tttsburg tae t t. MULL r O. g .r.inflEITT & CO., .IS.Dito..RE and PrOP/i2NTORS _..p2TTBSZ7RC}H FRIDAY ZIORNINU. SEPT. 23, ir,59 Republican *Rata Ticket MATO% enstruk, 2110 MAS X. COCLIBAN, of York corner CIIIINEXOIt OMR.," WILLTENt H. 30131, of Berke orroot, Republican County Ticket 117AALT., WAS R. TB/511. rictabargh •StrYBll . , sumo( VARNIIM, Ptttaboigh, DAVID A. PRESSLEY, Allegheny, CHARLES L. GOELLIIIITO, wry", DAVID E. BAYARD, Pablo., WILUA4 ESPY, Lower Stellar. sfatanAl L W =or, THOMAS PLELLON, DZSTIRICT ASSOINI - ri • JAIMB Q. MILLED, Pittsburgh. GOODMAN' 11LTNR, Sooth F.Yett. COIOIMION I.4 JONETEIAN nicArri. Pittsburgh. DAVID COAVISA Weakly. strarrraz, ANDERJ3ON, past Dkr. urnmusarißl POOR., JOSEPH MILLER, Buoisden. azemmicAN BIICETINGS 1 Sepubllan meetings will be held at the fallowing Ulna And plates, and the Ideas to the neighborhood are re. Veined to glee general notice 0 the same: dkarocolite, Patten township, on Saturday, Beplembtr 24, New 2kwas, Plum 14,1214, on Saturday, September 21, at 7.. P. EL CahlterssolNVerealllee township, on Friday, September 20, it 2, P. Di. Port Par', Vatufilaa tows:whip, Friday, Sepiembrr P. M. Drano's Mal rr.rh, .township. Saturday, 0:h-her 1, at T P. M. • Ellraben borough, Satorday, October 1, at 2 P. N. Sastee, Upper St. Clair township, on Thursday, October 0, at 7-P.M. Allegheny City, •t Market Roue, Thuredey, October el, et 7 P. M. • • . • Clinton, Findlay township, on Friday, October 7, at • Depp's Torero, Robinson township, ou Saturday, October 11, at :IP. M. Ma nt It a Vppar St.Olair township, on Saturday, October P., at 7 P. M. at T P.M .Pilttascrga, at Lafayette Hall, on Saturday, October 8. Pitt 2t.nthip, at Oopparworka, oo Monday. October 10 at T P. M. Republican Meetlugs The Committee on Meetings, appointed by the Repel, am County Committee, consists of Messrs. W. A. Berton, Dr. J. D. Baldwin, and W. l. Richudsen. Those drafting to make arrangements for meetings will please console with the ohaltwaufs, Mr. Wu. A. Ilsasow corner of Etat!, and Wood streets. TO AmyxMusom.—The box for tee reception 01 ad rartiw mei:Motor the Dewy Gererrs has been placed at the middle door or the front entrance. Advertiser• will please take notice. Tan Journal says that ,onr charge against the Commissioners is a serions one ; that if true, it will blackball them; and if not true, it will one twin tbem. This is very kind of our neighbor very. , We paver make faiae charges, wilfully. la. this case,_We cited the evidence of our charges, , and the evidence is on record, as open to &CY one as it was to no. Upon that evidence the fol lowing [acts are established; there is no "if ' about them: I. That a oonsiderable portion of what is known in the .•ratlroad tax" was collected in 1857; prior to its revocation. 11. That the money so collected was not paid into the eon:Ay treasury. 111. That the collectors wet.° eionmated It, after bailiog collected it. VI. That those taa-payers who paid the ratl road tax and called at the Commissionern' office --to have it refunded, were repaid by cheeks upon the county treasury to -tho extent of $3,000 in round numbers. V. That the exoneration of railroad tax which had been collected were signed by blesses. Tomer and McElhinny exclusively. And IV. That the warrants en the Treasury to re fund money which had never been paid into it, were eigned exclusively by the same men. Now, the question arises, what became of the e railroad tax which was corrected It was not paid into the Treasury ; that is certain ; and It Is equally certain that refunding warrante were drawn upon , the Treasury for about $3,000 of It. Now, who has this $3,000 It was col lected, else why refund it: It is very fair to presume that the collector! were not allowed to pocketit ; and as the Treasury never received it, who did get ' This question his for the democratic Com - miselontfre to answer. They signed the eat:ar eal= ; they drew the refunding warrants ; and it is for them to explain where the money is. We said, in our former article, that It would seem this money bad been paid to the Commis sioners in person, and we are assured, upon un questionable evidence; that, in two instances, at least,-(and hence presumably In all) it was paid to the Commissioners. If this is not the NM, the Commissioners can show it; and we shall be ready in doing them full jetties, If they can present a clean record. As things now eland, the record is dear against them ; and we should 'be false to our duty if we failed to call public attention to facto en nearly concerning every tax-payer. Having cited the facts, we wait for any explanation that may be given of them. Who speaks first POISON am) era Aztrenare—Our neighbor of the Port published Stephen A. Douglas' article on Popular Sovereignty, from Harper's Maga zine, bat has felled to lay before its readers the review of it, by Judge Black, which originally appeared in the Washington Constitution. Judge BlaolVa r articlo has been printed in pamphlet form, under the caption of "Observations on Sen ator Douglas' Popular Sovereignty, as expressed In Harper's Magazine for September, 1869. Washington, D. C.: Thee. printer." This pamphlet is now in course of distributive' to the faithful of the rural districts of Allegheny coun ty, under frank, by the Custom House clique of Federal office-holders in this city, to counteract the effects of tho Port's Douglas preelivities.. Our contemporary should keep an eye on these ..disorganizers." Haexerr boo disposed of an interest in the Bottler American to Emma Leon, Esq. Mr. Lyon is said to ho a young gontleman of fee abilitiee, polished education and puro political orthodoxy. He hae, in the press, a floe 'field for the exercise of his abilities. BUCILSIIAA 1.03.10 or Dounass.