. Cavieu:=--Thisloiletiailettir. from a• planter of West Doted Bine to the .Aristocale, du:tribes a e ingatar mid remarkable carittril the beaks of she Idissitialppi River in that Parish. The „....t sbreantroilreti yards ',below lhe point known as I t eOltina's, ; the caving limien about sunup, and wheniarilied•thitre, at 8 o'clock, it bad gosiela iberit. hilt an - sere in depth. and was crumbling in rapidly. - The noise made by she mu attain g of the earth itii ito continuous that it resembled alletardthiunler. linen I returned at. anntionn_it hid - taken in the bowie of the Isidore Otidcan,atleitit no tteneut from the bank, she Invite 'bet barely time to t 50310, baring saved onlyhalf her furniture. It had also taken -in a large. oak tree behind the house, at least 75 feet in height, which had disappeared entirely, and the caving extended back to an old gin some distance in the rear. Upon measuring with a 'line the next wonting, the depth at the mouth was found to be 80 feet; over where the house " 00 d it we. 75 feel, and 50 feet as near the bank where it had caved as It wan safe to ap proacßy the, known lines of ihe proprietors in fro ,it is about 180 to 200 feet wide, and 250 steps 700 feet In depth. W'h 1 eramniug the cave to ascertain its probe le causes , wo found that two springs were issnin from the point where it had caved, one of them dischogiog nutoteand, until, by the abrasion of the current; the body of it had been reached and discharged into the river, thou pro . duck% the crumbling, of the bank. Another conjocuro was that it might be the ancient bed o f. g reat s which hid is former yearn flowed out from the - Ifiestssippl at this point. The twine taken erne one,of the oldest in the ; parish, and has been' atatiding nearly, half ;century, and nu:fe7t - 94.1m been known to have taken place at this_peinkOf any importance with lin the memory ot•tbenidest inhabitants." A wistToa to the hospitals at Milan says: "I em told that fOur Austrians to one French or Piedmontese die from - elieer-moral reasons; besides that their Wounds are luflaitely more den ; gerous and peinfut. An 'Austrian bullet goes ;right through a fellow. said ono of the doctors to ith Me, and either tallim or does little damage; ;but flie French ball is like a thimble, hollow, Viand in the Interior is a three-cornered piece of lead which rebouode sod cameo hideous conto !glans. The wounds, too, inflicted by the rifled cannon are hideous to behold. Poor wretches iltsliane, Hungarians, men of every nation, torn !from their homes to fight for a cause that is not ;theirs." Tux Ttatrf Born MA311..--Blondin is the pro pallor of a mania among the boys. A little friend of ours iejust now walking round with his-arm in a sling, walling for &collarbone to unite which I was broken in imitation al Blot:din the Great. lAt Lockport there are numerous eases of this , sort, the worst being a fracture of the thigh. • Young America must be cuefal. Tight rope walking is undoubtedly an elegant accomplish ment, and should be introduced in young ladles' boarding schools, hut only tinder competent in. • 'traction. It is one of the Tina arta, and not to be mastered by every aspirant.—Buffalo Com. A cosrawroassr, wishing to be didactic, is sadly perplexed by the types, which make him say: 'Alma full of sons is like Lebanon with its cigar', but daughters by the fireside are like the cores of Sharon. ' The cedars of Lebanon and _Atte roses of Sharon have their action for may hem. Abosa the line of the La Crime Howl, a few miles above Horldon, says the Mlle:ankle News, is a eignboard, ort7whieh is painted in large let ters, so plain that "he who rune may read:" "As both of us are so poor, don't run over my cattle. H. H. Emma." TS. McRAE, JLJ tiering experimented with medinm, in the treatment of dismays for years, laying aside ell prejudices, hes examined In thm meantime all the nriou• systems and whoa, of , medicine and hare selected such remedies nit can damen- stride to be ufe and el:Oche:it Meeting all mineral poisons. To remunerate diemee le comparatively an easy rasp It le the coring of chruisk disuses that requires knowledge mut. blued with patience and perseverance tempered with kind. usu. It le In the letter claw of disease. - where physician. usually Make their &inured. Basing given the du of di. ml sperial attention, I prates. to be prepared to treat all "shrank 'diseases with poetise mamas. I mann all that are suable curs unless It be asuditlonally, es that patleist. may depend upon my declaration. 'profess to treat sot,. usehilly all shrank discuss of the Lange. Lim Bronchia - " -- arls,Rheutuatisus, end all dungeons:dent ittlastrul Piies saccesebidly treated R the use at the knife; an ... treat wily neural , by the nuns of In tram thirty to or math additional pain pirp:ll,%p%, , rirtmqmit Cancer In all I. e.., without the ase - 7 17 '- , hat. treatment. If patients vitl strictly obey My leatr. C.., I .11 gear..ee eatlsfaction fo all came where oo disorganisation of the vital organ has taken place. The beat of references can be Orm from citizens of It. Louis, vb. I bare dented toy practice for tholeeet three year. 'lf hare nor In my office Cancer Tumors weighing from to 2 pea.. that I have removed with, muse. nit.ut the ma of the knife. For further p.tionlers physicians and others ere Invited to call and examine Lr Da. PIaILLE, OGG ULIST AM D AULLIET, Gives epoinail attention to dilemma of the Eye and Ear. In thlactimste where the Eye le subject to Kr many &wane, "'bleb arefstal to the delicate etrueture, all person. afnimeal *hoed attend to the fertlent symptoms, &vetoing moon aal ftting and probable blindness. Letters from • distanse, containing one etamp, will re. Trive prompt attention, Address Ben 1Z92, D. MOLE A, M. D., Et. Lout+, Mo. OPYICE, NO. 25 Nona FIFTH EIT, Between Pine and Chesnut etreete, one samara from the Court Heim, Pt. Louts, Mo. anlB.dtvlyP New Stock of Melodeons UST RECEIVED, a splendid new lot of tlelodoone, froth the factory of Mason t Hamm, Bow too, including all the styles made by Ibis firm. This make of instrtirneute balm hart approved by the greatest mml - the =mar/. as Dr. Lowell Mallon, Ow. P. Boot, W. 41 Bradbury and ealiera—cor.sequeritly they mut be relied on ed being first elan imarnmetts. Tbey are noted for the following points: • I. Their pure and musical quality of tow. Their great power of tow. 3. Their quality of two. 4. Their prompt and easy touch. 6. Their beautiful style of finish. 0. Their durability. 7. Their chi:apnea of price For tale only by—. JOHN 11. MELLOR, Cl Wood at. Descriptive circulars scot to any Mdse.. mylii PRICES REDUCED BOOTS AND WOES °REAP FOR JAMES ROBB, 60 Market street, Is ncrir gaff og off Me forge and eroll selected stock of BOOTS nod 8110 En at'rery reduced prime, tonalettog of . 14dio, Misses and ad!dreadltkra Ellppzra and kaury flboos of all descriptions. !Ina', Boy's and Youth's Bono, Shoe., Orford Ties, Gal era, opento. All of which he it now soiling at greatly reduced prima— l:ldle= and wooer, a bargain. J 023 JANIES TtOlittl. 89 Market street. GIL CHR IS T'S CELEBRATED [MEM RAZORS AND TABLE CUTLERY neteind nod for rah, by J. N. BEULLELNBEIGER. & CO , (Elaccepare to B. 'lluolip,./r4 sa4 ll= GUNS, CASTWRIGITT & YOUNG No. 80 Wood Street Invite the attention of Sportsmen and others to their meg . clSomst assortment Of 2110 T GUNS hev two ninny of oho linett troop.. *Ter oanibitol. Cittrt Ifurnltnro, Ammunition, to., Ac , couttantty on band. .ul3 SUNDRIES -1000 cats Soda d.b, (common braadk) 400 du do, (redood,) - 60 do 000100 Alkatt; 600 bag. Nitrate Soda; 100 do Saltpotro, 500 bozos Window Glum (aim ted 11..4 Bur aide by ALEXANDEN KING, acil No. 73 14berty..Gaet. TIRE BRICK AND:par CLAY.—Having 113 twu appointed Agents tar the sale of Os Mahouts; Yaw Back and Pot Clsy, aura at II taws road yto 'apply customers wan say quantity sod of • saperforeitmllty. Tao attentions/Cases alAnarectarras Is .pvt etiLerly al. rectal to mar Pot Clay, whirl we will warmed to be • impo stor article. oatowroa.lk SON, ja26 N 05.141) and 161 Wood street. A'COTTAGZ and 3 acres of Land, 1} miles from the Court llottoogsoo bearlog tram—apple, peach, cherry, Lc; abets troci and small holt.; bowie sir. ranged with fat wide, 2 parlor.; dining tram and kitchen; 6 bed chamber., 2 collars mid Moreavacm portico la iltemt stable, carriage home; La. Toe allhation Is pleas . Act sad healthy and la • good risighbersiood: • .all of good :water,-, alio • large ciders, for Boit water. Will be sold Of exchanged by:. 