nises— „eiseases to attribute- AU: from cold and desideratum which ' Stablest should also -here, however, the farmer comfort, and en this point it ry to dilate. ...,,F , lkondneressity is that the stable should good size. Not unerequentlY heroes are .4 - :Yowdedinte space so small as to be not . only of;P' extremely uncomfortable for them, but highly . their health. Stables thus crowd rti°”remarkable . undergo au—en andtransitions of temperature—the air becomes eo heated that the animals are almost constantly in per. wratian,.and on being taken out to perform • :work are Immediately chilled; and colds and • aoußheleen produce their ultimate and inevita ble results. • AnOther want and a very great one, is rvin . dower Dark stables are undoubtedly inju they were not, the necessity that will at times tame for light to render aid to • male that may got cast or injured, periods .when prompt and efficient action is needed, demand a reform in this respect. Again, proper and thorough ventilation 7- ; 'should in the construction be one of the prime 'objects sought. Man sees the necessity for a circulation of air in his house whore breathing is the only thing _that destroys the purity of the atmosphere; how much more necessary it - is in the home of the horoe, whore the emana - thous from the surface of the body, the manure and the urine, all mingle with it and taint it. Having provided comfortable narters, the duty of supplying them with a • clent quart . tity of good food, and that at regular intervals, devolves upon the keeper. ' For mug years i experiments have been nogrese with the purpose of ascertaining the kinds best adapted . to the wanted the animal at this period of the Persons differ as to the relative value of many articles, and yet all agree that variety' is essential. Oats are the only food that will - fit 'a horse for labor or the road—roots are often times much superior. Carrots are perhaps the fast in this class—and an, noted both for their action upon the internal organization and in an improved external appearance. A loose, mellow hide is observable in all animals where this root forms a portion of their food. In this connection it may be -proper to say that every barn should have a 'hay or straw Cutter, and that the instrument sliould be kept IA daily use. Eiary method by which the di . geation can be improved ought to be resorted to—for the stomach is the great furnisher of motive power, and should the steam go down, locomotion is impeded or brought to a full atop. • Regularity in feeding is a thing that must not be overlooked if we atm at doing every thing in our power for our stock. Every farmer eau recall in his own experiened nu =crone times when he Moodily has listened long To hoar the dinner horn ; And knows, however tired previous to the welcome sound, with what alacrity has been "laid down the shovel and tho hoe," and the most direct course taken for the well spread board. Animals possess some human tty_in their composition, and, if it can be dis. covered nowhere else, it is readily found in the stomach. Once more we would repeat, feed and water regularly. The cle , uliness of the horse is indispensa ' 131 e to the preservation of his health. Stables "with every- appliance for comfort, food in abundance and of the very best description— if every want be supplied—unless the ani mal and his quarters are cleaned daily and kept so, it is of no avaiL In addition to en hancing external appearance, there is but lit tle doubt that the friction caused in the pro ems of cleaning is promotive of the well being of the aninal. The hair of the well cleaned hunt is soft =doily, and consequently it bet ter fits him to withstand the cold rains so fre quent during winter and early spring: The anointing matter is conferred through the agency et the skin, and this secretory process is doubtless augmented by good grooming. In the horse that is, seldom or never groomed the hair stands in all directions, is rough and harsh to the feel, and, in addition he has a dull and sickly look. Sooner or later, mange will manifest itself in au animal thus cared for, and the sympathy of the outer with the inner organization will rapidly effect the entire system. Each department of the animal economy ought to receive its due proportion of care and attention, and must, if we expect the entire system to be benefitted. Let carelessness in . fringe upon the wants in any one particular and the detriment of all will the result. Tem perance, purity of the atmosphere, quantity and quality of food, in fact everything that will redound to the animal comfort is worthy of the closest scrutiny on the pare of the own ers of horses, Woo/ Grower. taanta. urANTED—An nativo,parmership in some well establtsbod boalneso, 7a lh. Als7. b 7 • PI*AD 'WAD bactromEEHD to $6,000 to *mat All cAmumalcs• - tosilidentlAL L CUTHBERT BUN, au23 No. AI Harkin. street. :.'`ANTED-5,000 bushels Flui Seed, for 'alifalhii hlgheat market prim will Do paid, An.lo J. B. CANFIELD* CO., N 0.151 First .1. ro Let. -T 0 LET .—A comfortable two story Drlri Dwelling eltvele on Day street. inquire of FL n. KING; eLld Om 111 Liberty erect. liustncso sotuss , & Qlhangts. PO•PAILTNXEI2I9III P I have this day associated with me my eon J. BT. CLAIR GRAY. The badness oral be bereallar con tamed cadet the eras and etyle• of S. GRAY At BON'. July Ist, MR SAMUEL GRAY. S. GRAY dr. SUN. DRAPERS AND TAILORS, NO. 133 ST. CLAIR STREET, prrAsourtga, PA. U undersigned have^ - , .orinted with them to the Coatookeloa Boalneas Jute P3l/113, bite of •'Shreheaville, Ottlo. 'The style of the Min will =Wete es heretofore. - .271.1110 E. t'oo. isTrA6x9= ar, act., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nor Unimak of Pig Iron and liflooma. ienitf • ' WATEittiTELEM, IHAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH am, 81e.401121 DELLOW. In tW Undertaking onainica Wank wilt be =dome under the name and style of LEa- ON DELLOW. • • • 7AMIi i.PSION. tors lnuaw Cando t . "‘SaaCtiv itt• Its Branenes. LEMON, .D,ELLOW; No:118, Fourth et., its to ao tradotuttojui . mg bisiacb... to the bon =wait.. at pekoe bi tail 100 Wan , Wa clln 4k = 'attoattot to Bari aloe slyts.paitat Iletablo CaltlAlbt lba age of *blab WI are iota agents la clty, KW CI , rideLlre leel f tootaatin ao baud. 1 Lugo ,aa•trt tonat Aar s*Artto Leanly of abott aid IMO, tilt, areal all otbass...7statet VIII be aappllad wetb Itaixtoi;llOratt lad Clarriagat Vivaiptly. at lower mice tbAm Any 4.4ber a W tatUsb awl ilt/miry. , Vattaniatlag Io readoesatteactina, they 1113110•chettittazeeeof the patronage heretofore erlrou,o4 astecalot to the okd . aplatdlt • I . ‘ . ...pi • b., 4111tOlidn; 17 . :. ' .do do • • ; 20 tiles ootriholl Wordltoem Almond.; GO do Cream 1 , 40-.; • - - 76 Imge Tilborte. "20_ Legs „ ' 10 do' Paten Nut.. isooo tme, cocci* Nab, • Jcpt nerd sad fornleo- .• signora AtZDZEISON, nl2 Wccd K:*ppm! le Bt.,Chartcs Ousel, TCR •BCO.Nui4aistcyoue.Ojeo.4, - you twiguig.tttd . yotla WIC/5 ot_tgleU n t w r- one at oar rataattise And I - ins 0012 Ute. Lizzottinnt4 to re;seeen4 iro will!. 447 6 "...torniad itto via. Coll and no ono to cp .. apnea as ths boa Ca, ESion•sco4 Tin Wsrebome of WeimalksaAW, 80.154, Wood It, tho sign Om' 4 1. 