, . SOUtai itelinD; .............,.....—_,.... . LA* fiveranacon CSOPIPER MILL • . - - 9 Nr• El 2.. T I lif G. W CkeVe 4E, 8 „ PITTIDELEGII. . • iiiiilffitiffiNf NAT .. Rum, lIRAMELV • end Boor COPPER, PRESSED COP BOXSOMS,Itabed Still Bottom., Spatter Folder, to. Traportirs urd Hasler. in METALS, Tuurr.sre earre moil, WIER, An f. ..tasty on band, Thomee•k thehlase end Tools. Wiifikee . 44 MAAR Are and 120 Second sired, • Pittsburgh, Patinas grtpl ochre of &war torso say dealred pattern. . . . ,12CHHWELY - H. COLLa24I3. 'Forwarding and Corandeelon Marobard, I ," :: AND WIIOLEBALI DBALERIN Oludittsen, Butter, Seeds. Fish, . Ler 110. ii Weed se.r. ritetkara J. H. nalusTir, a. D., - . Titi TAirei Errs; Piltarorpb, Fermi., Having bad Um advantages of Itutern Collages and Has. pitsbroad amoral lean' pracUce,-uffere hbi probidorial „ services in SUBSICAL AND MEDICAL OASES Howard. Wilson 6150m/dims. . Ser. W. D. Bomar • lier.h.ll.. McLean. U. 11. A. Nernst T. EL en, E. lilea:T. J. Sighed. 3. ILL Budd John FL lifellor, E.,. —liaik.ll.4ollllllF.lllDYd IVIL. 39T2G.A. ETTOPE. WORKS. I A tiiiii.kialiilLY . .. COOKINO, ..PIRLOR AND zeitmq STOVES, Plata and Fancy Grate Pronto, &o. Solo Preprietor of the celebrated PATENT Gas B MINIM{ and Sawn CONSUMING COOK STOVES. office , and Bale* Room. • • 4.W 0 a huh . JECOL4SI.IH9 da BONS, a=orta d a foreign and Dobestio Bills of Exchange ' cirrtinearir OP DEPOSIT, , _ • ' RANK NOTES AND Mott, tiOrifrilAßlßT STREET, ITrEDUEDI, PA. lialseeSactioas medal on deb', principal cities through. not tbs Baited Staten areM-kly ja- 0 1.8. 0/3 in n'r Pe. Ei , , , - muss to ,' aTLSW. BONNETS AND XIAMEN nob 11l I.BIiGNP, P ' '-: 'Lomas, s., ' NO. 03 maim STREET, 11 rrnsamag 4 e. a ec C. P. triATIELB, . atastrelosina en PRINTYNO, JOB AND ALL MINDS OP e VT 79 _A. P P I IG (3- PAPER. Warehouse, No. GI Wood Street, PITDDIIITIGg PA. _sjkajtljNhiaai6jhiaL______^,tl"o , C0019..14ELN dir.. RO, __ awarturamnuas or it Sada Railing, trod Tauten, Vault Doors' Window Shuttero, Window Guards, be., P Nor. 91 &mod &rod 4.4 se rie-sserst," (Batseen Wood and Market,) PITTSBURGH, PA, Have nu band • variety of new Poeta., fancy and plain i ~unable toe all purposes. Particular attention paid to to. :losing Grave Lots. Jobbing done at rbort notice. 559 usl7r ------ , mss a A T.TORNEIYEI AT L E A W. t alto e SOLICITORS IN • OIIANCEIII , .No. 6, Dinde Elea, Dobacter, Lnoo t 41.11-oolbsctiona promptly made In soy part of thatnere lows, or Western Wieconala. Will attend to Um purcbuse mud Bale of Heel tratatc,-ob tairdoa Honey on Rana and Mortgagee .Iclydro slums turn . ROBINSON, MINIS a, 'MILLERS, POLINDE.IIS AND RIACHINIS TSe ' w.aszciasursProw WORK B. Pittsburgh, Patina. 0111 c le, No. Si Market street. Menufseter• di ends of Stosinfterwe and tilll Machin 7 - ; Outi.poudir.d Work, Steen Ronan. and Meat 1.5 •Toblitut sod Papering doncon .port notice. r,r2Sclyato W irr 1 Ikl Os MY do ke 01G . idanutscturere and Dealers le all kinds et TOBACCO, BNIITT AND CIGAR B, AND XAN.E...P "I"o33.A.CsOcs, a.rserefaataihß Itralsrd I p :g.ndAa l f: pi ifOPACIC4h7 SCX(.II3.A.LOL3IH. SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY on wiligin g a ti Mig#,ltt a s c am O s " or ONE POUND STEULING 41ID UPWARDS Ale, ERG en the priding dila and towns of Prance, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Russia and other European Stales constantly en hand and far sale by WM H. WILLLIII9 A 00., racrlynfo Banked Wood street. corner of Thh,r. SORN S. LEE, Itt al XL 01.13„.41. 2•1 T 'X A, I. I. 0 R, Ea. sae Narked St., Pittsburgh. A good assortment of Cumin, Cannata - 5, vuumas, Mamma, end all goods =aside for gentlemen' wer,lastrceelval. STOrdas promptly Bled, ir. the late: etylw of the art. mrilMlydfc i CARD. J. SCOTT. Dentist. HAS removed to the house lately occupied ' ' say Dr. Wm. A. Bard, No. XS Ida .net, tenth sidej ' third door show Hand drat Mice Soon from 9L. le. till 5 r .. .pill die tseserads--........—.....ed 1.501111--. 4, W0CT.1411614 ' Pittsburgh Steel Works: somr.s, 'BOYD ac co., ifiembdurers of CURT STEEL; eint, MilaNG, PLOW sad A. B. STSIN4 SPRINGS and AXLES, feed Ed di Per Send, Pilrborrgh, Pa . --D. a.0:0.14 '5." " 11. B. itoolr..as ez co-, KINDTI9IIIII2III cur Bogs:rat 11111:11 . 01fted Patent ale.) . Cultivator Teeth, i Cored Sots acrd Pile Nees, Fidler" ris i alWrdla• 0 RAIL ROAD BPIETEI COMPANY. Joseph Dilworth--.........--Ds W. O. Bidwell. Niumasars to Pur.a, Egr. a Soto 141317700R042111 1 ~r RAIL ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS AND BOAT SPIKES. Corner of Water Street and Cherry alle y, prn .orstraa, prrratuntent. PEN N 'a . ... J. m...r.arimar. mor. - /aitomr..A.zsrr Tax.r..ci.vt,, No. 64 St. Clair Street, ID.. WWI tier Snildha„,-,t PILINDURGIi,•rA anaMlmife MSTEWIS MIRACULOUS VERMIN DEsilloYEß, VA .erns ) Itanetry to Our Bich World See to reeratenate Itaxe,Ends, Conteoldot, lido, Any, Liceguraxt, Pius, Mown, Mama, Dom WO= um Gunn lancre, de. , SO,OOO sorts scan IN ONE MONTH. Tbse labrated licanalles hare bed exisruively coed for twentptwo yeariln all parts of Swope, sad their mete . dad power hare been darted by tits Courts of Raids, lidchliingland, Austria, Prated Banda, Bandy, Bele- ma, Holland, Naples, &a, and their Chemed properties examined, and approved by the most Eitingolehed Medical notates all over the world. Their deductive.w to all kid. of vermin and inmors has been certified In this country by the Director, of the midis Palle Inditations, Pled, Fords 3, Proprdon of Medi, Warehouse, Manufactories, and by varkar die histahhed private Ohms. lisimeuras Testimonials and Certificates of the ,Hooey of those Remedies on be seen at the Depot. De sale, Wholeale sad Retail, by the Inventor sod Pro. pridor, JOSEPH NEM, Pramicel Chedet, till Broadway Bar, Boast= MO New York . General Agent as the 11.-States and Canada., RUDER. Ha V•Ruawrolt. nomtio. No. to Anton n..., .sad 417 BlCedirny. New York. Pon morn ible cith dieted* and rata by 11 le SRL. LEOS it 00,enentartVood and Beemod KU JOEPLEMINO, Comm Diamond and Market at. RESOLD! & WEIN. NAN. AllextenY. ' de:SG:ado Side, 011 and Leather Store. D. EIRSPATRICX it SONO, No. 31 S. Third it.. betT46ll Market and Medi eta, Philadelphia, haw for de DRY AND SALTED SPANISH BIDES, Del and Green Salted Pods Hips, Tamed Ott, Tanners' and Car. dere Tools at the lamed prices, and upon the b. 4 term.* 13,411khde or Lusher in the rough wanted, for which the bided inerketprks will he given In cub, or taken In .20 ...6 4 1 . UM. Leather stored free ordains and sold. on conuntedou . mr3.lydfc (maxim num rules the mass of the people, whitens the mbname and misanthrope phileeTbere ma y soy to the weedy. Show them • good thing, let Its ma tte be Clearly demenurate4 seed they will not hesitate to give it their meet Deihl patronage. Tbdanreas here 5). ready rattibd the lessee of a pbyelcid conoorning the virtues of /1033TE1TAWS BITTERS, as Easy to eon in the is,menee emeatitles of this melde that are annually sold to eery add of Meted. It Le cow BA great ly anericm-to all other reared'. yet deri " = "i dareesse of the Meth. organs, =eh as Made., dyeentLy. &map sies std for the wrious few. that a. from eltransament of these ponies of the eystrm. liostatees more • fast a tanushold word from Maine to Tend from Me chores'l o the Eleatic to the Pacific. Try the artieb, and b e extbriled. po u ldA n draindarts and dealers generally, everysture, sod CR & EMIL maaufectururs and proprietors l aVaterand SS grant streed pp ; Burma ost lizara4.