1 7 $ -, 33, U.r-. 2 ‘, L. 1 4 1 .5 , AT 2, nra,%f , 351 , $' end" Plz.griz Jr:7 0,8 .. - . ••,_ :•,-.....‘......: _ • ..V.T.TTEUErC7LC3-.13.: -" • !I,er ATM:WAY -MO 1 4TAN{ „2/, • ••,ISGO. .• ~ _ __ 4tl , OM 2.0 1111 BCP - ICD —ill A into number Oa N. 11 Btaisart...tto-fuulthe following die. - .„.triiallag• c italTitmer Abe late election in Pitts , • '`'''". burgh. Raving quoted the telegraphic item . . announcing the e)lootes of the Republican ticket •- • - -!-- In las city, it spec ‘..., • - "Upon reading the above item yesterday, it ' - . .occorred to us hat welad seen a good many or ,• , _ 'ticks lyingon he banquettes in front of aurae - roue dares in ew Orleans labelled Pittsburgh, . _ and we conesed for the ettriosity of the thing . - to take a istr - about torrit,.keeping an eye out .for Pittahnr . Well, Ice...found Mat Pittsburgh --,.. • r spreads he IfireNewOrletnisvery,extensively. . ;- ~ , ~.Pittsburgh oaks- In almost every grate, and we I .... L I.olbetire 11 burgh plowe,•Pittebargh harrovre, f 7 i ... . -Pittsburg etovet Pittsburgh 'engutea, Pim __ burgh, P4taburgh, Piusbargh, stared no in the face whefever we went. Back wo came and ,• read: " he Republicana have elected their can _,.' didate a Pittsburgh- by largo majorities." It - : struck that there was something incongroue betty u the Pittsburgh manufactured cuticles alk e products of /ho-hills' about Pittsburgh ,^`,(and this new . a.,ltsrm: Pittsburgh, we !bought, 0 h tkvary - direet-connection with New Orleans 4 elaverr''Will some Republicans op in the f_..--.bbuit city—black by soot and iron we mean— prove--- to the that Pittsburgh is not supported by • . -. Slava Leber, - through the products to which we allude, in jest as direct and positive A manner, n though perhaps not to the same extent as New • .tOrleans * * lot no cut 10D130 from Pitts ' . burgh—let as send no more oed - ers there for • jplowe hoes, harrows, Amines, pumps, bells, ehainit or coal They care not for no they soy. 1 'Very well—ive can do without them. Perhaps ~z' --they.do not believe it. Let us carricinee theca. . '-•:•,--' • Recall buy any article that Pittsburgh Benda us - •,.-'' - elsewhere, or make it at home. Even coal, that - - x:• -- - - ' universal article for which we pay Pittsburgh -": -- heavy stame, - we can obtain nearer home and get - ' a betternetiale at that. Arkansas has millions •of bushels of good•coal. He for Arkanesa, say we. Le no go to Arkansas for coal, and let no , • go to work at once to increase the number and , •'• ,•... variety of articles which we make and can make *theme. Thigh; a kind of retort which will be Mica the right quarter, and this is the kind we ,„,;., ~,'/ propose in answer to the Pittsburgh election:” P1413131117A tee understand, hays more of New - Qrleang, every year, than New Orleans hays of . : ' .her.. She buys there because it is her interest :.' ~tb,do go, and New Orleans does the same with • ' - ;her. • They both buy where they can deal the ; beet, without reference to the politics of those ' ''.! 'from where 'they boy. Nothing could be more distasteful to the people of this city than the . _politics of New Orleans and Louisiana ; and we i , -: - mitre to gay that our people have as hearty a ' dislike to the turn which elections take down . ' there as the people of that region can haie at - elections up here. - 'Yet these things never have effected trade and never will. New Orleans has .. a large trade with St. Louis and Cincinnati— both of whicharellepublican cities ; and if it is going to punish every piste whose people de not ' veto, to suit her caprices she will have a job on ' , • her hands a good deal bigger than any she has jet undertaken. Por * Pitteburgh, we can say in the name of her manufacturers and merchants, that they keep their wares, not their Piimeiples, for sale ; and that no threats, snob as those we have copied ' from the Bulletin, will eier deter them from „ .. Toting as they please. If any thing could render _: them more firm in their political creed, it would -',..'-'' ,•'. be jest ouch language as the Bulletin uses. ilzuesoa Bratan's Bms.—The bill rcceutly introduced to the notice of the Senate by Mr. „:131gler; in which a new definition is given to treason from that found in the constitution, will be likely to call forth considerable discussion. It would seem that a Senator of the United • . Stites from a Slate like Pennsylvania, ought, at least, to know that. the Constitution cannot be eliangedur modified by as Act of Congress. Section second of Bigler'a bill provides that any person actually tamed or participating in car tying on a litistile 'expedition from one State or Tet`ritriu against another, shall be gaily of nr,tleasou; and infer death. &apnea third of Article third of the Ccustito lion of the United States declares th.a.— "Treason agaiost the United States ehall con sist Gary in levying war against them, or in ad .hering to their enemies, giving them aid or com fort." In the cast of United States vs. Seaway., tried hefore Judges Grier and Kane, in September, isao, the former Judge said: —_"Congress has no power to enlarge, restrain, construe or define the offense, [of treason.] Its_ nonseraction is. entrusted to the Court alone." "When the object of an insurrection is of a local or private nature., not basing a direct ten dency to destroy all property and all govern ment by numbers and armed force, it will not amount to treason:" In the case of Bollmen S Swariont, in the Supreme Cohrt of the United States, it is decided that.— .qt is more sofa 113 well as consonant to the principles of our Constitution, that the crime of treason should not be extended by construction to doubtful cases." • "To emanate the spiciae offense, war must be actually leafed against the Uniitd State,." And such is the tenor of ell the opinions , upon, and definitions of, the crime of treason, by men, too, who, like Judge Crier, base never been aconsed of oppoeicg a measure dic tated by the powers that be. If Congress is to. give a general and loose definition of this crime, why may It not make it treason to speak against theroderal Union, or to threaten insurrection and armed opposition to any President who may be elected constitutionally to the place now oc cupied by Ur. Buchanan 7 Once open the door, and all tho definitions which tyranta have in- vented will rush in and demand their victims. But St:miter Bigler goes farther and would even invent a new crime! Perhaps the statute most hated and dreaded by the English people, and