iittobitrgt daltitt. imam szasa...D. irsmxs-D.ti. urcar.o. S. TOSAInce - rt. II .11 Err & co., a o zsro x..x.pra33 - ca‘a-mtr...T. . WEDNESDAY,- MORNING, ',SEPT. 14, 1869, . 7 Republlcan ..ptato 'Ticket AtitiItiCSINEILLZ, • . .THOMAS 000111 LAN, of York oonoty ' eximivis - -WILLIAM REM Barb Por coanty. Ilegablibau County TLcket SLUE 71. 'num. P 3 Z.L.Tg 6 • MWIDLT, WILLTAH Teurilni.Pittaburgb, DAVID A. ruzalsy,Allegbeuy. CILIZLES GIOISEIRItio, Itegors",, ZVL " O ' I .1 'A301811.11 YAW Jrnas, TTIO4AB MEWIN, • 'otrrilCr Atm:Mr, ,JACOB Si . MILLEt4 pistitmrytb. • GOODMAN Y. COULT6II., Eouth coxxxscioNts. JONAMAN Alt !WT. 13catik Titt.buret. ' PANTO COELI ILN VE., Sewickley. ' 'A. T. AND WigßUSd Dear D111.7011.00P,. • • JOJEPIL MILLER, SuosdeU. AglY"--799c.pavattazt, ER., iv employed by as sa an mot for caariiiHttkand oglieetini for the : -- 7 - bargh Daily sad iVeekti„Giuritt. 'lle Wit visit la that 'capacity tho TariouatartiOne of:Wagartl'POllll - 'sylvanitsicad Ent= Ohio. Ifitla oar only agent for tho purposes 'named. R. Mutat.? & Co. . August 29, 1859. not! the manner in which the British news• papers and members of parliament have ex pressed their honor at what they termed the rowdyism incident to free mange in the Baited States, the unsophisticated public on this aide of the Atlantis were led to believe that the parlia mentary election in England were remarkable for their quietness and freedom from riot or cot:- feu:don. But such has. no‘been, by any means, the real condition of affairs; if these very newepa pere can bo taken as authority. As to baying, it appoint that John Bull is able to teach Brother Jonathan a great many tricks that the latter has not even dreamed of, and as to coeroing voter% we doubt whether a Baltimore "Blood 'Da" would not confess himself a mere novice io the presence of the gentry who had in keeping the person of John Constantine, at the "parliamen tary canvass in Bury, in Lancashire." We fled In the Liverpool papers the proceedings of an examination before Justice Watson of three persona, indicted for an "undue influence" on Mr. James Constantine, a voter, at the last election in Lancashire. It was a case of . "bottling" a voter, and had attracted much at. tuition in the country. The Right Hon. F. Peel and Mr. Barnes, who formerly represented Bel. ' ton, were the candidates. Politioal feeling was excited to great, bitterness, and it appeared from the evidence that "bottling" woe not of unborn moilacanrrence ; but this ease was more remark % able on accoeitt of the ill-mmagirecolved by the prosecutor. The testimony of the principal witness Was ae follows : "James Constantine, examined by Mr. Hop wood—lite° at Elton, which is part of Bury. My political opinions are well -known there. I was for Barnes, I went to the New Inn at a quarter past eeverten the morning of the nomination day, the 29th of April. It was a 'Peel' house. I found there Hardman and Booth. They said I must drink with them. I did so. It was a dark colon¢ drink; can't say what it was. I got up to go, and they 'downed' me and 'doubled me up.' They carried me into a' cab. Hardman and another got Inside, Booth outside with the driver. The driver was Phinn Murphy. I shrieked oat as well as I could, but Hardman put hie hand en my mouth. I was carried in the-nab to Mr. Bidren's print works, at Bothell, and from there to Astley bridge, near Bolton. The cab whit round, and not by the usual road. Oa the way Hardman kept me down with his knee in my buck. He hit me on the mouth and knocked out my tooth. He seieral times asked me why I would go for Barnes and not for Peel. I got the cab door open twice, and it was shut to, and the last time some one got off the cab and hit me on the fats. When we got to Astiey bridge, we stopped at the TippinrArms: I was quite 'date lees' and exhausted. They carried no. into the house. While they were doing so, &woman came up and asked, 'what was to dot" They said they had found me drank, beating my head against the ground. I said they were liars, they had done it themselves. They carried me up stairs ' into a room, and there Hardman put a pillow over my month and suffocated me, because I cried out. He milk 'will you vote for Barnes, now?' !said, will if you leave life enough." They took off my shoes. nay pressed me with the pillows whenlier I cried out. They held my nose and poured spirits down my throat. Hard man and Booth were in the room. At last I made en exease to have a bucket. They brought • ontkand J. threw it through the window, break ing glass, frame and all. After this they let me be, anti I went outside and called 'murder,' until ' the landlady canoe out to me and gave me Is. to gat home. When I got home I was bruised all Aver, a tooth wan knocked out, and I was cov ered with blood. For a fortnight I was ill and paned blood."' "Bottling voters" is a trick not yet understood in this country, although it very much resembles a plan called "cooping," much resorted to in the eastern cities. The British authorities, however, deserve credit for puxishingthese election rioters =on example which should in the future be more extensively imitated on this side of the ocean than it is at the present period. DiAna or Lunn Hortr.—The Anglo Saxon brings us news ibis afternoon of the death of the genial and delighted author, Leigh Hunt. Mr. Hunt was born In Middlesex, England, in 1785. His father was a clergyman, and a West Indian by birth, but being in Pennsylvania Si the time of the Be - volution he was forced to fly. to England. Mr. Hunt, on returning to England, was tutor to Mr. Leigh, nephew of Lord Chandos, after whom his eon was named. Hunt received his education with Coleridge, and - others now famous at Ohrial.'s Hospital, and has ItAt, some most agreeable' reminiscences othts soks4-daye there, in "Lord. Byron and some of his CoteMporarles." Hunt 'showed his talent for poetry early, and became an author. and editor, in conjuttotion with.his brother John. . While editing a London Journal he libelled the Prints Regent, by calllog him a ..fat Adonis of filly," and was Imprisoned two years therefor—also paying a fine of 4500. His brother John also shared the Imprison ment, and the costs of the suit to both , of them were £2,000 in all. On losing prison he pabliehed 4 olimini," and continued writing in various periodicals, some of which—The Indicator, for instance, were mainly composed of his own contributions. -His works have gained leech in popularity since the days when Byron and his admirers sneered& the "Cockney School," and their spirit him:always been delicately fanoied,generons and high toned. Among hie intimate friends be numbered Hee- IBS, Lamb, - Shelley, Keats, Lloyd and others, , —.^`.whosetante is world wide. - Of late years he has resided in commtratito retirement. TEES Ilmslesipplan, the organ of the Damao ' , • racy at the Stet* capital of Mississippi, discus -- • , sing the pretension's of Douglas to Southern sup .; port for the Presidency, says: Colonel Garin% the Democratic candidate for . Congekm in , the Atlanta (Gs.) District, in ens . :wee to the question ifhe would !support, Dangler) for the Presidenoy it he ehould be the nominee of the Charleston Convention, Bays he "would not.". - This . le the almost undivided sentiment of the Southern Democracy. Douglas' doctrine on the. Territorial question is as much in.conflict with the Dred Scott decision as the doctrine of I .. Seward, and it le perfect,folly to talk of support lug one and resisting the inauguration of the "ether. The Southern Demob:soy must be just and consistent in their professions and practices, if they would commend the respect, and deserve the endorsement of the whole Southern people in the pitlity . they propose. It oar I ltriss Corratscr.