The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 06, 1859, Image 1

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11 ',
- -- -,
tSTABbIS.HRD 1N..'1786
r. rOirna..---e. w.
1 • NS Wood St., Pittsburgh,
AND IMAMS, sad ifluileedo Ando, lo Mo. Ildfd.
Vslll betted Torpottoo. ja1:10
QQ JOHNSTON, (successor to L.
Aj ,R7M All DRUGGIST. /bract &WOW ( n 11 / 4
aitrack, woOld rat &Wm:llion to It t attotim.., of Pare .
Drags awl Chamtmls,Porfamory aturrancy Goodt, valoa.
Itaotlly Bletloat, ,A bet, Burning roll, Rare'
'MP.; bnotits brands Chokmao, all of which WV'
awed as anaurpased to quattly and at lowed priced.
1 .hyalotatem pmerlptlosts cart , tolly compounded. te.l-.lyd:
IarMACK ECiWN, Wholesale Drmist,
- endow 011 llanntsetnrerand Agent for Stowe*
111414 end VW Elam . * No. 167 Liberty draft, PM.
band , . P.. Weald
111 L. FAIINESTOCK. IL Co:, Into of the firm
AP. ts. A. Vabsectock • tio., and memo. tn 0603 in
Virb 411 ." 46 Drulrens No. "%tomer Wood and roarte
eti..Vlttebnnet. re. . .
sae *newt and meeNelii.nre cs whit. Lad,
Ipd sod Litho - Woud and Mug stmts. PIM,.
- ----
- LI HAW DroKichit.,coritor of Wert; and Ed. Mir Oa,
wiikaa a Co.) come. blaattt envoi. and Dlanuma,kov
au/tabu:lol ais b./ • full old vorutaelo amortmeot otlnugs,
s.l6,llciaoofalletu! , Chmtn. rC, tamary, iud aIl .rticto..P.%
to te., his basilica.
iNrElminost, proicriptioult'arat cow po.ded at all
titiwooaxtroo, corner of Mir! Hied *ad .1114113
Amy; Plttatrargb, Pa.
Thrt+^ l'alnts,olls,,Varulth. and Di.figts, Na
All °Wen will receive prornytattemtkit.
-- 17rActuat for Befunck's Txthanale arm p 101121:10.w
Thebutt Citalerfs
tDDLE; & co. enAral Com
• it. MisiOn telerchant•lnnd bonanza Ina no-ie• • sod Pro
does, ti 0.195 Liberty streel,Plttnlnrgh,Pn.
1131rantehrtanenatnnorkileal andentinfartnry reel:lrma K
inthed dalltly6orT
:FAMES 1100IES & CO., Pork Packets
and tkelanrs In Provisions, corner of Market md Front
Mat. 1.01:170
LEECH bommisßion
and ilarenading Mottininta, &alma to Weat.,n he
setae abeam, Flour Flab, Bacon, Sutter Linseed Oil. poi
and Pairl•Aahos, Grain, Dried )4;114 and PrOdlle.
iltneally.; Bost brands Family /lour always on band.—
i m Stnita fa the We of Madison Cobt celebrated Patented
Pawl Nee.llo Second and 115 First ata, between
Wood rind Smithfield Ms., Pittaborgh, Pa. apalyd
• renrazding andSksratalesioe klerchsat.ana
C REE oounq Sg s. -
• Dealer la Clews, Butter, Lake JA'I and Produce generally,
.::ikWeed it, above Water.
10 •
INES, Wholes:as Dealer let 91our, rrundons and
Ptodox•ieoarally,ll6. 6 Seventh stmt. bAlvreen' , arty.
ArTerms asib. - mrTaly
;F SELLERS do CO., Dealers in Provi
'atom, Lard ON de, Ka 309 Liberty street, °aait .
the trout of BrittbflelLatreeL au 26-1,
rrinE SYSCTATU IC, fine lit•rarred.,
byChshicent 0 vac
TOO Elpeetstor. Scent, eel edited I , y ..
0 .IN
Do - do 0 W Green, C rules
Addlson's complete Work... do do
Selections from The lio...etater, 1 toll
Tits Tatter and Ousellian;1”1, Sy°.
NAV a M. 45 Wood etnod.
NWUBbIeATIONS--carolitni Sports,
y tand sod - Witer. by lion. Was Itlliett: al. tt l
troikas , .
Brooke . .. Wool of Quality:, with so latualnel low by Charles
White's Nei Illatery of Fresco. 11.11
thetiljtanw by - Tbos. Wallowa sal Jame* Calvert. be
blirstwor'S {ragtag. •A' Good Fight. Tho Virgil:dams
sato. Bro. ttio:,#) For mato by JAB. L. GSA% Fearth
"AMEBIC/ /.1 111010 SN. BOSTON.
tarigod 'lota In the New ltngland • Sdotrat le row=
locate4.-and my of arrow from 'ail the ronwo of
tome!. It .soptatos all the modern trapro•emouhr, and
ewer" , couraudenoiTor the comfort and larroromoilethon of
tha traveling PoLlia The sleeping rooms aro largo owlwell
flathead; th e willowor rooms Iwo well arranged, • 44 - .
pletety furnished for [amnion and large wavoling particle
and thohatire will continue to he kept as • tarot tiatts tilde
10 every rtegrect- dalhdly LEWIH HICK Proprietor.
- -
Poe Whlct! the Llibest Euck et prim .111 lee paid by
Akl,llrithons Oil
soar Craig and Rebecca Streets
' 4OO O
ALuNTs wANTED—To .414
now Irieethiorm. !W.V. bar. tthete ther
sow., ocw,--batter 0441 sit other abutter agrociel,—
Bend funr.stampt earl get SO 1 - 014 P ., P•rtiCubth4 IMO
oc8:3old KPLIRAIBI DROWN. h0w..11, 110.0.
' ZCo 'att. ' .•-,
Egiz-lilio corem6dione ,P.Weiiingll
• bongo, eritti otuble, out bonsen and-I ktquiteld ost
betted, tumors as the resider. of line. 6. D. an9.7aM, rum
alai at Foto Bridge,lnet loped the ctty liaison the fourth
Street Road. Enquire ol 11,Ji. MIMI, Agent.
'oaten( No to Fourth otrryt
rro• fine Store itoorns on tot.
1 • Char street, one of ...blob will be rented In bon ores lou
with the op:dam room on the wand door, and Ls wen of
Minted Mr a furniture or carport storm Enquire. of
ostbdtt K. 11. 10180, No. 63 Fourth et
rink LET—A comfortable. two story
A. brick Derelling,situate On 011oro stree oett.
foisting 6 rcome , with en ished Lorre I, soot kite t,
lion ongsi
door. tecnissa It. IL RING, Na NIL Liberty et.
Emery description of
Straw and Bosse& Boards.
wiLLwitn-iteavicv t CO,
84 )(aide,. Lome and 17 Cede. tierce,
Of every Anscription
ROPE • ,
Zara! Blntf, Ylehlng Linea, Oitliug Ibree4D.
• •
:MON TIIELItAD, Wloll.,andl MAN ni
IMMO "sox airs' wausw - Go.,
No; SSG Liberty . S
CaPital onla- $ 110,000
Gapttal Rapzesatated, over-- 1, 0 0 0 , 000
Sir Ihrtancaranats aim dam Dronannatar Llcata.ll.s
• tiold,Sltrei, Par Ponds and Currency raselwad rho depcslL
ALL WONEPS alknrel to remain far a Specdfial Vas,
WILL DRAW =Kum st A nt Exchange collsa &Mao
sal WNW= tles constantly kw tee In soros to aut.
CkAtedices e m an tbeprtactml ettla. in the VOW
Shaw sod tha Carobs, and PROCEEDS Paola PTLT BR.
IIITTED WSW desired point,bn day of sdality.
John Woorbad,Ahtrauderforwth, 3dbe Mat., s.
Hee4,./. HI% Seibert, W. Wethiutnet, nary Ma.
AA°"'". o. R. WARNER, Preside tz,
sossiya R. C. 8011.11BSTZ. llortZe'
I' • MARtiIIA & 'CO.,
trietionoce the ► of
ND& 49 and 91Yerry Straet-,,'
=lnn 9. WILL! PreApriatar,
[9kkekkor t 0 Wardrop, Stout k W11111,1:110
21 0 wen 3 , , 'Reams. llama Powers, .Threallers,
Hay, Straw and Falder Oa
ten &other- Agripdtaral blachinary.
L ~.--. T. A. ligamcsas.
75 0 7.51
„. scHanzA•rz AL CO
are & RETA
:47 0 ..31
„ Fifth Street, Bank Block,
Wart rert..4V w.y erel aterdar,,
, mit , sn, P 3, we are prepared to offer extra la.
doonterste to prbro• 0 . 11 • 40 examine.
N. SCUBltirrz t 00,:q~r111L al.
ri.E.IGEcEI4 of Music.
(ii.lin,note, Melodeon amt Singing) . .
SirOtasios to Ploglag,l. the IProviitge f.r.Adu:t..w.l
Polarderilbr Jurfeena. ' . .
airTemm tea& known op= spfdidallonii!" hisRUT.
i' - DOP:11. lio. 113 PliMlll.l STEI*ET, PittAl.trgb, P.