—The Washing ton Constitution regrets, to term the present pro gress of Mr. Dangle!, an .'electioneering tour," MOIL thinko that his copyright essay proves notti iiig, except that the author is a poor reasoner,. and colistltational lawyer. The Constitution also trembles for Demoorsoy is Ohio. It is the gen eral belief in the political circles of the metro. .polio that, if anythiog can endanger the canoe of he Democracy in Ohio, it will be the visit of Mr. Tiougl6e. That arch-mischief. maker boo been „ . .„.eAnit there only for evil, not for good, to the 44ainte of the national Democracy. WARIIIN ARM Democratic Calildadrif e for Got. emit of Georgia, has written a letter is reply to inquiries, declaring that be will not vote for Douglas even if he receives the Charleston nom ination, because be considers hie doctrine of squatter sovereignty worse than the Wilmot. pro viso. Ho also says that in his opinion it is the ditty of Congress to legislate for the protection of Slavery in the Territories, whenever It may be necessary; and he adopts this as a part of his political- creed, and pledges Ilia influence to maintain this dootrine. friende, I alwaye leave, when I talk, the beat thing for the couclution, and now I am going to give it to you. I present to you Judge Ran ney, the next Democratic Governor of Ohio. ITremendons shouts of applause, followed by nillielmers for Douglas.) This is the conclusion of the apeooh of Judge Douglas at Wooster. It will be observed that he did not introduce Judge Ranney se the nett Gov -ernO rof O hio, but no the "next Democratic Gov ernes." ilustwas decidedly a Delphic utterance. —Cfn, Com. his wild that in the event of the reverie' of • the sentence, Bishop Onderdonk has solemnly pledged 'himself, in a written document in the heads' of Dr. Hawks, and immediately to take effeet;to assign to Bishop Potter the exercise and sdnilubtratitua of the powers and authority appertaining to the office of Diocesan, and fur ' aerators expressing hle fall purpose not to per ,. term EpleeopedgfaUdiollll in the Diocese without .thaeopeent o Bishop Potter. •bir. Lxixnf, the enterprising young man who swindled a platoon 'of hiring them at . .teachers and leaving ttlera, suddenly in N. Y., the own , ti me mi=pting to Meal their, bag . Vtgeoreitientaneed inPhthidelphia Wadi:Lumley, to, Ong yeah nerd hibtti in the Pudienuui. . . Pa , on lent Tuesday even- AllitilimetiTe Disrarcttas.—The Bantiuskr, Tat Hos. Joan C. gailiti a .. ddrerised the cit. ' Conturciii .tiegt'aur say's : th e retinae , queetzone of the day, and l irte. 0P..• "The Agent of the Anociatedi Pens seems to • ,p,etally 00 the Otilltellt between the eleveheld-. have been using all possible effort during the / ta g ortsteersr-V and Amerioan liberty. It was i inns of Lewiebung, put week, to flood the preen with the veriest ,an Gannet and able Republican speech, is which trash be could lay hie hands upon. Thiel' o r the demands of Slavery were etiniund . up to fol. this stuff came under our pencil and never eat . " co: ! ; eight in these columns. To need out these 1 . 1- ••First, it cfainore for the enactnieut et a corn ' ages of trash—and it principally comes at n ag . o ohdt plebe code of laws and regulations for Slavery , —is to impose upon printers and basun th . ei., ,,... within our Terettortee—ibus ratifying. nod clinching by evict of Congrees, the Deed Scott sense and intelligence er et tehsve" •" ' I I For one we have dogmas. Remind, that the African elavetrade ed Freer may . i hope that the Agent of the Aseodiat shall be tolerated and re-opened by removing / I torn over a new leaf." got tired of it, sod do sincer ely We join in the expreesion of this hope. For . ire penalties On fart, the trade to 'hie day , ca nt e d on with impunity, eubjecting our notion I come time past we have been a sufferer from the to all the reproach the world may justly heap' flood of w " lble" 'tuff poured upon us by te e . upon us for that execrable traffic ) Third, the absorption of the foreign and moot undesirable graph; and we have been compelled to tiny at population of 4 Cubs, on some pretense or other, t h e o ff i ce scull midnight, every night, to expur- 1 for the expansion of the slave interest—to be We the reports And save ourselves from the im- ' backed by the alleged 'destiny' of our predatory position of worthlees matter thus attempted to nature, and the unscrupulous lust of our people for more territery southward. And fourth, the be pat upon us. - One night we were deluged with 'right ht of nal:Ude—that is ,the privilege of hold s two column report of Douglas' speech in Cin- tog slaves in Free States for a shorter or a lon cinnati; another night with an equally long and ger period of time, while sojourning or poising prosy letter written_by Hon. Junes Cooper to through—thus practically forcing Slavery upon ma some one in Philadelphia on cheap postage and ecroseStriLin These are Union w t t re s ew ma m s e e a r eure y s the tariff ; almost every night we receive dis patches from Washington, made up at the de- more, Si all, will enter into the next year's whlith the 'South is looking for; and ens, or partments for political effect ; and every night Presidential eente ' e t? -- there are dispatches received - which are either of no earthly importance or seem intended to promote the special interests of some private person, firm or corporation. We do not know whose fault it is, nor who makes up the dis patches sent to ne ; but we do know that it is ':time a reform was effected and the press deliv• teed from the necessity of the constant watch fulness it wow has to exercise over this depart: moot. The chief anxiety of daily papers in the West is now net as to what they shall put in, bat as to what they must keep outbf, their tele graphic column. , Assn illustration of what we complain of, we may cite the dispatches sent us frequently (but never published in our paper) about ern various trotting matches of Flora Temple anti Princess. Every one of the bogus matches between these horses has been carefully telegraphed all over the land, although it was plain to every careful look er on that there