Vitisintrot_ itisa znarec-n. F. H. EIRREITT & CO.. JI`DITORS and PRO.PRIZTORB PITT/513 SATURDAY Bumm; , DEC. 10, ME. Natter. Cu Wash/swots. it seems 'probable, from present appearances, — that there will be no organizaiion of the House until after-the ilolidays. The great obstacle to organization is not Ild peen book, nor the dangerlto the South from the election of any one to the Spealicrship who re commended that book. That book is put for ward by the disorganizing minority merely to hide the real purpose they havein view. 'The difficulty - consists in the 'straits and ne oessities of the democratic _party. Its leaders know that Mr.-Sherman is theroughli acquaint' bd with the corruptions and villainies of the Administration; they know that if chosen Spea ker he will appoint such committees of investi gation as will thoroughly expose the rottenness which is a stench in •the highways and byways of Washington; and they knew that such ex posure will be fatal to' the farther supremacy of that party: Hence, to prevent that exposure is the great necessity of the President's party; mid this can be done only by defeating Sherman. They would prefer to elect Bocock; but if they can not stiotieed with him, they will accept any Wa iled-water man, elected as on epPosition midi . date, whom they can control in the appointment of committees.- - Thole - whole •effort; therefore, is directed for An - present to raising such n dust over Helper'e book as will prevent the South Americans from uniting ppon Sherman; and their frequent resort to such test questions as they can raise in the .present condition -of the House, is to find oat thereby which one of the South Americans will suit them best. Their violence, however, is likely to defeat their cunning; for every day they run foul' of some spooky South American, and make him so defiant as to dispel all further hope of conciliation. This game will be played as long as there ie tiny chance of endeese They will not suffer the Rouse to be organized as long as there is any .possibility of defeating Sherman. They base their opposition to him, ostensibly, ou the pres ent aspect of the Slavery Question; but their hostility, in reality, grows out of the certainty they s feel that his election and the investigations most surely renew involve their politi c:lit-doom It may eeem strange that a minority can thus vet the majority at defiance and 'hinder them from organizing the louse but it must be re membered that the presiding officer is the Clerk of the laid Rome, a miserable, vile locofoco,, who rules every point of order in favor of the disorganizers. He at first decided, with some' show of fairness, that ho could not podia upon : points of .order, and must submit them to the Man ; buLllth certainty that the majority, if the real point of order once reached them, would cat off the fillibuetering propensities of the minority, 'determined them to make int reverse himself, on that subject, and he diiso. Coder this new assumption of power he decided that a motion to Isy on 'the table and a call for the pre 'vices question would Poi cut off debate; and there being thus oo moion that mould cot it off, under this ruling, debate must go on until the minority Choose to quit talking. One of the good results of Met manifestations already made is tobe found in the showing up of the faithlessness of several representatives elected by Republican votes. Mr. Montgomery, of the 20th district in this State, who could net have been elected but for the RePublican votes ho got, has voted on every occasion with the locufocos. So has Mr. Briggs, of New York, except on the two ballots for Speaker, and then he voted with the South Americans. Mr. Davis, of Indiana, who ottied his neck, politically, only through the generosity of the Republicans of Lis district, refuses persistently to co-operate with them. Sd do ."..leßara. Adrain and Riggs, of New Jersey, end Mr. Clnrk, of Now York All,of these men were generously adopted by the Republicans of their respective districts; and their altrast open affiliation with thellenTr)c: racy goes far to ,show the folly , of going oat of. the Republican ranks for candidates upon whom to' concentrate Republican support. VrILEITR qr TOE 'PUBLIC TELSANCICE.—We hold the "Democratic" party responsible for the waste of public time and treasure at Washington. Be fore the House is organized and while it Is cam . petent only to elect a Speaker or to adjourn, the Democratic Senator from Virginia and Clark of Missouri commence theirfillibustering opera tions for the purpose of delaying the public business. The matters they have introdnoed as a bone of contention, have no connection whatever with the business b,eforo the country. Suppose Republican representatives have endorsed Help• er's book, or any other book! What of it? Whose bosh:testi is it 7 Has it come to this, that the Southern fire eatershavc resolved themselves into a committee of the whole on the censorship of the public press'. Is it not enough for lthem that they hold the press and people of the South undermuzzle ? Will they attempt to put their padlock on the press of the whole country ? Do theiimagino that in this day of the world they can ostracise our representatives for holding and expressing opinions nt variance with those Of the rice and cotton planters from the swamps of, Carolina? They dissolve the Union ! Let them so con stitute their own vicinage, and to establish their own social order in the Districts and States they represent that they may be able to sleep (piety without s brace of pistols under their pillows, before they talk about "rendiog the Union from turret to foundation stone," , Of Harper's Ferry valor we any nothing. The preeent 'refits of the public moneys temps from the factious movements of that "party of mienhiet," 'to secure the organization of the House by a minority of Its members. Thp cry has gone out and is mouthed by all the dough faces of the North, that a dissolution of the Itiifoo will be the consequence of the election of a Speaker by a legal and constitutional majority of the House! Very well! If the operation of the majority rule is to be thus (neutrons, the Union is alrcruly dissolved. If the great funda mental principle or per government is such a mere figment, then our Federal Constitution has become waste paper. The Republicans ash only right ,arid justice. They are in Washington to organize the flame' and In true! they will rt. forward at once and do so, ifpossible. They are not responsible for the factions and wicked efforts of the hotapurs to distract the public mind and prevent the legit imate bciainWs of the session. Let the desperate faction Who !Quid rule or ruin, weary them selves, if that is pleasant tinsiness. .Portantitely their power to do harm is not equal to their will. Let the conservative and liberty loving-members of the Ilanae ignore the idle bravado of the litre esters, unite at once upon wino honest basis, elect their Speaker and net the whtels of login lotion in motion. The proper execution of the laws and the demands of the legal creditors of tho government alike demand this action speedily. Tan Narr 'Govenapa.—The folios:beg tram mendation of a very worthy gentleman, ae a candidate for the opposition Gubernatorial nom nation, we copy from the Delaware County American "For Governor.