0 ONIONS—GOO bos..blta itut red; .;
• POTATGEI3- 400 bus. red luta parplv C 11,111;
•131111=1-110 boxes
rime Ro Wotan Heart%
And Wallin.,
001LII-100 bregatithe en,. ,
OLOVISIC 2111 D-350 bat. prime
td wale by . ItIDDLII, WI 1U k CO.,lB:A,lberty at
I Am
Jka. (1-"/"" e] ' jtbonsNli It TOWNSEND,
~, e.o. 12 Fourth “4
and at i Pork All l l.^3 21q:—
9INSEMT WANTED-10.000 lbs. Oio•
wet *toted at the hlzbeet prkt,
laT04000&r Akentarts a 00.
. '... 4Cl6l4l° ? t n al ' quni Ut t likalnai
a ntate co.
500 mai sips, forbv
Pressed Fire Brick,
Ord,. oolicitrA Gem the t0.1...And P"uldlY "I
pod ad por Warmth:nu.
Tows-6 months, or 6 por amt. dlsroant tor crab
itinirznArd da. wtiantattioi.D ,
htleCtleoll.3 To S. ntocaT,l
No. 100 alttrrt Street, Pitteletrght
Yansfacturessernii !Wien in
Curtains, Cornices, B ands,l3 h ad e s,
Mattresses, Comforts, Cushions, &C.
413/ . Pertlenlar attention paid to STNAMBOAT WORK.
trots City ItItoe• Warehouse.
WBRADSHAW, (Successor to T.
../.01tAIO k0o,) Manufuterer of TIN, 111101
anJ COLTER. WARE, end Dealer Itrt/Yltl l . &e., No 34
WOOD STURM, botereeu Filth h] VirKis alley, Palk
bergh,Ps. 4.1:13,1
1.. P.IOOOY X. CO.,
LlfigliTY STREET, opporita F. H. B. Depot,
Air .ANUFACTURE to order, on short notice,
OAffIfNGS, SHAFTING A PULLEYS, of all eirie.
also descriptions, of tio" best materiels and labs' styles;
also %FAGG'S. HOSES, SAD IRONS, MAT &e, Ac.,
on hand or cAt to order.
.:Orden left at the FOUNDRY, or rat flivrtorlght A
Young's, Se. Wood et, rill receive prompt rot...alum
1%4 A NUFACTIIRERS and Importers 01
ILL Tie,let MA Tibiae Oratory, Prirgiral and Dental lie
strunieuto, (bps, Pleaule, Fiehiug ha,Weal
street They give vestal attention tette , maunfacturing ot
Tram, Papportem la Jetibing and !Seising with road.
tuallty and dispatch.
mutAw olilluin.L _
4 , J.. N. IMUSII
WILLIAM 13Ait.N11111.11. at co.,
61. Penn st., below Marbury, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Iron Workers, hlstinforlstrers of Barnhill's Patent
Illuiler,Locomotire, Plu.l feel
Pi Cylinder Motleys,Motleys, tit
Brekbou, tiro 6.1, Etottin poe, Condonnere, &ti
:inner Pane. Iron liettle, Ufa boots, ute. Alw, Illocksmithe .
Wort. Rriilke awl Vimlori trims, noun et the stiortpat
Oro. All onlyn from s illirmure promptly SItZLANti
-- .14
~ -
:74K ......., --7-4.-
W 141.1.8, 111L31.11LIC
80 Fourth Street, Pit&lbergh;Pti.,
A . If. 'l' L T a V 01. , N
(an ran to Jobu Cm' tvk right.)
Pomo Cotton fl Illa. pla asbaargb.
POI. A No.l heavy 44 north: la
Carpet Chain of all oolong and ahAftaa
Cotton Twine;
"Rnf Cord.;
" Plough Linea and Saab Cord:
.‘ Rope of ell 1111•6 And dererriptiolm
illr-Orders lett at the Want... Store. a Laws', Wllno
*0,131 Wood stroel, *hi hate attention. I.lh
Sweet Psis - Hoof Nitre; Nitric, Arid;
Not!minis Anodyne; Morintte Aca
Ago. Ammoid., Nirron• do •
May be found .t John Ir. i n A 5.... h Water .1,44
?math .tree[, Pittsburgh, and Fisieral Wee:. utega ,
Death Egrattalnr Hall, Allegheny.
deat.ription of lfittlop for Water, Illas acid
Commission, Zrc
1I I Second Street, Pittsburgh.
E.. IT 'tier. / , Maly., A Ihlwori h, Y.t.l.',
Peon , •• • rlpr. Ilerbsogh k Co., .•
Thorny., Cleth Yoyng, Wealll , •,,
Thileahlph, llarrl.m A ILlopy.r, Chu,
T. A. Newhall A Erns, Phila. IT. Dupe A Co.,
T. WWI thlgn A CO., halthuhre,l It. It. Newcomb I Cn.,
Wm I Co. .• hville. liy . ocl7
2.67 Liberty 'Street, eof our of [lanai,
, ut
10,Partisuler atter th.n given shd ral.•
Iflogir s 'Osslo. LAed Frusta, PulnDrr, Laid s
Ch.... Omer and Tluvochl
Ordotio istompily t 511,1 ea Ile. I,”rssi n,nrt..t iuie.s. Ad
raw. trmle ou consigutist.tos.
11011-001 us ol the Pittsburgh Rag id
• '
Aud tionlots in VI. nr, (kiln and Proinsu
:Si LI DRIPPY STILMir, utstr PA R. a Pei...
PlTTSBilltilll, PA.
W. ...... 16.14111 V ovvittentv,
A. of Piltstonrgb.
WALKER & 8AR111378.
CCININTI.SSION 1%111110:11. •
Uhl Agent, 4,r Ow 9xl, of
No 160 Pearl Street
N E.: NV
ajrCormigumeat4 Kalitltr4l,lo which limper
teution shall te , Oren, and proomols promptly realitte.l.
Megorn. Ar,cr, & Co .1 Me&nr..1 , .1. 111. k A Co
Alexendrr King. Km.l McKee A Brothel
&Ammo, llorktin &Cu. Wilms A Ursine, N.Y
Agmill. fur tl. B.h, of
Mationing Fire Brick and Pot Clay,
N..- 149 and 151 Wond Ftreo., mar Math. Pitna,nrih.
lE S_Wrnpring -Pap, al Idnatuf.rtur , ... v rfcea. CAkta
T AM fur Rno —. XllO
B. 011181181? 1 L normra.
Q COTIIBERT it. SON. General Commio
to . 401:1Agnute tor 1110 Kole mid Real F. 099.8,
No 51 Mark.t vtr,et, P99.1.rir,1i. 192:10
. _
for the sale of
No. 5151 Liberty Street,
V.l.'y I. 14MkstiC3 PITTSHUROII. PA
COMIlli••1011 1 a VOTlNarding o•rrhant
Ani Wholtaalo Deftion In
Pot t tidal Alibi* !Ohara., 1A...A LIM Oil. Dried
Prat *oil Worth.. One..lly.
Not.. 141 and 143 nront
BU Stra•t.
1117` T . iCOC K, M•Vt Zit IFdii7CO.,
I tinereeesors to Iltrtnaaeld'eracxy k 0,1
Forwarding and Commirigion Merchant
And IVla.leaato O.ulms I.
Prodn••, Flour and Wool,
1:e.1 Fran( and Ell ..nand et Pelie6t.roe.
471...13.14•Rit•5fi100L1• • IN, trfltrt..... u. IFUITAUIo.
Wool, Hides, Provisions& Produce ilenerally
N 0.209 Llborty Street, Pittsburgh
et •itAet IC Is et 71i:
Flonr. Grain and Yrndaoe. •
Comrinesion and Forwarding Merehants,
No. 124 &rood St., Pittsburgh, Pe
ID °it Kicr mei.: KY, Wholtwale Groeer,
lirialtion and Cominliodint Morrhaut, MS
Wrier, near Railroad l'amougar Rio" PitlatiniFb, l'a .16-
Corner Wood and Fourth Sts
_ _
ur4raara scauditficuair,
Practical Lithographer;
Nos. 17 and 19 Filth it., Fittshurgb.
LAUELS. DON DS, csaTinotertsOr STOOKS.
BILL LIPADai DRAPES, fa nut/ally
b-0W3101.5 rrgliflo itiiiKitingStraarberry.
LL'' to Morey's titwillins In are, Noel to Bores New
&no 10 Pears and loom 1 . ton Musa as prodnetl”
any dAbor of Um one handled Tart:tiro In eul Ora/Mr" So
ears Mr.. Downer of Ills taiew Seedling, a sonde:can with
whom 1 Web.eo wiqueltibel and door business with for
yews, and In ell oar trtinsaellous hare never had sews to
misdeed his *order honorable dealing, which i 4544.44 mo
to recent the asenr7 ftio berry.—
Sand Pt circulate of report ofjlirior MUllUOC Oort j o.
Piltstinrsh and Oakland Ntatiittes.
BA d -S-1-13—MIS11 BMlSM—Buckwbeat
Flow, al eal and Grain Bags, made to order, ;Anted l
beautiful &dans. Any quantity ftwatthod Goa dor. acc,. ,
Win. Intret than those of Ina 7 repair catablbanneat In th •
country. BYROM 4k BARSIia, •
Onus dlitairg end Una rows.
Viltsburgl2 atti C.
OFFIFIAL r P 01" 1116 OITI'
&r, o
UE SD ' AY MORNING, DEC. 0, 1,10,
lion MS above took place at the office of the com
pany yesterday. There were a good many
scratched tickets. The report of the President,
Beejamia H. Latrobe, Esq , was read, approved
and unanimously adopted. We make up as fall
ao abstract of it ao we are able, as follows:
. . .
