Vittsiturg# dcayttt, 1111.11.011167-1-7■111.0NI;;:/nl-a WON B. EIRECEITT &. CO.. - NDITOII.9' and PROPRINTAR.I. PVTIII333"C - .1 . 1.4i3: -SATURDAY MORNING, . SEPT. 10, 1869• QUANU R*PUBLICAN BALLY' TIILILE WiiLBE A OUAND R P :17 24,7' Fe A. T. L. le IN THE DIAMOND, AT EtoII.REdPORT, • On Monday Evening, Sept. 12tb, at 7 o'clock Hems. JOHN M. EIREPATILIGE, T. M. AURRILILL, P. IL COLLIER, • 'J. H. MILLER .d caw trat.berraiet and eddrets the twellasr„. • • ' COME ONR, 00I1E aim .The entree* vaterally are lovtleJ teatime. DY order /If Republica* (bunt) , Cmucttet. Republican State Ticket. •L_o ll craw.. 7801111.9& Warr RAH, or (York county WILLIrIrI7. ° ;iCISI, at Barks count!. • Republican County Ticket. ELIAS R. nun% Pltttburgb. &MOLT, WILUA YARNELL Pittsburgh, DAVID A. PRESSLEY, Al*buoy, OELARLES L. GOIHRINO, Ramer, DAVID E. BAYARD, Peebles, ViULLMESPY, Lower EL Oar. =mai liszLoN, 0011Ing. MIMIC? ITIOSOTTI JACOB EL MILLER, Pittsbul et. eneetu, ROODHAN Y. COULTER, Booth rsytite. JONATHANBR&UfI,South Pittsburgh. 1113611:03, DAVID CORNEISUS,RewirkIay. fln AL T. ANDERSON, Dist Dear. 11111.661,26 Mt POO6, JOSEPH MILLER, Saordsa. .;nier• Joan BAI73MLN, Esq., is employed by u as an agent for canvassing and collecting for the Pitts tants Daily and Weekly Gazette. will visit in that capacity the Tarim:li portions of Western peon trylvania and Eastern Ohio. Ho is our i ddy agent for the purposes named. it. Hearn. d. Co. dojos( 29, .1959. . Haws Wilma DAVII3.—We are glad to bear of the re-nomination of this gentleman for Con gress in Baltimore. No Southern man In the Hansa of Representatives has more unflinchingly defied clamor and more uniformly kept tree to ream and justice through all the modern cru sade for the extension of Slavery. He was not in Congress at the time the Missouri Compro mise wee overthrown ; had he been there, it cannot be donbtnd what Me peeition would have been. He first took a east as a member ~of the 34th Congress, and quickly signalized his reso lute independence by meeting In voting against Mr. Aiken, and every other D 06100711110 candi date, for the Speakership, even down to the last balloting when the plurality was to decide and the alternative lay only between a Democrat and a Republican. He and Mr. Cullen, of Delaware, were the only "South Americana" that refused to yield to the Southern Frei - lure. On all the questions affecting the rights of the Free State of Kansas, *doh, in their manifold shapes, made that - Congresa the amine of anch constant excite ment, Mr. Davie exhibited the same fearless spirit.. In his speech accepting the nomination he said : "A great deal has been said about my Northern feelings, and I have nun been tormed an abolitionist. If any man wishes to brand me u such let him do so now. lam prepared .to meet the Lune, for I believe I am termed an abolitionist because I scorned to cringe and bow.down to Democratic nominations and measures. [Loud applause.] I repeat that the gnat body of the North are our friends. It is true . that Maryland is a slue 'State, but we ate a Iron State too. Our interests are with the Opposition of the North. We grow neither cotton, Sugar nor rico; neither do they. We are interested in agriculture, commercial and manufacturing pursed*, and therefore our in tonate are with the Werth, end With them alone. I will farther add that Maryland interests are =UAW- Id by 131.0PP9tion party of the North, and voted down by p. 9 4llhern Democrats. Our policy now is to -• on the opening of the next Congress. Let as show-where we stand, and not be alarmed by any enemy in our rear. If we - pot on a bold and deter mined front, my word for it, victory will came, and the next Administration will be of a difforunt com plexion from the present one." Tea MORAL POSITION Or 111.2 POST.-011 the 19th of inly, the Past, alluding to Douglu, said: "It is time that the honest heart of the country should strike down with a bold hand the 'plots and counterplots' of scheming anrlselfishporiticisms, and resporid to the counsels and dictates of- pa triotism. Ant3iiioue men, factional and sectional in their feelings, are placing before the people 'suggestions' and 'ortimottnns,' eoloriog and mis representing facts to suit their selfish purposes." Lest the application of this to Douglas may be' doubted, we append the following, from the same artiole "The late manifesto (ultimatum) of tho distin-, guished Senator from 11finale, has damaged his prospects in the South. The introduction of new (ounce, snob as h slims code for the territories, and the re-opening of the slave trade, meet no favor at the North. The sound Democrats, Smith, regard these Hoes as rounded upoe abstractions and impractical theories. These divisions and distractions in our party, which furnish capital to oat enemies, &rebut the work of fanatical agitation and excitement. They originste with men who desire power. By ere sting excitement upon abstract questions, they hope, as the living exponents of than questions, to gain their ends before the popular feeling upon them subsides." No unprejudiced reader can fail to see that this was aimed direotly at Douglas. It was pa