- - . EriLlps Co-, WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 133 Wobd - Street, -Pittsburgh, WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK OF j - : BOOTS_ AND SHOES, „ ver y variety, and Latest styles and fashions adapted to Spring and Summer Sales, which h av ing been pin - chased principally for CASH direct from the Manufacturers and selected with great care as to qu'ality and sizes, we Hatter ' ourselves we are able to offer SUPERIOR INDUCE MENTS WE ARE AGEIPriI FOR . , Which are highly rroommantled throng ott IL Lott.. n - jurrlla IrM EL ma 8 x i. A.m .. Eiaq - a . States for their durability and clie a p 6 uo.a—o• I , PAIR haring been (Ducl by actribi toot, , o ' . 1 ICIITALL.IC our-PAIR THREE PAIRS P id OLDSTTI a rrr•i-xcra • BOOTS , 41.14.11) SHOES. g ° 'lll ' FOR BOYS, 1 amine er , r t azill And It to their Alvantaco to , all and tr. YOUTHS AND delore PurcAnang Dee:cher, a - Particniar attention given to order.. ntrlnAibtatlar _____ prctal 'LAKE SUPERAOM COPPER aIILL . • IA IC►ST I N6 W U H. H S PITTSBURGH. i la i g g.,.. Syr t o ty p rul for i Ch it.. l t.. ldrof p oo . t . ing . . r,.. lt u he a s . n g e b eq y .. oe ft.. l7 l. e:r l t b h . . .-- ---- - 1 pipm ter CURDY & CO., . gum', reducing all lolatometlou—iirfll ant," 'Mill, and le ...S.IANUPAOTEIRERS OF SIIEATUINO, . will tore to rogolato the bowels. Depend npon It, mother., It giro rest to yourselves, end roller and health to y“or OR4ZIEESI end BOLT COPPED, PRESSED COP : Infante. Perfectly sera In all came. pit 4 BOTTOMS, BOW Still Bottoms, Sputter solder, Am ; Thls valuable preparation le tho proscription ..1 ono of at,4 InqAirtere sal Dueler. In METALS, TIN PLATE .he mostexperleneed And skilful female Phyelelone to New !MEET IRON, WIRE, An. Conetantly me hand, ?lumen. i Englund, and hes Leon owl with never felling zoo,. le Iterblose and Toole. ; 1 mflhons of cum 1...,,,0“,,,, No. ,49 (hies{ a,120 5 .,,,,, , a ,„..„, ' . We helloes It the host sod sweet ranted' 11. the world, In all amen of Dymmtary nod Dierhoee to Childrro, whether It 4 .4.... Plitt eibursh, PAAIMAL• I 'la Ordenor corr. , n. , to na y da ' drad Pala."' ethos from teething or Rom any other canoe. mrZioltwlyr 1 rr uta'..d health can be estimated by.lellere.ool rests, It __ __ —-- ' le worth its weight he geld. Milllone of bottles ore told every )eve IEI Ito Pm ke Stable. It le an old and well.tried ratoody. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS A BOTTLE 460-None genuine ening the Do-elokilo obeli P.T1,1 A PEE. MINS, New Tort, is on the °Waldo wrapper, Sold by Dreggieta throughout the world. DR. CLEO. H. KEYSER, Agrnt for Pittshol al. jo22lawlykr JOHN 8. LED, AX HRQA-ANT "P . A. ILOR, No. 44 filarket St.. PittabWrgb. 4 good assortment cf CLOTIIS, CASSIIILRLS, VsErs.sse, 00M11133, and all goal. suitable for gentlemen 'near just remised. en ..ft. st d ,. sr.. promptly (MA I nit, I tba • lI•NUPACTIIRICREI AND DEALERS IR RATS, GAPS AND STRAW GOODS, • WHOLESALE AND ILEUM, 131 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, PIWCI3OIr on hand for Spring Sales, as largo and c ' Utaplets.namortment or Goode sr am refound la any tho eastara cities, et/Liam:Mg or FOR, SILK AND WOOL ILATS or orcry atyfe and quality:OAP/3ot arm quality and West LoWitous; PALI! LEAP, STRAW, LEGHORN AND PANAMA HATS; STRAW, LEGHORN AND SILK BON NETS, etc., ete. Penois wishing to mamba. ettlor bj Nruno.t.o or Brun will find It to their mina:tags locall sad cumtne ouretock. mrll PRENCII WHITE ZINC PAINT. 600 Tons snow White and No. 1 DRY AND GROUND IN on. IN TRANCE, WARR4.I , ,TED PURE, To 'Coro and to arrhro, for wale by JOSCH.I u. STRONG, No. 52 Rood* Street, Now Tort, torfc.Scodfc Agent, VAG° Montague t Co., Part. DRAN-PEIR 11.1.737) MI. 62 ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGII, PENtid-, llaa just returned from the Eastern Cities and is how retelling his Ereirt,T, gat: of Cloth., Cassimme, Vaiiiielf:itua Coatings of every variety and style adapted to the *lli city and =airy trade, which will be male op to order prompt:ma and &vetch, end at rates OD law ea at aey eiliershonsr ettebllsnment In the city. fa2.ldfe . • Forwarding and Vomitpion lerchants, Anti ,iltgents for the sale of Pittsburgh Menu batmen. - Consignments sod criers for LEAD, AIDES, ErEldP; PIIODUCLE., as, solicited. Avast att.- Lion to receiving and fort...din. • No. 49 Commercial Street, et. Lout datbleinic J. 11. IDIIRISTIr, M. D., 11 In Third Street, Piatheryll, Penna., Marina had the adeantagra of Eastern College, .1.1 Pltnle,And errors l years' practke, offers hie prafratla • toreleee'ln IIURGICAL AND MEDICAL CARER. "lumen. - Rae. W Howard. Col. Ulla. MrCendle. Rev. DAL A. McLean. Iron. 11. A. Wearer. 'C. Q.. 8111, Rep. llaa T. J. Etchatn. J. R. Hunter. Job, H. Dollar, Esq. • Jacob . Dee/dilater, Sep. lnylklydro R'r.24 BTOVIG Nvonxts. ALEXANDER BRADLEY, Kinney rm, AND PLUM INZTIXf runic OF COORINO, PARLOR AND MUTING STOVES, Plain and Pancy Grate Pronto, Etc. Sole Proprietor of the celebrated Patram OAB BIIANINO and Stutzeots:stritiNa COOS STOVES. Oinaiit and Bales Room, mrl,l:lYdk No, 4 Wood Bt., Pit tabor, '" r • . 4 .•1 14 • .f.,1 STARCH AND FARINA Nada by the West .1 , Minutelpetla 71Iaaa Picturing Co (Pint Preollnm awarded by the resokllb Instltbte, Noromber, ISLS.) Diamond alms Starob, in roam cont.o 6 boxes, 6 ID.. Do do bosh do fa papers,' do; alas, Ileflas3, Pure awl Pearl Starch, la bOTes various stew, all for lanadry CORN PARMA, (or Coro :ray) In las. 49 psperd each. TWA article In expressly prepared for culinary Furrows, and can be celled on as superior la rearm to any non In use. For ale by THOMPSON, CLAME k If01:1111), Phlls.„Jan'y.,l6s9:tittfc Agents for the Company. N. HOI.M.RJS eir SONS. ism= roxeign and Domestic Bills of Exchange CERTIFICATES OP DEPOSIT, LANS NOTES AND SPECIE, NO. 47 MAURITS STILE - 13T, PITTSBURG% PA. 11136CoMotions made An all the principal cities through. net the United Stain. araN.rcly ROBERT' onn, . DIA= II STRAW BONNETS A NIT BAT% DONNA, 'RIBBONS, FLOWERS, At., NO. 03 MARKET STREET, rirrssusan: B. B. a C. P. MAIIIKLA gI.TOTAOIV6X.II.3 0P 7IIINTING, JOH AND ALL BINDS 07 • W RAPPING PAPSR Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, P.A. flap boaglit at market plena myttlfo OEEN COG Oros Hailing, Iron Vaults, Vault Door. Window Shutters, Window Guards, &a, 2v a. pl derma &red and Se Third 81=4 (Between Wood and Market,) PITTSBURGH, PA., Ekes co kola a minty of new Patterne t •fancy and plain imitable for all parpoees. Partlenler attention paid to en closing Grave Loft. Jobbing done at apart notice. mle WIC ..... o—./.122.0 v&NDEWIR 8z PRIEND, A..:wroß.Nlll"2 - 13 AT LAW, MID .sozacrroni IF CHANCEII.I4 No. C., Mines Biack, st.ttgue, J. litirColtrettone promptly made In any yam et Northern [ore, or Western Whetolllall. • • Will attend to theparchese and Bale of Neel East. ob. Watts% Money on Bonds and Mortimer. selderlfe w a ;.ow a_........_...,.._~.......... " aaaoa aooarrm.__. ROBINSON, MINIS & MILLERS, POUNDERS AND MADIILNISTS. 'Or B 33 D 7,4- T 0 N R S. Pittsburgh, Penna. orrice, , No. 21 Market street. Miurafacter• all kinds of Deets Eralwv and Mill Macias en.; Cuttings, Asilroad Wort, Stem DoLto.. nlllBl.l Don Wart. - lobtdeased Itetalrfas done on short native. 5er25:17,16 w in • N or. d 0 N. Irannlkanrera and Dealen. In all kinds of TOBACCO, SNITIT AND CIGARS, AND rT033.41.000, Muer and Dianunag.lLLea, PnTanonau. PA. PCIII.7IEIGN .EXCE1.11.1 , 7431-IG. STGIET BILL.S DRAWN BY saertnen C 0. ,& 01711111 MOON BANE, LONDON, IN 50313 OP .11[0:1011 STOWING AND UPWARDS. Also, Ufa on UN prindSol eltka and towns of France, 110 114.4 Conond, Orentroy, Ras& sod' Char RIMVOtlil amMutly on band for Webs • 1511-11. WILLIAMS k 00., eokllkk , Cookers, Wood Wort, cornem of Third. J. SCOTT, Dentist, HAS removed to the htiato lately occupied by Dr. Wm. A. Ward. No. =a Nen West, (south lark 4 third &or above Bead street. °See More trom 4 a. Y. ea sr. r. POBTLEY, BELSON & CO., 1111117P6CIVIEIS 07 13 - 1324 13ARREI.8 CaetStecd and Hammered Shovels and Spades, Talk thitOtke. alsdgee. Wedges, Barrow Teeth, do. Warehouse. No. 17 Market Street. aratShodfb PITTSBUROTI, Uttlenfrt3......., ....MA y D0111..........111.1GT1LCP013 Pfttqburgb Btecl VTorka. JONES, BOYD .ta CO., Itatattictuntra of CAZTLITEE4 &leo, SPRING. PLOW A. B. StE2l4 MINOS And AXLES, ono iSon and rird Struts, 112Libuvh, mit . P. acaaaa - -.sTdcx. .mrtnrienansCl asit,ao Isanroyed Patent Steal CnitiVator Teeth. Omura:anal/7ra Santa Main% P. RAM ROAD BP/SD COMPANY. JosiliphW.V. Marton" a zat. Rafe a amen BAIL ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS Ad= of . taster Street and Chem a_tley. Imp 113311MAR.PuitVa, CHILDREN, 1f6c30013M dc BILIVITJ L GRAY 311aBR.LDIG, 6r. CO KXLLU. SOLID BOX