%a?M' - THE DAILY HT® . , . •-• ESTABLISHED IN 1786. ~ __ J3VU851610. T.ff.Brflß. «. k. rcnxr. T. H. NEVIS A CO., - • «fiTo. 25 P&iiwyA, P*l*'l - OP WHITE AND JjfJL BED LEAD, ZINO PADJI3 ASD LHHAEOE, end Wbolsuk .Dealers In OUa, Mata, Varal&e* and Tarpon tloe. WMACKEOWN, Wholesale Druggist, « Owbwi Oil ftlamtaetorwaad Agee* for Tuayer’» BOIM and Fluid Extract*. No. 167 Liberty burgh, Pa. ] J«MJyd_ BL.KAUNLS'IOCK. * Co., law of the firm M n. A. FahMOrclt 4 O-. and ■«*«*'" 10 sro»Jwbolwie Ko ft}, «.rw>rW «wd and Fourth Stt* PUt<ttrgh. Ptu A. asjUUJjESTOCK A CO., WHOLE « ealoDrtlsSii'* «nd of trlilt.. L*ad, BEd Hit.-tTS’- 1 , ccra-.T TTmrl pud Prsni strata, rssbrsifs i»mv3t o*o*si antes. 'TJKAON k REITEK, WHOLESALE AND 18 Hgtafl DrngrfEtß.ccn>c-r of Lfb?rlr and SL Glair »t»- Ctfrfcnyb. - . TOBJSEU FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. *Cc.)«reer>iKrk«tftTeetaDd Diiswnikiej* cocfijantSy cn baii'i 4 full i«- R. 'GEO. n. KEYSEK, 'iiKCGGIST, -tt&tVoo*! iyrnor eX TVivcrt slr&ei Virgin Wtt#S>cTji», Fi- • JOHN P. SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL •'Tin Vernlshaji *od No. S?ll4bc£Sy 9*zto. Plttaborfii. • AU ctOer* trill nyrrl»e pri'tupi attcoU-m ter Bclivack’a PuiimiaicB>nJ{.. aar24Ujd»tr Srotmee Sealers RIDDLE> AVIRTS & CO.,- General Com mbstoa Merchant* anl Dealers io Grocer!** *TirJ Tro daee,Nra JI-j ■atr# Chb^ij 1 Tlrtir. Fiaij) {mma>o, Outlcr, Limbed Pol apd gods, Groin, DrlrJ Frti:, and Product •gOßer»l*jir3HijtOTaDerty tirtet, opjKtaiu thoMtslofSnjitbSiM *trrot. an2Mid Jnsutanw figpus. EOREKA INSORANCE COMPANY 99 37*10r ilrort- KOST. FISSEY, Eve'j. C. \7. Batch naa, Gtwwl Agoct. my 3 *r - A% OARKIKK, SECRETAHV rW lnscrc’!''- C-rtrnny -f Jcdou* Bnilalog, Foorth street. 21. GORDON, Secretary li'cMnrn Insr.r ttncoCcrnpapT, 32 Water atroct. J GARDINER COFFIN, AgcU i-,.r Prank « lia PlraJcrtiPinr-.' Couip-.Rj, Nf m.tnrf oorcar TTo~3 mil Thirdstrect*. - T> UA.'t.HAI>£IRA, Agent for B a Co., *3 Watgr»tr»*t. V?.. POINDEXTER, Agent Gt«*TW i, Frontatrwt ffiatpils \V. LK A H. H'CALLOQ, Dealer' ix carpets, oil cloths, xj.vrritfGS, £c- tfo.fi? FccrtL strict ncnf attornepß XBISit i MACKENZIE, Attornoys-at Law, Office No.O Fourth it root, Pittsburgh, Pa S jtary PcU lie and Ohio Coznruzsiuaux. ‘»f ,a Sip ©ooSs. I. a. iroacaii£La..~- . *i*o h. nftxstlt... «. a- ucaput BURCHFIELD & CO., (BOCiraaot* to Mur j.by * wad Betid t*>a!af« Jo a ijplc uiidiFaccy Lrry f.’orih-cut «*rt«r Fourth st»J Marin* Pitta?>argtt. ***** C 'li. LOVE, Dealor in Staple and Fancy • Dry Goods, sign of the criminal Ba* HJtb, So 74 Slarbesstreet, Pltttbargli. roria Hr PALMER, Hn. IUS Merkel Street, v Dealer in Bonnots, liau Trimr-nii.*, and &trorGpoVu». HLatlontry btut H-iogiiijiS, T->*S'r*l *!tli Jv.ir o H. of Mrirtft 3.|oaro, Allegheny,,Tn. ___ JOUN S. DAVISON. BOOKSELLER AND l'avlyjti * Ag-..-- p. riv C'j Market rcr t ith,4il>t*l=t‘rgS. P* KAY tCO.,».BOU!iSKLL£i\d AND ST A TIOXEIiS, !?«. C 5 Vocrl itTMt, m-rt -lonr to tha wr- Der of Tbitf, Pit'-icur-a, Pa- School ied I.nw H«ohi: Jn ttaotly nocta-J. ' - L.BEAI). BOOKSELLER ASf> 6 JIOKEE. y0.75T--nrth>t, ApoH& aufl^Snyu. UNT & MINE R, BOOKSELLER cail Ststicr.t-r,£tftsusSc 11*11, Pifth gtrcei. yatnlEts. J 011 X TIISIf P S 0 N i CO • T- OS'-’iilSAA.il- ccr?£ sic: PAINTERS AND QL A ZIE R S. KQ. I'jiiSBtTSGH, PA . .. ■ Steal estate ,agents. W LL.VI A5l W AltC* Dealer in promissory notes, fc - Penotu coa preen ro loaaa thrcngti tuy Agrricj, «a rtMav able tvrtna.' ' * . . . . Tbx*u rrisMns to Icwsi tLelr ao&ry to-go-S idvanUjA, oJwaja Col first m 2 mcecil cscx* pap*? at c.y > 0 ’ ' AllCCSiiauiiSesUe’.ißutrlinterview} wui Wiii*: Qfice GRANT STH2LT, cppo-H? ft- Pt»ol s CrJLcdni jv-laltT;'. .. . . SlpijaletcT]; rAITTB-p. lUK!2ALi<- Wall Paptr Warehoui»« %ZTAI/tER P. MARSHALL A- »lU., lm- W Mrteiaad Dealer*, 57 Wood atr«et, betvoca Fourth etrectaadDiamond Alky,»her* may be fooed an «Urstv9 awortßeixtcfeTvry description of Paper lUoslng*,for P*t !<** nan& Dto'cg 800 mi end Chamber*. Also, Window obsdeijn rwl variety at towwst price* to country dealer*. »clB WALTKBP. MARSHALL A CO. IRusis, &t. JOHN H. MELLOft, No. 81 WOOD S'?., cl between BlacwciJ Alley and Fearlb rtroet, BoU Agent (or CHICitEJUNO A 6035* Hkoloo) PIAIfO FQBTZ2, MLA SON h EAJU.Ifv3 MODEL SHXQDEONS end If ABMOKIUJIB»yM Dealer in Mojicaa-l Musical Qcodi H. KLEBEP. a BRO., No. 53 FIFTH « ofihefioldeo Harp, Sole Agent farNUKKB *• CLAES'S fsevr jerk) unrivalled Grand and PIAJJO2, and CABHAUT'A NEEDHAM'S gvtwns MZLC DSON3andORGAN DA RStOSJHM?. De-.leratn MnrJaawl awlcallnrtnigicpu. frti /'IIIARLOTTfi KLUME, MANUTAOTOB "_/ sa mil Dealer la f»2O For.ei, and Importer M Mnels •ad H*sdcal Znatronjenta. Bol* Agent lor th» UAMtUIta PlANOS,fcleofor riALLKT, DAVIS A CO.'S Dosteci Flaws, olthftod cilho-t ASolscn Att:cliii.icl US W-cofi cer--cl. CARRIAGES! DUGQIES! ROCKAWAYS! PHAETOSSi BACOUCIIiSS. <3lo:* - A NB«vasihingT3itJi«Ens.pnrohF.e6dfir!a Jt%. tb» atort reliable HAEIHBN SIAi»DFAOTOKE«a, Tegttfcw wIWi aTnll assortoant altlsg*-..; - 1 ' Extern la«v*»jnwietj tollableforviagHor dwyoUanie. Alee, Axles, Sorlagt, «cil ether itcnv.too numerous to mention, crateutly f 3; sala it reaeonibl* pr!