our protest to • ' /Vote of ISIS ne a dbritp Of Judge Read. 4 rto bo a eound lawyer, ,„„-and a mature judgment, - , "e added strength to de party „Tenet, especlallyas hie opponent .4 . P . U.,an, with a' -reputation yet to 4 ' 41, be added a dotes votes to our fily because he was upon it, we do not • ~ebor does any one else conversant with ,4te. The votes he received were cast J'a united opposition, to show their hatred F sf the Buchanan administration; and any .A r other sound, experieuced lawyer in tho State, such as udgo Pearson, Judgejones, of Read ' ing, Judge Thompson, of Philadelphia, and any one of many others wo weld name, would have polled just as good a, Vote, had either of them been is his place. The vote given in 1858 was given to the pa c r r y; to vindicate a great principle, and personal c neidorations hod nothing what ever to do with it. Of the 190,000 men who voted for J - udge Read,• probably 189,000 knew nothing of him personally and had never before heard of him except as a distinguielied lawyer. Thin is made apparent by the fact that Mr. Frazier, who ran upon the same ticket for Canal Commissioner, polled nearly as many votes as his colleague and had u majority nearly as great. Veryferr people cared about the Canal Commit sioner'e office, as they knew it would soon be abolished, and still fewer of them eared anything about the candidate; yet although the feet that the officewould be abolished induced an utter carelessness about the candidate, he tan within a few hundreds of the vote of Judge Been. Is his vote to bo cited 112 au evidence of extraordi nary popularity! If so, would it not be advis able fer.liitin to macs into •314sonri, at once, so as to be qualified by residence to run upon the tame ticket for Vice Preeident ! Let him think of it. Seriously, it is limo that this kind of twaddle were done with. Henry S. Mott once had the big gest majority ever given to mortal man in this or any other State; yet no one talks of making him the Democratic candidate for the Presidency. Ai/aI:LAND Bxr.errott.—W o are glad to ace at least one paper oat of Baltimore have the nerve to speak the real truth about the Baltimore elec tion. We refer to the extract below from the National Era. A great deal of stuff has been promulged through the press', about the rowdy ism and violence which is said to have character ized the election in that city, the whole biome being thrawn upon the American party. To those who read these diatribes it would seem that the "Reformers! were a peaceable, lamb-like set— largely in the . majority, but overawed and una ble to vote solely . through their unwillingnees to get into a row; and probably a majority of read ere will never know that this was not the ease. The democrats of Baltimore, who took shelter, tide time, under •the more convenient name of "Reformers," were in years pant the very em bodiment of ruwdyiem and ruffianism at the polls; but slues the power has departed from them, they Pretend to be the victims of what they would fain praCtice if they could, and shield their weak ness of intunbirs under the plea that they were hindered, by violence, from voting. The .Ya. done/ Ere soya: "Tile .Bentorrats' affect to be horror-stricken at • the outrages of the 'Ping Uglies,' and other' rowdy 'clean, to the interest of the American party, while they keep in their pay the same sort of clubs, In all the cities of the Union; and, without question, they were•the first party in this country to employ such instroments. We hold Pleg.llglyism in abhorrence, .hat we cannot forget that the "States Hose"' a "Democratic" club of this coy, which, during the fall and rimer. of 1857,"made night hideous" in Washingtonlay its murders and brutality, was corn, posed or lad on by fellows holding olltca under the Adevie - otration. Neither are we forgetful of the fact that President Buchanan deliberately appointee Rynders Marshal of the Southern District of New York, in consequence. of his services to "the party," na the leader of the "Empire Clot." That club was for years Um terror of peaceable citizens in New York, who dared got go to the polls and vote, at the risk of being beaten or murdered by Ryndera and his rowdy gang.. It is the merest hypocrisy for a party which set the example of organizing rowdy dabs, to talk of lawandurder. It was only the other that the organ of the "Reform" party in Baltimore, the San, justified the brutal attack of _Brooks upon Mr. Sumer, and ridiculed the misfortune of the lat.. ZOO,' ` With such organs, the "Reform" party in Bal. '#imcy will to vain appeal to the world for sympathy." The "Empire Club" here referred to wee, we I are matured, pretent in Baltimore during the late election, ready to pitch in on behalf of the "Reformers," and would hare been es rough as the "Plug 'Uglier" if a wholesome regard for - their own sateiy bad not deterred them. We kayo e,,,heorty dcteetation of the rowdyism prac tised in Baltimore during the late election; but the blame does not all belong to ono party, nor is thoparty that appears to hare =tiered moat by it the one to kick up a disturbance about it. B oo• Roo !