triotism, then, to overthrow such a "selfieti poll. tielan,"-but now none are patriotic, in the eel motion of that sheet, but those who euppert him. The Pennsylvanian quotes from the late Douglas article of the Poet and incorporates with it, in italics the fatal admissionb of the Buchanan arti cle of "July. The two do not read very well to gether: "He (Douglas) has as frequently and elabor ately defined hie position, that it is folly and en tirely understood by every one. His speeches ('the work of fanatical agitation and excitement,') in the Senatorial campaign in Illinois, last year, and his speech in the Senate on the 23d of Feb ruary, his letter (his .u/timatom') announcing the conditions on which be would accept the nomination of the Charleston Convention, his slave trade letter, are amply sufficient to let the people know what he means to say and what he means to deny, upon the absorbing topics con nected with the rights of the people under the constitution of the country. Suffice it to say that no prinoinlevthieh he promulgates--no doe trine which he enunciates—no argument which he noes--can be defiled or refuted by any Demo cratic mind. On his platform (made up of issues founded upon abstractions and impractical theories;') -_ the Democracy In 1860 molt stand or, fall, We take him (although he created 'there divisions and —distractions in oar party') bee/ease we believe that 'lair nomination (notivithefandiny he 'has damaged his prospects in the South') would be a signal of .-.;lutrniony among the States, and of peace and uni 4±:ty in the great Democratic brotherhood." , . - M a . BII;CIIMIIIDGIL—Thill gentleman bee de- Wired that he is not a candidate for the Charles ton nomination, and the Douglas men think they hate got rid of him by Inducing him to run for the place in the U. S. Senate now occupied by Mr. Crittenden. • The 'I, oniallle Journal, how eta, ale : "It is all vary well for the friend/ of Dough's to throw the tub of the Senatorship to the Kentucky .-whale, supporting It with honied suggestions of pre ferment io the tonne by ‘spontaneous acciamation,' but it won't do. lie Breckisuidge for,the present may possibly favor the mancenvre, . with the raw, first, of waning the Senatorship, and, eseondir, - -of disarming opposition to the ranks of his own party; but, our word for It, he beano thought of really giv ing over his cherished &trig° on the Charleston nom ination for anything or anybody. Note bit of it. The Senatorship, if he gets it, will not appease his ambition even for the moment. With the bird in his hand he will instantly make after the two in the bath.. This, in our judgment, is his determinatiom, and nothing will shake it. Undoubtedly those poll ticiaus in Kentucky or olsowhere'who think with the sop oral, Senatorstdp_ to. allay Mr. Breath:ll444 aspirations for Its Charleston nomination or enlist him In support of their own are destined to be word 4 ly diaappointed. lle holy; himself first, and his ;friends 'aftoribud, if over., These; politicians don't know their man Mr. Backlaridgis ifhinutelf an aspirant for tbo Charleston noinination, and will con. Itinnsto be until, the , question is closed—s deserved,_ discreet, politic, modest espiramt, no doubt, but stilt resolute and hopeful cue. We conceive this to bo settled fact." I Tax ..ftette SPEECH.--yougisa repeated the 6piteoh At Columbus end Odell:mat, wldeb be del . livered here. Moshe otdy one tqwebr Taß editor ot the New Hampshire Etofrogot mug that his ogadtdoto hog got Aft the )ppoet• tiog pletform. ; Wont though' Ids condlitittgmoi =Till tan bnaritay; be bsa s!lirpo,44:oti g good ithigP.—kod,lo gr.- • . InaFeasunsa; Parvaitas.-.-ThaTeetmosinr at Washington iMty; kis issued a ,Oard staling that the act of march 3, 1825, does not anthortio any gentleman ponce/tin the franking privilege to employ another person to frank for him. Ad mitted. But why, then, has the law not been enforced until nom ° Mr. Postmaster Jones knew of this law long ago, and yet be ban, month , seat off loads of Demooratio &au melds franked by a oterk of Mr. Florence. We do not complain that the law 'is enforced; but We do complain when it to enforced only against Republican members of Congress. The Post master at Washington has Guttered the law One come a dead letter for years; but revives it simply to keep Republican documents from get ting Into Minnesota. Let the. law bo enforced impartially or not at all. PROFISSOR GABDIVER /8 KM bout. No mat ter what other attractions may turn np, the Pro fessor continues to be the chief attraction, wherever he goes The magical .aponeoeoue compotind grow. more popular every day, and the Profeeeor Buda as many outman Be he can well accommodate. Next week, being the week of the County Fair, be expects to have the op. portunity of making the acquaintance of many people from the country, end introduaing them to a knowledge of the wonderful eoap. —By the way, is it tree, as we hear it ru mored, that the Dough. men Gent a committee to the Professor to beg him not to speak on the nose night With the Little Giant, If the audience called upon him OUR BOOR TABLE. Letters an Psalmaly; • review