—Dß. Oro. 11. Err. sus, of 140 Word Street, PittehurAh, Pe, Lot born In the ajtrO dies for the past six weeks, end has reared the = mg Approved kind of Trum for the core of Hernia or i‘ae, "Eclat* le qualded to St to any case of rapture grl.b tart asernerece thst diddle ell be given. We itetour readers to can en Dr. Kayser, whim ear of Welted is needed, as we feel pereusded that hob eedpelioulto give tbe nal&fal addoe fa each cases NSA"? Dog, O. N. F/YOst .s. J. W. STEEDS, Physistarra for D of the-Throat and optolif, and other Chronto Allmeats complicated with re gim bekbataaarr nomempttoa. 011 ice 161 Pena street, Sittdealb, Ps: CONSULTATION lEEE. A Uri of quo* Bons seat to the gleln4 torn:rah as by lettor. ideteffdraMtl e CIENULNE, CIDER ViIvEGAR. of our Ur' ab- frli--"fi gutr it =t g a l VairTl amt . _Goods wheal ft.. , gaz . 1 (---j-Mt3r*Mitrillatt7 ' Special Astute. B 2 oBELTDE dc FdtWarning and Commission Merchants, d Agents for the sale of Pittsburgh Mano r:WOOL Humfgammate and orders for LEAD, TIMES, EITEMP, PRODUCE, do., antic:B.4 Prompt snare tion to mart. and forwarding. NC). 49 Ootamarolal Stte.rt, St. Lomb HJEHILY GELLVITIG & wartrnalvidiee or ROPES AND TWINIEB Of all aim' and datcrlptions 'arehouse, 489, cor. Penn and Walnut Ste., Two 'Tiara above the P. P. W. At Olt It. Freight Depot, selhaladherfolr • PPPTSBUItint. • Wall Passions. acrocorcr) as co-, in mi..... AND RETAIL DEALERS /117 FIATS, 110111PILTB. AtC., Aro now opening for the FALL TRADE a -tilficent dock of MESH GOODS, width will tm &old at • prim. No. 121 WOOD STREET, anti Firs doonebovw Fifth, Pittsburgh. IMOTHIGIII2II PILOTILAGIIIIII ALOTIII4IISIII Don't fail to procure Mrs. Winslow's South •IL Syrup for ChildmaTmeithlng. It Ina no m.% oar earth. aty .doi facillta n ate ll the proorz . of teetid i ng by y r. mfteal ., :i d t ies . • •• •to regulate the bowels. Depand upon 14o:weber', It Will give motto yottnelvea,aml reltef and health to yuor Cants. Perfectly Web althea... - . • VA - valuable preparation la the prescrlpti. of cue of she litatempartanned and skillet female Phrohloce to England, and has been used with a...felling mime. to Million' of cases. We believe It the brat and surest remedy to the !rota, In aflame of Dysantery and Di... to Cialhireu, hullo, It aria from teething or from any other can., . If life and health on be eatlantad by doban and Lonta,ll la worth It. weight In gold. illllinnv of bottle. are mil sooty year irt r 4 halt.,] Mates It I. an old and welihried remedy. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS A BOTTLE SINS.None genninenniewathe facwlmile of OURTiii a reit. S, Now York, loon the outside wrapper, Bead by Druggists throne:tont the world. MONO. 11. KEYSER, Avon for Pittabo t JublewlyfoT Tan Przurus SYRUP.—Wn.;T • t persons bare an Idea that the Persolau Byrup Is i moral!. of Peroration Bute. %hi It not the ca.. It a actable preparatiOn of Protons of Iron, eohleat le road. ly received triton, emanation, and will 'act a. a tonic to way that that metal doe, not 'many act, whoa giros in the form of unto:odes or even In the iron by hydrogen 1. potation, no popular with phyeiciame Widmer dmirea •• giro iron lon tom that will be anaptable to the Macao Mona.. and &star/II Do remilly tetra Into the blood, will this Peruvian Syrup, which le attested by mm of high chase's throughout the 0000107. Dr. Hams, the Male Anima of Idminolitmette, testifies to In extrmrdl nary vir• tam, and we hare every =Adm. , ' In the *LEH, of the mat hare to convincs arty one of tha mom. The P.:aurae Chop la made to Batton, and ha. performed most w..nder. tit corm to all diem es requiring • tools and alterative prtPUltlol3 the bog advertiremeut In another port of today. Garrey:. DEL 010. II KEYSER, 140 Wood duct, is the dent for ibis city. ^ .11.41.7` Concert Plano for Salo. A MAGNIFICENT CONCERT PIANO, .11—of the (amain mama mtory of ERVITKAPF 1 114E ETEL, Lelpeig.Clermany, which to. without doubt, one of the finest bastrumeote, as regard. folio.', and swoetness of tone, etc., ever offered in this city, sod tho owner only parte with it on armant of removal to a Wretern city . For further particulars, apply et the °a» of the Keening Ohnanicie an.lo dtfchc CALIa AP/i3lC7.4:ArSnt IN IC THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT IN awing Machines. THIS IS THE MACHINE whom owners offered • imunium of $2 0 0 0 In Philadelphia to any uthvr a enhibitlon et the Franklin Institute Met conld do the same range of work u well. Their offer not baring been ucemted its mpenorlic malt ha ooncedod. For sale at A. NI. DI A-HFIIH.A.Lav dr CO.Lici, lotiLdtrwr 11,DIR AL ET., ALLV.,IIEN Y CITT _ am usrments. APOLLO THEATRE. MANAGES 4- _ . PORTEIt AND li'reithAND Darr open at 7 e 0,1, .c c'Ex6 pruierfy. COOPER'S OPERA TROUPE. sir.s“ Palter. and Programme. CARGO'S BRASS AND STRING BAND; orrtcsc 21 Ting craw. rev lyd m=enemetwemime."••-• Manta. WANTED—An active Boy, about 10 pease old, to black Bonn and make blond( emend shoot arta:ter Shop Enquire at No.TA ?dirket greet 1013.11 0 WANTED—An active partnership in some well embliMed hostess; to the airy. by •peroon who has from $.1.000 to 0,010 to hum All Calbrlttratd. Hone couddentlal. A CITTEIBIgitT t 1301, IhMO Nit 61 Market etreet WANTED -5,000 bushels Flax Seed, tor which the highest market prim will to paid. am% 7 , B CANITIELD 400 , N 0.141 illm at. Co Pat. LET.—A comfortable two Story Brick Dwelling slim.. Lisy West. Soma. of K U. KINJ, alao Nu 211 Lacer. am. Trains to the Allegheny Conaty - Fair. WEDNESDAY, O THURSILIT and FRIDAY September 110,151 h and 16th, trans will con every half boor ou tha PENNeYLVANIA RAILROAD, henreen the Paaatager Elation and the Pelr Pint Tridn each day will Imre farmsoe station at 8:150 a. a. La. Train will tone Grounds et 8:.14 r. a. air PARS/CACTI WAY, FIVE CENTS. ael3 SIEWAJLT. Ago.. Notice to BllMiella and Contractors. THE UNDERSIGNED (formerly foreman Inc Rowland Tarry) would napectfolly Inform three for whom be boa dol. work. end the poblic generally, that he la now prepared to fora. elate, or put on Elate Room, 1 . 000 moat approved tanner. Orders for Roofing or Its mitring of Slate Roam (LI left at the omen of Alm. Laugh lin, corner of Eta meet and the Cm., nth word,) be promptly attended to 11101IAS PARRY. my2fsemd. TV m !B. Y.ELLEDIi, PLOW MANU FACTU HERS, No. 116 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, PATENTEES of the celebrated First Pre allow IRON CENTRE AND IT'LL EIDE REVOLT', ISO BEAM PLOWS. Alw mrfacta . l . Pa4 l l7: t i ns, Oe d n . trj r ..LizaV i r y provad mud Geary other dramiptlon of PLOWS, PLOW CIASILLNOS, CULTIVATORS. do wzgatioy.llo modes to on the old Phuseir loon. do, corner of Penn etreet god Cecil lbe Carthago of which ham been inns celebrated tor their mustier., All orders promptly SLIM and satisfaction given to cnotomers In every pardon!. 