The Seventh Annual Report of the President
and Directors of the Cannel!Emilie Railroad was
made yestordny, that being the day of their an
nual election. The report is for the year ending
Oct. :ll,' 1859. As to the finances of the com
pany, the report oa r s that mach less change hat
taken place than in any former year. The bonds
of Baltimore City bad all been disposed of at
the last annual report, and the only securities
remaining in the hand of the company were Al
legheny county bonds—and these of Cunnelis
stile and IllcKeespert. Of the county hotels,
$51,0011 worth have been disposed of during the
year to various creditors of the company, at the
minimum rate of 70 per cent, established by the
County Commissioners, and $274,000 remain en
hand, hypothecated to other creditors, who aro
restrained by injunction or otherwise from Bell
ing them below that limit The proceeds of
those bonds, at that rate, will pay the part of
the fitatiog debt Which they secure, and the
present prospect of an appreciation in the bonds
renders certain he liquidation at an early day.
Of the borough bonds used as collateral secu
rity for certain loans, the board say sow that if
the Courts should decide that they cannot legally
be sold at lest than the limit believed to be im
posed by the law of their issue, they will in ire
than provide for the payment of the part of the
floating debt secured by them Suit against
these horoughs are reeding (at the date of re
port) in the U. S District Court.
There has bees paid $35178 73 of the float
ing debt during the past year, leaving Represent
amount sl7',, s',u a, There have been expend
ed within the year, for construction, equipment,
right Of way, eurveysond real estate, $5,720 07
upon the Western, and $545 08 on the Eastern
Division of the road, the latter being payment
. introbsse of and on lazes on real estate of
Company and $2lO for the rare of c o mp en y',,
property at Sarah Patch Tunnel - during, the N. •
pension of the work.
The entire expenditure under various heads from
the organisation of the company in lull; to this
date is $1,0;11,189,0, of which $1,.111 1 ,1 , 10.51
belovdts to the Western, $2114,20:1,1;:i to the 1 . :10-
tern $21,115,20 to the Turtle Creek Division of
the'road. The total amount paid for interest,
including commissions. is $361,156,02; total
discounts and commissions on bonds and stocks
sold is V 268,758.02 Thera had been paid nu
the first of January last, as appears from the
last report of Register of City of Baltimore,
$11.:170.10 of the principal of the one million
loan from that city, by the operation of the
sinking fund, of which the first two instalments
of $OOO each were paid in 10.5;.: The Lorimer
suspended debt in now $1,7,b,011,tid being solar
as at last report. not including interest on the
The revenue of the year from the western di
vision of -1:4 miler) has been Cur
rent expenses for name lime ornarne, $5'2,t1t19,110:
balance to net income, $1,710;41- 1 Thin amount
together with $2507,11 derived from other
has been dinposed of in sundry pay
ments on account of outstanding claims ha real
estate, right of way, cto The entire expendi
ture of the year has been $59,617, 1 222 on all rte.
counts of which the $4,740,4S of net income for
thin year and -$971,91- 1 income of previous year
($571:2,•1 1 ) are to he matte good out of the re
sources of the company under their engagement
to set aside their clear revenue to meet ns fur use
it may the interest dn.- on the Valtinnire million
An. oon as the Raltimore mortgage to the ex
tent of s4th),o4sl) wan released on the Idi miles
between Pittsburgh and Turtle ()reek the road
woo located and put under contract to Messrs.
Morrison & Co., to he paid for in bonds at their
psr value. The work in progroniing nod coo be
opened into the city by next summer.
Fuither sake of houdo will, however, ho ne
lanssary to complete did road.
The receipts on the finished portion of the road
.year have been from Ctt,12.,1 parwettaora,
.1.4,ta1y 7 . . $29,9.01 7i; from freight, s'_',4Po for
wait service. Total revenue . of previous year
$16.000 02. excens of present year $0,223 211,
or DI 02 1101 per cent The principal increase
has been on the carriage of freight. The in
crease iu accounts of coal. stock and pig iron
carried over the road, has more than made up
for the loss by frost in amount of grain, etc , 10
be conveyed this year. Now sources of trade
have been developed. Saud of an excellent
quality for the mounfaciure of gla.sA has. been
found in the valley of the lotsghioghen). 0110
building, stone, near Layton. The cool and coke
heathens Ems also been iurreased.
The total cost of maintenance of rood, moliso
power, cars. etc., has amounted to $ll, V.lll 0!..
salaiies, legal expenses, slationery, etc , et.
$8,37s 71: total 65. Expenses of p
sent have exceeded 'hove or previon , ye
$4,154 71i, and receipts have exceeded s`t,_23
Sewickley bridge has been repaired. one abut
ment having been carried awa; in IS.. Sub
tract this extraordinary expenditure and the
axcessivo expenses of this over Wit year is
$1,07 2:;, and net revenue increased sti,bls 2.;,
This road has been in use nearly three years,
anidthere has been but one accident—a collision
between two passenger trains.
Of the prospects of the road the report Pays
that the time for an etlective effort towards its
completion is believed to be not far distant .
Signs of renunciation from their depressird con
dition are evident. Of the incomplete lines of
the road in the Union, it seems to the board that
thls should ho the OM to he taken up and finish
ed; The intermits of Pittsburgh and Baltimore
fire,coneerned in the rompletion of this line, and
else those of the B. C U. IL It , to which work
this, her right arm in position, will brooms so in
po*er in her stnigglo for a Moro of the Western
trade. Southern and Sonthweslern Pennsyl
vania are not loos interested io this road, for
without it they are cut off from the markets of
the country which the ceutral end northern cen
tre!' of the State are now enjoying or are shout
to enjoy The sagacione President of the 11
U it. It has expressed the warmest interest in
the completion of the road, anti hoa pledged hie
good wilt andimroest co-operalion to that end.
Meantime, the board have done what they
could to noion this mil of °the road, and lb
people of Uniontown have been elongating it at
the other and partly in tho main route towards
Cumberland. The road will thus lavo 22 miles
added to it, or nearly 511 per cept of its present
length. The report concludes with an ezhorto
tion to all who o - re interested in the progress of
thin work to unite and en-operate for its cern-
The following ticket for -Directors, it beiug the
old one wo believe, was voted for:--Benjamin 11.
Latrobe, Thomas Bakewell, Joseph Pennock,
doh° Watt, Joseph Woodwell, Charles 11. Paul
non, William Phillips, Alexander Millar, Daniel
it. Davidson, Cyrus P. Markle, Benjamin De
ford and William P. Murdoch—last two of
Biltimore. The city's stock ($10,000) was voted
by Mayor Weaver for the above ticket.
—The polls were closed, the balloting having
concluded, at about four o'clock, whoa the above
ticket was found to have received a majority of
the votes cast, and the old board is therefore
continued, Mr. Latrobe, a genteman who Mora
bird for the progress of the work, being Presi
Oa Saturday, a man named Mills got into an
altercation at Wilkionburg with Judge' Wilkins.
The Judge struck him over the head with his
wine. A man named filliinney stepped in to
protect the old Judge from violence, when Mills
threatened to shoot him, and, as is alleged in,
fiViCinney'S affidavit, went home, got his shot
gun and laid in wait for him.
:Mills made information before Stinire Mitch,
el), of Wilkinsburg, against Judge Wilkins and
M'Kiuney for nosault and battery. firliloney
mods information before Mayor Weaver against
Mills for assault and battery with intent to kill:
There will boa hearing of this case at the blay
ors office to-day at 3 o'clock.
COAL. OIL. WORM! BOHNIID.—We are rimy to
be under the necessity of stating that the even;
sive Coal Oil Works of blesses. Fulton & 131ack,
in "Stony hollow." immediately north of our
city, were burned down between n and 7 o'clock
list evening. A portion of the oil in the works
--about $3,000 worth—was consumed, nod the
building, although of the fire-proof kind, is rett
dered unfit for use until reconstructed. The fire
originated from bringing a lighted candle top
near a flow of oil, whereby the gaseous portitin
of tho crude oil ignited. Messrs. F. & B. wore
making soma of the purest and Guest oils in the
FOO. LIDSILIA.—Tho colonization paokot, Mary
Caroline Stevens, called from Baltimore on tho
Bret of November loot on her aeventh voyage to
'Aborts with 63 patteengera. Of this number,
twelve wero from Pennsylvania. Robert, En
bort 11., Oeorge, Juba', .rase.mod Columbia Ta
ilor wont from Washington, Pa.; William Kelly
from this county, and Frederic K. sad Sarah
Anne Bids from this city.
51,44onnt.ocicat, Obcorcationt far the Gutth, , by
'Shaw, Optician, 55 Fifth 6L—correctai daily:
It RUN. IN 1111ALIN.
00 15
00' 48
be week preitsding Dew 5:11
BANKiSTArralterr for
rincw. law..lln peoll •
II --
41;09. • 11,60,66? 621,452
100,1501,463,55:;1 217,322
124,210 271,722 199,1 N
54,033 27;6,2611 93,721
96,225 801 452 66 ,1122
110,20; 672,201 1 177,121
84 . 010 752,009 1110,11:4
501,106 1
C 7,1,5
255.72 0
E xclumg.
M t fit. "
ettnolf "
Mechanise "
iron City "
A I leghen y "
055,32 S
"02,1313 11
rroutury Now
$. 4
othrr Berate.