of the Leading argument. for the we of the Book of Nehru; by Iter. William Ammo. Philadelphia: W. fl. k A, Martian, Pi:Mahan. The talented author of the work, the title of which is given above, la well and favorably known to the Christian people of this vicinity. Whatever difference of opinion may exist as to his perticular treatment of the subject, all must Concede, from their knowledge of the pets OD, that he hoe been actuated by honest motives and a sincere desire to eubeerve the cause of truth. The took is written in excellent style, and shows that its author is a scholar as well as a Christian, and la thus qualified in all respects to discharge the duties which he has taken upon himself. It is divided-into fourteen letters or chapters, the subject of which is explained by the title. The theme itself is highly interesting to a large branch of the Christian Church, and as this treat ment of it has been presented to the public with a view to elucidate many disputed points, we anticipate a wide and extensive circulation for the book. For sale at the Presbyterian Publica tion Rooms, No. 45 St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. "A Natural Philomphy. Embracing the carat renal Diu• corerift in the verb. Brandin of Phylice, , end mg the Application of Scientific Principles to Emmy-Day We. By O. P. Chaftenbos, A. H., Maher of "Pint Lee. sone he Compftilion,"'illlnetrated School History of lbe United !Delft," etc. Neer York D. Appleton & 1.0" The appearance of a new Philosophy by a popular school book author, moat be bailed with pleasure by the educational world; for, though there have hitherto been many lent-books on lids subject, a general feeling has prevailed among teachers that not one of them li suffi ciently adapted to the school room, or has kept pace with the progress of science. Every rea sonable requirement, in these and other partic ulate, is met, as le believed, In this new work, the title of which is given above. The great feature of this volume is, that it takes nothing for granted. It assumes entire Ignorance of the subject on the part of the learn er, never uses a technical term before it is de fined, presents things one at a time in their natural order, and thus impresses the whole without difficulty on the mind. To facilitate the retention of abstract truths, the author has ingeniously connected them With striking historical facts. Is an instrument men tioned, he tells us when and by whom it was invented. Is a great principle laid down, he narrate/ some pleasing story connected with its discovery—thus at the same time iavestieg his subject with peculiar interest and tarnishing a eondensed record - oPhtiman progress is physical science. "Emu's Waim."—Coutos vroacia tat WA ./15 sat GC.ficp. By the sothor of "Boxy momooso of an 'LID'; olio. Now Tort Dortiy L Jacks., Ili Ns* as stmt. A very readable book. The first part, ,Tyl vies World," embracing l9f, pages, Is a con nected story, well written And wall worthy of perudal. The eeoond part is a series of separate tales, with links sufficient to give them interest as one dory, intended to Illustrate serial crimes which The law'does not reach. They are written with peat power, and will absorb the attention of any reader, from the start, We &snot know who the author or 'intl.:mess is; but we know that he or she wields a powerful pen and frames an attractive story. Forest. by J. S Davison, corner of Wood street and Diamond alley ClPTlMp.—Alfred Int Ellen, who shot Alex. coder Glidden, In West Wheeling, last fell, was tried for the offence at St. Clairsville, this week. The trial resulted in a conviction. It appeared in evidence that the defendant 'bowed his pistol to no less than four persons, saying that he In tended to kill Glidden that day; and afterwards he called him out from his boase,and without any provocation from Glidden, Bred at him three times, intim:Mg two serious wounds: and Si Glidden was entering his door, be attempted to fire at him again. He was drunk at the time, but there was evidence that he bore malice against Glidden. About three weeks previous be had requested a workman in the paper mill, where they were both engesied, not to put much off in the lemmas be atpeptild a fight, and in tended to take the advantage of Glidden ; and iftererarle, when Glidden proposed to make up their difficulties, the defendant refused. If death had resulted he would probably have been exe cuted. He was sent to the penitentiary for ten years.