8. 131111113ERT a 80N, 6t made at. 7-E4l 4 —No. 1 - blackeral; 4 F.- 4- •,.- " — go. , I Ea lmo. N. 1 Item Bhad . • N. 1 Nees Idederel, In RIMY, White Pleb In ben burbly. tor sale. wholesale gad renal by Pli/LNOWII -madly Grocery and Tan Store, Pante street, Allegheny. N.N.-Gads delivered free of charge. tun IPWO ,BUILDING LOTS, in the "old- poor tnrm J. booth" pLan,Alley„hiny city. Me fro both, $4.60. Fidadieg Lath, 20 by 128 an theabingtob street, thew:, Price, $lOO each. For rile by meth CUPHDEB.7 it SON, 01 Starke et. MO. VT COLWELL. Si'. FOR SALE—A prick Dornlltnr, of ball, lax roam, bath zoom cellar and atticObagle trees end ebrubbern fat t° .l b ,„ 7 SO asap; very pleasant 'citation, all la good omq. $2,710. Tann bub 8. cOTRDIRRS a SON, 61 Harlot Al, NEAR KILBUCK STATION—A ama P.. of twenty. Ore sens—t.r.ir. to ealtifstiotiv • mainder le woody, a small bow* ardatatohl aver-ratio . mina, te. Price. A4l& Per ate be a.al4 B. COIIIIII6IIT rk BOX. 61 Market great MINOLISLL MUSTAltD—Gennine Coleman's latistod In" Poond keg% 4 ad o, a ...I 10 pound caw, far gala at wholoaale and .0.1 at ?VANUA% Family Gro. To. atom Pedant atm% Allegheny. dallearad free al chug.. VALUABLE SEWICKLEY PROPERTY FOR BALEI.I my well built dwelling 42*A, sr. arraaged, 7 rooms the dr* door, aide portico that and par. la theme-6 rooms ou the second story— a law c 011 4 .01% asr.ofgroaott, fronting the river, and .torid.rg tack to the railroad, fn the station, tor sate by •.. 13.01.1TtilidRT VON, el Motet sc MORE NEW PRlNTS—Ginghams,checks, .o.l•ViclOnEs. Dialog's, Muslim now rtyle Wars, adl oPuffld 0./141E801i LOVE, N 0.74 Market. BOWL I$S-117 dry Flint !lido; #.ll led du esltid dot a and for sale by SCAINpEIb 11ARBAUEUI kW, LOUR-200 bblet. Extra Family raced and formai try MB /121,1) 00. - - i RN NNW 43001)8 opening almobt, dal , A !ELL LINE of 81,/ ,, x0: . gto of . 4 ,, , ,, c5 i1i . 1 A. nearsort LOYS;7I garluit Msbd. Q • s. ~, ark in: state and Rot ja ; and stapl. rrailltas*lVaykYLbeltl: ....-- .•. . 1 w ... ~ .VW • C. EANDOHLUB. 14 ilerktt 'trod. gib py -- . Baal, 9.6 . 03 &pl. , j: f . , ... r - ,,% 1 . f .,. : 5 ' ,.. .= .., V- 1 72 - '. %,4-'4 - •- t: ;;,*',,,,,.,;',.;!•:.,.-!-:,',,.. SF9Z•ZILIC' GOOD FILRISL, FOR SALE--115 , ncreb, to lanes flint the eliVontbeltrrirtille blaik rod. At. - goodalensiting beam of 6 rams. wadi boom, pump sad; wail aeon ware; s brick bun, stable sad nsdnige tut =1,660. Orchard of clinks frnl4 brick spring news of two *toting, s banding Sabhed of kw • store. and doing goO4 butane. Rtni team we all In. good order. Seventy Sera in evdthationa tbs balsam in fine Umber; garden P olo d . 130,1 e. Pairs ISOM. ,snag &ODTBBYSTA SON. 61 nwks , Tr-- WO FINE DRAUGHT ILORSEs4N--,_ :a. TOE BALE-Bah albs= Kama and true a/DM rurpect: are well tubed to constant raaulhE and herd woricouul would be yoluatde to =ay_ weubul • . teem for such tarp.. WELLS, RIDDLE CO.. oral Na So Fatah street. VOR SALE OR EXCIldt7 OE.—An improc ed Perm of SY ate+ on tbo Youghiogheny river and Oranellevilla Conrad, 03 miles from Pitta here,. Al.'. • Lot on .Alaba street in Moryaborg, l 2 feet trout by SW deep, with buildings thereon, suitable for • phyMcian Or drOggiot. AIBO, am acres of fbaitie Land, seven mil= south-west of Chicago Alm, 13% sem on the weer aide of akicaga. All or any part of which will to sold on reasonable term. and • long credit silemk on throefourthe of the moray or exchanged for an improved itur.k Perm in Pont. oleanla or 010. For particulars, addles. G. T. GILLIAM, ,in'Ettlef 13barpsburg, Allegheny Co., P. APLEASANT RESIDENCE on Mount Waal:doctor, for Bale.-14 acres of groond—good leaeo all around ift 'raps etre., arrawbearlat. Fear, Peach and apple trees =Taut; ioxoeborrles, Ay *a. A Ontag• Holm of mem, boll, 4 room and Ettoben, wail of water, stable, EC. Price $2,800. Tama sag. For sale by laic 0. CUTHBERT Alt 80N, 01 Market at ACOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. .-10 lan of Land. with Dwelling Mango of 6 moon nod Oellag, good dun, spring and swing hove, • young Otchard of Chad, fruit. Vona eine. sad recite( of small trtdtg situate agatollee from illeghenyCity, on the Peru. tike Plank Road. Pm vim and terms apply at oar °Mal, 61. Nadal street. B. orrnstat h SON, ita Raul Estate Agents. 5000 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND on the waters of Piebing Creek, Weftel Co, TR , at Hi miles from thetown of klanniugton, on the B. & 0. R. R., and about the ram distance from the Parkersburg ft_ 8. The land to well watered, and better timbered land can. not bo found: white, black, andred oak, hickory, poplar, loam; beret, to, to. Many portions of the mil are rich and mould produce grain of MI kinds, tobsoso, to. Price only $1 per acre. Terms may. For wale by JUT 8. CUTHBERT I BON, 61 Haslet at. lOWA FARMING LAND.—The Bubscrib ar. °liar far male or favorable terms six hundred acra• Choloa Leda, situated or Wright and Hacroodc conadloa, adlacont to thaw of Ballarda mean wane of construe. tlon, sad ane tract only two miles fro Oanaty amt. The above will bo sold low for cash, or exchanged for farming lands la this or adlolnlng mantle.. 0020 k ANJER, 124 &wad at. VOR SALE—Drug Store in Zelionople; a -12, good bruittear already eatablletted. Also, Lot •90 frost On M•tn street, on erbicb la erected • frame Dwelling and Eters. ler terms, ac., apply to AUSTIN LWIIIB I CO., sale Stock Broker•. 68 Fourth atreet. FINE COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE OR RENT.—The Butectiber offers for We.llEl or rent that delightrat Conan Beat, now lasMfed by Adam Reinoman, to Rearm Tp., adjacent to Allegheny Oith cumprWng saght sena of chola laud, with modern built Dna Ihrelling of 11 290=4 arson Nona ' Oaring Urn^ Darn, &Wing, Tenant lion* to.to. You anus an undar Grape, shish promise. to to the mat valuable V In. Eltrd In the county. Than ars several hundred Fruit Tr... APS., Paurs,Cherries, Peaches, to e moat of which had ban Imported at great cos; and am In mat condition.— The whole I. prime land, highly cultivated and improved, and .mated to spandrel commanding a dna vies of tha ttni einem mad surrounding earatry. an:dtf IL 11. RYAN. YOR SALE—A tract or land containing Dive and .e half arr., situate 011 the Fourth Street toed, about three Wlc from the Court Come. Will Do cold low for =oh. Ingram or ... . ... . .. . 181311 a KIICIKENZIE, Atqa at Law, No. 03 Yomtb wow. 2.500 -FOR SAIR—A valuable Lot of Groo. , test front ort Fourth et. by 29 Pet deep oat Chanoery,Ln, with • two atm frame Dwelthwt Houma Terms: UM art load; romatoder $5OO per Tear. EL OUTEIBERT t SON, bl Yartel et. Ohio Land tot Bale. THE subscriber offers for sale section ton, tows:gap IS, range I / 80, 11Liteonnty, Ohio, commonly known aa "Bowman's • curt aining kW berm It le situated throe miles wen of ion, on the State Read leading to Wooster, sod within about two miles of she Pitts. burgh. Ft. Wanes and Chicago Raltmet The •oath, mat and north-east Touters are partly eleeroll nod Improved— the remainder la moored milk weeder timber-4nd tin whole te well watered by spring and running ammo— Thle section la considered this Sort body of land in thu county. It will In told touldrided or IA quarters to nit muchness. To those who intro to invest in real swats • better opportunity to rarely offered. . . Na 101 4(11 amt. Pittaiargb 1:5=3 ftrboricultural. drc Rigor PLACE FOR EVERGREENS, to.-22,000 extra doe, grown °ctn. floest hardy re fled" from 83.5 to 8 feea. 50,020 from small to 2 feet. KW erns floe cherry, 12,000 peach nd 2 y.da, One, three yam old, dwarf and standard. Oar Avner, Mack to etwry department la large, which 0 WO titre Its pleenare to allow toot friend. and the petal, Fittebergb and Oakland flareeriee, Oct 22,18 M. ociffni&artft JOLIti MURDOCH, J . To the WDSp 2'raao. E WOULD inform our customers wed% intarotteeL that in hats_poramtel the of HAZLETON • reP 4 Plrral 1100114 of York county, In this kaki; Who frees thk due der-lime badmen in oar Coke, and bare left their note. and ecconnts against parker Went of the Mountains with Ell kr tollretkaf. We will, amen ma palate, waft upon oar cos Waters and those of the Intel:km, Cr the of collect togpliee. artionvits doe, andreceiving their olden for further su One dock le our lugs end well maned, catoptlelng every Mary of Many Whip., Wept% Wkipn Midinp &wider and Laelka, and to tt w. o.k the attention of drat WELLY, CIDDLI L 00., No. bo Fourth skeet GUNS' PISTOLS AND --"-- - - - " The •tleutrou of purchaser@ l directee to ~.ur p Lactim deck of ALL RINDS 01 Flag ARSI2 The nook bad well a - artod that are can null' any kind or prked arespou that easy be deflred. Prices Ims sod •at &factlon Quantitated. CARTWRIOEIT & TOTING, 14a. od Wood attest, D OSIESTIC CUTLERY—The best assort meta POCKET KIVTTES, ' CARTERS, RAZORS. dr-, In tbn city, Rill bo fononi on 000 Wolves. Triune to gait tbo dam. -CARTWRIGHT t YOUNG, Jo No. 86 Wood wren'. CLOSING OUT SALE.