itisburg# RIM= IMlXTE,Z24.7.imaziazz.-1. 8. IIRRI11"7 & CO.. szur - cissOP Di asdPBYTOBB PITTIErEtVai.OI.I3 TUESDAY MOURN% . JUNE 14, 1859. Bepabllcan `etafe'Sioket --- • • • 1110 MAS COCIIIBAII, of York county • '• .marina apigan, WILLIAM 11. K IM , ol.Berki county. . . Republican County Ticket UL ELTAB 8. U M, LM Pittalmrgb All the corn Is out off to the surface of the earth. The largest is the moat injured, and will be the least likely to recover. The wheat is mostly killed. Already some of the farmers are cutting it off for fodder. • The eplendid prospect of wild fruit, snob as abound in our mountains, was completely blasted by the late frost. Not a chesnut, grape, blackberry, raspberry, whortleberry, or any thing of the kind, escaped the devastation. We are sincerely sorry for our mountain friende. Uniontown Standard. The damage done by the frost to the wheat, 1 7 0 . .ko., has been very great; and preparations are already making bye number of our farmers, to plough up their wheat fielde, and substitute buckwheat. At East Liverpool, Wellsville, and other points along the river, we understand that The . Late Fleost - sasd Its Effects. the destruction hunotbeen near no great. -New W& oontiane to-day our extracts from the Lisbon (0.) Buckeye &ate. country press, to show the extent and effects of We were vieited, on Monday night last, with the late frost. a never, frost, Mitch has almost entirely de la giving these extracts we omit everything eir i7 e tt r _ h T e b e wh w e i, e r n e ri l et n iu th r b ilis abl e v ee n t o le t n i nju d bat what relates , to wheat and rye. In every much as was first supped, it ie thought ra ther a o quarter the, information Is uniform that-the corn, will be one-third of a crop. There will be half a potatoes and garden vegetables were out down ; crop of rye, so we learn this (Wednesday) morn and we ask the reader to bear in mind that this Carrollton (0.) Fr" Preis, 8444 n We hen carefally enquired about the late frosts is the hot everywhere , within the region of the i thurrounding country districts, and are froet visitation, and hence there is be necessity glad to le arn that the damage done is, in the ag for repeating it in every extract. The only vs. eregete, greatly overrated, especially in regard .viaturn Is in regard to Theat and rye, and our to grain and corn. No doubt exists that in many spots the effects have been dissetrous to extracts are from papers in all the injured ter individuals, and while all will regret individual ritory. losses, yet they cannot but feel relieved to know The impresaion left on our minds, after wait, that the effects have not been general, to such ing a week and looking over the whole field is, an extent as to produce less than a good average ..n p r . Ry in i f n act, m n an ot y with loc stmd ie i s ug tb r e i that the disaster is a tremendously heavy one frost cad Iq within Uninjured district, and that the 'mottoes grenade, there is no doubt th ' at p we ac el:a a ll y hav w e will fall with terrible weight en the sufferers. over on average crop of wheat —Harrisburg Tel. Happily, the country le wide, and the frost hal Newsax, 0., June 0, 1839 —From all 1 can visited but a (comparatively) narrow strip of it gather, and I here passed through • dozen te;i3ettnotpliensiosnillteheuthtsheditrster,tol decidedl y l of The general production will not, therefore, be ineastwably affected but this will not mitigate of corn and wheat, wdl hardly the be perce ptible e a ptfbre the wary i n fli c t e d open the Individuals an d two weeks hence. Corn, though generally out communities whose lot is east within the smitten down, will speedily recover, and grow more his : orouely than before, while the wheat, so far, bands. thaws little or no injury, although the frost was ‘lO outline of the territory visitedby the frost probably ea severe in the counties I have I ra is now pretty whll defined. Beginning on the verged as anywhere else.-omcmnati Gazette top of the great Allegheny range of mountain; About ten years ago, on the 15th of April, the and running north to a line parallel with the snow fell nearly all ry at Augusta, Ga. , and it, l d akes and multi to a line para ll el with Lexing- but freezing cold a' , ,, .ghtected that the leaves n. Oak trees were no ot only turne black, ton, it extended, west to the Mississippi. b u t the barks of young trees peeled off tie though Bpond that, either east cr west, it didbut little it had been exposed to a scorching fire. The damage; and lle fir th the me t o nav e b egun f a d„ wheat then was as forward ay it was in the re- ing by the great June frost. A few ing out. at Dayton, Ohio, from which pot' rent. tl wu d n we o, r ( ii est u ro nd yl ou a htedly injured, but the crop ward It fell but lighli:jitnd did bat little A. m a From Dayton eastward to the Alleghenies, in- We have secants from several localities south • eluding the_ entire country between the Canada and west of the city, and are glad to learn that shore on the north and the Ohio river on the the corn has received no fatal injury, exept to a smith, with a Alight margin on either side, the ipartial extent. Potatoes have fared worse, althoughin a great majority of eases it will not heaviest portion of the frost fell ; and it was the be necessary to replant. The prospect of the central portion of this territory that suffered crop being put back, is, however, already to mast, the frost growing lighter and tapering off flueneing our market. bothnorth and south of the central line. The etaSel far a i r C r imps the grand aggregate et ear wil it t e m a i tr re cr y tu i r f ai no p t r a o t dugs, we e th t tAk e thezff ir s o c i t t ;mitten territory, therefore, embraces Western New York, Weetern Pennsylvania, Western Vit. 2113. a Pera P girds and the whole of Ohio; but the portions Ws learn that the front has been very severe Want mitten are Western Pennsylvania and along the Black Moe/anon. The forests in that Virginia and the central or backbone counties neighborhood are represented to present the ofappearance of autumn with their with or Ohio- inethe Portions lest enumerated the ered, fallen leaves. Ice Was f dea - B e wheat mid rye are almost entirely cut o ff; while Moshanon to the thieknese of an inch. —B _e ig in the other portions,lhe injury to t h ose grains finde (Pa-) Pre". is varied, i n some mime amounting to very Is this Staten injury of tetra consequence little, and in others varying from a partial to a was dens' Our escape, Trrri snob injuries " both sides sad all around us, is singular. We nearly total loss. make an abstractof the reports that have reach- Ealing than fully comprehended the extent ed us: • of the injury, we are the better prepared to re- The Tern Haute Journal says "there was a .i dbmit the ov um . effects and prepare for them slight frost theme, bat no damage was done." The Tipton Argus says the frost there slightly • - The total yield of the wheat crop will be re- damaged cora is low grenade, and the wheat al , duceS but ferkuuttely for the country at large, so suffered • little, but nothing Barlow. nobruff dimity so to create either a famine or, •The Hendricks Ledger sago it "spotted" young - the fear of famine prices. Indiana, 111 ,001. 