ESTABLISHED IN 1786. - otUogfets. B.K.VJSUZ. . _. . TvH. KEVW A CO., 24 ■ Wood Strut, Pittsburgh, Pama, TWFANBFACXDBER3 of white and 1 •jLtJL red ~unAb } m'o paints and litharge, aod Wboleoiu-Pcakr#. to OUg, rafctt, Tarabte* an! Tnrpoa- \XT: MAOKEOWN, Wholesale Druggist, -/■_ TOUK. & CO., WHOLE « ntePruggiiti and cr. White Lnd, and ttttwrgo, coiner Wood and Front streets, pile*. bcrglu.v-' >., - . ' tachT raxocuc* gauga—. oaom shtuu BRAUN & REITER, WHOLESALE ANIX 1 JRattfl PrpggUtijCOTiKf liberty tod St. Glair its.. KttltlCglU . TOS&PJL FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR TO h. U W&epz 4 Co.) corner Market rtrsetend Diamond,koepa COWtMttyopfani a fall find«soropleteasoortmentof Drnga all article*per*' tatgSnstofcivbasinta. p«=artptloa*''Q»refdUy wapoGßiedK sll fewa* yr ' T'" "~A W ' ~ " - Jrady fill. GEO. H. KEYSER,- DRO3QIST, JLf I*9 Wood ttreet, comer or Wood itrat-t *nd Virgin &IM,TUfafo>gh,P». ■•;-■• •■ . . J UUITP. SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL^' Pmi^ » rP»into,Oda,Yßral>ba* act) DyestniSi, So. ©s tibarty «trest, ¥i ueb tr gb. ‘ 411 order*wtll read** prdmnfrUWoUwi. JB-AgenttorScb*oct , tf Pgipoatcfeymp. -ftrofiucs Ssalfxsj. _ Oonnni) Cobj • Wd?Ssrfor- fitoii ewrV dolftlyd»wT ■ & CO., Pork Packers sfjjmyt* wfc TrorttlcDß, corner cfMartataoa Front pl'-V-*' Ja&lyd* —... '. i'.-.c/ru'L»»CH- T r lIUTCfIINSON, Conunission Merchants,' flcrvltn in Western lie eorw .Cbease, Hour, Fist, Jiicpn, Dcrtcr, Lloecj-1 Oil, Tot anti Petal' Grain, Dried Frnit, *cd Prodiu-e freeenUl., Bml brand* Fanill; Floor ftl way* cn h«od.— As»B}* Cor the «*Jo cf MadlwaCo'* cckibratod Patented Peoxlßtnrih. No*ll6 Second and U 5 FinUils.. between Wood«agEmHhSdd«X^'PUHbpi7;li t Tft- . »nfclyd CHEESE WAHEIIOOSE.—HENKY ft. tXHgJBS, - ?crwardiM and Comorissldo Merchant,nod Cheese, ITattet, Mite Fl&tittS Frodneti gcecrany, aa Wood «L, aims Water , PltttlmrgU- - • mySI I?AQLE WAREHOPSE,—JA3. QAKIT . IFfcofe?ale Dealer 1n Ttoor, PreTtrlctH and ■■ ""”■ u ” mnber: ’ .4>Tmn*mh. Mrfcl* .SELLERS g-g:. '- • - 0,,3 A. Ai,O A R RIBA, fiBOiIETAiS? ■oooe 1 Bult,liog,TTCrtb etroct. ■ If* AE. GORDON, Secretary IVestera e aAca Company, »S Water afreet. J'* ARDINEBCOFFIN, Agent fur Frank* • Ul» Fire rsanrnncs Company, N'orth-oojt toms: IFood PA. MADEIRA, Agent for l)oiawuro m Mctnal InanrapoeCo, 43 Wateretreot. R W- POINDEXTER, Agant Great Wait »iarßlnsnraaceCa,OT Front moot. ffiacpttß, .W*D.ft H. JPCALLOB, ’ fIEAISR IN CARPETS, OIL bLO'I'US, Jk-Jt do. ?\*o.6T Fogrthatrwt new Wood. attorneys IRISH Attorneys at Lew, .OffieoNo.M Foorthitrect, r'ttobmvh, p a> Noiarv Pnl- Uc and Ohio Cotaialaaidnbr. L,a attorney at _ f lAW’,cnd Sdicltcrof thoJlaoV oi No. no yoortt attest, 4 I^lB j£3tp ©OO6B. BURCanrea.... Bto.Hnrnry .v. a. utapai SOROHFIELD & CO., (yuccesyors to Mar pby 4 BarcbflelJ.) Wlicdce-BaaJ .I‘ctiT. Dealers In Fancy Iffy Good*, North-ca«t coraA J\u.ib and 1 - n t e. H. LOVE, Dealer in and Fancy • Dry Sdn , ef^a.• of flu .Uito. No" 4 aiarhet atrect, Piaabnrgh. ~ n-.riO 11.-PALMER, No. Market Street, EaK- str»w Trlmmfac*. anO Btm , »aoi!r|96tat/£itf t^»,. . , ' .if* tSookstUna, &c Q..JOHNSTON & CO., Stationer?, 7 T>:UlAekS9QiL!kact>racßinr« ned Jot. Printer*. N'a. 67 Wood (tmt, PtttstnrTßh, Pa. E, . 0,. COCHRANE, (SUCCESSOR TO a "8. Sadler,) Wbolwsls -aci. &>tali Dealer In Dooka, mtkmury nod Paper lfanrlngg, Federal artrwt, Cti “door 5- 8. of Manual Sfjnarey AHuj^eiiy, Ttu JOHN S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AND tStaticaer, aacceascr to Dariisa 4 Asnaw, No. S 3 Market street, pcor Toorth, Pitubnrph. I^a. KAY & CO., J3OOKBI2LLEKS AEL> SIA :TIQI «*r Ltt-rty, KtUbatjjh, Pa i »ffSr£s^sa , .^i!.r“.”‘ TTQBY^-^?m?P t “ PORTEK MANUFAC bS Iwf * *OWO. No. 60 tVood St, that they th" »Olct« W.rte-eat at gaH, l„ HoyrorahUnj rol other pnroom, eoch »* floor oil QUtto,lmupMent Oreta oe4 boSOHolottw,Trsrunroot Wi “%S^. W . OU Uotl =Cra!i. Title oil Clot:.*, En*:"i. ; elMOUCUh.fcrcamogct; bntlnollurf,,Bhe4Urillt™, Ice cube ■boro seaiej (tootle ere celt foil,;,;; Oitr eodri talTMMlWSbTaisXntltett tooaratoekob h™*- PniLXJPfI,26 tpd29 gt,Clair nC aRVjBNiiiUWJUiUiI) -JDOLLAHS will pur- O«tf*»*fro ,wr 7 fraoo dweJUcg boon of fcuriSoci* twtßQ fcrt irgct on Banco Kmt, by no deep oaw ~~ g«CPTgPgRT*PON, to Harfcot«t. r T>&liiii CHEiioE—DO boxes wrychoico rccel wtt «rd fo* ule, wfceUsalo sad retail, 4tfS4KCJS"iJ ' l ooulT- Grocery and Tea Btcro, Fsdaral at. itYBBLS.’ VAKHIBH, Coach* and Copal: A V UV"*& Off,fertile by *l9 '- W. HAQKWWI, 2(7 ttttrtjrt.: > -? i- " JAMES W- WOODWKLI^. CHAIRS. B,?. BITCt S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Era bracing ereryatyl* of PURNITURB HO3EWOOD, MAHOOANY AND WALNUT, SoltaMafbr I'AttLOR.% CHAMBERS AND DINING ROOM* £qtul to- »ny la NBW YORE AND PH IE ADE LP 11 i A, mSS^* 00 ” 1 WoB ‘ 77 m ** *«*«!» SrCZBT, araatr prmujTmaß, j>a. «otni a. ttcto—....-—TnofL a. x. roratr v. b. rovao & co., BAmmemns or MTRNITtJRE AND OHAills „ Of Every Description. m a - • ftiera *®-,fr«4wem Tft die and Anna Awnm warchonsc—Ros. 18 MO SmlMriil Sl„ OTKAMBOAT CABIN FCItNITUBB--We SSLSSS*®* 1 * Huuflfaeturlng STEAMBOAT OASDf fURIUTUttfi and CHAliia, •n-1 tavite th* attpntten of Uie*elnterwt«d tn fsroUhtnK n&h _ IIIPS, 'CHONGS AND SWITCHES. ■Order* solicited ftso their**)*, aad ffloapHy ahlp> Vrlo* per fjLTtmr}!',rj Xtau»— CnsoDthrf, .-.r 8 per t«iil dtart.oul Sm .