The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 01, 1859, Image 2

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    avamr. crsa-W.,:i>.4:irrunr.A.v. a. welt,. I. sa.aulsos
- 'R. EltbatTT6k CO..
PIT"T88 - C11.0,73
The Convent/on
The Republican County Convention meets this
morning; at the Court House, In Judge M'Clnre'e
Court Room, at 10 o'clock.
The Convention has arduous and difficult as
well as responsible task before it. It is not too
much to say that it has the fate of the party in
this county in its hands. From the material be
fore it, the members can, if cautious and pro
, . dent, select a ticket that will command cortfi
. deuce and success ; and from the name Mat they
can, if they set without taro and discretion, ao.
a ticket that willYied the way to success an.
Cllnagy and difficult one.
The party boa at its back a nominal majority
thousands; but that majority is ccrupoeed of
elements with which it will not do to trifle, and,
if occasion be given, it- may be frittered away
until .enlitely 'dissipated. This is a fact which
ihe delegate! cannot_too 'closely keep is mind;
and wenoramond it to their careful consideration.
One of the. points of difficulty, to which we
feel free to allude, Is the selection of a eandi
- date for representative who is acceptable to the
German Republicans. For years past a candi
date has been conceded to this branch of our
party, and it would do us untold injury to de
part from this couree, now. The adoption of the
Massachusetts Two years' amendment has tend
ed (omits their fears; and if followed by tho
exclusion of a German from the Assembly tick
et; the dissatisfaction would be general.
We will not allude to any other point; but
we take occasion to urge upon the delegates, one
and all, the necessity of selecting the candidates'
with a view to their general acceptability. Trust
ing to their prudence and diiioretion, we confi
dently leave the whole question in their hands.
COLOHYD RETIIGE.E9.-0/111143 contains forty
thousand escaped slaves, and manifold thousands
are destined to find refuge there in the future.
These refugees have a special claim on the be
nevolence of the Christian and the philanthro
pist. They need for themselves and - their children
the moulding hand of-eivilization, education and
Christianization. lint these blessings cannot be
secured without foreign aiti They have con
sumed their days in unrequited toil. They now
find themselves cast upon their own resources,
destitute of everything but ignorance and pov
A Society, headed by some of the leading men
of Detroit, has been formed for the moral, physi
cal and intellectual elevation of the fugitives.
Rev. Mr. Foote, the general agent of this Society,
is now in this city, soliciting aid in their behalf,
and brings ample testimonials and commenda
tions from ministers and laymen of various do
•nominations, among whom are Bishop Potter,
and Rev. Dr_ Barnes, of Philadelphia; Senator
Chandler, and Rev. Dr. Duf f ield, of Detroit. The
enterprise is an eminently benevolent one, being
disconnected from all denominational and parti
zan considerations. It commends itself to the
confidence and patronage of the Christian And
The Latest Alew• from Piedmont.
The events detailed in Piedmentese official but.
lain& from the 11th to the 13th inclusive, have
occurred in the order following: On the morn
ing of the Ilth the . Austrians at Vercelli mode
incursions' toward Demon . Two Austrian bat
teries,and thirty wagons of their sick and wean•
ded, had reentered Pave from the Gravellone.
. Oa the morning of the 11th, also, about 3,000
Austrians passed the Po at the Stella, the Com
mandant General being at the Recce, on the left
bank of the river. Siege artillery, a regiment
of infantry, and a detachment of (Masseurs re
, passed the Gravellone in the direction of Casal
Pusterlenge. The Mayor of Straddle received,
from the enemy an intimation to mend the nation
al road which goes to Piacenza. Many of the en
emy's troops were concentrating between Mor- t
a NDIANAPOLIS, May 30. Ten bi Da yAf er
tarn, Palestro and Robbie, their head quarters I another Sabbath's reel, the Assembly .t
being mill at Mortara. They had withdrawn again this morning The attendance keeps up
the two bridges which they had thrown over the remarkably
well, although the cb
Sella, in the neighborhood of Paleetro. The crammed all it we., last week. Th u e " A h es i e s m b n r
Statement was made from Gan Germano on the ho, pasted its oratorical period and is now op to y
7- .l2th, that on the same morning a troop of the I the neck in dull routine of business.
its with
a pstro Cavalry, l
c of the omman Kaiserded byl
Ilussars and Th
ni, fell j
The Deems* sion Question —Orertures.—Dr. Rice,
p i i
from the Committee on Bills and Overtures, re
it to flight, killing one prisoner and taking a
other prisoner. It was on this day that the or- I ported on the Demiesion of the Minietry, which
was overtured to the Pres.byteries by last year's
rival of the Emperor Napoleon at Genoa took 1
I A.SCISIbiy , that the result was as follow.: In the
place. Toe Sardinian headquarters were trans- 1 0 -,„.,,,, •• '
1 : regmar o irregular in the neg.
