tveesu iuxit.mO. t. vuuun.*' a- *• ****?**? H. DRHBXT S CO,, SDJTOJtS attd, PB OPMIBTOB3. . , ....... piTTSBWBQat TUESDAY MORNINa, JULY 19. 1869. e 1 vj Republican State Ticket. acoxsob oeasui, THOMAS B. OOCHRAN, &f York county. euavzToa email, - WILLIAM H. SEIM, of B«k* eotoly. .BTVAW, : ELIAS n. lElflll, Piu*bur«h. asnamv, WILLTAM VAHMOM,*PiU»Iorg!i, . DAVID A. PBBSSLKY, AUtgbeoy, CHARLES L. OQkHniKd, Uattrn, DAVID B. CAYAED, Peebles, WILLIAM EBPT, Lower PtOlftlr. ABSVMKT UV JCOOt," THOMAS MELLON, OolUns. wstatev Atvotwsr, JACOB D. MILLER, PittalxPgk vuisvan. . „ GOODMAN Y. COULTER, SootbYoysU*. coaonswovg*. JONATHAN BBAUFF, PitUbargb. acorma, DAVID CORNELlUS,Scffleidej. SUSVIIOB, M.T.ANDEKSON, East Doer. KtxcToa or vim roca, JOSEPH MILLER, Snowden. :Sfd%^sS: _ Wb giTC up. the larger portion of our space ifaiay to detailed acoonnts of the battlo of Sofftrioo—the French official account, which will bftfeqnd. on our first page, and that of Mr. Wo. correspondent of the London Tima, which wiH-be found on this page.' These accounts aro needed to complete the record, and a* a perl of the bleloryof the limes, deserve a careful reading. , - . - Bab Iboh vbom ma Obe.—The Bt. Louis Rt . has, for some weeks, been bloviating over an invention alleged to have been m&de by Mf. Chiflfrell, ■■ of that city, for manufacturing bariron directly from the ore. Afarnao* erect ed there to test Mr ~ChUw«RNr invention was .. stated to be a grand success, and a revolution in the Iron: manufacture was not only confidently -predicted bat positively asserted. We paid no attention to tho affair, at the time, confident that it would tarnlont afoilare, or eomelhiog in. reality far short of the anticipated result; .and it is even so. The matter attracted so muoit at tention at Detroit that an agent was sent from the Wyandotte Rolling Mills to sea “if the thing be bo.” Ho has thoroughly examined the St. Lonis works, and reports the furnace substan tially a failaro. Ho declares the iron by the Chiswell process too brittle for any praotfeal use, and of a quality quite inferior to that made after the old plan. He brought baok several specimens, and the best does nofeompare with the ordinary bar iron.' It is thought a alight-improvement on the Renton Furnace, which some of our citizens know of, bat yetfalls far short of tho merits which it is claimed to possess. . . ■ Cambria Cousty. —The Repnblioans of Cam brlft county, at their late County Convention, .adopted the following resolutions: IfrioZoci, That the fair fame of oar beloved -Commonwealth bos been foully tarnished by the reokleas, ektxavsgaat, unprincipled and shame lessly aorrnpt administration of the Federal Government by her traitor bod, James Buchanan. - That we arc loaman in favor of wiping ant this elam upon our escutcheon,- and consigning to everlasting ignominy tbe name of the sopple tool who has been instrumental in producing it. “ i&ofoed, That the enrest and moat effectual way of performing this doty to ouraelvos and onr posterity, ia by the nomination and election in 1800 of tbs Hon. Simon Cameron—a true eon of Pennsylvania—to the Presidency oflh'e Re public. / Raolvtd, That wtf are In favor of his nomina tion, and, if nominated, we pledge ourselves sod the People’s Parly of “Little Cambria” to roll up for him on the summit of tbe Alleghenies a vote to which wo can point with pride in after years." ■ .. ' • EaffUsb. Account* : CCcnT»pon.dccott of Uw .fcondoa Itast-j Cavatasa, Jane 2->—4 a. >l — Another name been added to. tho number of tbpse place* - ia lhU lHlIs hilly iriAngl© which bare been il lasirated in the military history of Italyby a battle.Bolferiuo—a name yesterday unknown toiall but antiquaries and localcanosityhonterß —bas to-day a historical BigniEatloa..ltreprG ' seats onooflhe greatest battles of modern days. It was the first meeting, in foil force, of the two --groat armies whieharu fighting for thefato of Iy. - lit all the battles and engagements hitherto: : - foughtetobaide had-unly part of "its foreseen tho at aoy rate, engaged; yesterday lotS brought up wbaf they coaid. Itw&s, then, I the .first, occasion to jadge of their respective . : power and ability. Both .Emperors were at the beadaof-tbeir- armies, wnrroooded -by all theirr most experienced advisers. 1 ' What the immediate reeolt of this gigantic doe! was you ‘will know long beforo this letter V : reaches yon; what its real influence will be .on .. the warfare we cannot yet judge for ourselves., Exoept ia , those few csser where aa army .is ; * completely , broken; up" by defeat, the resule 'pf : tho greatest battle beoobeabnJy clear some time after. AUhoogh a 1 great *fld,decisive, victory, the battle of Solferiflcf does -hot belong to thosa' ofihe former, class.-, The Austrians were beaton, drfon from position to .position, bnt whether they.are able ornot to make-soother' stand' in ' ibecpen field webaraasyet to feirn. • * - There is some element in' the Austrian coun cils of-war Which wedon’t underetaad,bat which, gives to their operations in this first phase of i ihßcSmpaJgttjaitßS uncertain andiVacillatlnga • oharaoter as they possessed la the .'second part! ofiL On Monday they aro In fall retreat over the Hindu; and on Thursday they ore back egaln with nil lheir'forces, havo taken hp their, posl* tios/forlified it; and arewaiting to receive ne. It mayiiiYft been * feint for angbt we know, but It (s rathfirie maqiL jo.soppose of the credoUiy of his adversary io be token in by an attempt to play at bide and seek with an army estimated at 180,000 or 200,000 men. Although, therefore, , every thing rather indicated that tho Austrians - intended to withdraw .behind the Mlocio, aot ac cepting a. battle onthls side ofit, bat preparing to defend tbopoeaagoof it. with alliheirforoes,the advance was asoarefal as if every moment they had expected to meet the cocmy. .From point to polattbedifferontcorps were poshed forward, one taking the placoof ihe otber, and feeling tp v the right and left for the enemy. ■ i When the Chieee was crossed, and the allied jjp„ , 4 amies approached the ground where, if any where, the enemy bad to make hie stand, their altitude becamb quite that cfaa army advancing p; " - to the battle field; Each body took up the po-! ' tg aitioa Which Itjwaa to ocaopy in the battle- Toni ..§& -- > coold see if you went along the lino H '.if y C v tho AUles the daybefore the battle, i whole advanoe the. left somewhat i overlapped tho right, while on the extreme right 5 W "" -v* itsolf was a detached corps far enough- to the ~*1 - nu to-proteot-*hat-fla»k, and yet oloee enough. ? J toenter into line in the hoar of battle. - The day before the battle the position extend >■? * ed from the shores of tho Logo di Garda at Dee* :< , eozaao *n along the .wcetern edge. of the hilly ■ *?< - J - ,' oonibry !*•»»*• down to. Casllglione,' and, bending baok toward Csrpenedolo, toaohed there the Chlese; tho Emperor himself, with the Guards y C v M a reserve, at Monuohiaro, and the Eiog, with . . hisslaft’irtXbnatOi.vr; ; v . : .-< 'ThwwonnntoMce, as you will remember,- \ r . was seat that day in the direction of^Sol/erine, *:->V ’ and felt!h witheoine Aastriaa postef ihisproved tt»i ihdt>Mo.irii»oWopie(l, bats»Tonokey to whfithap it was only adetoohment. left to obeerve . - too »nuoo of tho Allies, or wbtUior It on th« »( -apant-cardi. of lho AtuUian.anny. . It looked * ' *. »M7&pidoo»i Ih«*>!>»-U>»tl‘lndof«ileiioo .. ' r - nil fthoat tho neighborhood yooreowk afaoet • ' »l«,s hniec »Imll»r cifimm»;anoe, the only sign * : ftadLmoveaent dMtJßtho. '; / ; direction of lbe tflacio paewge « ft* ' ' I® the afternoon Mr?;. Goddard ';;.ino :; 4G■-&»▼».made another a#ceat oii> Urger Milk wiib bll balloon from one of the hlghbilli :" • J wMo& rtte dosebehlod Gaatigllbae. . I badto go before lbo Mcoot took place*so I cannot. («ll whetbortt came off, or whether it threw any 9® the ppaiiion of .the. enemy. -Vi At «»f'inae,‘ there W no ttir ia the etenlng at -- ‘MoßtibierOierhere the Gouda remained still rommp*d.'