— Whee!ing Int. Hawser of counterfeits on the Parkersburg Branch of the Northwestern Bank of Virginia, am there eeeme to bar e to en reeently,a large andfreett importation. As a young woman from Bethany, on Friday laid, •offered three of them, all the mosey she bad, in payment for goods purchased, and when questioned, said that ehe received them from her father, not knowing them to be • counterfeit. They are easily detected by judges of paper money, by the general appearance of the note, though the execution is very good and well calculated to deceive the unwary, especially thole who take it for granted that Northwestern money ie always good. The words 'live," in a circle around the denominational figure, at the upper,right hand corner of the note, are smaller and less distinct than in the genuine bill. — Wellsburg herald. SVIBILIIIT AND Em RAILROAD—Great in the joy in Erie that the Company have twentyelght miles of their road in running order from Erie eastward, and the track layers are employed in patting down the treok to Warren, which will be accomplished within a couple of months. The work on the line of this road is pushed for ward with an energy and success hardly hoped for by Its •moat sanguine friends fifteen months ago, and what Is better, the expenditures are very generally largely within the estimates. From present ludloations, the promise of the Preeident of the Company to finish the road within the present term of Governor Pecker will be fulfilled. Me. Bocususs is preparing an elaborate re ply to the recent manifesto of Mr. Douglas on Squatter Sovereignty, and hes seat to New York for Mr. James Gordon Bennett to aid him in putting tho matter to the beet form for the pub- Ito eye. It ie on this business that Mr. Bennett has been oloseted with the President daily, for the last week. Mr. Brown, the clever and gen tlemanly editor of the Constitution, has also been detained here on the same business, though be had made arrangements for a brief visit to the North. Most. probably, Mr. Buchanan will act on the advice of Mr. Bennett, and will not copyright his disqulsition.—N. Y. Trih. Tan Faosr.—The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Eagle of the 3d JUL, mays: At lout four out of the put seven mornings Mara been more or len frosty, end the frost of Friday morning has, as we are informed, prematurely cut off the green crops in many localities. We saw, while coming from lonia, that day, a number of fields of pota toes in whioh the tops wera thoroughly blacken ed by it. The Joliet (Ill) True Democrat says that the frost of Thursday evening was very severe in that county. In some sections the corn crop is very seriously Injured and the potatoe tops and vines 'recut down to the ground. Faosta..-There were heavy frosts in all parts of tits county on Sunday and Monday nights the 2Ttb-4nd 28th ult. Ice of considerable thickness was formed on standing water. The buckwheat, upon the lowlande was much Injured; but that upon high ground was but little affected. We have sot heard of any harm done to the corn.— Brookville Rep. Faosr.—We have to note the appearance of frost on several night. since our last issue. It het not as yet, done touch injury to the fell grope, and it is to be hoped we will escape yet, although it will require three or four weeks yet to mature all the corn and buokwheat.z-Nrto Castle Gar. !trainman Vs., Sept. 7.—The Enquirer, to-day bakeleading editorial of throe °Wilsons in length which le eupposed to be written by Gov. Wise, against the letter of Senator Dangles, which was published in Harpers' Magnin,. The writer denies all of Mr. Ire propositions, and says that,' they are in direct opposition to the Comprosokei measures of 1860;10Es:um and Nebreske Aoti and the (Hackman Platform, sad if carried cut would onlyind to • repetitloref the bloodahe which hlig AlrfsOt dlopeced the coil of Or Yf dkoitM _. Bue,wacAT..Citor.--Tho Crop pf lie i wheat in this County . , fhb Jireitetit season, Lids ! faitto surpass anyWe have ever bad: .hoth 1 in quantity and quality." - It safe cacti ; lotion, to say there was ten times as much sown as usual, in consequence of the destruction of the wheat crop. Buckwheatin regarded as the most uncertain crop that the farmer raises, and is liable to , . fail from drought, or it may be greatly injured by the hot lams of August, and it may be I entirely destroyed by early frosts. The present crop has safely passed two of those dangers, and in a few more days will be beyond all contingencies. Already a large proportion of that growing in the mountain is out of danger, and some farmers have commenced cutting. The yield is likley to be enormous. Every one with whom we have conversed assures us that the stalks are literally loaded with grain. Mr. HARrEY MORIN, of Stewart township, brought to our office on Mondiy last, a single stalk which he took at random from afield of several acres, on his farm, which contained 1143 perfectly developed grains, more than half of which were fully ripe.— This for "poor mountain land" will do pretty well, and we doubt whether the "rich land" in other parts of the county can beat it. Vniontown Standard. A New ENTIRPAISE.—The partial failure of our crops has compelled sunny of our farmers to reduce their stock. It was feared that the large number of hogs to be fattened this fall, would greatly reduce the quantity of corn which will be needed for breadstuff. Our friend, Eli Cope, Esq., we understand has engaged in an enterprise for which he deserves the thanks of the community. He is buying large numbers of hogs and sending them out West to be fattened where corn is abundant; they will then be returned to as, either as tat,pork or bacon. It is computed that the number of hogs sent West to be fattened, will consume upwards of 40,000 bushels of corn.