one which was the cause of most outrage was that relative to the crime called "misprision of treason." It IS somethleg hitherto unknown in the United States, but with •the aid of this new Clearfield Solon it shows its ugly bead in the American Senate: "Section third provides that any person hav ing knowledge of each treaeon, (i. c. of the treason defined in the bill,) and who shall neglect to disease the same at the earliest moment, atoll be adjudged guilty of misprision of treason, and shall be fined not exceeding 1,000 dollars, and Imprisoned not over even years." The people of the ;United Btatee, or at least the great lilleS of them, aro not traitors. They need no new or stringent outset Congress inter polated into the constitution._ They will ece to it that crimes against Bin Union are punished os its organic law provides. Bat we are much mis taken If they would tolerate such a 15w no this of Mr. Bigler% which, giving a new and unconstitutional definition to, and moreover in venting anew crime, lodges in the hoods of the President a power which tha Commona of Eng land wrested frouathe Sing nearly two hundred years ago. We dull see. ,* C olonist, TAGS ESTILOILDLINA2I.:.-10 the Toronto Colonist, under the matrimonial head, sppears • 2 thu following Blinder uotide; Marmein.—By the Bev. John Brown, Preatiy , tartan Minister, at the [Tillage of Newolerter, -kin:Whip of Whitechurch, C. W., at the residence of the bride's' father, Benjemin Hermon, Toronto, Orange Brigade Drum-Major, in full scarlet regi ' ' menials; with Orange wish, sword. an, to eldest daughter of Mr. Archibald McMillen, Bost Ownlinilinry, C. W. When the tninieter got through 'with the mein:sea/7 ceremony by law •.* ,astablhshed, with very appropriate !cetera en `the ocoslow, the bridegroom immediately atter requuled to add ii - forr words on the sub n ject,lind after he had got the sanction of all lit ,vited • witnessev; drew his Sword from the ecabliaxd, and giving it into tho bride's hand, , in the presence of an there,aseetabled, "1 now authorise Yew my deax wife, to plunge this naked trword io my breast In t4Serloll LOT 7110 - unfaltitfol to , the marriage Rte , now taken - piece between, ilia audiiitt;(l3 unworthy a moment's . leaser oxisloace); henceforth you will have this -sword placed at thO head of your bed, at your of ladlitaa used 'fighting woido" the other day in the Hanle of ;Roprcecntatirect. )lOgbe an exibition of what he intended sbonld less at chiyaliy; keeping ids ..eye all the time upon his .frieoda, the :fire-0W" lip Math to ont't 'do-'gentlezetl". iTeretiou illicit I am one Afyon!" Foot - ilayie's °bleary . Wit 3 eb , ispiTyJmitiktio4 of thi - genttine article of Southern manufacture. ''. fOiliciii 4 4isn ' t thaiii l 7/ 7423 "t0tthl 1 Fur OO =Do Etata.ai,A CO *2ltrovri • 1 ~,, t ,C HAwitutnuart,•Jew•l2.4Seo- I 1860,- -- Tie Enartlintletson d drityieffeb*" the Ten 1a: Gazette In thi Scant% to da.Y.Mr - Pen - m next, lit Itarriablirg, itt - ttie Stiente I iiey rind lit place abillsupplementary bathe not c oca, Rom The tutu 12tb,,istkim ,tor, incorporating the Pittsburgh GAS Co. -41.. L- liddieitil Din riots have cot yet fipOlittetl deli". i House bill to restore the act for deeetePteE I otstes . . . • --. " Ilia mineral mottoes of the State; so tar as re - ' '''.. dudirtat Dfthicts: `7.l7aArThitrf,44:: Ries to Veaaago county, passed to second read- 2. Joasotilinithrmothm_ ' 144 Dana.lltidne, ,` 1130 and was Lail over, at the - request of Mr. 8. rWs• Johaanh, , in. Dlatitt, - 1, 1 4. Wm.A. wsuomo, tiLitni. ltotievon Flnney, who intends to oppose it- _ • Lk. • 5 . G .,,,,, Thw0. ~,, 17. Otoz- euvi. '' A few bine wcto reported tram Commttleta a Darla flortm,,. . to, tr„ A kat,.: ' - and a few others read in place, bat all loaf an d. 1 7.. 4.11 . . y .. r,.. .. Ft..4anies.K.Davis,. of no intent West, and after an hour's e alon ; : . .7 . l:',..V r r4't . - afr.trgtv,.. ,b 6. Senate adjourned till Monday. t ' I to. J.IV . Watt. 21. Theodotosl tremor,' This adjournment may seam like idleness, but, it. 17. 13, Wright, IS. D. J. raikmait do Its ea te n - t 13. Zama el D.Tboross. WS. TbreaviOstingoot. the Senate 603 really nothing te • t dar of hills numbers only 62, and of three all but about a dozen have been disposed Of. Vat Rinse Ste numbers $7, and moot of them have been acted en. Mr. Irish is preparing. and vial offer on Mon day, his bill to prevent discrimination on rail roads. It is a strong hill, and one which will `command general approval in Pittsburgh and, I trust, throughout the State . , la the Rouen, the Committee on the cont,eated election case of Wiley vs. Dullield, reported in favor of Dr. Wiley, and that 'gentleman woo duly sworn ie. The Pittsburgh L.: East Liberty Passenger R4Dway bill, supplement to Pittsburgh Bridge Co., supplement to Chartiera Turnpike Co., imp -1 plemout to act regulating Bridge Co.'s; relative to road viewers in Venango county, and to se cure the wages of laborers in Fayette, were all reported favorably from Committee 4, and will be noted on at an early day. Mr. Goehring read in place 4 bill to crraio a new township, to be called Richland, out orparM of West Deer and adjoining townehips. ' Mr. Custer and Mr. Collins each a bill to re duao the pay of members Mr. Gordon a bill to incorporate the Redbank Navigation Co Mr. Bryson, a bill to prevent, the destruction of fish. ,Mr. Williston, a General Banking Law. 'Gen. Negicy, of your county, has been here for several days, laboring in connection the military committees of both bodies, in framing an amendment to the Militia Law, and tiss suc ceeded very generally in his mission. :The Hounds this afternoon holding a special session - on the Tariff resolutions of Mr. Strong. They 'will probably pass bcforo adjournment totday. Tall MEN BEHIND vast SCENES AT WA81112:0- TON.—WASIIISCITO3, Jan. 13, 1860.