The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 18, 1859, Image 3

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    fesmai jiotuw.
.. • • ; ' ' . ASD
PZB BOTTOMS, RAIudSUH C .acc-., Ep.l Ur PcM.f, 4=.
AlD,.(nc«ttP»'uia B.. Lr. 11l METALS, TIN PLATE
7M7IKETTEOTf* WrBE, Ac, CAiUntl, on band, Tluai.u a
/ Mftcbia«*aa4TooU.
, *ar4\ou»9, No. U9FirH and ISO Stcond tfrett,
P»*t*t*urgl»> P#mn»4
Oopper cot to »nj dMlr*d p*««™
1 -
forwarding and Commission Merchant,
* Cbeeso. Batter. Seed*.
And Prodoe* a«nar*lij,
dkwf • Wa fl& Wbftl •Slrul. PUUbvrgA.
anjA sxovh; vv uhiw.
NMroricino womuo minai vann o»
Plain and Pane; Qrato Fronts, &o.
Sola Proprietor ol the celebrated PVtiht On
Ituamnaand SuoaxCoKsuniNQ
Office and. Sales Room*
• atlMUfe Mo,*Wooaßt., Plttlbargb.P».
Forwarding anil Commission Merchant!,
And Agents for the site ol Pittsburgh Mann
*ac»nr«t. (bhilgoiDtoli utl orders for LEAD) HIDES,
nuilP, PRODUCE, Ac., solicited. Prompt stleo
. tioo to rrcairing and fnrwsrdlcg.
If©, 49 Commercial Sttrett, St. Loots,
•_ •' r~.OIALKsa IV
Foreign and Domestic Bill! of Kiehangc,
aa.Onllß&ttonsmad*oo niltbe prlnclpsl cities tbroogb
onltbe United States. ►- »p-.bht_
fi>all Feehloni.
JJB MoOORB Ss 00-,
•Aro now opening for the FALL TRADE b
C3»gnlfl<«mt •»«* o! FRESH GOODS, which will b« mid at
low prte**. r No - 131 WOOD STRICT,
FtTa drort abOTa Fifth, Pithborgb.
jm~ KOBE BT O RRi A&
oft. • > ' cutn is BP
bonnet ribbons,
B. B. & C. P. MARKIiB,
Warehouse* No. 31 Wotxl Street*
Hug* txmgtat *t pMrk»t prigoa.
Iron HaUtnff, {ron Vwlfi» V«uU Doon
Window Shatters, Window Guards, St.,
• ■&&. 01 Stand Sired and 98 Third Strut,
(Between and Market,) PiWaBUBfIU, PA-»
nvQ cabind » ruitty of M«t«rn* p tancy and plait
toiubla tor all purpose*- Particular attention paid to ei
nWioif flruTO Lot*. Jobbing done at abort notice. tart
„.a srJ^SST-
vitniunr oocauiss- »nsoa hlllx».
Pittsburgh, Ponna.
(Jtac«, 110.31 Market Otreet.
Mmnlictnr* .11 tlndo Steam Eurltm; end Ui>l'U'-bl
ore-, Oulln E t,K.Uroi.l Wort, Btoem Boltae endgbeet Ir.
•Tobblnc sad Bapahlnj
; dunoon abortnotlc*. wuSSUydfo
. w K YMAN 6c » ON,
M.nnfacinrereaud DaaUts in ellAtndj of
: ' - AND
* fobhugn exchange.
[sight bills drawn by
Abo, Bills eo- the principal titles and towns cf Franca,
Bsfglmv’llbUaod, Germany, Russia and other Enroptan
•3OilynfiV.'.. Pant era. Wood etraet, comer of Third:
3VI 3B St©ANT T A lb o n ,
' No. IS A*rketßt.t PUUliargh.
good assortment of Cloths, Oassimris,
nm oumw «a •" i«* <” «*» tt *““'
*»HortUn pn»Dplljr enrf. U Ik* l»tMl “< <t>* «'
3, SCOTT, Dentlat,
HAS remOTeil to the house lately occupied
l.,Dr. Win A.(P»nl. No: JTS fmo (Kalis -Us'
third dc-or fcboT»n»ud eUeat.
Offlc* lloor*trrai ft *.M. till 6f.«
-A. iOHHUBOTP r W. ■,«lU*W
' 'Plttßburgh Btee! Work*.
M.BoftuMomtof CAST STEEL; mlw, HPBTNQ, PLOW Mil
Comtr Rm and First Strtrti, Pittibi;rf\, Fa
_ 9 . • an«*B»
' v ‘ s i)o„
KijrcPACTcmis or
golin* Improved P»t*»l S«*ol
, Onlti vator Teetli,
ti&gr xau and F<rrt Strrett, PiOtlursK, Pm
1 n«fclT<J£l —-
,0.,n«. T0.0r.1.: D< W O. Bldw.ll.
{Suasnon to f\rrUr, Rotye & itwttt)
MAXOrACTC»«9 \>»
f „»ner of Water Street and Cherry alley,
..'rMy.ite .pnTaanaoH.i'wn'A-
j . m. uarruc
No. s*l St. Clair Street,
<Dr.LiUb’fN*» BqlliUdr,' PITTSIiUBOU.
««3(r.1r4f0 ■ .
— iunre’s Mihaculots V tea in Dcaraoraa,
■n, o«l)f‘itnjieily(»«e !H:0 IfirUSnre to Ahterbrtiuile
lUoiftSocaaoiCDia. Bune, A STB, MoseiiiTcis, Plus,
: »uo a» dewr. Lexers, Ac.
50,000 Bona sold in one honth.
Tbefß Celebrated Remedies bees been nsed
Ux twenty-two yes™ In ell perle of Enrope, end Ibeir mires
... ... pewrr Lx.. been etteeteA by the ConrUnl Rnenie,
/ rreuce, KctUml, Auxlrfe, pnuele; Beeerle, fiexnny, Belgb
Unbend, Neplee, Ac, end Ibelr Chemlral propertlra
exemlned, end epprnyed by the meet dlsllnynUhed Mndlcel
ffocaUfc* altovor vorltl.
Tb«ir destrocUwnem to oil kind* of vermlu a&d lo»=U
haabw* ccrtlilod In thU Manley by tho Dlrocton ol tho
-oorloo*.Public InsUtolloni, Plantar*, ftron Proprtetoro
ofHot*la»War*bonoei, Maottfaetoriao, ond by vailon* dU
iogslflbadprlrotodtiuno. -
BntMTOnj TeotlmosbU end CertiflcoUo of tho efllcecy of
tiM* Bamedlao can bo «oen at tho Depot.
for gala, TCfccieoalo and Eetafl, by tho Ixrrontor and Pro
nriston JOSEPH HETEH. Practical Chemlrt,
612 Broadway (cor- HouotoboU) N*» York.
General Agent for tho D. State. and Canadu,
ICK V. BUSHTON, DrufgUt, No. 10 Aitor Uoatm, and 417
' whDlouleind reUJI by R E. BEL
«BB *„%SfS’ *s£'PS™?
Corow DfifflOTi *od u™« k- »“*““*
NAN, AU*yfagpy;
TSTTeTcviih STKTTP.-vraiT 18 ItT
trepiSS. of Pem.U» B**>- *“• '• o<, ‘ “ ” ‘
li »»!nbl. propirotloiiof Prrtcnld* of Iron, which If reM
ilpncdveAlntoUiecoiutitatfoo,' ,I; i wfllocttio o n
• v if that Out metal doot not txtotlly act, -when fmo in
Um form of cxrboovte, or cron in lb# iron by hydrogen
preparation, aopopular wilh phjalciana. Whoever <k*im
to gire iron in atocta that will b# acceptable to tbo boman
ttotauh,and that nOl U readily taken into the blood, will
gtrntbtc PeruvianSyrap, which <• attested by men ofbtgb
fixtncttt throughout the country. Dr. Days#, the State
AtfayecolUtiMchnKtu, twtlßca to It# extraordinary rir
ttX*, nndWobate every confidence in tbe ability of tbo
igtit here to conTißft* mroce of ihs nme. The Pernrito
BjTßplittikla Boston, and bta performed moit wrader-
WndiKt-ei requiring« tonlo end titcratlTe
loss BdTerUnsuzit la toother part of
'•ffSK’EenWH, 110 Wood street, u th, ijmt
for tbh rifr. —l^dfc^T
RpFTUftBOB o*o. 11. Ket
ft»,ofl4o Wood itreat, Pittsburgh, beta in the
: Mgterfl cities for tbs psst ei* weeks, sod be* procured the
'•«MUPPWT»dkIo4 of Tnioos for Ibe cars of nsruUor
‘.sMvUAklli rpulifled to fit tosny cewor rapture
M■«*«*• U** ssiUCKtioa will Is gtrea. Ws
veald gflriseoarreeders to cell on I>r. Keyier, when sny
*Wxa«f this kind is noedrd, •» we feel pertneded tbst be te
caooetfolto gits the needful sdrtce to each ceess.
Hjgo, Oil ana Leathor Store.
D KibSPatbick & Sons, No. 31 S. Third
. ,'m*b Uukat ud OhMtnnt «u, PWlklelphta, S.T.
P 1 T.nntrf Oil,T.»d«P mlOar-
Pita*, «4 «P™ •*" <*«
ktodlof l»H» 1» U>» ™>Z>i br
. *«*“■ _m bo rireuiD cwb, or t*ken lb
Pltatanb, Pt OOKfitatiTlOtT fEM. 015
HowfentteUWat-wUMafttocMpil* n * by wwn ;
Sptrtal ©ottrrs.
B. F. Cleaver’s
The only genuine, possessing a tfe® and
Cream? Lather, a luting and delicate perfume, end t> war.
ranted not to InJ are the skin.
P. 8. Cl oarer’s Celebrated Mo»k, Brown W lodeor,Glyce
rine and Bncflower Soaps: eleo aaponaceooa Tooth Powder
for the Teeth and Gome, to bo bad of all the respectable
Drag and Fancy Stores In the United States
Manufactory In London.
Wholesale Depot, Noe Bl and 33 Day street, New York.
oelfcSmdfc . J. 0. ROXSTON, Ageut.
uivnracmaxu or
Of all alias and descriptions.