0 1 0. 6Pa. TIYES 0 , 7 • ,Fortor "2 Etta WE Stan.. M Lfun ateXt 1 fico d• t rent ouriosi stool. • nitiriettrodatsortawnt Omarta taEo found DI ttlet -ittrttitJal!is dtterltai Qt p &aloud 2 WWaroltouso of W,Dahn‘il.Wi No. diNfood ' dazt billow th e UlllOl4, vw Ral4S-40d01.--feno4S da'a iy Own Br 0010,; • .de de ' Eub • lwrial No.l..ticeelke; - '., do' Variegated_ do 150 do "Wrote anetD,lpped Candler; .:1ODLplaRo:l sure 25045 mit tlb% 'lOlO , a. B.:now 4co. , mow. b 7 ATOVI , OF • G—A'full lino of • the 4.-11.2triottaticomeowathet Uoi Atal.• irmyrtiras Damalto wattle* —ail SS gm Mr loom Boa, plea* gall gym. 0 , 1 2 . • - o. lIAMON WM' 74 • strait:, ' WHBAT,2OO, awe t~beu V1M.*".61 1 1MOTELX eaIgaIIHR,PPZI 11 and fornl•b7 r; tat •.„?' P.:. ••• • -e" - • ' • *.t -- • ,"[•-; v`-; ,Sit;af - in tolzmilki44llll , ire stativit!c . - ttiggitriMlM)ol439o.lok! 411110.4". - , , , ::::..,4,,...'!'; ,- •:,' , :.': . :-.. - : : . ".. - : .- :..f,2.;j', 6S6RTMENT OF IAS AND oldie BERLIN, ZEPUTR AND ELLETLIND, A OOL GOLD AND SILMR FRLYGES, BRAIDS, STARS, 10. PROSSER'S DED PATENT LAP-WEL IRON .130itai7Et TUI3£.B. EVERY ARTICLE NECESSARY TO GRILL TEL TORE-PLATES and to SET TEL TUBES the beet lIISDINT. To tee OLEAN ERR SteeLWlre and Whalebone DIESELS. Tubes. for ARTESIAN WELLS, At, Screwed togtaber, Roth on both alp, or 'with conpllope either °guide or In side. TI2OIIAS PROSSER A lay, salUrnd " RS Platt Street, Wel. York. W. 0X4162)& CO'S. Advertising rind Commission House No. 102 NASSUA STREET, NEW YORE. ♦dvattiwuenta .111 ba received .a above, tar publloatual In this piper. aolkd if Vbitalirip4ta Rbbertusemmto J. E. CALDWELL & 822 Cheerrtut street, [oppealie alrerd lionse,] • PUILAD.ELP'IIIA. NAG W IMPORWATIOWSeITINEI WATCH E 8 PATEN, PUILLIPB A CO. Watches, In Geneva. CLUJ/LES FRODAILIX'S Loudon TlAteeKeepars, new series, all elan, In Hunting CILECII and Open Yam. serSole Authorized Agents for above. GOLD AND SILVER, ENGLISH AND SWISS T C X 3 El 6. IGOR JEWELRY, um designs. DIAMONDS, MARLS, sad ell tba n.biznablei Sty ln. SILVER WARE, unsurpaased la atylo, quit My and Sash 13.Straugara visiting PbOadalphia, ato Invltad Loa amine their NEW MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. ••lat eutallios no obligation to porchaaera. CN IYJRSI PRICES, in plain floral, sad no tat ktion jar.lid W4l. 11. IiuRSTMANN ac SUNS, & CHEERY STS., odJoinlug tho C.:tory, PHILADELPHIA, Ilaunfactunrs wad import.. yr Ladies Dress, Cloak and Mantilla Trimmings, Rave now opened for exerolstion, s large and well is. sorted stock of Ladies' Dream Trimmings, to which they In vita the ettent!on or WESTERN and aOUTIII:I3,N NKR CHANTS. Davlng extrutdra facllltlet to Manufactruiug, aud paylog partlonlar attoution tothe For , lgo Market, ors era ettablod to offer great efirthrlin ZepttNr WORSTELtunlSsratorol ;Mot, to oil rotor. and at low Mem C Cda ¢tai arolOrt •4' en• EIIItATED STEEL APRING WSW. da-nu for KY LK'S BrOOL PILE . aufflool F LAGS! FLAGS"! FLAGS!! JOllffi DOLL, No. 144 North . &coot] Stroat, Lot !tato A Arch, PIIIL ADEL P 171.4, Ilarmfectunsr of YLAtI9 of rations mime, of Cletkm, Beetle/I end Bilk. The cheeped manufactory to the Union. All OMere la large mad omen quentltme promptly eitotriel to A 'ergs discount allowed to Whelesale Deelets. 106Importrr of Tom Beslete and jimmy etMfelme GO:!1E3 DISPENSARY 061 . ,1 25 EL( (21 do‘r, up .t mind DOW°, N. USTABLISEED BY TILE CELEBRATED. JOILNSOII. lota of London, E 041004. A gro>idir.very in the science of medieluce, being a cer tain end tpeedy cum for restoring the sight and retooling sit climates peculiar to the rye. This Is universally se knowledged the only safe and mire remedy now twinn. It bee boon used with great enema. by Om nowt ekilifoi thy sitisus in Marcum end America. Patients at soy pert of the country can treat then:wives sucoratfally el • moderate esperaus, thereby avoiding the diinger expence of telling into the Lauds of imaktittut physicists. Tilt. moliciou (enfficient to cure.) will be mut oy manor Eaprves, with oil neccssary direction? rn receipt of Ten Dolls.. Dr. Johnson's Certain and Infailibla Cure fu Deafness and Singing ,tioisas in the Rays, Nervous Head and Mind Complaints, Affurding iceboat =flit to enterers who have burn trues: ;.J with dentures fur many Dam. After using this roue., is few days the patient Is suddcrdy and almost nsfrecolourly enabled to bear ordinary tonal eonsersatlon; in the course of a few weeks the most olatinote case of deaf (MK t. e &ctn. ally cared. Patients too nommen. ho mention have been restored to perfect bearing and forever rescued from the snares of the numerous dmgerore unqualified pretenders , uf the present der. limpital and prirate tealmoefels and certificates from the meet eminent phydetaus and surgeon., in England, in whore pretense deaf persona have Loan fume, and num, hundred. of private patients cured cm by ciao or referred to. A caw] of this treafirine (enough to efisca • erm4) be forwarded teeny pert of the country fur fifteen Defiers. Address DR. 3011.fice)fl, Drawer 304. )elhdewlyT Office he Alehrht, Duffel, N. Y. A C_& W.. TUE UNDERSIGNED, having vurCha , ed theatock or Mr. ktillUEL.likorak,l, for IMMY• tigneKl la the ITowlen Ware basin, as, end kering Increas ed ht. facilities for manufacturing to " - ear ovary thing In tba lino of WOOD or WILLOW, citha brft man Halo and In' the must workmanlike manner, would rapoctfuily wok an. clbontnation of Ws stock as amtalued In .baJont,le Law. most cod building No. 21 Illiduc,d, Northoass. corner. E.1..‘11.7Xt RIDDLE: SADAUXIL UIDDLI3, NO. 21 DIAMOND. PITTISUIIRGEI, I=l WOODXIN AND WILLOW W A R E, 0011 . ritaRg, otizr tuft, el, 0111/11515—Ftaff, Burnt, The; nomatec Oval Crank, an, to plum, oat and Zadac. TrEd—Whlta .d Cedar; neut.!, from a to LI lactic pdadad, taro and throv hoop; Heat, trans, liatUfog Ire Cram Tub., cf oak or cedar. KZELElLS—Pufravat caculattact or plain, pine or crafty, all idles and varlaitea, tactful tot brava bound cedar. tWOKETI3--Common, Wanted, fancy, halt quarter, Icy painted, cedar, otrlond an 4 plalo, bract and fruit bound steamboat, well, gores, kitchen and flour. weep. nits, 31.6.45URES—Criel Bushels, atom nnebele, Hall Bushels, rsrkit. /Ulf Peat, Quarter Perko, Qsart Moses, in pin., aerlaroosicr innlbirrr —malls] or unetaleal -130068 Itf/XES—Neatal, plele land a arelsbrel, wltli or without balls. . OLOTHEd PlN6—Dommon awl whittled, In Aro gra. hour Stainer Patent, la gm- boxes; Brat. Pit o, In gra. box.. WOODEN DOWLS—AII Mere maple, txtramber and pop lar; Haalt*Traya, o. WASHEOAE.Del—Oomniun, lbretorod , nos, raiwwl candy., ton te: TOWEL ROLLERII—AII kinds. ROLLING PlNS—Ravolving handle* and plaid BUTTER LADLES—Hooked and plain; heath and poplar. . DOTTER SPOONS—Amortod BOAP COPE-- MEDDLERS— LEMON SQUEEZERS— ROWER PlllrtTS—Pound and half prm& box and plain. POTATUE SAIASHERS—Astottai. STEAK SIMMS— &ALT SCOOPS.— SPIGOTS— AXE HANDLES, Plek D.udlrq Ilstsbet Ilaudint BARREL LIDS— TAIL DOCKETS.