«a - jonsr B.eaAWEa, tlaaieni •tx«t T £Wßr Liberty, Fittotmr*b, Fa. •Aar Carriage* booihv and rcid on eonnitrttom .Repair* lag noally andpvnrapUy goto. . eelttdly ■ 'TSSS? AND supporter manufau - ATTOONO. No. 60 Wood St-, beg IrtTfl to-calt tbs attention of the afflicted t/> tha fact JhstMAitOPACTOREBS of TROBBW ai^ SEi’i’OiiXEßS la this cUy. They can cousrT«enHj tok* meamrai and make to order then articles altar tlio moat flpprowd pattern, a«d fnraleh them at price* frs'inoou ly cttttOrethas pce-hoi! that demanded-by iaere dealer* iu tbetD. All ara aoliciled to call, after prlcfog and exam lolfigTTn»es Jd any other store in the cUy, eanfidetzi that ora caaesdafy the afflicted that it ta their tatemlto deal with llio oaacJactsrer. ti|.P«rticalar aU«utloa paid t i nrpairioo. wtA CAUTWMOIfT A YOUNG, eb Wood stieti OIL CLOTHS FOR FALL TRADE^W'b hare now ta band a fell, asaortment of goods for Uooao-Vorsiahlnz and other pnrppees, tnch os floor Oil Cloths, Trsniparent Grseq end Bull Oil Cloths, Transparent I- Window hUrtes, Oil Clota Cmb, Table Oil Cloths, Bztam fillsd Oil Cloth* for carriage* BuSUollands, Elude fixtnres, Ac- of tbs shore caaiod goods we can furnish every wltt j of tlyles and truths. The attention of wholestle aiU re tail .pßrdtMtrs is Invited toocr stnek on hand _wg - J.AIL PIIILUPg, SO and 29 fit-Olair st. BVEN.HUNDREI) DOLLARS wRI pur (JmS a two story frame dwelling hon;o riT iuor .nd lotiO/set-front cnlle*axa street, by 110 deep »n n«> ,ll«tv*Al>ply to g. CDTHBBRT A SON, 61 sfar► CHEESE-—5O boxes ver; and for sale, whelM*"' Jsmlly Grocery and Tci £' • - < IFTAVit just received a J rncllsh ll4r, and Tcoth Hi assortmenS of tci»t aillclw no? Pr/ • *mo , ; v..; - -t -• •-*•• -IMB—Xsobblfl..'-. Inbs, ...jo--- ' i J.£LlvrKo WTCXjX-*. PUBNITUBK A N II C U A I B S, wholesale and retail, Embracing mry «tyl«* of FTJ R XT I X TT R E , HO3EWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNI.I. BalUblo tor PARLORS, CHAMBERS AND DISUJu Equal to any tu NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA W'abbiioobb, Nob. 77 ard T 9 Third STnssf, ortfcdtf PITTSBURGU. FA »3R» V ft. lyCflu V. B. YOUNG A. i'O ■IHUVftOTTBt&ii Or FURNITURE AND OilAlK- Of Erory Description. FkurOHK Rdenl Jfyht and Finn*. A^r,u Warehoust—Non. 18 & 40 SmttliflelH Kt. STiI.UIBuAT OABIN FUBNITUKE-We «rp ooAaiarttij maaufcetartpg STEAMBOAT OAHlfi fURNITORB tad CHAIRS, tad Iot«* ibe tfUui‘ '•» r -» Ibam lau rcttc-.l In fnralihin# UaU •c3TtdA'«* / r IHanufacturcrß WKLLSi RIDDLE A «•« iti I’onrth Street, Pittsfcurgli, t*&, ** .T-TTr..-,ni'i.* WHIPS, THONGS AND sTTHUIhs, OrUcr»*£>llcJtod fnro tfietmK proctpl t pe-J an p&r Instructions , T>MtS—B uionUH, or i {•'f J.*.‘ hui »« ‘ J «2fcly-• PITTSBURGH, Pd. MANUFACTURE to order, or. start nocid*. CASTINGS, -SHAFTING A PCLLKi'S, ef all i!:m an-J dcecriptlnns, r.f the lawt m*t*rl«l» and lateat strict, alto WAGON BjXKS, SAD GUATES, Ar.. altrty* on hand or cast to order left at the F.'UNDM, -« *1 Gartvrlgl.t * Vocngfs, 3$ Wood *t. T will rccetra *ttautloa_. ... USrdly U.a ol lb* firm of J. $ Hall A Sp«ai l*t<* of TT*lt A Pp.-i SPECK A BIDI.VK.LL, V r alloy Forgo Plow Work’s. A’o. 133 Liberty dtrrai, t&xr ftyM, Mf*jJ>ure\. Manufacturers of every variety •>« Flows, Plow Castings, Ac, of Ibo iai»t approvt*! Pal tenia suitable for eTary kln-l ol soil and Ullage Their Improved Patent Iron Centra, Patent lrou o*ui'*> llilUldo, linn Centre Pah-Soil, Pa tact »ud iVutm Level*. ste6l UoolJUiard, Valley, Peacock', Sugar,Oman and i:ih«*r Plow* are imcHtm to give entire aatULu-n.-u pciicha* era, 1-oth a» to quality auu adaptation i. o.u *3f“»VJrrs arewilicited.'' __ ,«r» U 1 (ART Wlil<3 U T A V O I St. iSnccoasura to John U^tvilgbt,) MANUFACTURERS uud Importer* Pocket and 'l'at.U Cutler), Cortical and Denial li: momenta, Oudv I’lsliilv Tubing Tackle, No. 68 Vf»A«d street. Tbej gtve tjiedal attent: .n to the manolscturlng .>i Trnnea, snpportc-ra, A. Jabl tug and Hep-ung wul. tnalily and despatch apln dl; WILLIABI DAIUitULL A CO., 61 Fflnn st, Below Marbury, Pitpburch, Pa QTffiAM BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET O Ifon Worker*, ilannfactnrur* of llarntUU’a Patuut Boiler', I/eromatira, Flood and Cyllalnr Boiler*, tlUtmoeya, Breicben, tire Bod, Pipes. Ooniniiaers, Salt Fans. Bi*gar Pnn*, Iron I'awls, Lifeboats, el. Al**>, Blackauml* Work, Undgn and Viaduct Irons, d.rtie at lb* »Lnii**i 0,-. lice. All order* ftoai a distance j-u.topth aftandci « Je23 Pt&i Couufi Mllli, Plumorgh. Kennedy, childs * co, manhfao TUIIF-AS of— Penn A Nn.\tif»- y nan».*u, B » C-arpot Chainan -r» »r.i •!•*>■•» Cotton TwiDe; lied CfT’l*. “ Plough I.lnei*nd r.«ti u . t. Sopa of all alia* and dr#rrtp«Pt.« ilatdug. AyOrdar* left at tlm Hardware ?toi** A l A >•••■ A Co.. 131 Worvi atrocU will harp attentten. \‘-a- ty JAAfiKS IUWIV MANUFACTURER OULPiICRIC ETHER Su'lr-hun>; A:\i Sweet Spirits of Mtre, Mt..c AcM. IloCmau’s Attodyitw Slort*lK AMa, Aqcs AmDonltv, Fx'?. Surens 1. f on'lcr 1 * Pi.lntlon; _ May be ftTund at John Ixtlu A *'■ W’u..t ,"--t ■WIL.LIADI TATE A SOf», PLUJIBER AND GAS FITTER,'No. lu Fourth street, PitUtrargb, and o n-lQ, AH«beny. 4VErery deseriptf.n ffPsttißgs eteam. ©ommissum, a« HERBS! & BARKER, * PRODCCt ANb PK VlJlOti COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 267 Liberty Strool, ci-rnsr . i li&ni. PITTSBIjIIGH. I’ESS’A. ' , , , 69-WrtUnlsr attesUon (ftren totho pnrcbwefcoJ • Flow, Grain. Dried Praia, Potatoes. Ivtl. Ur 1 k::ti > Cherae, Cluver and TitaOLh* Feed*. Ac. Orders promptly filled at lh# Icwtxt i..»fkct A l cancel modo on conslgnmeclA O-Offlce Cl the PitUborgh Bag ). Samuel is. floyd k ’cb”'" COMMISSION MEiICUASTj And dtaU-r* to Fl- nr, Uralo and Prodnco G«n:r»t'y, Ml ÜBERTT STREET, near Pa H It D- i o», PITTSBURGH, PA. _ t? f. WAtEtt, Illi* TOBC j.»fcJfrT BaLTOSKS, Lets of PltUDnrgh Phlls-lMpM* PITTSOCUGH COJIMISSIOK 1101 SE. WALKEH & BAHRLTfI, a. nr- Os .IMMISSION MKRCHANiS, AnJ Agsnts In «h* Pi-mßUKfifl MAKCPACTIKEW bIIOU.Y Coal Oils akb f.rniu MERcni'-M^.r No 160 Poarl Streot N JFC "W V O i< li • iGliclled, to wbizf. f-repv p*r»n»i»l >* Motion ihnll U fc 'isw», an I proceeds promptly rctaltted «Umx* KCK*. RJcbaxds fi Co,lM«Mr«. J..hu BU-k 4 to , Alexander Ling, I *V ** c ßa« « nnrtU*. Mcssrt. Adams, Micblio A Co- Wilson k Brains, N T jn'Allyd | W, CUaDWICI - CHSS CHsewtC*. CHADWICK A 805, COMMISSION MERCII A N T S tF.AT.ERfI m