Vitishurgij ((eNxtt t. attssiss morn- n. gruamts..n. L I.2'OMA ➢. IQoLyRT R. BRIZETT & ascl PROPINXTORB PIT7/3.13L - .14.CL }RE: - TUESDAY 151011NIN0, DEC G,' 11369 TIM non-intercourse bravado of a few demen ted F. F. V's, about Richmond 'excites no other feeling than that of contempt at the North. The empty threats of shutting out the Northern trade has no tenors for ua. We can get along vastly better without them, than they can without no. When Limy once try4no experiment of securing a better market for their staples than they have • unmet with in the free North, they will be found lowering their tone, and he brought to their sober semen When once erecten into an exclusive thrreocrory we are at a toes to see wherein they have greater security for their slave properly thou they have now. The contermitial free States could hardly he expected to turn slave eatelicre and force hack into servitude the homed chattels that would seek refuge in their borders by the. hun dreds Slave property would not be enhanced but_trom the uncertainty of its tenor, must inevitably greatly depreciate. It would appear to us much like the silly expedient of "suiting off the nose to epito the face," this thing of putting up bare and laying embargoes upon Northern manufactures. The number of dough laces in the North die posed to give up all the rights and liberties dear to freemen for the purpose of securing a market for their goody, has been growing steadily smaller and beautifully leo-a every year. Free dom of thought and epeeck are toe dear to ne to barter them for pririleges se paltry and immu• allies es , questionable. :Noce 1,,a fire eating demagogic; hen ever given ' , lave in their thought:: to ouch supremely absurd prejeClO. Maddoncd by the foolish excitement !heir own inoiscretions have precipitated, they imagine the whole North hare engaged in a crucad, ogainet the institution of their idolatry—a rush sad unwarranted conclusien, having no shadow of formdationla reality. The North protests against to unfounded an imputation: They have no wish to inierror.l.l' with this much cherished darling erikcir 0,- ern brethren- Art - ere ask is to he free,' Contributing to ice Juppori or eve:analog to its propagation. ncleforeuce that the iteptiLlican party is ebotiti'iii in its proclivities—its cods and aims—is arossly erroneous one. They eeek not to meddle with slavery where it extols. Vir ginia may breed and sell human chattels to her heart's content, titimeleeted by us, she may hue Lhe leprous thing closer roil doter to ter beeem, for aught we este. lick soil maybecome more harren, - Tgar after year; ^her richlatineral resour ces may be suffered to lie undeveloped, and all enterprise and vitality may be allowed to die out of her people—it is no concern of yin-s. To be sure, we mourn for the short-sighted peliey and stolid indifference with which she can behold her sister free States march on tone highest degree of physical, moral and - intellectual greatness, while she lantliSileS:O CT the paralysing, Hall _ ing influences of slavery. As a free Stair, Vir ginia would rival Pennsylvania and New I . ;,rk. No State in the Confederacy possesses in a higher degree oil the elements of greatness. to mineral wealth no State in the Union