5e7:1.1 PARLOR, DINING 1.0011, BATE/ 110U.ill, OFPIOI/, Ac., HEATING STOVES, Per Wood or Owl, cheap, et tho Ir. City Steve md Ito i Warehouse of W. W. BRADSHAW, No. ISO Wood street, se7 Firrt door below the elan of the Golden Gan, PITTS tfUROII AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Nos. 49 and 51 Ferry Street; ROBERT Li WILLIAMS, Proprietor, pintaamr to Watdrop, Stout A Wllitatosa atesuremnia or Mowers, Reapers, Horse Powers, Threshers, Cidor Mille, flay, Straw and Fodder Cut ters .t other Agricultural Machinery . 5e7.2.1 MUS IC! MUSIC!! BIUSIC'IIYOt FOR 45•A:w BALLS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, Ac, SURNISHED, 112 Smithfield Street, Opp.. Hoare. CustoHoa re. Lew. will be given in dinging. Plano, (MN. sod TM Ilm Wilted ALBERT HLIETEtt, Prof. of Diode ERSEY PEACH BASKETS; 1 1 CI Split O Pa rchard no Clothes do ChMas do A largelot, emceed, mt reed end far wole by sehdkorT SAMUEL RIDDLE. 21 Diamond. NOT AND BOLT WORKS . PATENT 1157 PRESSED NUTS of all ehe co tend wad manufactured. Also, BOLTS for Bridge; hischieery, g. t Malaria Implemeats, km, &readied at short mike 9:3-Warehouse, No. 114 Water Meet. avariltudle HEAP, SCULLY A CO. Q,EWING MACHINE AT A BARGAIN —A finbarm Grover i Baker'. Quilting or Tailoring Machine, Socondband, Cremated in Ent-rate or a. Oat $l5O , will he sold for leo then half prim. Can be seen et .7 HERBST A BARKZR'd,cor. Liberty and Thad eta . QEAMLESS BAGS.-10,000 Manchester a.„, Bag", 3,020 Stark A do, on hand and recolvlug dally erom mooooy C, sale at lowest nit price. by and") EMMET A BARKER, cor. Liberty and Hand ere 1600 BUSHELS Prime Yellow Corn in Mtn for mole by gyy "MLLE': A ANJER. DOUBLE LLD MARKET BASKETS; Open do do Pouch do do Jenny Lind do All dm, by the nest, dares or siogly, for .1. by metheliewT SAMUEL RIDDLE.N. QPRING BEDS—of several different kinds so—msnaiscrozing by. and for ealo at our warehome T. B. YOUNG 00., 0,16 El and 40 Smithfield Street. MARBLE-TOP DRESSING BUREAUS beantlfol design., !blotted and in wuehortee. ante T. B. YOUNG a CO. Cacaos Lots for business purposes .or will be sold this afternoon In East Birm ingham, by P.M. Davis, commencing at 2 o'olook, oar Carson street, near Ittmesn's residenoo. • Tun elegant housabold furniture at No. 162 Third attest, la Park'. Bow, will be sold this sitoralag ai V) leglOsk, by P. M. Paris, anet'r. Vittibiti.g . tg r eft • 331:71 , 1.13.13: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 13. 1859 OFFICIAL PAP2B or Tut err' City and News Items. THE COUNTY FAIR NINTH WARD; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday an d Friday filwreoriotositti, Observatioaa for the Garetn, (1.10 Shaw, Optician, 54 Fifth St.-corrected daily to SOT Pr Leans 9 o'clock A sr 75 - 61 12 " u 87 76 " 4.0 tig Barometer 29 1 20 Sta.! von SALT -In our 00110510 g room IA have two fire proof safes, both new, either o which wo will sell on reasonable terms. One a large Burke & Barnes Salamander; the othe a small Reliance, made by A. & W T. M'Clurg Either would be a safe investment for those need of such nu article . Bice ord TTTTTT for the week preceding Saps. 12th saw Ca Otrinta'on Fettle Vs. Deposits. ll'k Pittsti'gh 271,516 400,51411,767,736 645,18 ,ExchangeWk 484,290 211,931 1 1,109,463 244,47 111. bB. " 238,202 143,000 868,838 298,71 131,060 53,749 591,491 83,43 Mechanics". 197,685 75,455 711,687 611,99 Iron City " 229,415 100,960 670,213 159,82 Allegheny " 201,615 81,928 677,366 94,93 1,753,783 1,073,545 1 6,696,995 1,570,58 Lan week 1,752,7481,055,1246,745,807 1,550,17 Increase 1,035 13,421 Decrease 49.-.1 2 9,61 Treasury None „ by 0045.5 sod Notre Doe other Mink. P '"'" '°"" Pitteburgh. S 49,585 I 1,71,70 I $61,14 Exchange 125,351 26,924 30,10 LM. 97,286 20,306 117,62 Citizens' 14,200 5,138 6,03 Iffeohanica'.. - 21,881 24,869 14,80 "eon City-. . . 25,970 1,851 7,89 Allegheny 12,867 17,241 20,48 $ 357,180 $ 190,068 i $ 260,09 Last week.. 372,168 205,270 225,71 1 Increase 14,17 Decrease _ 14,988 15,202: Sensors CEIUMES COAINBT Tee Sl4PBerefiCloca OT Ter HOUSE 015 WRI. CO.-Stale persons made the latter end of last weak, an affidavit before th Mayor, against Mr. Thomas Rutherford, Principal, the School of Reform or house of Befogs, therein upon him each connection with certain girls, wit have been in that institution, as we need not mot particularly dmignate lemma. reports hat berm flitting about for some time, respecting M Rutherford, which the Dirtetors har e deemed i their duty to enquire into. Thoso of the Boar who may deem them report, and the adidavi above alluded to unfounded, will rote to Recap the resignation of Mr. R., while if they tliou'd b established, he will he discharged. We state the n' tion looked forward to because as we are credibly in formed that is the enact form whirir the matter tat, in tho Board of Directors, who held a 520•1011 yester day, winch lasted all day. Various girls, Faroe o whom were notorious in the community before the were placed, as was eupposed, beyond the reach o temptation, and others, poor walfi, whom an intent gent philanthropy had placed, as was hoped, in position of safety, were examined. We, of course are usable to state what then. ire of the testinson elicited was, for the examination was strictly private In order that he might proceed upon the ahoy mentioned affidavit intelligently and not Keeoe against s men like Blr. R to disgrace him althea sufficient cause, Mayor Weaver went down to th HOMO of Refuge yesterday morning that he migh learn the nature of the testimony. There was mu, hesitation about admitting him to the session of th board, as it was intimated to him that the revile bad been called in accordance with the express wit of 11r. Rutherford, who did not dairy the pre+one of the magistrate IA question. The Mayor teal I• repeat to the board that they would put their fecal to receive him in writing, whereupon, of some consultation, he was invited to be present, an he went in and sat hearing the' testimony ell day The examination was not concluded when toe boar. edjournod lest cronies , We do rot feel at libert to state, at this stage of the proceedings, all that w have heard in relation to this very unfortunate mat tar. We do not use a stronger word, because we .1 not speak in relation to Mr. Ituther'ord a r. unecito with it, but on account of the bad influenne the raper may i though it ought nollaZart upon the institution The mistuntion itself is, in its object and aim, abor reproach, standing us it does between the suttees o careless youth and the penitentiary or gallows. I is, therefor*, peculiarly unfortunate that any sepor affecting injuriously in the remoteest degree the the aster of the School of Reform, should for a women gain currency in the 001515teUelly. We do most sin rarely hope that these reports, which are urged a persistently, and, we may edit, Acme tore so urgat o long tone in shape of fugitive rumors and flow the form of an affidavit, may be triumphantly re feted. We hope so, not only for slr. Rutherford sake, hot