=BM •‘ - ',1. : .,''. 7-; :1,: , ;; . :',i1 . '; , t1: ••••:,-, v*m a - • * . ;`''` ViW ••* *?-i-v* ■! j 3 + v. .v «;. . • . v. «* V *•** * f : ’, ; A V:*: X,. i, : ; *i V'>*: N’l .* .• V \ >, , V . V‘ . V i - •'* [ W »UJ mmnabcred that the dtfeeLofoor I ty** l *“ 1868 w “ lUribaled •• (be ebeenoe of f ii!°, !^iy, .l* Ul S c W dr “ < " IUD «- WewerelolJ i ■ / (bet bed (bo administration of Mr. Baohenen [ / «>r»boleUoketwoaHh*TeKeen i" ' / M»»Jbell.T.a l’- / S? 8 "**“• ?•* *eb.™h,.rd it K" ■ / lepeelea onell ocraelom end In ellolioea At / ■ (be ooanlj meeting held (he .pretest felL Mr. / j Boobeeaii wee folly eedoned, end we find the ■ remit the eeme. Mr. RobertTjler, who,by the ■ —■/ *ej, le e molt estimable gentleman, wee eeot '.*/ ! n P here with reeolmloneoat end dried, end eao & oeeded In heriogthem adopted by the oonren. (ion. We thought et the, time, end Mill thiok, “•* tM * place of Impudence on his part to in terrors in oar eoantyj conrentlon, end many Democrat* were indignant at’hl* coaras. The , aodorameat of the Natloosi, aod the refusal to endons the Stale Administration, met the dis approbation of a Urge nombeV of oar party, bat m (helieket wuegood one,and its election wee oawldered of more Importance than the platform . »£?•<* *o giro U a hearty rapport, whloh wee dobe. Bet lb! eplte of eU that conld ' iVtM.“!i.t"T? * B * tn i b,dl J l* Uta - H»*l« i. to thle thing itf be accounted for!* . can nolongerbe concealed, and most , * be admitted, howerer distasteful It may be to they the Adpinlelretion of Mr. 80-. -. obeeendoee not poeieae‘the cobldenee ortho ■ ‘ people, but hoi beoomenopopoler. We cannot doubt tbeerideooe of oorowe leoeee looters .. . p northern Slate,eod In Bimooflhoeoet theoonth ' / *" r, .V‘b *e?o,e bee been i mede, thoDemocretlo' 1 ■■ K . P»r*7 baa mat with oTerehelmlng'defeet, end el- i ■■ V'. TLVZr*?? *” T* ,J ta; ,h ' “loori‘7 1 ' -r- jji ll wlih rcgrcj etid ehome, boliUjthe 1 troth and need* to be written.” . And jet wbtio the We wee medo between > Booglee end the opposition, the remit bee been 1 the same. Wituesi the remit In Ohio, Mlnoeao- ] (•and Iowa! In thorn Wee the pdmioislra- < don wm discarded, end the ■‘UtUe'gW mb- ,< eUloled, hot . the Demooreej made no belter program then in Pennejlrente, where “Old BooKi wee the acknowledged standard bearer. ■■£. -J V .. ;; Sijvp* -t ■ ■;. ■r •**~Mi:v..j., .. r>i'. ;■?■'’•! -.-r' : ’ a / ’-< :• c 'Kv ‘ . VI* • ■.:-'■■■ •T >■ ’.:?<..• ■■.■!•" "• v.-ztw; :.j''-fv'(t-wi'K‘-\-| - j, ••" : ;--£ iw'i'v. ; iv * ; j vr;? v£> ,f* - , n-; ; a *‘*y I; **• ib.v*i j/-4 “■ .*!:«* .-% ''f . i. . • ■<;.:■ ui... : V-V-V' if: ' "• :'. V L- «■ I<} ' * CianoH alowA.i-An, InflaeatM elUiea of Iow»-» P»eatae»&.pobih. Ui _- wu „ n ,. lhM - v » * * ,ron S felShg la tbat yoonr tute in , f«or of the nomfootion of Goo. Ca**bob for v v \ the freiMono?. - f K'.-. / - M, <<» / ?■* »•* , • V' • "'WW^s . X ' • ■ - -V • ■ • ?fc-, , *. . gjj/' liiis •* ' l -W* ' .-•'.•l' - /»• ''irt -jW^*^t^sW*bitiiftii?»>b«r °? v :r 9°°.* tll ? tl ° n »“ nnr nU natried. an ia >a a» coonlry around Pita- n B ?” Ponl/abMed ty tb. buorpau. tlia B. B. oaJl TO jobfiid, Wanda of .the m J' *»"«1 tbonianda'br hoatfla array, the dwelling home btn *“ aaialled by armed men •fid finally It, with Use barn and ita content*, were imou tn.u>w.j. k iiton.k i, num B.‘. BSHBII 4C0., SBIT&Bt and i'BOPBItTOJtS. ' MITSBraOH:- FKIDAV MORNING,,OCT. ‘ 28, ■ ,1859. A Mnnstex whocahblow mi own Tscmpst. —Under (he anepiees of-thvjnodern domoormoy. It must be admitted, that (re send aa representa- U?«» to forelgn'fcdveraments eooo veryshabby epeelmaoi of political homtaliy- The idea gan j, orally prevails (Hth (he appointing power (hat , an education acquired In i grogahop, where a certain close of poHUclaoa raeert to-wet (heir whistles and at: ihe same time ventilate their ; opinicnc, Is all that 'la neceseaty to constitute s ’ aa lodiridusl a tret rate chary* icffaira, oom * l, mml » l »8«“1 or'Coaaul at the eapitale of dls- K *«•- eontltjjea. ■ (hi, notion Is literally rooted out of the noddieior oaf demcorailoEx eoutlree sad Senates we can expect no reform * In tho eel], hat most patiently submit to (he in. fllcUCn of the Dodges and the Joihtsea unless the government pastes Inin, the keeping of a party which regardi the honor of the more than lf;doe»th# “olabae'Vaet op by pet politicians u We have htsu. ltd to make thus remarks on , «»ilog the '‘presentation Speech" of, Qen ; Jones, our "dory." to New oicnada, who seem! •d Eiore anxious to lopross jilt anditors with an idea of his ImporUnea at iome than to ad- Taooa any. publltS nunsnfe. Mho opening of Ms extraordinary ..epeiih, hjpgraolouslyt.ro msrks: ' j “It was, sir, with the greaEaetjeluotaooo that 1 consented, at the earnest entreaty of my fam lly, ‘my relalirbe and friends, to aooopt > this mission, so neicxpeotsdly oooferred upon me, (but whioh above all others SI preferred, how “«r.)