— /10P STlCKSe—Wooden nod foetal heals. CLOTHES WONDERS— EAT TRAPS, Honda Traps, lc„ to every. variety. CLOTHES HORSES—Assorted atnas tfIEP•LADDEDJ3—AII airm BRUSHES—Scrats, IllarAnnx. Whibarasti, Clathok all 02... DASEETS—klarkot. °port and lid, prated; postal and atroighb, School, Cliches, mood. awn" and oval; Darn• len rs. Pawn dud P5lll, In decry rartaly, of ~or own manufacture: WILLOW caAilts—Cloan, for obildron. WILLOW abed made to ntdor WILLOW 00.101214 S—Mad• to order. PADDY PASIVIS— and Insisclau, in ararY Haifa Raalteds, Cigar do, Ladles . Work do, to CORDAUE — Xi.AiII•CwiIt Bad Cord., Clotho, [damp:o.db Itopo Halters, Jamphog Rapes, Cotton and Hemp Twine, Chalk Littman, An 11 CHILDREN'S CABS—Ellie Patent, 'two bgbt and atrOn,r,, with ar without springs, willow. bodies or mote era. • MASON'S BLACKING—AIIah.. 'STOVE POLISH—Dover Stamping Co's and D1.11'4. -CO VISE AllLLSe—Hopper, Wall, Atlanta' Patent. APPLE PAlDEllSewittlarpla, compact and parfett. MASHING SIAORINEBe—Tab, fibbed, 110121.1.4 BliATlD3wit a:turbid slam. CIARDEN.IIMIES—StotI teeth. HATCH DANES—Cope and box. MATOICES—CIfor and Hoek. DROo3lS—Excelsior, blinker, Renton's, Eirsett oni fitraritaidastern brands. HEARTH BROOMS, WEISE,. At —.triarrte.d sires and •tii¢L. • taliteTba attention of olty nod country dealers to inyltecl to the above Cataloguer, and a perm.' exaluetnation °retook sod yricen 111011citad. Our facilltlec for manufacturing almost everything in out line, and for porthsalog from Drat hand. articles no, In our hue of mano Notary, enables no to Plarauteenotlefactioo to those who tong favor tie with their 02 , 11. e., both as to prompt execution, quollty laird prim. HAMMEL RIDDLE. 21. 111;..ortd o rlttebargh 11U,.21w50L4,41w1. ONLY $1,300-41 easy 1 , ,,‘ ultras—fur • property L tito city lbw ••1. 13110 per year. O three room toomeoto, with c 1 , opcfm; let'Oratmod 25 b 7.50 feet. For - won ;,. ser2o S COYEITIZITS • ..k PUFFQS Steam . Boat Book Keoping. and Manta for sal*orfhe St&Navy et.sroi W. H. Ile Wrair .1.14 - rtst mA 4acusyll *lmre, end Wyod .ad .TALBLE 'OVEItti--St) doz. sasortal 'Wm And Itizer, of the boil Omit', logic to aired from 'hardy - awl tut a& by dU. PR MIA N 3. FL&T'th eILS-44 saake.-steam:tor J. A Mew., to - iurfla, satelit • • • siel • • -• • : • •' • ' IBAIAIT DIOEET Oa, CO4:OA NUTS--2000 jut received and for sac by ILEYMEIL k JUNDLIIIuN, SUGAR -125 Mids. prune o.'Sugar in .t.niina for pas by . R. lIPLZELL • CO. 11 - . I,NBtED OIL-50'bbls . staro and for " 3 .b/ .1. D. CdEFIELD d W. 200. LOIJIBVILLE :HITE tints ta m al e by' I. 0/LNEZLD W M. BROOMS-425d0z. , common and finny Com Brooms ler use b JOAN ILOID A CO. :200 , PRIME YELLOW-CORN ‘ ,10, " 1,61 + ' - 15.14.0A101141.11JE8.. . T..u' jfeL „talc .....„ . . ......, A . PLEASANT.ELESIDENOF. FOR SALE, °° Lt len tt.linvlNGs pANK .M. situate en narteit Wand. Duquitimaiittrotigh. 'Ace.. ' NO. 65 Fourth Street. , 60 . 6)e pen.tury tirich Dwelling Mar, et bath It mans, . ~,,,,6 66 wie end geed utter, with lot at grtmad Oti teal C . II A Ir I. E R I t I , I N 1 s; u. • hunt by 120 drop. ttratre, arbors, fruit tn.; Bowan and'OPEN DAILY FROM 9 TO 2 O'CLOCR sibondaene rf email fruits; welt of gaddaratcr and piton at thv Ina doer. e p 4 : l et-oP twildtng, dc. For pries nod Brat tc:ror ' e U m W be 'd r7reh .4" frot 1 7 0 :0 ' 1 o e 7 cioc oo W. o'o ef ' d f' fol ' o:i 'l7 . l tortes apply to el. CCIIIIKE KT • 102.61 Harker et. , 6 , 6,. 6 , ~,,,,, , r 6, f . 66, 5 dolor! 'll VALUABLE PROPERTY of 54 scree tm l -,..-.. ~., . .6,t of ,Lu TVS. not len Ulan cue Out,. Lir Rale, situate et about 3 mite.. from the river st 1 04 ' i rr idr • i° 0 100 rib° . ; L ir " 100 " 4 r,rr..1c.„..Y., o. 4 +x, la .I.eive: lorry, not aver tee LLeubeatille road: in acres of ' rrh " . , " 0 " ,[ "lemur. 10 .°1.' ,". t w o .. ..,.." - t. ...' . r ti../.4.0 b..,14,62 3001 crook bottom; . , 0,.. „,,, , ,, .„.. nueliyon .0 .• allti Daralniter..o 6 .• use “.[Pa non ce,ve lion fur country rat fence; or suitable for gardening put , r° l" " r rho r ""Ilr'hl I . lr . co°-.0 7000 or 4. .. • pv .„ ; . ..„ ~,u.„,,1 boom, goo! fur . , ,, 10. Afro, 31 , titurnet. If ant drawn och to pocc.: to the crr , ..• ' •,- • I." into t item the dot ncresof beautiful land near the ali,re will be sold In lots of ' r, r ' rr . r°o . f r illoiPolvewliw..°'"."..- --r "," . ~,,,,, 6 i l l. 2, 4 and 6 norm, JO r price and terms opply to - I 4.°U.r....rdir ."v.h7' , .. o ' hhah rr "'" ° ' 5 eel r.-- . , Int tronahnn the Uor creu to Treeweit w 8- C i rriaßEß•T 4 i'Lri 3 . 0 ° • •"kar "I" pen book At thls d rate, - nery ' wfll dcrul•le In let 100, II 7.are, mokins in nai, aggregate (41.71 .6... 0511 allar T 0 0010 • ran. 49 ACRES OF LAND NEAR CLIFTON bTATION, PC,' Wayne and Chicsin Railroad, at about B nails" from tue city; 12 acres to cultivation, 2 acres crank bottom, prima timber, mall boon and stable,— Price $1.,000. Fat sale by sal B. COTIIITERS & PON. 01 %Lars .t. FAR?& OF 10 ACRES, situate on the JCI.Oblo river, et 43,4 tulles tifiase the city, between, Kill. tact and May.' duetting 2 double frame beam smith shop:im excellent sprung, garden paled In, fa. The H. It. end the Beene Tatopnts pea thin tread es. ➢of sae by eel S. CUTHBERT & PO2, 61 Blerkit A GOOD FAIISI FOR SALE-115 acres , _AL ruff es from the city,. the ffcrrysrille plank road . A good dwelling house ofd mom., w h ho.e, pump and well of raft water; a brick barn, stable and carriage /mum, coet ff I,fftsd. Orchard of choice n 1314 brick spring how. of two stories; • building Ilutshed off for a more, .d doing gcodbuslnees. Tbo fences ere 4110 goal order. Seventy Eris Ih maltivatlon, the baba lotto, tlmbri; garden paled In, &o. Price $9,800. arad IL CRITILSERT t SON, Ed Market et. J-OWA FARMING LAND.—The subscrib er. offer forple on favorable tarom aLs hundred acme luilce Lamle, altuated In Wright sod Smack mantled, adjacent to Huey of Rablemila now to wane of confirm. lion, and one tract only two milm from Oonnty teat. Tb. above will ho sold low for cash; or eachanged for farming lends to tide or adjoining counties. 0 0 20 blolidNE Ai ANJ lilt. 121 Borrow] at. jOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.—Animprov ed Farm of L 2 agree on the Taughlogheny river and Relirced, 2U miles from Pittsburgh. Alec. a Lot on ALM Street in biterpabmg, 121 feet front by WO 41000, with banding. thereonoultable fors physician or druggist Also, ItIM acres of Prairie Land, wren miles tenth-waft of Chicago. diso.lo4 sores cm the west aide of Chicago. Ail or any gait of whirl will be mid on reassutble term and a long credit given on threergnarths of the pnrchsee money, or ezehanged Est an Improved Stork Fenn In Fenn- Iwiranis or Ohio. For particulars, Mame 11.1'. GILLIAM, jralkdif Phaspahurg, Allegheny Ca., Pa. 'FWD FINE DRAUGHT HORSES, FOR BALE—Roth of them sound and tons In every remen4 Sr. wall trained to mantant traveling and hard work, sad Would he valuable to any man iraating a mom for such purism, WRLDB, RIDDLE a CO. n0'.14 No. In Fourth nroo SALE—A tract of land containing .11 flab and one half won, titanic on tn. Fourth Sfreo, Bowl, awns thrce mllae from she Court !loom., WsII .old low far molt loontra of • ' . . IRISH t MACKENZIE. AW.t. at Law, No. CO Itovt - th gloat. 