• • - , . , ' ' - - - , - . _ . . . . . . . . . _ .•._•',.-:•,'.'-,:., , • 9 A8LY._,__....,... • r . . r . u ,.. B . Gu ..- GAZETTE: - . .. ___ - EBTABLISITPD IN 1786. ......., 5t,,..-2.d. Tata Street, Pittsburg, Plinth. MOOPACTURERS OP WHITE AN gyp man; 21110 PAINTS /OW LITHARGE, a • • wftguggsg D oi ly' BLAB; Plinth, Yandishrs sad Tarps jalaily /dAIJKEOWN, Wholesale Dreg& vii ..cerbeil'ou Stenediatorereat Agent for Ibal eOUd ant ADO Ektacte, No. 157 Liberty amt. Pit burgh. r* , ' * . I.3otlrd D L. FAIINEsTouK & Co., late oral, fi • • App. B'A:;hhnestoth A Co., and summon to html Whob a al. DrOutlt Naoo, nontheWood and Fn. ' FAH K. /2. NESTOU CO., WIIOL ....... k i. . w IC. erryn a istir and Miothfactintra of wbitg - - •• and LlG:saga, turner Wood, and Trout ataitds,'ll audni...—........-...--.........n105ait ED • RAUN •& REI'PER, WHOLESALE AN r Resat Druggliat,onmeror Marty and St. Clair • JsDpa• FUCKING, ( SUCCESSOR TO Wibtaill 00.)owner llarkmetrest and Diamond, k • • Mostantly on hand areal and complete assortment of DIM A .UPAileiool4 . llSaidlle Mesta, Perfumery, Gila nil article. pe OpVlSprescriptfons carefully roma:maw/ at a D'' CEO:: IL KR YSEIt, • DRILIGGIS I teoweeo Ina,me, ram. Cl Woos. Mame and Vir Alter, Pitt.burgb,pa.; • - , , , .. .. JOIIN. P. Soon', .WHOLESA.IX ,DE • ertillhanlbEnts,oll., Varnishes and Dyartufftb N - -1165LIbertyrtnat1PIttatourgh., , - ,..1111 ardertisfillrantra)ro_mptltttmaton. - slE.AgsallteNthenele'sPolleßyrup.—asr2ll l ,l A * '• ,' %/P °butt ' aaiiiiiiss. l- . . D IDDLE, ' IRTS -Ft CO., General Co. , .S.ID UMW= blaFts and Dealers In Groceries end • duce, No.lll.sydb rtreet,Pittaturrgh, Pa Sam AllirOmaignat tsradliDad and stalsfactorry ratan:as. _TAXES 711 I LM.EB .l CO., POrk Packe es tr mad Donlan. Provision., corner of Market and •• • • eats.. . teolia* e. inieciaasow......{ .. , -....... . ....... ..... ... c. s• • • y RECR. & I IIiffeELINIOE, Comulissio Adt end FonrriplitngMerchant.. dealer. In West o n , cern .041..a0, Fkutr, Risk, Bacon, Stator; Ilomed OIL P. and Pearl- Adm., Beods, Grain, Dried Fruit, and Prod. gthreally. -tEest bithis family/lour Mime 1311 heed.' Agent.thrthil sail of Ibuilson Co'. eelthratod Patina Peal Stash. , .Noir.LlABoorM4 Stall; Pint eta,, botwee Wood smillialthlield eta. Pittsburgh, Pa. itpkayd eirEIIaKOVAREHOUSE.-11BNRY .1 COLLlNS,lttrithrding and Commlarlon Mucchanban Dealer In CLIt Bettor, Lake Fish and Prrelnee• gerail 2b Wood et., Mos, Pittsburgh. irt m 2l VAGLE ' WAREHOUSE.—JAS. GAR I _ca PI ,17htlento Dealer to mien President e • Frr4l2l) ifo2o2lllEi No. 0 Serstalt street, ,beremen Lit-trt and sestanote.Plipimnii. Pa. •• " • sa.reint. cub: • tartly S E LLERS "& CO., Dealers in Proti the a i ld . •;. t o i t to L i a4ll . l2,:in., No. 879 Liberty tared, appeal L tads lid • - i.4.ourattce. neents. DUREEte. INSURANCE COMPANY 9 11l Water street: ROBT. FINNEY, !key. O. W. Ba • • . aim, General Agra& ruya A: CA RItI E K, SECRE'FAR , Permaylnitla Dattratem Otropauy of Pittsbur g • •t , t • ' .• • • - Lp- aw FM. GORDON, Secretary ,. iY Cetera butler --• .I.44eamPaa7sll2Wateiettn.a. :r • GARDINERCOFFIN, Agent for Frank t/ • lin Fire Imunageo Company, liort&oaet corner W. and Mint stmts. D A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delavrar . • 1. • ;Matted Jasmine* Oa, 42 Water street. IQ ' W.. , - - ROIN DEXTER, Agent Great West ceralatennue C0.,97 Peyote:reed. . , , ' • • -4:Bawls. 0 O.BINSok & CO.; Dealer in Carpets, &c. 110 Ha. 121 Fifth target " - Wi,Y3'.. - dr 111. 51 , CALLLIEI, J)iuma._ IN CARPETS, OIL MATH. 31.Arrifill.9., Ae. No. 87 fourth street mesa Wood. . . fittontrko. Ift' SLI &MACK-ENZIE, Attotneye at Law, 015 e. No:60 Exalt, street, Pittsttrgha-Pd. Notary Pub do and Ohio Commissioner. - ' ano D OBERT M'IENIGHT,• ATTORNEY AT AA, Lew, and Solicitor of the, lank of Pittsburgh, No. lit Foorthatrost,Pittsbragh. ' : ' . ' del3 lam Goobo. ' ......_____—. ........—...-- 1... somata:us_ ...,.. -.trit0.....mximar........-w. to sanest jot URCIIITIELD & CO., (successors to Mar .', phy* BurchAeldj WhitlearJ. and Retail &Wei. in Strploand PatocYbry Goods, North matcomer Fourth and _Market ati.,Pa _ taborgb. . . net el 11. LOWS, Dealer in Staple and Fancy v...„1• Dry ads, algo_of it.. original the Illsa," No :l Market edratt,Plirsinagb. ' troth D H. PALMER, No. 105 Market Street, AV• Deader In .13onneta, Hata straw Trimming., cod BtrawOwsießl.474l2- • .08 `. 'iSootstllers, Stc. MUM: G. • JOHNSTON & CO., Stationere, /11 Blank 'WI: Mannfleetnren sod Joh Print4rs, No. 67 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. se3a C. COUIIRANE, (SUCCESSOR TO L . F... a Eadier,) Viladesale and Itstall Dueler in Books, Stationary and Paper Hanging., Pakral street, 6th door S. H. ollbakat Square, Allegheny, Pa. T URN S.. DAVISON, ROOKSELLEILAN D lt, Stattoner,inomastorto Dashoult Agiww, Ho. allfarket street, near Fourth, Pitubrukb,Pa. - • KAY &CO:, . BOOKSELLERS AND.STA TIONEBS, Ha. 66 Waal Watt, ant door Path. cur. ter of Third, Pitt.tturgtr, Pa. School mai Law Bookman. T L.READ, BOOKSELLER. AND STA ' IJ/ . TIOIIER, N 0.78 fourth et.., Apollo Dellthiga, HUNT: A.. • 111 IN. E R, - BOOKSELLER and litaticaor,lboando )Lth, Alltbetreet: ----, '• ' ' Vainters., - - .. JOHN THOMPSON & .00., • - 11017, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL P AIN TiE RS TA ND GLAZIEIt S. NO. 136 THIRD EirREET, PITTABODGEL PA. ..... m.smate Etat ' Estatt - agents!. ..... _ ___4____. ; . lontadtdrass ~WARD, TIEALER IN - PROMISSORY NOTL'S, ./_,/ Bonds, Ifortgagas and all semaities for mousy. Parma can procure loan. through my Agency, on ems:m ania terms.. , .... • Thosiwbblarts Invest thafr moray to gomtadvantags, ran &tsars/Ind Ant and swami class piper at my aka, f. All imunraMtallona and Intel-rim. strletly'conithendal. " ttiraoCIRANT STREET, oppothe Si. Peal'. Cathedral. • ,•• ' 14P i'l 0 tiftlfil. • 941.111 r. Wausau. „ .10511141 lA. 000111U1 Wall Paper Warahous.. WALTER P. MARSHALL & CO., Im- S 7 - gorier. and Deedera,S7 Wood strew, betwesn fourth street and Diamond Alley, where may be found an exten.h. amartmant crams description of Paper Htutging., for Par. lore, Halts, Dto'eg Roams and Chambers. Also, Window Ruda., in peak ' sultry at townie prima to country dmlers. 2.15 " ' WAVTER P. MAIMEALL & OE): , . TOJIN - .u..14 - 2,110D, No. Si WOOD ST., IP between Mound Alley aml Fourth striat,Sola Assist for OBICEISIDIG A SONY on PIA NO PORTEN, MA HON A HAMLIN'S MODEL SMEDDIOIIII and ORGAN J II.I.IIIIOIOIIIME mut Dealer In Hale and Modest Good.. KLEBER: & BP.O-., No. 5'2. FIFTII att . 81 11 11 iFen: G ltT a r n 'ast ik GrandA Agent PIANOS, and ARILLIIT A NEEDHAM. gamma LO. ---- DEONS and ORGAN HARMONlllll.5 O ..Dealtre tallusio and CHARLOTTE BLITME, ItIANUFACTUR IR sad Deshir Is Plano‘Fertesoind Important Maga and llnsfc'al Instrunwora Sole Apra forth. HAMBURG PLAINII), also for HAUNT, 14.1751, CO.'S Omens Plano., withand slam= Allulian Attactadast. 115 Wood sant • -• ' ' ' Carvageo. ' CARRIACI.,sI BUGGIES ! ROOICAWAYSI -- PIIAISTONS, AAR° UCIIES, Oita% AND elerythilliiil theline pachised from EASTERN mAtiorAeruitsus, Together with Stull assestroma of elsgi ot '' .. ' - Mmitliris Hotness ' * Co YA l7l4 3 , thllsiblloriltigl * or Made lemma Alm Allen, Blulagla co ma d'allar Ha,* MUGU" QM to mention, constantly on baud malt kr agl. at nasog s bl e prima 1, r ,_ • • , JOHN &SHAFFER, - Diamond' meet, mar Liberty, Pitutsurgh, Pa Age Ormisise tooght and cold on sommlmica. Impair. DoE UAW aIOIPraMPHY doom. • molDdly sIINDRIES-25 Borneo ;: Star ,Candle lb bthi Pnlrertrad fingsm ' 10 . Pony Byrum ' " , 114 b'rni mated Window Glare ; ' In store and for sale by • ROBERT DICKEY; SUNDRIES— . • .... ~ k.. 1100 8.411 eta t. Ilyso Rh la Um u nod Black Tem; •* 10 Timms Bk.; • • 74 MA', do froTaata- On band and nor pia by JONES a COOLEY, ~, .11. 