« , *. rxuwa •■■/Utiosa anH PS'OPBiXtOBS. I»ITXS3p3tGHI; MOKDayc MOKHINQ, OCT. 8, 1669. BtatoTicket. .. . itmaos Qsxtakv THOMAS B. COCH&AH, eg Teak eecntj. • • euiviioa earxau, WILLIAM EL. SHIM, of'Berk* eooot y. Republican County Ticket. ELIAS ji. ixias^pnatargh. DAVID A.''P2UESBLEY.AII*4beQT. OUARUS L. WiiiUAM X2P7, Lovwr fit GUir. lAW «»ar, ,< -L ro a* a OnlilM ' ' WSDBat ATTO«HXT, : I JACOB H. UILLKfi* Piu»bv' ? M easy r you see, to promise much os little, when you do not Intend to keep tho promise. The ex. V V ..travagant promises, however, eucceed In this in- Some good men are deceived by them, . and the democratic ticket is elected oa this issue. • Bat the result showed that it was but a trick. Those who trusted in the promises were deoelved &nd hare not yet recovered from the disappoint ment. .jplToe next hobby wae the railroad tax. The dear people mast bp saved from taxition, and • none bat a .democrat can save them. ' Bepubli . catr candidates, although modestly' expressing opposition to the tax, must not be trusted. They are not euiSeientTy houeflt and firm for : theseimaaoalate patriots, who mrst hews pure man like McElhinny for their embodiment. The trick.again succeeds. MoElhinny is elected, and he, clever man, in order to save the people from any further trouble with this troublesome tax, ' just stows it away out of sight and then forgets where he puts it. Thff following year, the Ux hobby, so success ful onco, is tried again, but this time it Is a j failure. - The people .who. were led away by Mo- Slbiany cbuid.not be tempted by Farley; and ! hence the hobby most be changed. This year the Sunday law must do service in its stead. Tho managers were lath in catching it, but still they think it worth saddling. The existing Igw has been Interpreted so as to prohibit tho running of passenger cars on Son day. It is a question with whioh party politics has nothing to do. It does not the political category, aod good men in both psrties entertain differing views upon it. This differ ence of opinion does not belong to any particular class, and is not confined to either party; bat It will do for a hobby; and the demooratio candi dates ve mounting it with a wish, if not a hope, that they may ride into office upon it. The Post, (which bae only been upon one side of this question, so far, not yet having had time to ohange,) with a recklessness that be trays a des perate cause, and without any act orexpreaaion to justify itinssyiogeo, asserts that tho Republicans as a class are opposed to any modification of the Sunday law; and forthwith the demooratio candi dates scramble to be first in tendering extrava ~ gont promises as to what they will do. Two of them, In their anxiety, publish answers bo* fore they are asked. So great is the baste to bo ahead that they go «ff at half eook oo the mere eaggestloD of somo editor as silly as themselves, and not,only go (he whole figure, bat throw In a little for good meaanro. It is not enoagh for them to promise to modify the law so ao to auth orise the running of care on Bandsy. That woold bo too little. Somebody might get ahead of them. Therefore Messrs. M’Kee and Bean* moot assure the dear people who never jjalttm*' gated'them that they wilt havo the Sfdhday law ao modified as to authorise of the beer aaloono open on malt liquor ,» sold freelv^jjg^heiracoommodation. willing to grant still more. always been aa opponent to any ' “iafringement of tho liberty of the people.’* t ‘ Jasiinian, and Blacksione, and Story were'sop* . posed to be jorista of somo eminence in their r day; bnl they muft pale their diminished fires before the brighter light of this newly risen la —mlnory/. who .illatoinaies Birmiogham and the VolkslUtt witi We eiTalgenoe. They taught that in. all 'civilized communities people mast yield put of their natural liberty in order to seenre the rights and privileges of civil society. Mr. M’Kee» hojirevcr, knows -better, and in opposed to any infringement of their liborty. Here is a model lawgiver for you! When he is eleoted Senator, every is to bo allowed to do as he pieaeee on Sunday. Those Who do cot waot to ride in the cars- are to have the privilege of., attending the snloonr, and If . that will not do, they mast be allowed to have tho theatre, the race-course and • tie cockpit, and the privilege of baying and eel- ling what they please theeameason any other day; for Mr; M’Kee is opposed to any infringe ment of. the liberties of tho people. If it Is an jpfriageaent of their liberties to olose the beer saloons on Saaday, it is equally an infringement ..to close the stores, warehouses, and places of -amoumeoi. - Mr, M'Eee would break down all distinction between Banday and other days, that there may be so infringement of popular liberty. It is presumed that hiS fellow-candidates agree with him. i ThwJ in its of its candidates, -eonceaSYus feature of their reply- It proba bly candidates are cutting Hi little too IblckV elw not ashamed of them, does lt nol publish the answers and point oat their extreme liberality in this, regard? This would be> sd least, morotruthfol than represent aro’ the:i3inning especiaDy as nridwftbe Qw& nor tho Repub lican exywasod.wycpifllim oa the .: : -iJvfT kk-srS'-.