-• gnSStlyd&trT _ ROLTZCIAff a. \VI&DJBH.iIOkO| (eccctaMM i«-> j. iriorat.] xN o. ICO Third Street,lMtteburgh, ViMufaciurtrt and Dialrrt in Cat talas. Cornices, Bands, Shade*,Gil n da, Mattresses, Comforts, Cushions, &o. •Girrarth.-ulfir attention pell to SIJSAMBOAT WORK. CABrxrS FITTKD AND LAW TO ORPTR aOlulCm KKMOYAL. OTJQVSSira lE.OU 820:3.2 COLEMAN, RAILMAN dt CO., , Menoikctnrars >t irou, Nails, Springs, Ailna, Wrought Nute, Washers, Spikes, Bolts, at.:., etu., UnTA rocjoved lo their Be* and ezteot-ir« WarshouK. So. 7T Water and 04 Front Strtei, Wti-rro theyarn pwpered to eiacnU air order* in lhali tin. taring a large and aaaertmant cl ••DnquMDo’' anuinfa;tnrbd good* con •tanUyouband, which Uiey of _ _____ >er on liberal lernu. frt»dil Iron'City Store Warehouse, WVN. BBADSnAW, to T. • J.CBAIftAOan) Mannfactnrnr of TIN, IKON end COPPER WARR,and Peeler 16 STOYCS, 4c_ No. 131 • WOOD STREET, between. Filth and Vtrsrtn alley, Pitta borSfc. p » iisl-ljd DtTQUHSWB FOUNDRY R. MoCOY Ai CO.. LWZKTY STREET, cppJtJt rente it ft piiraiiOßoii, pa. Manufacture to order, un shurt notice, CASIINQ3, SUATTING A VOLLEYS, of *ll *tiw tacriptiona, of the Lr*t msterUl* and Ut*st etylra; also WAOOS BOXES, f*.lP l ItOJf 3, Q II tTRrv, Ac &Jw*y* co hand cr ca»t lo orJur AOrOrdere left at the fuUNDKY, ~i *t i Ynnnr'k, 6d Wood •( , will roculro proiai-t »m-iittitii lewdly J. A. SPRSiI. J. r _ njawtLt, late of the firm of J. H j|*il A 'Spoct. late of Hall & jip-er Valfoy Pcrgo Plow Woika, J'&’rty Krr_x,-r.*4T I\f%\ , PittiiMrgh. ANUFACTORERS of every variety oi l*tow*. Plow o*arlng*,4o, of (he meat ftp.cri.v4wf Pit tern* raiuhlo for erery kind of aoU and tillage. Tfceir Improved Patent Iron Oentre, Patent Irou Outre ulllride, Iron Centre MlwSatl, Patent end Ceutra Limns, Steel Mouldboard, Valley, Puacock, finpir. Cotton ahd other Plawa are waMsnTCT to give entire aailafaction to purehaa l-oth u t<> qoallty and adaptation to cao -Cg*i>rd»ra areacllrlted. ocl:ljJ <' AUI"W It I U i?T A \uii~Ntl, ~ (rtuccevaora to J.ihu > MANUFACTURERS and Jmpo ruir» u. ivcSe! Bad Tabla Cutlery. Sulcal *o.f Dental lr, •miinenta, Ouni. Pmtr.U, n.bltig Ta<-U». Ar., NV w.,-vh L Ujr s,to eftautiosi totlit. toftatrftxrtnrircof Tn.™™. tayoro™. fc- K- P .(r, Mil, ,^rl 4 si?' , ...ill. c*««iim. . ..... . WILLIAM DAUMIIH. w , 0., 6 1 EV-nn ;:t., balow Marbnry. I'lLVlrar.-l, STEAM BOILER MAKERS AND sIiEBT Iron ffark.t., UaanLctnror. .-I Ilam bi 11 1 . Boiler, locomotive. Flee'.' «nd Oylmd-ir Loll or t, Clitopoy*, Krtichen, fire Bed, Pipe*, Corwier.eera, Salt Pecs. Sngar Pan*. Iron Yawl*, Idfolloaf*, «.tc. Ai*o. B!acl*-Jiiilj Work, Brtigo and Tuoinet Iron*, done tl the »hort. fi c-- • Ike. All or len frr.tti a datan'e rraujr.t! y ettends-: t. Je23 P«a» Colton ;iill», pm.naico. Kennedy, cnit/DS cc* manufau TUUiItS cf- Pr:mANalt«») i-taße-ijos* Ovrprt Chain ef all oMm* w.tbadrx CcttoD Ywtne; “ Bed CcnVi, “ rlonpli Llcaaa&J t*at. C^.d, “ ILcpe of rll sir-j and daaaif-tiona battir.g. left tl {Be Utrdcare htoteot Lm b .-. 0. Wiua;» t l3l Wood «treet, will hare attaaticc. )uy| Mar be forred at John Irwin A S<»b*. 67 Wat. r *tre-.-r WILLIAM TATK ft. SOM, PLEJIBER AND OAS FITTER, No. lu S earth street, Fituhczgh, and Fe-i*t»l street, or.-lar aenth Excelsior Hall, AJicghbCy. ASrßvsrr : f Pitting’, Water, Gsa end Bt tarn. ruJUj SAMUEL B. FLOYD & CO., COMMISSION UERCiIANTr, And doalers in fkar, Grain and Produce General!;, 554 LIBBIITY STItEKT, cur l'». EL U. Depot, PgTgBOROII, PA. »efi:lyd w. r. v*tw.t tSCtlon shall !•» ziren, nod proceeds promptly remitted Moore. ilryre, fttch»(-a. FOItSVI'H, WHOLESALE OSOCEKS, «BALaaa in piioijuob, OOMUIBBION UEHOIIANT3 for tho selu of WO METAL AND BLOOMS, .So. 351 Liberty Street, >«l/y U U&9:»pCtO PITTHDuIUiIt, pA x b. CAnnsLS ■ Pttlll —tf* iL WUITiCBi SPRINGER haroacgii ft co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEAUSBB IN Wyji, Hides, ProvieioneA Produce Genorftlly, No. 209 lilfcerty Btroot, Pittsburg/,. |.i-J ‘ ijn .BAIIfi ft aa J jc R, emus n» Pinny, Grinin and Prodaea. Commission and Forwarding Merchant*, ' No, 134 Second Si., Pittsburgh, P i mySDlyil KOBEIiT DICKEY, Wboiesnlo Grocer, Ffodare end Commlmloo Merchant, No. 318 liberty atrart, Mw tUHroaJ Paaspogcr Depot, Pltatmrgb, Pft- *pA MOLASSES.— 300 bbls N.O, Molasses, 50 do Bjrqp,fgr »aUby JOHN FLOYD *'CO. YE —2OO bus. in store and for ealo by • - lIITOUCOCK, McCRP.EHY * CO. TVT.QW-GJRENJ[NU—A lull line of nil tho laLmafioodaifba*!*,Clo*Jm, rrerjUucg i a tb* DomuUc and CUple ilw—ud at tin. riir °*Vn P ,lco *” Flow# e»U and tee tbom. W* a BAWBOH LOVE. 74 Harkft 'LOtfE—loo bbls. ckoicoExtra in atoro for cue by [tttO) Bf RIKOKB HARBAGG n*TO. ~ ~. - .+.;:y y {. tam '} '. DAILY jFuntttur*, z.m. youua * ua SPEI2U <2t BIDWICL,!., JAMBS IRU'IK, (Kommisston, Ut And WholeesleDealora In bblfl. for tatb by ~ h£s&y it ooiinta: *Bs \ \ v .y j > . -A_\ X ? PITTSBURGH MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1859. GtOMtB. juo3. #TTII , WTTLE A TttlOßLEt jy U OLE 9 AT.E GRoOEftS AND DEALER:! S*lonr, Bscon« Chc«|tj Fralt*;tJti»A Product, JISSECOXpBT^^nfIBPROtI WILLIAM BAOALEY, WHOLB9ALB 9AOOBH, Not. IB end so Wood Street, . . STIVAtr, Into w|lL Dn>w2s A Edgcrtnn, Fitt«trV- lUarrttt K Martin, PhiU EDOERTOfi A STEWART, (£acce«x>rz to Lowii A Eflgertcu.V U'tiulekale Grocers an 3 Commission Mercian IOTfW oorl street, Pittsburgh, F»&., tons pMui t.Ktoni'. TORN M’GILL t SON. Grooqr, aad Com- U DlJiloo Ae.Dl.fcnh. ol« „[ P| 6 |„D ,nd Dloocia. No. 1W UUrry .treot, Pituborgh. felfclyd A LEXANDEit KCNOTTwIIbLESALE 1 ’" 1 " ”^ w *' 4 -“- •T/wSSr7.7^3sss ; —.jii'csw. JONES * COOLEY, WHOLELALE GRO \i° d at r " r - l:hr h lu Produco «nd S-<> Ml Cherry AH.y.Pittahargh.p,. 