VISES, AND BOAT sruits. spectat Alnico Don't fail to procure Mre. Winslow's South AALECRIC...A.N WHOLESALE AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF • ABIZEIRICAM WATCH/CS. • We would most respectfully call the often: Coe of tbo public. to tbo Allltikari Watel.4 1101 i befog Ivlaholy lotrodff..l, t o ouocfbettarm of which hns to. come so hanly cstALlished that entire confidence elm he piney d'npon than en ufe sod correct time-toop: rn, loth by the wearer sod 'oiler. Having lawn aopointod Whagow , :uAgetto, for the sale ,d these Watches, the pohlw mil , he'>tl thtt we can toll them at the very lowest cash price. We have also a very large Mock ofSit VEltand PLATWII WARE, PINE GOLD JEWELRY in se omit ae Oorral, Garnet, Cornett, Jet and Paintings. kk Our assortment cf CLOCKS is unusually Imp at DI - meta comprising some twantearfatterns or WM:IY and ONE DAY PARLOR and ornct CLOCKS at GREATLY RE DUCED PRIORS. Vie hare also fall .tack N Coalish od Prha GOLD aoa SILVER WATERS,' an hurl. all of out urge Imlrortntlae. Alpo, Ketch )Rolm.' DAN, NfalPrials sod Werth MILISPI RICINICHAN & METH No. 42 EGG, atm.. L _ L I W SEWING MACHINES F 0 VI FOR SALE WITR ALL LATE IIkIPROVEI4,I3PiTS !MAN Plt i.S ALEX. R. REEL, ii o. tIN Fifth Street J. M. Iserklii.ClH-A-Z7T No. 54 St. Olikir Street, ED, r 1.1 3 .1. NOW PITTIBIII , kOII, PA u,ACr 1040 1 - 111iNEVIC K. C0.1./..1., Forwarding end Commission Merchant AND WHOLHNALE DEALNR Obevese, Butter, Seecirg, And Prodaro aboor.l4. Aver Na. 25 Word 4'r..1. Aftinnro MEYER ' S MIRACULOUS VERMIN DESTROYER, The (MIT Roux p in at Wok iron ( Sure PI Eiterrninaft EATS, Wl:cx, Cocrantiona, Bran, AsTs, lloncrrnzs, Mown, Mom, GAON Wants awn O.D. 1.11,75, Le. 50,0u0 BOXES SOLD IN ONE MONTH. lbaso Gantt:A.l Remedies bars boon ex taughtly r twenty-torn years In WI parta of kluruf n, and their Taira olout power have beervarrosted Py the Courts or Russit, Prance, Itughuad, Austria, Prussia; havarivi, hasony, Belgi• ors, liollaud, :tapirs, lc, end tlivlr Chemloal prepertlee examined, and approved by the road distlogliPhivt Medical. 'octanes all over the world. Their deatructirrneas to all lints of verrnio .uJ insects has boon "lilted In this country by the Direct," of the "riot" Public Instito lions, Plante", Farmers, Proprietors of Lintels, Warehonsee, IJuinfectoria, sod be "King dtr logaishrd prtrato citizens Numerous Testlmoniell and Ctrtifirsteit .4 .1.- edteect these fleetedlee am be seen at the Depot. For .ele, Wholesale and Reteil, by the Issester end Pt priest, JO3BPII nttrza. Prectleebebemlat, 611:Broadway (cor. Bourdon rkJ New York. OrtA•ral Apot for the U. atatea and Canndoe, FP. ZDER. ICH V. lIIISLITON, Drogght, No. 10 Amer Beare, and 417 Broadway, New York. For male In We city, arbolntale and retail by It It. BR/. LEAS & OP, corner Wood and Second sts.: JOS. FLFAI MGT Dornor Diamond end Merkel et. BREKTIAM It AFEEN NAN. Allegheny. de2Sgmdk. Bide, 011 and Leather atom. D. Ktasre.TßlcK It Soss, No. 31 S. Third at, between Market and Cbsidnut etc., Philadelphia, have for milli DRY AND SILTED SPANLBII HIDES, Dry sod Green Salto,/ Patna Kim Tanners' OIL Tanners' and Coo. dere' Toads at the lowest prime, and upon the Nest terms. It .ill kinds of Lestber to the rough waived, for which the hicheet market price will to given In cash, or token In exchange for HGca Loather etored free of chugs and sold on corainlealon. _ mr3.lydrc B. L. FAUN ZSTOCK's WERMITCOL.—This med icine bass most excellent repcdattoo, not only with the handle& of that:undo who bars need it, hut with the mrd' iced funky generally, who me it am • prow:Option In their daily practice. It deserves its reputation; for where worm. exist, It [serer falls to tOMOTS them Irma the .y.crm. Prepared and fold by D. L. FARNMSTOOK CO, Wholesale Droggiots, and propriethrs of WILSON'S PILLS, No,6o,corner of Wood and 4th streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. See adrertiaement on Fourth page. JelbolAwll DR.IIOSTISTEII'fi BITTER have received the 111Z6Bi mocortiluma tram the pr., and people throughout the Union. As a valuable tonic for the cure of Dyapeiada, Flatulence, Cone tipetion, end general nervous debility, it n•et be apptonchol. fiver: day new main of Its groat effect are chronkted through oar public Journal.. There le nothing equal to tha coloyment which the afflicted •n te atime* whoa using this valuable epecifie. Its mild he sore and vigorous action upon a dismissed ssoussch, cud the eleanalog of the Satire bonnie body, should mcommend It to ell drawee of our corrimitity. All that win tie move 55,y to Convince the skeptical of it. healthy Wain, I. to purchase a bottle and be etalefled. Daring a temporary suspension of business we took ;casion to visit our county prison, and with great pleasure bear testimony to the excellent manner in which it is conducted, under the care of oar worthy sheriff cud his gentlemanly assistant, Jailor Small ; but while we aro highly gratified with the manage ment of the jail and he occupants, by the officers having it in charge, we think there is great need for a separate building for the female prisoners, where they might be profitably employed at some kind of labor, so as to support themselves, and even become a source of revenue to the county. In fact we think this rule might well 110 applied to both male and ta male. By having suitable buildings for work houses, we think the prisoners might become, under proper management, a source of revenue to the county. We have also visited the House of Referrer, which is certainly a refuge for many poor little children from vice and temptathin. This institution in a noble ono. It is trainieg up the children In tho way they should go, that when they get old they may not depart from it. Of the management we cannot speak in too high terms. The still and precision of the children in the various brandies of industry, their knowledge of the Scriptures, 'their advancement in the various branches of education, carry conviction to the mind of every beholder that this is a noble institution'. In taking leave of oar excellent Deputy District Attorney, Jacob 11. Miller, Stn., wo take great pleas ure In bearing testimony to his gentlemanly deport slant towords us, and the prompt manner in which ho attended to the business brought before us. B. A. Mercy, Foreman, Henry A. Hausman. Andrew Ellis, Alex. Morrison, Robert Oriereon, John Holmes, Matthew-Nelson, T. F. Havekotte, G. H. Lothrop,Robert IL Mille, Thomas Reed, I John B. Sheriff, SOAPS, flair Brushes and Perfume! at Pr. Leonard Walter, William Shaw. ggyggird, N 0.140 Wood al. Bold by dragglata wad dealer• geortally, binnyyrbyry, bad by 1103TITUR A &MITA, nyabbtattbrery arid propriebby 68 Watar andlsll front streptis. hatd/bia Pula BRAN/ff.-1 have Brandy which I trill guarantee to be pure and et for 'tuxedos, which I have purchased to mtet • public want. Any ono who will try tlds can [masthead aid roperlortly. mrl74AraF 01M. TI. gfireert. It Wood atreet. PURE OLD RIM Wmarr.-1 have on hand soveral barrels old Rpo Whisky which I bare bad made sod kept until It bas boaccnne old and will be eold b 7 ILs barrel or aallon, for medical porpos.v. mrl7.dassf . GEO. Q. IIIIIISER;140 Wood street. ARTIPCIAL EARS.-Dr. Koper, of 140 Wood wort. ha on hands very elealout &who for deaf porsotm, by which many poranns are made to Lear u Wall n• aver.— Also, a moll got'. perchadruln, .tdoh to Inserted Into the ear.and to tory ottletent In manyranr of &afoot.. ja.M.darl. O.I.I,VAXIC .10.0770.2.7, of ELECTRO MAGN2IIO nacarrsts, Sur 01401.1 yurprata, or . vary aoperior kind will taint free of Express charges, wherever an Express runs, upon • remittance °flan l efoe.. Address Dr. 11E0 U. EEVBRL Nn. 140 Wflod aL PO.buruh. p.. .011.14,51, BLIOULDER BRACES—Tho only placo to get Food gboubier litmees is at Oe Ilauutecturur s, DR. OHO. H HEYHER,II6 Wcod aR epliklkler Srosot:s=The best assortment in the city or suIR &UM. ICYYPEIrB. 140 Wood it. apt MAlrr TO MEND IMOKEN WA= of any kind you can Ind Uodgeson'a Dimaortd Cemmnial MUSEUM'S, No] 40 Wood etraot, apl94/kuT Da. Ward's Tooth Powdorand Tooth Wash. Any qbanUly of Nis above Article+ are - (or pis. at bedocod prim. by DR. KEYISER., No. do Wood st., Nl.taburgh, pa. fin only Truss I l Lonufbctory in Pittsburgh 1 1 0 17.4 spl9 . _ SYRINGES—A full aseoriliient f Spines for wilt at DIE REYSTE.S, N 0.140 Wood reef. . enamors SHIM of a good quality for oatr KEYSER'S, 240 Woad at. splcattarr COMPOUND SYRUP Ote or Chemical road. A large supplyM INO. &rah reel 17 JOS. A roy2o corner Diamond and Market at. FLAXSEED -7 sacks now landing from Wooer Olen rood for ode try MUD DICKEY & CO. Nof VELOPES, ovory prescription, for sate EatW. O. JIMINSTUN 00.'d Stationery Wardwell., No. 67 Wood Meat. DIE-200 bbls. for Bale by 1.59 11/Malt u. COLLINd DACOn.