Munn - goggria,.:.stEr- -10. 1859. Tins yarnrsz-Orsai-xV> The Manchester_. Guardian pnbiishei thaollowing,_ extracf,from a speech : delivered: 'by the 'lncumbent .of s -zHabersham,.-at a : nseeting, - of operatively in Berkeley.'..-The picture displays marvellous origionlity;-.but its pose is rather "steep." Winit kind of factory operative was the Yankee? When a Yankee wanted employment • ho put nn&suitofgood black' cloth; and with a cigar in his miaith", -, and his hands in his pocketlo 'weht to the factory, slapped the mluiter.on the _shoulder and said, 'well, old beascdrirtviant a help to-day? The boss , turned' round; knoir - mghts customer, and said, will just look and see.' Ho looked over his bookand:iiiiid; - 1 think we tan do with a help; what can you do? The man replied ; 'I can snperintend three loom's; but if,you will wait till I have smoked my cigar, Iwill tell you.' He then crossed his legs, puffed hie smoke id the eyes of the matter, winked his eyes, and enjoyed h#ti . self. Aftei smoking his cigar be would sa y` 'Now then, hoes, Ican take lour What Will - .you pay me! It must be the regular thing. otherwips ws Shal have a difficulty,' Difficulty meant that the ,yan kee operative would take his hoeie knife and bury about three inches of it in his master's ribs. We did not do so in England; he men tioned it to show - the independence of the Yankee. This employer said, 'Well, let me I think you will be able to earn about a week.' The operative then said, 'Can't .. I t4oti give inc a few dollars over 'No; it will iaepend open your skill; if you are an excellent Weaver you may male something more. The operative made a note of it, and said,- 'Now boss, - you must stick to your engagement, otherwho there,will be &difficulty." A Ni. esitszaiLaise..—lndescribine, the great' telebrain Paris, "Malakoff" of the N. Y. Times ea .As ono of the regimental bands came to take its station on the Place Vendome in front of us, while its regiment filed put, it played the new Italian Marseillaise, or rather Milanaiee, which annoyed the Austrians so much, and which they prohibited in their Italian provinces . It was the first air I heard on arriving in Italy, and the last one on. . leaving; the Italians ate, - drank, went to bed, got up, marched and fought - their enemies, in unison with itsuotes; I did the same (all but the fighting), myself. It is one of those glorious airs which raises a man's hair to the perpendicular lend sets his nerves in a tremor. It utters the plaintive cry of the Italians strug gling for liberty, it calls them from their firesides and clusters them under the flag of independence; it leads them to the midst of roaring cannon and flashing steel; hushes to sleep the dying warriors on the field of battle, and then sounds aloud the note of victory. I was always afraid when I heard this piece of exciting music that some one might come along and banter me to join Garibaldi ! The world owes Italy her indepen dence, if for nothing else than her glorious music. VIATIMS or SILAJIT WEID.- -A cotemporary gives the following as some of the medicinal qualities of the common smart weed, the Polyentim hydropiper of the Botanist: "It is almost a certain remedy in case docile. Steep and.drink the same as any other herb tea. In the nett place, it is worth $5 per ton for a stock of cattle if it is cut and well cured when-in full bloom. Give an ox, cow, or horse, one pound per week during the time - they are • up to hay, and it will keep their bowels and hulib loose. It is an excellent physic. If a horse has one pound a week, there is no danger of his having the bolts, or worms of any kind; and they will eat it sooner than they will the best of hay." IT is estimated that each of the six steamers chartered by the government of private parties for the Paraguay expedition, has cost it as much as the new steameloop Pensacola, ready for sea, one of the most complete and splendid steamers as yet constructed. At the same time these vessels, although outwardly looking well enough, are miserable worthless thiT, not at all capable of efficient sea service Since they were purchased they have been overhauled, docked, eurveyed, and almost rebuilt. rzt z VV.•=fz! 4.14 IDl,lr VIRD.b of sundry executions issued _Vitt of the Court of Common Pleas and Dis trict Court of Allegheny County, and to the Sheriff of said county directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, in the city of Pitfsliurgh, on MONDAY, the 3d day of October, A. D., 1859, at 10 etlcel, a: the following property, to wit: All the right, title, interest and claim of Peter Hildebrand, of, in and toall that certain picceof land situate in the township of Lower St. Clair, on Coal Hill, being lot number 7 in the plan of the subdivision of that part of the Hill tract which was assigned to John 11. Page and wife by the first partition among the heirs of Oliver Ormsby, and bounded and des-, cribed as follows: Beginning on the easterly side of Carbon street, at the corner of Peter Dank's lot, and at the distance of 42 feet 111 inches southwardly from Penn Avenue; thence extending in front on Carbon street southerly forty-two feet Ili inches, and in depth east erly parallel with Penn Avenue, preserving the width of 42 feet and 111 inches one hun dred and twenty-six feet 81 inches to a twenty feet alley. and taken in execution as the prop erty of Peter Hildebrand at the.suit of Sweatier Prayer. All the right, title interest and claim of John Nicholls, the defendant, of,. M and to the fol• lowing described lot of ground: All that cer tain lot or piece of ground marked and num bered forty-one (41) in John McDonald's plan of lots in that part of the Borough of Bir mingham which was formerly called Sidney ville, in the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania aforesaid, and bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner of Center street and Washington street; thence along Washington street eastwardly thirty-one feet and nine inches; thence atright angles with Washington street and in a lane parallel with Center street sonthwardly sixty feet to the line of lot number forty-two; thence along the line of said lot No. 42 westwirdly thirty-one feet and nine inches to Center street; thence along Center street nurthwardly sixty feet to the place of beginning, being thirty-one feet and nine inches in front on Washington street,—and in depth along Center street sixty feet, on which is erected a two story brick house, used as a store and dwelling house. Seized andtaken in execution as the prop erty of John NichollS at the suit of J. Coorod, Jr., & Co , for use of Clara Nicholls. ALSO, - • All the right, title, interest and claim of Thomas Wallace, of in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground. situate in the Second Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, and bounded and described as_ follows, to wit: Beginning on the northerly aide of Fourth street, between Wood and. Smithfield streets, nt the south eastern corner of lot N 0.358 in Wood's geom- al plan of Pittsburgh; thence extending in front along Fourth street easterly thirty feet , to the lineof Oeotge Singer's lot, and in depth, northerly parallel with Wood street, preserv tl of thirty feet, one hundred and .., Daily feet, subject to an annual ground. rent ~ .. - fraf - $OO,OO, on which are erected a two story • back building occupied as law office and scliool room, and five tenements in the rear •i'l-t.,heiOef. The said piece of ground being the .'