The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 30, 1859, Image 3

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    ~ i
. , .
CARF„, ' . . . . ....... ...... .
S 1 CA 'SCALLF,Sr-i - it 4 ! 1
.. ~ It 5- Pat ti il
1 1. , a
.... , ONSEDELABLE•EFFORT HAS THMA'aitttiii now being made, to introduce info this ,
..,..nuirtikt.o.pautAustay 'WALES?' m something Law and rimer* to Moss manufactured at the NOV ILL.T V
'. Clairele: , ;llke imprint= of theke Works Um mem nude any boast or dleplay of the Warr Medals and /Wed! i
i l WPM *kW:lbws been awarded fa' them in proaMon, Ent diming sub testimony m• tins bide •od ....Am , a ...I" 1 WEDNESDA I MOEN 111 O, NOV. 20. 1858.
'1.** .0.......e. ' • 13 —.._ vefrd e°l4dM irl IVinttlet evaLmedhll4Mlon of &calm, made at the "NOVELTY WORKS , trill etstel ,
~' ie.. ems, an conmarmus. with any Otper Made to t Unite* iltates, for accuracy, durability and style of ttnish, and that It '
!.. bIECIEEtIONISSaTEOAII3IS reiouxse to • itiMint MEWS Of the Eft/On, heavy freights and still h ray ler wrote van naleslona to, -
7....pfottfa a pm*dliztklo. ..--.• -
1 3 : 18 ellstiner of the NOVELTY WOYIKS Ism early Identified with tbn o;dr:tanks' Eosins:ln Vrrmont, •nd cl.i.. —'_
i-,l..atitnalitterlt In piffecilnst the article wombed to the pub Ile under the Fairbanks Patent of 151. Ile being the arm t., v ~„ .
mobs Scala MOtat !Iron Lorna leibtiste pasnesee, (Fairbanks having Drat cons truetcY the Engirt under his patent with , . nit EUROLoGICAL unvervattoni f or t h e tra.ette, by
Erb:den layers.) lleylll connection with' other, Pumhssm fromthe Panne , the exc....ire right to make and reed ; 0. N. Shaw, Optician, 58 Fifth St.—corrected doily:
.iIiVe.X.P.M.A.Zin..B • PATENT 8 CA,I, ICS, t RCN. TO sauna.
, . .
.... la :all the 000010 y watered by the kilailwrippi' and its tritium :es, and on this arrangement moo taut the LutolC ~
i .OO
"!-YlCin one the FITTBDUROII NOVELTY V7OIIEB. Ile claims, therefore, for himself, his bolos and assigns the , l.: " . t
- right to continue the name of Y.S.lftllA.Nlig' PATENT on all our males, and am IMP. onr customers and the public
. .i.bat one make of PLATIOIMI BEALESof all clam., are not Inferior to t ad made by the patentees themedvm.
Awns-patient, of twantyscren years In Pfttablorgb has atfordni opportuultica of adding many valuable lel p rot ealtntA4
nOltilts of yin recent vista nod we now Invite anfnatninatlort of the werkmanalidp, Illy le and pat fort accuracy of the
NOVirsisanr won - 51.13 1r..M.1R. 33 . 16 ' PATENT SCALES.
Mad 'Wee to them now Stoic at moot of the largo ilinufacturlng nod klercantila Establishment!. In thin clt,,, tin
- l - Donlon Mlle, Sages. Itoteadrles, Coal Esoka and general mot, In, arotutd, abont and and tbronalmut thn 0.11..7 of the
• allseladppt and lie tribatarice. 1.. R. LiviNoarox, or Llaingano.t, Copp:al:0 a 00
Presualion Nl:Penn' Wears. Itiommber, Pi".
‘ ' noluxo MILLS . _, ..
' 'Lyon, tiltorb & Co.,
- Zug, Painter & CO.,
Aimee Wood & Co.,
. G. & J.. 11: Shoonberger,
... -. Coleman, Heilman &. CO.,
-...,.; YO Spang, Chalfant & Co.,
- .;.475.4t0yd, Black &Co.,
Lewis, Dalzell & Co.,
...::? - fones, Louth &Co,
-.;..t,,. Ok,VlCnight, k iln:,
.',.....2.1".*r ft, Prien & Co,
a;?; 'Jones, 130 . 0 & , 0. ,
- ;:::. : „Singer, Ilartinal k Co.,
'• , ,Es‘erson, Preston & Co.,
'Ciiatt; Bennett Co.
zyt fiat SlOltrtb
Pittsburgh Steel Works
ruat,pm,l3--------ione COTD..--w.wevabros
,TONES, E10. , ' ,, D se CO.,
_ Atanur.t.rer. of
COlier ROB 9 and Firat Sts., Pittabnrp.,a,_ Fa.
z naaricv GISMWIGI CO
Or all Ono, end descriptions.
Warehouse, 489,. oor- Penn and Wnlnut, Sts.,
Two poem above the P.P. W. 2 0 R. R.
Freight Depot, •
..sektiodewlelr PITTSBURGH.
741.151.ica1oilag WI✓LTCHE e.
Wp would most respectfully call the atten-
S tlaa ante public to the American Nratchti now being en•
ttmisdr intruJnepd, the math:A:tiro of which ban Nonni,
to neatly established that entire gond:loom ten be placed
epos' them as ate and correct o...keepers, both by the
wearer and alter.
-11aving boon Appointed Wholesale Aglaia lur the sale of
liglae Watches, the public may be assured that ire coo oil
Meat at the very lowest omit price..
We ha,. she a vary largo Mock of Sileor sod Natal
War% Floe Gra! Jewelry to WAS, ruck.. earnat,
Cattneo.Jet subl Painting..
Oar astartrasat of CLOCKS Cr unusually largo at prose:a;
Loonarhaog soma beantlfol patterns of Eight and One Day
Parlor sad Office Clocks At greatly reduced prlres.
We ha. also a full Mork of English mad Swiss Cold cod
811ror Watches on baud. all of our own Importation
Watch Malian . Tools, Slatrzials and watch Wavers.
ILEINEIIAN k 31EdiflAnt,
,n,nlltarT N 0.42 Pilch strooh
Don't foil to procure Mrs. Wixtslotr's Sooth
tog Syrtrp for Children Teething. It has eo egnal on mirth.
.11 gristly fscilltateethe prisioes of teething by mftaning
rianareducing all Infiammatlon—will alley twin, and Is
ton torcgulotethi bowels. Depend upon It r olothera It
aild . sciee oast to youreelsoe, and relief and health to your
MOD:at. iimfmtly safe will nee.
Thle valuate preparation IS the prescription of one of
NO , licatexpalcace4 and etgfal foraido Phyacteoa to New
Ragland, and lies boon need with besot .falling surtoas to
millions of oast.
ilfie Lenore It the twist and surest rental; to world, to
an caws of Dysentery and I/baboon in Children. whether It
orbs from teething or from any other cense.
xture and health ma bo-rothnoted by dollars .d cooto,lt
Itlrcrth Iti weight in gold.
. .
WU= of bottle. are *old ovary Inv Into Unit,.d
Maid. It Ilan old and Ireal•triod ralnody.
111105 ONLY 25 0 ENTB A 110.7TL11.
MrAlone gennine.nntare the fac.lmile of OU ItTtb 2 P CO
ILLY.B, New York, b Male outside wrapper,
gold by Omahas throoglemt the worhi.
DIZ.O)CO. H. KEYSICR, Agent for ritlabnrotb.
- svinnAN, RA.11,91 & CO.,
Manufacturers of •
Iron,'NniLs, Steel Springs, Axles, Wrought
Nuts, Wrishers,\SVlOes, Bolts, etc., etc.,
tarts removed to their sem and witemmarn Warnbncsa,
, Ilia. 71 Wotor and 94 Front 23
MOM. Uuy are prepared to execute all orders In their Ilne
Attiring •,large and complete aesturtment of
iMunputane" maned/tamed gal& eon
atautly on hand, which they of
ter on liberal terms .
-t . • F. B. Cleaver's
'The' only genuine, possessing a fret and
01S•X•Tfiber, • lotto-1g and dencnte perfume. end is var.
ratted not to laJnr. the
F. B. Oisarees Celebrated Mask, !Roam Wlodaor,Glyc.
Mt and Sunflower Soaps; .also espenoceons Tooth Powda
tat the tegth and aim., to be bed of ell the respecteti.!
Drag and hake) Et.ireilo the Ontteel Slates
Wanntattoryht Lyndon.
Wholesale Depot, Not 31 and 33 Day street, Near Took.
oolCamdle .1. O. ROYSTON, Agent.
ulde, OS and Loather Store.
D. ExiOsTaxcir. k Sores, No. 31 S. Third
lattwoxa Market and_Cluotnnt i'hiladelphlo, bee
Green WO Pattualys, l'annene Oil, T.neia' FLO CUT
TO:kIa .the lowan prima, and upon the bet teem
113.A1l lands of Leather lo ebe tort& wanted, for s Lich
Ow bighead mutt price rllt be giveit in wh, at taken
azdtange lbe MD. Lather atonal traa of chary. and .old.
OD Otooto fin , mr3llydie
The Only arnsedy in lAs Dads N'ttrti Sure to isferseinots
Am, SINN Coetsoacrunl, DON Ann, doeVflord, P una,
MOW, OWN Weans Ann Caen= /mere, an
TheatiCkdebrated Reatedie• base bran extensively nerd
far intent-Y.llk. yam in all parts otEstrope, and their min.
nknie *Wee have been atteited by the Courts nt
- ranch Enested,Aostria, Premed; Dam* Saxony, Dolgt
taw neasoa,ls.oo., at., and Card Gnomical propertise
eissalunOnd approsed by the MOIR dhitingathed sterileel•
ilaegliokali sorer the world.
i< atillitletitentee to aD Linde or. vermin and lesrcte
hai been nertilled la this country by the Directors of the
• *Owns Petal* dottitutlints, Planar; Tamara, Proprietors
cd ILA% Wareboani, Hanalactorles, sad by I.tirfif dl.
•Nritnerroto PectintOnlals and Certificate. of the elEnary of
• anal Eennedkvi can to nem at the Depot.