40arn eud garden esf ` 'truck" a little, but that was Southern Ohio, Mielouri;ralla, Minnesota, Mich- all ie hod The Shelbyte Banner says there was a inn, Eastern Pennsylvania and Virginia, Mary-. slight frost along the Flat Rock Valley, but it dld land, Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia—all little damage. , Itirgo whom producing States, are uninjured, and The Bedford (Lawrence county) Independent , nye the frost there did some little damage to the eouthern States enumerated the wheat vegetation, g but speak' of it as though the demage hateenia now ripe and the yield ie bountif. was triflin. • Then WW be enough, then, it is believed f The Wabash Intelligence,' says that come of the " all present appearances, for the wants of fhb m emo b ia teat count?. was cat down, but other ds en in 'entire country ; end thus, while she localiti injury generally caped entirely. The spoken juredes of ntightly. injured wHI suffer the foes:of their crops, they The Richmond Paltadium says the front there will not suffer, as was at Met feared, in having was pretty bard, cutting corn down to the ground to pay famine prices to make their loss. and cooking the tops of vegetables, but wheat is up There is, besides, one ether consolation in re- probably not hurt. The Vernon (Teenage county) Router don't serve, to wit, the large breadth of spring crops allude to the freeze at all, though it speaks in everywhere put in. Tenet, the corn and potatoes detail of the appearance of crops in that county, use be e s ( erit,down by the fruit . but the from which we infer that there was a little or no meet of Hine will:nme up DOW, and when fr These reports come from &largo extent of ter en _ this it not the ease, the opportunities for re- ritary, and probably indicate 4bs condition. of phudiag hare genendly been improved. We the State fairly, except the extreme no ."' soothing • thi In saying th at th e y i e ld in porng. tion, With what we hare before from which we have not y reported, heard they if no other calamity happens, will go a chew ant th e Western, Central and Sou thern they her ; veat way in making up for the loss of the parts of the Statihavri escaped almost entirely, wheat and rye. and the Tipton and Wabash, reports would indi cate that the lower portion of the Northern seo- After taking this retrospect, we have a few lion has also escaped pretty, saf ely. The Eastern words of advice to give to our agricultural b ee tiff - - - • d some, bat no guess can yet bemade friends. The frost has undoubtedly donee great at the extent of it.,—/ndtanapoisa Jour. deal of damage, but the loas Le greater In labor TIM Concord (N. H.) Statesman doss not record Mania the yield of grain. A "set amount of any damage. Issays: is All accounts from the wheat growing region labor to get in Spring crops has biten done—more than ever before, and some of this must now be Theth grawbiestiesrasorfrtaadrvathotOsid3Zeteneanallavatalamataastiangg: done ever. Where the wheat Is actually killed, hopes are entertained that it has got the start of plow at once and now buckwheat, rutabagas, that dreadful and destructive enemy, the weevil. or beans. turnips, peas Don't let the The fine appearance of the fields is a subject of grout:dn. situ idle and run to ; end if you have a spare visibale.te' comment, scarcely a barren epee being" piece of land on which anything will yet grow, Peon Missouri, information reaches us that al- Put it In peas, or_ beaus, or turnips, Or anything though the corn and vegetables were very much that 'will, do for •food. Over 4000 bushels of out down by the frost. the fields, especially of wheat, had received no permanent injury. In buckwheat were sold in this city last week for tern New York the frost was end.," baton the end; audit the demand for it elsewhere has e w el a board, wasecaroely perceptible. been as b.-elek as here, the bookwheat oreP Tut Meer wed , were fearful that the wheat had be an immense one. There has also been a been injured, but after pretty extensive Inquiry dematid for potatoes Sod beaus for seed, we are inclined to the opinion that the great sta fieatolour production has not sillier*materiall y, d --tied to note. We take oacasion to all, in this region.—Gre entails (0) Repub. worth,' of special Mien - Elton all the information we can obtain, we -cplantiag beans, and are of the opinion that at least one fourth of the ""•.'" .•! _ ,bushel of beans wheat crop in this vicinity, has been destroyed by ail by the frost of June 4th. The Mediterranean whnt being about 10 days is advance of most •-,41 do not o .th- er varieties, has so far matured the stook as to ; . ,'"'ething escape freezing at the first joint, where the pima t. t , and of the Injury is done. The blue stem on high „ground, union very backward, is generally say ), .d. Peaches apples, and all fruit on low ground, ahilure, unless well protected with foliage.— , rijall (0.) Beacon. '..ratito has escaped. The fruits killed, the 1 are dead on the trees, rye and corn are eyed, and it is doubtful if any grain has d. The gardens are absolutely wiped out. could save them. Covering plants pro,- cleless.> Ice was formed in buckets— half an inch thick. —Somerset (Pa.) AEOTBIT, WILLTAIMI TAANUAI. PlUtaborsh, DAVID A! MARLEY, Allegteay, CHARM L. GORRaINO, Barents DAVID. Z. BAYARD, Poebleo, WILMA( WY, Lower Bt-Cbdr. MOM= LW Mat, TMO,lg6B MELLON, cabins. MIT= ATTOIMIT, JACOB L. MILLER, Pittsburgh 1111.21171122. GOODS! t?.? Y. 41 COULTAS, &nth Fayett. • cwartirosu. TONATIIALY 11#, WY. &nub Pittabsugb• . . , AVOIVoIt, DAITD 0 0111CLIOS, Sewlekkry. , . izthroz, M. T. iL*DIRSON, Yu e Dem DllLlt taa 3o3l2a it MUM, flumird.Ors. ero ':t;s2,•.:: ,it, .:,.. ; ::;t ' . .?•'. 77, NEBRINE •N ~ ~,, • \- u :,...:,. . (aft#te. This; solar as wit are, coneerae#, is attend et the contriversy. '• , Aftiatitired, : ixioit it ith re, grog, but with a determiaatTon to tio - niaa to Make such a nse of our name $3 was_ mada madein the “Card"uf Mr. Foster which gave rise to It. • The 4 'collinnation In the party papers of per sonal abuse" against him, after his defeat, was not carried on in this paper, and be had there fore no excuse for lugging oar name into his "Card i" and having put 'ourselves right before the public, against the fidse imputations of that "Card" and the. editorial which followed it, and, by demanding , the proof of the charges made therein, compelled their practical aband onrient, we willingly drop the whole subject. . . ' IRISOTON, of the U. S. •Expreso Co., Writea on the 9th: • a.sro looklog finely. Fruit did but • • itage either to crops or fruit. We rood yield of (mt." • 'otter*, today, from 1 . Edger, Is Bally., . tud Champaign and tb .; • Dim Or Ar)liikrili WI I.P. r d lllllllMs ' ' '' '-- I ' ''. litttrabbtliiginlifio '.' ' la ll , . 