93,49 6
q, 9 07
4S, J 9
' 1 5,771l
:,7 • 81 t
Patel, ugh.
f k
• amts.—Our banks began to publis
eta on the let of Janttary,lSsB. W
root of thoir condition n the lire
oath since that date:
1 „, 3 ,. I iperi'. Ducomits. j /81.nnti.
weekly etetemen
eulijvie on abst ,
weak Of every m
I Orris
J ~,,, ..I 1,399,000 1,186,911 5,153,210 1,161,995
K., 1,314,931,1,30 0 , 003 4,955,977 1,161,217
Mar. 1 1,195,525;1,3 00 , 103 5,274,512 1,303,065
A pl. 5..... 1,250,0,30 1,190,100 5,478,021 1,324,154
013‘7 6:... 1,360,591 1,192,216 5,703,492 1,504,5191
.10393 . 7..... 1,420,506 11,207 , 93 7 5,695,161 1,540,926
.1017 . b..... 1,436,651 1,240.53 3 .0 0,414,670 1,699,196
Aug. 2 .... 1,123,069 1,195,767 6,009,453 1.730,050
Sem. 6 ... 1,170,741 1,261,195 5,095,760 1,959,072
Oct. 4 1,540,099 1,415,075 0, 06,979 1,900,019
NO9. 1 1,525.733 1.470,210 6 0,272 1,021,61;9
Det. .6 2,066,053 1,325,001 6 72,301 1,913,917
Jon. '33..... '2,035,113 1,202,017 6 37,261 1,611,700
Feb. ;,7. ... 1,001,070 1,260,532 6,080,023 1,719,144
Nor. P 7..... 1,907,(715 1,133,754 6,045,722 7,637,706
All. ;5..... 2,090,303 1,113,71 W 7.213,661 1,704,101
Nby ;r3..... 2,1(00,311 1,102,273 7,3 2 _7,111 1,056,943
Jui l o 9..... 1,939,409 1,063,507 7 0 000,50 1,650,775
.1 0 1 y , 4 .... 1,074,093 1,019,055 7,1100,110 1,694,095
Aug. 1 1.035,033 1,091,402311;929,136 1,741,500
3 . .. 1,752,749 1,055,121 01,745,007 1,500,170
3..... 1,408,393 1,073,051 0,749,055 1,604,173
1,731,735 1,115,220 6,795,301 1,704,209
2,009,325 1,105,120 0,075,011 1,560,815
Coftt..—The quantity of coal that went out
yesterday and that which is ready to go to day,
is large. Yesterday morning found the river at
!11l feet and tho water rosuoteadily all day.
The Weather was exceeding thick and gloomy,
no nuich so, that gas was lighted at I o'clock and
it was impossible to ere the distance of a square
anywhere in the city, owing to the great cloud
of smoke "which the rarity of the atmosphere
p e rmitted to settle. its the river it anti also
NClwithalanding this, the "broad horns" be
gan sweeping down from the locks in the morn
lug.', A person well acquainted with tho pro
gresd of the coal business,Limaelf engaged ie
it, told no last eveuing that the number of tlato
which went out yesterday and tho number now
readfr here for the market, will not fall below
bonded, Yesterday moiling We we' on
rntil Hine! one company t Merl,
tot going down to go on hostel the hostel. The
tn) pairs will lake not far 'from ;:UM) Even to
tan'them. This rue Corned itlOnt opportunely,
just as winter in hotting to. 'lt will put fifty or
sixty', dollars into the funds o twiny a poor fam
ily, ijua will give to our doutentittity II large
aumuut of On "ciroulatiug vulgarly
called money, tleitgised by nide only who ore
anxious for more of it than they hove
Itoi:les the great fleet of fiats that went out,
we unto the following 1011'd or lug boats, taking
with:them front five to eight barges each.
FOr Cincinnati, the following hosts, barges
and bushels of coal. 10'11101...
V0144L11... 61 .000
;0 /.0,10
( MICIP ( Og.
110rUei . .
tALe 11.rie
v. C. Robiunon
,Vsi O on
Coml.llill.. .
llPrPnles.... . .
Toni Jones.
The shove 111 11 rough eeitotat, Litt 1-• se 11C9f
ly nu may he correct.
lit addition there were reedy to ; ~.t1 even
t , l gl . ilie Lioness, the .llpe, the lima go Albree
antLNiagara, with about the saute aoLtunt of coal
each AS may be noted in the shove cargoes
I , r Louteville there will letkite to-day, prob.
Itly,the forcer. with r. barges lied 47,,000 huvh•
ele;: Esgle, 7 ',ages, 0,000; Kellogg, G bargee,
17,011 11 ; hinor.loo, loargoe. :0,1 1 1 1 0 Tigrees, 7
barges, hit,tital.
No r M'Ziaphie, the Ilotne lake, f. barges and
10,0011 bushels.
For New Orleans, ihe splendid ing bost
woad lakes 0 barges and n osrgo of 100,0lai
litisliels of coal. The now propeller of the Messrs.
Watson, a boat we have described heretofore, will
takii with her on her down trip, five barges and
1.7.,t0il bushels of coal for New Orleans. So that
cur friends down river may readily infer from
tbq . above that the rain has collie, very oppor
tuliely for us, and is as welcome am sunshine in
thci time of haymaking.
LECTI'IInB —The course of scientific lectures
noir being given in our city has reached the
eiio in number, and has received, already, h
teben of Fumes in the character of the audiences
present; they being of the most intelligent class
pc our citizens, capable of appreciating the sub•
jeOte from time to time brought before them.
The weather has seemed pertinaciously and 0.-
041.100 y bad, anti( as if on purpose, has selected
for its worst displays the eceninge of the lec
tares. The sixth, it will he seen by our Raver
lieement, in to be given this evening, and is upon
thfise products, extracted from sea water, which
are of daily use in oar own houses, as wall as in
oar stores and manufsolorien The astonishing
developentents of science within a few years, rel
ative to this important branch of business. have
uta/10 it one in vadat every one of 113 is 1 , 01,011
conoerned. Let Omen be, then. a NU house
tonight abd during the remaining lectures-; and
tfieugh it may be stormy outside, there will I.
'..idstruction and entertainment within. Those
who are engaged in the stranufacture of salt in
thin vicinity will find tt of interest nisl ad.ninge
la attend this lecture, in particolar, as they may
hoar something about their business which will
lip of great advantage to them.
; The Pennsylvania Salt Company will . ,furnish
for eihibition at thin lecture n sett of their man
tiftictured produets, Including ornde and refined
oil, Pod. ash, caustic soda, and the !mimeo -
Tented lye used in the malting of soap. The
leeturer will explain and illustrate the steps in
tbeir manufacture. The whole Nut/jest this
livening will be eminently practical.
WESTERN UNIVEVISITY I.lllTtlitrn, --The Sixth
Lecture of the course will Ito given this ITues•
day) evening, at the University Ilan, corner of
/ Pass and Diamond streets, at 7 o'clock
Subject—`.Saline content. of Sea Water."
Many anbatanoes in nee in the family and the
One will be experimented upon, and their com
position and relations shown.
MARRIAOB is JAIL—The man hiebanghlin,
'Who wag committed to jail a few days since for
p1:1 attack upon a young woman to whom be was
paying his addressee, was married to her In jail
yenterday. Aid. Donaldson tied trio knot. Boon
after the ceremony a commitment wee lodged
against the bride fur larceny, and while her
rpouno wvill at liberty, she remained in durance
A Fru. grown fellow, rejoicing in the name of
Wolter,' Cash, woe arrested on Sunday night,
charged with disturbing a worshipping congre
gation on Eland street. Ile 1148 fined $lO, but
not being as rich as hie union would seem to in-
Alicia°, he was unable to pay and was sent up to
Disintirr CuiinT.--Thero Ira:s a sofMinn of this
;i ourt. yesterday morning, Judge Williams on
the bench. Au ejectment case touching a body
of land, some six acres, in Robinson township,
'was on trial, and had not concluded when the
Court adjourned.
Plana.—On Monday the Mayor fined a man
'named Washington Colville $25 for an agars
' wiled assault upon watchman Bay, on Sunday
night. lle was alto held to Wisner for assault
and battery with intent to kill, on oath of the
same party.
The first term of the collegiate year of the
Pittsburgh Female College closed on the 2d inat.,
We learn that. the pupils acquitted themselves
nobly. Attention has been paid to the art of
penmanship. The next term will commence on
the 7th inst.,l.o-morrow.
A Linn of valuable &Oat) will be sold this
evening, at tho Commercial. Sales rooms, S. C 4
Fifth Wont,' by J. 43. Dario, shalom.
Carr,stputideet.. at tut. Nay Pt tudowelt fis:ett ,
lVssersoroa Ctrs . , Dec. 3,1,5 n.
Gds. : Thu political pot has been seething
and boiling all day, end the excitement about the
hotels, where the members ana politicians gather in
knots, has ran pretty high ; but away from these
little centres of attraction, there is not mach excite
ment apparent
Lest night the several Republic. Slate &lege
lions held meetings to decide upon their course ot
action. The Pennsylvania and Ohio. delegations
held separate meetings at the Avenue Rouse. In the
former, it was announced that thorn would net he a
general response to the tall for n coons framed at
Philadelphia., and it wan therefore, after a long die,
cession, withdrawn, tho delegation adjourning to
meet thin tnnrning at I I o'clock. In the tit.) tocet
ing, the chairman (Stanton) was author - Wei to invite
a general conference this afternoon at I, to let,.
mino whether a merely Republican or a general to.
position caucus should he held no Saturday night.
This morning the Pa- delegation met and agreed
to respond to the old. call, and to vote nr a unit in
favor of a general opposition mucus.