RN Ylg Whoinsale end Retail, bithe Inventor and Pro
pietas, • JOIRPII adCPCllaractleal eb , S.S. I 7
612Broahm (cos. Houston st.,)New Took.
Sentwal Agent for the D. States and Claudio, YILILDSB
- Druggist, No. 10 !war donee, and 417
Broadway, New York.
for sele la this city, wholesale and retail 14 D. E. SEL
LERS at CO., corms Wood and Second ROL: JOS. VLIIII LW.
Owner Diatenad mad Market at. DESK dad a WREN
NAL Atleslanti• /14&oltsire
• • W
o lt 0 I
_ N D
4LEX. A. 11.ZITID,
No. 06 Fifth
11111LIBOLD'11 Ott;OltiB PftEI'ARATION. -
11.11LXBOLVII BOOM) far the IsMddor,
MALY BOWS MICH° for thokUdrorm
HILYBOLDIS BUOUU for the Ontrol; '
WILIIBOLOIInuonu for Nerroarocon
1111LIIBOLD'8'11130HII for.L. of Memory;
munanonrs 1111011 U for OhnommorVidom
1111L1113OLD41 , 11IIOEW for DlM:at: Broothlor
BILLISIOLDIS =fin for.Wmar.K.rfor4
.. • smunsours HOMO' foiflooord DoMlity;
aISLIIBOLD4I ROOMY, for Oolrrnal Lam,tod,-;
Enamours' RUCH° for Maros of Dream;
munisourn Buono for :fight fimmte;
foLSIBOLDI, 11001.11:1„ for Wakofolooroo
HILILBOLDIIIOOIIO for Damn of tho Skth: ,
nivitsoamßUCllll foeltruptiocc
uttidSOL 1 : 03 •BUO 110 for Pota is tho BEM
illinallgilfSfrOMl'loriloorlnoor of tbo *ado, frith
gem gorairr 15561111m0 =I Loa of eight;
• frufatIIOUD.IIBIICHII for Mobility sodiffottmiscom vial
yrias priinesuos. Horror of &mkt,'
ilimacEopyg!BOCHlT for Obotructfohm
ujuJOBOLEffi 8001117.f0r Efordsof arcing from Indio
• - ...tum;otut 011)1Mouri of the P.rsaal Orgmr, ostatiog to
momr sox, frcoolfhistatir imoso orl rtootl o
• . orayhy -. EnT,E8,1410 Wood threat,
Town Nzavoutolaorn Szres.—A Retir
gC4i Sys been!citorill to Lula in •Gm dn..
19 " fata7 rim of groit te wutiog to
— Olll4 O mune goo acm :of .tho priic*lPtke
."9 1, 4 3 e*I.*, Joal L DeertALL,aso , irpigFo
Ooot t ßoxikro4. loainiK4a2port
S" -~ .
. ~~. 4 . r' .
Knap, Rugg &
S. S. F0w1,..r & Co..
Anderson & Phillips.
Alexander Bradley,
Pennock & Liam
Mitchell. Herron & Co.,
Jno. B. Warden & Son,
F. & IV. M. Faber,.
Smith, Park &
Bissell & Co.,
Jtio. C. Parry & Co.,
Graff & Co ,
Andy Fulton,
Non-raper, Graff & Co.,
Olnhansen, Crawford & Co
fsl /{.: 1, I N C.'
PKIt P 1 Yrt( 1 !18, 4,111 Ihntnn, $,11 , 3 , 1` 01,1 nr.
AI., I rup,rtern snJ Den'ern In M
-111,1,T IRON, RIRK,Ar o.4llllektitiy finn,!, T:ctlnf
nrbiunn saJ Too!.
451-,54,ive; -- No. 149 First 0,.d12i1 Seeand rrrrr ,
rltt•bargli, non.
444-.'1.4941 ardor. Ocryper 4131 ro 4414 44411441 patlara
,Odiee:—.ll39 First St., near Wood.
B'l'o V 11.:
Piafu and Fancy Erato Fronts, &c.
Sole Proprietor of the celebrated PATENT OAS
B URN No and SUCKS CoNsavrso
Office anti Sales Room,
mrl3:l ydfc No, 4 Wood St" Pittsburgh. Pa.
. -
WITHROW 00091...L34
NV 41 S II I N o N NV 012 li
Plitaburgh, , Penua
tPRIce, N 0.21 Dletrket itreat.
.11annfocenro all kind• of ntearo Eu l oea mud NJ Machin
ary, Cool ing, Railroad Work, Swam sad tihrlil Iron
Jabbing and &vatting donnon abort notice,
fi aliaG-N 111XCII-I..A.NCr*
Also, Mahon tho principal cities end towns of Cron.,
Belgium, Firdiand, Gormany,Ensais and other Enropran
El:atm conetantly on hand and for a:deity
Wdl. 11. WILLIAMS A Ca,
020:14nlo Banton. Wood street. corner of TWO.
Joseph Dilworth DJ W. C. Bidwell.
(Successor* la Puller, lintfe m S."(U.)
RAlL Y~[lirinr➢l[t9 VI
Canner Water Street and Cherry lilies',
anl2lo. rtrrstantax. PIGN-N•A
Forwarding and Commislion Merchants
rill Agents for the salQ ..1 Pittsburgh Mann
Netrsre., Cnmißnmeura na.hir.l,nr for L} &D, 111 DE.3.
MOW, PItODUCII, prompt atter.-
to r,colvlng and fimmardlnat
MIO. 40 Cettamert , Sßl S Rt. 1.ostI•
Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange,
alt.Callnctiona coml. , no all the principal ritlf. through.
:daunt, torero Wad D,alore In all kind, of
Cora, op with 6.4 d and thantond AUrr.
2 Ft T
Mrlklydfc PITTSIIf7RGI7.
006 - 1-11.LA_N do 131241.
Iron Balling, Iron Vaults, Vault Door,
Window Shatters, Window Goardo,
No. 01 .Lwnd rod and 90 Third Strme,
( Wnodl and 31sttat,) PITTSBORB Li, Ph.,
co hand a variety of now PaLterwl, faocy sod plain
voted° for aR porpos.n. Particular attention paid Men
oloaltnt ()moo Lot,. Jobbing done at abort notion earn
Joarz 9. i,nn,
No. 66 !Market St., Pittsburgh
A good aA3ortment of Ccorns, CASSIMLRLS,
llokooNnt, and soltoblo for grntl.onena .
orror,Joot rrcelv.l.
1.-UrduFromptly 1311?.1, I. tho Intost rtflss of the art.
lIAS removed to the house lately ()coupled
by Dr. Wai.A. Word, N. DTP Nam Krell, (math, sbl.,)
third ti obey. liana stribt.
OrDeb Boors (men D A. lir till 6 P. Y.
B. B. Q C, P. rd#RKLE,
11111.14•17 , 111nal OR
Warenoune, li7 Wood 8 ,
I...isdia inartylvric...
ii SC ~11. UUiI .IIYFt. -
rorwarding and Commission bloroharn,
INA)rttl, litifter)^. Sonde. Fish,
Atl Prodnor. Ootternaly,
4A•P No. Wiwi /133 gt. Paisheirok.
N o 1-1 R Rig
Assurance Company,
NO. 1 MOORGATE sraanr, Lwow/.
CAPITAL. i as,ans,Soo on
PA .D UP CAPITAL ANU rUktf . l.l)t 4 ... 3,1514,1 II 03
ANNUAL. NI:VENUS. fu{ the year,u.4-
lu6 J.k.kmry 31, DILX
IL Loss or Damage by Fire. al moet every deisriptioti ut
Propel ty. The of 'Premit.ont ors modsrair, and, to
.11 cases limed uptite, tno character Of the ormer or occu
pant, and the manta of the rick.
Imam promptly isdinetial end paid without rah:mare to
Litipt..n. A special permanent film! provided in IThitadth
phia /or payment of lossritn bide country.
Messrs. James Co., 174 Wood Om. t;
" Jobs Floyd A Co, 173 "
" Mown A litranstricke,l93 Liberty Wrest;
Gregg *Co, 99 Wood' Omen
si IV Um, WEI toy L C 0... 44 Wood street;
" Jima. 41cCeitadtmo t Co., 103 "
:Gala A Co., Sib Water street;
B. A. Fahnotock k Co., First and Wood street,
" Ice Woods - ell 11 Co, Second and Wood streets;
Atwell, Lee A q0.,13 Wood street:
" Itarnbfleld C Fourth and Ifick4 footik
61601E014k blekosi Co., Wawa. ed Water sur, s
Irrarkois Ikanttanatl'ala.
ci,orge 11. Stuart, Fel Bank eireeL
n 000... Myers, Clagbo Co, .232,1 14,1 • 1 ' t^.4
" ,P.LiEsoutb Proof acme;
" W e ut a .o . A Collins, FroAt sod Now 614
" Posit; Willismn A Co., 611 Market otreck •
JammOeshaim t Co, Wand ZS Letitia etreet;
Joarph U . Flitehen. Feitt. President Iloctianlca' Book
Jentos Dunlop, Not, PeSsi led Unties Dank:
non. W. A. Potter, lateJ•dge Poprenie Good.
Jetrbllale ! Mc, 103 Wood .treat.
ticanioN 6k616i. rules the mace of the
whatever 'kg mioneteed end atimintbmm philosophers may
my to the contrary tibilie them • good thing, let its inee•
Its he chir!, demonstrated, and thity grill not hesitate to
Om it diet. most cordial, pattromga. The mass, here al.
r aygyA the jodiantmt or Aptgalclan concerning tbe
virtuckof 110f4TSITICAI 81TT11149, ee may th,
imensoilMantlttes of this metikime tbst ere annually gild
nevery, Keaton of the IMO. /tie now ...Mattel as grant
-17 00 to .11„ : 4,1,,,, maladies yet &wind for &Demme of
tM dge•ti re orgam, such as diertmse• dPant.ry. Onpv.
