us means a foul meant the scullions in .....anseludd,who,when progress was made itderelidendo - te 'another, accompanied' and protected the Tana and other kitchen uteri _ sils, g among them and being smutted by 14 habil -44 Boreilmst". used tti-inean the cotton . wadding . with wluc — h , garments are stuffed out irldlined:"Caitiff,' captive. "Concubine," wade:as - well as female paramour. "Corpse,", thebodyof a living as well as of a dead man; ,tud "Courtesan," one who hung about courts. ;' ,. .ti Ward "Dunce" derives its origin from ne Dodos, a loader of the sehuolmen, and was applied at the Reformation to indicate the popular contempt inwhich the subtleties of the Middle Ages were held. “Tory," now " ^- -used to designate One of the political parties In - England; 'originally referred to the Irish "Wttrotbltrls," 'who during the civil wars, robbed and plundered, while professing to be friends of the Royal cause. "Trumpery" used to mean deceit; "Termagant" applied to male as- well as female scolds, and pSpinster," which with ns means old maid, isVs formerly ,applied to women of evil life, because they were compelled to spin in the house of Cor -redtion."Silly"comes from the German "eclig," which means "blessed." A "Rig "which with us means a trick or feat, formerly meant a person. "Quaint" stied to mean elegant; the word u PoPular," which is now passive, •was once active. "Politics," meant persons as well '' f!placard" signified 'a license or per "Pantomimic," the player and not :the thew; "Ostler," the inkeeper instead of the stable boy; "Novelist," an innovator. "Noun . bbbalik," used to mean the quack doctor, who at fairs mounted a bench and proalaimed the 'ifirtuts of his drugs; "Libertine," man of radi cal !RCVS . ; "Knave," a boy; "Ilobbj," the ambling nagridden for pleasure; and "Gossip, one who stood as sponsor in baptim. —.- Tam L01146/1 77mar in noticing the completion of a tier steam friga te far tikelloyal Navy, com pares her eke end dimentione with thee of other large craft:' We htire, - improved on the 'TinuidereVer table; and herowith.present a car - red estimate of the principal proportions of fif teen of the largeat vessehr afloat: Vona. Logllx, feet . Mauve 'Great, Eastern 680 19,000 Adriatic about 370 3,600 Niagara ' 375 . 4,580 Himalaya 360 6,000 Duke of Wellington ...............240 2.400 General Admiral ...... ..... ........ 325 6,000 Orlando 337 3,727 Persia 1" . 6 3,300 ' Atria° 336 3,476 Royal Charism.... 306 ' 2.720 Great Republic 302 3,356 Penzuryleama 300 3,241. Arabia 300 2,402 Great Britain .274 3,600 280 2,226 , . . • -Total ........... -5,181 - if all the above vessels weie placed in line touching each other, even with the bowsprits cut away, they would cover a space one mite in length. Times of us who live in closely-contested States are often . sarprised at the large Iteptibli ,..j, tan msjorities given In the little Commonwealth :•,6, of :Vermont. Tho secret is revealed in the lowing n onsaided " votes given in the towns named: . .. _ Erma, Demi hereto. As - ,_ _liikkileiraty---334 74 I wc 4 2 , 7 ggageriney..--112 27 Ilimeburf,..-.210 33 Watarbers--234 07 sc. Georg— Z. • Loadonderry.-423 60 Willieton.--.142 = Etersnoc...:.. - —.119 ' Onmeren.._._..tra 3 And so through a score or tiro of tones. The atmosphere of the Green Mountains is highly deleterious to the Mongrel race of " dough 'Wee:" AL .11LtHSS looo n ooo aoxEs GOLD OF • lit , • - tA R • Taxa enormous quantity of this Invaluable ha bean pay.hasd by citizens of the Uniai Data doting them/tort time It laa bea bereft the public. Tb• awn for Vila autraordinary anceeee Is simply In the seal truth and nine of the allele. No one boa the MAGNET 10 PLASTER without becoming It. hand. It performs all that ft promised, and curia sith ft Its own reatomenda thus- Truly - Aldo Is • attory—posceful