At one o'clock about eighty Republican members
met and Mr. Stanton offered n resolution that all the
members or Congress elected In opposition to the
National Administration be invited to attend a gen
eral conference this (Saturday) evening, fur otinroilt
ntion. Mr. Stanton supported this proposition in a
very strong speech. Mr. Washburne. of Me., spoke
violently against it. Mr. Stantnn replied. and etas
followed by Mb Campbell and Mr. Comte, of Pa-,
on the 0810 elm, and several other gentlemen also
apoke on Rath riles. When the vote was taken, Mr.
Sumton's proposition was lost, yens :12, nays 10.
A proposition to hold a strict Republican One,nts
was then voted down, and the meeting finally agreed
to hum no caucus at all.
The result is that the Republicans will go into the
!louse on Monday unembarrassed by any caucus
rangements, and the other Opposition members will
not, thereby; ho prevented from nailing with them.
On the first ballot every Republican member will vote
according to Ids personal preferences for Speaker;
after that, the votes will probably be concentrated
open Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, who seems to bo the
general favorite. It is said that 111cl:roan and Smart-n,
of our Stale, add iteynelds, of N. , will vote tor
Sherman, end it is nut improbable that Ito may got
votes enough to elect him, without the plurolity rule.
As to the Clerkship, It is more at sea than anything,
else. As there will be no mucus, there can be no
bargains, and I doubt if Forney ran be elected with
out a bargain. The chances seem to mo to laver
lloffman, of Maryland.
The South Americans were, at first, extremely an •
ions to have a general opposition concur; but the
marry raised by the New York Ifritild and the dam
erratic papers herr, aim& the album] revolutionary
purposes of the Republicaus, has alarmed them m
moth that they fear the effect at Ironic of making any
arrangement with our people, This was, no doubt,
the purpose el the outcry, and it has accomplished
what ries aimed nt. But for it, Otero would havo been
a general union of the opposition, nail the Howe
would hove organised promptly on Monday.
As it: is, the Republican members from Ponnsyl
yenta inve the credit of having ofiered to the South
ern opposition members n plan for a general union,
which they, from the supposed embarrassments of
their position, have felt compelled to &cline. By
that declination they have furred a palely sectional
contest, and our mon can say, "if ire occupy a see'
tional position, it is your fault, not mire. We offered
to moot you en common ground, and von declined."
It may be asked, "why, if the South America
declined the Philadelphia proposition, did any
our men contemplate the tender to any more formal
manner?" In order, it may be answered,Frlake
away all mum of complaint ; and when that‘efailed,
our men, in the true spirit of union, did the next
heat thing, by declining to hold any caucus at all. P.
01 ,50n , F 1I
Dn. by
I unks
I 7.5.
I 208.1
1.1,3 f
$ 151,7
I For the IMny Plllnburgh Gazelle
MCA., HIM/M.—Much has boon said and writ
n, of late, about freedom of spocch and frcodotn o
bought and action. All will agree that the exeint
de and ft ightened hotspum of the Wise school have
00011 guilty of very many ridiculous, and outdo erim.
nal !tete, growing nut 1 , 1 thu I.tan reprelsemible folly
1 John ,Itrown. It is nut done in the free North
that these follies and this unwarrantable intermed-
tiling with (ho business of °them t to Übe e.y ICTIII
ix recogriirml. There in a cenvervatire element i
VirAinia, even, and in Maryland. and in every tithe,
Southern State, and 1 am very glad to know tha ,
(hero are men Oho dore to ha conservatit e in tin
North, and in Mb: r , dtrimunity liy
by no mean? intend to entire, the idea of yottr dough
laces, whom elastic rrinciyilex yield o ti' °wrid
prelsuro which may wrail them from either side.
mean men who, entertain etreng convictbmv. mat
or popular clap, trap.
ant led into these thoughts ty crating an oh.,
rill paragraph in a taunting paper, assailing th.
clergy It then cities, because, forsooth, they bur •
not taken up the popului Cry. and prayed, publicly
(as they doubtless hare iu prirate,) for the soul o ,
that "sound obi Puritan," on "Thanksgiving, or lb •
last Sabbath previous to his death." t , The writer
thin, and the "tuany ministers it alit city and vicin
it)," appear to have Leon MA., untortuhato, as th.
(orator rave ot ctica.o ue o.cotned (newt
mceutly, ~, t 1 .1.-,graph ~[
. .
liroartt, - and by ut Ow rank tune, to I..xpres3
any aOtnitattun of tho nets of that Id . ..guided
01.1 fanattr, h,.. - ..ver much of 6, aq,lthy with htru in
thn anfottuant..lottottutoont.
111( /
. II /(1
I 1.1 N 1
/ 000
•(I, Of
let u., I. reasonable and honeet 11, if it via -
solves and our uoighborr. It a company of toolich
woe were to band theurrelrcs together in the ale t•
sent counties of I Lrginia, and make a midnight raid
into our ikre tr . elate, L., interfere with any of our rights
cf . property, a. expounded Icy otir courts, and if rush
attach ruculte.l in loot of fife and property, •.500tra.
•. • . -
ry m the Ivaco 41:11i diguity of thu Cammoutroaltht
who atnong,L us weul4 uarrrsa •.pen sympathy with
ho l'iog lea.ler, or characterize him an a
1.1,1 Punta°.
li I ant a liopult;iran. 11c,srs. :ma
claim LO ho such, then the mho, who aertliei tbo
clergy who fail to care, sympathy with tho revlu
tionary nod insurrectionary acts of n crary fanatic.
run not In redacted an a mouthpiece of the party. If
the Repoli/bean party are expocted N emlorso John
Ilrown or his acts, then lam no Republican. it.
901e11.1 ro Caeloastfutto.—The frioods and pa
liono in Millersburg, of Prof. J. Colje, will re
amyl(' learn that he is a b o ut t o leave no lie
has accepted the post of Professor of Music in
ale Nome Institute for Young Ladies, located
a Canonsburg, l'a , whither he starts in a fsw
days Mr C. is a flue scholar and a gentleman
of 'deeming address, and of whom we do net
hesitate to sap furthermore, that as a teacher of ,
music, vocal and instrumental, ho has no nape.
rior in this country. This is his reputation
wherever he is known. Whilst we regret to part
with him, we cannot but congratulate the Seine
Institute on its good fortune in securing the sec
vices of so excellent a teacher.
Whilst upon this snbjeol, we weth to any a
word in behalf of the I lent imte This
school has been in operation some years, is lo
cated in a healthy section of country, is in a
prosperous condition and is, undmsbielly one
of the best schools for young ImliOn that .r
country can boast of. Mrs. I iliviaJ. French, its
Prineipal, is just the powon for the place, an
the esteem of the school under her
fully deroonst rates.
(b.oon Issrri ere. -• We clip from a 61,11ersburg
fOhlo) paper the folleiving •
"We are happy to wittiest+ the iiLleeees ,•1 this
institution. No place to our country bet tor
calculated for n seminary for young Intro I 'l,l
Csnonebnrg hos been for a succession of years
well known over the land to a retort for learn
ing, and the reputation of Jefferson College can
compete honorably with that of the best colleges
in the East We wish to see Mrs. French one
eessful in her exertion'', and we know that this
lady posse/teen all 160 requisite qualities of heart
and mind necessary to the responsibility of her
situation. Our opinion on this subject is so cite.
me that we will take the liberty of adsieing, her
to continue to direct and manage her school alone,
keeping herself free of outside aolluenoe and
senlarisil prejudices, looking only - at the eatia
factory result of her many yoars of experience."
Ten Soauer Low —The . 1 1r1lowlitt A draerth. of
this city, in discussing the recent decision of
Judge Lowrie on the tfunday case,
, says --We
care not now to enter upon the discussion of the
. tenor and logical sequences of the poeitioun taken
by Judge Lowrie. To say that some of them are
false to religion and absurd in themselves. would
be lees respectful to the court than juet to the
sentiments it advances. The Garctfr of -this/ay
pertinently sake: "Will not, under this decision,
'the common sense of the community' regard the
11110 of rho passenger care for those who have no
other modes of reaching church. 'necessary""
Moat certainly. - Nor is this all; the court has
put in such a category of exception , ' to the
..worldly employments" prohibited by law, that
it is, admitting ilsprinriple of definition, difficult
to say what if not lipentual. To some of the
particulars presented in the quotations above)
we may have eomothing to say, which neither
time nor apace allow now. Would that politi-
Cigna and coiirta of low could learn the length
and breadth of the Deealogue—the heigltth and
depth of the Law of URIC"
AT the Sabbath School meeting last week, the
subject of holding a grand ruses meeting of the
schools on New Fear's day was referred to the
executive committee, to make all necessary sr:
rangelial:l(B. The next meeting of the Associa
tion (fleet Thursday of January next) will be
held at the Liberty Street M. 11, Church.
A nee named Charles MaTiertilkil weerrao Ler
nerd's drinking house to got liquor. It was rarasod
and thereupon he went behind the two and attacked
the barkeeper. Ile was ejected, brought before the
Mayor and finest $10,00.111 default of which ho was
committed to jail for 10 days.
Tue administrators' nate of Furniture,lllenelli
and Stock belonging to tho estate of E. Arthurti,
deceased, will be 'made at his late iceidence in
hlinerevillo, this morning at 10 o'clock, by J. U.
Davie, auctioneer.