-111 000 of Mr. Bnlwer's last and best novels ho liffe the veil - from the innermost accrete of English elates : manship, and shows how often the ablest of the political leaders of that country are indebted to the unknown and unheralded' ekill, labor and learning of others. What is true at that country is eingularly true. of this. We see the proud neat figures playing their parts on the stage,but we never see or hear of those behind the scenes —without whom they would be sorry actors in deed. We see the hands on the face of the clock, but not the machinery, that moves them. I I have often thought that it might repay the investigation if a list of the hard-working and obscure intellects engaged in ;Washington and elsewhere, in supplying braise and materials to our great men could ho prepared and printed. Take the single case of the Committo of Waya land Means in the House of .Representatives. This is the most important of all the standing committees. In it the whole financial policy of the Government is annually aid constantly de veloped anti ventilated. All the estimates of all the departments are sent into this financial mill, where they are picked, winnowed, and prepared for the action of the Representatives of the peo ple. The details are vast and ocimplicated, call ing for an immense amount of reflection, ar rangement, and toil. The chairinan of lilt com mittee is to the House of Representatives what the Chancellor of the Exchequer is to the English Parliament, and next to the Speaker, the moat important man in Congress. The Howse is com pelled to take his reporte upon faith, and o there. fore, the selection of the chairmen is one of the most delicate and important dolles of the Speak er. Every dollar appropriatedinust first receive the sanction of the Committee of Ways and means. The army, the navy, the Indian depart ment, the general postoffice, the hod office, the jadieiara-, in all its various ramifications; the officers of the customs, the foreign agents of the Govcnitnent, it, every part of the world; indeed, the entire Administration of this Confetiernay Comes is this committee, Reeking the means for its cuannuance and ire operations_ Imagine such a personage is John G. JOISTS at. the head of the Committee of Ways and Meatie. Utterly unskilled in the science of government, unblest in intellect, an inferior: ;lawyer, a very awk ward parliamentarian, he could so more =S tet the labor or comprehend the details of that petition than a blacksmith could understand the machinery Of a watch. Even !the most accom plished etatoemen is compelled; when placed in the chairmonehip of tole committee in rely upon the efforts of others. The brathe of the commit tee of Ways and Means are nipped by Mr. Cochran, a clerk, (a modest, cosiet, unassuming man, who has nerved In that csrAcity a number of years ,) who devotes himself let ell time! to the preparation ef the bills and to the collection of data and information from the v armee depart ments of the Government. Thdse who know him epeak of blot as au extraordinary intellectual machine. His knowledge of nadirs is so' accu rate, his integrity unquestionable, that his cal culations are' accepla7d atal adopted at niece. Be may be said, indeed, to be .coithsellor, 4.lTiner and director in reference to themeet important AppropristiGcs. No scheme, OWever craftily concealed, can pats unchallenged by this senti ment at the door of the national treasury. I understand chat he has already'. Owed all the bills for the action of Cougresa, and when the Speaker is elected, and the Gotemittee of ways and manna appointed, they will be immediately presented to the House. And yet who ever hears of Mr. Cochran, excepts those who care to inquire into the eecrets of the business In thle great political centre Another of these unknown, yet indispensable hpublic servants, is Mr. John M. Byes', of In diana, journal Clerk of the More of Representa tives. Mr. Barclay is as thoroughly vetoed to the parliamentary ecerete and details as Cochran is in the expenditures and reveinne of the Gov ernment. As you enter the Haase, when It is fully organized, you will ere etanding on the right of the Speaker a young gentleman, named Thaddcas Maurice, who may be called the prompt ci of the presiding officer. Me began his service sX a page, and I think it was MX, Cobb who first took advantage of hie skill and talent, and from that day he has been consulted by all the Speak ers. When a new Congress assembles it is curl one to observe how rapidly he becomes acquaint. eti with the names and appearance of the mem bora, and those who applaud the Speaker for his readiness and proficiency do net know that the - unpretending young man by his side Ire . qnontly puts the words into the Speaker's month. 'WM. SEWARD, LOLT3 NA-rOLRON AND TOE POPE-- About three months ago Senator Seward, who was making the tour of Europe; called on the Emperor, who happened to be, at Compiegne: The Senator was shown into n 5 ante-chamber, and Napoleon soon made his appearance. At ter the usual salutation, and taking his position, standing with his back to the; fire, he offered the Senator a ea g er and cominenced smoking another himself. ilLe asked bite all about New York nail Cot Webb, and then fisted him rib Out his visit to Europe, and whom and what he saw. .Mr. Seward, among other objects of interest, said be had :men the Pope. "Oh yes, the Pope," responded Napohien; ..tell rue all about him. What do you think[ of the Popet" The New York Senator hesitated a moment; bet notwithstanding bin charaCteristic caution, the Emperor wormed oat his opinion, and Se ward wad, 'I confess I think him much Moro of a priest than a statesman." Treciscly BO," re joined the Emperor; 'you have jast,hit the nail eh the head. That, too, 13 my opinion." This anecdote, which we havilon excellent author it, shows that the manifesto Which is now giv eto the public, was then working in his brain. Tie Pope he regards as only fft ;to be a priest, and he will confine him to his high vocation. Ile will etill'call him a tempoial sovereign, to minciliate the Pontiff's pride arid make the vaat ter smooth to those who might be hostile, and he will even consent to his being the Sovereign of Rome, but not with Swiesl for his body gram], nor even his own Romans, but with trktops or the Italian Confederistiois. Ono party ley' Europe dOutanded' the abolition of the tem poralsovereignty ot the Pope-i-another insisted Ora his temporal sovereignty being upheld. Na pbleou has iirappiiy reconciled 'both ideas in his admirable plan, which suits tb! transition 15 tato of the popeders, and will please all parties. lie thus proves himself a protonnd philosopher, a great statesmen who comprehends the spirit of the age, and is himself its foremost, refire:To tdtive in P.:more—Poston JelarnaL A SLICICTAII, Live SUIT.