qUESDAY 14pRNINtt, DEC. 6, 1850 • WHAT ha r d GC- Governors. of Pennsylvania and ctl i to done toprofockii sister,fitaes.froin.the .lawletumentrof their own people? And what has the rtesident of the United Stales done to guard asot:weirs State Prate lawless invasion? Notb- log!—Ridrstond _ . The fors of. the Vitginians make them unjust. In the only Caae to wtiiell rgetto.Vivanis woe Oiled ulion MAO ( ' her no9on was on the side of Virginia. She ourrendetcd Cook. Ohio has boon ached to do nothing. If ehe had deemed her aid : memory to dive V irgiaajbom &thrash ing from seventeen men, otte would undoubtedly have sent down a scorn or two of volunteers. :Did Virginia need Ottec 03,1 under the eircum ,otances? And, as . to' ',!who President of the -United 'Sletet. i ' what could ho Ghee done that be did . not de • When the two thonsawil gallant Virgin -jinn and Marylanders were held in their :shoes" because Old Brawn held possesalon of the Arsenal, and when no one was willing to volunteer to dislodge Ititn," - the platoon of U. S. Marines, which President Buchanan had sent up to the Perry, undertook thejoh, and succeed .Sd. Wee that ”nothing? Was it "nothing" that twenty marines did what two thousand of , -the chivalry of two Stales were afraid to under take? Brave men often apt Itke coleards in a panic brit they are very careful afterwards to keep the ' Incident as much-out of eight as possible. But .....e?Virjewernfeurif's prowl of her humiliation! "There 'is no accounting for tastes."--.41&. Jolrr. WELATSVER of sympathy the fate of John Brown , awakens will be occasioned by his bear ing through an ordeal so trying, rather than any complicity of feeling in his lawless enterprise. Upon the question whether he had any right to go into Virginia with such intentions, or wheth er, when taken, he ought to be punished, there is no general\patellae of opinion or sentiment. Though we ould . that all men" were free, we should as readily go . into Virginia to run off their horses and cattle as theft' Blares. By the Constitution and laws, slayery is recognised and tolerated. It was a compact made by our fathers, and one that hinds their heirs. We will oppooe both Its extension and its encroachments. Thus far, and jao farther, goes our sense of duly to freedom. John Brown seems to have counted the cost of his enterprise; and, like a;brave man, is proper. ed to meet his fate. tilace the day that Paul spoke to Agrippa, we have read nothing more truly sublime than John Brown's reeponso to the tribunal before which he stood to receive sen tence of death. The ''pomp and circumstance of war" with which the execution of Brown is to be surrounded was wholly Anecessary. The rescue rumors were antliel . , unrel:l(lH --Alb. Ere. Jeer. Tue inquisition established by Gov. Wise over the public highways of this State, must, we fear, tell disastrously upon the trade of such of them as have competing routes to contend with. Ire apprehend that such will be the case with the Baltimore & Ohio, judging from the specimens of public temper recordediThilwere in our paper to-day. The Eastern and Western people of the Free States will never wand ouch a thing. They would ho poor,pittable cravens if they did. They will say, we doubt not, that if Gov. Wise's eub jects are abject enough to enbmit to such a hu miliating gauntlet; if they ore willing to have their stops dogged by paid epics, and travel un der the continual dread of our being dragged out of their seats or their berths—we are not. That will be their temper, we doubt not, and while we cannot blame them, yet we cannot but deprecate such a state - of the_publie mind, because it is detrimental to the interests of those who had no agency - in such tyrannical enactments. Its effects will not be so immediate as they will be lasting. Northern people, tiniest, called especially bylia knees along the line of the road, will probably for menthe and years cherish ouch a prejudice as will excite them against the route when trav eling east and west. We trust that such will not be the case, but we greatly fear that it will be so.— Tiled. Groceo NOMMI - , WUOLE.S ALE dROCK'Itri ANI. DEA Litlie IN Plour,llt,cou, Cheer,, Frults,(llled, Produce, • ei'ln 111:1.1.:(3020, WILLIAM BAGALIIY, 4120 C'E , Nina ld 11.141 7 001 l Street, Ills %101 Of Usrliik. Edger., i'ltte , g !risrrt.tt k P, t, EDGERTON dr. STEWART, (Strawarong 4, Loot A Edzerfor,,) iWholesale Grocers awl Commission Merchants, 107 Wood vrttrk-et, Pitt Frlrurtzl, jrrtlyd JOat youN M'Gi SON, Un.cer, (7,ni tlV laeV,.n alorrhanni An•ont. for the nal •• , and Bloom*, N. la 3 lolbortistroat, llaubnonh. fol. 1,4 A LtXANDER KING, IVIIOLESAL,E „nsiL arr., and In.orit, of :Ml. Ash, No 273 idto rty ctreat, Pitte•burnh, Ya. - 1.0. ow.Jamas- . _....._... ran .1,J1.1i . . TONES & COOLEY; - WHOLELAI J .E 0E.07 AP OMB and Scat I%lr:dithers, deniers in Maoism .11 'Pittsburgh tilsmillictures, N 0.141 Watbs street, noeu Chbrry Silo', Pittsburgh, Pa. my Ws% P. saints-. ......... ... ....... ...JOHN H. 0tt.... QII.II.IVER & DILWOR.TIL WHOLESALE 0 Grocers, No. 130 and 132 F 4, 0n , ) *Mort, (Ictubm • mid Smithfield, Pittsburgh. . I )la nera .... --.—..aniuAnts rtiira...._.... .... ruirO. I OLIN FLOYD - lc. CO., IVIIOLESA LE. Grocer/and Contnaliedne Merchants, No. Da Wood and ZS lillierty street, Pith:barge:. Jeld latinur RAS,- ....... ..- -.....-- ...... ...... ............... _nine witeon. .', W ATT 4i WILSON, WIIOLESALF.OItO- OEM, Oornmisalen Derrhante and Deniers In Pro. Aram arid Illtaborgh Demirel - tart, No. 16 Liberty a/reel, Titltlbargh. Jell, M . AI (.1 C4ITCLI E 0 N WIIOLF.- RALE G read . , Produei mid Commimthin :Merchant, :land Dealer in' Ditfilburgh MannlertnriA Article, N.J. lliO Liberty atreet, corner of Brewery ay, Filitnleirgiti Pe. niy3 ilOll3 A.M.LL i l. L.. Cll. 0,11, i A WELL, LEE J CO., WHOLESALE ;xi_ Groars. Pro , lnct nod , Golftrifoinn Mrolionts, and L a/odors In Cninbornh ttlwrofaiturus, NO. 8 Wrul 1110-1, to .!troron Water on.l Front et:Pill:ol%l,Th. splB ROBISON & CO., WHOLESALE °roost% Commission Mertharan, and Basler, lu all 4.luds„ . of Provisions, Prodirco and Pittsburgh Manntretrtroi% No. ZS Llborty strew% Pittsburgh. lalUilyil 14 °BERT 11. KING, WHOLESALE ORO- Ciia,Commialnn Wort:int:it, and Fasilor is Feather% Fish, Flour, and all kinds of Ountitry Trudy..., No. till bits arty street, month of Firth. Pituttinrsh, Pa. IBoral tob sauces wads on consignoiontit, JabAyd , 11-03111.11.7.1111. 