1 «JA.7SSKS~ : - ::j ““ mmW QHRIVER a dilv/orth wholesale Kwf Uroma, No. 130 and 132 Swu.! .(r.s-t Uigtwenn Wood ted Smlthflt'jii, Pitta 1 J*ou» riorr* iwtd wiluam iu,?n. OUN FLOYD k CO, WHOLESALE OrocarajnJCommlddon Merebmu tfo 174 Wood ind. Xt3 Liberty street, Pittairurgb " jdo 1 1 T T I^--"r ; Jon*Tllfio». TSTATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE GKO- V ™ CEILS, Conunlsiloa Murrhanta And Doalon'ln Pro deoe and Pltolmr*li Manufacturea, N 0.438 Liberty strait. Plttebcrgh j llS s H SimTcoTTre Fie on whole- SALK Grocer, Produce and Commission "Mon-hunt, and Doalor In Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No. jjy Liberty Struct, corner of Drawer? ay, Pittsburgh, Pa. inyS ' uUS ±*?J U " *• ■*. tM .CGIS. ITtriLL. A twell, LEE k CO, WHOLESALE jEL Grocer*, Prodnea and Conunluluu Merchant*, and Deal«nlnPitaJ|irjbMaDnfiiCturea,No. 8 Wood street, b«- tw.i-n Water and Front at., Pittsburgh. apllt BA* LB.BQUUKHf. T> KOBISON k CO, SVHOLESALE XV* Grocers, CoromUslim Merehania, nud Dealer} Id all klndiof ProTlglona, Produce aud Httibnrgb Unoolictmt* No. 236 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jalfclyd Robert if. kino, wholesale gro- CEIL, Ootomiwlr.n Merchant, and Dealer In Feathers, Pld>, Piouf, and all kinds of Country Produce, No. 211 Lit. ertystwet, month of Sixth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Liberal ad taocee mad* on consignments a£BI»TDALJILL JAllEa B. BKSAIUAO. TiOBERT DALZELL 4 CO, WHOLE XV P-11-E Grocers, Cumralnakm nu.l Forwarding Mer> chants aud Dealurain Prodncoaud Pittsburgh Mituuf'icturw, No. 251 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Ps «uy*t ISAIAII DICKEY A CO, WHOLESALE Grocer*,o.>raml«a)otiMArcbanti.Ra 1 Dealer* lu Produce, No. 80 Water struet, and «3 Front itrwt, Pitiaburgb. /Hisrtllanfouß daitn A 1.1.’ STYLE Ti. 3 Ltl.i [ P( > lr, ..1 HAM AM' i A»'> HI tsu> IT J 1M K S WILSON’S. fed.ii *1 Atlogb> iij fit r, Opposite I ho Pavings ll*iiL r r A. mlEUeCif A SONS, X • FKLNCI! AND AM URIC \ N CONTKCTION ARY Whoirtalj and Rrt\ll, „ , t? NT rehln»acMl ». N*. .V C'O, ft J< trpocriaa un n e u i s a tw b AUD WAKE 4.12 0 CUTLE3Y. JV.-*. 101 Markoi Btr«at, PITTS Dt'Rßl!, PA- AS, .1 IV. b.nore .-, 1., AJ . n ! 'S •I. s. IjIOUKT'I' A. CO., ’ ' * fA(rrons u »..i c..u,.u^ J >Uitt a-:io*uU. r rt!. • .*U -t FI c-,*JrHlo. .«,.] PrM'ir* S :. W.;,, « u .-i v-i Prc>nl «m 4, V!rt«lnrs»), Ivrm » rv.> Ij w k C-ILCWJII . .. . ,:*tiv«Tu. /* CIALPV. T PJL ± BRO m > unit rußsnsHEHa iS*o teat,*;™ its Mui.til*. H I'vllou Cordasn; o*km&.T»r. ftuh, ttmtu nnj ««1* l l.' k *rd brtlltnf*. A.-. • v*A-i« A*. 9i H-j'-i- ondjS .vir^: J A r o 11 K K E S K. “ MINES ti/ IA I’ANADa, UA iNCTIi., tMIAiU'LUN ANDLiKK “jU IRON o H B* .?> • wnouniir, oh ai’ inos •AND PlO MKT.iI ft^OP’rT'''.'* —COHNkH (snvr AND hMTTQFIELD gtiit: nra mycr-itf A LANE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GAL* , LBlty.r.»nnr r.f flFTll *»d GB ANT StWKET-, ta the Conrt Eloo**' YbleGATlsry ha* (o>t teoa flttednp with «ep*:i.- >ite end ikj-tfgt't- Fbotograpbl,!j[«. ctjWa tiut to b* 4nr Plmnycn »ad c!n;-;Di »ro cnr-Jiallj tn»u ti, ~Ui •tieuilan t»«llord*-r» U p »rk In bia line «&.OEXTnEd tod ORNAMENTS of ail kind. (nrntih*) on inert notice splii-dly T. W. uOUOQREI, a W« I o h iNd Clock Hikit, jfijv IMPORTER OF fcW| L’INK WATCIIES AN D Ji:WEI, KY, A- No. 13 Fifth atroel,between Woo,) tod llark.-t, put* t'orab, Pa .•lUmtioupal.i lull,, ..f Walrti* • ad Jewelry 49"A1l work «'arr*at«*i UUI.DTHOIIP M. IAOII ft IC, GIAS ANli STEAM FITTERS, N„. UO 1 THIRD STREET, between Wood aod &iiltbS«M •(• «“Altny« ,‘n Rand Cli*» I'diera, llriu-krtg and F!itur>» ■I all kiodt. PloruMng dot,,, lu a tup.-i.wr All ...den p«vu;pcl) attended to. 00-A\»O, Plana and Specification* rarnlabed (.it Qu Work* and Oai W'irkiconstraeUd cf any capacity for pob- Uc or private du, ntri:iyd - JOllfl CAMPBELL, ft - Manufacturer of roots /•ad SIIOEB of tfvorj ,lcwrtptl,,n. No 01 SuiltlSeld •trawl. PlUiborgb.Pa. oc31:ly do 1 do W 11. Oram V do U, ■!.. Ru«;ell t Roblaaon'* , o 4(j Itilj. do do Uolaur«i • Olein dt> ijn Qenuau do Id «toie m 3 tor a*U by p sgtlEttfl 4 CO. Furniture: furniture i—o ß ii at our warcbowis wiJ examine opr atttfc' of Parlor, Cbamber, Dialog Hoorn end l ltirmrr Pornitara, ofoar owo manofactara lod warranted T.fl. YOUNG A CO, eoH . 'ib A <0 UmlUiflcldatreet. OWNERS OB’ HOUSES, Without tPnnntH, are Informed tli&t *« ati«r »o-muruT h. COUJH& PUBLISHED UAILV ANDWJCEKIVby R . KK R ic ■£ 'r AS CO rirva srasxr. auova iwrrancta. The Washington County £»atr. of tbs Daily Pittsburgh Odette , WASHiaoTun, Sept. 29,1859,—Thettin of Au*t*r liti shone oat this morning with andiauiod radiance hsraldiog no aospicioai day of unclouded beatm-' By ten o'clock, the main street of tbo borough and all the nveoncs leading to it, presented a moving living niM of pooole, oa-hursaback aad i 0 Vehicles uf. every imaginable description, frolta the oociont family carriage to tbo modern fashionable turn-out. The muss is really incomputable, and tbo cry is ‘•still they come." 4. ' ThM is tbe oldest Society in Western Peunsylra uia, nod on this occasion, it far outstrips, in ail re spects, any exhibition that has gone''before it. Tbe legitimate, bonafide entries will fully como'un to 1400' Wbat think yon of that! What eeill oar peo ple say to it? with Incomparably greateradvantages