-111111 lieu York cor respondent, of the Boston Tranicript says: A singular law cult iu pending ,Ittet now. When &fr. Olmstead woe engaged as superintendent of the Central Park, a caricature, represeating him in the act of bribing tho Mlitore of a pop ularjourual to advocate his elsitor, was sent to the Commiseioners; EODLI ober 'Lieut. Viols was tannin:tied Chief Boginter of die. Park, and op- Pimed by OEO of the board on the ground that be Was tho author of tho offonelvo caricature; by which charge ho lost his nppointraent and salary . of two aim:wandter annum. firi now brings ea ;Mika forlikel against the saenihrrobarking hire; With the fact, toying Ids demagrankten thiousand :'I Tire CieciensilTa aye rhat PorillwA is to be killed off _for -entertaining an. lie doett, the, make .- biorthmit . DomoortiOT must, Ism entertaining theearia riawk,,bekWeilOff too, oh, wen, ore- are net going to.ilietrein ouisaireit. , to death *bout AINOORAPIIO.—MtVerfOrd College, .iii Dela ware county, Pennsylvania,' seems to byre: be come the great (seas of the autographloperlizi-: cation. Many of the students, within s: ;few years past, hove been seized with the 444:1 -lion lion of rivalling each other r in the 'argentin; Of their collections of the Rtleogtaphe of men of :note in the profeesions, and in politics, literaturerand science, and are writing mites to ouch manna all over the country, asking for something,:in their hand•writing, somewhat to the emolument of the Post Office.—Nets Fork Post For Indigestion, Try Bcerhave's Holland IliliOs. For Heartburn, Try Btrrlutro'3 HoMind Bitters. For Aaid ity, . . Try teyltre's Holland Bittins. For V/ Aterbrash. Try Bcerhave's llolland Bitten!. For "1-rettilnelle., Try Bcerhave's Holland Bitteys. For Loss of .A.ppotite, Try Bcerhave's Holland Editors. For Costiveness, 'try Bcerhave's Holland Marrs. For Piles, Try Bcerhave's Holland BiWira. To nll :remote, Itt.,lraistic nut Neuralgia Affections, lt hoe in aatilerou. Instil:Mal proved highly uetellelel,imil to other. effacted a decide,' core. Elsotatorar—Tbellent.theblp,hly Coarnotrstedlioer• bore's Rolland Bitters In put op In halt pint bottler. only, and rotelled et Slyer bottle. The greot &mond forlbis truly Colebroted Medicine hes Induced many ImltstiOns, vide, the public sbouldgreird sgslustpurcluutiou. E.I.PCFO Ece,that our nnnie talon thelotet of ovary bottle you buy. • DZICJA.IIIfI PAC/B, JO,, & CO, Aolu Prqutetore, Wood etreet, between bet end Id au, ritteburun. t., is oltbdistir JU Satibestilientrms. WINTEIL BOOTS AND SHOES REDUCED 12' PEEL CENT PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE; DR F.WE:R•S BLOCK. pen D. 8. DIIITEN BAD EMI. CItIe3WEJ...L. HOUSE, SION AND °EMMENTAL PAINMS, No. 61 Frrsu STREET, Opposite Odd-Fellows llnil,'• An , prepared to do all kinda. of l'ainting, Graining vriCti aainots eni doped, ,1•211. yd • ' 1860. VALENTINE lIEADQUARTETRS..IB6O. VALENTINE ILEADkUARTERS. VALENTLNE HEADQUARTERS. ..; TOr larookt and boot actortmeot of NEW AND VRESIf VALENTINES. Ertl. offered for male in Ibl,elty. C.,nprislog ocory varloty of elite and Enlsb, CAN BE BEEN AT HUNT • HINER'S. CAN BE BERN AT HUNT A CAN HE SEEN AT LIUNT •'! q.. 1" AT WROLUA LE AND RETAIL AT EASTERN I'AICS3. Pat op la lot. to bolt pm-chimes. Petal your trders to MINT L twin. irirPrim Its. sent free whin &lured. la:II:aft illfr DuQuilsznzi rot:rim:lnk:7T ItIeCOY Zcz Lilac:err .9rih3Er. rmna‘ R. R. D*. I=l MANUFACTVRE to order, on short notice, O.IhTIN,M, SAIAITING k FULLEY4 et all and ittowripti,lo., 01 the brat matotials nod Latest !Oleg aLro WittlON Itt;ECE3, SAD 11113N8,611.ATR5, kr, 41!tt.Ta on h.nd or mot to ordor. Id'tkder• 1. fl of the FOUNDRY. or ot Cortionrießi. ot St 3 ir,xl ei. will main. prompt •tUrAkL. 1,2141, N `"0 0 s. 1431KKo1GEIRD CULLAEO ' COLLARS' AtiD ELEEtp, The New Woven Trull Skirt, 10 doz. Wool Joel ,ctiorA L 7 Exprooo for We et for prke. G 7 JAKI — grra:r. CKER k MACltuatryißds. ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS.- 3r A 11311 10,011MItIlt or IEIIRTZ 11131.1.111. csomminrA, Dll-111 , E111 1 , 1,, ri,x,1,1: ettaap I, • EkT.N, cant k 31ACIIUMf Filth atka. loili;: . s.llllsiGiri tl,O do I...aster do d, L., do do Puldry Lra4dP; taxo , tiroa4r4T. klkidilugs; do 1/ratr. 75 bola anorameen& u..t ra7Aaaml awl esto & NE1.864, Federal and N. W. nu Otero mt. Lat Allretana. r 17 PHA NUM-5J &mks pima Paa Nut,: DRIND AITLS6-11 oatk• tawsl A pploi - , fraIED PZACTITN-14 nets Driest Peacbol. Afr0...140.11yr sato by DElltt• U COLLIti , '. saeke leathers; tlroand Nut.; • /11111!iEEMEN IS A lAD DICKEY •to. rEI 0 LET—The WAREHOUSES oppA A site the lota/ogee Depot on Literty StlVA`t. T.,.1S nab au.l no charge till slier it, bent of idle,. nest.Eniultoof . r j4laraC4lp EL D. WILKINS or J. PATLINKID. I, I. . T _EMuNS-10 boxes Sicily just orrice . lf on 12 cooligoractit Lit fele by WAIT. bICIINY,;; hi.2l No. 315 Liberty lame!. DRIED FRUIT-1001rusb. Dried Apples J. recels.l .nJ fur stlo by J. A. ELI ZEltt, coritrr Marknt•od first nreii!E. COUT VERY LOW—Plrtkla Fancy lronchllcricoo, Plea and Foos, Cqburpi;iill wool Do !.'lnes and Plaid!. J 471 O. HANSON 74 Marko; WANTED -500 bash. clean Rye, by !!! A. rzvz en, cm/awl:et t 14111. COCOA NUTS--862.just receiving for . Ole by ROBT. DICKEY, US Merry ollyort. DEA NUTS-50 sacks prime now arrang far onler by nonr. WORRY. :Itt Lttway 4. 3.3OIINSTON, DSALER 1N; PURE DRUGS, GENUINE PARRY MEDICIOR, DUD :WINO FLUID, CARBON 0111..,': • CIGARS. Stu., Sco. • ALMOST EVERY M AN NOW-A-DAYS wells are gooJa her the hbeet," the "pored," be4ho ',Wok eat" lu dio city. or 'ln the world: . Even thb Mo raine charlatan who eell• Slam and Flour (wilted In Worm ardor,) for Cream Tarter, rolls It strectig pan and o.le,:ite erintiWain& (to hie own knowledge) terenty.tba peril:ant. adulteration in Itko manner, In thabonntry wilmohotlithks hinted( or hla hi:minor might ha rungnlBBl Into robufhla2, ho etylea binned( an ''lreorresi" If Jon were to &Watm whet. geoid! ware cleared, he would mutt likely toll :you , at the IL 8. Mint!" Thle 1.11 OT"lmenoftho maw Ceram, .perte of tea effendone that we am daltg. O. bar vole aro, too Indium. to theaares My lotcole are purchased from tho oldest and most tidle. blo hours In Owe country, exclusively tor cub. noel ill I wk. for them bin Mal, Iron which t Would expect tokillo voltse mime tbso axon. hatir..4l Mats! fl a ts! Mats; CAPS ! CAPS! CAPS!! LADIES PURE!! LADID6' eurtsiti W E WOULD CALL cqpoz:ial attqtion to our nest stock of FURS, which wo uluiing put VERY LOW Centro flat Store. 73 SYCKID STAFZET. jamrlerd 11 11.16E100.1AB! G cout.outt. 160 WHOA IT MAY CONPERN.