—The Leavenworth fterrelliotodent of the New York Times says: • "The lest subJect of discussion here is a con tract given to s Virginian named Gilespie for 400 02 , 1 h 7 beme, et $175 apiece. The Sigma dike job sold out tab St. Louis dealer at sprodt of sl4,ooo.—illat is the actual horse desks 1141 the contract at $l4O a horse. But - ibis wee not the , whole loss to the government-, the ltories were net wanted--tertainly at this Two hundred and, five of the animals, however, were sent to Fort Smith and the bal. ' - ante 05) to this port, sad en officer was cent on eo inspect and reale. they?, and tare them neer to the tioansi-master." • exciti nceiTess is gOiDg I.....llnnessota. w""°'"6 A. Grew, Schuller Colfax, Frank P. Gov. ReAneeri and otherpraraenexe- PaViaps aro on thestuop.tleonittorobs ble Senator Wade will es e .,, th e ..Liht s Cleat _ debate in b.Unneeots,'in,l / 0„ t o m ., c l ose ran nit hie "Sal:Misr Barnet te track., . Colonel, who hisboon obliged to tisit, the dentist Web', whales to know l eta mitioni and precarious - tooth irlitabl (Hi 'hicies t ite from fas:pase . s - ,faßgArp)ol . ,bik ,- Igled vuernst M=M 0_ t,'.: - ottia-notila TABLE. !!--.: .*.'•-:- f - t v... rb.x.,.. i.a.5.d...t.) - • , 'MabelVoralettierilibeilett: Acid:at:oth: By Mist le ~,,,,,,,, prestrliten To Ammer Tun tiov. . . Ri ' l " ‘ "'mk t°, Mid. Teateett Co," •-•-•,, - I, enzioser or Toscans - .—lf we Are correctly in. i Hate le el "Vloltinte fries &native autherees, limo bag contributes largely 7ygazine litezature, 1. The Emperor Napoleon 111 , while arctic and has . aroa eatioh credit,as the delineator of , log the Archduke Ferdinand of Lorraine, with i , home scatter and home experiences. The TOl - the most gracious courtesy declared, formerly, . time before us ishighly oemmendedby the Frees , • that all armed intervention in Tunny Iras out I and eepeelaUy !hoppers of Ohio, of which State of the question; and added, that not withAanding she Is &native. It is one of those books which , his good feeling for the Archduke, that the fu- I only a woman can. rite, being a domestio novel tare fate of that State must substantially depend and displaying tuna height into female charm , 1 u pon the free Bed legal deliberations of rte re- . ter. In its typographical appearance it does present-olives. , great credit to the press of Ohio. The story is . 2." Oar Government being advised of the Fps. told with considerable - ability, with numerous, °lel inteidloes In thecoofortuity with all the de- 1 strongly-marked cheracters, and incideute reline t claratione heretofore made by the Emperor and intensely stated. The scene Is laid in New .Eng.• Count Walowoki, has resolved to OfTfpt the union land, and the tale reveals "heart historice" that will have quite a charm fore largo class of read. of Tu 3. The po,e.ion of this. oat. or i„ tae, ns e, Price $1 00. For sale by Hunt & Miner. occupat i on of Tuscany by Pied mod will t, i "A Battey* Abru.d; 00•W.nd.ing. in loot.P° and t o ' stponed until the completion of the begotia- 1 the w e ., By Manuel 8. Cos-Columbus: Follett,, Foster it On" • ho ne pendlog open the subject This Is the seventh edition of a work which 4. But If Tusoany were in be attacked, Cho hes attained toe large popularity. The author ' Pledthontese army would beaten at once to rte was once an editor and is now a member of Con- ' defence. green from, the Columbus (Ohio) district. He Garibaldi in the ['ear al States —Gen Goribal handles a ready pen, and his eketohee, even of di passed In review on the 18th. on the exercise familiar times abroad, are so well drawn as to ' ground of Modena, a part of the eleventh diet. attract the reader to hie papers almost inmost- Mon of the Italian army, and declared him-elf bly. He looked upon Europe with eyes acme. moth pleased with its appearance. He after what different from thole of meet travelers; sod ' wards visited the military hospital, and spoke those who like to read travels; as who does not, ' most kindly to several of the wounded soldiers. will find this in all respects every readable book. ' A letter from Bologna says: "During the Frio* $1 25. For sale by Hunt & Miner- " few hours Garibaldi - palmed in Bologna, he took "Morality nod the Eltsts. By Simeon Newt. Colombo.; ' occasion to visit the tomb of father Beset, the Vol DD, Foster &Co: New Took, D. Appleton all," ' martyr in the Italian cause, who was in 1843 A book with . a modest title, with sternal; shot by the Austrians, who arrested him in the- merits, and devoid of all pretensions. Its author province of Ravenna, at the place where the Gen was for a long time the occupant of a judicial oral unhappily lost his wife. Aftert Ms pilgrim ! office, and this work was written at intervals, ago to the grave of lige Basal,Gen. Caribaldi was during a period of twenty-five years, hie legal gloomy and taciturn for the rest of the day. He and judicial experience leading him into a pro- also visited Montegola, where Bolognese In 1848 found study of the eubjept of Morality as con- attacked the Austrians, and outmoded In driving emoted with the duties of the citizen to the State. them,from the position. The population by the It differ; eomewhat, from ordinary systems of, General." way greeted him with shouts of "Long live our Moral Philosophy, and we commend it heartily to all Modems and lovers of that science. It I dismisses, very tally, the questions growing out of what Is known as "the Higher Law," and the line ofduty when human laws conflict with our moral convictions. Read it. For sale by Hunt & Miner. STUPENDOUS FRAUDS COVERING Rate A CCS TURY.—The OUTGO Iron Company in Scotland was impended in 1773, with a capital of £150,- 000. Its principal works for the manufacture of Iron In various forms were at Falkirk with an agentiy. The businees has been conducted by a general manager, subject to the control of gen eral meetings. This post was hold from 1785 to 1825, thirty-nine years, by Joseph Stninton. He was succeeded by his nephew, Joseph• Pawson, and another nephew, William Dawson, became assistant manager. A third nephew and a ne phew were respectively agents at Clown- and Liverpool, and Henry Stainton, brother of the deceased manager, was the London agent. In this way the family bad in their hands the man agement for 73 years. Filially, in 1850, a fami ly quarrel arose between the Daimons and Stain tons, and the result was the discovery of a semi annual aeries of frauds upon the Company. Half•yearly balance sheets were made out, bat in them the profile and assets were syste matically put downat far Ices than their proper amount. Thus, in the ten years from 1929 to 1838, there were understatements to thaextent of £175,119, leaving £17,500 per annum to be divided by the manager and four agents. In 1858 the mentors of Henry Btainton comprom ised thn claim of the company upon his estate by inying £220,000. Another sum of £96,000 had been prtid over by ttbe said Stainton to the Company's new manager, the ono who holds the situation. This sum wa&obtained for iron and other military stores furnished from Carron to the Board of Ordnance in London. The consign ments were debited with breakages which never occurred. In some instances they were carried up to 25' per cent , although the Government paid the full face of the bills. Withiiut allowing for interest, the aggregate profits withhold from the company mast have been about a million and a half of dollars. A FAMINE Ammo rue Bgans.