-'i-t: Xt v Waol&*ltt tft class of MlsaSargeviJ:, Iff Fjrvflchnnd tb« ml*r»pHBra&Ycm» 7 pat forth *ffordeJ..grarifyl»g svidevtif rehxihn *A A*»m*n « n j T^ a w.n,- .uJCZ- * ficiency. The specimens of their ekiliio jfriot xeijOoa toebrGerma* ud InahMinwcjtf cos, . u J pW in thn were courts• uaoar ooariotoToraß Ihera. notyet jug proofs of the slvere application botb of'pa- Mid out any class pits tod .teacher A verdict of well dose vu or. cUUeat, and tbe reasonU beemaoto««»-j “'“’I 1 * t' 1, . , . ~ ,ti,. X7* ’ “ c P*rtmeDt or vocal and instrumental «idtr one clu. jost », good » another. Wo mu fMalon> , nd [S , e diaoueaion of the Bnnday question, in their own j Y a i ua ble a i“• ““ who ‘! P"'"”*"'" ‘®>' d « d > _ it . r / . d Q bttable evidence of the decided qualification pwttieit demagogutsm. . principal and Teachers, and gave gratifying assurance that the young ladies committed to the guardianship aud training of the institution reoeive that unremitting oare and laborious at tention which oannot fail of resulting io a thor ough education, as well in the solid as orna mental branches of a finished eduoation. The institution, year by year, grows tn publio favor, and its friends are now numbered by hundreds all over the country. Its semi-annual re-unions of parents and pupils are seasons of the highest interest, sad their recarrenoe are always hailed with the moat pleasurable emotions. The Prin* cipal gave the graduating class, the parents and friends of (he institution a most recherche and bountiful entertainment on Thursday evening. It was a perfect jam, being attended by a large number of citizens end strangers. Tho oloeing address to tho Graduating Class was delivered by the Bev. Dr. Buowjieow, Pres ident of the Board of Trustees, in his usual felioltous stylo. Nono more suitable to the dis charge of thisdqty could have I rru selected, as hia good taste and elegance of always en sures performanoe. On this occasion be was most happy in the mailer and manner of bis address. It was appropriate, fervent, and ! went to tho hearts of bis bearers, This estima*' bio gentleman has won bis way to au enviable rank in tho kindly regards and sincere affeotione of Ibis community. As a pastor, a ripe aod el egant ooholar and a Chislian gentleman of the finest social qualities of heart, none holds a higher rank. May his days of usefulness bo long. Nojr for tho oonolusion of the whole matter. the oloeing day of the Fair, and ita winding up was in keepiog with its oommenoe rnent—a complete success—gratifying to all. Tho ‘weather during tho three days could not have been rnoro pleasant—it was all Lbat could have boen wished or desired. The orowd to-day was very large, but not by aoy means to compare with that of yesterday. The list of premiums was read off at three o’olook— it was a long one, aud though the amounts awarded were not as large as tho Society ouuld have wished them, they were satisfactory and judiciously bestowed. The impression left upon the public mind, is highly favoroblr to the Souicty. Tfapy felt them selves amply compeneoied for their outlay in ! time and rnonoy, devoted to the Fair. The opin ion was unanimous, that no exhibition of the season would at all compare wiih that-of Wash iogtoD county. Tho ring performaao-s of to day were the absorbing object of attraction. The Cotmll horse bore off the palm—distancing everything. He is truly a noble animal—the. admiration of all beholders. I reserve a few Ust thoughts for a future loiter. We noticed au old. work on Botany, printed, i or rather finished, in- 1552; it was in excellent | preservation and come from ono of the old con vent libraries of Germany. Not the least in teresting part is an engraving of maize or la* diau who by the way should give a very good reason for their non-attendance in order to eeospe tho severest censure at tho hands of their politioal friends—these oourteous and magnanimous dom oorata appointed the Registrars under tho now Registry law almost exclusively from among their own politioal adherents. Not a single Re publican and bat very few Americans were se lected, although the board was originally con. Btitated by the framers of tho law so as to prevent any party from having's majority, should every member be punctual in attending its meetings. There is a powerful motive for these rascally proceedings, on the part of tho democracy, we may rest assured; for no man—not even a Tammany democrat—-will wantonly and in cold blood disgraco himself os well before tho pablio as in his own estimation, without expecting to accomplish some purpose, however dishonorable, by (head. Tho design is, no doubt, as stated by the Tribune in the subjoined extraot from an arllole in that excellent journal, “to centralize the vote of the interior of theStato by enormous frauds in the city of New York.” This rascality is not confined to the Empiro State, and if tho people of Pennsylvania are not doubly vigilant it may be brought into requisition at oar own election in Ootober. A party which would resort to means so disgraceful as this to maintain its power is nnwortby tho oonfideooe of a patriotic and virtnoQs people—and ita very existence is a reptoooh to oar free ioetlintioDs. Tbe Tribune, of the 80th ultimo, says : “Not long