was an underetandieg between the owners of the horses Anil that the mantles were getup, not as trials of speed hot, as the means of fleecing a credulous public. Whether the telegraph was purposely need to promote this speculation we cannot say; but we can say for ourselves that we have declined letting our col umns be need in such a way. The Chicago Tri• bum , shows up the match in that city, and there can be no doubt that the matches elsewhere were of the same kind. Why then were they tele graphed." The Tribune nye! "The affair was disgusting in the extreme to all who witnessed it, and it woe very evident from the ahem accuses and apologies that were made by then behind the scenes to the public °Weide, that the 'puree of two thousand dol len' wan nothing more nor lean than a 'eheat'— and that the 'trot' was a nice little speculation on the part of the owners of the horses and the Gar den City Course for the 'gate money.' To dignify snob a show by the title of 'Trotting Match' to cool in the extreme and sufficient to call up the departed spirits of Glebe who in pest years pre aided over the 'turf' end at leant preserved it from ouch outrageous humbugs. Flora was un doubtedly kept back; and as for Princess, her trotting more resembled a 'hop, skip and jump than anything else. It was a 'jockey' eettemo from beginning to mid, and thew: who paid a dol lar to Innen it felt that theY had been swindled. After the trot—if we Man call it by this title —the crowd quickly duipereed—niniiteen-twen tieths vowing sincerely never again to be the dupes or such barefaced mockery; and the own ers of the horses pocketed their tear or five thou -5.013d thdia, of Stioll2,loli free, no doubt laugh ing in their riiirver at th..,irh;died7 rf rhe a : , ..,,, demo." We hash one otbor 04.0 of complaint. We received late on Sunday night last n large num ber of dispatcher, the substance of which riis to be found in the New York papers of Saturday, received by mail twelve hone before the dis patches were delivered. Why telegraph to as news on Sunday night which had been famished to the eastern prose on Friday eight—forty-right houre before' We are entitled to receive one diepatehes at the earne time an the eastern pa pery; but in this instance we were two days be hind. HORRIBLE CarELIT IN TOE Bnirisn Auvi Thu London Time, gives the following repor .4 a eaeo of flogging in t he Brtzteh army for .leeer• "The first man, named Green, bore his punish , moat as stated by an eye w Daces, "Ilki a true soldier," but the second, named Davis, a young recruit, protected his innocence of the crime of desertion, bellowed and screamed for mercy, ancl supplicated Col. Talbott and the medical of ficers, and others who were present to have corn passiori on him, or be should die. His back was covered with a mace of large red, inflated boils, which bled profusely at every stroke, and red dened the ground under his feet, upon which the eat was ordered to he withheld for a few moments, when, finding that his punishment was not at an end, he gave vent to exclamations for mercy, and partly succeeded in delivering himself by force from the etraps which bound him to the halyards. The puniabroent was again ordered to be continued, when al every succeeding stroke his cries and exclamations were most lamentable, lemon:inch that the officers and men swooned away at the Bickeuingspeotaele,and had to be car ried into the open am. One officer and upwards of 20 non-commissioned officers and men long in the eerrice fainted, and others stopped their ears and closed their eyes, lea they, too, should become unnerved, and be subject to the reproach and ridicule of their comrades." A JIWIDEII AVENGED AT LABT.—The pardon granted three years ago, by Gov. Clark, to Dr. Graham, that dangerous man hue already con verted into a death penalty. In a political quar rel, touching the origin and nature CI which the telegraph is silent, the murderer of Loring has been shot deal in the etreete of New ()drum. There ie no need of supernatural argument In prove that the ehedder of blood shall sooner or later be overtaken by a violent fate. Juries may acquit, or may mitigate the charge; Judgee may oontraot the sentence to the narrowest limits of the law; and Governors may arbitrarily reverse the cooree of justice; but there is alwaye the bot and rebellious temper of such reckless men to ensure them ultimately, the 'fate they have for the moment avoided. ft is thelury that impels (hem relentlessly upon their doom. Indeed, the very impunity of their first offense beckons them to farther senors of violence, and to hazard and probable death. Graham's unhappy end will attract little regret or sympathy.—X. Tioi,t. An Usurer. Itace.—A few weeks since, Mr. N. P. Willie, in •the Ilwar Jovr,al, gave a very graphic narrative of au alleged incident in the early life in the personal history of Lieutenant Maury. The amount of it was that a young Owyhee priaoess insisted ou his marrying her, which he finally did, with the usual ememouien of the country. The story woe told with spirit, and without the slightest hint that there could be any question as so its truth. It has Mace beau pronounced utterly without foundation, on the authority of Lieut. Maury himself; but this makes not the slightest difference,. It is etill going the rounds of the Press, as a curious in cident of personal history, and without any no tice whatever of the contradiction. In spite of himself, Lieut. Maury will go dorm to posterity es the husband of an Owyhee prinoess. It is only another illustration of the 'wpm:Ability of overtaking and correcting a falsehood. FATAL - ACCIDENT —Oa Monday, the 12th Mi., Mr. Arthur Mooney was found in the road Dear Mr. Bradthati, is Franklin township, thin to., horribly mutilated uud scarcely alive. Ile left Bradford's home on the afternoon of that clay on a spirited horse, which ho had beta, training to run sometimes, for the purpose of returning to his hems Some time afterwards lice horse was diecorcred m the coed grazing along the fence but riderless, when :smirch was instituted, which resulted iu finding hint as above awed. The beet medical assistance foiled to restore him to COLieOIOII9LICALL and be died or about midnight. Me was an unmarried man, about 28 years el age, and resided with his mother, In Whitely township.