1112.11,1 , 11f0. DOBEIT DALIELL k 00., Ii11.10LE ;:1-10 aAla (rocs., Conatnloollon ukd Forwarding Mar. ininats ant; ticalerain Pralaceand Pittaburgli Maniniartoreta 1 O. rol Lihorty stmt, PI PA. Furl ISA it% DielaY 1V CO., LIOLESALE Omer % CcautaLssion alicrehauta,inal,Dealcro In Produce, o. BD Water street, and 63 Front street,iPittsbargti. Our/mutt... JAMFL9 W. WOOD W11:1:1... FURNITUREZAND CHAIRS WIIOLESALE AND ERTAIL, Embracing °very eSsb... V V R /N.T . X '"T 11.03EWOOD, AIADODANYAND WALNUT, Sultsble , for PAELBRB.: 6/AMBERS AND DINING RY.nyAii, • , • . Equal v. any in NEW VOILE AND PIILLADELFILIA, Wpracookig, Nos. 77 A-1 , 0 79 Tninu SrwriT, mr2tOdit . PIrTNIVIRLIEL YA. • AMY 11: , 204 . 34-77:102. FL 7(71/FiFT:-...1/..00121 (OUR WOVAIG 0. CO., _MAFF,ACTIMFAB OF . . YffillilTUßE AND tJIIAIII ' Of Every DeFe.riptioa. 1.11131.011:11—rederalg-,Gebomn H/. arxl f'enno A [...ma Warchoine—No3. lb ft. 40 Stalthricid sniEMBOAT CABIN ruRNITURE—We an, coxiMantly indoUfseiurie.4 STEASWAT 71JILNITIILth and Cll/1115.8. aad tb... thuseduterarted funabitivg •410,11n0r1. SCOTCHSNUFF-10 bbls. Uarrutt's, blitidern, for :die lu• B. L. PALINEFrocf: t CO.. Nu. hu,, corn. r Wool and Fourth *Mho, ,OLD 00VE1:NMENt JAVA COFFEE -1,40 Ilstrci Ine; as Ormohl, for gale by 1.111.1,00.13 A Jollrit3TON. 1 5 BEGSI'ACKEI) BUrrElt; barreld du do; 2,, Hy, rced Bale nolo') 151111.1 VER E . /J.ld 13:: ,xOE.tl nt . . QAA PI'LES-1'2.6 etitocc A pple juA tedd and for nal° at 111 beco,nd nt. AJZO UK A Ft a V AN OVELOttI. LS. PRIME APPLES f mule t 00Tof; • ° turancoot, moaritsiutY *Co. goo ONIONS fur elooollJ. IL °ANY/ELL a CO, tutt)to AII)LASAK for JAXIK6 OARLINY.II. GUNNYSACKS -50)f , .. Halo by 61010 E UMII,-PORK—A law 1,b14. f Rinnp Pork .1.11" tor We by (4141 PrEINOEU If A 1k HOPS I.: S I IMaIe d "Lops, a prim,' article, tp oloroml Tor 0010 low for crab py s. D. PIAIYU Ar 00,&141.1/orty , UNIWRY NVTK-50. bus. 6halbark Wilckory Nul4T/rule by ILE:11W 11. COLLINs: S'ilillP.L-12 . 1b10.. Malay Extra tor sale by n daeWlLLlAdtd A JOEUVATON OCHZT titaßiEs f'oft. 1860—A largu migortnierat it KAY d as Wood Xtfn,L, RPEN'rliscli for wile by U. 11. VAIINZSTOOK n Cu. Qn - 13BLEL_T "we. deZ • _ 25 BBLS.-AL.COLLOL for Kilo by de2 . IIIattiESIOCIE A CO. APPLES -30G i ble in ktoro, the L litiebt the eau etry, sal for iid6 loir ACI urrouanc, erCREEP.Y co B Aaw,iipos-2,soo,..seemless for sato by HiCillElitY a pp, . . . , • . „for Balt. ROUSE FOR SALE—That well- (so known .rwtAir ) ar liOMiT, with 11.1.-1, Wald- log nodfiltriole, containing 011 the mord., sitcstal On the corner Of kraus Oh, rod Penn xtnot., *offered for lad, It I. now troop... by rbe sob !won't'r. Poomorilon eon la bad at any true, to rot po t chloor. 11 is • rommallons .4 le , ,lrable ra.l.ltoov, in goal palltlon, and of excellent neighborhood. for forager particulars apply either to A. IL Wallingford or tolhoirirbierilnr. d02f.:4,14-1•0 - - - - FUR SA lA—A Lit at the corner or :Wylie slot Fulton •trtote, tie, a Oil tot Fulton, 132 Cost n Wyllo and 24 fat on Crawford gamin, A roar cloture for prollttildo inr.•etmont. Franke or hl tttSllA 1.1. A !MOWN, Antorpola, de2al.l No. 101 Fifth avert, l•ittLareh LI UR SA - I olrer ILr halo till the let .i.n.ry dipMii of, the tire eluded lAirk Itwellitutilottee,ln whreh I now gealtloontet. ate on the South Common. betatron Federal and heaver strata, Allegheny City. The lot It. n hoot of etnnit 2.‘ (pp( on thoill6lllllM, and tin.Lunwt if lu atal condition, with water and p o se arstommodatlona. For torsos r apply to the ashen - liter at lb. 13 tot of Flttaburgh. no 2) &Jai ' M. ❑ SDERIT,IOfi. 3:117.13/30trar. 200,000 ACRES FOR SALE AT vz,, low bit. cr par sax Plots furnished grafi', llMTazett paid for pure:marry of laud metre the (Inuit, alien Act to all the counties of the Bhate. Petenta prorate al, Ac. Apply to WILSON, ItAIVIJNGS k CO., uotithnet 66 Chestnut street: St. ',male, MK AGOOD FARM FOR SALE THREE hi I Llth lirnsr OF BLAIRSFILLIL—ONE IjUNDIUSD AND ELEVEN ACSES--SeventYdlsei in respiration, and the remainder choke Umber—oil rood,- lolling land, maw ble for either grain or grass—all under forms and:in thebest of order. Ths.boriao 4136 by In, with hall in than,. An orchard of three acres, with great variety of well select-Kt frnit,_ Bars, etahle, Con Cribs, hie, ahuridanro et water, good neighborhood and moor nent to mills, anhools end eimmbes. S. CilTlilltitTSON, hi /darker et. ANSFIELD PEDPERTY FOR SALE. -Ml_ —A largo lot of nreinel lOU foes fronton Chestnut street, Alanalleid, by feet. deep en Union street; a pawl dwelling hens, with hall In centre, two parlor and Eno Chamber, ttlnin4 room, kitchen, Se; well Sod Onmp nt the darn large etablq; garden, trail Sod shade{{ S, An: Rom] fences. Immedthin peaseasion if desired. — Prim, Teem, 0050. & CUTillthitT A SON, 51 Market Street. SALE.—The subscriber baring re moneil to the country, oilers his House and Lot fur rade, situatedon l'Fon atreet, 319, holm, Wayne. The house lea three story brick, containing a hall and it motes: gm and water in brat and toned stories. The tut Is tin feet fronton Nom street, extending Mirk IGO to Fayrtio tenet. It is ono the must dentratio locutions Inc a private reel deem In do city, and will be sold on reasonable mania. . . not JOHN It. 0ANY1111,13,141 Mat street. VOR SALE—A good, safe Family Horse, and well mado Baronaho, (Dontare atial.c..) will be sold low, roe the owner has no um for them. ort IL 11. FANO, No. 7.1 Liberty stern, lOWA FARltillsad LAIID.