PApn: a?:d imo s . And Agates for tbs Sale )l Mahooiog Firo Brick and Foi. L'Uy, , -♦ IfiO and 151 Wovl Ptr»ot, near Sixth, PitUbcruh 62wWrapplog Pa;t PIO METAL ANT> BLOOMS, So. S»»T Liberty Street r«h-y I. 18M»fco PITTBIIOUtIU. PA ,».35*‘£ 00““”" OommlHlon db Forwarding And Wbdlcaal* Dealers In • WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BCTTBR, LIUTO, POEK. UIOON, rtOCII, PIPH, pot * rear! A.hea, Bsleratua, Mossed A Urd Oil DiUd Prnlt au'l Produce (pmOTalty „0.,... .na««■g-sjWf'sajVa. **- ' rr—;.: HITOtICOCU,’ ttoOUKEIIV * CO., I6ncra»<-r» to Un Jmon, M-c™t, i Co.) P jrwErdinglmd Commission MordmnU., Too raJslpß. tol«. to .jo.w-Q.ja BrEi»tii*ai»aAnon...fcn*j/ i * J5 ••**** * SPIUIVGBK srHABBALOH A CO., COMMISSI-ON MERCHANT. / .DEALERS IN „ , ~ Wool, A Prodnce Oeuerally, Btreet, Plttoburgh jsia Jjr Jrsi oil A N B * Aa .1 KK I __ trXUXIA If Jp Flour, O-rain and protitioa. j CcmraiHfdou and Forwarding Morohantd, 1 .Va. 131 seecnd Su, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; uifollyd : j TYOBEKT DICKEY, Wholcualo Oroccr, XL Prodseoand Cosualsdoa Klarchant, No. 61*) Liberty *tree*,naar Ballroad Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, pa.- apb bLAfiSES.—3OO bbla N. 0,. Molasses, 50 doBjrtiptat FornUh«m, dmlart In Produru and pittalmrgh No. 111 Wator street, near Cherry Alley, Pmsborsh, Pa. myibJ k*«*t. t. (tHRIVIS ..JOBS O.tULWUHXB R IIRIVER A DILWORTII, WHOLESALE _ On>rer*, No liO and s«rnnd strool, (balweeo Wood tn.l erattliAoid, PUubnrgb. joaa rLorn tucustb . william floth. JOHN FLOVD & CO. WHOLESALE Gracerkaml Commhaloa Ucrcliauts, No 173 Wood end 723 Liberty stnvt, Pittsburgh, jel6 WATT-* WILSON, WHOLESALE GRO CKHS, Commlpiion Morchanta and Dealer* In Pro duce and Pittsiorgb Manufacture*. No 263 Liberty street, Pftubargh. Ju26 WM . McC UTC H J^ON"WHOU-j- SALi; Grocer, Prodnra and Commission •od Da&lor in Pictabnrgh ' Manufactured Article*, Nn 160 Lll-arty itrtw-t. corner of llrevory ay, Pittabnrgh, Pa. myS JOBK ATWllt I.J. LX* t’HAS. ATWtLL. Atwell, lfe & co„ wholesale Grocer*, Prr-dnce aud CVimmluloo Mfrc.hanti, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufacture*, No 3 W,«»{ sUoct, !«- twoen Water and Front si., Pittsburgh aplS K ROBISON A CO., WHOLESALE a Grocer*. C.iminu*i>;n Merrhanu, and Dealer* in all kinds of Provirt.'n*, Prodnc* and Pittsburgh Mannfactnrc*. Niv 2W Liberty itrwt, Pitlcburgh faUhlyd Robert n. kino, wholesale qro- CKR, Curamtuhm Merchant, and Dialer la Feathers, Pish, Plour, end all kind* of Omntry IVvJtwns, No Cll Lib erty street, mouth of fciith. Pittsburgh, P* liberal ad raectu made on consignments. Ja6 Iyd Robert dalzell * 00., whole- PALE Grocers. Cotamlah.n and Forwarding Mer chants and Dealerelo PiTsincoatul Pittiborgh Mannf*. turea, No. 251 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, P* my 3 ISAIAH DtCKfcY A CO WHOLESALE Grocer*, Commission Merchants,and Dealers In Pr>iucH, No. 30 Water street, and 63 Frout street. Pittsburgh JHisttllantoua OJaiii PALL STYLE JM *kx »mm, f. ivi.l ."‘trret, Ailagti'-uy Oij. Gppoalln the fmllog* U*nk rp A. MIERbCU A SON?. 1. » FKFNCn AND AMERICAN oINTECTIgN thl HI. >e*a!« sn-l o sr 'Wh .\r, Ficita. Roman I’an.ly aud KUae*.'t JW . K K KK . • A.rohit<=*ot, ai'l l*J* N d'jft Oalr «tno.|, jg V SHOCK • mzacuast .v. 7*s p.Mj,T!iyirLU .-r . m«kr« i-u.i-tui.ji., u., u<>»i-4( niii.i -r Coala, l*aal«. \ »nil .1. .V. SILAI.,I .H '.N H H.Ku fc: »<' Ar <- * >. hardware ano cutlery N>*. lui MiirJtMt ritrwet, IMTTSUOtGiI, FA REMOVAL- J. S. Liggett A . Latt* ro ..••-tM s-» -l -.t-vi !-• N»» ’ft W«|..- ■>.. 1 } • r 1 J. S. UOIiKTT A CO. K. FACTORS and Pr-lu * r I’r-Kt'ire N«« *4 Water «:»' L !i K E S F.. tP M!2*» rt %M< ur..u KH IV CaS.M-a. mu • t: :• CliAMi! I'V ANtlLlK.r -ni.M-ili *1 R«j N t» K f. ■■ Wh'iL'itl 1, 30fUl‘ lh»* i AMi PIU Mf: f A i tynt’f It'll--, tiu I H -*F iittiMASli .4MITII FI KLD FTUEKTF nyr.jM A LANE'S FHOTdGRAPHIC GAL , LE'IV. riff ./FIFTH *ed GRANT STREET- in Ullibt'i I'mtJtrri, rtppo.ltj tti« Oonr* 11-sost ThlvGaiWy U* |o*t Iwcn «**-tl Flreogere and cili'*n* »r. v -..r2»*11j ti. me.l *'-.1 -n •mine tbr Vrayi rl «dei«te WEatranro r.-V.iit. I hnotnseesy -.» •' •*** afSOityd T REDWELL k, BCHKLL, ■B A. N ,K "IEJ R S , gOMEREET, PUNS A :i ,« i-.li- tf.,) ant' 1.-trirr.a j' rou:il*4 Mfct.il.l.-- i, *■ HA ML, r ; :*ehur*to R PATEICIi 4 O'. i J' FifiLse :'iT»ri« I a'ineav i »*i-«a*.-« uEvnun i asdewos, Wholesale dealers in foreion f BUITs*, NUTS ao|l SPICKS. OGNPECTKI.NEfcI, HCiMlb, riUE WOlULd.’af. N- WaOD BTRKKT. M Charlra H&r«.|,-Pitt«t»f>r*h, I’a. tc.rl2:ly..ii.w IJOLUTIIOUP A KOIINE / IAH AND STEA-M FITTERS, N-> ISO V_T THIRD RTRr.KT, l«>t«ri.U and Plitu... .1 all kinds. i'latnMng di-L-i It. • »U| «f I-i •* j!« 4:i 5-»i • |>< M } attended to. Ali.l fill ullh'.l f-H liaS Works and (iu IS' rks luted ot auy t-*t>u.;i) u-r puU Itr gC prits,r#c»it * n»rKlyd JOIIMCAMPUELL, Manufacturer or bouts andSUOKjfnf Jj*-rlptl..n . -‘o ;>4 Bmltb/ald (trwt.pitubuigii, r*. PAR LOR, I'l N I N » H . »M. 111 I'll H'/LsK, urHi’t: sc, 11 EATIN U' S TO ES, r iV ior .!.*•s.. •« ll- li|»ii •■“vr* ” *«»T>u Wo.fli w SV UHADAIIAW, Nt». ItH Wo>hl meet, Flr»l dfinr below thu ifgn of the Qnldm Unu. Sundries-- " Mboteiiiend Ig. I. SV PriJ.ly - .'N ,| v d<* W, 11. Uratit’j \ For sals b* JOHN H. AIBLLOk, ai Wco-l Street Col Hes malted r.rt inraiDt uf the prlcn. *al<* I‘ CE CREAMY ~ ‘ ICE CREAMTi juis cnitASiix kr A MIBHhCH A.hUJjrt’ I f <* iiitam Haloon and HoJa Water Punntatn, Fisbiti auJ Ainericao Confoctluunry. _J»>24 _ 12 gT. CLAIR arHBXT. SO A —l5O b<»xt*d Palm Soap; »W» d- Otelu do d>» G. rtusn do In «t.u s and lor tale ti* y fIKLI.PnfI A (JO F~ URNIWkE : FU'hnltoKß Mir eerohoose and rxsmli.o our M.