for the rake of an Institution which lie very near to the hearts of some of Pittsburgh's bee and worthiest citizens an institution which hat In us end and object the salvation , f men and stoma from hoes of sin and degradation. We shall he nisi when our next paper luau to give the full pardon lam of this investigation. The above is all we her to state on this disagreeable zubject this 443054115445 HO' roll see Fates -Nearly all the atolls err already taken, and the clink of the hammer an the sound of the saw give token of busy peeve ration for the gala .uses to commence there to day. Gen. Negley Is an s'busy as a miller" arranging and adorning his fountain-all the be longings of which are to call vividly to the min some beautiful sylvau acne, where the dal.) au the daffodil do grow and the feathered minstrel hold melodious concerts; where Sowers giv forth their -perfume and refreshing waterfal enchant the senses. The floral department wi be the cynosure of all eyes, the centre of aurae lion, especially to the ladies The manufacturers and artizane are &Deed thronging to the grounds with their various a tidies for exhibition, and by noon to-day we pr same the balls will be pretty well if not entire! Oiled. We hope there will be no backwardnes but that all who have articles to exhibit wi have them oa the ground, that the display ma be as grand and impoalog as possible ti's or assured that the present exhibition promises t be the largest we have ever bad in this count We hope it may be so. Our farmers can well b spared from their hornet, for a few days, at th nation Most of them are through seeding, an re•PICILI with their farmer friends end an la terohange of opinious and a uorepanson of view on agricultural topics, etc., cannot fail to b pleasant and reciprocally useful . EBPICIALLT TO TUC 1051101Za -Joarph Horn 77 Market street, has just now one of the ma euperb and thoroughly assorted stocks of goo. in his line ever brought to the city. His target increasing business, consequent upon the pop larity of his boon, the superior styles of h goods, and their uniform cheapen, either wholesale or retail, devolves the deity of parch sing largely and frequently, of the latest sill in the Eastern market." His assortment b . never been so complete at any time, and his n merous lady customers may rest assured the every want can be supplied, as well in quality in styles and prices He anticipates a rush d ring the continuance of the Fair, and is ful prepared to meet it The ladies will find man new and rare articles easential to their varyi • wants In the wardrobe, the nursery and the toile C. Hanson Len., No. 74 Market Illreet, pat receiving and now opening a magothce assortment of splendid new styles' goods, pat °based under his personal supervision on t most advantageous terms, in the Eastern ma kets, from the latest importations. The Otte ties of the numerous cuatomere of this old a. popular house le specially invited to the F. stock sow arriving daily. Ho has no heeitan. In asserting, that no fuller, more finely assorted extensive stock from which to select, ann be fou in the city. Persons attending the Fair are r spode* solicited to call and examine the es and extensive purchases. The styles are of e ravelled beauty and the prices to comport wi the financial condition of the limey. The lath cannot fall to be pleased. Trie Penneylvaola Infantry bad a thootr, match on Saturday last, at the cannon grou in Eaat Ljberty.i The shooting was not ve wonderful, though it was not so bad as we ho heard of. Moses Horn, 1) McNulty, P Ben C. Mon, John Borland and J. J. Lawson ca hit the target one ebot oat of three . William Woolslayer hit twin out of thr allots, Si and 6 inches from the blank, gni. him a string of Si inchee. He won - the priz making the best two ehote In three, Mr. Gil ',hots wore .I.oi end 4Z inches from the black 161. for the two Shots Alex. Woolelayer, two shout, '1 and di fro the centre, or 14 iu Peter Weber, 129, Bi, or 21{ string . We need not record the shots of than w fired three ineffectual shots each . AT a meeting of the citizens of the 4th war ie on Saturday, aseries of resolutio • e A x l pr g e hy, n as e i n ng want of confidence In the Board Control won adopted. They also resolved th the great extent and population of the ward en der it lamasery that there should be o so principal in each school home of said ward; o. groat confidence in Mr. Merton, ah. all theel P h e ; ti re-ele c t i oncul t foe o f whom w be h tToo n n o t p h r e thc ß i o p a a r l d io o t f h C e o w ti a t - and the Local Board have arisen ELECTED.-On Elantiby last, 11. IV. Luke Esq , of East Liberty, was elected Captain th t e ct ie iu o nney b les en nia . Infantry. Ha bad 20 Totes B Mss Davrnnn w AnatenD.—Onklottray, Xt. Ripe, Chief nf Polies of this city, received the • following dispatch front Tothrtio, Canada West: To Mr. Elague,-Chirf of Polies Of City of pi tt ,.. bergh.--A Mrs. Davidson, of St. Clair street, : Pittsburgh, is arrested here on shop-lifting and passing supposed counterfeit money. Oa Bank of Pittsburgh: one thousand dollar bill, one hau -1 deed dollar bill, fifty and ten dollar bilL What • character is she; IV. Pence, Chief of Police. ; it will be remembered perhape that en or about the let of February last, this Mre. David , BOP had a difficulty with a sewing girl who work ed for her, whom she charged with having stclen certain articles.. 'The girl, who belonged in Now ark, N. J., was about leaving Mrs. D., to return boom, hen•she was taken up on the charge above mentioned and committed to jail to &whit her trial. This came elf it due Gate, when it appeared that the girl had been the victim of „ I persecution. She was acquitted of the charge almost with the acclamations of the crowdl g h t a e l l ~ thronged the court bonne. The day eubeequent to the acquittal, the e l brought snit against Mrs. Davidson on various charges, and in the course of the examination which succeeded, some very damaging stories 0000 ant, touching the character of the More, shop or house where hire. D. sold bonnets and such like. it was alleged, and the girl fortified r „ her allegations with an oath, that men came to Mrs. D.'e house with bad intent; that the girl Is herself was intended for &victim, nod that it was ✓ because she opposed such proooeding% that the charge of theft was made against her. Since that. ' c time, till the present, the public have heard no more of lire Davidson. 