—We wore disposed to rejoice over tho New Torii end New Jersey elections, fore while; hut efier reading the following from the Wash ington, Constitution, published on the morning 'Of the , election, we are inclined to tremble la the consequences. We hod no ides that such calamities wnro in elute for us. But reed : w Never in the history ofoar country has any state election over elicited ouch deep interest as the ep. ' preaching eontest on the Stit of this month in New York aid New Jersey. These are naw the battle fields ofj the constitution and of the Union, and the fate of the country maykoon be decidul there. Their responsibility is mumbutous. Th_ry may hold ao fate of the Uniok in bid, Lends. If they should prove to be the great break water', mast the flood of anti-sisvory fanaticism, and rebuke the irrepres. Able tonflict with - which the Union is threatened by Mr. Seward, all will be well. Bat if, on the other hand, the surges of sectional passion and prejedice should roll over them also, they may have engulfed the liberties of our country. If these two States 'build decide in favor of the Seward agitators by elevating them to place and power, a dfaln glpon will (Tread Cae a pall over the country. The heart „opho ixeriot eqlt tremble with apprehemion. Confidence in the durability of our institutions will be deeply shaken. The pillars of the Ualun will rock epee their Base, and many will prepare for the apprehend ed catastrophe. Bet it, on the other hand, victory should perch upon the Democratic ban., thoaeande will feel atilt we had escaped a great dettaler. Busi ness will revive; confidence will be restored; the pulse of the commerce will boat with renewed vigor; the head.of labor will receive new employments and neg ritude/I wages.; and all willfeel as if New York and New Jersey lad ro-elgood Judea-reeled the gears.. Rasa of the constitution. New Yoas.—Thu latest Now York papers re ceded bat ore , we want to press, reader certain the aucce.a of the entire Republican State Ticket. That, portion which was not on the American ticket has about 2500 majority. • TVs skies around Davenport, lona , are now lighted up every ever.ing; in every (niceties), by the prairie fife, et belt Ohre appears to env round the earth, which makes the nights appear ove*dg a lt .7 l , 'tl i gocheyitetnly are. A groat deal; Of no every by theta tires, many of them elm; Oct aping by monotone pers o n s , with a view of burning down their neighbor's tenses and hay alas. • Al parties Attire devel ., her industry , mss obedient to thousand miles 'acted and put in soc a, and so ignorant do what are the great cities ricts, that we cannot Bay • „which prosperous roads would know what existed there in and what provinces fell to ruin -Sin gold and silver wont by latrine Sin to go away again; but of modern •a can.profess to be well informed? ;leading incident of this regeneration is r;'bly the confiseation of the church estates, easttre of great difficulty from the outset, -ad one which it has been frequently thought `could not be. adhered to for a period long enough to thoroughly dislodge this incubus of centuries. Bat after various disorders at Madrid, and sev eral conflicts between the radical and the reac tionary parties, the minister , O'Donnel, appears to have brought about a regular system of sale of these rotates, which yields an manual revenue of thirty millions of dollars to the government. Vast masses of real and personal property long locked up in useleesess to thb public, and lying as a dead weight on individual enterprise, are now thrown open to the.purchase and the uea of the young blood of Spain. The next great step is the firm protection which every form of indus try receives in the trade regulations of 1849,and the subsequent ,enamments. The French jour nals charge that the smuggling of British goods into Spain ie fostered by the British strongholds in the Mediterranean; that Gibraltar is an en trepot of contraband goods, which inundates Spain with English merchandise, to the great prejudice of its manufactures, while the Paris correspondent of the London Times retorts that s'the supply of Spain with contraband goods is openly and avowedly the chief business of Bay onne, Oleron and other French frontier towns." These, it is salti,are carried on horseback through the passes of the Pyrenees. Probably both state- meats arc examerated,but they prove the exist once of a decided tariff of protection to Spanish , manufactures, and an active demand for fabrics 'in that country. The recovery of Spain from the long and hu miliating depression of national energies which hoe prevailed there since the rise of her Ameri can colonies, must necessarily bo claw; but we hove reason to hope that It will be sore and per , mama. Remembering the lofty place that nation held for centuries in the European world, the grandeur of her foreign acquisitions, and the priority of her claim upon the new world which she discovered, we will cheerfully renew our in terest in her affairs and our fricudehip for her reviving people. If institutive! more permanent than those which now govern Spain could be placed in power there, and the reforms which are eo brilliant to-day could have a surer boats than the uncertain tenure of the present vigor ous mangey, we should fear less and hope more. —Phil. N. Amer. aiese paltry ;ad while we - - Ghat= Swrrn's Issanny.