44 sad Gtr th„, , r,A,,,, firers that arise froto derangement
of thom poTlions of thenpfkm nost.tue.
meowing a household Irani from - Ididne to Taira, tram glya
slearseot the Atlandle to the Paoli. Try Ito snide sad Lift
&Id sk4 flookfizekorally,oforrirtino, top
saanaria, sialanbctazursinll
g_ 0 1 11 1141 :41= 1 4 MO. Na,m•-wg
BUSINEK3 11013E2
Adams' Express Co.,
William Bagaley,
.1- Painter & Co.,
Miller & Eicketrion,
Geo. W. Jackson,
Park, McCurdy & Co.,
W. S. Lovely & Co.,
James McCully,
Whitmore, Wulf, Duff& .•.o
.lames Laughlin,
Logan & Gregg,
M'Candless, Mans &
Jos. Woodseell k Co.,
Henry McCullough & Co.,
Alex. King,_ no22:lmd
ettat octant
No. .54 St. Clair Street
J. EICCi.IV, Detal4t,
1. I E. 3 .131(J kt
City :itict iStißwel Items
Fon S toe.—Three 5rh.,7./r.hil.. for a full course
of Writing and Book•keeping (two unlimited) in the
Birmingham Commercial College. hero is an op
portunity rarely offered for any ono intending to at
tend an institution of thisikind, and one that should
be taken advantage of as the above scholorships will
be sold very cb•np. This institution has been in ear
coastal operation for over a year, and 4 in not sur
passed'''. any similar one: in this community. For
further particolars apply at this office, where the
scholarships can be had.
minded of a duty we este to this Institution by
limning au allusion to it in the Christine Ade°.
elle of last Saturday. should be a matter of
pride to our citizens to have such an iustitutioa
located in our midst, dispensing upon a liberal
scale the blessings of a thorough training in the
solid as well as the oninmental branches of fe
male education. Its legation here affords facili
ties of the highest order and advantages net
hitherto attainable, except by sending our dough
'tees to distant institutiens at a great assignee.
Pittsburgh haddieen toelees on the hack ground
in this highly' important matter, and it is with
pride and sincere gratulation that we now point
to the Female College ut our city an an institu
tion eniinently commended to oar cordial support,
generous patronage, and most earnest efforts for
ye continued success indhe attainment of a tired
'position among the Female Colleges of the
country. We arc gratified to know that wadi is
destined to Ito its position at no distant day.
The energetic and uuwaarying lahore of its nu
merous friends are fast dissipating all difficulties
that may hare Blood in lie way, from the magni
tude of the undertaking and the large pecuni
ary expenditure which it involved. The insti
tution had, from the fifst, among its promoters
many large hearted men, whose means were
liberally dispensed and . whose personal, ardent
co-operation carried forward the enterprise to
its present consummation.
The session about to: close has been charge
terized by great prosperity and afforded to the
friends of the instittition an earnest of its
greater progress. The number of pupils in at
tendance during the term which cloaca en Friday
I next was 188—a formidable array for an insti
tution which has been in existence but four
The Rev. I. C. Pershing will assume the Pres
idency of the Institution during the next session,
which oommencee on the 7th of December prux.
The acknowledged piety, learning, indefatigable
industry and earnest, untiring devotion to the
interests of education, Which ibis excellent gen
tleman will bring to the, discharge of his arduals
duties, cannot fail to tell powerfully upon Its
future prosperity. Ile 'takes hold of the tostitu
tion's affairs with an undivided heart, thoroughly
imbued with a sense of the high responsibility
which the position aevalvee, and resolved, with
God's help, to labor for its highest welfare and
largest measure of proSperity. Prenident Per
shing will be assisted by a corps of eleven
Teachers, in the ditfereitt departments of learn•
ing taught in this College, where the standard is
as high as in any other in the country. Tuie
large corps of Tericheri is composed of persona
of eminent and varied talents, whose whole en
ergies will be devoted to the reepective depart
ments over which they preside.
In short, we need add little more iu commen
dation of this invaluable institution—where ed
ucation in all its libersibranches and ornamen
tal departments, is brought to our very door, and
where the brief existence of the College so
abundantly attests its efficiency and holds out
cheering prospects for the future. We learn that
the new term will begini under the most flatter
ing auspices—the list of pupils being already
large and giving promise of still greater numer•
ical increase.
We augur the very bind resulte from thc , con•
no.-tion of Mr. PerehinX with the Female
laze of our city. lie has force and will and
nerve to overcome all hindrances or adverse and
unpropitious incidents 40 success, and he teal
overcop, thra. Succors to the college.
We copy with plettenro the annexed highly
flattering notice of the appointment of Air.
CARNLAiII 10 ihe Superintendency of the Weetero
Division of the Penns. Central H...ilrood The
estimation for effiCieury and admirable busiuess
capacities iii which Mr..(' to held, renders this
ppointnient a deserved compliment to him,
while it secures to the Interests and service of
the road a gentrertian of , rare qualifications and
eminently energetic character. This is maphai
ically a capital Fele:Aloe, the wisdom of which
time will confirm Mr. r will ho at hie poet on
nAndrew Casneagi his been appointed to the
Superinteudeney of the 'Western Division on the
Pennsylvania Central, in place of Mr. J D Potts,
who resigns that office to devote his entire time
to the Pittsburgh, Stetibenville land Columbus
line, of which be to the Vice President The
promotion of Common' the responsible poet of
Superintendent, is on occurrenoe to remind a
journalist that judicioue praise le the legitimate
complement of criticism: Pity that occasion for
the latter is to frequently furnished or to create
I the popular impression that the former is never
deserved. 'The new Superinteudent of the Pli te•
burgh Division ought to be, as he in, the right
man in the right place, for balms had IiITSIII%.
gee of instruction altogether superior to what
are enjoyed by thoeo of its profeeeion generally.
The pe-t of Secretary OA Atoo ti e tial Asa ist na t
to Thos. A Scott, in the general office at Alicia.
na, affirds,a school as: good for Railway study
as do the military gymaseiums at Brienno and
Pa. is for an army of Z.090VC9 Theeo advent..
gee have been improved by Mr. C , who was al
ways remarked for industry of habit and loyalty
of diepoeitlon, (the latter a quality of inestima
ble value la the railway service, fur no man who
hoe not served well Dan icovratand well)—and to
these qualities he has added the improvements
of a tang course of severe discipline in tho school
of a master. The appointment was one fit to be
PlTTBEing.ri AFT A.SOCIATION.- I VN rej flee
that we are able to wriie the phcaso. Tacre is
in Oita city an Art Assooiatien. We abound and
always have abounded In artisans of coarse,
but few of fine art. The Pittsburgh Art
elation hive appointed Messrs. C. fl. Wolff, J.
J. Gillespie, J. W. flailman, F. Kramer and W.
C. Wall a Committee no Exhibition, who have
procured an elegant new hall, called Morton's
Hall, in the new building opposite the Post Of
fice, on Fifth street. This committee have issued
the following circular letter
P1T71031780H, Deo. let, 1859.
Sir: The undersigned, a committee appointed
by the Pittsburgh Art Association, respectfully
ask your co-operation in the loan of any Paint
loge you may possess far this, their First Annual
Exhibitioe, to he opened about the 16th of De
cember, and to continue until the '2d day of
A Weld) and compliant person will call jor
and return the pictures, and will also 171've
charge of the Gallery, day and night.
To avoid errors in the Catalogue, please give
in the aceampanYlag blank the subject of aseh
Painting, with the name of the artist ; also etate
the value of each, that the Association may In
sure the same on coming into their pnnsession "
We can promise to ell the lovers of art to this
city a rich treat in Ibit pictures wbiob Messrs.
Wolff and 'Heilman alone will exhibit. There are
few rarer private colledtions in the country.
The price of admission to the exhibition will
be 25 cents, and we trust so liberal patronage
will be extended that each succeeding exhibi
tion will euryass the ht. We shall say more
about thisat another time
A SURP6ISII,—Tho i i.sstor, elders and Sabbath
Sohool teachere of the Central Presbyterian
Church, Allegheny city, (Dr. Plummer's,) ar
ranged and clecutcd on Monday evening, one
of the plensantnit little meetings whioh It hes
ever been our lot to pakticipste in. lion. BAL.
M'Knight, on Sabbath last. made a brief fare
well address to the Sabbath Sohool over whioh
he hashed control for ;mime yeari. The teach
ers, in conjunction with the pastor and elder
ship, visited Mr. M'K and family, 'Able resi
dence, on Monday oroniog, and presented him
au elegant family Bible, upon which was printed
the following ineoription :
Hum. nominT leuisEntr,
fro* the
Partin. Scutari and Sabbath Ncb*l Tema.r
ot the
°entre Preabircrivn Church.
Allegbvry City November :Nth, ISSO.
The presentation w►e made on behalf of the
donors by Dr. Pluthnier, in the happiest and
most original manner.' Tho. agreeable surprise
and the feeling menifeeted by all present, well
nigh overcome the respected .recipient, who ene
ee,,,ded, however, in acknowledging hie high !ap
preciation of the friendly token of regard. Af
ter the adieus and _•llbd speed," the party re
turned to theithomee, each feeling better pleated
with thenieelvea and their neighbors, and be
lieving that there wan Ileum good feeling left in
the. world,"
Mr. McKnight and family depart for Wash
ington to•ilay (Wedoeidey) by the 4:40 train.
Be will bb followed by the sympathy and good
of !all - who know him beet.
JOUR G. Fin, the apostle of Falai:l'lo, who
flghui side by side with Clay 111 Hentwoky,',will
ho in this city. 00644 neat week, en main f a r
the alt. i Ausagitoolps are Ookidog, wojearth .
to Imo him omit biro oi the topics of Oho dop•
. ,
~ 1 ' •Siiiii:Ailisi .