—Sides, name and Blioaldets, ceent7 nine, for sal• Oy aLICCA W/ATC a CO, t Cercssr.—Followieg are the 'renters 4?i . the game but gj a4t tt between the Olympic and Chartiers . Cricket Club!. 3 • • played yceterday, the Olycepie 'uining : OLL 7.F. fr le In ' b out by .. 3 Uvula. b oat by Wats.. Byron,. c by Wawa 6 111 rob, cab by Burdett. Wo , tn , mo, bo by Charulart 1r oolman, r tab by [10rd..., Joultna. do do .11 0 bby Cbar01.r....14 1:arlo. do 41 U Jeekina. 13 OM by *atom.. 4 Trout, ao.i. not out Pollock, do d. , bby Wat.ot, 2 : Mordo.t, e• b Ot'robra 1 Oboostrutu, not cu: .........._b Nitrate TEIIPI TIATURS. — Obtervations tal.o rat Clat emu., do by Wilson, 14. d. rao out. Share/ Optician Store, No. 58 Fifth st., yeater day., b t Cbauttorr.. 1 ...... ..... IP ............ t i e , o ,tm ltytu . 70 . ...... ...... 2 73 Ilyea 4 _"91.10' FRIDAY BIORWING OFFIrfAI. PAt PPR or D/7 r Cfr t C.; ITv I.le we I tern. el 9 o'clock, A. ff 12 •' 9t 6 " P. M Barometer Cope, op QVARnitt SC 9 Slarta.---Thurr.loy, idth. Lurceny.—James Hickey and James Thompson, indicted for larceny, on oath of Hugh Murphy. The case, It ru rt facts of the as tainted to by the prommtion I semen., 0.. out rit by otitis 0 51'a15..,9, is, O‘dae• b br and others, were as follows 'titer. do Wonlosan. a Lotions On the morning of the 9th of Slay last, Mr. Slur- : climnbere.renen".•••- a Itil 'f aa , lt _ pity, who resides in the village of Fairview. found V . ,l l °T• b e e . b . 1 ,.‘ % ,:' , " .. '' , ""`: eb ' l ,e, ' ,Pe r y gi t'i t ol Yn r n ' oe that bin smoke house and wash house had been bre. w Lett tootield,b beenesde ken open and robbed °rano hams, a brass kettle, la goo Walden, bby Wootton. 2 do do I three pairs of treason,, and a silver teaspnon, whole rained at $7,75. I redi. not 0at...-_ W Itord , tt, do tr oo n n .„. 0 the Diadetr, bby 1.nat0... ...... 57 Watann, by bent.... 4 Mr. Strartswelder appeared for the prosecution and b e ,o r' P ee n , 10 tiro 11,11, c by Slordack, Mr. !Inward fur the &Mere, The jury rendered a • bby %footman_ ........ 4 verdict of not guilty as to James Ilickey and guilty it% It) e• hob , ( tray. Oat out es to demise Thompson. The latter was remanded I Winters, oby Loomis__ It till Saturday and the former discharged. 6 .. .. Plcad Cleilty.—John Gallagher plead gutty ton Leg Byes second charge of receiving stolen goods—iron, brass, ! VA& Total -9 and such like. Ito was remanded until Saturday. Its was Consiele4 on o similar indictment on Wed- I Ton R A Mal,tl, Act:IDE/CT.—WO 161111 that groat Destiny. feeling exists at Rochester against John Grafton, A en- Johnl hatirry with to vv. gineer on the Cleveland train, and that th gel Neb., usually called "Jack." Indictment, feeling is that of blame to him. e Wo tried to learn areault and battery with intent to kill, on oath of the foots in the ease yesterday. It appears from all Robert Logan. Tho prosecutor, Mr. Logan, 'is a l the facts, an far as we can learn them, that the cm watchman, nod a right docent man. Ile attempted ; doctor of the Ft. Wayne train had not keen stopping to arrest Nelson on the night of Pth May lase Nei- I more than three minutes when the Cloreland train son was very drunk at the time. The facts may ,begot in. Moreover it is alleged that the train coming learned from the following testimony on could me the other for coma distance ahead, and Robert Logan, swore—l am lioutentant of 3d die. I that the collision was therefore to a great extent triet; was going op Liberty street, above Factory, 00 , the result of carelescness. Tho names of the par tite night of the eth, about half-past II: Nelson woe j eons injured at the time of the collision are: on the opposite side of the street and was kicking atl Pharos P. Kauffinen, Lancaster, Pa.—compoundthe door of Mrs. Ilrawdeje I asked Nelson If be I fracture of the leg below the knee. boarded there, and he raid he did; I knocked at thehip. F. R. Silicon, Memphfs, Tonn.-- rib broken. door with my mace; be was drunk, but not so marts I Wm: 11. Penton, Chicago, hurt in the side, and so but he knew what he was doing; a woman tame otherwise scratched and bruised. to the door but did not unlock it; she raid ho didn't Josiah Stewart, Clarksvillo:l4.rcer minty, Pa.— hoard there, and asked me to take him away; raid boned for Nose Castle—hart in tho side, leg bruised. ho had a little bundle there, but elm wouldn't Lake Injuries slight. him in; I asked him if ho had any money to.get I Caleb B. Amer. Solent. Ohio--rut in the head and lodgings, and offered to take him to a place for the taco bruised. Injuries not serious, ' night; he said, "you can't take me, you son et ; Frank ti reedit, Sheboygan, Wiscnnxitt cot then attempted to arrest him, but ho hod only a skirl t 411.1 had flesh wound in the right side. and trowners on, nod when I seised him his shirt ; J. H. D. Blake and E. D. Porter, of Boston, and pulled off he got ateny, ran up Liberty street, and 1 D. M. Cook, of Moyseille,, worn also slightly injured. followed him, caught bino m o min,tot him down, but —We are happy to learn, as we did on Thursday he turned mo and escaped; I followed him up, caught letterman, that the injured parties are all doing well. him again, but he turned the tail of my mat over tuy j They will he able to to for their respective homes bead, get a !thine, pounded me 'Oh the head and bit ; to-day, exeept the moo with the broken legs ;he wilt me uo the hpnd; I cried 'otturder" and "watch,"and ; be detained for a good while yet. at last two watchmen came and arrested him; I lost I two nights on my watch frees the effects of my Stgatlntraf CONTLAGnATION. —Mayor wounds. Weaver has published a reward of $2OOO for the Mrs. Brawdoy war sworn, and corroborated Logan I arrest and conviction of the incendiary or to es to , to th th attempt o atio f Nelson toe get into nd lam hoes. and , cendinrice, guilty of firing the steamboat Henry eomrru betwn her a Logan wad Graff, on the 7th of May last, and the steamboat Noleon in front of her boarding hence_ ' Endeavor, en the 15th of June. Half of this Brooke Zollinger and Johnson, watchman, tee, " tilled to facts corroborating the statement of Logen sti ta will he paid to the person or persons who into the arrest. . I may secure the arrest and convictionof the per- Mr. Coyle appeared for the defense end Mr. Collier j non or persons guilty of hoeing done either the far the Commonwealth. Judge tri . Clure charged the one or the other of these incendiary deeds. The jury in a few sentences, and that body, after absence t offer of this reword is 'made in behalf of the of a few moments • returned with a verdict of guilty Underwriters There is a great deal of talk in meaner and form as he steeds indicted. around the levee and in the koote of people who A the tueembliog of the I opt collate on the changes of the weather and the Court after dinner, the Judge pronunced sentence of mop prospect, relative to this affair. We are One year in the penitentiary, upon NOWn. Just ho- ; informed that an agent of one of the insurance fore tiro sentenee, however, Nelsen asked to make affi,,es rat thteada stand a l egal tae , be. some remarks, and lief Ming granted, ho said that fore he was the use of liquor that had brought him In min; ! a ' . P a y s that he felt the Mayor and police bad pursued him and persecuted him; that his father is dead, and he limed before his time of sers ice should be up lain mother would be dead also: that (hod helping him when he came not of prison he would begin anew and lead a hatter life. The speech was well expressed and conceived. We hope that Nelson may perrevena In his worthy intentions. We believe he will not find anybody to persceuto him . so long as he shell stripe to lead a gond life. Bud Jfency.