--The intelligence of Osamu Swim's removal to the Lunatic Aeylum at ['Lion, seems to be eetablished beyond reasonable doubt. The Errning Post makes the following statements concernin g an alleged fam ily teodeooy to this disease: 'Mr. Solna is esid to have an hereditary pre : dispoeition to insanity. Ilia father, Flues I Shrill,. though the passessor of an immense es tate and surrounded by every circumstance of prosperity, was subject to fits of profound dee pendency, during which he was under the im preseion that he would die a beggar. Unlike his noted eon, he woe exceeding sharp in hie bargains apd money affairs. It is also said that the late Peter Shen Smith, the brother of Ger rit, was for some time an inmate of a lunatic asylum, though when he died, he was generally regarded as in posseeeion of hie reason. Gerrit Smith has loot all bis children except one, the wife of Col. Miller, of Peterboro." This obsouration of a noble character, wheth er it prove permanent or temporary, toa melan choly close of a strange career. Mr. Smith is a man of thc.kindest and most benevolent im pulses, of etrong and acutely logical intellect, and of marked integrity. lint he lacked prac tical common scone, was credulous to the Met degree, and wholly devoid of that robust per sonal courage and strength of character eerentisi to useful action or even successful elidurance With the family predieposition so a beele,4o Imo doubtless boon hurried into the crisis od dis eaee by the affair at Harper's Ferry, and espe cially by the extent to which his own name has been connected with it. liie careor in Congress indicated an utter inability to resist personal pressure—and a vivid apprehension that he might be personally inyolvfd in the penal con sequences of this invasion, has undoubtedly prove l too strong for his unbalanced mind. lie has evidently been frightened into inennity. —N. I'. Terme COED/TION 07 GIJIIIIT —Utica, Thur.,- day, Rev. 10.—Gerrit Smith shows continued marks of insanity. No one is allowed to see him, but it Is understood that he refers In his ravings to the Harper's Ferry matter, and sup poses himself arrested. • [From the Rod...ter Daily Farms j Ever since the denouement of the mad and fool hardy attempt of old Biown at Harper's Ferry, there have been rumors that Gerrit Smith woo in a most distressing and pitiable state of miud It is said that ho haitteen constaotiy wringing his hands and bemoaning the fate of pour Brown, and accusing himself with having been instrumental in bringing his friends into their present sore troubles. While making a brief visit to the neighbor hood of Mr. Smith's residence, a few days since, we learned that hia frtende were appreheosive that his reason would give way under the load of grief and anxiety the events of Harper's Ferry and neighborhood bee occasioned, end Ire were not, therefore, surprised to learn this morning that thelin bare bave been realized, and that the unhappy rasa is now a raving lunatic. Me was taken to the Lunatic Asylum at Utica yesterday. [From the Utica liarsld.] We are greatly pained to learn that Gerrit Smith, the free-hearted but sadly erratic philam thropiet, became, on Monday last, an inmate of the New York State Lunatic Asylum, where it has been found nebnssary to place him on account of marked -insanity. We learn that he is very 'violent, and has exhibited a disposition to com mit suicide, and that an attendant keeps constant watch over him to prevent him from laying vb.-f -leet hands on himself. This result, we hear, is attributed to the connection of Mr. Smith's name with the Ilarper'a Ferry affair; many will regard it no the conpoqutneo of long-seated and marked disease. Tat VALIDITY OF POWER Or SALE MORTGA• GZS.—The Boston Advertiser says; No more important ruling in its practical re suite has been given tu our courts for a long time, than that of Chief Justice Alien in the first session of the Superior Court, in the case of Wilson vs. Willri .son, a few days since. 8 important part veyance execute4y t - b -- 17 — F -- Imrtgagee under an ordinary power of Bale mortgage, as the attor ney of the grantor andin his name, after the equity of redemption has passed from the mort gagor, is invalid, the mortgagor having at the time of such conveyance no interest in the estate, and the rule of law that a power coupled with an interest is irrevocable, not operating to perpetuate the mortgagee's utorneyShip be yond the time of the mortgagor's ownership; and that a purchaser is nut bound to accept each deed although it contains. covenants of seizin and warranty, because, power being given to the mortgagee in the mortgage to make a conveyance either in his own name or as attorney for the mortgagor, this language is to be construed to give him the power to make it ir the name of the mongager, only during his ownership of the equity of redemption; ad otherwise the mortgagor must be supposed to lmvo intended that the mor tgagee . a s his attor ney might enter into covenants which would be broken by the mortgagor's previous conveyance, the moment they were made. These rulings go to the Supreme Court, and if affirmed there, will take away from the present Lrm of power of tale mortgagee, which has become very com mon, a large part of their supposed efficacy. 017011-A9 ENOLI9I.I 0117110GILIPII rurzce WIG, mete me emu° dumpllogn of dough, They're barter then mmt (or my cough; Pruy, let them be bulled till hot through, Bet not MI they're beery cr tough. Now I must be oh' to the p:orett Aed the boys (when they're hod enough) ➢lost keep the files cif with n bough, While the old more thinks at the trough. Tne Coto Caor.