ago one lcadiog Tammany Hail dem ocrat declared that it was a duty to vote for every regularly nominated candidate of the party, even if f he were a devil-incarnate. Mayor Tie* mann, Street Commissioner Cooper and City In spector Delevan have appointed to office the most notorious fighting men and ruffians in the city. -The leaders of tbe same party took a band of bruisers and shoulder-hitters with them to the State Convention at Syracuse the other day, aod after they had come back ooe of them nearly murdered the editor of a hostile newspaper Su pervisor Bell boasts that “By Q—d,“ ho will | oheet the Republicans in tho appointment of Registrars, as he has the opportunity, and Messrs. Purdy, Tireod, and others, echo hisdeo laraiion, and act upon it. But w£at ts the ob ject of exoludiog all Republicans Boar da of Registration? It is fuacd. It.iatocany out at the polls the same system ot cheating the Republicans which is thus begun afthe Super visor’s Hall. Violence and ruffianism arc not sufficient to procure the predominance of the Tammany Democracy. Dishonest registry lists, dishonest voting, dishonest returns, are needed, and this hot haste to allow in tho Registry Boards none but the most serviceable of Tam many Hall demonstrates that wholesale cheating is to ba resorted to from first to laoi. The de sign in to neutralize the vote of tho inltricr of tho State by enormous frauds la the city. Mr. Bell’s Is a party whioh a decent man must Mush to belong to.” M»7ur lieaa&a trad elected to hia once b/ ibo opposition votes cf the cl Buchanan Coming to PetuuylvaSa. | We saw It announced a few days ago ih»t the President intended to visit Lb homo, for a day :or two, la the oourse of the present week. Is this trip actually arranged with a view to political effect ? If so, we most heartily rejoice In the determination at whioh the President has arrived. Ia 1658 he Tisited Laucaster about the same-season of the year—aud the result was most glorious for his political opponents. Wc remember that in tho campaign of last autumn Lancaster was regarded by our friends as in a very critical condition. Through distraotions and divisions its old majority of many thousands had dwlodled down to a few uncertain hun dreds. In the midst of this perplexity '‘the favorito son" oame-to tho rescue, calling on his friends and performing his mission, as he eOp posed at the time, to his owq satisfaction. Bat —behold tho result! Lancaster rallied as a giant waking from his slumbers, and added a majority of over THREE THOUSAND to the other majorities of the several counties of the commonwealth against tho issues which his own administration had forced on the coantry. Wo therefore hope, in all eiooority and earnestness, that the Presidential visit may bo mado this. year before the second Tuesday of October. In that event we shall write the “old Guard" down for an additional thousand to the majority of 1858; and in the mcantimo pray that neither “wind nor tide” may Intefc-re to preveijMhc promlsed visit. Mb Wright of a tho pro slavery and free trgge candidate for Auditor General, hMjjcpß'makiDg what his friends term “aJljtDg’visU" io the western section of the yfitate. The real object was to marshal bis friends and endeavor to ooadteract the correal of publio sentiment against himself and party. Ia his journey be has been fortunate enough to extort a complimentary notice, here and there, which the demooratio presses seize upon and publish with evident gu»to. Wright is in reality a big oted partisan, very narrow-minded and extreme ly contracted in his viows. Ho projeats honesty with suspicious vehemence, although his limited political history exhibits very little of tho quali ty. His great characteristic is an intense love of office, whtoh he has displayed ever einco ho has ,cast a vote. He is far inferior to bis competitor, *Mr. CocnnAV, who is not ouly ‘•capable" but "honest" in every sense of tho word. tCcrmpoodence of tbe Daily Pittsburgh Gazette.; Wasbisotoh, Pa., Friday, Sept. 29th.—The examination of the Graduating Class, at the Fe malo Seminary, closed yesterday afternoon. Tho whOie exeroista were of a most gratifying cb*r actor, eliciting marked commendations from a largo, intelligent ond highly appreciative audi -BDOO. It TO rtcmr.ed tho: oo no provicua oc oowon hod ,o large » olaeo-26 in nntnher-gro ri I *™ 0rt:41 .“ ,b, y or 'Tinned greeter profi- Cluoc 7 ibc various utadies upon which ih*v ““‘ff l h ° SySla. i " ooU, of Wheeling, Vn., waa on omineotly oredito bl. performonee, erlnoing .high grode of toleot. Ibis promising young lady departed entirely from Ibo bsoton track, oo common-ploco and ta.e, usually so rigidly pursued on suob ocos. slono, and strunk cat iaio o new field of thought purely orlgtbol, ornate in style, forcible and im prtssiTO, graonfnl ani beautiful In delivery. This lady won golden opinions from a delighted audi enoo, Whose enoomiums were ufiacssurod aod of tho most enthusiostio charaot«r. The examination of the several olosees waa ttorongb to too brauobos taught. Ibo class of Miss Lowno to Eogliob Llteraluro and Oeomt “7 WM *? “« highest soneo orcditoble and enoko volumes in behalf of bor qualifications and to. !T 3 a° r ’ ■?" P “ P ' b Hcra P«'cotly an. branoios -hiob sbo hod taught oaUon* ? eusLntocd ibomaclres to a close exarnil „’sgas®ss,!