. - • - •:•.':.•sarne which William Scholey and wife, by - 'r••••deed dated • June 5, 1846, recorded in Deed Book 4th, A. vol 74, page 139, conveyed to said Thomas Wallace. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Thomas Wallace. bail of 0. S. Westen- , ' berg, at the snit of Ferdinand H. Bock. • ' ALSO, - • All the right, title, interest end claim of Moses - . F. Eaton and Sarah E...Faton, of, in and to all that certain tractc'll land situate in Lower St. Clair township, Alleghtmycoup7, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner crown the lands of Oliver B. Quimby and John B; thents by lands of JOhn Brown and' Thomas and Joseph Mc- Chugs south 46i degrees, cast 75 porches to a pin near a black oak at llagutre'S..corner; thence by . a. certain line in the diagram of par tition - * in No. 60 Oct. Train, 1855, in the Orphans' Court, being the north lino of said partition, north Tit degrees west 156 perches - to a stone on the line of the tract called Mount Oliver; thence by said line north 90 degrees east 15 24-100 perched to the line of the tract tailed Ormsby's Villa; thence by the line of said Ormsby's Villa North 88 3-0 degrees cast 95:3 perches to the place of beginning, be ing all the nerthern pardon of the. tract olled . "Berger . up Zoom," containing twentyinoe • acres and one lumdred and forty-three perches. gaited and teen in execution as the prop. :-. crty of Moses F. Eaten and wife at the snit of ' . John' IMay. ' • , . -, • • ALSO, .• AlLthe right, title, interest and -claim of '• Admit Teth, of, in and to all those tvoo certain lots or piecee of ground situate Lithe borough of Eirtalieaati,-AltethenZ county, 7,31 4 35 5 1-. ; mania, being late ntimPaeu tOrtileve* &a thirtPAbtANoq7 - Oa '3 . 1 in - _4oUrpwnk, plan pf die niti o .ari• Of -01 a ;!°!." bt -.C. 1 07:' L i r" od and deadibodAi Okla; tillnt;'' . I at tiWootat of,poklakatteat atitS#C9 - ! ../- road; thence along-Fnuttlinostrecat36.. feet 101 ' inCliea .to.eorner of lot No. 36 in Said plan; 1 - ' -.-- r - ii ---77-77 - 7- !thence along the lino of Bald lot 111 feet to ',II." ) ~,r - - ;;P: - I, E w ... Harmony street; thence along Ilannong Infect . , 54 feet 1 inch to the aforesaid old road; thence . along said marl 110 feet 5 ineho4 to Franklin i. ,r, 59 St CON i.) sritEET, i l p ....„... street, the place of beginning. ' el NCIN N Ti.ATI, (I FIIO, If' ,-.' ro Seized and taken in execution as the pp- , .... . _ • erty of' Adam Tesh at the suit (..f Paxid hie- Cabe. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and date) of Adam Tesh, of, in and to all those two certain lots or taces , of ground situatein the borough a of Birmingham, Allegheny c(innt.9b , eiog 'iot Nog. 37 and 38 in John Brown's plan of the extension of said Borough, bounded and des cribed as faitotes, to wit: Beginning at the corner of Franklin street and the old road; thence along Franklin street 35 feetlOi inches to corner of lot No. 35 in said plan; thence a long :line of said of 111 feet to Harmony street; thence along Harmony street 54 feet I inch to the aforesaid old mad; thence along said rend'llo feet 5 inches to Franklin street, the place of beginning. Seized and taken in execution 'as the prop erty of Adam Test at the suit of Robert S. Parrett. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jacob Lightfoot, of, in and to all that certain one storied brick kitchen or back building erected on the east warrily half of lot No. 40, in Bell, Edward' . 2 Breeds building of lota in the borough of Birmingham; said building being 12 by 14 feet square and one story • high. Samoa and taken in emulation as the property of Jacob Lightfoot, at the suit of Krogh et Kuhlman. • ALSO, All the right, title, intereet and claim of Lewis Lamm, of, In and to all that certain lot of ground situate on the corner of Boyle and Locust streets, city 'of Allegheny, and county of Allegheny, contain ing In front or .width on Boyle street twenty feet. and running back on Locust street seventy feet, on which is erected a brick dwelling house, two eerie, high. Soloed and taken in execution as the property of Lewis Lamm, at the suit of Owen .1. Owen. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of Lewis Lamm, of, in and to all certain lot of ground situate on the corner of Boyle and _Locust street', city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, containing in front or width on Boyle etreet twenty feet, and running back on Locust street seventy foot, on which ie erect ed a brick dwelling honeo, two stories high. Belted and taken in execution as the property of Lewis Lamm, at the suit of Owen .1. Owen. ALSO, All the right, title ' interest and claim of the de fendant, George hf. Moore of, to and to all the fol lowing described Real E,tate, to wit All that cer tain piano of ground situate in Upper St. Clair town ehip, bounded and described as fellows, to wit: Be ginning at a post at land of John Gifillan; thence southward 451 degrees, west 7 perches, to a post; thence south 33 deg, east 20 porches, to a poet; thence south 2.2.1 dogs, east 11 perches, to a post; thence south 53 degrees ' east 18.3 perches, to a Linn tree; thence south ssi do g e, east 5.7 perches, to a post; thence by land formerly of Gogh Lush, north 10 degrees, east 14.75 perches, to a post near two white oaks; thence by mune and land of James Es py, north 45 degrees, west 45 perches, to the place of beginning; contai ning 3 acres 124 perches, strict Measure; on which is erected a small log house, with outbuildings. It being the same place of land which John Gilfillati, Esq., by deed dated April 6th, 1650, conveyed to the said Gee. M. Moore. Seised and taken in execution as the property of George M. Moore at the snit of John °Mien. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Calhoun, the defendant, of, In 'and to all that certain lot or piece of ground sitnate In the Eighth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh, on the cotter of Forbes and Chestnut streets, having a front of 20 feet on Forbes street, and extending back along Chestnut street 40 feet, and having thereon erected a brick dwelling Imam, two stories high. Seized and taken in elocution as the property of John Calhoun at the suit of James Little for u.o of Alexander Comfy. All the right, title, Interest and claim of Letitia Robinson, of, in and to all there three eertaie lots of ground situate in the city of Allegheny, in the Fourth Ward, being numbered and markedSi, 97 and 55, in John MoDontild'a plan of lots in Allegheny city, which is rooorded fu Plan Book vol. 1. page IS; said lotebounded and described ae follows, to wit Lot No. 07, beginning at the corner of Robinson and Federal etreet, and containing in front on said Fed eral street 21 feet, and outmoding eletwardly along , 1 Robinson street 100 font to Race alley; along sold alley 22 feet to lot No. Si; thence along the same 100 feet to Federal street; thence northwardly along said street 22 feet to the corner of Robinson and Fed eral streets; on which is erected-• three sorry brick dwelling house. Lot No. 97, bounded on the north by lot No. 96, and containing 22 fettle front on Fed eral street and extending back eastwardly, preserv ing the same Width, 100 feet to Rama.; on which is erected a three story brick dwelling house. Lot No. 58, bounded on the north by lot No. 57, and ere taining in frolit on Federal etreet 22 feet, and ex