- MITA! LINENS MADE OF POLE FLAX 1 BURCHFIELD A CO. Invite the atte4 Lion of boys. went hig Fronting or !Shirting Linens to the entwrior article they keep, end which they the nine to tell very low as they pny these them on the moth wthentethon• corm". Also, Lim. Phirt Fronts, Linen Lewes, Cambric', tinkle, ic., my thenp. lug D ARE CIiANCE—A Brick 'louse and Lot I_4 o cfOrotnid for $.551. , The lot bs. • insist of 20 leer on Pete east, Allegheny, by 100 fort deep on an alley; situate near the Orphan Asylum. The bon.. 2 Mattes end mu. urns 4 rooms and miler; hydrant the yard. Persons wanting to buy a email dwelling home cheap, nor bum the opportunity. 8. C02118158T h lON, 61 Market st. OPENED THIS DAY—Shirting, Checks, Mmihv, Gloghamt, prints, blob /AMU, shut no- Nosy, tc. C.HANSON LOVt, tut N. 7t Alarketttrott. GOODS A REDUCED PRICES. Axe closing our their outtro .Io of 13011111 LR GOODS at goat bargain,. REFINED SUGARS-30 bbls. of the all tenni grades le OMB 11Md Ow We, wholesale sad re tail, cheap at /MIMS Deadly Groosry and Tes Store, Federal sweet, Allegbiley. sal FRESH ROASTED_ JAVA AND 1110 IXIFEE shear.n on biro, of the best quality, and for sale at FRANOrg Family Grocery and Talk Atom, Federal street. Allegheny. .01 PAPER -80 roams superior Batting Paper; 230 " folioount Rag Wriapplog do mod.'sad erowo;160 Ws. Straw do do for silo by ad 4 WATT WILSON. FALL PRINTS--BUttORFIELD & CO. in ord./. to Ore their customer. • Toll assortment &tette& ckslutt out ultr, bare received end sOtted to their dock mow WI Pilot., Strad Elullw, Irish Warta Sod Shirt frodb. ROPES AND OAKUM -20 bat. Navy Oakum; 25 mitt Manilla Rom from to *4 loth: 150 do. aso'd afult Bleultla sod Hemp 800 Con* rt.al• by atA WATT • WILSON ABOUT FOUR HUNDRED TONS of pure Allegheny ' with privilege of house lo Nor. ht, will be bold on elms tor approved cnolorend paper. //or Ws by spa B. U. Ar J. H. tiAti/lIIIL. DRY D —Every variety of Domestic dad Staple Dry (bode sleetys on bead, and a. lier they csa be (mad say place to the city. All our mower deck closing out very low. O. NAME LOVE, le6 N 0.74 Market street, TENN. WHEAT, new crop; 61 aae-ka whits; 5.17 do amber, am lauding. fur 67 aa6 1.14.61A1t DIOILYYt 00. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR-400 bbls Ex tra wad Ent. Pually Ploor, Inspected and of rape not qu.tity, tmr In store and far male by aas W6I.II.OIYTOECON. 11.1A0ON-10,000 pee. Shoulders, Sides and Al Mau, E 0 florae Bow Cored Ilerne, 10 do do Dried Beef. 100 Gbls. Meet Pork, for trate by jai 11.. ROBISON k CO. OILS AND PITCH.- 25 bbl.. No. t Lard OW • Mr D. W. Whale Od; En Machinery du On hand and for male by - Jol7 JONES h COOLEY ORANGES AND LEMONN.- 20 bosoa Orange% 20 do Lemon, 012 C01114111:0013t Od• /11211/10g fo Sabl by Jolt 11.088 AT DICIECER BO Liberty al SUGARS. -50 hbds. N. O. Sugar; O bbis. A Coffee 00; 6 do do do; • 10 do A crashed do; 10 du skandszd do; Io War* and for We by JOIINIIcOILL :ON, Nallls Liberty .trerel. • • DAY ROME AND LEDGERS, Bono Boots, ktemorondom Book., Pon Book.. Fo Stationers . W. G. JOHtiBTON CO, }ROLM Job ['riot. and N0,61 Wood Watt. Jo.SO BUROU - FIELD & CU. aye selling Hems far lOcant; Deal. kr 1214 alas worth Wk. as 60 coots waft 64 And all kiwis oll3crto ram Goodi at Mgt 11ar p ho. J cab MESS AND RUMP PORK, DAWN, onsssz, For ago b 7 . JACSZON s TOWNESND, Jo= N 0.12 fourth areal, 112.. r UNIV. I ENN. WI white, LEAT-140 bush. s ele c t- sd tor KW:, MO d smart tar adnind, In Mme sad eats by EMI '..-, 1 1 4 ; -v",; .:~~~~. iri - i x T y - "Ei;T" .: =Datum cioFt. ' t - B aY L E & cip., _ 5 7`t-4 591 SECOND STREET, 4 1 9. CINCLNNWIrI. OHIO, i........ 111201akF.3 OF FOREIGN LIQUORS AND NIKES; ALCOHOL, COLOGNE SPIRITS Unniphenc, Burning Fluid and Spirit. a TURPENTINE. 51.ofaaarcrr or or.ry dneerlptt.ro or I umcitie Liquors, Wines, Cordials and French Have conetentty on bend ♦nrion+ me. or pare BOURBON AND RYE. WIIISR EY, Peach and Apple Brandy. ALSO, BARATARIA AND NEW IiNGLAND RUM, *a Sole MannMcLaren of the CELEBRATED “ROSE" WHISKEY Agent. for PREDIR:OII GOMM'S JAPANESE BITTERS apIId&WITP t. 3.110111. A.O. MAW., Pearl Steam Mill, a Z. ECENNEIDY & BRO PURCHASED. FLOUR, CORN MEAL MANUFACTURED AND IN PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY: NEW STOCK! 0611PETV , , OIL CILOTIM, IdeTTINJB, 6., AT rn• FOURTH STREET CARPET STONE W. U.. Ff. DI'CALLUAI florpoatfully invite the att.:lMo of &tiling.. rioltio• .nd their eargmers gonerolly, to • loogo rand ruled usortment of CARPETINOS, J.t painted by one of the firm nom la the tousistlng In part of VELVET and BRUSSELS, THERE PLY, SUNK: PINS and COMMON CARPKTINOS. Mao, a large lot of WINDOW SMOAK MASS .5 SUITING OP ALL KINDS, OIL °LOTUS, STAIR RODS,TA DIP AND PIANO 00V8012, An., An., At, All Oartilch n.te prepared to furnish at Gready Reduced Rata for On.. otl W. D. A FL brOA LLCM PAPER HANGINGS uo. open for kopoction and &le. Tiro laiot •tylea of PARLOR, HALL, DINTNO ROOM, CRUNCH Ilany autlraly sow deslg. I. Vit.goaras. Wtiadoe rimIERE IS NO bIISTAKE!—The pro or e, .A. priet whe are old witabliehed subjecting it to th e uttered tests known to themanufacturers tracker. . Italy Mewled, that 811WYERS. 011EXICIAL OLIVE LEASIVIS SOAP combines more excellencies/ire /he amount of wain at which It la mid to desk/nth= buy other lA. bIILY SOAP offered to the American people, ban, Wed, North or &,cik. Of Beauty—ln °More, Inane. and teat ersi. Of Peritt-sountains en mein, cloy, eh oil., Male Hoe adniterattom Of Quail:l4-bn 'reships with all kinds of water, cold, warm, soft, hard or wit i clothes of every description, worm or fine, cotton, linen, woolen or sllk ; dyed prints or white; for rearing ter. gremn, faith, point, oil, printer.. lokohcentakers, wee, etc, Irvm clothes, forniture, and from the head.; tor tenting straw, Coon or palm boonets and hale. It is or, luneet map, Calthililly made. Oise It • Ldr tyW , mourding to the dire:tins. Name Is on each bar. 11.0 A J. IL SAWYER. „ . . Discoverer. and tools manufacturers of Me genuine article., Wood atmet, Pittsburgh, Pa, 'WM B LANK BOOKS, I%KM/tit& C)lol.l . Ystihn, and .eery descrivikun of Blank Botha hand or wed.. 4. order st short nottea, ortto twat tionterinis. end in • snperl or ronnusr, by Wit. 0. J 001.017051 Jab) . Bleak Sark Atakora, a Wend alma NOTICE TO MI PATRONS AND THE PUBLIOGIUNSIL.S.LLY.-llsviag provided ortrecires with a bane acid wave, we are prepared to didiver good. at the residence of parrbseers In any part or the two dile* Humbert. cr Dugan. Borough. WK. TRANCE. I 021 Federal st_, below the Post Otllo., Alloch•os IRON SLATES—Allsizes gold by W. O. JOHNSTON 0 CO, [nyal Statkorrs awl !,7 Wool ol• WOOL WOOL.-100,000 lbs. Wool wont ad, for whlch we mill pay the highest market ;mire la coati. HITOIIOOCH. hIcOIIEART • CO , Jc2. I:1 Second and 161 Trout eta THE ATLANTIC PEN NO. 100—The very ts,o for [mercantile are, matinfortarril for aJel old by W. 0. JOHNSTON IL 00.. mild Butlonera. 17 Wool ##### I'ACIFIO WRITING FLUID—For se* by W. O. JOHNSTON • CO., 14¢11 Prattcaork 67 Wood stroed. 'MRS. ALLEN'S WORLD'S ILAIR RE 111. STORMR.—A Jtatly aelebroted grad° for rostoting gray balr or ablators to Their original life sot., /or only by nay 27 JO3. 10,611100 rzzzA ICE CREAM, CAKES AND bODA Lam.. Pl. Apple, naapbecry .d Pic seta rry Byrnna, mod all kinds af Cdnfectlonerl. allreTs . the French and American Ounlectlonary of TIARY GOODS.