—Tho Embseritr. ens offer for gale on favorable toms do hundred arr. Choitn Lamle, situated In Weight and Ilmeock adjacent to lion, of Halliosele now In course 01 rumors, lio and one tract only two rni trout Conoty PHA. Th n, e above will le, sold low (de null, or 1.4 farming lambi In Mi. or adjoining c0i..., 0000 MrlIA NC 121 Mt. . gIIVO HNE I)ll.AUtial' lIOItSESO Toll SALet—lletimd• them woind nod tree in every respeau Iwo well teemed to moisten,. traveli:= hard work, sad would ha valuable to any man wanting a tram lot rock I.uricem. WELLS, KIDOLK L O OK SAI.N.—A tract of laud contaigung X' Dud onv half atlrt•a, lutustu 111/ tb Fourth I , tro•st Road, slmnt threo miles (rum thu Court lions, 14111 Le sold low her t . .. 11. Inquire ot 11;1811 A Al AM: SN7IE, my 7 Iltt A tept nt Law, tit, tt) Itttnrth Otttn't - • . _ 1 - 4 011. S 11P1.—One pitir of .i1U.1,18 will be stn.l can be /tern nt WA YNN IKON W. , 11N.: , . t),11.11f Coru, Duqrkelt. Way end Weill.. ear., Otllo Land for kSala. • TILE subscriber offers for sole section ten, towtohip 12. range to, stark' County. Ohio, commonly kuown as .Inow LIMO'S nertiou," conteming 04.4.1•rme. ti is .itent-.1 three milte went Cl 51aawillon, on the .endo 14.4 leading to Wocater, and within about two adios id the Pitt.. burgh. rt. Wayne cod Chicago itallowat Thomoott, cast and northwast quart,. aro partly cloarod and Inv, toed— the remainder in covored aitb retperior Innhar—atol tb. whole is well watered by eprings hod running. Earnaitin.— Thia section la conalderwt the meat body of land in the county. It will to aid undiwiddd Or to molt parch/m.lw. To than_ who deoro to Invent in Oral estate a better opportidiity is rarely uelwred. J. b. tilrVlClUkili, No. jUI dm istreei...ritubtiiKi., - - NEW AO I.IICULTU RAL SETTLViIENT. TV ALL WANTINII FAR3Ie A Itare.)l.llolltlttity in 11. deLigh tfu Cana healthy climate, twenty-live miles ttouttiltst Philadelphia, on the Carn.l,ll and Atiantio It. 11., New .IN-14-V. An f 4.1 onfatn runu.llny atqvfal thertanno:. nl nr rr; el I , r...h:five wit nu t..m 41Ylded Intl, Vann, of v•rldo4 ann., drsnit Inn pun be", A poldindidn .4 mon. filllr.nt /Ito, pd. frdurvet parr. of tn. mfddln :toff...ant Now knyT. land hayr soltlyd snort. thu innd 'oar, ..‘,I litotr and ruf yn-rit ,rps. prlco it., 1.n./ I. tno Inn !dun of Indy • '44 ; tf lat finahly tfa Si,.. prddn. f. • Sion. IVlontf. no.l 4 04 n, Procne, that.. and egotnldv... IT In 4N/N:1 TII It UKAT KflUI I . Soil IN TIIK UNION iho Owes , II per fewtly to from II:mt.—II, de•dru. fsvo4 ..... of Ind holm, -- Cropf nip an, gra.. nu 4 nit wro inLw xr,denn, •tnl .vu In hn.da.lt. eadffnnif, kno st4elf. • cntrort Ifnnowut now 1...10nnt41 thy 14 odnesiventrynl Innd Th. term , . Are mud, ow) , to wcurn the raind isliprov•narrit n 1 Ind land, Inlch 14 only nut Srd an/nal sulprui,edn,nf • 1...14, and withal tn. paat yotr . mnnto three • . ..indeed haus., Inor wooed, Ind ndll, nno in•daf, r mouse Idrly Prawn wan.. f find • innntnr n 1 nlnor 1111140,C01,11A. /o 4 I, 1 4,01,61, Oloi S. v.. j•Wo 4 Intaiustn. VIII MARK AT cr BLIT IN Ttir. LIMON \ - - d..titflo pri;;;lltrr• f•, 1...ta•J.,.•‘••• frtffn he. efro mon. trlff•• a1...f10h• MI. Ile , WOO.. I 14 t,e MA 1 1//n{ ttiO t. °rot .. ••• •• ••..tatia. Om lulltrvlt• f• tun !.1•-••• J. • fr, . Jew. e•fin•illy of,•••11..,11.• tvtzt..l twr•. ft, ••••tl.l.'t . '••••• ' •.• • 11.• with, ff f••••• o. 1.• ..f tl••• gre-ti ts-•,1 Mid,. t'.. Ot.• 111,1•1. 1,,x, L.. IN in rf lettleaerbro,ry t• - •,• , mirr.*•••••W •.' Comfort aid n Di 1 u - 11:.••• is y t, y ar rite ion nutria at nit. rh.,,exit pct,a t... 1 hi.. prodin the Itlght.ab Ire Stu. Went tilt, in I ae.l,) ha Inut fur Lf, chthken liar , nornL.. and null enjoy open *inter, ar,d delightful climate, where (exert are titt,ly ant CloWn. The 'won of the chair?, upon Iln.ent.tit the nurtir has goo. orally born to not excellttit Mateo( Erallti. In the way of building and inoprox tag, I ninber eau Wined at the tattle at the mien( $lO w Fla per tinrinoand.— ttricks Irvin the brick ysel opened in tin, glare. Y....ry aril ntacan Le pritured to tits plan, good at in nt:.ro, are at hand, and thwrn is no I.lace iutho here and Linproxontneote can ha made rhoute•r, Thn reader will nt once 1.,. struck with thy I.llato prosentcd, and as: Itimaell why the properly hos out le. n udtect up honor, The re...a la, It arma never-thrown in the tuarliet; and nuhwe the.. ~,,, oil auto cin - rw.t, n.. 111.• Wmid I n kiITi&INI w OXAMI/10 lion land hel..lrn pin chant°, - Thlaall nos expected to do. They will see land tontlk rr.lb vation, ouch in the extent of the eclttrinentitbat way doubt, .met pecans inure their awn ocixtilawli.nwl; they Will witnnas Wu ltuprocr•utenta and cad:lcale,9the ditaraeter nit rho population. It Choy come with ft.tile, they abonhl etnne parpond to stay a day he two and Le.rev,ly to purchase, as location. cannot Le bond on refusal. There arg , two daily trains to l'isiladelphia, and it , all owb tiers who Irnproto, the fiai/ro.td rUay.rnp oar., a Yr, Ttc4 , l for irs nant:.h.t, and./'talf-jortce, fart. In .4ln-ern:as with the agricultural nets Into 1, a now nil [hi - tying tua et tom amorally aroma. whfch prrsrart to.tur.- evuts for any (mar,/ barmen. parte:Warty r , orra druf tsfallorl.. (1,, Shoe butilwa Gould be canted cts in that echo. , and martini - to good advantage, asst cotton bum..., awl ruantsfmtortea of Agricultu nal Implements or You ugh. tura for muting moan artichw. Thrlifspn.renseul has. Lava so rapid as to 101010 conthaut sod unit iutrra et of Imnlnem. Town/ lota of • gmfd.fore, Iwe do out Bell maul I erna as it would effect the unproverreqd erns.. p:rceor ran be had at from SUM and upward., The Hammonton Farmer, nmonthly Dietary oil ncs cultural stunt, crtairsing toll Informattos. ilatottsm.son can In obtained at 23 yenta per afloat°. Vtlaluilteputable—marracitto demist glveo, clear of all eaoltaanco *Lon money In paid. Ito., h, tho land . lento flux street wharf, llonou.naton by .d. at 71f, A. M., or .1% P. AI. Faro UO rents. Whop there, ingot!, for Mr. laV lUsnrslin4 roh,ourourro Prolloo hub inter prop with till. 11, rns, n prluclpal, 111111/ thoy hove thrlelotl irefelosiag. as Ice dole them over the land In 11, carnage, tr« of exprotow Lettern.a uppllealloan can be aLWream.l to haralsla 11011 N gib, liarunfunton P. 0., Anatolia county, New Jersey, ;or (11/Ul/111.1N. elornla Fifth street. Philaf.l.