1 The Pendleton (SI C) , lllesseiOnvi id a . sketch.'of ......_„ ..,!..;,..... • -..: ~...., . - tut antous- . ..: - '' .71.; ::s:l lP ;3`l tiblii l . iitiCal the "Old fittutillfeeting—Somie:t- , in that Lein, • : xon,..,To.Errrao:s.r_s after speaking of several celebrities buried in HERB DISPENSARY. new Inventions. Agente have made overs?3,ooocn.nne— t BEIUrING• NLA.CMINEIS , better th an all other WWI. &geodes. Rend her stamps the graveyard, esytt,;,- . `/. "13ettesth a cluster Os:Ware reposes all that is , •edfget SP page s partimilant; grade. mortal of John Miller, ,prtnter. lWe lingeeed ' uctre os 3fign St,{3llcor, all door. op • stain) duffalo, N.Y. iII A t t t LE g .. a i h n o e v d t he ,. contitl f erge o t:f t ai r l . 7l, b o i, u•; . e Jelle.hadawer EPURAISI anon:Y.l.o.w. mt.. long by his grave, for his eventful life afforded— Till CELEBRATED DI . I. JOHNSON, Bo- ' , : l.w. e Tg.7...71;:att1.. lellog th n s terk ...i Wr atin A th G s z o m o rs hor.. l . V • A s N ti..7e. D as food for meditation. If wo could have seen ' .1. tsar Thistriam treats threes:dully the mittoto . cu.- Stet OD both abbot of Ote cloth alike, Whirl cannot be um , g ,,,,, p . y. ‘,.. 14 • 4 ..,.. p. m ravelled or pulled ut. JellEindatsT "Ma. C and conversed with his descendants,. who live in „...., C. P. wnirraN, Lowell, aim. this vioinity, we could have gained a fuller , 1 ° 4 1 6 . A7 1 ,,,P1a ) N• DYSPEPS/ .1. o They aro all made with the hightet orecheolcol akin, aud I .. ri tu th r. is pid S iy ta . tee!) make wyrented to work well on all kinds of goodo, ram the Fr : NERVOUS DEBILITY. sketch of him , Mr. Miller was the oldest prin. . BRONCIting. HEADACHE, otoo , to to ot Lightmet Fabric. Hooey Leather. In particular, 446 140114,1 ' UT.) ter in the State. For the publication of the "Jo. ; LUNG a CHEST DigßAnge, SCROFULA, call the attention of all M our Oaf gunii, Sewing Machina I DISEABRS 0 gig. • SALT ttIIKILIL nine' letters—the author of those papers he well K r rN ,. Av SL T H t01,,,"T' ttr btu bees. in ncured tweedy for Fartilly nee, and has 1 burgh. met with favor fro all. It le so eimplitied .to render It eriperintendant'a Ofer... et the C.E.UCTRRY. jeG....h.f knew—ho was expelled from England. Be came ' !AVER CfittPLINTA. ; . rerita AND SOUP., RUEUMATISM, almost Ina get to get out of order, or derange im opera- 1 to South Carolina; probably worked for a while ' PEAIALB WEAKNE4S. mem. 1A..: indeed ola satin:l l 4o as to snout.h one, that amen Puotartvasta Isthothres Orortarr, t i In tho office of the first paper published la this . DISEASES or THE EAR AND ROE, kr , , Ac . a piece of toecitoon. will uw. Pittsburgh, hay 17,1859. Below we sire o duic r i nt l ei 4 the dclicrout styled of the ' SlEril. a tileeliVig of the Directors of is Stale, at Charleston, and thence removed to All ea ere SIMI Inc Wet this mho. nectiedcllsmus, at truol Patent Cempauy, held this day, a Dividend, or FIVE PER CENT, Pendleton, using the press which General Greeee ;74 la " Te r r. ' r " ;‘,7 l h74l l , A ror n ,, , J...i "" iro,:ill7..' s 7 '"4,7,: • head '',.7 sj, „ !• ‘ . ..1 c,,''',..:..Lii , ii:l'ii7 o Lic,,h ' lona t'e .'"is o l'd br being Tao Dollen and • lief ',it tbs. oil paid up Steck. had ill llitt ciunpaign; he did job work until he !he email lob if SI eu • Peritenle^f Id nd kin., with .." ahltipin r g, ae t il n aLi or le o r - laC g e rrilLl2:([4.. 11NCe.'5.r.247071:147144.-'d 0 7y'y, g ,'.=6, e ll g r n t b bp 'b7, th i . ap'p"ll: l :''cit ei . 7,1, 4 :L i g/II rumor direction, soil medical advice. Pam...Leah] us." to place • number of ?clubfeet! lam • hate tuncb, i st,,ig Na m on Meek sot Dolly paid tip. commenced the publication or the Pendletgn ply without delay, as they moo obtain tenant fi e f from 1 o te gi eg .me teble sourer fur them •all. P.m, 91 I. OMER SPROUL, Socretary. Neeeenger—the second paper established in this , the Doctor'. mail.. No. 1. With Wainot or Hatingsry Table, either with , "l 9 ' 6" State. The world has specalsted much as to the Dr. 'Mime o '4 Me I id4o C0M11444 of extract& from lbe or wahout nod Top, whi...h lecke timin. Pd., 1100 and 1 booth 10 11 . cal foreign and motive Hoote nail Herb, mann- , glut, • OHIO WRITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. authorship of 'Junkie,' but John Miller carried I, polsona, that were red nu r tit own supervision, at his Ispeosary,..l , No. 3, Santa elan as N 0.2. bat mins with • belt, and at the secret to his grave at the 'Old Stone Moot - therefor e avoiding tho ale of Mercury end other &A bend • much higher rats of spud. mt. kind is well adapted to , Annortneement or the Proprietor for the leg house,' and has left no Information as lo the nor &envied for th• sm... to .hich 1 trunanfactuttng Clething or Loather work. This It really 1 Season of I gee. name of the author." ! ma i t z tv i if o uusand s have fallen victlimeand gone to early gram. the. cheapest Machice to the market,-. there!. no work 1 1 T Fdit THE cunrwalca.-44. Johnsou a re- do. oto • log klechine that It will not do. It anyuti ' TIE OHIO WHITE SULPHUR. SPRINGS ILEITSINGI .—Th e old father at Waters, ! g o oy n k p ahle 1.01100 fur bientlfylug nod improvin g tho i dent!, &started that this bi.hlos mine auler than ma- • m en ., in Deg,, 00,,,,.. earth from is gradually getting back t the line of propriety. 1 p,,,,:e7tr,. , .",,,34 ° V, i ,..7 4 ,,,2,„ ° ; u p .,. 1 ab `":',7, 1 , 7 ,,T‘ c, „"4 ,„ ',..";•• . Chit. lito. mete um. nice, 8100. Colembus he Capital of Obile,) on the Scioto limn-ill) mite r 7 . 