Warehouse, 489, oor. Penn.and Walnut Sts
Two squares above the P. I.W.ftC K K.
Freight Depot,
F° K c
r> u
N 1 A
S K «•
A \
HlANCFACTrilllllt’B PltlCKg,
We would most respectfully call tho ntten
tion of the public to the American Watches now belo* ex
tensively iDtroduoed, the manufacture ol wtliJi Ua* become
eo firmly established that entire confidence ceo t>e placet
upon them as safe and correct time keepora, both by the
wearer and teller,
Having been appeluted Wholesale Agents l*w the sale cf
these Watches, the public may be eesnred that we ren sell
them et the very lowest cash prtrea^.
VPe hare aiao a Tory large atvck i f «ll?er and Plated
Ware, Fine Quid Jewolry In «-t«, a'K.b a* Coral. (Urust,
Ifemen, Jet and Pointing*.
Oar nnortmeot of OLOOILS l« onuinAllj large •( proeunt,
comprising eome tweQllfal patUmanf Bight end One P*y
Parlor and OlBco Clocks at greatly redooJ price*
W# hare atao a fall flock of English and Swiai Oold and
Silver Watcbc* on hand, all of onr own Importation
aleo Watch Maker*' TuoU. Material* and Watch Qlaatti-
No. 42 Filth atrnot.
ac uko.
aOTUKUsi uui'iiicttsii no i'Mibiißiii
Don’t fail to procure Mra. WitislowV Sooth
lag gyrop fur Children Teolhin* It he* oo«.|»»*l «>* r *b.
ft greatly facilitate* the presets nl teetbiuji by toftenlcg lb#
goio*, redocing ell toflarnmetlon—will *»H»y »oJ le
tnre to regulate the U.wela. DcpwuJ epoo ft, mother*, It
will glee re»t to yoar*»lTe», and relief end health ro ynut
infant*. Perfectly eaf» Id. *ll cwsa
Tbli valuable preparatlco 1« the prut..rlptton ot one ol
the mcr*tuperiooc*d end ekilfnl f«malu PLythdaneiu New
England, * been o»*d with neve* felling loeceaaln
We believe U the beet end anraet remaj y In the w.irlJ, In
ell oaee* c*f Dysentery end Dlorhote iti OliiMreu, whethci It
arise* from teething ui ftvQi euj CitL«s uenee.
If lir* end health can be eitli&etcdbf <HU»« end 'lenU.U
4s worth itt weight In gold
Million* of buttle* »r» fluid every year u in.. tuJi».l
Statu* It Uan old eud w*U-UUJ remedy
cunuloenolMStha tncwJißlleoK'fi; Tig *
iKLNB, New York, la on the outride wrapper,
gold by Dmg)ri*L» throeghoat the world.
UR.QEO. U KhTdER. Agent t.r Pltt»tnr r i
Assurance Company,
CAPITAL $0,308,800 0O
ANNUAL REVENUE, far tho jwonil
- laj J»oo*ry 81,
This company insures against
Lon or DamftKe h T Fl**. altuoei •mj d«*erlpOon of
Propcit/ Th' Haiti a f Prrmtwrii are muderaft, *ud.l<.
»U cuii, B(mu tlio chmi'l.t of th* ovuar *<i • 1 •>
»od tba merit* ol tLe il»k.
Lnntn piviupllf &4ju»t«d Mid pill witbcot ni»t«Lc« »•»
London. A rptcial permanent fund provtM to
phia for payment oflotutinViU country.
umncu ui pimscEou
Ma*ii* Jime* McCuilj A Co. 174 Wood etre.t
John Floyd A Co., 173
Drown A Klrkpntrtcke, lw3 LiL-rtf *tr««.
•• D. Gregg A Co. W Wood etre»i.
WUeon, al’Elroy A Co. M ffw-l *t
~ June* IlcCeodlnee A Co. lu3 -
•• NlmJck A Co ,ti 6 Water etreet;
“ u. A. >'fcboeatock A Co. fint tud W. 04 ftr»ei«:
~ Jos WoodwoJl A 00. :Wx*a4 end Wood »ir»ru;
•• At«ell. Loo A 00. 8 Wood etrrfct;
•< Dardifleld A Co. Fonrtb nod Market
MtCindleua, M«*n»A Co. Wood end Water *t»;
uruxscum PslLUtaimu.
George 11. Stout, K*i-, 13 Bank iirwl.
Meeere Mjer*. Clegborn A Co, 2Ztt Market *tr»t;
- Wm. ll’Kae A Cx.,»- Booth Front iirw !;
- U’CntcCeoo A Oollio*, Front end New *tc i
.. WiUUiui kCq , uli Market ■trr«t; |
l.iMdrilum k Co., 20U>ii 22 Letltu #t.«*t.
Di lUtchcU, EB--J, PreakJeot Mac6*Q»e«’ B«uhj
JamanDnoUp, I*j,Pr«U«iDl Uni*>nßaak: I
lion. W. A. PorUr, lata Jodffa Baprama Oonrt 1
J«K;lyJl9 Otßra. 103 Woo 1
uaut •"••••*• B
Attorney and t’onnselior at
mrlMlfJal __ __ No.HJ *>“**. Ar '"
I" RISH & MACKENZIE, Attorneys at Law,
Office No. 60 Vuarth •treO, PUUbarjfb, Pe N.»Ury Pat*
Ito «cd Ohio Coromlmlooer. _ *P a
Corner Wood and Fourth Sts..
wa. ■Tacaiiriti Za. rouaNim *• *• ***««»*•
No. 31 Fifth Street, Bank Block,
Itofogjmc rw»lw«l oar very Urs* «pd complete Block
of BOOTS AND SHOES, w* are prepared to ofl«r «*!»• lo
ducement* lo pnrchamre. Cell and •lamina.
.«10.3r0d V WU. B BOUMERTZ A OOj 31 mih *t.
77" “ejTX/idrtijßi*’
Wooden and Willow Ware
jjTaTW a t ii a
PATENT HOT PHKBBCD NUTBof all «Im* on band aod
maanUctnred. ''Alao, BOLTB for Bridget, Machinery, Ag
ricnltera) ImclemesU, Ac-, fomlibed at •hortnotica-
M_Vinb9Wi No. HA Water itntl.
T> K M 0 V A L,.
JOUN S. LEE, Merchant Tailor,
H*» reuiortU bis cbtiblUbcicnt
NextdocrtoN. Holtuti A Bona, B*ak«r«.
. s2Hants.
Try ANTED— SOO bus. prime new Clorer
ocn - ——— r.—,
rnnA AGENTS WANTED—To eell 4
I'ii.OOt) i.'!i ooo,—latter lh»n all L^ ‘“A,/,
“•S'S.V'*” 1 ” •°’ l S‘nni7gX«ra. to .
ANTED—S,OOO bnshols Flax Seed, toi
which tb* highest raaiket price will M PW«-
aoflO j. k OAH FULDA 00-, No- HI Tint at.
TO EET—The commodiooa Owelling E«B
boaae, with atabla, ontbonaea and gronnda at-XML
(ached, known m tha reaideaca of Uoo. E
tied at Bobo Bridgajatt beyond the city line on tC« Fonrln
Street Boad. Enquired B. 11. IHIBII. Agent,
Ocl4:dtf No. CO fourth atreel. _
TO LET —Several fine Store Rooms ou St.
CUIr itmt, one of wblcb nil] b* natal to conMClko
Vltb th» «p#doo#room on lb# mcoxu! floor, #ad I# *•» c>l '
cn XJI ‘ rnr,Jt °" °j“K mea. ...
fflQ I.RT A comfortable two story fgg
I mifikDvelltnff.titiuU oo (/Utra atnet. cou-JCft
Swamr* •tgss&xtssst
B. W
AI»BX. a. B.SBD,
Mo. BSiFlfib Sircel
033,02* l i
FlTTiißL'R.ill, I*A
C. B. M.’bMITH. 1
X j rt-A.Oa’ 10--A r
80. Xli Diamond}
80. « MAttKKT 6TKBET.
Co Uti
iiitslntrglj (Samite.
Tuesday morning, oct. is, iso?
City and News items.
5 MCTSußotooiCil. Observation* for the Gatettr, by
;jfl. E. Shaw, Optician, 6S Fifth St.—eorrecie-i daily •
is sow. tx »ba«*.
9 o'clock A. M
12 “ u
ft ( “ V. u.
thk courts.
Sim-sbke Court.—Before Judges Strong,
- Tbooipsou, Reed nod Lowric, 0. J.
: Monday, Oct. 17M —Oo the first four soils
‘ Perry vs. Curtis, Erie; Bradley vb. Ward, Erie:
• Biablman ve. Wallace, Jefferson; and Dart tb
\ Sanford &Co , Erie--a judgment of non pros.
: was entered la (be oaae of Liodley tt al. tb
Lee, Erie, Cburob appeared for plaintiff in error,
5 and F&rretly eontra. fa Martin ft al. vs Bat
< tlee, Erie, writ of error wag quashed In Cook
Haggerty,' Erie, Rabbet argued for plaintiff,
land Marshal contra.
* Oq motion of lion. Gaylard Cburob, G W
Veigler, of Jeffereou oounty, was admitted to
practice in this Court
All the mandamus oases iovolviog r lbe railroad
tax, will bo before tbo Court ou Friday. Messrs.
Howard, Barton and Williams appear for the de
fence in these cases.
IT. 8. District Court. —The only case before
tbe Court yesterday was a civil case of uo pub
lic interest. There arc five criminal oases on (be
oaloodar for (rial. Tbo one to be taken np to
day is that of Silas J. Covor, indioted and tried
at tbe last term for robbing the mail in Somerset
couuiy. Oo the former trial, a verdiol of guilty
was rendered, aud amotion for a new trial made
:by. Mr. Swartzwelder, hie attorney, was granted.
;Tho case will come on al Iff o’olook, ibis morning
! Court op Quarter Sessions. Before Judges
McClufo and Parke.