141 Water near Cher it 0 Sit PITCH- • -, 26 Dbl. No. 1 Lard OR ; 25 do b. W. Whale. Oil; . ~ 10 do Ilschtnery Oil; - , , 25 do Pitch. -'Oa hand and La sale by ~,,,2 4 ~7 ' • ''' - JONES a COOLEY. Cal RHINO' WAGON...FOIL SALE.—A good 0 two bong spriligWagon - for mkt string and beastly ironed. Would ettlt eithor Er a market gardencr or for o podguggiggien, ' WEL LS, RI Will be sold low. -- • • . - gg us DDLE.* CO., SO Fourth at. TRA F.Looft for ealeloy 500• ABliSIXX , •a so . J. B. CANFIELD A CO. FIPBOIIT-25 A;bblo:lake Vont on con - .41. Egamenifter gale II stall BOBT.DICKET. GYM I -- --------.--'— aIrIFELT.. - J.A./111C/3 Vir. Wl5 FiIIINITOBRZeiID CHM FFHOLESALD AND RETAIL, - bracing every style Of .v - Er 1 ?. DT I T D .v., l le RosnwooD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT, Baltablefur PARIAHS, 017AMBER8 AND BUONO 1000512, Equal to any In o NEW TOILYC AND PHILADELPIi I IND A? ii LOWER PRIORS. AliOwErery article and. by band and Warrants:L . lM ,'... CANINE. mantas y ii Boppliad with ony quantity of iIIitNITININ And (.161,411. ewe tt• on ragaros.ble terms. 4 Frdulehed at I l e shorted OTELS midge airß°A" • J la WARIIOOIII, Nag. 77 LID 79 THIRD tillilal. .... LllP26eftf PITT.P.MOH, i. 4 .• lawn a. 10 1.1 1 d-........-.111011. t. SUOMI lift?? P. 1.000 T o S. YOUNG c oo LPPPIOnliel OP FURNITURE ORAIRS 0I Every DeiLpti:r. zuront L . Arm, Warthoust—Nos. 18 it 40 Smithfield St., QTEAMBGAT CABLNII3II,NITURE—W rP 9.7 ere comitently msaufacturlarisTlLAMßOATi tHli •• POSNITEIRB,w4 UNAD3B,• and /win the attention the. Interodlo./ In furnishing'Loads a•Stl MIST I I'. 8.100010 ACM 1 jtilanufealttrers; 1101.1'2111AM & wizronanot.o, [SUCCIPISeaII so 0. WSW.] NO. 10 0 Third Street. Pitteburighl .11ofterfacturtri and &den in C tarlatan, Cornices, Hands, Eilistdes, 13Ii ittl iMattresses, Comforts, Cushions, &a. . • airtortkolor Attention pall to STEAMBOAT WORT. CARPETS FITTED AND LAID TO ORDER. • anlidam wvo.v,s, RIDDLIE a co., • • ail Fourth Utraat, Pittsburgh, PA., ustiatsuiCatte an WHIPS, THONVS AND SWITCHE: Urdu...WIMP frEn thetrode, mad promptly net pad m per instraettests / Taira—S menthe, cr 6 par cent illsionnt far cash ti etl4.lyditsT Et7L7d17 , 9%A.1.... iniQUZlßDirit , Z ON STORM. 1 11 COLEMAN, MAILMAN lt. CO., 1 alanifernirew of Iron, Nails, Steel Springs, Axles, Wrough Nuts, Washers, Spikes, Bolts, etc., etc., Oar. rumored to their nazi and a:ternary War:Mout Fn. 77 Water and 04 F'ront Street, Wnere they are prepared to eremite MI Indere in their 11. baying a large and complete ersortment of "Duquesne. 21221.120tut22=21 gcodecna. .9 Madly on head,which they of ler on Metal terms. P.O dtf y Iran City Sillov• Wart:luauea. L, W. BRADSHAW, (SitraftB3 it tie e,d. CRAIG &CD.) Elennferinrer of TON,IRO • and COPPER WARE, not Water in STOVES, Ac ha ly r- WOOD STREST, between Filth and Virgin alley, Pitt Wee., Po. 40.315.1 - . ; . ; o -41 • 2 • 2 ~ i 2 • . I - 2. Mt. & CO.. L MERIT BIZUGIT. egyortre Poirot. B. B. Depot, a PITIBBCIIOII, PA, MANUFACTURE to order, on short notice , .Lxg, CASTINtid, BLIArrINGI a PULLEYS, of en an ' and deettlptkaut, of the Last matdirld• nod Latist etylee WO WAGON BOXES, SAD IRONS, UHATE.S.Ar., •Itray en band or cut to order. airOrden lett at the FOUNDRY, or at Cartwright Jaime; 88 Wood at., will retain prompt attic:Mum badly " 1. 6. Dltot.-- - . --- • - .....—...4 r. moment, Dili of the Pep of l M Nada epee.. late of Ceti lt S l a ter SPERO. & IIIVIVE.LI., Valley Forgo Plow Works, No 139 Liberty Bred, rwor F i lth, IVltbureil Ai A now., IU P . A .., w e' i l t. ' Up . g e....RS O : . of w.th e o v . e every .1 7r ,, , ,, :ty p r , Dome snitable fur, very Mid of mil and Meg; , Their Ittlyr,e,„l Peuilit Iron Centro, Patent Into (lent,. t , 11111Ahla, tree C.tra. xu,u-s..ail, Patent and Centre Lev 1149.1 llooldboard, Vailaq, P.arvert, nrwar, con, and cum Plows are inelloerrro to ,Its aolln. sot odsed.... to pooh.. ate, Loth as to quality and odaptarlon 6,iimi I Aglp•Ordent atasolicited 0041 IA el AKTINItI 0' in •ir " { (1 ir l. l:, - - (Surremows to John Cartwright,) m ANUFACT IT ft ERS and Importers oi Ali..Pocksroxl:rata Cutlery, Bur g led and Dental lo etnimects, Ono; Pistols, Datum, Teeth, An., No. 5e Wad attach They give spade! attention Lain saminfectorin g of Tommie, Supporter; Co. Jobbin g lin I Itepidog with ;moo. . toellty end p ort aplfi Mg 1111.1.ta1l Pllllllll.l- - -- /se.. Rao. WILLIAniiiARNIIILI. A co., 61 Penn et., below Marbury, Pittsburgh. Pa. STEAM BOILER MAILERS AND SHEET Iron Wafters, ilenitteturere of ItereldWe Paley, • Boiler, Locomottre. Flood and Cylitulte Boßers,l,loturs.r., Illtekban, rive Bad, Swim Pip.., ouratareme, Sea pane, Sager Pans, lons Yaw la. Liffiliome, etu Ale ; Ittertanniftw , Wort, Br-1i1a...D1 Illsoloet from, Jo. at the diadem no ttoo. All orden Rom • diet.nce promptly anointed to Ja= r Pens Calton Millis, Pittaturgia. tr ENNEDY, CIIILDS & CO., MANUFAO it MFRS of— Penn Alga. 1 heavy 44 Sheeting; Carpel Chain of all colors and *hand Ootton Twin; .t 1344 Cont., w Plough Lines and flash Cord;w Hope Wallaime andcloetelptioaO I esttint. Alroo rat a the Llardware Elute of LeF00,1511...... A Co, 13 1 Wood etteat, wilt Ililla &Hardin, led I) JAMES IRWIN, • lIANISPACTORER OP QULPHURIC EIMER., Sulphuric Acid; 13 /Awed Splriteof Nitra; Nada Add, Iloilmentt &Wyman Sloristfc Arid Aqua Amnon* ITV, Nitrous do Vowletta &Ault.; lard Iday be found alJohn Indirk Buns, 67 Water area WILLIAM TATE Ar. HON, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, No. 10 Fourth 0:root, Pftplbtrgh, and Podorat street, under ' moth Exceirlor Ball. Allegheny. Sar• Ern, dastriptlon of Rtllnge An Water, Ow and Sloan.. n031.1y ___ - - . fROMIIII9OI6II, &g. . SAMUEC - B. FLOYD & CO., COMIIIIRION SEAM A NTS, And dealers In Me; Grain and Prod.,. Generally, 331 LIBERTY STREET, near Pe . R it Depot, PITTdBIIIIOII, PA. setlld u, ff warm, iito 10., .. . MONT SIOTOted, , Leta of Pittshargh Plulledeiptis PITTSBURGH' COMMISSION Horse. WALKER & BARNEY'S. ' cmI7NTEI.BI3ION MI:CRC/lAN - re. And Agent. far the Pala of PITTSBOIOIO N A N lIF A CT II WE II 00 010, COAL OILS AND OTHER MERCHANDIIE, . No 160 Pearl Street, NJr .w sr o x., Ii . 4lrColllalgtationle rolklled, to which proper parsons' el Dation diall be glum, and proceele promptly remitted. leirrithetil Aided Bryce, Diehard. A Co,llleurs. John Slick A Co. Ahawder Mar, Rag, 1 . ABllata a Brother, Deere. Adana, Mlacten A Ca. Wilmot A Ursine, 04. V. Jo2l lyd 4. yr LasoWICE Laos curems CHADWICK. a esON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lit IN PAPP.It AND RAGS, Ant Agents fer Dm Bale of Mahoning Fire Brick find Pot Clay, • line. 149 and 101 Wood Street, star SleibTPtildurgh. 113..Wrtyping rand tee ilanofertarere . prim. Cub paid for PLOP. JP../id I. Clerximp . .... . ..... . .•- e IL CIMIPPIPt. Q CUTHBE .. RT & SON. Goners! Commie te; ~, , ,, , , ,,t ie. . j..,, , on ., 4bi,, ,P i a a,o i zelh .P orcb.. of Re7 . l . f.ta i to, 1.1.0 YD A. FORSYTH, , WIIOLESA,LE GROCERS, AND ' DEA.X,XIREI IN PB.ODlO'iii]. COMMISSION MERCHANTS fur the tele of PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, No. MST Liberty s Pally I, 18510.0.0 PITTURdROII, PA 0 5. carman...—. .......... --.........- .... 