->sattt Sonlt rtß(U«»h»d not bm onperfl dally p®£u?d vu n»4* mialfMl to »U who wltntwj/tho «. omloMioa. Competoatjadgw , tt cl ,„ •Ugbatcinffnin. - • DTMSKJi.—Wiiwn’j Pills IW.S : 113*1^41 • ln , i ?>’ , P c P* u * tiuOroi Originally ■ J *"*‘ f-y too lo b» ptutiCo, [h«y a«v* «!of« j *ttau.ud celebrity, iuc*rr«l tie naction of tu,t | «btalD£ light* IB tb« Ocrfica! world, IQu iY iprov*l«-.f tio.ii.Diit lUlctiaiAa. 4ad bc»b prtT.c* clt.iat* wee. La\-w tiftod ih*ia. tffcolur la tbair Toais.act.oa. they «i«t && bortfol cbeQlcU lefiaenc® on tbf itMaarh, 'wbllo th«y pieveat the cf g*wci, aal Bcauibss Modify. *T«;«ar*J ea told b/ B. L. Fi-llb'ZfcTOCa a CO., wboloaalo Dra&gifU, end proprietor* ot ii.L. F*tiu>a ock’« V«rtntfu o’clock -m Tuesday murniax, October lib • ileln aiSemsfmtntfi. COAL.— I am now receiving daily by Rail road from the mine of the Pittsburgh and Yoogbio gbeoy Co»l Oump&ny, too Milos mOore Wcbotip jrt, ou tfco Yuughfogheqy KiFor, a eery (Upcriur article of PURE VOUQUIO3UENY COAL, which lem prepared to furnish to (amutee *t tear >o*b!f rau-e. Cos] nod Llnio Yard, Leacock and Hope street*, os3:ttJ * __ Allegheny City. jpARIJiLRSIIIP,' —H. Richardson having this day eascciatcd with him in the Jewelry buslneea, LEWIS McI.SToSU, tlio hu.lcou will be cundoctod tinder the uaxe and style of U BICUAIibi' •>* A CO , corner of Fifth nod Merkel all rets, I'ttlilmrpl]. _Eeptirohe r Ist, IBM. ec3 twd 900 BBLS. (JaUiopolis City MilU While Wheat Ultra Family-Floor for aale by 063 _ _ _ _ MeBiNK A A.VJKH. SOI ) DBLS' SUPER AFiXTRA "F'LOUR t ~ /V - /V ~ / tor a tie by or-l MeBANK A ANJEIL 10,000, in <** __ M’BANK A ASJKR. •! ' IiIU'.KN APPLES iu« "w "rccoltcd aatt •by HKNIIY 11. OOt.MNH. J[JUNT A J \'S PITT S B . i. ,j| ALMAS AC- roa 1860 ti Ttm namter of tbl* aaefol nnd tnuu.il !■ issued thli morning. for nb or*>ry« her*. FRICK HYK CENTS. CSEFOL RECEIPTS U&APE VINKS, ElwtJout oat-rsrl i|; llcatinn for INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. MKLQiU fur a luiu bcaLl. REIIARRS 0." PLA’fTISO. BWEET CIDER. T./tl-in Cblrccty*. TERM DAYS t.l tljo nrlnnj Taarti in Wt.Uro rVua •ylTunia. I;e RIM) io TAB jr. n. THE DIUDE. YOUNQ MEN. FOR TODsNG MEN A UCAI/Tlf CL TUOUUIIT. X It L T JI the debaucue. GIRLS AT lIOML, LEAVING HOME BE CAREFUL. HU6I>ANDti Lo"\ 1! YOUR WlY££>. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, KINDNESS, PAVE YOUR EARNINGS, iVHO AtiE THE HAPPIEST HEP. EXEMPLARY PATIENCE. ECONOMY IN A FAMILF, ADVICE TO PARENTS. xo uakm to cheat the moox- BECKET OP MATRIMONIAL HATPINEhS. HOME Table fjr laUtnC-JO dog. 00 miD, Table of (be aogiu ur iyspeptio FILLS. WILSON'S PILLS have had a more local existeoc* for orer twenty yean, unsupported by ad> refilling of any kind, and held at doable tba price of what tboy ate uow utld at, yet with all these disadvantage*, whereever used the? have in no Instance failed to render tho aimed ntlafactlon in performing all the riqtlremrnin of a vilu&bie f'rom Oj!. tPm Ittt <'a iau»i''vr of t' relieve tau from headache, and hare always left my system In better) ooniUun than they found lu 1 mint cudfidaotly ccaimiod tour plUsas a «»lo and lilatlr vnluatle modkiae. Yours, regretfully, WM HOpKIVr. Hear Dr Key ter ' Mss*as. 11 L. Fausiyrucs A Co—l bare bad conti-lurt li!u nr« ivbca in ILo qm of tbc extraordinary PUI cum {vaiided t‘j Vi. U. Adams Wilson, of vrbu.b jou ar» tow ibc «tiO liaTp o;tcD Irlt their hroiga ir.flocsro la tuj o»u e«j*- t„r nxrrotu h*nd louiloiicy. I regard (boa a* » Very Tsltable frilly ocd 000 ibta pur*a«, without s< all JotuHL.dug. Ifocxa, truly. QEj. O. KISY6CR. ly L L FAU>'i£TCCK4CO, Wbolt **J* sad ol B. L. FAHNESTOCK'S Na. CO, cora*r Ti‘oo-1 *ad Fuurth ttrwti, FiiUturgh, pi. ajJd *1 jijuil 4ra£»l»fc» '•'•efy^bujo. 1859. or»»i«o. J 359 NEXT FALjj.AMi winter goods. SLJ%. TON. CBEE ea 2-T^\. CKt’M’S, *o r ru'iu jmizr. >m-ic *ca Retail TRIMMING, UILLINERY AND NOTION UOCcL. An el' Jaat asscruacnt cf DRESS AI.D MANTILLA TBIMUINOS. n.V£ fit CXCff E2TD2 OIDEBIES, LkY.OE GOODS, Woo/, Merino and Fleeced Horier<\ Irrry drtcriptfcmafGlOVEJ AND GAUNTLET* An Matrß&»nt of (Lee! spring biIELETON and WOVEN SKIRTS, mjaui to any In toe wtaL City and Gxmiry Dealer* supplied with FRENCH COR SETS at lowest Eastern price*. An axunatv* Brieotloo of BONNETJUBBOK6, FRENCH' FLOWERS AND PLUMES, Plait and Fancy BONNET VEL FEW and SILKS, RUCHES aod BLONDES, BONNET FRAMES, sold at wholesale eastern Jobbers price* Ladle*, gentleman end children's El.k, Merlnu and Wool CNDEttVESTti and DRAWERS Exery rariety cf UNIITINQ'ZEPIIYRB, in all shades, at lowest yricaa WOOLEN HOODS, TALMAS‘SC ARTS, Ac. GENT'S FOUNIBHINQ—Choice itylta of Cravats, Tiea. fibirt Collars, Ac. Fancy Baskets, Variety Good* and Notion*.—WOOLEN YARNS at Manofectmer’a price*. Oity and Country Dealers, MJJl'mei*. etc., ail who boy to retail, sill be supplied with sY*ry.artirie In oar line throagboot Che ■eaeon,&t ‘'Philadelphia prices ” oct:thd EATON, CBEE a MaCBUM, IT Finb at. PITTSBURGH BAG MANUFACTORY— IIERBeT A BARKER,corner Liberty and Ilandsts., are prepared todellrsr any tjiaodiyof Bags, in a day’* m>- tic*', at the following rates. Satisfaction guarantied. uoua airs bccxirotiy tuos. No. 1 No. -i. 116 111. 