Monday, ITf.V—Philip Beilsteiu, indicted
for keeping a disorderly house, wan placed upon
(■rial. Defendant keeps a tavern in. Allegheny,
cqruer of East Laue aud the canal, 4lh ward
D appeared from tbo testimony that there is a
ball room attached to defendant’s beer saloon,
iu which, on Saturday nights, there are dances
It was testified (hat a good deal of noise and c-c
cssionally fights occur at Beiistetn's place.
E. H Stowe and W. M. Moflil, Eaqs . appear.
eJ for the defence. Dr. Baldwin lesli&ed that
Beilstcin kept as good a house as any lager beer
saloon could be. Had never saw or hoard any
noise about tbo bouse A large onmber of oili
tens testified to the same faotß
. Mr Wbile&elt was the prosecuting attorney,
and made a very warm harangue against tho
defendant. Verdict of not guilty was rendered
and tbo prosecutor pays tbe costs
Commonwealth vs John Bom?, proseiuted
for stealing a rope from a raft on tho Allegheny,
the property of DaviJ Hennigb. Tbe prosecu
tor testified that be bad Burns in*+is employ a
few days previous (bat be lost tie cable, and
that Bprns acknowledged he had taken it
Another witness testified that he saw Burns take
it. Mr. Malion said that it was petty larceny,
and that it would ha well for Burna to pload
guilty, aod so. he did Burna was sentenced to
jail for three months Me had been in jail ouv
month and twenty Jays
CorRT or Common Pleas C Sweeny vs
Morrison McClosky £ Co . action to recover
wages as ooal boai band front Louisville to New
Orleans Verdict far plaintiff for slu
Jiioolt Orth *s Cunningham A; Co , aciion tn
recover wages as a glass blower On trial
Banc Statbbrwt for tba week preceding (Jot. 17th
gitll. (OttfUlß'nn; Hpn-Jn ] Lo*ua I
B’k Pittjb’gbj 'Ji'J.UTrt 1 423 f 6t>4:l,Mrl,A!!Sj i5::,151
Exchange B’k| 477,1 to! 19.1,431,«2<S 244,*47
M. 4M. “I 278.772! Hi, I5Vi . 639,144! 2r>fl/>55
Citizens’ “ | IH.fiOOl 51.V46 557.«7V: 74.47-
Mechanics’- : 2«7.5h»! 10V.44W 71H.41V 10-.J.004
Iron CUT “ 24f>,55u! 116,133! 632,1421 171,047
Allegheny “ j 2l2,l*i'j **2,311. 171.1-1
i.rwv,soil,us,isr. e,6se,AVA 1,570.5**
Lul week . J.7VR,611i1.0«V,44h «,7‘-4.557|1,5y7.5«' >
Increase . 4 5,71 s
jlWiii'y >«sU»j llntt I*,, by
Fituburgb j $ 71,792 1 $70,1161 $56,973
Eichingo. .. | 137,5.75 | 23,406 .'in,3 10
SLAM I 112.77 - 26.279 M.Ssrt
’T’ttiteoa’ l 12,554 Ml 6 12,794
Mechanura' ! 24, <549 I 20.5C1 19.716
Iron City. ... [ 21,987 I 549 14.976
ARaffteny. ' 19.4iV4 j 12.157
■ $400,949 i$ 187.125 $228,362
UK f»«b. j 360,529 j lfio,l9i ) 270,722
Innrea*« ! 40,120 ! 20,927.
liter****. .a. ' 1 '*•
AxoTHtu NtuiiToK Mb V«insunrr L»f«y
elle Hall Lad nol tbe capacity lo hold Mr. Van
denhofFa admireis last night. So great was the
roßb that at an carl; hour the hail was crowded
to il9 utmost capacity. aoJ large number* went
away, who oould Dot gain admittance. We our
self were among that unfortunate number We
aro told, however, that the accomplished gen
tleman's readioga from the ••Cariosity Shop'
were obnrmiog, affording -uoalloyed delight to
hie multitudinous audience Mr V. has con
teoleJ lo remain another ereuing Hie enter
tainment for ibis evening will he oomposed of
miscellaneous readings from oboioe authors Tbe
matter having bee,a left lo tbe selection of tbe
gifted gentleman himself, no doubt tbe perform
aoee will he all that tbe] public could desire
Those who were eieftided last night for waotot
room, will no doubt embrace the opportunity
presented this rreuitg for hearing this inimita
Me elooulionint ,
Ah KnTKHT*ri»iHti Book —J. 8. Davison, thewell
huown booh seller, corner of Wood and Diamond
streets, sends us '’Gleaning# from the Harvest
Fields of Literature, Bcicuce ond Art ; a Me
lange of Kxccrpta, carious] humorous and in
structive ; collated by C C. Bouibaugb. Hath
herself could not have been more industrious
than ibis author. He has drawn a great maoy
curious (biogs from the Latin poets; be has
ransacked, not in vain, tbe English cUssios; be
has brought together many of the enigmas,
acrostics, paradoxe*. punlee, riddles, conun
drums. oddities aud juidditieo wbioh have float
ed down to ns from the past, or been invented or
conceived in the preseot; so that we have a book
of b-C> pages, in which evsry taste will fiod grat
ification Ii is well printed and bound, the pub
lishers being T. Newton Kuril, of Baltimore
Htiinwat Obasi* —Prompted by onriosiiy to
know what that hoge box in front of H. Kleber
& Bros, store might possibly eoutaio, wo
stepped into tbeir warerooms and were shown a' 1
very elegant Grand Piano, from ibo factory of
Steinway A. Son*, N. V. ft has a new patent
action, wbioh wonderfully facilitotea the labor
of the performer, and by menus of which be cao
manage tbe different varieties of expressions—
tbe delicacy of pianissimo and the thunder tones
uf the fortissimo with sorpriaing ease and ac
curacy .Truly, this is nol a Grand Piano only
in name, H m grand in tone and appearanoe, and
requires but to be seen and beard to render aoy
praise oo our part altogether superfluous.
A Fisk School Hoosk.—The borough of Mo
nougabala is baviog an elegant and costly school
house hnllt, which will be. when finished, a
credit to the place. A substantial stone wall,
some twenty feet in height, forms tbe rear of
the house, which is built io the Monoogabela
river The front eotranoe is on a levol with tbe
main street of the borough. The houee itself is
of brick, and is well built. It will cost from
three to Bve thousand dollars. There are three
business firms there that pay an aggregate this
year of about s27ooeobooliax. One pays sl*2oo,
another $975, and the third about $5OO
Gsbmas Methodist Preachers.— At the re
cent session of the North Ohio Coftfsrenos, held
at West Cleveland, Ohio, The following appoint
ments for the ensuing conference year were made
for tbe German M. E churobes bore and and in
Presldfog Elder, 0. A. Reuter. Pittsburgh
Mission, E. Boner; AlieghsoycUy, P. B 1 Weber;
Birmingham, G. Naohtrleb. J. Rotbweiler, pre
siding elder last year, appointed Professor to
Baldwin University, OhloT 5
Ronr. Lihdbat was committed to jail yester
day by Alderman Rogers, obarged on oath of
Jos. Coohran with highway robbery.
Walley Sheldon was oommiUed to jail by
Mayor Weaver, charged on oath of Frederiok
Porter, with matlolous misohief. It is charged
that he cut the throat of ahorse of Jas. Porter,
in the Eighth Ward, end thereby killed the an
Attistior is requested to tbe sale of a House
and Lot io tbe Gth ward, by order of executors;
and also a list of Bank, Bridge and insurance
Co. Btooks, at 7 o’clock this evening/ at tbe Com
mercial Sates Rooms, No. 54 Fifth sired, by J.
G. Davis, auel.
.Mb. Pbatt’s sale of books, stationery, Ac ,
was unusually well patronized last week. Those
who have not yet visited him should aotjlose
this opportunity of attending his sales. lie
bolds forth ; nightly at the commercial sales
rooms, No. Fifth street.
Wb regret to learn of tbe death of Mr. l!>. P.
Ittgetsoll. He was a resident of Ibis county for
a number of years, and was a kind neighbor and
exemplary citizen. Qe died at hti rcsideooe,
lowa Center, Story county, lowa, on tbe 4th
Ws would Invite attention to the sslo o»
Hqnor«; tw», Tloe, cto., by«<l*r if admlulilta
tof 'at the Commercial Belea Boom,, No. 64
fifth meet, tbli morn log ol 10 o’clock, by J. 0.
P»?i«, HoUoaccr. .
Jons o'Nsn.i, indicted for uswU and bat-1
t.-on o»th of Timcthy Cadman Defendant ,
o«; a coal bant at Pin. Ban, on the Monongn- ,
bela. A few week, ago tbo proeeoutor and Pc
ter Webb went to O’SeilPn i.pple nndcntered,
and waa conversing with tbo Loal Miners Jus
.... fwlele ” 1“ lh " oonre ' of lhe ooneerea
on, defendant told Cadman that bo (C ) qwo.i
him $4B; Cadman dented that be owed bln. any
thing; on the contrary, that I N owed him; Mr,
O'Neill then ordered Cadman to leave bis premi
ses which Cadman assented ho would do when
h . ‘ , -...j. U’SeiU btruck Imu, Caduiau to
Ibe face The defendant set up that Mr. O'Neill
used no more foroe than waa necessary to get an
ill natured fellow off bis premtaea. \ etdi.,l no.
guilty, each parly to pay half ibe coals
Cant Alfred Johns (colored) was in.liolcd for
aelling liquor without a license, on oath of Job,,
Waalev “The defendant la ohar E ed with baring
put up a aland at Breed’s Grose on the day of
!he celebration of the P.ral of August and sold
lager beer and porler. Defendant ts chief com
mander of the Hannibal Guards, nn.l procured
lbs stand for the uae of his company. When the
CaDtilu’B back wreiurncd, lhe bar keeper sold
beer which be pul a slop lo as soon aa he.learned
ahoutit Verdict, not guilty.