« d J % Emperor himeelf had hie i TMtSiJy'mo«u.B * o'clock, tho sound of !*i?hSd ctads Moshe* Ms teeth. Stfors »u hour h»d passed *• been m»d» for the *tta*k.” - were made oa; the/fa?pJralJoh,pr*W mraroV*ngg<^ «, whstherhioMsJeßiyfaiswbeforir: Ibjtrhe “urtriwi hid taken up their pod‘lou«|d ««« «f u.ptan formed ' Mttsspot. »»d ; ths orders irero given outnt- A'' V-^V rtr ,: - • ' ' 5 ll /üblican County Ticket. ilMehiibae wa hive todesl, Here coair?ddw&; xrcxn thtnorthwestin: a southerly directions* far M- CastigUone. audthen,' mwng a str^e-the-Miholoin:a south-easterly direction. The[bill/ counlry.forms.thna a tolerably regular psraUelognhrfromaortb eastto south vest; the four angles o/ which are Lonato, Peschiera, Vol ta and CasligUoae. This parallelogram of bills is about .twelve mllee in length and nine miles in width, and is divided almost in its middle by a little stream, which nma into the Mincio. -The hills rise gently from the shores of the lako, and attain their highest elevation above the source of Ibis stream, falling off again toward tho-Mlu cio. This is just about the center of the paral lelogram, at ftondolsto and Poxiolengo on the left, and at Solferino, Monte Ohveto, and Cavna na on the right bank of the etraam. These points were chosen bytbo Aostrisna as the pivot of their line. Their line itself extended from Peschiera, on whioh they leaned their extreme right, through ibis pivot, down into the plain of the Mincio, intersecting the great road to Qoito. The whole line was not less than twelvo miles in’ length. Cavrlsno was the center of it, which the £mperor of Austria had chosen for his head quarters, while Solferino was the key of the whole position. This order of battle protected all tho approaches to the Mincio, but H was jael the necessity which was felt to protect all the roads leading to the Mincio whioh caused this long.extension, and became thus an element of weakness in the whole poeitioo; and this length of line and corresponding weakness increased the more tho Minoio was appreaehed, for the road to Qoito, which is the principal passage, goes off from C&stiglione at a considerable angle toward the south-east. This weakness was recognised, and Ibo dispo sitions taken accordingly. Instead of taking tbo poaltion in front, where it la of formidable strength, the whole weight of the attaok was thrown on the wings, with the view of breaking through the line, if possible, and gaining odo of the Minoio paaaagea, or, at any rate, foroing tbe enemy oat of the strong position in the hills,.- Accordingly the 4th corps, that commanded by Gen. (now Marshal) Kiel, reeioforoed by part of (ho reserve and artillery, rcoelved orders to not in tho plain, toward Goito. The Ist corps of Marshal d’flillicre, was to proceed by tho road'which rdna from Castiglione along Ihob&ao of tho hills, near tho little village of Grole, np to SoUerlno. One division of the 2d oorpa, that of the Daks de Magenta, was ;to lake this village from the hill food in front, while the other was tp take it quite in the rear by San Cassiano. The 3d corps that of Marshal Canrohert, did not enter in line, but was bentbaok in the direction of Castel Onzago, while the Sardinian army, was to execute'on the left wing a flank, movement, corresponding to that on the right, trying to' break through the line between Pjeschiera and Poxiotengo, and get to one of tbe&)i»oio passa ges which that direction. The Guards remained as a reserve, under the personal com mand oflhe Emperor, who took the command of the movement. . Although the hilly Datura of the country u favorable enough for observation, the line was too extended to overlook the whole, while the simultaneous character of the movements made it impossible to follow details on every point. I must confine myself, therefore, only to the main features, as far as I saw them myself, or have had time as yet to ascertain thorn. The attack began almost simultaneously on the right and in the center, for while the fire of musketry and the advance of oolnmns on' Solferino indicated that the battle had begun in the center, the Piedmontese gnns were heard to the left, and the artillery of Gen, Kiel to the right, in the di rcction of San Vigilio and Medole. The hill around which tbo village of Solferino is bnilt is the most prominent object all along this country. It is of a conical shape, and has at its summit a high, square tower, called the "Spai (Spy) dTtalin,” for from the top of it you can overlook the plain of Upper Italy from the Alps to the Po. This hill is detached from the rest of the range, and throws out three plateaux —one in the direction of the.lake, another to* ward the plain, and a third toward Cavrisna. It forms thus, as it were, a high castle with three bastions, and all tbo roads leading toward it run in the openings between the plateaux. All the sides, with the exception of that toward the plain, aro very precipitous, and tbo roads run down at so steep an inclioe that they are called the Scale do Solferino. Toward the plain the approaches riao by a gradual incline nntil they reaoh (he first houses; thenoc they aseamo the same precipitous character which the others have. It was this side which was chosen as the point of atuo't. The Austrians had prepared for this, and were ready to r receive their adver saries. Both sides of the road up to the village itself aro oovered with vineyards; into these they had thrown masses cf infantry, taking ad vantage of the nature of the ground to give them shelter and free scope for their rifles. As for artillery, they not only had some on tho road, bnt on the different elevated points to the right and left, which abound in lbe higher parts of the road toward tbe village. The fight began slooat in the plain ja*f where the rood coming from Castigtione bends to aeaeod the village, and crosses the road from the latter to the main road ofGolto. Two divisions of tho Ist corps (Forey’s and B&zaine’s) bad orders to drive the enemy from this position, whilo one division of the 2d corps was to take (he tillage in the rear by San Cassiano, The enemy’s skirmishers beiog driven back, tbo two divisions of the Ist corps advan ced, and after a sharp fasillade'succeeded in driving him back towards the village. But it was only at the village that the real fight began. Xbe entrance to it bad been barricaded, and the high garden walls! which extend to the right and left were loopholed for musketry, while on the spar which lies to the right of Ihe read as yon .ascend, a battery was sending down a shower of grape. This entrance became tbo scene of a most desperate fight, bat was at last forced, and then began one of thmstreet fighlswbioh seem to become a characteristic of-this campaign; every bouse had been loopholed, and was occu pied by the enemy. As there are no gates in the rear of the courtyards of these houses, the de fenders in each were obliged to fight to the last or else surrender. Twice the first division of the Ist corps had succeeded in penetrating to the church, theenolosure wall of which is just at lbe foot of the great lower and the top of the hill, and twice it*bad to retire before the reserves which the enemy brought op. Tbe fight bad lasted for more than three hours, and the -strength of the eoldiers began to fail. At ibis moment, whioh was about B'o’clook, the Yoltl gears and the Chasseurs of (he Guard received Orders to relieve them. At-tbe same time the Division of the 2d Corps, with tbe Turcos or Chasseurs Indigenes, pushed home Us attack from Gan Cosssano, while the other division of the Ist corps had attacked the heights