V . 4 . -,Oi'-'ii,iii.'fit4 . '. rm ACOa!' SR/VR* l4 7.1t14/.IASS.Z. 1.. /1.103.1.. B. , R. BURETS' & CO.. Toss PROPRIETORS. I~2T'S6B~RCiS3 c • THVESDAY MORNING, NOV. 24, 1859 ktpubtleitia City Cvverition The.Reptablicans of the City of Pittsburgh era hereby requested to meet in their respective wards, at ttlie irsusi Places Of holding such meetings, on Her =nay, DiCE.XIIESI lern, 1839, and elect, by ballot, five delegates from each ward to meet to Contention at the Corot •Hollee, on WYDBESDAY, DEMMER Itur, 1959, el 11 o'eloek A. is., for the purpose of nominating ono porton (or Z.,A.Y012, eon person for Ctrs Co.YYpOzazrt, acid on-w(person for CrrY TurAy antra. The meetings in the various wards will be held between the hours of a and 8.; O'CIOCk v. The various ward committees of vigilance as at present existing, are rukcirly,l to call preliminary meetings, where the samo s o., be occeir.i9t foi the ~.!PP9ifittfient of Judges to condoot the election. , Tao,.d, RosrLzy, Min- City Ea. Com. DerNo papor will bo issued from this office to-Morrow. Tun Srnsw Bram the Virginians are *able of feeling ridiculous, the remake of The laic straw stack war timid make them seem very silly in their ern eyes. In the eyes of every one else they occopy,the most ridionleue PtiOliSn• The burning of that ono grew stack created a perfetit Wateiloo panic among those who bout of their chivalry; and ode man, stalking about . in the darkuces of the night, (if even one, in deed, was coon,) was magnified into two hundred -and fifty. .Campent invading abolitionists were seen in oat-ofthe.way3lens, by the terrified „ mints, and the telegraph tent them word that John Brown, Jr., at tho head of five thousand men, bad crossed the Ohio, and was marching upon Charlestown. . The fire at the straw deck was put out; but that was nothing to the fire that was - left burning in the hearts of the patriotic Virginians, who were in rasa mentaiy expectation of being over; whelmed by the Goths and Vandals from thd North. The telegraph soon became freighted with terrible messages to Richmond alid Wash;. ington ; battalions began to move from all points; Goy. Wise drew hie sword and placed himself at ihe head of his regiments ; the mar.. tint Roger A. Pryor shouldered his teueket and • marched-tolhe wars ; and each head of the first families et Virginia seemed to aot as though b private Banque of his own were pointing hie finger and shaking his gory looks at Ara. Ms the Chicago Frees observes, "if relief does no: speedily come to the terror•infeeted populace in North Virginia, there will be no one left with nerve enough to hang . Old Brown. The only man in Jefferson county has been put 41 . jail, and the women *O - Miren antsiao are Fit the mercy of straw siiiikei." The same papdr adds: • "In history this will ho known as the Straw Stach War. It will be related that the Commonwealth Of Virginia was convulsed by the casual burning of la heap of fodder—that her military persons were thrown into ague fits at the eight of tho flame—that instead of throwing a few buc,kets of water upon it, they telegraphed for the army of the United States to coos and catch the inoendiary—that in the excess of vigilanoe they took each other in custody, and issued proclamations against pedlars of tin ware— that they gathered from ono place and another a thousand armed men and !stationed thou. in the vicinity of the insidious straw stack. We expect to hear the opinion broached before the straw war is over that the devil set the stook on fire ia propnia persona, and that the smell of brimstone nea, detect ed fifty miles from Charlestown." We judge from the fact that the Governor has Ordered his 'battalions home again that hi, 'at least., ecee and feels the ritheulommess of the whole affair. Ife would, uuddlibtedly, give Up all the honors hf his Governorship, if he could escape from the reputation of having shared in the general ecare. Of course, elicit men have ingennity enough to frame excuses for themselves. The Governor ezhibita letters said to have been received from the north, full of all aorta of me aa,i,a,,ar-olireheri Johuaoa, of . .9,l4.katitelmellohed . hlm that the traz aiiiiiltariah; Gov. Chase had dote the aamo; and then, there eras that dispatch from Wheel*, atatiug that a thousand armed men had attually croaaed am river at that All these are eilly fabrications. Marehil Johnson , denies having sent 'any such dispatch; Oar. Chase, we are sure, never vent the ono at tributed to him; and as to Wheeling, although a man is kept stationed at the bridge, ,there, to take note of every man who passes, not a word was ever sent forward of the purport alleged. Either some wags or scoundrels haVe been spec ulating upon the credulity of the Virginians, or they have themselves trumped up these alleged dispatches to shield themselves from_ utter ridicule. • Tits London Times devotes a long article to the so-called Virginia insurrection, the close of . which is given below. It .suggests serious thoughts to all who are capable of thinking; but as theVirginiansimem inotpablo of ecter thought, all Inch admonitions will prove of no avail to them: ...These occasional ositbre4ka are not - peculiar to Atherton,, Slavery, but.were the scourge of all the nations of Antiquity, and of none so moth as Rome lo the very palmiest days of 'the Repnblia. A servile war is a subject from which history willingly averts her face, and the outbreaks which from time to time have taken place in America have been forgotten, by the European public as noon as they were quelled to torture and in blood. Dot each of these insurrections, contemptible as they way appear in numbers, in telligmee and in organisation, is a symptom of a stew of things which a wise and understanding people will do wall not to - peglcet too lung. Thitt security of life and preporty, which is after all, the main end and object of civil society, Les not exist—at !cast in the nuropean sense of the term—in the Slave State. of America. The white population can never forgot, either as judges, as