-Iphin, 1 . 1150 soul In I 'mutton cheerfully funsmlo4l. inEetwlt'osi JIASISIONTUN FARMEIi—A nws imer flnvoted to I.ll,raluto and. Agr knit Ore, 11/3„1 mt. flog forth lull areonum ut the new rellonnent or flamuson. too, Its New Jernoi, cno Lit auten.ntml for at only 51run po.mtag, ittAint. :hen 1111 , 1.1. Addro.n to YJ I. tor of Ito% Furiuor, lbounioutou I'. 0, A fluntic. ed., Now Thum vrllthing chev loud, of Ibo Gent quality. to ouo of the houlthiunt and tuuet delightful climates' lu lho Union, nod wher. cry. tiro borer cut down by butte, tho let it., ocourgo of Wu torth,nooudvoi t istruoul of Ilnluunno ton Ismin. • ITAILSI LANDS FUR SALE 2.5 (rum Pniludedphin by Ileilroad, In thu Wete a how .Icr..y. IY.J strong the ',cut or Attrlcultntal tug pucll luntu eoll, Mr clay 'llu, Igrol largos truct, tnYtil.4 tutu erunll terl/101.. hundred. Num all parts of rho, country arc rorw Ratting end trullthrig: "I'b, • Cn.p. pludocod Ara large nod son In occn Ottu.ate tell.ls,;htlul, end ...cure tru,t, ltruct tslur ... tu.clat per a: r.., payablo withnt I.a.tr yl , ill, by luau! to , tll.l. vistt Pio Vibn Whirl nt Intllnclelptil, et 7 hs. M. by lteilr.cul Llaultuunti.u, or Addrena li.. J. 13yruwo, by letter, Llttnichuntun Pout 011:ICr, Al. WIG° county, how Jetzuy. deo lull lidr.rtlsornent in uu other column. piCoodUrn A • • - A LI, WANTING FAI,LAIS 11s4 A lig,latful china., rich roll, hncitre twin truihr,ncu ntivrrihiciuent of jliaininviikni Laud.. in onotlitr I)1 H5(11V5 iYANTINLi OliANOEur MATO for hwalli, wn rthrcrltteJe.enit of itt.llllll.i.o en another cnlnmu. juhro,fthii rI UALLIVANILINLi g . et) Adver xll/01Ht•lat or Ilfitturonton Laud, horkfthei 13114.1LSONS 1.51Lj NO TO CIJANO, their t o • rnphily lurretining Iv putrf, n New he, Ilelpe,ll. when, hundred. WO Svl, era, the Is soda end . 1..11 g. 1, 11111,reo; n.hrei ilM11.111.111(011 e..11.1 , 1,4••ut •11. ....Ali, col 111114. DEitsuNs WlSti (MITO E6TA BLASI' Manta trt..rus. in n ne otol thriving ph.* whn..i."- road r. of Ilia Ihunnionlon NPtlle eI,LSBUSINE:NN AND OACTOitiElieisn' ~xrrio,,l on prulihtfoly at unw.nonw,,.'....a„-r. 1.11 ULUZ11114.14.0 - • SOAP AND 'CANDLES— :S 1,01e5 rnmu hoar, EIC=MI al Au flimmal do f4i do Palm 10) do :tdr C.d.; :+tearuhn du In , turn Arid ft,r calm l.y F. ,EL C4l. LARD—IVO bids. Leaf Lard; .t.. In stOre Awl for ento I.y BbI.I,KILS b , . 7 7 nAll Lawny ntto.t.. - - - . lONS.-500 bunt prim' se , l ;old Yel ks almnabd for itAbl by t.,14 lil/AVVw VAN GOKIIMI., 11J ?...rnbsl ANTI(I,IIE 11Alli 011.—A (remit supply 01 the gebblou Frnr.c.b 011 r.. - ." 11 by JO S. FLF:?•11N11: C.re.•or or Mark.t ntrrc.t and {ha Inasturool. . . I_l Atli iiItIJSILES-1 bay° Juan recelvoil 11 lei go tha lie.vt Englinh Mar, Nall'awl kinathen. tai2t 1/1.CIIIN11• • CREASVa— 30 tbs. while for sale by A. NAIINKSTOtIii OL. de?. Our., of Wucml awl Vend. r•tr«.4.. ALCINI D NIAUNESIA—'2O cases 4n -11,./ nip& alio Ly 131 A, FALINEFITOCK CV., del. corner of lirst and W 40.1 ntrwoto OASKS OLIVE OIL for 8010 by 0. L. tAIINOTOccf. t 00,: .14.2 No.GO, corner Wood and Innardi ant. CII&F,SE-10 eases Pia° Applogn — gifizi Ilo , Jurt 001 and for sae b 1 itapto IF ARUM CV Wood et, jittozVoit ,RbbttligeTncnts w. Et =DONALD ilk:tali advertlaing and Comml.al i on House do. 102 NASSUA STEILFMT, NEW '• AJ ref lia,glt,nta wlll I. u rthoTtior 6130.11tf in thi• gsVe• r intiabelpbta abbationnents. J. E CALDWELL & CO . 4 22 Chostnot reet.. lopp.lte Girard llomma • P II I L-A F, L P• 11-1 A W lIPIPOICTATCONS—VINN W PATEIC, PD lI.LI PH A DS WAlrises, iss ell A DIAN FINDS!! AM'S Londho Tialk.iteepsrs, now serlsw, wlttintlug (Saw And Open terStdo Authorised Agents for above. 001 D AND BILVIM KNOLINII AND swiss 'NAT A T C E . RICH J RAVEL-DV, nAw dtwigns DIA HUN DS. PKA ELLS, wad Do, Fashilushin Fs.3lss sllAltit WANK, uswurpasswd In strlA, .susisty sad Iluish 14.4..Ntrangere visiting Philwdolphin, Are Jut - lasi •w Amine their LELND NFIV MA 111t1. E E.V TA !It ISILIIEN T, a visit entailing uo obligatlna to porrlovari. UNIPJIO.I PRICE:kW plain figures, an 4 no variation. Dlolll' PLACE FOR EVRROREENS, At —I2I,COLI extra flue, grown Of the :tinned hardy ea riotien, from 2% 4,5 feet. 611,060 from small to d!, foot. 6000 extra fine storey, 42,000 poarli n.l g yards, line, three yinrs old, dwarf and standard. Onr N ornery intock In every itepartetent 10 large, ni bleb It •ill give on pl oxenro tit show to our Mend* and the sintilio. Piltalinrgh and Oakland Nneseries, Oet. 27, 106 a. tie276llertflf JOUN EMINDOCII. JR. PITTSBUGLI AND OAK LAND NUR-S -SEMIS:S. ar,,alo Apple Trees, 5 WS fet, 40 varlet/pi; thAnio do do 1 tot feet, 60 dot 10.020 Peach:B,ool Chem; 3,000 2,18/0 Standard Pear, SAM Suet 10,000tiwary rear: 1,000 Ilongbtorea Goosubetsi--3 year old.-11ne; 0,000 Silver Maple, 12 to 10 feet 00,000 Evergreens, 1 to 8 feat 210 of the odebnited flop Terre, with aline aasortment of Shade Tepee, Strawberry, Ilo , ,,rinninhonao Plano , itc., As. WAS- Vllipleaalo pureliwiers will bo dealt with liberally. JOON MUNI:HEM, JIL. 'ilitscellancous3 Ca(bs. JAC. 1.1C11...1.3111 Ptt.N0[ . 11.1C1111... ...... T_TAIISAIJOIS CO. PA.ciiii: ILS - " ' PRVIS 1 0 N S. k I Lupo.... ',word otr,.t, ni,st it. Lunn, Ally , Ow, City 'apt, N. TUN Litu^rty strt , nto Pittsburgh, JEFIINtI 1111.1rWrgl.P.IIT araar satterratte. JUAN M. BRAbSTREET &?, SON'S IM PROVRD MERCANTIL/I AND LAW AO RNO Y. R. 11. NKY IN, Jr , Agent for rittaborglf; lobes removed to NO. Cj FOUIITII HTILIOAT. Office In New York, No.= ItrosAway. Vi _Our Reports of Merchaets and Renaura are prepared erica the greatuo rare. 110—Notee and Arrow,. rolleete,l prumPtly.. aeli.'Part ICE CREAM! . fa CREAM!! MIC=M=I IT A MI IIItSCII A SONS' l , rmEn Saloon sud ddq Watt, Fvuutsin, Prvorh ntiJ Alnerit4n Confectt4notr). y2l 42 ST. CLAIF; RTITISET. 14 1 AL I, ST YL E. 4 • " - TLr Lmr.l Sty '..e of HATE ANI. CAPS CAN “.• NAP . JAMES WILSON'S, Ft.lormi k‘t rent, All eny, (rypotu,ll3.l ritylugn Uaek J. W. K 1 , 1 It li , Aro 11 i tee t; Cr aVPI,4* N.. 26 pt. Chop etrroPt, Illtal•nreh --...... - . III:RCIIAN'T TAILOR. 1.1 No n 73 SMITII II EI.II PT. PptliPn t.topler attd to tl/P neat... m. 0.:, MVil . . .0.1 Lt.'''