—MitIee is hereby given that on the 10th . day of January; A. tr , 14(0, the Putthurgh, Fort Wayne Sod Chicago Ditlitoed Maappy, tiled in the Distrkt Court of Allogheayoniutty,, , penury I mole, its petition praying- that the order borik. foss made by sold Court, at t h e Instance of Perk. 11e0Fdy A W....m.41u cant or pequeltrellop twang theproperty. andel - T.4'ot said Railroad °employ may be had:hind:lead that the writ Memel in parstrance theme( may be qaesbed, or that sold well my be supereeded and .11 .6r:therm*. college thereat:der be abated sod pot an end to, a n d for ouch farther trdara sad relief if may te , propor the All persons ertin may be concorood in the pranging Ise hereby nodded that by order of said Carat the heating of the matters of said petition If set for the VIRST DA% 02 WEDRUARY, A. D., IRO. - '7OIIN L. 11Ab1VTON ja9o3ohl • Solleltor of the Compenj. - TO DISTILLERS.—For sato the 'Apri_iirtv tar ti.d Elarldnery used by ,Jamorbfrlatabliu,Ated, in diddling Alcohol. This • Matidiresi is . Very co lateand• Motile of taming oat 60 bblr. per day. Ass 9rthi apparatus has Oen damaged by the ot l =, loge whole will be sold at very low the Also, this bbild. loge mad property Connected with, thn above, zsitriats on Da mod Street nal- rim That, riming through to • at, • The ; Mews property, propeitr warily .the otterrtionot personale theibtisiMm. taabilihrfrYli RI ficriold Operate It deetut filioaititeliadtlearoEllgta,4l-Sist!ustotte4..",'• binitißLES—a Dry Hide; fa Is imetcsiatbmi; bats abto G thrce• Nc.l rank 12 barldatesstetUral 21. eto 2 do":- Oa steacutaldhazion to yFilstor WO • . LJ , - Dzarayco.- PNEKAUTS-49 , sablapiritne:11a:446010 askturra,psral !p y; - Fr - umrlitAXgatlr?- - "4' 2 V• 0: ArtIDEARi' C ALL O,NCE. . • Itt EXILIOS33FULLY ALL,' DISI;.ISES or VIE EYE AND EAR ;,.1 . • . . . EXTRACT PROM' TOE MONTfiZAL DEMOCRAT. - ift7T"Da BORT %FRI ebortlyreturn to London, tits being Ids fourth clelt ammo ee—this visit &ibis a slick one, but lug enough to bums Itlut a cordial welcome wheatver be Malaita ea. Rehm proud roan who bid any 14ofeselettel terercoun with him, that he to act only' sciantbic Oculld. and Audit, with the tree jodgmentof • a man dditidi in Ids profeadon, but combines In hie deeding. that of a gentleman in itefidil meant*. Ma advertisements are not sea uue near ley put forth by thou who preheat In public , lointi to cure every possible ailment which dish b heir to,lbut they boos the stamp of • man who la muter of bla a! Dr. B. &optics tbe empiric and quack ea much seamy cart nor will he stoop to deceive anybody by false bore, or by warrant. log coresby any other memo generally amp oyed by thcaw who GEOGIU artifices to Get, patienta, and tb n glee them their b.:atrium, which here really no other mitt then the mane of getting Immo faunal, of the IMPE at& Dr. 1 1 '. Irtracriptione have been elamined by the brat phyrichiumi and chemieta that we have In oar Provinces. Do ha. no • areret in his Oka, nor ereiteeec ho riocs in hie Profmao.l nor are Las testimonials from that clam of perione who commonly giro menteal carat:atm, hot they are of the very beet anthorltice, not ha folly deeorree the confidence ninny Community that ho my tint. We ad rise all lo call on him berate he karat ut." ROOMS AT C. W. CONNELL 37.1, No. 152 Third Street, near Smithfield SCE GARD tis 011110 K DODD. Early epplicatlon le requlrol of petlenta who wish th. (all benefit Of my treatment, and do) alnico to seeded them eared, Remember, timo limited; only amid the Gtr of iebrnary but will Tien Pletebory,h every three a:loathe for ore or tw years. CALL WITHOUT DELAY. 1.41t0d SAMUEL GRAY &SON, Merchant Tailors, No. 19 Fifth Stteet, IN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THE BAL ♦NC6 OB THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK PREPARATORY TOIREOEIVINO THEIR SPRING GOODS, Ma Dow :tfforlog them at 15 PER MIXT. LESS TUA TUE 111117 AL PRIORS. Thelr Btock embreca all the N. And Leadiag Ftylo or, lb. Seneen,comprising • Fine A tortmeat or Black & Colored Cloths, FRENCH AND ENot.fsti cAbSIMERES, HIISINESS AMP OVERCOATS, SILK, PLCSII AN!, CASIHIERE 4kc Which will MADE TO ORDER in the Lntest entlestApprosed-tnenner.— Fa* At Cost! At Cost!! n order to picpnrc for the coming Spring Trado,twe now offer to the public OUR COMPLETE AND WELL ASSORTED LADIES' DRESS GOODS RAOLANS AND SHAWLS, Flannels and Blankets, and our stock in general AT COST! AT COST!! AT COST!!! W. Sr. D. HU(iUS, .o. 102 Markel Street and 13 Fifth Street. 1.16 AILEROF STOCK. FOR SALE. 1.000 Tlf6 CIJSVPLAND IRON lIININCI COM PANY own Three Thousand acres of Mineral Lands to the consity of Marquette. Lake Smiler - 1 r, II kb Igen, upon which tO opened upon.. of the LARNEST and PUILIBT Iron Ore Bonk. In the world. Over 14.000 tons hove been mined god sold, 10,000 too. of whkli I dare .all to the Iron man tars of Ltd. eity. TA.Oompaoy owns aLoot one-half ILe real ...ten. of lb. town of Illeggeetts, the Importance of wtdeb Le well !nose. They harrLow • ridiroad to the Mitlei, and other fecilitles clonal • complete Won. the/ the rapidly Ineresaing de mond for their Iron Ore the Le preiMPO7 I propose In sell One Monsen/ Maros of the Capital Mork of this Company, and will Ile pleased to .Low It. ad. santegee and cerfalntie. of proht to any person within to Yho Inky. Oorepauy b eat of debt, and I. nor only Ina paying araditiun, tins is Inerea.lng Its worklog capltsl weiery 7 000 . The Marker, Map of London, /So, can to M. by calling upon um at the Ci.rrer Ottice, Monongahela Hum, Pitt& linegh. JACOB REESE. SRRINC3 OF 1800 A TIF IC I AL -- FLOWERS, LACE .4A>utiollEs, comma AM, NANCY IKATIIBRA, riLe.ntt NANCY 00001 1 , te, tr. The subscriber has in store nearly half • million dollars In taloa of this dowriptlen of 'good; sad remllaals to ra miss weekly from his Yanterbas In Paris, the newast de. egos, which he offenrfur ails in largo quantities! ID mar. chants on liberal terms, JOON 0. FIEND/AWN, No. 343 Broadway, Now Took. Au! 102 Ron da Richelieu, Paris. J•l7.3md SECOND Ltsloftricatiri for trolling eiqro,..e.ioltoikju,,ow .I.onary loth, then. Brashly Jam., tworo, Itiontaglism; Minh Henry, w DP.100.1111R000411 , : Leotetrd 11110s1, •• ' Robinson 43%0101g; Ilethallonah A Au lersan. with tabor gets's, Ith Thomas Richard, with other goods. flat tostahlp; Wright John II , tsrero, lid word, I'llisburgig WAN. 'l'. W. whit other goofs, nth weird, rittsti . gli; TOOMAS A. ItOW Olsrk'sofEks, Jan. 191 h, 1500. JAN:OI COUItT OF DEATH, fly REII.OIIANT PE4C.F nbme,1131.4 SI,NLy .1. L. READ, 78. Fourth st HOLDERS OF CERTIFICATES or othor I o i.eocuol itulebtedocsa of Ailt. LAILINER, can ow, n wfloo of tbo a.