01310 Laua for Halo TUE subseriber offers for sale section tea, township 12, range 10, Stark comity, Ohlo, chnneenly town at "Bowman . . ei,ction,i' containing 640 acres. It la M O:salad three miles vat of Witswilion, on the hint, hood leading to Wooster, and within about tarn mike of the lint. burgh, Ft. Wayne and Cutra4o RaltrauL The aantiti, isiot and north-east q' otters are tartly cleared and Improved— the remainder la corm,' with enpurior timber—arid the whole is welrwatcred l.y 'pinto and running atrrate.a.— nit mutton In allledllrej the :Meat Ludy of land In the bounty. It will Le wild andtvided or In isuartora to stilt pntrbaneta thisee whn dealre to lot ,at to real estate a better epportniilty to rarely °Germ!. J. B. BWRITZLB, N 6.101 41 atzlett. trnrs.ll Arbottcultural. drc p 10111: PLACE FOR EVERGREENS .1.16 Ac.—A,o.o. extra tee. grout of the total hardy rtetkm, (rem t: 9 feet. 60,007 from Sandi la 2.5 j (set 6300 extra flue cherry, 42,CU0 ;wt., wt 1 pal (bran years old, dwarf and standard. Our Nursery Brag in every dcydrinsant ts large, •fll give us planetary to snow taints friends and 1b pull' Pittaburgb nod Oakland Nu:Retina, Oct. 27, 1455. noValkiart7 JOHN SHAW/OIL Ja . NEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLEMENT. TO ALL WA,MTING FARM, A Rare opportunity in a delightful and healthy elimat,., twenty-five milos 'south-east of Philadelphia, on the Camden and Atlanta° R. R, New Jersey. An ate couslitlog of eeeeral thutusuo4s ni sores of product ne ,••17 has bean theitleal into Poems of Tartans veal .vie do. atett AOT A population of .m.llfiren Han. decd, Iron. T.. ions parts of too middle Stat. tot de. Eng. land lute. •-•0 I there Also past year, Unproved [halt places, and rai,o( • •.' crepe. The pet.. of the laud Le at the lois' sato 'f ie VO per acre, the ...Oifeel the. Lest quality forth.. t.t., I n,llOl. of Moat. Clorer, Corn, Peaches, Grapes sot I ezetahles. IT IS CLCinll).lfattai TLL6 ISKST 'Roar e.o. 1:3ION. The plate is perfectly Cropsf,, -to—the desteuetive enemy of the farmer.— Cropsps of .to ~ e ns ah.l tont ate live Et-owing fad non be eoen. LI, I, ..o,••ertg She piece ics.,ll, a correct Judgment can he hon., ol ihe productivettees vf the land. The terms are made • e, Ore the rapul Unpr.,onneut of the lend, ert,l,:lo . : r vane/ tetproeovenf. TO. result hem been, ..,,..lbl, pest rear, moos fere , Aved-nd emurs bee, t 0... as • 1-4 two mine, ot.e. +front, f.e.r storre, some forty et4e,i , Peach °semi& pimoted, ant a lere On:thee of ,Settet eneuto, tvaloog it 4 thelrable and MED= ==Mll5ll Prelu,- .1 , •013!. therri, than m I,7sq,onaa,ral fr vh i thytiavra than double the phe alma deo West, It t... that the earll.l and Lcat Erna. and vcgethble. or rt.,. la lts:tile come, troth Now Jerw,, and ate anunatly 5.•1 In the eztentof mlllluste. Iv loasttbo tier, the earl. Imo many wi•antageo. It. I. wiibin • tow ann.. fah of the greet gams ol New Exeland and Middle '.•• he is near tho old Mood. el.: woo-t.. Cone fr .. ..lonoVry metre rev" impolarnen! boeVert .• , se of hood. Ileum buy every .10 Cl, hewon.. •<1 . ,. .I.4psat .td los piseitico the td,rbert tbo ~ reeves ..1,) br b.. echo. Car bts ti: Who, s. a. wort..., sod will et, .y oysa wad here es. ere utterly ma:boon Tin ramult • Olt Uyua thus, 00e10 hu Krn crialy urea t, itt: co to ea excellent:nate oil:salt!: In the one of hoirdl mg nod Impeoribg,lnmber can be mined at alio nalts at dm rale of $lO to $ll pee helot* from Mr brick ynrd opened la lb. phi,. Leery :ult. 0,01 In precto-tel In the plate, good carpenter. era at based, and there in nubsu to the Union when bolidlnga and improvannento tan to. made chimper, The nerdsr wall at once he &frock with the *dyable,. tome permeated, •nd net hinmelt why the property him net beea mama up tutor,. Tba reselfo 1., It was borer thrown In the market; and oideee them statement. were c., ...,e, no one wmild be lashed to examine tha loud before patottealog.— TblvaU are expected to do. They will see land nudes cola. ration, each to the abut of the :mitten:ens that they wait, doobt, meet persons In= thole own trolghborhoodi they sell witnee• the Improve:neat. and coo Jodgo the cnarerter of the papolation. 1r they room with • new to ...ale, they ..hold ebm'o prapervi to :May • day or tmo and be nay to porches., as kronor. omenue be Laid an tofu:rel. Tamara two daily trahm to Philadelphia, and to ell wit: the, who 'lmprove, tie kat/road Company great a Free nakel for sia monies mule Anyperim Toted far tereeyears. .• TI3WN OF LUILSIONTON. In mmoectlon with the wi..ltaral eettlemeat, anew and thriving wen ha. tat:lntl) arisen. eiblee permit endure raentofer any Undo/ basfeem, pavtleutarly eforesand :meow kfacteries, The Elam Emmons could be carrto3 an la tilts pane end martat to good edrantaga, also cotton ti mend most.. at Agricultural leoplemimie or roandio. rim for mating email seMolea The leurtmerroont ha. been m rapid ex to laver* a constant and permanent increase of bedew.. Town latent a good alma, (we do out .ell .mall a• it would effect the iniprovemont alto petal can he bad at Mon $lOO and upserdw The Lfacsoonian Floetter, • mutably Iflitary &WI earl cultsuw/ sheet, rcutalulag full turoratetliet of Iletuccoutou San be obtelueJ ct 2E eon ta per arma. ' Tilleladleputable..--warrautee Soda glean, clear 01.11 Isi. eurtibracee woett maw is paid. Route to the lac& leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia for Listriuteoulott by Rail road, atsl% a. N., ot 4% r. It. Poe. Pt cools. Whew theta, Inquire for Mr. BYRN kin. Ilsardlog soarer/via. °ahem! Paola. had batter slop with Mr. ltrua., o priecipeis auttl they have decided a. to purctiew/ar. se he will *how them orer the lead lob.triage, free of tat/mew. Lettets APpllcathute cal t. • s reward to LANDIS A BYRNES, P. 0. , county, Now Jareel, or S. U. COUOLILLN, M 2 1 014 II fib .poet, PlSl•delphts. Me p. and Information et erloi.s lurultbed. liesiGre TUE RAISIB:UN TON FAILIIER—A new;- . P.Pe , derot•4l t Liter no end Agriculture, T. enr Ong forth Intl , t...f • naertattlement or Ilstomon• tun, In New Jars• u •nracrttaJ fur at only 3 mutt per annum. • inclose portage • 4 for the a 41. 1J r. 51.3 Eth• ttoof the Arnim •rinuntro, mount A Co, New Jersey. Thaw wh heap land, of the twat quality, le one of the healthiest and soon delightful climates In the Union, end where crops ire pork rut don-u 11,31 A, the terrible etoorge of the north, tee adirtnestnent ul Ilammom ton Land. J 04.0d1/113 FARM LANDS FOR SALE In aiILES from Phlledolphia by Ballroad, la Om Plata of Nos. Jersey. Poll smoug the beet for AgrlcuitorM carcass P. log • good 1. , . PAL with • clay bottom. Ttle land la a largo trial, Mislaid Into small farm., and hundreds (tom all pugs of the country .re cols settling 0100 bolldtog. Tbo crops prod.-ma aso 1.0 1411 CAM P. wen growing. Ills climate Is dellgtalol, sod wears from boats. Terms from $l6 MVPs per der., payubls wlttun four yonre by Imts6 mauls. To Molt we pis..—mare Pam 61toet What( at Phllrololpbla at 71.6 A. M. • r M.allsoad tor Llammonumu or widru. J. Pyroon, by letter, nalornonton Pent tare. Al lautic onuutY, her JsrmAy. &atoll advmurnmout to nu ether 0010[110. )011,046113 ALL WANTING FARMS IN A DE 1164tral ollmat,,, rich Bolt, sod so mro from Cruel*, zoo iolvertlaoment of no lomat lon Lend* in soother column. 