legislators, or proprietors, that they are a small minority scattered among a large and bitterly hostile drejority. They never know in its full force the meaning of the word "security." If they lie down to rest they know not but they may be awoke it midnight by the light of their blazing hou ses, and the yells of the incendiaries. If they wan der in the forest they feel no ow:Admco that the hand of the assassin does not - await them behind every thicket. Danger begets fear anal fear cruelty, and that cruelty again Mermen danger. Strong as is our sympathy fur the oppressed race that toils beneath the lash in 'the Southern States of America, we can not bring ourselves to wish that their bundanaeyhe broken by an experiment so frlghtSul as that which be. once again been tried, and has 00to again failed • —the experiment of a servile war. There was a time when the best men in America looked on Slavery as merely a provisional and temporary Institution, and s looked forward to , the thno_when the bonds should drop from the bends of the African, and the assertion of the Declaration of Independence, that all men are • froo and equal, should no longer be a mockery and a reproach. Bat that time seems to have passed by, and the language of the Southern elaveholder is now rashes that freedom Is an eseeptional institution, des ; tined one day take swallowed up in the more natural and more humane ruin of Slavery. We cannot, there. forerbe sarprieod , to see such reationers reminded, from time to time, by warnings like that afforded by the Beeper's Ferry insurrection, how ineecerc ie the • oasis an which the stace.owner builds, and how etea.. gems. it is for a nation which carrion 10 connote . serpent in her boson., to beforerer tryfin with thepee. eibility o/ a fordye war, thefirst!oject of which met almost necessarily be to rotas the rierpinst destroyer - into rife and activity." Emma Conswr.—The Republiden Delegale Convention met on Monday, and elected Goo. Jona N. PCZNIMLOC and Dr. A. W. CCArtrOILD rep resentative delegates, hind Wu. Lieszerr, senatorial delegate. itesolntions in favor of Om Citation for President were adopted shnost unanimously ; and the delegates wer • also Intrusted to support Hon. B. 'A. Ple/Vr . Ann for Governor. Tho latter gentleman 16 _now s resident of tole county, and this resolu -;',,AlOtt in bill favor, itis he was formerly a reel . dent of Dealer end her reprisentativo in Can.. green, was intended, doubiloes, as a coin. kiln:eat to him from his former neighbors. We learn, however, that he is not a s candidate for • •the Governorship. Tnearclioldrusp:--Erery ono 'MOMS to be glad -that, Tbankrering day has come. The appoint meat n! Ono diSc in a year for epeeist tkankful• nese is' a New Enilind inetitualcr.ifhieh has been transplanted here successfully, end cud. take to It°a kindly as if it were one of will be ,rery gicerelly Observed ...!pitit of truetbankfalneesi IMM tioprh/tatClUmrioits.—Thi binti a fe days Mime reCommended t the ; early fOrmatioi of teptiblieen - 4:aetiCiatiOue in every county, for the purposes of organization.. We second the recommendation ; sad as such recom mendations gain more force by es/maple thsn precept, we suggest the propriety of forming 000 in this coanty at the earliest possible moment. It is not IneiSsary to wait for the n ominations to he made; Organization will be. the essential want of the party, no matter who is nominated; and If we are a well o rganized party, with an active Central Committee and efficient township and school dietriot c ommittees, we shall be rcmlY, when the no minations are made, to go to work at 0000 and make the campaign en effective one. The present County ComMittee will have to dell, et an early day, n convention to elect dele gates to the State Convention ;. and we suggeSt to that body the propriety of appending to their call for the convention a supplementary call for a County Meeting, to be held on thi . night of the day filed fur the County Conventioui to organize 'a County Cfab. What does the Committee say' Tux Shelbyville (Ind.) BMW . " in a Isle issue urges Gen. Camases, of Pennsylvania, as the Republican candidate for President. Tt (nye of him : "While his Republicanism eatinot ho ques tioned, he would tarry with him mare of the oonseriative stems at, Nerth and Bona, and com bine more of the elemente of strength than per haps any other. Besides, if the suing Is true, that 'us gore Pennsylvania, so goes the Union," there is no importance attached to the nomina tion of Cameron that does not belong to any other man." DISCOIITZN2 IN lIIINCIAILT.—VIEssA, Nov. I.— It he tolerably tam that the moment in whioh theAcuttrian Goverment willbe obliged to make 00000119i0OB to Hungary is not far distant, and it may, therefore, be well to lay before you a more detailed account of the contents of the memorial which was presented by the leaders of the Old Con servative Party Waite Cabinet than was contain ed in my letter of yesterday. No copy of the document hat been in circulation here, but a German paper has received the enbjoined snaky eie of it : "The Hungarians require their Constitution and municipal laws, "which were purified from dress by the events of the year 1848," and de mand the reeteration of the ancient and lawful integrity of the Hungarian kingdom. (Reich)", It is proposed to appoint a Court Chancellor, (RoThancler) who ehall organize a Hungarian Court Charwellerie, "and have a east and voice in the Cabinet," and also a Royal Stadholder, 1 1 who, together with the Court Chancellerie and the Ran of Croatia, ehall organize one Hunga rian SI adtbolderato instead of the now existing Hungarians, Banat and Croatian, sections of Stadtholterates, (Stachhalterei-Ab:heiltingen.)