Ts= NoVIVrx WOlDD—Lixitt - Pf - an, Copeland t 1 rtriTliti Urania. -70161L - I
Co.—These works Me eltuated in the city of ; before-the Mayor on Monday, uwe elated yes-
Pittsburgh, only one square from the Mononga- ; 'clay, cha4ged with assault and battery with
bele House. The Main building is of brick, intent to kill C. 1.. Dabney at a place called the
three stories high, and fronts 80 feet on Grant "Boothenian." on Saturday night last, was be
street by 275 feet op Front street, covering an fore the Mayor on preliminary hearing Tueaday.
area of 22,000 square feet, or ever half as acre ; .We aleo stated the disgraceful charge againet
outbuildings nod euclosurea attached. thereto - Straio,-made by one Mrs. Creamer. On this also
give an entire area , of over an acre—open which he was going to have had a hearing yesterday.
constant employment is given to 400,workmen, ' The women and her husband both begged that
whose ~,,,g es is pal.i in cash every Saturday the "poor young man" might not be dealt bertha
evening—the produce of their industry being ly with. It is alleged that the woman was otter
nearly belt a milliop of dollartaner %melte. ed $5O, if oho would compromise the matter.
Mere we hare an establishment el gigaul i 0 The Mayer mated that it wan nett , possible for
proportiour which has attained. ice colossal di- him to settle any each affairs; that, it was a Corn
mensione within a comparatively few yearn menwealth case, and it moot new be settled by
through toe indoniStable energy and perseve- ' due course of law. lie, however, held Strain for
ranee of L It. Liviogatu, Eau , and hie aveoei- a further hearing to-day.
ates. Mr. L. birder-1f old the ututletli of the In the coos of Dabney, charge of asoault mod
"Novelty Works" inlBi; • At 'but time he emote battery with lute% Straits wan committed to
to this city from iVer out, cud entered lute aoswer the charge before the Court at its next
busioesa here
'en 0 catiiperaiiiely small scale. session
Being of a determined Veselution, pee/Imin 0
fine mechanical genius us ordinary onventevo !
faculties and a good more of theme valuable coal
1 .
Ries for ttiohthepeor le of Ms native State are •
, no pr ,,, w i,,,,,r--honee y, industry and steady
perneverance--.uodeh . ; . a d u i s u p g lets a s ad th p o il l ,.perg Novelty i. 1 1
Works have gone GP .
to en almost unexamplul extent.
la 1839, tbreo year] after the founding of the !
works, Mr. Olivia Adams became a partner of
Mr. Livingston, bringing iota the concern a I
largo experience oral a store of valuable knowl
edge, especially in re rem! to malcable cast-
logs, a branch whichlion ever. 'since claimed a 1
large portion of their attentio4 and which con
stitutes an imports.% feature in their extensive
manufacturing opal-Mikis. Mr. Adams was a
valuable ooquisitten Dilate concern, being a gen
tleman of tine getilus, rhechanicatakilluod is the
author of unmerans intrentions which have met
with popular acceptande, and are now employed
in the Novelty Werke. Mr. A. la himself a
laboring men—bienetiVe naiad tieing constantly
employed In working dut eome useful Invention .
or in modifying and iMproving those already In
le 1814, John i. Itliggeo, 4 book-keeper in
the concern, waS hilden Into I,the firth, which
thereafter took the style of Livingston, Roggen
& Co. This deeignalion continued until the
death of Mr. Roggene after which it took ice
present name.-Livingiton,Copssland & Co.—Mr
Copeland having:Succdeded Mrt R. as a partner.
The firm embraces seXeral other parties, chief
among whom we may name our present Con
gresamoo, Ron. J' K. Moorhead, whose octane°.
lion with the greiit manufacturing interests of
this city has given hien a distinction which no
political elevation can imittaucW Forward In all
laudable and valuable enterprises
calculated to
develope the great resources ofthis region, Gen,
Moorhead now coieupies a proMinenee to be en
vied by all who covet fame as the originators
and promoters of enlarged enterprises having i n
-View the public good. ,Gen. Moorheatre name
, and influence is it tower of 'strength to any man
- ufaetnring concern with which,' it may be coa
-1 nected, and its weightlitts been"felt in the open
l alio% of the "Novelty titlarks "
In (hie connection, we cannot speak iu terms
of too high praio4 of Wit. It Cu/tn./tan, the able
and experienced; fioarteier, correspondent anti
general bustneee !partner of the concern. Hie
specialty is a general enpervisibu of all that re
lates to the outgoings and incoming. of the vast
establishment. De hamso thoroughly methodic.-
ed and harmonized its financial machinery, that
everything ronvee like clock-work—no discoid, 1
no jarring. No Man hoe to call twice to settle I
a bill, no employee to Gall twice for the reward
of his labor. Cash at :via, is the motto of Mr
Copeland, who !tag now been, ten couseoutive !
years closely devoted to the management of af- i
fairs iu the oonisting•room of the •'Novelty
Works." Not claiming to be on inventor, he hoe
achieved no great lautele in that field; but his 1
duties are well dieohatged; and the wieder", ae•
tuteness and accuracy in all that concerns his
departmout, beepeakil him an accompliehed
financier and withal a Courteous! gentleman. Mr.
C. is a solid, reliable member!of the firm and
his services are invelueble. ,
Jacob Kinzer, a medhanie and inventor, rind
D. It. McKee aud• others, make up the confide
meat of the firm, They are all iugeoius, active
workers and moke their mark!in all the opera
tions of the concern—their itileeialty being the
deVininff, originating and giving form and ehape
to useful inventions. We found Mews Adam+
and Kinzer boelly employed on a new invention
for cutting and Astuffing sausage meat—which
pourers advantagee . of di douided character
ever soy others pow in use. Such small invee
tione are but mere incidents to the more subsion
tial sod important machines and .inieulue coo
triiances continually emanating from this great
laboratory of useful and euecesetul inventions
1n this particular Mr. Livingston taken a for
ward position 'As Ike improver of Fairbanks'
Patent Platform. Sea ee be hag been eery sutt
ee/tarot, adding greatl . , to tholt- value and uttlity
one of the improved airtt itat Sealer to in tine
at the warehottau of it ut I ley, ins I o -, t!tt
Wood street It is a",: rails invention and
has recei•ed vald'abl f.'' 'a Meals at the hands
of Mr. Livingettie ft) .1 se eat, will 11e geutr
ally adopted all 04 • ) eattetr7 as non perfest•
edi and the edPafi l s , t the Novelty Works to no
great, that an tallnoetl unlimited number can he
manufactured tmiorde
He in now engq,ed i 1 peileottug a valet thle Im
provement in the. Hay Soalee which will soon he
given to the publio
Is the article 01 Lo ke of all dottortptiuna the
• Novelty Works!' m tontine an ohmic undis•
puled preeminence 'They base gene on in the
work of improviiig to the until this article of en.
teneive manufaCture has attained well nigh a
perfection. It farms a large item in the aggre
gate of their mannfre urea. Also, the "Kauphey
Mill, ' a popular hone held utensil, ii turned out
by the thensande. T e hundred and one useful,
ingenme and peppier outrivances manufactured
at the "Novelty Piorlor" would occupy too much
space for ennmeeation or detailed description—
their name is legion. We Can but group them ,
and speak of them asa whole, in general terms
Toe reputation of the 'Novelty Worke" has gone •
abroad all over the ountry and the excellence
of its manufactures a conceded on all bandit.
he active, entetprim g, public- opirited condne-
tore are ever alive to mprovement— seeking oat
new inventione r whic they deem of public ad•
vantage, and bringin theta before the public
by a liberal expendl . e re of capital and an un•
stinted emplopient f labor. They now exbi- !
bit IS PatetuMfor ifferent valuable objects,
prineipally to he Cr dited to Mr. Livingston,
and the end is hot y I, (Oat number will be in- !
definitely ineretteed i the busy brains of klestre
Livingston, Adams n d Kinzer be permitted to
go on evolving and e aboratiog new conceptions
and striking outszew machines, the produote of
their fertile and aver active minds.
Mr. Liviogeten is t thin moment engaged in
perfecting a Peet -O a Seale, of so oleo adjust
ment an to almeet w igh an Infintiesimalquan•
lily. Thin "Noielty ' production will ere long
be brought intense, e Mr. L. thinks of present.
ing it a-, a "New Yea 'a Gift" to thepnhlic, Sc /an
other Yankee 'peen ion to simplify and make
perfectly accurate an Indispensable peet•efficte
What more eliall live soy! What more need
we say In conneetion with this great hive of In
dustry—thin wonderful laboratory—where mind
and phyeloal loiter go on in incessant operation
dispeneing large benothe and multiplying useful
and loborneavieg imulements for the non of man
and the eimpliCatiod and moilitstion of trade
in the Manifold beeline operations of life.
' A visit to the ''No elty Works" will richly re•
pay any one who bad • relish for contemplating
the wonders lobe sOn in a gigantic, manufam
luring entabliehment, the annual product of
which in near upon el half a million.
SUPIZILIIM Coo= -- i Present, all the Judges.
Tuesday, Nov. 30.—Thompson ye. Thompson,
D. C. Affirmed per mutant.
Commonwealth vs Campbell, Fayette. Al
'limed, and time extended for payment to 17th
of January, 1860. ' !
Commiesionere of (Allegheny county vs. Shaw
and Murdook. ; . AlTiemeti. Opinion by Thomp
son, J.! This is the Caen where the Commlesion
ere appointed • phyriclan to the coroner, and
he having proatired i lhe services of others tic Me
convenience demon ed, the Cummiesionere re
fined to pay them.Drs. Shaw and Murdock
c i .
brought snit tdreco er the amount of their fee ,
and obtainedaeerdi t In the Common Pleas, and
the case was taken tip. The Supreme Court ne
may be alma hoe alit that decision.
Road in Rose to ship. Q. S. Report set
acids and ordei . and !petition granted. Opinion
by Strong, J. !, I
,Roadie Nh:* and St. Cloir township. Af
firmed. Opinion bylBtrong, i
Wolf ye, Glyde. ID. C. A ffi rmed. ()pinion
by Strong, J. ..
Pittsburgh & Connelsville Railroad va. Graham.
D. C. Argoed•by Sirwell and Shalerfer plain
tiffs in error. ;'Court declined hearing Loomis
and Kuhn contra.
Schedly et. or. vs.!the" Commonwealth, nee of
Allegheny City, There are four oases here
which will . be decided by the one under argu
ment. The question to be determined is the
legality of the set kdown as the Allegheny pay
ing law. Argend h Williams for plaintiff in
error. "" !