to the left $f the road. In less than half ao hour the ene jiny .was driven out of bis stronghold, and had to retire, leaving 12 guns behind. Ho retired in the direction of Cavriano, bnt only step by step. Looking down from Solferino toward Cavriana, there is a mate of hills before you, which l ean compare to nothing' but tho ruins of a number of cotloeal Boman camps formed by nature, and half obliterated by age. It is one-succession of ascents and descents, (be .best description of whioh I heard from a soldier, who, describing the battle on the height, .said, 'Cetoit me chasse a rjcurcuxL* * After the taking of Solferino (be engagement assumed really the ehape of a balUe, where lac nos came into play. The lakiog of the village woeinore due to bravery thaneolenee. Battles' .have often been compared to a game of chess; woll, I never was so strnok by the troth of this comparison as yesterday, daring the ftdvanco from Solferino to Cavriana—how one body after another was moved forward, and the enemy forced back by degrees. It was in this fight that the Immense superiority of lbs new Fronch rifled cannon showed iteelf. The lightness of the pis* ces is snob that they can be bronght op hills so steep that even infantry had no small difficulty in coaling them. Still the raogo .of them and their precision are almost incredible. You could eee their shells bursting among the guns and infantry of the enemy, while the shells fired from his guos at the highest elevation were foiling short or baraling in the air. The attack on this succeseion of positions w&s made from the plain at the same time as from the heights, the object of both being to gain the bright* ofCavriana, the centre of the Austrian position. While one column advanced' by the road which leads along the baso of the bills to Cavriana, the mala body followed the chant a V uureuii over hill and dale in a regular steeple chase toward the tower of Carriana. While the attaok in what was now the centre, took this ehapo the attack of the 4th Corps in tho plain to the right bad likewise developed itself. For a short distance from Costiglione the country to the right and left of the road is tall of vineyards and mul berry trees, not very closely planted, but suffi cient to bejao obstacle to thomovementrof artil lery and oavalry. After two miles or so, how ever, lbs trees recede on both sides, aadaaal most nakad plain, partly grass, partly planted | with coro, stretches oat almost from tho foot of the hllis across the main road to (ho neighborhood ofMcdole. This plain which extends as far as Cavrlatta, Ouldlzzolo, and-Ceresolc, became tho seeneofa most animated artillery and cavalry engagement, which was very effective, as'seen with a good glass from the heights. The infantry took part in U only, to the extreme right toward Medole and Ceresole, occupying (be vineyards whichpie at tho entrance of the plain, and from Which theinfantry of the enemy had.beon before driven out. Ae- soon as Gen. Niel was able, to debouoh it into the plain from the right theday was gained, for euoh was the superiority of the french artillery, that the Austrian artillery men, who, it most be acknowledged, fought their ad versaries with great bravuy.were obliged to r yield.Tbiswasin theafternoonabout4o T olock. dome to'ihohiils about Cavriana, and while one colona jailedthe steep ridge under whleb the road was sent bh the road Into the rapidity, with I whioli advwbed* you could tee i’t&tbe Aufiirians bad giren op the idea oft* I vdaiinf any longeria this position,and .wen now only to aftf gw* their niff*' - topilti Wf - CaTmco, which Ifi aiiofltl foroidablfir.A* that ‘ of Bolferioo, wu "only -belduQtil tho other ' < troops could be withdrawn;;and T&a ultimately taken with littieloia- 16 the plain, tho Austrian artilery executed a very good retreat m tchdan, while the cavalry was sent forward to arrest somewhat tho progress of the Allies. On this oc casion there were a couple of brilliant charges executed by the Chasseurs d’Afrique, but this ; did not pievent tbe enemy from keeping tbc road ito Goito. By 5 o'clock, 1 almost everything was i over on the right wing and the center. The end | waspreclpitatedbyaemartehower, which began 1 to fall about this time. What happouedonibo left I must reserve for another letter, as I could not overlook that part of the field, and bAve bad as yet no time to hear the details and eed tbe field of battle. But when tbe battle ended on tfae right a smart cannonade began on tbe left, which most have been either a renewal of the attack in order to gaio tbe pas sage of Ponte di Moozamb&no, or else It was an attack on tbe part of the Aostriao army retirieg toward Pesohiera. Some of the guos mast bate been fired from this latter place, for, tojadgoby tbe sound, they were large position guns. The resnlt of tbe day is, driving tbe Aus trians from the position which they bad tbemr selves chosen and fortified in every way, eo as to make it almost impregnable. It waa tbe strongest proofofsnperiority which could be giv en. From tbe extent of the position, and tbe force in which they appeared, in all thoy mast have been very nearly 200,000 men etrong, and, If the prisoners are to be credited, they brought up all their reserves from Mantna by railway daring the battle. These 200,000 were in one of the most formidable positions that oan be con ceived, bad the ground carefully prepared for defense, and were driven by about 140,000 or 150,000 men from these positions, leaving 80 guns, besides a number of ammunition wagons, and several thousand prisoners. If the defeat did not become much greater it was from tbe Austrians thinking of a timely retreat. Ae soon as Solferino was lost, it was evidently a losing battle that they were fighing. They were think ing' all the time of their retreat, and held the groand only sufficiently.notto expose themselves to worse evils. Soolosotothe Mincio it would have been ao act bf desperation to attempt to hold their position, with tbe risk of being puob td back in tbe river, or else betas cut off from it. There oan be no misinterpreting the tLiog, as at Magenta, that only part of (he troops were preseot, or that they were fatigued; it wae ae fair a trial of respective strength and skill for them as they eonld desire—for all the disadvan tages in numbers, as well as position, were en tirely on the side of their adversaries. Whether after this trial they will still think of accepting another battle on this side of the Mincio, or whether they will be satisfied with defending the river Une, remains to be seen. Tho losses on both sides were, of oonrss, con siderable, especially in and about Bolferino, which looked Uke a human butchery after tbe fight. At this point alone I saw lying about moro tban 1,600 dead, beside a largo moss of wounded. In dead the French did not lose very much,‘but the number of wounded cannot be less than 8,000 or 4,000, only a small proportion, however, severely wounded among them. What the Austrian loss waa it is not possible to judge, for they took away as long as they could both dead and wounded, having made a requisition for 2,000 carts in tho villages on the Mincio. Gen. Niel, who commanded the right flanking oolamn, and whose ekillfnl management of tho artillery contributed ooneiderably to tho success of the day, has been raised to the rank of Mar shal do France. , As soon as the battle was over, orders oamo to transfer the headquarters to Carrions, and last night the Emperor occupied the very room which his antagonist bad had prepared for him self. Even the dinner was found nil prepared and waiting for the victor. DYSPEPSIA.