1 2: Gan notice of the return of Mr. lieddick to the oth Ward School Implied that Mr. Pryor had , resigned. This is not the case, except tempo- ' , 5 rarity. Ile has resigned until ho may he In g batter health, and Mr. Reddick has taken the 09 position Until that time. t 7 —Since writing the above, we have received o 6 the following std Eisrrs. let your columns of yesterday morning, I notice among the local Items a Statement .1 respecting my connection with the Ninth Ward Pub .o tic Schools, which, although true be the main, re quires some little modification iu justice to the So -15 perintendeet elect. Before the commencement of this present term, Mr. James 51. Pryor wee elected to the position which I now occupy pro tempo, brit owing to a 46 severe attach of sickness he has been as yet unable 01 to enter upon its duties. Ile bee not resigned as 25 you eriem to intimate; bet at the request of the Board 35 of Directors, and by.his assent, I sesame the super °, Intandenee Of these schools for the time being, until 92 be shall have fully recovered and invigorated for SU duty. I em happy to statesinee he is so for con valescent, that I hope in the Mine of a very for „ weeks to retire to another field of duty and give over 19 into his hands the cares and responsibilities of a po sition, which, having occupied myself for severai . ; . 4 years, lam now proud to leave in the hands of such a worthy successor. Thanking the C.d. for its friendly notice, and ,„ its kind wishes expressed far me personally , and for at the Ninth Ward Selmels in particular, I subscribe ho myself, Your obliged and obdee scree, of W. Wturrose Renica. Si obi Word Public Sckool., Sept, 131 h, 1859. ho Synths or Hoe. Jens Scorr.—We are pained , to learn that Hon. John Scott, formerly a repro , r. eentative from thin county in the legislature, is committed suicide, by hanging himself, yeeter rd day (Monday) morning. He "got up, as usual, it eerie , in the morning, weal down Moire, kindled pt u Ere in the kitchen, and then went out, as the fatally eupposed, to bring in the caws from the pasture, as was his wont. As he did not return, • however, for lime time, a search was instituted "' , f ur h int, when be was found in hisimill, adjoin op the house, euepended by a rope from a beam, ~, and thoroughly cold in death. The Coroner woe of sent for and held the usual inqucet. IL. Mr. Scott was elected to the legislature in a 1832, and served one term ; and was afterwards 5. christen at a Ermal election in Jannury, 1858, to fill the vacancy ie the saute body caused by e• the death of J. B. Deckhouse. lie was s very d c amiable and worthy man, clear-headed and well ., informed, and made an excellent member. He , was also a very useful oitizon and was very highly eateemed wherever he wee known through= ' h out the county. Last year, some time after his a return from tho legislature, he showed a slight et tendency to ineetaity, or rather atonements, h which contiuned until his daunt His nsonorea. Lie, however, wan of a harmlese kind, and no 'c steps were taken to restrain him. It wee doubt- , less a fit of deepondeucy, induced by hie morbid state of mind, that led him to the act of self destruction. rd „ leensat's Seerthevaiine Siesta— 'a Almost every thing is now bought and field by t . weight, heats every improvement in weighing 1,. machinery is important. Mr. J. F Reeler, a, I when. “Patent Past Weighing 1.4,3/0" wet! 110- vt I toed by rim s few days sine, had patented a still more important improvement, became it pro motes occupy in weighing All platform scales must errand level to weigh correctly, yet no ether ; meal° than this of Mr. Keelerai shovel when it is level, however rough and uneven the pleceset is at trundled into for use Ilia pateat avers the use ' is of the epirit level end plumb line, either or both so 'at will, and hence is the moot important patent or yet secured en 'melee Read the following t in (.71.r . Nod. Jan. S. 155^. --Ten cortiSes that arum e- months since, tailing that our Fairbanka Floor Scale was not weighing accurately, we requested Mr. ea Keeler so examine it. Ile discovered It to be out of at level; on restoring It level It weighed correctly. or The variation of the *vale from a towel position, hod en been so small as to eileape our notice and wan hardly perceptible until a leveler was applied. e Ifasxa, tlannersou .1 Co. vu The cotietruction of this scale iu other re. !Teel., is nearly bletilicel with the Feirbaake , Scale One entice been by calling al the office d of Meters Jackson e Jot...tote Lafayette hall , a- I Wood etreet. o Meanee or roe Iltevemeet. Serener —The Me in torical Society for Western Pennsylvania, oat last e- corning at the rooms of the Mercantile Library As. id socuttiou. lion. Judge kletlendleas, President of d Oho Society, was in the chair. Is The Secretary read a letter from George W. Mor e., phy, Esq., covering a copy of 1110 Carter COMP,' hi.,. 14 , ult., of New York, containing the announcement of ill the death of General Washington, and a great many ankles upon the Isle and character of that great c" man Ile also seat two Continental bills and a can nester bullet, recently dug op on liraddock's Field. y The gifts were accepted with the thanks of the So. r. elate, and the letter ordered to betted. e- Mr. Dickson was not prepared with his essay fee ly lest night. and was etmetneed as essayist for Nevem ;a, bar. D. L. Eaton was appointed essayist tor the Oc ill toter meeting. e Zile. Ingham, from the eumlnittea appointed at the ro last meeting, upon the expediency of a course of lemures for the coming winter, reported favorably, to and his report was adopted. The Committee, con. Y• silting of Mons. T. J. Digitate, F. It. Brunetnod be D. L. Eaton, were continued and authorized to act 'IP as a lecture committee for the Society durtng the id coming winter. Dr. Junkie, Hon. Jaw Vetich, n- Hon. Judge 51eCandless and other members of the we Society will he secured fur the courts°, and teem is no b e doubt the lectures will be a coerces. The Society adjourned until the woad Monday mettle: in Oc tober. ' e : TOP vane TIPP TO ADVERIISP—Is Now. '.,°` Fall trade in Pittsburgh is opening under the most ca encouraging auspices. Pittsburgh business men are • 1 9 eli astir and our dry goods' houses, wholesale as u- well u retail, are actively engaged in filling orders .is and shipping elf largequentidu of goods to country at merchaute West, South-west, and North, our railroads affording all required facilities, our retail stores in l ee all aopartmanti of trade, are daily filled with cash no customers and everything looks lively and prosper 0. ous—giving a bearteome and Cheering appearance to .1 our streets and places of Feminism! resort, while we mr are gratified for the garter°us patronage extended to 48 the GAZETTE by all branches of our husineaa coze n- munity, wo would remind the public that no paper Ily in the city—and we wish them all well—affords a bet a), for medium or gives a utor4 general publicity to ad ng vortesing laymen:none the substantial and cash pay ee Mg portion of the city and eurrounding comities, than the Gezerre. Oar daily and weekly Imes l e from this calico Iv fully 15,0011—going into the hands °I, of the best families in the community. All adver tisements are conspicuously inserted in bold, reed, ' r " Isla type and in mulct uniformity with the wisheiof he the advertiser. Come on then, friends, we have still space left for you. en- • nd Comet/atty.—The people in the vicinity of the all Ire, at Lawrenceville, on Saturday night, bed oy great fault with some of these who went out from or the city, for committing depredat lone. Oce.com ,nd pony nearly destroyed a cabbage field, and some re- outlaws carried away a large quantity of Mr. ow Wainwright's! ale. The people are not a little angry at such wanton disregard of their rights, ids and say that it is as well to have property de but otroyed by fire as by the hand of violence. . To VIZ IllitherlANTS or PlTTenCnOn.