U. B. CleortrConim—Too case of Dobbin vs.
the County, reilroadhonds, was decided by ver
dict for the plaintiff 4n the full sum for which he
a r t i
coed. Some IQ.f d ten similar 00000 were also
flniehod. On Timed y some concluding business
of no general inte at was transacted and the
court adjourned', J i iidge Orier left for Watihing
too in the 4 enloo train, ytterday afternoon.
Tile Mayor, 1p oo Mderti or the nacuerona
0111 break', at the Bothhenian and the artiatie man.
ner in which the eta nary and the "drama" were
exhibited there, re .nested the proprietors yes
terday to alooMilinn Mob we believe WOO dune.
Tan Clarion Ilan cr nye the new steamer Le
Clakohl r in connection .with the Alio•
ghenyValleyrtell y, being anbanterteobonetit
to the trwrelhig co unity 413.1 .ibt IaPPIL
Dn. Glass' Lac - sma.—Thu lecture at hafas
rite Hall, last night, was a complete success—
attended by a very large, respectable and de
lighted audience. Me subject was Irish Char
acter in its many phrases, and at was treated in
a masterly and truly eloquent manner. Mr.
Giles spoke frOm the heart, and his thrilling
sentences went to the heart of hearers. We
could say a great deal in prelim of the speaker
and in laudation of bid brilliant encomium upon
Irish character, but want of space forbids. The
next leoture takes place on Thursday evening
next; aubjeot—•The Tending of Oratory to
Exaggeration and Falsehood." Mr. Giles will
be suoceeded by Bayard Taylor, who will be fol
lowed by Horace Greeley.
Tore is the last day of the magnifioent Mirror
of Italy in Pittsburgh. It exhibits this after
noon at 3 o'clock and evening at 11,. The Mirror
leaves to-morrow for Steubenville, and we heart
ily recommend it to the good people of that city.
It bee been visited here by thocteands of our tie
lighted citizens, and we have Dever heard but
one opinion of its merits, and that was toad in
its praise.
Sroca Suce, by J. G. Davis. auctioneer, No. 54
Fifth street, Tuesday evening, Nov. 28th
30 shares Bank of Pittsburgh $63 25
50 do Mechanics' Bank 56 50
50 do Allegheny Bank 55 50
15 do Citizens, Insuran. Co 55 50
10 do Western do do .50 25
20 do Allegheny do do 30 00
Boox.Butuuta.—One of the largest and moat
extensive establishments engaged In boot-bind•
tog In this city. le that of Mr. A. 11. Rowand,
Third street. Being a practical workman, and
having availed himself of all the latest improve
ments made in hie business, he is always pre
pared to do work with neatness, dispatch and
on reasonable terms. His advertisement can be
found in another column of to day's paper.
Tut ',encore and other cabinet material,: be
longing to the estate of the late ii. 11. Ryan,
will be continued, by order of administrators,
this morning. at 10 o'clock, in the Mrpateh
building wereroonc, Fifth etreet.
COP??TliErtlTS.—DeepSletlePl were received
yesterday at the office of Messrs donee t Sem•
pie, Brokers, corner of Mood and Third streets,
advising them of the Issue of dungerooecounter•
felt $5O and $lOO on the Philadelphia Bunk.
Oausuizertos or cOMMILTS:—SUOh of our cit•
leans as design being iu Washington at the or.
palmation of the Honor, would do well to
around at SAMUEL Wear's One l'rioe Hat
Store,'• and get them a tip top fashionable hat'
with which to appear to advantage in the great
congregation of politicians which will assemble
there on this interesting occasion. No place so
suitable as West's to get a tine fashionable hat or
cap, the very tip of the mode. And then you
are sure to get it cheap and good and no mistake.
Call ou West—his is the Cheap, One Price, Em•
porium of Fashion. Remember, No. 264, Liberty
street, nearly opposite the month of Hand
WII, A telegraph was received yestcrlay
from Capt. McGinley, from Cape May, saying that
as he was walking upon the beach after the high t; le
that he picked up a strange looking amphibious an
imal that had been washcsi ashore; it bore a strong
resemblance to an ordinary cod, wall legs, and a lung
vertebral extenuation not unllke the tail of a dog,
to which, by a singular fOlatTiVatiCe, Woo attached
Mall plate, engraved upon both si.les these word,—
"Buy your wife a Gruver .1 Baker Sewing Machine,
at the corner of Fifth and Alarket rtreett, Pats
burgh, Pa.
!loam —J. Mootooth, Nos. 1,75 aryl 177 Stniit,
field went, has just noticed sir pounds ,1
olorer and buckwheat honey, in glass boxes and glass
jars, which ho is selling at the most seasonal - do
Notice to Builder', and Contractors.
THE UN DERSIO NED (f,rrnerly I.teman
1 11,•Inn.1 l'Art v. .1111
•hmn ba..l gre.,..11,. that
.artkor , 11... .ftrlt. I u
~, , r6vlly R110.111 , .1 I•A 411 V
,3111Mig itiafttUrfi.
1.:11.L.L. .11. N X 41.1)(1 - 11.4 }I
1.11)1), WEBSTER s CO6
Sewing Niachines
IllirrlAle Hest,lhet,elt the FlltElT 1•315 Nill'll at l late
alley hoe, Claent,
THIS IS THE MACHINE whose owner,
of.'eml a premium of
S 2 0 0 0
In Fhli..telphle t. , any other on exhll.ltl,3 at IL- Frat Alla
!nett... alai conk] do the mama trorlvaa, w 0.11.—
Tbetr offer not bating been au,rpted Its anyerturttj n3n:l I.
t.neettoct Vor al
NV ILL:OX Sr. G. 111,11-4-6-.
rep.t on Besin,z '%l4<hluea,
tilh, nearer than ♦NV OT.II KR, all the reptile
menu of a Family Machine."
The NW* diriceiltural ?ociety, In their I•n4lu4N r.v-rt,
- . ill the llsehltwe wore c.;tirlder;.l good, hot Lakin; into
etwri..etellon CAlapnees, Ltera!niet! , and doing
all work. the couwontae were firwwww.toeli to f e t-we of the
WILCOX a GIBBS' TIrIitTV.DOLLetII 11/X.lllNi: ••
For Sale at No. 51 Fifth Street .
ca.20:10 No. 61 I , lllh Oro.
W E. BRAMAN' & uuv
V• _ _
A Model of Simplicity
1J —A Aral-clan Orovor t Oak& 4 Quilting or Tailoring
lilachlun, warrautral In tint-rate or er. Gat
$1241, rill bo *obi for Iwo than half poor. Can beacon at
007 EI ISKIIST I llAKlChit'S.Oor.Liborty n.I liond era
offier*-I,tantr nl Vifth ani Wynn Eltrents,
Will erect'. end sttetot to collections In the counties of
Allegheny. A rotatrong. Heaver sod nutlet.. unlit led
C. B. M. 131!dITZI
Attorney and Counsellor at
191.11OVED TO
No. 13 Diamond Street,
Next door to to, Pet.,'. Church.
ItOn. M . ILIVUOT .....................................r. tuiteosastt.
Jr. MACKENZIE, Attorneys at Law,
Mee N 0.60 Fourth area, pittsbargh, Pa. Notary Pub
no ad Ohio Chandnioneu mpg
Tuba. Keeton, Pails, Broom, Brouhea, Clothes LID4II,, Knife Trays, Clothes [tampers, Cbsoatwr
Camper., Boner, and Iligh Mahe, Me,
het and Clothes Reacts, Clod.
• Pins, Rollin PIMP, Potato
• Maas, stook
Rat and Mouse Traps, &c,,
With many other articles. too numerous to mention, lu
groat vareety, just opened and for al& by
no23:ltodlterleT BAWL ILIDDLF. -I Diamond.
Is puss variety . and art*.
Just selected for the ...
34244111daWid ' No t It Digoosd,
. , .
PORTLAND. Mc., Nov. 29.—The steamship Bohe
mian, from Liverpool On the IGth inst., arrived at
min port to-night, with four days later advice,. The
etehmships Europa and Memo:lonia arrived out 'on
the 13th and the Anglo-Saxon on the itch inst.
Prince Carignan has declined the rezency of Cen
tral Italy, and it had been by Chevalier
Li,crpoot Limon Market, Nor . Brokers'
circular reports the sales of two days at 12,000
molodiog 1000 balms to speculators and for export.
The market bar 'won dull, the prices wera and there
has been but little ingairy,
The Manchester advires e.mtinue favorable. The
markets were bran and holders were demanding an
Lire pouf .11t,4,1, reatlgtu fie: slight improve
ment. Wheat firm. Flour firm; average business
at full rates. Corn quiet but firm. , -Provirions gen
erally dull, hut prices unchanged.
London, Nov. I.s.—Consols quoted at O.Li OM} for
account. American securities: Illinois Central shares
declined 3, and quoted at 40®12 per cent discount.
No announcement has been yet made regarding
the approaching Congress of puwers. A loader in
the London-Times says: e still require to know
in plain, frank and undiplomatic language, what it
is which the Emperor requires as to:enact as a mem
ber of the great Council of Europe. Au English
Minister mast hare something much more consistent
upon the subject of the Duchies than the statement
in Conn!. Walewski's circular, before he would be
justified in committing his country to any part in the
Congress for the settlement of the Italian difficulties."
A splendid new three docker, named the Victoria,
was launched at Portsmouth on the 11th Met., in the
. presence of the Queen and the royal family.
The Earl De Gray is dead.
The Times in an article says there is no doubt that
the feeling ul hostility against England is more bit
ter in Franco than since 1015, and charges the French
government with directly oncouragieg it.
The enrollment of 30,000 men as a naval reserve
force will commence in England on the first day of
A serious meeting took pinto on boArd the ship of.
the line, the Princess Royal, lying at Porternonth.'
Over one hundrod of the men worn placed in irons.