—We have already announced :several gentleman imopposition candidetea for Governor. Wa laave,'for prudential ()wielders !lone, refrained from expressing our.prcferecce; but 68 the convention is peer at band, the time hasoonto;to - nokolutown our choice. We only anticipate the wishes rof Delaware county in pathigg Etna! S. EvoNe, of Chador °minty. He is well knead as the editor of that darling old paper, Pie'Vittaye Record, and justly elands high in theastimation of the people throughout the State: •-flovrepresented Chester county plev• eral years bi2the House of Itepresentatittcs; anti oared; with' distinguished - ability, thr ee yearn, ; (rent this district, in the Senate. pablio - record cannot be nasalial. -Ble le sound OD all tho'queitlons of the day, and f nein*. tad would rally lye whole - or Um Op-, pecitiq>a A Suns or ruis Tutius—ln view,* tlie pos sibility, if .not .probability, a-Allesolsition of the Union, growing out of the Irreptiesalii con- Met tioistrin'es of the Republican: .partp , ef the Nortl, capital In New York city LiAlreati 'peek ing Southern investmenti. Within *few weeks past.the bonds of Southern municipalities and the bonds and tdooks in Southern Itailroadelhave considerably appreciated in the money market. A foot HID:2II4s shows that the money deniers, who are generally remarkable for sharpness end foresight; do not • regard a severance of the Mann es at an improbable.—Post of yesterdity. We learn on enciaily, however, that our friend Bean of the Post is of the opbsion that the 'Talon" will Survive :the "Impending crisis," and that he to therefore still In the field fotiN the Postmastersillp of Pittsburgh ; as successor to Mr. Doss in 1860. "A fact liko this ebbwe" that Democratic, editors publish a good deal 'of trash for pole to' feed on which they db not swallow tlieraselves. We regard Mr. Bin's movements to immure the post office appoint rent as a cheering "sign of the • times." He is re markable for political "sharpness and foresipht f 'i and evidently does not regard . the severance of the Union as at all' probable—if he can secure his snug office under Uncle Sam, by, electing a 'Democratic President. Shrewd mail that' Darr in a "oriole," in thus endeavoringdo "appreci ate" hisiown poet-Ace "stook." sitOir-o.n. mattsce &PUBLICAN I&INTINGIL—The .primary Meet ings.for the selection of delegates to the Repub lican City Convention, will be held to-day, open• ing at 3 o'clock P. a. and closing at O. Ths delegates elected, (five in each ward,) will meet in Convention on Wednesday neat; to put in nomination candidates for Mayor, Control* and Treasurer. Wo urge upon all .Itepttblicans the duty of attendiaelbese meetings and seeing, personally, to the selection of delegates in whom they have confidence. For the Daily Pittsburgh Gareth] .l .11,:sars. Editor::—l do not intend to ercreach further upon yo9r valuable columns than appears to me absolutely necessary in order to enter my individual protest against the incendiary senti ments and reckless assertions of the Dispdtch, stud kindred eheets, who appear eo anxious lb in crease the angry feelings of sectionalism noir eo prevalent. , That paper denies any responsibility foF its own editorials. It now says that it "did not find fault with the clergy" because they did not publicly join in with Wendell Phillips, Mrs. Mott, Mrs. Swiashelm, and the bumble folloirers of thole bright abolition lights, but "merely al luded to the fact as curious." Now I would,ask the Dispatch, before it "plunges deeper into this argument," whether it dots not feel sometrhat ashamed of the real sentiment of its editoritil of Monday, and if it is not now endeavoring to:at tach an entirely different meaning to its Own words. I am candid enough to acknowledge my ina• bility to perceive any parallel between the cases of Lafayette, Kosciusko, De Kalb, and those other distinguished citizens of Europe who diew their swords in behalf of American indepOt deuce, and that of John Brown. Does the Pis patch consider these as parallel oases! If ab— and the inference is surely fair—why Introduce the comparison? I can only say that this Is "but Heroding Herod." I much prefer adopting the true RepobliCan ground, in reference to this whole question, nod taking_the doctrines of the Gazette as expreiuled in an editorial on Tom's, last, in which I find the position of our party thus briefly expressed speaking of the imputation that the whole North have engaged in a crusade against the institution of slavery, you charasterize It ass rash and un warranted conclusion, having no shadow of foundation in reality. •The North protein' against so unfounded an imputation. They have no wish to Intermeddle with this much cherish ed darling of their Southern brethren. AR we oak is to be freed from contributing or eon settling to its propagation. The infer'cuce that the Republican party is abolition in its proclivi ties—its ends and time—ie a grossly erroneous Then let it be understood that it is not the Re publican party who would embalm the memory of those reckless and misguided men whose acts have brought such a fearful state of pliblie agi lation upon the nation, but merely some of those "humble helpers" who seem to fancy that this ultraism is about the "only vitality" the party pos‘sesses! I am glad to have read the acknowledgment, editorially, that the Dirpaich is not Republican, and that it seeks nothing from the party. Th'e position which its senior editor lately- occoiird before the Republican County Convention, tO gether with some advice recently volunteered in regard to the selection of a candidate for as lin portant city office, might have induced the be lief that it vase Republican paper, and that it did seek something from the party. The reason ,why-lam thus.rejoiced at the disingennous act :knowledgment Is, that the party of which I am a very humble member may held respell, 'sibyl for its utterances. My object being now ucdomplished, I shall not intrude upon your real dersagain, upon this subject. R. WE were delighted at the hope that the Wean. ington Staten bad found a panacea for all RS agony, when it told us a few days since that It had discovered "cheering Indications" in publid 4ffaire, and. hid an abiding confidence that be 4 fore - the setting of the can on the day of the meet: Ingot Congress "an event would occur which Paul/ consign Abolitionism to the Infamy irj American estimation which it so jusily deservee."i And, says the States, "an aroused nation mends that, as a party militant, It shall receive, Such a defeat In the organization of the House as will render it powerless for mischief on the Itch. day of November." Well, the sun rose and see on Monday, and again on Tuesday, and we have: dot seen the event." What is the premonitory Movement of the "cheering indications?"' Is it Senator Minton's resolution of Inquiry concern ing Harper's Ferry, in which the legialatiVe pow er moot clearly invades the functions of the Ex ecutive and Judiciary, or the preamble and rein ' kitten of John B. Clark of lilbwouri to delay the organization of the House by the introduction of usubject over which it can have no jurisdiction, ie the inchoate position of that branch of Con- geese, before a Speaker is elected! ‘ , ..Lee ns have I smirching investigations, and let the People's Representatives guard with a jealous eye the "domestic peace and tranquility of the country"; but we feel confident that these belay