—Uniontown Standard. Moon lll.feellng has been caused at Hartford, Conn., by a bayonet charge of the military to keep the area clear, on the occasion of the re ception of Ex-Governor Seymour. A young coin named Charles W. Banks, twenty-five years of age, who was Bitting in a wagon with Mimi, was stabbed In the back, and has eine* died. A horse was (dabbed, attached to a carriage In which is said to have been Bitting the wife of the officer who ordered the charge. The wagon and carriage were so wedged in that they could not be moved in season to escape the deadly charge. The papers generally condemn the toil Ham and deny both the neceseily and the right to order the charge. On the 6th instant, patents were awarded to Wm. B. Lively and James hi. Cooper, of Pitts burgh, assignees of Josiah Ella, for improve meet in revolving fire-arms, patented Aug. let, 1864, re-Incited Sept. 6th, 1859; George Hender son, of Allegheny, Pa., aeelgnor to himself and George Hutchinson, for improvement in printing presses for addressing newspapers. Ir is rumored in Paris that the State is about to bring an action against a private Individual for the mutilation of Cardinal Riahelleu's head, which was cut off when the mob broke into the chapel of the Sorboune, at the time of the great revolution, and has hitherto been kept as an heirloom in the family of a deputy, into whoa* bands it fell. Au. the difftoultiee to the Democratic party fa New York having been "amicably settled," the two factions as sendiug rival delegations to the State Convention. The difficulties in Naw York Democracy are settled about as often es the ale very queetion, and with muoh the came effect. SUMMER Commanct.—The fact is riow too emit wtahlhhed for any ane to attempt to controvert It, that eel of le denim which often prove fatal to sew ter, are produced by eftaleale. are citrate we vogatetoir, by which the stomach le dbedered, the liver derange s the blood Magnate cad diguale orgths, renders! inactive If act torpid. Cholera, Cooler! Marine, Bake and Cramp Cholk, Dyeaatety.Dierrhosa and such lit. complaints gee mines and thrive open improper food and often time be. come ea deep seated and filed awn the constitatke, that the *tromped and noietactire mineral lhedlothesare unable Warred their progies mail the patient is prcetzele and all bopee of relief *needed. Moo is It that hes cot iven a as., healthy lobe or witutt, asked with one of the sane ly* desks .bees mocha° of, and despite the &LIU and el ms, id mailed sagatlemen literally smote array cedar the treat:x.7,h •td bow leads trethootht to b• weeded (a. dimply by the lack the indeed of enitelewring wow remedy to .ley the Willey strength of the afflicted, eel at the am, time check the epee In Its proems, the remedy prescribed seed la the ezeinefort of the tetanal strength, acid et the the the disease no mastered th• rehrer was prostrate, sad Lamp ta aide. reaction the pekoe died from the effect cf the poem aeniesterod to 'moot the diem. Hato with nemuvra 1101.1.1ftlit OlTTgalft each easel:peel eaftway of eq.:ekes meter, and each have not wily proved themailne the bet Look in ea, but Lee aster failed II cornet allawden of Ma ...kb and bowel. when base tweeting to directed. In the cunt cif SammerCompleinte they have uo cane. Try thee at one. Ease Caltrinlro—Ttla Gentitnehlghly Conentned tom. hawee Meade Wee le pat op In hail Oa Let . only, end reeled at $1 ye bete. The great embed to, tee Daly Celehreel atedelsor has italted sothy heltatee, which the peek elsouldelard age et parches/us been looliatitie I Se mai es, 60.11 ill CI, theist, .1 .rrel wee you boy _ W p i.2. 4 l 4 Kre Ali t i :F.ow. P eo g id j' aa 1 4 1.1 '. :C; " suftzlearli DTSPIPSIA.—WiIson's Pills ate tilt beat in o Yr.° mu noly upon Moir bore In Il6tr cararle• sffcbt• Pbyth - fans tan adeltzdatarad hart Eminent astaamon fried them . PrearbuL Lawywri and Itionmdl of Prat of them In the hl;bwit terzn• In tact, Ilury ems yy•blda fty D7bynn•i• Awl dioramas albs stomach and tort I. Sob! by EL L. IF•11bIXH20011 • 00, % bubt..l, Dro,. gle.s. Ku (0 Wo.I /lino{ Plltabar•h. 6.6 PAD abbiTHEIMtIHO. WILSON, PAYNE ar. CC., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ' 013017153, N. 'Ol Wood street, Pittsburgh. HaTo ...vr in n.n• •toil stork at Wit. I. EBSIIITI ..0. 1/01.1.1.•11 1. • ILMILLIMIL W.:l/ . E. HCILMI RTT. Ar. CO-, WHOLESALE 8 RETAIL 51 ANUFAC TOMBS 111 D DEALERS Hi H 0 OT'S AND 23110 No. 31 Fifth Street, Thank Block, 1=17417 vary lug. Si“:t.."k ,r td,N1:1,7.r Taeetrtr6ie dozeoss t., pnrcbases 011 sod azasds. E SCHMERTZ 1 co, al /Hag st N EW STORE, NEW 00()Dil ,s c. PO NEW TORT( CITY, Liar. recently t.tioneel ea entirely now Stork el eleweht DRE:,:i AND FANCY GOODS, (At the o ld amid-4th. It. White a Co,) co. riEt Market Street Between Third son Imme. streets 0.01 the no of Now York, lo dolly por•Akoonog Ili. Watt and osos wt.; 10. o•I t-1 L 3 GF /Z) Uf vary deeettitti.e •r 1 they arantee le aell at h.', if tt. NE Y ORE Ktlolo6 Their Rork of Hike, Marla., hl.e rile, filaukeir. Pile Robe., Cieriletrierrio, • eh:4kt, Ylenoele. Poplin., thiLialuee, Mantle, dheetiers. Valericias, Ileide, Velvet., tramieke, Velour, Chintzes, lloalery, riepkine, Poll! d. Clievra,Pritits. fillovoe i Totrellee. With every other kind of IliAm, Furnishing and Dsmestie good, Together with • foil and roroplate usorlynaut of goods loe humorous to be ateumerattel, adapted to lb. natenh Whea t Oeol Isamu, hamealawl 4ovlAP Woar, le woe. re . ... 