13J.C. lbs „.43T' p iO |3fl,Uo jwr ICOO ’ 1 do us do ;• won &0,00 do '« d>> bO do TO,CO 06,00 do l /t do Mdo ll.co 10,00 |.«r 100 Wilgced on.! printed U> order. SALT roctcta ASt e\o4. '■ U-* prinlo-i (■> order sttOO ?IS,tOMrUiuO ITF--**' Jo 21W 27,00 di 1* ‘Io d» -....ii00 37.00 on 2T d> ilo 3aoO ij.Otf Jn do di. ....4:1,00 -45,00 do mi Ann nn 1* lb* *5,00 {w ICO I 10 lbs. ! ... .$1.75 per Vo W “ 4.60 do |lO “ 4,25 do Y»llow moaiin, Aj proof, printed to order. *J l>n»h. Mnalln Jin p,r IC-0 2 dj Drilling 16 .lu - d.i .. W do 2 do ilr> J«i 20,vy«| ,J ip >tr. Ma-beo«D Meters. Lloyd k Fortjtb, k Co., Mr. D. Waiiai.r, I ** J. I’iwuirr A Cc. t«2o:tuid J. W. riNLEY. V. A. TURPIN. FISJLEY A, TURJPII*, COMMISSION MERCII A N T S, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. particular attenttoa to tbu parcbieoand salt of FLWR, GRAIN AND PORK. Kzrta to—LIPPINCOTT A CO, PUtiborgb. Fj. JNO. D. CAN/IKLD, do do DANILL WALLACE, do do »at5A» ladle i’Enniylvaaia lEswaiie) 10, of Pithbnrgii. i;facts >To. 03 FuurtH Street. Capital and Surplus uv«jt i 150,000 OO Siaia^A* -'•cob Palme,, Waha Hampton. Qco. W. Etulth, | A - A - A. J. Jones. LUibon Patrick. IWdj PaCenos, I Beory fiprenl I.Qrinrßproal, I Nlcbolai VoegbUy. 0. A.CkilL»a. I J*iM» H-Hapldna. ThU ComnaoT baa poll lo*» from4h* date ot, lu tnenr puratloa In ISM up 18»*, to amount of *302,135 U 7, taaddlUon'toiegularienibaaaial Dtvldaada of iron bto 15 per epauaffording arldaoc* ofU* itabLlty oai atefulseu. ep elal atienlioo given to Iworaneo of Dwelliage and nrttii, ota. for taruis of one to y^ara, SffiASLALLi *»fT&SBSZS££F- J. GRIER fIPBQPL. fecrettry. eaSOafAwCaP PPLE BUTT£H STAN Ha; KRAUT *J 0 MEAT PICKLE • _ FLOUR ** KNIFE TRAYc: water cans; CHEESE HOOPS; NURSERY CHAIRS; . MARKET BASKRTd CLOTHES So : SCHOOL do ro W ttorrta..»»,b»ggg“‘ l 5 WAMi f °AtV l " riB “ J . , aa.M^gmsoud-. fjpni ||inq«. jtpAprirff erery yorictr. to gait K cut omen kept cosetfetUy os hand by i A swotaen “f* '•**. ' JOB ridSJUBO. . F.fc-Afid»«tockmßdTtfl»»ecH*J=Km'd. od : fHfscellan«ms. -A-T N X X O JKT STOVE DEALERS la respectfully invited to the largest stock Wfcl greatest Tariety of STOVES to U»e State, manntactared by A. BRADLEY, No. 4 Wood Street, PITTSBUB.QH. IN our assortment trill be found the follow ing wen known COOK STOVES THE DOUBLE-TOP PATENT GAS A SMOKE CONSUMING TROPIC, for Co«l. THE NEW AND BF.AI lIFUL DOUBLE-TOP PATENT OAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING ARBITER, for Cos!. TTIK NEW DOUBLE.TOP PATENT OAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING EUREKA, (os Cos! or THE CELEBRATED VICToII, f..r W....J, Live Oak and Plttaborgb. PREMIUM STOVES OF THREE DIFFERENT VARIETIES. PARLOR .STOVES,' for Wood and Coal; boat it the market, and heating Stoves of every dcacrip- GRATE FRONTS, Ad., all of which will be sold on best terms. QHOICE FIRST CLASS INSURANCE ■Etna Insurance 00., OF llAHTi'Oht'. O •>'£(. Incorporated in 1819—Cliurter Perpetual. CASH CAPfTAI, $1,000,000. FJRE AND INLAND NAYIfi \TION INSURANCE. AUQREOATF L<*csE J f.MI I OVER TWELVE MII.LIOX UnLLAtiS. An fminont American Corporation, fnuuJiug iti claims to faVcr on merit aloue, affording facilities and i.ecutity in matters of Iniuranre —Commercial, Mochttnical, Mercantile or Ru ral—while ranking f>r importance and public service tho first fit Ihe Insurance) Companies in America Injure* at rates and rules as liberal as the : isks n tinned pennit, for solven cy and fair profit. LOSSES EQCITABL Y AbScSTLP AXD promptly pa:i>. SOin SE.MI-AN.NUAL STATEMEJii jEtRQ louuufc 1 001(rsuy, II A* a fOBD, CON^- Showing Capital and Surplus to be over two MiLLroys or dollars B*w A«wb of Jolr let, 18i0 Oaeb OO h-nJ isd in Bat U. $ ££0,503 16 V- b. Treeeury note* etd accrued totereiL. ssistfl 6a JJ b.aod fetate Bocd* OO Baal relate Laildioc* < Bud being uniform, parcbenn will eiwxrt obtain me excellent article. Oual Oil It well Known onto a vextoty of bsdfai name* out dealer. thcoM not wod Mil “.or tbenawe of th* thing,** ead pay SO or SO per torafcraaarticle than It c»n ba procured for at hewrt ■ralolbUdty. AUAiR a vaedkß, . n»Bnir. of Coal Oil, PgnnV Arenne, tx-«r Highatraat. BOILED LINSEED OlL —lOUOgalla. for 'jUjtf'J.K J- -. ‘S B A. tAHWK3TOCIt t.CO^J CEMENT, for eealuit fruit cant, 4a., 4c.— AnpßbrutKlifnnltWbr JOt.IUUIKO. r /f/ fi ' ~ I'-M.'ijAViB,.A w . wl . ir LmlC&IS' ‘/ jai. Et--^. ■(#’ c3?r;f COENEB fid Ab'D SMITaHELDST^ OPPOSITE TAB POST OmCS '“<■ PITTSBZrSGEUJM. r : Strtngcri or Cl z«n* DESIROUS of knowing 'Where the beat plac* io prepare jvaog ®ft» C.T I nilor**, ara dlrtct- If* uot ©uty t-j tcquirw of liiu prinrfpiit sleJcUanU, Ctafcef*, : TcACbvr. «n<] I*rui»«« )l)D ,| aft, q( i£e city. tat air C*»t rt~> -P-etniH.* loraJl at (be Rooms .)! ib*. tVUr£* a&4 ! ttxSdr.' to’ssiiiyss J,ic, a ti» .iujTmk “s j.