2, • mamma el. Xi. CALIMEI3I.II di CO., • Commission & Forwarding filarthania, And libolaeela Dealer. In WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, GUTTER LARD, PORE, BACON, FLOM; Pl9O, Pot A Pearl Althea Beleracte, Mooed It Lard Oil, Drip! Fruit and Proddee generally. N o. . 141 and 14$ Fr... Street, oc ..- PITTSBURGH, PA. 2 111T11111COCIE, ItIeIHRICIELLY A CO., (Streeter, to Inialoan,Dl'Crisery A Co.) Forwarding and Commission Merchants, And Wholesale Deolerela Produee. Flour And Wool, No 153 Frani and 122 &Mid it, Paltlnoph. fa. PP 1,1 3 ,1 —=129 1111dadellIL111.11AV011...111111.11.111111P. Penn-AM it Wide... SPRINGER lIARDAILIGIII A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DRALRae IN. Wool, Hides, Provisions& Produce Generally, N 0.209 Marty Stroet, Pittsburgh. .1213 BIGBANE A ANY* It , DUMP It, Blowy.. Grain nod Produce. Commission, and Forwarding Merohants, N 0.124 ,Sicond St., riu.S.rgh, Pa. my3Plya OBERT DICKEY, Wholesale Onit,.er, 7 spa Lilted Ps • ANOLASSES.--300 bbl, N.O. Molasses, SO ayg„• . .lossup.rorooto by JOSH Prof, & co. - 10 . . 2ergll 1 ,129 . i. JIN MD - . - - OlteitaooE,lte 1400. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1859. I. r OBBril. ---,JAM tat LITTLE & TRIMBLE, WROLIIS ALE 0 RO I I4EIIB AND DEAL Floor, Bacon. Chesney , Fredte:olls& PrOdoe• sale 112ESOONDST4PRISSUROI WILLIAM BAGALEY, , w - i - Tc.x..zita.A.raa caicoomin Mo. IS and SO Wood Street, , 1.31 .111 PITTSBURG D. N.X1•3111.0, Of Lewis A Eiger-W wat errMorr U, Pitt•Vg. IhNirrett it Martin, ha. Martin e Phil. EDON ILTON & STEWART, (Bnrwwwora to Levi. A Falgorhau,) , . Wholesale 0 roters and Commission Nerelun 107 Wood street, Pill Fs burgh, Pa. Di;lyel . * dwaiA Wu XOHN M ' OILL & SON, Grocers and Co EF minion Merchants. Agents for the wale of Pig I dAP.AVALliiMmaiminigi' ' - A LEXANDER KING, WHOLESAI .arl,, (Roger nod -hrilnirted of Sada Aeh, No. 153 Ulm *riot, Pithildwgh, p,,.. w. s. JONX3 splily,l o J... 1 3.70 t. XONES & COOLEY, WIIOLELA LE tilt ty - OSHA 814 Beat , rissole/lent, dealers in Produce PitlebuigGlifeinthrlatel, Nh.lll Water stroot. nedrChe , 1 . .111A ur y,Pitteleurgh, Ps. • _my' ..M.114 is 01t.004 QIIRIVER.i.DLLWORTII, WHOLES • 1,,,, Grocer., N 0.130 sod 131 firiumil aired, tleatwoeu NT and Smltheold,Plttabutgli. NRINELOTS-.........-Jaelienn moan, ..... ...mu. r. JOHN FLOYD & CO. WIIOLESA I vOrocorseodOommlulott kiercants, N 0.173 1 17.41 fie - Liberty *rent, Pittxburgh. 3014.3 Wow - Jet • woo 1/1 WATT d; WILSON, WHOLESALE UR 011101,Conardwion Merchant. and, Dealers In P date and Plttenurgh blanufacturea, No.1:1,8 Liberty at Plttgburgh. Jo" WM. MoCUTC El El UN WHOL SA LS (ironer, Prodno• tunl Comoubalon :Martha and Dealer In Pittaburgb Manufactured A,1011..., No. Liberty stroet, corner of Brewery ay, Pittsburgh, Pa. tu JOU. *SWILL. MAN. WNW AWELL LEE & CO., WIIOLESA Grocers, Prtaluen and Oonizahaton Merchant., a era In Pittaburgh klannfactorna, No 3 Wood area, • ,„.„.,,t...„,,,,,„. __,„ g. .0.11. XOBLION, sae% B. nom.. ROBISON & Cu„ WLIOLESA ilt ... armors, CoMadasion illerobante, arid Dewier. in kinds of Proof - Worts, Pi - reduce and Pittsburgh M.ootscln No.= Liberty street, Pittsburgh. jab/ ly. ROBERT B. KING, WHOLESALE UR I.lh ODE, CO=SOSIOLI liaream-t, and Neater la Froth. Fish, Flour, and all kind. of Cremtry Produce, No. 211 arty *reel. month of Sixth, Plitetairgh, I. Liberal I. TEnuta mad* on consignment.. Istrly, , ROBERT DALZELL & CO., WHOL BALE Otroeere, thouttfuloo end Forwarding DI gi o sa . taLd Deo y le . 7lu 4 Pr ipi nd4=LlT .. tatorgli Wanefir - in my 3 u • RALAII DICKEY A. CO., WHOLESAI. IBracers, Corandwien Merrharitband Dwalarlln Preto • No.Bo Water street, and AI Front *reel, Pittelacrgh. M iscellaneous (Cattle. ... .... .„ . . ____ ..... E E 11 It , EF ~t • Arch it coot, 3 . Oa . 00.2 d rt. Clair urn., Pittsburgh. is B P. SUOPE, anateu4sr TAILUR N 0 .75 BMITLIFIELD ST.. make.• totarler iw. to i nealeid manner Men . * and Do?* C 0.!.. loot., t • ,.., Ai WlL.OlvaLlet•reit. . apl2dtt T. N. HU A.. 1.. LECNH ERG h:R. sr, cr. t 5,,,,,,,,, 4.1 R. PuAlap, J• 1 114YOETZE8 AND DEALER. In HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, No. 101 Market Street, ! PITTSIIOROIL PA. f inyi: :I REMOVAL. JAMES WILSON having dist...ed sal , .1 ell Hat and Cep Store Room, Ma. 01 *owl atm*. ...'` hew removed his Work of Ilst. and Caps to hto 11•1 Eby., o Federal erenal, Allegheny City, %lewd. the Now S,OOO O hank, when may to , rowel • larae aaNalca•nt ..I 11.1. an C"00 0 0 8 0 1 0 4 ' JO7; 4 P e r" ;.3 ". 1 . 083 NoTICI The prwwoot ot . r most be .44 to make noon. 1,, :brio.. 0.4. ''` 06 . 4,1 • D EMOVAL-J. S. Liggett, Co., have re ii,,, mooed from Non GO and 7,1 %Vidor oient to No Weber 00/1 W. Front ann. J 3. L100PT1r..,..101 M.," 1 J. Y. I.I4IGISTT ea ....... VLORE. FACTORS and Prodoee et , ifirfliti J' elou,Thirrhants, for LO. lode 01 Flour...an, weeds ea. I Produce generally, Nos to Water end !•J F.,. A.,. • Vitiate:m.6. Penn'. fel , . I, CALDWELL & BRO., SOOT FURNISHER, AND DEALER. I, *anode, Ileum .sal Cotton Cordage: • o•Aion, Tat, Pith, Perin and INN g Taipei:FlN., Durk. Light and Heavy Dolling., .c. %del. No. t.N IF•Ur a•IJ .:4 Fr...,-,. MT.-. • I A s' 0 ts REEN E, MINEB AND DEALER I. CANADA, al Ad3IETIC, ERA *PLAIN AND LAN 0 3141,101.., IRON ORES; WROUti HT, SCHAP Inu AND PIO METAL. *?OFFICE-.MONFK OF FRONT AND 351 IT 11 /IN sragwrir nor do LANE ' S PIIOTOURAPIIIC OA I, A. LEll2,3arnor of FIFTH and GRANT 318 E. la, I *Tighe. Eulbling, oppoalte the Coact Ilonve Thls Gallery has lost twee Mated up with [0,11,40t .014 and sky-tight. „ Ptuddgrapha, Ambrotypea, Daguerreotypes, Ac- is. wo I. Ili lea not to be enryikawd. Straituoni and citiygns are c0r.11.111 ...Had loc.' , and • .0 acid*o for thernseloie. Price. modulate afwEntrance 00 Filth MILO. 0r..,.......i.A5T of 1.,..a. eratly,l _ _ .. la a It• 1 . 11.0011.1. 0830. ...WM TREDIVELI. & SCHEI.I., It ..A. INT .11.. .)F3 R a, SOMERsKr, PENN A 41, - Cotirt lions .ollclael and Melon, pronotly roo•iiird IaINIXISCI, ' IIEOISAN lath' DANE, Plttedatigh. ' It. PATRICE. • 00., 40 . sir.z - Irl :BMX aintXXX- icon. ,anuxas• RE V /NEIL & ANDERSON. WILOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIG FRUITS, NUTS and errors, (XiNFI:OTIONEttv, 800A1311, ME IYUSHA, Ay, No. BO WOOD LITREET opposite 51. Marto. 110101, Pittsburgh, Pe n1r13.1,1 ST EJ tY, 0 WORKER. JAMES OW ENS, • CORYIP.FO EL 41 ,IND 1177./E STREETS Ika n STUCCO AND PJABTIO WOREER, t'r'ee peril No attanOon to all orders for ...A Ito hi. Moe ' *a...CENTRES and ORNAMENTS otall kinds furniab no aftwt matins. . • *VMS], T. W. ..11VG1111.124. Wallah and Cloak 111•00. w. .v.,..._ IMPORTER OP '''' s t...0r.,.. I.4 I INE ' WATCHESAND JEWELRY, .- • .2., N 0.83 Fifth street, hoorreu Wood .sad Alarlat, Pit , burgh; hid 401 - Fartletilar aft/Intl"❑ paid to the repairing of w.0,t,,, so-I Jewolry. IliErAll work warranted. GOLOTIIOII.P & LLOIINE, CAS AND STEAM FITTERS, No. 13 THIRD 8111813 F, betwwin Mir. , l and Smithfield eo airAllosys on band Chandellar., Srarkuts and Biotin, of all kinds. Plumbing done in a elipellor All Lo. All order. prompt I attended to. Fil/allboo, Plana and Fpecincottuo. tarnished La 1g 1... Norte and Osa o, ke, rolatructed ter any repent y tar poi. tic or g,rlwateLlSa. mob lyd . JOHN CAMPBELL, , itfi - A NUFACTURER OF BOOTS 6 , IVA 80dE111000 of erery dneriadlnn, Nu DI fimitht el. alrect,Plttaburgli,Pa. . c.c.21.42 t. ....c ,\ • • - C ). \ .)