Edward Blondiu was indicted for malicious
mischief, on oath of Mrs. Eleanor Smaßwood
Tho parties reside at Saw Mill Ran. The of
fence was alleged to consist in obstructing the
course or. stream that run in the of
plaintiff’s garden. The result was that the
water flowed orer the potato and corn Cold of
Mrs Smallwood, and that he did this lo lojare
her. the said plaintiff. The case was still on
trial wheu we left courL
Till; now M. E. Church in South Pittsburgh,
Her II M McAbeo, pastor, waa opened for pub
lic servioe a few days since The building has
been thoroughly repaired and beaut Bed in all its
parts It is now a very moo an.l convenient
ItauAnKinLE Yimn.-A single pumpkin
vine on the farm of Mr. James A Gibson, in
l’iuo township,, in Ibis county, produced four
teen pumpkins, two of the largest or which
weighed f. 5 pounds. Who can beat Ibi. -
Sir Bills —The Grand Jury have found sn
true bills against Thomas G Uulberford, lale
Principal of ibe House of Refuge. Esch of
these sir bills charge the eaiJ Rutherford uitb
Humus’ Woaus, in ditfeotstyles of biuJing.
either in seta or separate volnmee, at Davis A
Co ’a, i hid Fellows Hall
MmirssuTA.— (Joodto t-V—BffO majority for
Ramsay, and the whole Republican Legislative
lieket elected- 1 Senator and 1 Representatives.
Kuriiri/ Co - There is a Republican gam of
.Mill oo’tho Stalo ticket 1 Republican Senator
and Representatives certainly circled, and 1
of each doubtful.
//.miepin Co —Stht majority for Ramsey and
luO'l fur Aldrich, Republican candidate for Con
gress The Republicans elect J Senators and f.
Co -200 Republican majority
on Stale 'ticket, and 3 Republican Represeutu
/'.'u 1 ! (’.» Very close. Hill
Democratic Six Republican Kej»re
irrmma fV—WKI majority for I)
publican lirket ; 4 Republican R*
f IroteJ.
Fillmore f.> - Six Republican Repreaenlaiivea
nested, with a handsome majority f«.r Hepuhli
can Stale ticket
The following counties give Kc
Ramsey county 500, Heouepiu i>t)
HfiJ 17 >, U’aehingluti 10U, Wtui
150, Carter lon. and some iu
Chisago, making the gain, thus!
The Republicans are known t
Senator and - Representatives ii
ty, and 1 Senator eud 1 Represeol
Ihatrici, I Repreeemiiive tn Rice l
There is no doubt that the Kel
their Cougreeeinou, (Ijeeriior and
and a majority in both branches <
lure The Republican majority
cannot he lee* than t*o*' and
reach ’*,Wtt
LaTEE ~l.jrr.itir, H«» . (>i! 14
coUnty, Mm, the Republican S
ahead about .luO voice lu this
have elected three members of lb
The Slate ha* undoubtedly gcue I
a large majority
1.7,501 27.024-
A axas on Friday last watt committed to the
Allegheny County Jail in Cumberland, Mary laud,
no a charge of murder committed thirty four
years ago. While in Jail' in 1 vjl under inJivt
tneui, be managed to successfully
eluded all attempts at recapture l>reamiog I
perhaps that a lapse of thirty fWr jears bad ob
literated all memory of bis crfuij*. he ventured
back to the oity a few days ag<twn*o be »“ rc '
cognized and committed to" JaU-l f* ul l^r€o
the twenty tbreeUrand JurorawTKLA ,UDi * ‘^ e
d.ctmeui »gam>i him, l.ui u n« oF* 1 **■
Jury wl*«> held ibe luquaol over the body of
the murdered mao, not a single one those
who formed the uflioera of the Court at that
time, are now living So true is it that time alone
oaouot obliterate a criinc, and that vengeaucc
will sooner or later overtako the guilty
Minnesota Coon iok4,IH)O Majority.—Put
i it in your pipes, Republican frieods and smoko
it. that Minnesota is good for 4.U<K> majority ou
Iho Republican State ticket- No other figuriog
Will make it otherwise. Ifweebould get the
same majorities given for tho ticket in lh ».,
from counties not beard from., those niajorittes
added to those already received, will s«ell the
sum to 4.000, but we expect more than ibis We
, expect an increase of 500 in the Republican
ootintiea not beard from, over tbe vote of I W»<,
so that really the Slate is good for 4,500 majori
ty With no allowance for an increase over the
vote of l&O'-t, we still have clear calling for 4,000
majority in the State St. Pintl Ttntrs, Fruhy.
A ('omi’laikt id made that tbe.-Adt&inißtra
lion in many cates employe unqualified naval of
ficer* Some of them, it id said, think that the
magnetic needle won't work without being
threaded. I.omtvdlt. Journal.
Scarcely to bo woodcred at, when the head of
(he Navy Department thinks that ropes are made
from oakum.— rhila. AVve
Notice to Builders aud Contractors.
THK UNDERSIGNED (formerly foreman
for JL.wluud Parry) »ooIJ roepavtfiUly inform llw
t„r wh-aru be June woiX. *O-1 tbe public {enantl?, that
b» i» dow prepare*! to fnrulah Slat*, or pot oo Slate
to the moat »v|.roft«l hmiih. I Were for Mi or H«-
i.atrto* uf ilUu (If I»fl at tbe uOc-e uf Alex. Uugb
lla. cororr'of Ktna etrn»l mi»J the Cwual, Fifth ward,) will
Iw |.ruioptly eltafdad to. TlbiMAB PAItHY.
•ny'ii* rimil.
Cuu hon fIBNSB rule* tho mia of Uio people,
wbatctei tbe wliuwned aud mUantbrope pblloaopborainay
u , i u tbe cuotrnr). fctu»w Ibem a good thing, letlta u*r-
U. elearlj ilnopnvtratnl, aod tlicj will not beeltnta lo
(slre a tbeir u»*t ror.llml patruoagn. Tho matte* bare al
ready rmlift-d the judguwmt of a pbjelcJan coueariilu* tba
rirtoe* ~t JIOrtTBTTKH’d UltTEllft, u may be nu In the
luitnonM uaaulltlra of tbl* medlcluea that are annoaUjaotd
l» ererr aeeUoo of the land. Ula now rKo»nt»l a> great.
l» enperhrr lo all ether tenWlei yet deiltad for diaeMM of
the .native organ*. euVh *■ diaibooa, dyeoolerj, dyapep
■U. au.) (<>r tint rarlutia fhtere that arlae Irgm deraugeoieiit
ol tl><*« portion* o( tbeejetem- llo*t«tU*i'e natue I* faat
b*T»uili>« a buiieelx’ld wtnl from Maine to TeXc-a, (retn lb*
eboree of !)>• Atlautlu t.» tbe FadOr Try Uo. article and b*
• auaio.Ni.
t,, dru.Klate end dealer* g«ner«l»Jf| •rerywbrra, aud
by IIoSTEITKft A HMITH, mauuU* tur.ia and |^i>prl*t*^a
|A Wat»« aiiilLH Vroot «tr«>U.
UAl.l, AND la'AMlNb.' "
1 X
S 6 w ing Machinos
WW-TI.U Machinatook tbe riBST FAHIIIUII at tbelete
Allegbni- y Outiuty Fair
THIS IS THH MACHINE whose ownerc,
offeruJ a premium of
la Philadelphia to any other on exhibition at tbe Franklin
luitltot# that coaid do the eamo ranga of work aa wall.—
Tbeir offer not hartng hrm accepted ita aajwriority moit be
Ooncodc-1. For eale at
,i'f:';". T c." A " T “ lamoh.l. » NQRTnRop.
t!EWING MACHINE a 1 ,' i ?;, I BAR SM‘f 1
0-A tal-du. Oru,.r 4
M«hUa, leconJCod. w.n««l»lf" 11 'J o,t
f ISO- will bo aold for l#M than half 9*' t _jM t d ,
#a7 OKKBbT * DAJIKJIR'g.c or Lll^iZ?—
Stockton & Stevenson,
No, 15 Wood lt ., r t>,. P*.
TM PORTERS’ AGENTS for Bale of Soda
1 l*h, 01 Out Soa«, NltnU 3»l«,
■“SSCnStb, unonn-J«
eat and beet In ate. . •i7z_
-12 OJO GALLON?, watranUd part
~“ 1 uauilton i to.
J^UIM*OB-5001b S ujTi S |^.^ M
Baltimore, Oct 17.—'The following dispatch has
boon received from Frederick. It seems very im
probable, and should l>e receired with caution anti!
confirmed :
“iVn/mci, J/■/., Of. 17.—An iaiarrection is re
ported to have taken place at Harper'« Ferry. An
armed band of abolitionists have full possession of
tbo United States Arsenal, at Harper's Ferry. Tbo
express train running oast was fired into twice, and
one of the railroad hands, a negro, was killed while
tryiog to get the train through the town. Tbo mob
arrested two men who nuno in with loads of whout
and took a wagon, loaded it with titles, and sent it
into Maryland. They ore led b about two hundred
and fifty whites, with a gang of togroos, fighting.”
A later dispatch reccired at the Kailroad office
says the affair is greatly exagi erated. It had its
origin In a difficulty at the ur uory. Tho negroes
havo nothing to do with iL
It is apprehended that tho atfJ
is more serious (ban the people
beliovo. The telegraph wireß I
Harper’s Ferry, and there is nol
yond Monocacy. It is reported!
a stauipodo of oegr«oa from M
(Ido hero early this morning b
Many wild rumors are adoat, In
an authentic character has yet bf
The westoro train on the Ohio
od. The officora confirm theataj
They say that the bridge keeper
light bad been extinguished, aj
tbo cause, whoa ho was pursued!
gong of blacks and whiles. A colored assistant to
the baggage master was shot as i mortally wounded.
Conductor Pbolps was threatened that the train should
not proceed, and being uncertain as to tho condition
of the bridgo, waited till after daylight. He was de-
Laiaod sir hours. .
He says that the imurrectionUts number two hun
dred whites and blacks, who havo full possession of
the armory. They are commanded by a man named
Aoderiop, who lately arrived at Harper's Kerry. The
rioters seized a wagon of wheat, loaded it with a
quantity of muskets which were seat up to Virginia.
The military of Frederick wero ordered out. Presi
dent Buchanan has ordered out troops, and an espe
cial train is now getting roady to convey the troops
from this city. He baa also accepted Seoick’s com
pany of Frederick, and has ordered companies from
old Point. This is authentic, lit seems now to be
considered that something seriotis is going on.