— The Rangel lane further demotic!: The appoint ment of Lord-Lieutenants or Administrators for the different counties; Royal Commissioners for the free cities; the restoration of the Royal Ta fel, (Supreme. Court of Justice;) and of the Septemvirate; the reformation of the Hungarian Hafkammer (Court of Exahequer) with the Can mum DirectOrote instead of the Provincial Direc tion of Finances (Finanz-Landeq-Direction) and procurators (officers who have the management ofthe revenue:) the replacement of the religious, academical and university funds under the eii perintendanee of the Stadtholderato and Laciest astical— Commiesion (Commiesio Ecclesiastics) and the restoration of the Theresiou privileges for the Royal Pesth University; all employees and jUdges to have the right to employ the Hun garian language when tsansaoting business; the Hungarian langtraga-to be used .in tuition in all schools and seminaries, excepting in those es tabliehed expressly for another at the nationali ties; and, finally, the restoration of the Royal Hungarian Body (noble) Guard." The increasing ferment in Hungary, Croatia and the Veivoclins, is said to be a eource of great uneasiao6o to government,and there is reason to believe that the strength of the army in the Eastern Provinces of the Empire is being In creased. It would be good palmy to endeavor to satisfy the inhabitants of the German Prov inces, but nothing bee yet been done, although more than two months have elapsed since a prom- Ise to make reforms was publicly given by the Cabinet. A strong inclination to replace on the Press its recently removed fetters is displayed here, but the kimister of Police would-du well to leave the safety-valves ogee, is order the the political gas may creep: 00 seen iL formed. It is generally belies'ej.X.lwe aro on the eve of a revoluti n still of opinion that the mchNollig storm may be averted. half measure; however, will be worse than useless, WV/a public is desperate, and consequently not at all inolined to be played with Lon torn Tiara. Moe %Vasco, who at irtisoo'e Mt. the other day, at the age of 104, loss -four Nor months, was barn a subject of Charge 11, t;te.l was nearly 'five yearn old when that mooarct left his earthly orown for, let us hope, a heav enly bcc. She was almost a woman when Na poleon was born, was In her twenty-fret year when Littfpeodence woe declared, was •erglog on middle life when Washington became Perot. dent, was nearly 53 years of ego when Jackeon beat the British, and was 64 when Maine became a State. Women seem to wear better than men. There was Tereotia, Cicero's uortly spouse, who lived to 103; and Junta 'retain, the widow of Cassius and sister of Brutus, who completed her century, surviving her husband some 64 years; and Lattice Knoll's, Leicester's last wife, and mother of Elizabeth's Essex, who died at 96; and Lady Desmond, who got as far G 5 190, and then was cut oil by imprudently climbing a cherry tree, from which the got a fall, bring:_g a fever, the only fruit or her exertions. Mr. Hamilton, widow of Alexander Hamilton, lived for nearly a century; and Mrs. Morris, who as Mary Phillips, is said to hare been Washington's first love, died at 96. .11Ermsm or Ma Snxnea.—lt gives tie great pleasure to announce tho return attic lion. C. Sumner from Europe, who arrived yesterday at Boston by the Canada. lie comes batik ready to talcs hts seat in the Senate, and to resume the duties and responsibilities of that oEice. His health, as we learn from his-awn lips, he OuD. eiders as completely re-established. Ho feels in full possession of hie natural physical vigor, and that the exercise of his brain is DO longer forbidden or limited by the heavy trammels of a diseased and suffering body. It is necessary that, In returning to his labors, Mr. Simmer should not draw too heavily at the outset upon his renewed strength, and, presuming that he will use this necessary caution, his friends may congratulate him and themselves that the honor able and useful career which-there has been so much Taman to fear was brought to a termina tion, Is again re-opened with renewed promise. Several of Mr. Sumncr's personal and poistical friends met him, on the arrival of tho Canada at her wharf, with a hearty weloome.—N. Y. Trib. The Neir York Meteor was seen In New. Jet eey, and there "a terrific rattling noise -over head" startled the populace. A correspondent of the. Philadelphia Errutny Bulletin, writing from Beesley's Point, Cape May Co., N. .I„ was out of doors at tho timo,and could com pare the sound to nothing eleo than the die, (Margo of a thousand 061311113 ih the shortest space of time, without anj two gone exploding at the same moment. These explosions were very sharp and distinct, not like tho prolonged roll of thunder when mone cover a consider able portion of the horizon. They continued, at lewd, one mileoto of time. Toe course of this meteor was rapid, from northeast to southwest, leaving behind a curling track, of a smoky, or light cloudy appearance, which in a few minutes melted away in the at tuctephere," A Boy FILIGHTNED TO nzazu.—A death of a moot extraordinary character took place at Ot tawa, gonads, on the 21 instant, the particulate of which are them—Settle wen were about to elaughter an or, and hod attached one and of a rope to the horns, and panted the other through the door Into the etaughtilr-house, and were dn. ving'the animal iu. The boy, Simon O'Donnell, held a candlewick io ono corner of the shed, to thraw.light on the proceedings. When tho beast wee drives:l;AL appears that it made a sudden movement toward the owner where the boy was, and was instantly seized by the nose by one of the bnteher's doge, when it roared out loudly, and the boy dropped . to the ground to an lowan', perfeotly dead. The Corwiar's jury returned a verdict to the effect that the death of the boy was ocoaaloned by "fright." Gov. WIRE AND THE VIIIGIBIA PRISONEES.— Extract from a private let4r, dated Richmond, For. 17, IMP:— “Gov. Willard is here,seesing to influence Wino to pardon hie brother in-law; Cook, but, no far ate I can ascertain, there Is no Probability of hie succeeding. The public sentiment of the State, and of the whole South, in fact, le oo averse to any clemency, that Wise, even 11 so disposed, would hardly venture to extend any. It is prob able he will respite all the cionvicte, to ~ntiable the LegLslitiure to take emu action with refer ence to them.” Tux ntANCII Kere.