1 No, 4, Tin, M a da ms Luc 10 00 4n34 e to accommodate . Crum Deltmems, A miles from the White Sulphur Station. un Since he commenced going down, he has fallen ;Si 0,.. • mai ore. postage ammo. Address AIL VOIOOD and Pittillargh Railroad, Wad 1 Large work. It 00. at • hi g h rare of speed, rune euily, the g p fi gg g g i d , Billie point about two feet. Planters along the , DR. JOHNSON, Drees,. SO& i an d l a , without • doubt, the beat Hach,. for Tailor.' nuB le mile s from Plesoud Valley or u win. Station, oo the hltiatrlyr OIL. 91 Main Cl. Buffalo, N. Y. 1 ever offered to the public. It is also peculiarly num for coast have turned their bands into the eager and ; Oolumb., Plq.and Indium Haili;t2. I ht. Soilage will cotton fields, which promiee here, at the thresh- PI 7.1.A.1V01511 l Phintotkin work, .It is vuy &Imp. yet Into/dentist and b e ope n for the 1 , 44,1111011 Of flmilnr• i dont., with but little liability to g et oa t of order, trice, old of June, to yield an abundant harvest. The I pm.On the ISt Day of June. eIIi,SECOND SPRING ETOCH ir m or Northern Parishes of the State, have euffrred llin. flr Tide ill • new ° led clunlPer alb., end • Pthetel The improvemanto of 1859 have been lat., enabling the most. The cotton crop In the northwestern and I or Ina 011.rautre 1 t ecothe tor Family, Light , rather, and • great vatiety of proprietor. to eccommodate fn m are to ale handful guests. work. It ha been gotten op with referee. to foretelling • among them naprovemeets may be tunnUoned a largeand north of Red River districts, will be cut short 1 GOLD hIEDAL PREMICAI atning and derable, yet fight and tasty Ma c hi ne , at • len ar gas t hotel, new cottage rem. aadiuocai buildings Aar at leant one-half, by over fl ow. The carte, corn , ' tale•th•seld.r ot the ebore it roes vary ...yr taPidlY. amosetnent .d recreatloh, rib... leech haulm, • 1n441121 dls prononnted the beet machine nowt& market, for PO. L ane ,0 4 ., *O. and cotton crops of this Parish, give promise, 0,1,. .• o• Th. I. • thehi•• Rot oli off . entimlY on. Upon the estate there arenas/31 0 ring., ail within the 1000, at this writiog, Of a good harvest. The overflow 1 P IA N 0 FOR TE S 1 principle, ddheent unto anything ever baton offered tO the Thar of 44b44, t h e White sulp the thalybeate, the klag. this Beason has caused several large planters Ai ANDPACTDEUED BY pOblk, and len oonlidently mart that, for family .8 It has oat se equal. It h. very light and testy , tuna very rapidly , filth Is mearkabla (orhe polity of la •aters from the low lands, to come to this parish.— 1 Is alma. nobielese In ire operation. arid Mi. A STRADEILIT ~ w om bi l i mi ., :Le h : the Ball. Ohelyt are decidedly medicinal, THE WHITE 131211P1.10R Baton Rovge COVia, 4th &Lit WILLIAM KNABE & CO., BALTIMORE. NEEDLE. It la to arranged es tel be utterly lothoribla for river. it to 111 i. slitcbsti. It hes • Wagon on both sides, and car-le a beautiful Aiteelon Imolai., altoeted to.r the rocky respondent of the Evening Foe! writes : RELIGION MD Pourics.—A Washington car. 1 the ha. been awarded tho and axs'r PURIM. for excel. j Hee • large s upply of thn spool -ed on the under l The m.o. blink of the cantocanto ver. At the depth of 160 feet below 1 loom over all competition, and ore grommet. tiy j float are l oad by two ernall creek. that run without per- the .rtac e of the &ciao flo•s tha remarkable strewn of ceptible what Ti. two threads are worked in ouch • a man. sulphur ander, which supplies this Simms. This armee "To show your readers how the I/erecter/oy' i STOTSMI7ND Til A LBEAG, ner as never:to both poll at the 4•1114 time, tind consequent- wea dimacered tit irty years •go by • gentleman oho was etrWashington carry religion into politics, I will , tt. STRAHOSCII, ly, little liable to btu.. The team le eery cleans, and the boring for salt. The water, when reached, et once arose tc mention that of the seven Alderman elected yes- I GUSTAVE SIATTEII , thrzl i tz. art h... in melting. It will do comae work the unlace. and ha ever dnm continued to flow during a' terday five are Catholics, none Protestants, and i And ether distiegullisd Pianism to be Neal, II oot y cheap machine note in mar bet, and it rises •6•4004. rules t Chollgo Or abatement, either in 0111111 w, i . tit, mottor or lien Id. trind f.ility. Price, 880 Volume, two with no avowed religion. Of the Common 1 Descriptles CM elan forobitied grade. Council thirteen are Catholic, five aro Protestant . , i SUPERIOR. TO ANY IN THIS COUNTRY. i OPYLOEy 477 BROADWAY, NNW YORK. NEY At LYON, PROPIUMI3. and three are nothing. And yet this is a deold- eir-AORNTB WANT ED.lO:llndser ally Protestant city. Of about fifty, churches among no, not more than Boren are Catholic." Ir to said that since - Mr. Buchanan's trip to North Carolina, the placemen and hangers-on in Waehington speak freely and with much less reserve, of the neoeseity for a renominaiion of King James by the Charleston Convention.— Many Democratic .pollticians express ihe con fident opinion that that event should and will occur. BISHOP Ferree.—By prieeto letters reoeived iu this city, we learn that the' excellent Bishop of ibis Ohmage was expected to leave Havre, in the Fulton, on the I& of June, eci that in a very few days hie friondsTill have the opportunity of welcoming him at home.—PAil. N. Amer. • - • LIMIT. Gov. MART= 11 41.5.V.a id prominently named as a candidate for Congress from the 14th District, in place of Hon. Cyrus Spiok, who died on the liOth ult.—Con. Ga . I ~P YSPEPBIA.---The WOrbt roe of humanity O r well known, that we hardy fsol dLepoessi "ail L ltmenr Gars In Re expiration. Few hare escaped suffering •frilat‘rom or another of It. farad forms In tea, is I. either • CACrI or • COASlocrtenof almost every other diamas and taken In Mte stage, we believe one rem , b—DCERILAVE'd HOLLAND DITTRRS—wiII always mitigate, it not effect • permanent cum We might use stronger language, boo, as I we era addressing • riettonfag n well es a romorublo Mtn moony, &etre to mold the prejudim midell would attach to whet ...Id mem men boestirm. rodigentiOn, Heartburn, Headache—Sisk and Net rocs—lo fact, all that hare their origin to Imparod which are Inclndeif BILIOUS DISORDERS AND LIVER 0011PLAINTS,Illental Madders, Irritobtlity, Mdimoution to Dank, feeputiomr, Depression of Fp,. , N.rooot 11.ars sad AnntElitm, desire for Solitude, end a tuntsr of other affection. of the class, rendering a awl sinfit for toter canna with the world and the aslety of hie I.llly—will all. In moat itleADere. he Mond to bare proceeded from that dammed .ate of the digeetive ormsm which this undid.. eminently calculated to relieve. Run C.macM—Th., Cramer hlghy Gonnantrated Rum , hme's Reiland Blume la put up in half pint Mutat only, end Mailed at $1 per bottle. The greet demand for tau Mil, Celebrated Medicine he. loducal mum Deflations, which the public abouldguandagednitlyerrhasing, of hoproltIon! PLe. that our name le no the label of cror, Emile you buy. BENJAMIN PAGE, Jit., A 00, Eol• Pnrysistme, 27 Wood street, Pettiest, let end 2,1 sta., PI ttebnigh. Pa • mraffeeirP itttn 2.bbertisemrnts. .woo tzrxi. spßiivc+ SUI;PL.I WkAkvAll'\_ J156 - 1' received the first IWO Pianos .1 - our tr fourth Bprfea supply or ths abors cslobrstei roam, facture. They are superb lestrateach4 end moll Lot fa heard and seen to be prosoacted SUPPRION IN Emu r 11135P1237' to all Übe: =bro. Poe sale by If fI LCNCIi cc° lola Polo .I,orsta lot soy , . coroo.r; . L 13E %PUNKS, Plitt IVLflifill ovo 11 or !rat . era n.. 0• recairloa tb.t ...r> as II P. Pleb!, Ur lab.. Ire ore BULB AUENTF, • full ee.l convict. assortment of fire IrVr tits, conalaling of thel I. elr iblekets fn. 1 In 2 lb. .MiLaa of Sia ,I. '2. 