proceed ' inge in advance of the reception of the .Presi dent's Message, whose duty It will be to - direct attention to each legislation as is necessary must hive the very tendency which the Washington States hopes to avert. The people ai every pilot are watching Congress, add they will doom every representative who wastes the time.or die torbs the harmony of legitimate discussion In fahtious efforts to promote mere party. ends. Democracy ham played demagogue on the slavery question long enough, and it must stand' aside arid let the national conservative Opposition apply the only rational corrective. Tne Grand Trunk Railway, palming mostly through Canada, but with American termini, is a great work. It rune from Detroit to Portland. and Is intended to connect the great West and the Provinces with the Atlautle. It is designed to make a great seaport town of Portland, as that city In the nearest to England by oceanic coinmunleaticiu of any on the Amerloan coast. It In expected that this road will draw off much otithe western trade from the previously estab lished lines to other Atlantic cities. The road hall been built chiefly by English - capitalists, sod the work has been done regardless of ex pense. The Victoria Tubular Bridge across the St. Lawrence, a little above the oily of Montreal, Is is grand affair: It was crossed for the first Mee by a train of care last week. .It is, per ,hain, the greateet triumph of civil engineering in the world. The road rains for many miles below Quebec, through a country moat of which is wilderness, and the remainder sparsely Inhab ited. Isis expected that passengers to and 'from BOSton and the Weet will travel by the Grand Trenk. Altogether the enterprise Is a grand ono, but perhaps too much so to eucceesful in a country that is colonially dependent.; The failure of American roads oven, as investments, hie 'arisen from the want of a protective policy. —boy. ✓our. A TIOAA.-LAVATZSTE, Nov. 29.—1 t eeems Mitt the discoveries made here Met Thursday pr ve a fist story. The pikes found in:cov i , utter were of the flatly kind used for eating; and the fugitive slave belonging to Sanford Ris ing woe a wooden dukey manufactured by Mr. Miler the front door of a cigar store." This is of a piece with mach of the tidings wo have from the none of the Ilarper'a Ferry riot. The Telegraph is made the vehicle for the trans miesion of the moat bare-faced hoaxes; and yet mon, ordinarily sensible, are thrown into the Unmet consternation and alum by them, until :ore such explanation u the above hi glum of them. We submit whether such things are not well calculated to throw ridicule and contempt anon the whole proceeding, from beginning to end. That a few mad cap, fanatical abolition- WS should hare bap able to surprise and cap ture s whole town like Harper's Ferry, and to , spread ouch utter dismay throughout molt an extent of country u they did; within after,ilme, be almost incredible; and then' think of the anxious _trepidation of the executive et sweat commonwealth in ordering a large number of 'tree?' to the scene to insure the execution of the law, upon four or five fellows already in their power, will render the whole matter eD ir resistibly indiarotut, that the mention of Rupees fOri .1 14 1 *./4 1411 fter orPftwal with. the 001CtIgt¢tifell4111**— . 41raill For Indigestion. Try Breihare's Holland ,3ltters. For Freartburn, - .Try Bcerbave's uauabd .Irittera, For Try Brerhave's Holland Bitten!, For Viraterbrash t • Try Bunhave's Holland' Bitters, For Headache, Try Bcerhave's liolland Bitters. For Loss of.A..ppetite, Try Ikerhave's Holland Bitters. For Costiveness, r."-• Try Bcerhave's Holland Bitters. For Piles., Try Bcerhave's Holland Hitters In ull Berson', Momentic and Noonhes Affections, It has in namerons Instance. proved highly her ellciel,Oud In others effected a decided cora Haan Gasman—The GenaloebighlyConeentritoi Boer. bure's Rolland Bitters is pat up In half pint boltle‘ only, and retailed at $1 per battle. The gnat demand Or this eraly Oelehrsted Medicine he • !Enthused rim itsthitions, which the public shcsildgnsrd s ans&pm ngr Beware of inspoiltion I fro that our natne Isom the Label, or every bottle iz yr j acaj. PAGI, 31., • 00., Bole Proprietors, 27 Wood etrwet. between Ist and 24 Ea, Plttsbargb. nalikriew/ Rbbettistmentis. • ,AT COST! AT COST!! : For the Holidaisi • • - qmo....PRICES REDUCED To Clear out ffie Stook TOE MISR STOCK OF French Embroideries AT COST! Real Worked French Collars at Cost. Scotch Worked Collars and Setts at COO.' Real Lace Trimmed Collars and Setts at Cost. Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs at Cost; Elegant Lace Berthas at Less than Cost. Infants' Robes k Waists, Ruffling, &c, at Cost. 113-I.Terly of the drove Article., are Mirk* at lise ILaa Eutern Cost. _ A GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE pp, REAL STEEL SPRING SKELETON SKI_RTS _ Sirlicer Is the time for BARGAINS, before they all 0. EATON. CIFULIC dz NrA.CR:O44. deb) INVEST $1 AND KEEP WARM.- 110 moo will buy • good Merino Shirt, 60 cent. 1011 buy • good pair Merlin Drayer, . CALL AND SED.—CPEAVI CREAN j A Slue Shirt for 75 cent; A bolter one for NI% man sod upgrizda ULOYDS, CAUNTLDTS AND lIALF IIOSS protioftiori only lon. Shirt Oollani, Cravats, Ties, Smola, Elandkorthttifs; Soso ponders, Shirt Pronto, a., at great bargains to mince the aLook. No. 17 FLIMI STOAT. .• /we.. UNDERSUIRTS AND DRAWERS, forlidiek I[l.l. and Children , deld KAION:ORIE A MACRITSi t 17 toth.o. N URSERY FENDERS, PADJ-OR roppas, COOK BTOVE.4, aSATLNO STOVES, PARLOR COAL ROW En= Fl 11:01.4 FTATOS, Plan Med, PIAIA .o 1 Prared 'f iN WARE; ' • PATENT GELID IEgNS, =MMI w. w. locAosnAw, N 0.151 wow art.t; deli) Ib.t door below the sign deo Goldan HOP. HOUSES FOR RENT, W&TH ATM PUBSILBSION.—A two .tow, Dwelling Nome 01 4 rooms, with two on the .oUo, No. Hi Dminemeatnarit; gaper month. Also, • comfortable Brick DweillinfLionaa of S rooms, with Mom Boom, t.. Rotuma gr,, on sassier of Colwell odd Logan rtmetin rent Wu per rear. A len, wood bows... Fifth ganef, above liontbfleld; 1176 P 4 f 100 rant by dale &CUTHBERT B POT, 51 HaSkel. LL .AStock of ClothLnig Wanted- ANY PARTY HAVING A CLOTHING or T• 11..0E1E43 BURIN Mid to diapcep of .111 Bird a pa bur by addressing clorinso, ROT 1709,.1.1.. - •sithei, amount of stock on band and ea:a:dint of Melee./ now doing. None but • drat clam boob:lea wanted. • flelo-Zl4. WANTED—Mortgages tor $lO 00 V 92.0.; bawl og 9or yoraro rub; by drlo A Cr/IN IAN)IIIN 4 CO. STOOKS WANTED— !roe city Rook SbrA, • LtAAR P[- -k A UVTIN 1.0011 tA A C) t , COCO AN UTS— ::t71.11 I I . 1.0 .L, n ut..., DATIL.— lto motto Arabs., . Jtut rocolrod and b solo by REIM Fa A AND ' ER.NON. deb , No- la Wool ot.-..pp....1 1 4 ebnrbnl LIMO J. ---..... Cl'ffiON-1 cans Legh.rn; 1 do Gonda; CI/ REANTA-Ll6 bid's, on hand and Lan Nolo . t.y REICIIIII I ANDERSON, No. dd Wood otroot d• 10 Oppoolto St Marko Lloiyl.. IiERRINO —204 1101,4 Seal..d ; . . . . //0 do No, I . . . . • ' . . . firallElL a ANDERSON, No. SU Vrtnal•t. dal° oppmts. St caul. flutai. jrI.LYCERINE, OLD. PALM AND PuN et if E BOA Pet fur sato by el1.10:11 JtriINKPON. Draa,ki, '.• dell a W truer N.rat1.21.1..1 a..., S...F.tie,tjr.t•', -.. . . . 'UE ATLANTIC YEN, Na. kill- —10...1 Y, celregi, • fro.! VI tt.... excellent pro. t 1•10 H. (J. JoinitrroN a co, ST Wm) . 