= to payment of Raid &toga which I ha,. for eala on advantagaoos Dram A. M. BROWN, of Maraball l Brown, J*lB.C.t.l No.lol Fifth street, Pitliburgh. rpliE UNDERSIGNED have associated with thorn to the hollow. of Maaufortariog IRON, NAILS an 4 STEEL, ANDREW WO. Ib LEY. at)lo of the fins rrlll enutlusie as horatotore, MUM, BROWN A 00, .P.O4burgb, Dcc. 8.1, 1837 WAYNEIIRON AND ATEDL WORIE9 REVErallri srtowrr& 00., MANUA =REM OF IRON, NAIL AND STDEL, Wear/eau 120 Water Street, Botword Wood *od Baled streets, 1. 1 -91: Ala - - ROOFING! ROOFING!! ROOFING!!! Tho Best Roofiog in.nso. Felt, Composition and Pebble goofing; Felt, Gum, Cementand Canvas' Roofing; Patent Asphaltic Felt Roofing; Old Idsky Roofs Renewed or ReiNdred: ROstlug Iteterial Are sods. I Cetl 5176 RISETRITELD stitser, Dar Post•Ddice. ALL irons. WARRANTED. JOIINSON, Pinsiseds sod Idanssts. lEZllefil LOST, 1 ' AId.ND STREET, A BIINRII OF B.lalLA:im IFE:148- I .. • Tha Meier viirtiesse reM r n them enl receleh i liberal let 7 nasosrr >lsas aroroir UWBy en 4 Bend meets.. DOSINaS•IIOUSES LE 41.- T.•line. A.P:WirehmtiOmvyrOcdotroot, bglov Comm); cow in . oc. tingto_gof Lb* Awe:lcon Oml Oa -2', - ; A warikhowes-504 And tar tailm!ii. , -c mnizat FN! K9anheamor I oPtoto ItmmgenWalar iC~nerito ,filtoini-Roma - ta *titbit iiB4 .Allioro Room soaDoellios Salo% Marta al: IrooMnitiamr Wood; Mom /ties am3Dirotting, Comm On: Muillottokato., Ilet.loo. Gout aW. IT/faarrA*lfda iF111104.51. 124211t=M ' F ~~ Dtitttigtmints , .9YF: . Te . h.,., , , , ••: - ; ,.. r ., --,., 1-:. -,,, .. ,- ... , :_::: -, ..;:.,--: , .•:',,..,-.....,..,.'.,:: 1 ----.- --• -_.:,-,..: -..:,-:-,--:---,----- -- -- A. BRADLEY No. 4 Wood Street, WwOULD INVITE PUBLIC ATTENTION to the Urged Mock and greatest variety or atom, to the 6tate, among which will be Cooed the celebrated COAL COOK STOVES, TROPIC, Eureka and Arbiter. TOR WOOD, TIIR VICTOR, LIVE OAK & PITTSBOROFI ARE MY.. 072 PASSED, tkgetiter with Preniintn ittotekor thrtA ra r let fa S PARLOR AND-AIEATING STOVES OP EV/BY DEnalfrrlON. Great Indocamette offerut.tu Ftnlidere sod talon In nn of ORATES, (MATE FfIONTs, ISENDSII9, We would cnll partienlar attention to or Juotty coletace tad • DOUBLI3-TOP GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING s T o VES; TROPIC, EUREKA AND ARBITER, The only au and Smoke-Comm:lora la the market Wh ere that are called no here not the DOUDIA TOP—the wain feature In waving Nett. cud Pool, which it secured to as by tyro patents. To thaw in giant of • lanwe for Family tn., that has no a failed to give satiafartfon, we would ronotomend then which, although tboy bawl never been exhibit.] at Ma or County Fair& haven reputation for Durability and Ea owy In fuel =equalled by any other Etna+ in tho State. CAUTION—Buy no Store egiled Gas Con enntensitithont the Double Top. nolB:Cand • FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED .41_4 DY TUB STAYS FAIR TO GRAFF Sr. CO., DeLILNLIF.iIiCrtiFLEFtIit. FOE TUB BEST S T '0 V E S. YOE THE BEST -COOKING RANGE FOR FAMILIES, With tardy Peod Door for Blresorlng In Coal, AND BEST WOOD GOOK STOVE. DIPLOMA POE BEST LAUNDET STOVE. Also, on bun] a large aniortmoot or Dealing Stores, Plato and Panel Orate Vroota, Fender., Bad and Log Irene, Sugar Bonita, Wagon Donn, !tonna Wanly de. GRAFF CO, so. 245 Liberty Street, AT TEM HEAD OP WOOD eraesr. arlt.lyd Prrrantranu. Pour, A. KREBS &. BRO. PRACTICAI. SithogitapitTi Cornor Wood and Fourth Sta., PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM SCECIICUMAN, Practical Lithographer, Non. 17 and 19 Fifth pt., Fittaburg . h AK, DIPLOWAS, PROW CARD?, PORTRAIT?, LABELS, BONGS, CEETIFICATE.I OF STOCKS BILL READS.. DRAITT3, Downer's Prolific Seedling Strawberry. 6 VQUAL TO 31',1 VOY'S, SUPEIZIOR to tionillitig to rim Noel to Boris New Ploe to Amon and moat sax to ten Una. as productive as any other of the one handrail •sri.ties In colts Onion ." sap/ Mr. Downer of h. ante Seedling. • gentleman with arta. I ha...beau acquatuttal and dame boesorts with for year; tad to all our tnaussetinus have asciir lout aaaan to mbatonlit hts wont or Ennoble dual lag, atikh lodnrao tos to same the agency for his srocalerfully prolitle burr, Pend for circular. of report of I nrestlastlog Corinultt e. sag Pittsburgh and Oakland Narserle.. Broadway Mills, Cor. Tent% & Unnthwav nth., Ky FOR 5.A.1...E.. OFEER for sale the above Mille, capable of mating Mom 150 to 175 Ms of doer every boor, baying 4 run of Woos, 3 for grieding wheel and I for nail, mating extra and due dour at sours operation out of auras wheat. Thie Idlll has been In operation Lot • little nodthree yew., and Its product has a good reputstion east weal, and Is known by all who hare moralised to bo cue of the Magi complete and brat arranged In the country for making money with, taking us Illtle steam to make s borrel of !lane with os any test or w.f., complete in all Ira parts, In good running order; and, being situated Isar Louisville and Nashville Railroad Depot, has firalliraw for getting wheat unsurpassed by soy In the city. The uralersignsd, net baring trafticlent capital to carry on the bannown modally. sod spdtblog to stud up his business sod embark in other pureed* .111 sell open acconnotodatlog terms— The 11111 is open every day, where be eau be funnel deddslrad BM. Y. O.4O•TiIUN, KNIFE 8, GUNS, . . . . . Or anything In thoeIITLERY Ilno, rte.!, ror CA RTSIOUT 2 YOUNG'S, CARDS 1 CARDS ll PRINTRICR 9tutt AND COT CARD Dtat miChuml Iv tho Market- Cards for Mounting Photograph ?ictura3, Of Baperlor Quality and at Low CrLeta, El, and Wkilealvlfine lfe•Datadt,Sfrato Evan' dc,en hand and fur sale Ay A. Y. COLLI3II3, PAYER. 4 CARD ITatuboUso, 40611Ri'OR STREET Jaci.lyd PRILADELPRIA. SUNDRY PRODUCE.-- 8 bins embers's. • lto do Petul liomloy, 3 Gbh!! and 3 kegs trod, • 3 bblo Flash gall Butter, lal bbl. Dried Apples, 100 sacks Buckwheat Flour, DV bbl. Ewell II Into Rescues, ]YS bush prime Oats, sat received to consign:nal and for wda by J. A. YkYZIER,e,nr. Marked and First sta. 14 1(iliT I ciairr I sin ai prem.! sopplOng Chorchor, lINI,ouIO. I' I II Dw.llllap, sq. with BURNING FLUID, LARD AND CIAitBON Which I ant prepared to forrdeh to este extent at lotreat price', and warrant the quality equal to no7lo tho city, S. JOHNSTON, Druggist, Dotter In Family Medicine., An, In. An, corner Fourth and Emlthtleld +trees 4/1/-fiPIRIT3 TURPEXTLNE, ALCOHOL, ac.o , l*.Y. , A L A lz D . --DiNTISTRY.— ga DII. CALVIN KING, ho. 47 surrunELD, BT., between 84 end 4th, u, a. Teodoro his serfbeee to the cltlnthePittsb of 21ttabur rgh gh end 'I P d. , Ity to the 11os of hl. profesloo. He ovoid. In the camt Improved mode. of Dental Swum, employing such mated. 