and bloodira—bat are lantern cant less Morton. than the ftiompa of war, with lu aur.age and desolation. • The ILACINET/0 PLASTER ts undoubtedly the Oreatal litangthoour Mad Pain Destroyer that &hoes boo 1.1 corned. Irate put this Plaster anywhere, lipele la there the Ruda will nick tare until the pain ha ran label— The Plana marnetian the pain away, aud PAIN CANNOT =ln .11118/16 ME PLS.:MEP. -LEI APPLIED. Bototnanthra, lameness, dtbibtaa, Debility, Nerronatea, .11noralga, Darnels, Conga, and Odds, RUM sod Aches eraser, kind, down even to Corns, are tousedietroiy rdiened etre. with • Litils patience, peuesun os u r etewl, by the tont al Saddam of the 11 .SGNET/CIPLASTEIt. It le the also - plat, awes; safest, pleassnteat and chewed remedy I, asistenna. Its application Is ontrental—equally to the stromg roan, the dellantek woman. and the kelde 'roach sad all it wilt prove • Dalai wad • Dieeelnir. Its tat Is agreeable, and without annoyance or thonble. Ile price la within the reacts of all—dett or peat - all may have it ',hums, sick d suffsrion In any way. PAD. , ww9 .horrid be /away. stipplhxt with ills basica. hie PLASTML It tarn be the Gad Phyalcian in ay household, ready at all time; and at latent notice. Put up In alr.thrld tin bora Raub box will mate .Ix to alibi plata; tad enifatlid can Ilyread Um, Prim =3 cent!. box, With &L and plain direiftons. D. C. NOREUZAD. at. D.. •. Dna torsad Papfteter, 10 Walla st, Now York. M•MOBWIDLIIIMIIMINIITTO PLANTEDia wild by all drug bias In awry .noscstkwlyft/f city:tas end Tillage of th e United btatote. il3utincss 'latices Sr Mango. .7 C O . PARTNICIIBUIP. -- I hare this day 11880oiated 'with me my eon J. ST. CLAIR. GRAY. The boatneeo leol be hereafter con tiouied varier the Orm and style ofj. Girt' • SON. Jury IsrlesD. 6AN117.6L GRAY. S. GRAY az SUN. DRAPERS AND TAILORS, HO. 59 ST. CLAIR STREET. 4.22:41k-1134.11 PPITSBOZOII PA fillgE imdemigned have assoeMted 'with them 11 to the Comtehelm Box loots Juno liatzute, late of Matthew!lie, Ohla. The etyto of the tfrot sill methane es tugatofore. NlffiCß & 00. ISTX.DILXO.Ir. dc 00, COMMISSION _MERCHANTS, For the solo of Pig Iron and Blooms. lAA WATER ETRELT, Prrfearsan. IHAVE MIS DAY ASSOOIATED WITII Nr, Mr. JOHN DELLOW, ID the Undertaking businera, watcb tai conducted ander - the name and style of LEEt• ON& DE4LOW. . JASIESLEMON. ..711.8s; 4&gladeirtiarAng its Brunettes. ta r ON , .t. RR . .FLOW, No.llB, Fourth it, prepared to do ErsellastskLog In all hi branches, In lataaanner, at ptwe been the times. ire ash - erat 7 eillinetton to 71Wp new style patent ifetaltle ftrhl Os ter dual* of width we are sokragente ItL thleolty, aced of which we keep no:mac:My on hand ►large' wart rwerit..: As regents bonny of abate and Anhb, they excel others, Panerals Cre fawned with an y Dorm and i=rt_P=Ptl.7et lower rates than any other ertablnth• z city. otuarenteetep to relater manstectloni they whoa • o onthmanee of the patronage beretokre en newel, extended to the old Arm: splbolly ----- ______ A N ORDlNANC.4%a=n ci t i :y r t o th e .41 jmgs lned B. S. Almonds; .11 0ra1.... Iflfrz-.u.00 October Zit, iels ftblfr r...., toe ad...taii.......ea end eenetod by the . Mayor ',1:5 do nkny IL 8. do 20 Met sof t obeli Bordattix ALmondn .4. B . l t;e s tnelle, et, thu eett u l i. . Wen ' P rln b t ' af gh o el' eel o Be f ' ge f..- .'"l 50 do Cram rfotn oardleißegtnetey °T.PM°. ".I. oPPolotb...-- - . c ^5 big. Filbert; . . .and amoun t t f a" th"."4 '''' 20 bus Reath %klub; ...nanny -- t tb„... th ~d 0 . .. ,,,0t the ~,,d p1.":'..."‘"0n,..... • . .10 do Pecan NotIN-_.....,,,,AntelhtMettC.f.: and / 8 - L C-. '...""."0":0;71"---- "P' 4 "-yrr' m 0 fnab 02CC0Ara.574:11 ma. j. ii„..., - --,, -Ire hf., -- -7--,4...,g rk .. fP'.--pt,h ...-f."...,,,,,,.... - ^- , : ,e S t t - Yett' b aeit en Cf:."'" d,.