—Thle be• bag ing the Batumi for extending a knowledge of the rid 1 character of your business and your wiser.. ry bottle among the citizens of the am roundiug ve I country, we take pleasure In recommending the ar, Greensbnrg herald, published by D. W. Shryook, eh as the beet medium of doing BO in Weetmore lend county. 'The Herald has attained to the roe harped( circulation of any paper in that county, ng and reaches families generally, who "Make large ze, I purolemes in ell branehen in this oily. Ire I , I Otte of the moot tremendous iron castings' we ever caw, is the one that wan taken along Smith • held street to Hussey 's Steel Works, in the Fifth Ward. We believe the mating was made in Bir i mingham. It is a fly wheel, sixteen feet In di ho I &meter, twenty-two Inohee width of rim, and I weighs about eleven tone • 1 lone McCort was arrested yesterday, charged aa a I on oath of Nicholas Dennison with smolt and o f I battery with intent to kill. Brannon alleges hat ,1 that McCue met him on Sunday morning about I a° . 5 o'clock, and without canoe or provocation „1„ ' knocked him down stlbpst Mtn badly. ' la° • Tne train from tbo Eayt yesterday at noon, on out its way to Chicago, had i on board Flora Temple . and Princees, the IWO Mat trotting warn of the trot world. They go to Chicago to add to the attrac tions of the U. S. Fair. C After that they go west er, and south. ' of A MIT et, valuable ooks will Le cold tide to evening, at Ti o'clock. in Davis' commercial salesroom, 64 tifik gnat. - - Telegraphic' •. ------ Arrival of the Angie 811.1.11111. Flerrar..n Pena, Sept. L2.--Thef steamship Anglo Saxon, from Liverpool with dates teethe 31st alt., bylaw, coming op, on her way to Quebec. A late telegram from Berne says the reports of the proceedings of the Zurich Conference continue to be contradictory, bat there ie every reason to believe that the Sardinian Plenipotentiary will not affix his signature to any protocol in favor of the return of the slept:mei rulers of the Duchies.' c tar 136.1 - rata.—The Isle of Man has been con noby Submarine Telegraph, with England. Tel egraphic communication with Malta has been ea t ch. ILthed. . A Cabinet Connell unexpectedly summoned for the 29th nth, had given rise to various speculations. Faust.—The Emperor remains in retirement in the Pyrenees. It Is rumored that ho will" ebortly proceed to Cherbourg, and pay • second visit to the camp at Chalons. The Part. Constitutionnel, in a leading article, says that the Emperor will lawfully fulfill kis \lnane. agreement for the restoration of the former reigning princes, but if ho should not enacted in reuniting the princes and their people in mutual accord,it il not his intention to force either the one or (lie other. Thetspeeele made by Count DeStorny, attracted much 'attention, it being regarded as an enunciation of the views of the Emperor. 'The Count endeavored to chow that the English apprehensions of a French invasion wore groundless, and that Franco was do-- firms of cementing the alliance existing between the two reentries. Le Constitutional has an article re pudiating in the strongest tams, the fratricidal pol icy of a war with England. Freer.—No change has taken place in Italian af fairs. A tpocial deputation from the National Assembly of Modena has gone oo a mission to the Emperor Napoleon. . The town of Soria has been visited with an earth quake, causing • large destruction of property. Two hundred persons wore killed, and a great number in jured. Leigh Hunt, the celebrated author, died at Lon de's, on the 29th tilt, In the seventy-fifth year of hie age. The elections at Romagna ' passed off tranquilly. 'Tbe Mayor of Parma lamed a proclamation on his return from Pattie, be which be reported the conver sation he had with the Emperor Napoleon who said: "Tell me your population, that my army &hall never do violence to their wishes, and that I will not per mit any other power to do violence against yon." The Mayor adds : "These words make you arbiters of your own destiniee." Garibaldi had resolved to maintain strict discip line in the army of Central Italy. In an order of the day be says: "I will cause to be ebot any one who cells himself a Ma:airline, a Republican, a So. Mallet or even a Garibaldlan ." he will have tie one with jiim bat soldiers and Italian,.. . Tbl Neapolitan government had ordered the pm chase.of a large quantity of corn abroad. The cholera woe spreading along the chorea of the Baltic. . Loran.—By telegraph from London to Liv erpool.—London, Wednesday.—A telegraph from Zurich to-day says : "The private conference cen time. The Times' Paris correepondent says that things are going on so badly at Zurich, 22 to render a dis solution of the Conference, In a a few days. probable. A congress of war seems to be the only alternative to which Austria is decidedly opposed, and which will have as little =Cease as this Conference." ' The Paris correspondent of the London Times, le a letter dated them:ening of the 25th, says a private letter from Zurich or, the 26th states that the labor. of the plenipotentiarie. were going on slowly enough, notwithstanding the announcement made a few days ago, that it seas dutibtful if any important point had beeo settled. Whether the fault is attributable to the preliminaries of the treaty of Villa Franca, or to the Emperors not having taken into consideration, in their eager anxiety to make peace, all the difficul tim of the eagotiatione, no one knows. Some people incline to the opinion that this delay LI intentional, and the manner in which Mr. Do bourgency is acting lends some color to the suspi cion. W bat the Fretted, government will at lam have to do is simply to declare to Austria that it bee done all that was morally in its power in furor of it. pro tegee, or del it must dispose itself to impose them on the Duchies by intrigue, if not by form. Omer Beirme.—Few or no policies of insurance had been taken out oe the ship Great Eastern at Lloyd's, the madorwritere being generally unwilling to transact bulginess until the completion of the trial trip. There were some anxious to see the Map safe out of the Thames, bat those in charge of bar en tertained no fears on the subject. Lord Redneck pablithes In the Loudon Timm a letter received by him from Richard H. Dana, of Dosten, on the subject of ballot In the United States. Mr. Dana shot*s the-benefit of the ballot system, and explains that in America it has not been forme ceme tery fee security ageir,t freed to deprive it of the element of acrocy. The arikeef the London builderi coutinue.i. The London Timex, in a leading article on Eng land'. defensive preparations, rays that she to now rapidly approaching, if indeed ebe has not actually attained it, to width no assailant can hope to attack her with impunity. The Paris Constitutioncee in an article on the Duchies, rays that the Emperor agreed at Villafran - ea to the restoration of the former reigning princes. lie has not yet given up al. hopes of Necress, and will fulfill loyally to the end his disinterested mis sion, hat if he ebould not emceed, to reunite the , princes and people In mutual accord. it is not his in- ! 