can exceed her - . And all, all lies torpid, dormant, paralysed, un der the opas blight of elavery. While we cam mieserate her pitiable 'condition, and sincerely wish she could be delivered from the "body of this death," still we never dream of disturbing the equanimity of her temper or ehocking her sensitive nerves by any ioterference with her in ternal affairs. if she thinks Slavery beet for her —clings to it es a thing to be desired, protected, defended la the last extremity—oven to the ex treeeepoint of non-intercoursc with the North— nay, to a diaeolutioa of the Union Reel!, cvea ,-- why,inneaTen . fl name. we say, let her alone in her infatuation. Itn!, w e w ou ld ee.) ., to these Riehthonti:fire.entere, that there is nothing in the least alarming to us in all their bromic, We .simply Ipok upon it en contemptible to the Inez degree, and we predict the time in not for in the future when they will he heartily isohenii,l them- selvoi of this onperlalive folly Cons Agstx.—The efforts of the adtainisti.a. lion to obtain possession of Cuba, though for some time past in abeyance, do not appear to have been abandoned entirely. It is said that the return of Mr. Pr 081.013, minister to Spain, is not induced solely by private business, as has been given out, but also by a desire on the part of our government to set on foot come new project for the acquisition of the island. The President is anxious to redeem his promise to the South in respect to the island, to acquire which was one of the pledgee given before his nomination. The programme drawn up at Ostend and signed by Messrs. Buchanan, Soule and Mason, is yet to be carried out. This wild worthily crown the present administration. It would add the cap clone to the monument. To acquire territo ry by fraud and violence would bo in keeping with the manner in which what we already pos sess has been governed for the last few years. NEW 1 . 0 1 / 1 : CITY ELIWTIOII.—The Empire City has had no election for years no exciting and in terestipg as that which transpirto to-day. mayor is to be elected. There art now three candidates to . the field—Wood, the I•erlresenta to live man of the shoulder-Intices and the Five Feints generally, Hagemeyer, the candidate of Tammany Holt, awl updytte, Republican. Ogden was nominated by the Old Whigs, but has with dravren. The Republicans, In order to save the city from a calamitylihe the otection of Wood, of fered tojcia with the decent men of the Democrat ic party, giving them the 'layer or Corporation Counsellor - , just which il..y might prefer. The offer was spurted, and thereupon theitepubli- Cane, very properly and justly, threwl, the re speneibility upon Tammany and put [lieu own candidate to There is a good prestuct of Opdyito's election. CaairitaL Clare —Tha Republicans of Phi!vitt phim hart organized a Central Club, in vie yr of the Presidential tleattou of 19GO. Tot Execu- Live Committee appointed by that ort,niration have iesued uu address to the petiple of Penpayl wants, embodying Choir ideas of the principles of our parry acd the objects which it will eh to attain. The address sayer '•This CluLts - establidted to ndvauce th q cause of freedom, by laboring for the election of' horn roarer the Nstiottai, Republican Convention thou! nominate for Preettleht and Vigo President, nod does not, and shall not, commit itself to advolate or oppose the nomination of any of lac eminent statosmea who have been suggested ns the nomL inees. Thus, this orgniuzatten ...he ti . f4r tltO rands of all the candidates." William B. Thomas is President of thin elm), and the Hall where its meetings are hereafter to be held, wea inmigurat , d on last Saturday eve ning. - SIVAILD.