FRAZICZ.—Le Pnye rays that an extraordinary
credit of thirty millions of francs is to be devoted
by the prernment to the Chinese expedition. '
PHILlnk.111:11A, Nor. 29.—Thin morning, counter
feit note of the denomination of $5O and $lOO of a
very dangerous character on the Philadelphia Bank,
made their appearance.
The counterfeit one hundreds are printed in blue
and dated January Ist, Moil It the ,-enuine notes
of this date and character, but tow are in circulation.
There are no ennnterfcit hundreds date& May Ist,
1859, so.that the notes of this date in circulation,
appear to be good. The counterfeit fifties are print
sal, some in black and others in blue, and dated Feb.
tat, 1859. There never was any genuine fifty dollar
icsne of that date. There ore also fifties printed in
black, and dated May 2d, 1859. The detectives have
the matter in hand and am busy searching out the
parties who have gut out the counterfeit. It is con
jectured that those admirably executed counterfeits
linen been put into circulation suddenly in the West
ern Staten, and trial they have been vent on here in
exchange, in large quantities, jast no suddenly. They
have been matteredall around the business pastiest
of the city, and bare deceived the very best judges
of paper money in the community. The notes are
entire counterfeit:, probably the Lail el or executed,
and every bank M cue City is believed to hove been
legit:timid to a groat.r or lest attiunt. tine large
private banking ettlhlistaornt on Third street, this
morning received ii..:001) 01 the spurious notes from
New York. and they hod no susinci in of their being
bogus until Clot- amic . !!creel to the Philadelphia
Bank far deposit. Tito 1,.1 judges cal - scarcely dis
criminate between nor. d bad. A very
large amount GI than has been fo an isted en mho bust
, nc,s community of Philadelphis. and it is probable
that they ha:, ! , An pushed oil freely In the Northern
and Southern cit.,. mail as in the Went.
Pair tort titil I, Nov. Thu Now Vnrk. Ilcv
alfs Ilarper'i Ferryrcl l etring tv the
mortal.. of Ilion ray• Oa; them ou kringent
,egitiationa Leen adoptel in re.:aril to diepees
aof riviluns n! the titom. All applications
. for I ass, t..r tiviltan. 1, ettell.l wgbin the military
lin, arc :elated hy the ti • .verner,oo too ground
that it wattid-Contli it with the military prog ui ramme.
sahl that a civilian could not, under any ccum
itancos, ellnel.tett attain the inlismry line.i, the
outer one of which u-null ho nearly a mile from the
I. J. Ft IV .1 , 1 • , t J•din .lirnitu may
niter, if he shnill roy anything, well tneretore be
im.liblo the men forming oven the line nest to the
gallows. Governor ICise stated the rinse of this ex
clause of al: persons other than the military to be,
that in ilia event of an mitetnpltil ail order to
I Gm on the priinuer alit lie given, and that those
within the line., enperially those sufficiently near
the gallows to hear went firmer way ray, world in
' critably share his fair.
.trs. N. --.lVemsti at.,l children
tritl not be loot-millet tai opproat-h the stens or the
exettnti.m, ar.-1 strangers are cats:toned that there
will be danger to them no approaching Charlestown
or near non 'lost day. That it it is deemed neces
sary, martial law Isttl ba proclatrued and aniurced.
(ion. ialltarerro I. aka itcarcil u proolamatioo ttr
day antt teal all ttrangere whit cannot. pro
tali-laetiir r eretieur nf aloe:it:dyes, will lie promptly
attettail. let" all titrangerit appritaelting Chstlefii
tee,. liy tith.,rnn , . under preterit rut
eetteir the cateui 0.11• I .1 elm Itriirrit, will lie tact ey
the udlttety wet turnotflt.eillt iarretiird.
!le ale, emphatically warns the people of the
county to stay et hotmo ant protect door property,
assuring them that inthrmattou from reliable sources
itoltrates thst l.fsv they ail! Itestronstalt their
own interesie.Seieral reporters th! the Nottbern•
Press having arrived at Ilarpor•s Perry yesterday,
were cornpollvi l.y the military to return to Balti
more. It is said that linen stated t t a gentlemen
yesterday that ho bad now no hope of a rescue on tic
mount of the extent of rho military preparations, and
that his boys would never hove pet - trotted his exc.-
tion if there was any prospect et on attempt proving
successful. The military nate in Charlestown num
bers over IfiOn. Several companies mire trill be here
to-morrow, ewellieg tho number to 2000.
Governer Wise has issued a proclamation announ
cing that the Static has taken possession o f t he Win_
ohmic? and Potomac Railroad, and that on tho three
first Jaye December it will be usod entirely for.
military purposes. lie also warns the people of the
State to remain at Lorne on patrol duty on the day
of the recruitox to protect their own property.
l'unnaitu, Nor. 29.—The steamship Adrian ar
rive:l this forenoon, from St. Johns, bringing mails
of the wrecked steamer, Indian. Also, the purser,
chief Fussell sad fourteen steerage parrengere. The
paesregers ere, A. G. Howland, I'. Dodder, Nettie
Duleier, F:rnestiue Rosalie, Samoa - and Mathew
Dulster, Mrs. hickman, Joseph Marie, A. Burgeo
n.; all for NOT York. Richard Brown, 13. Cromen
and Wm. Crane, for Torento, and Mr. Pearson fur
Montreal. Julie Eichman, aged 2d, and Eve Eick
man, Infant, warn drowned. Tho cargo was mostly
for Canada.
WAFIIIINGTott CITI, Nor. 29.—Seicral Virgin,
military companies passed through Ws shingt,n thi
evening on their way to Charlestown.' They aro ex
potted in the evening train. Erory trail brings ad
view .of the formation of additional companies i•
that State, and the i/overuor is constantly recelvin•,
application for arum
The reported death of Kit Carron it contradicted
Judge Watts, direct from New filexioo, says the
be saw Kit Carson in good health immediately pre
coding his departure, and hence ho emphatically con
Vedic!, tho report of the latter's death.
Sr. L..ots, Nov. I.9.—The Evening Tiolictin an
nounce., en the anthority of the Arcadia Prospect,
the organ of the Missourdklining Co., intelligence
of the discovery, In SeutheNtern Missouri, a vein of
hornblende rock, which it i 4 believed trill yield $lO,-
000 In gold to every ton. Aisays into now being
made. The neat i"110 of the Arcadia Prospect Rill
contain full particular..
Sr. Lens, Nov. 24.—The liver Nao 1 inche.4 up
to noon ono hi 9 fallen 2 inches tlnee then and eon.
time. to reeede slowly with a b out 7 foot in the char
nel to Cairo. There is nothing' now from the upper
streams. Tho weather I. clear and pleasant.
Baurtlions, Nov. 29.—F00r oompanies S.
artillery from Fart Monroe will arrive here on the
Norfolk bout to•morrow morning. Ilto of the com
panion will take a position at Fort McHenry.
acavILLE, N. S., Nov, 29.—Thorn were no signs
of the Royal Mail Steamship Niagara, at Halifax,
at 8 o'clock this evening. Tbo Niagara soiled from
Liverpool on the 19th inst.
CENCIIINATI, Nov. 21t.—The river has fallen 14
Inches within the last - 21 hours, and thorn Is now 16
feat 6 inches water in the ehannel ; weather pleattant.
NI:SY YOWL, Nov. 29.—The separable Washing
ton ',hag died last evening, at Irringt••u.
Louisvrnnr. Nov. 29.—Ittver tailing ,lowly with
eix foot eaten Inches water in the canal, and four
foot six lushes on the falls.
VOR Sr. TAYUY..: l :Thet , lleifficti - iaii
1: steamer NA It INNS:. (40.1 km! cu.', will
Ins 11 . 0 tor the above nod nil totsstrudiste rot Is on TIII.IItYPAY
the Ist De, et 10 o'..lock r. r Fur freight ur passsgii ap.
ply on mood ur s
j4-10 1i.earne Si. Will a—The ex&llent
ag r DAY CI IT. Oupt. And.
will Icave lar the wborw and wlf - lutertowil alw 1.1 - 10 vu 7UYi
DAY tho Oath tan. st 5 o'cicclr r.u. Tar rrtfalta or pasw , S s
apply au boltd lo
FOR eiNICITRNiTi A.• 11.tgifili
VILLE.-The Goo ‘F)GF , ; k
Copt Geo. W. Ged. •
for the et.ave :rt. sit :abr.
mediate trorte n
TWA PAY, ui lu r.
For Welsh' or p.o - o emir ll .E
null 1 , LACS. ,11, 0.1 a Gl. Agts.
ilYaolonilt. &f.
. „ ..... ...
r e IA c
OR. NAL-41%11.1.1-11,e sricli
BAIL BRAY, Ow : , 1 lull, at lo trick A N!. Eo te.teht
Li peaeage apply 011 Lewd ct to
tiio SLAVE. BARNES I. CtA, Apt..
g - --._
er Alemplito &• Otto . (Rortioano.
Vat. istigmellis— o t the tine new.
otaica.r GIDT FRIENDS. I.:apt/du T
Nome, will tee , for the ele.vo and all Ihteromonstoopurta
on THURSDAY, LA, Ist, For theight or paleettge apply on
bxad or to .01. , HACK. BARNES it CLA, des
OILLEANS—The new and splendid Idea
pra9.lA, Captain Robert D. Cechrn,
the above and .11 intermediate porta 'on VIM DAY,
EOlk Masa. lac !reign; or pumfteapply on board,or to
no2l 1 ,1,A0 BA NA / A 130 Agents.
ORLEANS—Tree Dm steamer 'SIA-
Ittr.SGO, OW, A 0 Irealloso,vlillsorn tar she sours sod
hisormsdiss• ports an TEM DAY, ItOth aat--, 44 4 C. ar.
Yoe freight ar Masai linty 00, baud or to
%OS -.-- - • . • MLA= saRNES eON Agent&
1140 10-20 tcs. prima Rice for rale by
At Das 3oLtri . nolo CCi.
(Bcottichielay rori ga PGIUMMO/
=Ma, in:Dna:mat, NOrnMais o .l B ,s ls . .