for u magoiGcent display. I conn tad 40 pen* yf Saxon Merino,* French Merino, and pure of ftiuperiorqUality; 47 stalls fall of cattle, and some twenty more would bare been occupied had they been erected in Uae; 12 pens of Suffolk, Che* ter nod .Bedford tbe very finest quality; and some 60 to 70 stalls nr enclosures ocenpied by horsos—stallions, draft horses, brood tbares, riding horses and mores, as fine stock' pj has boon oxhihitod at any fair in Western Pennsylranla or Virginia thi* season. - The Coterill had a great number of colts on the ground, not touch short of thirty, I think, alt creditable to hint at * fkney and serviceable stock horse. Some of bis finest dolts were In tbe.rlng. Thera were many other superior (took bor»ea and a largo number of very fine broad mares. Tbe sheep were mi cf tbo finest breeds popular in this region so celebrated for Its primo wool. Thero were ! some superior shoep from Ohio and Brooke counties Va., especially from the latter. Of (ho horses and cattle 1 could not protend to speak In detail- their number is *•> largo and their,excellence so generally conceded by all good judges. Sufiloe it to say that eren Washington county never bofore made so cred itable and attractive a display as this day’s exhibition afforded in all descriptions of stock. - By the way, I erred egrcgionsly In rating tbedis play of frnit as a meagre one. It is just th 9 reverse On giving it a more thorough and critical examina tion to-day, I was compelled to admit that I had dono this deserving class cf exhibitors great Injus tice. In point of variety of specimens, size aad ex eelleneo and perfection of'lho fruit, I hare never seen tbe present exhibition equalled at a County Fair. Apples, pears and poaches aro all creditable to '.be county and excite universal admiration. The preserves, jellies, piokles, Ac., Ac.,the production of tbe ladies, were in great variety and of conceded ex cellence. A* comparisons aro always doomed invid ious, 1 forbear partiqulariring the specimens of many «f my lady friends, highly deserving special com mendation. The display in tbeHorticalpura) depart ment was exceedingly creditable, and has norerbeen eqnallod at any previous exhibition—and this, It must be admitted, is saying a groat deaL Agricultural implements were exhibited io great variety. 'Mowers and reapers, threshers and clean ers, portable grist mills, straw-cutters and chrirns together with nuraerons other labor-saving machines of great ntilily and admitted excellence. A splendid specimen of a thresher anJ cleaner, from Ohio w« 9 on exhibition, which attracted the universal admi rntion of the fanners. la the Manufacturer!/ department, while the ex hibitors were not numerous, the articles disnlsTed I were highly creditable. The Washington Foundry haJ aJarge collection of elegant ware in the hall while soveral stands were occupied by cabinet ware of beautiful finish, the workmonship-of Washington mechanics. This department, though limited in the quantity was excellent In quality, aud did credit to Washington. Show-cases of Coe table service, elegant jewelry china.vases, tea sets, and a hundred aad oue other artiales which it would require pages to enumerate lined the hill appropriated totheexhlbltioa of sped! mens of art, the collections of the virtuoso and the skillful artisan in all departments or modern art and ingenuity which refinement and oiogant taste have called into requisition. Enumeration here would be ata>k. nod would require a devotion of tune and rptco Incompatible witn the purpose of these letters tbo multitude was fexsteJ, refined taste was gratified and the exhibitors have their reward in tho admiration end liberal praUe bestowed by a dis criminating public. This must and ought to *uffire them. I ,u Uruii, siisdl I t »y t .f thi. •lay • exhibition and gf lhe itntaenm> multitude tbel attended it’ A true delineation id words would be proononced fabulous by those who did not wltoess tt- 1 fvUi lea u’cloek iu Die morning until i o’clock to thei evening Cho Main street resembled Broadway, *'* w * ork « lh * moviogpaturaraa ofliving Uin«* ; ,jm Jo “r*pid ago t-> poling infancy—infancy, ado. tMceuce.-ttanboul *g«. *• t„ :0 , „ lw tl ' d lhejr l., *.*.*„*,, »h»le the fair ti 11 ™ 1 ' 1 oil , T JT * p,-6 «regaU..H of Tliero were o- 7 * M m * ay a » re ; i« tiol this an amazing spectacle? Wbn .vjuld have imagined that So ttemeodnui a crowd could hare been brought together oa such an occasion ; this beats the Wheeling Fair all bellow • Allegheny county u nowhere Id comparison with this the great Whig and Democratic Mas* CWao tloas are eclipsed, when wu there ever seen *,• grand a ipectacleeod ioon.ui nsnitnn. The hotels were overwhelmed—£U«d until there was no for mouther mao, while prlratehouses opened their doore and hosplubly spread their tables to recelre those that tbe hotels were unable to accommodate. Erea Aib-Amy places in the town and adjacent grounds became difficult of proeurtxnaaL Italy, this has bean a gala day for Washington, and the Oils of bar merchants and hotel-keepers and shop-keepers could tell a gratifying tale to-night and causa the aye to spirklo and the heart to'pulsate quietly at the clinic of tbe almighty dollar It has been a barren for all; thousands of dollars hare bean spent to-day. The shops aod eating stalls have bean beset all day long by throngs of rustomerv satisfyingtbeir hangar andqueochiog their thirst. I saw but little Intern perauoa—lers