*ck of Parlor, Chamber, Dining itoow and Ltbrarv PortHturu. of oar own msuufacturo and watrautoj. T.D. YOI'NG 1 00, 34 A 40 FmlUiOold atmet. OF HOUSES, without tenant*, \_y are lulortnwl tbst ve attsnd to tanllog bntuss. rollei • tioa of rents, Ac., and that w 4 bevo a groat demand Di?ull!x>g Ilooees St the present llm*. i bcaollhoasoa. aspo clnHv.are OiH'b Wanted. S.OUTIIDEHT ASuN, Rrtl Kstatn Ag«als, LI UarLetst. KoWN r s - rssrNck of J7ymaica GINGER. —Tills U aa’axcallont family raadlsias, and ,hi B smsoq of the year every family should have* tot ijj# gentiia* for sale by JoBw FLEAfU»'B. IJIOTII f SURD—3OO Gus. Btrictly prims rneclved on cbitolrsloo arf for sale by rticeivea o HKODST A DABKIB, *Bl3 Cort.cr Liaerty and Hand itreeU. OTTER—4 bbl» prime packed! Butter for .a inraw a, ooimbs fittslmrglj (gazette. '.JIKU TMSDU fOBI.iaHKH U411.V AND WEEKLY BY U . KURD) T T Jc Cl) rirra «*■«? iiwvs smtjmatn. «- n« t> ALLY a A ZSTTEu Uu oldai AVw»aper ini'j *hu, an J V" 1 ' rwAifjj; J.V cfasui, U c'Jertin&uctvitnlt Co Oi'rt j/ ;V- i..,t nninwt o>ri vei*k. payable to tbo Otrri«r« ” ‘ WEEKLY—Two D0!,..# per annem, t»y»W« In 4d»u.a* Olubi are fur&Uhnd ou (bo foUi>wiug lorau. S-ftTir copies coo y.M ... '■ ' «5 w T "° 00 t - •• “ - 20 fVO And on* Co tbs ponon *etting ap thaelobfree. «4-AdT»Dco (MjmcDti wo •trictly required, ud no ps poi will h« K*ct «fter the time Is op to which It m lUim of i 3qn«re..l lOUac*, 1 time Yowl} edrertUert ereeotl tied (o one eqiur^cheug •Meet plaMore, per anutuu with Catetreble orice. better from Callforalt, Aitkb thb Electioh—PaotiADir, Tatt unt or the Lecomptoh Dsmocbact.—Sas Frassisco, Sept.*\ IR69.—The eleollon is over, but we are do nearer an estimate of the actual result than three days before it oocurred. Latham la eleoted Governor— that we all oonoede He will proba bly hare JO,OOO plurality over Currey, the anti- Lecompion nomine*, aoJ dO.O'X) over Stanford, Republican The Legislature will be Administration by a targe majority. Bo much for the positive results alt of wbicb might have been aud wore foretold Tbo ioterest -f the election has beeu oeotered ia the choice of (’oagicssflieu and State Printer Baker and McEibheti, who were supportei by both Republicans and anii LeoompioDites, ran against Scott dale member) and Burch, Adoiio isir&ii-n caudidales, aoJ the result is in doubt, wiih the chances in favor of the last two The laloocea of ibe compromise of the two branches of the Opposition, precluded the priming of tick ets for remote precincts in the mountain coun ti. ft, and under the belief that three tickets were to tbo Reid, ami Administration voters evidently believed tUai their opposition was useless Not knowing anything of the ooaliiioo, they let the oontest go by default, and 'the consequence is defeat B«ker aud McKibbeu will leave San Francisco with about d,tHJO majority, in a poll of aearly Sacramento gives them -hHi and 1 üba 100. On the other side, Sat Joaquin, Santa Clara, and Shasta give about 'l.OOdagalnei them T&c interior counties will bo nearly even ly divided, but the SLiotbern phalanx, consisting -.•f Los Angeles, San Dirge, Santa Barbara, and other coast counties, will conio rolling ia after a while with over or J,l>K) Democratic ma jority. San Prauoisco has still maintained its Repub licans, by electing a Republican delegation to the legislature, and carrying tbo People’s ticket entire It woe feared at one lime that the can didates for County Clerk and Superintendent of Schools would be defeated, bul inter returns in dicate (heir election. The local contest was bil ter and severe, personalities being waged quite as tierce as any previourly witnessed Bribery, corruption, fraud, lioentiousness, As , io , were oh*rged with a liberality ‘inue sapritiog ; yet the motives of the parlieewere generaUy so viu diotive that uoWdy believed the half loey said. It is past now--let the authors aud their victors rest in peace One of the results will probably be ibe death of oue or two uewspapers; 1 am not prepared tu »»y which, bul a few days will tell So Republicans abroad (he result must not l.c Jishrarteuiug The stale of parties was pe culiar. and the Anti Lecomptonites were so sure they could (brash (be Administration (hat they refuoed at nrst to coalesce The Republicans, afi«r eibausiiug all mean* f.>r a full compromise. c.tßoludcd to let them try it. and it turns out •<(•( a* eiprcleJ -anti Leccruptouiem isoowhsre, an I heoceforih tho Republicans have a fair eland-tip tight, atone and single-handed, with ibe Leconipton Democracy P Baker anJ McKibhvn may be fivwiuodred votes Tb»s mUy be easily overconte la a Preel itcQiivl aovl IQ IHGU California will wheel tc.tr> die Repubtioan lino for Beward, Chase,Bates sums other rtaunoh supporter of freedom r impiered, but not dismayed, we await a tri utupbuexl >oar l>r*n iut Siut’MEsr or Uolu—Tt»« bicaJjr ehip uieiti of f*?M frocu ibe Uoitetl Mates in loreipo p rt« is about the most oigol&cial feature ia the financial anJ oomtueroial world What beoomes of all the gold* Such is the vjaestton lb»t is daily aeked by men engaged Id active huaioese If mey wilt tako pains lo real the reports of shipments from New York aod Boston, they will s«e what becomes of gold so far as the United States is ooocerned. A great part of what is brought lo light by ibe industry of the miners of our Pscifie coast, leas effectually lost to us as if it vero cast iato the depths of the aea. Ii booo disappears below (ho water Hoe of the At lantla horizon, on its way to the coders of Eng lish bankers, aod if never conui hack ajairt There le Dot the slightest obance of anything lice a reciprocal trade being carried on with Great Britain— a (rode that will balance this ri.,w of gold, or rcelcre Us equilibrium—until the federal government shall enact protection to American industry. If gold were simply