tending back, presenting the came width, eastwardly 100 feet to Race alley; on which is created a three story brick dwelling house- Atari, All that certain lot situate in the city of Pitt/beret, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a point on Liberty street at the corner of property late of Darid Greer, dericate.l; thence north-eastwardly along said strwt to lino of property of the bells of Samuel Robinson, chicesani; thence eastorardly along the lino of the same 47 ft.; thence along the same 20 foot nod a inch.; thence ,outhwardly SI feet to the corner of property late of David Greer, deceased; thence by the came aordit-. wardly 25 feet 21 inches; thence northwardly along the line of said property 77 feet, to the place of begin ning; on which is erected n three story brick dwell ing, and a small brick hews in the rear. ate°, All that certain other lot of ground situate in_Pittehurgh, beginning at a point on the southern side of Virgin alloy, at the distance of about 50 feat from the corner of Virgin alley and Liberty streets, at the corner of property of Merriman; thence seeable-artily 55 feet to a point on the line of lend of therbeire of Samuel Robinson, dce'd; thence west wardly along the line of the same 26 feet; thence along the same property 47 feet to Liberty !greet; thence along the earns street 9 feet 4 Indies to the corner. ef Virgin alloy; thence along, said Virgin . alley 50 feet lb lecher, to the place of beginning, 09 which is erected two b rick boners. Also, All that certain lot Sitnate in Ktuborgh, bounded and described RD [(MOW., to Beginning at the distance of 39 feet and 9 inches from the corner of Virgin alley, on the western side of Ring's alley; thence along said Ring's alley, towards fifth street, 28 feet and 9 inches; thence westwardly, at right angles with said alley 23 feet and 6 inches, to the place of beginning, on part of which is erected part of • brick building, and subject io on annual ground rent of night dollars and seronty-one cents; the whole of the described property is eahjact to • charge of four hundred dollars annually. Seized and taken in execution us the property of Letitia Robinson, at the suits of John J. Henderson and John J. O'Leary. All the right, title, interest and cleim of Thoool3 Woods, of, in and to the one-fourth part of three handrail and eighteen scree 011) of land in Mifflin township, conveyed to defendant by Francis IL Thompson, by deed recorded io book 124, page 12, and on which is erected several dwelling houses. Seized and taken la execution as the property of Thomas Woods, at the nit of E. W. Lind, agent. ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of William Osborne, the defendant, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Second Ward of the city of Allegheny, numbered one hundred and forty-one (141,)in Gen. Robizeen's extension of the city, called "Buena Vista," on the west side of Mon terey street, at the distance of 268 feet north of the North Cowman and running thence north 20 feet; thence welt 110 feet to an alloy lir feet wide; thence loath' 20 feet, and thence east 110 feet to the place of begioning, on which is erected a two awry frame dwelling house and appurtenaacet. Seised and taken in execution an the property of William Osborne at the trait of J. ❑. Smith. ALSO, . . . All the following described building end lot of ground of Edward MeTienian, contractor, and Brid get klenemen, owner, to wit.: Allthst certain three dory brick house or building, eitnate in the :Allege of Brownstown, Allegheny county, on the corner of Carson and Soda streets in sold village; being 20 feet on Gerson street and extending back 69 feet, and the lot or ple . ce of ground and cartilage appurtenant to said building, the lame being 20 feet by 100 and. marked No. 6 in Taylortplan. Seized, end taken in execution, as Hie property of Edward IdeTiernan, contractor, end Bridget Atelier -1:1111II, owner, or reputed owner, at the snit of Samuel Mclntosh and Anton Hannegar. JAMES L. GRAHAM, Sheriff. Ssmarvr's Orrice, Sap(. 8, 1869. • • APLEASANT RESIDENCE FOR ,SALE, altnate'en Horse Wand. Doquatnoe Borough. Scorr tunable twoatory Brick Dwallingilobt, of hell. 6 .kab. , (inhaled attic and good collar, with lot Of ground On hot faint by 100 deep. Uripo arbors fruit trots, Donor. end abundance of Rona; minor good orator cod pump at Um bock door; a goad aeon bonding, ho. For .prioe and tertarapply to it OUTEIBERT • 808, 61 Market it. A VALUAISpE PICOPEWLY of 54 acres •,,ga. for tub., situate at &LOW. 3 n•lles,from• the rfror et Jones' ferry, and Dear the Oteutoorilleroed; 16 acre. of timber lend sod goof acct bottom; • very plmucer.l don for country reii.lencar, Or •alloble for gardening pub , pose% • noel 41.111ag hotter, good fences, to. Oleo. 31 *cresol beantffol land near the above will Do mold 113 lot. of 2,4 and 6 acne,. For pike aod term, apply to oat. El; CUTHBERT k BONS Market et. 4 . 0 ACRES OF LAND NEAIt CLIFTON "21.4. , STATION, Ft, Way. and Chfcmo Railroad, at 'about 8 mtles from the dly; 12 loom In sold raki,, 2 =no ere:slt bottom, prim timber, mall boon and antrjo.— Price PAO. !or ado by ael B. COITIBERT A 8014,81 Slutnt AA FARM. OF 10 ACRES, situate on the owe Only, rit 13.4 piles below the city, Gemara:lEllb burr cad neje Student 2 double frame booms srellti• au aTteltret wing', garden paled le, itc. The B. B. end the Beene Turnpike pew the prembas. For erle by eel B. 813211818 T & 800, bt Mead st.. A GOOD FARM FOR SALE-115 scree,. Aa, is Wk. from Om cif f, on tho raring's Pink rola. A w An i t n rUrtra n tP ,l ol6 tOOMIN barn eal v . tio= b p IDA cast 0,600. Orchard of darks 4104 brick alTfldif boot. of too Coder; a building finished off fora . atom and doing • . good fmainam. The Imam no en In good ordar. Snooty soma In cad Ovation: Om b.dOco Indio limber; gardcuptol in. tr. Prim $3,890. - • aura e.ennative e SON, 61 Malt rt.' IT±OWA FARMING L tr ozdkohroxioste nk " -Tber. t§F ri. moicelandgiincaukibmist = 4l e • - • scususastonmer Wl:raft m.rt U.' Oozy /9241 iono trick only too c=roo of _ Obofold.b, _±,Luano. I .-PriaMllaqo Inpi!oo =if tut, Ofl;ita7, • tang feel Prima ogaung t• tom • qt. - - I, 1b11!1!")-4• = ~~. 9~- BEBE FOREIGN LIQUORS AND WINES .tiLt.'o//OL,•CutOUNE sPiRiTS, Ciamphena. 13urning Fluid and Spirits cf TURPENTINE. orta y llomrslic Liquors, SW IDES, Cordlak and French Main west 111 . hau - 1 it," .3 - 4.`. 01 o BOURBON AN-D RYE WHISKEY Peae,ll and Apple Brandy . AL/0, BAIAT ARIA AND NEW ENO LA NI, It UM le Pole 51stattattaterl of the CELEBRATED "ROBE" WHISKEY Igeuta loi eneDsnias aoutal JAPAN EBB 131TICRe spit:4l,lsV • AN U FAOTUREiI -AND E=M W. Li. a. 11. NITALLIJAI Reorcrtullr Rorke the atuullau of etrangua vlatltug the ralr, arid their co...mare ganorolly. t , • large ‘l.l vrairS unartoleat of CARPE'I'INUS, Juet oolectad by tom of the Brat attar ha tha Baal, unatOating to part of VELVET au , l BRUSSELS, TIIII.IOI PI.V,NUPBR FINE atbt °ADP RTINGS. - Alto, a tarp lot oI WINDOW BILIDES, MATS MATTINII OV ALL, BINDS, OIL CLOVIS, STAIR RODS,TABLE AND PIANO °OTHER, de., dr..., dr, , ell orarlitch wt. are propar.l to furntah et Greatly Reduced Rate. fur Cosh. .0.r4 W. D &IVA LLUU p APER LIANUINUS rilliKßE IS NO misTAILEI —The pro ;clam, who ere old gatabliehed menufacturer• alter eutiptctieg it to th e bayonet trite known to the trade, ant lolly penned 1, that PANTERB . OIPt3IICAL ULM: EItAPIPM POOP comblhee more veralleneite far the emonal of theory et which It IA told to dealete than any otter PA. MILT 800 P offered to the American people. Eurl, MO, North or Soca. Of B•defy—in wk., firmness and Not. are. Of Arrity--coataba nu mein, cloy, Pd, one, .rata grease or &lathe - at - lona Of Quality—for washing with all kreds of water, cold, wirm, ant, hard or wilt; etotbee of every deeolption, ammo cc One, cotton, linen, w.llen gilt ; dyed print. or white. for eroding tar, grease, pitch, paint, oil, prime,.' intoboom aaaaaa wag, eta, cl.thegi funotura and from the heed.; bracoursag sinew, nuance or palm lot ore and hno it le an hoewn trey, faithfully made. Give It • fair trial, ac.,,rdhaz to theatre - clues Name ig on each tear II U a J. It. 131VirgR. awl solo timounctorera cf the guanine sr Wool atrac, PllNl•orgb. JcVM . . _ B LANK BOOKS, Liapa rm..