Another account by the train
across the Potomac was lillcd
hotels are closed; all the streets
the mok and every road and lai
barricaded and guarded. Moi
quarter with muskets and bay
been arrested and pressed icl
many negroes. This done, tb<
Government pay bouse, io wbi
a large Amount of money, Inc
public vforks, were seized by tb<
the opiiilou that the object was
and to iob the Government of
on Satukrday, at the pay Sum
they mide ademand on Wager
and enforced the claim by a bod
ciiizensl are in a terrible state
geuts hiring threatened to bun
BaLTiiuoae, Oct. 17
Martinfburg, which is situat
Kerry, sent via Wheeling and
been received. It confirms tho
rertionlsta bare taken possessi
Harper's Kerry, and adds that
canaon at the bridge, and that
stopped. A body of armed m<
to proceed thither to clear the r.
prevailed in that vicinity.
The fullowingis just receive*
j|rib largely
side of Jlsrper's Kerry The mi
tem b'iun i train has returned I
iho wliolo He
.4>prf-oniii ifes
ports tlie tram as unable to ge
which is in possession of the
every due they can catch mnl i
train ijue hero at • • c. W-.rouldn
iigeat ram* down on an em|
epiiMicao game
>O, barotab 4*K),
put P'U, A nob*
W'abaebaw and
i| far. something
train iilest gut as far an .Sandy Hook. The baggage
marten and another party started «a foot to the
bridge), they went through the bridge and were taken
and imprisoned. They went before the captain of the
insurrectionist*, who refused to let any thing pais.
All bound traios lying west of the ferry
bare been seized. The mail train bound west has
returned to this station. There are from SOtl to "On
whites and blacks engaged in the insurrection.
At 4 o'clock a tram filled with the military, con
sisting of the Law lirajs, City liuardi. Shield GuarJs
and other companies, left here fur Harj*er's Ferry.
Several representatives of the press accompany the
< b«Te gained 1
Uatnecy cotta
lame iu Auoba
I bu<l probably
mblicaoa elect
-Htaie officer#,
I (lie Legtela-
I iit Ibo Stale
Wifi probably
—lo Winona
alo ticket id
county they
i Legislature
epuhficsn by
$2 0 0 0
A Model of Simplicity*.
No. SO Uarbot it.
,„j. Abcmoa stocstoh
ir at Harper's Ferry
here are willing to
tave been cut from
communication bo
that there has beon
laud. Tbs tram
not yet arrived,
nit oo intelligence of
Sen received,
road baa jnat nrriv
mcnt first received,
discovered that a
cl went to aacertain
ind firod upon by a
iay« tbat the bridge
*i(h insurgents, all
t extinguished; the
Fvery light in town
are in possession of
e leading thereto are
are seen in every
ddcLh; citixeos hare
> service, Including
I . S. Arsenal and
b there is said to be
ading all tbe other
tuob. Some were of
entirely Tor plunder,
tbe fuuds deposited
i. During tbe night
Hotel for provisions
of armed meo. The
•f alarm, the iniur-
ibe lown.
i A dispatch from
si west of Harper's
Pittsburgh, has just
report that tbe insur
>n of the arsenal at
the mob has planted
he trains had all been
u were getting ready
id. Great excitement
from Monocacy, this
ail agent on tbe wes
to Monocacy. He re-
it through th® town,
negro®*, who nrre»t
im(irU<’n them. The
lot get through. The
p>tj engine. The mail
Titr. Lartsr. u.i. 17. 1 UP. JL~The
.4 special reporter telegraphed from Plane
No. 4, milts from Baltimore and 31 from Harper’s
Ferry, as follows ••’'o'clock. The train consists of
17 cars and 4i>o troops, under Alaj. Reynolds, with the
road master and laborers to repair the track and tele
graphers to mend the line. Three companies from
Frederick arc m advance of tho tram. C.d. Harris,
of tho I . S. Marines, follows in a special train : ho
will n.-t reach Harper'* Kerry before Jo ..’clock."
WA'UistiT.-v L'trv, ■*ct- 17. On receipt ol inlelli
genco from Harper's Ferry, orders were issued for
the three companies of artilery at Old Point, and (ho
four ..f mariner- in the Washington Barracks, to
proceed to the »-'cao of disUrbnoce without delay.
The mariners. VI in number loft in the 3} tram,
two 12 lb. howet-'CM arid a (dll supply of :iauiiuui
lion. his reported that lh«y aro under orders t..
f.-rce a pirsagn over tho t»nd, e to night, at nil b** -
ard*. t\«l. I oulkncr acorn antes them, ll is ro
ported on good authority, the t some weeks ago. Sec
r eury Floyd received an am onjmous epistle, stat
log that about the liitb of O. tuber, the negroes nod
uihet duaffocted persons wnu d make an attempt to
sei’e the arsenal and hold tb i place, but the state
ment was so indefinite an.l iu probablo ns (.■ cause no
fears »f such an outbreak.
Teu o'oiock, r m —ld view of tbo possibility
of tbo disturbances at Harper’s Ferry exieuJ
iog to Ibis vicinity, tbo Mayors of Washington
mil Alexandria have taken precautionary steps
lor tbeir imtnedialo suppression Tbe Presi
dent, through tbo Mayor of Washington, order
otl a siroug dclacbmoul of tbo volunteer militia
to be posted at national and cotupaoy armories,
which was promptly done: -IH) stands of mus
kets and ammunition have (also been placed in
(My Hall for an emergency
It baa been suggested by well in funned poraons
that (be causa of the insurrection is the reported tact
that do! long eioeo, tbe contractor for tbe construc
tion of tbe Government dam at Harper's Ferry ab-
Bi-oadod, largely indebted to several hundred em
ployers, who hnvo taken this step to indemnify
: ibemaelrci by the icieuro of tbe Government funds,
rbich it was supposed, had been transported thither
on Sunday.
A gentleman who has just arrived from Harper's
Kerry, thick* that the blacks are only participants in
the outbreak by compulsion.
New Yokk, Oct. 17.—-Tbe stock market opens
bearj. with few exceptions a lower range of prices
was established throughout tbe list. Tbe market
feels (be want of an outside demand, which is un
usually limited at present.
Tbe exchange far tbe Boston steamer opens firm,
with a considerable demand for sterling at lll>A(dj
I loj. Southern bank bills are scarce and command
lIP*. The Panama Railroad Co. are free buyers at
present, to meet about $700,000 held abroad, and
which are doe in November. Francs are tbe same
as by tbo last packet, 515(a'613j. Tbe money mar
ket is without) any ebaoge whatever.
Tbo bank fdntcinen* is regarded as farorable, and
indicates anything but expansion on the part of the
banks, nr anxiety to borrow by the public. Tbe
banks are in a rery strong position, and for some
weeks will show a rising sperm average and have
tbe ability to incroase tbeir discounts. At present
tbe greatest difficulty is llio want of short prime bills
at 6(,56* per cent—sufficient tp maiulain their dis
counts at tbo average of tbe week.
Tbe following is a comparative statement of tbe
condition of tbe banka of tbe city of New York:
Uana, Gel. 3, $117,211,627 ;/ OcL 15, $117,239,067
increase $77,440. OcL 8, $19,493,144;
Oct. 15, $19,651,293 —increase $168,040. Circula
tion, OcL a, $8,695,739 ; OcL 16, s3,463,Bl6—de
crease $121,1*23, Net deposits, OcL 8, $69,601,207 ;
OcL 16, $70,0'/t,o2o—lncrease $579,813. The stale
meot is favorable in all respects, and shows that tbe
:tight money market predicted at tbo close of October
is postponed.
Ki< ttuoftb, OcL It.—Bulb bouses have agreed to
bold tbe next convention at New York. In tbe lower
bouse to-day tbe report of tbe committee on typo,
graphical errors In tbo standard bible was adopted,
and Mr. Masob, of Maryland, was appointed typo
graphical corrector. The order of tbe day, tbe re
port of tbe committee ou Domestic and Foreign Mie
sionb, gave rise to a lengthy debate. Tbe report
chiefly relates to the extension of missionary opera
tions In Japan, Chios, etc. All tbe resolutions re.
ported by the committee were adopted except tbe
last, which is to memorialize the President to address
the Court of Spain respecting religions'toleration in
Cuba. Pending tbe debate on tbe merits of this
proposition, tbo bouse adjourned.
Rii-rmonu, Vo., Oct. 17.—Great excitement exists
here in consequence of tbe insurrection at Harper’s
Ferry. Tbe drays are under leave fur Harper's Fer
; ry, to start early in tbe morning. Company F.,
with full ranks, have just left their armory, expect
ing to lake a ,special train to-night. This is a new
company, wearing a similar uniform to that or tbe
drays. Tbe Governor left to-night for Washington.
It Is reported that the Q overnor has ordered vednn
teer troops to proceed to Harper's Ferry.
ilt. Louis, Oct. 17.—John Calhoun, ex Surveyor
Ueneral of Habeas and Nebraska, and President of
the Lecompton Constitotiloal Convention, died at
St. Josephs on tbe 13th ioqt.
Domestic Homoeopathy,
ACUTE DISEASES and tbeir Ilomuiopath
to Treatment, together with rulos tor tb« treatmeut
ol Injuries from Accidents end Poisons, by J. K DAKS,
ft). l> .Inut puhllsbod and far sale by
J. U. BAOKOFBN A SON, No. V 3 BmlthflatdsL
Theabovo work Is accompanied with a case ot medicines,'
in tincture form, pat up ander tbe immediate direction of
Dr JD«k». ea29:2tawlmd
Grain, flour &c
tOyo bnah prime Wheat In store,
'JOOu du Rye, to arrive,
tuOO do barley, do,
tou bbis Floor, In etore,
touo Seamiest Bag*,
|no bush Potatoes,
luo bits prim* Apples, to arrive end for sate by
«13_ HITCHCOCK, tl‘Ca?«pv A CO.
*J\J Manufacture; J
4000 lbs. White Load and j n oil;
40 bble. Bone and Uoano f crtillter.
500 kegs Nalls, assorted eltoa,
fi rsalaby STOCKTON A bTBVKN&ON,
Manufacturer** Agents and Commission Uertoanla,
Nu. 16 Wood BL, Pittsburgh, Pa.