104 riitlE FHANh.' LI g ALMANAC-4.10144D A Variety Denim. Flaaltmilere awl Ma PraditterY.,-,' . , doll) 14.0.JOUNSTON a CO, Id wood 1 . 1 . 114 . SYRUP 3-50 bbls. Baltimore Sugar 11 ,, Mie; 30 do MIMI.!ALBA:god: 10 let. Powaylyozdo do HUBS? J 1 BARSIIII, - FLOUR -200 bbla. Extra Family in si,ore and kg ado low by lIILIELIIST • kAERVII.., doll corner [Reny and Mod .troop.. DARING SODA AND PURE CREAM 1,/ TARTAR log do by d.lO R. JOIINET011; itisrdusuarata f r sale by dell) C. Jormero, LDig--250 bi)111. Louie-villa Lime, a fresh atielejast reaelrect awl kr ado by del° ^ HENRY ILOOLLDIPL. galtEdiSt--A prime article Grease for rile ‘_A by drib LIKAILY IT. °MUNK A PPLES-200 bbls. choice Russa Appres Za. reed and for de by IMSBY a.coubmer. FLOUR BARRELS-2JO geed new barieje in stare and for ale vary low, to 104 the room, b >, dalo BERBB2 a B WHITE BEANS-20 NIB. small NWrite Beans Is eon, for Web', HERBST a BARISAL, COD LIVEf)R OIL Bttl befte,d4' 0 00' , th S . p U „ N pr E i. ...S:C . E , L on L N ED c. 1 1 31/2pl COON M. Third .tree, roh. to Pittsburgh bf K. B. MUCKS 11. (XX, Alfl. /LIMING, W. J. &IMAM DANDRBVORT,PUIIDERICII,FULTVB.SDPISIL, DRADif BAITER sod other reepectable Druggists. • It le prescribed by StOd Physicians throughout thecomp , try; unexcelled We parity. meeettion. uniformity of prep I Won, freedom Inm taste and odor; producing immediate sod certain bawd& to Coughs, Coble, Droncblitri i Clout, Incipient Consomptlon, Rheumatism, and all Baths lona Diseases. The peculiar and distinctive Diorite of this Brand of On over all other; le .tinted by the cerilficalesbl the fdattiben of the Penult, of Iheolversity of Peuttsllsle' Ma. and other Baikal School., sod by numerous p pl. clans of dlarlocrion everywhere. denlmqo liIVENTY-EIGHTU List of Applications 1 for Belling Idquornfited In the Clerk'. Otboe up to Dec. Bib, ISIS. : glihera —, eating home, kb ward, Pittiabtirghi Campbell Janie., tavern, 3d do do lase Gottlieb, with ether goods, 3d eard, Allegheny; ; Kaufman Louie, eating hoer, bugling Borough; doodle B. do Zd ward, Allegheny; Montgomery Alei. , terorn. 4th do Patel:ninth; Ortertneyer, John, do Lib do do Rear John, do bin do -do Bloetnn 6th do do TlBOB. A. ROWLEY, Clerk. Clerk% 0111c0,140. Bth, !Mt). All CWIIIS, CABSIdIKIIIO. CIAPAINISTS COB PANTS, et ;deg C. [JANSON WVWB, 74 Market sirooi. 13 ALsAm Ci.)PAI VA-400 lbe. for sale bq B 4. PAIINZBTOOB £ C 0.,, :dog Con, of VOW 4nd Woad @twat TAROH-100 bozo; for sale by B. A. VAIINIBruCtI A CO, deg Oorsor of Mu and Wood shoot/. AINTS IN 011,50 cases 'in I lb. camf, 111910 r led , forma. by R. A. PAIINISTOCE. •Ca ; - , CALL AND SEE MS.—Having made r= • Lemke Improvomootd st Om Old Blend, : . VIII BIN DIVE: n14;1111201 STORY., F I - Ne: 125 Liberty Sl ow. . Ahol having recently realm] • tone and well so.lete4 toted the Isteet .t3l of OVERCOATINOS, CLOTHS, • caBBiramEtEl3 AND VDESTINGO. WNW roupcctlhlly Invite our cuutonsacs wad the poblk unuecully to cull anAlawaluoour.tock, and If yuu WANT .000 D VITTINO 'WELL MADE GARMEN'fS II YOUVIIIII TO, BUY GOOD AND WRAP GOODS, ME to MAI call at the BAH liati where've wlil Dud MIT. thing. weal'' , kept by &Clothing Store, wade or uurnade: Aktrithatem wort made to order In the latest style. /to.; onicaber We Golden Iles lltro,lClALllnnty street. 48414 FARBIBI—A Farm of 111 aaro : twar DlalnrlNy TA wog In celtlratfoo, all ondm-, eccw, and imitable for grata or grew a eonifortable dwoll. In; home, areberd, barn, Ac., to. A Farm on Um ?Arca plaok reach 48 norm In coldration; good Immorameista.. A Para Or La OMNI hi Heron county. A of bi neer Freedom A term of 1131 scree, 12 rodeo from the' den . ..II Improved end in good order. 10 saw of land,; With good dwelling Imam, miles from Allegheny city.. pt $3,000. 2/ urn of well Improved land, frail tire% d bonso,Alio., 4% intim from tbe ca b. acre. of • ladd neer the city for eam In late of 2, 4 l• biti, for Minot gaga. For Web) dao• Real Estate and G S. CUTHBERT A BON, eneral Agra, bd. Margot. street. l. : Gansiatlng of PLEBE, 80N122, and Nem Compered and arranged tor the ',Me of the TempersoCeOrminiution a in the United'' Stately by Stephen lltiblard. Price, 32% •'L • cembg or $l,lO per &we, di - 2/ KAT A CO., 16 Wood armed. J 110013TICII,JU. BURCHFIELD & CO, Areasw prawn . " wllb • fall nab a 000D3 WIC OURIMASPIIIPiyeafi. Op74l4llliiirctrig doll M 01713 DB 141811$ AM Nunn.. YFi FLOUR-70 bble:pure' in dare ma kr oh by 44 II =Oar a + PE/BE WHITE LEAD AL EPOILTS haring been circulated recently, that on treaty'l 14 hits Loud mu not pore, several respectful, imam irr ILLtry,lo order autleq Mem. wI ves In mgvull to the quality saes the m tide. pt aid plm to the ltse :a of .4aullpmeol.Ch..ios for 111.11jSill. Lk low welch. the malt. awl leave It tosormpreladkedputo Ile to Adige Of the troth of the reports. 1614Latert Br, Bost" Col. GOA, 15t9. lianas Lica, Suoan 0:4-.Gratleateo-1 received poor samples of Paled emit suspected Lead, and have made atutlp eh; of them. In the mixture* of Lewd sod finely divided matter, the Lead is punt, while is [hotly divided part Is oXideof Lead, with moms climatal from the ell. There it no Buyta or other earth in the mixture with the metallic Geed, nod on. .Ide of Lead, se the whole redeye* ander walla flux, rd dome not, when ana/yeed, Om* the presume of Impurity. The oxide aid not reduce Into Lead, no the more accideutsl dr. runtstance of there not hen carbon sufficient, from Tile =MOW In which the oil burnt or boiled of in the crucible. Sample of Lead In Oit—this was atm analysed for any impnrlty,but found to ammist of Oil null White Lead only. I must therefote consider both maple pore la camper& Oen. Respectfully, As A. A. LIAY MO. *This mixture was the result of an attempted analysis by • Plint" tbla oily, In the employ of Herr*. Lyon, Oboe) ACo , painting the AI orsongnbela noose, and pronounced Impure, nod on. sant by them to A. A. Hayes, Ommint, of Bodoni, fay analyais ANALTUS OP KUSB2I. POWER! t WEIGHTMAA Or PHILADELPOI4 OP A SAMPLE WURXISEIED,BT ' 7 .11MIIRS.WILle0IILLTbC0,0. 1720 - , Pittabwrph, llth, 839. Mims-Pon= 2 WagersAA.Pkilede 1..-6.,--11.° forward today by arpreab • keg of A. Fahneatdek4 Co'. Pore White Lead, wtdch we +lrish yon to analyie at yodr eartleet contenleone, and send us the analysis. , ' Very reepeettelly, WM. IIoCULLY A CO. /7titodeph Oct, VIA, ISE% We bare examined the keg of White d gronod irk Oil, Mt tO us, branded oPnre Whits Lwed," .1 tiodit to be .e represented. • • • 'r 2 - . Ono hundred parte of the mfatdro fe hed - . Whtte; -. 1;;11........_-- 91 r, ANALYSIS or O. W. WOTAAN, NSII 0 /ST, OP rin° - NORGE, OP A SAMPLE YIIRNISEIN Br MESSRS. 3 01 IN TRONPAIIN • CO., ran SRI. op PITTNNORGIL Patseerph, Ckl.loth, 1000. 81W—I bare eta. nod eample of bite Load left at 'frilltrarerinak Carbonate of Lead, e Urely free !rote any adulteration or admixture what., Ileepecttully, OKteatitt W. AN. ANALYSIS MADE AT TOt RAQIYEST OF A MAtlyF/C TORSO OP WRITS LEAD IN LOUISVILLE,.Iii,.. Leftism - L/4 3rembsr3olS,lMS. Mums 11. A. Yorn,uuocz ' A CO ' PllteMfgh—Gents : Is reply to you. ot the 20th last Whilst interested in the Mannfactore of White Lunt to i this city, I szemintsl • great number of White Leads corning lob the market breuded P.M. '"' iroongst. the number Sxamined was your ankle, and enciceed 1 glsa you the copy of the reswt, hustled me by Mr. now IL Jenkins, who mule the ensiyals. The keg ermined, I obtained from one of our city houses, who at that time, I believe, were lb. nuly parties gelling your Lewd In the city. My porposw at the time, was to op C. " . in .1 . 