—The worstfoo of humanity )■ ao vet! knows, that we hardly fool disposed to occupy time or »pace In ita exposition. Few bar* escaped sufftrlng from onecranotbercfiUvarisdfartex. Infkct,UU«lthcr a cicii cr a of almost every other dietasv; and taken to this stage, we believe one rem-dj— £(KMIAV£’S UOLLANDBITTeKS—wiII always mitigate, if not effect a permanent euro. Wo might use atrouger language, l»nt, ai we an addressing a msoaisj as well aa a rea*on*t>io com munity, dedr* to avoid tbo prejudice which would attach to what would teem mere boasting. lodLreslion, Heartburn, Qtadach*—Sick and NetToai—ld fact, all that ban their origin ia impaired digestion—ln which an Included BILTOC3 DISORDERS AND LIVER CUM PLAIN K, Mental Disorder*. MOposition to rftiai, Impaiienct, P'prtuion of Aptria, A'ertxvj Finn and Trcmilitg , derirt for SMtutlr, and a number of other affection* of Ibis etas*, rendering a man unfit for later eoana with tba World and the *oeiety of bii family—will ail, in meat Instancra, ba found to bare procmlsd from that dia*t*ed st«t« of (ho dlewtiTw organs which ihu medietas is to eminently calculated to relieve. JUrr CaBOTO;—Th* G*nuln* highly Ccnreotrated powr bave’s Holland Bitten ts put apta half pint txXOn only, •txl retailed nt (1 per boUla. The great deraaod for this truly Celebrated Medtcfnebu Induced many imitations Which tba public «hould guard against porvhsaing. Beware of Imposition! BC* thatour name tiva tbalabclcf every bottle you boy. BENJAMIN PAGE, Jm, k 00, Rdo, 27 WoodstmvbctWwcD Istaodil et*.,Pfttshorsh. Pa. myffl.-daw B aoiiftimuitnus. JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER LOT OF ■i t WILLIAM ZNA3S Ss CO.’S CSLETt BATED PIANO FORTES, FOR SALE BY cHARLorra blume, jultf No. 118 Wood tl, 24 door above Fifth. Valnablo Beal Batata fox Salo, NEAR TWO ACRES frontiDg on Ridge street 176 feet from tb« line of the We»l Common and 265 faet West of the property of tbe Theolngtea! Seminary, fn Alleghany City, os which is erected an elegant and fashionable Brick Mansion forty-five foot front, with kitch en, wasbieuso, Ac., In tha rear, all arranged in (he brat manner for convenience; and noted for dusta architectural execution,withtanacos, hot and cold water bathrooms, gaaflitoresaadothermodwnimpfovenjeats. Tbegrcunds are highly attractive aa to location and beautifully lerrmced, commasdlofc extensive views of tb* three rivers In the vl dolly and tha adjacent country. Th»y are coverod with fores c and matured choice fruit trees of various kinds, grape tinea in full bearing, and shrubbery. Attached Isa Urge brick stable and carnage boose, and a teased pasture field ofabcut 7 acres. For terms apply to jnlDsodtf • .JUDGE IRWIN, on tha premises. CORNER STONE CELKBkATION—BX COHSIO* CARS—The Dowd of Manager* of th* W. P. Hospital respectfully request the ettradaeco of all the friend* of the institution on the Interesting occasion ofl»y -log the corner stone of the caw hoildlsg for the aaccmawd*- tlonofthe insane of Westirn Pennsylvania. A special train of can vili leave lbs Pittsburgh depot ot the FuWsyse k Chicago Railroad at 10 o’clock TCEsDiY MORNING, stopping at the Allegheny depot for the lice pltalFsnn. The cars will temala at the (ana during the day to afford shelter In esse of • shower, end «ill return to thedtyet3){F. w. Tickets tot the round trip, 00 cents, and can be had at either station. Visitors will protide their own refreshment*. Jylfcft T, BAKEWELL, president. 0Q ACRES OF LAND on the Ohio River. nearly opposite Freedom, will be eoU on easy terms. House of 3 rooms, orchard of 100 trees, good store, springs of wster, eta Will he sold for f l,too—®Xl In hand, balance Is U 2» end 3 years. JulP 8. CUTnCERT A 80S, 61 Uaikctst. ONE MILE from Clifton Station, on i\ & O. B. R,s Dwelling lloose,Stable,etc. Price gi,4OQ —|7oo In bend, halaoce et 1 yeti, for sale by Jnlß . 8. OPTaB&RT A SOfr, SI Market it. Flour, flour—a fun supply or host grades on heod end constantly ncrtvlog by JolO. HTTCHOOQg. MoOKKgKT A 00. CHEESE. —Superior Cutting Choose re* ceirlng regularly from the best manufactories and for .gale by Jnlß IHTCHOOSg, McCRKERT A CO. IMPORTED SEED WHEAT—SSO bush pure Imported Wheat, from the Mediterranean, la seeks of two btubels, for safe by %jol» - IHTOnCOCE, VcCRKERY A CO. ,X?BESH BLOELICK AND BEDFORD A! WATERS always on draught. Also, Congr*es,Kissen* gen and Empire, at - JOS. FLhMIHG’3, • JniO ’ &jroir ti Ainond nd Market tu. TOOTH BRUSHES—a large and lino as eortmsnt of Tooth Bruehe* Just rte’d by JnlB . JOB. FLEMING. RATS, Mice, Roaches and Mosquitoes promptly exkrmiasted bytho nse ot Meyer's Pro psratliin. For sale by Jql9 Jq3- FLEMING. PURE ICy SPARKLING SODA WATER drawn from Porcelain Foentainswitb rich and highly Savored Syrups can always be procured st Jul 9 JOS. FLEMING'S. MUKMIY'S PATENT B INDUES—Just ncMtlotof Wm. F. Marpbj’» piunt rerptitul Utter Diode!*. _ IIAVKtf, f Dinar Haricot ud 2d tod Wool tad Third it*. DBSiLVISR'S NEW MAP OP THE SJSAT Of WAR IN EOROPE—Tbe beat ona pnbllatttd for ail* by Jalfl Vf. 8. 11AVKN. LEAF TOBACCO—3 casks Missouri Leaf - . 7 boSM do do X»»rrltq forttlaby . Jo9l _ M’PASB A AHJE7L NEW TKNN, .WHEAT—'Writs and Red. —Seret&l Jot# Bow on thewayaoiJ arrirtas for silo by JBI9 JSAIAHMQKS* ACO. RYJB— 500 bas. Byo to arriro and for sale bf T. BELLA CO, " jaltf Corner Front at. apd Chancery Leno. Qnn BUS. PRIMEWHITE WHEAT; OUviOOdo do Yellow C^rn, fcraalaby JolO MoBANB A At?JER, fiO BXS: PRIME PEARL STARCH for vvwliliy - Jol9 JJeSAREAANJKR. ORANGESr=-50 boxes Mcisma Sweot re ceiving tbt# dayfor *al# by JoIS - ESTHER SANDERSON, 80 Wood at. LEMON St-50 boxes in prime order rccoiv tortlilf day «sd for tala by , UXxUXB 4AHDEHS3.V. jo!8 •- .‘ W 0.39 Wbod«t,oppo#!t» gt,CbyU > . .Mttfc'vdol fiae'tf do eoßxlcßßflßt Attd Ibr asl# by - ■ . • JtJfl: -J. *OO4W Witor ted M Froi tat T> AKE CHANCE FOB; A GOOD: XAtf" iV HER a aauU <«»b writ#!, to go late bgftßen,-. fiSin mi MsiteiL, >o?nvux*Bxat * wss jUrto. *aib«tistmtnio. CAUL. AND ICXAMINE Tan LATEST IMPROVEMENT Sewing Machines Tills IS THE MACHINE withsc owners offered a premium 01 Iu Philadelphia to uy other ou exhibition at the Franklin Institute that could do. tho same rang* of work as well- Their offer not having beeu accepted its superiority mail be conceded, tor sale el A. M. IVLVRBHAU. Ac CO.’S, FRDfiRAL ST, ALLIGIIENY CITY OAKuano rilOfikltTV FOR habE. That portion of Oakland known a»**Now Linden Grove,'.' Ijlng within two and a half tulles of tbe elty, has been subdivided Into lotsof conveo- Inntetze, ranging in from one to tan acres earh. Some of them are level, others brantlfal and ayometrlcal knolls, covered with forvst trees, and others gently rol’lng, snscep* til.le of betog Improved in the moat picturesque nunuer. There lota are surrounded by an excellent neighborhood, with the advantage of a firvt class private school, taagbt by Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Kerr, with pabltcscboota In the vicinity. A line ofoiunibnsts itjds ev»ry boor during the day, and ioaahorttimea facsang.r Railroad will be built, that rendering them most eligible and desirsble. For beauty of ecenery, facility of accws, pority of air. and convenience to tbedty, they are unsurpassed as sites for country mldencw. In order to accommodate those who may wish to improve th*y are offered at tbe following very easy terms: Oaoteath In hand and the reiidoo In olne equal annus! payments. julS lmd VT. O. LESLIE, Ot DUmood at. ABomoatead for $10; A Homestead for $100; also, Homesteads for $lOOO and over, situated on and near Rappahan nock River, above and below Freder icksburg, in Virginia. Anew town, called RAPPAHAN NOCK, has recently been laid out ia Cu'ptppir Coun ty, lu the mid*t uf the GOLD REOtON OF V/KOINIA, surrounded by Minis and Mining Companfrt; and Farm* and l'own Ijota in altrri>ntn dKXuoe or elixirs, can cow bo bad for a “MEUE 80X0,” slDply to induct utllvnent in this desirable region. $1t4,900 worth of land la to bo dlvld ed amongst purchasers or gtnn otMy as an lodocement to com* on and make , improrements, ond tho laud is of tha moat Improvable qualities. Many bare already arttled,aod tcoras of others are coming. Good Forming Land, lo tracts of any site to suit,purchatm, can alio be had at from $lO to $2O per aero, payable in easy quarter yearly installments. Cnqxutiimablt tkitt will 6e »n cm catct pipm. 4w*AGENTS ARB IVANTED everywhtio to sell tiitte lauds; liberal lndaromenlß trill ho given. FovparticaUre, address E. BADDER. Julft:3wd Land Agent, Fort Royal, Vs. Truss and supporter manufao TORY.