*"•■■ I bed orally and to writing declined in a* 1 Ul *‘ i,” q 'i ir ' d r, J >SM ' » fl «- baring tilled, for n quarter of e century, many pf the moit ardnoos, responsible end •honorable' poai- Hons ps a pabUo man in my own bountr*, Bat other circumstances, which raid Wat Bret f "**2*» “dthoadTlce of my. phyeidih; pro- 1 tootles™ it^; bslotcTl wifs» children friends and country, to - S£*£Z? oai "4* good of li«eems from this extract that hls bilovedwife In, her “entreaties'! did not reciprocate the heaviness of heart at parting whioh her pompous ®*P® f l®Doed. Again in the progress pf-hls .. t “lifesa he informs the President of the oonSaft that in hie "own country ho was often honored beyond his merlin." After tfane Taunting his individual importance at home, ho oondeaoended to bo very Bettering in hie observations on the country end people to whiohheetood accredited and joyfully annoooeed that einoe hie arrival in f New Grenada Me health had been restored. Of ! his reception by the people he says: VI have been Walled npon aod served by the people of Now Granada, from those ooonpyiog the most humble peslUone in life to tad inoln .’'‘‘I 811 “ost exalted poets of iti^v.“i fMsigo teeldents ns well aa the die- Ungulahtd repreeentallvee of foreign countries. MUehee.&o.; my health, too; >• f“ft”. **?: impaired befora leaving 1 home, has been restored In your extremely «s -1 lhttm^S-irtS, O |T “‘“•“lfcrt otherwise > • With the piece which I occupy, and 1-. lo , Ul * g* B **™. *hs Intelligent nbsom •» «™« | this wae very chseriog informalicn lo the ‘j math, la whose 'jjresenoa he etood, and aa n .-.. forehadovring of hie mission, was’also eery •i/luddy As a result ofhis observation of tha re- U ‘° h * expressed surprieo ■ . that tin Sqjithtrn Monde did not turn their st tsatlGn tp the mtlliratlon of the Iriih poUlo, in oqßimotionwithlhoorangenndthe pomegranate. ■' T h* ? r ««ldeot, no donbi, oonsldering that words enough had been wesud on the occasion, re plied Very briefly, hoping for a futora good un derstanding between the two conntrlea end all list sort of (blog. He acknowledged (bat (be W*h polaloa would grow.in his country if the P«op!» were not too jaty to cultivate it. Thna i olosed tha procsedlngv, Gen. Jones, bit with im portance, repairing lo hU hotel under a glaring eeoott. Imagining that ha held In hit hands the destiny of unborn millions. . Why is It that onr govornmeut does net make some arrangement by V whioh , men of sound cense ahall bechtaea as onr representatives-hear foreign governments f . Is oar national repetition nothing that we thus - trifle with il T . i AaADHUtioa.—The editor of tbe-Doyletlon - (Bncktco.JOcißoerai.whohiabeen'iirhiitnrßboth tnli-Leoomplon ud Leoompion, it Tory much exeroleed »t the rautt of the electron in hie own I • eoanly. Aftorbeatlog tboat the bath for eome tima he finaUy cornea to the conolotlon that the ; defeat la owing to the unpopularity of the Bochanaa administration. He thus die* > courewon the subject; Qs*. Cahbsos.—A* the campaign of iB6O * approaches, astrongfeeling seemstodereiope Itielf for Oea. Cameron, ae the oandidat* of the opposition for the Presidency. Penoeplvaola .ua uheo a strong eland In his faror, and he la a»i ■lthrai.hu friends to other Stales. It fa a thing that no President can be elected without the aid of Peocsylrania, and (hereeeems '*2.v?r * " ecWml deposition i on (he pan of Bo* - to make a nomination with a ”°' eo *h«r«. Many think that with bearor, onr triumph .«oT Tk. OppotUlonita PenjujlTMl* tharmpport on Gen. Simon Cameron forth? PrtfUenoy. Ho if olio Tory popnlor in n«. JotMy ud Muyland. Tho i, m ol Blaon Comtron’e loanenoeln PonnaylranU U found in hit fall idontUeitlon with libor. Bo hu tTorbeen.the oonoialont,feerlem advocate ud friend of the greet Indnotrtyl Intonate of tho Sloto, ud bonuo ho oomhlnoo oil tho olomonlo of otrongih neceatary to eany tho old Ktytloeo. Whlla tho entire Oppoeltlonl of tho Stolo will ohetrfhll/ntihonpon him, It b an tdmlUod foot that he will getihratanda ofhoneat Demcontf, who would oUtentlio ho loot to tho-Bopnbliou party in tho next oooleek Oo the groat qae* •Uon cfPreedoo, ho oocaplot tho oamo position H Seward; Halt, Chueud Ijlnoeln. Cameron for Preoldent ud F. P. Blair for Viet Proddont wooldnake* tleketiuut would mdonModly proro enOctaafoL—Zotuortff Etr. r.- .; J.. wioy of ORmq thousand men waamsrchedoat ; the Insurrection wu suppressed, a largo cum* ; *“• rioters were arrested, two of them were *«** for treason, oonviotad and sentenced to death • W>3f. 0t I h#r * d|Mbarged, and finally Georn\ \ £«™*&**P*rdan*?tU tuowho trer. convicted. Bo tna lotometion waa capprewed and Z g^a.taas.rajriTa SSsSSSsFK; agSipSnjassrS*- A iu°u fouro * th ® fl , T ®survivorsare tha niitm*. *Bd do doabt, owing to 55*! * «» .