—The flianni, or French Keya, where the North Boar got on shore,. are two Keys of the Matignon& passage, on the route to Aspinwall, and nineteen miles west of !hi west end of Illarigasna, one of the most northern of Bals= Wendt. The New York Chamber of Commerce, at its last meeting, agreed to memora. Use the President of the United Staten to tinily to the British Government to which the Wends - and acijaCent - Soya belong; to. Met •lighthouse . there. The monitor propertY yearly passing lisp le estimate rat *50,000,900. ~-- , •dirletunle, very tAI % v ~ pl a kit. Lews, an old msanbew ofGangres I e . 1 ! from the Vicksburg (hfruts.).Distrisi, 1131wiirr , Nothing. and sow representative of Vicksburg I 1 in the Legislature, declared in a epee& before that body ..that • 02111:1 it the South who °wee' but one negro has no right to expreea his opin, 1 ions on political matters." A fellow-roemberi "Tisdale of Kemper," thereupon ictroduced • 1 "bill for the prosperity, growth, and relief of 110 , South." The Conchrbiag eectione, of this "bill'," i are in the words following: "And now I shall proceed to elucidate inirric 1 brief manner how we shall make the South prop- • I - per and blossom aa the rose. It is well knoten , that the voters who do r.otiwn eleven far out , number those who have, and as the Bible says we have been 'created equal,' but let Übe equal iin everything. Let the rich divide with the i poor. or that every man can have the cement:DA her of slaves to work for him. If this Is not eat ; iefsetory, let no repeal articles 28,29,30 and 31, Of !motion 7, on page 241 of the new Code, sad import Africans to give to the poor men, and make them the equals of the rich man. 3 say proclaim It from Drover'e Bights, open the ilare• trade and make us all equal by giving to each good citizen an equal amount of properly in the shape of riggers. All laws coming in conflict with this law Is hereby repealed." i. Am= involving the question whether money sent in a registered letter is a remittance, was decided in New York a few days since. Kd ward Morrison sued the Farmers' Bank of North Carolina for nso, the product of a draft col lected, and which was sent to him in a regis tered letter, but not received. The court held that, as the defendant was not authorized: to remit money instead of drafts, as is theizoSal custom, the/money mailed to Address of plain tiff' could not be considered payment, and 'the defendant was therefore liable in the soden. The jury found for the plaintiff accordingly. ÜBDIEBBOITBID ItAILROAD.—The Harriebitrg (Pa.) Telegraph cape: We learn from "official eonrcee" that the underground railroad; a branch of which rune through Harrisburg, north ward toward the Canadian frontier, has been:do ing an unusually large buoiness this year. Some der, the "train" takes Berieral at a time, andlbe aggregate business of the year iB counted by him dred. Ilarrisburgh is a regular "station" where the "train" elope long enough to allow the "jaas enngere" en opportunity of obtaining rest sud refreshments. A Wnir or Ell.llOll Damao TO - BROWN-44 - mood, Ya., Saturday, Nov. 16th. The petition of John Brown, for a writ of error to the jadg meat rendered by the Circuit Court of Jefferson County, was prevented to the supremo Court of Appeals yesterday. The Court to-day refused to award a writ of error, being of opinion, that the judgment of the Circuit Court ie plainly right. The execution, therefore, takes place on the 2d of Deoember. Judges Allen Daniel Mo ore, Lee, and Robertson were on the bench. A Frrornva slave was tracked by huntera lo a point on the Ohio river near Carrollton. He took refuge in the stream upon a log, 'but his pursuers followed, and the slave drawinghle pistol put it to his own head, and dint:herpes it,, fell into the stream. His pursuers fished him out, when it was ascertained that the ball had not penetrated the skull and the wound waerbot fatal. Of course the negro had not hie choice of "liberty or death." SALES or WEBSTER'S DICTIONARECR—From certain published statements of the leading bOok sellers from every part of the country, it would seem that the salee of the various editions of Webster's Dictionaries are enormous, exceeding Many limes the sales of all other Dietionaiiee put together. We learn that there are five!dif ferent editions et our great American lexioogra pher now pnbliehcd to England, besidee several Eoglieh Dictionaries which are confessedly bailed on Webster. A recent article in the London Critic admits that the orthography of Webster's Dictionary is all but unicerrot in the United Stales.—Boston Daily Journal. • For Indigestion, Try Warnaco's Holland Bitt'ors For Heartburn, Try Bcerhavo's Holland BitiOrs For Acidity Try Bierbartie Holland BittAM For Waterbraeho Try 13ml-have's Holland BitfOre. For Headache, Try Bcorhave's Holland For on •of .Appetite, Try Bwrhave' For Co.tiverkerss, rhave's Holland Bitten =az Try Boorhare's llolland BittOs. In gal Nvrvous, Ilbrunassic w l Kavreigtu Mfactl,ns, It has In no/men:ills Instuncsa proud hlghly 1 nEclnl, isutl;ln others effects., • docids,l curs. Ita-sZeaceZetrn.-1 - 11r(1”utiluehlghly C'ottrouirnted Ilitturs to ims up In Lail One InittlgowDT. ethl retailed et $1 KT 144110. great .f.n..n.1 for is truly Coletsnated 14,11cire hu iodixed mazy latlteteePe. which the public ebeelaieuere attanstpurchs.iret bevitre of Imposition! Ccs tbst c.c nwengs ts on the Isbcl a ee•ry bottle you boy. littNJ AMIN PAO.% Ju • IN , . rile Ps,riett.te. at t, bete , - e Ist Petsearee. r, Ono abbertuitmtnus. r; cy• .f.t. -V:// • 4.411,6. / —zsarrairj W.-L.li • 1750 pp. Pilo° $6 . 50. Sold by all Book Bealaro. G. & C. MERRIAM, oo:i:n1d• SPRD7OFIELD, MAPS: A 1, .—U r.rtri r.- 1 DR. CALVIN! .... 2 , a. AT 23.2111111115LD. IST., between S , I aen Db. Pittsburgh'. Tinders/Os err elcsa to the cilltro. ol runners!, sod stop fry to tha Itre of big prottyston. He e.t.a. to the moat froprocal mod« of Dental Surgery, employing nub thet,th the ordeal of • long aspen.. Ills fa. .11•Ity with the met difOnalt operations loch-tent to the Crotassion, ar•rtente blot to assuring Oa public, that pen.