—The Paris correspoodon of 111C.Ncar York -rimr,, under dale of Nov. 17 says • "Mr. Seward arrived here five Jaya ago, from bin trip to Jerusalem and the holy Land, and is in gobd health and opirite. Ho has had some adventure, or a dramatic nature, and has found beeidos Mot. afore obetaeleo to travel, on the, route ho tuto Tamed over. Mr. Seward indignantl,9 de nies eVer,AdViaa eiin heard of (Sc projected Omar 'Maori; Harper'., Ftliy, and although ho re 'eageete having received a call from a man known ae ,Dol:FOibeo, there was no menrion made of such nitre et Cul. Foam asked - !llb*fOrlneand far another object, which ho re , fcttiodi.and that wad all he ever saw of the question.- ',Air. Seward goes home in the; Arago in December." . VATIICIt CIIINIQUY a HUNDUo.—'_"ho (ad.:logo etas end Trauma of the let, aftir giving a de - tailedseconat of the condition of the colony of ac ceding Catholics, at. Kankakee, nt., says it has - mod hesitatlein in warning Eastern friends that theY are abasing Werewolves by endeavoring to relieve the distress of these poople, which does not exist. Father Chiniquy's Kankakee parish °ears are probably better off than(key ever have been in all their AICS before. ThOva , re not nat tering for any of the necessaries, and many of them ant ersjoylog • the luxuries' of life. Their a tigi•ch builaidgs are in the bands of Protestants; - Aid in no danger of being Wrested from them. Jej the exorcise of all their tights no citizens they tire WithOutrOD/C:tlGiOD."'. - - , TRH BUM/ or FAUX SPEECH . 14E/ED AT THE For itaaineataon., f I . Seat or wan Try Boerhaven Holland Bitters. ' had yeeterday afternoon before Justices Donn For Heartburn, • and Giberson into the charge, made on the state- Try Bierhaves Holland Bitters. meat of Dr. Van Gantt), dentist, against Joseph ~ r ~ . ... X.nictatar. Breed, formerly an EXEMITIer in the Patent Of. '-' " fine, in that he, the said Breed, had, on the 22,1 Try B,erhave's Holland Bitters. tun., uttered language of a character, which, if For Watisrbtawh, carried into execution; watt calculated to excite Try Beerlinvo's Holland Bitters. slaves to Insurreation. Three witnesses appear- ir,,,. ii,..„.b,h,... ed, viz : Dr. Wan Cat* Mr. Geo. Stabler and Try Dterhate'e Holland Bitters. Michael Green. The Justice recited the sub- F., 1...0.s •TIIA\ T/11 , 1 RICHEBI' I) 1A l) Al VI ^61,7'7 ro, Inlbn I.•st of my knot: J011:4 DAILPI•Dt, D.hDr • !hi., 4111 DA G., 15,'1. 6111114 . , Notary Public. err knntuf and 111 inn... k of Pltlnburgis. n, Sloudep. Dvc..ll, ... 