-- fr- kg-O-rk1.;17•7F.:1i:'5.14if.A.,1i9*&419!.',11M,,...P.1t.: 'iI:V VAPPI 7 M*4OO:4 - 45 4 V,,4 , 4 - $4 - g-; , .?. - -gpti - 45 , , ,, ,,-1,..7.-4 , y,!!... , ;'.-- - • ~,, , ,, ,v4-.4l , , g pvr, -..0•-• ...- ,cmalfiitanothei WM. IL IIuRSTAIANI.I & SONS, nrrli d OILERHY SIB., adfolning.the Factory, PIILLADELPHLA, Ilannfacturers and Importer, of Ladies Dress, Cloak and Mantilla Trimmings, liars vow opened for egannlnatlen, a large and well as. toned stock of Lollar,' Dien Trimming., to which they Ire wit* the attention of WESTRRYI and WI/TIMMY WM CILMTB. Flawing extensive faeUltles In Manufacturing, and paying partiridar attention to the Foreign Market, we are enabled to Diner great inducement/. Zilnfirr woesrEDandMettaand Hied, In all colors and at low price. Sirl. r Mama ef , nes and Amptata cf Slwrroovr? t CFI EDNA TED STEEL SPRING SKIRTS'. Area. for BYLS7I SPOOL BILH. an2,2nel FLAGS! FLAGS!' FLAGS!!! J No. 144 North Second Street; bet Rem A O ArchHN DOLL , W PIZILADELPRIA. • Menu&tamer of FLAGS of tortoni, aCus s of Option, Bootleg; and k. The eneepert menutectccy In the Union. All cadent ln large and =ell gnantttles promptly attended to. & large discount Wooed to Wholesale Laster.. 113.Laporter of 'Nye, Thetas mod Fancy Maleamd xi - C; euviii - DISPENSAR Y Gakey 3 Mein Bt., CM door, ep •site.l puma', N. Y . rSrABLISRED BY THE CELEBRATED DR. JOHNSON, late of London, Htugiand. • great &mover, In the Wong of medicine., being a cer .Tin an 4 epeedy cure for restoring the eels and removing dhAtase peculiar to she eye. TEL mimmuy knowledged the only safe and mre remedy now known. It has been need with gnat mica. by the meet skillful ',by aid.. in Europe and America Patients In anypart of the country no Crest themaslyee saccomfally at a noolarata expenm, thereby avong the danger and i s of falling into the hands of unskillful physiciana. This medicine mullident to cum) will be sent by MAD or %rpm% with all nereesiry directlms on receipt of Ten Dr. Johnson's Certain and Infallible Cure fur Deafness and Nngin g Noises in the Ears, Nervous Head dud Mind Complaints, Affording Inatnnt relief to eufferors wlw bare two with deaf.= for many rime. And ming Mt. rowed: • few days the patient la suddenly ant alroost ml sourly emablal to bear ordinary tocibil eouvernationtth the coot. of • few weeks the mat Width:late ally eared. cam of deafness effectu- Patients too numerous toSnentleu bee. N. restored to genic( hearing and fo rammed from ths ma-ciii of 04 unman. dsageroattnquallded tinderidere of th e pr.secii day. Ilmipltal and pleats tentlinoslaJa and certificates Dom the mat an utiyidciann and surgeons in Suglend, In wham preuncedeat have been cored. sod many h./Inds of private pollee) bare can le me. or referred to. Aan of Ws nositildoe (encrogh to effect acme.) win ho forwanlol loony port .4 the many, fur fifteen Calera. Addeo.' - JOUNRON, Drawer 401. ifill/cdawlyT 'Office 95 !lath et.. V. A N ORDINANCE srantmg the use of cur. li tam stmts. la the city or Pittenurgh to ths Pitte burgh and Etat Liberty Penang. Railway Cnninna. 13/;CMON 1. lie It oniathed and eaarted by the 31so Aldermen and cittiens of Pittsburgh, to Select and Onanion Councils awsomfiled, and It is hereby eliaoted by eratilty of the tome, That the coneent of odd Councils ts teteby given to tbe Pittsburgh .4 7..5e Liberty Pasesuger 2 Alltnifiand .. dail.y Comp.. to for the enter upon, lay out and construct • .my &vow. of said railway Ale atnnata In the 00) of fittaburgb ae specd and designated tit the Sat section of the Act of Assembly Incotporatleg tad youip.ny, to 1.. the eighth day of April, A.D. MO; the eame to be constructed with NiLlgle or doable track. with turn.onla, allege arid •witahee. as specified .4 provided In Kahl aeon., age as may be designated by th e Committee. &rata, and the old Company obeli have the _privilege of traversing sald streets with their can and bones, elibJeCt iCk el to corelltioncreetrictions nod limlta. Conoco:denied In mkt act of Ineaporation, end subject id. to en. ordlissicee.seld Como..lls may from Ilme eo Unte enact, punmant to lb* powers grantivl In the thirteenth section of said mot, and that the .obi &trate shall to talen - up only under tbedlreetlon of the Street Committee. Thepowern above conform! are greolvt ay. the fothralog express condltlont 1. The 'aide:imp.) shall noo In the conlfauttlnn of wild ndirtY all. Of • ,Wlevtt to be approved by the Iteconting Regtdatur of tbe eft; of Pittsborgh and the Committee on etreeta, and Shall lay dose tbe same mid, on fwd to the plata dengnated by the mai licconfing 110 go• later, wham ante. abaft be paid for by the Bahl Comp.). 13 shall pet down at ail gutter. crowed by . 1 . 1 rellway, Iron culverts of a pattern to De approved by mid Crowding Regoletor and Committee no steseent and the Wd rails shall rot be laid motif the to ld culverts are' pot down. 3. The paymatt of the loom liesamoil upon each CV by the rdoth action of the said act of Assembly alai to made for each car within one month after the name ehall commeace running no amid rued, and at the won 4.0 annually the/1.- 1 alter, but no payment of such animal assessments thall nicaimit for cani roomed for use In 11120 of .010.1 or, .damage to otherg and the On shall be numbered ea drays carrlscro are now tILITENT*I unties tho ordinance* of mid city regulating Ilossues on such cobbles IL That to lien red Instead of the to: upon lb. 41.1,2ehi1a or net profits of said Company, proecribed by the tirMh section of sad act, the odd Company shall pay annually Into the ammo of eahl city, for the nee of eat / city, ths sum of two hundred dollar. for and dories' the drat due years, and four hundred dollarsally t h ere. fter— th e drst payment to be roads. this t hird Halals) of January, A. D.. 1811, and on the tome date ruttiest)) therendar. b. The President of mid Company W W annually on the Out day of Jaly make • written return, tinder oath, to the Oily Controller of amid city of the month.r of arm which mad at any time during the year Mc/shoed ran op. the ale section. ro—not useintlieg thou eznpted In the 3d provision of • • •6. me said Company keep dean that portion of the erred through wtoch said railway m.y pass mad to porpet• nal good repair from curb to curb, antlect to the directions Cf the Recording Regulator_with privilege of appeal to th e ommittee an streets, whale decision Shall be anal. That dustily TIMMS the right at any time after the an4of twenty years from the date thereof, by giving the said Company one y e ar''. notice of such intention, to p 4.11.4 said road end stock yayig for the esene at a rate t o tie tined by floe disinterested appraisers to be appointed at the Qregennt .r.i salons d city, by the President Judge of the Court of uarter & ofegbeny _ Bit. 3, Zile ordinantall ce Mall not amt go into effect, nor abaft It be published or recorded antil the mid Company shell file In the take otitis, Oily Controller, ait agreement under the seal of said Compaoy, acceptlng shim ordinance to all Its provisions and condirierms and meanao log that any failure to comply with any of its tannin may at the option of the City Ocearicils be held to work a revocation of the privilege. iva'd Ord.Jool cad enacted Into a law in Council., this 20th day of August, &R., 1809. /nest It Armes*. Clerk ef Select Rentacil. Attest, Urea Meltassels, Clerk ofCommonConnelL min Stow York. T 4 E LARGEST ASSOUTMENT .OF 4D 7 E.3.DEt1.93 ♦FD CLOAK ,TR1.31611'109 1 )11171ILLER, nu ;dm BERLIN, ZEPHYR AND SHETLAND GOLD AND SILVER FRLNGEN, 13RAIDS, FTAILS. PROSSER'S PATENT - LAP-WELDED . ..r..2.4ca5.T Catonii, TUB MB. TwERY ARTICLE NE TO j24DEILL TILE TOLIE-PL&TZ3, and tc; CESSARY sT TUE TUSKS in the beat manner. Tube C GREYER% Steal-Wire and Whalebone B RUSS ES. Tubs, Or, ARTESIAN WELLS, a., kalorgel toga:Ler. vide Stub ea both Wes, or with complies, either outside or 11, TROSAS PROMS. oos, anibtLead 2S Platt Street, Now York. 41 ernorcasapeR. AdveriiSing and Commission 124. 