• fees oatlattctiott wilt w gir.p in all cases entrustml to his bating. Trrms Xocirsata. nolt2tag: APPLES -50 bbls. amorted kinds just i 0 netted and for mile by k ANDERSON, Co Wood 4, n 024 opletatte the ht. Charles Untah I)OWDERER PUMICE STONE-8 14. ivy +ale by U. A. PAIINESTOM A CO., • MM==2:2 G LUE—I in) bbls. for sale by : B. A. FAUN MOCK C CV. . ne:t Cor Der of rust atAl ottnetl, • B RDISTUNE-25 bblm. fur Halo by 11 A. FAIIIIESTOOIi A 00... nu:3 r.rwr o Worol •od Ilt•t btreeta. prim., Red and Yo) • kJ Out.ue, tz. taw . ° awl for rslo by on= , OKA /V • VAN °ORDER. 114 Ifec•col LARI)._•;.O Lep arrive new Lard to arr aud far ohle by . . 01{ GRAVY A VAN G9RDER, 111 encored •nitIED APPLES. -10 Lbls (now crap) Wed Ayplw lo store awl 1.. r sale by OMA f P A VAN M l / 1 11F.11., 111 eeron4 se; luE.--10 tierces I tee in store and fur juk, eel,. ale 4er,reth Lr • 1/11.Are t V/0 601115K11., 114 eecond et- ICK.OitY burl. Shell Barite., recem•rd .tt 1 f r by lIENKY 11. COLLINS.. QTArLE AND rANcY BASKErs.—,A kJ Ism , and varie I smrtmoat of .Imp. every omen an! ',VI, El ICE i: E T 8, I=lnalng MArkst, Tri (OM, Clotbos, Farm, Travel*. Payr.u{ mud C 4.1, ofOW 1 / 1 .11 alMt lia.Milrb. Or Icoparl.i,l, now op.o far Lnlpt.l.l4o, 21 Dlsmotot' 120 It 'I'llt: CITY AN O COUNTRY i'ILAD• j 161 du.. Ilrourro, ivouro• I wira aod twig., lid) dor Chun., 0 , ....0 . .1 al, I. ..wt aa.r. 1110 nests Tubs, ploc a 1 cedar; • :,0 due.. Mas. ,, -, I .." cod c''^" , 2 , ..., do bt , sulboat 01,k b00t..., • .• R do .brow do !,,, do Pal t,toti Tohn, two and th.e hoop; 100 do do Boar , , a 000901.1; 1,4) do Waabboards, do • FA ants natket Bashots, tinu, 1 , 0 du do do 211 d; ~ A. , dozen du .er , ..1 .Ik.; 40 do &boo! BastMs,assortatalltls; . , , 10 Posts ,LeAtes' Fancy Baskets, usoetsd: 2O dom.) do I. do do .! Nur In inure and toe sale t.,) •• ol2lditarlAT N. ILIDDLY, 21 Diamond., LADIES' I' AM.Y BASKETS; • TRAVELING BASKETS, ILETIOULES, • (MILD AND SEWING BASKETS. lINI I TINO lIALL BABE ETA, - KEY AND WALL BAyKeys, TOY AND TUB 111.P.8 BASKETS, • In great •orlety no , ' etyte, Jug Wei: WI for the • If 0 L i L A 18, act! for eels by SAMUEL RIDDLE. : No. 21 Diamond IJOUSK-FURNIt'IIING 0001)S, ouch iLa 1 I 'robs, Heelers, Palls, Drams, Brush., Cloths.. Moss, Mops, KWh, Trays, Clothes Compass, Clamtor t , Cowper., humor,' oral Illich Choirs, Mss- . hot sod Cloth. Bullets, Clothes Plus, !Witting Mus t Potato Hastens. IStsak , Mauls, • ' Rai.- and Mouse Traps, &a., With many other articled, to. , hamerons to meutlort, gre.. varAety. JEut upemod and fur We. by t.PV:I met. ler PAWL Hu/DLR. 21 St tattoo ri; L A . .11 D. - 0 kro prior orrr Lard To syl No and for .lo by I, GRAFF VAN GORDEN. Al 00FlIsiti DONE IN TliE BEST MO MIR etas WAIIRSZITED. , Gum Cement, Felt and Canvas Roofing ; ) WI, Cemutt tind Gravel Itoolloy; ;. Patont Englithh Amphlattia .Folt Roofing.i. nom u 1 W6I.76IINPOtT, 78 Nenitharld street, 114 00F.LNU ATERIA.L for sale, chetip, 11 with printed loidnalon. for mlug. ' The beet .la rue. i WM. JoinesoN, .; r5n0218t475 gmhlated Wee,: AA COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Abl e 1011114 Or .X=4. C100D.3, fiIIAWLE, OAK LE WORN, stet a' eery taco stock of Domestic ijoode, ell miliews very low. O. sumo LOVE. ' m 470 74 Ifottot 424414; - Pianos and Malodeons. Among which aro the Celebrateci • PREMIUM 'AWARDED .; F rRsT BF THE Mar FAIR it , CO., MASTUF.A.C - 11:7 R. FORS. FOR THE BM GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANOS;„ ' T 0V E S FOR TILE BEST \COOKING RANGE FOR FAMILIES, With Lao Fml Pont 11, ihros - ing iv Cool, AND BEST WOOD COOK STO l'E. WM. %NABS 61 Bqin?sure, PR.IN CFI: Sr, CO'S IMPROVED PATENT MELODEONS, With the Divided Swell, Improvaimt eau be .3:4.10.1 ONLY to ifolod.oi of Ms onouteotors. CHARLOTTE BLUIVEIC, No. ims Wood at., ad doer aboTe fifth Second hand Pianos taken in exchange. no:2 11i1880171iI LAND 200 000 ACRES FOR SALE AT very km rates—from 25 to:50 centa per sore. riot. furnished sesta. _ l 'a e. mdd for purebaere of land under the Oradu. Minn Art In all the months rf the Elite. Patent. promo ed, Ae. Apply to WILSON, RAIVLLNGS A CO.. n0253p1 Si Chestnut area, St Louts, Mo. FOR TiIAtiftSRIVING, OR ANY OTHER DAY.-51Imeel Meat, .lib Doody, epices end every thing requisite, reedy for baking, fir ntle by the pound. AI.. An Crop lotletem, Consuls. SIP, Prune.. Almond., Citron, pure Splom, etc. A tarp Moat 1.. t rceened and 10, . 01 flt 'M0...1. mei retell, at Preece'. Samily ()emery end Tea Stone Pmlbrel meet, near Lerma, Allegheny. FRESH TEAS.—We have just received a large stock of Omen and Black Teas among which will be forma some of the finest Engliall FlOakiul Vim to had in the totted Flake. For eela at France's Funny Oro. 00e7 and Tea Storey Federal skeet, Allegheny. Attention! Attention!! TO TILE NOVELTIES OF CLOAKS, DUSTERS AND SHAWLS; SILKS AND SILK ROBES; All Wool DeLaines, AND PRENCII MERINOS, &c , &c. Which sera Just recel;el end open for Inver-Hon, at W. & D, HUGUS', Corner of Fifth ana Market Streets, 0022 -1.1"1"143331:1Ftta13. SAMUEL GRAY & SON, NO. /9 FIFTH STREET, HAVE OPENED ANOTHER SELEC TION OP OVERCOATTNGS, President, Clarendon, Portsmouth, Moscow, Fsquamaus,,, and - 1 4- ,, ,,y Beavers 01 ramms gradea mid colors, adapted to the beet City and Cantdry trade, which will be studs op to order In the latent and moat approved m.oner at moderate price.. .09 (Aland Bittein GRAND PIANO rplvorlid T Vector, oft _.vnertmg Improved &vie ties' lei. beviv In Plttrtrrigh. This Piatm h. Waned the meat unqualified admiration from nit cobs ban awn It, mid ha. boon pranouricial by cone petwa Judgca m pow., in in eminent degree, th No quail tin which constitute a fine Inatroment Tito public are invited to call ~4 aw tbla aplect4lo Plano at the Wart/hoax of JOIIN U. 8111LL011, nol7 el Wootl 0/31.01C.ZR/INICi as SONS' NeW E,CILE SEVEN OCTAVE PIANOS WITH THREE STIIINOR TO lAOU NOT' tbe , Wells—Now Tolt Ilammen—Brand &Mum, so:7 ttepentnng Attic= A NEW LOT of tho 'abore ffiti ffii Lotes Jest received direct from the klannvactot7 at (thirteens* Both, Ile. ten, eelertot perennally by !trawl., Mellor, cethistlng of emprrbiY tend end Plain Itoorwood The puhlk aro reipocttplly invited to call end examine then splendid instruments. for de only by JOIII4 H. MELIA - qt. fol. Agents L.r Chlckerlog • tone Pl*tics, ar rittsborgb and WentotaTent..