13.ERSONS CtIA.NGE Cu r Pai l for bonlO.,er adrortiserocol of ibulaiMmtoo Loud, Is soother cf..fmt • jriaavdi3nl olio ALL %VA 1, 41 FARMS, See Adfer 1. Volumes of ilansolor Lando. JokoodOm PERSONS WII3IIINO TO VILANCIE their basins.. ton ropttlky losses at tassutry, :few Sot. t !emsut waste hooting. are pang, when the climate Is mild awl dallgttlfal,act , lolrett.tootrt of the Hammonton boatsmen' in another column. Jut:m.l6m PERSONS WI ESTAILMISII now ood thrlrloa place ago,* Gold. am C. .•. t..mcut of ear Liossmotsaat Sault, meat. juitavaSut QOE BUSIN ESS AND FACTORIES can Gn eirrled w prcf.t.bly xt I intn mutat.. fee ad ver. thnnuelat of Mao am.. lauds. JukoklOcu 6teszu Marble Works MMARBLE. MANTELS, Lunde by ma clklncry, *lwo', on hand. No good hose. saoßld be wlthtutt Marb le Mantel, t they am hiwaye heat, and add mute to the theta, wt u Lwow, than any other ratlcla tit 4 'tan be ImugLt with We woe money. haloes thi., ft house with Lubin glauteb whist:moused a choiceof tenants and taatars.ll fur morn money; they one also Les inured Svc 1•111.0.4 marbiesannotemlanger the safety of home cod fondly by Isitlog are, al wood mental. olton do. Stable Top. fat Weak glands, Frirattnre, tn., Maddened Stone hearths, htnharnents, Tahiti and Grave &OHM Curbing and Cemetery worrof all glade made to order. Oar eruct I. the lergnst In the weal, amulets of tho finest Intirbio, and being mennlactared by machinery b got op In IlLe ety In and Will be Bold at the 'mash prior. Watarcom, 323 Liberty amt. Meats! Mort on mooed story. Wilke, 319 Liberty meet, Pittsburgh, Pa. ore tetdbelg W, W. WAl,Lltig. _ _ CIORGEOUS COLOBSD LES.A. (*IPA, kjr - DoUR ROBES, yes Idyl° R.O Silkt. I.l e d‘a, ir de cbeyrcs, lelside Oblartm, Dania., Pop a; DR ... Ovldderts, Oasoludyys, Caelluatte, OrradOloth add iiil9 14 to eult children, Toluca !13. , 3 Watts; all Joe; eiyyl and ready for extdbidoo. yield 0. ITANRON LOTR, 74 Market Btjeta. DUI E CUD LIVER. 011.--A fro I -- supply L of ton otabfard brand., air. Itegedan 'ark , and J. C. baker & COs. CM Ma Oil can. ay' be bsdat as, Corner }lmbibe abwlJod. F • . • In w atnond. - - QOAP-150 bozos Yalta Soap • flo • 100 . ". Oldo Ia stamod br atla by P k CO. I?LOUR-4.00 bbla. Super s.. a an. Extra; do toimo • yrallsomlyii . • in dare and fiestas by FLOYD 41-CO. ,L oktsarimo r i egirod ‘ Worta "!tifilptit , 1-4'[f f '=":•'.-' :,.._.. 11,:.- . '''' - ':.- 7 t ,ijl , f..- - f.., ,112;14.'r,1,447,,,,iaii, Bat ngtarp Woks unitalrazg th. Cha . ciar, Dy-Lavaa, and. Gni E.Tr.. nztloca rurnuhed gnW , en appilottiocret the olng. PreByou—CMOEClt ALAKET. tlape..ll Eteptarr. Jamea Jaarm D. dello Robert DoDL, Jahn H. illaoent.ter klezaarler Dnaley, )kosse Hertnam, A. H. Pollock, al. t Willie. A. Laveley, Wtilkma J. alklema [sue M. L Ilurgoin. ak.ll4d, .J‘ Gay.. Call.. elm Ilarria, bavl.3 Compbo Jam B.o3agrale. abut, A. Wt., WI111•61 DougN., 18 Feltz. &MAI:WILL James W. Relthasa. WWl= 8. Charla• fka-eisti ensd Treasure,— ../../7,1-I.l2dAveY P. A. hLuDirs J.Ln 11. b1.,11.J, Jmnen B. D. Mand,,, Jamey McAuley, Walter P. klaranuil , Ans. %DMA., ifent7liko... l : John M. Wryer, Dooms D. &Wan. John D. Scully. AlexanderTindtb, Tbuobald Umstanit.., loac Abletier. CIIARLIS A. COL t 0.,. Ifitscalancous 131E3E! BOYLE & Co., 59 SECOND STREET, mly i CIINOINNA.T.I. OHIO. IMPORTERS or • FOREIGN LIQUORS AND WINES; E=l A LCOIIOI, COLOGNE SPIRITS, Campheuo, Burning Fluid and Spirits of RPEN TINE. Slauutulurers of every Jeocripta. or Humehtie Liquors, Wines, Cordials and Frenrh 13 X .13. a Ilay. const.tly w 6.0 •otiose grades of init.:, BOURBON AND RYE WHISKEY . Peach and Applo Brandy. A. 1.40, BARATARIA AND NEW ENGLAND RUM. no Ilsootacturorr of tilt, CELEBRATED "ROSE" WHISKEY Apota for FEEDER:CM (MUMS JAPANESE BITTERS apltdArlyr McHAE, fitting,' with median. In ihe treatment at diseaoas for pare, laying etude ailprvJodicee,but sat:Mood In the meantime all the various ey swum and schools of medicine and have ;elected nab recoupu as t coo demo.. .trite to be oster and efficient rejecting' all Mineral poisons. To remove acute disease lo comparativelyan easy tan; Ito the coring of chnwit dieewses that requires knowledge coo. biped With patience sod pereeverence tempered with kind. use. It Is in the latter clam of dieesses whereplryeldonoi mostly make their failnum. Elwin given this clue of dia sew my epochal otteottoo, I prefou to be prepued to treat ell chronic diseases with positive euccesa mean all that me cnrable cases mints. it be couditioosily,eo that patients ay depend upon my deeistation. I profess to treat we el:wittily all chronic diseases of the Loop, Liver Itroochte Neuralgic, Psrobolo, ithworotmca, and all derangements of the ocrvouti stereo . Fistula and 111 n ouccemtnily trwtori ID from thirty to Orly dap without the use of the Stab.; or much sdelleiOnol pain. I profees to treat with empanel. lolled sumo the leatheocue dieeSee known by the name of Cancer to all its at without Uw m oof the knife or coy harsh treatment. saw, If patients will strictly obey my lourem. Ilona! will gaminoe entislection to all caw* when no di/mewl:natl.: of the vital organ bee token piano. The beat of refireuve tan he given from clticune of f t. Louis. where I hove devoted my practice for thelut three years. I hove now lo my office enure Tumoral weighing from l 4 to 2 pound. that I have removed with woes., evitheot the ose at the knife. For (umber particulars phyolcians sod ther. ere Invited to call and examine for therpoolove. DR. Melt/IE. OCCI'LIST AND AULLIST, Glee* special mention In distaste of the Eye and Ear. In this c Emate whore tbo Eye is oubJect to eo many diseases, which are fatal to the Jolliate structure, all forams slllictnl should attend to the , symptoms, arridin, much .of brio.; and probable bliudnees. L.ttcrs from s distancrt,nDrlning one stamp, will re. reire prompt ottentlun. A , lßox 123:. D. lI[DEA, M. D, El. Lows, No. O. ELL NORTH nein V., fktreen Clue and Chesnut streets, one eq.:nre from the Conte Haw, Bt. Lem, Mo. .ato.dtrlJT TIIERE IS NO MISTAKE :—Tho pro prietors. who are oil ntabllshad rusnelfsetorrn, atter soritecrlo, it . the covered lost. known to ths trod, aro ticrrun..l, Vtitt stA SWIMS' CLIZMICAL OLIVE 1,0.0' ...blues wore sarclinclisfcr Nem/moor rnqwy at wbi,ll It is wild lo &Alen than any other FA MILY POO P offorwl to thri American psowle, Ent, Wert. Nort.l or 71.40. of Thtsv.t.---in orlon, and test nrc. Of Prin , y—cont.rinsnen, arty, ILL oils, tn. arrow. or Yildlt.llo4ll. I t ! Qrsairy—for wmtilra i : with all kinds of water, mild. warm, son, bar., or salt ; cinthes of evor7 deentyttort, comae or dna, cotton, !inert, woolen cr d3cd pants or whin: Oir 00..7 tar, green, pitch, p. 1.4 04 paoun'tolt,shoernsiters' was, etc, from shothro, -(amours, and from the haat.; for s.roscring straw, flounce or palm bour.sts and hat,. It I. so honor amp, faithful/7 Ina.. One It • (sir trial: according to rho dlrwelnes. Name is tin sash bar. IV t) A .1. 