—lfeury Zinamerm to was indicted for passing counterfeistumey, en Oath of Mich..' Thicken. It wan alleged that defendant passed a $5 counter. fait bill on the Hadley Falls Rank. Prosecutor sold defendant a horse for $2O, in March last, and re mired in part payment the note in question. The prosecutor, his brother, wife anti daughter testified . that the note was paid by defendant, and a witness mined Reamer, in the employ of Zimmerman, bell. fed that he paid the note, and received it a short time preeiten from a bawdier. The iury returned a verdict of not guilty, AFClurg nod Ephraim Lore were indicted for nuisance In erecting a wooden building, or rather in adding to the same. The building aon the cant aide of loin street, adjoiniog Mmunic Tho building being of wood, is contrary to an ordi. name of the cloy. Mr, M'Clurg is owner, and Mr. Love carpenter of the building. Mr. Collier, In opening the case, gave n history of legislation in this behalf. On the leth of April, 132 e, an Art of the Legislature was passed referring to Philadelphia end Pittsburgh in regard to wooden buildings. In the year 1112, no ordinance of this city wan tiassr,l uroundad nn tho Act of rho Legirla lore, and apply log to are then limits of tiro or" Pittsburgh, which said ordinancewas exteeded to the present city by an i.rdinanre of June 20, 18.4%. he act made t base cares triable in the Maymb. court ; that court was afterwards obolished, end now the ease mines in here. When Mr. Cultic, had concluded L,s opening. Me Martihall greased a lIITIMULI motion to quark lii ilie ground that this court had no jurisdiction in lb. case, but that it should he tried in the Dietrict Court . Mr. Marshall riled the Act of 1836, which transfer, indictments instituted in the Criminal Court, wherein the city of Pittsburgh is interested directly or indirectly, to the District Court.' The Judge said ho thought they had bette. with the case, so as to learn its pectin., tueo its without deciding this question as to the rare being in the proper court, the care went on to to isl. Mr. John Owens, Street Cominissiolies, r as sworn. testified us to the ronditihn of the building and the material built into it. Reese C. Hoes., whose place of business is near by !dr. 31'Clurg's, testified as to what had been done to the building; that it had been built over an alley ; that au addition hail been made to it in the rear, etc. Mr. Hardman and other witnesses were elsooineil at some length. The case was still on trial when Court adjourned. Tut Dn.tsn Jury DISMISSI7.I,--In the Court of Quarter Sessions on Thursday forenoon, the "(hand Jury In and for the body of Allegheny County," haring discharged the duties devolved upon theta, were dismissed with the thanks of the Cuort. The subjoined paperer presentment Wan submitted which we trust all our readers will peruse with care. The Grand Jury, in speaking of the curse of drunken ness, and the vast array of crime and misery which follows in its train, but give expression to the senti ment/9 of every intelligent citiren in this county. Read the following : In the Court of Quarter &onions of the Pence, for Allegheny county, of Jane &1ta1.,. IHSp• At the close of a brief but very harmonious sax. eine, baring penal upon two hundred and fifty.. ix bilk and preseotments, before separating and re turningto their several homes and avocations,.the Grand Jury would respectfully preseut to the notice of Court some facts which have developed themselves during the investigations of this Grand Inquest, most prominent among which la the fearful number of murdcro•se assaults, originating In drinking and drinking houses, some of them resulting in murder. The great increase of the facilities for drink, and the rapidly growing disposition for these Indulgences, es• pecially among the youth, appear to ho the leading canoes of all these evils ; In short, we may safely say that three:fourths of the business brought before this Inquest had its origin in the present drinking habits of society. ,ilitault and bettery, larceny, murder, and every other species of crimes, aro committed un der the influence of intoxicating drinks. A large number of rosy trilling cases of assault and battery have been brought before us, all of which the jury were prompt to dismiss at the colt of the prosecutor. We are at a lon to know which to blame for these cases, the law nr the committing magis trate, but certainly they should never coma before a ittrY. S. A. Bows A Co., Federal Street, next door to the postoffice, Allegheny, having opened their Ice Cream Saloon for the season, ore prepared to tarnish their Mon's CUM.—The Kittanning Free Frees of , Mende and patrons with all the delicacies of the yesterday says : . ! season. Weddings, plc-ale and other parties sup -"In the Oyer and Terminer the case of the plied on short notice to the very best style with every thing requisite. nay bars always on band a very CoMmOnWealth Y. Jphn Mott, for the murder of Ch assortment of Fruit, Cakes and Confections, Abigail:lett, his mother, came up for trial. The ! evidence was entirelycircumsttuatial, and to act ~„4.°1-,,,,"rn'dwor::.`fam...gVivemtrremil,cloi.d got up by li of defendant was proven to connect him with the • murder. The meows:" given, under the charge ! We do not say that Sawyer's Chemical Olive Bra of Judge Buffington, to the jury yesterday even- , Siva go,„„ is tho best ever made; hut we do affirm, log, who, after a short absence, returned into ; without hesitation, that it is the purest, prettiest and court vs itti.,a verdict. of licit Guilty. The case : cheapest Soap for laundry and family washing now was conducted with marked ability on the part , offered to the American public. The manufacturers of the Commonwealth by Messrs. m ec u m ' only desire that intelligent housekeepers end lane- ' 1 Phelps and Cantwell, and for the defence by dresses shell give it a fife trial, according to the di, ileum. Gallagher 5: Son, Raton and Halton. : sections, which sue simple, and to ho (wand in another The same 1 column. Sold.by wholesale and family grocers, and J'aPer notes the death of George druggists. f Harris, which occurred at Wheeling last week. ".--. It says he resided in K. about seven yearn' He was in the Mexican war and was conspicuous for hie bravery In the battle of Baena Yids. .. • JUNE 17, 1559 • ro4l .Ictets t.: down. -J. S. nymp:., H. Crvw At rita Fst.e Or Tows Lova.—lly an advertise. tarot in our rolutan= it' will be teen that a largo oull.er our building lota will be offered at paler sale nn Saturday afternoon, the ISth inst., at 2 n'elnek, to the flourishing and fast improving town that has within a few years grown up on the hanks of the Monongahela river, adjoining the 9th ward. This village, which extends troet Darn No. I to the Cop per Works, contains, besides a large number of sub. otantial dwelling house,. a large hotel and various • - • important manufacturing establishments, attiring ohicb are two fiat-cl►ss steam Sow-mills, the Pitts burgh A Boston Copper Works, the Pittsburgh Cop per dolling Mill, extensive Brass darks, and the I,l llmill et Moorhead A C.. , for manufacturing gal l:Andrei! and Russia Sheet Iron. No better oppor tunity for profitable investment can be found around Pittsburgh than by attending the above sale. The lots are free from inrunibrance. 'ride indisputable, terms easy and sale positive. n !rein the Hollidaysburg lbw Prot „„'I A Baird, incumbent or the chair of Mathematic!, in the Farmers' High School n( Pennsylvania, ban been compelled to resign lain position in CollBljllerlee of ill health; and the students of the school txprem their earnest regret at lasing him, and I heir sympa• thy and good wishes for him, in a series of well gotten up resolutions. From the same eouree we learn that Mr. Henry lloupt, one of the early pioneer° of the southern part of Blair county, and a wealthy and respect ed eitie.en, wits found lying dead lb ble utile till own bonne*, In l'artnih township, on the l',th inttt Mr 11. hal eaten oim Nupper as meal, and went 10 his field, and not returning, search was male, and bin lifeless body found lying on the ground Au inquest wan held, and a verdict. ,t 1 — died t. , titetriesy," rendered He woe en exrellet. and aged years !Ist .1 .1 ‘t stms, who lectured iu this city last veins. I he Italy laud, and who is a native of this co,. 71,1 resigned hit place 115 pastor over a :11, /uerst ion in Qoincy, 11l , nut in anoui 1.1 I !p hts permanent abode In thin city. 111. o , tegation, by an unanimous vote, adopted the t 'Homing: Resat, ± r 1 the Rev J J. Marks, in leav ion us, a .arty our sympathies and regrets to hue nes!, ..hoses home in Pittsburgh. The foletity of hp_ ministry, and healthful influence as IL ettixsts7during the nineteen years that hove passed, ate too highly felt to need words of praise, and will remain as living memorials com manding for him and his family our affectionate and fraternal remembrance. LAWIIMIII COI STT.—The Itepnl hcao ticket in Couniy in us followr Awn!,ly Bryeen, of Lawrence County, Treasurer Alexander Calpenler, of Nenban nork township Commis.ion, —Thomas Catrim of Stkonaugo townehip. Mstriet Attornry Lie .11klitc,—.1'. ;3. Morton, of IVayno towriabip IUYILIT4!S.—Tbo non:11011- u.. in Buller eounty urn as follow ewe—Archibald Blakeley, of Butler, (rehiret t. the doctrine of the Conferee's.) Ar. , mbly—John M. Thompson, of Butler : W MeElvoin Graham, of Cocoord. th.driet Attorney—J. W. Kirker, of Butler. Teen...ere—James Door, of Butter. County Su rrryor—Darid Scott, of Summit. esnimio.inner—Charles I.l'Clung, of Conran] B. White, of Butler. CROPS to WAEIIIINUTOX COUNTY.