• rkr. F3OIST.E3 NEW SCALE 6} OCTAVE PIANOS. THE subscriber has just receiv d direct lran the Nansfactarg o f Colckorlas A Sono, Barton, . non and did hA of ;her NNW &ULNA% OCIAVIIIdANO FORTES lo decant Branford sod Black Walnut Own, widened per. warily 07 kW Clutha !dollar, at the Factory, /w. (him mar. Ink Pd., from $350 w Tor sal* only by JOHN 11. ,lELLOII, Agent AA Chlrierlog A Son'. klann, SI WOOD SUNNI. Jana zwoursa. ..... P. mil,. *t7110.144101,C111- ........ - 11011.1.5. ELARBAOOIIS k Co., Po ii rtkeriar,BB M:C=!I PROVIS I O N S. lIS-Purk Homo on Cont.ord styort, Emir Ea.t. Litoo, Allo. fttiouy City. Wits, No. ;too Ltbetty Street, Pittotinrgb i Po. Stockton & Stevenson, MANUFAOTTRERS' ,kOENTS AND COMMISSION BIEROIITAI"iTS, MEINEM=I IMPORTERS' AGENTS for , ludo of Soda Ash, DI Carb &A% * Nitrate Do Uniliraussia.! Arsenic, Wows, At, le., and Design In Iron, Napa, it lm alas., tilassware, Whiter Lead, Linares thi and l'ittabsrith )lulu. factures ganerally. Iflrlloln Agent& tor um-natl., a CIitOMIDACHISCISL MIDDATED LONE AND OUA NO VBRTILIZNA—the cheep eat and beat In ow oeLlyel IMPORTANT TO FARMERS AND, OAR DINERB.—MItcb.II a Cromdalie gulebnstad fortellser, we ebsepar l snit bust, ht usc. rivremaciu, °doter Vth, DM& ' thoMMOU * Eirsvcrsom—Ositticvnew—hri reply to your einintry respecting toy enouscsents with hlltmNl thowidaleieguper Phosphate Lime, 1 hove the atMe that thus far they have been very sattideatury. Hero. tot,» I have bad but 11111. faith jr the economy of sleek! lU•UUru., but this sessou's experience with two parte sup phosphate lime and one part guano applied to paidtors, and other crops, has produced the most weilefaatory Mouths— Illy Malan thus treated enrpaseed In yield midi quality thous planted otherwbe on the same ground. I blimmed the nom advactsge In many other vegetable prodricts. I have the honor to be yours, very truly. • not JAS. E. NEOLEY. CULP as SUMPELIXD, COMMISSION MNItOIIANTS, FLOUR, cirenabr aD ri-covtrcn, n•.. 343 Liberiv 4ir••l. lIIITSIIIIIOII, PA. Chola brand§ of FLOUR, for Baker'. and Family use, constantly on band. Particular •anion paid to dlllug Mara for Marchand lea puarally. ociklyd HOODS! 1100D.911 HOODS!!! 200 dom. or, hand sod to arrive, ar.flrst ratecolorg 100 du mute to our on. order, In good 111.t.burg colon: Irk-Clly and Country Dealers supplied at the essiy losrut prim A choice stock of Comfort., Ow:allots, Gaiter", Mitts, Muffs. Tslmas. Cloaks, AhAwls, At. tur2l EATON, oxen MAOUT.IYI, 17 Flab meet. BERLIN ZEPHYR, lIIISTLAND WOOI. KNITTING MATERIALS, km A choice assortmant orevegthing In this Ilea at /11ATIM, 0111 E It UAW/MTN, tto2l No. II Intitt Mod. T " BOSTON SKATING OAP, oombin tog beauty and comfort-•madent Zephyr Wool—tor Wire and children. - YAM:Yr/WIT Z SPUTA MOM on hand end •qado to order. EATON, Wig a IdAoßllld, mai No IT Firth ~,,,,a.' 114 Second .t .$ DRE , CLOAK AND MANTILLA TBll9llllos . • Rich and bandanas atl lee of Amin and Can. 17000 AND CLOAK TASSELS AND BINDINGS, 1.0 &Atm anion. Heavy Black Crochet Fringeii paw and elegant aqua, .t ao2l ETON; CIAZZ MA0111711%, 17 III& a. M. D. SMITH, 1 - T.EACEI*I I OF 131.11010. (riain,niat,YerodosondPightp.) illirOlsou la Oben, thialvsulop fur Ashats, and eitarlop for Innolles. ArZerma lash Icnornl4o en_U" 11011 a big Dram so. tut rouarg ET/4We Rittlibure4 Ph. 0v214117 DIP ItILSIA FOR BEST LAUNDRY FTOTR. Alan, on nd a lama nenurtnaent a Ilratina ,Ftoves, Plain and Fa Oran. Frnnta Vendors. Sad RIO Dni Irons, Brom Bottlsi, Wagon Bulb, Hollow Warr, he \ GRAFF- ,:b CO , \ No. 345 Liberty Street, AT TIM \ !LEAD OF IrOvE. STREET, l'rrrEntntne, Pruck. CONSIPTING OP IMIMMIMI 101 . 0 Ivo pvticalar attention to the porcbsso and .at. of FLOOR, OWN AND PORK. Rare To—LIPPINCOTT A IX), Plitativrgb, P. IND, D. CANFIELD, do do 11111111,1111). I DANIEL WALLACE, do do eal63nille AND DEALDRe IN sry V tp- r , \ • A. BRADLEY, NO. 4 Wood Street, WOULD INVITE PUBLIC ATTENTION to the 131.13155 t stook mid greatest variety or Stove" to tho State, among which will bu toood too celobratol COAL COOK STOVES, TROPIC, Eureka and Arbiter. FOR WOOD. 111/: VICTOR, LIVE OAK & PITTSBUROLI Together with Proroiml Stow"( three r4riottem, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES OF EVERY DE3CE.I nioN Oren Indocometnts ofromd to Bailtlt.ri and other, It %mot of GRATES,GIIOTE FRONTS, FENDF.RS, We would call particular attention to cur Justly calebra. led DOUBLE-TOP GAS AND SMOKE CONSI-MINO STOVES; TROPIC„ EUREKA EUREKA AND ARBITER, , The only Owe end SmokeeConvornere In the mertet ere that ire called ea have not the DOUBLE WV—the man feathre In Diving Pinto. and Foal, which Is encored to as by two pa... To thole In vraut or a Rinve JrS Family me, that b.. uov • or halal to give e"tlatartlon. oro ahcold rerutamond them which, although the, haven oorr boon eauthlted at gtato or Comity Palm hare • rrpohttlon for Dnrabillij and trent, only JUNO nneqn/fIlor! by no, ether hloven In the 00.10. CAUTION!—Buv no stove callea Gas Con sumers 'without the 'Double Top. no18:Goid FIRST PREIIII/N1 • at Stoves, Grates and Ranges! ' - ISIETEES SILVER MED.