an article of merchandise -if, as the doctors of a certain school would have us imagine, gold, in the markets of the world, exercised no more influence than oollon or corn, wc might watch its movements with comparative ludtffereooo But gold, as a circu lating medium, and as o representative of value, Joes exercise an immediate and important influ ence ou the price of all oommoJittes and on the course of all business. Of *ll etimul&ntj to a healthy activity in business transactions, gold is the most important; aod do loslaoce can be shown of any age or any country In which a cjruaiuQiiy SlounsboJ, or continued (u flourish, uuder a long sustained Jraio from ii of (he pre cious metals. If we refer lo !Ue earner and cruder stales of society, where a ieptesoutatlve of value, like gold or ftlver, ia uul iu uee, we at once under stand that trade can exist only to a limited de gree All exchanges must be br direct barter, and uuuerous are tho InoonvenieDees lo which both buyer and eeller are exposed. Now, where the precious metals are eoaroe, where by any vioious system of trade a State is drained of lls gold lo a low point, depression in prlecs, and stagnation, most follow. Let theorists talk as they may, men of oommou sense and ordinary Information oaoool waloh the large shipments of gold, amounting to several millions of dollars a week, from our ports, without aoxioty; nor is H poaeiblo that business should revive and flourish in such a state of affairs. Our whole community, north and south, cast aod west, needs the eilm ulus whi«h gold remaining among ui», alone can give, not'gold that Is flying *wayfromusas fast as it oooios How mnoh longer arejthe best in terests of this oouolry to snffer by the derelic tion and theoriilng of men, whose first business It should be lo enact laws lo proleol us against a drain, whiob, if allowed to go on uooheoked, most be so baneful in Un final oooseqaenees - Philn X. Amrr. Tiirßalabim or Naoao Blavss at Wabhin.j tos.—We have frequently expose* some of the ••trioks and traps’* of oflioo-holdlng lo the Na tional Capital; but there is one little method ef poeketlng the public foods wbteh we bayo never seen alluded to in the press of the country: we refer lo the practice of hiring negro slaves the property of prominent offioW* general government. .Complaints. aro oidt every day that negroes, in a great number of cases, ainrp the post of messenger, &o. r which might be filled by while men. If the colored popal&Uoun were benifiited or complimented In the operation, ob jections could not be very well sustained; but the truth Is, these ''office holders’ wo iho property of members of the Cabinet aod other gentlemen high iu place under the Administration. The : distinguished officer, whose salary ranges from three thousand to eight thousand dollars per an num, takes some of hie colored servants from Virginia, or some other Stale, and diatribatca them in thedepartments. The venerabledesoen dant of the wilds of SeuegfinM* stands at, the door, aod answers the questions of all person* that have bnsiness with the Seoretarv... The men of color are not generally to be found ia the department of the owner; the thing would look a llttio too broad; exchange* nre made, bo that hardly any man's proves to be bis own property. The lalary is P ald 10 “»UMe,” aod everything goes on, smoothly . « This method or "raising the wind conies legitimately uoder the head of what may be cal lod sharp practice. A Northern man may go to Washington, and in tho manner to wtuch we refer, purobaee and pay for, In oneyear, negroes cnougu to stock asoali planiaHon. The morali ty of thus imposing negro labor upon the govem mint, in* excluding ladastriotuttinttdy while men, if not doahtfm.—^Cw» 2lo»et. RGH GAZETTE. A Curious Fact.— At the lime of the explo sion on board of tho Great Eastern, a carious fact vas noticed: those who were most hurt, and who first died, seemed the least injured when they first appeared above deck, and even were able to walk aft without assistance. On (bii point a writer In the London Time* saye- A man blown up by gunpowder is a mere fig ure of caw flesh, which seldom mores after the explosion. Not so with men blown up by steam, who for a few minutes are able 16 walk about, apparently unhurt, though in fact mortally in jured beyond all hopo of recovery. This was so with ono or Lwo, who, aa they emerged from be low, walked aft with- that indescribable expres sion in their fsoes only resembling intense aß tonishment, and a certain faltering of the g< and movements like me that walks la his sleep. When not grimed by the smoke or ashes, the peooliar bright, soft whiteness of the face, bands, or breast, told at oneelhat the ekln, though un broken, bad in fact, been boiled by the eteam. One man walked along with the movement and look I have endeavored to describe, and seemed quite unconscious that the flesh of his thighs (most probably by the asbesfrora the furnace) was burnt in deep 'holes. To aouo one who came to his assistance, he said quietly, "I am all right; there -are others worse than me; go look after them.” This poor mau was the first to die TERMSr Tax great problem of the source of the Nile, wbiuh has occupied the attention of the world during so many ages, may now be considered as definitively solved. Capt. Speke, who has just returned to England from an extended tour In Central Afrioa, in company with Capt. Button, dUoovered a lake, called by the natives Nyanza, but by the Arabs Ckerewe, which appears to be the great reservoir of the Kile. It extends from 2° 30' south to 2° 30' north latitude, lyiogacroas the equator lo east longitude 33°. Its waters are the drainage of numerous hills which surround it onalmosl every side. Thcuow lake washes out the Mountains of the Moon as at present existing In our atlases. A Daroasmai: Dumplibo.