1... hem .rood the ordeal of a long armieooo. Ilia M. mlllarty with the most difficult operations Incident to the profamloM warraista bid la asmslog the poblie that per 4cs entistsctlon will be given la all cum entrusted to hi. bend*. Terms Moderate. no2.4ilnd CSILL. DENTNITt Office a and co No. NT GRANT 13T11.101T, opposite the Court Goose, believe. he can wilt the ante of any that may favor him with theirpatrociaget At, of the maim. styleo of Teeth hummed if wished. t 0,9,11,1. cop prvitlEr. OIL yit3AKER & CO'S UNEXCELLED BRAND le to be bad of the Proprietors, JOlllf C. MESH a . Mt B. Third etreet, Philadelphia; elm in Pi o.bl:wet of *BLURB t co, JOS. 'LUBIN% Ir..I.IIIIDCLIPP, DANDZIWOBT.FUNDSBIOI.I,FIIIRON,IMPER, 1111.*US * UNITE& =lather reepectoble DnageMite. It is pnecribod by 3:00 Pbyelidens throughout the coon. tozol i tilli m ad f for purity...Blr Aa m eem p uolfugoltyg 7 d eter and certalnrandlt Combs, Colds, Br t o ' nelltia, ret.thai s , Goat, inacipkait Consomption, litbromallem, end ell Berofo• lom Disarm The peculiar nod distinctive unfits of. Ude Brand of Oil arm ell Wier', to 'fleet.' by um cerildat.,. o l tbe Members of the Penalty of the Uolremdly of Petimylm• nba, end other Medical BMWs, and by annaerons pbyel. chum* of &affection elarywhero. Warn' VE,TYI. iYara..." 1849- MESSRS. HUNT it MINER, Pittsburgh, .111. Pa —Dear Ws Wbllo passing throne, you. any a rear mr., I woo t. 4. 4 34 to purthaso as Athmuuka the beinbuy In Mows. I NU as well pl•abod wills It that I should ilk* anothrt, tot We arannoßyear. Please wad =a, llpubllalsed, by Muni Wan, 111725 T i lllllhtt'd CITY& BUIIIUi ALSICIACI for 1360,ealculatad acid odltad by Pill. Wald rat not b* able' tO sood the book In quesuon. loud tbs equivalent or my mamma, In somashlog to good, tb hole on wlll66eenhla to load the Itledsuse• 1 • Llannon Yalls,Goodnis mousy, THE PITTSBURGH AMANAO,: . % calcalatod Wa , l nd b/ AITIPDXED O. EC I LT., 2 8 4 d„,i.lnAMrgko la AM din .Pricre. Vivo Canis. ESlEWSProar4ion of IL4lOll* Mir kWyetkets Compmalbrpp ur wit. cleS loodoktraihvby "-nig/UAW% ~ ._- . ...,-...i.,..:••....- 4 ..:::•7•,...; : !. .,- -•:/:: , ., . !.•, -.:,..:-...p- 1 .A.,-p-:?,r.: (-"-•'.'!/) ;P. T.: . V .-: - -k l - ,! - ;- : . • . . ~ (......% :.. P • . 1 ' - •: • , CHEAPEST! BEST!! -,' .. - ,LLROES't In-» - 1 . •. ,•. • • . ~ •$.35 pays - . t.bo :Tuition' for Siiigys Iva_ Double •-. Book-keeping; . .IVritin,,. ,,, r, Caurdeiciai ~' ..., ' • - .Arithmetic and LOtitifiefiJ '••:. I ' •. lo,* ftkimeard,s.o; simk..ii..l7;pa.es..,_. tel • - -, li - .., ° V:euZi l Li=compltto a fall coarta;frpa to 10 Reek. ire', lltodant;tipOn arAdostiaz ta gnailinfe'd,lo Le ev ',tont fo manage the edelfte Of . any learbietii,,o ~,,o,j,d to earn sailer, offront 85 00 t 0 $lO Vo. 1. t. : . Staatlite mut-' at , any ,tltti ) ,•—Noyaltalltt:4-No at 'Avian', ' " i.• ... ii i rust plimituns FOIL Beer 03 eAtt'AVRITiNti Foe 1850, 'emir,' at rlttettargh; fritWilphlit . end 0010 stew Fair et Zinairlil, .Also, at the nt um Fobs of the Er t [llOl2 foe the reef Sean. yea ' f ..' Mtilloi.tere. sou remind at hillprt d. I aor greater, 000elmene sod Enibell aoi 1100 of the Collage, enclose Oro 'affix damp. to , .1 stall data' Y. W. ntelltrlie,"Vttatitrgh. Pa. . - 131/IMIC flatittg ' tWMERCANTILE LIBRARE'dS.34CIA4ION LTC' !trap.—The Oath ',vibe./ at t I <4o:te vul Le delivered by ARTHUR CLE VELANDT E. D. D.. OF BALTTASOE 6 E, ON Tt ESDAY EC ENING, 241' iIEST4NT., AT LAPAYETTF. lIAL Solcle.;;—POlPEll—A PERSONA], Tickete.T3 [cote, to be bed at the tiociElsod Jock Sturet. that'll!, Library Rome and at the Doer. ! Doom open at l”c. o'clock; Lecture to Malt. latT)i o'cl k. w. lI.E.I.DOADN JOSESIIIALOREE, W. It. AlegetwAN, JOS. D. POTTIV• O. MADE' cLe4kre,l34thflOttee. Lroncat Vtuat 11.410 aw iiiritcet o t ! Pittsburgh, Jaoll il6lb,1160; fI OaNOTICR TJ tirocKnoLDrits.t-Titiltuntal Mooting of th Stmhboldins ortheAlleg y Valley Railroad Comps° will be held at theiti.7ollol4l6 the city of Pittsburgh, on TUESDAY, the 7th bey t Fehtt4ry,lBoo, at 10 o'cLx h. A. M. A etatement of the Abatis Of the Oa. pay', with the be,teeee.ot the past trar4trill o 0 prteented, and an election foe President and !thieve! for the ensuing year will be bel4 on tame day. Jal6.did J4S. ritßsoN, See'y. 1 Coarambana Omar,l Pliteburgb,Jtintt4ry Mak 1660.1 S.E.S•LIDI'ROPOSALS for sopplying the say . eraldeptutmoate nt,the city of Pltt)tatiatt with Sta• tionet7 .col - Bina Rooks for one year, iyht be !receirid a t . this ofitce anaitthe Vat last. 31 1. Baropiti of the following entimetalt4 lartirlea : moat ah• company each LAC— Ruled Cap. Lanett Metaled Cep end Commercial Note Pepeq Arnold's Blitr. and Ite.d lnkc Steel Pons and Penholdenn (ball* Nandi Eneelhpee, tour einem Blotting Eheeti,,Codar Pendia: Idocliaitc; Rabbet; Blank Book., per nuke, plain and ndschOcordlitit to forms to be tanpithed by each depertment.'L? Ja101,•1 : 'HENRY LABIREP,P4Ontroller OaDITIDEND lioTicz.-111Dir{otOro of the .1110NONOAIIELANAVITIA ON COMPANY" have Ode day declared e sembannnabdtr dend 34 PER CENT . on the Capitol Stalk thertok payhhle tOFILWreold• meta or slier the tlOth of,Jannary Inst., sit the balm at the Treneurer, at the Nave/ tytiVorke, corner 14f Grant and That mean, • • W. B. COPELAWD,',!pressurer. Pittrbargh, Jannary 12th. 1810. •;• WNe iVOTICK is herelpy given ih4i appplica ttoo ttDt De,msde to the Lttleisfare {.Cgds Bate, now la melon, by the Trastrot of the . .. Disciples, Church," to have. act passed autliOrtzlog thsio t or &mow of ttsclrldsoting UO(11* Lot, ettnatad on'oorrkr Of ,Ltant tone sod Bank Cloy, Allegbsoycity. is jai:tf CmooX3 bltsaNCE MXIO bed 1400839. O.Darnrsn.—The Presidon iusd Directore of this Cootpau have this dai deParid Dtvidead of Throe Dollars pot. share upon the Stoek, applies. 41e to the redoctloo of Stock Nato held.UJl tbeCoalPahT• de.2 , /,80t.1 SALOEL la IlAttSßOLL:Elscretary. , Oincs or Prillaman ell bolltanr!t' gib Jiatrifig, ISG. ; 1 : DIVIDEND NOTICC.