— Waynrthury Mesmenger. In New Orleans, the other day, tit a big fire, a man named Jules Drees, of Hook and Ladder Company No. 2, being in dapple of burning, eased his life in some miraculous manner, upon the exact particulars of which the papers disa gree, Borne saying that he jumped across the street to the roofs of the houses opposite, and others bunging that he came clown a five story ladder in three jumps. Au honest Dutchman, who eaw the whole affair, says that Jules took the "grapple-rope," fastened one end era to the roof of the befitting building, threw the other end, to which wan attached the iron grapple, across thestreel,caught it on thereof of the house opposite, and hauled it taut. Raving thee ex temporised a tight rope, 'he took a crow-bar for a balance pole, and deliberately walked corona. Where's Diondie Jima BLACK is "0/100k full" of the Pre sidency since bis reply to Douglas. . tie tine of having his, wig readjusted, and intends takingg . lemons temp a dancing mister (which b e °e l l e leeeeee 1p BiLADIStieB for the benefit of hie fangs) thlrsinter to improve his gait-;--Cor. 191 Y. Breu, Ossaam. hat. DELrysero—On Monday night, Warner and Small, two desperate ()tweeters who were confined on a charge of "home steal ing," broke jail and eeoaped. Although heav ily ironed, they managed to eoale the jail wall and descend by means of blankets. The hinges of the jail door were filed oompletly off, and the door opening into the jail yard most ingeniously forced by sawing into the bolts. What is the nee of such a jail? It is due to the Sheriff to say that he has taken every precaution to recurs the prisonere, and their escape Is entirely owing to the deficiency of the jail building and the in genuity of the prieonere.—Butler Amer. LIEGE 85110611T101.1 EXITOTED.—The Liver pool Times soya it has the best authority for gat ing that the prospeots of emigration to the Uni ted States are "most promising," and that an active movement for some months is anticipated. The latest emigration statistics show that while there is a falling off in the Irish emigration. the number of English and Sooloh emigrants is large ly inoreasdd. Tus Portemouth lourna putpl.L,. a passport given by :Imo; Monroe, when %nisi er of Eng land, in I Add, to Essex White, a slave and body eervant of John Randolph, of Roanoke, and a negro, in which the meld Essex White ie called "a citizen of the United Statee." PASSING TRH Retccut.--A belle at a Down- East Husking Frolics, on being asked by a young farmer if be might kiss her, answered: "Not till you have complied with the rules, and passed "the ruby earn." "Are you the mate" ' told an Irishman in New Orleans to the cook of a ship lying in port. ..No," said be, "but I'm the man as boils the mote.- S Vll LER Comrt.sitrr.—The fact is now WO well established for any one to attompt to controvert 11, that royal of the dumansa whia, often prove fatal in .0111. tuer, are produced by excessive nao ulfrolla and veirotablort, by which the stomach It disordered, the liver demogrod, the blood am,,,^nated anti digestlro organ. rendered Inactive trot torpid. Cholera, Cholera Moth., Bilking and Cramp Chotle, UySentery,liarrliert and ouch like teurplalut• per Initiate arid thrive upon Improper toot and often times be come no deep .oared and hoed nos the conatltutien, that the atrongoat and moataclive mitered ruedlionetrarenostde to Arrest their progress until the patient I. prostrate, and all hopes of roller are ended. whale It that has not nen a One, healthy Infant or adult, autri&l wire one of the annoy. log dire/eras alai, of, and despite the skill and act. e of medial getillernen Morally wants away undeethelr trvetment? And how tarots treatment ID to • .cuuntcd fort Pimply by the tact, that lir•hrad of admintsrortug MOSIII, rom&dy to may the failing strength of the afflicted, nodal the same time check the elver to IL progress, the remedy prescrobed aided In the eshatualon of the encored strength, and at the time the disease was noised the starer.; Yeas invarrata, awl falling to excite • reaction the patient died from rho oiled of the. porno .Imi/date/id to uproot tr. itmease Not to with 13/hallA VLA lIOLLANLI tartan% which ars composed thtiroly of vlgetahle mailer, and which have not ugly proved thou/aide., tire beet toll 111 nee, tut IMVei Lliter 1.1.1 Co corrrot ‘ , l to. eumsch aml towel, when lanes ercording N dlrocame. In the ram lit VI:1111,1in Complaint. they have no antral. Try them et once. Its. Casa/cur ,—The tienultruhighly Couroht rend 1-ids Ilithda Is pot up 1 , 111311 plot fettle only, see retailed at Si tar bottle. The groat demand for truly Co 1bbra1....1 Medi, lee Can Induced annoy Imitator., which the public should gunrl agesnst throbaelug. 80W., • ill gee lb." env oriole ,e 0,14144 of &eery molls you thy. BILIJ.UIIN P/Og, .lu.. 4 cam • l'ropritt etr...1,1,....n0 Int re. Rezinr,Nts in the country, where medicines ace No neadlly cnioN et, Nbonnl at Imp. be nrontilcd witb Wel not mr. //enalonle 1. , 1, and B Faknea., - Jcs• 1 , 4-.4(inyn en ne.rsITILIIIiiy 5.144 J. tune they are ttraorpar4.44, IhNtr tlinnly nee b. raved many valnablo Prepared nod 4g..141 by B. L. VaIINET4I , 44JEC a Co.. IN bonnnle Man. giNtn. No. 10 Wood i..trort, PlitNnornb. 44 .home order!. for sopplloa aboald le.ddraxol. N.= Coma Ac to abbcrustmento. LAND—The underbigned offer for *ale en excellent treaol LAND, ottusto In Perry township, 1-. wren. county, Vei...Jululng the Leis of A Vilico.or, She Johnston, Chivies .Llail, tV. Actiiirt Freon. ~titer., conuilelog ILO scrim, more:. 