«jto E .r>h. <'Z£: ittrxv *3.s 8« to 0.. U np • flr.t cl»» SthooV •“> I u,,„ , ,7,. that the boaCU7 0oU»g»ti ETU >i. tn »4 ea t-MsitisfiM It u cot ttut lb« 7 »Ui ratronbwth »m m.r to aJ ... p * ,ro *‘” Public yionctß JTjj* Pittseckch Gtusasiic Association^. Tb* r n' g al*r quaru-rlj m»tlns of tbo AwocUUon will be b«ld_ oa_ TOWDAY HVfLNIP.S, - *««**uon o'clock, p. M. In Jon to lbs regular Iraslnets »n «iec tlcm (or Treaoumr will bo bold, and other htuinsu will bo trsouclod; Py ordor oflho Prraldaot. Au.EGnc«r and Marches* TKB PiEOBOii tUav&TCcMfAST—Thelobseribtn to the Koch cf tble Compear *» notified »h*t « meeting will he held et the office of 11. B. WILKINS, No. NfiPonnh •'net, PltUbarjc, on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEU 6m, lgs9, tt 10 o'clock A a.. for the parp?ee of orsuqlzint;. Amusements. .- TIIEATKE- ’MANAGER?. ... PORTER AND M'fARt.ASP, Doori open,at ? ..'cfa-'k; Curtain wift ti:r ni S r.V.’o-l' prrrttely. BOtmeiCA.Ul.ra Great Drum of THE POOft OF NEW YORK. MONDAY EVENIKO.Oetnbar 3J,l fi s<>, wlHl'epTe«enfwJ, in T tat*, rntltlnj, THE POoR up NEW TORE: CA RU O'SB RASS AN D STRING BAND; OFFIOfi, 21 FIFTH STRfiEI. «8:1yd iSliucattonal, North Sewlckloy Academy. THIS SCHOOL Boater C*h, about 6 miles north of Now Brighton Station on Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Ksliroad. It* loca tion Is rery inriiing on account o( tho boakbtniLOis and beauty of the surrounding country. The Bludeat* are free from immoral associations aud «H such sarri.QUdLugs a* will divert iheir minds. It isconducted under th* conjatict suporTiaioa'cf Rev. n WEBBER and Mr. LUCIUS OSGOOD. 31r.Osgood is known as the author *■/ Osgood’* teriseof Progressive Resdersand a teacher of long experience. The Modem Jsingnagea will be taught by Prof. BRED A IT, a gentleman educated la Franc* aad Germany. The next session will coaimtir.co on TUESDAY, Oct. 2Sih, IbMi, and contipne 22 weeks. Tbo course of instruction is thornagh, Including all the branches taught In high school* gtsnorally. Boarding, Tuition, Haem, Lights, Fuel, Washing— Add.tt inal for Latin ana Greek, each French and Herman, t-eCb Instrumental Musi* Voc tliinsic _ For further poiticuUra address lUt, (I, WEBBER or Ur L. OSGOOD, North BowichUy, Pa. Rtraixsci—G. Y EAGER, J. 11 FAUK, Gen. W. ROB INCON, J.B. McKAUDEN. *e£o:2ni«*>d SEWICKJLEY ACADEMY.—A Classical ans Con at cam at. Bo.uiulsg School for Here, on th« P., Ft. W A C. It. 8., 12 mile* Irom Pittsburgh. KEV. J. S. TRAVELLI, A. M.‘, Principal. The THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION will ivtnmea.o on TUESDAY, NoTrmbef Ist, lboi). Trim, per session o ! flvj months For cutniaia. etc, en<|ui-r Ornamental SViiulu s'.ii •• Plain M'ntiug r 10'f Tiuh- aiAindloJ. “ Writing and b-»A limping.. Vd) N. 811 Af Flilt, profoesor of Writing and Book Koepii.;: O. U ' LEITH RAD, Jr, Protestor of Ponoanthip. 0. P. WELLS, Fn-tessor ol 8.-'k-Kc. ptng and Ccmnc rial Calculations. REV. IV. B. BOLTON, Lecturer ou History and General Subject*. DON. R. P. fLKNNIKBN, Ex-U. 8. Minister to Deo mark, a uojiber ol the J ituhorgh Bar, Lecturer cn Com* Oercial L*w. PROF. M. F. EATON, Lecturer on Eloculiou. C«tl and sr« «li*t has nrrrr been before attempted by any pcunun, D*mcl): Fpecimtui of Ornamental and Practical Peeuitushfp rzrcuUd in your prance, in th* abort rpsctuf from Jj si tonds ayl op wards. o<“>t b ««r Hog at S2,W per week. Bhmlngbau Ferry irr« f r Eentxauce at any time. Tor specimen* of off-hand Dullness Writing, enclose (w< p »ug» stamps, "Tid a Mreas a. 11. ICirniUD, rrlndp.l. Pi tie burgh, Pa joSklydAwP USIVBRSITIf OK P£S.t9YLVANIa, Law Department, I' II 1 JL. A D E L 1 J H 1 A . A TERM OF THIS INSTITUTION will comaiauce on the Jtl of October next. Ihi fuliuwlug are lb« tntjecte of tbn lectures UON. 'sEOBUB fiHAHaWOOD—Perr*jns, Poraoual Prep erty and MercootUo Lac. PROF. P. MoOALL—Evidence. PROF. E. BPEKGEB. MILLER— Joii-pro-lflots. trerj tffort it msds to render this Institution efficient fortto lt b*e In Ti«w. Xboitndcnts arefrefjnin Jy And CArvfally examined, legal qautlcne ire dlecctawl And txerclx* la wTlttn* torm port of tbs coarw. B j the rules o: the Coum, (ho Umcoccepted here, ti trsaud u oqntTA* loot, for mo»t purposes to offleo ttudy, la ontiUtag to ad mlfslcn to the b*r, And when Admitted la the Cocrt below, • gradtute of ibis Institution cati practice At once la the SupremeCoort. The latrudaetorr Lecture will bedollrer* ed on FRIDAY, Sept. GOtb, At 6 o’clock, P. M.. a. (be tuaal lectors room, by the Bon. GEO. SHARSWOOD. eoI»-2m MODERN LAN G CAGES.— Frederick APKlsNo.l“ot‘mitho«ld atreetbegsto tnUrmhla pupua and the public thai he has resumed hi* tn-fnictloua lu (lennao. French, «f . eelftlmd* PENN INSTITUTE, Hancock stuket, near tbnn woire-cpeu on MONDAY, the 25th AUGUST. Tcrtna $22 per naaloQ of tlfe inontba. J. JL SMITH. ,ca:l y J Bducipal. CHICKEftINQ-' Sc SOWS*' NEW SCALE PIANO FORCES. THE Bubfidriber has nowon.lianda most splendid stock of Pianos, cocJ«istiiig‘cf C'< and 7 o=- tares, in Plain and Oarrod Cases of the mrwt .elegant de scription, fiom the celebrated Factory of Chlckcrlng A Sons. The tnetrum«uti are all pruyido-l whh their laAst imr-roTe. menu, as D-uIU-Hnupfn, lr-t.Han> nun, and are of tbelr ENLARGED NEW SCALE, By which a mnch larger sound board is obtained, couso quontly the tone ia rendered yery powerful, yet retaining iu eweet and musical quality. By the perfection of the Ad tloo.tbe performcrli etublod to produce all grad re of tone from jn'ani/rtto to/orftrcfmo, with the grcatcat ease. CHIOKERINO k SONS' PIANOS are thin ejniken cf hy tie best artist* and critics in our country: THALDEBO «ay«—“They .re beyond cnmparUon the f-rf l hire erer eoen lu the Called States, and will compare fa vorably with any I have ever known.” GU3TAYEBATTER bit*: —“Theopinion which I exprue* «d three yeare ego, baa been mere than confirmed to me, by the continued use of them, rlr: That for volume and pore quality of tone, with nicety of articulation, they are cue quilled.” [Prom Iba National Intelligencer, Waahfosloiij "ljjey can safely bear comparison with Instruments from any part of the wurld, to point of toue, strength and cla> ticity of tooeb.' 