11 7, the composition of three Leads, and, there fore, I plauni them for sculpts in the hands of • competent chemist. The analysts In lie remelts will show that It eras carefully condoctan. Veen, very respectfully, 111011 AS X. WILSON Louisibik, Sopiersbe. D. T. N. Wilson, Locilsvlds, Ky.—Dear Air th, roply to 100. note otitis due, 1 bass taus), th.t on the 21u of hop tombs!, 18(9,1 asimaysad • sample of While Lead to Oil, marked "C. which was uuderstasi lobe Pahriastock's Pittsburgh Lead. My tuxes Glib. unslysis us Ls Wows, PARLOR PAaLOP. WAL NAOt2 BIRD O&0E3, crow Tl)Nag, Res.yectrally TI10:4 iS. J *Thu satallturopottloo of Inooluble matter, the ono f , ootb • f on. per real, I. probably dirt In the Oil. In addltlou to the above, we beg team to state that we hove Wm* linnet! In the mahribictore of White Lead for nearly Mite. yew; and that during the entire pertod, we hat. miter placed our name ou • keig of White Lead that oontalowit miythia• but Lead and Liaise.' We not only delta for oar brawl of Lead. Wirt peril), but, dent, of Arnow.. and whitlows. wit equaled hr ear other brand. B. A. FAIINESTOOK A: CO., Corner of Fird and Wood Street, RARE CHA N (' 8 NVESTM'EWT THE MOST COMPLETE .; SHINGLE MACHINE Dural;le, Perfect and Choap STATE, rERRIT9ItY, AND Ot RIO lITS F OR SAM, TIIE I itoN:CIITNItiIII NOLIS pateattal by Atte Itfa,•,--r.IPTIN. lavaaktr, of Plot. bntgb, Pa, Joett7lb. l• intnlurt.l tb• arta 1.41 tor tio artranta.gra— It.tom tintablltty. a Ina • 1a0at.... sad aar,littro.. tortrtk. Its anporitaity tat , atlas, tua - tsiows, rrasta..„ first - Put It Is pyvvldtal with an appal solo by which tb. at/cing of Me Shinto to perbrated bl th• maw which rut* It turf which In a nving of ?rum iTIRTT TO VI/TT PER VC •I' IC 00.,T &mond, by the memos ot two treedlea the block ellen plees.doutbe nearbitsi Ls adjusted ko .op petition the opera. tor tiny desire, by rhith Mete is ....Ind of ll= Third—lt plll SIXTY SHINGLES MINUTE! The machine will Moe .t Veneering, Looking-GI Sadie, Bur*llleeile.Clrer Been, etc THE IRON CITY MACHINE du be furnished romplete for $l5O, by the manufacturer b tbfa MO, Err. H. A. IMMIX% earl au: be men In mural. at the Plauhtg Mill of Mr. if: DILWORTII, runner Seventh and nista greet. RIGHTS FOR SALE The Inventor arid Patentee will dispose of County, State and Territory Rights fur the sale and Use of the Machine, on very moder ate terms. Persons desirous of investing, can not find a better opportunity than the present.. Call and examine the Machine. del:dtf HIGHEST PRE MI ; 77. STOVES, GRATES AL AND RAIS GES. FIVE SILVER MEDALS AWARDED TO BISSELL &. CO., BY THE STATE FAIR ALEIO. Silver Cup, Silver Medal, .na JRANg, And various Diplomas Awarded to BISSEL & CO., by the Late County Fair blanufaoturere of Decay Variety of Cooking, Parlor HEATING STOVES, Fine and Conimon Enamelled ORATE FRONTS AND FENDERS, And the Celebrate 1/1113T PRIM= Capitol 1:7001[INQ RANGES If you want tho FINEST ORATES and FENDERS mule in this city, call on Bissell & Co. If you want the BEST COOKING RANGE rankle in Pitteburgb, call on ameba:verso( thoOREAT COAL COOK STOVE VICTORY, The beet Coal Clookinglitiite Lhat Y el eau If ym want •'W D 000111 W b Y BLACK. OAK, the t to th.t It bat.E, get the *;/.15 , 0 Lars always izhlbltid ' 1 4 , f , 14 ante" and Hangout, Elute and Oxmty fgt.. " fear 0012 .Pe. eltlo. irtm. r o a nd f . i . b „.i w ..rd • first ratairtiets .10 the way of •K VA, GRATIS or kit don't fall to es/1 on. 1 1741 111 MU truly Iltrest. itcm: bbnitoramus • • Very nmpectfuLly, yours. • POWYRS & WEIOIITMA EIX.PA-IsTyr. held in this nay. ' BISSELL & CO BIMLL & CO., XtstsUansous '_SAMUEL GRAY 0, TIAVE OPENED, in addition toe large .CVCin o r " COM, i the z . a .t aftla:l l 6 . rolor• Nap,' Harriagton aild Elysian BEAVER OVEBCOATINSG! CHOICE STYLES LI CHEVIOTS, Sc , FOR WALKING SUITS And the Latest Designs fur T R SEES AND WAISTCOATS. :NO. 19 rums STREET, s TovE 0 4 . ,; - BRADLEY No. 4 Wood Street 1 wc'itt L D INVITE PUBLIC ATTENTION to the largest Inca end ereateit variety dr Stove. to the State, among which will be found the celebrated COAL COOK STOVES TROPIC, Eureka and Arbiter. I=l VICTOR, LIVE OAK k PITTSBUROR Together vllh Premium Eltoresof three miellen PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES or eVRDX orsentertort Urea flub:mammas oftsre4 b Balld.r. nod tabor. In of a ILATREI,GRAT6 FKONTe, JFENDKRS, We ;would call particnha xtleotloo la oar .11411tly col led DOUBLE•TOP OAS AND SMOKE CONSUM STOVES; TROPIC, .f:UREK A AND ARBITER, Tha only Oas oh,ho.C..nau awl" In tho trnkrltrt Ilth• era Viet one called an Lim not the DOODLE TOP—the Inaba (motor« lo oaring Plat. not rnnl, whLI, to aa , ntal to by two pint... To tho. In tr.oll of. Stove lor Paolily urn , thnt has to.o• Ca/lo.t to .Ire•Vistactin vr, would rococoood thee 1.1 , h *lthouith the, bare nolor Ivon ro st ttat. et . °aunty fairs, ha.* reputation L.r Durability arid Ite° may In Nei anegnailed by thy other mores in the fththa. • CAUTION!—BiIv no Sono called Gan Pon [tumors without tha - Double Top. noltIII)rod F IRST PREMIUM AWARDED . 43 , PY T 111: ETATd VAlit GRAFF & C 0. .. Ter A_N LT FA CTI7 R fi: RS, FO6 1116 PEST STOVES FOR TOE Mit COOKINO RAN( IE FOR FAMILIES AND DE.ST WOOD COOK STO r DIPLOMA FOIL 11F-.T I.ADYItRY 1 , 7`.." EL on 1. or, o bar, 14"1 , 11.11601. of linotitho n . to• I`l.lo an.l von, to Vrtooto.ll.toloolo !LW nontlLO, 100. ~, o gror K. to, NI oono LNioo, llollo• Won., &O.:. GRAFF & cq. No. 245 Liberty litieet. AT TUC UNAD OY WOOD Atltlska, rms.:aril% ram. _ . DLIPII`f & 1'1201)1 , CE COMMISSION MRIMIMANTS. Office No, 1 1110•1's Mock. goaili-Water ela., nor. La halle Nu t Chicago. Worohncieso No. 13 South-*M.r Solicit for the purchase of Floor and Grain in Chicago Market. earmeccs tl 1117330.11. Al' 'Cressy &co. 11.34, Esq.,. Owsgo W. c 0.., Coq, Messrs. Mgt .1L .1. ). Liostoton, Esq., notdeas W. fINLRY.- FINLEY t COMMISSION 3IERCIIANTS CHICAGO. 1L.1..1140113.. 4TO In particular rdtruitiou to Oa pnrcharo and tole of FLOUR, GRAIN AND PORK. Ron to—MPPINCOTT 1 00., Pittatorgb, JNO. D. CLANPIRLD, do do DAIURL WALLACH, do do aelfOrodla , T E, zg_ ts-rizszczigs, MCC DEINTIBT, 1.91 PENN STREET, opposite St. Clair Hate. brew. Troth on Pietro or Curate and Nrctlahh also. on Gold awl whir Illet•Ille Beare when de. Good. All other Dental operetloo• carefully attended to.