1,.11•1 .D 1 ... D 5,7 1 ,: •.'7 kings or Eseaperors. VII A T A BEAT:rim - It TIE.,n t.r llntu 1:.'114 r . :32 orol t rm . , to the bo,t.of my IV IL DENNY, ensta.., 141 s ;.th dny Doc. I lefiCNZI.K.NotAri Pul•lic T HE arltdi., llmt. sill natty ra liy rentoic Ebb 6.4,w at tt. tudr. pl.TAanp,ug ii ,Out II to way linso an italtrAtsau of It tart. of ornrn, rn.ccrtionno t.nly Is TONI- Shit, In- Pr., 11 , 'OoL , ', II Mg TON IC is Ole boll' nab. remedy r.?r 1,1 , 111,,5, dry pro.matora chnoge and ttny,,..tal r , t .4-rein.. at tho runt, of tto• htlr, whfri. ran 1.n1,11,t.i. qINCY pr..pnra , aud tonic. - till not ry groc,rl" 100 country void Ott nitalr unto.. known lo Is prnpwatiou ,nnon room con•tytty tins [...gown nrld Wide. tva say nodrunt cendr , r ntperluttot opnn poor Lair. Tnot.h trAttinT Tva basal 00 Ma , .A.OO to Ivliere is all that it port,on Ix- Prolntn•pr Wood has nwond, li) ynws at w ^ 'oat ni tho vl:tuus of bin prrpay hi. pr' , Gan.. Over trio artifi c,t e l aro tanltntt f Ito rnlna of *I.L Ithit Ocnt poll. Who bare tri..l It, (teal 11,. t.dlouinr.: It IDlll7.env , 111 - ank. I')ltitthhih',...l),, 6th, 95 L. 1,0111, el 7,5, :el 1., ?1•10.000 00 ..... • .... 114,155 00 tr..1,71m1 • • • . ...... 311 In IL• I , llt of my ,knoml- I, 11. ...)IIN PS, (7.....114.1 •I=l,' of 1 , rti:1559 , 1 els Y.NZI I CC1111.117 . 120 Bank of l'"rgh' Nrw 'Vous. A,ril 1111 . 11'358. • ..11It. Wftirti.-11,er 6 10 T. nail no. to exp. - nes to jot the obligations I ant no,. L.r tile omit.% rr.ertmtiost of ley. hair to 14 orhrfust At•rnt tbt t,roo of my kr,i,l f it trin (Tolled elates it ass rm.all, brr.aai.str; gruy, bat. str.rl the hpphestion .of Itt.roralire,' It ep..r.o rourivr.l Ita oriztnal boa. Ic. Ladder yronr I :mr , rati•.eas a ,ory rron. dorfal mveptioa, gm.. el/It - scion. a, stroll as agranabir. I .m, door sir, yours truly, I son. 0. W. BUTTER... Itolicropolia. Isl..ans• ho woro wig for sor.rral years. Lutlis the itts., el ll'a.ara Bair Blot .t. stile ha now bag a Bea basil Bold by all Ong:Ws, roll by O. J. Wood k 0tt , ' , .t1.1 . Broadway. New York, sod 111 , blasted sirtot.SLlsinisAle. • Sold to Pittsburgh by 14. Gm). It. &Unit. 11. L. PAIL N' 'BOOB 40b., and all Bromism time: My) rt.? ... ona stierazio A r, P. .ITIES. ..::...t501:15c fl Akau LIB y.. !4d,921 sr . . CULP di. SESEIPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEA T.F.IIA -FLO II7II . GRAIN Ikr, P.UOIRJUR, No. 343 Llherry Street. Prl . :Alin:U/1, PA. cep n ii. 1.14 of fLolLill., c,r Jrdoetwol 4 , ,1414 1 . 11 ...41 no baud. l'vlizulAr lsticww , l p 042., i4 , 41),1 Pacarrix . aiffiCiritriEwll itY; - 0./rn,.n.)" 81a , 11102.10 and Tlllll. 0102.1 1141,1, Lo, , L J'"int .3/1/1 /but., .104 Cranory, 17 11,./, rtrref. .p r , N E CI A I,l{. AP. 11::, SezeCimsors to Adam Wood, Pit 1 s burs h . P1.11i13., • • f 11Jobrehet Crea ow. Pale mul Anther Ales. Ph tir and braiiru Moot. brook Al« and Palm.. Warn.lot 1.. se.. l . .ny • ... Owlets Irmo all plata promptly sliced. to. , Price . wita liy Ili el PA 21 WOOD cootioutermiiirttidl ohtl 211 P , vmern ' urea, mid tieriend Manager, ma:ltaly! iticaratosorir.B • -IRISH LINENS:', L . DLit ASA'S, 111,4PERS, C • ONSII,NFERS 111CIIA111)SON'S -, and Moss diwiriold or Mitoluirm the -Gif:4l3lNM.•.••• Giddli3, Mislaid hot the pllrChAall u... .y(,".. I. al with tho osnia of tho Ana, J. N. ItICIIAIIIMUN, .5 lld - DiffO, ••! as • gnuanise of tholimudowis sad drimbility or the. eieids.''