—OARTWBIOfIT A YOUNG, No. W Wood St, brg leave to call the attention of the afflicted to the fact that they aretheooly MANUFACTURERS of TRUSS*B ana BUfPURTRRS tu this clly. They can coosequeutly Uke measures and make to orurr these articles after tbe most approved pattern, aud (urnUb ibxm atprlcotfrequsot ly not more than one-half that demanded by mare dealers In them, ill are solicited to call, after pricing and exam ining Trnrsw iu any other store in the city, confident that we can satisfy the slfllctod that it 1* their tuUreat to deal with the manufacturer. attention paid t-> repairing. Jutfi CAItTIVBIQtiT A YOUNG, 60 Wood atrrot. Tannery for sale—with four town lots, good substantial buildings, work shop and dwell ing bouse, bark and mill houso 4o feet iqturr, with stoue basement; shop £2by S 2 feet, hS vat*; fruit trees, Ac,Ac No tan yard within '« miles; a lot of bark, shop tools, Ac, will also be eold. This property Is situate lo a gooJ neigh borhood; cost over st,uu> will bo told for $2,600. Jnlfl 8. OUTUmiRT A BON, 61 Markot st N*EW FIRM, UALLAUIIER, CIIAIQ A CO., Sli AS 6 FOtJNDENB, 6IE»SI ANt. QA3 PIPK PITTEKS AND PtUUBEHB; Finishers or all kinds or brass WORK, and dealers is OA3 FIXTURES, A.- IFOTFICK AND WARERGOiIB, Five doors liltb ale djora t-elow Ih- Uouoognhela Ilocae, between Wood and Smith field. The v»U knoim practical ekill acd cxperlenr* iu th« va i iocs braochoe if Drain Cacticgs, Bream acd Gas I ittir.g of ih* souior member* of r-ar firm, who will *iro their psreitia) atteuUon to all work lotruato.l to thrra, ibc-nld entitle us t-i a share of public patrosage. ORDERS PJdJMPTLY FILLED *qZB lul4:dif COAt'WANTUD. untr Bv. loots Gas Ltanv Couraxv, \ f< Luulj, Joue 30lh, y PHOI‘OSALS will l>« recoivivi bfth^St. LOUta GArf I.Mill r COMPANY, tilt tat October noxl, for NINE UUNPKED THOUSAND BUSHELS FITCc- OURGUCOAL. ol the beet quality,fcrOMruskicgpurposes, lobe delivurraas follotr,- Oe*-half, (4o ft ,*;ou busbele) In ISCI, and tbe other half In I!C2 Tli->C.*I to be delirorsd In (be Coßifrany’s yard,St. L*mi». TheGai Light t’-mnpaDy rwrvos «be right ip r-jrct any or all btda. juX4Mtne! KDWaru nTAGG, B>r'y JOE CHESfST 1 MEAT SAVES, A Urge supply f-n l»sad fjrtth* low nt 100 IrriiCity 6toT«nnil Tin Warthotna cf W. W. CRADSUAtC.Ho 13t Wood street, JulU rirst «loor below tho *fgn of tbe GclHi.n Gun, NEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLEMENT. TO ALL WANTING FARMS, A Rare opportunity in a delightful and climate, twenty-five miles south-east r.f Philadelphia, on the Camden and Atlantic K. K-, New Jersey. Aa old e«ute eonslsUnjr of irttnl tbcoesnC* ofacrv* of prodnziitt soil hav Uco divided iata Farms of various shrea to tuft the pbrchaicr. A popnUtioa of «oo>« Tifttxn Hun drrd, frtitn varfou* parte of the middle fitstee aod New bng- Uod have eettiad there tbopaat year,lmproved thefr places, and raixd erztlUnt crept. The prlcoof the lead fsatthe low*omof frvia tIHoX.'O p»r acre, the eoil Is of ihobeet Sualiry for the prodoctljo of IVbeat, Glover, Coro, Pescbee. reptsaod VegeUbles. IT Id CONfiIDHKHD THIS iIKST FRUrr SOIL LV THE UNION. Xhe. place ia perfectly secure from fruits tb* dmtroctive enemy of the farmer.— Crops cfgrslß,gr**a acd frultare now growing and can be •ecu. By examining tba place Itself, a correct Judgment The terms are made easy-to eecure tb* rapid-improvement cf the laud, whlchlsonly sold far actual tmyrorcmtnf. The remit has been, that within the paatye>ir,satae fires handful hotutt have been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, aotue forty viosyards and Poach orchards planted, and a largo somber of other improvements, making It a desirable iud active place of busloesa. THE 3UBKET. as tho reader may perceive from Us Icratlort, I, the BBS! IN THE UNION. PreJuco brlngiug double the price tbao Ja locations away from tbe city, and morothan double the price than tbo West. Ilia known that the earliest and best fruits and vegetables in this latitude coma from New Jersey, aod are annually exported to theextentof mUllota. la locating ben, the setllerhss many sdrautagt*. Ho is wilhlna fow hours ride of the great ellipse! Now England and Middle Btale*, he Is near the old friends and assorte tloDa hois la a trifled country whertertry improvement of tont/ort and cioilisalion it at hand, lie can buyevery ai ti de be wants at the cheapest price, and soil bla prod oca for the highest, (id the Weil this la rersrsed,} he baa schools for his children, dlfiuo service, and will enjoy open winter,' and delightful climate, where foyers are utterly unknown. The result of the change upon those from tbs north bu gen- < orally been to restore thria to as oxccllentstaf e of health. In the way of building and UnfroTi eg, lumber can be ob tained at the mQls at the rate of $lO to $l6 per thousand.— RricksCrom Ibe brick yard open-U to the place. Every arti cle cau be procured in the place, good carpenters are at band, and there la no place In the Union .where buildings and improvement* can be made cheaper. Tbs reed, r will at be strath with the sd vantages her« presented, sod ask btaselt why the properly has ifot been token up before. Thu reason is, It was never thrown lo the market; and uuUu these statements were correct, no one •would be Invited to examine the land before pihchssinc.— This all are expected to do. They will seo land nsdeT cnlib ration, soch lathe extent of tho settlement that they will no doabt, meet persona troo their own neighborhood; they will witness tbs Improvements and cun jadge the character ol the population. If they tobie with a view to settle, they should corns prepired to stay a day nr two and be rrsdy to purchase, as focitlotn canuoibe brld oil refusal. Tnsreare two dally lrales to PfaUadelphU, and to all s«t •]*” "i 10 '“prove, tie JtailriKid Company nii+t a Fit' Titlelfur tin months, atdahal/price 2iclet for ihr tty tart. THE TOWN Or DABMONTON. Ip connection with tboagrtcultnrtl settlement, enaw 1 and ■thriving town bps naturally arisen. tefttcA pnunu indue* mntt/or any kindr/butinat.psrticulartg earttahdman v/atUmtx. The Shoe butintts could bo carried on in this pUceand market to good advantage, alio cotton bailouts, and retmuuetcric* of Agricultural Implements or Foundo* rt** for casting small articles. The Improeement has been so rapid as to insure n constant and permanent loemw of bufiutss. Town lots of a good sire, (we do not sell small ones, as it would effect tho improvement of the place) can b* had at from $lOO and upwards. The ZBmmonfcn -Farmer, a monthly lltrraryaxd agri cnlinial sheet, containing full Information of Uammonton “2-. gt J 6 cents per annum. Title indisputable—warrantee deeds glreu, dear of all In cumbrance when money ia paid. Route to the land: leav® vluo street whar£ Philadelphia for Hammonfon by Rail « « .^.V IL * er4 /4 , * 8 - Pare M cents. When there, inquire for Mr. UYUNEJ. Boarding convenience* on hind Parties had better atop with Sir. Byrner,o principal, until i bo will show them OTer the iandinhlscarriegr.-frcoof expense. LcttsrsanJ applications can be addressed to LANDIS k BYRNES, nnn,?r??