— Ziertrlcel Am... Goals eppll.d In estrartlnettedb. noted) A CARD. —DENTISTI4I. DR. CALVIN No. 47 gif ITfl frIRLD, IT, between &I awl 444 Pittsburgh,Pa., Indere bit merrlcee loth, citizen. of Pittsburgh s od r4iw ii, in the tine of Ole profeation. Ile operates In tbemeat Improved mode. of Dental tiorgery, employing such mated. Waal hare steal the °Weal of • bong experience. Ilia re millarty with the most &Mean operation. incidont to the profemion, warrant. Lim In =maim die pithily that per. reet mtlehotion will he given In all aim ettnisted to hi. • hands. Tenet Modena., no2Samd SILL, maim Orwrzerr; 0111cem C & Redact. No. el GRANT STREIT. et.p.stte the Court Ilotoe, believes he tan .oU the whale of mg that may Near hint with their potroasge. An . , et the various etylee of Teeth lowted If wiehett. mythalyis C 006113, COLDS, .1.10.11MENT43, .:Z.. 04 / 4 ,. Ind ISFLOUI4, 11111%,1011, 80aEXIMs, or az. . soy affection of the Throat CURED. the BRnNGHIAL Hams° Conon in Coastal trlo7l, . WUDort. MOOS, *MINA, Co octal; BELIEVED by GROWN'S BROW 'lHerv" CII lAL TROCLIEB, Cana Lounsaa. "A maple and elega Its roallisallea far WHOLES. lc. Dr. U. P. BIGELOW, Rot.. -Hone }raved ertrenady If rricrable for 1 10ARSENILOS." Res. HENRY, WARD BEROHER. etronollend their are to PUBLIC SPEAKERS." liar. IL' IL CHAPIN, New York. •:Ifort sarealary relief in nnoNorting.” Itor. B. 811101RIED, Morristown Oblo. ..ElestAciat wheacompeffedto speak, reflting front COLD' Bar. 8. J. P. ANDIRSON, Bt. Lorne. .Arectual is removing Horrento and Dal/altos of the Throat, ro cowmen sofa SPEAKERS and SINGERS.. . Prof. M. /ALLOY JOHNSON, Lalleange,Cla , Teacher of Mosin,.Bouthern Female Collage. "Grad boretlewhen fake. Lefore atad VW, preachOnr, as Mop preonig i luitirnerr. Prom their . post trot, I Hint a rse will Le of meaner! adrastaga toles." lien. ROWLEY, A .11.„ • Presidio:a Athens College, Tenn. Sold by all Dnagstent, at ZE mots pew box. Also. BROWN'S LAXATIVE TROJOInt, or, Callum Unman. for Drspwis, Indigertion, Om:tip:Won, Had. ache, BilionEattearkste, - noValiernaaT 011 SpaUlgiS and Land. T WILL SELL TUE UNDIVIDED lIALF 01600 ACRES OP LAND situated on Gordon Raw end Ike Allegheny Ricer. in Uncut°, Warren county, Pa. The prorpoote for and 0111 n abosithuwavu this property, ether by aiuklng 'hafts or boring walls, are of the moat dittoing chanactar. The OR risks tho Water along the shore of (bother; awe day and nlght (rota impetigo On this lanai Is farad In the wedis and everywhere the roe sod glory honour, by .d Igglog • fow feet below the surtoce of the ground. An experienced party hare aimed tobore well soy 011 on Obi land, and expect to commencoopers. Bons In a few. days. Thu property b only 10 or 11 miles from s Station on 110 Sunbury A Erio Railroad, botweew whir/kind /Ms cars en analog daily. Tor particulars =ignite of W. W. WALLACE, deklwdllo SIP Liberty stnot, Pittsburgh. WATTS/MUGU UOLII 1N611.1415e Ncr I 8 dr. r 33 X t. X. 13. N0.413t3 Liberty at. WE are now prepared to receive and fill mica for Centag• bolts and kale Mpg; also Both for ROW., Railroad Owe, Broaln Mara, Avicultand arr/ PurPor• far ankh bales aro od. Orders adlnted and titled with wamptnesa and 'din- Web. LIIIM a PIIILLIPA.. PEOIAL LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BCIRORFIEL,D lc CO'S. 113.104101 will do well to were some of the Caroling wows offering oes sad to Poplins, Velour Ottomam, Atli Woo Pr Mimosas. AttIIAIN--Sixtrfive barrels warrant• ed pare key Wbbien cear tow. peel old; WU b" •ole te whelear le lota be nittpnechamere Penwell:want of en ealkdeof ekL atha imbi do von to out am ologot ty s tt ',tit be wed low to dose oat the ooseibreeeset' .lIIDDLL WRITS k 00,115 151).1 1 5 11,5" QUIETING MUM a-BUROLIFIELD bime thle morning romiral another Immo, Wm seq uningirmilhitUng elaing.mi Illnagns,thenry and id* 111.14 0 9 *Mtn nag glanaiselionorn Liman* Cb beg , ' V oce oar huge doct Mbar Dila ° . MOPS that mak them peas bargain. cteS LIVINGSTOCi , COPELAND & I Proprietors, BIANU/ACTURE .'7 j VAIRESANRS' PATENT PLA ...., _ ,_,,. weighing LIVE A' STUCK, OAT. GRAIN ORE WAL. TRON4,th.i for ALL pup:covet Merchandising, thriller Porment or de IrlitieLg soh to the U thi ou all rou U g beret er vrithOutr Irk er IT.xeleti Crammer, and of ell cileter e stud capacilielcireto Rellread psapoitianna ortuter Rothe iro.l Saba ' orre. , ! i ' ALSO, the? are the Pareothre er, only Manalattanaw of the moil:Alia JANUS PACED Milar ni.O cg AIV 0 LATCIEKS far eight ...ruelt heed theiri, °revery size sod vettionsli trinitneG old , &tithed. (*lin /11141 i, PAINT MILLS, CORN MLLLirooil iiiIELLKR.S. SAUSAGE CUTTEPi-sad STUTFERS; BOLTS, SELF.StiVITINO . , GATE and SLIUTTER ntionsT,l nee CASTORS AXLE PULLIES, WARDROBE 1103 KB FIRE IRON Ma*, Se.. A., together with evrilvi!O+ of m.,11,..,j,p, j,,,,,,,,,,1 Iletureliellardireregeorrally. i "nalaya L...t/ ;-- ' ,: CHEAPEST! BEST!! 1' L A ICG EST !!! $35 pays the Tuition: 4 - 4 .ingle and, Double Book-keeping, Writin g, Controeii,ial Arithmetic and Lieetures. • Elghtereeke board, $214 sailof,o4, pi Poll Clone, VS— entire expnses, $62. Urge) UMIII LO,COMpida 11 eDiripntA, from G ;p 10 ports Every Student, tipoi gradoutlng, 14 GIIMISLItned to be cone patent to =none too Books of onyibuelnres, OSnres, routlifird 10 earn a NalGry °Mom $5OO t 91000. : Swamis enter em any datts— o No Vacagan-,llariaa et plasm:ire. WOW PREMIUMS POE •IIIthTIgUSINERS' WRITING POE ISA Proelved st Pittsburgh. l'lllieeelphle 'awl Ohio State Pair at Zoneeville. Also, tit the loincloth POl.. of the Union for the pest Pear year,' IM,...bilaistere thrie metre./ atlheit ps lee , . Per Circulate, Apecharrui slid Egthe.161....1 Virec or the College, moth.r five letter etignpe tot mull .IAgP P. IV...IIiNSINFI, Pthtthorel., Po , Vublic Ponces I * .[IIIRD WARD RT,I,4aRT Pursuant to calla meeting°, the iroteraol the Third Ward was held at the hot:Rept 'Jobb Deck, Jr, on Pixley evening, 9tb lout Alex. blitchell man called (0 !lirrah . and HI A. Laugh lin elected Becrnary. The Chair stated that the ni,j&t the moethig Hut to clan/Judge. to conduct the Lielegatepection on' dalurday, the 10th Inst. Geo. It. Pearson and John Wallohe Were duly-a -10 c" to act as Judge. of mild I The followiug re elution vita unanlmoualy adopted Rescloed, That the ltlectionfar pelr ate. to the City It, publics. C001 . ..A.10t, to nonalOttle Imodldates for Melor. bo held at thy. hon., of Trancts Jactihsei, corner of Sixth nod Btaithrteld Ntrnets. On motion, •Aiourt.l. lIITCIIEI.I6, Chen. R. A. LICOIII.IO, nclultd IrI,THE Regular lileaitig Wt the Historical T , &octet, will be bold •110Y1DAFM No,77:th Inst , a '7 t7,14 o'clock, at 'boo Rooms a' Yheyd the Litoritry Moor ciatfla. A roll attendance I. riodkaa • delta:Ml „ Jt,.L.O retTON, Fectotely. O . RLY. J. G. Fce, o tucky, 'o'lll lea riii, tare In MASONIC/ HALL; IHS sviesmia, at 7 o'clock. tintjact—"Progresa nail Rotas of tbeAtitOloovery came on Kentucky.” Adtolouton (rue. ililOoltd ' Clrr CownottEs..l e subscriber` of fere htmeett a.a candldelit for the above dim tett- Jett to the decieloo of the Repel:Mc:sin Convention, which meet. no the lith last -' deit,itt ALLMDICII. orrw. t:Plitsdnati 0° •1. - Clevklithd. Dec. 1104160. U.Tuic Annual Meetibgofithe Stuattiolders or 14e clo,olood t rithoor6 Knartsct.dicriPiii/ r the election of twelve Directors, mod ttatimietioti of hasl et, will be held et the of leti of , the Celt:open,. In Cleve. od, en WICDNESOA I", the 41.11e14, Ude:a:au tinst,nt 10 clock •. r The Transfer Doak* will beelocel on the 161 h cent, aud remain eloaeal 1111 Jaritual nDCKWALL.BecrefinT s Cleveland:Ohio. mrscs Domini/anus Du!Maarten Co., Sittsbirsh, for. Dith,,lll9. ObDiv IniND.—Tillo PitflidllDt and Diteetora of this Dampen, bare this d.lf declared • .diridend of nee Dallartned Fifty Qat, oaf ishers of the Capital Stock, oat of the earned profits of Eh last sir. morality to be applied to the fedi:mele of the Sloe Due 8i115...; • *wail.] HENRY .11w AtWOOD, Secrtary. aralacx Co., pitd.Vbrat . td.Nov. Ifti,lss9. O . DIVIDENP. At a Trieoturaftha Dirdat of it". Company, befit Oda day, a dividand of VIA'S PCIt CENT. .0 dedartrd oat if Om profits of tba but .10 months, payablo to aali•olf d wand to lb.. bolder. of paid op Stock, and to I, cti,dit , ol:l Stock Notaiof bola ora of Stock cot lolly paid op. • I Doltdrad i 3 it [tn. erld IL. goer. ('1 RAND PANO.IIAIIIA.