«d«: trS.’»d pre ' ral » «m«k.bl. c.n «pra iSlyT*' ’ dt " lbt ’ her “ fter •>• „J” F i“ c t n , El P»w>* aito Ms. Ua.ob’« Ocsc- TT Ihe «¥• jAmcnted doAth of oar Minister V.i* 1 ' C “ arl «f «>• Tollotitj, Mr. Mason, offer •a (fin Emperor of tfie French an opportunity of ligDlfyiog hid personal and official respeot, not only for lh« deceased Envoy, but for the Ballon which he represented, of whloh Napoleoo waa not .alow to avail himself; and it oaght to ba thoroughly well understood by our people that the highest possible honors, were paid to tho memory of tho Amerioan Minister by the ex press orders of the Emperor iu person. Napo leon was far distant from Paris, at Biarritz in the south of Fraooe, when the news of Mr. Mason a death reached him. He immediately telegraphed to the oopilfd commands that hu ahon,d b 8 -»< ‘bo funer- W " konsehold, then io .ifh A b ” pra ' Dli , aod Out » battalion, ohtiroh° ffled drun »> 'bould act as escort st the ’ urJunn. nflv, eqniralent to the personal ; taSw f he 1 .">”” 1 8”. *l>loh was, or course, • sal n a**! ■? J? *?,* oir «““alanoeß; and their full rnlno M [ndiaaliona of the good will felt by tbo ’ towards iho Uniled Buies, oan 1 XSSlj!J >r<, l ,wl y salinated, unices weroraem ’ _ teclinical diplomatic rank of Mr. Meson as a Minister Plenipotentiary, pnt him *1 * B ™«»kat lower fooling in regard to Court etiquette than if he had been an ambassador, ambassadors alone ranking in the diplomatic hieiMchy of Europe as the personal reprcsent ‘‘.V’ of lh r ° “»o»igns by whom theyaro ao gedi ed. In this insUnoe, as in so many others. Napoleon departed from Iho strict usage of thei a?Mep"p?.° arlB aokn^“d <" ,h * di «S»“? of eon. 0 ! ,nl “ »Wel> gosern lho per- MU.4° U t°i, n .° f sosereigna in respect to theßo * b «n the Bret nnd most famous of Great BriUin, the Dnko of Wellington LondciS" 510 . f omb b '«ath the dome of ffiSd ClU !' dra1 ' Q“««n Victoria 1 re ««d to pay the saslor of England the homage doi.e a “«daaoo_.al his obsequies. A an, °f” “'gilt giro np the ghost wUh “ t “, Startling thei British Conn raok^m h c^ r< L°°.‘° l ° n of Be ? n '>lis «od in sr,r!*l! nations as was tendered by the Frimeh Emperor at the funeral of - Mr. Mason. lhM H ik U | t " l “I* from South America shove Sjtefa dhSfSrf?" diSoord b J »«°b Vene h^£i?Ji'?tbed,h * a 'P re “ d *•»!> inlo the nelgh bormgund BisterrepublicNawGrenade. Itwaa S™ n B ,! U,e V ba ‘ N «» Qfanad.adopted . 7 increased. In. ?uSttlon I ° f pro,,D « B “f Ihls n toor< ” P “' 1 " P° w ' r of the C.nfr.l “3 «■» oeV : Constitution, Ud.!f nnder "• r ’ tma only to hero '“•’loleot raieunce uf whWl b '?*° ln Bo' l *'* !h. a d? l’ ,T M "P r “d “to most of S? , Pr ” d " ,t °“P'O“ hn» declared e.kM. i Confederation in a state of war, and Bghting la going onin soTeral of the States. ri .„. f 'S a 5 Ua of Ecuador. the third of the disi wTl.Sf'? °°V f , old "PoMoof-Colum- tom hylnlernal dissensions, tint is «Uo in war with Fern. whloh laUor SthmUfi “ l ll °*ime Involved Itself In Tar wlth'Bolina. From Chill, the neirs is a littla "oratoTorrtie. Th.al.riof uewTn.uaec'ion, mSuwS? 1 " mbtlded, and the! Government “ against the Arau- SSjirt ", h v for “ “ independent com ffiidhy chS! por,ion of f b * ,miur y Mr. Tanoey, has failed in his l 0 “»“«• between Buenos Ayres r, l ,/ rgS °“. n 0 - Biteno. Ayres, ItWOQld! Beeoj, has not much clispoatlioh to sur render Its present iodepeodeot position, vhioh « has maintained for nearly twenty years,while Mr. Tanoey seems to have -.figured in the eeco uations, not somaob as mediator as an ont-and ont partisan of JTrqniia.— Tribun*. CoiottiDo.—The proposition for of California, submitted to a popular rota at the i late eleotion in that Stats, has met with a eingu iUr fll ®„ ? ,,r one hundred thousand rotes i ,h " oleollon for the rerious-oau -1 ?r S h 1 '? * or ° Ee ?> «■. dirision was approred ° f half. whereas it was! distinctly Esa. h “ n °‘h>“« »h°old he dost) unless it he approred_ by. majority of all the rotes I opposition to the projectedopled a m °do or resistaooe. Only a little orer I tt *“ T ° led ». All tbo i “” m *° k »ro abstained pur poeely from noting at all on the question. . L. j ” ®P°h® a of these abstinents ae the opposition; but were they really so! Id one sense-they probably wore. They were eridcnt ly distrustful of the measure, aod were inolined to hare It fail because it might inrolre the con struction of a elare territory out of part of Cal ifornia, though still feeling eery much the ne cessity of inoreaeieg the strength of the Peoifio di ’ Ui °o “ f Iho Union in the United States Sen "L "is sentiment appears to hare operated I lo snoh an extent that forty-two thousand per f"orof the PnposMo*. Tf!!.!