—The fact that an unusually large number of beam have made their appearance in many sections of Virginia and Pennsylvania this season has heretofore bees referred to. The Rockingham (Va) Register gays: "There is said to be little or no roast in the mountains this season. The consequence is that bears are becoming exceedingly troublesome in the settlements. They have come down from their retreats in the mountains, and are playing sad havoc with corn fields,cattle and ebeep. Mr. Sanger, living near Mole Hill, is this county, had several cattle killed by the animals near the Richlands, a few days ago. Mr. John Miller, living near Hoover's Mill, on the South Fork, in Pendleton county, also had a number of eheep— about half his flock—killed in the eame way a ehort time since. They are also destroying the cornfields within their range. The fields of Messrs. David Gladwell and Peachy Gordon, three or four miles from Rawley Springs, show marks of the teeth of the half starved hears com ing dawn into Ike settlements " Tun Juniata (Pa.) Sentinel notices the death of a celebrated horse, which bad attained the in credible age of forty-one years. The Sentinel says: "He wee the property of Mrs. S. 0. Evans, of Delaware township, Juniata county. The borne was formerly in the possession of Gee. Jackson, and was given by him to Gen. 'George Cramer, of Union (sow Snyder) county, and by him to his eon•in-low, Mr. Evans. For several years he has been unable 1p masticate, and was fed with bran, 8:e. The history of the horse is no fiction, but the facts related can be fully cor roborated. The defunct carcase of this famous old horse was interred with all due solemnities, in the presence of a largo concourse of his old friends." Sovrn CASOLIBA. Foutsrs Ilytimi.—The Lan reneville (South Carolled) Herald furnishes the following curious item: We have noticed a considerable amount of dead and dying timber on the roads in the lower portion of the district, and heard accounts of Its extension to a eousiderable extent in that di rection. The dying is not confined to any par ticular kind or class of trees, but small bushes as well as large trees show their dead, yellow and withered leaves, which give the woods rather a sad calico appearance. Whether or not this is to be attributed to the late Revere drought, we do not know, but it is ascribed generally to this cause. A GOOD Glory Is told of a delegate la the Ohio Democratic Convention, which shows, fast the danger of epeakiug hastily; and, second, some thing of the estimate in which the ticket then nominated le received by the party. After moat of the candidates bad. been nominated, the delegate referred to, acid, "I would n't ineult a gentleman by asking him to vote snob a ticket." About five minutes afterwards he was himself nominated on the same ticket! We believe that after the Convention adjourned, notwithidanding this singular turn in events, hp persieted in his fast position ; but whether he will "insult a gentleman" in the manner named, remains to be seen." • A azoao woman in the service of Mr. Jaccti Coles, of Danville, Va., died a few days ago, at the advanced age of 110 years. She was regu larly baptized into the Epitcopal Church while it was yet the established Church of Virginia, and remained connected with it, up to the time of her death. Ilex former Master, old Mr. Coles, was a member of the Continential Con ' geese, and she attended the family It New York in thfk capacity of waiting-maid, whefe she often saw Oen. Waehington and other celebrities of the I . lointion. She hod in her posession at the time her death a ring given her by the wife of Gee. Green. As IMPORTANT QUZATION BLITAND.—IVO have always been interested in the number of children which John Rogers, of precious memory, had at the time be was burnt. That picture In the old rimer is before in now, whin hie wife and "nine email children, with one at the breast," were seen in the distance. Chancellor Walworth, at Norwich, settled the matter by exhuming from some old history a leuer or address from John to the government, in which was a passage to this effect: "I would that my worthy wife might come to see me: she has with her ten children, which are here and mine, and I would comfort her aomewhat." ' A newspaper at Corinth, Ala., came out for Douglas, and died in two months. One in Tis homingo county, Miss., came out for Douglas, and died In two weeks. We believe there is but one Douglas paper in Kentucky. We hope its tearful vision Is Lot haunted by graves, tomb stones,_epitsphe, and mourners walking with scraped arms and bets about the Weals. Oar neighbor richly deserves to live, but he must give up Douglas.—Lou. Jour. Aaiun Wuxtaws, a seamstress, committed sui °Hein Philadelphia on Monday by swallowing an onnee of laudanum, purchased with the last penny - she possessed. A local paperdlescribes • her as "only twenty-throe years of age, and poe-. eessed of as floe a person as the finest lady you will meet. on Chesnut street." she could not obtain work to support herself. Wass Martin Welton, a notorious highway man, was dying idthi blasssehusetts State Prir 00, he dictated • minute account. of the adven tures of his life. It was published the next ' year, and there is a • copy in the Boston Athos ntouta, bound by his direction In leather made from his shin. It is at soft se wash-leather, but much uhtter. Corn—the weather hereabout—sexy, indeed. So cold that we hate to keep fire constantly through the day lu.eur composing room. The Anroro bee been flashing 1 more oreninge memo our last issue. The northern gates helm been left wide open,we tnion.‘—Ponerr oo..htjr. " OW Buusoa n once laid, !.I)l4v it is s Gin most ,. be preeidens, Sir! Oat tall to t oo nor tile vognd, air ,sontitir pliunl. "It _ . . • l'ougics.L.—The first Republican Terri: torial Convention-ever held in Nebraska, mist at Bellevue on the 24th ult., and nominated the following ticket: • For Delegate to Congress—Samuel 0. Daily of Nemaha county. For Superintendent of Public 1 nstruc tion,—John 11. Kellum of Douglas county. For Territorial Treasurer--James Sweet of Otoe county. Fur Territorial Auditor oF Dodge county. For Territorial Librarian —Oscar F. Davie of Douglas county. For District Attorney, lot • J udicial District—Phineas W. Hitchcock of Douglas county. The proceedings were harmonious and enthusiastic, and the ticket nominated popular. titan PRICE OF FARMING LAND IN ENGLAND. —WO notice in the late English papers, a report of the sale by auction of a portion of the Westbury and Henbury estates of the Hon. W. M. Noel. These estates are within three miles of the port of Bristol, in the west of Eng land, and the prices realized are said to have been the highest known for many years. With the exception of threelots, the land offered was all sold. Tho Westbury land, acres, brought $530 on acre; the Henbury land, 40 acres, $415 an acre; and some lands near Thornbury, $3OO an acre. 1r is said that the Northern Lights, lust Monday night, no scared an old lady in Felt.