\%.WS) 1 ' 33 4 /N \ • I'' ril II E ADMIRERS OF STEINWAY ' . PIANOS are rosporthilly Informal that leo 0.01 Jos rocelewlTWO of these UNEI VALLE') PIANOFORTES, .I, One 7 Octave round corner, plain; Ons ti},', do do do Jo They need but to be heard, and their Taal euparnerity ..se other. will at once tee manifesto d. Fur side by H. FILCHER t BRO., N 0.63 ricer soma, .1 Role Ascent* for Stalawarit nurlnilled Phenix, Downer's Prolific Seedling Strawberry 44EQUAL TO AI ' AVOY ' S, SUPEIIIOI ' i to Ilirrey's Seedling 00 site, mina! to Dares N. Noe in./favor, and from sfs to ten WOw as production it may Where' tbe ono hundred Yarlatios In cultivation " whom Downe y of bi. nem Swelling, • gentleman wit I hati4reen acrinalated and done Luanne.. 0 itti 10 war., sod In all our transactions bate onvor bad r0e..., li inheloold hi. wordier honorable deeding, Slade Induen• m n •rcept tau agency 1.. r his wooderfally prolitta Lorry `bud for rin . ollll • of report of ItireetlvitlageOlMolle. , . JOHN MURDOCH, JR , I au.- Pittsburgh and ()Adana Niitscrlea INSEED OIL- . • 1203 D GALLONS, 0 00 1 101 . 1 Pim' uninufscloroi and Or sale by EUWER, HAMILTON A LW , _ Illidillealley bete.. It. H. Depot and Diamond, anlB.3m•lo Allegheny City ED, White, Like, Green, Gray, Yellow Brown Kul Red Flannel.-. good towortineul Ale. rluts, Ciloghanaa, Cheek., Ac. seti C. HANK/NI LOVE, 74 Market street. To oRi.ii)BRiiAND TEA - bkIALEItS. A ler - plot Of PAPER 101113, pull rw - eirod an.l for ale by W. FL HAVEN, ..2 Corn.. Market led Second, Weal and Third ISE FAUIN'S FLOUR,-We are no • selling A. W. ragin'a celobrati4 it. lamb44E7 Ficiil y floor, and defy anything In ILI/ hula*/ to approach i A quality. .1. S. LICOETT At CO, nod T 5 Wale. and 93 Fraud id. BOSTON AND FA RI NA ICRACKERS-' blits. Paid reed and Or este at PRANCE'S Comb) maw, and Tea Store, Federal rirret, byb w lbw Post Ofik lirgorair. _ _ Nall T'Dalt _2o.i 1, 10 1.4 - - ;Empire Mille Ext. Iberia), ILO do idoomington do do do, a choice artirlo Biafora and Isar twin hy SPRINGER, HARI:IA(I,IU A CO. Jolt - ?In. MO Liberty street . 11/DES - lOU dry Flint; : too - mitt.% i ,- ‘il4 . 0..001 Girmiliity • ' nets. SPRTNant lIABILAUOII A 00. • ' 1 , 0 .-ISt ~ s'. . 0 SO.. O.OIC. ' vas 'Auld fir tale by ~. .r , .., 7.B.lltiaLTl*oo, 4.1 itisburg (60x - ette cnN PUBMittien usimt AND Weratir Dr It. .E .Ft. It, T C(). , .nrra MATT. LOOn Ballurnaw. EMANCIPATION IN MISSOURI.—From thefoua i iug of this great republic, the moat profound a complicated question of political eettriomyand government which has been brought before L. attentiop of our alatesmen and citizens general' n. is the question of slavery. It is Dino means with sectional question, and never has, been. 0 whole people, of every State and of every prima polity, are vitally tolerated in the ' solution f this mighty problem. No intelligent America citizen can fail to feel that his welter , personally, is affected by the resalhato be reac. ed by the present thorough diseuision of th ~nts several pbaseer--economical, governmental an to- moral, of thie grand theme. - The ramiticatio. Iron of the inetitutiou by whieh.every interest of eve circle of /moiety is reached, need not now b pointed out; they are apparent to the intelligen , mind. --. Remembering the all-pervading character o day to . these itillnences, and this feet that, though dirt(' ~,„,, ed. Into different Slates for the beUer goeernmen env oroureelves, we ate after all one people, and on lo whole country thh pennon country for us all are. it in not eurpriting that the feelings-of some o "" i E. our fellow citizettroftbe non elaveholdirlg States should have been "oonaslotualy ':led to 442prope - the in theinoperationsforldie extirpation o Ll:-the Byelaw. They enrely - have been, and w• „,,,, have no illspoaltiod to conceal the And, or lf o plead justification of each Improperiederforetme But Barely we should not allow ourselves to r gard the citizens of other Stain as foreigners I'mY aliens and enemies. If they have been impost dent, let its admonish them of their folly, an. charitably attribute their improprieties to a mis guided, though well-meant zeal in a comm. j" ~a cause. ya flat whatever may have been, in lima pan • the character of this outside interfereooe, It i E evident that our fellow citizens of the non-Blare end holding Suttee have cow come to it better slat . ;" of mind toward us, end now really entertain th most jnat and amicable feelings and purposes I E this regard. di Numerous proofs of the fact reach us almos r(e, daily in our Free Stale exchanges. Cofitra statements, by whomsoever made, are to be re to- garded no partisan appeals to prejudices, which • ought to be abandoned forever. 1 •• The most universal and profound interest in Missouri is awakened throughout the whet. ~, country; and with but little abatement extends E. also to the old. Whatever has connection with Missouri is nice to receive consideration, and awaken ardent enthusiasm. All feel a lively concern with regard to our future development .E and greatness. Immigration, under this high tut. impulse, is flowing in upon UR Skilled labor and cash capital are turning this way, like one of the maximal . spring tides of our -own mighty river. , It is destined speedily to sweep away whatever of lethargy and Inattention to our untold resources may have parented ll3,and • speedily to put into active operation every dor mant energy of society. The opening of faire, the development of our he unparalleled mineral deposits, the construction , of railroads, the establishment of smaineries and oollegeeand the erection of churches, is hellos .). forth to be the order of the day in Missouri . Totter much an impulse as this, it does not re quire a prophet's eye to foresee the destiny of slavery There is not nu element of its being that Call long subsint under the presence of these rombined forces. Oar wlsast statesmen, our !brevitiest hastiness nien,eur educators and jour satiate. Our philanthropists and Chastise', all 40 alike premise the approaching downfall and dis solution of the institution, atol all alike unite in Psi hailing the dawn of thM glorious Jay. Toni. elm-Irtnln Advocate on • ~I .Cll, r trmnor A lourliiviNDLlß —The Phil. n 1 adelphis. Erentns .1 num., gives 'the following t particulars of the operations of the rogue who attempted to swindle a number of lodic% at Now e. Yeth oil proem:a of taking them to the South an leachers of Wilkie "II P teelie,the man who aucctoeded in doltid ,. leg fiftaten young lathes into the acceptance of false offer of employment no tem:herein l-tanthern was Mel evening brought from Waal : logien by officer Beillemlo, tinder a requisition from Governor Packer, rind placed in a cell in • the Central I - jlalion Honey. Macy pipers were booed in its poiters.ion, evidencing numerous ' , N “coefidebee" epeculationo in which be was eu , gaged, and also the applicationayof ',Km young ! ladies, upon the chorg,a of swindling. whom he ' Was areslgned before the Court to-day, a true bill having been found against him bytthe Grand , Jury Ile acknowledges Laving been instigated to 'a this fraud by a man with whom he recently oc , copied a room in n boarding-house on South Tenth street ' This man is a New Yorker, and he /dales that by will divulge the connection bald between them. Ile says that the money 'extorted frOro the deluded ILiiSIIC3 was obtained to from him by his co-operator by tuierepresenta , (ions • Upon an examination of his papery, we Sad that Lis nefarious operations have been practiced • in New Y ors, Baltimore, Washington and in several sales of the South. Ile frequently held out inducements by advertising in the papers, - bud obtained considerable money. On the I2th ' of July he advertised in Washington for Lfly piing Well, who could receive permanent situ.