*^. 0 .* 0 * r tbouß * ad *ook (he iTOQbleto ‘ ; *h® dietriot proposed to be b! ri tw np ““ l ® relt “ r T of Colorado, between three and four thousand rotee were the M , tfllm ,il l rii, » bß ‘°! in f * Tor - Thl ’ "hows the settlement of southern California to hare progressed ,ery ,| o wly. indeed. The matter will probably not rest here.— P/,if. ,V. Amir. Sm 7 tb ' of the 1 Wafer ford an Irish journal, hu addressed a long and angry letter lo the Earl of Derby in f'^ r ' Doe *® hielordship's intention to oriel (be lenanta on the Doon estates. Ur. Bomb's mis lire conoindea as follows: ■ ‘j;b? “7 duty, my ford, to raise a warning voice. . Weak though it be, it will yet hold 1 r*M ’V Ct , M ’ u * holl of Franoe/at the eh!n S. , .r^ fi,r7 J l ' glon>: °' D " nncll of Spain shall hear it; and eo, too, shall the American General Harney, who, with a handful of men ®* D * h e ‘®oth of your boasted hiSXi , B * wl,e ’ “ nd hearken to Ibis 0, . n " d de,l *‘ tloaS 7«“t rash a °' 7 ,nl 'n>riM- If, howerer, you sire resdlreii upon proceeding to extremities, then of ondoubted personal jo,Uc< 7 0Br character, and not to any poor deril of a subordinate the execution of jour decree. With Ihejeweled ‘ho Stoley gllueHng upon your haaghty brow, and the ribbon of the Garter decorating your manly person, ; head yourself the »<» eomtiatiu. In that event, I promise myself the gratification of making your personal acquaintance. ‘We’ll meet alDhilUppl.’ Mean while, I hare the honor to be; your obedient bomolo serro&t.” Rlrtfmnp ‘ '“f*” FeiLtDIED.—TOO aSSStSfifT?' * ke *J n ki * h dodgeob (he unolt of Oapt. Brown and hli twenty-one aeso- I ?'!!?.’ ?, pon ‘he glorious Old Dominion and her lt» eatery: ,1 ' V '!^ nia *" *«® anaOtd.~. All tho memo- Ilea, what may not Kootuoky expe”! 7 ’* »*» -Arched, ; ciT. Th. a. ll ! r ««®A» »f AO . u. refy sed.lely th.f C.p -““‘““etoc. of tbs Coital bcildln to, "“«? ?«• !“! > l«lc hSr Monday rdghV' '3 ,1 o , dMk ,a» d ;ihat “be,warned “*l,!?' durl ”* the higSftdiseo th.l .11 mia ihV'm.i J ' a pp°— fe.rcd that J “I™ 4 of Brown 1 , moo! Mr.Buoltaban bu not for m,n J * P c ‘ r Ho slept right of murder iu Kaosas, aye, re warded known murderers there with offioe; he jeered,at the murder of Brcderiok, bqttbe mo. meut twenty men array themselves against twen ty thousand, all to set a few negroes free* our old President is all l alive, and like a boy! trots down the street to see ibe mtri|es uff. -No laok of energy forthia c»se—no disposition to shirk a responsibilty. iWell, lot (fie President have oredit for his zeal, only it i|a pity he can't get roused up iu any case but q|hat of a negro in surrection or the oapturo of estave. “Tubes was no question of jurisdiction to be settled, as he had made up his mind fully; and after determining that the prisoners should be tried in Virginia, HE WOJJLD NOT HAVE OBEYED AN OBDEB TOITHE CONTRARY FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED 1 , STATES.” [Extract from £ Governor Wise's speech at Richmond, after his return from the Har per's Ferry riot ] % Col. Forney, in the . Presi of Monday, says that in his speeoh, made on the abovo ocoaaioo of which the above is an extract from the tele graphic report, Gov. Wise “fias displayed a sa gacity and a liberality entitle him to the thanks of ialLUnion-loiring and Conslitu lion-obeying cltixena,” and ‘has also “derated himtdf tnlothe atmosphere of Union!" Queer notion! j • ™n CoKi-i.AisT.-Th9 fact' is now too r p *»Wuhmnl- for any on* to attempt to coatromrt »l J» «io.tofih fl jj l « ic , which often proreSuMo°»am! ty rxcenfreuse offroft* and tmt table*. wood at 4patodaiiddlgMljva or*aok; .nndorod JnartlVail SXMLS*® 1 *” “ otb W “Ulo«« sod Cramp S”; pi"ot"T.llUrrho«a«mt ng, Ilk. complaint, rir. miiiatd and thrlro open Improper lopd and often time, bo- A»ptad died ,hu “"Heines aro.noable ftwisr ,!r ,P t ®« rw, ““ I the patent i. prc.tn.to, and . l f " e eDdod - Who h.lt that haa not soon a floe, healthy lolknt or adult, wised wiihone of the annoy. tn K lro, J 0f T*S«W>I« matter, and which ~~ * > J , „ lp TY i Ihomwjlte* the best tonic It- nte. Vut bay* never Called to correct disanteranf the sjenach and bowels when taken accenting lo'dlrocHons. In the curo of Bn^.?°« ooß,pUJnt * Try them atonee. o«Jnhjehlgh|y Concentrated Boor* ™T i U £L“ d *1“*" taP«o|ftoWf plat bottrts only, “ d . V bat * B - great demand for this truly Celebrated Medicine bu •Indocod many Imitations which the pnbllftabooldpnard aklnstpurclmeitifr. Bewarc Oflcnpoettioal Se»‘4bat unmade ts£n tbalaM of e»” eottu yon boy. -•-• i; 3 BKfiAUIN PAQ* Ja , k t*o., Sole Proprietor., 37 Wood a treat, between let and PatUbnrirh Pa. - aa&dawF ■!', #irlr> a&bn c. B. M. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at l.nw HAS EKUOtIED T(l . KOHN'S: LAW ip UflL DINOS, No. 13 Diamond Street, mtIA.IITJBI Km a 4, m p. t , E IV BOOK sf- : I. if • .I h# 1 . 4 U,r ’ ! ' «’fM c»lly and practically; reetaloia*; namwons ctjrioos Sofmodsi ° f r^l ti . me V «4m' ewwiriai, besides toJ, 1j0aft,c10th...:.... i , An(l oU»* r °«w BiAlcsn at ' _ UDST * MISEM. I t/lel****** Llfo ° f W x 4 * hln * too: POJWIW juL; 6 fdi, Jibriry *Ji£2’ BLi•'"*• : . .‘■J’SHUSISigj. « M„fa. .1. ' Market st. property for sai,e- Oomcr B!*rkrt«f> ] ritat -m :'Li wlUj trick bolii!io«a, wlllrfU .-It on b > ft curntnßT R no*, m M.rkM /«. AUODSJ3 AND ‘‘.LOT KOK'I.rsO/VituaM Oa ileMcc»(t, Allefbonj. AtiLilck iloaie *aJ Ut tt CDTtIBEB'J^ABON ) > B*»lk»uU AgtoU. B-OOITNTKY AXDKa|tEUN ANKET- A LARGE gTOOK'AT A ra??tp < F AR \ S^>l^ 0F CODN ' J S* fcSrVt* ? liuOeoJLty it,* Eerliili h^ n^,M h o J ° nn> * ’ * Ed B * t * 8 *«. I* b»w rmbllihcd lo 000 PMUtifnl 12 too. »ol; prlc*sl.oo; For aalaly - OC^3 c 'J.f* 4lb .Iroot. PRODUCE— -1000 fba. Cboeso^i 2000 <8 BnckwhcatFlonr 2000 Keg Bntu-rj 6 bpl* TUxreed; - BFIKIVER ADILWQjITtI. H*.*M and t»r lain bjr NO. MOLASSES—BO • bbls. pprimo just • irc'd ami for «»Ie *t 114Btooodatmtt- ; QtUtlt A VAN OOttDKR. Heavy rocky MouNTAiSTsil awTs forO.iil.; •!«* Oa. llTucli'a, Ob.oil'. .I*l Wool.n aall ladies ami mlsma C. Market «t APPLES— 200 prime Apploa~tonr* rlTg.ndfor.al,. bjr GRAFF A VANdiOfiDRR, ■!—l. - *, 111 Kwcuiiii itrwt. bbin. ami 4 sockaUgr sale'bv * VAN GpRDER, Hi Second ,t HICKOKY NtfrrS— 100 bus. rce’d and for OC2OI HKNEYMI, COI.LINB. /j'lUKKSK—lso]boxes for rajo by! ~ V' 0653 _J __ HENRY |j.*OQU,INa. LIME —200 bbls. Irtish lor Rale bfr ~ HENRY Is. COLLIN.-. (fbHWEQO CORN n,; V 7 gale by erffl H, j,. FAHKBBTOOK A CO. ARRIVAL k > - OFJNIR pSLEBRATEDj GOLttMEDAI/- ' ]> ,1 A N O FOR T ! 1 E S Jh* pcMicaffl rx4p«tlfollrl i*)lwJ fai tffrJo/of 0^0 * ° f PUno *- 03 hand ibo WTLUAU ICNAUK A C>., IkltiaoiW -• UAIMLi Bf.oti, Nfcw fork; 2 pallet, datis at!co , Dubioo Comprising the LITKfII AND BKiT ABBl/RTMKNT OP PIANOS IN THE CITY. S I'Oboi prelim, wqtnjror exhibited lnc..uj|mitUno with others end are pronoDoetd byvach audon«>te<{ •otbortiy *• • S. THALOKRO, H. VIKUXTKMITS, M '•TItAKOSCH. □. SATTKIt and Mbor» if oot *tt)>erior tr>e../ in thl* toon try. il.o, V M E L 0 V E; 0 N S, Frpmthe celebrated factor; of 'C JargGit tlio votIJ. CHteIOTTB BLUM®, Vood »t, 24 door Fifth, Gift Ih.terprlael D 4 VIS * «*4 tlo. 60 VJftli - „ -ti PirrgDUfliGa, v±. O.EFFEtjT A CHANGE OF BUSINESS proprietors hoTtdeUrmloNj to CLOSE 1 OUT ih^ii «"< ? « r iiook«, btah u .ikey il c,„.n„m = street. To accomplish It roars ‘rapidly, wo will ciITK a PHXBHNT, lo OMs, AUtioD-ry AudJewoU.L.rinf it raids from 35 CBhTd TO $5O, 7 ' P®*"* io WITH EVERY BOOK PURCHASED ' Oi topenou iibt wlshiog Gift*, (iWcblber met ZBCENTH TJiffiV'* w "i “ to * BK BCariO.-Top ZB C£NTB OB each dollar'a worth purchased. £ trf bock Übotnbetod amt registered, with th. -if. g?pc dt»-$6O Id |lfU belog allotted to er*ry flop vrott^of IVfsonsordrrlfatj from a distance will ssodtha rUtico fto ' the*ockUdditloß»t, which la ™ (W Fo; 11.00 and |l ii Books, 21 wats each. - Fo'llßO Hooks, 30 cents each. * iW . all. Books,Bocanta each. Wijsn a BnmWHif Books la ordered tog>-tb*rribey can h®MwajdeJ hy Eiprrts cheaper thaa byMtjl,jJ clothe post ago Up tnt mU l • m ? Q ,n K*j>RMa, OH t)AU iT oc^7:lw«l No. CD Fifth Street. ya* y uToir —— S ' P° TOLK 'HOUNORD SILIOBOBIH, OF TARIpUd Ill)Kg} *l Wf ! tWrniVL HOUg 1)K All opsjied thli iif. 0. HANSON LOVg. :in,,w.. u 2 Ulf DRIES— GOG bush, pats; ' f ! SO fcbli. JeWey bwe*t patAtpl.,. («?i) eibulb, want 00. v.. v i / ... It Wil Want the BUST COOKING RANGE tbit ti taadi call at u want • COOK (NO STOVE lba( cannot b< pusod, call on nJUn£ >r * t'QildJMa lioom, aod vast Um Uat GRATE FBONTB AND OB TO EFFECT A CHANGE OF BUSXNEBS, w« hare determined to elan oat oar Terr lam and OOflM W>tod * tock auik)B « r y. atNo. coFifthStreet, at The dockcoraprieee White and BJoo Congren. nui and Lapl Cap Paper*, White and Bine Commercial Letter, Let- Spwv norcW NoU » UdiM> c * tbf Letter and Note iißtmrms. A KNOLL’S AND DAVID'S WRITING FLUIDS, ARNOLD'S AND MAGNUS’CARMINE, DAVID’S AND CLARK’S BRANKING INK Snpwtoe Bofl, White aad Opaque Enrelopea; Blank Book*,* Sj Jft 1$ • rtd cent* per qctra. Pan Dock* of all Dlariee for 18C0; Deeae, fined* Moitcana. Declare. Lead Prod D—together with a large a*- •eortment of other article*, too namoron* to mention. Ar.J mike four eeloctija before the aitortment la broki uc27;lwdj No. 60 Fifth Street. F air s 1 Farsi! L- THE premium forsk OUIB MULLER, Manufacturer of all iT ln j ** dit *’* ChUdraae’ or Gent'eman*! FURS, oieigh and Carriage Robee, deal ere la Boffalo Robes, Ac! Kejn? * * Blo and jU.uil. My frleuda tod th» puLUi ara iovited to m * old «uod M>.77 WOOD BTUKftT. 