Tan Republicans ofCoudersport have formed
Repu - Winn organization whioh they hate named
the "Irrepressible Club."
linser: J. Moab:web, Nos. 175 sod 177 Smith
field emit, has just receliod air thousand pounds of
. .clovas and buckwheat honey, in glass boxes sad glass
Plus . which ha is soiling at tbe most reatonabla
voLirnw, ILXXII---NUMBER 309
- _
'r tarty-Bust congress-resa—FirsFacass
}loon,:.—lke interest m the organifittient
House is, if possible, on tho increase. bori z l
noon the galleries wore densely crowded, Itt!tt
hers were unable to obtain admittan,it 1
standing, the state of the weather, tberolas '
attendance of ladies on the floor. ;1 2
Mr. Allen, Clerk of tho last Housq: rar,
House to order at noon. The din 4 vow. Int
atoly reused. Speetators were exclu,lo f:v
tt i
door, and the members took their scat"
woo and 2:;I members answered to:, heir
Tho absentees wero—Stalworth and 14ntircv....
Alabama, Brown and A,fams, of KentiickY; II .nd.
man and Bus:, .:1 A rkansa.. and Ilarnilton, of TeaSs.
on motion of Mr. Phelr, the !lout 4 eed, to
protocol to tho election of a Speaker vivi, vac .
Mr. Houston nominated Mr. Sherniiin p Ohio.
Mr. Adrian nominated Mr. Davis. of 141ianr. . Mr.
Haskin nominated Mr. Hickman Cl Ch. T. Ste
phens nominated Mr. drew, of Ca. Briggs
nominated Mr. Boether, of Va.
INuirferous and impatient voices, "Call th,
The Clerk appoinod Messrs. Iloustpn,:
Adrian and Briggs, tellers..
Mr. Florence said: In listening to tkp cal
roll, I noticed that several 'Timbers wait ah
order to enable them to participate in thh aler
move the Horace adjourn till to.enerrowV
John Cochran--I loop' the gentlernari tti
draw the motion. ij
Mr. Cobb—Oh' lot to: have our volo.rii tau
The Ileum tool; the vote by acelarijatin
which and laughtor, Mr. Florence withdrog
lion, and the Boos° pr, ceedtsl to v o te.
First vote f, Speaker Sherman, ffl3 Bic
drove. 43; Jiotlolor, It; Davis, 2; Phiilips,
mer, 5; Nelson, h; Coterie, I, Adrian]Hickman. I: Pennington, I; nankin, 14 arid
I, no ono having received majority of the tlwi
Mr. crow, rose, and said: As I are in
to retard the organization of the Housed I it
myy name as a carotin:we. I srooro genii,
woo, I. Manes,. 1 . 4,1 11,000 v•ilesl ti
that I eholl tremo throne:,-to i liajpl
mark of their friendship and regard. '
Mr. Burnet moved an adjournmentii to
mined by yeas and nap. I;
Without concluding the question sefie
S 101.4 TE- FOrly t menthol , tromtereise
Tho nlenentco, wore, Mongrel. Ilenjamip, VI
tutlen, I•as 13, hu❑;;la+, Filzp,ittriUt
mama, of Ark., Polk, :3clastial SO❑
Toomlul. i
Thu unnlential. .1 .1. C. Ten Eyck, 3jl N,
Henry P. Hann, of CAL we're prwun:Lo(l .
were qualinotl.
Mr. Mae•
!Bitted u rosJlutio4'
-.ason Fit ~,,, . ----,-Tr
committee to inquire into the Ilarper'Clier ,
eiou; whether other parties not presuntircktil
toil, and what logidation is necessary. ii TO t
up to-morrow. '
51r. Trumbull g.vvii not,. of An algeMit
tending the inquiry to include the A ri.einal. ti,
lin, Missouri. 1
Mr. (twin gave 'ntice of lit, ititentiin So
the I:auifie Railroad. .
d -.•
The customary resolutiond were ad , q4,4 t
the House of Represontatives and the Orettivi
the Senate is ready for business. ci
Tha Senate adjourned. 'i t 1
Atsi•al of tee city of ttionqttes
Naw Your., Doe. s.—The stentobiii i a •
ter arrived hero frf.ut Qt. CC 11,1.W11 wilt OW
20th ult. tj
1...v.ew, Nev. 11..-. A Veen. Iltuteilant
. , ..
eats that the high dates on IlegliikOla. facture
hare foiled in preventing Lit. , t goods
from Manchester, suitable for the Aral?,air • et, were
ordered by way of experiment, and notWithkanding
import, duty and ex ['cute, they were f4no fie bo ten
per cent lower than tho rome kind of rrocat goods.
, i 1
l'xitts, Nov. Ill.—The CdastitationnOlth- ay con
firm, the statement which appears in ttio' P. trio, viz:
Dm Revolt de tactician would lie iSlppr seed for
publishing a letter alleged to be front tlil'E peror of
Sardinia to tee Emperor of the FrenehOniciation to
the regency of Ilt ince Ce,agauncl. IlarOaTalleyrand
will replace the Marquis Muncher a 4 Arupassallor
at Berlin. The ytarquis I:tamer - ilia will bejappoint
ed Ambaxsader to Athens. I
Thu Spanish treat, from .`dome: .. Lie
toyed, ... Marshal t t'l.onnel will not e.ii , Kl ,
leaving bolero the colic:qton of the watictfat
been completed, which will bo very shO• I
No in v it.ltiell to tale part in the appVrichl
gross has yet beers f eta to arty power.d l'
Thu letters el cretieuce will be sent to:filo
ter:natio, on Sunday or Monday nook 1.
W CIT I', DeV. _—lu ti11.,~1 okae, 2dU
member, anrwemi to their naive:, :1(10 ?ift oh new
t:inflow for Speaker were etude.
Mr.l.l.'l l4 .nominated 3ir.4 jh
• Davi,. of Ind.. tooninaltut M. Melt:hat
r. row, ..1 raft na. , tooul noted r. - 1
upon which they proineoled halliFtinati
tirsi lodlot Mr. sherinan rt.vadved
r. 1 roTV I and Mr. I'odie6,9
22. Mr. Grow withdrew hi. nalun
Tuc I..cinocrutic cauous on ti,flun.ll
na..l M. \ - a, f.,r bpcal:cri, Af
members 11,11 preFent.
Thu S. , utimrn foomberAilicl.
cum?, Ind n,Fpurricki withent notaint9in o g
Neu Ai.t. , lacc, .a.--. Tho stenuamikalr
rived co day a ala It IN 11.,1:1., l. thailitiall
news er inap,rtatare. - il ; 1
D e part says 1110 near Carl.tin , ; ,,,,, S; P. , 1
oat tien. Concha's policy, particallarl39llri
pr.vetnents in Ilavana. 11 1
An extensive lira via, s t l,. k• 11 the al - Ll, of
in the direction at the Begin, anappns4laas
sive vrarehamses located there.
The Dahaarivi bring: nearly haat a 1.1.,i „ .1
lean dulls,. J
a4atgars were very Lam at Ilavana. 1
NEW Volt 1:, I'm. 5..--Tho 7th alls4htll
are ordered to be at their armories 3eriX
morrow morning, anal remain them it I, al
case-el emergency a ;bong force will ]gym; et
the arsenal, to prevent any attempt trithnix
storeat there. 1
Proparatioma are for a great:pin,.
in Philadelpins, on Wednesday niglall
Nan leek, Dec. b.-- , The Bank stftien
jilt 1114-MlSe an loans of $7 13,57 I; ineihasa
vyt 1,701;; increase i a circulation, Si/i;a:l
a h alepositS2,titia.h.l9.
. -.a'
There are am ,igril iit tic Angie ,4
1... i. .1 '
Toot , Uoc a.- -The body or Jelin iTro
ininied by Mrs. itroirn and Wendoll ljhit
through this eily to-day, nil - king in ttle
It !tarts at sit We loch for tic !Oat
no incitement Wl4 I•restrol during thuitin
remained at the depot. Tho funeral4alt
North Elba on Thureday.
' l I
titt.woroun, line. S. • A por_iittp
has loon ilietniesed, and the other eottiiiii
rodured in numbers by granting furlai4s,S
.15)s. The military will bo again
the I Uth, and martial Ist.: will be rostkun
the '
.1.1,1...1,3ay. A larva , a oar V 1 an wr,
t4l terer,ll , •,, ,00 to lavi majt , ,{l ,
. lavvoel 1. liver. la Ibo }layer,
et 14 11.1 Tr...m00 .11, alter sore.,
no, uho lot, I, 1.1 .11., for aus elk!,
aar.l Alder awn nto.l Coo. mon Ca , viaeal Pa ,
)14 niol &halo.. rao.
r. Lot 'rhe Flt or haqi . ri.
hero in the I,t twenty•l4 , ltr hours tiit
swell reviilly. 'rho weather has Iliten
latep and misty all day, and the engttr
mg hist ; Main has fallen Finite It o te.lje'
...olio), et 3 egititintience all night. P'
Mr. Iturnlintn,
agent, whose tern. of imprisonmentC' , ?v•
pine.! on I4atitrilay, was lirought lA'ro
start doy, gin 3 . charge of relgrtg
liquors, lint the tri d aae postpone ,
$1.,1100 ei,nl in ord.
I. tii iir. N. -
/Iv ennellie, wits elected Meyer by
ver ./. It. Rollins, the Republic/011.
xre,o majority tbo City Council, o
iehel, aro abet elected. The result 40
rietepri/ for the Democrats.
grolized. Porter, of Wotolfortl, /Ao
'of the :lanais:, and Alarriwether
11.41:1$0. This result is a triumph of tilt
tar oror the t;othrie men.