11. SAWYER SAWYER sod solo is.Ancifseturen of the snolua articiq Wool • olnet, Panbargh, Pa. Joel To trio Whip Trace. thi V. WOULD inform ttur rusLmlc., ;nn kri.oro ot, hate 1 , eta( we Lee. p' entire rock and gore! will of the Er. of HAZLETON • MOUES., of York county, In this State, who from thia dere decline hooluete In our Grew, and Latvian their notes and amounts parriee float of the Mountains with us for coilection. We will. as woo as Poselblo, wait upon our cue tome and Hawse of the late Crof, for the purpose of collart lug the atuouuts dne. and recoirtng their onion. for further Our .are le now large and wolf asw..rted,oomprlelog every variety of Buggy Mtipa, Mica Whip; Riding EArtioAer and Lew% es. cud to It we ask the attention a 0.. era. WELLS, RIDDLE • Mk, feZtoltwll Nis_ Foorth erred. 1839. decor/xi Arrival or 1E459. CARIPBTB AND OIL CLOTHS, AT THE PORTA STREET CARPET STORE, f TTSA OR OH, PENN-4 • lyg il. kU: AroALLtrai RESPECT . FULLY swounoethat they are rewiring a me oud supply of OARPZILSO, *elected directly from Ins fauportals and Alaaufectunere by one of the Ann, new In at) Fiat, to which they invite the 4th:wtoo of purchaser. Also, • neer style of CANTON SIATTYO, for summer pan ton. The haled MIA. of 011 WET BWREPERB, sir., etc. which alma be offered et the lowest rate. W. D. at It teCALLUM. WALLAPIIB' FOUNDRY, Engine mi.nd Boiler Shop. STEA 51 ENGINES, FO SAW AND R FLOUR MILUi; gleam Botiore. Chimney., and Bait Pas, °oaring for flaw and /lour ?dills, Writer Wheal*, Pulling, Car Whoehi, ; (halloo for Inn, Ohm and Oil Works, and e.atluga Ed all kinds wade to ordor. Our hat of Wheal. Is tee larval In too cli7, and catalogues will be glean to all who want gearing. Onta Ekrz, g.tb Wolghtt, loud Vault Grat-e, alw.)• bawl OM. MD LIE.Fty atyett, Pltiabn gb,l.. Mill Tarnishing. A NCEIOR BOLTING CLOTHS, AT RE xx. DUC nuns. Frettch Bar 11111 Btooss, gist, s. Portable Plant and Chopping Mille, • de•ideraturn to miller., iron and lumber own, and miller. in a new outwit j Vrinch Bor Banat and brintrating Blacblnoa, nand In lb.. Olin Plttattorgh, and 1003 other mill. Ara cheap, doral , la mud warranted to pit. todlafartion Volmoireri Gum and Leather Belling. Fitz Hulling, far Eleramre, roe third prlco of L•alhar Mill Trona, rood Perron Wire, ilelreina nod Trooper Perna. and Mid Partiatien ol all k I nde. 310 Liberty Etr.eet, Plttel argil, pa PLSSTER PARIS, lIYURAULIc 0011:ST, AND GRIND ti:OSPA at 310 Libartyrittsbnr g h, t0tt2...1* t. 230 v w. W. WALLACH. plo IRON AND RLOOAIS 4, taus No, 1 Juniata bkarcoa Moon.. •- . •• Ao do uJ " Coke Plg Iron; 'ZOO " Lake Forma. Pl.; Ir., ror isel6 tp a.n 1.1171.5 GAS STOVES--SIIAW'SPATENT.—Tho subscriber would direct atisollon to this superior ItoTO for summer use. We have ell vises, In price from IS team to .$73,00, end ',rent thorn to give perfect utters, tiara. Call and sec. vAa T. X. CRAIG, Jet pan Agent, Ne. 124 Wool stn.!. MESS AND RUMP PORK, DAWN, GREASE, JACKSON t TOWNSEND, N 0.13 Yourt4 extol, near lAborty. 01.1EEE—Iu0 Imo. prime cutting Chem a_.riust reed tigAd ft, oak. by LITTLE t 11.1MBLE, .1 N 0.112 NoNaul .t,rrl. TRISH POPLlN—BrracnriaLa & Co. aro offerlac their stout or IRISH POPLIna at less L'..aas cost of iStpdrtntiOn, clooe'thess ont. aul7 dozeus Leather; /5 do Beeline. Leather, tyr ertio low in close consfyierureLliy WATT s WIL8 1 )N. marl Fe. YES Liberty street. A LAR E LOT OF FULLERTON'S SU. PERIOIt inS CLAIMEG, ottshed this day. suit. a IleidON LOVls,74:laskot street. BtmelleftELD & CO. will close out the 1.1 balance/Sr their stock of Lorna .ad Organdy at lent than to, 'nortntant corner of 4th and Market at. 4.I.LLEL ED ALMONDS-25 'kilos on hand tj sale by IiNVIIER a 39 A, Rood No. Stmt. NARY IIiETAL—A selected lot of • •.t Lake /Input:lr Charcoal Pig Metal now =living 1, 7 ' & B. LL nod tor sale by JACOB &SUB, or: Corm' et" Menoogones noes riONOAN'S SYSTEM of PENMAN- Jv cot:opiate in eight etrottieni, pabltgbed and for ale DT W. O. JOHNSTON i CO anld Steamers, 6T Wax! strwt. Tyr okronoznosnL.—Two mott g a g es 111 $l,OOO with ass atd two yours to run, Warm( tu•arest, for gala Gy - 'ar•O• IL NZYSE)t, ru)l'ultr No 101 V.! strait. RION DRESS SILKS AND §ILK HOBb'9, new j eA. orgaudlN gad Banogra etawl, Etonlelt, etc. 6 lIANSON LAOS a co., newkd TOW ,OAGS--Conotantly on hard, f or 80 1 0 A. .t lowan hatory Arlan, b 7 Brassy a BAR KEB „ - Ocaann• Llaart7 and llondataleta. 0 AK1331-50 bales in stare &afar a* at lowest *W+7 prices t.y HERBST BARRER, wroir Liberty mi Una its. DUKE WINES . AND 1.1141:10115 of 'O4OiT doiniiticrti foie thrtreLdlif psupcses Mem ba foagQ at • - . .ack.zursterm., „,T,,• 11 • •,113. rucktnistrah ' • • -I "1 „USD 011 r• • t i?. , 1 7 0.11NF073)1100... JIA Sail” milel7 „ . -7 , 11":"..4.4 1 !.!:1.11? , ~ _ SElistellancoys. Pearl Steam Mill, f LL~JRS•:T iliTl R T KENNEDY fl BRO WHEAT, RYE ND CURS PURCHASF.D FLOUR, CORN MEAL AND riommy MANUFACTUREP AN! LoiILIVEREL) L PITTSBURGtI 4-Y L , ALLEGE EN IN W stuem JARPEra, °LOTUS, MAT.TMO.3. AT Till FOURTII NTREET CARPET STWIR W. D. & H. APCALLIPAI Itto(ortrully invite the attentldn of etrangere riritlug the Petr, and their customers general) y. to a largo •ud sorted assortment of CAIt P E 'll' I N S, 'Pit oriented Ity one of the firm now In the Last, consoling In part e( VELVET and BaussEL9, TIIItIiE PLY, SUPER. TINE and 001,1310 N OA aPETINGS. AI., a large lot of WINDOW BEIADES, MATS and SLATTING OP ALL HINDS, OIL Gill/TUE, STAIR RODS.,TAELE AND PIANO COVERS. Lc, 1.., do., All Of whirb we Are pr.parod to Ontaily Reduced Rate. for Cush. I APER HANGINUs ME= Id Pk:LING} W.A.L.L. I" A.PZI.H. sow open for lcopectloo ILIA Solo Tto, 414141 otyles of 1 ?Limon, HALL, DINING 110011, CHURCH !luty entirely POW &Alp. I.•i Pin, =C=E! fIRUSS AND SUPPORTER hIANUPAC• 11111 TORY.—OARTWRItILIT A TOUNGI, No. en Wood Bt., leg leave to call the aitontlonot the ttifliored to the fnct 1.1. t they are the only MANUFACITTRIIIS of TRUSS/CS and BUPPORTRIL9 In this etre. They can consequently take meaantree and make to order these articles atter the mud approved pattern, wed tarnish them at prtoe•frequ•nt. ly not more than one-ball that demanded by mere dealer. In them. All art solicited to call, after pricing and exam ining Trues. In any other Wore to tbo city, confident that we Can 'diary the afflicted that it le their totter.? to deal with the noactufneturer. IX Ventral.. attention pall t t torten r.g NIB OAILTWRIGur • YOUnG, co Wood afro-t. SUNDRIES -10 bugs Old Government Coffee, Dd prime Rio 26 road ground Rio •t.,1 .1 ate Cotter 10 conks Tante Corranter, 6 Plums and Pt,rion 25 hose* M. R and Lay,: • lintaton l 0 a Valentia ^ v 100 cane Utah Illackbarriel; 60 •it pureground 60 matt. Oasela: It CLOS Nutmeg.; I Main Clore.. Muon's and Annear's 'clacking: 30 bona Colgate'. Stier, assorted: lo tibia. Iretra Syrup, " N. 0. Slobtasev. -. 100 arose Shanghai Match, 10 boxy, Natural 1.4.41, 1; ca. John Aotteraon'n coilte loin ^d; for solo by WI LLIAMA a doIiNSINYN, so3l 11l Smithfield ertrivl. ..OaILINIJOON a 00.. • os .n.l ou V. 1.1 ore. PIUCES HEM:IC - ED BOOTS AND belO6E Of ff A if FOR OASEI. JAMES ROBS, 89 Market for., Is If OW off Lugo and ...Nis elected stook of 1104t9an,1 SEIONA ter!: reduced Woes, coo. m:IAA of Indies, Mose. and Chllarrnie Sllpp.rg Rnd fancy Eh,* vf a:I /...rirtocao. nf, Do, 'A arid South'• Boots, bhorl,Otrord Ttu, Gal era Operas, ae., tc. II of which he I. tow selling at greatly rcdtrud pricey.