than i« usual on such grand and ex olting occasions. What the proceeds to the Seclely will amount to can be better ascertained af the close of to-tnorrow'i receipts, when the fair termineto*. They will be largo. Tbe flociety will bo in fundi to prosecute all contemplated improvements for future exhibitions. They hare bought and paid £>r their grounds, and they are sufficiently extensive. They porpose patting up more permanent, enlarged anJ better adapted buildings'tbe coming year, aod I think they are wise in this determination. _ The examination at‘the .Seminary proceeded to day. The fair materially interfered with its ar rangement, though the number of Tisltorswas quite large, eTtry {thing considered. As my leuar-Laa grown to a goodly length upon my hands already, I must defer a particular ffntlce of the Seminary, until my negt. The Washington llrais Hand gives a concert at tho Court lloqso to-nlgit, under tbe leadership of the distinguished Capt, W. 11. Stoy, a musical celebrity known in all the regions round about for hundreds of miles. I looked la at tie assemblage for a few min ute*, amt found the capacious court room well filled, which I was gratified to sec, ai tbe band is a deserv ing one, and its leader and preceptor a favorite wilh all lovers of the musical science. I’pon the violin especially, Capu Stoy Is admitted to be without an equal in the State—currying all hearts captives, wherever Is found an appreciate audience. He has done more for the advancement of tbe ennobling and refining and heart-lmproviog science of mQsio than any other man io the West. Tbe large audience this oreniogds a richly ieserved tribute of bis worth and eminont'doservings. He was well sustained by the Band, whose skill is the result of his efficient and skillful preceptership. Mr. Wo. W. Brownlee was klckoJ on the leg by a horse, on the grounds, u-day, and sustained a se rious Injury, though, we believe tbe limb was not brokeo. Ho was convoyed from the ground and had the immediate attendance of a surgeon. It will bo weeks before Mr. B. can hope to have the use of hla limb. I also learn that a boy bad bis foot crashed, but by what means or bow sorlously I coaid not readily ascertain. With these executions, everything passed off happily, pleasantly, and to the' gratifica tion of all. Ten o’clock, liood night to all the patient and toiling corps of typos in the composing room—Capt. Smith not excepted. B. Miscuicr ih rnu MlDiTcaftsaßAH. —Homo of our readers may remember (hat we called atten tion some three months sinoe to a gradual revi val then going oniin Spain of the question of Gibraltar, as curiously coincident wittf erdere given by the Spanish Government for the oon etruotioa in London of heavy iron gun-boats, suitable for sea-coast operations. The English journals reocived by the week's mails ioform us that tbe concentration of military forces by Spain in the neighborhood of the Rock of Gibraltar, baa now exoitod the graro anxiety of the British Government, and that qtostioos on the subject propounded to the Caljlml of licr Catholic Ma jesty, have mot with refitae so evasive and un satisfactory that their puViication caused a slight fall in Consols in tbo London market. If Spain and England were the only Powers concerned in tbo settlement of the owaeraWp of Gibraltar, U might not, perhaps, be worth while to dwell very particularly upon tbil Incident; for although | thcro caabe no doubt Hut the actual power of 1 the Castilian Monarchy Is very decidedly In ad vance of the prevalent regulation of Spain, still the result of a single obobat between tha Lion >ITTSBUGH AND OAKLAND NPR of the South and the Lbn of the Seas, could - BEBIE3. hardly be doubtful; and few Spanish statesmen A |y U «Saaft would think of inviting enib a passage of arms. 10,000 Pmcb; Cb«rrr,3ooo Quine- But other States, largdy Interested in the a,ooo eumUrd Pcir, 10.000 bw»rf Pur; freedom of Medltcrranoaocommerca, and of the ,tftr old * -Dil4; seas in general, must, in ihe natural oourso of so,ooo Evergreens, Ito s r«ot« soo of tb* oiebraud Hop things, bo brought, one day or another, to ask **•*•* withaiina atsortmeut ofghsda Trees, etrswbsrry, ■» *»»*»*>*■ able right England can pritfond to coaiutute her- n2t john wuaDOOU, jh. o { ZiAliandexamine ßrecamiD *oVTSS ori^MtrobberyofUnK**!byAtairUßook*, chap. ICE CKEAMM [ii artusßT. &€#> a century and a half ago, and the confirmation of that robbery by the peace of 1783, can hardly be permanently pleaded against the manifest claim of Spain to tbo integrity of the Spanish soil. Had the peace of 1783, which gave ns in America eo much, left England In possession of Staten Island, or Sandy Hook, we should hardly be disposed to ait down forever under favor of her frowning batteries and her foreign ilig. us a ono of the penalties of such a polioy as was par sued by Eogland daring the last century, mat it projects tho mistakes of an age of violence into the midst of an epooh where natural law is daily recogniziog a loftier and wider sway; and men aces the peace of a great commercial era with the inevitable consequences of great national crimes. The prioe which England has already paid for the possession of such posts as Gibraltar and Malta, has not sufficed to mako good titles wbioh arc intrinsically inconsistent with tho rights of other nations ami the natural develop-' moot oi the world.—A*. T. Times. Nkws fbom Sah Juak.