. Opkto, Yvan. Vpsts, Pp. Ittt....lve Alm • r:s11. apl2..ltt • - - - _._ J. N. SIL.A.LALH:7siI-1 dv. CO {.%. - c+asnrl In R Pula Jr.) HARDWARE AND CUTLERY Ne. 101 Market Street • RE3IO VA ti. Liggott tic CO., have re tna•e4 front N. 70 W•ter .tra. to No :5 ..&ad 1,7 Fr. .t .1. N. 1.113(414TV & CO.. FLOUR FACTOR:4 itml Prodiii.e GtmmiT mon 1..1 - 1 - tuanN, lor N• 01i. r 4 Flatir,Qnaln.NNNlA *ad Ke•Urrally. rall/J Vr..ut Pitt.t.nrgh. Pnatea. toT i i 1 y 1M A. CILDIVELL PILO. RoAT VllltNlBllll2/L4 AND I , RA I,Kfts.lN Donn , RAI C.A.lnfl Oordapc Oakum, Tar. Pita., Tarn-mll.l, Du , Ligl,l .an Hoary . No, 64 II:3/.1. and 7K. Pront A I; oit It E E MIN :II A Nit b6ALIKII IN CANA 1 , 1. AI 11IN 011 A tII.I.AIN AND 1.441... SUN.:R.I,qt I R. U N 4% HI lIT , VRII. lIAIN '44 P PM MKT 11. r;... ••••,••• r , t/ ,r 1: kr, •nn • AI.,INE'S (1.11, I NU Y. r PII•T11 mid (MANI' rrl'llEtTr.. 14n14,;, tb. Goort TLN Gallery 111.11•4 i•••••n lll4vl lip with roperlor v 1,4. sad Rky-lighL rhotomplak, Ambrotyp, Paguerrn,typits. Iwkim in sity I. 1.• ocapassod. 2+Crang-pro end dthens are ccralelly 1nr1144 (..11 and &mfr.e for lbemselv.. all'"Kutranto 00 Fifth 0tr,.4. 11001311. raei .4 krone, ap2o-.lyEl T RIC.DWYALL & KW., t 3 A /V" It S, AoNIEILIAT, PENNA. : I=l “Frrirtrf.:l, MK4.2IIANICS . BANK, H. PATRICK t CO. do tur'44-lycl .11.044 T J arloanoon KIK V &Ea & AND trattigN. WII 0 hESA LE DEALERS IN FOREIGN I'ItUFTN, NUTS nod SPICKS, (1051dECTION CRY, SDIAIL4. PINK WORKS, dr, No. 310 WOON /STREW, om.-icr 51. ChArl... 1111.-1, 1,..2,11, Pa. mrtalytt ' u COO WOR.RE:•• 11,. IJ anams ()i,v Ers, • ( ~H -VAR Rid, AND WITIK SrIIEETS, 01)..STULV.1 AND MASTIC WLIILS Lon pAril,lAt nil ~rders Co work In hie Iles. , •".CKNTIL OILN A‘l e.NTLI of all }lndln tnrulnh..l oil abort mai,. sp26,fly • T. W. s.OUOIIItI4G:Vi. Watch •ed Cloak Malla•mr, I NIPOILTILIi 01 , L" NE IYATCIIESANI) JEWELRY, 1 No 01 PHIL mtroot,b , worn Woof afil 111.tkod. PILLI burgh, In. aa—Pnrt.l. 0f,., of I.Ltlvn ' , aid L. the repaLL ‘ lng of Watch, sod -Lowelry. IC AI! w..rk v•nrvomtcvl (101.111 . 11011.1. £ notlivar. fIAS AND STEAAI FITTERS, N. 13( THIRD OTILIKIKA kntarran Wood anil sudihnidd ova SarAbasin 1.13 hand Chandßltorq, ISTIRICRIA wad Mx. of all kind, umbro• done In • .peclo.' Rtyle A ll pomp/ iy. • ttrntl.4l /WAlan, Plans sod Sped forrdshed for Ma wor kq nod U.. War,• ontortrricleql riqiwra r for In or prlme..,. , Inrklyd JOIE" OADI 1 . 1111141.114 ANUFACTUREROF BOOTS1r ; ivy ud sumo' or every-dr-1,10.. Nu. 34 ilmithtleta oc31:1yr: S. T. (MIND, 111;11..1.1114n. Pearl Steam Mill, R. T. KENNEDY & BRO PURCILISF:L) FLOUR, 0 MEAL. MANUFACTURED AND IN PI'IrSBURGII AND ALI.F•OHENY. 'u IrJ T.rw.—CAMlmi!lvory pnvt it u 13PRANCi WALL PA-Y.F.11-11. now open !Of It xv,tion P4lO. Thb:latrri sly). of PARLOR, UALI, DINING ROOII,4IIIIMOD URILING I'AP6*S Molly •,r1 Wel, own &Micas 14. r Vice.Gwldh Window IiALLAGIIER, tat/LIU 4..410., 13 /t 1.3 t 3 I C3 1I Eli kr , HTRA AI ANU ti A 3 PI I'l YIITM U 1 ANDIINA111111113: ii , INISILERS or ALL RANDS lir BRASS woitK,mi dmdn. lu CIAS YI XTUI4I:IE; CirOPVICII AND IV A IttatnilAlS, /rirrotiodry, No. 152 inna Jan.., tiro .1404 bolo. - thy flotioupthelP Noose, tootween n".I Sndthflohl. FJ'AW. ORDERS Pho.lli-rLy FILI.Y.U."(e{ Jnl4:dtt Jj'ENI)I Si FENDEttb!! j! Nursery, l'urlor„ tiilchon and Chsiutior; Peroless. Ail 'sacs c. sod All nulled; At IN° Iteo o ty va TS II War... of . _ 117. IV. BRAIJSRAW, No. 34. Wood strort, nolo flrd door Wow the ego or Um golden sou: - .• • - - Cloak. and Raglan... Ili BEAUTIFUL ASSORT/4Eln OF OLOAKS• AND RAGLANS, to *LW the stroutkio of tho ladles Is wltd4d , hoe jowl Lica rorOlvo4 and wlll h, upenftil thW morninglty %Ica LAIIIRIUS, oold r,ruer of Firth k6drhet eet PEPPER,-25 bags for nalo-by ad% ILA. YAW,VO # Srboricultural. brc 11.14.0rtrtyr. n VIIIII,OIQ. =l= WHEAT, RYE AND CORN AND HOMINY DELIV . ERED, =EMI ghsdea, Tontarr, N. muNos o ni • 00 ., Nn. • IZ=I rT!M!EM p °PULA It ESSAY' ON TEE -I- PATIO Di S& talotrA 'INCIDKNT I f t) TRADIN AND CIiN:U• JEW:drat nl Ittnir '""1"""." N shall Ito in 11.11• f•lllistne 1...•1•44 - Illatly. """. g^Ut.ll - 4.14 4.4 Wadi), It. L , l [llo,,,libiy .1n at 1....••1 lo Ln4. WAY ., li lt, Mgt.. 14 r 111 M Itotil4a le a 1•141..,.... tiannaCllnti bYUCIik ball lb. an.l ourontt. 4 rho dt•osnws nip tiona tra.r.l.-x (rout lb..try of Ille•on.• 0p...11...nib. , 11. , in r.al• handle.' or timed, sn tan«.. Irnr•-..1, an% purnuita a•t• un• *vault li) nnboaltlo. tor.. ...II I•••• an prmlant in Own' 1....n.rx. me in a., st..l r Fn th dow through. ever y 1141:1, and lb. r • It. I.l.“rut it, mullet tb , your cheek nolo. 1 , , • } I. .111..1. wif) . - rnuirvi to give entinfiletion. 1 , ( l 4; (24 1.1i..1)14.1EN. • , • tre,olif arf. •Icl, ..r an. • 1 tt 1, c..t.J,1141101 ninr.ng gika. •.o1 .J.ll ~n4ditty and ulll rt • i`e.lny not a nit. • ,i.1..n u 111 in. rmil ; ! . iT I,- Pk; 41 TO TAKE. t • . • artfr 14. or ilnalers aril° M, rty 10 .tut you soriii. Bit r or .Sarinksitlia trash, which il.••, it is, just as good. AVOW ".• 1 1110 0 1. tot , sl , l.k . in ' s ilt.ugthening and tin; 41 1 / th.. only r«medy the: rgaly 1 , 1....1 thoroughlT, Midst thr utrugthrEM• ..very morning fa.stiug!'), a cur. :1, f..r ander, Chills and 'Yuver, Yellow V.Tor. ••1" say 11.1 . 1,4.11•1•1 414111,, ,IF Is rot lu tarp. butt IPs rule II prr 14,1,1. s 10 f, bottim . for $5. . J.:11. MrLEAN, - • 141de Propti..anrt4 this Cordial. I,len.strt.sn's Vgltisuie Oil Liniment. ..r.ishn forum' 4.1 Third and 1 1 11111 streets, • t NI • 1... AN •ti :Vt) LC Nil!: LINIMENT Th. nest ',Vininorni in the World. ...,G.neulki , rtiiki corn for Cower, Niro, Tomora, 1tr..1,41,10r,r tioltre • - ,Paralyrist, Neuralgia, N th. MAU", CI,: nic or f urlarnmatory Rater, (Ifr notiraciod Mooch. .r Ligo our.“. 1... Woomim. 1. .I, (•. ,)Z..sri?Srol. Calttd Breen., Bore Nip. • Throat. or any lothromotion or Nuo. 44'W Or /lOW joug &ream , may 11,4,0,111.0 i M. 1...01 . ,,':1‘./..11,,te,1 ,13oliotuat fa a rut NM nuondy. !f" , Tr..111.1 , ..,1hr.n41,1,1,414•1 14,4 0 .ve,r ~r dr , • .m.• cya Liniment nOl r• 11.7.. 1... 