% JOURN A ISA. CARE! 810112, 1),11 8J973 713/E 11.5011 R, 001.1 RT 11110nRDS, And s•ory 3.,..,m1,11.7m of Blank Rooky o hand or mAlo to order at Knott nation, ‘,l Om Coat mstrriada. And in • .T6E-t -or mann., Ly 1731. O. JOIINSION a CO, Jag) llLank 114,1 s Makers, 07 Wool' 1. DOT CLATi'OR GLASS MANUFAC i. TIMERS.—Ms Wootton of Glass lilsootsctorers Is n010:24E4 to oar COT OL.ltiorlOch Is • out:wrist talkie, and cut be sold at about ono half the vice of Um Dnmau etas. Or tors tar soy emaaaa Istlllst promptly atterobsd to by CHADWICK St EON, • NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS ANL) THE PUBLIC GFNERALLY —llasto, I • nr,,,s watt n bor. and "g,,n, ...r. proper, tT St Lb. reoldenv, of In soy go. a it.. tera Stanateet-s Sr Duque:lle Iloroo,tt. WM. inditiOlt, loYI rederal .t, below the Poet Won, A Mel", SLATES—AII sizes sold by W. 0. /WINSTON k CO, non 66.6006.ra and Pftnt•n, 67 666,A1 TPACIFIO WRITING FLOW—For A We by W. a. Jona arm: a co., anus ELULDere, 67 Waal etrut. MItS. ALLEN'S WORLIYS HAIR RE STOR O.—A Jestly oebtbrattei ter reetoring grey bate or erhlakore to dole original life eok , r, lot wale by my.l7 JOS. /LIM MO. Sot 55a tt • itaigttilatitOUg. .irttinsdlcu (mum!, rriitSs• AND "RETPliTafit SaNuFAC & C 0 • A. TOR,Y.-0•11TWEIIGIIT a YOUNG, No. Ed Wutei B. ba,r, leave 1:4 .4;1 tau attend. or a. tAlend to th. Lci • , that tb.y ate the only SIANUFACTURNM of Slit:MEd and hUPPURTERA la Oats city. 71 ,, , nn as rq.eally take massuraa 51..1 make to order thee* •rtictee alter the most •pI ros,4 pattern. ..A furnish them at pric.,•trtio,t.l ly not more than one ball that demanded by mere d..dore tu thew. all an. ...11, - tt..l fu :an, *flat pricing au , ' Wing Truism tu any other elute 1.. the any . IN.hficicht that tn. ce. •etlarY lb. tallict.,l that It le their tuts at 1., dral with lb, tuanufaciumr elj„,yartuAllar.attentiou veld t • [.pairing. Jolt CARTWRIOLIt a YOUNG, Ed W.,Aetteet MORE NEW GOODS letscelliutrous. ES I T T M.l 11. B Pearl Steam Mill, 1=3:131E0 * a T. KENNEDY & BRO WHEAT, RYE AND CORN PURCHASED FLOUR, CORN MEAL AND HOMINY DELIVERED IN PITTSBURG(' AND ALLEGHENY. NEW STOOK CARPETS, (1L CLOTHB, MATTINGS, lv . LI 1 FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE an cpeo Ice Icapectiou atki Bale. The laleol rtstr. ol CANLOIL, HALL, DINING BOON, CLIVaGiI =MEZEI 60 . 111.1:4Dm0N I . WOOL, W004.-:400,000 lbs. Wool want for which we arlll pay the Memel martitt lo cash LIITCIICOOIC. 51dlliEOBY At CO , je.: 112 &cool and 161 trout eta. 'PIE ATLANTIC PEN NO. 11*—Tbevory cs, for me:cm:ails Ewe taarialalllßd /Of and anl.l t. O. JOILVITON & told Stalloo.nk 67 Wo.-.1 etreel. ICE CREAM, CAKES AND SODA WA rta; canon, em. Appla, Moisten, and etraistorry Byrom and all kinds& Ounfactionalies always on hand al the Trench and Anssrican (lonfiscllonaly of Jo.Z ' V. A. SIIIKEOII A SON. 42 EL (flair al DRY GOODS.—A drat rate assortmeat of all dm leading stfla• C. lIANSON LOY!, 73 Market at f:IIIEESt.'--40 boxes Western Iteservz Cheese ‘./ (floe ankle for outilog,) for 'atm tn,yBO RIDDLIE, W!KTS t Co. SEW BiIItLINOTON HERRING-43 by, rbc'd nod M iala at PRANOI7B intolly Grocery nod 'Nil Econ. rodersl nu= 0 I LS-25 bbLl Blenched Winter Whale Oil; 2O do No I Lard OIL On hand nn.l lode by ]ON Ed /1 GOOLE Y RYE FLOUR-50 bbls Fre,h ground and pure, nen •tal lur WO.] 54 J. FL I • • illarrT 1 00.7 h Viral., • 41 COLLECTION B. WKS—Made and nold by W. a. JoriNnrux • C), Blstek IhNk Dl•unlartartr., .1.211 1.7 Wood street lE'i ofarticlea in the Dry EOooJ.lloeel. ITO awl sit Let ..whet.. .SON LOTH, 74 Market .Imq, SOUP BE A bbls. nruutl whit.) Soup fluana, • prin. • ..In, Wr sato by kl 7 J. U. CANFIKI.II,I g. FLILESEED-2 Backe now landing from loonsow Hannan fur We Bp JAIL 16A1All DICKEY A 00. NEW • TENN. WHEAT-I_:i sacks on newer Dr. RuLlnuo to arrln fur We by Jul ISAIAH DICK KY A OU VENANGO COUNTY LAIN U-4140 sores of Ind urn /WWI% Pc, fur ra le —pder $3 per KX6. B. CUTHBERT a HUN, MHO 61 6.lArkel wren. OAKUM AND COTTON- • 110 !Mos bed itTy (uktum; 101:O 10 . . beat 1.,,u110ug Oottou, on hand .od Mr We by JONgel t CooLIM To SPORTSMEN.-1 have just received large sod fine assortment .1 linothax Planks a ..ay JOSEPH FLEMINO nuO Coro. Diamond sod Marta •Itcct• CINCINNATI SUOAR CURED HAMS.— A 4.46 supply. Jart recd and for sale at VBANCW arvury and Tea ktore, federal etreet, Allegheny Goods &Wrong] rt.. nu 2.5 ARNOLD'S WRI 1 ING FWD, in quart, pint aud Ml t plot 1.,....1ea at ... . . tv. d.Joniiii'rox i CO'2, Bloom Job Paola. and Ooonflordloo. EOMloom eat Na. i,7 Wood Wool. . INDIA RUBBER BELTINO, Ilose and Stato.l Parking, of the Boston Co . * tostittrecttire. of nuy sizes tevared, et the lune Itubbct Depot, 23 and 2S St. Clef street. ..26 . J.* H. PIIILLIPS. TRANSPARENT GItEEN OIL CLOTH -3,1,00 yap* or dlfforoot rwlllbroni band cod for sale by 207 J. tr 11. PHILLIPS I AN (.3 'A ST'S It UINUIIAMS, Prints, Ohlicks,Tfcliogs, 5610161 g ono Priuts, Utak 1.2140 m, I.Juko 8k406111, an 2.7 0. OANSON TKUN .K , BONNET AND FULLER'S • SWARDS far Jule AIWA 811111M117 Storts of W. 8 LIATAN, carver blaziket AhttSAr.And had Wood and Third Waste. .15 ri&KUM & COTTON-2. ..tes but Navy V Oakum; 100 101 bait Catalog Cotton, oo hand and for nee 0. .24 JONES i 000LnY. FlBll—New arrival of White Fish, Trout , and Irladurnl, bbl., Ulf bbls and tilts on contigo• moot, far ..le by an= BLIIIIIRT DICKEY. A FRESLI SUPPLY OF 17101 O&LE DRATZD 'ARTY:SIAN WATZB Jest bi NO JOE. f LEMIN(I, cor. Dialzeoul Rad Market Ms. F.LOUR-25Qbble. Extra. Family Flour; la olr. and tT sa l t bj ° 1.171 1 4 . : TRI 6 11 / 1 1. . UGAI S.-80 hlids prime N ew Orleans Cu S gore, CO Ms Wined togars, forme 1# istibt JOON /WV D k Ow, IT3 Woo! et. OOK-11INDING dune with neatness an B 41.1Ptc 7 J. 014 Doan mboonJ,.t 141 • , W. G. JOHNSTON & 00.%, 67 Wood .1 JIBAT-579 nooks Tenn. Wheat, to nr T dry per alarm Cona7l'erry. and for efts by MART Ira . 200 pac)tages Young Ilyoon, Gun ..1... - twJ ar and Mack Itas . rat . nl .. •Ij us I,a)yo Co. . - IfiILOUR7-15 *IA4 in storo and to arrive for 7 134 su• by - • EUTVICOM, MORE Eitlf s co. 1111010 IMES AND ,, LIQUORS of. every Obatpitak Iterasinquiistallatoabd ati OW) EDF tail% at refteea Ilrieegf itOV! l capopfetiolel iumm `: ~..-.. ' ,-' l ,,- ",'. ''* ; .'.: 4 : : -' '• --.=',' .: ' .5.- „ '-.7-•-:':,'.:(.7,1;47,/,:..f 12: 'JANSON LOVE'S, GRO RAIN AND PDUCE -130 1.1.1 a Last W. W. Family Float IW do Extra tad 8 upertioe WA tom Bawd Wheat; 2 00 do Itrtmairad Whaat 1000 do By =OO du Musa Crtnt ICO LW. Potatoss. Par sale at the varp lowest pace. by mtlEl HITCHCOCK. &FORESEE & CO. Bi.111011111ELL) L CO. continue to give great bargolno In 1:17 Good.. Ellto for__ 50 cents. ~.. Lawn. for---...... ........ - ........... —1250 worth 25n Ollatil Ileloans . -..12 , 4c +do 25c Donalo-- .-12* -do Osc. And all their entire .rock at grudy I..ovid prices. an 2 REFINED- SUGARS, ETC.— ..tv26 labla.Ornalled and Pulniriaad Sugam " .A. B. and U. 00 6 boyea halal Go , n &arab: • 6 Oswego Pearl .do 6 " 881rer Oloaa Baran, caataanalanatl 8. 0. Just aced and Ear uls by Jae No. 114 Bm MU la areal HAMUR TUBS AND BUCKETS -40 dorm No.l Tubs; • 26 do do 2 clog IS do do 2 dcr, 39 do 'smirked Wickets; 63 do firm do; 33 do W. rind red do; 13 do blue I green dio o oanslignmeni, to be bold as kneed current pile.. Je2 1111.1 ALI DI VERY t CJ TEAS! TEAS!! TEASIII— half chest* fins LI extra alum Clolooge, " •• •• Young 117...., •'" Guu Partdur end Imberltl, Ll " " Orauge Pet., to calf) bores smarted et) In end grAles 1..1•.t Im In store end fur We by Ito WILLIAMS* JOHNSON, 111 156111101.1 , 1 st. CIOPPEE. RICE AND SPICES at private P.lll. DAFT.% Nu. bail fth et MI bags Ent quality strum( wonted Ma Cade°, AO Ceram ant quality Alopke In bay; Cloy. lu 51.11, OP so favorable terms es can be uttalue4 ,d Ant dn. emu. all IC 001.4418 bootee for cash or approvtd VoVnr , •I four utoothe. lull SI UNDHIN:B-14muck; heat; IJ do Pualbc., I dry filar: I cask Glo•og; 3 wk. Yla.oorrd; balm Onttort. T. 3 an Ivo tal stc.nruLr Limn:lords for No Ly KY • CO SUNDRres—i cask Ginacng I sack Flaxseed: •• Woe 4 Feather.; . I.ble Graeae, el - drawl steamer Clifton Wr tale tot , laid IHAIAII MCKAY A 00. QAVE: YOUR FRUIT by tuing "Jlason'a" Patent Sheet Metal &Tea Top P 11.6. 1 .0 JAI'. They are tb. but Pealing Jars not, and no be bad at ill ANClthi Fatally Grocery and Tea Etore, Federal drool, Aflogbeny.— YoA can al.o ntdaln at the wta plate, good WitlU Proem,. log bogar at to canto For oTond. Call and examine LT you.' um. Jolt THE POLAR REFRIGERATOR. with Filter and Wetet Cool, c...dialned, involving Impo . rant principle@ tweet before attehrud, which enable. elute, milk, deb, frnith legetatltw, etc., longer, drift and colder, rich awake, then any kelt.. refrigerator in n.e , um on hand and for sale t.,y T. J. ORLI°, I^4 Wood a, FRESH THAS--15 half (theme Green and . Black Tut cf recent Importation and upestor quality PM reed, which, together with oar previously lugs stock, makes Goa of the largest and most agent Mocks ci Tea lobe Bound in Allegheny, and will he sold, wholetale and 'Mail, at price. that cannot fail to pee astisfactioo. Par sale at TitANCIE . B. federal al., near Lacfek, Allegheny. apt{ BULK SLIOULDNRS AND 11.AMS-01) 1) Hera. rred and Far gala by SPRINGER lIARBIOOII d co, NJ. SAY! Liberty rtrecL U NUR ES-75 hhds. prime and choke N ,) 201 ELL N. P. Holum*, oak c00p.",. IX) do Boger Rona, 272uP; bble. Golden Syrnp; VS do standlr.leruelled ep2l WATT A witt69 ENOLISII PICK LES DLACIINVELL':,." 2 Barre. Gerktna ILI lausrt Catdiflowars d d. \I., Chow Cbow da Ats,,r4d do aiJ. Jtut recd AL.d Pm wale by IlbYlllgna rnyl4 Zlo tir.d F otuN ES-50 kegs Prunes: 6 eases In rismists; .1 ,14 [Amy lasts; co har...l Lc 1..1a Py RETMES t ANNE/3.50N, a 927 No. $9 \Foul •luhl, oppoalto 21 Chutes I.loul EMONS-20 brs. iu prima order just re tR-Prei on consignment fgr wale b, ROUT- WOK ET, 241.7 Litany st W la HITE FISH-16 bbls, White Fihii, bbl. Ao dc. Novr•rtlytr.a cp“.l.tatoont far mla by ..t2/ MU9I 1.1• cbl Vsr 11 F. A 1-10,000 bus. strictly prime mod ari•liq wide in L,t. to parches.. Skeltrrlll' a CO CHECK, Note, Draft, Bills l'ayablo and itenetrebt• end nine Bailie, printed 'end fat We .t, Book and Jab Prtuter, • Cora.. Mulct ml 3 Fecmad and Wood sad Third au. VDENOII AND AMERICAN CARMINE j: INNS I.n ute at the EtAtiOnlif Nue or Iv. O.,JOEINBTON ♦ CO. ut • ho 57 Weal stunt VERY VARIETY of Domestic and SM OG Dry Oaod• ahraya on Mead and as low as ran to •od at:l7lol.ra. Plum WI oaf MN them Tab .O. ILLNDON LOTS, it hi at. I ROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAIOA GlN mlnablo mettle. for trimmer uw nold at oar Mar let Meet and the Diamond, by LIQUORICE-4 co±es on consivmont, for sale by ROBERMOIC EY, an2l No. bt9 Liberty Most. A LMON D S-5 bales Bordeaux Almonds l i t boys Slody dx Looedac /ad end sola Ly gn AN1.4,11.10N,, 0n27 No 09 Wood aunt. PIIRE ICY SPARKLING SODA WATER drawn frcm Percolate Pcnintalea with ricb set 111017 liaroroi Primps calk &limy& bu pro‘ciroJ at Jol9 .10.1 VLPAIINCett F r - METAL - 17 Tu. Red El,. Char, M.. 61 O do Coke Feral. by- B ACON -8,0-00 IbB Bacon llama; . e.,om - . ShanldeiK In amok• tic Koo .nd En ula II au= ROBERT DICKEY. WM. U. JOIINSfa k CO. Steam Job Priotris, DEKA book Useafactcrat tad DcAnitiug Hoc. Mallow.. No. ET Wood oast. sa:K, IXTEDDINO ENVELOPES AND CARDS y y rarlbdaamortebeot for uI• by efb.) •W. JOUNOUN • CO. N 9 Wixof st CHEESE ---)10 prirue cutting C II tuba heals table tat.; it.elvo.l 4.1 fiz ..I• by RIDDLE, ST HITS t CA, JACKSON tr. TOWNSENI I , Halt( P &t:1(1411 , 1 sta. DI:II.FR S IN PORN, lIICON ANU LAIM, , j 0 .21: ' N 0.12 Yonill. or. 0 , . II.•( ty. 01";:lt)1,b1s. 11 16ale G do It.iwk do; 5 do Llueoed do, Po t tale tp., (.01 TAR AND PITCH - A. 10 Pilch; N. " O. Tar, 1.1 m. 111.41,1 IU .. . . for sale hi met - DOCKET BOOKS imp PORT.MONN7IIE - S —A [aria aarettroput of 11.10.111.e.1ti, Poll-Mounalas, bucteltltt 4 1 nta4a, I'Lrtfolloabn.l lienkor'o.C.ra. Jost re calrad at Jold rornw 1.11.. el end TIAIrLI awl Merkel And:..l ate: nELANOES-50 boxes Oranges just rec for ado Ly BEIIIIOI A Ar.DEOSON, __lo2d No 00 Wood", opp.alta Sr. Clo.rLa 11.4.1 (11LS-15 bble. flaxseed; %.! 10 do No.l Lard OIL arritloa .ad for .ale loy WATT t wilso. EGUS-5 bbl, on hand and for sale by MUTER f DILWORTH, in 24 ISO and &mud et EW sONO ; BY STEPLIEN C. FOSTER 1.1 — . For lb• Lore for Tim , " Written by W. IL U ' tAutbl ; MOW , by D. C. later. Prim 25 coots. For ca. by Oopler roaltrd rroalpjt°olrilbelip.gica"l.l"' 7°`;0101. D EFINEU SUGAR- 25 • bble. Cradled, Pulanrisod rod Soft °rotted Sugars, Ad tor sato arbolosalo and ratan, at lower prima, PRLNOtt'S Parnll,7 , On:cars audio's Bora, Federal at., atilegbaoy, Jelo GRANT'S CASES, Volume I—Juet pub- Bribed Report. of Ossrs argued awl 50J odgod In the Cuomo* Coon of Peoosllraola OI BruJ. Oraor, for male by " Jall KAY A CO., 55 Wood street. CORN STAROLI, Farina and Rico Flonr Llittt t supply death Just Med by JO4. FLEMING. 3000 BUSH. PRIME RED and Will wagrr, artlvlng and MoBANHfor sale by . BEAT-1000 bushels white; MO do red; tor sale J.B. =gnat MANILLA ROPE-150 Coild, morted am, Manilla Dope on band and forialeby oral IM COOLEY. LEMONS -100 Ins Fronah,Lemons just re aped vnd for vale by RIITUIM k ADIMSO, ri0.89 Wood arra, oppOts lit. Cbsrla SUGAR AND MOLASSES -15U bbls. prime N. 0. Molasses, oak cooperage; 60 bbla. Blimp; 60 hbda. N. 0. Sugar; 30 Dbl.. Cviabetl Sugar, In more and for W. by Baf / LIMA *TRIMBLE INNEN° AND FLAXSEED-1 caa faitttantngd enbdy Id / o leflalgd nw land D n U Mfm k om nu o • FOR RENT ; = -A. eomfortsblo dwelling house on gotopdlilted—VC() per year. stile B. OIMIEMILT EON, 61 Siarkst Wed. BUTIM.-4 tabs fresh roll, received end for sato at 180 Liberty strode. and / RIDDLE, MILTS AOO W,IIEAT-1500 bushels white and red Wheit,ta ernes, for sate by Je2l 2LeBIBII i AIY lA, 12i Ekead strea ; flak; OUT SMOKING 'IOBANOTO Obb!fa rWe low by g . DOKIITON . • , _ . Wood .1 to waive and for islo by st GO. ,~; _ .4" ;1 E:7.71;;‘ . 