— II soot a:A ...r.s, a totrga+ n ullb J A itE , " irony. PP Mnrlt• t Wt... E_ lIU tho 4DI ,etorttatt and , •.herr, OW.. um; rtot etiktltmtut of EIMENE They too° to, •• f mrr Gnu Furniture A incounition, kr, kr runiimitty Cu LANK BOOKS, LEVI blDi ' JOCRNALS CASH D - 9111i, DAY 11 Y. HOOKS, COL' la ILL:Ckibrir, And every .in. .r t tine of Kant 134 aka on band IR Made to order at abort notice, of the nest [trials, and to a auberd or manner, tir WM O. SoaNSTOx s co. jsz. Blank iirsoki Itlarre, 1.7 Wood arum,. VUT CLAY lOU GLASS MANUFAC TIIRERS —The at teal. of Dim Manufacture. le Papested to our Pin 01..11'. whish is a sonata( article, mod oar be told at About pan nal the price of the Germ. Clay. Orders far wry amount will I. promptly attended to by CHADWICK BON, .20 Nat. 110 set 121 Woad street, eicubur g h. OTrCE TO OUR PATRONS AND TILE PUBLIC OZNERAILV.—IIaIug proelded ourarthat wt a hone and trap., we are prepared to deliver goods at t a residence of purchasers In eay part of the two Mlles, Ala hester cr Duqeesne Borough. WM. FRANCK in I Federal at.„ below the Post OMee, Allegheny. • L PRINTS--BUHCLIFIELD& CO. in order to glee their customer. a full aseortmentet their Ice •g out eels, have rectlval and added to their Mock new tell tote, Wald Mnsit, Irish Linens sad hblrt Froote. ROPES AND OAKUM— FO bbly. Nary Oakum; 23 coll. Manilla Itbvs, (mm X to 1S in - h: 150 dot. tuned .yes Maratha aud Hemp lb. Cortbit tot Gals by .4 wArr R wasuN ON CARSON STRERT—Aconvenient two story dwelling portico In trout, parlor, iNazra, dttOog room chambers, kitchen, etc. Large yard, tows, sad etrobberj. For sale by S. COTLINEWE EON, stab No. 61 Market saw; inIRCASSLIN LIQUII)—The best article It.) ever discovered tor tangent - lag the complexion. Al. Clecaten. Bair Oil, exc.:llene srticie Ihr restoring wad promoting the growth cf the hair. A large supply of each Jon received by JOd. FLEMING. A MERIOAN FLUTE SCHOOL-With elti neer and complete riles and ...rd.., .on all rots. my Instruction. to perfect the learner In tho art of Plying the anu llilhota • nurthrt toVatter with • tarp cellectlon of Flow.. Prlu 600 For r conebtl e by na of Polka; htarchra, by N. Urn. Ah JOLIN ft. MELLOR, 61 groat meet. Dtplta matted on reestpt of the yme jot D AY BOOKS AND LEDGERS, *crop Book., klimorotoluoy Books, Pau 100 k. for .010 by W. 0. JOBINSPON a 00 , Boar° Job - and Etationer., No. 67 Wood .t , JoN BURCUEIELD & 00. are salting Bangers Dr 10 costa, Noah, for 11134 canto worth 25n Bilk. at 50 canto worth 87 . And ail kinds of Primmer at groat Bargain*. Jo2o SUGAR:3.-50 hhda. N. 0 Sugar; B) tilde A Coffoo to; do b do dcc 10 do A cruabed do, Id do standar - I do' ' lu slot* and to o sale by JOHN kid) LLL A ettN, anli N 0.185 Liberty atiare. - OILS AND PITC11: 1 Mao. No.l lAA 011; 'lb . 1 It. W. Whole 00; NtachWery Jut 2 JONES A COOLEY • T! TEAT:—Do you wish GOOD Tte at 50 or 75 mote Igo' pound: Theo go to FILADOEI3 To. Btore,Yederal etrret, Allegheny. It le univereellyinloiltte4 by all who bare tried It to be tiro hest to be bad at tbe price. Call and try it. We deliver goods free of dune. BOOKS, Recipe Books, Dray liookP, 1. and wary description of •Printed Blacks, constantly on hand and pilaus] so order at W. O. JOILISETCIN A CO Etsain Job Prudery and litationers. anti) Ho. ST Wood strict. C D-SEPTVIBLR 1.- _ ... BURCHFIELD & CO. W 11l COlll/9021C0 tOrtiring Her PALL AND WINTER GOODS TO MORROW, end will receive addltlma daily for some tlma, dot DRY GOODS—Every variety of Domestic mid Staple Dry 00P4l always eh baud, e.t.a.. low se they ua to fAlo.l nay plea le the city. AU oar summer stock ethelng oat very law. C. HANSON FAYE, ' eos NA.74rMerket street. A L I , t. i . I —The Tory beat fur mercantile MAN manufactured tor and told by N. 6. souliercrs aniel Citation.", ta Wart street. I . uE PACIFIC WIUTINO FLUID—For We by W. U. JOLLISTON A CO., mule, GI Wood ,toot. ENANG COUN EY LAN DS--.54.0 LICIO3 of 1.661 near Franklin,. Pa, for .ale—prim $J per • tl CUTLISEaT E BON, 61 Ilarketmvet. OAKUM AND COTTON -169 lisle, Nat t(avy OsImo; 1004 lbs. DM Caulking entlan, On band and far oda by JONES 000 LET I. SPORTSMEN.—I have just roceived 'ergo and fine sesortzetat of Mlti.; 'Meek s cf creep description. JO3EPII PL.2IIINO Corner Dinntond mut Idarkst streets CINCINNATI SUGAR CURED HAMS.- A freab eopp.l Jut reed and for aale at FailllQWB hmily grceery and Tea Store, Federal Weed, Allegheoz Goods delivered ree. 11.11.4 A itNOLD'S WRITING FLUID, in quart, 41.3. plat and !unpin: bottluog • W. O. JOIIHSTON .1k CO% Steam Job Printery exid Counting•Roame Etatlown, • • - 57 Wood trot. RYE! RYE!-1 car load prime Rya, 30G Iniabes, Just antral and for nib by bat ' J. a. OANFIZLD • CI TENN. EXTRA FAIIILY. FLOUR.-120 socks Broadway ISllla, now landing from Baßroad; for sew by (aa12)Idll DICIEST t CO. EW WALL PAPER. for Autumn Sales, aniTtoyar Ws by inn W. P. MAI/MULL A CO. 67 Wool al LADYI / SEED-100 bus. strictly prittTc, dial Timothy Sit-Ajayt reed •nd for vas by MLR iL ItODTEION * CO SEED WHEAT arriving daily and fir sale antiturii ilanaancin s (X), tali No =Marty et. LOUISVILLE LaLE-40 bble. bast qualiti WlSta Limo Latta, end for •A• by ' 1.11) 7.8. OANFIxLD4 CD. bbl now JMdin Amin - ;, , _, i i ...4.:','1,:.:.''-• • INTOII34ISI'S ,Tuz, llastNo I Cordia ' 3 / 4 =d-, 1 ‘ PIIRIFIRR _ - Before Taking. After Taking. TnE Remedy in the world. 'This cetera! II &tattled from • betty knoll!aa only id myself and • . Olt PROTECrEtr 5 Eolution of Protoxlclo of Iron COMBINED THIS PREPARATION DIFFERS FROM all others, tro , ny, . tinconopestri• protozble of Iron, attain. by a cond..nn never ben. known. Tot lndig.tion, Torpid Wier, Lropetoo. Bolt, all forma of calwerl by tuipovonshount of tbo blood , general debility, nod especially the dLyeasea pecan.r to females, It ho. been fonsulazuntody Pamphlets, girlng . full detwriptlon of the remedy end the rernarkitlo conk it boo ettooted, cuy ho ottwlncl of the neut.. (Certificate of Dr. Usyes j It Is well known [bet the cuedloluid often/ a Protoxlde o f Iran la lost even by a brief exponare to Or, and that to maintain a aolutloo of Protiodde of Iran without further oxidation, bas been deemed tropowdblit fat the Peruvian Nyrop. lOW desirable polat has been at tained by combination in a way briers mimosa, mad tbta Point:lon mar replaoe all tbe procarbintutez, citrates and gamuw of the Haute& Medics. It la ‘J/10 eminently adapted to take the place d'art) rto toside of Iron, which plaacciete have oto-i in scar 7 or saabotic attacks, sod to meet such cans the Spray ebottid be bond In the metirtne attestor every shtp. A. A. ['elms, 81 .1 1 , dessylat to the State or Slusachneeite. 