N, w Doc. 5. —At onriin
ion to-day, team . 0. Tabor, Indepte
layer, by 573 maj. over Weston 11:t
~eon' candidate. A majority or tI
n the Tabpr ticket are also eleeteta
1,..m5. rum 41.11, 4-Ir. u—'l . ll‘ll.gyo
from Portsmoth, ll, nt 1 o'clock r isZ hem /Moan, nn boo nay to Norp:k
hsro on around henry gulp. All mas
I,nvinvii.i.r, Deo. 5.-110 g market
at 56,75. Moo, pork; ralev 1,500 lAils
The river is falling :lords, with ;'lea
-•- -- ' - :` ; l`
T111.r., Iles, r , — Dato , .. T1., , e0......,r1e0
11th city, died tbil oneroooe.
riEl.llllol.l/'S tinnaTinr, l'irr.i•ko , i
111{1,M1O11,Lea 11111111 U for Me bool.l.
11/.11.3110/1.1.,3 1 , 131 , 110 I. i the A1,b,.. , ;, - 64
II a1.111101./en Ilotlllo 1.. lt, U rat clO ,
11C1.14BOLVS 11111.11111 for Me Propo . t'.i
11111:111101.1en 1/UOIIU for Nomonomay;
11 1f1.111.101.te0 IiIICIIU for 1..0. of 1.141 m,
II ElALloll,len Ittlollll Co IhßinrlAoqr•
II lalthfllol.lre 111101111 for IMllcult 11kaal
11 EI3IIIOLTY/3 11001111 for Went !Correa:
UKl.lllllLleil 111/01IU for llunaral Defrlf
FIKLIIIMILLYS 111.1C/1U for Uolverml •
11K1A11101.1,11 110C11U f,,,th,,,,,r0r5i,
1111LNIBOLITS 11U01111 fur flialst 3areyln,
111:1‘111111.0 . $ 1:1101111 for vintanlntnr,
lIKLIII/OLD'II 111/Clll/ for LlrynelMntlll
116L5t1l01.1ed 11000(3 for Er.peu...:,
11111111101.11'S 011(11111 for Pala la tlia.
1111.1..S11IOLD'a 110000 lor lloaritalfi r Af
Temporary nolTuolon and Law of Mallil
, fiBLISUOLIid 111101111 for Mobiflty4ll
Want of Attention. Horror of Floolollyy
acuatiours 'menu for ot.troctMat
IIIitABOLD'S 1(1101(0 for IfleormoCari
erafloa,.lall illsoanov of 1110 &sant In,
oltlior nos., from orhatarer raummlaaoal
sold only'll DltsllEL). It liEltinfji,
- Oro BXS. Al
iv de: B. L. Yklil
D:Lgorall. v. T. %V. 11. W111.M.113,15 - 11L Mani,
I Repark.l Speciay for as 1hn7;21 course.
C 1112113.00, Tcrsaar. DrtILMOS 0,
1,0 1:11— , .,11c.. from Atom of 1,170 bbl, In various lotel as
V. , ,c0,1*/ fur Supor, for 13:Ttra, f `'` r ' -
tra rataily.l.,lsl.l tur busy-
0011N—salos at 700 tL, 1r. , 111 atom at 55GC3; and 10...."7
do ttom wharf at 06
Ott.—ealresJikti No. 1 et
MEM PottS—malra 1.1.1 e
(10GB—aakeof 350 howl at
lFLOlnt—sales 700 els IZA)11 , 1 to
1,18 1.1.871:, 100 .ke At $1.95€42 , .
nurreat—te. woo tha roll rod Mal," 1-1t.,15 10 lb.
PltED—cas G 56 sta at wharf at $.l f. , r tsup 10,0
of the
• astral
I the
t an the
o 1111
;• n, f
. •
1114F.S44—sa'ra 19,) b. IV. 14 at 10.
At'PLC2Heal. , ll4:lll bbln
;kn. •
OAT/l--41sloa 100 atom P Q.
DELED FRUlT — sdrs bash Prasky,s
Jo'AKA. at 54.1k41.54-411 from 10.0 r.
EOVATOES—saI. 766 brodt at DE4III.
CARD—Wm 10 Ws a 104,51014
3,400 bath at $1,7454:41,15;
HAY—oaths at goal. of 5
az $115615 it b.
%Vlllslll—zalca 04 LW rectilbol at 27; . ¢14 10 alo ryo
at 154401:45 Vl
SY Ell 514.• 5. at 45.
141.1G3—.1ea 4 1441 at 16.
the money market to Itoitheece la without change. Cep
Balla well eopplied at &pis v tl mut for gaud short Eiprr
nut blots take nearly Mt fires-elasa
The steamer Sasonla, from New York for Vs,sothempton,
Illrfro and Ilarnburg, on Thurshiy, took out .S7I/OSSiO. in
The Imports of f 'reign mamba:alto Into tlx port of Balti
mbee the poet week, amounted /eV:l9,olsin value, of which
StVh2lB were ditty-paying, and $1.93,f.T7 free . gbods. Thr ,
espOrta of domeirtle produco for the week aluomlted to PSI.' -
31f... Included In the report. were 11,016 Bbla flow:
MAI cern moot, 1400 bush core; 8 7 0 2 hush what, =hi 120 0
Wan leaf Whack,.
The honk of Baltimore Lao declared a semhannual dist.
Jena 4 i 1 cent, payable on and after the fith Inst.
101, 1,
los Cast,
ilert.s.--Ecach pig Iron continues very &Fel
sod primer le lu Lavern( buyers. Smell sales costly.
reported et yabitlib. 6 mos, from ahlp. BROW, bur t.
011 m.l.lroorio2 at }1::(4.11, 6 mut, for esuutUSO.sttil $ 5 /. 5,
6 nem, Ingot Clapper is quiet of ?..No bash ter Labe.
ilbt is immure et 11.(4.20c
and Winongo curreury Nres so se•rc
. tu..lrtj. nn l
In to geed demand, that It sem placed ou ever wills Meurer'
cvnintry batik paper, and with Ohio, Indiana sod Kentucky.
it lawn excellent time for currency =kora.
Trade was brink today, owing to light reoelpts.end abr.,
pia of suspenaion of navigation on ilto upper the 1,100 tilde city superfine Dour sold at bbl, of which lhe
nterket le firm. Thorn Is little, cumparativoly, doing in gm
cork,', manatee must lei small at the mica ft to nerivwary to
sell at to covercost, ender prevailing high priesaat NefirOn.
lento, where it is now well known a snort crop of sugar
Innen be counted on. An Minna. Is loported in Belcher.'
reg..' sugars and molanAnc—lllo. Dem.
The 1311Icav freed soya—The motley market to-day was
• nod poivition merchants had some diflcnlty in pro.
*ding arromroodatlous, which had thu Oleo& to restrict op•
romewhat. Thu scarcity of num.y atom coed
tbit tnarket for Eaetern exchange to he easier, sales Wog
tittlie outside at as lOW 10 1 , ; per cent. pram., nod although
alb bank roles were tip, rent atilt they wont.] hero parted
With a round lot a; a lower figure to procure currency.
'lto flour morbid matinnin 119 let and; alefuly,wlth hat
ittpo logulry. About nOO bbls went told to-day or $1.5.5001,- *
b 5 fur spring shred, end ss,itofor good white Winter, The
light receipt. of wheat rendefed the market bent, and Ic
inersoce was paid. The tustimetions,al Welar, went very
limited, el iletaltio. fur N 0.2 pork., S 1 for clinic. 01011
44f . ..track. Them wed u betterrquiry for corn, land the mar
ket mirakred leOle to.rard the clone. A cargo of 10,600
.linsitels No.l lam sold at 42e f. o. b. for shipment by propel
wr to Banal°, and shoot o,utl Umbels in Into tot :1055100 In
• aud 40(54 ou tra , k.
br, recelsos of Hee 1:no to-day ircera'mocil larger; and
thin, ~long will, the rcarc,ty of currency, which kept soma
crtilie heavy burn . tee market,.. Troll na a tamer
• ie the tradirgokerally. Mused a reaction and a do.
cifne of 20ir..5c on yeaterday's prime.
import. by [Liver
: HT. LOUIS, per Marnaora-1200 bl,O flour, 1 to garden
*ids, Clarkord .0;100 bbl. dour, entitled , ' 2 co; '230 do do,
I'c4orson; 4 LI., 1 trunk, I: wharf boat, 20 Lida Oro clay, 0
lttmxtr, ;W dt , whisky, & 00; 40 do 00, Tredan374o
,to to, al'ericl..t A ccr, 24 do loinurn, 01Wollt 10 dO POD ,-
41 . 13an0 & Ardor; 43 bd. barley, Brnitlc '72,73 do do, Ppm
con & rim - rank 3 Ins inckhandler. Jm Spenerr; 12 empty Mu
Idda, 1 hairdo do, Wood.
Ni:111'111P, per Carnbridgo—SO bodes cultrni, Park &
do du, lienuedy 2 rsc 621 du du, Clark & 30 lona pl, - ;
10111 I 11sn1.
2 2881:]\ ta
r Emma nhatn-211 bibs tank, do
..}ld. 7do egg., 7do Latour, ale c,kll, Clark & co, I 14,1
4: 00 ,1; 4 4,, coin, Moll & rt.; SI du clocorneasi, Ilk
tundrion, Forcer, 12 clot raga, ;1 bids butter, Ebriccr & 1/11
Trorth: :112 sko corn, Charon & Malaita:roc 252 do de, 13 11‘,
CO4a, 410041.1 & or, 14 cslo, acrid. Iron, Zug, d Palclcr: 1 1 .