3. Itcosan Candle, from I ball Flower Pots. No I and to IA: Paseo.: Roman Candlea,, fr.. l Triangles, No.l toe; I ball toWartlta Witte lc Moo Lights, No. 1 to LI - 1 / 2 gon Orssahortsrc Pallets, fin Wheel., No I, 2, $; Colored Purpects Maws ; No 1, 0 %3, 1 Double Ifossars. Turptslote-300 . UW. Be Eobfswat plot. from :SO to Foo, with dtracttots REY:WiIt ANDERSON, J•l3 No. 32 Wood opixalto 14. Col On Rob. SEED EVOKIVLIEAT! "-"~ DU. TO ALLILIVE.ViD iORSALN DT JOSEPH CRAIG _jel4.li7l 4 ALLECUIDI I CITY AFORD'S GREEK TESTAMENT, with a crilkally reSbred Text—• digest of mil.. readings, margirud 'referents. to verbal and Idiomatic um,' prrera ital • critical sod exegetical commeutary, for the me of 1 heological Modenta sad mlnister*,l;l [leery Alford, 11. D. 'ol. letJnst oat. To be completed in 4 TWA., See. Pretl/ s , Yloarers and Farmlog, by Henry Ward IMmbe Vletrennd Experience of Religious Snijsae, do do Jett J . L READ, 70 - F . ESII ARRIVAL -100 boxes I•olorala Orsogra--aireob Ibo do do Lbroono, Ileeelvlug ltd. day sod for solo by REYMER d AN IdEllBO.ll, ad Wood at, Jell uppodtotba St. Charlet; Ilotd. • ''.o AU ' 00 bonen `o. Uo Chop Peet reed end for Rah, by HZ111011.& ANDERSOM, Bo Wend el, .14 °Dwelt, the et. Charles hotel. OPENINO Tills DAY—Very handsome Drees Goods In Rotes and by the yard. Alm.sli kinds of Domestic and EMple Dry (hoods usually found In a well assorted stock. Pleme all and clandoe for yoursolrca. )sl4 ILL RANSON LOVE, 71 Martel id I pENN. WHEAT-154 mks white and rod sow landing from intionrr Ijarmorde for nit try DICK ex & CO. REATIIERS---19 sacks noir lar - bog from Mallow Harmonls f•r ealo by J^l4 MAIM! DICKEY k - - INSENO-1 cask now landing from steam er Ilermorda raw. he ISAIAH bICII/4. a CO FLAXSEED -2 nacka now landing from Kamm Liarmonla ror ado ty Jel4 UKIAH DICIIEV al OTTON-7 bales now landing, from edema er !Dumont& Gm mu. by ISAMU RICKEY A W I ► IVi —A 1 vinous grades rco bbls Rye PI., JAMES /JARDINE& INE APPLES-5 bbls. Alantazus just reed wad Co, ul•oy KRYIIRn it ANl,Rifflos. • he florthern Fire and Life Assurance CO., London-1 Moorgate Street. !Subscribed Cap1tad.......C1,259,760 , a'g. id,Z;o3 fsuo Called expand 62,403 $618,08 B 1 88,670 to 17,8:13' 17 10,018 91 9,000 00 6,118 9 tiii,b24 Li ABILITIE: , .. tpf I 71 o k 1"11t44 61 03 1 emon l,l' 17 7 g.I 1 I .!"!!‘;'!.!,..1 ------ Atlanta, Tht Jamittr7,ll369 Beal UM", laws on Ilmitta ood Id.loB4.sltt,deecanble MannlttesS, Rahway and stater netts., turn, Goreentnentflecosi. ties and literersions, Loans on Llfs lntonston.lnsostments an. cued, but not Jetpays. Cub In hands of Brandt Estnbllshosento and hen! and In course of tramp mission and collection Cash at current . 1 - 20, 1 276 ie n g 1,0in,a4 eO 4,714 g to tle-Marmeacturce e Huse .cent fvr P.Ueb.rdh nm , Wesl ern Penne,leants, Old rOtbllshad Plano Depal, CARD. -•TUNE 9ru - %Vonld Cl, to cnstoroort and buy.. generally thtt they aro every fe • days replenish leg thair clerk a ab now and am, *made Gcoda—hasiog recently received n farther supply of Lace Sleuthing., Lineo and ether Poste.. Lawns at ILl4t (Tory cheap,' Mark 011ke tad other articles. They have en musortment of now styles of good. fur Iran. sling Drs.,. La. and Muslin Embn.llelloa, and all at Ate/price!. OAK LASS) PHOPK.LiTK PULA SALE. TIIAT PORTION OF OAKLAND known se - New Linden (trust." lying within two and •half mi.. of lhr city, has tan talkie:Jed Into lots of con vett lent .1., ranging in from one to ten acres oath. Som.. cf them are tare{ wheat twaattfuland trmtnet.l.l tootle, co, trod will( forest Sealy and other. gently rolling, tatett.ll. bit of being Imprnsod In the most picturesque 0.11./. The.. lot. art surrounded by an escallout totabborbood, with the advantage. of • Ant clam private school, taught by Er. and firs. It. H. Ken, with public tchoole In the vicinity. A Hoe of mobil:imps rant every hoar during the day,fand In • short time s retsenger kadlroad will ha bent, that rendering them most eligible and' detimbla /or beauty of mentry, facility of access, parity of air, and courenlence to the city, they ars ummrpetantl (ha Wes hor country retddracat. • - . to order to accommodate them who:may telett to improve, they are °fared at the following very imay term= One tooth to bond nod the ...Wee to 010. .yowl apoonl .1 , 9:h0d W.O. LICVLIR 91 Diamond ft- City and Connty,inattrance Company. NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of an art of Amenably, relating thereto. nod t h e Cher. ter of Incorporation, approved April 11th, I SIR, klamkat to remise anbecriptiona to the Capital Stock of the Gay and County Insurance Company of the lily of Allegheny, or to open at the aloe of PETER PETERSON, }Moral etrtart, Atlegheny, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and TIfURSDA Y, sth, nth and :th of J oly, and at the office, of %V N. P. BA UM, on St. Clair Greet, Pitteborgh,m YRIDAY and PATUR DAY, the Bth and 9th of July Den, la remain open for For. Dlr., (anima the stock ho soourr sabecrlbed,) from 10 A. &I. to 4 o'clock k'.111:0 each day. Josiah Ring, Jam. L. Graham, Henry Irwin, 140,11 Poway, Peter Peterann, John Ilinningbaar, G. G. Crelo, Wm. Y. Ramo, John Irwin, Pen, Juheal, 1.4 b, .1009 Pau m°, C. Yeager, George Lefba, Lemma Gormly, Nicholas Vorghtly, :co, Job* A. B.rot, R. P. McDowell, John W. Biddle, David Ormg, Seanl Lindsay, Jon , J. Lonomore, AI Lorlend, Thomas Farley, I) 11. Cram, Alex. Ildands, R W. Poindexter. Tlu a Donmily, James Perk. Jou !Amos A. Gibson, D Lost Shields, Cvstettraiencer. Jellaltd DLANK BOOKS, PAPER AND STA- R TIONEVY —The subscriber haring lensed the Land• log ou the cosOm a Wood mad Third ate, formerly occupied hy Kramer • Rolm ee Peanksog novae, will np...a. •.n sGURID•ti, Jsam, .1, ta • lerge and wolf eelocaos .4 Map% • ndßlank iloolts. Pao., • Ills mock compris.• awe, Otter, Cep and] 0010 Par,•jr• the nulls In the I[oool 1) Illuak Lusk, of his own rnshaf,cas, erery ie ~1 0100 tom Gammen:Ash Legal en d F.osmope, on poet recut,: lomphOltamr, Pcrry'e. Peesta end other reit Meted steel and lever, of mnereotpettcrue, rk , pyloc„booke, Arnold's. Butter's and %qua. • Noyes STriOng and Cepilug Ink., Idegistreare' mad Lawyere' BINGE Deeds and Monatomic Wropptug ropers, Doormat Loards, Drawing Papers. 4c hoe flock and Job Printing, Look Binding sod Stems typing promptly executing. 011 m, Bindery and Salearooms at the corner of Also kat and Femora Krems, as heretofore. loin W. S. 11AVEN. tianft i-tattments , _ • Statement of the Bonk of Pitteburgh. Ptrgaser.nn, dna. lam, 10,59 MEARS. Loans, and inacandan (Lam Estate and Ground Rent Ruch. andlatacellancons.. Duo by other Banta ...... Bank Notes & ('heck.,,.,., grade (gold and Ova.) 0.7 LLABITATIMS. 12.3.40,054 Capital Stock orol I/pl Disklend. sod Sustmuse Acc't. Dem to other Dulles-. Circulation Deludes. $2..b0tt,(44 9i Tha &Nero etatement Orem - reel to the beet of tety kno • edge end belief. .1111119 HANPEIt, t.Saht 'repro to .4 goberrlLrel this 13thione, 1E43. before .