—At a meeting of tho Fan:acre Club of Wanbinglon county, on Saturday last, a large number wan in attendance and all gave in the result of their observations of the effect of the froat upon the crops in that county. It doth not appearofrom the report, no we find it in the Reporter, that there will be a bushel of wheat in that whelacounty. Dr. Hoff man Paid that be had lb scree of wheat, but ho did not expect one pint of grain from it. Othere report the corn, apples, garden sauce, eta., all gone. A committee was appointed In buy 300 bunhels of buckwheat, for sowing Does.—The New Brighton Timrs suggests Ike killing off of 100,000 to 200,000 worthless dogs in the frozen districts. This would give bread to at least 25,000 persons. This ie an important suggestion, and we tract that the slaughter will he in in the vicinity of the Scotch Hill Market, in the Second Ward, where nightly from 50 to 75 doge do congregate, to yell, growl and chaf fer, and to "murder Bleep" more effectually than Macbeth could have done it in his hest days. Assuan the passengers who arrived by the Fulton, at New York, from Europe, on Monday, were Bishop Potter and family and ion. Totten, of lho II S. Army. I.r.n.ea Powder and his Pith, All tho ineeet tribe will kilt Judge Meigs, President of the American Institute ' says:—"The discovery of this powder, Ly Prof. Lyon, is of national importance. The Fernier.' Club have tested it thoroughly. LOeriste, grasshoppers, outs, lingo and all vermin can be destroyed, gardens preserved, and houses made pure. ft is free f r .., poison Ira nt.ulkitid, us Ire eon lir. Lyon col ;0." There in no question as to the great efficacy of this article. A few applications destroys everything like garden worms, bed-bugs, fleas, ticks, toucher, etc, It is an Asiatic plant discovered Ly Mr. B. Lyon. Many imitations will be uttered. Ba :Orel it bears his ad dress. Remoulbor 'Tis Lyon 'a Powder kills all insects in • tn., While Ly(in,'e Pills are mixed for rats and mica Sample flasks 25 ma; regular ekes 50 etc. and $l. 1311t363 k, Pine, New York. Also the Mexican Mustang Liniment.. Psalms sod mazturacorrars are desired to exam ine the Dow Finkle Sawing Machine, at J. L. Cu usgho ream; itreit s AptZ6ep7. t 1 Th... In grant df Ptano• aro intilk.l L. .- dl a...! • 2 .0.. 11, Ilila sank. vrill,lt c. , 111[ tl.. all 11, vori.ata V 111... m sio:f...r turod by eldeltrring I &DR, front the. pla,,rat. lo iho ti:•.., elaL,rottly Ca 1, 011.113 1 -11, and at luicen to molt pLi, rho.. n, 111.• All 'muniments w.:rrant.l. J•Td.4 iv'T Jell N H. MELLOR. Si Wool .tr..... 1. _ .. 1 1 1 LANE HOOKS, P .1, APEIt AND Sl'- TIoNERY.—Tha ant/scriber louring hoat.l Ow I,l'd in on th. torn, or Wood and 1 L1..1 ,t., farm., 1a , ,:, 0pi , ....1 L , Kramer k althea 1.1 o Moulded Honor. arid open oti I , TIILIRPDAY. lona 9t11,...1th a lorgo and moll 0 :113. - to.1.... , 'L or Pdapla toil Fancy btntionery, Blank Bonk., eitp.r. d. Ili 1 1.1. C. k romprl•kal i o n purl, latter, Cur C1121).:1-IC 21 1 Yi,tr• Pay, Ir. in al la.d :nit!. in I 10. : ~t ln, r , 1•5..,:k i Itot•L• of Ids orn maaufacture .f nvvry 03 In ..f lino .rnd.. entuan r , inl, 10 al kml F. a. Ekvol. f.l.4:ii g r.., • ....., y. . .1 ....;.I. ti111...,' • , h.: . 0 .... Prott'o raid orhar cr , 1.1.rat..1 or.. i roue; Copy.. P1P.1...4,,, null Icarr, of drlL.r.i.t . p.d.••rt., ; eq.,lnd P.,..1.0. Arnold', llntler'• and Ll•y 13..r.1 a N.. 3.: I 11. talc:; .nd l', wing Ink.; Nlantstroi.,' oL.I 1,...• ra' Blank. Dori. awl Mot 1,0„,..., Wropprn, 1' . .t.: - 1. 1 , ..:.:1.1 Board,. brown:lg Paper, •0 Finn Book awl Job Prig/Lim,. hook II2o.!:, , 4 , 4 , i r` , .. ,,, k in. I 111',. bltvlery n,, , 1,..1. 2 ' 1 " I . . ' „ ' I"'‘.' 0.,,;. " 1-,! ' l 11.,4 'r* .. , iai.:1 ,'.... o„.1 kir. ri., ...11...1..1.n... 1... W S lIA 51:5. • SEC U :s: o tIAND MAI:MINER'' , I. on. SA LE. Link Stown Snotne Cali:3ler 21113[1, 1... r. .. 1.... i at,......., II 1...1.1a, tall, complata . the crank pin. Tao Blowlng. Cytimlera, 01 inch. Lure. :, 1 , .....1 ali,.l..e,itli • ' Pipes. Shall, Pillar filocka ond .1...5eu., c..tpl. 1.. Far tarticulara applv al our ordrom, 'oath P1tpd,,,,,, , , ,a. 1 al our nitro, II ILL, Jae. am t. my I.2 . lnidaarT 11 0 11 INS. IN, MINIe .1 MILLI:, - . . sTEAm .iuU PHINTINo oFricK.-- p CA 71, , , 01u:1:Lane, . Y, i. Juno I. —I: dn., ,InloL .",.0. , 1,1,, ri. dr , 111 1.1. 11 h. all ....41•, 7.,..., Lt I. Snik-at 1..0 , 1: ',0i1.. ¶1 i,4611, ~ 1211., I. 4 01.\I1 1' .8.,,,,,, ..`” 1 ''`. ' , ,o , o't • t., ni.(II :', 1.a.. pr , to, M 010...... atrad3; N 0 diViddc. "I 4 . Pr"." , .".• ' . .m 4 " 11 . "......'." . 04 a . ' ,.. Sr,:to 10... r; 31,,11 ..,.•u. ~..u..rantd...,, Nl' unn dd'.,, Itnolg al.[ t notice 1.3 III.I' . 10,1 N,1. , N a C" . 10' ,• M. 212.1. 21,4 . , Mill,'en 10 , „,, Ltio ri, 1., ~,T, 2 ,,, J•dl W `‘''' '''''''"' 5...31 0. aen I , t U s bran, ....71., lot. . •2, 5 0 ' 'uLUNTA lES.•—Zonder, 1 Mc,: . CI2CI2V(I”. June In.—Flour .Inll, eln.litly 1,,,, aunt, ii,,,,,,,,,, null 11. ,, ro , n ..,,,...,.., in ,.. 11 , 1.1..., kir iti ./ 2:7. In...at I,,wen ;I 15,y15.11 for red. Ilyt. Ilrm at ~..,r ll,' ~,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,. „,,,,,, ~,,,, k,•.. with 1 ,,,, , ,, , , , „ ,„ 190.. C..ITTI 13•12.1 y At 23. 0.11 unction:7.l. li'hinty dull at re.maska. dercrlption of •10pa. I:Tv:Iona for Ito purd.aad oi 1 '''' ''' j '''''''''' ''''''". 4 `''' 1 , 111.4..1,11Y .1.112, 16.—Flour 1..” Lane olio. only to Ordana, dr.; adapting 113.2 'rot kap.clally t.. Ilia 120010 of 1 ,,,,,,,„, 1 , ~,m , ,„,,,,„,, „,,,,,, , ,,, 07 50 ~,,,,, skuu, orgonlot a, and Moan al a I.‘r. tondo ondlennni pro. ! i ,,,, , P „ or ~,,,,,,,,, ~, $4 ~,,. Corn Sled 6c 41 7 i, n ,.., r:,: 4 . ,. ^. t..,,,, -=.1..") . 1,1 • , . 1' .. ” .1 . , ". ""' ” r,,. ". M ''''''''" . ; Wbrat fallen ...1. law 1..14 ...Id et $I r.56c1 :5 La. rx.dt $1 10 ...r Strap Pkitk. V.... , $l.:, For sale by .3,11.% 11 aim, rdid. ,I w.,,,,,,, ,„,,.,„,,, : nol ~... for aalido• /rye 1.1, Corn dull at acclits "r 24-4 ,red: ., my,: I ....., L., 3,11... al 0,0. incatly mi..... Oat, Inv.', WOO On. I t CREA3I' lI , E ~E EAm, ~ ~„,,„, 31i acid a, 4r.,... •,,, 1 , 5 r, Bur kws rut ikdd at ! . .1 HI 111 iehy un hanged; to -F10ur6,.. ' .Lit.. Juno 16 no naleN 1ir.1.1 al $: 12, Na Wl,a oil log Corn: obit.. nd,sl'. yollou. 0119. ,,. .... Pi , - ' -' .0 L 111deky Imminal. ..... Cilti3.sl' A. MLEILSCII & SONS' Ir. Cream 621..,n Y,anr h cud Aniertran C...t.fectiottar) tny2l 41.: YT. 11. t 11l 8111.ht1 BUY'S 51.10 T Guss—A,io nt i,.,, i t ..,1 ji_p to our att. ol 1101" e 1+ II 0 T U N S Tbey were 111 • 110 11..tUrt4 especially to one ~rd,,, and are light, vat II Ilniatted, cud anti/ vly !pliable and es 7 o P•rent. who would teach their to to marksman. ahould ela. toe thole, beautiful weapone. lIT YOUNII, lea No. en Wood am-et. SILL, SURGEON DENTIIIT; UffICC Ca and gh•ldeoco No. by ORANT onnualto the Court House, ball. ars Ito It. 20 the - Gyn.. of any that may favor Alm with their ir.ttrottoar.. Any of the Car tott.tylea at teeth Inserted if embed. r 030,41) to G . AS STO YES- —SLIAW 'S PATENT.—TIie tubocrther would direct attentton to Ibis aiir.lor Ato.o for ancorner 11041. (To have all slum, in price Iron, 75 cent. to $75,00, and warrant theta to glee perk, walafac. lion. Call and see. T. J. 0114121. Je7.Bole Agent, No 121 Wool 1./1 - 1,. TILE ATLANTIC PEN, No. 100—The very L, el for lAA - rabble use. made far mud vole only Icy W. G. JOHNSTON d in33l Ebationore, 1.7 Wood et rt..t. WOOL, WOOL.— 101,000 lbs. Wool want ...l. is , 'oda , Co .rill par tbo highest market price la coal,. 111TCLIDJOIL, 51ctlitNA UV A CO. Je2 122 Second and 151 Front ;tr. TA R. LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEARCHER—. Ti,, only true and original puriller of the blood. A large supply Jost reed by .108. FU)IING, jell Corner DLIIIIOI.I and Mort PI at not I RON SLATES—AII sizes sold by W. a. JOIISISTIA d tai., . Loyal hbatlontra and Printers, LT Wood at: m Rs.. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RE LA IRS.. Java) celebrtett allidle for restoring gray hair or ',Atakora to their prig net Ilfo Color, for sole by ntra JOY. 91,177111N0. B ACON -10,000 lbs. Bacon Shoulders; 6,001 7 7 Now roc, ting from :hooka Ilona., and lur coo Le luj3l Rid T. DICKEY 7 5 I.tb.a t, cis A LARGE LOT 0 LA N, DUCALS, an.l baregra, In Rol. and the yard. Ale,Laze Stautree, all of whirl] will he sold low. 145 C. HANSON LOVE, 74 Hat ket at. FlSH—Mitekerel, Herring and Lake of all kinds In store and for ale by lad HENRY H. COLLINS. -John P. Blair, of New Cita UrOLLOWAY'S WORM CONFECTION 13 for aalr by N. L. VAIINNSTOOK t M., Jets N. 60. c , o or Woo.) and Fourth bin. E XTRACTS ROOTS br making beer for Erade by MG 11. L. PA UNEnTOCK A en. CCOOKING RAISINS-150 boxes New Va. Dacia for snle by REVIIER A ANDERSON. LA RD OIL-101,1)k in atom and for sale by _LA). 