Imply c.d.., We nn - richt; 14 cart,' cora, 1. Donny; 441 do do
Wold.l do, Inchon... 148 do dn. Wilson:4o2 do do, II
n' d do o
do, td,d do 113101 811/10; 110 du corn, 10 Load
crad o , In nowt, owncre.
nivr.n. 21IBWkla
'The allot( au all Olio yesterday. So groat a otlr hos
not been wit/wand for back Tao PlinniritilY
fican the Allt•ghetty, and Elio .wator in the Monongahelo
Slum II Lot the chorale! by the pier mark. Some 60 to
IVO pairs of cOal boats oto shoe° and Lelow the lust pool.
and voice ay) pairs to All ore estectol to get throngh
.01 TlIvSO Te,oll - 0 hands to overy pair, showing
o glance 1110 nonahor ot hands
s il ly - c
o lt get erupleythont
I 4 the trod, We he dd that sixty dollars per baud had
had In New orleans It ' , OA romareil that ICEVIII
1031 had eu snot, at T./. Trapp, White's ItipplNyeaterday.
could i f learn thd truth of the toport. riots in
, Monougoitelo fa :laing.lenly expootod, and we think with
tg,Pal rissoun. hitould all the cool be got out with this frontlet
4 will n ot the lutorests tho coal sten very roatotially.
',Wo could not leant at the agar( boat, yesterday, ,the
number rollshots gaga, Lint must ho onorutons.
Ilutoirede of lined Water street all day, lookhig for
. onsployrueut, nod a groat many 101 l fu with berths at ,voil
'The Carol:re woo thu only arrival from below lop to 3
il'elock. Cho was from MeraphL• and heighted principally
.sitith cotton, which prowutal grand-arty on the
Vial Is going neat to nt. Louis and t hi ng . euk. Several boots
1 . .ye loading rapidly for holow, not wear a
o f
aSpect tot all hAnde. Our otsuoinotorero are getliog oft their
'atticiw to good Swoon.
.i , Thu Mono ilralnau, ono of OW hall and most punctual of
:latatn, was to yestordsy, pilo,l.up fall of freight. Slot will
,lonve too 7..43 ille this olturnouu at four o'clock.
The A rt..% sacs out this morning for St. t.
and Mau
-0110 loan o pirt of a low] of tallroad Inamou board.
Thu river ouv ts in 104,11 good stage, that any and alt toots
af LOMA can snow eod go. The Luau...soot shipping and re.
Seivlog g.,111 In more action than no hose own it Ott.
i•waot !agora,
.India and Clara Soo canto Inlront Pittaburgh, yes
terday. Woo with railroad iron for the Alabama road.—
[Lou. Dormice.
u 4.,
.111 rear)
. .
Isicrs Myrna Irt.—Stio lore. sr New Otionns,oPPN,D, the
werobotors, In tlio Third District, hea Dortislir
Drokon sway; end two enure wharvai csvoil in. It was me
tow Leal landing, oodb l ressintly bocii repaired,
.y, for
. A EiktIVED.
River-11 fc
Welegraprele IllarKatli
N to lona, Doc. s.—Floor In posanwhat lirmor, with a falr
demand for extra; all. of 10,000 bbls at $5,10416,0 Ist
cup, State, $0,1c0,15.40 for eats State, $5,'115.5,1:1) for
enper wostern , siz.Loa.,4s for common to medians extra
wonders, ss,l:vom 75 fur Inferior to good shipping brands or
rant. round-Loop ed Unto—tho market cloying firm and
pretty actloo. rho market/or Cal:adieu Flour is urn:hang
ol; Islas 4tat 1.1:11 at $5,110,145,50 for common to choice:extra.
Nye Flour 111,711e4,35. Wheat is without vrecinl change.
with MDII , doing for exports Ind. 36,000 bush at $1,25 `for
mintate; $1,15 for Chicago Spring. not PrINNX F 1 . 43 0' 1 . 40
for white Indiana aud Southern, and winter sod amt west
ern. and Causidian dab on private , terms. Rye lain mod
erato nosurat; toles of email lots. at ho. Barley uneettled
and not active; mire 11,000 bolds at 711.:1%. elate 75. 0 11 i,
.ranee and firm; tale. 11 5 000 knelt at 850;55 for new and .
14 ,tn , : ° ( 0 3a " - hi '7 .a . ll ' , l° Ti 11 i:1! i t' to " altad, 4 : ' f ' s r n " n d er " sui r .V u qzlVt. V' l t.' o r s k
us mere minor; .1.4700 bbl. at $10,11'410,t0 tor mews and
$11.50 for prime. tarluding ;X:00 bid. mesa ate:aliens option,
de l-i.O
pi January, Febsuary and Blunts at. 515,10.
pack :Manly and nueliatiged, ml. 350 Ws at $411.50, re.
ul me. $10.76. , 011,50. Wm.' lioga, prime, 11';,5.7!.i.
he. °an 1.4. Poet lines quiet and unchanged; $14,•15,g.
$14.50 for wridert, prime; mesa Ikef qatet and tioctssaged
'. l .1117,:a11.1. Gin Bleats bachwaged. Raton aleady; mien
:NO boles long ribbed middies, toe all 11,10 mouth, at 1.5.;i
Lard steady, anion "a 0 Ws at 10 1 41°11,'
Ctisnassars, Pet.6.—Floor la in moderate ilentatel only at
$5, but holdera generally stand for $5.10:1 - .°5,15. Wheat Is
firm, but there he not an action demand, at $1,15 fee red
and 51 ,Ina 1,11.6 for whim. Corn la very quickly taboo at
.16, tot one. for bans , detloary are made bleier. Oats in
good demand at 411 cud tending upward. Barley la 50 good
cantata] at 75 or prime IaJL Pou shoals a 175. Whtaky
2111. Provi.lona acttoo at $l7 tar Mom Pork and 17! , :05%
for bulk ntamide. and Sides, with sales/or (auto dello., ••
550!<s, 4 1 ,,i Ihign aro la light ramilpt sad very buoyant at
$551,71501ad,,0 for 190: ,, ,,15.10 115. weight, holders groarallY
smith% and espncliug to get Sc for heavy. Exenange to .
galet ut 74.
CLlTCatit., Do, 5. {nar actirtV Prima nxch ll, 4 l A- 1,11 . 5 t 4
gnu, at nu adosura of le: sal. at 93. Corn dull, at a de.
cifuo 1....15 .1. at 15. Oat, quiet. - B,colpte--1131.9 LW,
Fleur; comet hush Wheat; la; bush Corn. Shipments
—1550 tads rhea; 11,001 GaAs Corn.
r< la noon: !
Little or
the body
pl co a
. tn ry
ioa will bp'
for boveral
blot' before
nnill after
ato.ln or
wart C
111 r jut
u iurho
utluc.3 td
, rvirh m. 11•
;Ito I plot
o the police
I Lie Irail . of
tunder., the
J majority
ilium( 3 fl
FIUME:WIW. at CO. ' S Lash.—it having been
stated:that the White Lead of Caltnestock 1. Co. ' of
this city, marked 'Tura" by the manntatinnus, did
net stand the teat of analysis, the firm submitted
sautplos to eminent chemists in our own and distant
cities, whose testimony to its purity they publish in
this morning's Oaratte. It passed the ordeal tri
umphantly, and it is presumed the question of
purity is now forever put to rest. See letters of
chemists in advertising columns.
O II not r
to i • tpettlt - or
kcr of : e
-- -
Fon SA LPL—Three Sslaltirships for a full course
of Writing and Book-keeping (two antaiiiicd) in the
Birmingham Commercial College. Hero is an op
portunity raroly otTcred for any one intending to at
tend on institution of this kind, and one that should
ho taken advantago of as the above scholartbips will
ho sold. ery cheap. This institution has been baser.
cmoral, operation for over a year, and Ufa not mar
pacsed by any similar ono in this community. For
further particulars apply at this of lee, 'where the
scholarship' can be had.
oltc ,
t, was choon
o,‘ land. Clti
Inn Richmond movement looking to et disorimi,
nation in Northern purchases, has no reference what
.= to the Grover linker Sewing ktachlint. The
South has already purchased largely ortlimxioind
having found them indispensible in their familles,
could not afford' to include them in the - Tfarthern
manufactured articles which it as their IntentiOn_Ao
exclude from sale in the South.:.Call eurkseo •
them, at the corner of Market and rittlOrtrcids;.;
Rug& store, second story. .‘•
xcitna les
at $l7.
t 7 1,1 in tlin
• Samuel. IVEar's "Ono Price Nat Store"! No.. 2Gr.
Liberty stroot, nearly orpoalte the month of Iland,;
is doing a glorious business—rolling. of Nati
Caps with a perfect rash." Wo predicted from ntei
font that a uniformity in pike; btlt'kOhd ,
artistes at that, would emit/Wars large'salea., , Woot,
is a ahrewd Scalar, knowing that theniaddestipence -
pays better than the slow ahnllng, and hence be pats . .
off his goods low, Lot alwoyo at one ; all aro
fronted alike—no making fah of one and gosh of so'
altar. (lo to Wait's, by all mean.; you
molly clogant Ilat or Cap. " -1"
• -r
-ho istl6ls,l%
Nouco to Walde'and Conuctors-.:
t K7 IIE
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Telegraph, Browwiville
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