1.11.1-0 ar . y r ... pi o n.,, et•hte.n liy thirty-two loot, end • Log Unto. About twenty-ore &cr.. steered end lanced, an 1 az itr.trard eml other Improvement. there. biIABZiIIALL A !MOWN, • il.l.ZtvP Attorneys or Law. Plll•hurgh, Pe. FALL S'l'll.ll. 71 41 11.3 lat..t Etyles to lIATB AND CAPS ii•it a. lUD AT J AM RS 1y 11, SON'B, I Voiotia 14.0, Allegheny City, en2.l Opptelle tho faun. Dank. ukr A N situation as Boos-Kezrza V V or emit to a Inereaullla or baailmg eatabllallmcot, by a man of exparlancs, capable of taking charge of ..• tur tat 6f booli, and who 4 himself gen. erally awful. Goad rcf4rrnoes ail.. A Odnnx liar 472 aig=dtf V IC'CORIN ES AI-TIMED OR FINLATIOEL . V - MIZIMEMCIMMI= . . CUM MAIM Ti bIATUII P. 6; Cult. and Victor[bee SKI.INED. All ktbdo of work Jon. in the beet style, et the "Centro Rat otore," . . lIILIARSI AN & OOLLORED, No. 75 Wood Ntreet AT HOItIEWOOD STATION, PA. R. R. —FOR BALD—In • ylsmeaut location. on the &mown Turnpike, • twuetory Dwelling Howe cod two arr. of gronod. The norm le convenient!, arraoged, eight room.. hell and aller, marble mantels, portion, lc. The grounds are in goal order sod handsomely laid oat; shade tree., ehrubbery, faits and flower. ; • well rd good rater and primp; Roble and carriage home. Price—term• easy. X. OUTRIDER'S • SON, LI Market el F 1, 0 U R- Ica Dorn I. litorling 11111 a Extra VI., ICA .to Oesoo Jo Jo do; do Hogs .1., do do. do Volts of Olio Water P , 1111.1 rowlly =BM=3=E:=ll AI.IO3II'LI.:TE Stock of Cloako, Damon., Onribaldlea, Alone LAdice, i11../w. nod 01.A31/3331 . • AbANIA Woo, Eplandid 00k 100.1 0/1.03/ /lobes, 003 and llgnred 101 k., .15./rinora,l333l•lns, Poi[ do l•bmrea, Varartolttas and Poplins—All of rre,nt arrly.l , mat C. ELANEON LOT t. 71 3141k/t ht WILLOW W ARE HAMLETS almost dblly Inca celpt of In .UM.. to oar preeeol etnek, .11 of whkh let!, Le druid as low, and • goal meal; Le Lore:, Mao thef .'au he rAvad to th. city Mu. call eon P2.3laa cur btfure parchastng elsov beta. 74 Market Street, bet. mirth and Diamond, PIITSBURGEI, PA. cravrtte EIAT STORC CBIC 4 0 0 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 11.0 DOT in •tor• a toll @rock of Desirable Fall Goof/la, To which Owl Invito Ihs Attention of the tmae. aclOiliwi T IIE ADMIRERS OF bTEINWAT'S PIANOS are tespectfally I acumen that we aro nag receiving our BALL ISUPPLY or tn.. CELEBRATED PIANO FORTES. Tho demand for them floe lastramatito to so 6r in ad. Tame of the stipple that puer-hatene should gyro ea an early call In order to ware a choice. A. KLEMM a BRO , No. IS Fifth street, vela 8010 Agent. for Bteintray'a Nance. WOOL -2.000 . Ibs in store and for rale by ealD HITCHCOCK, WORSEN , / A CO SUNDRIE antler-300 Iba. Gosh roll; Eggs— 4 WA, fresh; Paschen— b do do rent— I do Chickems-5 coops; Cheaaa— 30 Daces English Dairy, Ilactived sad for saleby TODDLE, WIRTB a CO. 'E ll 0 L-- 12 000 GALLONS, warranted pare, mahoteetared and for sale by DOWER, EIAMILTON * 00., allddieslley between IL R. Depot and Dlasneed, Allegheny City 80 SACHS THAT EXTRA FAMILY TENN. TLOI3II, Br 6 idw.l , lllls, now lo Oars end for wls by .115 DIAIMI DICKEY a CO. MMICARONI-25 bxs. genuine Italian VERMICELLI— '5 do do do Just toothed sod fords by REVUE R A ANDERSON. Nip No. 85 Wood st., oppadts Rt., Charles Motel OLIVE OIL-25 doz. in boxes; 20 do Is barkotc 20 do to Flom., Mats, for oda hi &RYMER & ANDER/20N, 22 Wood •t/•d STOVE DEALERS No. 4 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH coon Erroyme CQNSITMING TROPIC. r. Coal. PATENT GAS AND SSIOEE CONSUMING 'SMOKE CONSUMING EUREKA. for Coal or Oak end Pitlfburgh I=l2l market, and beating Stoves of every deeerip C. HANSON LOVE'S, FALL ANA WINTER DRESS LOOK SHAWLS, CLO.IRS, RAGLANS C. HANSON LOVE HILLERMAN t COLLORD Arn now piepsre.l to meet U. J.m.nda of gho... • hi. m.y HATS, CAPS AND LADIES' FURS WILSON, PAYNE dr. CO., DRY GOODS, No. 94 Wood street, Pittsburgh, cl‘ww4mo QIIELLED ALMOIYDS-50 boxes for sale kJ by REVMER a ANDERSON, 39 Wood *week 300. wi n Ml~ eel . J . 3 d u , n b r . 0 T SEED . T. Bn,tarro:d 1000BBLS. FLOUR, - carious grades, to antra rold far tale by T. BELL a 00. DYE-1050 bueb at C. & P. Depot for Bale IN by [..i9 litTOl7OOOL, 3PCSMoIIY CO. WHEAT 1 W H EAT 11-25,000 bush in sad to mho. for cab by gel% • lIITOLSOCH, IIreILENELY A co. BADS! BAOSU-5000 sew:riles:4 direct tfato Baton taarmenciarera, and for sea , wall) HTTOHOOCILIIPCB.I 6III :fa Oil. CORN I CORN I I —2OUO bush for sale by a•l9 HVORCOOII, It eilltlatY & OJ AOKt; on. 1 and 2 in kith, and Na 8 in bbb., vsznatod, L L kw ode by • awn= # co. / • P. WE. 33420 V 13 3, dliotl ortear. 40' 764/2&"4. 1 boatamtla Wee Emu Pro. St 7ilth2treet -1' - EILEGANT HOUSEHOLD FOIINITURE _KA AT AUOVON — Ott Wadtmada, (--.2.....taztab1. :14.1.. , t t,,, at 10 Daft, et 111 de rid then addanal II•T .O. p,Aruth, Na l= Centre Joanna, Ma Wanda. aod also 011NER ITU A'sa• 8311TEIDELDsrs, i grant honseho/d fOraltorla ht Parlor, bans Elohj.Ztoe,oom. OPPOSITE THE Punt' UVVItli I cumber., ltbnuT, En, tnMOdidoE Tele o slab s a w o m o o r chairs, with rocker; reception chair, cane mat PITLYBURCII, PA. , . 0 0 er•taot elsalna, main chair and ehiltra miter; window EtrastAg•r• or Celllx•o• c . 0.d., ornamental gas chandelier. and ges gat,. Des' ROOS of knowing where is the best ! throogh the boosts 1,...n chairs and tablo, 011 ow, eat, mopeta and road mahodattl t••• and . 01 Pranela bed iii.i' to PM.' "'rig a'n ''' i "sine"' .ni din" i stood& mahoganydtasslog bureaus and wash standkalth 0e um OSA, to lop Ors of the prior / id flatchants, fluter., .. _,.., ~..., bid ... 4 Teacher. and prop *atonal man of the tn., tot are mot n mattlaLtPE Mmhogauy ararornos, a.. sP.onllt Moiod i., call at the 11.