- haven, that she got up, dressed herself, paid a prayer, took a pinch of snuff, and went to the meeting house, where she sat on the steps, singing hymns till broad daylight. I PAUSON BROWNLOW is still at the Virginia I Springs seeking& restoration of health. lie has almost entirely lost his voice, but be says he in tends to rates it against Looofocuism as long as he mu, and alma he can no longer speak, be in tends in make mouth at the rascally concern! CUM, was cleared from this port to the ex tent or tteorly half a million pounds, last week, principally to Great Britain, (to come back, mach of ft, no doubt as the "Genuine old English arti nle,") end the receipts by railroad are very large. -Uenry W. Depuy Sint Ugh Co La INT.—The fact is TOGS too w ell eat•blitu.. I fur any cno no attempt to controvert It, that must .4 ...e.lhoweea whitlrunfren prove fatal in ram p, pre.toced ex wit e use of:tone and erg, tables, by whirl, rue ...mach re hoot:heed, the liver ,hraugul, the blood ategtette.l and ft-eel's wren., rewhroi ins. ttve If ant horpti l'lreent. (Rioters Merlons. 11111 one and Cranny Coolie, Drat, et y, %art - bogs and each her complaints ger tnimte and thelt • urn Improper lasi and often aim. be. ,egottle deep seated end fixed upon the Constltntloo, that 'tarti efronvn.,t end meat active mineral medleineeare unable to taxer their progress until the patient Is prostrate, and all helms tlf erlief are ended. Wit, is It that has not wean a fine, healthS itleut or adult, wired with one of the annoy leg distaste, 4,/Ve epolten of and despite the .1011 and ed. eters of meal -al gentlemen literally was:essay ander their treatments and hew WIWI treatment to be swounted but Simply by the foot, that instead of adriduletertoit wum reined, to sure the falling etrength et the arlieted, end at the rune time 'heck floe Its Target., .eletnedy prised'. bat In the uhatralen of the natural stt-nath. eud at rI he 41mase wen mannered the sufferer 'WM proatrato, 1..,1tug to excite • newt', the patient Meet from the , ff. rt t pete-u witnlnt.us .1 to ,prot the New with Pa:HEIST fat lIOLLA , D BITTSILB. widen ore rommeed enttrety of vegetable matter, and which have not only pruned that:m.l.es tan hest tunic In net, tut I hare newer Wild to correct di.rders of the common and bowels when taken ecerwatng to three king In the cure of Sommer Complaint+ they have n equal. Try them Motion. Roan CAarrourt—The Lterminebletly Concentrated Ike". havers Reiland Bitters Is put up Intuit pint Mottled only, sad rkalledat yl per bottle. The grant demand he the truly Celebrated Medicine has induced, way troluttiaarh which the public ehmildgnard agliAttet purchseing. Bware of Imposition] See that true nuns is on the lapel of creep bottle you buy. PACS, Jae. I CO, Salo Prchrlattta, Yf j Wood street, between lit end 15 Xte-,rlttaborgh, I anaslawl. DTSFIPSIA.—WiIson ' s Pille arc the bem in use, You c.ti rely upon their efficary. sure In their cnratire effects. Physician. have admintstered them. Eminent celestas.n been tried and approved them Preachers, Laurin, avid thoussuds of citizen. Speak of them In the highest terms. In fact, they are a epectflo for Dy•petais And di:mm.4'th. stomach mei. bow. ht. Sold to P. L. PefINNOTOCEC k CO., Wholassio Drug gists, No. t() Wood Street, Pittsburgh. eitik s.d3 abbett►acmrnta A CARD. Of the workings of a public institutionJiko the House of Refuge, the public have a right to know They entrust the mtumgement of this institution too Board of hieing.... The Mikan having the itenruflate control, am employed by and anewernble to these mango re. They understand the positloo we take la relation to the matter spoken of in Monday evening l e Chronfcle. The communi ty do not. We hope people will not be hasty lo forming an opinion of tho peat. sto we are acting In this matter, and that they will Lee. • lih oar wpparent bulk warducin lu ex pruning to the r.. hR wit have expreased to the Manager We await then ...trio. 01 pert lug that they will explain r poaltion. lIE TILE OFFICEaS, Aron 01 the Suite" intends Vo kb th.. • NT rreine lo lhr All.ghearearialy Fair. N E -F.•I) A Y ,Aralga=l kJ' 711URIEIDA YRIDLY, Vaptataber 14th, to t..wllgW, tt.1115 mill tau emery bait hoar tat the PE? I.MANIA RAILROAD. betveett the Passetirs &Clot .he Far firottuds First Tr. 1.0 each day mill Irate Palaroger atata, at &SO /1.. E. .. • . • last Train .111 los,. 11rouot1. et rao 4/ar /AIM SA= WAS, FIVE CENIII. 61/E4ter J. EIEW ART, Ag PUD LAIC SALE. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF TILE District Court of Allegheny county, Egnity, the on derslAmed, llemlver, appointed by sold Conn, will expom to Public Bele, un the premMes, latel menritvl by Cmdget Wadsworth k Co, on geat Lane, Poor y th Ward, Allegheny City, on TUESDAY, the LT itt day of September inst., st 10 o'clock, A. 71., all the property mud elfects of sold Arm, vic, One 9 loch Oscillating E .gins, (Cridge k Watimorlh'• Pat ent) one 7 inch do, nee.. d Lathe:et—one very lalgo, 'sod others of different Meow Plantes limbic.a greet variety of Tools used in 121•1.0.1tIfillg Enloe., - .7 - ,;ge lot of Iron, Steel and Ctuttlopr. Patent Eight. to.:7,rhige Wadsworth'. t oscillating Engine*, Ac, end the Patterns used in their manufacture, sods groat variety of Maclune ry, Tads sod Materials need to Engine building, 44.,4 , - Also, the Lot and Building. lately °maple& by said firm, fronting 70 feet on milt side of EMI{ Lane and etwridlog back, preen - Mutt same width, 192 feel- PersOne desiring to p..rehise an elan:Line the property hymning on Ur. CU Ait LES LINDSAY at Me gremlin*. ,Ternse made known nn d.. etude. seleZawdtd JAtil P. STERRETT, R“ttiver, NEW FALL OUuDS OPEN THIS .14 ORNING. VELVET CLOAKS, CLOTB CLOAKS, FANCY SILKS, MOTS DELAINKS, LN ROBES Plaids, French Merinos, Printed Morning Gowns, • Shawls, in gent variety Embroideries, Laces, . Ladies Vests and Drawers, Cents' Undershirts and Drawers A at'ploto mrvrtmeat, BURCHFIELD d CO.'S, .14 .rionb•E.4 carter loarth sad Markato. vir RAPPING Perro.— 2r, cents. Medium Doubt .. .. . . ed 410 The highest market prim pall paid to Hub for Ease OIIADWIOK t SON. Noe. 140 and 161 Wood street A Litt.FAT VARIETY OF SILKS, MERL: mid., olk-o-Clam% D. 141.01, bombazine., Eroadclotht, Clastianors, Casalsicto,llsul, , ,l, Ehavd4, Manila*, MIAs, 0 4raluldle,o, Dula" Mop Mart Pronto, Edens, Oknroo, .11041 , 1t7. ko now nody fur eablbltloo, . C. ILSNI3O:4 LOVE, 4,14 " • No. 14 llnraet at 01L-20.bbls. Linseed Oil in etoro and fo We low to cloto coulguatent. .4,14 ssia.sll9 C 0,,.. Ulm') Wait. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!—CaII -at cur irgrehintsp and examine cur Week of Parlor, Mamba, Dining Room and Library Furniture, dour own Manotacture and entreated. T. B. youbia4 sel4 33 6 40 iimittaleld etnet. TOUNGES--Lonnge Frame's and Spring jj &at 1/Clitgail anvitautly triaintltr i o r t , eg r oo m . . - E===l SELF-ROCKINO CRADLES on hand ant W We by T. B. 'YOUNG it CU. /111.11,1)11EN'S swlNO-.3---another lot fixo I.bld and in rateroorot, for oda by 1.11 T. B. YOUNG it CO. VITBAN-1000 lbs. Leglsons just res'd and N. by Miura tAtEIDZEIDEIN, fIoOD Woad Mat: • 44,f, Sit° 3!lbbtittiftTllrSlUB FALL. G o . +IP '414, NOW OPENING AT C. HANSON LOVE'S, O. 14 Ell I.IILICT bl - 11E. 6T NATE ate, beppy to bo able to inform our ou• V trete... Mende, ertomtre eel the pablic gt•herah ra la Iv, ttgtt ge eyer opento the most AT r ILACTII V ¢ *tech et FILL IND WINTER DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, RAGLANS, Mourning Goods, Honse•Fnrnishing Goods, Domestic & Staple Goods, That we have ever been able t) offer 113 our stock wl.l be tuned all the novelties of th• ems., there beteg were' style. NEWER BEFORE OFFERED IN nus NABSET. We will aleo be almost daily In re• N }DAV GFOOPS In addition to our present stock, all of dhich will too told to law, and a goad many article. loner, than May cat be round In tht city PI.. .11 end examine our et.t before purameluy O. HANSON LOVE 4 Murket Street, bet. Fourth and Diu d FlrrstiruitaH. PA IMEMIZIS NAT FALL GOODS Home's Trimming Store, Near Fourth Street, Pittsburgh R 1401. 