1 octfc W. DOQQLAB. ’ t. O. ORAgr FRANK FAN QORDML qrapp & van oorder, MERCHANDISE BROKERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 114 Second Street, Pittsburgh. «rOmca for the jmiaent at No. 13 Wood Stre«(.-sa J* n * Ca ’ S * w ror *> fBhriMr ± Dtlwortb, Pi tab’s Stri; ■ ss&Sb:' o *- r 1"^ 0 urg; 6 aha- OEO. A. PRIfiOE A Co. Hunting Boots! GENT'S 3 SOLE WATER'-pro OF HUNTING boot s , ? AT W, E. SOHMERTZ & CO.’S, -!£ ' 80. 31 Fifth B >r .. t . IRISH LINENS, VAItASKS, DJAPEBS, SC. rjONSUMEHS OF RIOUABDSON'SUN BIOHABDfIOIf, SONS A OJFDIN TlffSSfe tb« dooi. »OJf, * nd Jllmumtol rER’ cub *?^s°! ■>■ BULLOQKJB * J. B. LOOM AfOU. 38 Charch gtraaLV.w v„»v DAVIS A Lp. t MANUPAOTTREjtS' AGENTS COMMISSION "MERCHANTS ®°? ,B Wood at., rittabargh. p*. ’ P'PCRTEKS'-AOBNTS for STf Soda S^sj«ra£S££. ! _ Jfc,1 *‘ V ; t 7 I ,R ? T gig™' / J r \ piRST mumSrxwXSptoSfc |^6t&k,a,at«.ndluS.!^k - . «»■«*■ w»» M iffi 6 ilk GRAFF & ■/**'--* ’"‘jCW MANCFACTnaEKa ' ’ I: • e .5 - - *OB *B* B(Q |vt i- ' Silvib cufi ! STOVES. fiILVBR UIDA£ FOR TUB BEST and ■ ; COOKING RANGE FOR FAMILIES, -'J* With lug* Fe*d Door for throwing la Ooal I> I P L 0 M A'Sl and BEST WOOD COOK BTO VE AWARDKDay TIIBLATI AHD ' .. DIP^ OUA **** BC ® T LAUNDRY BTOVB. WafiTRRN PJENNBTLV i«rU AORI* ’ AUo « M*ortmeM of DullnK i CULTURAL SOOItfT *2* f EOC L 0r * t * ProoU - **nd*r«. Bad and Dog Iron* } to , Sugar KetUea, Wwgoa Roxu, Hollo* War., Ac GRAFF & CO. t 80. !14S Llbarty Siroet. AT TAB UfIAD Of WOOD STREET, PrrrsauiaH, Puurt. B I S!S EL L & NO. .235 LIBERTY STREET, ’/ ! ■ ■ MANUFACTURERS Olj °oo_KliiO, PABLOB heating stoves, Fine ami Common Enamelled. grate fronts and fenders. , And the Celebrated Capitol and Kegß oooßinaaAiiaiis BISSELL A CO.’S BISSELL A CO. BISSELL A CO. Mo, nao l-.lr.rlr Hum. Stationery at Coat I CALL AT ONCEI-®a DAVIS 4 CO NOW OPENING HOSIERY. WOMEN, and CHILDREN. Alm, • l«rg« ftvck Qt COATS and MITTENS, No. 17 Fifth Street. oc22;lwd BICBAHDBO2TB tub a. xa- spj o, °r|^ STOVE DEALERS Is respectfully invited to the htrg oaiT 4tuck greatst variety of BTO V- K 8 lo the State, manufactured by A. BRADLEY No. 4 Wood Street, PITTSBUE.aH. IN our assortment will be found tho follow ing well known COOK. S 'V O V K 8 TDE DOUBLE-TOP PATENT OAS ASMOKE CONSUMING TROPIC, for CooL THE NEIV AND BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE-TOP PATENT OA3 AND SMOKE CONSUMINO «'-fc.viLsu*'fl u/rtcr, p. A G ft. H. » _ Near Four .Mile ft un, October 10, 1559. J will be received till Novem „ lb « Sih.for bnlldiogthoTrcette Work usd Bridge Bapenlmcinre for the road Utwtcn riitiborch aod Port Perry, M-follows, viz: " 630,000 feet Timber, B. M , for Iro.tle work; iS'SS? “ “ bridge "oreretrocfOM; 40,(W0 pounds Iron, for 1-otU, 4;. Tbe bio* may be for materiel alone, for conslroetloo, or may Inclndebotb. j . Abont KO.OWi/feet limber, B. Sl* of the e)>ore for tmtle «?•**» ‘ureded this fall. Al*o, about £3,000 fret tor bridging, and the bai&nco early In ipring next. For farther loformition. fcppljS to the Rngiowr, Mr. 8, k° w - (Signed) i ; oclOnltooS - TfrJ. MORRISON * CO. PREMIUM STOVES o)p THREE DIFFERENT ARBITER, for Cost. THE NEW DOUBLE-TOP PATENT HAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING EUREKA, f„r Cool o THE CELEBRATED VICTOR. l„ Wed. Lin Oak and Pitubnrgh. VARIETIES. PARLOR STOVES, for Woitd »nd Coal; boat io tbe market, and heating <>f erery dcserip- GRATE FRONTS, Ac., all of wl;ich .ill bo «„1J on heat term*. CARD FJ» .1 Pressed' Fire Brick MILTENBERGER’S station, , FAYETTE COUNTY. }■ i. j. w. lriMLKy ... COMMISSION 1 MERCHANTS. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS!. 10 ,h ° - - Hra w-umsoorp * co., Piit.u.rgt, r, SkikOANHILD. . to' do aal&dmdia IL WilU0I; . do ' do 1 , I JSS 8,000 nce ; i sJSS sa"T*gh> is to WbS W » ld »-»“« Bt*«.o™«bo»ff?!i2S^i f c : h *f a ****. Btnirb«^p Bh PB " h^ wll i^a» 0 WUOLBSALE IUYfcHS^ 500 dot. Portsmouth Ribbed Hosiery, 150 “ assorted Woolen Hoods, 1 bale,Boston Knitting Yarn, 350 lbs. Dexter’s Tid^otton, 1 case Fletcher’s Shoe Locate, 45 gross Cane Hoops, • Sow errtrln* ftom to «n l„. .1 NO. 17 FIFTH asm. Third door fn», ItoM 'JT'IIK OELEBKATED CINCINNATI BURNING PI-VID, •old onlj «t JOS. FLBUINQ'S PBUOOTOBE, B*U*)tlS«r!,sl! of (hs ItßratJtlon. ocli 0. HAHBOIf -LOTH.-T4 Marfcfetsfc onn BBLS. EXTRA AND SOPBKETNE «uy FLOUB forttfoty COIP A BHIPAHP. £JUEAP£ST! BEST!! LARGEST.!!!— 535 pays tho Tuiticrn-'for Single and Donblo Book-keeping, Commercial i Arithmetic ; ahd Lectures. : ® ,KUt ,wi ' board, JiO; 8 Ulster/, $1; Pull Ooun*, >36— : entinM>xp«.o««,*62. ;I -* # complete • full cecr»e, from G to 10 we*k*. to „•!»** np^u i* guaranteed to be cow lo f*rn a Bo £ k * of - » n T twloew, mod qoaliflM 557-!