--- •-A PRTKRetNoi,AI t. rhp folrooste of Topp VIII rAVItof this 11A,-,Adarout Wotloot ?at, TlllB DAY, (DATIIIIDAYO 10*, MONDAY, rah DocestilOr; I 1, •• • All olio halm nom it loonoorefi,f pork, of the firleot roo.t valnittoo oxbiLition• thiti Wife evil viaitrof thin city. lon P ATI' RIM Y. tit 7: P. It 13.1.hit.inati for lLe You oz. KIP?, orlit larkn at tfoloolt. TIDE TOlPlint AfiCitVILLE CHOU/ will be prerient - sf. lerntoo ovontog et toe), onniilitir asp propriato mom. &llMinwo kot,,-51 , 111F doi I:leketz, nod; 011.1 rm 10 i FRANKLIN BILLIARD BALODI4— PRANK TN if kJ • I j i , -. ; ' l- '- - -,.' 2 ~ -r..-17-, i 4,- - - - .w., ;.: ii,.; - --'.:;. '....,....!:-., _.... o. 4.. -a,.. .t. ri ~ .-21 • h t 4 opposite Pittehrtrirh Theatre. 31A.TrilLIF9, ] a.; 'krt/pricier. Tlll elegant and commadiottigall i 9 now pit - Fr - Med with ?U NE NEW BILITLILD TSBLIti, of the rated and mostapprovell irryle and pattern, and la otherwise fitted op equal td unpin the country for the asimentoodation of dtitens and atrangors, and tor light, air, comfort and convenience, is not stupased, if equaled In the Western Butes The Propriettr eoliths a contidnation of the patronage n liberally CestoaraForthis Saloon hereto fore, nod aeons the patina that iitTirg attention will be to their oomfort and pleasure. : x. 8.--Anent for the wale of Tables, Balla, Cloth, Coen, C.-Point/4010dt and all Walytid. to N. 8.., which he can dispows of on reasonublel terns and at aloe manufactureea Who/male priors. I doltlyd • EburattonaU sinen jilt' • IV RI 7I N 0 A C AIDE AI Y i-.. ~ 1 Oollioge flail, Diamondrklitmingbam. • TRILNO, CAM ON tat AitO4 ' • For Ornamental Writing.--...01} i _ " Plain Writing—. --. 111 : limo tinlimlted. " Writing and Book-Nevin— ~.'- ' I • lACLITII ~,-, , , N. SHAFFER, Profssor of Writing sod Book-Rasping. 0. 11. LEITURAD, Jr., Profownr ei(iPemartsliip. • : C. P. WELLS, Profeseor oh Book•Reepfng and Otninnes dal Calcolatlona ,t - ', , REV. W. 1.1. BOLTON, Lecturer mil.lllotory and (littoral SMOG& tie, I • . 1105. R. P. FLINNIILEN Rx.1:1 , 13 tulster to . Des . :. . , ' mark, • member or tho Plosborghll l ,lar, . rarer onCos. Cos. merctal Law. ir i • PROP. 111..1. EATON, Lochner on•lFlcciatkm. 0.11 and are what has never been bedors Attempted by any penman, namely: Prodmess of Ornamental and Practical Penmanship cm:lda it. rOlf • premuii;b3 Om abort sriaos or from U seconds and upwards. ~1,' ,". 1 Good boarding at 141,60 per wrekl: Birmingham Vert, fro. for atodenta Eentrams at soy time; .. For apecimensof off.hand BrminemiWrillng, oncham two postage stomp., sad Wren ...., 1 0. 11. I.llltHEAJ),Principal. •" O r- "TE-14_,Pa. laTelydaerP :N INSTITUTN, EANOOOK BTREZT, NEIE - E VENN Wlll • reopenn MONDAY, the tint AUGUST. Terms El per m aim Olive months. ' l 'l4 EL BRIM ooSzlyd RicHARDs - aw IRISH LIN N DAMASKS, DIAPRSBI4 . C. eIONSIMIERS OF RICH.II,RDBON'S LlN and those &Aron. of obtsi4ioo the ORNOINII 00JD8,•Instid s.e that the artkirellugy pnrchase enteral. al with the roll name of the flim, J. N. IIICILIAMSON, BONd ' es e guarantee of the urn:ldeate and derithilityof theCOode. This mutton I. rendered resentintly neybsec Ul te quanta/Noir Inferior end defectlroil.leorte are mean atter reran and seeded with the haute of R 0 ARC: 60N, by Inch Homes, who, recealloreoN the Injury thus ladicted alitoon the nmetiosn an:Wither end the mucho• tams of the genuine Oast; will not mildly, abandon bestrew m profitably while perchsiluit On Do folixotiednu with Goods of a worthless r. 0 .• •- J. suimoctock it J. words Agents, 3d Church Btrdet, New loth. STAPLE. AND PANOIC'BANKETN,—A i ti tzr o v rartod suisortroord of .!."Irricnit entry rsitety BASICEIT,.I3„ Including Market. Trwro ll oy,Clotb.m, Yloey Travail - ay. Bowing and Cast of our own ninon lii c nt. or losperted, not open for inspection, by " - ~ •• i ',- ...# 2l Pddk•ilsT - ' 8. 81/10tilat 21,L_Hrunrind. FOR tirE CITY AND CODNYTEY TRADE . 150 dos.llrooson, snorted Wl* nod tiilno; i 100 doz.Coorni, @snorted stylenratid .f, 1 ,. •.. 100 nentsTribs, pito and mkt - ...... I 60 &zoo licarares, pine and War, i •,;. ' 21 do litestaboat Dock Brictold; i • 8 'do Drat do ,--• , i 60 do ' , e.t.a Tubg two ..dibrrirliooei ; 100 Ido 'do Bucket 4, assorted; I 60 ,do liVashbonsda. do": •• 60 ininta Market Boards, open, 1 50 ,do •I do do 2 lidb ~- .1 20 dozen , do do morberi s . i SO ;do School Bangete. niorrieriUsisdr, ' ; 1 60 saletodlan' Fancy Best otiiiioottair - • • • M Oren 'do , do du ;;, '. -a do, .. . •1 - ; Nov too io ozol Lot oat. by . ''.. , • - ' po=obbober 8. LIDO .1.1 Dimond. Holl4ETUiNitilliNG OW , S. such; 0.5 Soya, icedems, nab. aroc=ot r ll . a.i.b i, C at m h lL' l r' l, Mops Rollo firsys, C10t1nt.;;_,.....71Z Han -- H.... , Lampers,.Nrinory and 114.4: _ .... keg and Clotho Dastees..-ixotem Piny now 4 ru.' , P° 4° 1 itss berMed& ep 81.. --. I . -; - i With w ~...ymanyl Eat. 1,/ :: d .ati d d M A:to sc L. Tra uurrif, P" i a a k.IDUCIiI,)II i .., RAM% MD '2l Dimond: In=lorditsr n•••-- I.AADMS' FANUY BASKETS; TiLsvgLING DAAKETL liEntuLEß, CARD AND HEWING' PAPERTY. ErfirriNe DAV. ttABKETS,.._ KEY AND SY4fAL HASKFI.4 TOY AND 'LIhIBLE.R. BeaKETA, . . lo great yulety sad , • Jad Detected far the !•74 • , .0 1., , D Tt , • sed ferule tf,r; J .; , dAytirG EIDDIA .1 ;1 'ad. 0, MAIM& to:leu i Z lhrb? 110F1YEKL , SOCIABLNEV 0.45 - 811,1TEEEL-;— . wi !mega band inS tor ids fur gpringleat ko• doh.. 1,4114 M leagth frotri,lllojo3,4 _trot. and 501144 . T. T.7aviat co., . ; , z‘isa Oft. eld +Snit, i WINTER STRAINED/. A RTYoiii far oak by del ; :=l5. Woarrrotr, Cup Auction 2atts. J. G. DAVIS, Oommerrial Saks twits' 14'o. /4 riflb 111:mt. VALUABLE PRIVATB LIBItAItY AT InIISISTRATORM IitALX--011Lleforday &awning. Dec. len; at . ; o'clock, will be sold D) orderer AdMinlittn tersof Itkhar4 Bowen, area, Ia the mooed no& Salm Rooms, NO 61 Fifth .tract, by catalogue,itheery wainahle private lamer), sloch embrace" many Important enerk• now dtfilcult to obinin, and Invaluable to the acholai or far • .r•tra , * library, b wen ro the la at editkaur orlbe est nendes,l7.l t.opelsr wrltints In garnish Literature,— rje collection le nohinally rich to Natural Ilistory:the . SCIODCM YOJIKTII and Travel; !internal Autqattk• and Botany, Centrally In elegant London erlition and elcellent blnillecw all In cowl conalthox Among theta la •coorplote acted Row Cyclopwella, 47 vo;e quarto, half calc(tha bola molted la cat .locno haring twee obtainerl) Latham'. 000 0 ere' Illatory of Linde, 10 rola, guano; Exploring . Exterditton, 5 vole and Atlas. Nook, of Liqueu rOaniallas,folio ine' 40 exquiettely colcred Oster.; Eudora, 9 rolw, w, rob; Cask.., 4 robe Don'.. tlaniming •wl Solany, 4 r 01; quarto, foil atlf; Loudon' Cycloparailar of Plante, darktir• tore and Burn Archie mere, t 'vat each; Autebm ottPopti. [anon, I rola; Canal Low of Nationw Delwin= cia the Constitution of itunlairk Wealth or Nation; :TAR Story'eConunentertes. 