3 They Ewe oat call trot. sear, person who may matt Wile wleartleauwet, that lth tt way be attle to lutig, lot them eelree Tbo atom a spun Una 11.4 A VI till o'clock. P. AI ONE PRICE. NO InEVIATION. Prim. mArked In plain Flgulse. velEhlm.l ir CENTRE HAT OTORE, 7a WOOD e 3 Ft. 1E 'l* H ILLERMAN & COLLORD Aro now pteoted lo me'el the dee:nada of Mom land luny wow HATS, CAPS ANDLADIES' FURS. 10 (1SONGS OF SCOTLAND.—dIusiQ mut Words. The mat complete collection of Wetland, laullmeetal and Thsmoross llootch Hone), lamed In one volutes. Price 600: Tor sele by JOIIN IL MELLOR, el Wood strut. Copt., MOM on 'sculpt of the price. stlo PURE BRANDIES, Wines and Liquors of OM, drocruptloo for romitclool moon* kept con. 'rattly on hood by onlo JOl. FLIMING. T HAVE just received a large stock best Ifalr, Nall and Tooth Brathee. Alto, a general asiortment of toilet artichn and Perfumery. .1510 .108-PLEMLNO. YOO can buy the largest Cook or Heating &ate In the sty at the ItcuOtty Elate and Tln Worn &mum of W. W. 1111.11DSCIAW, N 0.134 Wood Et, First door below the Moo of the Golden Gut. DATES-25matte New Arabian just reel and for sale by eelo 11.6,3181:Ca AIirDSRSON, 89 Wood et. L01:116V/LLE tattlK-40 bbla. beet quality White IJme store and few Ws by • J. D. CANSIELD I CO. SEED WHEAT arriving daily and for sale EPRiNCIRR qualm:ion * co., an • No MS Mat, at. LORAL—Noe. 1 and 2in kitta, and 0, - 3111 'minted, 6.1 r ale by .1. B. CANFIELD CO. - 110111DES-100 prime Dry Flint in store for j.j., oh by - 01,10 j ILARBAtlatt W. FitlT - o„bbitiggE'dra ixiVtgor Timm mg.: 411 W bbl C-now Jpsf .T.Y; - O. Cip/Ttrailt co.• _ _ 114113-1 taittitsrantto. k M.O VA y __ JOHN S . LEE, BICECLI,NT remand hint ootittliannont to PIANO FORTES r r E subsmber ha,t now on hand a most 1. eplemild simk of Piano, cousietiag 1134.4 7 Co les... le Hato sad Carve.] Car. :f the met elegant der extption, hem the relehremd Factory of CM:kering The histruumute are •I 1 pr All 3.1 elf h their leteat Improve l,oWnht, Repeating-. 1,,, F.B. /Lem mem, and &roof Meer ENLARGED NEW SCALE, By wh1..1 a murk larger .cod hoard la obtained, r 011 . ,. quently the Woe Is rendered very powerful, yet retaining meet mid musical quality. Ey the pelf. lion of the At , p RUN ES— , li on , the perform, 1. sootaw to prmliwe all grades of v.v. IS roue Bordeaux, In Ow. top Jan; kam inonUitimn toftrtirsimn, with the grealeet b do do la Macs boles; 109 kegs Ger rucking, : A BOVA' PIANOS ere th. Toss. of ley the beet artists wad mitts to our reientry . — dent reed d Ler wsle by ILETUER ANVERSON, B 9 Wood , THALAMI() myr —.they are teyoad rompartma Mehra? Gehl oppc . l ,, lb . 01. seen lu theiljultsd Statue, and will romper. ft- GORU EOUS COLORED LES-A-PObIPA- GUaTell;ll4:irir 'r — t 4 m h w a n op " luton erlaLit I • • NO. I UAILEAT Stalin' N.14...4 to N. 114.141. 9.4 u PRESII ARRIVAL OF FOB MAIN FRUII 200 boosa Bunch Adidas; 260 do Low do J 6 drum Button* do 100 boxes Volottota do (Jr rocking' GO half boxes do do de 60 calks lout. °arrant., Just recalled and [oriole t, Rlllllll¢6L A kN D MESON eelo N. 3G , Wood et.. Di/waken. Chu!. - - -...- DOUR R011121ne• etyle Well Mika Iferinoa ed Ulna ie.. ago. lreefZe - nini -T r i e7l, P eti ' c k ti n ntl w r 4 n i' liel b d e Chevies, Cfilotoes, DeLeloe, Pop 1101, Dareie, die noeiiiimiel oat 0 Vii: That Ea , olilMe 0 0 Pio/. Oiatinserea Oeeeinieree, Ginn:mita Broad 04041/leed Mama, of ion., with nicely eriaolentee, 10 midi children, Wawa end edidliK but received end Oilentd read• for enhiLition. (Pram the Naha al lotelligeorer, Wutiingion *ale 0. 11/0010N LOVE, 71 street. 'The) can safely Lea contperlsou eiltb inzirnmena frdm '7- PURE COD LIVER OIL—A fresh supply al two standard hrkede, rir Likeroan, k Co'. Mill J. 0. Bkker &PA Cod Livks Oilcan drays be hkd JON. ➢LRNIHO's, Comer Mat het stroll sod the Dtameed IMEITEI ANNUAL reNt Allegheny County agricultural Society, Western Pennsylvania and Ohio, 1316 14th, 16th and 10310 I=l CLAEIEL PRE3IIOIIO Amounting to gnarly 9.1,000 Fair Grounds. 9th "Warr', .PITTSB UI-10 IL_ TENTS and other erections provided fur the display of the Mechanic Arts.D.itnestla and Household Goods, implements, Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers. Co. end Sheds and Eltalle for Horses. Cattle, Sheep and Awing, and Tables for Coops of Poultry. GROUNDS ABUNDANTLY SUPPLIED Wall WATER W.dnesday, Thursday and Friday Abundance of aunt power sill be provided for the run ulna of machinery, le. KiM;;;II;1111=1 Articles sent for eshibltlar, should ha addresai to either Clan. J.!. NEGLIT, W. 11,1111 CHILL, Esq., or DEN/AMIN KELLY, Esq , Baposinteudeuts, carefully lobelia], with owner's name and reiddauce. reCelred and axhibitor'a tickets throbbed at HALL & SPUR'S Plow Warehouse, reroer Cull's alley sod PM) street, after August tlinh, 1669. Hay and Straw QBATIS for all