—A first rate assortment of II the leading Crlre alwa7. en bend. my 27 O. HANSOM LOVX. T 4 Multo .t. CIIEESE-40 bozos Western Reserve Cheese (dot article for cottlas,) for sale by my3d RIUDLId, MATS CO 710 - EV BURLINGTON HERRING-6 Ins. Jest reed and for aide at fIiANCISII family Orocery mud Tem Blom Federal idrrat,Alleibeay. myM HIES-25 bbls Bleached Winter Whale Oil; 11Y do No. 1 Lard OW On hand and for Bala by toy= JUNESI WOWt r. RYE FLOUR-40 bblo. fregh ground and pare, reed and for .ale by "- JO. J. 8. MOOLTT d CO. 7.5 Watar 413 Prc.ol COLLECTION BOOKS—Made and sold by W. Cl. JOIDISTON • Co., Blank Bopk Ilanots•turers, EVERY VARIETY ot. artioles iritrio Dry Goo& line always on hand and as low a• can be 0.1 anywhere. O. HANSON WWI, 74 Market street. BOR01:1118LD a 00 SOUP BEANS-50 Ibis. small white Soup Bean; • prlusearprle. for isle by kIT JAY GANYIELD CAI. FLAXSEED- 27.acka now landing from Mesmer Elarmcb,mk....alo by NEW TEN.N IMEAT-123- eacka OD utumer Dr. 11. u to mire far a& Di Jul IHALA.II MORAY • 00. VENiNGO NT Y LANDS-540 anrea v of laud near rtaualln, Pa., far rale—prim p Per & OIITIIHEHT A HON, aol6 ; 61 1161161 arr.. OAKUM AND COT ON -Ibo bales bast Nary Oakum; 1000 lb.. bed Caulking Cation, On band and for nal. by JONES A COOLEY TO SPORTSMEN.—I have just received a largo sod ous worth:lent of Hondas Sluts of trury dowrlption. JOSEPH n. 13311610 .0 Corner Diamond nod Market .mots 3EO BUS. PRIME YELLOW' SUELLDE 00/1N rocelved Ind tor sale by Jule IIrBANE A.NJ.P.,II:_. iglLEESE.—Superior Cirtting Cheese re• calving regularly from tlx• luitt manufactories Add for by Jolt MTOIIOO3II, IMPORTED SEED WHEAT.-550 blab porn Imported Whet, from tlio Mod Iterrnnean, in sacks of tiro bushels, kw els by Jan HITCHCOCK, ideCtiECIlY ♦ CO. LINSEE 0.1.1,—n000 galls. fur sale by I , L. VAIINESTOOK & Co., Jul No. CO a oar rourth and Wood stmt. _ _ PEARLS -20 casks reo'd and for sale by J. e. 1.1.0011TT 1 Cial., JYII 76 Water and 91 Front amts. SALTPETRE -50 bags Nitrate Potash; 200 do do Bode, F. sale by Jell ALEXANDEtt KING. CIIEESE-100 boxes prime cutting Cheese In store and for sale by It. DALZELL A 00., Jul No. 261 Liberty sheet. AIRT BITE LIM E.—loo bbls nollidayeburg Wb Ito Limo for ulo by LLOYD& YONSI TH. wll No. 257 Liberty strort.. 2500. 1 4. 8 L . Country Cured Bacon ub Sides, mllO VINE BRANDY-5 ineke fine Brandy, on mnaignment, far W. by Ju7 EDOEUTON t STEWART', JOT W 34.1 la. BACON.—Sidos, Hams and Shoulders, coton47 orred, for wan by RIDDLE, WHITEI 1 CO. LISIE-250 bbls fresh for sub) by jelO KENNY It. COLLINS. CASKET WILLOWS-5i We Ohio nose 13 isudlog for We by ISAIAH DICKEY £OO. OTATOES-200 bus. for sale by Y J. 4 0 LIENItIf IL COLLINS OIL SASSAFRAS-75 lbs. for sale by je2o W.DIAORLOWN,IO7 liberty et SPECIE CORKS FOR FRUIT JARS. we'd rizrr, for ~ b B. L. PAIINISSTMS & UO. OATS -50 bus. received and for sale by Jet R DALZICLL A CO. RYE -1,000 bus to arrive on Monday and for ale by HITCHCOCK, AITILIKLItY • Co. VLiOUil,--3,000 barrels, all grades, fresh Mond Floor, for nth low to eon loon, by w 0.17 lIITOI2OOOI4 , II'CLISERY a CO. POTATOES -200 Ws in store and fur sale by 1113011 COM M'CLURT & CO. BROOMS -50 dozen for Bale by wt. nom 11. OOLLINB MOLASSES-100 bbla N. 0. in stun: and 111 as br - • • 6146 A lirraliLL. szi 00 bble is store sod for Sgis • CZ , '•'•% • . • • - . ' _ .4 Oliicalattrous. DISTILLRIIB OP S "X. T T 3r3 23. lE3_ aI:LEGEIXNY CITY WHEAT, RYE AND CORN AND HOMINY DELIVERED, Tervw--41ASH. Delivery NEW STOCK EZIZErn GM= =C=Z3 SDHUNINst* • , Na SO L>A P nom *tn.. JOUR:4MA. °MAI 1110 RF, DAY DOORS. YI]ZD itUoKA, lIIIIRSOII k Mn. 42 te.. (Nair al 67 {Food .treet =EI i3itltHi[ OUL 1101EFINED ,SUGARS, rrc. 11 25 bbly.Craabsd sad ralverhad Sagarr. 5 boxes &alb Co a 6E5=54 purl du 60ear Oka Starch,. 2 osska Cincinnati S. ILIUM; Jut fled 422 fur Jule 11 WILLIAMS A 'WINSTON, je9No. 114 Sccothsl4l4 cruel HARM - AR TUBS AND BUCKETS- I 0 dozen N 0.11126.1 1M do do 2 dcs. • du do 3 taw. .2.4 do varnished Eltukut... 60 do fr.ney deg 21. du bluo u.l red do. 10 du Woo It groen dc; on cogust,;Loneol, to bo•uld *I eurruTlT.Takrs. ISAIAH DICILIV • CO TEAST IEASI I TEAS! ! !!— Wu bolt etests flue to extra en" loon; fre" " Young Elyaru, 10 • " Gun Powder aud 10 " " Onuage Promo, 10 calty home assorted arylee an/ graeoa. Lam' Im portadom In more and far aale by wag WILLIAMIS • JORIMIN, 114 dmltbarld at - COFFEE, RICE AND SPICES at private ale by C. M. DAVIS, No. 54 Fifth at. 60 Ma 82bag as fi e rllquat C on; , scanted Rio Coffee, fat st qua illayks In am Cloves In Mark Co as namable arms as an be obtained of arm-class east, ern trboloaale housed for nab or approved paper, at (oar months. 101 l SUNDRIES -454 sacks Tenn. Wheat; 19 do Postbus, 1 dry Mar enk Gi g 7 bales Cotton. To strive on steamer Ilarmonts Or sae Ey log 1132LL11 DICIEST 2 CO A MERICAN CIIIROPEDIST removes li Oa.. from thefiet In • fee, entente% trttnout pate or the slightest tecoorndenee to the pedant Ihmlons re. moved from the big toe, reduced to the netnml Wm. Invert ed mile ehateted to . healthy Mal& Charges reasonable. Ram No. 41, fit-Chdr Hetet. myl7sltf LAW BLANKS, of every description, con inanity on band and platen to order by IV. 0. JOHNSTON k 00., Printed Blank Book Makers and Stationers, No.6T Wood street. MOORWS MISR. MELODIES.—A corn plot. collodion of ifoonea hielodier, with enapho. oleo and accompanloaantg with portrait of the poet .d a .ketch of hi. to 1 vol. Pries, bond to board. 41 60 Do do cloth,embceard 1: 00 Do do do full 3 00 For .010 by .cm JOIIN n. struon, 81 wood rt. JAMES ROBB, 89 Market street, Whole sale nod Retail dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES of emery variety, basbut neaten! from the New England Maraufec tortes e huge and well selected dock of Boots, Shoes, Straw Bate, A., wuich he will dispose of OLIBAP FOB oAsa., Purchaser. are requested to call before buying and satisfy themselves of the bet A 1.., Norse, Shoes, to, made to epochal order on short notice. eta SUNDRIES -1 cask Ginseng; nacklama; 2 Wool; 3 bbl. Grum, • • To Grave uti .I.6stuer Cliftou for .11* by JelB DICKEY • W. SAVE YOUR FRUIT by using "Mason's" Patera alma Bletal Screw Top Preen.. Jars, The ere the boat Peell'og Jar. opt, sad can be had at FRANCE'S Pithily Omer, and Toe Store, Peace! street, Alllmy s.; von P.O a l to olotaln at th e same place, good Mita log Sugar et 10 thou per pomd. Ut l and azamlo. for youreetthe. THE POLAR REFRIOEILATOR, with filtarend Water Cooler combined, involving bhpor. toot principle. near before attained, which enablo• mats, milk, fhb. halt., etwetablokete, longer, dryer and colder, with lonics, than way other refrigerator to was now on hod and for *Me by T. J. C 11110,124 Wood eL FRESII „TEAS-25 half chosta Green and Black Thu of recent Impartation sad auperlor quality Jost reed. which, together with our prevlotudy largeatcok. mem one of th. largest and mod aelect docks of Tea to be found in A/leeway, and will is mid, eel:kolas/a and Mall, at viva Met mond fail to ere iatleadloa. JOT 11.11 a at PRANOra, Federal et, near Larock„ Allegheny. spit BULK SHOULDERS AND LIAMS-800 horn. coed and for sal* by SPRINGER lIARDAIJOIL & CO, apll ..N3. 209 Liberty attest SUNDRIES -7& hhd.. prime and choice N. O. Sugar WO Ws N. talloithass, oak cooperage; 00 do Sugar Howe Syrup; 50 bbl.. Golden Syrtis do stathard Crashed !Inger, For ty ap2l WATT WILSON. ylirAN TED-A Young Man io the Grocery Staines& one who thoroughly understands hie busi ness and can ere thilsfactary rather.. Ilona other need Spply. Krupfin at IFILANCEII Family Grocery and Tea tore. Federal dm.. near theoth, Alle g heny. my 0 LOST -5 doz. 3 hoop, painted Buc eta ere taken from the ',hart near the fool of u rty sureet. w oll 2buralay night, May bib. Any person Aridl knowing where they aro, will On well rewarded by lea lu g ward with IL ROBISON & CO, my 9 2 5 6 Liberty el t ENGLISH PICK LES— " 0 ItOSSE BLACSWALL'a." 2 Barrels Oerklth In 12.1•00 2 do Cauldowers do du do Chow Mow Ju du 2 do .thiorfs.l do du Jost reed •nt he Nth by SKY MAK • DISH fKiN, m i ls No. 59 Wend straw. DUKE ICY SPARKLING SODA WATER P drawn from Pormlaln roantaloh with rich gad highly elaworyd By rcpi can ..l y. he promred at Jul 9 • PIO METAL 12 Tocs 11.1 ZlJou Marccal 11.4.1 I) dcr, =CI aOl7 Tor We by B ACON -8,0001E9 Bacon .11ams; kl.ouldoza. la • mak brow and for cile ROBERT DENNY. WM. O. JOHNSTON & CO. Steam Job Printer, Weak Book Illanorsetunr .6 emotin g House brationnn , No. 6! Wood street. .van WEDDING ENVELOPES AND CARDS —A retied nwortment for eel , by on W. O. JuLINSTON A CO.. No. f. 7 Wood CHIEESE-4io boxes prime cutting Cheese 1. tot. hob table Dotter; Raceleed and for We by IILUDLG, WIRIS CO • JACKSON & TOWNSEND, PORK PACKrIy AND DELLISRO IN BACON AND J o b; N 0.12 fourth •tno4 our Ltbrl). OILS. -10 bbla. winter Whale Oil ; 5 do Hank do, 5 do IJoyeed do Po (att3) )OLIN tdolllLL L SON TAR D PITCH— Ib bbly.f . ftoln " N. C. T., In scull bbls .10 " lyrga " for •ai" by .1 WATT t WILSON DOCKET BOOKS Ale D PORT-MONNAIES —A large kaaorentant of Pocket Hooke, Portllonoalos, -Ilocksklo Foram, Portfultel cod Beaker's Cued Jost rie =ll ItA_NOES-50 boxes Oranges just recd and 90 sale by REI9IIIII t AINDSOSON A Jag ll No. 0.9 Woolol., oppuita Be Marko Haul 0I LS-15 bbls. Flaxseed; 10 do tfiL 1 Lard OIL Arrtilos and for We by WATT A WILSON. E GOS -5 Ude on hand and for sale by sunivhs R DILWOBXII, surll MO gni= B. at. NEW SONO ; BY STEPHEN 0. FOSTER. —"Poo the Logo for Theo.