—The hews relating to the San Juan imbroglio, brought by the "Moses Taylor,” shows lhat there is no danger of an armed struggte, although the correspondence between Gen. Harney and Gov. Doogloa is especi ally spicy? The formersays his interference was prompted by the purpose of protecting Ameri can citizens settled upon the ißland from "Insults and indignities which the British authorities of \ anoonver Island have recently offered them,” and be rather sharply adds that he shall retain a command on San Juan Island for the parpoae ; of this protection, until ho rooeites orders from the United States Government. Gov. Douglas denies flatly that any outrage has been com mitted on an laeric&n citizen, or that aoy Brit ish man-of-w j has been sent to San Joan for the purpose c Cauch outrage, and he calls upon Gen. Ilarnej to withdraw his troops. The San Franclsoo Bu letin of Sopt. 5, from what is stated to be a reliab a sourco, gives a etatemeal of the facts to which Gen. Harney alludes. When Gen. Scott arrives On the ground wo shall then doubt less have a pacificator on our sido, and the peace will beßooured until the two Governments shall settle the question. Dskocratio Love Mr Fobeiohcbs—ld the north-west senatorial district in Ohio, there are a Urge number of Germans who do not rote the democratic ticket. N r ow the democratic Idea of an adopted citizen is that he is the property of tho democratic party, to bo used, transferred, bought and sold for the l.euelii and emolument of democratic leaders, aod when be escapee from this bondagej they liato him quite os intensely as they do a nerro that has escaped from eevioo. Democracy bblla that tho rights of citizenship aro entirely dnbject to tho rule of the majority, and naturalized otiizeua can eeoin the democratic hatred of those of thorn who refuse the party servitude, what would become of their citizen ship if democracy bad the power and supposed that the foreign immigration went to strengthen the opposite party. Asa specimen of Ibis, at the senatorial convention la the district referred to, Mr. Ba*hmer, the democratic nominee for Senator, offered a resolution that the foreign boro citizen who docs oot oow aot with (he demo cratic parly, “is unworthy the name of a man, o disgrace to bis ooontry, a traitor to bis race, and unworthy the dignity of being a oitlzen of this Great Glorious and Enlightened Republic..”— Ohio Jovr. WLLLAILD UAKVUY A CO. 8t MAIDEN LANE, AND 17 CEDAn BT| NEW VORK. I'A PICK WAREUUI'h K'*ory JeacrlptJoD of " WRAPPING, PKI.NTL.NU AND WKITINJ PAPER, O.IUASD UK MACiI T.) ORDER, COLOHED AXD TISSUE fJfSKs. BLOTTINQ PAPERS, ENVELOPES, Straw and Bonnet Boards. 'r wi N E HOU S E WILLARD II All VIOY ft. CO., 81 Maiden Lon* and 17 i-\ .'i'rat, (fOTTO.V, TWINEB, IHKJRTXB ARB KARCTTi CTC&*. bOROAG At. U! ererr dean-tr.UuQ '.MTuV, JUTE. MANILLA AND m\tt> ROPE, i*M«l Muff, Ktablug Line*. Uinm* ItueO* S U I N K TWI N E MIoBTHKBAt*, WI('K,.»u.J .1! lunl,- 1 COHOS AND UNBI. •»wls.,;Uul!yni PREMIUM AWAKUKU^^ M TII►: ar.ATi usa I t ir R A I’K t: o M Ajru ■PW.cri'UHflrKß Foil TUB OEdT STOVES TOR THE UKST i.»OKIN\J RANGE FOR FAMILIES. WJtti. l»r*o F«*J IWr f„r throslu* Id Ccal, | AXD DB3T I VOi)!’ COOK STu »l DIPLOMA roii BEST L.iU!ft«RT STOVE. AJw, cn LujJ « Urp UMiiaint sf Butina Elwvei, H*tn 11..1 r»o't Ur.t* PivnU, Pendera, S*J and Cog Iron. I. \% agm Rbifti, Hollo* Wan*. A ORAFF A CO, Alo. ‘44ft Liberty Street, ATTUK HEAD OP WOuD STREET, Pmaoi A N OTH K K LOT WItLIAM [KH AES SS CO.’S PIANO FORTES, CfcA-A LlLOVl'ti: BLUMK Nj 119 »i„ 11,1.K.r tboT« Flub. xiiß iaow wxv vausv co,; No, 35C Bank of discount. uTt'h-a.\.l)e AND DEPOSIT. % Capitol Stock 9 iso.uoo Capital Represented. over t,000,000 «»*BToc*DoLrr*fl AH* Itru. Jstimoi'mt I.uuit.t* OoW, 8ll»or, Par Ponrfs end Currency revived ou deponit ALL MONKVi «aow®d |.t remain fir a Bp*ifio old Pb.eolx Foun dry, earner oLPena etreet and Gael! allay, the CaiUast of vblob bare been long celebrated lor their excellence. All order# promptly filled ami eaUefacUou given tocnatoman In ovary particular SANDER’S HAIR DRESSINGIIOOMS GRANT STREET, oPPoBirii THE CATHEDRAL ’ OPEN PROM 6 A. U. TO » p. U, * Where gentlemen can hare their Hair Dreesed la the lateat aaj moat fMbtonable manner. ‘ He baa fitted up a room n rassafM In tno Tarinni approved cl) lot, «rBAHDKIfrORLKBRATRD fiOALP TONIC cca •tanlly on hand and for aala. •-«*.. ■ P p " BIESI V'* : -i' NEW VORK FLAX AV' L 'AT v inos, Prsu* :ti VHsn :el e/ib i r*;< for sai.f bv DersU. Wm. McKnlght, - JMJHcff J f . Nathaniel Holmes, Butler, Alex. Nfmtck, U. Darid Jl. Long, JamaaMSWtJi William IL Smith Alexander Speer 0- W. Rlcketno, Andrew Ackley. _J in 130 V. U. GORDON, B*c>. Boneugahela Inaoraßc* Oompsoy. op Pittsburgh.- D IBICTORB U. b. WARNER, PrMlJeut. B. C. fIfIaMBHTE, C*ihler. ASSETS. MAY 20? a, 1«S: Block One Bills, payable on demand, secured by two approrsd names —...1116 WO bo Blits Recallable- .. 86//43 So Bills Discounted .._ qo 116 shares Mechanics’ Bank Stock—cost .. 3,163 03 100 do Citizens' do do do 6,176 00 SO do Bank of Pittsburgh do do ... 2,760 00 40 du Exchange Dank do do ...... 