'maim to force either one or the other. it le not the with of his Majesty to follow the errors of the an- ciente Austrian pulley, whom armed intervention in the Affairs of the Peninsula has ceased forever. We hare given to tba Italian maple advice which we believe to be wise and prudent and which, if they do not follow It, will grieve t 23, bat which we coul not press upon them by fore. To us Italy 112223 he rd indopendenea We shall not take away from he again what wo have given tier yesterday. Lereer.—Tee bourse was doll, and oa the 30th, the prime gave way folly 1, the :1 per cent. closing at GS( tic. i A letter from Naples says that the people were much caviled In regard to the high price of ran, and , that the government in consequence had ordered the I purchase abroad of a large quantity. An earthquake had taken place at Sortie. Four hundred persons were' led and a large number in jured. Nine tbonauud f the population hal en camped in the weighted od of the town. The Pope hal dispatched assiman 11 Late.adriees from Re e say th at the French Min- ! ister held a conference Rh Cardinal Antonelli en the subject of the reorganization of the Legation. One French division only was to remain in Rome. The government of Bologna is said to have dis mayed the regiment in which some of Meotzlni's vol unteers had attempted to cause at excitement. The garrison of the Pope was on the march to Peseio, where troops were being concentrated. Boasts.—lt is putted that the Remise govern ment had given orders to demolish the arm three corps d'artnee placed under the orders of Prince Menchlkoff, in Poland. The whole £12,000,000 loan had been subscribed. Isere.—The Bombay mail of August sth would tomb England the day the steamer called. Intelligence had reached Lloyds that at Calcutta on the 26th of Joey, there was a cyclom In the Bees ley River, and that two steamers and a member of other vessels were wrecked. London Money Marl:tr.—The Mock exchange had exhibited continued &tame but the finctuation in canals was quite light- The money market was easy and the euppey abundant. In the discount market the general rate has rt,eor , oral to about 2e.per cent. The designation to be given to the now kingdom has been discussed at Zurich. Austria is willing that Victor Emanuel ehonld be known as King of Sar dinia and Lombardy, but will not consent that he should describe himself as King of Upper Italy. London, Thursday evening—Breadstuff. decithing; Wheat I@)2s lower. Sugar dull at a trilling decline on inferior grades. Coffee buoyant. Tea inactive be; prices unaltered. Rice steady. Tallow firm at 550 55s 6d. Linseed Oil 29e. Wool: the auction gales wont off quite brisk at an advance of It @)2d. IVesemoroe, Sept. 12.—Further and reliable ad vices from Vera Croe, dated the 31st of August, state that the constitutional government ha. pall the full amount of the French claims oat of the custom receipts, being $140,000. This money came Into the hands of Mr. Gabrae, the French Minister, who has failed to distribute ie the manner provided In the convention. There was reason to believe in official quarters that he Intended to Invest it in a private enterprise with Miremon. Much indignation continua to be expressed against him by the French residents. There had nut boon a eines case of vomit. at Vera Cruz: iStirataones soldiers hal been without pay for moethe, in consequence of which, there wore namer om"timertere. Sr. Loots, Sept. 12.—The Utah correeponpenU o the Democrat makes an 'upon of the late male sale at Camp Floyd. He rays that the Quarter-master General received an order from the Secretary of War to receive the note of Wm. Halliday, m cash, for all purchases made by him, and that tho auctioneer received caret instructions to knock down mules to Halliday, ateeriain figures, under then terms. Hal liday purchased upwards of a thousand mules, pay ing in notes little more than half what other parties would have in cash. The writer also states that Halliday has • contract to supply the government at Fort Dallas with 1000 males at his own price. The river remains stationary at this point, with amt. 5e feet water to Cairo. All the upper stream continue to decline !lowly. Weather clear and warm. New Y 026. Sept. 12.—The steamer Star of the West, from Aspinwall, with tho California mails a the 20th ult., eerived at.noon to-day. She bring, upwards two millions in treasure and nearly 500 pa, - eongere. The California advises have been anticipated. It was reported that the British Minletes had de manded the presence of ships of war at Valparaiso, In consequence of the expected arrival there of Amer ican eteamers to force a natal/lea of the difficulties with the Chilinn GovernmenL CHICAGo ' Sept. 12.—The Fair of the National Ag ricultural Society opened to-day. The weather is splendid and the attendance already very large. The prospects of a euemeafel exhibition are very flat tering. 270 cowl, belle and calve/4 200 cheap, most ly French, Spanish and Staines, and nearly 100 horse., are the Mock entered. The Mechanical and Agricultural Balls are filled to overflowing, and Fine Arts Hale Is being rapidly filled and already presents a beautiful appearance. The book, will be cloaed on Wednesday, up to which time entries can be made. lisurax, Sept. 12.-4 tremendous conflagration occurred in this city early on Saturday morning Two whole blocks on Granville street, numberin :. 50 buildup and including 13 extensive dry goo.. establishments, were totally destroyed. The .. •• . : Is not estimated, but it mud necessarily be v large. It is repotted that three men were burnt a the fire. Bauman, Sept. 11.—Thefcrty-fifth =wive - of the Battle of Baltimore is being celebrated to-la with great EOM. The whole military forma is on on parade, and flags are dbrPlaYea from all points The old defends e will dine at Green Swinge. Th .are enrol elettieg companies In the city; one fro ~ Turk, Pa., the Worth intentry. , .• .: . . Coraniercial: • „...,... iiituTliaiftievieW Oft ha rvitta . baligh /narks., [l2,.—crtz Up e c kill rfor ths .Ifik32thscryh Ckafeta.) 1 . 