^ Write. by W. U. Mc. Cottby ; monk by 15. C. rostra. Nice ES coots. For solo JOHN 11. MELLOR, It Woot n. o.ln malted ou receipt of the prim • Jsll REFINED SUGAR-25 bble. Crushed, Pal raked and San Crrodaad Sagan, J net remind and for yds, laboleaale end entail, at lower priory at FRANOWB family clrocery andTe• Store, federal et.., Allegheny. 1010 GRANT'S OASES, Volume I—Just pub- Ushetl Reports of Gun wood sad .djed in the Supreme Court of Proonsylrsols 0041. Ursot, for Ws by yoj. KAY • CO., 66 Wood street. CURN STARCH, Farina and Rico Flour —A !Aro, stthly of eaclipast by Jell JO•I. FLOMING. VEEP YOUR TEETH CLEAN and white by uttug the Parksbto Tooih Pasha. 84,:d only b, the mithubboturtY, Jell • JOB. /LEMING. rro SOAP hiAKERS---SO casks English Raustlo Dods bawl and kw ..I by jell ALEXANDER RING. TERRILL'S OINTMENT-ssroesfurcafe , T Jul U. L. FA lINEMTOCH 00 . Ur HEAT—A ear load prime Ind. White reed to-day and (oral. by J. B. 411701917 • CO. Ja2B 76 Wator and 97 !hoot groat. MOLASSES -50 bbls prime N. 0. in store wad for Woo by J. D. CANFIELD A CO. IMR-200 bbls. fresh for solo by JUI •03 lIIKNRY 11. COI LIN& OORANGES--:Aboxes in prime order jun reed on caralgumeot and far We by au2 ROST. DICKEY, 348 Marty rtrrag. riNENN. SEED WIIEAT-250 bus White 31/0 Lao do Beard, Rol and Amber. In atom and fo gale by lima ESAIAII DICKEY A CD. FOR RENT—A three story Brick Rouse rontalolog elz room; No. 44 Congress street. knob" of sal W t irr & WILSON No. 268 Liberty et. FLOUR -100 bblo White Wheat Pamily to arrive this day sod fur We by esd 111SCHCOCK, BIVILECRY & W. CREESE-66 las primo Cutting rec'd and ter de 11183 Liberty street an! RIDDLE, Winn & 00. LEMONS -100 bls French Lemons just le: _LI calved and for sets by HEMET( & ANDERSON, , ‘ ,6 N .. 29 1 1..4 arrest, opposite lit.Cliatlig Hotel. ANACKEREL—In bble., half bble. and kits JAL ror .. la br HOWL DICEEY. la boxes prime. Cutting Cheeso la recd.:taw! foi Ws by nu 3 a DALZICL.Lt CO., 'ln Liberty stmt.. (2,LAtiS--ZOO . bas. assorted Window Glass %_A forma. by iO3 lIENRY U. autism_ POTATOES -100 bble to arrive and far mile by HITCHCOCK. ITUSHRY ♦ CO. - TENN. WHEAT AND FLOUR--30 sacks Whim Inapt leo do Broadway Estra family Flour, on steamer Wm. Henry Martha and for sale by anl3 I.9ALILLI DICHXY a 00. 50 BUSH. CORN ISIBAL, fresh ground, for mi to by Menllll itNJER. - WHORE WAVR—A fredh oupply just A, meet.. the .prfog• by 303. PLESIIIO. SOLUTION CITRATE MAONEEMmade flab every 457 at sea JOE. FLE6MIGS. MAOKER,NI.-5 0 bble. n o t No. 3 large 4111- "" i " d "`" dg ""'Atal ,7lll4 l7l.rr . so 45 UGA 0.-IUO hhde. from fair td r t ., prime for Iva* Op OLD GOV. JAVA COFFEE-50 pockets for tale by smiIVER t DELWOHTII. Dium E mOE-25 tee. in Ettore and for sale auls MUTED. A LITIAVOILTH, LINSEED OIL-20 bbls. pure Linseed Oil loolt reed ord for au by S. &ELLER& & CO. ICE - 10 cafi k s .itioa reri'd on consignment dud fur Bole by • WATr t %HUM -8 C. Hall3 l -10 tee Sugar Cured Hume ' 0.1" 9 PIS MY l9,9 i tak!z7 1/ * aalar4) C°. itr iftebtcaL • o‘4e' THE 5i 4 : 7 , - c, .1 PERUVIAN S 1 II VP, i y OIL PII.OtIWITD Sointion of Protoxido of Iron COMBINED T • Ills PREPARATION DIFFERS FROM all others, being au Unchangeable ;mt....aide of Iron, attained by. rombinetion never estate know.. Par Indigestion, Torpid Liver. Drones. le.a.i, all form. of disenee caused by inspnvenahment of the blood, genetsi debility, and especially the disease. peculiar to female., It has been found extremely edlesciode Pamphlets, giving foil description of the rented; and the remarkable cures Wham effected, mai' be obif".4 of the agents. cate [Certifi of Dr. na e ffe ct It Is troll known that the medicinsl of Prutaxidno f Iron le loat even by a brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution of Pretarlds of hoe without further oxidation, bee brain deemed Impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup. this dagrable point hae been at. tallied by conthination in a may before wrikneein: and tub , solution May replace all the pracarbanates, citrates and tartrates of the Sleuths hladica. It I.a l w imiarAtly *darted to take the place of soy Pro toxic% of Iron, which phyircians hare used In scurry or ecorbutic attacks, and to west snob caws the esmv be found to the medicine cheat of ovary ship. A. A. MAYES, M. D. Assayht to th;liDikte of Mastactinsetts. It Bayletonstreet. I A CARD. The undereigned having experience:l the beneficial effect, of the "Pvnlvien Aerup . do Oct hesitate to recommend It to the attention of the public. Prom our own Al:patience, as well as from the testimony of others, whose Intelligence and Integrity are a(together unqnestionable. we have no doubt of Its efficacy to cuts ear Incipient Mariam of the Lunge and Bnlnchial D~petula , Leer Pamir; deed Ito effects Id Pl C:tr i ed7l,le I:from ' h 4% . at - . enter of them who arituesurd them, and hare volunteered their (.alimony, ma ye do ours, to Its restorative pourer. Th e. John Plerpost, Thema. 0. Amory. Thema A. Darter. Peter limey, B. M. Honda% M. D, James 0. Dunn, Barnuel May, Rev. Thos. Whitten:non. for de by DA. 050. /3. It NY*6l; anasilerlyT N 0.140 Wood greet. ititsceflancousi COOKING DT GAB. A WORD TO THE LADIE S. MEM HEATED TERM IS APPROACH INO, and ye &I the attention of the Ladlee to the teat that COOKING, IRONING, & . • Oen te, done with economy, without appreealie haat, with• oat loot, and with dlepatch—the art being elwaye reedy I, moment—by using Musgrave's Gas Cooking stove, To welch we reapootfolly 'orate your attention , et No. la Bmltheoldatreat. A. A. JOUNSO:N OWL airOoonty end City Bights for tale. apeolly BI'DIELBTERS' BAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLE, DIAMOND MEET, NEAR LIBERTY, PIITABURGII, ORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND everything tonally found in • Brit clue Run., on hand said to ardor tit all times. Harm vi,U trained and &tele; Takla elegant and anAfortabh /dr Clyde. for arriagee to fo.ralii. punri nen, attended to, et nil hour.. IMMaiNEMI Leather, Elides and 011 PRE subscriber would solicit the attention of merchant• and .trangro elelting the city to Eh vier ent e ndre ttd enrj,121411.71,11:12.4., tretle et the Lowers market price. (1.1 of his stock. W._ IitILKINBON, 217 Liberty sheet. Pittebortgh. Ile sonata no siartz VALUABI 01.114DERS.— Doors, S butters, wood work usMds, bI I the bat of workmen of every pattern to and secernan our pr I I L E INFORMATION TO inadow Frames, Fennel ilmitele, An., In fact every kind of • ading—allisiado ago.] mantis by • d unrivalled machinery. ti keta had, cud &roll baking done. Call vie tease contracting idembere. EMEtM .1.., between Federal aad Beaver etc CIOODS.--Burchfield Co. a i l 11qco in flia b rve " r :lad. Also b , e :110 lo thel Tbel w.o lathe fi l o b . .. s •Ao g . • . Just opened. .1112 CHEAP DRI ban received those Way , • •• lot of dna goober 1. tain of the Lediee to and Sommer Dram t N EW GOODS!! NEW GOODS!! BURCIIYI ELI/ /I CO. Elm commenced recalling their TIIIILD SUPPLY POO GOODS. Open thU morning, by Etyma, baudsome Dress Good. Call at Nortb.aut mruar Fourth mad Market atm. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN LADIM• DRESS GOODS of all kind; Li g ht Chintz., Lsu'ot h AC. Ala, to Lac& tdatitilta. Saadi. Work Collura, gotta or Collar. and 61.rovra. Doimer• In Cl.3h ..d utbat matrrial ; Truvrilin g 'dna. Good., le ALL g reatly urloced to do. eye_ 3.19 BUICCIIYIELD CO. MACCARONI-10 Cases American and Italia.; Varmteellh—lli rue. Awes te.t. aud Cittron 2 do Leghorn; Llquorlce, 4 do Cmlabßlair; do 6 do rn. On hood Alf salu by r;;;ig w.,4,i1R1!1 SPHEW BEDS—of several different kinds --alsolasclarin g by as sod for Ws at oar leshhelme. T. B. YOUNG ol 00., Guth Ed sod 44 haler id aural. ON CARSON STREET—A vc)rtvenier two st.ny dorolltay with partic., lo front, parlor, piazza, dining roam, chamber', kitchen etc. Largo pa , trees, mei obrobbuy far as., by S Ct!TLI BERT & BON, MMCIM OIRCASSIAN LIQUID—The best article 1,1 weer disayared for beautifying t h e cemplesion. Al. eirsainian Ilair Oil• ea eAcellent artiela for roaming and r znotint:ro b rystb balr. A larAo.nnlict3lNeciach. MORE NEW GOODS AND AMONU /.lUg. them soma toed bargaina—Lace Mantillea, oe • Good. of wino. k •ds, Lawn. my cheap, and • great many other article . Ladica .o cordially invite/I when cat 6opplng ate a a rolL nucuriato a co., my2l at • crib east come a r 4th and Markel sta. RlSti POPLINS—Br ncnruLD k. Co. are j. eating tbetrstack of POPLINS at tut than are n,r tapertattan, to claw Nato out. anl7 L EATIIER-5 dozens Leather; p ilo Ilklrtlog Leather. for sale low to claw coorlrrusast,Ly WATT • WILSON. moll N 0.268 Liberty street. ThirA.RBLE-TOP DRESSING BUREAUS bosatiful dalgiu, flabbal mad In warehouse. aura T. B. YOUNG -it CO. ALARGETAT OF FULLERTON'S SU FEIIIOII PLAID FLANNEL, mod this day. mina C. ?JANSON LOVE, 74 Btarket stmt. BURCIIFIELD & CO. will close out the balance of chair stook or Lawns and Organdy at leo than cost, at northeast corner or 4th and Market ats. IiELLED ALMONDS-25 Boxes on hand 1,,J and fur We by RZYMISR d ANDSREON, nab No. 39 Wood 8 We. WHEAT! WHEAT! !