7 .., ai..l 1,. al 11.0,1.7101...1 tr. Pn 10rr0.107.1y 01,1 • • 4 1 7, .1- I t. 1 ,1 miler Animals. 4 1,1,.1r0,nt only onl, n i and . ... ,1. 1.. r Inr of fang Ilona, Wind. 1 ,11.1 • 1 1 , t.. or Swolllno. It no o• v. r 1.,/1 to rorolll4llr,l.l,llsril, t Run ..., SVF ,, wO). Por Spred... r,rstrl.,,l,4lLrlrro 11,01, MO, Seublln or Collar . , Cot., or 4W.ti014. tt ,e {ii IvlalllLle rnmedy.— , 11 .Irrert,l. Una q corn in re 11.441 lo evory inntanca. ~.^ Per Mitt, 1L« 000lV'worthle. Llnimeub ,• • Y. aCelarply co!obrated . ,I 1 ctilr« . 1 pie LEA N, Sue Proiirieter, vor , (h., Third and!do 11 V.FV1111: 140 Wood „Ntroot, I•tr011.0,1 , , l' • fldreft, , ml In,: r e• ~- •-.,-,-,.:-. !.. • ; f•-•'•,;.V•t> ''',-,,, ! , - ril lc ;.:••• i , , , i O. 0 - ~. ,i•. R. : Vitl.ll SW it UP L :4) . (, : ts ' it , 0. ;' 0:' V ..1: PICOTICOTIM p-,,lrttion 41 Ovotositte 4.1 Iran C tt : M ); I N N.D. I•l;F:i•Al;NriuN FiLUN k 144114 1 , 017.4 all corms ,• fpliv(or , lk/nruz. 61' tLa blood. KelwrAl tl. I ,1115, 11.1.1 rt.,..r thi• diw aw a parnllftr to retnalco, It rxf r.1,1y tle.wriptlott tbo remedy and r.litark4 , lv rt,r, io.llham rPott-ed; play I of I • 1..11 k 1 1..14111ig tht 1 1 1. 14 101114 0111'0 el PI,411•I11114 T,,rt ts It., es -el l/y t 'A bar( as.ppurs' mr, and that In-o,tain a a , lntunulsl Pl-fitoxl/lo - of Iron wlthont futlbt 1.1 loon tint..nrillsnptnibfa, I, ;by I'vrult.tu Pykyiu SLIT destrafda p,not bas boon eV - ,l.anutiotyloigy infer a unknown; and this ....it: lion any i•co tailmostem, rltratea and .1. 11- 11. • Nl.h.rta ; • 1 , 14 au.• von....vltinlayud Win ;le pla, of any Pro. ~t I u.n. pfly/crLine bash u.. 1 In worry or tr t ri /rt . 1414,1 4141 1 ,1/111 1 411:Nt anch El.. ey aboold z .1.1 I, !1,. nanfli in..cfnut uf every abip. !C, A. A. 1(A KA, Id. D, hw AsYiy ihv Prato of dinnsachtlfellgt ' • , . t figaperwitANl, the beneficial edicts the ••I'arni not ltrnip' . do übt linttabi to recommend it ; the attention of thopuldic. yaw oco ow...Poti,entsb IS4 well to from the tenant./ ,•( wheat. intakhostice arid Integrity are eltegwaber ivo hate no doubt of in snowy in ones of I n.bient Duo:stew a It. filmic, and 'Bronchial renege., laver Coto ;Nut; bropey, Neuralgia. et , . Ice its effect. m.. 41111,241 incredible bat.from the high claw , sot, of thote who witiiossnd them, •7111 hare Tolman.. .I ib.ar testimony, to asoilo mire, to Itstnitorative power. Pierpodi, l'hOntes O. Amory, Thomas A. Itwatera' . - • Peter Manny, 1+ M. Ii M. Jame. 0. Pont,. Seninal May. itra.Thos.Wlittteuniore. 11. RISTAKR, I toisalle I,l' No, 110 Woad street Having olpethivoitil tri(h turd, itt, in the treatment 01 ~/•••11 , years, la, no *,lO ail prejudice:, hei examined ,u the mental all the 1,14.1i011211 P31 11 :011• end is:boob. of nr.lll illt• and have relolatal tench rentddies es I can demon el seta to bs safe and tWlrient rejecting "all mineral poleons. w . ute duo ince , icAnitwretiveli.n ony beat; it Is tba tat not act...plc iilitessiat stet minims knowledge con, tmeat ~eh valance dri l l patseeeranee tempered with kind. ties, I, Is mtha hitt& clam cif disooke where P.P."... tall.o their friiliirro.! flaying gleam this class of die -o,b starini niteutiai, rprefetot to las Prot.-rod to Ire.. all y , disonses utile Neale., eurimis. I mean tell that ere curable clues unletig it lin conditionally, on that patients ion , 3 1Voiel npot wi!OleOleretion. I profess trust ay nil .Isr....lpaiot of the Lttnga. Liter litourhin 1....141e. Paralysis, ylliennyetisce, and 'ell derangementeof ibeino loon PjISIVII, ktelialti and Pilot, ',neonatally treated i t , I, ttorly to Brat yptyit! without the nee of lbll knife; ad.litional caul. :I:profens to treat with tenparab lethal the hwthaiman the.. kti.te.ri by the nem. ci 010- i in ail it , nte,n,w,..yrithnot the one'wfthe knife or any bat a, treatment. it ildfintio, will etrktly obey my instntu I will gesseuttaeieethilecCon fu toll cure where on •11 Intl; organ heal taken place. The of r ~ t , c'Ll . tul cu, FA gin.° Irma sitfreu• of It. Loehr, 1 devia. , l:Yeriyanctliw for tholast throe ynre. I lia , e ltetwer Tunnani weighing from ii la - 2 “111 , 1.1 111.11 I 114 VIi:I,II3QVVII with mecca, without the or Ili.. got imurtlivr perti6ulare physicians and to., a .err in, ,t,..11... sell 'wig reunion for themselrea. 1 _I • 011. DI tali.% K. OPCILLIST &DID AORIST, • • apoolal diremos of l.ho Eye and Par. In ' l"aala u 6.. m 1,1;14o IS antdoot• In eta many .10,..ann0, al , 0 ern land 0 , Clio Sallcaiostrnetnn:, all ponasna•Miated attend to Ulf., ppni , talansi avoiding tenth enr ol , dit Ittludneab. • ^. "" 4 0 1.ii i % gawp, wtll re 1. Notato xitcalluth! Ai(dnro. DJ. 1292, tit Lonl,ti, Mu. ... • 4 , VA ICE. lift:arsAlrellTH 4 , 11 , 113 I.u.s and Chesnut streets,. ono square from Ahe renue I Muss. NI- in,fllol,. anISAIReeIsP Com e taxi. Artnrblel '- Worlln. N. IC, I IVoil4 Street,!.; pear Sixth r , TrAI , R/7//, 1.1 1 T T ell Gum:tub P 'l' 1 A VA It 13 Al A 8 N , Itt ` SiTOTFIALY TO IN .1, iO, 0...1 tnn nl.no p.i.42444 for Mt prnim::.ctulo .Juni ovory of iSlotounltniti, TombsTut•lets Orrovotoues !,..,:.- g • 1,,,, ~ • ; 1 . ;".1'; kill nail • 11 . :%. ....' W.." ~1,..,,.',,..,..: 1T•14.w el nn, nth bi. egtablb,blll.l3l. ii.pAs .1 ilm ipiitt•tlis iltm;!)slocli bt nntirnli n0w,...) tw. 1..." ' , 1.e..) by hinon.lf, ontiteay b or Ml* mark.. nab ....., pr01.,..,1 1., btu.) linrin(Ymnltn,ruclowe Liar Lob. with Mon '''''' "b"...."4 1.......1.1".. 4lny ntber ,re..., I. 1.1 Ing II.", ^ cn y of 113 4 . 1. , : 0.... -, rlns n).o."(ting VitlibtOtl. ...Li% of VOIJOBIOON TO ""' T 0 Lyman, q • ;; . 'label t 0.1... y. K.N. t.,. W: , . Walldiss, ;I; '. Jolla ClaialtLl. g").. .1.. 11. :1110TOITTOTTBTO, W. fr.. 10 .4 Y ''' ' '' nnrl.." {kronor, 1 , ....,„V' : J. D. IIIIIE"), I P. , ....tc0tt, v... 1., IJ, 'ii t. 14 Ctlrling,l , 4s, vv P. 800 t. F.....,., ,ii :i a. lo WhIL", Eng. ?In, Trn).• ra,.....1...i seol , " ill oi"4 o f Y ''''' 4 "'" d D " .. ' ^ l" 7 , 1,1010, anlinn r..htiii 00 1 " III" lough, of V) kimal• Ily-1....1,0 ' 'I er.r wI)11, ihn manufretnnirs 1.• 0f ,. , 1.,,-.1 brns,,Ll, fl.r a!nr , "xlnot snigli ...) Ilytfrardia Co. wot, Vintor sod lookr{lJ. , 'Urn, An) .11bor feria, botb i .,",,„,.