% I IIIPLOMASI •ik - AIMED DT TR R LATE ALI-F.OIII.NT CaUNTY AND WASTRILN PXNNETIS IN! A AGRI. CULTURAL SOCIETY BISSELL & CO., NU 235 Liiir.nry LET 00CD Fr "1' , 7 CD- , PARLO IL HEATING STOVES, Fine and C 011111 1 ,41 Enamelled ORATE FRONTS AND FENDERS, COOKING RANGES It yt.a smut tbs ugfir CJOKINti thst Is t. salt at BISSELL s CO.'S It Jon .ant • COOKING EMOTE that uinnot br ear pawed, call on BISSELL & CO. Ify. An bAlldlott • lualm, •n'l want the brat GRATH FRONTS AND YENDICHA, tali on BISSELL a CO No. 133 Llrerty Strict. DIIPIPT & MITCHELL, PRODUCE COMMISSION . MERCHANTS. Othc• No. I Steal'. Bloch. South-Water oar. Lo balls so., Chicago. Worehouao No. 13 South-Wester St. Solicit for the purchase of Flour and Grain in Chicago Market. armatser. m Pm:mm.3 Illtchteck, Art;retry A Ca, Daniel W•llacr, Esq., file.,w W. Cots, Km], i Mawr.. Watt A WII.OO. J. 1. )1. ..to., rag a j ~2dtlm I. W. TINLEY_ .......... . .... ..... _..V FINLIr. VL TUILPIIe, COMMISSION MERCHANTS OHWAcio, tikW A a AXV o '. • JlllBlot ; -r th ocoived u Ly tho subscriber a superior STEINWAY PIANOS. To trlileb 'redirect the attention of the lovers of throw Don Instruments and of the pohlk genegaity. U. ELM= A HSU , No. D 3 Fifth Civet, • Bole Agsfits for Steinways Pima. N. I—To obtains cuoica, an early to solicited, as the supply I. quite Inadequata 0010 ete4F - tia . TH' ......___. • N. ST ELS zsrms. -Ivc_ DELI TIBT, 1 PENN STREET, opposite St. Clair 1.9 Hotel, mama Teeth on Plato* of Ottrallto end Pototlaltu oho.. Gold and other &latent° Boon when ore mired. All other Dental operation. ciroYally otteotted to Tiortrit. l aruntibula ePalltd to exteactinteteold Do15:ly WILLIAM SOIZIWIILIAN, Practical Lithographer, . No. 17 and 19 Fifth et., Pittsburgh. DULOSIAB, MOW OARDB, POILTBAITS, LLBEIB, BONDS, CIFILTIPIOATMS OF STOCID3 DELL MUD& DBAITS. AO. zroltdly LADIES' BOOTS D J AHOZiI• The underalgasi baying beaght the etoctlot Peter Lta tar, dromaat, will continue the basibees at the OW Bunch OItAIIT STUMM between Second end Third streets, irberiartery 'Undo( LADLES' S 11.0 ES • wmb►,,M. to ardor, of the DEBT MATIRIALS IND WORKNABBLEIP,aad !Rohl at the Wetted cub prlc.e batamd AILYMIN LZBALUDL . • . f I - . ' . , . , • /• • ' e ..d: 0 , 3,„ ,„ , L ,.., „ CHEAPEST! BEST!! liaRGEST„in— I M pal, the Tuition fur Single and llcaible Bookkeeping, Writing, Oemmerciat Arithmetic and Lecture=. . l right meek. tl.l.rd, SA Ststlorawi, St; Full Courar43S— euni, twee, VC. . , 1!..oal tint• to et.rleten tall ccettat.. !sons 6 to l() lost.. Every rtuttent, opou gradontlog. le F 6 re , 6 ,6041 , 0 .. ,..7.; Went to rnen•g• the Books et soy bovine...6 , i 4".." . to earn • ,slam of nom 6300 to $lOOO. , •t : Stodeuie eater at goy utue--60 Vinerttino—fieeleer at plere•ore. Y16.81' PILENtIIISIB F.lil ligt,T p1:61.6 3. 16'6110:6 FOIL 1030, reeetreal at Patel .IrrO, Phrleielpht• atod 0010 Flat. Fftir ...t I.eat lIIN 61,e,, ...t the priocip4 ra166 , 41.6 6 1.10100 for the past four 31,11, e ': IMJltoltter . emu reteit. 1 It 1.141 or, ~, For Clmtlers, Etperlmetts xed FauLetiltshotl View ?I' the Collage, opolcno Or. letter etewp.. to i . .04 de etr F. W. .l eNKIN.I., l'illet.orglq Fa. • Public Sloticio •,. O.3iIRCAN TILE LIBRARY AiSOCIATIOri Lic , ... $ ~ Tc..-211. fault an i fifth Lictcres or liße Ziff. motile Library Association comae will be dillretisi by HENRY OILKS, Rag. of ?Antos, in TITESDAY ncd TIitiItriDAT,RYCNItiG.S, NOT. 'Att. lAA Ike Id IA TAY- Errs nem..• .$ EVII3EII—T. 'Trish Social Cbarectoriyind ilinztAth 11..211e Tendency la Poi ill ax Exxxaryi" Ex traragmeo and Yattobiasi," , \ Tickets 25 toot., to be bad bt tbo Antic and to betel., Library Rooms. 4 /Alba PoorJ D,,,,e,, ef t,n at 11% o'elook; I. o'er.. tottorto et 7 . .4 0 . - ,,,, • W. U. ILINUAID.. ,•' ittSEPIE ALURI4,: sr. it ilotlitWAN, ; ! riLi. fij POTTot, ~r .. 0 .1 A RE, neittrltti 'ii . 'rim , . tiiintriilttoo. U ° IIIIIRD ANNIVEKSAII.Y. - 11 110 Sumner Lit ernu Innt'tole, of Allegheo,, CI y. wi:O,give a Literary Entertala merit on tho oc.A.rioi. vf their Tipr.l An niversary blentthg. at LAFAYETTE I , ALL,I ou MONDAY EVENING, N0r...2511. Frogratonw , 111 bn comk.sed of Iteeltatlona, Original Oration. and Pla c rivei. entertaluinr. and azuvoloc. Price of admivviun t 5 ENV , . I : Young's Celobratevi hand will be In a tendancv. t . Myn open at OS—perform:lore to cotunvmcc 7 s.,',o'n:orlz. no2t2td• t ' 1......E.7.01W/ FELLOWS' ItALL.— , ~. MEETING OFI STOOI(IIO..DEILS. A meeting of the SteckheMete of tta Odd Fellow.' lIMI Asseelatlou, still be held et Nes Mall, rei SATII GMAT, the 27th lost , at 7 e'clo,k,l% St. .. Punctual attendance Is requested, a. ery. ImpOrtuat bo. Mums will be brouuht beton, them. itottl:Stdcbe .. WM. AlcC/GUE, Preeldent. - Orrtc• AtonOnostinst Ystrkancs'pol Pittaborgh e aNciv .19tb,1814). Election for Nine Directors:6f is cisosy, to serve during the ctaing yearivcill be bald at tbs. unlce. Nu. b+ Water Attu. c, TUEADAY, the Cato day m vecomucr o, s 4 betviuvo the Lour , of llo'clock, A. 31 , owl :14A-tuck, P. it. 11021.1 f oi lIKNILY DI. OOD. PctrillyS• trance Mult.NaAlltte / Pittsburgh, Ne1r.1ith.,13 . 3.9. [1: - . DIVIDEND.—The President and Directors I'm" of this Company have thin day cleansed • Stivtliend of Too Doltarsund Fifty Cents ok each ilhartrof the Eatutitl titock, out et the earned proln• of the lug chaCths, to to applied to the seduction of the Block rose BMA, no'2l.lu.d LIEN HY M. ATWOOD, Becfretary. PennerLeentettleumence Of), Pittsburgh. Noe. 150,4•60.1 DIVIDENTL—At a meeting of the Direct ors of title Company, held this 11.1. • diehistid or FIVE PEA CENT. erns declared out oil the profit, ot the lest ail months, psyeble in rash on dersand to thelbolders of paid up Stook, uod to be rredited to IgLock Notee•fluild ere of 'Swat Lot fully pail up. 1 ,f G 111163 argout, iN•ey. labucaturnaLi ,„ North Sewickley Academy. 