-10,000 bus prime !Mtn and bsad Wheal, noir arriving and Tar We by DITCLIOOOII, iIeCRXICIIf a CO. U. DR' .E A A He ecte. ot o No 1 Laka Superior Charcoal Pig Metal now arriving 0. t P. R. R. and for .1. by JACOB HESSE, Corner °Mee, Monongahela Homo. CORN, CORN-2,500 bush prime Shelled 1,500 bun Ear Corn, arriving and for W. by by lIITOEICOCK, incOIIZERY S CO. PRIME SEED WHEAT-2,600 buallola prim. aced Rase; 6,000 do do 51111 log Whert, now arthlog pi, railroad, sad for We by aul7 HITCUOOCE, MoOldelltY t 00. CEIEESR-75 bxs. from various dairies, ben w. n, gar cutting, kw we by MIMI, MATS t co. ICE CREAM!! !NMI MEE= Y. A. MIERECUI • EONS' Ire Cream Maw and &A. Water Fountain, French and ittneticao Confectionary. toy2l 41 ST. CLAIR STREET. GAS STO HAW'S PATENT.—The iattecrther would tract attention to thla auportor Btore k, Imam. eke. e have all air., to prke from 76 meta to $75,60, sod warraut them to give perfect satiate. bow Call sad row T.l. CRAIG, Jet bole Agent, N 0.124 Wood atrreL PLAXSEED-74 sacks now landing from ateussur Bleurood nr ule by Jai IBAGU DICKEY t CO. ENVELOPES, of every prescription, for sole at W. G. JOUNBTO.I 00.1 Statlottery Warebotue, No. 67 Wood area. t toyM LEAD AND 8110 T-1500 lhs. bar Lead; Tz PIE. do • .. 45 bag. ased N. ebot, WAIT A WIL•ON. DUNOIN'S SYSTEM OF PEN R — Arg - - complsto la ylpbt number., publlab.d and for tato by W. O. JORNM , ON t CO , Statlopera, 67 Woad Argot. Tis ono AtiESTO SELL.—Two Mortgagee lU PAO each, with one and two years to ran, twain( Werra, for sale by • OEO. to. HEYBI3I., oty %Ur No. 140 Wood stmt. R 1011 DRESS SILKS AND SILK ROBES, now elle Organdies and Eames, Shame, Mantle., etc. 0. RANSON LOVE * 00, 74 Haring at. INSENG AND FLAXSEED—I cask 1„.• alumna and 1 do Vlaaa.• frog. landing from .reamer Clifton for eirle by Je27 10211.A.11 DICKEY a CO. FOR RENT—A comfortable dwelling house on Second arm • $3OO wpm. .16 8.0 r lIBERT • BON, II Market stmt. BUTTER. -4 t.bs fresh roll, received and for sale at 136 Liberty street. 406 RIDDLE, IVIRI`a a W . WILEAT-1500 bushels white and red Whest,to •ifire, for Ws by Jo% WHAM: t AMU& Ma Second street FINE OUT SMOKING TOBACCO-50 bbl lot We low by EDGERTON& STEWART, ja7 DI Wood at. LACE MANTLES , Lawrie, Dueale, Berage and Organdie Itobee elating oat very low. Ja2s O. lIANISON LOVE, 74 Market a. n BUSH WHITE AND RED 2 500 WHEAT on !antra. tale try 1 Je= &MANE A MOB. LIQUORICE--4 cases just rec'd on consign meat, Resale by ROBE= DICILNY, jot% Na 339 Liberty arrest. ROOMS-100 doz. Corn Brooms for sale or cn3 HENRY H. cdurrts. LAKE FISII-200 pkgs. for sale by Jul RENDS' IL COLLOS P ':'l'l S— A I .of ~.yens kr sale by HITCHCOCK, IIcCILIERT & CO. WHIT L LIBI-300 bbls for sale • au9 F. 2 • ft pi . GGS-8 bble fresh reo'd and for sato at -I-2 Na 183 LibettY Street lIIDDLIt WIRT'S aCO an 808. CORN MEAL, fresh'ground, fur CPW tale 67 sun. lITANY k ANJER. piI&ESE-111 boxes W. K. Cheese in store "-.." "I tonw. D 7 4.I)ALZIiLL A OCL 251 Liberty et. 2 000 BUSHELS ma CORN to arriv tt.rza. e and •b 7 t o a a Wia€g • ‘0: .Wonrtaie, • - DOLLAR. SA V-fDiel• HANK Nam Four.h Street.. r 9 ` t Lr RI!Y , IN 35 CIPEAN LALLY Eiti.):O 9 TU 2 0 . 1 , i.00K ll geo Loa Wectoeabty o i r . .ay, .r . Hay trot to November Dr.t.ft.• -• veMber fat tabby tire., (Iva. 0 to • o'clock. Depodt• mc•lrrel of SU Was oar teas that oat. Ilatha aer4 • &Mead of the fralitto a.clared twit. • rat, In .15.120 auLd December. Interest has tern &chiral umtArtl arselly, 1. June and December. Once the Dank 1•13 :caul zed, K tb• rate oral per ceoL • yo.c . later.aS if Art dram oat, I. alscO to the cretbtar the d• Practred.cad Ears the'sure lulelol 11.0 the Diet clay. of Jams Deacnberownimentelog r.I ,- • s".rr olth out travbartg the &Traitor to r.ll • t.reeent pus beck. At tot. r••• moor erlll Onoblr 'to trot thanjll yeers. Tam maklug ha the aggregate .1001 IND MS 11.132 PIA OWN Books rect•later the Chart-, a., I•thel• ferulabed aratte,, Prerutent—GEOßGY !IR Mitt 1=512.51153- liuposell /Upton, • Jam rh0.1e......„. J•nte• RAMA - Ateramter Br Jams D. Heller, J•re.• Lobe.% Robb, Poach., Labe too, 'Salto. 5 lambi!. Barg•la. oltalt.m.l Aatters-a John G. Backofoa John B. Canfield, J. Oardner Alonsa A. 0111101 . , AM Campbell, John B.Oommaa Jwuca B. D. Moyne. JunosllcMani, Vialcor B.llanonal, Wilson Hiller, Floury L. Rloorcr, John M. Story., George 8. Bolden. John D. Scully. Ale..tern:idle, Theoheld Ornstoott.. Imo Whittler. William Douglas, Francis Falls. B4mjamba L. Fabnotock. V7llll.am B. Haven; charts B.p, &avian and Trearurer aol.:10-1•22111aarr MUM Cemetery Marble Werke. No. 164. Wood Street, near Sixth PITTSBURG 11, GEOELGEI H. LAWTOII, PRACTICAL MARBLE I-S HE S RESPECTFULLY TO IN Ty form Ur friends sad the public genornily, thatre boo loomed as Moro premiere, for U. mannforton abd sak of ovary variety of Marble Work, such ao Monuments, Tombs Tablets and Gravestones, MiiEMi Mantle Hama Oardra Table, Pier, Ban. and Wean to., Mach Le Is to/hi lug ...low is any other sistabilihmeut of the mountain. Ille stock ts entirely new, and has been selected by himself, expressly for this market. Ile hi also prepared to build Burial Vault., carioca Be, Lots with bier. Me or Stone, and to execute any other work to kb lion, auy of the Cemeteries adjoining Pittalmrgia. suns ar rams lOW TO Bar. T. B. Lyznary I Hobert Galway,lesq., lion. Wm. Wilkins, John Chlelett,, Psd., duo. H. Eloenbergsr, Ihkt, W. L. Illorralt, (harks Brawny, rag:, J. EL Hill. Thom. iloott, Eq.,l A. B. Curling, Mad e W. P. Damn, EN., G. It. White, Tarp The Trade furtstehod with all kinds of Foreign end Domes Be Marble, either finished or lu the nigh, at Wholeaala prima. He tow also made arrangements with the ntannfroturers of the beet brands, La a,constant supply of Hydranlic Cd meat, Water and Lonterille Lime, and Piaster Puts, both for Land and BCOCOO Work, all of which he la prepared to fornieb at short notice. mhl6Aly MI I PAINT.- UNDER TUE NAME AND STYLE OF Ross dr. corerrartst, H AVING recently purchased the extensive COAL WORKS, lately owed Iw hlcollvery At Smith, ens now prepared to Tarnish Coal, at tholr Omen. immediately below Jas. Wood Co's Rolling roilln boats, bargee or veigons. They will else furntsti, with their 0.1 teams, In either of the cities to manufacturersor private families, at reasonableprices. STbsWe hare second the monism of JOHN SMITLEY, who has had many years experience in the Coal brueneea in he capacity Of Superintendent and ..iceman. JolnAly QIIANV'S OAS STOVES—T. J. Craig, agent to fur the sale of Shawls Patent GAS Stoves, for heating and cookthg, invitee the attention of the public to the only On Stoves that have given entire satisfaction whore Over hey have been tried. They have been fully tested In be eastern cities and are no. offered to the citizen. of Pittsburgh as eentethlog considernbly In adtwro of any stove Chet Is now made. Cell and examine the different etyles and slug for heating rooms, for cooking, , for ironing and ourserleg at the White Front Tin and Stove Warehouse the. 124 Wood et_ male T. J. CRAIG. Pittsburgh Btamp and Stencil Works .3 - NO. D. NI.A.TTECEEWS, Stamp, Stencil and Brand Cutter, 1 OBBING CUTLER, GRINDER, &m— -it/entree,BcLisonand Razors around, ic4 Knife Blades Inserted: Tatla a.Jl,e nopurecl, utd Gauotal Jobbio, at. feuded t,. LOCKSMITH AND BELL-lIANOKK. No. 13S Smithfield Street, near hilatb, PITT..tiBOBOII, PA. sce-re., above firm Is prupslod u.alce sayllolog the shape of an odgs tool, or do aosr Itiod of smith work what nn ehor , non.. leZzlvd WALL PA PElt—Second Spring supply opening at E. C. COCHRANE'S old ertabUithei Store, Federal street, Allegheny. Frath dock of tba toort desirable style. of Parlor and Hall Paper Eletuvings, with some new patter., for eels at former low prime. Anot her pply of Curtain OR Cloth, Window Etudes and Halley'. Curtain Elettirtic airtirdere received for Popov flanging. Whitewashing. Pointing and freecolny, by the boat work workmen. Apia SUNDRIES --50 sacks extra Family Flour; - 000 - h= Bolder COI bus Bed and Neahaunock Potato= 00 boa 0= large Tunslpu :6 bus large Ou/ocub 25 keg, Lard; 25 .k. Buckwheat /lour, Timothy, Clever 8..1, Coro Meal, Dry Apple. and Dry Nod= for We by RIDDLE, WIILTS k CO, apls No. 135 Liberty = SUMMER WARES- R. Maas, Weler Gaol.", Meat Be4i, Ice Cream Prorrars, Charcoal Furnaces, Toilet W. A law ..entor the aberra articles at the Ileum herniating Hard .m ...re house, No. 1.14 Mood are.. noylb T.J. CRAIG. TO SMOti.ERS AND CIIEVIER9.