—From the epeoimene of the corn crop of this end of the county, which we hare seen in market, wo would judge that not more then one fifth of the entire yield in enfncient ly matured to be nt for family uen—Shenanyo Pa. rtmer. Baess. - R 11lontooth, lies . .. 175 and 177 Smith field stropt, has just recelood hz shouiand pounds of chi= and buckwheat honey, in eau tio:ea and ghee Jars, *doh ho b Paling 41 the meet reasonable rake. s tr` , Cblig ' . W V** wan. 00ps , co of soy 100t1 Fittbmi' es be , mot him. . to ?deems ilanborn, Lawrence will be dont jo Ga. Chane, who ,ey, and Gw. Fletcher, who confrzi- Ais„ and h. r waled, as quickly 0. Chase's denial is— 'Nu copy of the letter was ever sent to Gov. ,nose: st least no copy of such letter was ever received by hint. Hof:received no intima tion from any soniee or at any time of any par. pose on the port of Ferben loran off negroes,yr on the part of Brown to excl4 insurrection among the cloves. As to his finding money, it le enough to say that in 1856 G, while the contest for Freedom in Kansas againet - the attempts to force Slavery into that Territory was undecided, Gov. Chase, in common with his fellow-citizenly In this and other States, cintributad according to hie ability, in sid of the Free-State cause. For no other purpose with If hioh Old Brown was connected wan any money ever 'found' or fur !defied by him. We make these atatemente upon the siabority date Geevereo himself."—columbus (Ohio) State Journal. The same is maid, In eubelance, by Senator For Indigestion, Try Bcerhave's Holland Bitters For 'Heartburn. Try Bcerhare's Holland-Bitters. For avidity Try Bterharti's Holland Bitters. For waterbrnah, Try Bcerhaves Holland Bitters. For seadaehe, Try Bcerhave,s Holland Bitters. For Loss of ..9.pnetita'. Try BostliaTo's Holland Bitters. For Costiveness, Try Bcerhaves Holland Bitters. For Piles.' Try Bre:haves Holland Bitters In all Nenone, Itheamatic and iieuralgio Affection; It bee la anon:roue Inetaness proved highly nenehclahlii4 In othen etrected a decided cure. • - . • Th • • . Haan liaminnLM—s Ibmtdnahlibly Concentrated Boar. bases unn.a Bitten t put up in-Aidf pint bottles only, and retailed at $l. per bottle. Thngrost demand for this trnlyeelebralsid Illesilelne tun indium] many imitations, which the Wills Mould guard snahmtpcdchwdng. Beware of hopoidthml bee that our name,Jeon Ma label of • sery bottto i on 1,17. PAGE, ja.„ pra.,atar..PT Wood elan[, botumen let sub etn,',PlttaburgrPs. nolindasrlf MINISTERS OP TUE GlosrLi'of all denomina tion., have mad WILL Y'S OBLEIIIIATED HEADACHE PILLS as e remedy for the general Indisposition end drew. Innen width so froquestly attendAtbeir ertluoue hundred. of them have bored voluthary testimony of the greet relief they heee e3rpeziseced from the nee or thin med. kin. far Led [gab°. Nervous Hestidebe, sod steelier ills. mewed an mold by!AHNEBTOOMI 00, Wholetane Dregglatt. aud proprietor -4 of B. L. Pahnetrock's Vermituns, No, eo , corner of Wood died ith street. Mts. burgh, P. eogulterT pato abbcriugmento WINTER A.aaAN (} EIgENT. 1460. On and after Monday, N9vembor. 4th. IrUE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. FAULT: DAILY TR4/1115. 'rho ltd! Train loareo to. Pamangor nation erery Mora Ink, (except Sunday,) at 5550 A. H.,., , Pittaborgh time, id rielna In Ptilladelphia at 1~0 r. o. Tlesitsprooto Train Imre. the Station every evening at 4.40 P. IL, dopping dial) at Oreemsbnaz [strobe, Johyoudev, Willmore, Haack; Altoona, As-, connecting at .tlarty. bung with the Train Wiest for Ballintomy and arriving le Philadeiphle or [Lattimore 610 LK. The Fast Lino doily, (except StuldaY,) at 250 a. z. VmL. plug only at principal otationo, making divert connectional Harrisburg for Baltimme, and arriving In Philadelphia ut Baltimore at 5:00 ACCOILHODATION TatAINB: The Johnolown Accommodation Tra n leave* daily (except Etinday,) at 8.v5 r. X. Btopping at di elation; and run tang *a tar *a tkmeitoanorti. Tint Accumunaiation Train for 'Manta Creek Midge leave. (exceptgunday.) at 1100 k. at. Fecund Accommoodadon Train Mr !path, Crock, leaves daily, (except Sunday.) at 4,05 y. Third Accommodation Train for Turtle Creek, leaves dal ly, (e.lbeyt dundlay4 n ee 1.1 P.R. '• Retorning Trains in Pitlabtutb, a 6•Ilow, Express, I-10 r 130 A. ateePost Line, 1.45 0. Johnstown Accommodation, 11,06 A. o.?—girat Turtle Crook Acuimmodation, 030 a M—PctOpd Aip.o2ll.xl•ttork, 1.10 r..—Tow Accommodation, 630 Traits for Blitinvilla and Indiana, Mintiest at Plairsville Intersection with mail train East, Nspreas train West, and La JohnstoOrn acminamodation train Bout and Wee. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSTILLB TRAINS, atop plug at all elation. vu the Pitteburgti cud COallelheille leer. dopy (dauday a.epted) ea fo;loseit Mod ft.'s., 7RS A 11--F. - presa tutu, 3 ,3 6 ra. Kett.. thy Train, from Pittabargh and Coattails, ille Rata maim at Pataburgh, ethit • n sad 610 rW. .j St Yam •Llret3 to Low as er air Henn R.,. -Es ASK FOR TICK S:TS BY PITTS' BOMA. Thy completion of the Western connection. of the Penh. sylvattis Railroad to allow, maim this the Direct lane between the Kama and the Groalt. North WOst. The cotteecting of tracks by the Rol flood Bridge at Pittsburgh, &small:mall drayage or.teenage of Freight, to. gether with the mriat; of time, aro ads...team riazOly op pnalahal by Shipper. of Freight and the Travelling Publie PARTLE3 'SHIPPING aeisrwAlep wilifinl It to (1 rit. advantage to Nip by too Rook. The Greatest raei !Attea otrered for ProteeLlon •Jad Speedy Transporta tion oft,IVE, STQCK, • Aral hoer, ACCOMYOPArtoag with penal in . reilt.y.