8 ' ISAIAH DUMMY tr. MACKEREL -2.5 kin., No. 1 extra job: rred stud for sale by RODEO? DICKEY. - . PACKING BOXES.-100 second hand Packing Howe for sale by W.P. AIARHIALL A CO. RED TARTAR-1000 lbs. for sale by Jos H. L. PALINESTOCK a CO. LAIRD -15 kap No. I Lard fur sale by Jelin HENRY 11. COLLiNS. WWHITE BEANS-50 bus. just reed and fur sale 17 lIITCTICOCK. 31,CREEllY & Co. ATAPLE SUGAR—IO bids Maple Sugar LTA Jont reed by my2:l WATT A WI WHITE BEANS-100 bus. small rhite reeme for sale by IL DALZELL A 011. CttEESE-70 boxes prime cutting for sale by Jel3 RIDDLE, WJIt S & ExT- LIQUORICE, Sicthr-5 caseB fur sat Je4 B. L YAQNSFTOOII L CO. CUT AND DRY TOBACCO-20 ibis. oa tr.& Ourtgrera Tubuai fur We by WATT A WILSON. 40 BUS. LOW GRADE S. F. FLOUR. - in store and fur ale by AIcIiANICA AN.IBII. ifERRING,-115 bids dry salted Elerrinj a a I. nore and for sale by ATWELL, ima & CO._ EMENT-100 bbls. tor sale by C HENRY U. COLLINS. BASKET WILLOWS-51 lkils Ohio now _I) Imam for We by MIMI DICE it CO. DOT ASH-4 casks just received and far Imy2ll AnYt.t.L. LEN t CO. POTATOES=BIack Neshaunocks, from Northern 01110,1. m ludo by RIDDLE. WIIVI Ca CHEESE -300 box ea primecutting for Nilo brio - intxxx u. COLLINB. OTTER—Freolt Roll now arriving for sale by rityZ RODS. DICHBY. 349 Melly strati. FLAXSICED--::: sacks now landing from stedumer Efarrooas tor ras fal.l ISAIAH DICKEY • CO. r ON-7 bales u. , „ , .‘„ in• Hangouts foi Ws 67. =-ISAIAH =sir 00. Trilegraphic Wasnmturoir, June 16.—The views of the Admin. ' taaiNIITTEE OF AILOITRATION FOIL JUNE. istration as to the rights of naturalized citizens who thcm. t V . r., C . J . 0. c o. ,„ ‘ „, J . J. Gu , may return to Europe, and showing hew far they are t . r . s y tr , B. entitled to the protection of this Government, were , yesterday promulgated by Gen. Cass in a latter from the State Department to A. V. Hofer, of Cincinnati. The Secretary states that this liovernment trill not interfere in 03030 where individuals voluntarily re turn to countries to which they owed military ser vice at ibe period of their departure for the toned Sutter MinJ./awnllLnc, N. C., June I , l.—The Democrat ic State Convention. which me: here yesterday, re nominated Mr. Brown for t:overo•,r by acclamation. Resolution, were adopted re.aliirmiog the Lineal. !anti Platform, expressing confidence in the ability and patriotism of Mr. Buchanan, and approving of the principles of hi, inaugural and annual messages on the subject of slavery. Sew Toes, Jane 18.—There was a large attend ance to-day at the Eclipse Coarse, Long island, to witness the great trotting match between Flora Tem ple and Princess. The California mare, Flora Temple, beat Princess in two straight heats G 1 three miles each. She made the oecond hest of three miles in 7* 59 ". The stakes were ssooo. BALT:none, June 113.—A severe hail etorn pre vailed at Germantown, Baltimore county, this even ing, causing considerable damage. The hail nee!. were very large. The storm in Baltimore was a,- conapanied with vivid lightning, o high wind and torrents of rain. Dont , Que, Juno Id.—The Democratic County Convention, which was held to-day, nominated an entito anti-Administration delegation to the State Convention. Strong popular sovereignly resolutions wore adopted. ZiNE9VILLE, Juno IG. r .Tbo locomotive A1.1.090pe, n coal burner, exploded it Campbell station. on the Central Ohio Road this morning, killing Chas. Tur ner, Gramm, end euelding the engineer badly. Pa, ganger traine wero not detained by the tweideni. Sr. Loris, June I6.—The river remains stationa ry or is perhaps swelling slightly at this point, and all the upper streams an, on the decline, but aro still in good boating order to all points. There hove been heavy showers this evening. •-• • Mamma, June Id.--The steamer tirepoehot with a full cargo from Cincinnati to Fort Smith , mat sunk on Saturday, near Van Buren, Ark:iota+ river. The boat and cargo are a total lots. Lout:iv:L.l.a, June IG.— -17ive; rising ,h , eiv v,ith 4 feet 2 inches water in the canal. JACOB IVnrrscu., nal , of thin city, it adver tined to speak on Temporancn, in yen Brighton on Monday evening next. Notice to Builders and Contractors. THE UNDERSIGNED (f. , rinerly f.reinan 11 t,r Itewlancl Parry) wont.' respectfully iorUrlll nom. for whom he bea Anne wort, and the politic generally. that he le now prepared to furnish Plate. or pot on Slate Bows, In tLe moat app -...red mann*r. Orden, for lOmflog or lie. pairing of Plate Hoofs (If left at the office of Ales Lnuelo lin, miner of kin% ttr..d and the Canal, Path word,) will be promptly attended 1... TII.IMAS PA Uhl. tny2f,lnol. PIANOS! PIANOS 1! ATEIV ARRIVAL or PIANOS. —Tbn antwrlber Imo in. re...rivcd. from the ntsnu futor v n( I=l freah lupplt I.i (1/01. 111.1 i pI A s 10. in.trtur., We bal. , 41i •••1,1..11. ttn•[...:ll Lcl.f. riber, nt the fn:l.rty, E. , Pe.CI ALLY FOIL TIII, ,14!th EANS-200 bus. Haan white fur sale by RIDDL. MiltTS h. CO: 00L-3 sacks now landing from steamer Glenwood for ode by ISALUI DICKEY 1 00. Commercial I ..tra*StiOttUti ettaatet.r..Ta. .y5—...t.7y f., the Piazburst's Gazete. ; _....,_.,. riTTECR...., illnAl . , Joss 17. 1 , 49. / 1 /. .—tt • l• ra trot :,.rooter. pato tattre - sal , • A al d , put of 2ett LL:., tlzi 1,1,1 T„,. fir. node on prlatta 101 . 131., from aturo, Itt9 title kitrs ramily At $4,25; 7(0 da at $9, $9,12 sod $.5.27 for t I, three ;nut., tee/ do .1 r=. $8,12 mad SS,SO; an tgX/ lot , " / 9 . 4 / $4. / 7 ,2_ , and $.9.50. and $ 9 ,751ar liar?. Rya Flour. I. ttlit 01,11.. et re at $3,7. o,llAs7i_na CIAILI 4. 1.... i.... 1. 1.1.601, /IN bush at Canal at 57, and 10.7 do fru. eta,. at Co. iteeltutLe.u, le still In trisk ~..and. dealers goourslly refultu A to 1011 unttl /darks ar t tee; sales of 2911 Lush at $ : .27,, and Li.. di, at L ;50. BACON—sales of 34,0 W Ms, In lets, at 71 ~ 1F,,, ~,, ?hot , d,..,, , tite,,.7.9.1;; for Sid.. l 0!.: 19 / "..N....t..1 1: tor Sugar Cured do, t 0,....; al. 7 t o do at Cdt ~. • Itl2ll/I)l34l.9—salettraf 2,01011. at 17, 01L—Aalas of 1U bit. Na 2 Lard 0,1 at v. ~,,, ~, a. Na. at 95. 19YEA101:9--a continood food / 12 //// 4 .' Co d //uukst ad. 1 7 0 Ws at $'2,75443, and a 1..., Lust. at $141,19. ItEAJC9—in steady rotund; ultra of lOU tud. "1.11" Whit., at $1.2.u5a1,r.0. i RIONICTAILT AND tiOdIftLEILCItt Zix s ITitrir —Some 501 bash of new Georgia Earl IYhr.o Ling the first coosid,rat.l.• arrival of the Season. were 1,141 yr.t,rday by 31ertern Wurthr, t Son, teeters, at $3 tv bash The quality was ry It Ls and the rundstion good. Messrs. Lief trr 0 are,. were an. purchasers.—! E. Y. Crlar. The f dlo,ing I. a rrtriparanre otttotuent of the Exports ,rlnwrs of r.perir) truce Neu - Vet:: to foreign port, for the , ek and roar° Jan. 1 10.10. i 19.59. • $ 1,7,2 $ ,000,042 I 2.).93, , ,511 2f..101,43ti Tot%l for (LJ week $ rroloully rvi,rl.d •4 1C7,290 ;'-'7,L,2LJ /21,L01,4;8 The (Aloe - unr. table will compere the pre..ot condition of the Banks of this c ity with that at the dose of the'corres. p rodtog creek of last 3 P..— Jlme 11.1515. Julie 11, Ifit9. Uisrmtod Slit 0P2,152 ¢12,9:..3,924 Inc j 6,935,776 Specie '21.1.%:;275 Dec. II 2.1,97 N Circulation 7.357,725 5,791,115 Inc. 1,0=,t5+1 Nona.Depcotit• 101,459.5415 99,4 , 42,9nr. D o e. 2,41tt,559 Actual Depuilt.s.. 75,55.3,5,16 Dec. 5.399,1,19 Capstal 5 , 1,711,400 ii'SXl,657 loc. 1,507.657 The 11al4"no, & Hurl telegraphed their agent hero to day to shack" a l.at are call. .1 "water rate," This may possibly nuke new trouble.; i.etwoen the four Ilues.—[ N. Y. Tr lb. work- supply mono, rethe neantly adranted rates ca l this wink. In discounts [her., D no taro offer ing of !into.. dry goods paper, while In other merctran di,. new engagements emu to be, term upon with caution. We hear of trouuctions 001 , 11,:r Bank at 7 "fr cent Mr In dorsdoed October and Norombor bills. Borne select acceptat, ia,1,0 dos, again. cotton end sugar, Sr. occasionally Ins ray at 01til!e_. cent. The taloa of Earhange at Mayans , are Nu high, mid Atornuin gold coin BO Scarf, that some of the ei.nuisb b , uses here anticipate cone:dr:tar& remittances alter this r.0..k In Doubloons, Uoorr onto?, the mousy will to. had hot, eta low rate of luterort marl the Exchange with:: Itbs torus the other way —IN. V. Tim, liosDri, pianos , is otitaitcd anti o -it 0 Ire nit need triou mouth.' pap, ho". but it Is ditto- ct utt to honor on out r the way things, and almost nu ressidbla on Ih. - t•nr ;os.'• Within a day or two, Now Port wart eilJdenly turned agamst Eo,ton, from thn withdrawal loalancre to meat the rocreasing tightness in Wall Strict, ' and perhaps, from roma borr,wing in crate stir, on Now fork sa - 0 , 0011. 