1 DRESS TRIMMINDS, HAND SOME CLOAK TRIMMINGS, to ell the ooreltlet of SHAWL BORDERS—a large stock at law ELEGANT SASH RIBBON AND BONNET RIB BONS; BUGLE HAIRS, NETS, COIFFTRES AND FANCY READ DRESSES AND THE MARAPOSA—sn entire new ornament for the heed. EMBROIDERIES.—Fine Lace and French Work Setts, Lace Collars, Pompadours, Crape Collars and Setts, Embroidered Bands, Ruffling, Cambric and Swiss and Linen Worked Edging; Embroidered Rdkfs; In fants' Caps, 'Waists and Robes; Valenciennes Laces; Thread Laces and Edging. STOCKINGS AND GLOVES of every size end description. LARGE STOCK OF RIBBED 'HOSIERY. MEN'S SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS— n full stock• BIERINO AND SILK UNDER,GADMENTS, for Ladies and Children. MILLINERY GOODS—Ruches, Flowers, Velvets, Satins, Blonds, Lanes, Crape., Feathers, 1,7,,t3, &c. ZEPIIYR WORSTEDS—AU atades, of Car ow ICU portatioo, SHETLAND WOOL, YARNS, CHENEILLES arid _ KNITTING COTTON. SKIRTS AND CORSETS of the hest makes. TIIF: STEEL SPRING DOLLAR SKIRT Fon 85 CENTS. FANCY WOOLENS--Ladiee and Cbildrens' Hood. Scarfs, Sacks and Shawl.. ks.thar Wholnlets Boons, up alnly. are full of NE trued SEASONABLE GOODA, to vlitch we terne the specl.l at tention of AtERCHANTA'AvA MILLINERS. A/ we ate constantyy 'warning our .tork and Make our urchase. on the ben cub terms, we cow and wit! will all grade In our hoe u low a. they can Ira had anywhere to the country, , JOSEPH HOHTTiII, IT Rlarkot. West. STOCRTIPO YANNSat .14taakfacterree. pri a. LARGE STOCK OP FALL BONNETS at VIA Lad ••13.2101 A YELL — LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Mourning Dress Goods, su AWLS, V.EILS, COLLARS, SETTS Sad .tior articles to Moottsing ALSO, LINEN AND ROUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS _I.V GREAT TARIETV, Jcst opened id 'The Mourning and llonst-Furniihing Mort ; OF BROOKE{ & COOPER, NO. 75 MARKET STREET. _ _ T II E ADMIRERS OF NTAINWAY'S PLAN9S art rssphalelly informed dill Ira are recalling oar PALL !SUPPLY of thre e • • CELEBRATED PIANO 'FORTES. s The demand for these flu* lostrumeista la so far lu .d. rano. of the eopply that purchasers should gin os an early call In order to secure a choice. U. STABILE A 8110 , N 0.53 Fifth areal, .013 • Bole Agents for titeloway's Pianos. flßDlNANCE t granting the Right of Way a..., to the Allegheny Irttlley Rantoul Oompeny. Be It cmlabled and enacted by the Mayor• Aldermen and clllzene of Pittabtagb,U &lent and Common Catnactls as sembled, end It Ie bqeby ordelned and enacted by the Mae. dirOnoal let That the right and authority are hereby gr.loal to Ilea Allegheny Valley ltailroed Company to •n -ter upon net hey down rails for a doable track of railw.y from the .attro terminus of Sutler erreek along said street to the west sloe of Allegheay attrat from abeam with a single • track of railway Along flatter, othorwl. called O'llva Won, to and across Colombia arrest: from Meats to cored by IlarrlNDl or KM Urea Into Pike Moot, and from thence along Pike to Ifeabluirtou attest. 2,1, That old Allegheny Valley Railroad Company doll hare the right and authority to traverse the rall•ey with their can and lommotirm, except on Pike street, when horse powetedoll tea cook provided, at no coal or wool hemmed as fool la thole locomotives within the city Crane Sam, Ad, That mid Allogbeoy Valley named Company elaidi not lay down their reds on Mono , . DOW saulatroet from ilmrisou to Adams areal, in {Stud.' red Perot, end the odd company obeli pry one half the coat of grating and paring tioete.t aforouhl, as by agreement made with the Committee on Streets and City Regulator. Doc,. 4th, Teat said Allegheny Valley Rantoul Cornpi. ay shall conform to the presort or any luturo grade of weld street, shall pat down Ruch pattern of roils be may he im• proved by oho Recording Regaletor and Commit-tea on Strode; shall pet down iron gutters eimilar to th.e and in Liberty wont shall not trauma call tree t within the city limin at a greater rate of epeed than four mil. per hour. See t. ttb, that Lola Alleglonll Valley Railroad ,Conma ny shall pay thee:peewee and damages for any thaDya_ ID the pada of Pike street thet may ha agreed upon with the llecordlng Regulator and Committee on Streets, and they Omit keep the streets, from cern to curb. Intoned with their railway, goo, repair and condition at their own proper ccet, coder the direction of the Street Commissioner. BIM sole, That ID caw toe said Allegheny Valley Rall roadCompsny shall neglect er referee to comply with any provieleon of this ordinance, or shall neglect or relate to pay ally tan Whir!. maybe assemed for city purposes upon coy property meteoroid or heneaftereesulrad by laid elm. peel within the city, the Seleet;and Common Coancili eberrefetay forfeit all the Pritilegeo bt awaited byre patting this ordinance, and saki company .ball at all times hereafter be sorted to atoll roles and regulation as may be lortDdrtaCoillary for thetarther protection nod Worley of the persons and property of the citizens of the city of Pitninargh. Scot. Ith, This ordinance shall not be published or re corded oath the President of the Allegheny Valley ll... Urea Company Craft here filed lo the office of the Controller a duly certified copy of a eon:ill:Mon of the directors of acid company aeceptleg this ordinance in lie prorial.“, Sam. ath, All ordlneAMO or parte of ordinances, eNleut herewilh,are hereby repealed. • Ordained and enacted tote a law In Owned. this 011 i day II September, A.D.,186 0 . JAMAS McAIILET, Attest: R. Alozzoir. o.k of Rulect Council. RUSSELL REARM, Praldeat of Common Ckroad Attiot, rivaa Med Clerk of Cotruci, AT OOSTI WATCHES .AND • JEWELRY TEA WARE, CLOCKS, SPECS:46TM, RAZORS, MILITARY GOODS, And o tarp rsrioti of other Goods ortiil to this buttnece, Noe Oloaing Out at and Below Cost W. W.. WILSON, Agent, N 0.119 Word Stmt. !ill A. MIERSOkr, SO u NS Igt ezarß sr, iffrsoll ANly AUNIBIOADI CONTWZIONAUT. %%Masai* and , Adel, ' Maadactoran of lrwcb &V. Toys, GM Drum Cram /rafts, Roman Candy and Kara , . eta SEED--3. 00 bus. strictly risco seabed as coausiatusTal= tz patios lissrtssrst lista 1,, ~+mow.... ~3's.+~ _ -~: `-.