7' Cordial • • , BLOOD _ PURIFIER Before Taking. T" greatest Remedy in the world. This cordial Is dhullra fronts berry known only to myself and chemically combined with tame of the marl valuable medicinal mete, herbs and barks known to the mind of man etc . Rhood Mack FiNl,l Cherry 71.u*,I'd' lour !Lk.t. D.lnd4ton, Sursupsrial, /id,' flamers, with others, prxturlng the next Infallible remedy for the restor sties of health ever known. It le oaten', ova remedy, coring diorama by natural Mee. When Ink., tie Indu aces Is felt coursing thrumyl, every role of the body, purl. tying stet accelerating the slim:Mitten of the blood. It nentralmes any Whom scatter In the stomach, sod etrength ens the whole organization. lII'LRAN'S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL Will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chron iv or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach, Dyepepaia, Bearthocu, Inward Pile., Acidity fir 6ickneae of the Siusi ach, Tallness of Blood to the flew!, DUB Pain or hwilrunlug to the Deal, Palpitatlau of the fleert, Donates or Weight la the Sumach, flour BructeMum, Chuking or liollacatuag r..110g when lying down, Drynem or Yellowness of the Skin sod Eyes, Night Senate, Inlaid Farm, Fain in the email of the Bark, Cheat or Bide, Sudden Paths.. of Heat, Ilepresalm of Ppirlin, Frightful Dream., Langan', Dempon dency or no NerirOU• Diseasee, Bores or Blotches on the Skin, and Fever and Ague (or Chills and rarer.) It twill alms core d 1...... of the Illitdder and Womb, each S 4 Feral. aid Wealtnega, Ineontluou. of Urine, Stranguary, Inflatiu =don or Weakiseee of the-Womb or Bladder, White., etc Tama le NO MUTAT:EN ABOUT IT no. Cordlid will Itsrar fail Is care any of rh• earn dls uss, If taken u par dirertions so each swills, in Onrrnsw English an! French. OVER A MILIioN lIOTTLES have been Bold during the laat via tooutbi, and It 40 in. eau. bat It failed ingiving entire satisfaction. ti to, then Pill salter from treaknees be debility, whan Mtrengtheniug Cordial will rtfro . yhiv TO miry. I.4IDIFE: be you wish to 14 healthy and pimple Than go at torn end got some of hlcLeatee a - Masi It will *trough. end Invigorate your whole elitent, rionaug a healthy ant pore circulation of blo d 63 finrimugh every solo, and the rosy bloom of health to lion. soul chtoß sou, Ersty bottle l a warranted /1 give alma.. Don F. 014. C '4-m4.EN LYe alto p.routz,ll cLlL.irwo .tre with colnytwinia tivalent anw ,tr. lb.. "mull gimittity .4 it Iwan'. it .11 nuke Itwon hy, •od -two 1 .... .. t. try It, )'min wlll LA. • IS LIE Lielpti:-; - 14) K E CA °null —11.W....1 di tr,..4ist• c.l de.1,11 at tin way try to palm. up.. 41 y.. 11 earn.. bitter or Fdra.tr6a, tilt Into'', which they con bn) cheap, by aaylng it ti MAI es cuod. Avul.l such tram Ask for SicLeacite etf engli.ning take nothing (Ili, It la rho prirdy bid thoroughly, en..l .5 the ram.. .trenz.b,r the t.t.lmpunnful 14k.11 ry mornioa fasting. Is nef.r. laic prusnottre forChblens.Cettlannd Ferrer, Yevotr. ntly prevalent +Jana.. it Is put up In Inrca Pri:o auly per lt,tft, cr 9 Luna fi r Sn. J. II MeI.E.V. , , .Sole Pt - owletor of thls Ctrit+.l Mae, Mcloau's l'otetbol:. Oil LJuleornt. ..Ptiur+pst Depot the corner tf Thlrl street+, St. Louts, Aiu McLEAN'S VOLCANIC LININIENT Tdr 8,.! Lt.^1,71! the Tha tsar wife and certain cure tor Cancers, Pilo+. Tumor,. P sellloga, and Brouctielc or Goirro, Peralyete, Nonrolnls, Waaltnees of the Maslen, tbruns or Inflonsruatory rsbon. towers Stiffpcsi of the Joints, Contractiel 3lnsclro or Lisa. mourn, Earache or Toothache, Illisteue, Sg.ralne, Wounds, Frrh Cuts, Ulcers, Fern, 80r.., Caked Breaats, 'sore Nlp lane, Borca, Bcalde, Bore Thrust, r,r ems Inflammation or Palo, Tl , l difference bow earero, or lion long the Meson may 'base exteleet 11i - teen's Codstaated I Stitiont la a certain remedy. • • Thotassais a but:null...4,s hard n.v..1.% lift, d+ pima..ld misery E 3 tEr A••• nf this metli Meleare3 Voll!ani, Oil Liniment • WIII retie,, In aim. Icatinlnn.nsly,nr.4lt parity, and L'..l th. to no iocre3:bly nimrt Fur Ilor'set and “ther redebr•ted Lanlmsnt Ir t be.only , •oly rat, ,“..1 relleble remedy for the core of liirkvin:l.srg Mud. pa 11.% Splint*. Umratrtral Lomot, Plet•lltosr , It will 011Ter Nil to ,urn Iltrrr "ru.^. H.u" • • • • nine P.m., or Ssrseny, If I.roperly r.L.,.ise F..eor. Drnises, &nit's., Crack...ll Hl.ele • ensiles, Ss.i.tle or Codsr Cass, Bone or Worsotts, It Is an Io ssi I d.lO remedy Apply It as dirartsd, sad a 0000 Is r. rt Iln .0 es(sy Then ttlflo no Irrocsr •Ishlsha many 0,044410. s Unmet.. olY•roi s., you ULt.ln a eo-TIl ..5 `A L. a, s I.Iclm•ot 15 Will fore yo J MeL: AN, S•tle PrJprieter, UitOtSE AND Gamer 11.1 I ah.l Pine au. , St. 1.0 W.. Mel 1/11 kik° II 615Y.9914 Nl Woo.l atrett., P. .la the oohs Ageht, ash .a. all nr.l,ra WWII ..ttr.die ....,p4Awly V 165: . : Solution 01 I'l - 01.,x1410 vi Ir.ut 0 UMBINED. T IIh PREPARAIIO:i bI'iFEIISFIIONI •Il others, Wing 411 „ sucass ~1 .10 pr,tialls attalesd hi • montl.lnatlna as's, a s ,,s s Psi Indlststias, torptl I 7e r, Prapstre Lt a s.•ls ndm of Masses C.need tarse olot.s. oh • genet:. drblllty, and 2.lsaasts p,ahal t, iss,•les, I h.. bees Strand eltremelp salraclsca PaMpblets, gulag • full Esa.s - rtptl , a ths t,meli ant tbs. rem•rtatile cares it bas msi to • I.talE , Ld • Ow spots Mal= j It I. wall Inc.. that th tomm i es i .kJ 11 ~ 1..,.1* d. 111 [coo la lead peso by • bit i expeoare w sia, and [bat te maintain • aolotlou of Pro catde of lido whim. , lorthrt oxidation, hu been dorm troprseible In the Permit. Syrup. Cita dulsatdo pen" two beau at• taincil by ccrikinaften in a tody Loccers unio , tre, aui this wintlon may placa all tips pro :A:lmolai., rucates and tataints. of the re hialstes Media, It Is also ccolasttly adapted to tab . ties piece tit any Pro toxi‘la of Iron, tallith phys,tark• lute nowt, to ...Ty or scorbutic attacks, and to mist such caws the Ed rap stood! be frond to the medicine chest of curry thin The ouderab,u&l having experianeed the renebetel allerte et th."Perovien Bytep" do net heelt.t. to theeinineui It to the attention of Int public. Trots nor own errpertancei, es wall al Item lb. teat itn,ny of other,., wheat 'eternity... and Introit - Its are altNtettier unquestionable we hesenu doubt of Ira ellie&cy luce.a.l Incipient Diseases of the Longo nod Brornehill Inepepele, Liver Complaint, Depey, Neuralats, et. Is deed Its ettrels would he incredible tut bole the Malt :her actor bf those who witnessed them , end haa. volunteered their leatlinuoy,ae se do rot", to I. restorative power . 11w, Jobe rho - pont, Thorne. 0. Atu 0 1". Thomas A. Denier, Peter flarvey, 8. 11.80i:elan, NI Id. dame. C. Dann, 2.atonti Iler Thos IThlitenmera. I.R 000. 11. II 11Yolett. =29 Dr Churchill's Remady for tbe Prevantlon and Cure of Consumption Winch '• Gem:.lna Prepar•list4 of ch ilypopha.phlt•• of Lime nod 01130404 Ent 4.,cvt: &needy ,for (`_resumption Yore,/ Ida, AO/m.2, Path:9, Dreprpo.2, Nrrr , "' CV. OM, on./ the l'ennp:eun. lE.n•rn, Lots qt Energy, Meeting, ,A', This extraordinary Chemical Preparation of VI.IOBVIIORUS, (th• prophylutt• and rnratir• prnpurtir• a Which 'note diaen,rcri b• la .1. V Onnochill; of Parla,) I. tell growlatial corns thn.n,hont Lamp. an 4 the Uultwi Matta, totwin, alrywaly A11ai1,•i..141 , e, Its lutrodoc. ti,,,,, • ranutt b.1 , 1e p.Tularity, both with 11401neillnd pro. baton an.l the poi.lw. It l• pnroly B, lentil:lt PnTaratron, acting with abrolufe ext.tinty, tuot of Ina artable oil ..,53 of PtlitnnnaryOnd N . U. Inwww• Ti,. • • • In the Werollil am] third stag,. Ist • perlnd, .hen thorn run 1.. no uncertainty so to Ms oath,. . 