1 his unfavorable Iran, }moon,. may not hut, on Saturday, Nrw fork funds were esued logir s s ..4.1 In Tory Owls., demand, ehould osetisono rule apoioa Dia city, higher rotos arc roes In this t -- Ironton Port. RIVER NE W St All Woilosedayi,saing eve hede moat delicious awl heat t cl lag rely in this vicinity. Arerytliing like regeLation took new ill.•. yLs aci.reliti.l and frosted learrs but forth IThu r/rt r rr,« al.out IN ILchee during yrsta whiLli wax dey. IVo shall now hero Irequ-nt and well treighti.dval... Flour and sheet ds. j. the ri 3,Lsrdiy. and we .hall ...add,. halo an inlins brendttnili The..., who nt • sortiltaLl ritsi will find that I,l' a.re tat %iuog in warning than. Freight. horn %sty llns.l, L.llos.A. - T. , Ft. LAI, to, 111 , lh 40 oral , •or. el' , I , ,„,„ at,il.lo To ',missals. Irmo awl 1:... Ti Aihc.:nLati, fro., 'Li to 1::!,4 cud Id. Fliii.ping wry rely )retrrdey. barn is'n It in !slier days, rze-Lt the red isilre i.t rack from the Lite destruct:, tires , The her, u 1.1.41 hate Loco quit.. • ptiort. , pally ant of the. •Ih•gheny, •11 2.2 the MOTO Tnln•bh. ho th 4,11 at s..ht. th.t rlvo, ren erally h t Ids on !nog, Tr brn It thno nkter mu, aro. The h.rn2. n.tw Pr•vriily hauling her , . an, ti., i.vnlttlcl, nod Arghnettl.h.r Si 1.. , 0ht, rahl Ii hr. !inn, to arrty.., fo! the NICIt 1. rt . Tn Csntmonti and lootarllin t n hor, , Ilse Clain Doan, t.k wri,o.) and Neptuoa. From pm,. epf,arstor.-* it in 141., then. bat few days to fill op Ihr )liners Callle ill from Whpallux and v.ont t, to the tow. port. They liey Writ al.° NI with uI tooth 04 01C OM' carry. Th. .Matloer gnl off Ihe .31,12 t to.thro. The Coo C. io!. of We 1...1ay, noyr . —Tlo Hamilton to brel.*lnA• toarblncry or [h. Jolla I Ifoon 11,tufltun alll rrlit hero, owl probably tofu, tbn p 1.., of tiro frt.., to Morsott• ourlbg luv wator Copt if. Moor o. • tf,o. dlo.l.tor. rot , !tin, Oft. Tho —Tho Marmor. an In fr,nl .1•1 ;II rah' from I: S..ll.ly—vo he,. I li•• 11111.11,41, Irvin EU/Ma. frnm fq. Lome. awl A ruora, front N. 1 ,1. ti.•. 315.1.! ~ V.-or .5 PI!, 1,La,11. nod IL. Syra7l.... for Mn. ItLltw . . . Ilaxc I In II hue ~ r.,red cloutt to tle la4dit,; and will 1 , 4,1 Martha rotnani 1.44 I.,eu to,,d 10.1 ttp for tho ep,i.Ll the rll,l fern Letilo •IxtePtIJAI tltn Local lityprc a 1.. r 0 d 11re5.,4 Ilar.dulim •teuravr 11.rad,Ipl,LI •Iep:11,. hi. satrli. TI.. ..f tLn 1% .1 t, Pntkrr, 1mrnt,1t...111,11.411.,tr Iran, 4:Carroll°, and Ger nt.tr.ltiocry .••ttlt no 1nj0r...! ,Inch Is uto.l t.tAr.,.:, I NI,. A... ‘l5l . bil(11(,(11S LI Neer A lbsny:n~iyt,curta, vu lLc e4,r.ner ul Hank and Weenr tftt.,:n Lntwren John I% Litt. and .3aruen I roiu, nl.l en,ineer no l'hattaucogn. s.hh I. the an etni.bahl (II lb!, on. foor plar,n in ' the Lrenst, and not hrtiltl 11. I.lt nom. (Cr, 001/.(0 at .111,1:n111 I.r. Chiht., nth a it th..,,,1et. It , . will rec. .?7, 1 MAGNETIC P ASTER 'THE GREAT STRENGTHENER AND /TA IN PE . ...YROTY.IL.—The b.: and cheapest Hon,. Lola Renh•J, lu Ow world. simple and pleasant Its .p pl lcation. et•rtran nUd I.ff,tnal In its evenhs. A haantiful ara.n tale rh.rnalcuratit, applicable for lila 'alio( of pain at uuf Om, 1:1 any ssha.., in auy put or th, Lunen sph tam, and u...... r all Cifro...3.ll:rs. If.an put this Plaster nyn bele, f nau Is thorn, the Plaster will stick then. until the pain has rankled. fir PI lA, mazartisos lha pain away, nnti PAIN CANNOT 1:X11 , T WHICIIE 11118 PLASTkR MESSIEII hlltlial,lll. Lament...l, Stinnett, Debility, Nen . ..am:tea Seuntigu, Itty.leleart, Concha, e nd CdJn , Wane and Acher .4 ever:, kind. down 0,4. 11 to Corea. are immediately relieved an.% well a little prmaanerdi y amd, by thn magi. cal ii iiw me a tlir ft Ad NETIO It t. the id:n ide/a, altrent. naben, pleaaantent 41.14 4:hemmed remedy la elintentr.. Da application la unireraal--equally to the ntrolsk man, the delicate woman. and the feeble Infant.— To each and mull It will prove and and a Illeraing. . in agreeable, and without annoy., or Mont.!, dia pd.,• is within the reach of p. - ,r all may hare it who too Iliek a d aollterin; In any way. 1 , 0111I1:HS should he alwa3 a nupplied with thin tuvallta. bLASTIDt. It will tm tile lined rhynician in any hotrieheld, ready at oil limo, and at iti.trn3t notion. Pitt op in alrkiyht tin boa.a. Em.o hot will make elk to eight planter., am: etly child ran . .prod them. Price :21 rents bea, nab tel. and plain direction, D. C. ItIORMILEAD. 111.1 J., Inventor and Peoprietar, 111 Walker .t., New Tort. klutcranAlrS M N f7IC PLAterED 1u Will by all drng {vas Iu every city, town and ellt.tge el the United Dawn. n.l . oodAwlyisP rff l o NY ChEDITOILS.--Take notice that the ouletaigned. of noose:awn, Creecout township, Allegheny county, has applied to the Honorable, the Judaea of tho Court of Comm. Pleas for Pahl county, for tho beeedt of the Insolvent Laws of tho Uonstrinnwetillb of Pootayleunt, nod they tote appointed SATURDAY, the Ugh day ofJnly, A D., 1809, at 10 o'clock, a: 111., to hoar me ay nd co crweitora, at the Court Noon,' lu the city of Pitt. burgh, when and where you may attend if you think proper. Je=trall 110.111 51 . 00115110 K. laborer. ..1 - lard Time. no IIlore." A NY PERSON (Lady or Gentleman,) in Etat, possess log a mall capital of nom $4 to $7 can enter low en easy wail esepectatila Wash:leas, hy which tr $. l , to $lO per day can be realized. For puttee. lets, address, (with et stup,) IS. IL 4.1:F0N it ea, ruzbittota 41 North Cloth wirest, Philadelphia. WAN TEL)---T,, sell or exchange Ihr an im ploved Faun, a Lot of Ground and a goad buds Direllion.ciinteining sir mums, with gas and water In the hoax; ail in good order and in most pleationt put of the city. Ale°, an esteblished, pleasant and thriving Inutineu 111 the contra) put of (nosily, Both only sold or ...Lang. ed oa ace.ot of the owner's health. ha within to seine to the country. =li• (US. — 7 — B.A.TOLIELOR'S WIGS AND TOUPEES surpass 41. They goo elegant light, easy and durable. Fitting to rhuni—uo turning up lichisd--n0 ehriaking nl the hpo,i iodised` this is the ouly.mtablishment where them Mines are properly understood and made. uoghlys F =2 Broadway, ?few York. WIIEREAS Letters Testamentary on tho v v Mist. of itobert smith rutler, isle of Om [Memel el Term lion, .4-4, hero boon grOuted to the entacTlher; nil pore.s indelibsl to mid estates. reguneted to make liutuediste risyrnott, awl than liSrlog ell...against the maw will preseht thorn, dnly nutheutlested, for sellienseuL ,sill PORTER, Tersolitim JOB.lO. HABILLTOP £ CO, RISTGINTiIERS m...a.cp:asTityrs, Constr Fint aid Liberty Ste, Pitt.bsrgh, Pn. lIPERIOR STEAM ENGINES, MACHINISTS' TOOLE, WROUGHT InoN Jaklywr pULLNYS, ITANCEMS, kr_ TUILISIP s 1 EDS.—Vin arc now receiving our supply of [Lc nnw crop of wry mperior quality, WOolosale and Eictail, at 11w bctst and Implement Ware house, 47 virit, atrect, Prtvrurgh, Pa Jelrklmwr J.1.51K3 VIARDROP. /FENN. WILEAT, White and Red, suitable for Surd-250 boa. to storo and Lrr Bale by .u. 15 'SALA 11 DICKEY d CO. TRAVELINIi DRESS GOODS in new SUF. Jo ey ILLd teltnres open dill MOrntrig, at 13011.CLIPLELD civil. Flll6 CRACKERS-400 halos Diu. 1 Gold .11: Chop Jaet rata erva for sale by IlliT111.1: ANDLIISON, t9Food et, 144 . oppceita t 1 Et. Charles Hotel. TENN. WHEAT-154 tacks white •and 1. red MU I.dingfrommeamer Damonla ft:m.llobl ISAIAII DIM:MY/kW: VIIATHER3--19 Fake now lauding from • Reamer Harmon la far cab by jai ISAIAH DiCIELT 6 co: GINSENG -1 ettak nowlandihgfrometeam- Er gan,anis for isle :IBATelt DiCFCT 01.1, I ' fEtigttllalttottis. , • BIESICAN Mustang Liniment. T ' popularity of tho .31xxicaN 3.fustaxu ].many V ccesnarnaire pith tr.., shillePtion of the glob, Other 3rticlee claim toishrtiale pain and dish-ma-- 111 a COO,. Pitaillr Physicians, Gorentrunt hospital; Farriers. Planter; karper; Llrerypten, 2E,, hir e lentil callyderanustrattil Ws fact throughout the trorld. Okla over Worn rerirtal .ten tintlirideal prates andeirptstrl from Mehra! and Sj , •ntilic men. RHEUMATISM of pun. standlug has teen totOly cured. Pa.., tn.r., Tuanont, Runclug Sono, &Wain, Euff 3L:uts, £.lons, Swelling., Dm rus,lll/"BolLs.Clumps, Neural u 1 Fait Rhounn, and nit artom and [ulna upon man, and ktrultud romptninta upon HORSES, CATTLE, St_ , • sorb as Ring ILlna, (1111, Scratch., ' uey.lloof all, etc., are schdu,d aud eartd MUSTANG LI"NIM-EN7'. I'ALUAI7 . LE 7101:SE `Sr: d. LITCII, Elycro Park it., writtc— , •ll. tho horst, teas Considered wet bless." (Ins race vent Sparin.) "bat 113 nce the fn. nes of Mustang Llnitunt. I 11111.0 sold him for rash. Your has beau doing wonders nit been' (Ralrml'ittLett., let, pa. a ) “In lilting the Pram the Bra it becalm. ,0 1 tilted over, arid ccahlscaldedray Run!, wry 7i•iinnia tan crisp. It waa on nu fill glen. The Mn,. WIT qi ~ s Liriiineni cpperirril eittrat t the Lain. I , tied Poor. trilly, hgeo mcresorra, end left 00 mire of orcomit. ponan..