The ...ft.; rtetiday, was more setiventom(Mord, end •
bonnet. seems to be Unite bettAthinnghout 'th A 11 1 /.1 T h .
etreett are go to cl - nirded., lodienUng a - ISW ittlltthlir of
strangera in thh tilt and tilt/jobbing boneernpfeneto be
folly employ In eflllnd orders to toe counter.
F(AUd—tha deed:hod front the Allegheny and up liver
...4 1 f7 tn. Ith yeetorday, and the salon aggregat
ed nearly 5,01111..bhfa1l from inure, at $44.5,10 for Super,
$ 5 , 3 505, 40 fortAtl'a, $5,651:0,11 tor Afotra Family, s6' for
chat. do and; 6,25'f0r fancy brand. the provnitlag rates for
the three grade's rive $5, $z.,3: nod $3,75.
tiltAllti—maket Steady; uloe on ffeharf of GOO bosh COIe
la aka at 16;ztlepht L.. in Uula. at (oh =du at 80;
And DM do f ntote - a1 CO, Water, 41.0 bosh lederfor White
dgpot .1 si;• loom from store at 45Q347.
ho./01: ItlEof--the Inqnuy for Suer and stolswees m ecttre,
but the atocti nro to light that bolder. /fell only to limited
.1 07 of U hhda'angar at o@3‘.s and 10 do at SS. blo
-77.,t0 Ley 'ii iilf4s and 14 do now at (ft Syrup, 7 1.4 b
S. 11. u th. Llode e 4. q 0 b Re e t 12,44e513.
II --nat.,. aril." 2 0 LAW. m '617010 a too.
B" 1 T 8 K -- 4 •mki of i 16.
POTATUEAL.4„h4 d". lltd Bull ;
took afore opOd Lush hada at 15.
td lote of 101 nape amt. at VA sod
do at $1.54).
BUCK lilf BAT Tl.Ottu—ms a° PY l y I. mks
not eo firm: liken of , 2000
lb nod 4,fe10 ta dant CA from so,,t,
101 do et s7,ohi anti ito do at $1,d.5. •e• f't V Ft
17111,1 i ell of 15 MA* SecUll,..l 75.
ClUES—asles or e bbla m 18.
a~ _
o . male rola 1,.
Mt ME—idea/of 1 b. W.V.. at 10.
OltAhllgahlr.s4-a Bala of b Ma at 51.1 did.
HOGS-5M weather eOtit}l2llo. favorable, and idaslatae..
11 golog oa aebrely; Wei of WO head itt
010.1119Tiin. APII GUMMI
The (Melon:vac Patriot, of the 19th blatant, ettysp. - - . Oa last
Saturday evieni hoe of Mow minden tranallicaver weather
peculiar lo cation Texas, rune down upon um allia unpre
cedented seadritt. On that evening and for - tele day. mi.
vim:Lathe weather . Waa warm end stnMerlike,the the
standing it 7Q degrees. At about O'clock 'the heavens
gathered blackrini m the North, and:lo4lte minutes •
Riirther iama, blbeing almoat with the violence of minuet.
cane. In tato boors the thermometer fell to the freezing
point; the wlhd blew a perfect gale all nighti and uu Sunday
morning at inutile the mercury etced at 24 degrees; with
Ice half an inch thick. During the day on Sunday the mer
cury did not rimaabove 40 degrcei in the shade.
The Vermillonillle (Latayetto,) Echo, of the 19M, say.:
—The freezing weather oiled dated - day and tititnisy night.
has greatly datn4giod the cane crop, and It la Curveted. largo
portion of that which bee not been windrowed will Le lest,
flowever;theris 4'llo Mill% yet—our planters are relating
ep their cane 'retried, and should the weather prove tune
able, they will probebly save the whole albeit . crop.
The Plagneadne (fberville,) Gazette, of the 19th, sm.:—
At the present duple( writing, Thursday afternoon, theta ll
le coming doled very handsomely, with every pimpled of •
continuance to rho /wham:ton of aIL • A. we conclude this
paragraph, otolllo.lxasen hum later, the sun to shining
brr‘ctly, and a mild Southern breeze le prevailing, after
copious abetter. toe Firestone afternoon and night.
P peaking tit thi auger mop, the
par mbar et the State are Bee this
md be made ha (he dtote Plantan
year brought lax air .01,11 hundred
Ossetia asys:—lf °this
section, a half crop swill
here, what crops In;
bites, will cot, this sea-
Ka, make more : lll.n ar VA. This La about the ratio.
dbort rel th, trop ',was expected to be Moro the COLlMenCe
meat of the iolpairig eauo .anal expo kcal ofcon
verting the jlthaihato sugar n,
proveethar It sail be far shorter
then was sapcipahre. What speeimeua of sugar, flowerer,
we hare see ezw of an earellout quality, mid ultust bring a
good price. , j 3
Tho West atm Rouge :tiger Planter, a the 10th, says:
—The hes (raft, la toe rawly part c.f the trek hare been,
disastrous td tHo' cane, The weather tr,Jorated so far, oa
Wedueeday, Ise Po retoler finas unneceesary. A that 0.5500
lu, and the 'coastfluotters to frozen caneare but too tuff
Z Out
tooth to site ten,. Wo can not, at td ds time, attempt
an estimate f one pariah crop. The rrialt VIII, however,
soon be Anosr,,]:
Conpto ot tho llth, eaye.—The unassial•
her, for the pent u-oett, bas later, d, to on olainr:
be nen° crap. It ha. leen frozen eo bold ao to
extrartion of any Subs. One of oar planter*
icortry, after grtnotog several sores, and 0b
101 l of Juice. All the rano whietrir otandlag
id one third.
e romper/al,' statement of the Imports
, ixeg et Neve fork ler the week, old &ince
menh the lame period. in 1557 and 1.510.1.
1,57. 1141.1,
$ 656,t113 $ :144.1r2.1 $
1,ot0 ; .:113 2,50:4:10
T o I,mA.
Is cu ti
"tot th)
rosJo Wn 4
[coins ittoou.
attl ot ore lyi
of fore Igo
Jan • I.IIMI
r the
Dry g .
.1 u.rul wr
$ $ 3,1417,247
tilJ.ll2 1:16,0.:2,771
0 $
1 .
... F:...,5, , ,,....1, 1:11,1gn,1116 219,340,021
u euther, area ten probulolity or a speedy done
i ,
, dr, e bloopers out of the market thin thorn
re.i.l el. ring Wheat cc:dived ...1@3.1 . .g5• . Too
s however, wem eery limited, theca being bet
Mo . to operate- The *eather being cola and
mere farembla fur pork-packlng.and both lire
hcii=sbave advanced 101:j31.5 , /lie bnoyancy In
iti Market: o at well as a more active dsrnaed hero
k and other products, has doatitless coutribnled
ildrn r ure. Dressed begs sold nt n range of $4,75
narkit n 1 the close beleg quite hate. LiTelirg•
tr 4 :0 fur gsnd to benv,—pactery and Ithlppers
, r the best toe.—(Chic. Preen.
LI It an
I/ Mud. I
firm ,
to wur I the
( I
sold .
ci uu,
ILc uoull
we I
on made
ren t i bun
1.1. (b.
tree's I,r
Henn s
over soy r,
- I,hult
• oLt ih
higher than
• de
lire end ur
Rept rt
I ou
tikaipg is deloyea by the warm weather. end
I hotness to turn their corn - into port.
r , 2 , 010 M state!, ostensive preparation, hem
lor iisching In this city. Iu ea.:linen to the en.
es et' hPerest .t Cu , and Patterson d: T.Ler•
a. tatty SC.. Luau rrectud an immense pack
ad ylodassa d Co.late edded lerghly to their
fror ....rut horn the capacity tar kilitka
,od yttr day. They have already tacos [saga cut,
pad It Is eateettd that this reasose• opera
!.cvlsoldentlon leen:sae, et knot tu pound,
iehttesann. ertren range rota y:.1,75 to 100.
ale City, .23.1.
go ors In reltood, and al,bough the Weather
vat Y..r.ble for noting. price , ruled •rdiade
n Wednesday. trots antraalug WO Is and up
, caddy gar fh.,40.• .04rel. Maranon
es 'Were hold ror erns - Woe hogn. Jiecelpta et
se4 bogs rho. rat dd. err Llol3 ore es follows:.
' rieday, bond .... 773
11/ ,L,
.4 cattle ful,
ir vl 1 54.1,'
Y .ineo..nneut ..f me pre
'..l. At. V. , ,t , nnt•red "nth thorn of
N... 4'.1. No, .>1
411,646,00 $11,647,1e5...10c $ Z'S
00,4u1,04 ,0,u77,4644...10rc. =. OOO
4 :....,Ose 4,104M1...11es . :443,61.15
1,..:6,433 1.4ue,19.4.—1rm. 139,429
0..44.1,5al 41,5et.4.14.—D0n. 191,1343
... 14,e714.25u 11,5.6,06—D0c. 18t,609
. .... 11.C51.110 2.07H,5r1...1nc.. 1.1,4z3
. • f Phil. 13 ullettn.
. Of Leos at Mir pot t ou Enturday comprised
ea.l. .4.. a coo,, ~411 CV, the markt, was strong,
lug pi 0.. we. $ t., cr. .leg trues sot, Oath holders
gV4,5, wltt. a I,r proapeel ~ f sufrotehng fn their
ecueot In the 0,001 el ,ceiuts condoning light.
ears' to hare coo:flew:a at pr, am, prlcee,!latt
sum for more boas than are, at funnies.
elviza 1..1 in , ..i.y. lel up atom, 5 / 1 /00 hind,
1.1 tar I.le season el 01.1,000, TUe mcfm.s to-day
.a.Still pn.lably swell the curet Of 91,040 hind,
I`l lo the corresputdiog dam last Scar. At
jrr receipts up to the 3114 h or Nor. 18.11, Were
. fepwrt nu been made ol Ills year's snleall,
Mar: we Mink, falls short of SO,OOO bout. Tho
lbel we ploces, Theo, compared about as follow.:
1951. DIOS.
i ......
. ..
Ct 164,161
• , Y 1r:
LAO* .
and tl.
;c I.
Ji% •111.1 ILO
Aly mt.