- tione at a eatery from $4lO $5 a day, by advert , nog him $ll, and addressing him at Ellicott's " Mills. Quite a number of answers to tide adver tisement were found upon him Suring May be was in Baltimore. • About this time he was connected with a main. moth schemedo whiob he issued numerous certi ticates at $10,50 a piece, entitling persons to a , life membership in the Mount Vernon Mamas . lion, and an engraving of the home and grave of Washington, the proceeds to be diverted to Ike repairs of the yard and house of the Father of his country. Ile represented himself as an agent of the Association. ✓ In done he bad the following circular posted about the hotels in Montgomery,Alabeina—"For the North' —Parties whaling to visit the North and see all the lino mountain scenery will do well to secure the services of an experienced guide, who has visited all the watering planes, and is well acquainted with all the best hotels, and can come with the best of references as to honesty and sobriety. Ile can be found at the Exchange Hotel for a short lime. dune 17, 1850." Sev eral answers to this announcement were among his budget of letters. 0 Tho following letter, eignod Stephen A. Doug las, was also in his posnession. It was addressed •, to Capt. kleigs, Superiutendent of Capitol Ex , tension "11 . .hivron, Feb. 7, 180.—The bearer of ;,7 this, Mr. Leelic, hoe been unfortunate, and de sire, to obtain employment for a week or two, if no longer, to obtain means to go home. I should bo very grateful La you if you will give LI him employment, if only for a short time, until he eau obtain the means of aupporl,of obtainieg a place, or enabling Lim to got home. Trusting that you may be able to do something for him, • 1 remain, very truly, your friend." Mr. Leslie elates that he was eagaged upon this recommendation until May." New Yong, September U.—Yesterday after. S noon Mr. Alfred Freeman, proprietor of the In ., ternational Mail, No. 355 Broadway, committed suicide by uniting his throat with a razor. Mr. Freeman bad been unwell for some time, and he appeared to think that his case was hopeless, although hie sickness wan really not of a dan gerous Character. Ilia sister-indaw, .Mrs. Gil son, had been with him nearly the whole morn - ing, and about 3 o'clock Mr. FreecOan requested t Mrs. 011oan . to leave him allloo for a abort time. a :the complied, and he then rose and looked the ' door, took a razor from the drawer and cut his threat from ear to ear. It is supposed that the &tear:o placed himself ' , aorta the mirror while committing the net, us a large pool of- blood was found in that locality. Mr. Freeman was a na. tire of England, and about 40 years of age. Ile leaves a wife and three children. It is not - sepposed that the deceased was suffering under any pecuniary difficulties. - A CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR WITH A BLACII 2. 7 1;: Trenton (N. .) Sta l e Gazette, H elh:n.fihepe atlranlialc forCl mum : ' "Wo learn from a gentleman residing in the eastern pert of the Stale, that at the row which _ occurred at the picnic on General Wright's grounds near Hudson, on Tuesday last, .!the ✓ (loners' received& blackened eye, which keeps him within doors for the prettent." This in rather unfortunate just now, ' as it prevente him from starting on his stumping tour, to preach ill law and morality to the good people of this corn monwealth. We deeply sympathize with our friend 'Ned,' and hope he will soon recoverfrom the 1,1, 7 w gibes him by that said dranken rowdy." an „ co lots OF EXTENSIVE IRON Weans PROPERTY.— The extensive property, known as the Carlisle (Pa.) Iron Werke, were mold' last week at public sale, by the assignees of Peter E. Ego, Esq., to Messrs. Wm. M. Beetem, C. IY. AM. William D. _ Mimes and Wet. Young, for $ 55 , 100 . Mr. Ego reserves a portion of the eatate, valued at about $5,000. The property compriees abont 9,000 sores of land, embracing life mansion, iron ~ works, mill properly, me& 'cultivated farms ;pod mountain land, much of - wltioh is covered. :with chestnut timber. RESTORATION OF DISITOP OTIDEDLORE. A movement is in progress for the remission of the • sentence of suspension by the House of Bishops , passed upon Bishop Onderdonk, formerly BlitheP of this diocese a number of years einee. A p tition to the House of Bishops is in eirc nlatton in the diocese. To a memorial prepared In no cordsnee with the terms of the petition, Bishop 5. Onderdonk has affixed his signature. After tti. nd quitting his brethren of irdproper motives in his of COOViailoo, acknowledging the justice of their he act of discipline, and professing his sincere sor- Ily row and repentance, he asks that his sentence a may be remitted. This petition and memorial ur will doubtless be presented at the next General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of which assembles at Richmond, Va., on the 6th of.next month. We understand that names re representing all shades of opinion in the Church h— are attached to this petition.—N. F. Com. Adr. 11 , 3 GOOD News moo NAP/E3.—The King of Na " pies, in consoquenoe of hostile demonstrations on the part of the Swiss regiments In his pay, ' has decreed the dismissal and_ the repatriation '3 , of the whole of them---six thousand men—and a ' two steamers have already left Naples loaded with Swiss troops. They were to leave column °' as conveyances could be procured. A new Parliament, it is asserted in well-In formed quarters, is about to be established in ~ r Naples. II will be composed of the representa !„., Urea of all the States, elected by the people at °I the rate of ono member for every 35,000 souls, 3 . and will legislate for the future administration ' r f of the Kingdom. A rFAIIOI7II SPELLER() MATIIII.—A gentleman in o North Chester, Vermont, two or three weeks 0. since, offered as a prize a copy of Webster's 0. "Unabridged Dictionary" to the one of the Behol d, are in all the public schools in town who should "spell all the others down." Seven schools were d accordingly represented, and about a dosen teachers and a large crowd of spectators were n present when the trial took place, on the 25th Elko Only one trial was to be had on a word, and the unfortunate who missed must take his • or her seat. Eighty scholars contested for the • honor and the prize, and after five bouts' trial, O five pupils remained standing, and the NAM:mi t attic audience soon raised the needful to pur r' chase each a copy of the great " Unabridged." , Tax other day a lady fell off the Brooklyn boat Into the East river; a poor Irishman sprang over and rescued her. When eke was on deck again, her huiband, who had been a calm spec ° tater of the accident, handed the brave fellow a shilling. Upon some of the bystanders express o log indignation, Pat said, u he pocketed the coin, "Arrah, don't blame the jintleman—he ti knowsbeet; miyhap if I hadn't saved her, he'd ° have given me a dollar."' "THE MILIC IN rise COCOA-NET."—Last win ter, President Buchanan sent Com. Stooktou'e - IMO MS Minister to Rome. Now, the Commodore • is urging the Americana of New Jersey to nam e Mate an independent State Ticket! It was a ilit.imsu who said that "every man has his price." But some men sell themselves for lees than others . and some are cold at private sale, while others are sold at auction —.lfDanc Jour. Tine Hartford (Conn.) Presa can see the "in domitable individual" who read Tbackeray'e Virginians, in Harper, from the start, by going ' to Springfield this week. As soon as he has ac complished the September chapters he leaves for the country to recuperate. C.0.P1TA.L.18 . 