• of tba College .0.1 draolog bureau and wash stand, mahogany sewing stead, "".k," th" ""'"tos L ee meoo thoo end e uuc tolloite set, mahogany and plain Wok ra ft s, nine large book Cuotstutio. ct. , .ircilpg pc,b/i, D ., ~,,,, , gi“., .1...0,1 CAWS. MM . ,' IIhiSIVAN 1.11. and.? "M.. arm ••••• =I .....t 01 1b..., the Dum ber :th;thth to o moao rocker, library step ladder with castors, eanittlan bEntlk I al.", the m 'Lie , i Inattorn, , , t he ' ....,,,, ee th,th .1,10. shades, dining r e m and chamber earpetsOmatit 1 .ad • th...l E hlo. of th• "" i ' and rags, etc, parlor, chamber and Moine room learlaraetit•tes of 'only. the stonily appearance or the wars no t , ' o, th e ,th,e,the t h e m oth, cheat. copper holler, ploserriog Itatneete col. tabs, ltd • Nool of the ".. the qotho a o en " ooe • ,t eo , e and great varlet, or good kitchen forndoro• (henry standing of the teem., eat oil other Wog. that 1 “M P. IL DATER, Asst. go to make op a ling star Echool; and toe. It oat aattarleal ' VW the Into Oily College I. drool, in adtarna or coy other Bebect, and pooeem• facilltles no wham Mae to to wand, It Is Dot eat...od that they .111 patron. tin, rt-heol, oar will they b• molleltsd to do to. soli damp 13ubitt ftottcta O.PITTSE4IIIIOEI, ALLEGHENY •ND MANCHE!. P•ageati EAaw•t 000/100 —The mt.:liter. to the stack of this Cm:open) sr* noutiod Unit • meeting Will be held et the eke of H. B.WILEINS, No. Iti fourth street, Pltseborge, nu WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Tre, 1969, et TO detect •. a, for the purpose of onninielne. THOMAS BAHEWELL, JOHN E. PARKE, WILLIAM BAOALSY, CT &PAULSON, LEWIS JOS. 8 BROWN, H. B. witams. O;UT. ALLEGUiNT COUNTY EDUC ATION•I. asactAtlos vrlll hold Ds regular monthly m.oting et IRON CITY PALM! LULL on SATURDAY, 7.403 Iran, at 0 o'clock,A. • /octane—By N. NsLeon, Zaq. Datentrion—Subject: Powera and Dutra. of Nu., and naalstanta of Waded Echoola. Itradurg—By Lim Hata Abraham, ?drJ.wam' f at..l ?dr. B. L..Jonea. .1. B. IIAWK. sa'alt Secretary Sancta - Iva Commttttt. iLmusementO. APOLLO THEATRE.- . -PORTER AND rcrIARLAND. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Curia. Ina/ rue at prtd.cly. A M A 51 WROTH 1111. L. Bine& .of poldlively imp/ appearance but. uu.k of tha GREAT EUROPEAN TRAGEDIAN, BARRY SULLIVAN FRIDAY EVENING, Rept-314th* performane . e will COM mance with KnOidee cataltrattad Tragle Dramr, to three actat. entitled WILLIAR TELL, TILE HERO OP SWITZERLAND! William Tall. _BARRY BULLTVAN. Dane. —....OUARLEf GARDNER- • • To conch:ids with illislispesres satinwood Ilistoriut Plsy of the &wood Pat tof • HENRY TIIE FOURTH. Sir Joho 1.t.t.l BARRY SULLIVAN. ETLIEN OF TILE CAM.PBELLB I - MASONIC ELAL.L. One week only, commencing MONDAY, Sept.lo RUMSEY & NEWCOMB'S ORIGINAL CAMPBELL MINSTRELS, Bram Sant and Doubts Troupe, and the only Campbells now In external all others awneeng the name are nothing more than mountebanks and imposters, not to be U mud. We millet the public against null. The edvantegre the Campbells ropy above any other Minstrel Orgaoluelous, Krim from their sintering toe tel twelve year. to the tiocithenf country. Their dellneatic. of Negro Characters are taken from nature •Catle• and in. Merit. In African life, and aim at prawenting Menial and Comical peculiarities or the Southern Negro, arid elewelog him to his proper earn:Lard of Natural Wit and blcuiCal Tel eat presenting the phases of Negro Life on the Plantation, and repreeentinithe musket capabilities of the more refin ed ?Games of cithes and village.. In preventing truthfully the hhwhis and Peonlisrltkie of Negro Life, the universal Word has stamped the Campbell sales unapproachable and dolt leg. fifirgrm. ileloony Serenade by the CAMPBELL MISE- S ati 0, led by the Wised bugle, AUGUST ACIIL Doors open at 7 o'clock commences , at y. m 8. ADMITTANCE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. P. A. CLARKE, Agent and Science. Director. CARGO'S BRASS AND STRING B' 01410111, Zl FIFTH STBIIE I. igbuzational VNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Law Department. P 1 LAD IC L. P IT I A. gTEILII OF TIES LNSTITIJTION will nommen. on the 3d of Octobwr naa. The following are the rudder. or the lectorcir 110 N. GEORGIE SEARBWOOIO—P•notd, Person. Prop. .cry and Mercantile Mr. PROP. P. kloOALL—lvid... PRO?. E. SPENDER MlLLER—Equity Jurisprudenee. Vary orbrt Is made tu render Ibis Inetilation efficient Ice Me purport. It burn view. nest... are frequently end cerefelly ex/anion% legal question. are diacnoted and I:anises In wriung form pert of the comma. By the rola of the Court.. the time occupied bent, I. treated u equiva lent, for moo port.. to taro nerdy, Inentitling to ad. minion to the two, nod wt. admitted In the Court below, • graduate of thie Institution ran practice at ono In the Supreme Own. The Introductory Lenore win be deliver ed on Fail.. I', dept. 301 b, at 8 o'clock, P.M., • the ustml lecture room, by the Mott OEO. EllditSWOOD. .19-2 m 111.,11.0 . 7:r1:1•107 , 14 , 1:5HL1 , PiW1R'4,d AND WRITING ACADEMY, Collage H►ll, Di•mmid, Birmingham 3" Os tiamantal Writing ..... 316 Plain Writing—. ..... 10}Tiwa nutituttcd Writing and }took-Kasiplog PACITI.ST: 13 El klifr.R, Prolosur of Writing and 8..4-Keeping U. 11. LEITIELiD, Jr.. Prclussor of Panaranahip. O. V. WILLS, Profeasor of Book-Harping and Coultas al Calculations. HBV. W. B. BOLTON, Loctnror . Blatot7 and Omeral .lattlact. MM. IL P. PLINNIIINN, 62.0. B. Minister to Poe. mark, • member pf the Pitteborah Bar, Unarm ea Coe amnia Law. PIIOP. IL ►. EATON, Leetoreron Elccutia. CM/I mod wa what has nem berm berm attempte.l by any penman. oamelr /prime. of Ornamental and Practkal Penmeneblp crecated yaw. prat..., In the abort apace of from 0) peomule and apwarda. aced boarneg et $2,60 per week. Iltreattastutto Ferry free for students. Zautraewee at soy time. • Do e epeciatart• of off-baud Below suckle., two pos stamps, and address G. U. LISITUIAD, Principal, PUtebargh, P. CE:E=3 M 0 I) E N LANG UAOES.