1 the &soused eau be obtained, in ail Casa., try this treatment, elzapt when the es hiding irsi.m of th e lung. is of 11.41 . oP cleut to prodnr. death. Hereditary prollepoollignisentea to no way to coriuletart the ern.. the pationta In whom It one cll. tt ettralgly reenacting ...rapidly as othora Thin Itentody has not only • reruns atf,t, .hut nand ehernror (bare cable a anapicst.n of ths dliwase, J. nost firDentiopst.d, tin.l the. aos ate a pretrroalior Dart, to Chnrsnipti,n, just as vo,-,noti., dcf with rr;crd fa Small flrs' WA ii S , b ILDON It It ionvealble ' Ingo the halite Lt auf trilleery the:moot. to turnloh the nsarstelmiog,Pronts in my poop. , .too In twat ... th y ono.. of Ibis new *nil SpeCific Vont mont La ootiof the moat terrttle of the human raze. But In order to unify the Ammer.. inquire. Win are dotty teldr...log me for lottajnalluo, I have Juat pub !Mot a ...Mon of DR. CIIURCIIILL'S VVORII ON OGNEIIMPTION o,mprtsing Ll. report median the hopeful Academy of Medicine, Path; Notes of chats, .od Letters, Docorueets, Teettmontsls, Se, wrlttrh, together with . Ctrentsr, sill be not oe nemipt of TWELVE CENTS to stserpa to ewer the expense of postage. , Thos., therefore, who with rtileblo Information previous to deciding whether So try this extraordinary remedy, should 'wino 1101010 writing for Dr. Cturchilre Trestle.. Thoreau& would be mimed to health by pion:lug them seive• ender this treatment Jot log the, e the moat favorable..., bat who, if than &Jay, iney go doWn to premature gray.. Price of 2fiNOIIE4TEIt'S OENUINN 411EVARITION, of the Ilypoilbosphltea of Limo auJ Nods On hyrapjs2 per bottle, three bottles for $5. Nagle bottle', fri comoentraterl solution, by mall when rcustatly reonested, $2 anon. The Dar lisita famished to the Prolcsatoct. kanto bottle has fall direction. fur use, with any fec Omits signeltne. 1111 E NO OT/161t. J WINCIIESTE.R. told wholcula and 1.1011 by 1/11. 0..11. Mtn:BER, No. 110 Wood stmt. Pittaburgb, Ps. jai:claw!' IVIVBRLASTMELED BAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLE, DIAMOND BURET, NEAR LIBERTY, PITTSBURGH, pA. . ip, E ORSES, BUGG 9, CARRIAGES AND fl everything usually and in .Dry dm chum Bauer, on hand and to onlor at all mea. Hems well trained and reliable• rekidet cl,yant a =violable. WOrders for cant to fonerala, . to familia, punctually attended to, at 11 homy. air [loan bought and wld; also, kept by the day weaker month. , , .stilly OPENED filth DAY—Shirting, Checks,- kiwi., 01 .11 h...., Nets, Irt4h Mums Ellin 80. solo. am. u. rumor+ LoVz, ito4 No. 74 tifartelstrre t. GOODS. AT REDUCED PRICES:- Aro cl.lng out thdr entire tto:k al RREPINED SUGARS-30 bble. of the dif kraut puha In aura sad to, nie, whAnnlo sot ra tan, chap at TRANCE'S Fatally Grocery not Tan Blare, Word atreat, Allegbony. •01 'PREM . ROAd'rED JAVA AND RIO coMEN away, on bond, of the boot quality, and fov We.* PRINCE% ismally filroccry and T. !tots, Peciend atne.Allegbiny. DAPBEI.,-80 reams superior 'Batting Paper; SOO " tcu cot= Hag Wfroplag do nuaNadaringlerol: 4 ll3. • Maw. , 6. • do !blab T . 7 and WAIT Wit4soll Biebtral rdcLEAM C 1 ` 4 -' NY ._1; pii t --' ^ .7. . 1 ...-._.: .fI A • - . . .... r l Lt , Nul II ff.VIN 1 After Taking OEM= =EMI A A 11A.Vbn, 11 u, Astaylot lJ ILe stab .11dcasacbc,tio MIE=III MaMl= itittattlantous 13VIIMPIELD d.CL/ fiIItILIER 000 ne vast I..rolca. :'.t^ f : s .~ t . .. KWZ DOULA II N I 11l 0 K Ni. 55 Furth ENMEI IflPEis i ‘. •110 son 11..duo•day :.•ew .nry Orst o. Nuedinber 6104 fr.., r ~! frCen r.euler drat 10 ]lay Ant. 11 , . I. 0, Dervoatta received of ral an:ne tt.wn nee Pular innt • dividend of Ile tient, twee •,ln Jane and D.retnLer. Latoreet tot. t..eo teehr..l earni-roj !rwally, ln Jon, and Li.cenrier,...e lb. W. It the rata of 111 per cent s interevt. If not , Lrawn nut, la pt,...1 ~I—III (.vinripol, and beriratLe a.t.a ittecratir , n. fL'r fool do). nf J new and LiersruLer,oon.e_ran.lin,ltrl r . resr with nut lieuldlog Una V u.ll .n .ree 1.. i.rearai hit At OA& %stA, zuk.un, ol I. t. I•AS oLan fl yaara, the urrvirate 0.0? tne..nt n. 1140 4.? 4 TM • • ..uut•ocou,lll.• • "—La uhoitml ,ratta, ...tantl.lLL, I • Pre.“..isnr—GE( . ..tel7R er •• t . k ‘l,ll. • li.voiyell Ilaj.brk,u J. Jaw. D. Kelley, laurt Dab, AltLa an.... 11...11, IVIII,y, 11 :114.5,a .1 , ,„. !RCN.. mote M. Polio • - t till Burglirlu, a J.hc II 11 , 11,4 Jam.. 11. It . Mccds. JAS.'S Walhat P. Mat 31111.. r, fiL•ary 1.. 111 h, a - .•. John 81 Sawy. G1ec.86.8 8 8a1.18,; Jc h a 1, avail:, •ficochala °Luz!. r.s 4 1 . .1 1 ~.ha 0 liaaketin; J.. 40.1 D., J:G•fdl.l6r Cain, Linnet. A. Oarribi, David Ounp Juan B. Ookaraan. • Mathis A. Wggam D. -"AIL frauds fell; Benjamin 4 rshu,..toLk Jam_ W. Hellman, William U. ihaau, Charles Kama, Sairetary am! Trea-arsr— cial lyd--jaZadairli C•onaetery Marble vv6,riri: No. 164 Wood Street, near Sixth EITTABOIII3II, P e. OEOfIGI H. LAWTON, PhAOTIOAL ElAftlll.E. WISHES RESPECTFULLY TO IN TV kora bil mend. aod the pdblk , etuetelly, that .5 bee leued the ADM% premise; for the rosout..thre Ate .11: of ever, Terlety of Marble Work, nob Illmuments, Tombs Tablets and Ur aveatvnat of *tory variety and Lou, WON I=l Wag. ntati Tti", Yr 1.1,11 1.4 hfl,,rlini a., •ny her aut...ll.shment ' Ww. ,11 mountains. liis eurt la entirely ta,Ar, sn,l has bowe e,,liwtwd by himself, .y.rwoly for this market Ile Is wh. prepared In Wild Mahal Vaults, rather. bar LA. t i Idar• w &t.., and la exec any other work is. i. en, ..t the th,n,leterlee adpining Pittaburgh astsse yzatilmiON Het 7 11 Lyuian, Notwri Galway, Eli 11. w, VI Le. Wiliclan, John Chhilett, Iht, 11 ol..welwrgo/, , W.L Hinge - alt. he,. Otter in. n 11. Mil, Fla., It Corlll4. it. I'. Been, haw I , White, ale, 11 . 14 e Itirnl.l,wl with till Varhlytiwo.ll,wes tic Muth!, eith, 11.1,1...1 .4 In the rcogh, et ark.. 1.41. •rrangemanf. sith the f.annfrolurera brat Grunt•, r • conotant sropply of Ilydrsqllo Co rns, W3l-1 and Lonis•illa Lime; Pl - ....a1ar Paris, Loth ttn.-ro 14%, t ail of which hula praparsd to et •hart mak, rahlkerly • I r lc. SOIL ..58 . IINDEI: TII¢ r; AND FTTLE OP ROSS de. COMPILNY, FT ACING recently purchased the extensive COAL WORTS, laiely otetrol bo Mcollrery t Emlth, a, now prepared to tranlth Coal, at thou D. put. Immediately below Ans. %V oc4 Co'. Ilollluo Mill, In bin., bargee or waves. They will ahr, furnish, with their uwa teems, In either of Cho wo Aocomitoreirtops will mod lair Hopei for per sons travelling In charge thereof. FREIGHTS wri:Er.r w 14.1). By this Boutersofghto of all descriptions can Do far warded from Philadelphia, Now York, &Man, or BON, more, to any point as the Ittd'roods of Ohio, Kentucky, In dira Ittinob, IVlszonsin. lowa, or Slier,arri, by Railroad dired. Ito Pennsylvania Railroad al. n00n... Fittslaugb with &earners, by labial Goods eau be ferwarded to .7 port ou the Oblo, Bloskluiroto, Kaotocky, Tama., Corn berlabd, Illinois, Miselesippl, Wisconsin, Miasmal, Kansas, ►rksu..e and HAI Mean; and at Cleveland,lisudosky and CbLrogo wltb all Ports co the Nottb-Wretom Labe.. Merrill:As end Ellipticn etitruettutt the treoeportattoto al their Freight to thui C.:toothy, c.O rely e itti coctlitimcs ea Ite spettly tt• ' ' " " • Tll RATES OF FRE/OUT to any point iu iha West by the Penneylvatda BAR Road, are at all (rem = fatembleas arechargeltpollier B. R. Cteopetnieg gar Ile particular to mart[ packages .Vll Pcstril R. Alerchant• in the Woet ordering goods loom the Eagl e will do well to direct them to be shippod this ROW. Patios attending to their own thipmetda from the Emit. will god it totheir to Cal 00 the Agents of Oslo Computy at the following places before shipping; or lettere addressed to either of them 00 the =Mime of Freights will meet with prompt =mutt.. D. A. STEWART, Agent, Pinetm FE; E.]