—Tho Ti*cts(ehg of the o' Piltabittie Du Company 'milt etch divldand of FIVE PER CELT: on theicaltital'brolk of the Company, payable an demand to Elockboktersni s tbelr. legal repere.tallaca, Attila talc/ of he Colpplr- Jalolod JAMES =RI Y,:Tiestroner. THE NEW YORK T Prepare for the Great PoMICA' aitaPaign of 1860! Inducem!mts to NOW IS TILE 1111 E TO UtISCRIBE ! i THE TRIBUNE—DOW m6rp i .taii,eightoen year. old, sod haring *ear n qacrt+f ti thillion Nub ectibera, or coaxial:it purchasers, cliff thumegh tiler, state and Territory of our enion—will ;Ulf nu9iti ...et.. what It bus teci,-the .wrotst thaniploiluf liberty. Pro', cow, and of a hattrwr will conduce Ilp cult naitnnal growth to Virtue, Jodi:wry, Knowledge, and ProirritTi . THE Pi KW YORK DAILY T It Mi r E Is printed on a latgo impede] theetauk prhilished every tuvacting and evening (Enadeya excepted Ii chetah:4En. Karl/aeon the tapica of the times er.10p*_.1.1 . ...0.7., of the best oesepaper writers dud; t 1•0 cntwfir0........, sign Cornoopoodencir. Proceeding, of ..00 Wein ; Lecturer; City Nero'; Cartle, Barre end todoet=t o RA Tk•WI of Bloke; Literary Intelligence; 1117. 4 . 013 111 .81i0. In and the II na, Cookery. *c o te. We strive So make TUE TRIBUNE • nexclopier to meet the *golf. of ;the pobllc— ice Teierrepho new. alone crating orer MARC/per annum. TERkiki .. 11 - c TB EPA' LI TAIRUNIS 1. malted - toklabeirrHibera at 26 per enuoni. in .drone, £ 1 for G.; t0..0 1 .44 . TUE NEW YOLKshairlumELT liltrNE Wyatt,- liahed *very TtLklnt and /E 11.1". .4 ...1.4.•11 the Ed heti .1.• of the Daily, with the CattleiLe ;and General Mat Ittre, validly , ibly !emitted oxpreasly ;for 1111 TRIBUNE; ja r e i*ell Noll. or New Intentions, foreign sod oe Corms pewit:nee, Article., n Cawkery; and 0 Ille4awakau of Llongreas It cen tains a summary of Cougrenlonal doings, W , the more Impertud el...wilco. Wo stall, lucheretofora, make TUE 1191 WEEKLY TRIBUNE 41,1ttirary, as well as • political or aper, acid awn nru ddermineil that It shall remain In froirt rank of family pkpeiii , I TERMS . i fin• Copy, one yearls3 00(PiteCopitn, oar. ya`,14. 1 411 2.4 Two Coplohone yr,. 0 00 Prim dap on tiara, 90 0 i Any pe nt o n Deeding tut • club of tweet ;ferules', will be .tidal le on seri copy. Par a clot of drlyi We will rend The Daily Triboue one yev. . . Tall NEW YORK W 111911.7 TRIBUIE, • largo eight page paper for the wonky, It potilfaliNieserY . Pooturditr, end contains &Model. on the importiht topics of the Clare, the new. of the week, intoned/ ookreepondruca front ell part+ of Abe world, the Nier Y k Cattle, Borne acid Product Markets; Intereettng nied liable Politic 1, kledardcal land Agrkultural Article., P tenl on Cookery, , t, 5„.... , ~• We shall, druieg Gas year, as hitherto; priltantly labor to improve the quality of th e instractiveLautertidnment •p forded by the WEEKLY TILLBUNItriddi, woltitend, shall toutione to be the twit Family Weekly' Natestotper pub. Balled In the World. We conehler the(latileMirkigteparta alone richly worth to cattle raleero n y r's etilf pilot price. . . TEEMS: Ono copy, owe yerip 1121E1r e widen, ,no yohr SEI There aepleo, one year 0 IT. elites, 100 yelo 14 Twenty aopleh Peons address —...1,.....i....{.. 90 Twenty ropltepo cares, of each subtPrilitr...l... 94 Any pereau sending tie • slob of Twent,V,orpere, will be entitled to an extra copy. For • club el( Pdrtyt o two will seed TUE RlOll-WEEKLY RUNE;TRI lued; fur • club of One Unwired TUE DAILY TRIBUNE , w 1 lesi Dent gratis. Pabocriptions may commence at kny {{limb. `1 Teems al ways cob In advance. All lettere ehutildba iildreoned to 11OR ACE GREELEY A Co., Tilbtito Buildings, dols.l24lBB3twensi Namur etehat,YLiw York. BIOLLE TO BIG AD/OLILII:p 411APji TOE. , RICHEST D.14.t0.EM • EYES WORN BY 1 I ; ; Kings or Ernprors. WIIA 1 P A Braurrrur. IlitD or Rem CARDS 1: • T tp_''raily 11 4 o a r r i t f i le cl b e t slr l , ' ( Ei tto w. chart g ria lug of widchlo*ra r y e y beiri e g en indication of a lark of proper socroUoda) In NW, calm able medicine. Prof. WOOD'S HAIR TAN/(7 ti the only safe remedy for baldness, drynces, ~p rorifiatotel'elvartgo of color. and the several evidences of a IsclOsenretione at the roots of the heir, which can be brunt , QUlMPf•Pein'ioo. shooed, and 'hair tonics . fill every .earner grocery"in the contitry. Avoid all "hair tomes! . utilese known to to aloe preparation of some man whose . , uedeprity but become worldwide. Do not lot anY nostriatn vender arperiment upon your hair. Tooth not you tiairnot good reason to bollerre I. all that II parade to be:; fealmtWoad has earned, by years of timbre nut of the eh Pen i(his peeper ation, his present Duna Over 150 certin mien" Wore ' of the mine of this (lair Restorative, ba les who bare tried It. Read the following: t. ••Nrsr Tong, 101 h, 1058. "DR. ROOD. Dear Sir: Permit me to Wait to youth. obligations I nos louder for the entire Dillon of my hair to Its original color. About the Om la fey arrival In -the Hotted Stater It was rapidly bccorolog gran but, upon the application o t.yorir "Hair Redorative' Ow* received Its original hoe. I consider your Matt/naive sa a very won. derful invenUoo, orate elllcadoire ail Well Ye agreeable. I am, doer tile, yours truly. -.;• ITUALBERO." - Iter. 0. W. RUTTISH., Indlawspolle, ease he wore wig (or sereml year ,, bat by the nee 01 Wilodli Hair Reirtor. &Ore he now lies a floe head of balr. IT Bold by all Druggista and by fy...1W,i,a1 A c o , 444 Ltroadway, New York, and 114, Market errksiat,Lords,tio, Bold to Pittsburgh by Dr. ORO. EL. Hillffilta, D. L. PAH. NESTOCIE k CO,,,and all DruggLits. laimd lyi gionctao. DOLLAR HAVING • ft,s4 • No. 65 Fourth Sir CIIARTRRED Ulf 1; KC rIPEIN DAILY FROM 9 ' 11),..i2 or.,OLocK la , el.. on Works:miss and Eatot.hty **cling* from May first to Ili:member first, from 7 to 9 '.xtd from Ito. muter tint to Mae first, from eto to'clPit. . Depuelts received of all mu oat. leek! than one Doila. awl . die - blend of the mufti declared!colie a barytes Jane eml December. Interest has Wort: declared estobtol Jouemut December, aloes; the DMZ rerss °rime zed, at the rate of fa par c.trtt.• yea. , Interest, if not drawn out, ts placed : to o ne l . as principal, and teen the emu istMeet Item dale ot Jour and December, composOlore• ." oat tr.:Minn th e depositor to mil or e to present hit p.a. Loa. At th is Mc, money La less than 13 nakb,g I. the aglto a m:'ao97 oo Ft 47,93 Clml run. Scots containing the elist_tnttitm.i. n ' 42. lateens fornishod gratisom sff+t.`""tr'''. egmew President—GAoMM ALDAZier mos tatmoZ d * , Jobsat. Wet Brildisy Ibpowsil Ilepburr. Jamas BhiMo, Jusea D. 110110. Hebert Bubb, base M. Pennock. HIII Bawds, John G. Dickered. Jam D. Oadliald, 7. Gardner watt, Alamo A. Carrier, • David Campbell, •• John 13.0•Mmim, Cavite A.Calbm, Wlllirm Dumb; .14adels •Boxdradil . Yallimator.ii Jemmy IV. I WlLLiain ft. Caved, 'Chad. &ma &meld* • entiri ,,, (2.9•I.NNESS -lc 89 ro Tp L' j • l i.iiitnlffirgtalt " ;.l 71111' TOR TILOTOUTER ISTATZ4 • . °, 127 Pearl Sheet, New MA: ')..r im,Ordera by mall