*7 orrn,m •sotf t® <*'ooo. - plewre. "** * r mt ,D * H™**—No Vacation—B«Tie* At '- KST I,USI!tE S f > WaiTIHQ Slat* Fair at ZinoariiuT 1 *\ h ;, *' , 'Uadrljw|»|« anl Ohio Union for ibo put four yeaiS P«tod|»l Fain of the fts.MlnlrtC'tV toot rweirwjat »,«!frr» _ • ForGrculara, Specimens Fi„u*!i .r. , ColUffS enclose fire letter «Uajpe to Mll * UnJ ' l *» f * f ‘be .iat-Jt.y F. w. jii-VKiNa. ~.. T I O IST guftlic jlntictß. (Ts'i'HE ituoniiiTtpoßHtir EDvrlijo^;, will bold ii. „ B „i„ n^ii, at Iron City CoUogp UaU.on HATDKDAT.^hI/mt®? 110 * KXEBCISEB - by Mr* A. Bcrtt; 8olv«et--“Ihobrraant * by Prof.Doan; Sabjfct—„£**• Itaadlog by Mir, Martha QUm. Mr. A.T. Ml ,‘ G U \**l,*a. y J. 9. HAWK.fWV OFHC* IVBttKtlf ISI ■■ JKiniA«C* Vo B p iBT I Election for Thirteen Directors of »bl* Comjiwiy will bebeld »t UioofTcrt, No w» Mi ter <>n tbe St* d.,y ofNoT.n.Kr. tbo bonr» ofl! a. «. nnd 2 r. *, •*« g;«- »i011Dl)S, Eccr. uill U fcpi.j gv CKUIOIt liALl s ou TUOEhPAY.Iho -jlli i la , ft'7 o*.iofk. I*. Si. ‘ l ' AJdro**^«rvRR3. TON, anti other*, . , , *>' ’ All fileuJg oftli* raou *rn to{d(al!r ioTltcJ to iiUuJ oeJTriUl iTS 3 ’ .Notice.— The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the T«tnperanceTfl!*> and Nobleu towa Turnpike aod Plank Ko&d Company will be held at lb* Office of tho Treaaorer. on MONDAY, Ttb day ofTfoT -1859 lime an .Election will l*, bold for ProeUoot, Treasurer and Board of *slin»geM for Ibe enuring jeer. By order oc2S:7td umoi Kcuri ißsouxacz covfabt. i Pittaborgh; October 241 b, 1559. J Election for Thirteen Directors of . . . Cwnpaoy, to aarra for tboenralnr rear, will bn bold »t thpomre. No. 99 W ator afreet, on TUBSDaT.Not. bib, twwrwi rbe honraofll A. M. and IP.M. oca-did ROpBKT PIKNET, fac»y. Macnasic’a Hass, ) f’ittabaruh,October 21*1,1859. J * KIc.-tion for Thirteen Directors of , wl " tbo UtnkiDß Uonan, on 3 P »L AY ‘ ■ So '" ml * T 21st > tbe honra oPO k. u. and *in£tfiiVv U u Mw ‘V u «‘ ,f U ‘° Slcckholdrni nUI Ufcetd TUKSUAI , Novnaitwr lot, at 10 4; M. - • ~ . OKO.il). MeGRKW, Caller Rise. » Pi«»bnrph. October 2)tb, 1859. J Election fur Thirteen Directors ol MONDAY, ti\o il*l day «>f NoTniqbw, InstWo.m tbe hours o 0. *. M. ar.rlo’, l.irb p.n. j ; A p-noral mreUo-of tho Stockholders trill be beldal tho baiifcln* lloum, on TUKSDAY, tbo l.t day of Norm lO.. clock. ocSO.lnd J. HT. COOK, Cashier :Notice.—The undersigned desires to CLO3K ALL 1118 BUSINESS, both ptrecnal ud foftMlooai, itflmodJeusly. Thoee ; h*Ting Uw boalnees Jo a)» haodf ere rrqaMted to call airi *etUe sad recoire their pepere.enJ employ other csnnjel. vThoM fndobted tohim or u> the lit* firm of Millo-t A Co., for profesuonel •errice*. or upon note, jmlgroeot, or other wW will pleaee mt the eeme I** N. NKLSON, tohimwtf, at hli office%ere he will »lleo.l dally for the 1 toßo’clock p. m. oc, ' ' l,f _ :TfIOMAB MELLON. PipSEDMJB, Oct. C, 1150. is hereby given that a meeting of th® Stockholder* o’t the Pennsylvania Icsctmncn Company of Pltubpj-gh will be on ftlosniT, Uw “t» imi o* NoT«»nnm%s9, at the cffleo of said Company,No. «3 Fourth meet, between the boon of ten o'clock A. M., aod one r. u , f.ir the purpose or electing. Directors to serr# for the tuning year. V •.11-taji. I ocl0: ' 1 “ 1 !- OHIER fiPEOUL. Bee',.. Jimusnimtta. Fo 11 0 T li e atXe ~ MANAGERS Dwi open at 7 precisely. _. —i I'rifeitti mlt llie ilmw.'-ParocetU ud Dfte« Urdu, ‘i6 • **or«; Family Clitl*»;ls cent*. - PORTKrIaNT> H'f ARLAKD. r <>'cl>-dr; Omrtain.wiU rite at 8 o'clock WAHU AND COMFORTABLE! rHUi.it KU.XI.VO, Ck'toUr igili, will Lb performed, i>AMON AtfD PYTHIABL Mr. UcFnK •'" r “»‘“ 1» Ibo offlca No. IC3 PonrUi L- _ ■ tcSEdlw P .' MARSH AL;L ft CO., th» arrival c r NEW WALL PAPERS, BORDERS, Ac. No. 87 Vyoop Stbibt. “yy M . D . S M/I TH , TEACHER 081 MtJBIC, ■r«u»,n a u,iu oim „ tsivll>M ■; , Singing, !„ tbn KTistagi for ida’u, and natqrdaga fir Jnrenttea, mvi » *■»>»■> upon npplltatlin at Ida BJBI --11? 0 ' 113 ro ™ STUB ITT, Fittitargb, Pa. O DT^ HARPER, FOR NOVEIMBEB i At Fmyib A Pitlocky (Davla A Co.’*,) CO jhfib itmL Odd P*»ow> BaUdlog. . ■ - •- -j lUfy for om to be •toup abonlderwi, vrpoeaca a .contracted ebe*t after babitn. ally wearing theao ptupcndrn. ‘ An exacniaqflooip til that U pclldted. Tor sale, wbolraals and retail, by ocl»4 - CAETWRigOT A Wood «t. > COUNTRY DEALERS^ . ux>rt«d «Ix Eat reasonablelersu by . AUSTIN LOOMIBVm 0 ®* wa r :• Stock NotOjßTOkwa.aatq^V OLD and IT O Frofeaaor Wood'a Bair Heatorative WILL ritESERV,E, IXFALLIBLY, TEE gtwth aad orW c*f th»hAk, If xu&d two or tbna'' tlxoM a Woolt, to any iatagioablo age, Perfectly restore the - gtij; cover tte balj with nature’# ovo aruauat, the bain eui* Ittaoraaolt asd bcautiial than aoy oil, and preeerr* "■ the snip tree from *U diaeaae, to tba greatest • ‘' tuea, Judge*, AMorne/w, Doctor*, Ch-rgy torn, Probate**! Men and Uenttasuu and Uiiii* of all rUaxe, all oyar fha . • aorld, boar testimony that we do not aajr frjo nocbio ill fsTur. Head the following, Asdjodge>- - .. PROFESSOR P. THALBEIUf, PIASIST, « js» oo hi* arrival tn iho Polled State* ha -' rapidly becoming gray, hoS*wt» apprise s’- Wool 1 * Hair BeateraOro.iiis hair soon rtcorsntf . v: ' ... A „ It* crigldal hao. i : ;-v .