^? P,o '> Atlantic county, New Jersey, orB7lh C £?i Q ? I ' IS( it 2U2 ficutfa FiWl Philadelphia. Maps and information cheerfully tcrnlehcd. JuleodCai T IIE HAMMONTON FARMER-A nows tin»?!r!nf 40 and Agilcolture, also ret rcnnta of the new settlement of Uamtnon* wa. in Haw Jersey, can be subscribed foT at only 26 cents per annum. postage stamps for Iho amsonb AJJroratoEdl jriJ/. 9 J Parnrep . Uamroonton P. 0„ Atlantic Co., Now l* n, l. of »h« tret quality. In Wnl end most delightful cllmstea in the #1.1??? *W wham «wpaarc* never cut down by frosts, the terrible scourge of the north, see advertisement ol Ilammon tODL*nd *- ' JutwdCm Farm lands for sale 25 miles from Philadelphia by Railroad, in the State of Now Jersey. Boil among the beet far' Agricultural purposes, be» jog® good loam soil, with a day bottom. The lend is a ***!»• dlTldcd into small forms, and hundreds from ati P*rt*ol the country ere now settling aud building. Tho crops produced are large aod can bo ‘eoen growing. The Climate Is delightful, sod secure fnmi frosts. Terms from •U to s2u per acre, payable within four years by Uutal- To.visit the pise©—- Brave Vine fitioet Whsrf at by Railroad fur Jlammontcn, or •dorvea it. J. Eynju, by Uttnr, Hamn;onton Post Office, Au lentie county. New Jenoy. Brt> fall advertisement iaan othcr colnuin, • Jq<*odflm Add wanting farms in a de- Ughtral climate, tich&ll, and secure trom frosts, see adVrrueeatmtof ifemsantua Leads la another column. EKSONS WANTING-CHANGE of Cu- Kivsfor health, seo adrertketoeut of Uammontoa l*ods In another cotucnii. JuSaodCm r |'o all wanting farms, seo Advct- A tlsement 0 f tlemmontoo tsods. jot:sod Cm PERSONS WISHING Tp CHANGE thoir A bmlnass to e rapidly Incxeeafnjt eountep, a New. Sett tisment wbeabnndreds are got eg, whero theclimatola mud and dellghtfal.sce adTerttsomoat of the Hsmmontou eettlsmsatth anothercoltiaat *. ' • ‘’jataodQm PERSONS WISHING TO ESTABLISH JLr: Mson factories la a newwrftttMMr plaice wbare boil. M*. U£ood,»K>fcimijacmuitof the Hamruoutoa Settle* tcrot ;; -• , - . JJutaodCm fiUOE BUSINESS AND FACTORIES can la fc* cortfoffoa profitably at Ituuaontos. .toadvu* tte&a*rf£aasl4 eepermte Wto gather, as olgfit eult a rnmchasrr. -Fcr termr aed apidy to v i FF. CUBSCO 'XXUtAr /• At lb« W«tem Istorance Ant.; f - Or— B. Himis ft* - • Jt9dwa • ffanfc gtatmrnta. statement of the lJMebjrft j tPS»DmoE>D.—Xh»- Monongahols Nsviga- SXEA'Sfi C * CB I St &»ISi9- i tkmOoflspeey bet*thfe daydecured • tflTidcM of Louis, BUI* tod Discount*.]... *i.k»«m .. i THBXE PXACBST.on tbeOepltal&loekcfMldCcopaßft R«U E«tate Md Oroufld E«ut.‘“r.7Z/ 4?t« *4 • pej*bl*cnd«nsad. ■ Stock* and SiisctUaneoo*-.;..- Also—they tors »Tilhortt*J a dietriboUoo et etock Deeby other Banfc»~~. _]]]. nmn anoogtt the Stockholder*, equal to one dolUr per ehare. Bank Note* 4 Check*...... .. Jn’jjU ta p«yehle la ue«r etock or ecrip. By order of the Board. Specie (potd and nlTer).- - W} g? 0 & tf'. B. COPBLANP* Tras. Office «t the Metettj Work*. Pitubnrgb, Joly 14th, ISs3,—JqlS:l*-d $2.802474 LIABrUTIKS. „ , . . , Kaonxn’a Omci P. *C.K. B. \ Capital Stocks 00 K«attas>aOslal!im Station, July 13, ISSJ.J HS 5 0* T » Bmtou CoKTSiCToas.—Proposals SSffo otS - r.!'. UuS k ; «« Odilon, M»oor, and ItaHutio, ol pj. oftt. CirctilAiinn 5'3.948 00 aw * OonneUstiHe Ballroed, between Fittsbnrsk D«doslu 6*»O9A 18 »nl Fort Perry, dlrtdod to sections »>r about one miloln D * poe,u Wittbertcelrsd M «ti office until the 834 test. T. mttiM uiipidflatigoi baboon by tbe Eugleeer Tbe shore statement Is correct to the best of tny know- «t>«ofbce. jul3;dtiJ mi;** (runs the While Bol|>har £*lo. lino <>o the Spilogfleld, Mount Vernon and flltebcrgbl HallronJ, and 10 miles from Pleasant Vstlsy nr f prints itail. o. on the Colombo*. Plqua and ladiana iUilrosd. The medicinal uiislltfos cf three Spring are unsurpassed. by those of any ether ilin-r»I Waters In the United htsiiK. Ay-for Room or other lofurmatioo, address A.NDREW WILSON, -It. White Solpbnr Sprioz*, Ohio. NORTHERN Assurance Company, NO. 1 MOOROATE STREET, tOXtO*. ESTABLISI ED IN 1 836.-. CAPITAL 96*808,800 00 pAtO up capital At.i> Rpuja.- 9,iv4 f iu 08 ANNUAL REVENUE, t-r th jnareuJ. ' In* January 7U 933,984 J 9 This company insures against Loss or Damage hy Flrr, almost «v»ry dia.ilpUuu of Property. ra» KaUs of Premium art moderate, sod, la all case*, b*a*d upon Uta character of tbs owner or occu pant, and Uia merits of th* rift Loises promptly sdjaited aid paid without reference in Louden. A special permanent fund provided in PiUodel phi* for payment of feurufn ISit country. urtirccts i 9 mjsrcmon: ilmrs. Jstnra McCaJly k Co-, 174 Wood (trett: u John Floyd A Oa, 173 M •• *• Brown A Kirkpatricks, 193 Liberty street- D. Gregg A Co, TO Wood street: " Wilson, M’Elroy A Co, M Wood atrect; James McCandlees A Co_ 103 “ " “ NlmlefeACo,M Water street; “ 11. A. Fahnestock A Co., Flrstand W.-oi streets; •• Jn» Wood well k Cn., Second and Wood streets; ‘ Atwell. Lee A Co. 8 Wo*d street; “ BorthfieldA Co, Fourth and Marks! streets; - Means A Co, Wood and Water its; kzmzncu nr pmupupau. QeorgaU. Stuart,'Esq, 13 Bank street - Mmrs. M>ers,Cl*|bornACo,233M»rkststreet; “• Wn, BTEae A 00., 22 South Fro at stmt; “ M’Cotcfieon A Collins, Front and New its; “ Smith, Williams A Co, 613 Market itnet; James Qrahatn A Co., 20 and 23 Letltla street; Joseph B.Uitchall, Preaidsnt Mechanics' Bonk; James Don Up, Esq., President Union Bank: Uoa. W. A. Porter, Ute Judge Bnprems Court. JAMES W, ABBOTT, Agent, jeShlydls Temporary Office, 103 Wood stmt CARD fpilE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS DAY associated with him In tbs WHOLESALE QROCERY BUSINESS, Mr. SAMUEL EWART end Mr. WILLIAM CURRY, end will rontlnuo the came at the OLD BTAND, NO. 87 I LIBERTY STREET, directly opposUsths Eagle WfL'LTAM M. OGBULY Pittsburgh, July I, 1869. WHOtBBALB GROCERS. DEALERS IN PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, LOQAH A o&saa, IMPORTERS OF THE ENTBHFRIBE i OB9* 8* BRYAB A CO,, Aftsti, j»3»iud No. 62 Wood Street. ■' Bttltfif; jaidfKß. Otnai or I'tVTaßFsoa Gas Cynnnr, > _ lUb July 1839. / n^pn-mtND.—The Trustees of the Pitts “ , Jf l l &£S l l F" n P«»7 ( ,b*Tethl* dey declared a dW. dead ormEPLROBNT.on the Capital Stock ont of tho profits of toe six mouth* ending 38ib Jane alt, payable to or thß f 1^*1 "pr«Mt*tiYi« oa demand, Jollb3wd 3AUE» M. Cna?SrY. Treasurer. AGENTS Wanted.—To eoll four BO* iDTeatlon*. Agent* haxo made oxer SVS,OW«n emo— better tbsa all other similar abodes. good Lcr itarops omJ get 80paces particular*, gratl*. J«ll-3md***T EPHRAIM BROWN. Low,!], Mas*. BS7*Agents Want*d in this State to can tata with tbeQOLDEN SALVE. Sells rapidly. G»n make good pay. For terms, *O, send sump. Jslt-3oid*w*T q P. WUITTEN, LowtH, Maas. A POLIO THEATRE.— " a ~ StTIxIGETS o.vzr COMMENCES UO.TDir SVESINO, julj 18, 185 1. Morrill Brother*, Pell St Trowbildge’e BIISSTBBI.S AND COWBEU.OOIASS, From School Btreet Opera Honse, Boston. Tas Largest, Best sad Most Original Band In the Wcild. The Company soaslsta of the following tilontej Artlitr LON MORRIS, Barjcdst, Actbor sod Comedian. BOLT MORRIS, ...$440,000 00 .... ttjfiS 55 ... 137.T10 00 30,634 67 ... 