L.r Le
mud nA t
Lod to-m•
t.. 0. ICI
Ir Ile
I t tt. to I
.145.0.0 319,912
145 x 1N)
Mr. 174,912
re flaked In cur Imt review that the deemed him
nod prime. have improved ya slued which hold.
eciatilud to feraldleh a flambe,' adhere at ;41g,
cOMprielog 400 Mule on haturday et au adieux*
lolly lair reogto, from 03'6(4.71Aci 1000 hhde
'the prevfoce lovrovemech and Mell ycaterdey
' •"
13n gat
bern II rly
r. Level ,
the Dal
on Iton 'o
at anti big
at 2...tAi bit
C 0111121012 t
itiche to c
,L bugle%
. kt .
ciattee—making an gregete for the three daye
It We now poop se fohowe: Interior 4).1(5.5-)jg
000 ceonnton fig,o;t4e; fair to Italy fair i(4.73 in.
.4 . 0 t iN.Wce, alai eantritugal and clarged of
Iftiet teen ewes the 16th haat 2561 c tthdik °spurted
g 413 to New York end SA to Balttmote.
4-4, be demand hats continued fair ace holders have
pi faller pace', the ealm corepriting 600 total' on
~ la 4464034 C for prime to Choke; 760 bbla on Moo
de; at 3e4 tvr onto say andfile tor prime to choice.—
.. . .. ........ ....-- ... ... ..__
mealyte,l .1.)
... half bele ai 4 , d 4
. ac3q arid IoOU3ei
friday :it %Vile for prime to choice, and ISO half bbla at
Al ;ic (r tour -plod 43(4:i!..4c for prime. Ilite males.
ir mg
grega. the three ea). t 4 4050 Dbl.. Received alma the
Pitts lusta4il 4611.1 Will rod bill half Lb!. Exported Z)O5
bt4e, leclursig.3o4 to Boehm, 1108 Co Now York arid 11 . 3 to
Baltucro. [O,O. Hallehn , 24tb..
Import.•by Si•er
CINCIC Nityi. per nary Cook-262 Lids dont, 3 Nam
good.,ate :j1 51417, Cloche .L co; 15 do do, cornea IS 'do
alm , l. F tatock; Sdo co; ...toll 15 ..too lad., J Dalool a
i l
.1 1 1 11 1 4 do h1;11 1, d, 4 do do, IrCullon;b; II do do, laßol - 1 .
110 do oh elkyi - G31.,y; 46 do do, Bryor; 6 do alcohol, Bel.
hot A co; tld°, Watt 0 Wilson; 10 do, a) hsa Kap, 10 do
candles, s;i 4 bbl. 01/, 5.04 26 tots o.p, llcalneg 25514
Blue Lk. wafer, Wosrouu; 300 551. dour, Liggett; 400 do
do. !item Silite; 840 eke ,v. heat, Komori) A pro; 215 do,
11 . 14171. AN.; 246 do tato, Yeah/ill bp toolhers, 61 do
T.lO, I 0 boia o6 .. I do 10114416 . , 510.00, 161790 0a; 20
0014 6 1 1 01 , AV.C.otabo
LOUIS ILLiI, ,Der Koy Weat-4 bhdo tobacco, IDi do,
Ilaya; 2 d.. Lilo, 40, Sulk"; 7 do, neyL 647°11117m.
.10.11 t .16y; 9J cbla floor. 21 do pork, 4 all rope, Elect,
Ilarao. ••11. nig., 40 bola Sour,Clart 8 . co; CBB 41 CU,
M7rra a k *Dorat; 200 da do, Taylor, 679 do do, Booboo 2
1147atro 200.1., do, Simla. it Nelaus. 80 do do, Floyd
4'0:1a,. t cL - ;14 to Ishaky, Glackner itmr,
ArCautil.ea & N, 912 skit. corn, Wavle! a!par,
Is 111
r A
Jy To} lo
t flour
At do do
tottit 2;
00, Clerk
ii 4114315, p r erhoots-146 bpi pea brix,
lioJ; to bbd. tobacco, Wilda.; 13 do du. 1 box
3 do do, : , 1420ri0; 3 bbd., 1 bx do, Swindler; 100
1 40d..1, S bbd. sugar, 1.4 bbls toolkeses, Bonney;
0 0dintn 201 144 map, 7 bbds bems,loo bogs
Lbl4 dour. 3d WW2 4boulders, 4 bbdb, 1 52 tabu
* 1 551 blacking, owner; 23 Mrs sweb, Graham
834 Gbh (I,mr, 31Vollongb; 2 nx. books,
eelturr,olllo/:; TA 'r bbls 71)71;k7, Pit p• & 3111 , 1 K
(1)elkoll t eons, 8 hbl IHlvnr. Uttle A Trimble, 100
, °rout 60 001 grbleky, 7 do liquor, Lint.; 2 do
120 bble floor, Ilmott; = do whieky, Kellen 160
.•Eipe AnJer 211 et. sheet, Illtcbcock co; 11
V4;7 , D oke do, 1000 do Cour, 1 10 htids
auger. 51' +bald k Arbuckle.
31 irkf • I
. do Is/d
WI pqn
do, Lt uc
blls d.
r aim,' on Tuesday morning at 6% feet and fall
annals on Monday afternoon and night were the
Rion Chatlinnet, with a Invoiced, the Arfunda.
Wilma, leadoff to tba guards, and too Bey Wain,
'ogle, with • large quantity of flour and Prude..
rifts. The Minerr• was the ,Wh.llog packet
ani the Charon will he the pecker fur today.
their env clear cool and venal:it on Tuesday.
• Graham arid Minerva departed, and Ilto Argo
totauls, and Pinata fur New Orleans. wont nearly
ti noly atrived at Ctricloas from here, on Monday—
viriy with roar Lan Oates of cotton got 'mane
p1d5....-Tbs Ida May and Cam Dean akiared toom
tid this port, on Suaday...-The Dscouthanhan
, cleared from Memphis, for the Oh ha s tan
Town of Um ateamor Nile fa a
r 07 Or
lam The steamer Choctaw was meth
picking up ”uag, which yOllOO.ll, hatellorOugh
• etha.
She rfr
M.ry C
from co .
from L.
ul ra Ic u
Jc terday
The v.
The km..
neat far
toady to ,
Thal - .
(sore 'a
Otte nee
411 end
IT n
IJ t.
ared t
thr e
, wink*.
•11, Broixortillel• •• . , ,
l'AegMb. Erownwrllle;
• lirovrryiville; Jefftmo, llnnonifir,
4; plzaboth; Cot. Bayiel, Eltimbeth;
'.,. J'J'lti rar-3,4 feet—Wilzig.
~ .
DI Car V r.l :Nor. 00 —Cotton la heavy; lealetior 5000 tilt%
~,,,,,,,,g u p(od. DeAll• Flour doll; sales 39000 bbl
soutbera 5 asgs 50. Waft!: Wee or 30,000 kW: whir*
51 it,. rail 141 r, 11l 33; Milwaukee-Club II 5 3 43 5 ....
Mew doll lode. 12.000 Lug old yellow. 530`05; weer do 76 a
,3 : ~ ....1 3,t 4 73. Pork buoyant; re-m. 5164 In 1254:prima
5414111: ~ t;.' Whiaky26).6. Sugar arm; Si 0554; id ... 3 .
%+:o :14 '5754: Cotten - beady. Moho.. Dna at 61151.53.
.r.le lout ereLitutend . 51Wgifb lard 574333 Talk. dtal at.
10"-.w• 01 quiet htlt gteadyi. Pr.litoecn" C. 0.. t"" LI •
1... 7.5 ' 2 5..! . .1 4 ;:a. in." 2..."' ' '' .• 'l ttri Jur eat krui. wag
51.71:Ley 3 331.1µ1 vie Ler to-day,-,---- ~ ~- ge
ly G pe.e. cenb - perrne undorerd PP , . °Au , P 7 c.ehte . r.Y 4 •• . ;.
on.. doUt.g a , Oa ..t"' 114° 715 Oyu; usle• Of zoocibblt.' :, ',':
PUI'AptLT'/1 4, K. " l i 1i97.5. EyiPlour In eleinedul.'..
non ftue 55 14 extra 35 .
f , dud a t 53 .. . Wbnat: aaliea 2000. hues' ..i.
at $t 2o; born?, ..,,„,,,,,,. Q u it 113 good dr . mattltsaltia93oo,- - -," ,
.rod at St t -morn ..., 76. Crate C. 2.1114 --Whiski''
hmu ,ta .Waw t-; V ''''' . 1-.2 ••-• - :•••••,
2 1440' •'•n o• our. • fair demind it 14"5 . 1r....
, La..... '.'xi„,,A . whit. at 132361 i% rtxt
2 :ib "- j'''.l: - ; ";' 11:ed " ? 2 4 1 6 % . . (4 P•it, 4 it
45. 101:0 B'ut mL ist otl:•• ;E ard ", be i lt .
Diodes, Pork: mks a 1.515 7s; Matt 7%034. Um!
~, 1. .
b „;,„.., at slllo@6 25. Exchange lien at 1.1. : - . • ''' '
li.wziOns,lfc•.2o.—)7lour ehalk, Howard Secret 3. 5 _ 5 7 . 54- .
Wheat • Wee at la 27@l 40 for *if LevrocAlt 2, 40 , 20 .
52. 0 0 0 e .04 , Ouldfirris it.. 3(7.5
. or nest while And
yellow.: ions 'steady; Ine park $ 151 4 o° '' 6- '/ 311
50; bacon &del 103.:. WI:11AT steady at
c....... Ai* • Zlaur 'ero:i4 • &M. - wOast . Stukt:
adtan . Za4lsl 5 1 int. , . Oak-sad o.ut ANIL Havel's,: ,
MO Dili 211•331121AXibas Wltest P49911;1 1 . C''..7; 43 .,, Q !1, • ;._.
Giii -7#t•ti4+02,01,.,15,„„.X.Wi'-••itb•ii.,l'el;'•••-i'"
VLUAtAlittilioi•••••-•.— fo i caLb: ~,,
•= 4 lz taidairn' Saw at"
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