1"f3. %rolls:01(e Irmn Worker in Mi Fi.Ottri FOR SAL lE. TIME PROPERTY KNOWN AS "TILE eunssil.:o^ or MASSEY'S IRON womis;.i... to.. la Phelps county. In We State of litianniti, being Roe tulles from Jamestown Station on the Beethereet Branch of the Railroad, 1.1 mike from the city of AL Louis— tskhoug to the estate of Thomas Jame, deceased, le oftered at private sale, for the purpose of settlitur mid estate Thi• property consists of some len Ilmaaasel acme or laud. aboundrug In Istexhartztit.lo bank. of the brat .1... of Ppac- War Or, am lucated by experienced panto. at anearly day, and Kenmoreday, so-Imi. adrantagoa adl and timber eor the Atenalectareof Iron It is ueentpared. Tt.Ore Danis ”uly on. third of. rode dieteat from the Porous, , amt,au he ailment and herded at a 0.0 not ear... Wing slaty Mt. 1.4 ton, etto. It melds am lyms for rent ,of metal id the lures,* The Work, embrerlog the Ferns.. Irt.rtee, Yloutteg .111114 Ale, ere driven by • reerrolfireet never falling Poring —th• priucipai load cud add awe of the Alarm:nee Kiser supplka. upon. twelve foot Mil, ample per all seesone they., la nettler effected by drought, freezing or high • ater„ mai is uusurpamml for beauty end la W. cou seulmare and wrooo,ny olth which the power I. perms... ly asturAL The erode ere now and hare been fcr mend ysre la sercuistaloperstiou the furnace making tools* tuns sf No. I fold bleat Peg Ir., every twenty tour hour.. Si. Furnace aleck end blowing Cylinders, On. are new and of the eared apprevezt plod and construction. Tim build lose are complete to awry particuler, aud f eufticieut ea gladly tor all purpose*. Pante. 'tithing to purchase are invited to ply he person or by lattot, to WILLIAPI or ANVIL JAM as 1L...a Iron Work., Mlaosrt, or to Coi. WM. K. ND, at Cinch, nab. Ohio, and every reality won Ire effect for •personal j esantlnatiou rattle property, or a moo • fie deemlption mot by mall. irde•trad. a 1123 Oleo PEINFOYLVANIA State Agricultural moiety. EXHIBITION.—The Ninth Annual Exltt billuo QUM, Permediranta State Agrkultaral Society, will Le bah/ et Poreiton, Philadelphia, on Tuesday. Wed. omdel. Morale? soe sus.s. the :Rh, 23th, sub ,no 90th days of September PaIL 01:1 it,. 1111 September, He BM randy will remove to the Rooms of the Philadelphia Po- Co the promotion of Agriculture, No. 62r3 Chesnut diver Philadelphia, ohne bombe of Ratty for the Ishii. lion 0111 be opeatd. Lenten eddramed tit the Secretary at Harrisburg, John apdowen, Philadelphia, or Chula, H. Enen Buatlaton, wail 111.0 WWI .01 (1.5 till 114 September. DAVID TADOARTPratident. A.O. UnATIO, Recertary. 111 tioods for Exhibition married oo ail tha Railroads in Ouirtnete, to and from, frm of charge. aninawiori Coral Land. ONE THOUSAND ACRES cf valuable coal laud for We on Urban iirtw, in Random. mow Illy., about lhirtx mite. Item the mouth. TUre are ous handred and twenty-fire acme clamed. The rut le miry conseolcot to the river and 4 et excel lent nudity. There I. a large amount of salnabla timber on die land, saw mills roam:Mint, and uaelgallon solider. ropbrd at et umes.l Aoy penou desiring to purchase will apply to W. ANTHONY, aulllt2swage Owensboro, By. • Atstrilanrouss. FIRST PRI:MIL/1H AWARDED — Dr THE STATE FAIII TO GRAFF & CO., • WOO, THE BenT STOVES. POE: TER BEAT COOKING RANGE FOR. FAMILIES, With large Red Door for throwing to Coal, AND REST WOOD COOK STOVE. DIPLOMA COIL BEAT LAUNDRY stove. oo hand • large smartment of Limnos Moms, Plate nod Fancy Orate Panda Fenders, gad and Dog Irons, Boger Kettles, Wagon Bram, Hollow Ware, Cr. GRAFF & CO., N0.'2115 Liberty AT THE lIKAD Or WOOD PHRIINt. _ !memos, lame ARRI V HID ANOTHER LOT OF VfTILLTA. tot 7r...I\TAILEb7 , ft 00.'8 CTLYBRAT6D P I A NO FORTES, 1011 BALE BY Crti A R 07PT'Ew 81,17R1E, lels No lit Wood st., doco . shove Fifth. N INW ACIId. GALLAGHER, CRAIG/ & Co., IS .A. 161. F U I)at B, EITI:111 AND GAS PIPE FITTERS AND PLUITTIERB; FINISHERS or ALL KINDS or BRASS WORE, and dealers to OAR FIXTURES. Or Er-AFEICE AND IVARHROOMB, NO. 154 WOOD RTIIEET, Yds doom from 1 Mb dna& arrooottry, No: 133 Fad areal, Ors doors below the Monongahela Ileum, between Wood and Smithfield. The well imown practical &ill and expuietas In the es. rime branch. of Roses thietinge, Steam and Una Pilling of the .color membersof our 0r.., who will glee their pommel attention to all work lutrutal to thorn, ehonld entitle u to s ehare of public patronage. WALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.IgI 1014•011 COAL WANTED. Once AL LoUlaCles lam Corrlirr,l done 301,1509. PROPOSALS will be received by the St. _L 14019 OAS LIGHT 001.1PLNY.11111tOktobernart, for NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND BUSHELS P/TTS BURG!! COAL, of the bial goMlty,foeO.s msAlog p to be delivered as Wham 0..-bat(. (150,000 ) In 1011, and the other half In 1962. TO Coal to be Calmat to the Company'. yard, BL Loud. The Om Light Oompium menus the tight to reject any or all hide. Joltodtocl EDWARD BEAU% See). GiLeint 'ST ' S CELEBRATED 'AnktIWAN RAZORS AND TABLE- CUTLERY Recalud and for ale by J. N. IIitALIINRIttifiER a CO., • (eaccento to R.Dmilajnlvd -• • ant - • . 401 ittpqrrz ffzezzr. VOLUME LXXII-NUMBER 237. Insurance. _„. Indemnity Against Lens by Fire. Isoankilal Firs Insarano• pompsay PHILADELPHIA. • OtOre 135 mud 437 Chestnut at., near Fifth , Statement of Assets, Jwitiary 10,1439. published ages. .. a to an act of Assembly , being Flint Itortanscs, amply amcn . rad 11,731,469 69 r L •l•t•ltirment rat. lacia,RiEf);74 7 7 ;05 71 Tv,m o rrail Loans, on maple Collates! Stinks (peea. n t 'arsee".lssL.B7l"... .... ..... .............. "744 . "49 : 7119 4'72 : .... ........................... 13 . 607 " • • rty"-coundlreld'e'ittYyPismarnUovel"'Pr om P' lta lu krwril b ersll: L e 7 ie L' il :2 d 9 Z tenzOned. • Insurance. made on email doscrtpthin , men :aud Canary, at nue aa Property. in security. si, munment with - Since their Incorporathm, • Postai of thirty ~ they Km pall Scar by are, ton amomi v. ' /bur 111.77ismilf Dollars, thmeby affording irilecimni , adva n tages of luminance, as well. their ability nod Mop • "Elan to meet with promptimm all LOSSO IT nus. Limns paid dining the year 1858-- ..... -4105,805 12 stadoXolia. Charles W. Banker, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, I Horrid B. Brown, Samuel Onirt, Lase Laa, Jacob R. Smith,Edward C. Dale, fthorlii , W. Richards, I 0 . 0, •Y• 11 . CHARLES 16 N. RANCHER, Preuddout. EDWARD C. DALE. Vioa Prosidont. Wai. A. gran., Secretary pro tem. J. GARDNER 001,1 M /sent. my 6 Odin Pionbautom. Wood and Third as. FIRE INSURAIIOR. sr Yin Connate Waal Insurance Company o PUILADELPIIIA On Buildings, LlroltedorPerpethal,Nerchandbm, Parallan Ao„ In Town or Oonntry. Office No. 308 Walnut Street. Cattrat.sl77,93l.-Abang $76,4 7 9 43.-Invested as Wolfe /Int Mortgage on improved City Property, worth doable the $161,600 00 Penna. Railroad CM's 6 per Ont. Mortgage Loan, Altetiony won t iy 6 per renT. Peons Lout.. Er. :0 ) City of Philsdalphia, do do du .. 6000 00 Permsylvann Rallrarl Co'. Steck- 4,000 00 Stock of Um Reliance Mutual Insurance& 19,150 00 Stock Offlionly Fire Inearthos CO .......... ..... . 1,050 00 Stuck 01 Delman XL. 8. Inthrance Co 160 00 Union M. Insurance Co 4 Scrip ' 390 00 Bills Reconable, business paper 30,373 43 Rook Accounts, In Intenst, eta__ ......... _ 7,911 04 Guth on baud and In Conk-- ...... ....-__ ..... 16/63 96 6276,471 43 OLEN TINOLKY, Prosildont. brImoTORA. Cam Tingley, Samuel Idsphant, Wm. It. Thoropno Robert &sun, Frederick krown, William Munn, C. Stomoutt, Beni. W. Tingley, John It. Won - ell Martha]] 1011, 11. L.