—Peznirserce Ao. 110 Smithfield event beg* to Inform Me mils and the public dint be has renamed hie Inatrnetlone In German, Frearti, eta. eelo lend* PENN INSTITUTE, 1119/00019.191111972, NEAR PINN ICU mop. oo MONDAY,. Ms 79th AUGUST. Toms t 22 per mean of five months. J. M. 13111111. aufhlyo Principal. Valuable Coat Property for Bale. THE Widow and Heirs at Law of Cyrus Pisa* Into of Portage faculty, Ohio, deceased, offer for ale the Cad Woes situated in New thimberland, Elan. cock county, Virginia—being the mines purchased ol Al tred Chsporart:B. W.Ohaputtn and A. 0. Chapman—coo. °Bag of one hundred end twenty-three acrea, with the appurtenances and privileges conveyed by the above pante. Cyrus Prentiss, on the 31th day of April, 1867. There is • stratum of 6 feet of Coal on the above premise now open ed—frons WOO to 4000 bushels can be mined tad delivered at the Ohio river per day. Also all the minerals Ott 167 scree known as the Okra= Farm, mudding of 80 acres of • 5 foot relit of Owl connected wits the Chapman purchase, and can be worked from the eame openloge--end Le also rich to Iron Ore, firs Clay, as. The mites are the mod valuable of any now worked on the Ohio river. The quali ty of Coal le tonal to , Pargh or Youghiogheny. The I.ation old:two mines 70 milts below Pittsburgh, chor epreemi advantage, for shlpplog Oral not pcsteesaed by ally e that locality. All the appilanoes for mining •nd drilvorlng Owl are in pertect order, and can go into operation at any moment. This promote a me opportunity Ur !my tudividnal or comp., wishing to engage to the baleen, as the property will be cold below met oo favorable term.. EE5MMiaiiMMi John Whittleery and Richard B. Snapp, the Admlotstr.- Virllol. , wilt attend on the premises to exhibit the property to parties desiring to purchase. /or term. ad anise John Whit:limy or Richard It, Knapp, New Oomber. lead, Bannock county. ; or Samuel J. Hopkins or J. C. Prentisa, Itarenua,Portage county, Ohio. In 1,0111300i011 with the above, the ildmbilstrators irfll .11.11 arsinid. the Pinioniii property °sod for operating the mines—consisting of Horses, Naha. Om, Barges, gleam. boat lists,litearriboat, Wb.rf Boat, /r. Ravenna. Ohio, Sept. ft, 1859. esl3.6irdla4 FIRST PREAIIUM AWARDED erl BY TUB STATE PAIR TO GRAFF & CO., ISMANTTIPA.CTURICRI3, TOR TUB BUT STOVES FOR THE REST COOKING RANGE FOR FAMILIES, With lugs Fred Don- for throwtag la OM, AND BEST WOOD COOS STO VE DIPLOMA !OR RUT LAUNDRY PTOTIS. Alto, on hand s large sasortrusue of Hes tlos Myra Plain sad Fancy Once trouts, nodes, Sad and Dog Irons Sum Rath+, Wagon Razes, Hollow Ware, lc. ORAFF R CO., No. BID Laborer !MIA.. AT TEIR HEAD OP WOOD BTBILF, se2-Iyd Prrassur, Puma. H ERBST & BARKER, PRODUCE AND PROVISION COMMISSION MERCITANTS, 267 Liberty Street, corner of Rand, PrITSITUEOB, PRIMA. 113laPertiruler attention given to the srrchnee mod role of ylemr, Oren, Dried Pratte, Potatoes, Pork, [Aral. Butter Moan, Corer and Thnothe Bred., A. Orders promptly Ailed at the lowest market prlora. Ad ranee. mason coati...rut& tt3otDre of the Pitteburgb Dag Manufactory. stallyd A. KREBS & BRO. PRACTICAL Sitliggitatiutrs Corner Wood and Fourth Ste., PITTSBURGH. THE BRAMAN SEWING MACHINE It dub, all others In EINPLICITY El= PAM EXAMINATION LIM,III2T. Nu. TO &Last It LAHR:MLR & NORTHROP. 00E. CANDY-25 Bee. No. 1 bite; 15 do' Whitt; IS do Yetb w; tb do Jr • Jut reed and sot sue by . 1/2[lllll, Ati.DZIIO. I II .! No.WI Wood at, opy.:.te Pt. Cbpdaknotat • IXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE IA BUILDING Lora IN TUB SIXTH AND EIGUTII WARDS.—On Theelay evening, &a o'clock. ea the Commercial Salta Rooms, No. h 4 BUG, street, !Gordan f the Bxecntrix of th e estate of the late Bee. A. W. BUGS, deceased, will be sold the following deeirable property, vie: Lot an tenth .it. of Pa. ATISOUS, having • front of 21 Nat 14 boat% sztendlog hack 112 teat to Waterer. Lot on Chatham •tnkr.t. adjoining the Welsh Otuilab, having • front of IT feet, not extending back 100 fest.— Two lots on was at!, of Clongresa street, baying each • front of 20 to-et, and extending back se um 5 Itehl‘a. Lot at comer of Webster and Congress Mesta, baring • front of 23 feet co Katetor alma. and ED feat on Magna% reet. Terce•—thle-half cash. recti.le• to one year with intanyet 0.72 P. ►i. DAVlkAilet. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION v Tnasday Sept. 27th, et 7% o'cloCk. ttae commercial melee roome. No. 44 Fifth IV, will be sold, 21 do Cititecie . Beek Stock; 10 Itienrants lb. Stack, euM P. IL DAVIS, Aimt. PUBLIC SALE OF MACHINE SHOP. FOUNDRY & SMITH BLUR, WITEI TOOLS, 11A' TERI ALS, Lc, AT LATRODIL—WiII to gold at pubUttear . Toteday, Sept. 27th, ist 10 o'clock, A. M. on the preset ens, the Maclaine Shop, with other bundling, and shl Lots of Groond oo thecorner of Railroad street and Jefferson et, In tetreho, Weetentreland county, P., cn the liae ot the Pe. R. It , 40 milts, east of Pittsburgh, lately aged Tal k Ilennfsetory, and every , wsy sdapted for the b or for the manufacture of Agricultural Impleosenta7W the Blar.hinstry and Tools, cone:nth:in of Engine and Boner, Turning fatties, Drill Pram, Dolt Crating elachitikeirca. ler Sane, Mortice and Termoning hteeblma, Wood Plow , frLog and Grooving Machine, Tape, Idea, Shafting, aTe7, Pulleys, Grindstone, Blanket:filth and Machinist/ Hand Toole, Pattande, Lumber and Iron. The sale will be poidU re, as the owner I. engaged In other beams.. Peteons &airing to examine the atabliehanint prior to the day of sale, can do eo by calling on D. Mina. 1t.,,, el Latrobe. Tema, at the sale, will be made Men& male P. M. DAVIS, £lOl, OIMICLAELRING t de' 60N9' Rim NEW SCALE mg PIANO FORTES TIIE anbsenber has now on hand o moat splendid stock of Piano, consisting 0.1 6% acid 7 Oc tave., in Plain and ()arced Owes of the owed alitgaoS on, from the Celebrated nectars of Chlaorling i Eng. The Instrument. ore all prosided with (bar latent norm* mid; a. Repading-ddfon, Doubk.Dappers, Felt,H Z. 17, and aro of their ENLARGED NEW SCALE, By which • moat Ismer nand bard la obtained, Male euently the tone is ner.dered very powerfol, yet retaining its aweet and musical comfit,. By the pagan:lm of the Ac tion, the performer is enabled to produce all pada of form from pimrirrrmo tofortinrixto, arab the greatest ease. • CHICKERING t EONS' PIANOS r. thus spoken of by the best artists sad alba to oar ccrantry:— VILLE/MG say.