3 vole; Kent'. Comarentarieo rob; Works of knoll& r Ulm rah, trehjamin It/ rah; Edmund lint 7 rola; Fir If nrophrey Davy, 7 tiel,; Docald Stewart, 7 vol. .1./th 16 'oh, Di an swat, LM role, sod br lohneou, 10 chic Yoke or Sully'a elernal re, e Urine. Nit Lti Iton - try prot,. r t * ,0105. ran.le.ra Cla ofj it' MP, role Ltarandou'a Rebellion 11134 Cisil Ware, 0 on, Cromwrllian Liars, 4 tole; Lardner'a Cabinet nlstory, 14 vole, Ilinory of Poi ace, and Dlaccrew nor, 3 vets, quarto; 0 rasp lc Denuder of a Former ITurld,'.3 rots, quarto; Crab's lgoirenal Tockueologleal Dictionary, 2 vole, quartce Richerdsou'e Dietionary,2 von,quertri, de. Each work In toe sale is of particular lonfral and value. Onalognett aro now reedy, and the boobs can to elatiiined on Friday and Saturday. deg _.140. DAVIS, duct. UNCLAIMED PLOWS AT AUCTION:— On Thursday, Dec. re..l,at2 o'clock, F. EL at the Conn: martial Bake Roomy, N0.64E11115 street, on accennt.whont It may concern, to pay freight and charges, will be Ind, 24 Plows from the steamer Golly- friend& pnlree - redeemed before the day of male. non J.G. DAVIS, Aunt; AU.VTIX LOOMIS d• CO., Merchants' Ezchansie. STOCKS AT AUCTION.—WiII be abid at the ?demWait: Exchange, on Thursday morning. Doer lath, m 24 sham Allegheny Insurance Stock; 20 Auras Pilteburgo do do 20 eludes Cilisehe do do deli) AtIETIN LOOMIS Ai W.,Auctit. ALi.EtiIiENY PROYEttTY FOR SALE —Two Lou on Montgomery atm; 27 faro front each and extending along Taylor avenue 110 feet Tense, one-finrotti earn, bale= In 7,2 and 3 years.- 3p py b , AUSTIN L 0031113 ok_co.„ G 8 fourth:street. QTOCK SALES BY AITNTIN LOO IS A to CO., AT TUB SIKECLIANT,a' IaCISANGE EVERT - TIII3ItELAY EVENING.—Stank, Orklaa, Salamanca 'and Copper frock, Tone 4148.1 Estate - .w1.1 at papa Sala at the Merchant& Excliatigu by ' • - AUSTIN LOOllB t 00. Notes, Dracta mad Loans on Stasi Vatato•netattlated Da etataanabir term. by "- AUSTIN LOW:IU , seal Steen 2 Nate Ittnltenaln PcmatttsE ' nwaso audio LOGIII4 & GE.ZIGG. IMPOIVITES OP • H A D ,W A E , AO. 52 WOOD STREAT O Your Doors abcan Pt. ct , tarle , dlrotpl, _ Jc30:4602 P72T9IICROH. (Ls. DAM, lain of Laaras4r--LoGAMAL aux°, PithVg GBO. S. B 1 WAN de. Co., Commaissib# Mei-chants,. VOIL Tilt SALE OF etu IRON, BLOOMS, &c., No. 52 Wood gm.; rittibtagli atrar.a.naa—Lron, Rnt , & Ce., Fittel,nrgb; Lainciden Copeland A Co., l'lttaburkbe.Tlins Y. Franklin, Krq., Lazt castec Una Ilinion Cainer,n; IlarriabaN: Crwl, Gardner A Co, Bollidayrborg. Fa; ! THE ENTERPRISE Insurance . Company OF PHILADELPHIA, Insures Against Loss or Datartge'brh'lrs, on nellidings, Merchandise. Par." - , nitstreotr.e., at Iteasotiable" Matti of Premium. , Imscroaa.—P. Ralehford Starr: *Mare ErSte,ol:l9ro. /Moo &Co; Nelbro /Wirier: Jac,. JJ. Atwood, of Atwood; White L Co.; Real. T. Tredlck, of Tredkk, Sieber& Co., !leery Wharton; Mordecai L. Daimon; Goa IL Blorloortoof Sievert A Itro.vJotre 11. Itrown.„ of Jobe R. nrmn • &Co.; B. A. rahnuatook, of D. A.. Fabacstock A Co.; Andrew IL Cash; J. L.Erriagrr. of Wood* %cringer. . . . F. RATCUMILD &TARE. PrtsWhat. C.13A111.121 W. Cozz,Soeratary. Prrrasaac a RAP siocss.—{Vm. & Co „J . -Painter &r, Than. M. If owe, EN, J. Banality:Y:3g Jillon o 0000 r., APEttor Co,llll.oni;Pay no it Co, ha 0.•.) , Braun & Co, Coiklaork - CO, James B. Lron & Lb, Wm. S. Lovely d Co. .. o ,'Z'; `• ta &O. S. BOY AN • ents,---- ;No. Z..' o$ CARD. THE UNDERSIGNED lIAS TILTS DAY 44.6.41,1 %rah !Jim In 11, IVLIOLFSALIS OR.OO/iilf BUSINESS, 11r. EADIUFL EWART and Mr. V 711.14!( MAWS, and will continuo the mime ot TLC OM MAX'. • NO. 971 tangirrr ATIIERT, directly orradle the WILLIAM If, GOIIIILi2 Plitslottrgh, JOT I, I?:41 BANIIEL EWA (101131LY..,..161: CURRY. W. M. GORMLY . & CO., W. 1 302.F18A...LE1 G R O C E R S., 1232:013 Pg.R:OVISIONS. PRODITCEC PITTSBURG MANUFACTURES,, Ho. all Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa • Julf rud2dp - - 21204/4 TO Ht: Amnia: En Tfl/O? THE,- RICHEST D-lAJj.EI4I'..I EVER VVORN EY • _ Kino or Emperors.. WII AI 7. A BEAUTIFUL Elgin or Um TILE article that will naturally iiiiore'itie A. color of the half, (the changing of wine-trio ea bidicstlan of a lack of proper accretione,) truly able Medleine. Prof. WOOD'd ELM TO:110 is the only.. 'wife remedy for baldness, drynoos, premature thongs of oolor.and the wirers* evidences of a lack of secretkms stem mite of ihe W.hleh can be knad. gam. preparations. abound, and "hair t o All every ' , corner grxerr. he the country. - Avoid alk litudr Make 'unless known to be the preparation of mummers ashore celebrity toe become worlittrkle.; Do not let any aoarnan vender experiment nponym• hair. Touch nothing Lynn ban TOW good 11//011 , to holl er 's la ail that. It perportito be, • Profraior Wood boo earned, by your. of sewn, test of tho virtomie I. hit metier; 7 .thou, his promit fame, Om 150 cortideatet are bolero at' Orin* value of this Reif Bratoratlve, from portly who have' ' tried It. Need the followlop “Nsw Teta, Aril lith, 1558. “Dlt, WOOD :— Dear Bin Permit me to express Co you _ iddigeione Ism under for the entire rettoratlon oV my • hair to Its original color. About the Hole of h o t , :Myrlral the United Rum It was rapidly becoming..ews.- Ibe application o I ye:m..ll2lr Lateran. I Mon received ha original hue. 1 comlderyour Itastorattre ag awry wow' &dal tareatlaa, quits eCicaglona micelles semble. • any dear air, year. truly, . IU ROT. 0. W. BUTTEI3, Indianaphile, aays be mire wig for sineral yesusk but by the me of Writil`h ,Nelt, Desk* stirs ha now has • line head of Mir. • • - _ •• Bid by alletanestaa, end ay 0.. r. Wood t Co., 141 Broadway, Now Pork, and 114. Market sireot,Lot:MAO. Bold to Pittsburgh by Dr. OF.0.11:11Ersot; B. LT MISTOOK 100., and all Dntgerta._ (antedill IMMO- Orrisr& SECEPELFLZO ,, - ,.. sCi 0 In 1411t3 S .1'011 , 31•ER - 0.114" NTS, - AND DEALMISILT. irLOUR, Q RAIN a r ...rizatrCrew,- Ne. 343 Liberesietreek -- • --prrrrauunau: , PA. 'Choke brands of FLOUR. 1 .. 1.5. " " 4 F 44.1 11 mutant!, on head. rartwolar, Attention pidA . N. am, order. for Etirctundhe totteraNT; oaclid Rums= BTBARI \- ennrr If &tares cld 7lVdrint erect Irani, and It irat, ze... out iintii.r2ll l 7 Hu:aura/. spENOER k GAR 44 4 socceasors to Aslant Tiood, , Pittsburg/I. Penna. • o.debeatni Orion, Palo nndAmt.cir Alm. Potter and Drone owe!, libel - Ala and Porter. Warrtntal to keep in soy • onnte. Orden from nll rettsitneeptkp Attended to. Price Ideta pmt by - . Me. ADAM WOOD mallard.' aelleded with Ile, concern , ea Brower and Uenend Manager. wanly illE I , IIiST 4AriIST C9N GREG AVON OPFER. CORNAR diliSktliD. ' i#7lth . 373; FOR SALE'. ON atAzontax TEAMS, Togetlet with the OSO/ . 076111 S W 14111.14.11.6 It in Toll and substantially bunt; anDal4a nastluggil htmdrad pennos ourddsinbly, nod Ls Otlif Orem! far • bozo= It la Ino null for Mar seootootaistims.- • - • For to WALll.EVEliSON,Zto.ltilfalter • •;;;.!..,,.. street, on. J. DOODY Jo, No.= Libertystmt. • O. 11. ANDERSON, • • GIRARD FLU AND,AIARINAIN6UIV(ii ANcE cOMPANY, Of PIIIUDELETILL—IoioriiiHi eridnet dre lame only. After. office orneerfhird'add - Wood streets, Pittebargh. Copital and adrplesoror $3l Ada ,- • • Portia veld of the Idovotado% now inuxred is ttils Oadirr P.M dr wt.. OW &LAT IN "LI Andtheabicattoptle.; city more reareolired duo otereepoodirog vith ma In PkiladerM a : A pp for or , ••- 111 General •- Agent, or Tiortf.D...., TITO Ty daradAt ihuatel Ideerril Mims. pr .re ei fre,rorror of Third sod {Feed stroOtkVAPC*-:-,: • , • . •• • -JOEL JOlc=:.Vriitiatik: : • .t. 0 .7 - - '•'' • ' • A/Amu a.aLLLErE, E.-P.! 'a. 42E: Eiiouit;Ektitiii; - . ~, -, 1 .- 4 ;:'War ta=lioalltatalLL4loig‘'lraiao..WlJWoiti!,4 i t ** a•-. ,T Atsau,,E4;ofEaEOnce Eon John Wino, ben, Z. - si. Itterciaghsoldui Anipsch, IGO. J:DeposA, ' TbazusaCtrarmilris. - • ' :0 0 4.440 •