. This cantiou • I. rendered esseintlally rie.mmy, ma lrge. irtouttliss of Interior mid detective Linea' anprepared mason a:Lerma...on • nod "haled with the name et Web ~ EON, by TAM Mums, whoi regardless of theiinittry Judicial *Maori Clio American mummer sad Um " • i • I torero of Ma geranico Goods, wilt not ' , vilify abaudarraii!!: In loos ao profitable, whfla purchasers do bo ittipuscidalac - J - f• with (laid. eta worthless character. J. ISULLOCKiI k J. Di lAttaltyk Ages., 30 Church Street, Now _7(44 FIRST BAPTIST CONLIUGATIO. orrge r.Dinat, CORYKR aziexr 1.111) TII7RD OM. Fag Together with the Cd.a011.4 nudl It Is won sad sobstaatially bulk copal ° of • seatiattiii %- brixtdrei persons oomfortably. watt Is only admit fur 24( •Iwao-ge It tr toormtudi for Choir nrcororoodatiort. For l sro,s , ite, apply to Wit U. XV1410.151,21*.94Watii:,-;:: acne; or J. BOOBYEE.,Jit., No. =3 Liberty:Am* o. • .ril=tdd • ' t. • ' 50CMU 1 . Int T SC44o ilAt4att • - —• (Stip auction • RJalco. J. G. IJA.V/8. .A.ucrtiOneer. poramerall Mk, Mom, No. 1.4 Yffth Eirect LITERARY PUBLIC will please lift .. t,,,- thnt no narvinintrator'n_icnWarl. very ',shard° pri ntit abli,nn,,h).lllo M1N:63,1 r ion,, romn, reth etrnet, f!Aitrr4lty 1011,, .tt n'ntnnk iteporl.tliarkP Jtri..till t..nt,talo nn.l t. t ncholnr a r...r.,trt Tu.,. n• I.•n. in,...1 , pt,,Al Vs, guar tn, 1an11....11. (Iv, tat.. 00111.4 Clan,lnn,,.l , L.,,, ~a l of :11, 4• tp1411.4 441... 4 , K44•11•11,6 Wtlke:l:lj.lene too, I. nen! nu.,, In Natural Ili:duty. I.innw4n., . i Wor R. c.f Travel.. Ilto Srlntuon., 11., inn, A, ]heel of works aro tint.• k 0,11.11 enstt. ..,nn In .1.. 11, , ,,1 Calnlugno, are sno. end .di 1. uet 1.4 sl4.y 1,111• drnen. tautl4., attn•: I 11. t.1n;.0 It aro 1.1,13,,rt1e1n corefolly nantatlnd Wbr J ItAVltt, Acta. A D3IINLSTRA'rui-C6 SALE uFfitillSkii. nomi TTI:N. 0. VA RAI d Nltti Klb/tN t7T141 . : . tvocK, On,—nn Tta,tolny trk.rotng, One n lab,,Sl o'clock, et Um late reeidence of 11 , a-tnt .t a thorn, doeth fir MillMll . 6l . VIII Con. Id flonnettc.lLlFtltitittltt, ono 1.0). Iforw , tno (No, ..vrl.llr. 11',:tno ILnn Wagon. Ilen.l Girt, two sntn 11nrunn., Fuddle au.l In iVe 4 Lye Cilaw, t two tool II n qua tatty t.l ratan., Cabbkk . A. Pnlotn.. P.trntdp., 'No ulpr, 0 4 ,4,1 444 t a, nltovel Hake., nclthea, it,. kegs nutt.r., Cnrot.4l'• 'I .Jl9. lwr. Countern,ni,lli • lug co Frett.,l, Plate 11trwr, rby4 fawn Moat , 11.,l fiLnk. C ,,, ktott '.co. d.. l nttl. , lntualn, Or. Trans nt nalo. do J. It. ItdVU. And. VALUABLE STOCKS AI c AUCTIPiI-:- - Cro tneadny evot,lnit. Lcr. t;ile, oh 7 n'clOck,st Iha cltntorr.-ins rut. 400014 No. 04 Fifth nt., I» Mar. !Pink of l'llt.ebnly,b; 3) Jewett, lustirroco Co. 10 (1.. .10 do V 00 1110000,-,i/a do . Vdo AllO/51. 0- 0y 10 .10 Weed:n do NCLA DIED PLOWS AT AUCTION:T.. ' ' On Tharaday, Ver 2 . 2.1. wt t , P. Yl. tbeeMa morm.l Fwd. H.M.I/14, No. Fwth ahm•ht.o fierannt whom L may haor , ra, h. pay Immilt •tl charge, will he w0h1,1:4 Piou Vriehil, ltd. u•n,4 1 , . , f0rn th” .IwN .1. VTS. Aact. A ITSTLV Lil , rl.ll IS ei7 Nerrlarrt,' Exclutng, ALLEGB EN Y PROPER!): 1' FOR SALE —Two Lot. un alynagaaawry :at few:llo3g WWII r tentitslg sharg To) hw saranw-1. =raM FOR THE CII.E IF ill i ON, BLOOSI , No. 52 Wood St., Pittsburg, C ft IvILLIAM M. nii)tmLy =EMI Pirr. , B1111(111 Mit NUTACTITItES, ir! p ON rciLteosAgLE THELIIS, r W 1320 01VI0