxe, Al. 11.., Lsyera Velentla Ilaleln't 10 Ude. Zanto Currant, 00 bum. ' - Wm d" loop; 116 " Colgstree Toilet .. 1.0 •• Palm, Gernamo and Rosin Foss to " Sperm, Ater, Opal and Nonld Can I lot, 21 " Pearl and Sllcer Glom Starch; (41 mos pare ground bidets: 100 " Trealk ltleckbartl, AM Ito. (Novel, Nutmegs, Mere nod Cagthu 10 cal. Olive, hordnanq ant Virgin Oil., 20 " buiteCocoa, Broma and Checulattn, 2000 It,. super Curie:mate and Pet Sod., no dozen Ateuao's wad Annear'. Blacking, Water, Cotter, Suer, Pude and Winn C,e,trats, do, lc, Which they otter, Wholosslo cod Netell,st 'pry moderato advanoes, to the trade er families, awl rnpnct lolly loollrlt their patronage J 00 TIRE EAU LE Ht./ATE COLII I'4lV v BEING prepared to receive order; for their SUMMON 0111 LAN .11R PURPLE l ROOFING • Vaal. Piamburpli, cf family Urocerle% cormietin{ 161ATE.5, delivered tift.r tho otKillog nr tavliption, ist.atol call attention to the!. amt tot. FIRE.VII,O? .d to Gni great purity of rwo-watvr csdiecled from alma tools, not - Laing impr,rated with taint of decay...Jelinski. or the Po:amour qtalities of patiltad tn..tals. Th. y nould Goo rotation the gotblic againes pu,4les patelyvoprmentimg thernaelvee ea Agents, thereby Inentshiug ao intorno aril.