•• for en • ti at t lilay la charge th,r.ul I , rxicz ceirra By tlt6 flume Prolgtaa of WI doscriptloor cart' be roi irared from Philadelphia, Now Tortfliortno, or WU Loom, to any point ou the 8A111911119 ' e- L,) .7 cr" c V. '-. ri r j) ~ - , • E-. -- ',, ~... C C 0 -C ... =., , ~,, 'X 0 e MEM LZIMEMII BIRD CAGES, ;0 ,. N.. 1 - - P . '" 4-'1 74 t'l el, , .• , --3 q',7: - , itr 0 . ' t r ,- --• ..- F F IRST PREMIUM Stoves, Grates and rtnugea , 7, • 0 41 .-_. •- • .7 3,... ,•';,.- •tr. vEn'mr! AWARDED BE THE LATE AL LE, L . . t - -- AFLAME?: PE:it:l-1 I. V ..! A .:1 Cl'! S VI; 1.,'../C/ 7'l BISSELL, FUR STORE Nt. `...35 LI 1; F.l: 1"i SCifKR CI 00S.ISS Or , I , ' -A._ i .1. I_, C> I:. HEATING STOVES, Gen& Fur Cape Fine and ermlo-n ltimancura GHAT,: lEN!c-R dell the oriel rete.l Ce; I 1 t. 0003:LING 11.1INGMS It yon rant lb. 111:e.T e. •R Ist: RAN.t., ;... call at BISSELL S: CO.'S If you ward COOKINO 1•T(.11-*F. 11. t .or pusod, cal 11T1 If you are Landing • U:. rg FRONTS AND FRNDI:II.S, e+ll .m 810. 235 Ltrorlly liireet. _ FIRST PREMIUM AWARDEL EY THE STATE FATE n. ...;.. GR A .F F & C 0. , Id A-NU FA.C'r Uri Er Er , FOIL TUE DE' S T .0 IT E S. FOR THE Iltdl COOKING' RANGE FOR FA 3111.1 ES, With large Feed Door for tbrowfue in Gin'. AND BEST WOOD COOK STo r• DIPLORA FPIO DRIIT LAUNDRY LiTLiVE. Also, on hand • large teretrtnictit of floolivg }'toroo, Plain and gooey Orate Fronts, Fender, P..nd and Sow Reifies, Wagon Hoare, Hollow War.,, • . GRA FF CO, No. 215 Liberty Lti root, AT THE tIYAD or MAID MIRE I', se2ilyd_ ; Pirreotntrin. t'ooa, DUFt 1" a METCHELL COMMISSION MEI:CHANTS Offic• No. 1 Stcat's Block. South-Water EIL, cor La sallc SL , Chicago. Warehouoe N. 13 South -NV - L.l,-r bit.. Solicit for the purchase of Flour and a mit t i n Chicago Market. ILLTtIaNC6) TISTor,LO I! Hitchcock, 31 . .hvery t Co. I Petu.,l Georg° W. ems, gag , )t .1.1. Ilougton, J. W. PINLZY.... FINLEY 4 TUILPIN, 'COMMISSION MERCIIA NTS, CHICAGO, ILLINOL~. airCIITe p.rticuler ntt.enon to tho 1.,1”, r 6 ,1 r.IP of 'IIAUIt, GRAIN AND PORK. R‘rw To—LI PrINGoTT A Co., 1,4.1..t,,A. .INO. D. CANFIRLD„.. 1 0 ANIEI. riAtz..tcr, • Furs! Furs!! THE PREMIUM FUR:::: OUTS MULLER, Manufacturer cf all Mode of lstltrs', Clatidretti or •ii. 0.1.111,1:. IWO 4114 Ctrritage ltnh. , &till. r• 107 11tali10 4bl:sedate sod retell, No. 13S Itittod .tartaf, tarzt door t n i t.~r. Keyser. /WPM catmint, tharosl toad eltrtarl in N. 1...1 Oar. AU kinds *hipping Yu.. ',tett .tatto:t:intt LADIES ROOTS AND The rinderelguerl haring lionglit the mixt hi w,decerwcil, will caritinuo the bihouriss ritithd, GIANT STREET, between hectiii,l nr d Thir4 where seer; kind vf LADIES' SiluES wain. mado to order, of IL. 11E2T .11.1TERIALG AND Woll6*.tatcSElll", end Al the lowtet c.h oolt3Md 1. CD.% C rilin MARTYRS, by M. Do Chateaubriand, • revised Mauslsnot, eduo.l Le Ur SY WI-I:lit, A. M. The Llmite of itoltgOote tiunry 1...:11,AL voL,l2mo. Ham) Newcomb—Merl WunlitT, to them to the pith of pm.. Etranka of the lhrty Christie. fr.m thn vin. sot oar teflon. to the Rein of Count:worm Fore rip 00 mll J RPM , . no Fourth tort t. PRIME 8. JOHNSTON, Belall Druggist, Cora pr Smithfield and Fourt sum to ANSF/E ANL —A i.e.. to imnset, AlAndleld, dwalllow bouw., gr' etiambers,dtrilug t)nr; lame stat.l.. r l facet. Immedlat Tor= aikr. 0. , PROPERTY FOR SALE. of od of Ihinoot frouttll3hestout ZS foot deep oil Untal *trout . . good h tt coutre, two ptiloroato) tiro de welt nod poiop of tho Lmew trr.lt 1..1 'Dade Iret 11, ; good *Of/Mioo If cairn!. Paco s;}W._ TUB= A BON, 61 Marta itroa. - 141stcllancous :~ H „ A . CI) ti et, MEM= I I' I. k , tv. BISSELL & CO BISSELL ,E CO. Tin. molt magrilbeent rake of Panoramic ColidlAs In • tine country, with tlei now and Grabill:a Manila., of the Illunduatlone of et. Peter's Church, Cathedral at blitill, &r. bootie tickets :5 cunt& a rackets.. of iIo for T.l; chibir,n 12 row., to ern/aloft exbibition. To gierawn ealilt 1 , 100: !Vb., 1:14 cents. children d ance n••lt APOLLO TILES.TI4.- • 3ixNAGNIIB . PORTER 4 .11iD tiIitAULAND. lAwri .11 at 7 r'.:::•c!. - ; Curtoto cria tit, at 8 earl preri,dy CON VII St ENTA 6Y BENEFIT TO;',GOV. COATEIL. Thla N.VII.7I,DAY Etoulog, Nov. 1.20.4:tba rertormaceo to r With U tirtiltu:cd“utoof LA TOUR DE INE$1.1:1 !Its stury fie, by thu chitbrutuf;Pruruharr auk Char, Ls) stustun mud Batty. Aft, ts 4Mu insribisrouoklng fArces TIIE URIJ3IBLIUt! 3legrim deo.: The whoto to coechotto voth . A GRAND PANTOMI3IE! BY-41ttittIT CORPS. CiIVAP AND DURABLE. D ®L'I stocking Manniantnrer, Corner Fifth St. awl ..11arkot alloy, $T AS tai hand a tremendous assortment of gg Wool. ttluakt4s, Uwe, &AN ceumf.rta, alarm, It.o.ta. Sacks tar men aid 'tycoon, tor,ettift tsith very ei• trutiva iCtleElt of sll 4 1, 41,ptitans 't.ttvod.. la his Uns nithabio to the o•tron. Lo 0,14 pegs , articles at low prices Q.II dud cumin, ca-Etttoembetl M. LILT but tot oo stare, sod Cut fa . et. Lt.. corttm. of tilde st , ecti‘d Marketyttley. tto7.lmrl BLACK AND FANCY DIf4§SE..ILKS. AU. WOOL PLAIDS; AIS -7 13F;41,1.11.1 l k ti . a k. l . ;r k a . 