• del3 .9. eumi. Notary Public. Ml=N Statement of EGlettange Bank of Plt tat% Prrtnavnt, Noma. Joe 13th 1539. G..ens end ............ Upocin.lis Vault . B. Ttenury Note. 197,00& 80,000 00 Notes awl anal. of other Bulks. .. 14,800 82 Capital Stock C . lrcolation ....... ...... ....... Deposita ..... .............. Doe to otbpa /lank. Ciont.42nt Fund anJ Profit., tJACI.AO2 1 rpf Iffy that the elan.ttatatuout atba boat ni knowlttlo and belie: 11. M. 31UURA Y. Caahlor. Pitihrn•hJoht..ntotvt,ta , hh this. 1314 day ora an., Iht.4). 141 0. W. RIINEST. Notary rultba. Statement of the Merchants.' and Diann factures' nanli. of Pitt•burtfh. I . lt-rtnucuon, 31.....tay, Juno 10th, VW,. Corrubillon.. ... . ..... 270,W uu bun Ikpositora. .... 31 . 9..019 It Duo otber ... 71. UN hi No. Common...llh.. 35.3 .4 Loarna and D1nn0unta........ • . . Mau i .4211 Note.. spa el.ocia of °theta...a. ..... 01,113 bl Duo 11 allow hook, 2.8,731 73 Tho Kb.* at...dome:ln t trent - m.3 and Irma to rho Iqt of goy konwlndg• end teller W. li. DENNY, eildider. Sworn owl aul.crll./ I.ofurn roe, this 13th day of Jun A. D. 1869. Jell J. Y. NIACK ENZI/t.hictary Statement of Ilse Citizens , llftfelf, Pittnhorich, June 13:1, I. .marry. Lots. aollßounts... .......... Rota and Olean of other Hulks. Due from Bank* sud Delany Beal Eatate, ....... ....... tillectllamoos $2,111,111 in ..m*:, - ,.., 7, , . -, ',l2;';:f:' , .if4;..';'",•_,:r' , F - E,' ,,, c, Atz ,- y: , :i;:,. „,- Kwf. , z ,- - - i:'-' , '3,, -;',:, . I :A".` , AI - 1.' , 4 - '':-;....:'.....,4- . : 1 - ;...., ''-• .:..1"3-'7.-...4.-.Ii,--_---.:•:.',-1,---sg. .. ~,..,,...-'47,-!,.,,,,*-'-z.,-4,YSA;,j-,ye ' .1 12, 4 . ,.' , :e . `"'. 7 4', 7 " , ;.'zr.r . ., , , , i , ~.. 3,,... ~,,,,,t,,,,,,,,-4-..-1...,,,,!,-, . ~ ...7...., r:-. , , ,, ..',?:::‘ , .. 4Z ' : , 0",...'f '-:,, : t o FP - V.' ' : ;', ' ' ' ' r. „ A- ' ,,5 , 7 1 ' :, ....7 1 : ,2 • r' ' ' % :.z; ' ,Sl ,•P ',S•.',.i-,.- 2r--'; 11f. ‘• ;,1r,,r,,1,-'l-Z.,f":.,..•-,::j' 4.:k:'--''-,.:-'; O 5 ~, -;-:..•-4",-:::,:.:,..' N.-‘,:,-: .:\„',:'7 • • :-,7'''•l,-s4.i 1 : 1 ~,. C 1 1 7”"4: ; ,-f„ ,6e:.• CHARLOTTE BLUME Nu 118 Wood al., 2 , 1d , ,r•L0v,. f Inh. Benet 9 tweet 'ma (;o zurta ore Report,.. For Bankers' and Business Men. HE FOURTH SEMI-ANNUAL VOLUME J. or this valuable recut of croilts..Lich we, pobtlsbe"l °M.° 16 th aJatud.7, bmlng been exhausted by • rapid and .xtenere droored, aec....nd edstruo. melee! sod cur. rected, has bums horsed, nod anow / early for delivery to such m hare out already suppled theusioleo with the work. &moat hundrede of the loin Banker. and Merchant. to different cltiee of the Union, Intro melatod in perfecting tit. Rehrence Record, thin malting a neracimm atid compend of the pecuniary condition and proeponte and bunt. neminiacity of about OCKii mercantile Crate, in I fr° principal rltlea•n4 mitre• of trade in the United Stain. The New York Merchant or Banker will ascertain by a key accompanying the took, the grade of credit, character, habits, and capital of oath ea will be lately •to deal with blot, labile the oat-of-town mime/rant will learn with se• matey. the •xact foundation on which Ole New York houses boas their Modems. To proeid• for miy pea.,hlu error thatmight resat. in • •ns k `"Utanthein &bed and to keep putt burrs informed the lib/Der that am... uw.r...aarity take place, the pro prietors woo prtn,d .4.0 n.rreelf ono e very Week. . time and trouble such a murk hoist pre, Me los.* ittrob,A, prevent, •ed the inflame, It tarot have to securing • soadd and pri.ditable trade, maks It invaluable to 'stink,. sale Niercharos, Illeoufscoorra how higher. and Henke of inscoont, son yet nos nabob, lucladlag the two Riliall-ac nal voltam, the Alerts oreorrectlutie and the facilities of the °Rica le funalstird w sub./ibid.. et Oit• blondest! Deb lan. per solmn/ Fall bezticrilims. riot embraced in this adrertimment, may be nbtainli at the °Moe alba proprietors end publish ere, 3N. BRADSTREET BON, I No =I Broadway, New York, Over Itra•dwaY Ntak- Alm, or NEYIN, Jr., Agent —mild___ tin. as Wood 'treat, Pittabo b. XCIIANGIE AND DAHSILcG HOUSE OP KRAMER & RARIS2, No. '5, Bank Block, Filth Street, PITTORtynGH, PA. AMIN 111 . 11 PM...---11.011CNCI MY= .. .7. 4.1.7145 931.086 70 WE beg to apprise oar friends and the pith y Ilc that we hers removed to our new OIF/Ch. NO. 33, BANI BLOCK, FLYTII teritgliT, where we will he happy to te de them our Nerrims. arid trust mu ample Capital, with au experience or rs In the basin.. to Oda city. will enable in to meat thewrot e of our climate,. We will continue to treneart the Exchange acid Reeking Boehmn in ail its Emit:ghee. Cummerrial Paper Discounted and Negotiated. Flock., Bond.. and other Pecnritim, tmaght and mild on 0.31111631013. Prompt attention Edwin to Collection. In city or oanutry. Depmits Bemired In Par Fund. or Currency . Intereet allowed on Time Deposit.. Deal In Opece. Bank Notes, hood Warrant., de. Credit Biliniltancia or Commpoodenta at loweet poeaihls rates. 41,10., - 00 00 16.R0s 08 • 0,4* 12 114 ID 271 '-- %All 00 6 1 135 R Making Rator . promptly by lint mallow directed. triy.l2md All./151Eft Z Rdll3l. MEORAW'S 111=11 $ 657,100 00 459,500 GO 306,61 03 . -00, 7. Prom 211 LIBERTY STREET, - • • C (J. lIUSSEY CO. have removed to v. their pew Copper Wkrelrma, NO. 37 FI/711 '4731C6T,10 Ole Ireu Yroutloet, third .leor rest of Wood atteet. Pittsburgh . Coppor Rolling Mill. C. G. 1 - 11.78 SECY do 004 . . DRAZiERLBULT AND SHEATHING COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, I. oo omOTlvio Raid Silt Bottom and Flats GI uR Wit. Brims Kettles, Sheet and other Bram, 'SVELTER, SOLDER. COPPER RIVETS, &Q. Ireakra la Bleck Tio, Tio Plato, Load Wks, Sleet Zinc, Antimony, Meet Iron, Tion!rs. Tools, ate., No. 37 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . e.opp6r nu to any pattern. aplCescod I I{Nli .--, 14 10/4 CUMABIT-ROO/118, No. 27 Fourth Street, near Ferry. T HE subscriber respectfully announces to the patrons of thin wellAnown ortabllahment that h. 14 atlll prepared to fondah PARTIES AND WEDDINGS Je rety bust nylewilb ICES, JELLIES, FANCY CAKES AND Pr^ ' /11/1 - Gentlemen and Ladie• lotrVed nigh I very dolleany of the ammo, In oleo • hohnh at all hours day Ina' •- n14:11.1- .5140,000 00 1 0,150 00 70,012 27 7%484 66 ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COMFY OP Plll T 5130111311. OFFICE—No. 37 Filth Street, Bank Block, - ENSURES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF FIRE AND MARINE RUBS. IBAAO JONBA, President JOHN D. MoUORD, Vice Prnaldeot D.M BOOK, Idocnnerm Capl WILLIAM DEAN, Galena Agont. Dtn rerolui--18Ane Jar.. 0 0 Ilorery, Ilerrey Car:LIS. C. Dray, John A. Wilson, D. L. kahnostoct, John D. McCord, blue M. Prinnock, It. P. Sterling, Capt. Win. Dun, Their Al. Frown, kritd, 11. Doris. . )81.1yd C. a M7-iitittlTH Attorney :ma` Counsellor at Law Inflfcdly le Ne. 144 Antra ItrreL oots, Shoes, Hats, JAMES P. TANNER, WHOLESALE SHOE, lIIT AND BONNET WARF,IIOUSE, N CD. tit; NV 04111 Streim:, p.nn•., 11. p.m to 114.1M1 Ids irgy Dirge stork of 000D$ porchasati direct fn. Go, NEW ENGLAND B 1 &NEL TORIES, la tho lir r iW EST OA-1.11 DEICED, all of artilcii will tw digitised or .t • mall •dvanceou (NAST. ebo tisre tiiiretaure rm. but for their fur the [alma et,i iiava Nith than ntiil money by making their parch.. from airDealera aro nvustod In nil Lat.. Lay elg, and nat. Itty tbemanlyea et Ile tact. Ilia_Pattientar attention giv.n teordota REMOVAL_ R lIM9VA L. TOBAOD) AND CIGAR WASEIIOLIEFI To 179 LITIERTr br, oppolato Market. RDDIOVDD Airianntar Ctsanar.