^-"°' , _ ... '`'.""'" ..... ~... szLintettantows / I'l - "IF• UP STOVE DEALERS Is respectfully invited to the largest stock aal Freston ..its of ST ov E S In Ohs eats, onanotactozed by A. BRADLEY, No. 4 Wood Street, PITTEIBURGIC TN our aseortnieut will be found the fullow Log well known coo IS S'X'OVIES THE DOUBLE.TOP PATENT GAS k SMOKE CONSUMING TROPIC, for Coal THE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE.TOP PATENT fiAH AND SAIOKE CONSUAIINII ARBITER, for Coal TILE NEW DOLIDLE.TOP PATENT GAS AND SMOKE for Coal or THE CELEBRATED VICTOR, for Wood. Liro Oak and Pitubargb PREMIUM STOVES OF THREE DIFFERENT \ RIETIEz PARLOR STOVES, for Wood and Coal; bolt in the market, and boating Stores of every descrip GRATE FRONTS, /cc., all of which will bo mold on ME= WILSON, PAYNE do CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, No. 94 Wood street, Pitt11)111.01, Elate now It 40310 a MU stock of Desirable Fall Goods, To which they lades the atlehtluo 4,1 the trado, arlo6lmd Viir M. -EL sciam - mp...rz sr co., W HOLES ALE Si RETAIL Id ANUF AC nER.9 AND DEALERS IN ES 001 - 3 AND latnolcs, No. 31 Fifth Street, Bank Block, Raving Jon received our very luxe and complete iacck of EOM AND SHOES, we are pm:area to offer extra in derementt to perches/en. Cell and examine. selelrni WM. E BOLIMERTZ a CO, SI Slat et. N EW STORE, _ JAB. W. BARICECR S CO., OP NEW TOOK CITY, Haws eateolly opened so entirely now stock of elegant DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, At the old stsodef Gee. ft White t Co.) No. 59 Marls.tet IStroet, Between Third and Foortb otreets One of the dm residing in New Yota to dailyorcbaning the label sod most rultiooaltle striae (.1 3D Ft 3EI ° ElC}oo LA 01 4.Y.s y &seriph°4 and they guarantee. h, !toll as If net Imo than NEW IhRIC Fumes. Their Beak of Effete, Merlon, Shoal., Bloateds, Silk Bohn, Caehmeree Closka, Flenoele, Popilmt, DeLatom, 'tactics, Ehealloge, Valet:mina; Plaids, Velves, Dameal..., Tabor., Chinese., Hosiery, Neckline, Petit do Cnol7o.l4 . lnts, Gloves Toweling's, Ith stray other bled of louse Furnishing and Domestic Goods. Together with a fall sad templet. assortment of good. tot numerous La be enatecretal, adapted to the swoon, fur. LadiesOlentlernen,llissee and Teeth.' Wear, is erneurpute4 They ask am call from ewer; ponce who may read this adrertlenooent, that they may be able m lodge tor then& owlet. The eon, II opts (ram 734, A. al. till 9 o'clock, P. M. ONE PHIOE. NU nsvisrzoN Prim muted la plain Elgetrea. mil:abed _ pp OKETUIFC fAT !Torts - , ca f! 75 WOOD es er E,N•r lIILLERMAN & COLLORD Alm Jaws pep...lto meet tho &mends of those rho mar sant HATS, CAPSAND LADIES' FURS. P.. kokl oiros tiNv sr: rAk crepti ft linoves, Grates and Rang:ail 61 BISSELL & CO., NO. 235 LIBERTY STREET, 0 0 ME X XsTPARLOR HEATING STOVES, GRATE FRONTS AND FENDERS, GOOSING BANGEII3 It lan want llas BESS 003EINO RAISON that Is cai• call at Presldout of Select Ckmaci II you want the BUT COIL COOKING Snail, call and get ih• • • "VIOTORY," MADE BY BISSELL & CO If you want the BEST WOOD INTOilti() STOVE, cal and got the • oBLACKOAX," MADE BY BISSELL 4, CO • If you 'NinaOdin; a bona; and want tbe ILLEa TIMM aad LATTET STILE of Gtll oo 111111pLL and vo t fel to baptised " the = the Lagoa .end Bert.morttotot to Ws au Gibtt to to fogrod to th e atty. t. bocci bta r -V ancil " ; ': C AIIDLES.r i' friaxito6 lloel7 arms. NEW GOODS! BIANIMACITURSKS OP Fine and Common Enamelled And the Celcbrstod Cayitel and Bogle BISSELL ez CO.'S ORATE RON'ITI. COME STD AND SMITHFIELD STS , OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE PITINBURGH, PA. - Iltroog•r• or Clltresni DESIROUS of knowing where id the best place to repare yonug men fur Ind... aro dhttt . en oat only to r n. otro of the principal Merchants, nod art l'euhere and Protessional men of th• city. but are most rs epeethilly Invited to call at the goon.. of ma College' and nuke the IJ:lowtng comparittona betweou this mud similar institutions claiming public putronefto, the sirs and number of the Wore.: the nunds, idadeute la attend• once; the m- de of Inetruttlcey ;minr it tto. •trtetY and ,thorooghoesa of the nouns of study. the ottani, and appefwance of the wort doe. by the students. tbe coMPe . leery of the studenun the quelia.-attone, etperlenca end literary staudlog oldie Jezebels, and .11 other (blade that gu to make op a Ern clues Pawed: and then if not sedated that tho [ton Oily College is greatly in ed see , of any other School. and pasoroo facilitlea on mitre raise to bit found. It I. toot clouted that they will the fchool, nor will they ha eolicited to du eo. 0u24 dam? public 1 10 t ICCO ir7.,Ncrrict.—A meeting of the Board of Hanagara of the Howe of /Sokoto a Dement Peon. 1171.016 grill be held Cl the ittotituttoo ou THURSDAY ATIRA September 15th, at 2 o'cloca, P. 1.1 PI; AWN , f tha Prealdent. salt ltd JNO. T. LORAN, Soct.ttto. STOCEEIOLDERS —A mee of the Stockholders offtl EETING. the North American Min ing °employ of Detroit r»11 to hell at the office of J. U. SEW ELL, EN., (Jones' Dailding,) loath sheet, on WEDNES DAY, the letb of September Met, oft. 10 ticket, A. 31 . for the purpom of hearing the report ed to visit the Mine, and of Coll.l4aricg the best means of rendering as-OMM° the recent important disco' , rise be the lon, and such other boelotwe as may be broterbt befor• themeeting. aalteltd 2.11.DZY1N,13 , c. N. A. St.. Om ilmusinntnto. APOLLO THEASR .PORTEI3. AND SPiARLAND. EMI= . . Doors open at 7 o'docl; Curtain will tire at 8 o'cto-Js pm-tidy. • GO AND. SEE BARRI" SULLIVAN IN RIP. GRRATCIIARAOr6R9. tirEs. Posters cud Vrogrammec CARGO'S BRASS AND S'II I .N , D; 0711011. Finn Enteer. oe13:10 Mantis. __— WANTED—An satire partnership in some v sell established Fastness, in dm dry, by • porton sho bes from 61000 to 66,009 to Incest. All corocnnnicse done confidential. P. CUTIIBERT A BUN, o. 61 Mutat street. WANTED-5,000 bushels Flax Seed, for y ablel hipbeed market price will ba paid. ao3o 3. C YIELD CO., 10.141 TIM rt. Co ILO. TLET.—A comfortable two story TO Brink Dn - Oling Innen, on Hay . One IL - of 00 EL HMO, arrlo Mx 211 Liberty anent. • • Eburattanal. ..... ___ M ODE R N LANGUAGES.—FREDERICS. 0,1 AM., N 0.170 Emit/1541d atreet begs to Intirm hit papas ted the publio that he hat taunted hit Instructions in German. Freud, et e. • telo.lcodt POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF THE BTATZ OF PENNA., PHIL 6.DELPlTlli.—Tmeorpora• ted IPA and organized .Ith a foil /scatty, on the plan of the Indwells! Colleges of Paris and 'Germany. Comprise. I% Preparatory Department and Pour Technical Echools, vim The School of !Gam . . The School of Practical Cherchtm The School of Civil Engineering; • The School of Mechanical Engineering: Architecture and Topographical and Mechanical Draw. lug are Included to the 'Engineering course, and the nowt t.tendtd Field and Laboratcrty practice le afforded. The Seventh Annetta] Session will bleu on MONDAY, 5ept.1910,11339. For Catalogues nod farther information addrees DR. A. L. KENNEDY, an33.3lart4tderker Preeldent of Penalty. US. LAND FOR SALE.—There will be offered at Public gale on the 25th of September. 1b59, et Fort Dodge, lOwn. Omni 003,003 arras of Garerno merit Laud, mostly situated along the Isaist and West Yorke of the De. litninoo River, and are among tbe brit tante In the State. To poreonsiwilthing to witer lands, either with each or Land %Tomo., we offer wirservicas, believing 'we con tender ratiofsotion to all who may entrust brisinew to our cam. Will attend to poLyieg taXe• tv aily county In the State. biceltlVE o TT. Fort Dcdgn, lows. enlirlawdlmaras net, to the ettizeen of Fittebargh O:EWICKLEY ACADEMY.-A cL6ESICAL 11....) sm. Oexterstra Foelenran Sawn eon Born, on the P., Ps W. U. B. 1it.,12 miles from Pittsburgh. ItET. J. Et. TRATILLI, 4 I, Priccipal. The TIMITY•700BTII PESPION rommakre a TO u EeDdr, boencntar 1.416e9. Two, per &melon of fire months For cifewiere. eft, enquire el John Irwin 2 Sou, Weer street,Nem , & 00., :3 Wood street, or ol the Prteclosl. fiewidag. seLlateedserStr LOCITtfEI.." LA WELSIECEVILLE, FOR YOUNG LADIES, TUE NEXT ANNUAL SESSION OF TWO TERMS, Bre month. etch, will open on TUESDAY. the 13th of September, at D o cloak, A. M. The Faculty of Teacher., who Ailed their situation , with such dletingui.hed =come during the gut year, montlana thole connection with the institution. On account of the greatly increased facillthe for travel afforded by the new Pawing.' Railway, • limited number of DAY PUPILS will be congest) from Pittsburgh. The o amber of Boarding Pupils,is limited to Thirty. EARLY APPLICATIONS ARE DESIRABLE. CIRCULARS, eoutelning general information, term, An, may be bedsit DAVIS' and DAVISON'S, Doak-miler; sad at EMBER'S and muLows Elude Stow, or by addresa log at Pittabm . gb Post ORM anislt.33 .REV. GEORGE T. RIDER, Renter. B I KM I N G HA II COMBIJERGI Als VOL L. EWE AND WRITING ACADEMY, College Hall, Diamond, Birmingham. TIMES, 01611 ON ENTRANCE. For Ornamental Wtieing—..sl6 Bala Writing— I.)