-1 have j tut received 40,000 genalne Havana Clem of r cry llne nouhty, equal to any m the clty; slue, a large unyply of doe limey Been Toler-rn Those ming the reed should cull mod I-lamina my stock, Were purchasing elsewhere. JOSEPLI FUMING, nat . corner Dlemood and Market Meet. BItOWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES-- Wotrrauttel to be the beet article Co CM for Brencbltis, Bore Throat Asthma, Cough., Colds, eto—tellef In ten min ute. Important to mintstera, robllc nesters and singer. Kept constantly on hand at JOB. FLEMING, .147 , Csomer Dimond and Market street. 13 AO:TN.-2000 lbs Country Cured Sides, MOO do do do Mame, 1000 do Unger Cured dq We) do Country do Mmuldora. for ask t 7 MIDDLE, WIWI'S t CO. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FRUIT ZOO boxes Mae. Oramgcc 203 do Lemur, olt received and forealo by RSTMER & ANDSRPON, wy9 No 33 Wood et, oppoatto EL Marled Ilona UNION 11YDRALTLIO DEMENT.—The favorite mak., used and approval by Railroad Con tractors, Bridge and (listens Bulldon f.e years past. War ranted to be of • morn superior quality limn any other of fend in tbe market. LEZOII L lIIITORINSON, apht f No. Ild Second anti Ili First street. BELL HANGING! QRIAT HYDOOTION IN PILIOIsIi Door Bells et 62,150 and spsrards, put rip In the but style by J. D. ILLTDENWS, OsMatt 138 Strandeld 81 gala "EUREKA" COOK.—A first class °oaths come, for either coal or wood, with patent Ole Coronmer Warhol to It. it will beet the oren with cno half lest cod than any !core told in the city. Gail and too it at the Iron City Warehouse of W. W. DRADBELAW, No. 131 Wood et, la door bOlior sign of Golden Gun. MOLASSES.- 105 Ws. New Orleaw, 1. wk packages; 10 do New York Syrup; For eats oy JOHN McOILL • EON POTATOES, POTATOES POTATOES. 1,000 bus. sire Reds to arrive ttds day sad for asls by .1.2/ J. 13. 0/111FLELD ZOO, First stmt. BACON—Hama and Shoulders in smoke, bows for role by ROHM DICKET, roZS No. alb Merry street. WHEAT. -1500 bush Tennessee Wheat tor male by BITANY.- t ANGER. PO N 0.124 &coral W.I. SOFT FINISH SHLEVIING MUSLIN- Another cue Att mewed SUMMER GOODS 44E10g Tau low. J 024 0. HANSON LOVE, 74 Mast 4i. WHEAT -200 bin. new White Wheat; WO do do Amber do Reed and for Woo by klellANS. A ANJER.I2IEemud et. STEVEN'S HISTORY OE METHODISM v01..1:4.1..4 r., , ed b 7 Jte J. 14 READ, 78 Muth gruel. AIORPIIPS - PATENT BINDERS—Jut reed a lot of Wm. P. Murphy' Patent Perpetual ter Madam W. O. HAVEN, Inl9 corner Market and 24 and Wood mud Third eta. A TUREE STORY MOUSE, comfortable JOIL and convoutaut,oltuabi-on 21 or„, bolos Market, for rout by JuS 8. OUT/18118.1 SON. 61 Blarkotat. ON CENTRE AVENUE, a comfortable Dwelling for rent atDa par. Job S. MIME= & BON, 51 Markel rt. $7OO WILL PURUILASE a two story Mme house and Largo lot frOntlag 03 throe stream, on Mt. Washington. 8. CUTElliriaT At 809, bi Market at. rpENN. WHEAT—White and Red-141 X @Rau on etnan= ll.ndnost to arrive for:500 by Jay ISMAIL DICK. Y A CO. CEDAR LiTiLBEH—..Jogs T 2 inch square, 12 fest long 6 planks tvl.2, 12 lent long: 1.6 planks a..12.1:t font long: In store and for sale by f pant DiAIAli DICKEY A CO. rpENN. WHEAT-62 sacks on steamer 1. Cottage, to arrive, for vale by J+ ISAILII DICKEY t CO. 'PENN. WUEAT AND FLOUR-73 each bilaaat; 13 bbla cstra bunny Blain, Broadway elßi. 2 tuba do do; an stout= Ilarrd 1.411.+a Werfrn for aala IBALAII DICKEY et 00. CLOSING them out at a great reduction in pLice, Organdloa, Bareges. Dods, Chatham, Robe., etc., etc, muted done Ter] tare to dote em. Jul 2 C. HANSON LAVE. ii Mazket aL IVIANILLit I tOPE-158 coils ass'd sizes Mullis Rope on hand and R,r sale by Jul' JONEY i COOLEY, No. lil Water .t . TRAVELING DRESS GOODS selling low BURCHFIELD A 0,78 je.6 Mobs Out tab. FFICE TO Lisa—with or without atorsgo O —Yo. s 0 Water area. loqulre of 10:7 ItIAIAU DICEZY & 00. MEW 'fENN. WHEAT-287 nuke on stumet En ape to only* end for solely Ju 1 90 T 0 QD106LYk CO. SliuOND HAND TWO BUSHEL WHEAT 8 ACE 26-10,000 in Atom sad for rale low. Jn29 WWI DICKY a co. NEW MAOKERA.L-50 bble No. 3 large, reed on couNlynnuent, and foe imlo i,30 BURMA • DILWORTH. r t AK TANNED LEATHER. BELTING— NJ 6,600 tot, from I 110 tubes grid°, of the bat Dan* *mum, for enlek by. J.Jlr EL PHILLIPS. PRINTED LINEN LAWNS -very: cheap st eloalog oat We, . DUACIVILLD 400. S boxes extra prime cutting Ttj Rom f 4" s ol e d, =brat ILlXtild* -,-.-.:*'...,.-.'7, , 'l'Ht :, , , - ,..•- ,, :..:, - 3.'c 41:'1.; , .'..: - : - ::::' ,. , :- , ' , .''L'. l:- .4''..;•‘.‘.7 - _'-t , :'-'i's.,7',;:' . _• t''' ,- •.!','• ... — '';' - ;"iii- , ::77-t:1 , 71! , 1,,,::?.J":::;;EI:-,.-V.:J6.2,-.,irg11-1.L;',"71•'''''*,g;:f,:::,4.:3..1,',,',i.:::::::::'''':'''''''''''''':!--''i--, 1859.- rarIePE.NNSYLI F AI) Ise J.M51141811=-I.•=- ThemprzolTWltcrdaitolOtossy itstdieves by: tire , v =OMB E IR ..T.811.DT5 , 112 TIFF-1,1 PITTBIIOB4B AND. I'LCU4.IIICLPLIIA; =me* lia,; direct in the Unkin NJ:bat:it Eithibrith I/atria& Train. Dom att.Wiwtern riUtiliTor EbiladeSeW Tart. Dolton, Bat Dante and WaallinPzin AMY: 110:88 81 . 811 05 facilities far the uansportation railsongetw ' fur tpeed and comfit% by any other tiente.• • Expreni and Fast Linea run through to Pilledelphhi without change dm. or ceinductora • Smoking Cara are attached to each - train; Woodreare Bleeping Care to Reprise and Fail train. The EZpritte rune daily Mall era Tut Line Sim/aye eacepteal. three . Daily Trains connect direct for New Teat. The Dail Train learnth• FlaiSialgar drama ararylnral (erupt FnielaY.) I,t 2:41 . Pittaburgh time, ai tiring in Philadelphia at fcCO P. The Feat Line daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.23 P. Its • strli plug only at principal stations, making direct connectional Llerriabora fdr Baltimore, and arriving be Philadalphherke, Baltimore at 7,1:1•. at, and New Trak= 11. The Hams Train 1.11.• oh* Elation every analog la 850 doPrago.tr ac Griewherlib Latrobe, 'autumn, wiumutolantsun, Altoona. icr., connecting at nude. bora with the Train direct for Daltinecre, and wailing he Phibmicipine or Baltimore MOO a. X. Near York 1011) e. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN& The Jcbratown Way Partcriscr Train Dares daffy (az , cern di:today) at 6-00 a. n. stopping at all 'tattoos, COnneCt toip aliti Indiana Branch Train at 1000 L it, sad wades at lohattown P. at., Commune, LAI P. M. Y. The ishostown A ccuromedatica Trail:ll6am drily (mop Sondayo at 2.50 r, • Stopping at all stations, and run sing as tar as Coverrianah. First Acoicomaistlon Train for Tortlt Creot feldtt leave. dafly,(except Ssitaday,) at 10,10 A. st. &wad Accommodation Trait for Turtle Crrok, tear= daily, (except bonds;,) at 4:30 Thirst Accommodation Train tor Turtle Crock, loans dal 10, (except Sunday.) at &ID P. 5. , Trains for Blairarilla end Indiana, =hut lownectrin with mail train Fast, Drprest train Wert, and be Johnstown accommodation Man East and West. Cd" Free P.IPLIPP PP Low as OT ANT - 01 . 