The iiUBSURIBEU HAHja^^gna
fmt received from
Th« Third Addition tu liia Fall Stock ot their
to which h. »kl Ih, WMLttoa or pu«h»M »oa th, pub
llcgenmhr. Oclj JOHN H. UELhOB, 81 Wool it.
■WHEAT—SOOO but. prime Red;
W • 20C0 do do Whtto,
J. B, CAOTDa*S * 00.
X -:4-; ; V
OOM! iTIM Or akbitbatios Vos SEPT. A.VD Off-
V. P. Jita Piu, Jl; Dins Uixrssu, W*. 8. Lirtvi
Fin. Ssarrrs, Bsu. Oi*?hxu-
Wei i
[klyßartew oft be pltnburgb flarkit,
[ BfporUd tgedaUj fjr Pu PiUsbwgh Ga*tiU.\
Pmnsua, TasDiT. Ocrotr* is, ISM.
There ha* been a moderate amount of activity, for the
•aieaoa, and tht« Jobber* are reacting a fair amount of order*
trum th* country trade. The activity In grocer!** would
donbtleM be greater II the (bock* were not *o light; mod a*
tb* price* prevailing et point* below a* treoo nearly on *
level with oon that It I* not pooiblejtoreplaceetoekvif *olil
out, holder* aro no l anxlooe to *eli beyond the want* of their
regular customer*. The prodace trade I* tolerably well kept
wji. The receipts of grain are light—too light for the-'de
mand; and (he Uonr trade, although the iD<]ulry baa Wien
on. U still kept up with considerable animation- Price* have
not varied tunch daring (be week. The receipt* Of floor latt
Week wer* O.IST l.bls, of which h.lSd were for the But, and
n..';Tl for city dealer*. Tlie rail!* are furnishing, beeiuo,
about 1,000 Libia a day.
Toe money market la without change. Tbo bank* are re
strained, by a vptrlt of cantion, from putting out tbelr cir
culation or increaalng their loan*. There U not much grum
bling, bnt It I* apparent that the market I* growing tighter,
iuch lirat-claa* paper u flnde Its way to the *treet 1* placed
at »(tClu yl cent. The supply of Eastern Kxchange does not
Improve, and rate* remain aa before. Western Kxchange
ha* scarcely any died quotation*, and varfee from I@* di*-
count, according to the rate or La*tern Exchange at tho
place* drawn ti|>on.
Tbn following la a comparative statement or tbo Import*
of foreign Hood* at New York tor the work, and *i»To
Jen. 1, compared witb tlio umo period* In 1857 ud 1858 :
For the week. 1857. I*ss. 1859.
Holered al the pott sU39,rc $779.31:; $1,011,370
Thrown on the market... 2*11,800 832,700 NIWO
Since Jan. 1. '
Entered at the port $83,086,578 $19,482,494 $95,987,787
Thrown on tho mirkot... 75,791,157 67,197,682 95,023,273
The Cincinnati Qarette sayy —There laatlll a general com
plaint of a acarctty of cnrrency, and the cloaenea* experien
ced In thle line ba* a depressing Influence on the exchange
market, which la dull and hoavy, though tailing rate* aranot
quotably lower. There wee more disposition, however, to
pajr than to Mil at onr quotation*. Depositors were allowed
60 for New York and Philadelphia, but outsider* fonnd It
didlcoU to reallce over 4K, and soms business waa done at
Ibis figure. For Baltimore and Boa lon 40 was the buying
Western cnrrencr remain* at IV* die. for Illinois, Wlsron
•in and lowa, and % dla. for Missouri. At Chicago, on Wed
ueedajr, Eastern Exchange was firmer at I@lU
The Commercial say*:—The prewnre which baa so stead
ily weighed npon the money market for umo days past has
been lee* a consequence of any great activity of bnslnota In
the city or local demand, than from a great scarcity of money
throngboot the country, which fact has driven to the city
•otno country paper for discounts, as well as restricted the
payments of d've* to merchants and others. The time when
we aro to be refreshed by a of the wheels of
commerce which is to produce efbeallhy Suae by the banks
of the country, has been pastponaJ at Indefinite period* to
aome certain poltit in the future *> long, that the most hope
ful may well become die-oursged.
The Chicago Pree* up —The market for spring wheat
op*m«d -inlet this morning at 80r fur No. I‘, and 78c for No.
2, at whti-b lignrtw It remained steady till the rtuao of ’Change,
when Ihe market declined Attar the steamer waa
telegraph**!, however, holders had the advantage, and the
market closed firm, sales being made at an advance of lc.
Winter wheat continona very scare*, and tor No. 1 red ka ad
vane* of 2.'s3c took plae». The day's transaction* foot up
about 80,000 hush, at 06@97c f»r No. 1 red. Me for No. 2 red,
Single Lr No. 1 spring, and 74c (or rejected. Floor opened
dull, and holder*, to effect sales, had to make a concession of
fv. About 1,900 hbla were sold el $4,10© 1,55 for fair to
choice brand* spring extra, $3,76 for choice taper, and $6
for prime white winter. Corn *ear» and firm with sale* of
No. lat 80c In etore, 60c 00 the for new ehelled f. o. b., and
lor car corn on track. Oats more active and advan
ced ]££, with sale* uf about 16,000 bnshets at 33%c for canal
afloat, No. lin More, and 3oc for rejected. Rye
tfnady, with sales of about 3,00*1 hush at 66c for No. 1 In
store. A ( hot*.* lot of white was sold for seed at <oc on track.
Uerlcy steady at 67©68c for No. I. and 48c few No. 2. Timothy
»«*dl;dull sod drooping; nice to-day were at $2,0fl to $2,10,
ami 11,90 lor dirty.
APIIEd—a fair demand for Soda Asb at S©3 1 . 4 . Pots are
non tnal at and Pearls at 6^4©o.
A —Pittsburgh manufactured cuntinnaslo fair demand,
wit! steady shipmeota to all part* of the country. There
laid shod mtr* at present are.
APPLKti—a good eupp'y and moderate damsud; sale* at
(1 ,'iiut'l thl, a* tn ijuatily.
It Atari—ili* price current of Messrs. Uorbst A Barker, for
pr luted bags I* as follow* flour sack*, tht, $35©37,60
V* 1 uoU-,25 the $50@35; 60 19* $66©76-. 04 tt>*sloG©llo; salt
1-ax*—6 lbs sl2#old; 10 do s22>i©26; 14 do s2s©3*>, 20 do
$33««4U; 36 du s32«ti4i. Ham and beef bag*—lB lb* $6 100;
16 do $4,76; 1200 $4.6$ 10 do $4 26. Grain bags—2 nuth,
zuusltu, $lO ft tod; 2 do, drilling, $l6; 2 do, lleual-tirg'*, $l4
<ftlN;3dodD, slh©24.
BUTTER A KUO*—a moderate Inquiry t.r R*dl Batten
•alee of packed at an«l prlui* Koil at 12**514. Hggtarv
quite scare*and firm at 12
BACON—ha* again advanced; we now quote the market
firtn at 9*.iu«8 l . tor Shoulder*, Id for. tide* and
lor plain il*ru«; iiugmr Cured llao-a 12.
HHOUMA—there is a very steady demand, and the re
ceipts are not more than adequate to it; aalra of common to
choir* at $2,0003,60. and fancy at SW*U.
BUCKETS AND TUBS—Tboi factory price* (cash, par
fuu-li' at Falietun auJ New Brighton are for Buckets $1,60
©51,76, and Tut-, $4,75©56,76 ft dor. ,Frum etore, 1-urketa
eall In the retail way at $1,76©52,00.
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—the supply i« improving and
during the roctrjrf week is expected to be larx* We note
silr* from Orel tande at $1,60 j* 100 the. au-l sl,K7ti?si from
• u*te.
Miidlia Rojws •'•>11. 1-1 c ft tt>) Manilla Rojas cat, 14 e ft tt
11 r tup Ropa, roil, 1 1 Cft thltiotnp Rope, cut, 12 Cft fi)
Tarred Ho)-, roil, 11 cft lt> I Tarred Rope, cut, 12 cft tt>
Packiug Yard,flue, 11 o ft tb|PackiugYarn,cum lu c ft B>
HKD CORDS—Manilla, $1.60, ft dox.
Hemp, $1,37. $2.00®52,75 ft d«*.
lleniu cot 1,11 cts ft tb.
S’LOUGU LlNKS—Manilla. 87 eta ft dor. Hemp. 70c.
bUTTON YARNS —The market Is iteaJy at the foUowiog
•jit,-taxi.)u* which arc corrected to dale;
No*. 6 to lOiudruiv* 20 c fiD No. 10.
No*. U k 12 21 efi lb No. 11
No. U 22 c ftß> No. 18.
No U _ 23 c ft lb No. 10.
No 15 .. 2-1 c>th No. 20.
D4tn ion
K.> 100 UtVi)ji|No.WO....
N„ [**) 10 C V dot So. 600 ..
N,, ftoO 9 c V dotlNu. 1000*.
H„. 700 tcV dot) '
On-l climiu, auxol. Me tt Twia«- 21c Yt>
s>o do wiiil*.£i Canlkinij..- ~ -IBc “ .
U> 26 cou, 21c “ family batting 16c “
bo do MU* 41: 22c “ Batting, No. I, l&c *•
U>frrin Yaru 23c •• Du No. 2,._ 14c “
CAodlfvlck 2do “
N.> t - *«c*yd
N» 1 ~B£ o * yd
CANDLES AND BQAP—OafljlUw are steady at our quota-
Uuuj clipped mould 13 and adamantine LS£sl9. Soap
mtualus as before, steady at 6 Cor common, 6Ufiir Palm,
and 10 for Sawyer's Toilet A Oaatile, tor Sawyer**
Cliemlral Olive; and 7 for German.
CREESE—a light supply and gotd demand at Bqfc9 for W.
It- the ruling flgurne being B%<is9.