—Oq the opening of the Dartmouth and Torbay railroad recently the workmen employod in oonatruoting the line were entertained at dinner, the prinolpal feature being a "Devonshire dumpling” of unusual magnitude. It was in the form of a oone, about eight feet In diameter at the base, and about thirteen feet in perpendicular height. It weighed 2,1C0 lbs, and its iugredieole were £>73 lb 9. of floor, 101 lb. of bread, 382 tbs. of raisins, 101 lbs. of currants, 382 lb of suet, 'Ti lb. of milk. It was baked in section* and then built up, the fabrio being kept together by hoops and other mechanical devices. East Ihdia Cottok. —lndia begins to feel the stimulus of improved transportation, as well as high prices io the staple of cotton. The Liver pool eiroulan of the 10th iustfcnt state that there are at sea from India, and'Jue Wore the end of November, 220,000 bales to Great Britian, and 10,000 bales to the Cootiueut, against 95,000 bales and 700 bales respectively lan year; further considerable shipments were la process. The quality has been greatly improved, which will make it complete successfully with the lower kinds of American Cotton As't.-noTsi i>r rue Stobk —This bird, after spaodiug its summer in Europe, migrates in the fall to Africa or Asia A Polish gentleman hav ing oaugbt a stork which lived upon bis estate, put around its neck an. iron cellar, with these words on It: "This Btork oomee from Poland,” and then set it at liberty. The next year the stork came hack again with a gold collar. The gentlemau caught it again, and found on the col lar, lo the Hindoo langauge, "India sends back the stork to the Poles, with gifts.” Timas has been great excitement at Guelph, Canada, witbio a few days past, io regard to the arrest of two brothers, Valentine B. and Benja min Byron, ou a charge of forcibly abducting their sister, Mies Hannah Byron, from a convent in that place. The Msgistralcs, by a majority of five to three, dismissed the case, and the de cision was received by the crowd outside the Court room with rapturous applause VTiseonot VilHaoi; while reading that the King of (lode employed his prison hours io writing lo bis numerous Begums, resolved to ask the Secre- lndia next seeeioo, if It was his inten tion to Instruct Lord Canning lo have His ma jesty proeeouted for Begumtuy -Pucr*> pIHST PREMIUM A^AKPED^^ <; K A F F £l r 0., MAN U FACTIJtt^Kh, rju nit bc*t a t o v | h a. roil TIIE UUT ruOKINU RANGE FOR FAMILIES, With f**J Door fvr throartog Id AS V BEST WOOD COOK ST OV £\ I>l FLi>MA Full UEirr LAUNDRY BTOVf. Allcs, IloUow War*, A.'. GRAFF A 00. No. its Llbarty BUtti, AT THE UK AD OP W'OuD BTRStf, PrmsuAao, Piik, A X 0 T H E H LOT WILLIAM KNABS .SB CO.’S PIANO FORTES, THE I&ON OITY TRUST CO , No, 250 Llbirty 8ln«t. Bank of discount, exchange AND DEPOSIT. Capital Stock. .. . J 15U.U00 Capital ll«pr*»ant«<3, over 1(000,000 SrOCXBOLBXU ABB OSLO ImtIDDAI.LT LUCL*. Ovid, Silver, Par Foude aoi Currency received on depualL ALL MONETS allow*! to remain for a apes'Ktil Tint, WILL DRAW INTERNET. Sight Exchange on the Eastern eud We*tero cilia* constantly fjr Bale la iam« to salt Collections made In all the principal cilia* In the United States mod tha Caoedaa, and PituOKKDS PROMPTLY UK MITTKI* tO any desires! point, as day of maturity. JUST:' AHKIVEU CRLSBR^.TLD MK SlUf BY CHAKI.O l i tf BU’Mh:, No US WooJ •(, 2J door kifitt .Mm Moorhead, Alexander A'yraytb, John Heath, Geo .H Hoad, J. 11111, William Seltwft, W. UcCUotock, Ueur> Me Culloogh, Retort Amlenon. 0 K. WARNER, PraaiJent. H. 0 HmiUKRTT. OmhUr wh i.aeutUiTt . ..o. foiUKsmi........ t a. xjunrxxxa. WM. B. BCHMBRT7. Ar CO.. WHOLESALE A RETAIL MAMFAC TURKUS AND DF.ALHUS IN boots amu »iiok:b, No. ill Fifth Street, BaDk Blo.'k, Uavlug Joel received car very large auJ complete «b*k 1 < AC BPKKH, PLOW MANUFACTURERS Nu. 160 Form Slrpot, Pittsburgh, DATENTEESot the celebrated First Pre- X mlum ,RON OSNTRB AND UILI. 9IDE KKVOLVJ Inq beam plows. Al*o manufacture Patent Lever, Centre Lever. Improved Pr»cock, Wrought Moldboard, Creole, Talley and every other dtseriptlon of |la>WS, PLOW CASTINGS, CULTIVATORS. Ac. They alto continue to carry on the old PtusaLx Foun dry, corner of Pena ilwt aid Oedl* alley, tha Casting* of which bare bees long celebrated lor Utelr excellence. All orders promptly Ailed *&d aatlifaction given to ctutoom in every particular e^’-lyd SANDER'S HAIR DRESSINQ ROOMS, GRANT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CATHEDRAL, OPEN FROM 0 A. U. TO B P. M, Where gentlemen can have their Bair Dressed In Ibe laleit end moot hiiblo noble manner. Ha has fitted up a room ex* pronly tor Ladles, where partlcnUr attention wlll ke glven toDRHSSINQ UAin FOR PABTIfcS, RBOEPTIONS, Ac., in Ue vsriotie approved style#. , L A®“BANDIR's CELEBRATED SCALP TONIC kepi u,u stonily on hand Bad for sat*. JuCTllyd PITTSBDQII AND OAKLAND NUR. fiEltl£d. ttC.OOO Apple Twee, 6 toB feet, 4d 45 000 Jo do lto2toet,W dcr 10.000 Peach; 8,000 Chary. 3,000 Qulcc*; ajuOO Standard Pear, IO.WO Uwertfear; 1,000 Uoogbton'a QooeebtrTyJ— 3 year uldt—Ane; 6,000 PUTer Maple, 12 to 16 Wet; 80,000 1 to 8 feeti 200 of the celebrated Uop Trwe, wUhafloe aaortioent r.fßhade Trei, Strawberry, Roeea, Qraenbocee Ptanta, Ac, Ac. porchaeere wfil be dealt »ub liberally. «fc24 JUUNNUfUMXIO, JB. DRESS, GOODS, SHAWLS, MANTT.RB, COUBSTTCft, Ac, Op«blAK*lQlG«t dull; 0. IUNBON LOVB, Tl SJaikat >». KEStmVES—SO doz. Peaches; 30 do Penn? Sfi do Qnlacwj 10 do CUron; 0 do PetVf Prwtul Qiaj«r, Jut r*c«lT*d »od (ornloby • tJO pp-TMKB * AlfPEltflOWf 6* wood M- 0 QROOERB AND TKA > lux.k* .1 p*p*a exat, Jg * 7 : ocaat itafaißito^wooiwiriiirtia;; VOLUME LXXII—NUMBER 255. Insurance. Indemnity Against Loss by Fire. IPramkllw Firs liesmrwaee Company or f’flin/nu’fl/i- Office 435 and 437 Chestnut st., near Fifth. fuuaeuitff Aa~-cs, Jautury lrt,US’i, poblUheJ agrees btj io »a act of Aewmbty, beiag Flrtt **ccred~4-.