sonlnisle entered for sr bibltlon, and grain lowest price. Sir All entries mud be made on fierrsterre Books no or before PUIBDAY IVENINO, 13th of September. All sr tides and animals, except horses, must be brought within the encloatre by Toeaday woos. HOMO admitted on ISM neaday morning, bat meet be entered previonely. &dr Companion beyond the Etat. cordially tuViled mir Vigilant eight and day Mike. ADMISSION [ahlhitata Utica* 81,00 comben of the Society. I=l air Ten tteketa for $l,OO, your tick eta, 60 cent. fir Ma& admlosion, 15 man Vab1.14% and bomb will ho all:Andel to the ground at the following Ora hon. vehicle 916 mote; . I g !:= 7b 15 72 " 7:10 0r rt letTeopr loltrait ra • B. IL. care 6111 In in most.; coscoannlcettioo VIII. the /round.. Uttar& addttemet to ROBERT DIcENIGEIT, 21eJtol* Cortoslotledlos Bactotary, 9'641E11:m4h. FIiEPOIN GELIWIG & CO., .12 0 P/C B AND T w I IN NB Of a firm and descriptiotm Warehouse, 489 , cor. Penn and Walnut !its Two paares store the PRIV •CR Prulght Depot, CIEMEMEI TO BRIDOE cobalt ACTORS.—Sealed Proposals will be received et the oaVeei or the Coooty Cum.:elselocate of •Ilegb•OY W•0r.0•• , ... 1 Cdot , e• exalt 10 Weida, A. hl of September leth,ovaa the Around. et I 0 o'clock. A. lOtti there roe the tr."... 00 • BIWA" ACELOAS PUCK ItTr MIRE. et PerwarEt 31111—the creek beteg the In hetstude the two cwitttlere Ppm !Myer, feet moue work to be done by the perch. Oapentructore hi the fu.4 :luta I'Leca 001 oyeertAraticos 7111 to exhib. teed on tbe day of lettio, eo93ldAltwi lle Ox o n Of 0.31,1111,1..119. STOVES, GRATES AND RANGES! W aves, Grates sad Ranges! BISSELE, 2s:. NO. 535 LIBERTY STREET. 0005321 4 70, P.A.•RT-,013 HEATING STOVES, Fine and Common Ennmellcd ORATE FRONTS AND FENDERS, And the 0.6bret.,1 Capltcl and Eagle COOKINQ RANGES II rat watt thi CUT Mt. RAN , i6 that SG mad, ull •I BISSELL s CO.'S It Ton ermat the BZAT COAL WOE Uhl STOVE. call and gat the VICTORY," ➢LADE BY BISSELL i CO If you tract tba Silr2T MOP C , ol:llFrt C.TOVC. and gat the BLACK OAK," MADE BY BISSELL & CO I f,. are ball Slog n hours, ILO want the BUST FINISIL and LAMEST STYLE of GIiCATE:'FRONTS Call ho EWELL • CJ. , .o yon mum t toll to La plostoid as they h.¢ the Lunt sod Ilea seaortaisot lo this Ilos of business to he band lo the city. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED .41 ... BY TLI6 MIS Fenn • GRAFF & CO. 123Z1:1113 STOVES FOll TILE BEST COOKING RANGE FOR FAMILIES, WWI largo Weed Door for Ihrowfrag to Onal AND BEST WOOD COOK STOVE DIPLOMA FOR BEST LAUNDRY STOTR. Alao, on band • largo 'Portman! of I:hating Store., Plain and Fancy Grata front., Pandora Pad and Dog Irons, Pupa Stith', Wogon Balm, Hollow Wane, ie. GRAFF W., SO. 245 Liberty AT THE HEAD OF WOOD lITRREI, ae2-Iyd PMesnaon, COOK STOVES, • Paricr gtom, Cerz eta..., Ilmtlng ELMO, Lanuaresb . Eton', Frsokll2 Morel Charcoal atom, o Stoecs. The beet Galactose assortment of &ores to be found to the tee, cake, le at the I= Ceti Bt.* sod Tin Wereboueo of W. W. BRADSHAW, 'No. 114 Wool strut, eo9 first door Weir the sign of the Odell goo. SUNDRIES -50 doz. fano} , Core Brooms; 23 do =lot tad !loathe . 10 do do Wag lo key asaortad !falba 60 boys No.l Bali. Boare, .26 do Variegated do 10 do Mould and Dippad Candles; 10t, Ihtde No 1 Dila Bait, coat 14.1 a, i'vr 041.14 mad 0. 11. IFLOYD a. CO. BUOKE'rS, TDDK KEPLER/3, And gurythiog In Wood and Willow for meta by serndkorT SAMUEL RIDDLE, 11 Dta.moad VRENDD SEED WHEAT.--100 bah portad hutch Wtwit esprrll fur seed rectlrad and for wte by J. B. maorrrt co, erl 16 Water end 92 front .tri.t. 6AUIIRS---12 bus. choice ()rafted Fruit P fortzeserclig; rat% sad far oak op egg - WIKTII CO. . . . 1600 BUSHEL S Prime Yellow Corn i n nrwearew b • t hiss's AN MircUantalui: ims SCALE fffilli soy pea of the 17 , 01.1;'10 — p:1;171 - tor;:, - , *Mani b and Owe licit; of tomb.. II I From the ow Orlmna Piz., ono l .For excellence of in lariat, elegance t.f flolab, end 1.416- Mina. of warkmanahl , and above all So w volume and v slaty, mallow .teem , brilliancy and pannanenre of L.e, they arennuinalled." IF re m .- rom a Family Journal I 'The peculiar mask I gala', La belonglog Ind be CLick eying Inatraments, are full, inoalcal, rich en powerful tons, free from any wooden, noisy, londoces of sound, audio. agreeable to the senaltive toualcal war. Trey have sler an ray, even and plefmenl touch, and will bum In tuna batter than say Piano. known.. The pobllc are Invited to call and arando• [bore ,plandid lostmulanta, which are sold at FACTORY PRWEB AND WARRANTED. aO2O4AwF JOUR U. MELLOR, 61 Wood arrest. OLD and YOUNG AFFIRM ITS TRUTH, Professor Wood's Hair Restorative UT ILI. PRESERVE, INFALLIBLY, TILE trrosetA and calor of the hair, If used two or three tlnies• week, toast Imaginable age. Perfectly restore the par rover the hold with natures own ornament, the hair, make It more eon nod beautiful thou soy albutd present the scalp (roe from all &eau*, to the greatest age: States, man, lodge., Attorneys, Mortara Clergymen, hottaelanal Mao and Gentleman and Ladles of all claesiat, ell over the world, bear testinyoor that we do not say Likt ninth In its fart,. Head