}. Time rmilmitzd. • Welting and Book-Keeplng 20 PAMIR: N. Bilking, Professor of Writing and Boot Keeping. 0. IL LEITR AD,7r., ProFeaaor of Ir enmanship. G. P. WELLS, Professor of Book-Keeping and Comm... chi Calculations. REV. W. 13. BOLTON, Lecturer. on Blatory and General Fade.. NON. B. P. FLENNIKEN, Er..o. EL Minletar to Den mark, • masher of the Pintaturgh Bar, Lemmas on Com. mental Lair. PROF. AL F. EATON, Lecturer on Elocution. Call and metal/ has mver been before attaropted py any penman, named,: Spada:Mu of Ornamental and PraeUral PenrearnhiP executed in yearrprentaca, in Oa Mort vim of from 3 womb, and upwards. Good boarding at IVO par week. Birmingham Ferry fray for students. Eentraum Kan! lime. For specimens of off.ttand Dulness Writing, enclon; two postage damps, and address 0. IL LEITIIRAD.PrincIieJ. Pittsburgh, Pa. ➢IAD. Ii.PrOLINE T.ETEJ)OI7.I". Boarding and Say School for Taiing Ludt 148 TAird Street, Pittsburgh TILLS SCHOOL OFFERS TO YOUNG LA- DlES,.beeldra • inalinglish mune, unmet fecilltles to acquire the Trench language end literatare—theprinci pal, an American born, hart* neilded_reversl yam to trance, and being arafltett by dr. 'Watteau. • native of NT Is, and graduate of the "College Charlemagne." no mond swami melon will open.= deV. the 12th of September. erica of tnition by the term, Z 25. Freon and Latin taught viithent'extra chugs. No pupils received ender can years ciao. For circular., dc.,apply at Sir. bleu...and hir.Doviecree dorm, or at the.rtiance of Biala= TeT0410122.: ao6altaeßo MRS. EDRINGTON WILL RE-OREN HER ECEIOOL THE FIEBT MONDAY IF EEPTEILAir. ♦f HR UZIDIEI OS I=l 'PENN INSTITOTB, X • lIINCOOK STREET, NEAR. TENN WIII re-open on SIONDAY, tb• Eith AUGUST. Terms $22 per seal= of Eve months. J. M. SKIM, an&lyd PrlncipeL ARECENT GRAD IA Et Of a Nair Eng land Colts" nubs to obtain a sitostloa as TEACH. latt sotiostnatitutiottoalearulug. Good recoallaandallona allonlisa. Nor further particulars inquire at Tata 017101. asliclma . Valuable Coal Property for Bale. • • THE Widow and Heirs at Law of Cyrus' Prentice, late of Portage county, Obk., drowsed, oder for ado the Goal Ulna situated in lies Ctambwiand, Han cock comity, Cirgiela—befog the mine. PAD .6 of 61- trod Chapman. B. W.Chaptran and A. 0. Cbapstan—ons• sisdng of ODO hundred and twenty.three saws, with the &yearn:manner and pricilens•Conreyed by the above paths to Cyrus Prentiss, on the 0515 dv of AprO, 2667. There to o annum of 5 fees of Gaston the SUM premises now op.:t ad—from 3000 to 4000 bushels eta be mined and delivered • at the Ohio Arse per day. Also all the tolnerall on 167 moos known a. the Carson Perm. ontseletleg of BO scree of a 6 foot vela of. Oval Connectscl wita tbs Chapman pushup, and an . be worked from the wee opentoP—lled le ea" rich la. Iron Ore, Ere Clay, Ac. She DMIODO are the mashie of any now worked on the Ohio Mar. The visit e, of Coal I. equal •to Pitteburgt or Youghiogheny. *he location of thaw miss, inseams below Plitehtnnb. Preen& adructages fur shipping Coal not possessed by deli above that lc,cality. All ant appliances for ruining abd delivering Coal are in perfect order, and can go into oyerstiou at say moment. This presents • time opt for any individnal or company 'deities to 006.4. ie the teteleme, as the Pretwetlf win be Id below eat on favorable term. A good title to the shun provenly will be made to riV ee ' r ! . - - Jobs Whittlomy sad Bleberd B. Knepp, the Adrotaktrs. tem. Vireola, ertil %Mad wilt!" premiere to exhibit the property to v rttea &Mr/14 ttiLl.ittr!heee. Tar tam, .4- arms /oho hittkeetar Ilk B. Knapp Camber. lead, Peacock county, Vat or Samuel J. Elopklas or J. C. PreroJae, limanna,Portege wear/. Ohio. cop o the above, the Artmlitietratom 111 mll,ll (faired, the pummel property mei tor eventing tho ralnee—coratetiag of Boma, Mate; Can, Bargee, Emma. boat Ma, floamthatt, Wharf Boat, to. • SIMMS...Ohio, &pt. 6,1852. PINE, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE Codor Pona—lron sad brow Wand: Cedar Courno— do ' do do all gine!: • Otdir Rater Cm.— do do . Cod.: Koehn— do do . Cedar Plisba— do do • CooonDipperg Bookoto•—•11 ohm and ant; Ilszno Pao—UM ironbohn Coda sad Plan Moinnol CT tutaled; Carpet Drooinio—foor &or. paotod Rockets. Tana and Enda% Fiat Baokotbdn and Dmood; ' Washbowls and Clothes Plug With oTeryttdns else in Oho MIN on band and tarsals b ooltdlni BdidUlf.. RIDDLE, CEanumas' DZWI I77 ;. Offieeng SlLL, ene Aesb:knee 18e. 87 GELAItiT 1831182, oppeitte tin Conn Hann, bellows be can eull Hue wants deny that 0001 fenalilau nnte their introaane: Ay, of sty of Teeth ineetted wadteC sollbalzie VRENCII SEM) IVBEAT.—.IOO %rah Itir .1: 5.04 Fxl9:4 Vli3FlFPossii Id 4 mind... 124 ' t 6 Wita itaol4l7sont stroL MMME DAVIS, .a.uotioneer. WisanduAal:_saies Raps N0._6 , 1 Flub sued. ------ pEREMPTORY - .TOl.-illnaltr. ALTS THE! XLSSIMMULT, - iti, --, ' On Tanga)[ araotag, DL M. at 7% dclotkvlitto ma at ta• Commercial 1 1• R ma , N 0.64 flialt at.alto uodad two thirds of the entire Real Zstate,sls6l=l% icy known as the Moro Calm Factory property, situate in dm llonith Ward *Ube city of Allegheny, t4ether oriels:2olM wanks a Pollard McOsrmlik, Eerr., In the remairdisS on part of the same. The promisee contains abatis lossr acres of yrear.d.. shish erected L estenntre Arstelan Ilea evey Snick Oaten Mill and ether boildlngt, trireme or caplet by Mew. LLL Fenno* t CO: nlied; tlreatrtlro dwelling hose* learing elionttorty lonefor turtles Impres , meets. The Facteay =Lela orer 8,000 splalleaorlth the on-weary carding and other mactitted7, Mgt - Itp. $10).6al Tess atorata autJactto an manual coma rent of Ws, payable ipluterly. Plan of thep r l 4 swillEsT no um atthennttlan anew, and further intermsdlon ;Jean. on application 10 Joss , Barren, Yfrits ,eoreerriilh and Ursa sts , or to Jones Lightner, fwq., ho. ST.O Penn et. Tawas—One laird eub.rwlidew In 1 and 4 year[; tornaL sett • P. 31. MAWS,loot. ÜBLIC SALE OF:111A0IIINE SHOP, P FOUNDRY Sutra 8110 P, WTTLI. TOOLS 111 T LATCORL—WiII te add at pnbllaSalo. on Tuesday, Rept:2lo;ot Id o'clock, /LAI" on Na 0=1• an, the Machine Ehop, yith 'other Ittdldloge, and its Lott or Ort.d on the corner of Railroad street and Jedarrton In Latrobe, Westmoreland coludy, Pa., co gm Doe of the Pa. 40 miles out of Pitta/swab, later wed as • Oar Ilanufactory, and ever 7 enky ..ell adapted for the hrtainan4 or for the maroolactoreot Aarivoltnrat Implamanta: Aged, th. al.hluary .4 Tools, cora/sting of Yogic. end Rodfiert Turning Lathe., Drill Prwa, Dolt gutting Meehlaa,t.trott ler Saws, Mortice and Terroonlog Ileohlues, Wood Tongueleg and grooving Machine,- To;., Di Etiatiot. Belting, Pullays, Grindstone, 111.1tandth and Ma.*ltilst? 