3,050 00 Balance of Book Accviiuts 6,054 OS Office Furniture gaj 00 O" 1 *- .64,113 04 Hereto Insurance Co. of Pennsylvania. «S» UUDt * 10111,11:8 •** klad< •* Firt ami Marin* ASSETS, HAY 2d, Iblt Ge»b In PliUborgb Trn*tCo*>paoy Doe*BUla—peyiblo on deasaod Pramlnn DUconntod *' Bonds and Hortnget SOO ihfcrea Iroa Clly Bulk JSX) do Exchange Bonk Stock—cc*i.._. —. »0 do Allegheny Book Stock—coat." IPO do Hechaok*’ Bank Stock—n»»t- Book Arcocnta _ Bill* ReeelTible J- Q. bboenberger. W.B. Kimfck. John A. Cacchey, C.W. Batchelor, & B.Oochrao, James I. BenoeU, myftrlmd Win. J. gkEatwSbtErn INSURANCE & TBUfIT COMPANY. OYFIOE If* OOHPAITT'S BIULSUIt}, Ka, Bt p a ia Office 435 and' -137 Chestnut at.'near Fifth. Statement of Auats, Jattcaxy lit, ISiJ, pablUlieJ agroeo bly to *o Act of AMamhlT, beilW “ Pint Uortgtgo*, amply *oco r0d51,73X66$ 8a R»1 K»Ut®(pre«6ot nine $103,313 fflj cost 77,7t>4 71 Temporary Leant, oa impia Collateral F*-. eorttlet ... »£ Btoekt (p re «nt Ttloe $58,««7 tV/cmV.’..... 71,i47 FT Noteaand Bill. reo>tr»We. / «$» « t *‘ r> 42,007 58 «TL . - $2,016,338 C 2 z^x&x-zz^StßSlrSsg; CtatiJ’KX* rr ,i “ rt » w fbttr Millions af Do'.hrs, thereby ldTtiitaget of liirortao*, u well u u»tr •itfan to out with promptoeti all lUbllltJe* J ''“PO - rr m*. Lomm p*JJ Jui log tht y«ar 18W- s.\', (- OMCTOSA. Chtrlet W. Bic.-Ssr, f ■'HorCsfarD. t-esr;» FoLIm Wagtrer, | Dartd S. B*mo*l Gnat, j lu&c Lea, Jacob B. Smith, RJeird C. Date, Gtcrga XT. RtcluMa, j Gaorg* i'mltt. < CHARLES N. DANCKER, Pretl.Lnl. EDWARD 0. DALE, TieaPrMlltQi. Wh. a. CutL, tfecratary pro tain. J. GARDNER COFFIN, Agwit,* uijO UffiQA KarthMitcor-WooAandThird in. FIRE IVSUIUSCK, ST till fifliauee Mutual Insurance Company of f fIIUD.ELriIU Ob BolUluga, UmttodorPerpttiulfUereluuullM, furnJtnr* _ to Town or Otmntry. Office No. 308 Walnut Street. 04HTjj.*ir:,Ml~Aa3*rs *276,475 C--lOT«le.i M t u u„w«: nrn Mortpig«on Iffipnrred City Property, worth doabietbeeniMjnU.. ....... UfllXM M r u '™„ S^Kffl3?htrjr , ‘- F “r Mr*-- g : ...! J3S ® Stock of the BeUutca UQta&l lusareuce Cj. . l3*l&0 00 Stock of County Flro Inranooe Co.. l!u50 00 Buck ot Delaware U. 8. Insarwce Co I&o 00 Onion M. Irnanooe Oo’» Scrip OO Bllti Receivable, bailcees paper 43 Book AcconnU, accrued iotore*t,etc 7,311 0* 0»»b ou h«d and lu Hank... 9O *274478 43 . CLRM TINIiLBY, PreeUent. OIMCTORS. Eamncl Robert 8 teen, William Unaeer, BenJ. W. Tingle*, ftlanb&n I2Rt, 2. Icthrop, Oku. Lelnad, Jacob T. Banting, Smith Raven. John SlaelL PittiLurgh. IhOOUAIfrSomUr7. J. Q. OOPPIN, Agent rltlnJ end Wood etreet* Clotn T 1 Delay, Wm. ILlhompsc* Frederick i1)3,W9 49. 1)1 ELECTORS—IIeury D. fihorrer3, Simauu Toby, Charles Mouilntar, William a. Smith, John li. Rudd, Henry Q. Freeman, Charle* S. Lewis, George C. Carson, WDlUta U. White. George H. Stuart, Samitef Grant, Jr, Thomas War oer, Thomas a Wattaon- HENRY D SHERRERD, Warns Harris, Sec*/. President. S4»ln*urance In the above Old anJ lUIIiWs Companies, can be nttalnod by application to felfcdly W.P.JQNCd, Agent. 81 Water at. Philadelphia fire and' LiOi I N S D B 4 S O B COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, u r P j b i T E THE CUSTOM UOfBJI. Will make at] kinds of Insurance, either Pocpetcal or United, «n every daacrlptlon of Property or lierrhiadlaa, si reamaaMe rates of premium. ROBERT. P. KING, President' U W BALDWIN, Vice President aiaicTcna. Uhartes P tie}** | E. R. Com, E B. EngliitV i Oenrge w. bi..we P B. gararj 1 Joseph H Paol. O Sherman, I John OUyt>-o s J. aieraiaoc. i t». wuoi r ’JLACRBCitVS B. i«(m , J U, Tbtr.l amt W«o4 atrMta. Unawm Hiuluut Safety luiuraure Company iv l.'.u.vvr, (i‘ isaa t’lfioa, S K Ui»ru«r TbirJ *:i,l Walnut ate., pit i'l\uklphu M iKIA JC t.V'ii HA Xcr.i Ok»«.>,aaJ rrOjbt lc all parts of the voi 10 . OooJn. If |Uf...,OaaaU l *-*■ and Land Oorrlafes. to all parts cl the Uoloa. " FTBE ZfCat)uASTZES cu Merchandize eyncralt* —on Stone, Dwelling Qowee, Ac. * * . Mortgagee,and Real h*L.i« , BiUi.SSO da Philadelphia City, and other Loans... _ 137,011 BS Br«;k la Ranks. lUUn>*J A Inearanp-Co*. lalflOO OO EJ.U l.enirable .. 930,301 Oj|“ emboa ptnd>—. . jg SC3QO Balances lu hands d Agents, Premiums i u * Merino Policies rrcecUy bernod, sod ctb er d«hts dae the IVrmpsuy Sl,iau 9 1 hut-fcxlpdAo N-tc* 100,000 00 WlUlaia Bi*«Clu. JaiilN U UaaJ Jaaapb H. Beal. | Th*opbUo»»^alaiui ftlßiooJ A. fl-t 3 it JftsinTrmq&ilt iohn 0. D.n,. WUltai Ejts, ii , John I P.™, J. I. PcJto,, Jortm. p. Ejra, E!'? r J, 0 ?f ii °» UJ B “" 1 * Dr. R. H. Utiston. B*nr» sy-n, a Ludwig jJeJvSa floghCnile, Tbocaa 0. U*aa, UprnoerMcDtalu. Robert Burton, Jr EelW, John B.fiaaipis, pjlufg, □. Jccoißrow. di i- - _ v J."* • %la: Jauoißrooi.; D. T. Morgan, - ;*rot P 7cn*j J.T. Logan, «* w a. UAnTIN, ftwJdwu. THOiC. tfAJrt*, Yl;e PrulJsct Liu»t>a*. &*crstary. *’• A - *Ui>£lKA, Ag*ui, »i>a.tya—Ul3 No. 0& Waier itrrot, Pttt»frqrgfc. sasp^^asssP 4^- ,S«K3£sfc^H^ , ■ rM. uoKL>oN, ttocrvt&ry. jUreana, Ohio, Bepfo, lssa. *eli6wd*wT 1 L>?riCß, So vl £Co '» tVamtioaa* J F r Wastern In*nranoo Company f PITTSBURG II GEORGE DA RSI K, op itatn, PUUborgU. mUiluurcw&uitiaakizdt Fin and Marine Ituke J Home iiutitution managed by Dirtclort. tsho are toell *r»w» to the community, end mho art determined, by prvnvtncti and libcreU*y t .to maintain the character wWcA LKry anweentstfi. as pffring the io f*pjrt?*i9 i'lirt to t* intured. T ASSETS, APRIL Cn, 1566 p Slock Accounts..... _.. | 90 f (t> l i 2,100 00 Office rarnltura. ... S6O 09 tfp« Accounts. .. 17,883 & o**b 10.M7 Si , Premium Notes 60.CT3 12 Nets* and QHU Ideconnled 153,319 Srf Of nous— JAUES A. UUTCinBON, President . HENRY U. ATWOOD, Secretary. Oma, No. 69 Wats* stew, fnturt Agairut dll kind* ef Fin and Jfarinc Kuil. Wia. iu Uolujp*. Wia. A, 0*ld«»U RubL&alteli, WUaoa Miller. Wn. Re*, John HdfcviM. Joi.pb Kirkpatrick. Geo. A. Berry J«O>M A. UQtchlCbQ. MNRT H. ATWOOD, Be c»y osi;t, A'».w Water Brut, Pttttburyh, J u SHOEXBKRaZBj PraidmL EOBZET TXNNEY, Secretary. CICICTOM. Q. W. Cam, Into M. PusKli w. David iTCwdUw, WQiluu Dean, lam. Cn&tTKB PKftFItUAL. , £(J& Tuumtt ssii> jmlrec’d ***.