102 XASSVA STREET NBIY Y 0 R 6. AJtarlGnmmGpill 6e lIKAIOd ne bistoTri, for pvbllention In Ihla paper. &OWL( tip tiabelp la atberti J. 'n. cALDWELL & C O., 822 Chestnut Street, [oppofte Oenrd PHILADELPHIA. Rld W neupowrerzo ss- I , 'Arm WATCHES PATEN, - PIIILLIPE L CO. Watchns, In Gonna. CRADLES PSODSEIAPII London TimeNoopon, now tette*, al[ sit, In IhnUng au. and Open Fero. se - Sole Authorized Agents ibr above. GOLD AND MITE, ENGLISH AND SWISS 17T A T Q -X RICH JEWELRY, now deigns. DIAMONDS, PURLS, and all the YoubbnaLlo nnles. arcvra WARM, tinsurynaued lu style, quality and San nu Ythe S gala Eblielelphln,Ars invited loottr, 17A1P arizaz,z AstithsinrExr. :Liu - entailing no obligation to poraneena .143:1yd 17 2111'011.11 vacua. in plain Domes, sail no rariati Pm tam et Fiiai_et Co; Den RUSSELL ER A PLE - qSAI4TRESIDEN.CE NOR SALE, ltaata on PAW, lola:ref. pawner Borough- dom. fcnable tvniatdry Brink Dtiollinaelloow, of haw.h rams, dniabedattic and g.o with lot of ground On tea -limo wit" font trees, corm and abundance cd small fadtamoll of gaol water and !men at the bock do k; a god. shots beating. dc. Pur ortra and terms apply to B. CIIIIII3EICtn EON, 51 Market et, • A VALUABLE PBUREariTaeres JIM kir tale, alleate at &beat 3 tulles tram th y river at Jet..? ferry, and near the Sterthearitin road; 16 =au ef fisher !awl and goof or rk bottom; a v., pltattekt etre*. Moe for toiletry wet fences, or eriltahl4 f r gaiderilog per. Meet mall howw, gierb2 Caws, &r. swrreof beautiful laud riatr the abore will be veld b lot• of 2,4 end 6 army, Forprke arid tem:apply to be 7 8. CUTUBERT l btni, hl Market et. 42 ACRES UV LAND NEAR CLIFTON BTATION, Ft, Wayne and Chic igollroadost about 8 mtka from tho city; 12 scree in colilratical, 2 moos c."k bottom, prime Umber, mall 03000, and .1.51,. Prl $1,801.1. Fur tale by 8. CUTIIDERT & PON. SI Stnrlo.t A --- FAII3I OF 10 4.01{E;:, situate on the Ohio river, at 5% milea below the city, between beet and (gale aSt•l4•l4 double frame homes a atnilla• ehbjg eXtrollent tinting, garden piled la, Le. The It. and the Etna.- Turnpike ran the pra.mi.e• For ad. by ael S. UUTlllitiTtT A YON, Of llarktt A GOOD FARM FOR SALE-115 acre 4, Id Mlles from the city, un the rerryarllle plank. rued. A good dwelling benign of if mom, wish bonze, trump laid weD ..f ,on. water; • brick tarn, stable and mrriage b0n..., owe/ (1.500. Orchard of dui.ka fruit: brick wing house oi two efoliur, a building fluiahed 00 for a store, and doing • good buslueaa. The (entre are all in good order. Elornty scree fu rriltivatium the balance In Gus Clotho; gruden pal o d In, le. Pei e $.3,150.0. att73 S. CUTUBRIIT I Skiff, 61 Market .t. lOWA FARMING, L.ILND.—The subsenb en offer for ate. f”orabla term. dr hoods - ad urea Choice Land% Wolter! in Wright scat flantsek counties, adjacent to hereof Railroads now in nourae of ccood.r. Mon, .11 one tract outy two Dallas from County rtoat. The above will be aid low fur dab, or exchanged for farming land. 114 this nr adjoining counties no2o McltANB k ANJgIt. 121 Socond at. FUR SALE OR EXCIiANGE.