11. d Tools, Patterns, Limber and Iron. Theme rrUl ba poaltire, the onset ia sunned In otlor bmtness. Per•om deviling to a:nolo* the establishment prior to the day of age, can do too by salllog on D. Illne. hoe. at Latroba Tesint, at !be sale, ',ln be mad. Mend. vela R.ll. D&VIL Ater. CARPETS AT AUCTION.—On Wednes day afterumm, Sept. Itch, at 2 o'clock, at the ooze. merrial Wee rooms, be Fifth street, .labs 1.10,Z pieces of Freak, Tspeatry, logrele, Venetian, List, Doll aeA By' Carpet', to quantities to mill porilmesra. ssl3 P.M. DAVIS, Acct. SECOND II AN D CLOTIIING AT AMTION. —Commencing On Thursday, Man lath: at Id dater, A. NI, R old i P. M, and coottordng at the saws Imola ssch day doting the wren, Vlll be sold aWV and dram tie assortment of Clothing, consisting of Ossorlfrook,Dseas and Sack CoM Pantaloons and Vent; Soft WoOPHatin Travellias Sass, As- P. U. DAVIS, Anon BOLDS AT AUCTION.—On Saturday OTC WA& apt. Wth, at 1% detach, at Win einener dist sale name No. 6i 6th muse; on account whom lt nA nnoneessi, will be sole. Dads to 1.12091:4 of tiO,Coo,le anal by the Boningli of Washington, to coon Valle) Balboa Co. wl:biata,Aset. LIATIA LOOMIS & C 0..; flerguts' Exchnige. drocK SALES BY AUSTIN Loorni CO., - AT TEN ISSBOHANTP xxiinAsen.unty TIICS.BDAY .19201/20.—Babl, IteLlce, Laibriner'42o Copper Stock, &me. Bpd Bad .C.A.te odd at public bah st the If orchbutierackang. by - - _ . Aerkumolia4 Co Nola Drafty az.4 laano on Baal Iblate mot:WM cs reasbabble terms by AUSTIN LOOlllB /VW., •812. Web Nobs Firtteta. 02 Iromlkso.7 =C. =l,l • NEW SCALE PIANO. FORTES.: THE siabsariher has new on hand n niost splendid mock of Plano*, mmilettas of 634 and 7 Oc taves, lo Plido mod Caned Cum of the most elegud de- A:IMO/on, from the ettobrated name of_Chiekmiez GOO. , - The lutroments are ell provided with their latest unprove n:Cents, es Reprogirm,dMion, Doehle.2tretpers, FtlFSam me end an of Moir ENLARGED NEW SCALE, By whirl) a made Urger soandtmerd le obtelontl. tome onently the tone le roe:erred eery perwerfol, yet. Walt:dog its tweet and minima qtallty. By tee perfection of the so Ilan, the performer Is veabled to pree:mow credos of tore from pianissimo to/avant:2°,l.lth tee greste_et eeee. C11103211.1NG k SONS' MOOS an thus spot. bitty the best/Artists and alum to our =tarp— TIL&LBETtO .yst—"Thsy are beyond sompaftson theists! I bane ever seen in the United Staten. indwfil compare GP Tenthly with any I base ever known?' - GUSTAVE serrza says.— , Theoploloo which I &uproot ed threw years ago, has been mon than confirmed to mesh& the continued me of them, wit: That for volume and pnro grainy of tone, with nicety of articalatlon; they in ono- quelled." [Prom the National totelltywocer,Wasitiogion.] ' • 'They um Nati, bear remperhon with 'lnste:eats from any part or tbe to point et tone, stre ng th and els. Unity of toads." [Prom the No falcons 'Marna.] - .For &teepee. of materiel, et/genes of lintbh, and faith fulness of wortmenebto, and above an for entarne and or mellow sweetheart, brihrentry sod permanenee of Mr, they arenungnelled." “The peoultor musical qualities helm:Ono; to liso—Chkk eriog imtromorno, are • tall, monks', rich earl potrortot tone, free from W troodenoronylonareron,of boon/. Matz agreeable to the octooltre moan! ear. Toey bare aloe no cosy, ma =id pfeseant math, sat trill keep to Mole:ter than any Pismo known.. Toe public or. Lovitod to carman miming those splendid lostromente, which are told at . FACTORY PRIOF:8 , wassAiirsri. . sorto.dkerY - JCIIN IL EIiLLOB, SI Wand Amt.: OLD and:YOII-N'G AFFIRM ITS TRUTH, Professor Wood's lialrafsdoratirti, MTELL PRESERVE, INFALLIBLY, THE growth and color of the halr,if used two oar :three IL:OM& waek, to me imaLimbls BarfsitlY roams tbd gray; cover the bat With eau:at ovismammot, the hob; make It moresoft and Mantilla than any 0R,a.94 pesetas the moalp free from all Cameo, to tha greatest aiga." Stacey. men, Jedgem, Attorneys, Mans, Clagymen, krefeadonal Men and Gentleman and Ladles of all dames, all over the weed, bear testimony that Ire do not say too nulehtsitts favor. Read the following, and J tam , , BROIL:SSOR S. THALISRO, nll4 on his antral to the Dotted Stab she was rapidly boncardng grey, but on sigalluS - Wood's Ear Iterturailve his hair soma rentramd its oclglaalbw. ' MARL= filliiDNW,l3 Mums 1 00,0 , 11 . /r 7 says the gray hairs on hits wife's head were, at , 1 - ..- ter a few wages trial, turned into • du* brown, ' at the anon time Canutlfying and thk.kenlog , boir. A. 0. RAYMOND. Dallielfablvi asla ha Si tai , W alsty yam old, and his .h a lo and whiskers win twattdria gra but by the cis of two bottle; of Restorative th e gray hairs hare dlai= both on his head and thee. einetti Mote a glissy than for twenty-eve ram wrevlona. - wife, at the age of Shy two, 6sa =O3 n vitt' ctro . PINLEYJOEWBON, Egg-, of Naar Orlestutaays that he lost his hair by the Yellow Ism; 1•18.54. . = Re Mad Wood's - Mgr Bastorafirs, and his hair Is now thick and glowy B. lb& 11 diabions, isYs the Restorative - Madam unieh goollnida cart of the comatry. Re used ft fortaidnms,atid now, has • fine Mad of hell. T. L.. HORSE. Labetion.RamarAy, awns ho his soon Wood's Bair Restorative tri tanrireda arm. tot and - Sayer knew ft to fail in accomplishing all le creases to do. A. J. ALDER, !doL{neaboro',lllinola had the maid head sight years, eat wn bald, tint by th e liberal moor Woods Ilalr Resters; Um, he. now haa • rich glow, head of hale. Av - Sold by all Druggists, and by 0. L Wood . S Co., 444 Broadway, New Tork,and Ilk Market streak St. Louis. Mo. Sold in Pittsburgh by Dr. OEO. a =rata, a I. FALINESTUDIL and all Drugthrts. gara..lll}. T HE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAY alau - ctsta. with. Lim to th• . WllO/TRATte WOW BUSMESS, Mr: SAMUEL MAZE mid Mr: SIMILSI* OHRE, and will coutJamo the IMMO at the . OED . ET.LIFp, NO. 271 LIBIRTY ETRE - ET, dizectly oTimdtoil".4l4/5. Piticturgb, JOT 1;1559. ELISMEL EWAIIT WM. 1i.6011.111.Y. - -,WM. CVELRY. W. M. GORINCLIY:'& , Oa- - -vtr3HE0z.338.41.x..-EI GROCE ALLEGfrENT CITY. T.'FLOVIISIONS, PELODX7O,FiI PITTSBUE.OII iIANUFACTIIRES, N 0.271 Liberty .Street, rittibriziOrj pumwommiwASiitoliptwow. ,, %= . . - LOGAN & 1112011,1E119 01r, H . A R 131,,,W - .rio. BA WOOD STILICT F, Four Doom .bore Ee. Chula, fidel, -.leZtdEat G. B. BMW, late of Lencestar-.—Loadt k Cleto, Pittat,g. ' GE S. CYAN 6i(1 1 04 Commission- Merchants, - - ros 711 Z Lail '- P R 1/, No. 5 Wood Eit, rittatkuth armasi—Lscos, Eborb k Go. PL,Wbargh; L.tID6SO2, Copeland t On e Idttsbaradr,Thoa. Z. lesoLln, lane• caster; Ron. dlreuna.Catneron,.llp}us, Gardner de Co . • i!49,644 In'estrando,-. ompa - ny OF _PIILAIiEI;PTiIA;- Insures Against Loss or - Damage by - Fire on Ballalngs, Xlerehandna. Far. ' Innate Le., et Reasonable Damatns..-7.lideitard earn 11.114, Vrta. Wass & Cio.gialtao 'halter: JaNtalog 4tlFla4 Wham *oo4' Bae.f. I:Tredtekol Troaka t tsayaraalbj Usury Marton; ilardead4 Unnaza Caw U.' Mareart Bra;loha llioins..at ,Jchn U. j arg " na " gag B. A. marrow* of. rahsagoek t 0..; Azoinn.E _ Crag J. L. Spiagar. or Wood lartogar. P. Reivniron meta, Plisitek thrateutaa ItinaracaL—WaL. Mimes k Cb., Thomas IL Uwe, Jati marstaa,- Jag+ . 0 . Kramer EK., Wairoy4 p5:022 . 1„ 5, Bailey, Brawn Litingatoa,Copelsad Cal 1 .7. Lyon 00., Pfau& Wel, L co. - . OZO. B. 1311.1r11.1Uis. JOE OBELIAII i7l. MUCH a soma . I diarazado; ice Ore= EA= smi &a! Yraecti on& Asnarkan Coe. aloaarr c ant areStr. ' wAP-150 . 1VPe1m :. 1 1 1 10 ^ 49_ Giza'' ,..7 114,130., [From the Fiaffilli Jarna.44 VIZ.: THAT CARD wruxeik at, GOBS= EEMME3 M=E3 THE. ILNTIIIWEGIBB