1:14 4 1 c • k .12 Culler qt Flat o;jd Wooletrertg. • •,•.• . • . _ ....,. .. .. , . e .,...„ ? ._,, r (3,, , -,1.L... r ~,,e. a k i a. unit/. : n 110 it, $lOOO. second by haArol d mortsge. -:.• at, etanr at. I•Al 1 y ( h.,— No v.,..tin,4?....1 0 ,..t Far part.Oln.-• r•-quatn aLk W.. 1 A. Ii.DICLLACZ Fourth ,treet. 009 J. 0. DAVIS, And. , • , sici P RI: II i l• A s pos./Bs . ,- ~,•,,,,,,...„ " ;Pall '" } VALUABLE STOCKS AT .aut-ato.N— -p ,-. ,-...,,,,,,1 at Vittal.ure: . 1. 1..1..ze1ph1a and inlifo , 0 . 1 , ,,,,,,,,1„, ~,„,.,,,,. N o y . 1,5,8 . ~,:t4 ecioek,,itt Ike c...1' ut ..t ',/,,..,,,n1... Slr. , ti " , ; ..i...i,1 r,,; ~.f • rine ~,...m , , , ,.,,, ~..1,„„, y,.„ 0 , • ,,,,. N o. / 4 . i., g s, ~C., will La lin; ri ne .1.- y wt Ler , ~1g 12 awe* /I.k tof Firtalinixt.; . . r, s_3l:Miter.' sous C uuoElu et linil pi:, lisburgh• • ' c.„, C 1,:,,,. " , ern,,,.."';',,,,,r4.:: rort o , w rlti 4 r, O ,ta ' t .; ,. ; , '" ' i; 4.; 4 t ".” ; ;;;;' 2'33o:l,l=rue•nllfted36,7uPtitett7t).ll•lmPitimureric;Llank Pitl•l4: X do (4tivron'raok; . . . ae24 daisP Y. W.;JENKINS Pttrantrgh, Pa ' ~ , AL,Bonln g (leuxty liank. MM . . ~,L,..,_... 20 do Allegheny Brulpienteleurn . Public f.",flotirtb 1 20 Co Monongahela do Co . • .. ' 1 1.- - -- - . w E,T I.: eIN PLIIII•Or I.V.IJILI USIVEIISI2Y 0 . 4 . AnGto, 11,5/ 7 ~,~ —Nor GEO Y NAM:qt. Intently of A U.sT IS LOo NI s & co., .. 11eAant.,' Exelavc.. lan ....1 Ile. vent C•ellegen, Will dellner 4 man. of Pupal. L., ~..„..., ~t , , ~.,,,,,,,,,,r , , L ,,, 1 xime,a phibegpby,,, / ,8,, si,:i . A LLEO LI E .---- ' ---- .N 1 r brit% la Y FOR SALr.,: .a,,.. , ur.,,,....,,, , at Cot metier 0: blamane and rtm e at• , : /1, —Two Lor9.s. )1,e,..m,ry et led , 20 Le/ rfo.l eath ''' ••„•,. ' o'clock, on 310/..IIJAY Lad Tlrllkell A i X. VEINID/Ga„ , and extenltng al,em Ts) le, ....in lid : K t_ n ' o ' inoiuneies: on TilUltbD.ll4l7tls Inst. I yerma, on—iwrth wwl.l,l , slanoe In I, 2 and 3 year.. Ap- Tl.. entre. will be coMPtiftel in Twelne Lemons, Moe.- : ply to AUeTTN Isei•ltin a IX,. se Fourth etre.. Leatwl by lelliaant and tuinreellog experiments, and elm+ datei I.y the now and eltamilie plillomoptdcal apparatus be- Tonging to the Inatilogon. Tickers fur the rennin eon Be obtained from the fallowing pen qa-, alno, at th• I/nine:wily zed at the principal Book- j I J Druzgbiie Flop, In Pittsburgh and Alle,heny. John LI wyne, In. W. P. Ire in, : Jame P. Tanner, ti o, Ilskewoll, (V S Haven, rho. IV Junk:lit, John I4dretrell. Clee. W. 11"e}nten, Jame.. Park, Jr, D.L. Eater, 0. 0. Phllht, • Nicholas {Veda. t tica rt. • tronsavor trenglerable) 5 15) n'• be elgu, had et the door on hts verb. Children under 14 nolt.41:1 ratty or r.ine;‘, Tic!, to 12r course of 12 for Gout:vulva nodl4+l rauoiy sWolttinc 5 pril T.elots icor ottiee Icc , orr* Prke cei, Sours or hall price. 'van SINCLAIR, 'of Scotland, will deny nr his Intercldng Loctnrca, wlth dadrincra Pawn nA Tt Y.SUA Y. Yoi , 15tii, Wrininghwiti, 3 P. N. 11171-te.UA V, !lor. 17th, Pratiport, 3 end 7 do SA Nor.l3th, Mitbanning, 3 end 7 df Children ID mote F4dialte 23 cants. At the publio nearing bola In tha Bob. Mr. Mryelea Choi - 112, Cot. 54th , u lergo nuthher of the inetnnere of the tyn belt.: pr. tent, the f.dloiblog 6 . 1 . 0 .3 orrrm b, the Ll4‘ . swinucl Jennings, I), M., Ma:orator: Thtt this teettingbow eXpiett Its gratification lug ssuthurtts or r. Pettr Elnelelr on the ants j , 1111.11e.t, mud or the Instruction Imputed by '2'iiiti i 2 ntd thatibluitori for hie shit; to .2cti 5 soil tc this city. P d e rest carried tibuinitutently suiletuatlin. Mr. L....Nut-NI.: Is n i ne eresseed its lecturst to the young. r .4. i 12,i nut ebblrtnlngtteur. Wod eedny, 14tik, Klittuantnel end torture to rt”l.:.. n :rt ih.. erternoiin, nod:: iteulte In the evening. No o rell...ion to thee, lot ... titres. noladwd insane:Atm Tarts CO•PAIVT, PittitArsN Norember Il 'a ataltt 7s.ecti9u for 'arcs Directors of- is serve tar three years, will be hold at nut.ing 11 , uno, oo MOVII AY, November the lathiest, .e,..n the hear, a I t o'clock. A. 51- and I o'clock. P.. 1/. n D. SCULLY:Cashier. -•e0 Clrr Pinsutfitqa, October 20tb,15St f i:ies. - tiun for Thirteen Direeteri of t.t=l Lo held [he Benktng Y..•7•11A 2lei,t.twOrt the ft, .1, • .11 Elt: , .tiou ft ti 1,141, lit L I , I', NL,Lm L., 21st, LoOrica tho hoursa et. end ed. e.. 1 Meelhot of the Stockholders ertll be held on , No.o.ter Ist, at 10 Co; D. DlcOlildW, Cashier. At.a2tiLer ttuz. I Pittrflara. Octerer 200, /622.1 Fr - Election for 'lbirteen Directors of this - aslik roll be held *A the Elullcing Hoare, c MONDAY. Me. 2let tlay4cr, Deticem the hours U. AM. reel 2 e'cleck r. M. A e...llmremg uI the 81...Uhuldtre xii! be held st TT.T.SDAX. the Ist day or NOTOal• :t1 •• , J. W COOK, Cashier. p r, E. — . 1119 I.lo4l4lntsued d est rei to LICFINIES, 1.411 ie.rt.onal and. .tc:3 ikos4 h.% ia,g buaintas In • eett to and re,rive Muir ; ,i.•. • ..thve ira‘l n0.,1; TOE,. Indetatml to htm /II• I •I'• n m of Mrtt...e At co, for proieiwional aoraltxw, ur I,,.ent, or °thread, will plmer pay the t., E.. 1. or to liflnftlf, at lAA omco, where ,:•1 ..t • d..iry I, the prreeit, otrr I tot o'clock p. at. T 11.331 AS AIELLOS. CI , IrIINI tiit4Gargb, Oct 2011,185 U. \ Err. T/ UN for Thirteen PireotorB of will to held at the Banking nor. on . 