—An prat . - cd ham of 82 acres on tha TOnghloghany riser and Cannellsvifin Railroad, 11l mile., from Plttalottran• Alen, a Lot on Blain street in Pharpshnrg, 12S feet trout by gIIO deep, with In:did/no thereunoultabla fora physician us druggist. Also, 3BBl serer of Prairie Laud, sovan Woe ainoth•a - ett of Al',,, 13,4 acres on the melt . side of Chicago. All or any part of which will be sold on reasonable terms and a long credit glron on threasfounbs of the pnrch oko m° oo 7, or exchangsol for an Improved Ptock Fannin Pent, ayinswa or Ohlo. Par particulars, address C. T. GILL! All, JuMdlf Sharpeborg, Allegheny Co., Pa. TWO FINE TOR BALE—Both of Chem sound and tr., Iv erery respect; are well trained to coolant travelfu t ; nod bard wort, aad would be 'adorable to any Won wanton% ^ -UM for such pOrpote. WELLY, RIDDLE A CO . an 24 No. to Yuan!. atrmt. LifOß SALE---A tract of land containing _AU abut arut nor halrecres, situate on the North Strout Road, about thou. WI. from the Cuart Mote Will to ;told IttYr fur bosh. lagolra rd trs3l.dtf E, Atry. aNLIOU Low, No. CO Fourth s tet Otao Lana for sale. T 111 ; subecrtber offere fur sale reetieu teu, 1. low - ably 12, ntnku la, Stork [minty, Ohln, roluolottly khown “kutratan's Noctlatrin nth 040 serest It 1. .hostedthreetoilet west of Ahtotilluu, the. Stout grad lading to Wetteter, and unthla oltout two mlla of the Tint burgh, Pt. Warn. sad Chimko Th e moth, eat and nort.b.eatquirnro am partly cleared and tato ;wed— Uto retnaludar Is ouremd with superior Umber—and rho 'Mole le well watered b 7 rprlntrat and running Mom.— Thle section 1. maiden.] the anent body of land in the county. 11 will be old undivided or lo quarto" to .alt purch.sont. To Mr. who (lairs to lurost by nal saute • better oppormuity 1. randy off,rod. I. 11. NWT-ITT/IN, arltbdartfT No. 101 Ith Pltraburgh rboticultura I R • ----- _ kin r PLACE FOR EVERGREENS, it. —20,000 extra see, grown of the Meet belly iotio., fn. 21.4 toe feet. 60,000 from mall to 2„,ki keet., tclqo extra fine cherry, 42,u0a pooch nd 2 Fordo, clue clu throe rearm old, cline and atarolud "Our blureery Ptak in rimy deyartuunt to Imo, Mich tt sill glee be plosaura to to to onr Crtoucla .d th. pabitt. Pittsburgh mid Mklatel Nemo - UN Oct 2; MS. orclislkstt7 11UFLOOCII, Jo. NEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLEMENT. TO ALL WANTING FARII3, A Rare opportunity in a delightful and healthy climate, twenty-fire mike vuth-easi of Philadelphia, on the Camden end Atlantic R. R., New Jersey. An flair, eta/dialog of unseal thousands ol scree of pmludere ..nt has been dorklett tats lams of earl°. Or. to suit the ni.rrhneer. A population of some Alleys Ifu. fuisu e. 0.. parts of the midd le Fasten au! New Rug land have pet thel there the past yaer,lenproend thelrplacele, and raired,r,lb et crops. The price of Ito land le at the low sow of free,. 1125 to IV) per acne, the soh Is of the last t=tz tie the prteinctlon of IS Closer, Coro. Feactoe, and Vegetable. IT IS CONSIDERED TH2 DEBT FRUIT Sol ( m itelTHE UNION. The pia. Is perfectly secure from —the destructire °canny if Me fartner.— rohe of resin gr.. and fruit an wee grcrorloy end can I. wan. by ezaeorong the place tie.% a careen: Jodgurent can a. f0en...1 .4 the prodr.cti ernes. of W. tam. Tb• Irons str. ccafe • ..1 ••• mecum the rapid Improsuenent .1 rte. lend, walrb 1.• .. , 14 for e..-taci oepe.eireered Th. rive]. L lenen, th e• . •.. nthe pul year, are, ..undrrd Ana fe hare te , ,••- t. tee rellnk ono ...a, neer etre-re • , enne forty 'Joey sr .ad Peach 0rrb..,,1. Legg noniber ...Hee Improve curate, melte.; Jeetrat.l. e pL , . omit... TUN MAUR ET. lta J....1,c into revival.e tram tee p.cnen . 11. 114. REST 10 Titre UNION . Praha.. t. t „tog double thee to hatillotiooa ay from the et. c, end more theo dada, lice peso ttso the West. It Learn Ma toe eternal and alt melt. col vegeta/gat to tide laUtodat ea, from Neer Jere , ea S. .W ere la ennd, smarted salons:tad molLtoite. looatoe Law, the settler tow mai tacaoteita entail a fewe.t re rule et tbs Knot titled C.l hew X•gletol god Kiddie .+ he le tear the old Montle aid +seals mast b e o g..tb•lenun-Ty taloa matey hopeoanno ~1 coasfori an./ ..1.