**_i*i»sar -j, . *a, - tuutn, . Sb.a .iDiji-VUS : s "'ifSijis.i-jjc-eiV-l .i'.L I^XIP^UMBER SBasßfassgg BSSisa makelcigranceionUtm.• ABfCflfl&wa to IdOOfiOO, Ihayharo a W£*ffggL te >gMWrt Of aKontlng nndoabtod «cnahTtoS^SL?l? rt ® TO •Imurance for Life the bonui fcas already exceeded fifty per cent nanuSS?*® Tom. BiDarwar, Preset} John F. King, JI. D., Medical Examiner, offlea Pitubnrgb. For larthar tafeßoatfasapjily toWhL Bar^r! WELL, Agent for the Company* Ho. To Qrapt ttiaet. cylilyd .. .. /IALMET'S DICriOHAEYOFTHBHOLY 1 p '^"; * b 15 BliUcil cftiia ut» OhiriM j'X'S™* l r‘i h ib*P* Kill ofluir engttv £,£* dl K n - ln MlraiM. lon4.;«ftlgtl»«t ' £ ‘- NILK BOOKS— grim; Tbe Arbor. r£u The Tooo « ™* OSes ft; Qcm*; J 2» G UV S3r or ur, a, £ial „ a-™* -’g- 3 -, rotni.r,,. jIBt, t?Smi. u TWEW BOOKS! NEW ■BOOKSii^B^f sawUx fitooc* from a»jta* •Booki— * UeniT Bfi. Jobs tab of 177 G: Tnai WHJman’i AdTratart* oq taadaai Watar JtocoliCCtioei Of CocgfflT Him!wwKHwl.«-' SjlrWt World;CdaMthsLow doMnotfimcb' froa Pawn toJarUghL Memoir of Jcn M giw JawaS frCa JmJ * ! ® Uy HJitietoa. tatScSj*war lUcoUoctloo* of Eoamel Hodjerr Masd* Isa tadßathis*: i CsrU sJ“ «nHfui ediUaoat U toJs. Seawall’# Ufa of-Jo&naton, 4 tola; Baotoi’a llUity raar** Tiair, 2 t»lc The Cyclopedia of £merk*n facqueoce, 2 Tola. KAT4CO,M Woodttnst. \ MAUi! A DIME! a nrflßT. VALUABLE BOOKS FOB A MMEL' thk diue- melodist. rm> DIHB COOU.BOOK, THE DIME UECIPE BOOK. THE DIME OIALOQUE3, TUB DtUE SPBAKEB. TUI: DIME 80X0 BOOK, No 1. rny dime soxa book. No s. Tlii* Dim# Book* iei>t «iu K ly ty mail faxjiii, a: r-o ceuts tarhriu packagmof ud#doren, One Dollar. AUrjo number at the aaraaratr, wben uat by mail AtJdmt* HUNT A MINERS, PolMiot, _‘" 4 M«»niioHia,niui»isK. The Be*t Xtacyclopedlaa— BogUah,. JgKOVCLOPJJDIA BHITANNI'-’A. Eighth Edition, SI toU. 18 Uilmnat now ready. THE PENNY GYGLQPAiDLA, ITtols. No. editfoa Irfuught do+n (j tt-.a [roSant ion. I'HE NATTOXAT. ELNCYOLOP.EDIA, u. TLo U»t id ila »ls< in print, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA, Oo Ltul feiij for ulo bj au2o:tf JOHN S. DAVISON, 93 Wood st. AM KillG AS HUUsSTbOBTOB: I S THE LARGEST AND BEST AR- £3 JL ranged Hotel In the New England. Etafec U trtUy located, and easy or at coat from all the ratnaok • travel. It contain* all the modern improvement*, every coovuaUoca far (ha comfort ahd traveling pnhllo. The sleeping roima are,large and well ▼emulated; the srntea of room# are wotl arranged, and com fdetely famished (or families and large tramline nartlce, ead ttie hone* will eaoUnao u> b* kept u a first ciaa la every rapect. jallally LEWIffUIOB, Proprietor.' iQiattllaiuous. •Voluablor coal Property -for-BaleT 'T'HE Widow and Eeira at Law of Cyxoa ®®tsadrtl and twcntyAhran- aerea. wtu* #u* a «tra turn of-6 of Coal mih.v£tT£«2.«’ Taen U and can be irmted from the same openings—and tleh in Iron Ore, ytre Clay. Ac. TaluabU of any now worked on the Ohio fiver. ThTtmSS ty ot Ooal iii equal tePJtUbnrgh or YonghfcalSj location of those mine*. TO mllee below PISSSSS™2u advantage! farehlpptng Goal not poesaeed h.aVVaSS that locality. AU theappliancee for mining and deftrartog perfect order, and esn go into operattaaatany #703,789 If Thi* prnecti a m* opportunity for any IniWdwJ or **?*"?* toea *** B 101119 talWkiiU»property *IU be add below cort on forerabU tertaa P ni!K* Htto ‘° th# 4boT * proporty rUI b« cn*d B tbs 'RBfTCH Y7HITB ZOTG ' FROM THE VIEILLE MONTAGNE COMPANY OS' S>J±RIB. PAJNT is adapted to all purposes to vhicb the b«t Whit# Lead 1* applicable, It d?w sot win Uiei wmiey £ S‘Sto. th %ztDObUi * S» pound* ffDicoTiru much aoriace, with th* mb? pound* of feed—ahowlng great economy u well .JjUZ?** pirtlea may depend upon getting the article triet/ypay* they ihodd boy ct none bnt tha meet Tiprf*- b+t noum, Tbs Company thJp bat too qaelitlea. known aa ftiS'iKr sw«4a»oJ«l nߣ *. or Seella the article moat seed for jaUaHng imrnrni the Snow White or Greet) Beal being only osediortM meet expeuiTa work. JOSEPH ii. BIROSQ, Agent t&r tbs 00. - Order* addrecaod to either of the following wm bo Oiled at th* nrto reduced tarty. ct prleei/etther Ptyor ta Oil. HALL * CORXXIL 123 Malden Lana, New Yarfc- RAYHOLDS, DKVO&i PRATT, ICHI and l(g Pclton etrect, New York. $309,149 Cj r £'llE FIRST BAPTIST CONGREGATION OFFKR TOSIB CBtTBOD KDIFICS, COII.Y*.? f7SJ.Vrj.YD THIRD STS, FOR SALE REASONABLE TEEMS, Tcsciher wltfh'ii** '• lib Wttl »aj ... hcodrej pcnotu cot&iortftb]T7aBSU* 3tu J ~- •btcans* il ft too tsull for tbwr a^mlfcyUUcn. >or tercu,4c, »ppl» to ffM.H.ETJSffIgO I * ' ttreo*, or J. BOOgViCfl, Jt., No.22SLQwrr Downoi'o ProUflo Seedling Strawberry. “'C'QDAL TO M’AVOY'S, STJPEEIOR b. Seedling• la*£«i«qual toßcrrt St* r Pla» to.tfaror, md Iroa tia to ta tlmaq atodttetfTß *a ’ •ny otharof tb* co* haadrodT*rf*il*« la cumrSSett.”fc Vr. Bow«r of hi* ntw Soedliag, % gtatlanoa «Ob yhwi I h*Tßbtca BfflßQlofd infi 4awl->ni*ln— f>rr ISS!I!S^K. n <«nncaoa* h*Ton*rer hsi men to pi*»nt»bU wonloeboaor»blodMlinff; wtikliladßctto9 - wocoept the ogeocy for hi* woadarfiuly prolific berry.— pew for elreoUrt of report cflen«tff»tlar Ctoeaaltttov •• - Jons hb&doco.;&, »« Plttrimrgh end OaHfonfi Womrtac. Q.ILCHKIST’S celebrated RAZORS. AND .TABLE CUTLERY Escolrel iaJ tor ial ..2 •V V'T . 0