>. UIAULCB CAttUKW, la Nmm Stros-t, NIX,' the craT hair* on hi. wife*, head afro, a? S.t feW mt T?\ L" W * ***** in, ° » d*rt hrowti, " aUbetkrootlnjibeantlfyirignndtjjlifcviilnglb*'' A d HAYMOND lUlh.iM**,*, oM - a ' ,J M ? haired wbl.Vws Were ! K m T ‘ bQt two bottle. of llrttoT-«ui»r llifsi'.ykr, Uav* d wappearMl, Uith L.J li.a brad audf>r«; aiiiii, ox.ie *£a«o4 *ir*,atU>o age of fifty h*» rued It with Iba •ame ©ff«ct. % , . ; f 1 ifc. lviiow ll* D»J ffoudY Hair |.h luiil U- r '\ ' now tlilcfcaad glooy. j .;. }- 3. M.MH,DLKTOX,LItJig>I.«, AhUnX tars' v ®** tc,r »tlre baa done raiidi goodie his part \ oflhecoQutrj. Uen*clit:roM»ldo*as,»dßoW \ liaaaflne head ofloir.- • \ a* Kcatocky.nyglw■ aooo Wood a UaJr in hooJivda ofc*. •M,and.,nrer Anew it to fail ioac M opli B tl*V' v ‘ all it pr«jfee9ea to do. * | * . i AU s {cLac«loro‘, 0 ‘, bad tho reald bead eight years, ‘aod'washaltl, bot h/ the liberal tuopf Wood’. Hair Raatora’ __ a. ,i r e ’ H? ® jWliM * ll cb glotjy head ©fhalr. t tSF Sold,bj all Druggist*, and by O. J. Wood • A Oca, <44 Broadway, New Yotk.aod 114,'Markrt ■'■'■• street, SLtoals, Ido. Sold In Pittsburgh br Dr OEO.ILKJSTaSB, B. L. PAUKBfIVUKAtO . ! r-odallDracteta. | tapfedl',! ; SU B. BROWN;- President. JOSS T. 10015- HARD W A JR E , v » SO. 53 WOOD STIIKKT, Tocr Door* &1>ot» Rt. Cliartca HoM, Jo3o:dCai i riITSBVRQU, 7 a. a. UIYiS, lota Of Lancaster Looax k Qiuyo, PitJiL’g /• GEO. S. BKTAH &. co:, ■ / Commission Merchants, FOE TJIE BALE OP . " 7 / Piq IRON, BLOOMS, - No. 52 Wood St, Pittsburgh. 7 Rrrimßyxs—Ljud, Qjorl) k Co-, PUtiborffh; liTinetlon. k ??■* Pl^‘ bot ? h JTbo*. E- FimnUin, JBaq* fil' THE BNTEHBBiSH Insurance Company OF PHILADELPHIA, | ; - Intorea Anrt I| f , Fnrw nnure, At., at Unatonable • • [*-' B*t*l Of Premlnm. j WBUsaj -Bna<,ot! Wm‘,' M ACo. t yilbro Fwltr? Jno. jif AtTood' pf Jtfn»iii WhitoACo; T.Tmllck,offrfsfc 2 ?atokc.rS V - Henry Whwton; JD>r3o: ° mil Nd. bgWood Ptm NOHTHKmd' '' ' ' - 1 ■■■'. Assurance Company, 1 ' NO. 1 UOOROATE SrRKFT, LOVDOS. - ESTABLISHED in 1836.' HaßffiSss§£*BKßB In* January 81,1&W ■; 033,024 18 T? 18 °OMPANr INSURES AGAINST ° r «Uo»ted and paid wlthW reference o ' . _ «WM __J; : > AOIUTCia.tW WTTmiipfTfp A - a ""' 1 John Floyd A Co,- 173 • u. ; ■f« VH • • •'*. • “ BrojTrA Slrkpatridfci, Ifl3 Liberty «tr«t:' P. Orrgw A Co, KUTood j - > WU» I n l >rßlroyAOo,e4WWitrotn J . Jarne* HcCandloM A Co, K>3 H « s < l Nlmlck * Co, 95. Water htroot; ! * -. •7 •• u B. A-F ahnoctock A Co, Tlrat ~ U A^*w^i° < i 1 *‘ : i}o C^’^ cou ‘ 5 ‘nJtVood street^' « n lWlB Wood rtreetj 7 : UcCandlea, Mean* Go, Wood and Wafer e/a:- umonsn rmunitrnu.; • • - 7\ '' Owrse II Stoirt, El,, 13 itmL ' . ■ f? - i °°’ SOTOi Trout unj?/ : ' _ . _ J *g* , Q f A Co..£oaM?3beMrt>gr»*t- * - *“?■* Pnaldont htehaulca' d***; r ■ JatneaDdnJap, Zaq-Prealient Union Baal*" • Hob. W. A. Porter,Tata JnJgo SopwiffSW ! - . u.‘ -i , w . f Aa *BS W. ARfioTT, Agent, -je—lydli i Officg/103 VTeta'xn*. OFFICIAL OF Tltfi CWTi riTa j SBTTB.OH GAZBTIIJ J PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY* BY 1 • ! K- EJ-RRICTT «3c is NOW IN ITS SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR, With ftUrge and coailaaiJy WCRKASING CIKCtn^AXIOIT, 01 both its DUlj ,o l w««klj Wilton.. •*-11 ofl,u QDcnial lodoc.menU Id A.]Tcit!t;rc,l,«! M QoltemllyrecegnliedM . * The Best Commercial Paper ,in * the West, t ****** It om cl th. M.rcUau, Mmufulu,/ '° "“" “““ ““ ■??«■■*'>■« resta, <3 , hio - Nojtherulndi,. W ®-"’ tern i Virginia, Wiaoon lOwa, JUinoi!j, Kaneaa Nebraska. '.j at Moderate. Prices.-©® | ADVERTISING AGENTS Eos THE OAZEXTE, °j^ ? Aaa^fffo.E^”S,f. t,r X..°a» ' Dr. Sinntl S. S’ltcb’a DluiiyCorMctor fixture,—Purely v«„. ta^J*’ r " iMUd ’ & ‘ r “ *“ i Ensta. fcr * BTLTOTJH DISORDERS SICK HSMmCUK, bilious headache. ; : dyspepsia, ’ ob eroii Arm, BILIOUS OB DTSPEPTOWTOH® 3 ' 1 MAURTftTi FEVERS, ... BOWEL OOMPLAIBTB, -C - -•* • rKffigg Blo " lo3 '*- ; j mmuniMoo, ccmplxinti cxnrtd b, IMPolfe Btl*«UlMot3. A. KREBS & BR'O. ERAOXIOAI Corner Wood and Fourth Sts. PITTSBDEq-h^-’ WIXOtESAIiE RETAI? SUNOPAC-- ' TUftEftS AND DEAIEBS II? I. ANI> SHOES, «rg-»as.agar w - SAiroii,; j, *«» trail* i* :;-'t • • i -•* V'/v-, Wood on and Willow ' wire Jl ' BISECTS, BROOMS, BBUs'nM,Coffi>AO)£*l.: r -'V~ j No. 31, Dlaiaond, - ■ -i | QOtfOTRY BLANKETS ■ol&aUwlyP Wpr'Btmjuui 'miaiu,,. W Mtofat A* ' CUg guctiog., g a!c . T - U N Gr AFFIRM ITS * TROTH, ' VIZ.: TIiAT •1 »W 1» OftMO, logact & gzlsqq; - IMPOSTERS 01*' WTTMunoil, OP TOR DE9T r-'^l m ?Jv>w b . *4