11it Of Zioriiii,bcr, lictrccu Om [lucre of 10 c.lll. ku.l 2 P. ta. Tl:n A ounel llteetloe or Btoc4oldere will be held Tile:: OA V, Ner. lat. et 10 s. Y. oodleodal :D. D. JONES, Co4hier. • _ Inbucana~tal. .rte Sewickley ?Academy. i! I • - • ! if /Or. is fittlgteli in Beaver Co.. ji north of now Brighton Bretton on 1•1,41• ‘i true and Chiaigu it• /OM at, the heetitttfulocal and . • '• '.• .•••redlng The litudents are free .. • • rod, owl-van:tinge as c ncacritt. roojnca atr.rrialon of Set. 11. , , IA: 31,0sgood known r tr, Ititkgreskive end talA/1. by i , nkT, • gauLlijoac, educaal tu Fr,ato • st.st oil; cololuen , e TUEsto.tr, Oct.2ith, 7141,:coarso or Ltutmolloa la thultp.sh, tr,cladiss all tt.c br4a.6eS taught to 146 acsuvlascuo,ody. TER ~ . 100,1010. Tulti.a, Ilona, Lgb S; a, titel, Wrehlng....-$55 00 A00,.0 ..“ 1.0 1.400 .0 tilext, ca,41 .. t —. 500 10 00 Irotguturnlol ,lave ... .- i... .. ....... .-..-. 16 00 Fr..lllooc 0 200 For I [utter 1.0 urotars .I.lress gorr. IL WEBBER or Mr L °mita/0..5,1a atqvicklry, Pa. 1- ... Itrrraza—O. YEAGER. J. t4i.y.tcs., Oda. W. 1108. INLuN, Jr i J. B. SIcYADDEN. .1 :. . 54,50:2mand _ B I WU INGLIA.7I COLIIIIII.kIIIAA AL 11L/LililLl3lo AND AC , ADEMY, College hall. Dlamondi Birmlnglagtin. TE115.111, CAE.I/ ON ejTll..L.tier. t , ,n.inented " Flrr tti dtw ~..._......__ ....._.pnlinaitod. W.Ong nrd llook.lle.ping. 4 F•CULTY: t 4 II.IFFER. Proloosoi of Writit4 eta Book-Rooplug. O. 11.ElTiLt..111, Jr., Pro N l'oninatuittp. 0. M. WELL', Proltswor of Bqw l wlltwiong and Common Colollottiina It NV. W. B BOLTON, Loci ortr c 3 Hlatory and General 111101,te. K. P. FLENNIKEN, Et.* S. '3l.lnister to Derr tuark tortut.. of tbo Plttobtirgh ;Oar, LaNinror on Oleo. wercial Law. NIUE. U. P. I'ATON, Lir:tutor i.,Floc.ctiori. 0.11 and wo what hot no,t boon birtiro attomytel by any pet.man, tio,lcatcar at ot*intrialol and 'Practical caeczaid your prrarn9, in rho abort spat. of Irons L.V.ocon.ls and opw.d.o. UNA boarding in ,F 1,60 per work; Birmingham Perry etudents. ro:rx.ce at spy 71)ine. For a,,eitnelv olf-nand I.Nednet,'WriOng, rnctwo taro poo tor, stamp', suit o 0 11. LE13:1111AD, Principal, ' Ptitobargb, Utii TEIUITY U 6 PEStiSVLVANIA. Law Depaxtaiont, 111 LA D Ir. L. EC lA. ATERM OF TIIIS INSTITUTION will comment , ea the ad of Oct ober next. The teliewiag are the aotjtota of the loctUrEar HON. I.ll:tiltt,E EtialtattiOOD-I . :trrontt, Sermnal Prop erty cud Illercandle Law. YROY. P. o lo , "B.l.l—lvidence. , POOP. C. SPENCERNIILL ER—rev:Sty JuriqtrWierEe. Leery Effort to made to render tblii Instltutlen efficient f, , r the porpore it has to view. The sittdenu ere fm , 1 8 t. , / , earl carefully east:F.l4mA, logul qtoattju'r urn dlacnmed and eterciers In writing three pert of the'coarce. Ny the mite o the 000011, the time ,cupted hero.lq treatad aa Nutt,- lo t. for matt puriama to °ClE°ail i erattliog to ad rotation tho bar, and wLen telcoitt n the (limn below, n graduate of Ibis Inatitutiou eau Out]ee at yore Is the Supreme Caart. Cho Totrodoctory LeCtere will be &lifer wl on 1 , 1111./.1 Y, Sept. L'Otb, at 8 o'clock, P. N, a the owlet 1 -mere room, by Mu Don. CIEO. EllAkSiVorin. telt 2m pENN INSTITLITZ, HANCOCK STIMET, Ntilt tYUI rc-cpen ca S.IUNDAY, flu :14 dUOUPT. Ten. pt•t• c,asion of Ihruutontho. '; ' 3. Y SNIITIL u. • b.; ya •' famuseinentiS. asonla naii; Ull. A SHORT TIME OlLY—Commenc .l FILIDAV EVENING, Nov.lfiGa axial/tag EACLI Y. V I,NLNO, .ndoaWARSSSDAYaadBAT CItDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3 ....cluck, 7 • MAUCH'S 11.1G.V./.4743iT MIRROR OF LY! Ilthareting the Theatee or 7'l/ E LATE EU!? OPEA-V It' Alt ._._.__...y.._._...0.8. Fo~kr ..............:....tr~.17 L. Dew Plain ntd Figured French Merlon., •"- rEtAITIJij CLOAIEB; 1.0 VR. 4 mak.iam.t• 4 1 TO CK SALES BYAIIb•rTRi AALIIIS & co., AT THE kACUANGI: EVERT TIIUIi4DAY K 1 LIN INO.--1:44, 141.4, 2.ur.uci RUCs Copper-Et ,k, Reml 'Evour publltt,ohr lit the Merchacte• Kichuq;. , by A Unt'lty Loomv CO. Kota, Untie ; /mud 4..aca Itcal tobia 01;0a:ilea ca. reaurnablk. lerbb. by AUSTIN LOOMIS a CO, ea'2l ' tiotc Braker. 71 Fouith JOHN T. /041,1-...- -./Dlrab.D GEL,. L0G4117 dt. CI EGG 1 - IARDIV NO. 5 WOOD S'eltilET, Your ors aborr St. Char;. , Hotel,' je.Sazlam G. l.to of Lazt - istct,...—l n ia -10, Patent tit au GEO. S. zirmarallk Commission Merchants, PDX TUE BALE OF PIG IRON, BLooms;: No. 52 Wood St., Pittsburgh. azzu.... „ a aa— . L i mtko!b ; t l tlyaburgb4Lr l igetz . muter; Hott. Sltho Omer., ifarrlabori; Brj au, Oinizer, Co , joaalkod THE AT IMRE FUSE Inwurance Oompany OF FIifLADELPIIIA Insurea , Arrainat Loss or Damage by 511.ra . on 19 ullotnirs,.rierehancilso, Fur.; ult,nre, se-, at Reasonable hates of Premium. • Dunn - roan—P. Itatcblord YNrr. Witham dPSab, ef Wm. min. aCo; Nilbro Erwin: Jr.. 31. Atwood, et Atwoc4 White k Cu.; Den!. T. Tredick, of Tredick ; Stakes A Co. floury Manua; dlordeiai J. Derma; Geo. 11. EAMartior Rowan & Ero.; Juba D. Brown, of Juba 11...8r0wn &Co.; B. A.Tabnestoak, of D. A. Fahantuck S Co.; Andrew D. Cueb.;4. L. Erring.. .if Wood A Erring.. • emu.: W. ca. ITATelrivl2l , { , T..t1111., Pre..1.11.u.t. ;emratoxy, prmacmog UO/11,103 Cu ,J.Palotar & Co, Thor.. M. Howe, , Jm. Mershon, lien Erej. Kramer, KN., Wll.ou. M'Elroy s Co, Wilson, Pons* Co, DaDo7, Droa & Co., Lislogstur., Cupoleml•A:Cu, Jemge Lyon,* Co., Wm. S. Lardy t