^ Stith itmgrebk , as this t. but the e. natant mad natural echo whereever thhi 76L Lintmect is thd.temsedd e to planter,. and owners of moldbanes and m bre ules. Mr. John Dudek, Montgomery, Ai.. • slave WO. `ftle was rralsol trent utter tmelestebeee by this Liniment. Every fatally poj..,d 4ere It. De n" particular cod enquire for the Mutts., Liniment and cake ao other. Sold by all dealers throughout !Loth shiSenth Ametibbt EnEuropa nd $l.OO per b and all the Islands of the Of-111, for 25 est.% bb aottle: Also, Lyon's Celebrated Insect Powder. (e2nleorl&WemT Great Alterative and Blood Purifier. D/L. THIS ehl established and invaluable remo dy for theatre of cc - mints. or Blow'. Ent, Moore. end White Swelling. Eroptiora of the Skin, Blotches or pimple of the Pare, Obstinate or Feely EroPtfouth hells which arl.o from en impure habit of bloat, Palos in rho Boom, Weakened and Debilitated !stele of tho Syetem, arf slog either from along and protracted can of sickness, or having labored ender an stork of ityphllls, Bo needs of which ettll remain in the system, or having swallowed a great saloon) of dnags, calomel, to., 'stitch may bare lib reefed the Lithe. or their covering, called the twrioetenin, which emnetftnee gives rise to s chronic ulcerous discharge, and mall hones oce.lenslly male sway. Attacks of nem rnativra lu cooseqneoce of anointed or shaved Comultutlorc leap etatiding Billlocs Alfa - Bauer the polo end tbesickly,or the Itleattd Fora, always !whew', or 'mares the tae of ttt le invaluable panacea; nr ebeeld the patient barn labored under no ' , faunae of the 1 4 pihe, Dropsy, Jaundice, or Yel lowy.. of the Stan, Chronic Amiens of the I.lvete, Maros enus, or treating of Stitch, Inceratul Suro Throat, Rip Joint Complaint, in abort, the iimet Imthitothe thilestm which have put every other medicine at dentine..., no cell ea the -skill of tho pry:melon, far mere then ► quarter of e century, hare been perfectly eradicated by thli great vegetablepa recta, In all casts of cruptio. a . Staapaes 411.11eialan9 Oirttatenh . ehtorad ho awed in mondani:lu with the klmacce The two will core them.: chronic end °blithest, eruptive dheasea Betel! price of the Yenacea $1,50 per bottle; 3 bottles SCOO - to any Addeoaa or. receipt of ilemittasice. A RECENT TRA It RUTZ Was Catty( Eliza A. Clark Y , 'dia.RENA 4 TrentonEAßLE street, Cherie. towth Maas. A hila In Platapriphia, abe reddest with Wrn. U. :they, tab erect, 4 Coors below Race. ' Tn. rasa was an eruption Of eight ream etas in of the ohstiunte rharacter, coveting the smile, from the lade of the ics.4 to the crown of tbo head, itching and irritable it th e extrttns. The clue. eminent of the b e. elect had fail..) in antorardtshlng a erre, Tr. Fm • rat's PI 'arca was eXtelent in making a perfect core: Prepared only by DR. PITATNE t EON, Phila.. UR. G.ll. K RYSER, 140 Wood .treat, royl7.eltrT Sat. Agent for PotSt nrgh 11.11j11ARDSON'S I .11 18 x--x z. ITSEZS 8, Damasks, Diapers, &c. CONSUMERS OF RICILIRDSON'S ENS, and those desirous of obtaining tho Cl= 011.1l$ ahould see that tho article. they pnrcliase are seal od with the tall .1115 of tho firm, RICIIARDSON, SONS d 01171E:4 so a guarantee of the soundness and durnbildy of the Goods Thu ettetion Is rendered essentially necessary as large onantltha of Inferior and &dance Linen, aro prepared, 1400., .11 after season and sealed 05th the nuns of Paella3lD SON, by lrtob [leave, she, regardless of the tutor, thus indicted alike on the American crussumer and the clauctfac torero of the genuine GaAs, slit not readily abandon • business saprontable, ahllopurchaarts ran be imposed on with goodsef o 1 1 ,1141eme character. tiegutar xtralneLA 1859. Beason Arrangtmont 1859 ST. 1.01:1S .A.N.D - 11 - 1 AIL I . NOIITIIERN LINE PACE En! FOR GALT:ti A, DrliCUi.. !T1 LL WATir.n. AN Li 1 , PAUL.—The tullAr in; eu,:t 0u..1 magnificent lido wbeel iiteann r, rounoxio tole ;inn toi ihe corning lenriug foll•wr. londny HENRY CLOY.... ....... egg. :J0..., ‘• Atfurd Tureday CANADA i• Ward. Tito:Jay I . I.3IIILVAW ....... lVidueoday-LUCLE SAY.— o J. 11 . )IboJea. Weilnesdny..AUNT LErrry... .... Chn. Aloni.on Thura , Lny....AIETHOPOLITA.N T.lt. !throb, Tintinduy.-.IIIN:6I;i:LEYA !MLLE.. • T 11.1101. 1/130? o N. W. Pnrtrer Irlday CIfIPPIPAVA ..... ....... . Cm-doter. I.aturdny..-.DEINMARE. O. Gray Fialarday C. LIVINC. o Orreno Tho Not thorn Lino hos loon in "paragon din Ing pau Ind for nytilarlty. roil:fart rod patter .oiftti:ity in r.ty re.yu.lina Lover sui pa,ow.l by nu ) ok W. 411,1 u I iretA. flaring adit,l gig titll ele.mere 1.. lb. Lino, tbry are now plepatod to offir Increne n i . Can/lii lee (or Ma trattrartion of all Uneisii.oe entrust.' to Clem, rind hope to town& a rOnGtglaUou of the liberal pat. rounge heretofore on liberally bindowisi aeonnn Mona. For any inform:it: u !hot may to required, apply at the Wharf Boat, at the foot or Loci. 400,4, or at the Northern Line Nap.. OM., No 07 Corainexchsl airier. between 011 re aud Locnot WAIIDE A : , LIALI:11., Genet al mr22.lmd RIVER. Notice to ellsenvel Ulcer Shipper. end Passengers. WE Rar e made an arrangement T rub the Slags:nut River Pacaet :quay by which Igo c‘n Or.. through rate , . from Pitutaargh far pat.crafera awl freight t, all pnlnte on the 31:a.rai ft, For further panic:Aug, apply to Ft...ca. Btafrat k Cu, Steam host Agent, c.f., Walgr net ,mete ; who aro anahuristal to contract fur us. .. - . • atetIRIDE a CO., (lt . or rittlentnb.l . roll dnltertf T No. 40 Cornroarclal at, S. Liana ti.. 1 .. ) EGULAR TUESDAY PACK-. , ,. . 1 ,,._....7 ...1 JLA, ET FOR ZANESVILLE:The llne new steamer EMMA ORA lIA3I, (Upt Itlrunoe Arra.47l.7r= for the above and Intermediate ports EVERY TUESDAY. at 4 o'clock r. u. For freight or pasange apply o board. oda ELAM. lIARATES a CO., Au le. Cincinnati, drc FOR CINCINNATI AND LOU ISTILLE.—Tho fine passong, pxtel. AKLZONIA. Capt. Conway, a.lll here f, the ab.re and all Intermedlata port. on S&TIMDAY, lath trot For freight or 'mango apply on board or to FLACK, BARNES A CO., agent. F OR CINCINNATI 4k, LOUIS VILLE,—Tho nue floc NEPTUNE, alt C4pt. A. Po, will leave for above ar.l antercuallana porta on SATURDAY. the ISib lost., at 4 o'clock. For frelpht or possago apply An board or to Jon FLACK, BARNES A CO.,Aganta. FOIL CINCINNATI & LOUIS VI LLX.—The fine steamer CLARA DEAN Capt. P. Cadman, trill kayo for the above sod all tniar. mediate ports, on bATURDAV, Mut init. at 10 P. M. For freight or platage apply on ha, no f .1,117 FLACK'. B.IRNER k CO., Agent.. ,Et. LOUIS, &et IT{ OR SAINT LOUIS.-•lrtfcLe _ —The tine strainer AIIDONSUT, D. Z. manor, trill leave e r r the stove and all lawn:nal:- ate porta, on SATURDAY...ISth bat., at 4 pled:, r. a. For freight or passage apply so board aria eigh t FLACK, BARNES k CO., Atteote. TIOII, Sr. LOUIS & PAUL.- The knesteatner DLit/04R, Capt. 8. Si,,. man, elll leave for the above sod all Interatrahat e porta on SATURDAY. the 15111 last, at 5 o'eltch r. For treleit or paavaita apply as board or to tall FLACK, BA RYES. k CO., Agent.. DUST. LOS, ENA, DUQUE ANDUI OA_L ST. PAL - 4—Trio o sand splendid steamer CAMBRIDGE, Capt. watt lea,. tar the above sad all intermediate parts on TIM DAY, 17tb (aslant. Par !might or immagn apply on board jrl OM UZI. • !Mali 11A11.58. DUPER, DECK 5 SAYLES, Bankers and Brokers, 3 and b Devonshire Street, BO s 2' 0 D B. ga. give partiettlarattention to the Allman( Late euperior,emd unprepared to furnlais reliable leen:lotion respecting them. A ninthly reriesr ot the Stock and illoney 31arket, with quondious oral' tha Current Securitica will be sent to any address desired. toyinlyitrur ILEMOVAJ, JAMES WILSON having disposed ofgi • nia Ilat and Cap Store Boom, No. 91 Wood stlyet, 11. reluoTed his mock of flatmate' Cam to lila liat Store - on Federal street, Allegheny Clty,oppealte toe Nov Baringa Bank, seller, may he knoll a large asaortment of Rata and Caps at eery minced ink.. .. , -, Curren:am CM) lalraaB no, Nonce—The prnaent * l oc k .. moat he mid to snake rt.= Pr:lasing Goods. dalieltf L EAD AND SHOT-1500 lbs. bar Lead; WATT 6 , WILON. CIEf3S3 QEED(JCKIVIIEAT.-s()D ep LI Peed Euawbeat to artivo sod for solo DT Je10:31,1 J. IWCULLY ().. sui 13 Wood it., T UST PUBLISIIED—Notes, critical and J exptaxatory, ort Tim Acta of tba Ayatlatt, 11. W. JacAna, D. D., 1 vol. nap oaa.—ot awl llittatrytkma, tir by Jalo tahMIDANS, BALTI3IOHE bbls.andlA half bbla. mire VC!, day,. ard far fele by. J. B. CANFINLD LOG.: SCOTCII IifIRRI.NG-2.00 taxa. 'scaled; Jost m4mtle RETC3I°EII."JkrIti) TILLBETTER.-200 ton ----8 of Phelps Fur . na, , ,,e CLaytiekl Lake Far.az Pff Plg Metal go skrr* and 1 " 84 . 11 7 ON3) JA6on rums bui, mite ivbent Key 17cfn for caleby 1013 iI