—Secretary and Trputuree, 001., Na 31 FLITS ISTAXET, FLLtt For years those Springs have beet highly oaken:sod for their moduinal properties. During the past season their reputation In this blepect has been singularly confirmed They were administered by • physician, sie to quantity, time of drinking, continannra, ac o ssid under this systematic plan disarm wen:tame:row wad gratifying. . . VIE WHITE WATER STILPIIIIR LI peculiarly un-rf enable la thou dl order of the Lim and Sumach, which .° often &Mkt gmtlamen who bays been too donaly confined to toodinas, and pantone of sedentary THE CHALYBEATS SPRINGS Are permanent tont... Thal" effects upon Draken dart and debilitated constitntions have been not transient bnt Issuing, Flying to the blood a new vitality, and to the per. son sew ilfd and vigor. TITS 11AGNESIAN WATER h a gentle eperieot.. Invalids may rely opus every fealty being famished them which can contribute to health and comfort de a delightful resort during the summer months, the Ohio White Solphnr Eprtnits hare to rival In the Whet, and but law In the United Staten The location le peculiarly healthy; the Scioto here isr• rapid, rocky einem, the "Qiiff Llmo.none," a formation hunikedr of feet In tblcknea, through which the tirer cote It everywhere, either at or near the surface, the grounds of the estate an' beau- Wally undulated, sod intervened with numerous rarities, wLich carry off ell the impergoom vrater, , thus rendering [beton dry and tho eh:numben free from that humidity to prejudicial to health; these circnowtances, mien into con. nectl.k with the altitude of the plam, about 1,000 feet above the level 01 the omen, mate the locality as free from math- Mime lotinencee as • mountain region, The Paring property cousin. of 3thamee of land, one bun. dred el which Is covered by one of the moat beautifulgatram of Ohio. This woodland Is handsomely laid off lute walks sod drives, one of the latter being two mile. In extent. BATHS. Bathing hero by, the plan adopted, I. brought into full competition with that at I:laterally by lid Springs. The water la heated in tba bath tab by steam pipet; tha heat not being raised blab enough to proulpitat•lls ft is by thin aysteln applied to the mike of the bather Iritts oat !balm of the saline Ingredients. 7ELEGRAPII OFFICE. A Telegraph Oflice CommunlcaUng with all parts of the country, ham been ealablithed at ilistipriuga. To Lie thus to connection with distant points, will be • gloat eomenionca to gentlemen Who eau hear from and direct their boatman affairs daily. All the aecasworital r eremnry to health, pleasant and amoaement,rlOtors may expect to dad at the Ohio Whits gol• Ont. Springs, as the propretar I. determined to make it, to tier' partkplav, • host Mau waterlog placa. Gratified with e Moral pow tags extended last year, rut effort will ha vexed to moo r ltatentintlat.. A livery, well stocked with horsesand earrinipa, is attach twi to the Borings. For further Infatuation ' arrangements for rooms, ite address ANDR/IFF? WILSON, lux, to yVit inid• White dEqpbur P.O, Delaware Ohio. THE BEET BE WINO MACHINES .AIVE L 'a A A. M. Ibl RsirA.E.T. so co Federal Street, Allegheny mrl7 -: • . PRINCE LLIIPXOR/A_l, CHAMP AIGNE CoDE VENOGB & CO., Epemay, Prance, Al nand at the Imperial Tablas on Contltrengof Europa. LA. A PERFECTLY' PIIEE AND DELICATE WINS at a moderate pica, aduarablY adapted farce Ity use and rapidly becoming an satablisbed fauna in the city of New York, having elicited the toot flattering tent. modal..,ro the _proprietor., of the Horan nom, Sr., UM nein, WINS= fforax, klavangotient An HMS; Jerre /UM, rod all the leading purchasing of Caaropagne tutted city. R.:ld by aspnocipal throughoot the country. H. Y. ELAUCIIIWOIST, Bale imparter, Corner of Broadway and Broome Street, New York. my2ll:lmadp Q EC 0 N L IiANI) MACHINERY FOR 47 BALE. One Steam Engine Cythader 14 Inch bers, c feet stroke, Poppet valve. °gavials, to the crank pin. Two Blowing Cylinders, 01 huhu! Dom I feet drake, with Pipes, Bh.R , Pillar.Blacka end Gearing complete. Wow particulars *yids at our works, South Pittsburgh; or at orrr otßott 11 Mutes street. myilitlmdAss2 ROBINSON, MINIS I WILMS. Virginia and Eagle Paper Mills. 13 .A.85ki..i.0. Et CO-. Proprietors, WEil/..V.LiNG, VA., • MAALTICIPIA ALL lUDS oh PRINTING AND BOOK PAPER, cos NET BOARDS, WRAPPING PAPER, eta: etc. A S the Mills are now in successful epee .4tax this havingadopted all the Wag improretnenta ao LI bauble MI to make Paper of the very beat deacriptictiorn CAD with oseidenes solicit the patron*, of our friend, and the public generally. order, sent be shall receive prompt attention. N. B.—The Malicia price will be pall for able am. good merchant, • • • Carriages and Buggies. FOR TI E ACCOMMODATION of Pitta- A: burgher% and stranger. Malting the city, the rube/alb. , er has opeoed a Wareroom Imosedlately lathe rear of the ' Monongahela Home, on First street, for the sale of CAURIAGSS, DOGGIES AND SPHLNO WAGONS, Of his own mmaufactore—the material all selected with Brest Cart. sod Ha d ring teen engaged thirty-!brae year. lo the buslness, ollen seventeen years to Allognony Oily, with an in- Obis work. crease of bosineta, years guarantee as to the quality hi The publicwork. are rospecifully Invited to call sod examine ISll..Suctory on the corner of Feelers! etrest and North Clommon, Allegheny City, mrlbAtodawr JOHN SOUTH. 200 TONS PHELPS' LAKE CilkaA;)(lAl, - .P.' I SX-k - ,7341.193:13...Aucrti0neer. cbm.rdai Balch toms No. 14 Ilflb Stmt. Q tIO ES. - 11TS, - *CLOTBINO, &C.: AT' ncapday hoar Jo:m.l6th, at 10 o'clock A. AL. *ad 6 o'clock P.:M..,:arid athatinsdata at same hr each day dngi n tr , o b; tarn be hold: 191 Papa Cloth, Kld and Leath7 Top Catraln asitars• " Uwe. daubs b r e T 4, - • lid 0 Women's fame. g o 17:2 ladia fasting adtarc 1:91 " Mimes o o • • '3O " Child 13 Braid Ilat Vaal Batton Bonn Pa ILL; 72 loft Wool do. A large lot of acoacalablo clothing, coadth 6 gi g s . : Pants and Tata dthal vas_ ants ? to.tvitstli bluct;- taw to atilt purchasers. SLIA.WLS, PRINTS ,ml2,riogroN"9, ccra lc At Amnon—Al tka ser c„,„,mim rooms, 64 Fiftb stn..; will be nold, on Wolnoolog morning, Jo.. Ilftwontb, two o'clock, largo oonou t , o f penis; Wilms; Gloglnmos, Portann room Ilan:10m Work Harm, razor Enke% A Ihnothrz Como, NotßoranAnm gooks, le.' -- • Jolt P.M: DAM, Ana, I. 5 BUILDINWL - OTS iNBIRMINGIitaI AT AUOTTON.