9 1 111 S SCIIOOL is situated in Beater Co., about 5 miles north of time prlgbton ptitlon on Putaburg,h, Ft. Wayne and Chicago F.altroad. ~Ita lora boo to Ivry d un •ecount of or healthitanese and Itcanty eP tho anitoondlng country. Tl, Btrlo4hrotre Iris from inuoloval lamentations and all snob earronntllnge se dl divert their mind.. It la condnuted under the conjunct attrelslotrOOLon. /It IVNBEIV.It wad ldr. LUCH.LIS OSGOOD. rtOattond Fa knot.. at Limo author of Qsgood'a eel - Irmo( Projt*eastve Ileallean and • teseb, of lob,: exprienc.. Tho Modorh Languegee will be taught by Prof. BACDAFT, o gentletned educatedltH France end Germany. —HI , um on TjltidDAY,;(ict.ll3th, 'rho nest vertdon .111 commcmc ~d - fp 6dire • 166 D, end cont.. 22 sd.rkg. The con of insfroction thorough, including all laic bran, hd• tem•ad I l n 111,46 mcnooln gunoredj. ITIV.118; r -- Boarding, Tnition,l.66cd, Lightp, Fuel Washing... i.. 666 Addirlouel for Gain and break,.......... DO Yrracti eud German, eddh4. • 10 DO In•drunDmtal . Mardi Music 00 16 • • For rmlborpazticulan stitlrtres 0:431/00, torch Fouickloy, P Hirt...max-41 YRA t VELBFI.; or 5.1 r PAIIR, Clerk. fie. nos. craDDISN. DeBC4rpood • Bikini:tuf l / I ,n conflict/xi/Lb COtaliEoii. WRITING A AND CAUEMYi . , • College Ball, Diamonds 9onning4kmo• • TERME, CASH ON ENT ABM For 000 :caned Wetting.-- -tl6 ) Plain Writing....,......_._._....10 j Tim. unlimited. detain, and Foot. Keeping.—. 20 •. rACIN..Tr. • N. Fit NEVER, Prnfessor of Writing Mad llooleßseging. 1 II I,OIC•ItiAD,Jr., Professor octonmanshiMi F 141. L, Professor of Bret ping and Comtism , tin R 0 00' MILTON, Unbinr on istory end dermal Putjects. 1,,5. R. P. FLENNIKEN. 00•13. Mlntster,td ADen• ork. ncosta, ot the Fttleburgh Bst : , Lortnrer 01123wt0 rnercisl Lave Pistil , . M. F. r..irc.i, Lartnrer on 14,ocution. 0.11 tottoo. has uover hems Imfot r e attempted by so t ,enose, opectmees et °seamiest.' .od riactil emeni...lo mmuOd wee prersec's, the short wren of Indo Ida woods pod npimol r s. Geed busrding SP.SO per work. IBlrmingham' Ferry free for students. Eentrsore et any time. For specOneos of off-baud Business Writing, endues two postage stamps, and aldrew • O. U. LEITRISAD,PrittareI, .10MItdisrg Pittsburgh Pa. PENN LNSTITUTE, • lIANOOOK STREET NEAR PENN • rivapen on MONDAY, Wat AUGUST.: !Terms Sr/ per eea•lon of n•e month•. I J. IL slrr4, •a9:tyJ Prize4pal itmuscmtnto • - I GRAND - EXHIBITION 1 - ON THANKSGIVING DAY... BY THE PITTSBURGH TURNERS AND ' YOUNG'S FULL ioxcußsTaia. AT TITIC I , APOLLO TEEDATRE. BANOINO ON TOE TIIIIT TtOPII ) BATTLE OW EEMPAEL,te 3 TelTbAtur .Pedal *nee tl„ olaillpr"Fs gßng of he Belli f ILEOLTED BY h. L. N, 800. Aldo, In Twelre TabNettjx, by be Tram.. DANCING ~ 4TILT4.! To condi:orb with it CUItIIC PANTOkINE. Priers o Adniassfess--lhadia Circle, ISO sib: Tau/Unita, as cis.: OsMy,. :5 eta: I . llTat, 86ac 0 .x4. Doon open 0117 o'clock; to commenek at b. noiiida EVEtit 4.:V ENING THIS WEEK tit ASONIC • • CHO IVIT,r) tIOUSE—GRE T succg.sY. 01 the 51:ignition. MIRROR OF Will Exhibit Each Eveningnt 7} o'cic , dk, And on WEDNESDAY, TUURSDAY, liThnialiagnflis(,)and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, t o'clock. Singly Tkkuts :5 cents, • psckag.' of ell tors loner; Ohildryn coons. Tu Alt6rn.oa Est • 'Minna, LaEllis I centarchlitimi 6 cents only. .11022 11101 LE TO D *DIMMED Two, TIE RICHEST DIADEM aces WORN BT kings or Emperorm. „L . . WLIAT? A BZAUTITCL 1.11.1 D OP HAIL PH E article that will natuielly restore the j. color of the hair, (the clumsbag of which to gray being au indication of a lads of prow pos4 ts truly it wetti sh!, medicine. Prof. WOOD'd .11Allt 4•01iI0 ts the only .... t .... .mfe remedy for beldnees, dunes m chimp of of Color. and the wrens! orldencm of el p tom of sectationa kt the roots of the hoktr, which con to found. Quack - prepiradons abound, nod -bldr tool." all ov. I yorner g ro cery" In' the country. Afold all "hair tonic. " holm known to be the prep.*. of some man wham, Mlobrity ha/OM/come world wide. too not lot any nostrum i tender annulment noon four hair.. Touch nothing you re not good Season to believe Is all that It porprto to be. JiPuifessor Wood hoe ounce% by yearn of Never° test of the duos of bli,prepar. scion, hi. yrceont fame. Over 150 co Beats, are Wheel no of the calm of tilts flair Restorative, f gisrtles who have tried kt. Read the followlion 111 w To Aprill•Oth,ll3ss. "rill. WOOD:—Door Fin Permit MO bent the first of January ensuing. gOlDxaad Warchontes for the proxnt IZA ; La4'ti street, corner of Cecile alley, and 267 Youn street, Shr-Orders are respectfully aoholtod, SAMUEL A. PURVIANCE, _ _ • ATP0225'17 AT Oftlee—Corher of Wirth and 19,1118 Streets, PITTB S UIIRGLI, PA., Bili prectim and attend to collections to the aientieo of Allegheny, Armstrong, Bawer and [loner. nolttlyd. C. ES. M. EIMETS, Attorney and Counnellor at .t.pa•tcr. RAS 1011110VED TO BUBB'S LAS' BUILDINGS, No. 13 Dianloud Street, mylkdly.re] Rona lezzcarr..._ MoKNIGHT & CAKNA[IAN, NO. 110 FOURTH ETREET, IRISH ft httiONENZIE, Attornoya at Law, 01:11ce N 0.60 Fourth Oreet, Pittabairb, A. Nutai7 Yob. Ile and Oblo Cotramtniouvr. GO TO BARKER'S NEW STORE, Whero they are .eking FINE MERINOS AT 50 ItIC MILLINER, PRIME: ARTIOLE, et from 12 TO IS C=S9. SILKS SROSI 60 ()PUTS UP ' del the Cheapest and I'lttlit; CLOAKS, SHAWLS AND : WOOLENS, , FOR MEN AND BOYS To to bought aAyohers hi the city. . _ jerßemember, 59 Market Street. ''.. rm.surd FUR STORE, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIE-; , • - The thln or STOCKTON 2 STEVANEON is ibis thy dissolvsd by mutual solvent. J. d...'F,TOCIPPOrr, W. W. BTEVELISON, - Na lb Wood Stmt. Pittsburgh, Nov. 11,141,313 i. HIAWATHA PATENT HOT PRESSED NUTS of all atter on harithicif manufactured. Also, BOLTS for Bridge; M q. aCtitnerzlo , ;." dculutral Entlemeats, An Emulated at abort mach Warehouse, No. /It {tufa atm= autttmdla NEAP. SOULLT4 CO, ROOFS :REPAIRED-'' All Moth In Use tery bon iti.T" , and at, Um e4ortut notlea' - ,' • JOIINSOIX. - - 78 Elogthtlold GRAIN -30M bilshAteat, 6CO do .Itys, OGO dO Coro, 4000 do Harley_„ - Sample. as 41224g0 dolly at It ectick:' ' no= ELL50130004.4141:03.1.111T. 44,4, B - LAOK CABSIMERES AND , BLACK. OLOTllB,—Partarembe 'ere tetcrogivalbeli T*Uots With them goods Ir a! via Wind eat Inntorinsur * co. wr-, neortment, of sr proved make, and irises rev pail. DSO. 0111.1 Q 0 01 r.srarßarl. rgim a. BuccooKs & T. B. LOCK), Agents, 35 Church Sweet, New York. OETESP•TOB CIABII. No. 89 Market Street, JAMES ROBB,' Third door from the Market 'loose T. C, BrDwai, sattorn;Rs Next door to sS Peter's Chmsh ATTON-NETO IT Lt,P PIIIIVIE 6II , PA No. 59 klarket Stieet; NUS AND BOLT WOT.S3•.