1 [From the New Orlr-SD» rtcaynne.J “Foroxcellouce of material, utegauce of fluUh, and faith ful&«» of workmanship, su l aboreall for volume and va riety, mellow aweetuces, brilliancy and permanepce of tonef they areuaeqaalled.” [From tho Family JournaLj “The porullar musical qualitlee belonging to tboCaick eriog luatnuncsts, are a fall, musical, rich and powerful tune, free from any wuoden, noisy, loQdnewe of sound, eo dis agreeable to ibe sensitive musical ear. Taey bar. aUo an rafj, eTeo and pleasant toueb, and wilt keep laicue better tbau any Piano, known.” Too publto are Invited to call and examine those .t'Gudld Instrument., Which are suld at FACTOnT PRICES AND WARRANTED. JOUN H. BELLOS. 61 WuoJ mlxmA. Wilson, raxna & cc., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, No. 94 Woud f.trect, Piitaburgb, n.re now In storo a full stock of Desirable Pall Goods, To which they Invite the attenlinn of the trade. aelCrlm 1 A. KREBS & BR©„ PBAOTIC-.U< JifliDjirujlt^rs Corner Wood and Fourth Sts., PITTSBURGH. >el6:lyd <( To Manufacturers and MachlnlitaL Typ FRIENDS, you can savo from 30 to 50 AU. p ar 0 f ymtrOil by using VAUGHN'S fIAPO NAUIOUS COOLING COMPOUND! ItUeaaDy prepared; warranted not to gum nor beat. It will looaro gtna on Journal a, tad U warranted to cool aay Journal and the •am. froth beating. It U and prindpaUy is tb. Eut by ooet »4 the large wwki, and la this dty to ..number of the Urgittlruu Works and PrintingOEkw. Tbc Agent, for the «a'o of tho BeotfpU *ad th* pririlee* to DM tbo »twoß*a»d •xticlo will remain la tiU dty dot* to* tbiovcrk only, ici}nn N Men «t tbo BT. CLAIB UOTEL, Boon So. C 7. * 3hl,rt ions K. coia. J> I T T S B 0 IHUI AUKIUUtTUKAI* Noa. 49 and 51 Ferry Street- i ntmulT ft WHWASMS i Eto “ * wuuuiij Mobwa HeaMrs, IlorasPower^^lhretheri, ■ QteMiUj, Hajr.btraw and Fod3arou^ *tT3a? AgriculturalMaaljinciy, j f CHy 'SiuUgfe sa lf j j TtTBKCIIANIB’ HOTli ECkSItuSbY; j jyi AUCHO.V.-^a.Wednesday ! v’docfc, jrlllbo acldailhe Merdumta* eoraSnii!? ; add aad tho Fattrhm, aad S^^i* , prkioi. flitr. »nd baMms, »tt«» ‘ mUtraio*, blghaodlgypoai bodatoads; renitian, lintaarij : oilcloth bliodaih*3rec*t mahogany *ota;etiiiTaaailrockt erg marble top cent® table; aide and card tat-ln; talrrorv i mahogany took c»e« arid eei'rrtary; j>-iilor, chaabocaod , atalr carpet*; floor oilcloth*; rm chiudelitir, room btGsaad [ wime dining tabler, China, gh*m and chaßac; : dishes; large Iron safrj deak, vCtcs fixture*, counter, their- Inc, bar room fixture*, Ac. Alw, one large ccokJngatore, • trilh nteoalla complete . P. H. PAVLS AatX. AUSTIN 1003 IS a t;O., Icrcna&ts’ isufiust, PUBLIC SALK OK SvUIRKEI, lIItL PROPEKTY —WiU be offernl L’rsalc cn THURSDAY, Octot rn„ on the premlros. ardluable piece oT prnperty, form-rly osurdhy Cm. H, WlUlante, . IP a'rrs, »>cre or loax. The veil improved utid under a hich state of cnttiraHon, having < on it about 400 bearing Dwarf I‘rar Trees of all tho appro*- ■' ed Tarlctlee; • camber of choice Poach and Apple Trues; an ■t undaocaef Grape*. Strawberries end other small fruit*. '■ The whole grotmd U admirably adapted fora market gar den. TbeprcjwrtjlawßMnA mlnnits walk of tUepwpeiH ed Pacsecgcr Kvilroed. ” The term* made known at th&Uraaof KlajadwOlbo favorable to tho purchaser, a* a largeportlctt of theptr*'.’ 1 chaw money may rnnsfo on raortgvge onthe prostlcev.. Omsibcxee will I»at, corner Fodrthand Market Bti.«*2' o'cltek. »*VT AUSTIN LJOMIh & CG^Altct M. October 4th. STUCK SALES BY AUSTIN LUOMJS *•' CO_ AT THE MRItCIIANTS* RXCIiSNUE BYrifF TIIUBSDAY UVENlNti.—Dunk, Brl.ljj-, Inetiranre and Ooppei Stock, Boa*’, end Rral Estate M >t,l a< onbllc salt at the Merchants' Cx.barge ty J. D. McFALLy, gacmary. AUSTL'. Lt-l.in.n A CO. Notaa, Drafis etd Loan* .-u Real Estai, i.rgolUted tfi reaaonalils terms by A CO. •ell Stnca Note irotcrA. 9V* Fututh M. THOMAS BAKEWRLI, JOHN K. PARKE, WILLIAM BAOAI F.Y 0. tLPAULSON, LEWIS IIUTCIII.-i'N JOS.B BROWN, H. B. WILKINS. WANTED —Ahiout, aetivo Man to dtjve Dray. Ituprire at 107 Wcotl street. ee’JO • WANTED —A hituaiion-as Book-Keeper or Cuts in a metcantliocr banking rstabUiitUSest, by a niaa of exporiince, cavsLle of taking chargecf anee* tire set of hooka, and »iu> is willing to make himself gtfi *r,lsy tjwfaL Owd rtfrreocM gitwn. A»;d«*» iipx 4j£'• WANTED —5,COO busiiels ilas See4»ior which the higbeat market prlco will bo nakL' - * J. b. Canfield a o>i.. no.iu ytret «e.. WANTED —A steady Young' Mob. to drive dray and wvrfc In a it.,re. Nvut»o«4«pp!y - whocaaaotcooio well rerommcudL-d. Hcijuire at 111 Ltl.- «ly afreet. *023. OLD and YOUNG Fxofoasor Wood’s Bair Restoratiro WILL PRESERVE, INFALLIBLY, THE . pToo:h and eo/.