10,679 81 Origins! Mocking Bird,Cornedlin and JONNY PELL. Ibe norlxalled Dane PlsyerZaod verialile Performer. J. C. TROWBRIDGE. Ttie popular Ussn Balladist and Violinist. R. M. CARROLL, Champion Female sad Jig Dancer FRED. WILSON. Tho great Clog Passer and Oreclab Btaia**. AMBROSE A. THAYER, IhsCelsbrated BslladUtasd Goitarfit. W. J. BBOCKtYAY, Leading VioUaUt and Tenor CARL TRAUTMAN, Violin Becond and Solo'tL K W. PRESCOTT* Alto and GoUarist.. MAST. BENTZ, The Child of Song and Wonder of tho World. MAST. TOMUT, Jareolle Dsncsr. Prot J. L. GILBERT, the Brilliant Pianist. With the above talent* this Troupe challenge the world to compete with them They will hare the honor of appearing with new Songs, Arts, Dances, Witty Sayings, Burlesques, Ao. For farther particulars, tee po iters, newspapers, pamph lets* programmes, Ao- of the day. Poors open at 7: to commence at 8 precisely. Chrdi of Janmium—Dress Circle, 33 cents; Parquatte, 23‘caBti; eccond Tier, 20 cents. OdAS. A. MORRIS. Agent LON MORRIS, Bniness Manager. juU-ptd EYE AND £AR DISPENSARY. Office 93 Main SL,(3d door, np stain,) Buffalo, N.Y. ■ESTABLISHED BY THE CELEBRATED Xj DR. JOHNSON, late of London, England. A great dlscotery in the science of medicines, being a cer tain and speedy care for restoring the sight and removing all dlaeasts peculiar to the eye. This It anirersmlly ac knowledged the only nfe and nra’remedy sow known. It has been used with great snores* by the most skillfal phy* ■lclsne In Earope and America. ' Patients In any part of the country can treat theaselres tuccetsfolly at a moderato expenc*. thereby areidleg the danger and ex pence of falling Into the bands of unskillful physicians. This medicine (sufficient to core,) will be east by mailer Express, wlib si) necessary directions on receipt of Ten Dollars. $329,371 70 Dr. Johnson’s Certain and Infallible Cure fur Deafness and Singing Noises in the Ears, Nervous Head and Mind Complaints, Affording instant relief to sufferer* who baro boon troubled with deafotas for many years. After using this remedy ■ few days the patlxnt is suddenly and almost miraculously enabled to hear ordinary tooed oooTertatlon; In the coarci of a few waeke the most obstinate ease of deafoeas is effectu ally cured. Patients too numerous to mention have btou restored to perfect bearing and fotoxtr rescued from the auaree of the numerous dangerous unqualified pretender* of the presect dsy. Uoapital aud priTate testlmoalsls and certificates from tho most stnineut phyilclans and sorgoonstn England, In whoa* pmsrcee deaf petrous hare been cured, end many hundreds of private patients cured can be eten or referred to. A case of this medicine (enough to effect a cure,) will l«e forwarded to any part of tho country fur Fifteen Dollars. Address DR. JODSBON, Drawer 404. jell-JswlyT Office 95 Main St, Buffalo, ff. Y. Bradstrem's Cummcrciul .Reports. For Bankers’ nod Business Blen. TUE FOURTH SEMI-ANNUAL VOLUME of this valuable record of credits, which was published oatM 15lb of January, haring been exhausted by a rapid and extensive demand, a sooend edition* revised and Cor* rected, bas teen lamed, and is now ready for delivery to such as bare not already supplied themselves with the fterersl bnndreds of (he Lest Beakers and Merchants in different cities of tbs Union, ban assisted is perfecting this deference Record, ibu* making a veraciaua and relnbte compeud of tha pecnnlary rooditlon aad prospects and bud* ness caparity ot about 2J,OS) msrtantlle Anna, in twenty, six of the principal dtfesami ctmmof trade to.tbs Untied SUM. The Hew York Merchant or Banker wDI ascertain by a key accompanying Oisbook, the gratis of credit, character, habits, and capital of each as will be likely to deal with him, while the out-of-town merchant will learn with ae> curacy, the exact foundation to which the New York bouses base their butlMsa. To provide for any pcnibte error that might occur la a arit k eo gigantic in detail tad to keep noxcheeer* l&Jcxsied of the change* that mart Dnewwrtly take place, the pro prietor* lwtie a printed thrct cj cjrrtc&Mit retry ceA. The time and tronble each a work moat eava, the tome* It moat prevent, and the Influence It most hare to (earring a eooml and profitable trade, make It invaltubl* to w hole tale Merchants, blaonfactorer*, Note Broken, aad Buka of Diaeoanf, and yet the whole, loeladtag the two eemf-en coal Tolomee, the eheeta ofcorrection* aad the tactlJUea of tae office, it farnUhcd to fnbecribere at One Hand red Dol lar* per lomuß. Poll oartl col are, not embraced in thla advertiaement, may be obtained at the office of the proprietor* udoobllih era, J.M.BBADSTaMTkBON. No. £57 Broadway, New York,. Orer Broadway Back. £.O. NSW, Jr, Agent No. CS Wood dtwt, Plttaborgh. Alio, of oyl6 TAXKSt XASfiSU TAXJC9IU CITY TAX-PAYERS WILL BEAR IN ml ad tint no other notioe vfn be given forth* pay* tarot of Taxei than la published In the city pipera anther Iwd to doth* city printing. The taxi# now due are the orrr tax, tub business tax, WATER RENT, AND THE SAX - FOB GRADING AND PAYING. *F*The STATE MEBOANTILB TAX la al»do*,aad If tut paid soon will bo pat Into tbo hrodi of an Aldermen for collection. WH. SGRBAUH, . jnB:dtf . Pity Trraicry■ Q.OVERNMENT PIPE CLAY, ° L V BOXES OP 28 LUMPS EACH, In atriroand for mls by Je2Ltodt»n3* TON KAPFF A ABENB, Baltimore. WOOL! WOOL!!, / The highest market price paid for all grade* of CLEAN WASHED FLEEOE AND TUB WOOLS, at the Old Eetablbhed Wool Wsreboow, No. LS9 Liberty Street, corner erOecfl’* alley. Q»y2saiw> > aoa3tnirF . 3. L. MARSHALL. DBS. G. «I. FETCH « J. W. SYKKI, PbyiUlani for Dlieueioftht Throat and CtxeAt, and other Chronic Allmente, complicated wllber canting Pnlmonary Caneomptlou. Office 191 Penn itreet, Pittobargb, Pa. CONSULTATION TBBE.' A lUtof qnoa* tionaeentto thooe wishing toconeoit ot by letter. * JeOdawdaselyF-ia , ... C. B. M. SMITH, Attorney anti Counsellor at Law, mTlfoflyjj) jmportant to farmers.— LIME MANUAJJE. ' A moat excellent fertilizer—fir eopcrlor to common Lime—M ONE-FOURTH IT3 PRIDE. ' , NO FARMER SHOULD FAIL TO TBT IT. Mannfactnred and for nle by PEER A. BALT MANDTAOniMSG CO, At tbitr Works, Eut Ssrentnm, Allegheny Co., or OFFIOE, HO. 395 PENN STREET, (aboTe the Canal,) PITTSBURGH. JoSB:2wd*wT HBMOVBD. CG. HUSSEY & CO. have removed to • tbelr new Copper Warebooee, NO. 3T FIFTH STREET, In the Iron Front Block, third door weft of Wood •treeL Pittsburgh Copper Rolling UUI. c. g. atissKY ec co. BRAZIERS BOLT AND SHEATHING COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, IOCOMOTITB TUBING, Brass Kettles, Sheet and other Brass, .SPELTER, BOLDER, COPPER BtVETS, AO. Oealonla Block Tin, TIo PW°, LwS Win, Ehtcl Zfcc, Antlmoor, ee«t Iron, Hnetr«* Tool., Ac, No. 37 nfth Street, Pittsburgh, Fa. Cfrpptf Cut It, .aj raltere. ' .plOSpd: , REMOVAL. Me gb aw’s ‘ TOBACCO AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE i • •_ '■ ■ frm 211 LIBERTY STREET, To lIP LIBERTY 6T, eppeuit. Market. jyjORE NEW GOODS C. HANSON LOVE'S, ■ JalS 74, MARKET ETBEET. SUMMER WAKES— The Polir Refrigerator; . . - JceCboU ■■an tizrt; - - Fire Mlsot* Ice Cream Tmuri; • •Water - ■ . Bathing Apparatus; •: OeeßtoTfe.; - . ••' ~ -For role at *oI3 T.J.CBAIQ'B. Na. 11* Wood street. "CViTKA.ORDINARY BARGAINS IN _JC,LAiiiEa>iiEEjaaoijiaef»n»im»:Liia4mi IlUc i- -- IV 'Mi JZ&yTB* AtietioaeoST* h - Octamerdal Sales Bocma No»sd F»flh_ S itect. _:J_ SE TENTH WABE PBOHBBTE>. -- AT-ACOTJON. ><£*s . > CRi THtram AT AFTERNOON, Jrar fIHV '- at 1 o'clock, on the premise*, compriaag * ■ •. i TUIRTT-PiVBJIANDSOMB. BUILDING LOTS, ; Oh Darimor, Webstar and Daecso ttMfs diEcebfGea. ?. K. Mocrtwsd. Plars may be had at the asclics room. Sale by ordcr cT - . TYrma—CDfrfifthcash,themldoaim I. ILZ nod 4 with interest, payable annually. p.-al. DAVI3, Aset. ; STOCK SALE.—OnTnesdsy eraning. 19th teit,«Jo , doct.«o» ttemnculE«l*ltooim, H&. 34 With struct, will be soli: •--* r 50 ghsrt* Bank of Pittsburgh Btoci, 30 do M. 4 11. Bank do do - 3) do Cltlmn*’ do .do . . • 10 do Citiraas’lomasee Co. do - . IS do • Flttticrsh do . do do- - * * • ' JulB ■_ p.H- DlTlAAcgfc.. i?LEOANTOIL FAINTINOS—OnTimn- JCiday and Friday morninsy,' July Slat and. SB,** *®r ; trtlock, will be soli In the 21 flow asetiuft roe®, . $ Fifth streot, bydcscrlptire catalogue,a larga and apusaw.'