. ENE/WEB, Phan.lpbb. AGRAW & KOONB, BO Nth Wen, Baltimore. LEECH &CO, No. 2 A rtor Ileum, or No 1 B Wm. Bt. York. LEECII I CO, Na. W Billy sto t. Boaro r d. 11. FIOOSTON,GoeI Frrl AO-, Philadelphia , L. L. LtOUPT, Tickd Agee., Philadelphia. TllOB- A. SOOT?, Geal.Tupq., Allooha, Pa. iaLlid PIIEPITTS&JEGII, FT l ogo& WAYNE A CHICAGO HAI ROAD, completed from HHnburgh toChixge WOODRUFF'S BLURTING CARR attaehrd to all night [nth.. Inrengh without change of cars. Onand after WEDNEnDAY, JUNE 1952, Tratha •111 lax.. the *nation, corner Liberty and GralatAtxxLl, PXtelnaira, ea :Whaley Flttahorgn. Creatllne. Ft. Want 12.15 a. u. &ESA. at. ID/ n. a. Erpreas,—...---.—.1240 v. at. 635 r. a. 2.81 ht. AITIV(sat Chil.gcl—Expresa 6.47 P. n.; Etyma 9,17 a. n HATURNING. Anive at Pittsburgh—Hell, 9:3, P. Expreas,Ao P. 2.20 A at. B. Acconaaodatlon Trains, from Federal street. for Nerw Brighton, 9.:.0 •. a, and 513 r. X. Frvm'• 500 " 12.1 , 3 u Throne. Trains connect. feillotra— St Alliance, eitth mi. on tho Cle:cl.. l A Fillatarattid. Road. t Orrailln, Otis, tc, =Ale= IVlllrratenr,s, Akrcv, Cushing& Falls, no. MiN=Z;EIM=I At Oreitilru for Driainue, hpringtleld, Ontumbus,Onctuna, ti Isola, Dayton, Inalanapothy Et. honia, Lanlartila , etc At Forest for Eprfogtold, Panincty, aoa, 'Clunaart, •ta, eta . At Lima for Findlay, Dayton, Cincinnati, eta,eta. At Pt. Wayne for Pero, laforata Ind, EL 1...006, and frac, nudist* porta in Declared Indiana ono At Plymouth foi Laporte. At Wanatah for all points on Ma frearAlbany and ealLem Bannoad. Ana at Chimup with bane for all pilot, in 118mAr , lona, Wieoorulto and Minnesota V.: farthor latxmatlon and thrtengh Thketa apply to J. STP-WAlef, 24ekat Agent, Passenger Sta •xt; Plltabergb. C 6 - fVf/INZON TI • at l'attenger E • .It= ~. eoy. Ttaugh Tentage We at all ths 21- et. Oak.' of the Company on cf tha rondo° slip rt. of the Molted State. J. J 110IIBTOS, Grat.l" • 'r Agt, PUG. jelB Cleveland OM,' Plif.ll644reh ON and after WEDNMEDaIf, APRIL 27. th," /544, Train win less* the Dep,st of IL. Psonsylvents !lailvont, to Pint. httralS, as follower PoldnergA, Clevelandoen Chtzsgs Line— Express Train leave. intnnoth at 12:15 a. a_ and 1,1.14 KY. for Clnnland, Buffalo, Toledo, Detroit, Itilwankle, 411nifir, and ttieNocih Meet. The 1:05 P. r. train connects it Bayern with trans for all points on the Tuscarawas Branch. Passengers noel:Jul nto Chicago, sia elsvoland, Mast " /EZl Ll in t e. i' Elp k r r ITrattIONT rla ° 0 1 ::"It and 1:05 r.■;treommedition.s:oo tor Wheeling, Zanassillo, arckerilia, aslant , . and Cincinnati. ma 1216 train naps et Wellsville, Etanbansille and Piano. below Bum. tienrßle. The l:os r. mon stop at Wellevilleard all sta tions below . M2M=I Pid,barga, Cbitandas and aneirrnati Mort Line, No Sambenrate.—Pant itzprens at 12:16, a. ti. sad itxFeat 1.05 p.m tar diswara,Cblusubas,Daytan,ladlanopolia,iltaaaari, Odra. EL stal WestLonla, 21. v. OTlestal. and .11 point. In the Satan Ttu Expnws Teals rues through from Pittsburgh to OM clurrati without change of oars Bpleudit sletptteg can at tached to each Express train. Peneengers dashing to go to Columbus, et/di:wed, eto, or y point beyond Gotomb., by the abort Iles; most ht par- N:ular to ask for Tictots via Ittenbeurtlle. • baggage checked ttscogh, and handled (moot chtrge. rye alpaja WS low maul Utter rout., mid totkueceozar caleco. :trough 11.tkata ants proemial .t Pittetnrib, Barrie York and Matzo. F. H. !dYliltß, Genus" Tickat V. in:mbar Informal= apply to JNO. nrivART, Tick. lgent, Marty at. depot, Plaaborial. 1889. Balilmoro and Ohio Railroad Co., 1889. 'VILE BALTIMORE & 01110 RAILROAD COMPANY are tem prepared to receive and forward Iderchandisu under through Pills of lading gel and . from ' Pittsburgh nurl the Eastern Cities. Bates inaranteed to be equally faitribla with then at th.c pew:trite/Ws Hall Road 00., or nay other h oc. . For information . w ruts, b.:Attlee, etc., etc., • don may be made by Lau& or fa pepon to (Caw of the andarelvied agents: At BOSTONAIo.e Potter, oar. !Rate cod Washington sta. BM TODD, CL W. Parsed, Zan Broads - iy, abort. the Astor noose. • lIILIDELPIIIA,OoIhoun t Cowes, 'acne" Broad . Mary streets. Col. Esll.l,eoc. ilub sad Mutsu& sta. DA LTIIIOIIX, J. T. gruchui.Ossideritration. ‘•p11TBBUHoll, J. 6. Cabgberati s= street A , Particular attention of merchants, tnanotactorers cod ahlppete generally, of Plitabargb, Allegheny Oify .4 vicinity, it nailed kith, facilities of We Nan-Soots an con, pared with other., cod their pat: acing. and favor. as do pored snitched. LLENRY D. hIDABA, felikt.f thrucial itrelgbtAgent B.A O. it IL Co. • ' COMA WALNUT BALL RESTAURANT, xasOlve Razz, sTry2 sriusr, c 0 1334/...7i. E . 11,208341%„ PHOPRISTOII. • ALL THE DELICACIES OF TUE BEASON, preparad by the most pomace,' ctoks,aer,.+3 op at the abartest . doo from aiacvoLoca A. U. UNTIL TIVILLVB tY01.0(3/1. P. M. 411 articles la the Liao, pot - altar to the Last, 'Watt or dooth,ractrad dally by Exr.rraa, and served, op to order... Badness mu trill and tho tablo at WALNUT PULL that %hay scold &Aro. ballaale Dona tor Oyster% Ptah, done sod early rogotablea to their soomo.ll. L2lB ivahlyd THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY YOUR tc., for the Pourth of -July, Is at new Gra Fatally Grocery and Tee Store, Federal street, blow the Poet Office. Allegheny, where yea will find the eery bre , nate Carmine per pound. - Velemcla Restos— toe de New peep do New Notenalso Beedlowdo Bunch do ... do Am,Alm, Pure Apia% Chum end Lemon Owl, Almonds, 111. AA, Le. PRODUCE, FLOUR, bbl. attli.oll idins Paadly Floor, 200 " Wosthko Zztrs, (to strivq) =OO bu,b. C 0,,, =OO " gar do 60 tons Bloom., bast quality, do store and lor tab by I.InOtICOOg, SItCHEILTIY t CO. NEW MACKEREL! 100 hall bbl,. No. 3 Largp, ..ylau. lompaciko," 113111 e • awl toricala by 30/111 SIAM) ava.,l je.3 . Ooooer Wood and 13.1th130seta. S . COVILL'S, COMPOUND EXTRACT OF B.IILBAPLIWIA. AND STELIINGIa, far, the cans of all diatoms arbdag from bovtdity of tbs. blood. A largo . alnply lon roodrial b - JOB. SLIMING, 109 1 . Oancrt Disacirl cad Ilarkoodsrocta - , , OUR PATENT 'FRUIT CAN--4lte beat:, n fruit Clen yet before tee path"; timPleiTeg fa!: . _ site.,reedyZulu one Idle dada= putting up trait . to -,': MS • Id IN this ore before putchieleg, , • .;., , ..,: T. J-01L&W, &de Makot r . , - , . . 4320 -.' '` • . 114 'Wood 4treet,sth iloortront EMU -.";..1. ATANCHESTER PROPERTY---Threa Ic , ANA. Butidtull Yon, 20 feet front an by Ld fast dap to boatb sag. Prim far nu r.rr' 11,100, or lioo each. For sale by eat B. ctrraa mar a BON, 61 Mutat 016" REVIVAL ALELODIES—New atid;f l } 7. larva Elldea, ARA Away new hum.- Da3 J. L READ. ' A'fS, Mice, Roaches and - 5t054 611415 stoes „LW promptly extertuisstul by the aft Pre— psrativa. tut sahib, • . jam , MEW TENNESSEE WHEAT — Ai tow Imalna from t letlitfi Haisici abi Os& Ja:V. /ULU D1C411.4 On. SOFT. FINISLI BLEECHSPA IO3 • iaottur W. ur thaw ...on Ada sigetisjust re&C, • _ B ugango OM- (pip TENN WHEAT—White and Ad— : . r 34 Itia" ' !tartand e2VATADIMISEi4;3I'' AV,PAtiSES---6° bbbriWitoriromdfmall4.l ; BOMBS _ „Fixix,„ =23 NEW nuosmut