DRIED BKEMr« fair demand and regular salue lu sinali
U.ts at
PBATUERB—Tery dull; prime Western are selling at 45,
ou arrival, and in small parcels at 48.
pfgll—no change; we quote No. 3 Mackerel, large at $ll,
aud bait bbls $6,75, Baltimore Herring, S7.UO. Halifax
.»«*, $5,60. Alewivre Lake White, $lO bbl; do
TrooL $V>O, half bbta White, $5; and Lake Herring $1,76.
ELOUU—the demand grows leu, gradually, but is still
pretty well kept up. There are raraly tales from first hands;
and from etore the ruling rates-in small lots are
(or Super, |l, for Extra, and $5,13.36,60 for family do.
Tbe demand Is mainly coafined to small lota, to salt tbe
wants ot the retail trade, and price* range according to qual
ity, the outside flgurra being lor winter wheat floor.
GRAlN—there is a temporary scarcity of Can, and prices
have advanced to 43,346 from firsthand*, but a good supply
would bring prices down. Casa Is scarce; tales of old from
store at WssS7; some lots of new have aold at Rn
Is at«o scarce, and receipts have net with a ready sale at 80
hftt, on arrlrsl. Baaixr has sold freely to brewers, daring
the wrek—lo,ooo and 2,000 bush fair Spring selling at 76; we
quote Spring at 70376, and fall at t>o. In Wuxxt the re-
ceipts have fallen off materially, sales at depot ot No. 1 Spring
at sl,’ Mediterranean at $1,0*31.09, Amber $1,12, and White
• US*.*
UItOCKRIES—Soger la held firmly at by the lihd,
and 1 4 added by tbs bbL llota«ea liu advanced to 42<543,
to country tradu, and the etoek U quite low. Coffee firm at
Hire 6‘- 4 ®&‘4-
UAA PlPE—the following in the quotation* for wrought
n>u tubing:
Per Foot.
V. Inch Qas ripe.... 7 ctaJ
i - *• «
v ' •* *• „..aj “ ,
subject to the cuetomary alaoouot.
HAY —alee at scale* at $lG@2O * ton.
JUDES A LEATIIEH—doII; greeu beef hldee are quoted at
&u,7, the Utter figure ruling tor city BlaogbUred. llreei
called hldee Dry FUatISH- Kougb country laatbei
"is doll at 27 ($23. Dr eased Leather la quoted ac follow! :
RedßpeaUli Me* B>. ~.22®37
Slaughter “ •• y
Upper Leather* doi .$34<542
Uridle " - -
BfclrUug Ltsther *to —• 3*« 34
Herunea 2S($3O
IRON A NAlLS—the following la «be eUndard bill o
prlrea (or email loU; large ordera are Ailed at a radurllop
on three rate*!
rur aea.
aoiT4H by'Vi 10 1
loch ........
2K. a. 4 and
4'(by inch 2?i
Mtt loch V/i
2*i. ‘l% and by Ji *dd
3-10 loch, nod lVi to 2
by?; -S«
6 and oby tol Inch ’S\\
IU, )&£ and 2 by *4 aud
u>lo 1uch....~ 3H
Dandy Tire, lWand 1% by
li, 7-10 and10ch.....-•35-4
Uorwahoc, 1 aud IJ-J inch
by ?k.7-1 a, Uana?;. ** nu
’■by ?v,
y. by Hand Inch—
£2 by Hud Vjlnch &t-«
SeddlaTree, by
by 3-10 aod brtoeb. 4
JL 1 aod 1H by Vi. M#
3-14 and UlocbS
.<bj‘t£,M#and Va
acuiro in squau
Per Foot
IU loch Gas Plpe...S2 eta.
3 •• “ ... DO “
2>< “ *♦ ... 00 “
3 “ .a,BO **
3t4 “ •• ...1,00 -
4 « - ...|, W «
I noor isox.
lUlucb f»lb 4t;
»S •• —*;
1 - “ ft
» " “
eatrr isos.
Nee. ia,l4,*l6flC) -4H
“ 18. 20, S 3 a 34... - 6
• 38 - " 6‘i
lOd to diQ Mailt « ktg—-8,23
Bd to 9d •• Brads
A Fence NeOi fl keg—.. 8,60
Od a 7d “ “ .....4,00
6d M “ ....4,53
«J •• M 4^60
8d Is6o
34 “ 8,76
Out Spikee 8 to 4*.£
Inch AOO
, “ 6 to 0. —..4,60
Pressed Splket Vi 1n0b...
all lengths
“ 6-ie -
Boiler Rivets |Ub...-4
HOB, *o.
Iren Plow Wlnge
LARD—email sales of cool
tuJ city Jo Id barrels it 111'
MESS PORK—there U* Ter
tg lota at (13,30, aad la the rel
OlL—eeJesof Kaflocd Coal
firm at 90@93, aad Llnsesd (i
POTATOES—a low tales art
PIQ METAL—wo bear of bbi
martial List notes coaslderatfli
tbla market oo toriaa withhold
REEDS—then Is a little nev
cao learn of no as Us; oallera u
over (Ltu. Timothy It dull a
2&@!LUI from a Lora. Flaxseed
SALT—a moderate demand i
TALLOW—rough la bougbl
nan. eons.
Beat quality—
itry No. I Id kep et lll£,
ry moderate Inquiry, end at'
»tall way *1
Oil at 60. Uni OU No. 1
la doll at 65(563.
a reported at 40@60 tor saw.
>eeloa. The Philadelphia Com
le tales of Anthracite No 3 lor
w crop Clover offering, but we
ak $3, but boyert do not oflar
at (2 from first hands aad |2»-
d la quiet at $1,03@1,10-
and sales of Me. 1 at |ltAl,ob.
t by the butcheri at ?, and
eoautry rendered at 0.
WINDOW GLASS—price* are firm, and we repeal our
quotation* for the email sires, city make:—6xB and J*»»
(3,<K;Bxlo, (3,7 fc Sill to 9xll and 9X13 to 10x13, (4,-*
2x13 to 9x13 and9xl4to 10xlfl,$4»». Tbeee areoM»n
prices; country branda range 60 cents ft box leaa. Port
succeeding medium sires, 10 f ceul discount off _
W1IIT?-LEAD —Orta and In steady demand •tP.w*
ksirtorpnrtln oil, and dry »o ft ID; subject to the usual
discount. Red Lead 8«®», net,and UthargsB>6.
WEUSETr-ealu of City Rectified at Old Rye
raoges ftom 73c($|l gallon.
Imports by lAlwer.
e*« I/3C13 t>«r Mariner—4CB Uill flour. Clarke A co; S 3
do £ uS£|?tco£*>> Teylor A Boblaen; 492 *> tariff.
* Neman 876 do do, M’Sane A Anjer; 8 hble lard
oil, 1 Dickey * co; 12 cake liquor, J Calcm; L is hardware, J
per Key Wset—lo this laril oil, Uttl* A
Trimble; 13 bids whisky. Lobmy*i;6l empty bbls, Wood, 8.0
•ke barley. sUainsr Mariner.
WIIEELIMO, per Minerva— 160 I*l* floor, eteamerMsn*
uan 15 bxs tobacco, U'Droy; 300 Wts paper,
kins; 130 bdla paper, Markle; a» dofeato*; l *
potatoes; 3do apples, ArDuckles 10-4 akwate,wwo**7
do, 8.000 hoou, Utile * Trimblis W kje Wtg" ,ta
u4r, so bxecheeter 8 DaUell; 168dod^ttnfUlA
mvsaaKW»> sn . _
There «*M change in the npcmibi state
Some rain felLbst not enough inches on Glase
of the tlrer.
HoosJUfyle.' v .
Tho Mary Cook, lately rent at Buroon, «mrM <jn Bi< nr
day. Bb* hula o ariderabto qtantity or pig Irw \dnwn.
As the wi* atfll in • sinking condition, hsr nwgMwk* * l
one* discharged, ud the was txksn to tbo way* to w ra
paired. ' J
Tba Mincrvsanivedfrom Wheeling wilhagocacilga.”-.-
Ths Msrfncr, Capt. Derlnney, arrived from St. j?- Sba
lighted, br transferring a part or her cargo on tho Minerva,
and a part upon tlta Key West.
Tba Key Weit, Capt Erase, also ar.jred, with • «“•"
freight The principal part of lior load w.ti.‘iltachargrf »*
different points aloag the rlvnr.
Ha telegraph of Bandsy brought tbo account of tbeamk*
iog cf the steamer Marengo in tbo Ulsieippi, betveeo
Cairo and St Louie. She eu on her tray op, baring left
bet* veak before last, loaded wltu Pittsburgh mannfectnrae.
Bba mu estimated to be worth $15,000, and was insured. at
$lO,OOO lu tbie city—so,ooo at tli.» Knrt-tra aad SI,OCA> a* the
By telegraphic dispatches to tl.' city it appear* that the
Marengo bad about a foot of water orrr her main d*ck When
•be settled down. Tlio Captain spoke of raising her, hot
whether he ivotjhl b#obl* to withSnt the aid ct a bell
tost be did not state. Tit* MareHko m fa tint rate nnlar
wben tbo left here. There M been about s2£t>9 rxpondwl
on her. Bhe bad ucw guards, frad been well repaired •■'ui
thoroughly pointM up.
Stcamuoat KegllUr,
Telegraph, Brownsville; Td-graph, BrowuaviU*;
Jeffereon’, Brownsville; iefbrson, Browusvllle;
CoL-Bayard, Elizabeth; | Col. Bayard, Fb-aUth;
Mariner, 8 tLooia; I
Key Went Cincinnati; |
Minerra, Wheeling. I
Hirer— feet—tailing.—At Glass Iknsa;-,m Uav
TlliptpbU BirKltl^
N*w Was, Oct 17.—Cotton rery dull; s.iies miO tales.
Floor heavy; sole* 13,000 Itbli; State $1 00t§>* C 5; Ohw $5
46446 G*; Southern $5 £o. Wheat dull; aalea 700* bun
white $1 S6@l 42. Cbm dull; aalea 8500 boa at 99}*®$!.