. : /r collection of OUPaintlnr*. many of which h*T*b*ttt ported from. France and Germany this season* xa; cable originals by emloe&t liTing arti»U, and Boa ccpßa ; ' of soma of tho moet celebrated plctmti by old masters ftost't/-'- In the different galleries of Europe. Among the.aahjxtti -'c' an IIS> alxe groups and figure*, htatcrio ikeicbe*,archiCex> turn! and street TlWa In different European clues, battle piece#, marine Yfews; game,fruit sodl&wtr piece* land*: scape*, a the whole forming, tt labsUered* the best cd- . lection ever offered in th** city.' The attention of all lovers of good picture# is respectfully Invited to thla sala. Paintings will be arranged, end ths room open to the pub ; 11c from Monday until day cf sale, g. M. DAVIS. Ancc.' Q.ROCERY STORE AT AUCTION.—‘WiII VA fceaoid at anctioa, at No. <53 Penn afreet, on Tuesday morning, July 19tb, at tbeitcckofa groexrT •tore, cloalng bruODtss, icclodlng Coffee, sogar, Teas. Mtr. «**«*, fiptcea, Tobacco. Sogars, Soap, Oacdk a, Wcodan War?.*; Queroxware. Window Gltss, Nalls, Counter, EidringEboW ' Cseee, Falrbaak’s Plstftrtt ccalea, Counter Scale*. * oU f r. 5L D ATIB, Acct. 1 fi GILDING LOTS IN BIRMINGHAM OnTnesdsy afternoon, July 19tb, at 3 o cto_k, on the premises, will be adi tbe rollowloglot* of ground, Tlx; . . • felx Lot* of Ground handsomely sUuatxd on thswest tide i of MeKeeftnet* between Ringbam at. and tho p*w bridn (cOTTnendng at the wuwof Bingham it.) hatlnjoaefia (Tost of2ofeet* and axlendlng alcut 93 feet toptoportrof' Messrs. Bellman A Girrisco. 1 : r .• Comer lot Na SSL having a front of 24 feat caWnilam . street, extending back along CraigstreetlOO tot to Fla* ay. •. Lot 80.235,-on WUUta atrsot*2i feet front by IdOfaat -. d*ep to Kne alley. ; i Lota No*. 29L 293, ZUand 295, on Manor atr*et,l>*. ■ tween Joseph *n4(ksig>tx* haringexeba front of 20 (evt by 89 tot in depth to an alley. Lota Bos. 2SB and 289 on Joseph atrast, kvalng each *■ front ofSOfoet sad attending back 65 feet . Lot No. 238 on Bprnce alley, haring afrTot of 20 feet, ur< ; : tending back 65 feet. - • • ::* i . Tb* substantial improvements now going cnln's&!*.•- floctlihlcgborough make tbmlots wry deeirsbleforts-., reetmantorfanprotemeaL .• Stte lodlsputtble. Terms, on»-fjuith cssh, roeldoeia 1, 3 and 3 nan* with interest, payable annually. • Jul 3 T - P. M. PAVia* AneL ' TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 35 BUILDING LOT3IN7JS WABq—On Thursday aflernoon. JaJy ■ 21st, kt 3 o’clock, on lh« premises, will bo xold, lhfrtj-fii# ~ handsome lots of ground, nine of which here, a froutca . Webster street, seventeen on Derillier street, aud nlaeoa - Duncan street, oner the residence of Geo- J. R. Mooxhead.-- Plena may be bad at the auction room*. Tltie todlaput*- ble. Terms, one-fifth carb, jean* with intereat, payable annnelly. P. M. DAYIIL AncL. - AUSTUI LOOMIS & GO., ficrekanb' Bieftuge. 1 STOCK SALES BY AUSTIN LOOMIS * CO, AT THB MERCHANTS’ BACUAh'OB BTZTLX THURSDAY EVENING.—Bank. Bridge* logonnc* and Copper Stock, Bond and Real Bftate »Id at ' pabßo tnl# at tne Merchant*’ Exchange by - •-* AUSTIN LOOSIIB* Co.'--‘ Notes, Drafts and Loans on Reel Ratal* negotiated ca reasonable terms by AUSTIN LOOMIS * CO, '- - ae2l .v Stouk Suteßrukprs.93 FourthaL. gtismcsg Sc (Elfjanscs. . co-pa£¥SErsuipi I havo this day associated with me my son J. ST. CLAIR GRAY. Tb* business^will tehrteaftercon tinued under the firm and style of 8. GRAY A SON. - July Ist* 1859. . . SAMUEL ORAV. S. GRAY & SON, DRAPERS AND TAILORS, „ ao. 59 ST. CLAIR.STREETf fs23nlfo—Ju4aiy - PITTSSUZaH, PJ; ' DISSOLUTION. —The Partnership hereto fore existing between Wnxtsx Bma and Dixow „ Baowjr, under the etyle of WM. SMITH - eotred on tb#l6th day of February, death of" ' Mr. Dixon Browo. ~ ‘ " " DAVID Ji. PARR am) JAMES PARIT.JI-, barings par-., chsaed the Interest of Mr. D. Brows, fs the let* Ora) £ of Wra. Smith * Co* tb* Foundry and Machine'Bueintas will be hereafter candnctad under the stylaot BmJth*Park -' A by whom the beslaeaa of the Ut*6rawlll be settled* SMITH, PARK & CO.. _ NINTH WARD FOUNDRY* i- Waic&wse, 2{o, 149 iirrt and 120 Second Strttl, 1 BTANUFAOTURERS of all- sizes and■ AuL aalptig&eofOcwl Oil Retorts and BtillxGsseni Wo- v ter Pipe, Ead Irons, Dt* Irons, Wagon Doxta Steel Moulds,: V Pulleys, HsDgvrs and Coupling*. ' . t .f v Aim, Jobbiug and MaebinnGnrttODiof eVsydetcdption made to mder. - ■• • * *' • ’ 1 Hating a complete MACHINE SHOP attached tertb*. Foundry,all netessary Fittiugawfl] be jcctefaily aticndcd 2&dlf.': fFHJfe undersigned b&vo associated \rithlhcBJ^ J. la tb* Coawnlwlofl BudsM 7ixn • jauast'ten cf.-- flKWbaorfll*,Cfhkt TbeHjleof tb« fires wtllcosttan* ' bcrtfcrfor*. - • - • -i KZHIQS * CO; azjcx. wnue»^.^.—-rtni £?X££XGS 4c GO., . .& COMMI SSIO N MER OR A.NTS, . Forthtl«l»of . : " .m*- Z~: Pig Iron uid Bloom** ' - 95 WATER ETHKgr, rmaHwiß-v I HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH toe, Hr. JOHN vnteh will bacoodoctad seder the name and UyU cf LEM*J\- OH A BELLOW. - ,J4MiaiEaoir- Jom Pttuwr ■■■;. .?• Onnlantfuns la *ll It* Btaae&eii :>*y LEMON; A BELLOW,'No. USiFourth at, Sa trs prepared to do Podertaktog to «U Its brioches, to tha beat mmoer, at prices to alt tbs timet. - WactU ip*-'. d>l attention to rUJrt oeir atjie-.pateot JletalUo Booal-:-,- (fcses, forth* ala otwkfchve are sola agents to thla dtp, u aodef which «w keep eoestsotiy oo bead a Urge atarw V meoL As regards beaety of tbspe aed finish, they txcel all other*, fuaoalswij) besoppttgwttb.Ecarsca, Ifotaartud ~~ ArrUtu promptly, at lower rates than any other eatabilab- a; meat la tba etty. Qaaraataelng to reader aatlrfcctiflo, they., aolidtaeqaUnoaaeeef ti» patronage heretofore so liberally • t extended to (he old firm. cpUedlj A a BRfCAiy * IS THE LAEQEST AND BEST AE-F9 - b(lud Eaaigh n.Bi . - ES 1 "#* 1 ' “'•“J'of KOMftOD U. rewSra uvrd. It coo talas all tbs modern fefiangjMsta tad erery cocrealaoce fcrtbs eomlhrtana ■j^vnWpTrvr.ffcfl r f . - the toateUnrpoblie. Xbealeeptogno&iiaisUrajLndweU * Lbenttaaof rooms ora veil arranged/aadeem- * v pletaly famished for teefliettad ltrgttianitog parties, tpd tbs boose will continue tabs kept us first uutHotel ta crery rtapect. jaUaily , ISWta BICR> ,/ J. B. CAIiOWELL-fi CO., 923 Chestnut Street, . foppesitt Qtard HooM-t r - PHILADELPHIA, ItEWUIPORTATIOHS-FIWaWATCnKa . PATEKjPfIn.LIpjB A CO. Welches, la Ge&tn, . CHABLSB IfiODSBASTS Loudon Tlmsßeepwe us* “ ifiriea, all skra, la Banting Cfcsea tad Open far*/ 1 * ’ Agents for above. COLD AND SILVER, SHOUSQ AHO OWIB3 • *- WA.TO H s Q « RICH JEWELRY,MWdeaIgns. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, asd tU the FaiMr&tMa Rj.ti. ' ■•■j' HIVJSR WARE, nnarpasarf to atyto, ,£.UtJ andflofsh. . taJlreegerr visiting Philadelphia, we totnod to eg- • amine their •• - - ~ - ITJSTt JU&BZE BSTABZISBXEyT a visit entailing no ohllgatioa to purchasers...' ■ . PRO 1 CRH PRICES, ia plain figures, end no varUUaa. 8. A BOXLE, „ JRKDiatmß.-IiOULE - BOYLE & CO., |||f| 59 SECOND STREET, ;|Tgfe' ffijPI*CINCINNATr. -- UQDOB3 'AND WINES; - JVh.l44 Sburft Sired. ALCOHOL, COLOGNE J3PIR/TH,I t’amphene, Burning Fluid and Spirits of ‘ >- r '.;^.v^'V;r DomcsUc Lienors, Wineij bortUals and Prencli' ■v. 33 I T *r E R S - • •• Have constantly on band various gradse of pur* . - BOURBON AND BYE WHISKEEr Peach and Apple Brandy. , v. ALfO, OASAXARIA ARD NEW JENOLAND RUM, la f . BolaUaoßtsctarenoftbs - V -- •. CELEBRATED “ROSE” WHISKEY. Agents for FREDERICS QOULCB JAPANESE BZXTJBRS aplfcdkwlyP ' ~ . • w 1859. • Boooad JXTrtVAlol', . ' CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH& • iT THE FOURTH STBEET CARPFT STOBB, PITTSBURGH, PBXXA* ' w D. An. M’CALEDM RESPECX-• ■ .Rich earn b.oStndSt Ikelomn : . f* W. P.*R BTCJILIW. -’.J. MUSIC LJ3SB O N 8 . - ■ •-*. .. »p.ig^PßinsTMtT.t«nrSlßSi*^SM.Sgaa>: *; tttaaci»4g>ogwpoo»^iWf^.—■ OFKNOTG THTB DAY AT AtLEaHBHIf IKBUBAKCH COflv. _ oFFiixsauaon, . .-■<{ ;;Owicz—No. 37 Fiftii Street. Unnl- Blciii TNSOB|S against all kinds#, ■pj^Af, 0 . JQgg D. IfcOOED r fe» V ,-. JmiL CLO. Jhtun. lUmrcASi:-! :.■ -> - - risrr: Cdg aatiicn gaits. PHTSBUBGET, PA. DISHLLERB Of TURPENTINE. ‘