— J1.73L.M3 &) K«*l Estate (preeeal Tala. *103,313 61) ccel 7T.76A Tl Temporary Loan*, on ample Collateral Se curitise Stock* (present rein. SSVWT '’fij'roit. Notes and Dills receivable Ca«li *! r ' ,at * ,ronj Pr-oiiom* Urmlail. d ” bT " fro “ HUIi» which hiT*4>#end« loeonncie m*J. on ever; «i Property In S^ltj nd C ' )lJUtry ’ “ *•**■ M “«* cjtwirtTn/wlth Bine* their IncurporeUen, e period of tblrtr r«n tb*y hire p*W Loom by Bre, to no .mount excidtM lbw MQUotuof DoUart, thereby iffordlng erldencno! the edTuUgM of InninßOe, u will u tbetr ability e & 4 dUno •itloo to meet with prompts me ill lUMlitWe. Loeece paid darlug the year 1853. dxbmtoU. Ohirlee W. Btnckei, I Slordecil D. ToblM WafMr, I D*tW 8. Brown. fUxnoel Gnat, | l«“e Jieob R. Smith,; ltd ward 0. Dele, Onorg* W. RkhArd*, i Ueorn FnJee. CHARLES N. BAXOKER, Prudent. •'•EDWARD O. DALE, Vice Pritident. Wm. A. Stitt, BecnUry pro ism. < J. GARDNER COf JIN, Agent, myfl Qjrt Trrfh**** oor. Wood end Thirl »t*- Flßfi IHBUH.A9OB, it rn Reliance Mnlosl lunnwet Company ef PQILADBLPUIA On DoiUlnj*, Limited or rnmltora £e., lo Tows or dosstry. Office No. 308 Walnut Street. OAmai.slT7,Ml...AM*li $276,0 Infested is follow* First Mortgage on lmproredCity Property, worth . doable the emoant.sl6l,6oo 09 ‘ Pen da. Railroad Co’i U per cent. Mortgage Loen, $30,000, eoct * 27,W0 00 Allegheny county 0 pereeat.Peau.il. H. Loeu.. 10,000 00 .City of Philadelphia, do do do 6.000 00 Pennsylvania.Ballroad Oo'sgteek - 1,000 00 Stuck of the Reliance Uataal Insurance Co .... 10460 00 Block of Oonnty Plre Insurance Oo 1.060 00 Stuck of Delaware M. 8. Insurance Co . ... 140 00 Onion U. Insurance (Ve Scrip Bill* Receivable, boitaees paper Book Accounts, accrued fntareet, etc (Web on hebd end tn Beck. ‘ ii CLAM TINGLKV, President OISSCTOU. gamad Biphase, Robert Blood, WflHam Mownr, OUm Tinsley, Wtu R.Thouipeyk. Frederick *tro*u, BroJ. W. TlngUy, Marshall Eltli, 0. Stevenson, John R. Worrell li. LOarsoa, Cbu. Lei and, Robert Tol and. Jacob T. Bunting, Frederick Lenulg, 0. B Wood, Smith Bowen, James 8 Wuodvtol. John Bta ell, Pittsburgh li *1 UINGUMAN, Secretary j. a. ooffin, Agem myO North out corner Third end Wood-streets Pirr, JlarlDf and Inland ininr&nrr. T NSURANCE CO. or NORTH AMERICA JL raiL±pjiLPßU tocJrperated 17t»*—CeplUl $»J,O Assets, January 10. ST.. DIRECTORS —Arthur O. Cofla, Bam asi IV. Jones, John A Brown, Bemnel F. Smith, Cher lee Taylor, Ambroee White John Neff, Richard If. Wood, Wllllem Welsh, William K. Bowen, James N. Dickson, 8. Morris Wain, John Masou. oeo. L. Harrison, Francis R. Cope, Edward u. Trotter. Mavrsiu Mania, Sec'y. AKTUUR O. COFFIN. Prwt. INSURANCE CO. or tu STATE or PA., PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated, 17W—Capital $300,000. Assets February 1,1351) $113403 li DIRECTORS—Ucnrr D. fiherrerd, Simeon Toby, Charles Hscalester, William a. Smith, John U. Raid. Deary 0. Freeman, Charles 6. Lewis, George C. Carson. WUUatn R. White, George 11. Btasrt, Samuel Grant, Jr, Thomas Wig qer, Thomas B. Wetteon- UELNRY D SIIEBRBRD, ffiuim ILLSMJ, gec’y. President. w» Insprance ln the above old aud Reliable Compaalas, eaohe obtained by application to felfcdly W.P. JONES, Agent, 31 Water »t. Philadelphia Firo and Ll(b INBCRANOB COMPANY. { No. 149 Cheanul Streot, UfhODITE TUB O.V tT U U IlilUM. Will make *ll kib •l rwuaosbla raUvof premium. ROBERT. P. KINO, Preeldeut. M W BALDWIN. Vice prwld*..: iiicnou. H K- Ooke, W bx.*» Joaeyn 8 P»ol. John CUjtou B. WBo. ,uu. r u*..* D EcgU.fi F F»r«r?. J Ul»c*sclhl. *••■•««»? j a curriN, Ag*u, onuoi Thlr4 *od Wind «tr«eU. Delaware Sultidl Salely Inmranct Company lns*rpei itiJ b'g (V Office, S. C. Ournor Third nod Walnut ala., PUIHDKLPQIA UXJtIXX IXXI’RAXCSS ru rr*Jgtlt all puti of the world i.V/.iAt? vn UvKKln, Lf tUaiu», ij-kufcla, Uln »ud LakOvi Carriage*, to all i«rU v ( tl>* UuluW F7HE ISSUSAXCES -u U-r.UanJt:. g«uer>U> -Oo Kuna, Dvalllog lioain, ±< IfcjuJa, SloM b -»joa, inJ Ke»l K*i*i« 9101,350 99 PhtlaielphU Cut, and other Loan# ... .. 137,011 SB Block Id Baoka. tUilro&d A liuurmncsCua 19,900 00 imta Ke«iT»U O 940,90105 CAkho&hud 38,80’4'6d tul&uclL>u S^Ui VtUUain AlatOa, Jumpb EL Sen), Kdmund A. Soolu Job&O. D»tU, Jams* u lifcg.l. ThcephildsPaaldlug. Juice Tnqnair, William Eyra, Jr, J. T.Pealiton, Jaehn* P. Eyre, Sashml R. fltok&a, Deary Elmo, James p, ilcWrle Tbomae 0. H*n -paynbU on 4VMO 00 Promlom Not**... 44, ' ...-.•; r . v&r '\: '■ . . •* - '-,’ 1 - •■-'••• ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COMPLY OF FIVTSBV&GB. Office —No. 37 Fifth Street, Bank Block, INSURES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF FIRE AND MARISE 'RISKS. IBAAO JOKES, Pnvttfißt; JOHN D. tfcOO&D, Tin Fretldent; D. U ROOK, Seen UryiCapt. WILLIAM DEAN, General Agent. Dtxxcrcas—liu; Jones, O. 0. tTauej, TT«rT> yflhCdi. j- Capt-R.C.Gray, John A. Wilson, B. L. Fahnestock, Jobs D. McCord, Imc M. PeailOck, R: P. 6t«rling, OapL ff*. Dmn, Thoa. M. Ilowa. Baht, IL Pavia. JeLlyd IFE INSURANCE.—The GIRARD LIFE Jj INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, at the Agency, No, 76 Qnnt attest, Pittsburgh, continue to make insurances on Urea. In addition to a paid capital of $300,000, they h*re a large and lacrresing itmtoren. affording undoubted security to the Insured. In '**— of insurance for Lite the boons declared fromuuuQß pnfltt has already exceeded fifty per cent, on ell premiums pM- Tboo. Ruwiwat, greet; John P. James, Actuary; Jes- King, M. D., Medical Kxaminar, offica No. lIS Fifth street, Pittsburgh. For farther lnfcnnstlca apply to WSL BAKE- for (be Company, No. 76 Grant street. —.513a,83& 6" T? RA N K toRESTEK'3 WORKS—TI» BHii.h rtorwmeasblp of the United States and X2SseJ Kottt illcstn ted with finely toSl; / n 4 nota »r«» ewpirtopi to W* t . F Field' cpo?t*—new edi -■ ■■— . Rat a 00., 6a Wood street. JJUNT aISIneR’S' "PITTSBURGH ALMAS AO TOR UdO, Calculated aod Edited by PRICE FfYP. tKIITiJ. Sect t-j null r®.