Co. • OEO. S. BRYAN a, CO., Agents, • re.Z.M9oI No. Wood Stri.Nst. 22.1 0 R'l733llleN Assuiancp Copipany, No. 1 .1100.1911 TE srarET,ILT.4 - Dox. ES T BLISIIED IN' 1836. ea,29s o soo 00 PAID UP CAPITAL, AZI/ cli1:1•LIM 2,194,111 usi ANNUAL 111.VEN UM. fur ti, 3 en,. :c . zazary 21, 15;. . THIS CCMPANY INSUIIES AIiAINST .2, Loos or to ly 1 we, rum..t terry descriptive of Covert,. The Stater .J .Preattont are moderate; end, in j k o ali case% baled uput, ~ , i alum:ter or tborowner or °ems: mod, told the merits o the risk. . Looms promptly all td and _paid without- refsrance to Loodun. A'rpectal neat fund Fri:ended in Philo' do: phia for paynood al I :ezi.. Lb, errantry. , • , IMPLX2 Cll3 Jo PLP2SIICILOrt ..; • , Mama Jamie Mee° ly A Co., /74 Wood atria* ...: " John 1%7 , 1 Co., 173 " "II .t. ' - :2 ; " Bruises A ILiatrwlm, 113 Liberty. 4, " L. Gregg A r Wood streets WU.% SI'S to y A C...,44 Wood atreok James 31cCapdleas A Co, 103 .. .7 • Nimiok A Co.. 85 Water atreots - • H. A. Fah neato4 A Co., Drat And Mid ain't*: " Joe Was Swell a Co, &wood .1 Wood streel-N Atwell. Lee I CO , 8 Woad ,torsi; " Darchllold k 00, ouith and Market attach , . • " MeCtunitras, Ilea A 0.., Wood and Water Sig, - ' /.72/r.G1:2111 Pi:W.W.I:P.IU. ... George IL Stuart, Tag., 13 Bank Mad. Messrs. Myer., Cla,purtt A Co, = hisskatstree street; Wm.h.Vitee a CO-, = 8011 W trout t " M'Cuictwou dt Collism, Front sad New al; " Smith, Williumi A Co., 513 Market attach Jamm Graham A CO, .20 and 23 Letitia area; Jost pli B. Mitchell, Zak., Preeldeot Ilechamhze Bank Jame, Dunlap, Pay, Preallent Erni= hank; Line. W. A- Porter, Late Judge, daprema Osiat. JAMES AV. Autturr, Agent, ;.12,1ydis00,1a. 113 Wood stretd.. RicBa_Riasoia.s IRISH LINENS, - , .DAMASK.9..DIAPERS, gC. ----- CONSUMERS OF. RICHARDSON'S ENS, .0 those d.iroes of thtsinina the MUM!' 0 0 /DS, should 0 .0 th4t the articles they purchase animal,. ed with the fell owns of the Orin, .0 J. N. ItICLIANDSuN, EONS & ORT&N, is a guarantee of the annalatss and dioratfility of the Goods, This caution Is rendered tatentially necessary, as large;''„ quantities of inferior and detective Linens tare prepared.. - moon after COMP and sealed with the mute of lIIOIIILEW - SON, by Irish Mows, wbo .g.rat ,43 of the I.o3tY'tht, 1101.1cted alike. the American consnaler nad the mulct*, tur or . of the gmmko Clouts, will not readily ebandon • badness wo prettable, while pardoners can be hulftwall oat with flo.fds or a worthless character. • J. SIILL.OOEZ-ft J. B. LOCKS. Agents, 30 Church Saws. New VAL VLEMING'S PATE] TE/INS era mach ante other uovr to nee—BAYING VANTACiEd FOUND IN NO The arrangement fur detaching 'torte on the eatable to .mph and safe. A cep around Melva', all row*. Wherever those L.an known they nroadopted. Pm= Thej - are mill adapted for BAIL SNIPS, BOATS and every place neat, convenient Laahvn te wart' ?lame egamlne these Lenity purchasing other kind. Neer reference. ?rte. ltyt to the Cockle Corti 'hemlock FLEMIAO & TORR. 8010 proprietor, and Mom Also, Manatictorars of JaplA rner Marta and Third otrooto, ncs•lmdtwT • A GOOD SHIRT FOR 75 CENTS.I-- A choice aiiantiaukti(:= - Fine Shirt; Collars, Crarats, Tics, Roark . rocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Ila)f Glows; Silk, Merino, Wool end Cotton Underiiiirti",-,` and Drawers, fl,r men, women, Nips and:: children. oleaala'Dealoni furnfahrkt at a mall advance On Coat, EATON, CREE .1 -JULCRUAT., No. 17 rdirket street. BOOTS AND *HOES muse roa ce.m. JAMES ROBB, S 9 Zilarket Stree . C; store o ta . riesl/4 well vele:A*4 skck BOOTS sritacec Winch be will aeq , WEOLESALE and //7- At Very Reduced Prices.. 41.011:17 MALE WOIEC al un.73 on IL:al. Call and et. amine his stock Defers vontaklns 4servhc re. . JAMES ROBB, 714-4 docr flu= tt Markin Lion PITrBHORGEI PLOW- worms: J. C. BID ;Mr ELL, of 11,cor .t S ON !lASI/ A VERY Lt. 1 4 .711 .t.rek of • PLUIV.S: AND PLOW CASTINGS - I• 11 the oiflctitit rarwilirt.recs 1., to roppiy, WA 41,1464 riodo too, u now twiryi efectwd Ir.. re-at edy, 111 a ict p•oprap g - b rit • rpcp Applawbp,'W.) 0:4 I.3ctt. Mrcti..W.lextenittipt 3,0 , wan 1164.1 01,418 alhi• Mk" N.. Waste la ihw I:mud natra, ihawlng 11111 tb p. o moderiipurre•mrats In LIP wwwl awl Inn working . m,cninery,...rat 1 , . In npulttivo, &tont tbo tri, of Jwoo-a7 parking. r. wißt ckni,erott:rtW ettb .11.-0121:oiFol WaTeStpwl f‘i tho j , terrefit. Via Lawy'. t, i sir , pJers •lo poIOV • WINNE(),'S VIOLIN now y uuri thui owl lemtutex {nay Ow Thalia, erithatit, Meatel.. In Mit owl tho onshonyht n , m u m . era expl,./.4 n , ve rnui OlnirJe nauri,r, 'MHO Ene.l.ll' maks ez.rcipee etc, lull I ei,,ttgalar lateral: bad aith,Lec• sblrt, *Jim • 1, Ir a / a of the ne &bra 4•1 for°puLlacd im.ey aitn,lar uut to JOKY U. mr..t.cuii.s, 11(f.,.<1 itreet. r.n•ipt of the per Annomve tbl euriral el NEW WALL PAPERS, BORDERS, 4k.c.; No. 87 WOOO STRUT ' . w m. L., 8- a l / .rj.l • TB7 Q l3 013' MUSICS Main, Flu". c, n cn4. ren g h.:l4 .9'Clmeetla Elugina . , In'the E'en ago for Adotta;and • Battalion for Jurenno4 altirpatms ludo known upon applluatlon at WA U. ll ' DE3OE, ISO. 113 /01:111TEt STLtrZT,iPittaburgb, Pa. - ce2Saly IE-1 42cD EOLT nOita .PATIWC 11;i/. vrtsgst , mrry am? - aces on Eun in itinst Alto. 80LT.3 (Di leriithfrici7`i4lt. rn..L.b.d as etvse. bvtke. - • 12,..Warcbausa,.No. 114 Watts. otteet. *NAP, lowa a co. RE,