—On Petards; afternoon, Jane 13thi es 3 o'clock, on the premls,e. will te sold,_ Ten Lot. of Ground handstand; sltnatcd 012 the west skin es McKee street, between Bingham st. and the new !Wage,. (ccannsencing et the corner of Bingham it.,) - hertng each. • front of d feet, and extending about 93 feet to suropert; rd • Mews. Mailmen • Garthun. - .• Also, fi re I,ote eitusto on writ ado Of llcKee st phantasm lreshfagton sc. end Ppm* alley, laving tech • front et 29' het on -McKee at., end extending beck 1 , 1 feet b Inches. • ' Tide Indisputable. Terms, onelourth cash, mane In and 3 year., with Interest, payable annually. - "': l e i-'-- Y. sr. Davie...tact- E' ,iXECUTORB SALE OF VALUABLE PENN BT. PROPERTT—On TneedaY evening,' . o . 84 at 8 o'clock, at the commercial Wm moms, N0..•14 • Firth street, will bosold, by order of Wm. Ittmeltart:Eici Executor of Imo 1111Ianry, d. c'd, the nollowleg deetrabta Lots of Ground, situate on Penn street, near Irwin at.; one Lot baying • front of feet on Peon at ; extending backup ' , feet 144 towhee, with two atop Mak Dwelling, " Alen, one other Lot, adJoinlng the above, fronting 13 task 11X Inches, extending back SI feat ft lathes, with twortory: !frame Dwelling, tha. Title warranted. Terms at sale. ..P. IL DAM,. FIFTEEN BUILDING LOTS 'IN - TEE SEVENTH WARD . AT AUOTIOM—Ey vireo* of ea. ordorof the Orphans Conn of Allegterny coin ty, land to Wm. A. fiallock, M. D. executor of Wm. ELL Porter. decAL, will be sold at the Commercial Felts Roonte,No.64 Etat street, on Tuesday arming, 2mie ..%11,, at 8 o'clock; Six LOW; of Orman& situate on Centre Avenue between 'Fulton and Arthur. etreeM, having sack a front of 33 feet on. Celt& Avenue, extending back Oa feet: oho: Nine lota of Onnuad elhotte =Clarke street; belogNok 56, .17, 'son', ao, el, ta r 83 and 61, in Porter's pima, haring each a front of .3) feet: and extending back 69 fed. TerM5.09641111914091d4136 In two equal emmel payments with intermit, secur ed by Judgment bonds and monger. je7 P. M. DAVIS, AodJ TTALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION-- On Tonday evening...lone 14th at o'clorir, et the commercial isles rooms, No. 61 /I.fth street:will be sold;::- 20 alarm Thashants A Ifsaufactarers Bank noel: .• 2 de Citisene Batik do 10 do Eureka Insurance Co. 50 do Alechanin? Rank Stook. 1.11 • P. M. DAVIS,4not; 1083111 LOO6llB & CO., Merchants' Exehtmg. sToCII. BALES By AUSTIN LOOMIS'ib pl. AT TUE AUDICLIANTVALXOLLANCIS THURSDAY EVENING.-Dank,s-tridge, , lasartaaa aatl r Stack, Bond amt Real Itstaba add at ymbUtt:balk: Auerni.t.iions4 Notes, Drafts and Lea. art Seal &talenegotrataq• tta; vas:amble genes by AUSTIN LOOMS 034 Dal Stack - Notaßrokera.lita imatb at. 161 • ;uoincso ftottris'& tetangto. Paitneriitip hereto; Bunn o antler tetthlee g e Vh* roeefn WWIILn 8n ITlM nd T e Dm dle Kneed on the Idth day of. 6ebronry,lB6.9; by the deith of 2dr. !Hun Drown. . E. •• . . DAVID E. PORK and JADES PAILEC,:3I.,I stolen por e:bawd the interoot of 31r. D. Drown, deed; in the late err of Wm. Smith 4S. Co, dim Feamtry nod Machine Itmlnem, will b. who conducted under the st)lo ot Smith. Park Oa., by whom tbe business of tbe Wenn:. will be settleds, SMITH, PARK & CO., NINTFI ViTARD POITNIntIi; PITNBUILI3II, PA War eiconse, No. 149 First and no Str o ud - Street, MANUFACTURE - RS of all sizes and de lla_ enriptions of Co.! Oil Retorts and Stille,Gee stir ter ripe, Sad Irene, Dog Iron., Wagon Domes, Steel AIWA " Palley, Hangers and Couplings. Also, Jobbing and Afachlne Outings of every description made to order. „ flaring • complete AfACIIIISS SHOP attached t 9 lb* rFoundry, all necessary, Sittings still be carefany Attended to. my2SultLer3tr • T l' undersigned have associated with them in the Commteam Bealam JUDY/ halm; fate of - Steubeaville, Ohio. The stile of the firm lm cotthme ee heretofore. atmcra a co. atm =mug. ram. 2.71.715ECT . CrIE as COMMISSION BIERCIeANTS, Far the We of Plg Iron and Blooms. Oa WATHSHTRIgT prrissinur. j. HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH' me, Mr. JOHN DILLOW, la the Hare:Wag barium; wad, will be coudected under the nun and .01.6 of LEH . ON A DILLOW. • ,JABODIJCION,.. . JOEIN . I • 0 undartaimag adita Brune T EMON & DELLOIV, No. 118, Fourth sG _LI ars prepared to do Undertaking hi align breaths, Jet the bed' manner, at mime Mr Rat thara. at_t dal attention to Flars new style potent EletaWs• Bath': • Quest Ex the ale of which me ere w a le agents trt Ibis city, and or which we keep conatantly on heard Marge amor a •• meet As regards tarn, of .hope and &doh, theyarCel ail other. Funerals will be supplied with Mersa. Bons sod •-• Carriage. prat:aptly, at brat rates than jay Mbar ertalglata... meat in the ray. 0 overawing to reoder satisfaction, they solicit a continuance of the patronage beretektre to liberally • extended to tbe old drta. • apliliely Rotels. BUIZNIGT ROUSE. Oinoinna“,: 'Ohto, HAVING TA.K.BN A LEASE UPON THE; 'SWINE!. for • term of year; sad recdPdard Xaanr',' adldultasnta, the andertigned can teddy say Out their ar rscoreents taunts to the =Out and mtatficttitti gent. eleittog the city, wilily sea as to gratify. the mend of any aticumor lathe h0....' - A Wel le solicited. JORSSOS, SANDERS N CO . znylB.lmdis CONGRESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND, THIS WELL KNOWN FEESTELASS HOTEL FOR THE RECEPTION OF HOEa ?Si . . On Wednesday, the 15th o'7•Juile. WEST & THOMPSON, PraPtiatorit. it:nod AMERICAN 1 101)8.14 81, 0 - WOW, TS THE LARGEST AND BEST AR- all' A ranged How t. the Rein Reiland that* le ce*.X.M. . hall) located , and any of accenttema ill the yentas el '.l - "" • travel. It =tame all the modem Cmpter=teay wad every tonnellence km. the =tan sad ' et - ' • .4 . the myelin public. Th e eleeplag room ate sad well, : .:: .. Teatllattat the mato of room are wall Wham, !dewy h 0... for ilks mad lags 12 = r--- arid the haus erilleoetinue to be kept ea e o.rst _ ~,.. ..„. le eveo7 tedteet. lellally - LEW/8 ItICIE. Pttlqi:lelklr• ,' - .f - - BOYLE.-- ...... @M&. B 0 Y L ; , 59 SECOND STREE% a . .., ~.... CINCINNATI , op.l4 5 , IMPOILTEST OT FOREION LIQUORS AND - WINESi-; DI9IIGLYBS OP ALCOHOL, COLOGNE 8P liiiii , Camphono, Burning Fluid and Spirits of . . TURPENS,INE. -,-: .., . ,• ,• 11632¢Gbacrers of sm7 dmioriptiao of • , :. • • • Domeetie Lfqiioji; Winti; Voidlab and Fianci T T - 36 • P. 6. •Ilom coriotrogly on 4.tot Tai g a" BOURBON AND R 3 7" --- Pe/v