„,, ~,,.,.., W0r.1 , 1, "II ..f whitli - 1... In prep.,...) t." furnlal. nt nln , rt Eunice. 1,.. i ~,, nibl6:.ll I th,....,..41.1 ,11.. - r1V1.1..t,1 IK . SI.A. CARPETS /WO 0 1 1 !CLOTEit, . . 9T Til li FfiliaTil :§TItEET I;ARITT STORK, L: •., IMEMBIEIM prrasBl7iia,m, li• lA/ 11. & i*'OALLIN RESPECT VV • " FULLY xneoapco.that they are receiving • Ka ccc CARPIC.Pi NO; eelecteCiiinictly trim We licperteis and /launhl k tri ...01 the firm" bow in the Emu., ie which they urii• the attention of pcueiaserr. Ale..:. new otyle uf tIA4`011:111ATTINO, fee summer par. ini4n oc OAFIPISD BWEILPP.II9, etc. eta which eimll he curer.: at 4licOnent. Jed ; ! V ; ;;. W. V. &Vivi:Lulus!. _ 10,0( f.F for 'sale ,by 0 Y ,00 B ' l " i pp, • J! *ebttat. r tfg Y6T II k I Nil. tMff=ff= Coy,l4llert4e. , of DT II slim I It I/ It OH, PA. r..A.w ON sodlortra; Mn'. Eat . . W art minricii.ratiiiii 7 : B6 ° On and after Monday, November 14th. "P 1 NNSYLVANki (A mmin NTRAL RAILIIOAD, EMIT DAILY TRA1NE1.11......' The Md Trait: leaves the Paa.dger &aft= 'Perri (nacrvt Snatiny,) at 514 A. V., Ttailbursit .{4, 4 thin,: in Thaadolphia at 147.5 n. I - Thol:l4.rea, Train I.ar. tlw Std eget., eveddsitt al 4:40 Mopping only at 111VCDS5tEM, LlLtrObtl/2 J0h0A.1133., 11111 Morty GaillYlll, tc, Mrieritha.. an. I. .rE 3 , 111/ the Train direct for Baltiaaarss sad &III:it111g to Philaimphla or italtlroaradd,o Lat. Tbo rain Liu° dully, (except Sanday,) as 250 plog only at pringipal statiraio, usaklug itlrsclgosusetkeal Harrisburg for lialtimonA and arriving Its IllibulAiplititor Hal Onion, at SSM rDa. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: Th.. JOinatowi Accommodation Train hart. dally(extept Sontlah)ai G.at r. u. g-cpping at all station., mat ma clog as far ita Coormaugh. nrat Accommodation Train for Tunic i.`ract ittida• Imres daily,(l.3 rapt Son Jay,) at 11::0 a. at. . Second ArtomrocatatiOn Train for Scalia (.renl,,, lota. (ox.copt Sunday.) at 4:03 t. Thud Amann)cdialian Train for Tortio Caret. 'carol dal it. t.anyt ndin,) at fe-11 r. m. It.nrnla,.. Tref. !writ, in Pit/atm:argil, at follow. I , sprt,o, 140 r 1:13 a. r.-I%ot Lino, 1i..13 c t. , 4 Auvlemodation, 11.00 Ar, W.—Firet Tacna A, ~ .I . l m edetton, G:6O a at—Second A , Cortimodplikaa,- 1,10 r -Third Ac...ancrLativut. G:100 u. Tra..na tor totiocct at Ma/rattle in , ccmcilaa with ondl uaio Ea,a, F..xpre. tnit,fresit.lll,lo be Johtatturn ac , xentited.lbAL tram tact and Matt. rITT Will AND CtINNKLLSVII.I.K T.D.AINB..taP' vit, at all ataiii 11.« rittatiarzb uW Cialtivitsailte lirs,a daily (aatiday iiiireptad) as hJluui Mial A. Tram, rltyturo• inc 'Trains from Pittaborg• std en Ste at l'itcnburgh, Airie • 1r end d IO r sc. , FAO{ •I.WL{SI! Low an of ohl ofhlso Ithoon. SOX AAR FOIL TICK fiTh LT PITTSMIOIII. The rompleholl of tholl'ootelo evuonetterm oylonois lisllrmJ to Chlroh.hf. tooth* this LI.. Direct I.loe betwTelaith!lliasi ..."1 the. Great North AVetit r,.nn•ctioµ treeka by tho !triage of nroldirig dl,lrayryn or trill:•_. ia Freight. la. Koh, with the emvisig ••t tiltio,4tre edraintrigra 0p isnrintrd ty trill or. of Freight and the Trevelliot Pubtio PA RTIRS SIIIPPLI:GY3STWAR 11. , 47.'tind qt.thdr. artrwaagerriship by Mix Pride. The Greatest far offered for the Protection and Speedy Trans ports_ lion of LIVFI, n.I (.7.0 AMallifetilrlolls With 0114141 pririlogm for per 0040 Iran:11111g to charge thereof Wll:6'l'W Ey thin Ratan Frriglits of all doscrlytions can In fot• warded from Pidlodelphos, Now Yolk, Logan, or , NUL more, to any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Nentlickysin. Mona Illinois, Vilaconsin, lowa.or allannwi, b, A'arlroad litrrct. -,The Pennsylvania HAIPond nla, connect* at Pittsburgh wiW Steamers, by which Goods enn la forwards's! to my port on the Ohio, Mosklngsint, Kentucky, Tempers, en., Leedom!, Illinois, Mississippi, Wisconsin, idialtnitt gum, Arkawas md Rod Risers; and at Illeveland,Bandusky and Chicago with Mantes. to •II Ports co the Proellh-Wentarts Lakes, • Marrhanta wad Sitlppon. elltraeliag trwarportatke of tlaar Praight to thi. Canaramy. rab rrly a - ith ormadei. (al It 3 niwooly TII ItATES OF PRI' liill7tenerry-petnt lu trieAVoall ay thn pennsylvainn Italt Road, are at ail Lon., at jurvrabletti aro phorgeft by atter R. It. thinpunier. air to. partirubtr mark fieekago. Pranea IL Re literchritita In the %Vest ordering 'Nods from the kart, will do well to direct them to to 'Lipped tit is flunk, l'artirs attending to their owo eldpments Ciotti thitEart. will find it to their luterest to Call •Iti the Agents of this Company at the lollowing phloem before .hipping; or loiters addressed to either of them MI the silljrct or /freight:L . lFM Meet with prompt attention. STEWART, A geat, Pittabrugh;, • E. J. BNRISDER, hlAfl RAW k KIR)NS, SO North StrrlVßaltimore. LRCM k (XL, No. 2 A,tor';llonlr,r,r'Nb. 1 8, - w m . Nom York. 2 CO., No. NI Silby btrnet, 1104.. 11. 11. lIODSTOIS T 15 - eViti L.1.110U PT. Gnei Ticket Afft, TILOS. A scurr, Gen't Sup 7., Altoria, Jellyd _ T LE PITTSBUIWII, Fr. , == alliMag WAYNN l CHICAGO RAN, c0rnp1.44.1 from Pitiaburgh to Chicago. •, IrooDnurrs 81.CEPItal CARE athatbnil to sU night. [mina. Through without changn vicars. 00 awl after LIONDAV. Nue.naa 14th, IftrA, Train* mill leave ant nation, corner Liberty and Graaf fitrefetel; Pittaburgh, m fullotee: • Pittaborgo.l It erettlioe.l * Pt. Wayns ' Kspresi ' 1.50 A. t.t iu.au L. . 4.40 1, ,. f: x pre* 1:4:. r. ra. - 10:40 r. N. 4,..a A. lit Arrive at ChicAgo--,Expriver 10.45 r. it.; lritrirat 10,45 A* 1 It IttUlt.N LNG. ffMMIM2=I lic.omm..dativu Trey... from F-1 r. filloyalemste for ble, 111rIgletoo, 10 I. r, and 441 r Thr u.th T. .in. coven«.rl en follomn— A t AlImo:, uttl, ...Id.. ore the Cbd,clated A ritirdetrAti aal. At Orville, 01A., tee .tid irum MillersteirA, Mll ion, eniallogs FAIN, ow. At Alatatleid, Oki, 1.4,111 , t. Vornou, Foudnelty, To k.io, Untrvit, cf. At Otnelliuo fin ih.fau are, Seriugre.dd,s,....lutid.o, Clutitn. Li, Xenia, Iloilo°, liiiionoreille, St. lame, At Fureer Seoduety, 11.91,t), etc., eto. At Limo for Findley, Dayton, Cinelnimilt, to, 014 At Yt. Wayne Ito fern, I,,alayette, 111.1., St. I«mir, tird lota It...dint/a ports h, Ceutrol I °dant; At Plymartati fvr I.,ei.w • At Wanohab fur .II puha,. un iha. New Atbouy API Gahm 11Altroad. And At Chimp., with trAlrel fur ell rotate in 111111014q011111, Olietotutlu .4.1 Stinourota. Eisr further 12,1-rinattou awl through Ticket /A apply J. 81EIYA.11.T. Ticket Agw4' Pant/Inger gcntion, l'lttaborgh. N. 0 STKVENnON, Ticket Agent, Puedoger Ytutfon, Allegheny.. Twiu to tor Bale et fill the Ticket filler. of 1.14 C..uospuuy Zn't.h. Hue al the rood. to . 