131351:50II, Trimly, SEFthenth 18, IMF. r . There Le a slight ilinroteMalat in the remind aspect of Ithisinen but lo long as the deers Remain at their present • low *UM the full activity Cl nor' '.lf trade Cannot ho real- Lad. The Mitres& to the West are bringing in and taking out a groat deal of freight, • uthisiderable portion of the riet- Ward boned freight being Pittebergh Mumfacatre. The receipt. of produce for shipment Eastward are also barna. log largely, which we tate to be one of the most ethomak log slots of the time. The minciplenetivity to be noted is stilt courentratal to the prudes. Ueda. The receipts of wheat and flour, and the demands for both from tiro 0000007 trade have been quite largo. The thee of Sour daring several day. last week ran en from 2,000 to 2,500 bble—• total never before readied in our experience of Pi h bnalnecos. The bulk of OM was for consumption liTtiVraiited disthet. The receipt s by rallnaal lux week were 30,42 bosh wheat, and 12_217 table four, The wheat on. an for this :city.” Of the flour, 5,511 bids went East, and 8,638 bble were far city dealers. In additiou to this amply, the kcal milts furnish .bent 5,50 tibia • week. The prima of prodoco loath not varied muck during the Week. Thor. bas been an onward tendency of pries., Mal- cage and • downward one at Cbulnuath aimed by the Wltin drawal of Pitteburgh nnrchther• from the latter marketand • their Manatee to the other, The flocax,then of Cincinnati not • keeping a stiff upper 11,, apparently; but floor Ennui be ago c cumtdathag there rapidly, in the absence of Myth% sad It . node. to be then whether holders than can maintain the tone of their market in the the of large and Increasing thanks and a light demand. Our money market is quiet. The line of dlethunts at book continue* to run dawn gradually, es It provably will I until the Poll bothiess furnishes new paper in sublelent bandanas to increase IL Moat, if net all of the short tine 'o. 1 paper (Ina its way into bank, and the bulk of good pamr on the street I. that having • long time to ran. Ont. Fdealers aro taking this quality of paper al. WO 90 rem; tern Exchange le still warm, Ma the Muth manage to apply their elastomers .t pe r, and the brokers sell at 1 ,4 premium ter currency. Exchtho on the West tau no Standard quotation. The bank. Lanett odic a sufficient mar gin to cover the premium of Pathern Exchange at the point% drawn upon, wtdcb vane according to the lucid of currency the may be prevaleth The rate [thoe from 14.3 7 cont. The following la • COMparatlve statement of the Imports of Foreign Goals at New York for the week s end slate 2.6.1, compared with the ume puled. In 1857 and 1058, For the week. 1857. 1858. 1859. Dry Roods 42084,438 41;019,134 42,034,924 General Merchandise 1,911,116 2,141,476 2.094,721 Slone Jan- L Entered at thep0rt.—...577A8,458 $43,763,032 4.99,0r,516. Thrown on the Market— 75,596,973 54,1193,198 89,979,970 The imports, It will be than de not fell MT, am woo arablei patth. In the meantime, the node aXpert IS kept op, being nearly three millions for the week. °The St. Louie Democrat, of Saturday, says —Money Ls very stets out, though It la generally supposed It will be come easier by the muddle of the month. Currency lo yet enure with some homes, and bought at only L discount for bankable funds. With others It is more abunittht to-sky, and only bonght at 4 Me, Excising. on the East at 1961t4 prem. the be bought with currency. The demand fur Ex- ' change Is not gnat, bat more antin the lath two or throe • days, than previonaly. The selling rate for eight on the East Is *Wan at KO% prem. for gold, 114 prem. fur Allmon. ri fonds, ad 1414 prom. for currency. 183 the &nth, and - Cincinnati and Louisville, par for gold, v, prem. for Missouri and 4 prem. for Illinois and Wleconaln, are the able. The thmilomti flaxecte, of Paterday. Nam— The money market welle:les close, and the dthatint Loewe irs kept ' very folly agitated with first-clue paper, while the onside offerings are ors the increaee. The depoeit line le folly nos- Mined, indicating continued fair collections, bet the loath. .ing activity In business circle% and the remittances to the Interior prevent an athemolation of currency. Rates of le arnt remain at 10412 7 cent inside, and 12418 outside. j Street operations report eatisfantary Inrcennents at 13 per cent. The market fur Euler. Exchange iseanyorad laving rate are lower. The merrily of mummy rearing. the demand, while the supply of in/remain, checks has increased, owing partly to We Leary "lee of provtaiom within the lest week. Tare Ms also boon • tailing off In the demand from 'the Nolthernat, slaw prises tertian dove at Chloage end SL Loth, •th to-day with...wore received from New Orieans, report. . log • decline there to y,‘44 1.4 e. Altogether the movements favor an eau: parka, at current, If not ender tan*. The Chicago Tribune, of lianardar, say.: Tree matinued 0 month In Eastena markets thmod an locreased demand for wheat to-day; Cour wheat was dull' and neglected, with • slightVecilne and very limited taus .loon upward. of 70 ; OW Muth of ell gradth were mold at sec for Na I red Insure, . 75c for Nu. 2 mei, 650 for reJect.l winter, 7414.47150 fur N.l spring, T21E4730 tur No. 2 spews. wad ffic forreject. nprith —the marecet Closing Min. flour was thou in good mines% and spring extras were active and xi ficKlde, with thee of shoot 14M bids at $3.2344,1a.4 for common to clothe bream. Wither 'MIA. s'f our comm., dull and en. tints , nominal. Corn am firth hot the offering. worn very light, and do. transactione useesoully Molted; about :3,000 bush were sold at 63e ler canal ague% 6.5- for No. 1 in store, and L5(659,(c for No. 3 to slur. Oots were Arm under a goalinquiry. and 11. .. comp.; &boot 7,oth) bubo's charm ed hands at 260 fur No 1 in score, nod 275.,0 for caeca sear Ky. 56 , 10 in store fur No.I nod Ale for No. 2. Earley ode% Tne rethipts of Timothy sued were light, nod the marvel ' Areur, with ender ist f1,•...9,2, accourdieg to quality. A3IIE-S—nuarkel very quid and dull. Pole are nunaltial at 454935, acid pones MU at 54(3,0, cath and Urns. liodn A.h l• in molar demand et 2° br ordinary maCity. A LE—Fitteicargh manulentruth continue. to hir dunned, with steady thipmerm. ui all parte of the country. The es tatcluned rain at prevent aro bble ball tibia. . ' -4 5 SACO 5 3,(.4 3.00 N i 3,54 Porter . _ 0 3PO APPLIM—a good supply and otholorato demand; tales at $1,209611 7 bbl, es in quality. BUTTER it EooB—the demand for Batter la very light. and the Wet are quite mai% wo 90010 roll doll., 11144 114. Ego are again wane, and we have no galas to note; them I. BOUM Royalty, and vie quoteat 94)10. BACON—the demand is sort very utter; smith Memell lobe to retail and montry trade of Shouldere at 74.47%, Sides 044104, plain Hance 1014, awl Sugar Cured do 121,413. LICAJUIL. , -there 11 a very eteady demand, and MO re• cairn are not mom thin adequate to in sake of mamma to choice at 42.0043,110, and fancy at $3,50. BUCKETS AND TUBR—The terror,' prices Ruth par funds) at Panda.. and New firteiton are. tor Bthketa $l,BO 8;41,75, and Tubs, $4.75005670 7 dcw. Yrom store, buckets Ball In the retail way at $1,70442,00. CORDAGE— Idarailla Rope, nail, 13 0 7 511.111 a Bop. cut, 14 07 lb • Ilemp Rope, col, 11 e 7 lb Hemp Rope, cut, 12 c 7 5 - Tarred Rope, roll, 11 c el 5I Tarred Rope, ant, 12 o 7 5 j Packing Tard,One, 11 0 7 In PeckingYarn,core lu c 41 ID I . BED WRDS-Ilanilla, $1,60, 4',211449,00 7 dog.' Ramp, 11,17,4 - 2,00512,75 7 dm. Ramp eodl, 1.1 rtl VI Ih. I'l4olloll LlNEM—Niannla, 87 cu 7 du. lineup Toe cxyrrox YARNS—The othrket to ateady at the followleg I quomtioth which are corrected to Mite , NO. iLL-1. Noe. 6 to In inathive id c 7,191N.18 . "l 5 e 7 5 Noe. II A 13_ --e ._. l c eslh N 0.17 . I teekittli hint 18 .0 c 7 ID No. II .... . ..... .........._ICI c IS 5 No. 10 .:Z