«ti>t of two three rnnt »firoiil. f Tltl>Mp paid oci nuar AJUagg. CALM El'S DICTIONARY OFXHEUOLY - BIBLE end the Biblical Fragments ofthe Ute Charles Taylor illustrated wttb'numsrocs fhapt tad clheroD grav ing* ninth edition, in fire quarto vciame*. -London. Hen-. ry 0. Bohn. Three eat of the above valuable work recetnd? end foreeieby seSO J.L-BEAD, TBToUrtbSLv- NEW JUVENILE BOOKS— ' > : ’ Whet Norman saw laths West; The Backwobfid Etafc; •'*; wbobesama a Minister, Hearse Fireside; The Yocnr Edr^"-- 1 grim; The Arbor; Facts abont boys; Mother’s Sift Usee at Uotnet The Object of Life; in# Rainbow, £h».Qh/ttt; S& )l Ufa; My Sister Margaret; The Ministry ol Lue. *e2B Forcaleby J.L.READ,7BFourth »f.■ NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS!!—Book cf ' The American > Cncea Congress with Games of tbo Grand Tournament; Life of .Baron Hnaboldf; Smoth Slone* from Aacirnt Books—Spnrseon;. Henry fit. John Gentleman —a tela of 1776; ' Prank Wlidmeo’a Adventures on land and Water Recollection* of Geoffrey Uumlyn—Kingsley; Sylvia's World; Crimea the t*w dooamot Bakitii; Prom Dawn to Daylight, Memoirof James Wilson; Ltsona from Jesar; Dolly and Ulft'eto* and other new Juveniles; : Recollections of Samuel Rodgerr. Mag.lsUu and Bethany; Carters’ and Harpers' new Books; August and September is»ne< of The American B. 8. Coion, and other Publishing Houses; Webster's Illustrated Dictionary, trash supply ttt former low prices. Qardtng** Fine Editions o.fAho UibU, New varieties of Btatlofisry and Wall Paper. ■.,19 R. C. COOHKANE, flFed'l «t.. Allegheny. The Beet EncyclopefHaß--Engllali, ■gKCi'CLOF-'EDIA BHITANNIOA;— Eighth Edition, hi voU. 19 rolnmse now raady. TIIE PENNY CYCLOPAEDIA, IT \uU. New RJltion broaghtdowa to the praeatUa* TUE NATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. 17 vols. io 0. The best of Its lizo la print. THE ENCYCLOP-EDIA AMERICANA, On bauCsnd for sale l-y au2o:tf JOHN S. DAVISON, 93 Wood st. jBJOtfIB. _ ’ AfIEUICAN IIOCSK, BOSTON. IS TUE LARGEST AND BEST AK- g ranged Hotel tn the New England Slates; is . trally located, end easy of scceas from all the routes of travel. It contains all the modern Improvements. *"8 every convenience for the comfort and accemmodsoOQ of the traveling pubde. Tbeilccping rooms are large and well vustilated; the sultos of rooms are well arrangod, and com pletely fumlsbod for famlllas and Urge traveling parties, and the bouse will contious to be kept os a first css# Qota-. Is every reepecL JalUlly LKWIB RICK, Proprlstcr. jStßctUantous. Valuable Coal property for Sale. THE Widow and Heirs at Law of Cjrus Prentiss, Uto of Portage county, Ohio, deceased, offer for sale the Coal Mines elloatej in New Cumberland, Han cock couuty, Virginia—being tUa mines purchased of Al lrad Chapman. B. W. Chapman and A. 0. Chapman—con sisting of one hundred and twenty-three aa*s, with Che appurtenances and privileges conveyed by the above parties u> Cyrus Prentiss, on the uOth dsy of April, IW7. Tnemls a stratum of 6 feet of Coal on the above premises now ©pen al —from SOOO to 4000 bushels can be «n IJIHE FIRST BAPTIST CONGREGATION OFFER THEIR OUUBCU KMFIOE, CO&VKR QKJLSTAXD THIRD STS , FOB SALE ON REASONABLE t€r.MS, with the. OROAN *n4 FURNITURE. It U well end •nbatantlally boilt, capable o< eeatlng ilz hundred peraoni comfortably, and If cnlj oSared tor sale because It la too tmall for tbalr accommodation. .For terms, At,apply to ffM.II.ETJUSOS,Ke.ttWu« •tract, or J. BOOBYKK, Ja., No. Mi Libert j jteeet. CL E- ANDSMON, Secretary Boirdof Trustees. Downer’s Prolific Seedling Strawberry. ‘«T7QUAL TO M'AYOY'S, SOPBBIOB Fj to LloTej'i Seedling lo me, eqnsl to Bnrrt STiV Piu# to jfaror, end frees rf* to tat time* os prodactlro os »o7tfttMroUb*oa»baadmlTkri«tlatia cnltinttoa.* fla. atiMr. Downer of hie nno Besdllafcs tsallsaoa. with whom I been ocqnslsted owl doaa btul&MS with f&r yeera, cal to oil oor trannctlonahoTt asm *■■«* r»Moa to misdoubt .his root ot hoacnblt dsoltag, wUfeh taduooi aw to sroept tbs egeocT tar hit wanderfulTjr prollfla Rend for circulars of report of XarwUnttoc Oommlttw. JOHN MUBDOOB.J&, 008 Pittsburgh sad Qs»i««a Kurserlas. Q. I L CHRIST’S CELEBRATED RAZORS AND TABLE CUTLERY Racelitd and for wUty J. K. CBALLE-NBEfiQEa A, C0 r (Enrfeooti Co R. Dantsp, Jt-) id 51ARKST grtnrtT r WORKS, Nos. 49 and 51 Ferry Street; ROBERT ». wn.UAMS, Pixyrielcr, tf Boca Mot to Wstdrop, Stout A i wurrfiCTCMtoP Mowers, Reapers, Powers; Threshers Cider Mills. Hay, Straw-and Fodder Out ters iotlier Agricultural Maohineiw. oa7;3a>d .• “ City Taxes and Water Bents. AIJL* PERSONS, whose City Taxea or Water Basts, far 1559, remain unpaid, are btrtbibo S'? DAT OF ootoms, an addition of Fire per OantJwU} be aedaon UuntaxM! Andttttintxtw remaining tmpaldonthe ytmSnsf Hot ember, will ba put Ln tbahasdi of cOsera far with a farther addition of Fletper Onit - eelTaltf WML ffiCaBATTM. City fmimr UfUAUTON ; 3 , RRYALENTA / - ” TT • ' ntmomor DYSPEPSIA AND CONSnPATIOIT A dmpl*, agmeblMfod Infallible filen^ndbi by II Warton, of 68 Re. Blchetln. sad fa. ■]* hr JAMBL.UAAnTootS^i^SSofe!^ fcr » ttanlK oonttlning full dtoottaffor “*»• - ■ - . . «M VICTORINBB . “ / ALTIBSI) OR SSLARGSD • HOffS AtZERH>£O YUTORUUa; - - onrra mass to match vicious e* ; ..Oa ßt *ad Victoria* UU,v^ntod* ofww***? Intle btUUyUjrt Ktotr* •m’ f iMf —lOO innurantr. SANFORD C- SILL, Csq, FOR RALE EVERYWHERE.' A HI RICAN