1 1 Wt. of, the Tinned wog. .1. J. 110111f1NIN. Gen. viser Altti Pitt". .y ____ • and Plul•burgnlialid; 11.1%,1E /f.' TIM C--IVINTRE AllllAtiaKiliSNT. • ON and after AIONDAY, NOME li th, 15,3, Tad.; v. la ..t Ito.. Itsllr.l.lv Pitt. t.qargh, na /tuft Tora h and Chicago Linn Ineves A reirent atA rri yea et A relate at PPLTSDUHOII. CLIIVELAND. TOI.NDO. CHICAGO. 1:50 am 7515 am 1200 pto 10515 pm 1:45 p m 725 ptu 11:00 ntu 1023 a m Puectudote desiring to Go to Chicago, vie Cleveland, must be partlealer tout tor Tickets via ClevoLubl. /iltittrya, o.l..nnbut and Cinpitantai Short Lint Ma ...V.cubmmaL, itzpreat leave. Arrive, at An irm at Anima at PITTSBURtiII, LAJLUAIBUS, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS. 120 a m 1:50 p m 6515 p - I:00p p m 1;15 ata ADO a m 51.153 t. Thu mute It shorter to Clociatutti, ilia, Womb. and all while south, than any other route. Splendid bleeping Cate attached to all Night Tref.. Pataintrigi and 11/Htling Lea.* Arrives at Arrives at Arrives at Arrives at PITTAITO, ROCILEST, WRLISK, 3TRUIPSI, MAW] 1-50 aat WA) ato 2:57 u m 4559 a t0,.. e . eil4 a m 120 a m Stops at ell atatiorte—orrtves at ;WM a m 115 p 0214 p 420) p m 5.113 pat - "Gib p Throttge natera an be prom:HAI Plttal.argh, Llarfte. berg. Dittledalpbta, New Teak and &sten. Y. IL MYERS, General Ticket Agent. For farther luformation apply to JOO. STEWART, Ticket Agtad., apld 10.10 Liberty at. depot, Pittsburg... 18e9. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., 1249. T"E BALTIMORE 45.: i g igi g gial 001.0 RAILROAD COAIPANY are row prepared to remove sad forward Mercitantlate meter throagb cilia of lading to and from Pittsburgh and th• Itiastcru Cities. Bak gnarantowl to be hgnally favorable with that. of the Penissylnutta Sall Komi Co., or any other line. For Information st to rues, facilities, etc., He- applica tion may be made by letter IT in serwm to either or the asplemittawl eftesll.: At BOSTON, Moe. Potter, cm. Plato nod Washington eta NNW YORK, C. W. Perreil,2l:9 Itnaulway, above the Astor bloom. . 0 PU I 1-APHLPIII A, & Cottle°, corner Broad no Coi. K d e C ll b 72.7 *". i.xth nod Chen SA LTILItiIIE, J. T.lingla y nd,thunden Station.not sta PVITSSUIIII U, J. A. Canglicy,l4l {Palm streeL Jap.Partk-olar attention of merchants., manufactment •00.1 shlptans generally, of Mishnah, Allegheny City and •Iclulty, I. called to the Ihdlitiee of this Afro Janda name tenod with other.,, and {hay patent:ace awl favors art to sportfully selicited Walla IL AlSAilli, felatf tleneral Freight Agent It. A Lt. If. R CO. UNDER. 'TUN NASI6 AND STYLI: OP ROSS OL COMP aIV , • H AVING recently purchased the extensive COAL WORKS, buoy owned bo hictlilvery d South, are LOU ptt1.11 . 4 to inruhili Coal, at their Depot. iromedirdely below Jew Wood Co'. Bolling NHL in boots, bergce or wagon. They wtll el. format, with their own tem.., to either of the cities to otttnutecturers or private Wattles, et rosounnble ILT—Wie hare twunred the eerWto. of JOHN who ham had ouror 'care experience to the Coal Lomeea to he capacity of Superintend.. end Wenn.. JWIS:dly PiI'IMASTIIII6' BAZAAII. AND LIVERY STABLE, Dlit110:11) SWAT, NMAII Lli PITTSBURGH, PI. HORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND foinul in • linit clam Ilaznar, lama and to order .t all times. Hons.r toed trained and Vehnaler deg:mitt:4 comfortable. ihr Milan. for unman.s to rtimarals, or fur franliku, 'Rauch:idly attended to.. al hours. 414 r lion. bought mud mild; 4lect, bopt oy Ma . aly orontor mouth. selfally Ittsbnrel Stamp and Stencil Worm; JIN). Stami,, Stencil and Bmnd Cuter, LOBBING CUTLER, °BINDER, Krdv.,tkiAounauct Krado Ground, Insertett 'Sado If air. Itapairod. and OeterndJuLdoisg, At tended to: LOCKSMITH AND ISPILLHANCIOL 13 limitline Id troat• near SLIM, J'AfS,K I II(III, A. titarifbu stove Cr.a I. proparud ...Yak% & Ina su edgn twl, or du our Mud of imitlt rook what.•ll •Itnrt Mlll4, 1.. A uAiki• HALL EIBbTA U ILILL,I 7 FTIII7IkiIIa, JLGEFPF 3 F,Ft Id Fc 3E7 PROPRIBTOP.. • ALL DELIOACIES Til6 SEASON, prepared liy Lilo Most tot cooisonsl ridrii.isirreil op at tho ationeet dos, from ~,,,ectuCK A. M. UNTIL TWEIXIt WOLOCIC P. Ali ditielon In the line, peculiar to the FAA, Weet.Aß drtily Krim., and .smell ue in ordsit;-:, uuaturau mon 2111 uml Elio table ut WALNUT WALL alt Mat they could doiliro. a...wholesale List-it do. Optsre, flrh , Cant. and awl,* YeEdtablos la tloiir for: • UNION" 1 1 Y DEA Lll.l OEMENT 11 c Easorite note, rood an,l &purer.' by Ltaßros' o .en tractors, Brid g e ooJ Etas., Eiiiidors Lw yaiod pug. Wiir midi to boat 5 IMMO naporior duality than 4,17 othatiat. feted In the morkOl. I.llldell A IlUTEIllill4:1N"1 split( lid isoi‘ied soul I-Pi Vleuketoilak C OOK. STOVES, 0005 STOVES,— Tho best assortiocut in Ito city Is at Una Ino my um.* and Tip Warnbodwd of , W. W. MLA 11 - nod) Ell Woad et, 'Buda:is below sign 0u : mAVY OAKUM A N 1) COTTON Was best Nosy Oakian g • MOO lbs. best Caulkin g Cott., On hand soil for mile by 131 JONIOI A ocouty ------ lA~SI BAGS!—Seamless; Bags, of book Ton b.,2 .n 1 for sale wholesale Or by .ogio twice; 0010 11121311000:K. aikltakalf t OD.r.- EOW RENT—A Dwelling louse of eigl# rooms, with • largo lot of .groormt, on Yiilh 4reary7 VS per mooch. Apply to mIU N . CUTTIOSHT It SON. SI Harlot at - - CEILIN4 DECORATIONS--Bett ogn forparlon, REstrr , dlalag roomadolls Dolo far ado by W. t. MARDIIALL 4#l 00.. , NO. Rrifh-b4 street? DRAIVING abeao9 aca m1 , .0.01(201.0; 400. • • .• • • . . 67 WO9ll ~t{tet