-- . . They are beyond comparison eke hat I have ever month the United States, and will compare vorably with any I have ever known.' GUSTA VE BATTER .ape—" The opinion which Impress ed three pearl, ago, haa been tame than coat rated to me, by the motioned eve of them. th That boy mitts. sod 4 Pim quality of tone, with nicety or articulation, they alum°. [From tho National Intelligent:cc, Vfaablngtol.] 'They C3O mealy boar comparison with itudratnenta from any part of the world, to paint of tool, drongth and etas ticity of touch?, [From the New Orissa. Flaproa.) • "For excellence of material, elegance of finials, and faith fulness of workmanship, and abase all for 'sana and ?a 1100y, mellow aweetnres, brilliancy end permanence of Sono, they ars nuequalle4." [From the Family Journal 'The peculiar musical qualities !miens:leg to tho Chick• erlog instruments, an • MU, musical, rich and posrerthi tone, tree hone say Wooden. noisy, leudnem of sewed, en dis agreeable to the sensitive mnalcal ear. Teery basis glare easy, man and ploarant much, and will keep In tune better than any P 1.., known." The potato aro invited to cell nod rstreine thiree iplendld instruments, which as sold at FAcrront PRICES AND WARILINTED JOHN H. MRLLOR, el Wool and. OLD and YOUNG AFFIRM ITS TRUTH, EMEIrE3 Professor Wood's Hafr Restorative WILL PRESERVE, INFALLIBLY, THE growth and wk." of the hair, if need two or Urea times a weak, to any imaginehle age. Perfectly reams the may; cover the bald with =tare's own ornament, the ban make it more soft amt beautiful than any olloend MINIM the scaly free from all dices., to, the greatest age. Oates. men, lodges, Attorneys, °atm", Clergymen,. Pt onsiabei Hen and gentlemen and Ladles of ail classes, all Over the world, bur teetlmony that we do not ea too math to term Head the following, and Judge: PBOlll3/108 8. THALEMIG, PIANIST, says, on len arrival tel the Vaned Bata be wee Wood r ': Harr Itestorlifeftir elh " a reco 44 = Iu arlainalbu. CHAHLLI °AIME.", 13 tissue 8 treat, sea the gray haire on his wife'. head wen, et. ter a few week'. trial, turned into dart braarty at Umtata, thaw baanUtylng cod ttlatazdng the hair. A- O. RAY3IOSTD, Bath, Ithlaa, sate beta now eirty years old, and hi. hair and whlakere were thr.-ihntth grey, but by the Mot two bottle. of Reatorattre the grey. Andre bare both on his head and face, aodla mo:= gluey than for twanty.dre yearenraloaa His wife, at the age of Any two, has nal ft illh the .same effect. TINLBY JOHNSON, Pack of New °flaw:taut. - Out he loot his Lair by the Yellow Paver, le H. need Wood's Hair Restorative, and Ids barb • now thick and glcay. IL lIIIDDLNION, Livingston, Althea., aye the Bertorative bu dune much good to Ids part of the country. He med it for taldnea, and new has a tine bead °flair. T.L. lIOHB3. Lebanon. fienththy, says he bee ..can Wood's Hair Hastorthire In hmedreds of cr as, and maw knew It to fall in accatmalshing • all it protease to do. A. J. ALDEN, AtcLatubact., IHImU, sea he bad the scald bead eight loam act.was bald, but by the liberal use of Weed'. llalr Ream, tire, ha new has • rich gluey head of hair. A Sir Bold by all Druggist; and by 0. J- Woof Co., I th Bro.daty. Ni. Yor ass l le, Placket taut, Bt. Louts, hiss Sold to Plttebargh by Dr. GEO. U. KEYNES, B. L. PANNE/STOOK 00 - end ell Dr:ulna fund I LOGAN di GREGG, IMPORTERS OP HARDWAR:E, NO. 52 WOOD STREET. ffur Doors above D. Charleo note], JeatdCat B. BATA', We of lancaeLer LIMAS& o=4, 1 . 11414. GEO: 8. mono= 4 co., Commission Mei-Chants, fOR TEE BALE Of PIG IRON, BLOOMS, &0., , • No. 52 Wood at, Pittsburgh. Barns an—Lyon, Ehorb d Co, Pittalmrgb; tvinpron, CopeWolk Co., Pfttaboreb; nos E. Franklin, Zan, I. natl.; Bon. ehnon-Carnaron, - Barr Lamar, Bryan, Gardner • Chi, Boll! dayabarT, Pa. , idn,Eind THB lavnwausa Insurance Company OP PHILADELPHIA - :" Immures against Loss or Darnags by Fire on Bnibltniss.llorehandliss,Fitr. nitstre, Le., at Seasonable - Rates or premium.` Drascrroas.-9. Ratchford Starr: William WlCie,of Wm. Wass & On; Wino Frasier: Joe. M. Atwood, of Atwood, White & Cat Bent. T. TrAllok, of Trull*, Stott', t Oo ; Mary Wharton- Mordonat L. Ramon; Cleo. U. Ittewart. of Stewart & Ero.;'.lohn 11. Brawl% of John EL B(011E110, ; B. A. rabiteletak. of B. A. fahoottook I Co.; Awiraw D. Cab; J. L. Erna:gar, of Wood & &ringer. P. RATCHFORD STARR, Picaldent. Campo W. o=l, Sk - rotarf , Przuntrzau liarracitax—Wm. Rohm' k. So ,Z. Al ton &13.54b00taa Rowe, Rao , Mardian, Zoo Alton Rtansar, Waco, St'Sboyit Co., Wilmou.ll7Z Co., adley, Brown ~Litingstoo,Copetand Co., dome /- Lyon ik Co, Wm. B. Lately Co. GEO. e. BRYAN idt, 00., AVIGGI 1‘20:6122 No. 62 Wcolams. MEL] THE UNDERSIGNIALIAS THIS DAY up:missed vith Lim 1 the TV ) HOLEISLE GROCERY BUSINESS, M. EAAILIEL EVART ace Mr. WIIII/A1 =By , ccwkinge tha Lame et the OLD aTARD, NO. 211 user:a STBZICT, dire..2ly opp or i t4 the gqie WR,LIAU U. anitiT Plttaturgh. July I, 1Y.59. BAUM EWART-Wll. 11.GORIILY-...W51.-CUBRY. W. M. GORMLY & WWOX.EIELAMMI GROCER DELLINIS IN VROVISIONS. PRODUCE PITTSBURGH MANUPACTITRES, No. 211 Liberty 6 eeeee , Pittsburg.: r i4 AU:D=9 Notice to Builders and Ccumundqt"' rpm UNDERSIGNED (forurerlyLOV. 'Zr SowWA Patip) would mepemlnitp slot Mr Whom be bag done work, and the public be is now prepared to funthb Mete. at put oe Bt Ke ct Mde In the most appealed mama, Orlon for .6, " •— ",...1euee pairing al Elate Rad; (If left at Me ollea__..o l corner of Efts aired sal tbs . Oim4 M penaptly attended ' Till P caybkfted. ALABX rpRE COLLEGE OF ST. J UNlX—TL.: d r:south Amin tter.A, c h. Wedatiday (Sis 'Aft of Beptimber. f lb* OOLLEUE Ist the. OfLWOW won their Worklrromptly. New.otplosO . Tboodsi o orptemter 'l;rwis -Ja -Et-a5i0.3141. P.O. - _ ETZ=II AIMS OVA and 182 Iscrem 01.Aff