(krroon Z. Lathrop, imbersToko.t, Ohm. Leland, Fredonia Leanly, Jamb T. Bunting, 0. 8 Wood, Saab Bowen, damn le. Wooden. d , John Btaell Pittsburgh S. M. LITHORMANtIirY. J. 0. COFFIN, Agora my 6 Northeast corner Third and Wad anon Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance.. INSURANCE CO. or NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794-Mpind 5E00,000 Asmta, January DlRTrtbar 0. Coffin, Samuel W. Jams, lobo A Brow., Samuel V. Smith, Marla Taylor, Ambrose White Joho Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, WiiWm e. Essen, Jamas N. Dickein, B. Murrio Wein. John Sisson. Cleo 1.. Ilartlson, Fnmeto It. Woe, Edward ILL Trotter. liserrnaa 6faus , Seer. ARTHUR O. COFFIN, Pout INSURANCE CO. or Tat STATE or PA., PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated, 1704-114pita1...-PlO,OOO. Ater Phibrnary 1, 49. DIREOTOKS--llemry D. Sberrerd, Simms Toby, amass Ilscalmmr. William S. Smith, John D. r Rudd. Ilenry O. Fineman,Lthartm S. Limbo, Omega C. Corson, William IL White, George 11. Stuart, Samuel Grant, Jr, Themes Wag nor, Tacoma. B. Wotterna BENRY D.3IIIERRERD, Wrusan UmOne, Bao'y. Pnaidtht 113.1nonnocia tir Me above/91d and Reliable CoinpaaLm, can be ohtalded by application to felbnyll W. P. JONES, Agent, 81 Waite-or. Pennsylvania Insurance Company or PITLIBURGII. 001 e• No, e 3 Fourth Steed 1. xaantoar "anti Penh., Molsi Hampton Oco. W. Eolith, Carmor, • J Ram, notoM Punk Rody Psterma. Mproul, J, P. Tonon. I Nicholas Yuaghtly. Mier Fgomi, J muss U lloptous 0 A Colhr. &Mortar. CLsr.ital ..... ...pmooo giaJhrs au 3 Ilan.. Rlsks - Lstien of 01 descri, tiona micros Pr ot-A.A Omura Tics Preeldeut-itour Parrnaces. Rscretary and ? Roe, P., let %57 nntorn Insurance Company V PITTSBURO 11 GEORGE DAR9IE, Praddrort P. CI. thIILDUN, Mb.stary. OPFIIaSNu.e2 Water stn., (Spam A C...'• Wareham.. up malts, Pittsb..M. WOI Insure /sprout al/Janda of Fire and Yonne Hull A How Jastardron outhogrd by Derr:lora who WV we!! &wan In Meconmentry, and mho ore darrnithrd, by s end lobcriarty, loonntain whicholdracwhich=assumed ni spring thr &It proOricoe. an One soh* Jenn to be ensured. ASSETS, •PRII, 80, lota . Muck Accourds $ 90,090 00 Mar Furniture. 250 00 Open Anoints. 17,688 39 . Premium ..... .. . . 80 ,670 12 Notes end Brno err..._ . 163,300 1300,110 ors tIITZILB Wm. McKnight, Nathaniel Holum, J W. Butler. Alen NimkA, U. W. Jane., I David 11. Loris, Jean SlcAuley,William H. Smith te Amat I aisr epee', O. W. Rickel:no, Aralnw Ackley, in2o F . M. GoRDGN, Seel. Delaware alutnal Curtly Inauranee Company Mreopuratar by Mt Leoliaturegfilanryisanaa 1825 OfrICC, S. E Corner Third ar! Walnut sta., PHILADELPHIA. MARLYS iNSCRANCP-7 ou Vane's, Cat to, and Freight to all limb 'id the world. 130.LAJW/31SUR.LYLA.3 uo flown, by liners, Canals, fakes sod Land Portaged, to all porta of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES to Merrbaudire garorally.-On Bar., Dwolllng nouns, Ac. Mioda Maltese., and Real Fiat. 1101,300 //6 Osty, nod other Loom,- .. _ 207,011 145 Stuck In Batiks, Rallrnid A I tattrauceCuo.. 14,508 00 toll. Madruble 100,1101 6,8 Oath ou hand.._ - 36,69906 Delouse In halal of Aston, Premiums on Morino Pulicirensititly anal, and otb er debts din the Company 110.730 57 doecrtption Nora .............. .......-..... 100,000 00 11705,165 857 siIIOTOSA William Martin, Jam.. O. Baal, Jtereph IL Beal, Thoophllos Paulding, Edema! A. Patalor Joon Tracinstr, Janie. Doei4 WOILam Eyre, Jr, John R. Pannee., J. P. Penticton, Georg* 0. helper, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darliugton, Samuel E. Steins, Dr. IL M. Union, Harry Sloan, Milani C. Ludwig. Jam as 13, Malaria Hush en' s , Thomas O. Laud, Itobat Barton, Jr., Uharlr Rollo John &Semple, Mates, U.. 1.1011 Brooke, D. T. /dorm, a Jacob P. Jones WM. Prndo‘ T 110.9. C. BAND, Vire i ' t rldeat liens, bruins, Secretary. P. A. MADEIIIA, Agent., aptly,l-1.11 No. 95 Water Maul, Pittsburgh. Eureka Insurance Co. of Pennsylvania. Office, No. 99 Wafer Erre, Inflobtregh. J. H. SIIDPEDERORE, Pranged. • 1101116117 PINNEY, Secretary. Contiunes to Insure against all biol. of Fire and Marine Ruiz. ASSETS, MAY 21, 1929. Cab to Piumarei Ernst Compthy.--.---....580,500 B 8 Stock Duatillls-payable oo &mood 41,910 00 Preminito Notes.".... 44,625 60 Bonds and Ala 10,409 El Boa Giant. Iro n 15,030 04.1 EZKI do EXcbange Moak Stock-enet..._ ........ 11,608 63 030 do Allegheny Bank Biock-cat_.....:.._.--.'...-. 10,000 o lan do Mechanics' bank stock-root-.---- 5,548 63 12,252 75 BUN Recolvablo 079 91 $218,101 63 uottchms. 11.Shoenberger, O. W. Om, W. R. NI mid, Isaac M. Pouroick. John A. Coushin, W. W.llortia, 0. W. BotchOor, R. T. Leech, Jr, It D. Cochran, David 1111hasillesa, James I. Monett, Casm. tuyaltud Wm. J. Andorran. nolaaag•arta insarans• Company. OF PITTSBURGH. Comma-JAMES A. übrouteort, Presiding HENRI' 11" ATWOOD, Secretary Limon, No. IM Warn snw; AM /mem, Against GI Finch of Fin and Mirror &AI. £68720. MAY 20111, 1073: Flock Due 91215, payable on demand, armed by Bllls Recallable. 30,645 Beds Dhconnted SOO 00 119 shares liectpurks' 4105 00 MO do Mint& do do do ___.- 6,175 00 60 do limn of Pittsburgh do do ........._ 1,760 00 40 do Excbaag* o.ok do do .._-- 2,050 00 Mason of Book ..... 6,06191 0111 co .. 400 00 Gosh. • trl46ia It OlgatrlMC Wee. B. Hansa, Wm. A, Midsmil, RMADOzoII, Wilma Mike, Wm. Be. John noturlti. 'mesh Rickettsia - . Om. S. Dust Janos A. uLabon. EMMY Al. ATWOOD. Es er Pteiltulleipte MVO send Lila Ilißtlanii 011 0011 PAN No. 149 Chesnut Stroot,;:. - • OPPOSITE THE 00E7011 8.011511. Will mks all kinds of loserranca, Chu . Patpanal Unitsd, on svory description of Property or ilorotanoaro, stomas...Lionise° , ROB= . P. RING PrtaldsnL M. W. BALDWIN,. Vloy President suis:39l.ll: Meals, P.Haysla - 8. IL Ocjii K. E. English, George .13rown. P. 9. BoveYr / Pool, a ono Raman. lota Mayon. 4. - • ge . Til ar • P. 8 1 60giroUlKesrt2 * law /sort, W 44 045 4 1 1 10 * VOTliliP!" 4 ., .°x"4- insurants. ALLEGHENY INIIII7EANCE COMP • E OF PITTSBURGH. Orricz—No. 37 Fifth Street, Bank Block, INSURES AGAINST ALL, KINDS 0 . FIRE AND MARINE LUTA ISA AO JONES, Preedilonk JOHN D. McOOR.D, TI Preaidonn D. DI BOOK, Standary; Capt. WILLIAM DEAN, General Agent Doureoth—ltase lota,, C.O. Unary, Haney Child. Capt.R C. Gray, John A. WE ILL. Fatinstock. Jobe D. McCord, Loth M. Pomp.. HZ P. Sterling, Capt. Wm. Dom Thu. M. /Is. Beta. H. Duds. jar lyil GEZIRA'S' W.MErriENN INEIIIRANCEI & =UST COMPANY. OFFICE IN COMPANIPS BUILDING, N 0.403 'WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. o CHARTER PERPETUAL. Autliorimmi 00 Availoble moth over.. • • • ........33 0,000 00 FIRE, MARINE, CARGO and INLAND INSURANCE IL W. POINDEXTER, Agtht. „ melktend No. 97 Water stiveL IFE NSURANCE.—The GIRARD LIFE _RA INEI7BANOE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY, "to.l._Grant drat. Pittsburgh, continue to $3,0 .0 41,,, , , b. .. um. In addition to paid capital of W and ithreslng swarth inanothce for Life thaTo '."l 1" lmumd. In tae. at I to film ammo mate Too,. Rse awn, reel; John aft Prr' Actuary. Jas ;tiltljit• I . 44: r tfler. !ma. No " . 112 Plficetreet: W . Rf i tt y g d ent for tho Company, N.. 71 t ,T3 i = 1 0,;,t 1 T HE NOVELS OF THE DAY. -- Adam Bode, by Gawp Zion Dr. Thor., by Anthony . Trollop.; The Bertram, by do do Watts Thothlay, by Sedgrick; Jobs Hallfax, Glen; by Ills Hillock; A Lifers A Lite, by do do The Laird of NOS., a Scottith story; Love Me Little, Love Me Long, by Ohm. Ends; Whet Will I/0 do with It, by Bohner The (leveller, by G. P.R. Jam. rather and Nastier, by fredrits Ha mar. • sou KAY A CO., 66 Wood et. QCII.OOL BOOKS—A full supply of all the • AJ School Booth In on, Copy Books, Slates, Ink, Pausand • Croyous, whole.. and retalL E. 0. 