the fallowing, aud Judgs•— PROTESSOR e. Tile LOAM% PI ArasT, Nays, OP tn. arrival In the United Plata the was rapidly tvisouring gray, Lot on apnlyieg Wood's flair Iteatorativa hi. hair in m rercrorad Its original boa. _ OARDEIN, N 1111.14 ittreet:N. , say. the gray hairs on ttLe head ware, al tar a fu• treoll'a trial, turned lain • dark bruvrn at the Iraan time bearagyiug 1101 ablJE.l,il4 11. n Emir A. O. RAYMOND, Rath, Maine lei. he bilanw !sixty yoirs old, wad hi. heir a w l trbLekete wale two-thirds gray. bat by the nee .f two bottle. ht iteetoratlve (be gray baba .here disappeared, oath on his head - .ad and le more toll and ulnae) then for twenty Ave y Mrs previons, Ilie ulfie, at the ase.l two ; thee need it kith : the same effect. • lelLr.Y JO/INSON, Eeq.. of Nen Of I.neeay that be lost his hair by lbe Yellow Front, in ttht. ilaad Woo-Ye Bair Restorative...l hie bolt le now thick and • gloay. I.kl.lll.DDLt4•dff7, Livingston, Alabama, cay. the Restorative Lae done moth hood In tai part oldie country. tie need it for baldneme. end new leas a One bead of hair. T. L. HOERR. Lebauon. Renlocky, may. be tee aeon Neale heir Restorative In hnadveda of C.. 01%. andbover toms Ir to foil In . ail it professes to do. A I. ALRCN, ideloinceborn . , Minot., gays be Lad the meld head eleit yearly ant was bald, oral by the liberal lima Wood's hair Rsetuts. tire, hether hes rich glassy head of be, Aar Rudd by .11 Braggirts, cod by O J Nihed (10, 410 Broadway, flaw York And 111, Markel atm; 81. Loots, 1110 Sold In Pitteleureb by Pg. 000.11. HETBKR, II I. lI IINLRd'oOII 4 10 , sod all Draggle , . lanU lief • THE UNDERSIGNED lIA9 THIS DAY ==l CORRY, wild will rarillatie the umr of the ii Lb KO 911 1.111111111 2TREM.T “pp.-it. l'a,le I=l =III 2.olCri. rwotr . W. GORMLY & CO., 177 HO 1,7E1 f 3 AZH GROCERS, The School of blutirtaal EngitTuriug; *rota...lure and Topographical .l 4 Mechanical Ursa ing &re lortirded In the Engineering mono, and the most extended Yield .n 4 Let...tory preciirt le •Burnal. The Beventb Annan.. Soesion ...ill begin on MONDAY. 8cp..191h, 16W. For Matelognee and further Information address DR. .A L. KENNEDY , OVIBI N g D I_T lEC - - PITTSBUROU I A NiipAcTuttE.; le. , 1111 Liberty Slreet, Plctsbnrgh, P• 6••12.1p LOGAN dr. GREG*, IMPOITES R )F HAHDIVARE, NO. 5* WOOD SI TILENT, cu. D'ory SI finis. Haar, 0.1) . 4f,a Pfl r3He ROE/. o P ESTSIS;Iste or La'west sr L.. t 0 arno, Pit Nl', GEO. O. BRYAN & 00., Commission Merchants, vol Till SALE OP PIG IRON, BLOOMS, tic, No. 52 Wood St., Pittsburgh. RIMSZNAS—Lgoni. abort, it Co., Pittsburgh: Lying-Ono, Caption! ACo Pittsburgh; Thns. IR_ Franklin, E.y , Lan caster, How &mon Cameron, Harrisburg; Bryan, Gardner , Gollidaystica i r, P. 140 load THEI ENTERPRISE Insurance Company OP PHILADELPHIA, Insures Against Loss or Damage by Firs an Buildloss. llerohoodilse. Fur alto", ate., at Reasonable Rates of Premien,. Inatteolci.—l. E.trbror3 Starr. W Ul.m WE...of Wm. 11% ea A Oo ; Malta° ►ratter. J.. Al. Attrund ; cf Atwood, Whlta A Oa; Benj. T. Tredirk, of Metal, Stokes A Co; Henry Wharton; klordacal L Damon; Geo. IL Meant. cr &smart A Bra; John 11. Brown, of John 11. Brown A Co ; B. A. Ifaboastonk, of B. A. TahlaesLack d Co; Andrew U. Cash; J L Err Inger, of Waal A En Inger. V. RtECLIFORD STAKR, Proo.tot. Cat. = R. Cos s, Sec rotary. himEnloe IlltriznEs.—Fl'rn. Li:4nm t Co , J. ['sluts( /I 11.. b Thomas it (laws, EN J. Marshall, EN, All. litracri , er. EN, Wilts., /tVElmy Co., Wilsos, Payola t Co, Ballsnlroust s a, Llslogatom, (\ Tolstoi CoA Co, Jams, It 14 , 213 & 00, Wes s. Lsvely a Co OFT.OYL DRI Ad & CO , Agents, Jr.93 , 5md No 42 {Coat !lima. Assurance Company, NJ. 1 110OUGATF. srucrr, LONDON ESTABLISH ED IN 1836 CAPITA' 20,202.1100 00 PAID UP CAPITAL AND eURPLUS... 2,101,111 U 2 AMY UAL IIatVENIIII, fir Ibe yeat amt. lI g isonaryll, IF'.5 033,924 13 THIS COMPANY IN:TRESI AGAINST Lea or Damage by Iflra, almeat •very daacrlellort of Vroparty. 11te Rates t Prentema arr anodirafr, sod, to all cams, baud epos taa character of Oa earner ur ocme pool, and lbs morns of On MA. UM, promptly adJastal anJ poLl withmot re:4,meg to Loodati. 4 spciat old fo.l prnooltd Phaa.l4l - for payment o orsetin tAii country. 1.1.11058 111 PITrir1711.011: Me,... JwroaiilcOully , 174 Woodstrw..t. •• .44t0 Floyd & Co.„ 173 " Drown 2 Eirkpatrlcke, 143 Liberty atrvt • D. Gregg rt Ca. Ca Wood stryst: & !Do., 44 Wood strect; ! was, Jams . llcCusdleas & Ccr, 103 " - Nimlck & Co ,01. Water street; D.A. Fabneatock & Co., Fleet and Wad streets; " Jos Woodwell & 00, Second and Wood streets; Atwell. Lea /1 oo,Wond etrei,t; " Burchfield! ON Fount and Market Crest.. McCandient, Mown& Co, Woad and Water Gm annaacse IIN PIII2.IDELNIIa. George El. Stout, E.q, 18 Bank Greet. M 00.... Myers, Clagborn &Co , Met kat street: " Wm. ld'Hee & Co., ra South boat stre..xt; I , PCutcnoton & Oolllns, Front and New es; .1 " Smith, Wi ll.m, a Co., 618 Martel street; ' " Jams Graham & Co„ 28 and 22 Lettue street; Joseph 8. 1 111 , 1.11.Pr051d. id 1 ecnlce sa. ilsok; James Dunlap, r -K, Elam Book; Mon. W. A. Porter, late Judge Supreme Court. JAMES W. ARROTT, Agent, je72:lydis TemponryOJ➢