18 Boylston attest - - . The oudertigued belong experienced the beneficial effect" of it... Peruvian army . do not imitate to mommend It to the attention of the public. Prom our own experience, as well or from the toribmouy of others, whose Intelligence and Integrity are altogether unquestionable. we hat's tio doubt of Its eMcaey is cam of Ininplent plums of the Lunge and Dronehlal • Paeragery Dye e spals, Liver Complaint, Drop"), lief:IMO; etc. In deed Its etrecta would be locredible but from the high char acter of thoee who wltteated them, and have volonbeered their tmamony, ea we do ours, to Its reatorallys power. Rev. John Plerpoot, Thomas O. Amory, Thome A. Dexter, Peter Harvey, B. M. Hendon, M. it , 0. Dunn, Eamital May, lb:M.Th.,. Whit/tome:re. Per tale by DR. OZO. H. KiLYSEtt, artikdAwlyg No. 140 Wood atmt. Dr. Churchill's Remedy for tne Prevention and Cure of Consumption. Winchester*. Golantom Proparationof the Ilypopttosphltes of Lime and of Soda, r. Specticßemaly for Cbnrussigisa, Bargfula, Dram), itis, /Velma, Detitay, Dyspepsia, .11"croveu Diseases. C7ilarosis,awl Consplailas qf Worse", Lou of Enorim, Wasting,,,,fe , cfc. This extraordinary Chemical Prepsxation of sdossnonos, (the propbylsotio and curative properties of wbkh were diunvered by Dr. J. R. Churchill; of Puny) le Performing wonderful omen thrnogimut Serape .and the Mated grates, having airpdy attained, lotrodor , don, • remarkable popularity, both with the medical pm. (talon and the public. It Is • purely Scientific Preparation, acting with absolute artainty, iod of invariable fecacy In all stages of Pulmonary and Nervous Disown, The CUBA OF CONIIIIIIPTION, lo the second and third stages let • period, mmarTumair, when there can he co uncertainty as to the Petrov of the diseamed can be obtained, to ell eases, by Ma treatment, except when the existing leako of the lump is of itself domed to proctor* destb. Hereditary preditiptuitiou seems in no way to counteract the Mist Of Um HYPOPHOS FRITES; patients In whom It was met strongly'-marked recovering es rapidly as others. This Remedy has not only a curative effect, but will, If °sod •berever there ellsla • suspicion of the dlsesee, Pre. rent its Dervlnnafref, and thus ace as • pros:restive with re eterei fhasumphm.jusi sereation does wik`t regard anati It Is Imp..'We within the thrum of en ordinary edrt time:mot, to st.-nit ' h theovorodiebnlng wools Itt /0 etoo In tegerd to the eneom of thle new end Cper-1110 Treat ment for out of the mob terrible ermargea of the human. race. But to order to satisfy the nominal Inqulntswerho ere dell, addrettelog• me for Inforntstlort, I balmiest pub. tithe ■ trstudettlon of DR. C 111311.01111.113 WORK ON OtTSIIIMPINON, Oomprieles his report mode to the Laporte' Academy of bredlcine,'Parbb Note* of Owe., nod Letter, DeOrtmeoto f Tertimordels, kr, orbicb, together with (Nresdar, will be 00*o more or pa ro tett receIpLTWELVD CIENTE In stamp to carer the Atge. Those, therefore, who wish callable Information previous •to deciding whether to try thlseattaindiaar t remedy, should loft no time In writing Rir Dr. Chttratil • Treatise. Thousands would be masted to health by placing them selves ooder this treatmeat during the summer, which is the most favorebta roaster, but who, If they daily. MT go down to premature graves. Price of WINCEIN3TEWI3 GENIIMEI PREPARATION, of the Ilipoplutsphltes of Lime and Pods (In lii=r2 Per bottle, three bottles for $5. tingle bottles, In Vaud rotation, by mail, whoa venially muslin% $.l moh. The Dar Pam farhod to rho Proßrodon. Each bottle has full directions for use, with my fro simile cont."- Van NO OMER. WINC/lESTEZ. Sold wholesale and retail by DILO. 11. KEEPER, N 0.140 Wood insult Pittsburgh, Pa. J. •da.r Cemetery .Dlarbie Works. No. 164W00d Street, ntor Sixth, PliTeittli!,Gll, GEOROD 121. LAWTON, PRACTICAL MARDI.* MASON, WISHES RESPEOTFILLLY TO IN I'W forntpla friends and the publle generally, that I e nu leased the tames pre-mires ro tba annfectore and ral e . o f every swim of Marble Work, such to Monuments, Tombs Tablets and Oratrestonee,. of every vartoty and fvran liantle neCOO. Gear. 'Mks pier, Bravura and Raab &and Topa, •s c, Which. be Is offering ea low as any other ealabltahreent Weal of tha mountains. Lockd le entirely woo. and hat been 'elated by blmailf, soprealy for Ike markt& Ho to oho ',mend to build Intrfal %atilt:m=los* Bar Lots web Her. We or Mom, sod to Accents toy other slot. le Ifse, e aoy of theCometerles adjoining Plttahargh. • K* • UM] IT 513=133103 TO Rev. T. 11. Lyman, Robert lion. WIA. Icahn.; Jobe Holtletk -ek Jaz eboenberrx, Ebogersit, Paulin Brower, tag, J. IL MIL Leg Meow Scottylkg., fk curlw.:6 ll , W. P. 810a. 1 4 Eq.. O. H. The Trade farolsboll .ltb I kinds of Porelge tad Dime Ho garble, Aber etlabed• or hi' tekroveb, at Wbolecals He dee Also mad* orruogeekenh ettb the, mokelbcrenre of tbo best tread; for acolostool vr ,repplk °tar: m a k o. , t , r . 4 4 Loehr:Ill. Lim; 11.11 d PINT!? Pt* bon. for La:4mA lterroleork, ell of which Co la igunalo.h..atsly.ondin. _ in - atorci tot 4 tutueocar;.tkenzt • MEMMM fEtebttat. neceqxrcify oftldoltooditnotailks? Otes# Li Otto cora fey. TIMEX THROUGLI YOS.UOIIII. TIMM BY swim Plil9Dtra(lll LYD musagramu; Catlnfti lag direct in the talon Depot, at rittatiMTViettlit thntiagb Trains from all Wrest° titles for Philadelphia. Nee York. Memo, Baltimore and Washington City: tUnoeuxklakiuk facilitates kir the transertation of rasteur,:tk lullUeparkeed for speed and comfort, Ey any other routo. Esiome and Fast Limes nun through to PilkAelphts without change of care or conductor.. ' Booking Care tun attached to rash train; WOOdelin Elesping thus to Ixpreos and Not Trains. Thelltarnitel rune daily, Sail and rut Line Sunday* excepted', Three Daily connect direct for Nor Yorke • • The Mail Train tram the Patuanigur Blatt= .1.7 lirrilt Ina, (except F•tioday.) at 21.50 o'clock, Pittsburgh ttrue i tti tiring to Plitirsdrlphia at 6.00 e. a. The Fast Line daily. (except Pander;) et LW F. cr, rap ;dog only at principal natl.., ruatiug dig err connectional Sartisburg tor Baltimore, rod arrielog la thltaddP6L Ore Baltimore at 7.20 a. It., and New York= r The Rope. Train leases the Station even; eveulug at kW r. 111., Framing only et Greensburg, Iserciba, Johassoirn, Ler ilimemfiactrin, ieltoooa, ac, osinerthig at Minis tom with the Train direct for Baltimore, and arrieieg la Pbtladelplila or B.tnnrre MCO a. a, New York Intl a. BLOOD ACOO.ILMODAT/ON MAINE: The woy raeasagnr T.Ou im , aa hail (a=• teat Funday) at &Oa a. N. atopping at all a... Lions maw,. Ina with Indiana Mauch Train at 1.30 a- N., wd artlathi at Johnstown .1:10 P. 11, 'Sahel:11108h 1.10 r K. . The Johnstown Accommodation Main taawca 4.4 (map clday,) at =SO a. w. Etopplag at all atatfoas, and raW wing as tat as Concrangh. First Actzwatneclation Train fur Tank Cowt Items daily, (axcept Sotalay,) at 1240 a. el Second Accommodation Trials LA 'Settle tYroik, leered daily, (excipt Sunday.) .t 4Zln r. Third Accommodation Twin, Ste Turd.: (cdtcept Stmday,) .t G. e. u. Trshw fur Blairsvdle and Indiana, convect w Weirrtilla intersection with mall train Itest, Etprees'irain Wen, and [min East and West. Th. completion of the Wester° [colleen.... or the Pool. .Them. nellnad to Chicks°, mato ten tea Direct Line between the .Cast and the Grant North ♦Nett. The w❑necting of tract, by the Rail 110.a2 Bridge •t Plitelugh.avoldingell drayage or ferriage of Freight, ba grtber with the raring of time, are Wr•❑tsgee reality ap pr,eatt.l by Phippers of Freight sod the Travelling Ihrbliz. PARTIES .1 lIIPPLIVG I:AST WARD tri2end It fa (leer adr".bloye to chip by ail Rout, Th• Ore fa • altered for the And Bum AOCOMIDDBII.3 With [126 , 41 privileges for per trordling in