000IIRANR, 0 soh 6 Federal street, Allewbeny. A DIME! A DIME! A DIME! EALUABLE HOPES 2011 A DISC 3 THE DIME COOK BOOK. THE DIME. RECIPE BOOR. THE DIME DIALOGUES, TUB DIME SPEAKER TUE DIME SONO BOOK, No. L TUE DIME SONG BOOK, No. I. The Dime Boots sot singly by mail rarrtzte, at tea came each. ire Cadens of one dozen, eine Dollar. A large number at G. same rate, when sent b mail. Add., HUNT e 1 MINERS, Publishers, Diatonic Htl, MIR Street. YEARS OF PREACHER-LIFE, OR CHAPTERS FROM AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY; by Bev. WM- Milburn, author of .The Rid., Axe and Saddle-Bagi." 1 vol. 12.10. lihOM DAWN Tot DAYLIGHT, n Cory at a Wooten, Hons. CHARLES MACKAY'S LIFE AND LIBERTY IN AMERICA. Illustrated. All All BEDE. A new amply. sod J. L. READ, 78 irearth street. The Bent EnCyC/Opedl3s--BLIEHBh. --- Ere YOLOP.FEDI A BRITANNICA.— Melte Edition, 21 vole. 15 volumes now ready . THE PENNY CYCLOPEDIA, 17 rola. Now Edition brought down to the smut rms. THE NATIONAL ENCYCLOPYEDIA, 12 role. in e. The Lott of its aim In print. TIIE ENC YCLOPiE DI A AMERICANA, On hood and for slo by au26:tf JOHN S. DAVISON, 93 Wood et. NEW BOOKS.—Sir William Uamilton'e Lecturer The Ramrod Illisionarier Vol eta of Queen of Saulthd; Popo. Othlogy. by Hugh Minor. llorty.four Year, of the Life of a Lisps. Love from the heath of M. Y. Muchelet; nocmillemtione of Osffey Ifero lyn, by illosiey; Sparta from a Loconithin, (by the. or °Bells Ruttier) Dyes. Torrsto, (by the author of VI licas of Reddy froG Knitting Wort wrought by Re Parting=; Idy h of the Meg, (by Tonnysom) The Bo manes of a Poor Young Mare; A BracheliMkaory, The No arid the (by Y. W. Helms). E.C. COCHRANE, all, 40 Federal et, Allegheny MEW BOOKS -101 Idyl. of the King —Tennyam'a new poem. Raining Work—Mrs. Parting.: Forty•Forir Year, of the Life of a Maryland Gorda, Adam Bede—new Family; The American Home Garden; Walker Thornley; The Romance of the ILsrolutlon—a new wart' Relishes Dictionary—new million. .012 J. L. READ, 79 Fourth Street- NEW BOOKS—Thu Life eof Dr. Jabez Bunting, vol. lot, with portrait; The Roman thositori—O comet Breath thition; edam Bode Walter Thornloy, nN J. L. READ, 75 Ranh street . MOH'S. AMERICAN lIOVEI9. BOSTON. TS THE LARGEST AND BEST Alt- Es neuged 110101 Is the New SnglaoJ Shaer la coo trolly located, and Mike of accts from all the rata. of iron.. It Canaille all the modern improvement; and every connate.. for the comfort and Monandathm of the envollog paLOo. Ttie eleoplogroonmaro large esd wdl emanated; the mans of runts are well arranged, and thro. theist, turnialsi for familia. and large traveling putts, mod the boos wlllthnelnue to be kept so first clan Hotel Is *Ten reepecL Jathilly LEWIS RICE, Proprietor. RE-OPENING. PR 0 F.' COWPER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADMIYou NEVILLE HALL, corner el Poortll and Liberty .users, Pittaborgh. Prof. Cowper having returned to the city rosp.straus forum the date. of Pillaburgh and Allegheny that he will neopen ht. Dancing Academy st the gun Intl. on SAT URDAY, September 3d, and will metalus to teach the ac coMpliahmont to all fts various hrthches, topther with Ingo-odium in the etiquette' of the Ball Room and Social Prete, graceful deportment of perSoo, de. M ttie lotott nod sat tublemble Ball Room and Psolor Cones, as taught by him in the carton:tallier each aa Ls Caladoolane, Cothliors Pollak Alamenrka Qua ltillar Lem Lathes Qua drille, Polka Quadlillor Schotttsch Quadrilles, hoodoo 'Lauer Quaphiller Kasha Mthourka Quadziller Phan or German Waltr Lemaraldo Walla; Tasuritha Walm; Bchot tlach or German Potts; Cinque or Five Step Waltz; Ckilb cum MiWekle , Ea la sod Rohe.. Polkar:Hadowir, Polka thwarts; Gallopit Spanish Evergreen Polka; Cicillenue Circle, .Ite,. de., will be Meet at moderate term. Days of Tuition will beta follows: LADIES' CLASS—Thundaya anJ Saturday., Mat 4 to IS P. DIASTITS AND MlSSES'—Thursday. and liatnrilays, from 3 to 6 r. 12. GENTLEMEN'S CLASS—The:m.72th/ Saturdays, from ' 5 tolo PRIVATE CLASS for Ledlu who diolre it. Prof. Cowper will oleo give latitnetelOne to PrindeChatert. or emanation givon eat the reddens of pupils, If required. N. B.—Prof-C.can be am at the above IDOL on Mayo of tuition. front Ito Oared 7 to 10 r.w., or al the SUOTY IIOOSE daily. FRENCH WHITE ZINC PAINT 171031 THE . VIEILLE MONT.A.CINE COMPANY OF Tills PAINT is adapted to all purposes to which the beat White coo la applicable. It doe. not lath yellow • as Ind inrulably dop arid will acquire the bard= and amooth.o. of Ouch panelling without She old of varnish. and le sanity washed. Colors with a also bentia raga their fres.es and brilliancy of color. 200 thanda will osier as much sadame, with themes as beauty. a. 250 pounds of lead—glowing great ononomy as well 10 order that pulls my depend alma getting the article grid:4pm they timid tray of none but the moot rapectew Id< toms. The Cionapauy ship bat two qthlilloa, tooth . NO. 1 and Swan WAim Dry. Rod and Greco Bent Theft. 1 or Red Peal is the article moat taut for pain Mg pupae. the Snow White or Gm, Seal being only and for the Men expeceive wort. JOSEPH M. STRONG, Agent for the Co. Orders addressed to either of tho following horse will I'. filled at the new sires, toe ff of prices, either Dry or to 011. HALL A CORNELL, Ell Malden Lane, New Yerk. RATIVOLDS, DEVOE A PRATT, Ja293ned 105 and 109 Pg., miner New Yost. Tlils Flitsr BAPTIST CONGREGATION OFFER THEIR C/31JRCH EDIFICE, • C R HER GRANT A. ND THIRD STS. FOR ON REASONABLE TERMS, Together with the ORGAN sod PURR It le well and subetantially leant, 51 able of sating eta hundred perms comfortably, and la only adored for VAN basun it is too email for their othountadallon. For term, to, apply to WIL 11.1MMISON, N 0.04 Wator ttreet, or J. BOOBY/It, Ja., No, 2= Liberty sheet. G. U. ANDERSON, JuMnitf Serratarylloud of Trainees. Bargains In Second-Hand Pianos. ONE G octave, Rosewood case, fiffpw boa frame, made by CiStering Sons, only two years old. O. a% stave, lloacwood case, round comer,, made by liallet A Was. One en , ode. Rms. cm, carved ask, plats mond feet, road by Nun. A Clark. One d odan, bleheimy ran, made by Henn &Clark. o e " N.Y.lderadadg Co. " 0 " Gardlng ASlmon. d •• Rcethrood E Ps. (Parb.) " " Mallogete7 " ' brecht. " ° Land A Ben. •• 6 " Oath= make " b " Clementi. 6 " Foram. by [MR] JOHN 11. IHELLOR,III Wooded. ETIENCEI AND AMERICAN OZ.T.7" • EIOTION A. Et "Sr - T. A: MILIREICH a o. 4 31„.1 0. s ta t e .. C st. l ciar a I r ija. B l. t - r cst. iaIp&SPECTFULLY interns their friends „NE and the patella imandlythat the, bare reopened ft e . !tors, lZ IL Clair Snot, when they will keep ethstuni y on hand slugs saeortmeet of C.d., Cats, Freest, 5.6; Toys, Gum, Oardlal Wino, Breadr.lha oiM /Imps. pure Cheap, Puma. and Lakd hairy Nay, led nosy wide , ased In iloalr fay Invited to tall and mains ow /helm are t0 .,.. b etheg, ww.Oll"."U T. A. ...e-ZkIIIESCR • k BOIS, 61annitadensth of Fnoth AnthriainColifectimums. aptollim IV A W PUBLICATIONS and ' fresh supplies" 0 11 thrpartmentr new saddles Stammer, and wrung Paper..: E. IL COCHRANE, Altsgtheny. WE POTA-TORS--10 bbla. receired this &yawn& si HERBS? artanKetes, ' wa7 - 4 Cart. /RSV anal Hold ter.:' : . ; : • _ 0 0.11N.40010 DUL id - store and - for ?Am- gactwow4ll4lpUtiMi