(1,0". Lit or Asti Ile tee no rrrrr a, 1.1 ale be treat. •1 .I.esp.ot pram, cad met e 4r the highest tot do IV.. ilia Is rerersal. t Les 1.., his chlhimu, thrtue rarely, .0.1 will em, ..peu a ... , anJ delightful clloutte , when fi,eer a ott.a.rly Tha moot, of Ile c e upon doss boon the... Alb toe gat. endlyteen to r i g reWere m ea eseellentaateof health , the way fino uth and hneetaleg./umter be tolned Ha mills al the rate of $lO Id SI:. pm thousand.— lirkte from do. belch yerd opened In the place. Eery .sit tmta Pr.t.tul let nu. Phone. good cava, war ars at bead. end Mae rs no plane (ho a hire butelinge and hopro , emeuta cau be made cheerier, The reader will at am* be .track edit We elionte t pe are promoted, ard uk lastose:l why the property Lea hot Lae. Wag, up heron. The rens. It wee aster thrown In :be Inaba, and autoa Mere staterpeota wen, t, a./ V. corrrc would be for lied to eXamian the. bad before put chaing.-- fie W are expected to do. They will we lona umler relit Talon. each le the a Mel of the mttlacoat that dory I.llm. doubt, meet canons from the,, PO, ratelabotriAcol; they wdl wltnan We ma ad me Judge IL character of the popolallon. If they come with a M Mew to cattle, cloy 'Mould come prepired • dry or two ana ready purrhua, Joestiorla mum. he tired refueal. Treareare two daily tram to Pblhaleighle, tool to oil at Here who improv, Lhe Andros, noteporty pa... Pe re ns arida darbepare Imtel fur yam THE TOWN OP HAMMONTON. I o out motion with the agricultural etadonant,• tow ael thrt ring town Ms t iny cultural stitch! l tram,. et e. far any kimplof bectirwm parrituta-rty tforesara• kfarbows. T", e bust non could e carried n thee pier. end mato, to gout situate" &la icittor t bemoa, sad manufactories of Agrfunitura Implements or 170/1/dO - for can tos. email article. The imermestroor has boo so rapid es to Insure • cnustant mod permanent locresee Moine at Town at. of • great else, (we du 1.11 11.11 SZ-111 ae It le wind elect the Improvement tribe Pace) con be bad at from slon and opera.* The Ihmuonten It:entry atd egrl rultund sheet. comaning full lobormathm..l thommtutto me fa obtarrai at XS tents per annum. Indlsputable—wernaate e dada siren am, al oil In combrence when money is pad. Route to the loot!. Imre Vino street what, Philadelphia for Ilartimor.t...n by Rely road, at n; A. 11„ cr 4 tr. X. Etre PO mute. Whet. !b.f., patio. for lir. BYRN Ittanling conoerdeme• outland had bettur with Mr. Byrne., a prlacips,, until over Ma land tos carriage, free of expense. Lettere sod Ham applications situ be rat mood to LANDIX JUS lITILN, monton P. 0., A county, New Jetwey. I. 1.1. 0000IILIN i :02 Prole street, Phtladelphla Map. and Informatern ethers.., harntabed. jobralam frifE HAMMON 'r, PARAllat--A news paper devoted tate..• are limicaltore, aro eel. ling forth lull aco isee new of of Mamma. tea, Cu New let., abe suleallocl for t only mute per admen ter of !name pause 4.1 • for the mount. Address, to Lit ' the Penne:, ..-..ouontan th. A Jamie Co Jersey. moon , wishing ...Map laud, of the of nmi, Now lly, non of th e healthleet and at.., delightful amen. lo the ‘l,l,:ilito amurga and wh7 f e it h7t ,w e are tee net:dr:lnt:Z:o ittyatf=roth.s Lou Lads. Jormolem r 1 `LANDb FOR &ALL niILES from PhlleJelphle. by Ilslltusti, In the rialto a Sew .lerery. among the beet for Agricultural purposes be. log good P.m with clay bottom. The lerulle a large Crest, divided tutownell farms, and bandreds from all put. of the country are now willing WI g. The prOdarbl OM largo and can be Nem growing. The climate la delightfid, and encore from fruits. Terms from Slll to $2O per scro, pO . dile within loon year. I.y hostel. P. t. .To rill rho Ph. Ti.. Street %bar/ at hlladelphlo at 7% le. try Italtroed Our flanntiontun, nr addrou M. J. Byrum, by Inter, Ifammonton Poet Chico, Al. buitle county, burr Jersey. tee hill OFlTertleol33oDl In an. other column. fir:modem ALL 100 A DE lightfal