->roftiw»huir,if tivtdl>«oor tkreo ' time* a week, to ad r , r gray; cover iLo laid wltb aaturu's own ornament, the hair; I t make it more so.'t and luviuttful tluia any oil,nud ptcecrre- ( J the scalp froe from all disrasu. to tho age. : States .1 men, Judges, Attorneys, Doctors, Clergymen, ProleaskOißl ’ sleu and Gcatlomeo and Ludies of all clasjes, allovsr the i‘ • orld, boar teslimooy that wo do not say too much In Its H-- fnror. Head tho (olluwlnc. andJndga;— , , PHOFESnOK H. TUALIiERG, PIANIfcT, nays, on bis anfral in ihe Uulted ptep* ha was rapidly becoming gray, but on applying ' Wood’s Ilair Jtcetorntlvo hU hair soan rocoTcrr< - its onginstbua. ’ CUARLE3 OARuBW, Id Kaosua Street, N. Y , says the gray hair* on his wife’s head wer'c, af ter a few week’* trial, ttircrd into a * hs ia now.. sixty yc-iro ole hair by the Yellow Fcnjr, in JSM. Housed Wood’s Hair R of the country. Housed if fur t'nldcess, and now 1 ha* « noo Load of hair. -• • ■ - T. L.fMORsB. Lebanon. Kenwcky, esys he has .: seen VVijcri’s Hair flrslotAiiv.- hundred? cl r.,. ' ecA.aadnu’et kti.-w it to fall hi.*. 1 »»i5 ■ll it iroieesis b> do. A J ALDEN, McLsiiftalviDi', llltnols,*i«ya lie had ihe v.ii.l head right y<**TH, anl waabald. Imt by the libnral u*a <.f VTood’s Hale B »t m trie, b- 1. .Jill. , : i. ioj vfbatr. Kg' .Wil by All nod by »"> J W«>r«l ' - . A Co., U 4 Broadway, K«.w York.and lIS. Market . t street, Bt. Ixui*. Mo. sold lu Pittsburgh by Di*. • •*'- GEO. H. KEYBUU, h. L. FAilNrdsTuoia A CO-, . '-r :i X' and All DruggUt*. (safcdlyj'v ' ’' H A R I) VV A R E'V no. sa wood sxkebt, Tcor Doors ab.-Te St. Charjia riottsl, jeOCaJom G. S. Batas, late ol LioCMto-~-.ljKJ*aiQflrsff t PilUb'g.- J ' aao. S. BRYAN & CO., Commission Merchants, TOR THE SALE OP PIG JROiY, BLOOMS,; ic„ ' No. 52 Wood Bt., Pittsburgh. • amuses-Lyoo. Shotb k Co-, PituLorgbiLTiDotoo. CopeUod k Co., Fltulurth; Tbcu. w. P<-mLf-n, EjoTLsh cooler, Hon. Simon Cameron, Llm .‘T Gardner ‘ A C<>, liolhdayiban;. To. JotO^Ccwt Insurance Company OP PHILADELPHIA, Insarei AfaltutLoii or DamagebTFlts on gqtlatngi, aerchunUie, Far nltnrc, *e. v at Reasonable ' Kates of Prtmiani. DtMOTOEt—F. KatehfurJ fiurn VFiUJua STKee, of VTci' ; Joo. M. Atwood,tf ACtnod. White AOu.; BenJ. T. Tredlck, of Tr&iick, Sickea AG? HeeryWbartcn; Uordeca! L. DawaonjQeo. H. Btewirtof ' Stewart A Bra; John IL Drown, of John H. Brown AOk > D.A-Faho«t»k,of D. A, Pahnettodc A Co.; 'lK . Cuu; .T. L. Errmjir, of Wood A Errloger. F. RATCEFORD £TAR»,_PresUoDt. ' Csaxixs W. Cox*,SocreUry. i. PrmsußJH li67EM*cs=.—Wra. Ddosn * rv> r?. poster A Ox, Tfcon»» M. iiowe, JSwj, Jo. M-trsta!L AJtea- Kramer, Eeq, Wilson, M’Elrojr k (Jo, WlUon, p, 7 m A Co-. Bailey, Brown A Ox, LirlDgeton, Copeland A a., Jamseß. ,tyon A Co, Wm. 8. Unit A<& - - -“U OEO. S. BRYAN A CO„ Agent*,’ ■Jr 0 *" 11 :.o. tinwetret. ORKLIAN S OOUKT SALE.—By vitmool' an order of the Orphans' Court r.( Allcgaeny county 100 undersigned, administrator of iho «tas3 of IPlUhm l>«naj, lata of KJU*ociog, Armßtronc cancer, i*ec*«L *m expose totals by public veednu or r.nu-rv oa Ootober, 14th, 11*9, at 2 o'clock, i\ M, at the Court llem* io tbs city of PilUturgb, all that certain Lot efGroundalß jute, lying and being In the Seventh Ward, city of -Pitt** bnrgb, county of Alleghany,bUng tot ffo.&la W. W.F«J- ~ terman’s plan of lota on Uoont Baldwin, which nld rhn U • recorded la ths Recorder*# effles la Atleghuny county. In Deed Book rol. 54, paga 2St, and haTinga frmtcn Vlca (formerly Baldwin) street, between Wylie and Webster sle.. and extending In depth toward* Arihors street cnabun---: dr«d (set, and adjoining property of Jarrell's bstra, and hav* - lngtbertvn erected a two story frame dwell lug boB». V : CIiARLBj C. JESSUP,'" Administrator of Wo. Benny, deceased, particulars, apply to JOHN BAHTUN, Attorney at Law, Corner of Grant and Filth eta. . Ot' JACOB M’COLHSTER, —Letter* of Administration oa tbs .‘CoiUfUr having Imd granted to ths bb-~ barlLß claim* B£&UuL call! citato »in £•«»«»* U“>m.*ad all thcee indtltcd to uidatata rill mat* payment without delay t.» « e 2H.lawdO> GKQttQB WK7MAK. SI fenilhfeu it. :: Tun |®otioo to Croclitora." *Jx« undersigned, bcqucstrator of tbe Sfeto xlr« ua M»tlm Inenrancn Cotopwjj of P«*nnaylTtii!a.' wui meet at hla office, in Uarclsbnrr, on Monday Tnced«» and Wedncaiaj, tin, if tfa, 18th and lOtb days or OctObw otit, the aeraral creditor* of tho sail Inauianca Comnaar to weiTo proof of their clalmi. against nhl Cbrapaiyll Tboee crniag to prwtnt and r rcr o tbolr claims will n.dU ' entitled to any share m tbe imd r JMIE RKAMa.N SEWTjTu JIAC'iilNE.— > AM that is n't?-! for St I* * AGE.VTiJ VT*. :>r-‘C- SOBKT *’»!««* .a.«AKUBMtr- & CARNAHAN, uq. no rncr.Tn sra m, SSSUzir..'"'".. ' —;.:. "rrS^SS' '■■■ Th» Wjtint mnkuMW s»ul 10-Hb (* Btxrti' v > .. «;u\bWTOK * ao».. — wl i ■ %« to>4 (cr Jfctfrtf£/, c * a rtjf?S!£,-' m Utlußil * BA&Z&£!Jc2&d i J* a *Us2i*»t i (L2Eant9. AFFIRM ITS TRUTH, TIZ. THAT —LI>V*M! QliSHi, LoaAN & G-nnaa IMPORTERS OF ritTS&FBGXr.. THE ENTEHPSI3E -J. Sl\ CL ATE GJUV W. 1» FIFTd S7BEJST, PITTSRORnn. Domestic Hcmoopatby, JlrJje‘,l «!! ilLcrj J;» Si2JPUCITT. r.un asdtebt. I.V>. i3O Market *L I«AeSCgLI. A SQRTHRQP. ATTOVycrj AT Ijin, Pi???: burgh;-pi; SHAWLS, 2JAHTLE3, DOJIEiTICS,*f*’ 0. UANSOS IvOTE, 14