Beefheary at $5@U. Pork buoyant at $l5 2&516 •pl£‘ or
m«M, Lard firm. Whisky steady nt £3 Linseed doll at
&G@67. Alhee lower; pots So 35; pearls $5 31©5 37* £. Sugar
steady; Mascovado s}X@7*£. Ocffo firm but quiet at 10J4
Mol*wsBqnietat3S@l4. Freights more octir* on
Cotton to Liverpool 7-32; on Floor 2c; on grain 6d In alilp
CivcnnuTt, O. t. IT —Flour held very firmly at $4 tk)@4 TO
for superfine; little doing. Wheat commands last qaetafiou*
readily. New Corn doll aUSc. Oats steady at 45c. Barley
and Bye unchanged. Whisk; quiet-at 25c.’ Nothings In
Bacon or Bulk Moats; Mesa Pork 25@.50c lower; ealce made
at $l4 60014 75. Kxchanzo qniotat r ;' n .
Pun.iW.nni, Oct. 17.—Flour bold • firmly. supplier com--*
in slowly; sales 3500 bbls at $5 for mixed bkla; ssl2}4<&
6 lb? 4 for select bbls. Including 3000 Diamond Mills extra
family on terms not made public; extra and extra fasilr
range from $5 to 0 50. Bye Flour firm at $1,25; Com
Meal $3 76. Wheat: demand limited; tales 6000 bus red at
$1 21@1 25; common and prime white at $1 csai *5. Ry»
500 bus sold at 00c. Corn dull and declined 3c; 4000 bus yel
low sold at 921®93c, closing at 92. 3000 bus Barley Malt sol I
at 55c. ClorersMd act! re, and sells on arrival at $5 To
Hroceriet and Prevision*: not tuneb doing. Whisky vary
firm; sales 600 abU at 29c for Ohio and 26 for prime.
BiLTiaoir, Oct. 17.—Flour heavy but nnchaugod; Howard
8t sells at $5 12&. Wheat buoyant; sales 10,000 bn* at an
advance of 2c; $j 20f$$l 45 for whitn. Corn firm; yellow 92
(gj94. firm; Meu Pork $l6 75; prime $ll £O, Ba
con 103/ c . Whisky firm end scarce; Ohio 2>*c.
Wooden & Willow Ware
Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in
BROOMS, dc C. .
No; 21 Diauund, PtTTSßraou.
HATING now in store a large and carefully
eelected stock of everything lu this line, either mao'
u lac cured by himself or parebased direct from mauufactar.
era, FOB CA9H, is prepared to supply cnatomors and (he
country trade with goods In bis lino
Cheaper Ilian ever offered ia this Market.
The following comprise tho leading items in his stock cf
Woonehaad Willow Ware:
CHURNS—Pine a US, M sires; rak eUff, 4 cedar staff,
3 sizes; oval crank, redar, oak or pine, Seizes; cedar bar*
rvl,; Bpsne*s paU-ut, Thormametor, 2
alzea—• large stock. ,
BUCKETS —Common rod, bice ami »;ie«D, fancy and var
ulahed, half, quarter and (oy pail*; redar, l>raaa aud
troo, 2 and 3 hoop; I‘iggins,cedar, bras and iron bound,
2 hoop; Horn Buckets, heavy Iron hair. Kttcbeu Bort
ct«, iron bale; Oak IVr-ll Bnrkets, well ironed; Flour
Buckets, oeated.
TUBS—Painted, 2 anJ 3 W Pine end Cedar, haol
male, all sizes, nsatcl it l>y the dozen.
BERBERS —Pained and VarniihrJ. 3 «l»-v, do7rii or neat;
. Oedar Kerlen, brass or iron bound.
MKASUKEd—AII elzea. from burbot I ) quatW pvt St. Pino
or Cedar, aealad or uaecahd.
CI.OTUKS PINS —Plaiu and hc<Ad,in o grou boxar.Smith’a
patent, ia gross boxes, and Urae* Spriog, la gra. Uaes.
WASHBOARDS —Waterloo Raised CeDtro, SlarirtU Zloc,
Doable Wcod and all other kinda.
BROOMA WmfiKA BBUSU&i, *c, lo great variety.
MBAI. TUBS —Ulogharu Butter and Batter aud Meal Tola,
2 or 3 In neat or singly.
DOOR AND BUGGY MATS— Alhrauto, Core rand draw;
Oran Table Mats.
WHITE NEST BOXOA-Spico and Sagar Boxes. 5 in t«sf.
plain and varnished.
OAK STANDS—Assorted eiz». for apple butter, kraut,
pickles, meat or milk.
U5l BREL LA UTA N DS—For stores or dwelling*.
CLOTHES HORSES—Assorted sizes and stylos, made lu
WOODEN WARE—comprising Boiling Pins, Totato Mash*
era, Mutter Prints ari l Ladles, Lemnn Squeezers,
Spoons aud Beaters, Muddlers, Reap Cups, Shaving
Boxes, Spigots, Buog Starts, Axe, pick and Hatchet
Handles, Steak Mauls. Ar.
RAT AND MOU3K TRAPS ot all vsriole a
TAR CANS. MOP HANDLES. Iron m.d w««*.l hsadi;
Clothe* I'oUOdl'CH.
MARKET BASKETS, in great vstiuiy r>f aii* *O.l
Ui« amt or dozen, of out um niitaiifacture, at eutaro
CLOCHES BASKETS—Round and oil. 4ln nr*t •
CLiITQES flat sad trim* UJs.
NURSERY CHAIRS of every «yie.
TRAVELING BASKETS— Anorted size* and atrlw.
do d.> Berlin, Japanned,
do do French, assorted.
LADIES CAP do do do
do RETICULES— and Atn«ri.-au
SOIIOOL BASKETS in great variety.
SPLIT HAMPERS, for potato, ptarlire, Ac.
ORCHARD BASKETS —Willow and Split.
country dealer* are invited to rail an! ca
nine our slock and prices before pnrcbsslng risen here, a*
*A 1 Diamond* Pittsburgh.
Dr. Ctmrchurs Remedyfor the Prevention
and Cnje of Consumption.
Wlnclieatar’s Genuine Preparation of tbe '
Uypophoiphltee of Lime and ofSoda,
The Specific Kenedy for (bnrtrni/jfiot*, Scrofula, Broncfiiln,
D»lUily,Dyrprptia,and Xrrv?uj Distant,
Thesui'eesa of this me tv remedy (discovered
by Dr. 3. Y. Churchill, of Paris,) ts obtaining lorit the most
unbounded popularity throughout Europe and the United
It is s purely Scientific Preparation, acting with inranaWr
tgieaey In ell stages or Tulraonary and Kerrr-ua Dlaoaaea
In the second end third stages (at a period, consequently
when there can be no uncertainty as to the uature of the
<UsMse,)cen be obtained, iu all cases, by thli treatment,
except wbeu the existing ol the loop in ofltaslf wf
ficleat to produce death.
This Remedy baa uol only e cuiatiro oCect, but wUI,U
need wherever there exists a sutplclon of the disease, fVi
rent ita Development, auit thus act ea a jrretrnaUve wiflrr
gardtoO>nsumptnn,jmi at airanj.Vm do>t unfit regard l*
Small Pos
OonsumpUvea, lu any stage of tbediae&so should teaort
Immediately to the use of the liypopbosphitM of Lime and
Rada, “Winchester's Genuine Preperetlou” (iu simple
eyrup)ln extra Urge bottles, is “chemically lathe
combination proposed by Dr. Churchill “for general uae;'
and is prepai ed according to his onpinxi Formula.
Comprising his report made to tha Imperial"-■Aefti'oiny.n
Medicine, I aria; Kotoe of Caeea, and Letters, Documents
Testimonials, Ac., which, together with 1 * Circular, be
•out on receipt of TWELVE CENTS luatampa.
Druggists will try to sell you other
preparations than mine. Do not buy them. My “Qonalns
preparation” bears my tee simile signature.
of all Preparations claiming to be the Uypo
phosphites, which contain IKOit, or any Daco. Tbaroantry
is likely to be flooded with spurious certificates.
Pxicta.—dna bottle, J 2; three bottles, |S. Sold, whole
sale and retail at tho Syls Qeueral Depot In the United
Etatee, 43 alrect,N. J. WINCUKSTER, to whom
orders should be addressed. Alao, wholosaje auJ retail by
DR.G. U. KEYEER, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, and
retail by J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny. 9eg?nd*wF
KMB, and those deelrona of obtaining the GENUINE
OOdDS, should s.e that ths articles they purchase are seal
ed with the full named the firm,
as a guarantee of tbesuundnoaeand durability of the Goods.
This caution la rendered eaaestblly nacsesary, as large
quantities of Inferior and defective Dinens are prepared,
MM qq gfter season and scaled with thenemo of RICHARD
BON, by Irish Houses, who, regardleaa of the Injury thus
Inflicted alike on the American consumer and the
turns of the genuine Goods, will not readfly abandon a
baslswN » profitable, while purchasers can be imposed on
„UhOoo*.of»«W-5 I “SSS* j. B. UXMB.
sa&lydia Agents, 38 Church Btreet, New York.
- SffiSSBSI SKfaSf oor ,
f —; 6»ury Corwoioft
v -‘-
“ IL “”iSILc UE .
B nJ0B9‘IE»V^«TO“ 0al1 -
lUP®t BLOOD, i '
Afld.ll complaint* cawd by IMPUR*I BILSOB
pn. QXO. n. KKYB»*f^
<aM:d*«P I*o Wood it. Solo Ag*ntfot PlttriiggL.
Cincinnati, L.
IBVILLE —Tbofiw oew |Q .
iIKAM, Cspt.B, Cadman, »**• ■* 4 P. »L f«
unwWpoib on THU MJVJfu
or passage applj °°fiXcf, BASKB * 00, Agta.
St. iou&‘
i 1 tU*a »cr »*r >n ,i.niL.umi»tJi*t«|poit»oaTHijH{7lia Y
l«*f*fi»*£**®^7jo o'clock r.». Joe frdgtt or puM£»«p*
pi jo® fLAOIu 4 •'
M ~«ni.r SIB WnAUKr'
iMnldrUxa And -all to»m«
SEpertiTpn THIS DAIMWiSth tot •**<*:»«*,**.
ftorfrviiM ot paaig*, Apply on board o»t>
‘ 1 BlicE. BAMIPHCO.itI«-
n BILL, SoEaiOJr IhnmsT; Office***
oppost?tt« 1 0mrt "«*