climate, okb moll, and secure co l umnsee advertisement of Hammonton Lauda In anothe DWEIV . A./VT,LNC --- TCitilE of eL Mal fur v. lulirortlvnocnt Ilatnnwnt, Lynda In *other tolntrin r/i I DO AAr 5: A gA No. 65 Fourth Street. c Irf EltZD tkb S. 0 PEN - DAILY FROM 9 r TO. 2 O'CLOCK. Can on Welneslay and Elattritay rm. , M./ : tint to elorenther find, um 7to G tic/awn: and //um S. Ma/ Drat, from 0 to n o'cieck. • tenissita braked net leas than or. i and • dividend of the yrollta declar ice. ed tw • rear, In Jae° load Dearombar. Interest Wu been declarail mulairi; a ile a In /nue and December. Want the Dank ma organ_ awl, at the rate of atz per. cant. • year. Interest, If boa pla a rod th e crallt Ueo.S. prioef Immo tnterest trum the Jllya of June and /Member, crunatmandlng bailees year with tiling the depositor to call or wren to big pm on at this nite, mob./ will ...bk. Nunlt • Malt par; ran oo king In the aggregate 11.1. OM*. 111L7 rem CLIP mA N ft ED Ait 1) Books ntalulog the Liturtar, tirLaws, ltnle• mtion• Preskiew—GßOßOZ 41.171tK6. TIM IrtF6DILTIS. .1 John 11. ELoantierdar• • •#banateler Br...flab J 1,71.3 11 , 4rowell Im.y " Jou nes Sbldte.. `'Robert D. 'Robert 1:obb, 11. , ur M. Pen..... 1„ 17111 Barash, A. IL Pollock. M. I) Willinni B. Lavoloy, Winlam J. Andenwn rsosynart: John B. lin.A.fen, j P. A. Madeira John B. CahnelJ, ' John H. hhhor, J. Onndher Oollu, I James B. D. Llev4s, Alonzo A. Carr6r Jenne. MeAuhu. . NOB es.nben, : Whiter P. Abkrznak John B. Onincrawn, i Wilma Ifiller. Obarlßs ALCulthn, I. linnry 1.. Rhun , l , William bought., John AL &mow. rlllOd. FeJlx. SoL.n, BenPundo L. ruhnivin,k. JohnDes.lll, J...... W. thilllnan, 'Alexander Tindle, Chi 8. Haven, Slieuhnld U , notantte Chstinn Homo, 1 Isaac Whin/Br. . . 1 .. 1 747.1 '5c."1.7.hd tr•atur•r—GllAßL/I9 I. Ca1.f0.4, .22.1•1rV laisallanrous M. B. 1101'1,E ........ FRYMI.ICIS BoyzE & co., 59 SECOND STREET, Ilk CINCINNATI, OHIO, • IMPORTNICS OP FOREIGN LIQUORS AND WINES ; DIEISILLEILS OF .4 L Oil 01,, COLOGNE: SPIRITS, caniphetio, Burning Fluid and Spirits of TURPENTINE. Al.uolnctim,ne of every tk..riPtivo Domestic Liquors, Wines, Uordlals and Frroch -33 I T TS Yi S_ G.,. col:W.1,1/y GE, RADA 'Arlo. gra,BD, ,11 pun• BOURBON AND RYE WHI SKEY Peach and Apple Brandy. ALSO, BARATARIA AND NEW ENGLAND RUM A. Enle 51AnalActurer• of the CELEBRATED "ROSE" WHISKEY. Agoura for FFSMI.OI4R:CIi GffLlLE'd JAPAN IrSE RITTF.IIB D R. — 3l cRAE, Thalia eaperimental with malicha In the treatment rat diseases for years, laying aide ell prejudices, ha. au:tined in the 1114 9.1[00 all the Telt,. epitome and schools of medicine aid Lea I:elated each remedies as I can demon. matte to be safe end efficient rejecting all iolostal paeans. Tu.:l:move brute dames is compsativaly en cosy tat; ft fa the caring ofchronlc diem.* that requlrre knowledge rum. blood with pante:ea and per...inane tawared with had. now. It le to the latter clue of &swam when physicist. malty make their failures. Having given this clam of dls ea. toy epochal ettentlein, r profess tu be prepared to treat !hp chronic data. with 10011Lill. encase. I mean all that are curably aura ante. It be coalface:al/Tom that patients Xmey depend upon dwaretioo. I /rata to treat ear. 1 11llenlw/ all chronic Macaws of the Limp, Liver DrOUCbi• P. 1.4114 itheatastlem, and all deranteneate of the nervous tibia...l. Fistula and Pllee socamfally treated In from thirty to day days without the nee en the knife or much ad.:Weal p.a. 1 prolea to Moat with cameral. lolled irtiocea taloa/came disease known by the name of (Mara to all Its inages, without the use of the knife or coy harsh treatment. If patient. will Faintly obey 07 1114111.. 110.11, I will gueraotee satisfaction in ell cat, where no disorganization al the vital Ofl4o has taken place. The Lest of refeanow can be given from