11131 ROC= la ASK TOE TICKETS BT prrrnmum The completion of the Reagan:l evanactioal or the Pena. sylvan!. Railroad to Chicago, mato. this the Inteet Line between the Zest and the === The cousectleg of tracks by the Han Rawl Bridg• at Pittelmrsh, evoking all drayage or tentage errrelhbtr rc" gather with the wring of time, are adssatsits rotarty pr.ciered by Belppppaann of frelOs and the Traralltaff Publk. PARTIES SHIPPINGEASTIPASDITCTAtd Woad , adcontaglterAip by air Zara. . • The 0 Psce offered the Protection scald Speedy Transports.. - lion otLIVE. bTOGK, Lod Goon Aoc0113(01M10311 with areal pithier?' TiT Pr . WWI travellbg ICI charge thereof. . • • FREIGHTS WES'I'VZZLELD: By this Route Freights of all descriptions Eats be for warded from Philadelphia, Haw York, Boston, or Wilt mon; to.) point on the Bitllroads of Ohio, Hontacky. In• Monk Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or ktioronri, tor /Wm, direct. =Ei2l _ The Pommylesnla }tanned slap commas at Pitisbureds with Steamers, by which Goods can be forwarded 10 any port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, T (km batitnd, Minds, hilwriesippl, Wisconsin, Missouri, Arkansas and Bed films; and et alsvahmd,Bandcalry Chicago with Stsamers to all Ports co" the North•Wastarn Lake. Merchant. and Shipper. admitting the transportation RI their /freight to this Company, can rely with conBdovne on ft. speedy hymn. TICS RATES OP YARIOEIT to poi in the West by the Pennsylranht Rail Road, ore at a l t new or farorablera ortchargdeptther R. R. Campania. • • • to mak packages "via Paten E.g.' Merchant. to the West ordering goods from the Eat, trill do well to direct therm to be shipped this Route. Parties attending to their own Marmots from the East wDI find It to their Interest to can on the Agents of this. Ocenpany at the following plus before shlppinir or letters addressed to Atha of than an the .abject of freight. islll meet with prompt.attention. • D.A. STEWART, APailsOe gent, filtabnrgh; • MOONS, 80 • eIAGRAW A KOONS, 80 North Street, Dalthrlore...:" LEECH A CO., No. ; Astor florae, or No. 8. - Wm. SC. New York. LNECII A 00, No. 6t Kilby are( t, Boatoth-' 11. 130D8TON, Gael PrWAS 4", Palladelo,ll L. L. HOEFT, Goet Tiard Aft„ Philadolphla. - TIIOB. A:80017, GoVlSuff-, Altoona, Pa. jaLtyd MITE PITTSBURGH, ry AL .mitwity WAYNE 01110 AGO 13 1, ROAD, cumpleted from rittaburgh to Chkago. WOODEUTM BLEEPING OATtil attached to all night alna. Through without change dears. On and arts WEDNESDAY, JUNE Mb, 19.5Derralua .111 leave the Station, cornet Liberty and Grant ruled, Pittabrugh, as Gallows: •! ' Pittsburgh. Cresthrs. N. Wrens Exptast----- ...... --.17-16 l. it.' alas. a. /.0/ t. a. U. X. Mall- - &SO a. a. Expregg,---- ..».--.1250 r. a. . &45 r. a. ' ISO .i. it. Arriro at Bkresgo-Attpreem 6.47 P. a ; T.xprtn AIT I. at: RtrUSISINU. A P. Arrive at Pittabargb —Mail, B,Z, P. P. Express,344l e. P. Express, 7,Z:1 a. P. Aceornmodsttra Trains, from Fedanal street, -.llllqtatp, fur Nov Brighton, 9.30 • . a , and 6.201. N. 'nst" ~ 11.05 . •• 1210 a _ ThmghTnln4"''c !l feno 7 ' :1 -' AtAlllneeriih itm.abeticr.loud A lltaburgh B. Hoed. , .. .. At orrettle, Onto, weed from Millarthurg, Ahoon,Dniehoge, Yalta, et.c. . , At hlansiteld, Ohio, fur Mt. Vernon, Eb.lby,Atalaricy Tit:. Ledo, Detroit, etc. At Omaha, for Delaware, Springfield, Columbus, Madan*: ti, Manta, Dayton, Indianapolis, EL Lon% Loulerille, eta. At Forest for Ppringtleld, Eanduelcy, Dayton, Clinchnattl, etc., etc. . . At Lima for Findley, Dayton, Potions% ate-, etc. At Pt. Wayne for Pern, Lafayette, Ind., EL Louie, and hittio mediate porte in Central Ladiana and Illinois. At Plymouth for Laport. At Wanstah for all polote on the New Albany and talent Relined. Ana at Chian trith train. for all point. 141111nd% rows, Rteconsin anll.lllnrieseta. for tatbor Inforcoacton and through Tickets apply to . J. STEWART, Ticket Agent, amengur Station, Pittsburgh C ST E P NSON, Tkket Agent, . Passenger Station, Allogbeny. Through Tichota tor rude at all the Ticket OCkee of the Occupant on the Una of the rout, to all parts of the United State. J. J. 110OSIVII, Gen. taster .610., Pitts. tele Cleve/Wad and P,ltita burg h EtallsOnd. ON and after VP!. owtsDATAramws APRIL 21th, Trahn wW leave the Depot of the Penn/Weenie Railroad, in flit. Winch, sa follows: Um ekcod end Chicago Expree Tinin leave. Plittbareßet thi s n_ and L 95 I, er, for Cleveland, Wide, Toledo. Detroit, Mllerankie, Mow arei tbiliorth West. The 1,63 P. K. train comma. at Bayard 'with train. for all pante on the TOD31110)1111 Brunch. . Pawienger. desiring to go to Chicago, Tia Clirtalar4,=tott to particular to tk for Ticket. eta Cleveland.' Niro. Ling.—Riper° Trani kave at Itls 1. IL and LOS P. al ; drinommodatlon 5:00 P. it. for Wheeling; Zareessille, Citulatlllq Oolutnlnis find CliictnnatL The ma' L. L trail stop. at WrW.Ciq EtettbenTille sad nation.' below Eten• The 1:06 P. Y. Mins atop atWcULttllosud all irtee tints below IVellrrills. rtS%Mi=l . • Pattabirmh, Wanabus and Cfseeinnoti Mort Line, Ma ..itathair.—Yast Express at Mb, A. eland llntrrrste Lob rat tot Noault,Colucatrita,Dayton,ludtanopolla,Ohachntaft, Pairi3L Louis, Ne• Orleans, and allyoluts lu tbs &Mb and Weat. The nr.preo Train rum throcet from Ylibtrargh to Chi chicati without change of aara. -- Eplehdld , sleepluy cam at tached to each Express train. _*•-• - Pamengent deriring to got° 001odultrta,Cluchusail t any point beyond Ooliont, by the shunting tonstbe pr. Molar to ask forTickwa Eteubemellta. I L l freaTa aaowVl g n b y . other "' rou di rt certain. Through , Through Maas can be mor.mad riltaburilbt tulffnl bur, Philadelphia, New Yortiatal drama Fir P. 11.- IVelnie LY.S. Ottairal Ticket Amt. further ramtion appty to frill:W.6lll,Ticket daant .d. , Liberty at:depot, Pithite. • 18i9. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., 1859. THE BALTIMORE & OEOO RAILROAD CO3IPANY are now Prepared to receive and for wardlletrhandise ander through bills of lading to and from Pittsburgh arid the Eastern Otitis. tbs Rates guaranteed to be equally tavorablo with than of Pennaybranta Ball Road Clo, o noy other Una. got Information as to rues, health., etc, Mo., amen lion may be made briettar or to patron to oittotr of Cu - .2; " BOSTON, Moan Potter, col. Buts arid Wahine= ota " NEW YORK, 0. W. Carrell, Zia Broadway, stun the Astor House. a PHILADELPHIA, Thom A amatory corner Broad and Marry street. CoLlCally, coo. Myth Ofiestant eta BALTIMORE, J. T. ftgisont, Camden atation. a PlTTSBURoll,J.A.Chrorhey,liii Water stmt. - LP Particsdar attention of merchants, mantdisctortes and &Ippon generally, of Pittibmgla, Allegheny City and 'UMW, fa called to the fußities of thh Biro Bomb =com pared with otheru and their palm_ age and fawn are re oportfhlly solicited. =NUT D. KURR. faliktf Genenil londght Agent B.* O. Co. WALZITIT• HALL .11.1313TATIRANT, MAZOIVITHALL, ITITE 117221C117., • .1' Co B 3EI 3EC F. 12 ICI IC'Eln,; PROPRIETOR. A LL TILE DELICACIES OF „CM. TELE BEASON, prepared by the moet ex lrienced cook'', reeved up at the aborted rn b.. . 1 O'CLOCK A. U. UNTIL TWELVE CeOLOOEP. AL All articles is the line, peculiar to the Eau, Welt Or Routh, received daily by kaprosa and welted op to order.— Buchtesa men 0111 And the table at WALNUT RAIL' that they could deales. aarilikakele Thep3t tor Cyders, Tidy Ouse and, early Vegetables 1. thalr eaeaurt.llol fol 3 ccll.l.yd THE RIGHT PLAGE TO BUY YOUR 111131 T, de, for the )oath of July, la at miasma Pendly Grocary sad Tea Btorn,lihderal arrant. below. am Post Odloe. Allegheny. where you aratilldl=ths ray bar Tante Currants at....._.__.....:.. . .Parr".d- Valencia Baidne—" Nay Crop 1 d, New Bohemian Beadles Eatable-- -js7o Bawl.• Alm, run Bplcas, Citron gad laraon-teelrAltaceds, tarts, le, 20. . • .--'".• "•• • POI A. RODLICE, FLOOR, _ NOM. Harrison 311112 Family Plo¢rt- 200 Western Extra. (o arrive MN/ trash, Bbedod oorro 60 ton. In store sad Err sal* by 'HI= COOS.- 31SIIHMIHTH CO. NEW : MAC4Eitt.ii tirig gibEentth 100 half bble. No. a Lain "Mass 1 e .074{04'414 eed and got silo by FJOJIN SWIM . lb CO jay • Comer Wood and Sintli /Wei% _ _ S _ COVILL'S COMPOUND IXTRAOT',OF SARSAPARILLA AND STELLLSOLA, for tbo cum of yll dismay miring from lovority of the blood. A !VP =PAY /AU rec i elyal by JOB. 7LLAELiiO, bag Corner Dismiiml and Martin Inuits. Ou PATENT f o RUIT CAN—ThelAest Tin Tmlt thut yet beton, the mibllo; simple; it Pm lewdy safe. Every one who deskna froutng frelt cans should hoe thte con Wore grarehtsing. T. J. Cliela, mikluksi on 6 121 Wood greet 6th door from filus. MANCHESTER PROPERTY—Tim:feint Indicting Lots, 20 foot front on Washington 01 4 irAtfs!fr :Prce for lb. tln7) ,a 54100. or 76 11"1Y ` " AU;l4 " ls— No* . oo;thl RATS, Alice, Roaches tutc1„10 0 .4 5 '. or. - mats t. ;- parstloa. by byte NEW TENNESSEE W . 11101, Lading tram Mama linnnoala, Legaziorisr ka= Qui , . FINISH sLexcg.4.ous wr reed at 11 laluother crate of Mom 11. rat am - OLD TENN WILEAT—Whit4 I . I 171 sub la Amend for rt a g uit iarrika, roar 04000558-60.413 *c gr alt !WO" Pak • . / 4° eg' iMiduoFt,