fermi on' the 13th to °cell:Mame. Previou e ly, I - • ti • , — ,., - -I', e r ,
thereforeiO ' irregular. itie. proposed
the following had been issued front the principal r
rejected. The Report
headquarters at San Salvatore, under date of I
!was adopte d.
asThe Committee also reported on
May 12th-
- - ' It. Turin letter of the 10th, in the Nord says: ' following overtures • •
"The retreat of the Austrians is attributed to Overture No. I—From ho congregation of
a movement of the French from Genoa and Novi Glasgow, in the Presbytery of Allegheny city,
on Rabbis and Pontremoli, from which places asking its relation to be transferred from that to
they might advance against Piacenza, Cremona, the Presbytery of New Lisbon. Committee re
and Mantua. General Garibaldi will set oat to j commended the Assembly to allow the change.
morrow for Ivrea, whence he will probably make Report adopted.
rot the Lino Maggiore, and then proceed toward Overture No. 2—From the Presbyteries of
Laveno; the Lake of Como, and the Veltelina. Washington and St. Paul in regard to the ap-
There he will be able to carry on the warfare pointment of a concert of prayer for the cola
beat sailed to volunteers. We ought not, how- version of the world, based on the request of
ever, to believe that these gallant fellows can on- the Missionary brethren in Northern India. The
Committee recommend the churches to observe
ly ehoet like ehirpahootere; one of their battal
ions hue already fought at Casale, where, after I the 2,1 Monday of January, 1860, as a day of
being three bourn under fire, it drove hack
!'prayer for that object, in such a manner aa
.Austrians at the point of the bayonet. Presbyteries and sessions may direct. Report
The following letter has been received in Pa- adopted.
rio from Genoa, dated the 11th it 181: Overture No. I—Memorial from Samuel Has
" The landing of troops and warlike storm kell, in regard to the missions to the Jews.
continues, and every day fresh troops arrive Committee recommend that it be referred to the
from Toulon or Algeria to join the corps to which ; Board of Foreign Missions. Adopted
they belong. We have now a respectable force I Overture No. I—Memorial from Rev. T. K.
iu Italy-120,000 men at least. The .cavalry Davie to be transferred from the Presbytery of
here is pitched near the Phila gate, outside the j Stockton (which has become extinct) to the
IPresbytery of Carlisle. Affirmative recommen.
fortifications, on a hill which slopes down to the
Stenevasso, a rivulet which is at present dry. 1 defies. Adopted. '
The white tents scattered over the meadow, the i Overture No. s—From Presbytery of Nassau,
1 asking thi publication of a volume of psalms
horses picketed, the cannon mounted on the car.
and hymns with tunes. Committee regard it in
riagea, the artillery, carte, and the continual
expedient to consider U. Report adopted.
movement of the army, penal a most extraor
dinary appearance. Since the rain loosed, the Overture No. 6—Memorial from Rev. Sayers
enemymoved forward, and offensive ißspositions '
Gayley in relation to change of language in the
have been observed for the last two days. There Confession of Faith on the Doctrines of the
. , Was rather a brisk engagement onthe night of Trinity, etc. The committee says no change is
`Y!:' ,7, -;: the 7th near Casale, between the Italian Volutt-
desirable or consistent with the word of God.
,; leers commanded by Garibaldi, and the Austrian Report adopted.
- ; 1 .41:r - ;- - troops. The detailed this affair are as yet but Overture No. 10—Petition from the Fr'eShy
'....,k, Imperfectly known, but it has been ascertained terian Historical Society, asking- tie Assembly
-Z , -: that the enemy lost a considerable number in to recommend a coliection - in its favor. Nega
„•'''' killed and wounded, and among the killed a col- tlle rrooromendatien. Report adopted.
-'' onel. There were likewise forty-two prisoners 2VIII.Bra-lto. 11—From Presbytery of Ohfo,
_ made, who were brought to Alessandria. It may Meg a committee to prepare a form of charter
happen that the great battle which it wa of incorporation of church property. Imprao-
Bend was distant may be fought m I Gable on account of different local laws. Be
than was anticipated. Th.. -- port accepted and put on the:docket.
'dwe nt ll underei,a,” Overture No. 13—From the Presbytery of Pa
positipoiv he
s, will - gere Sound. 'eking to be recognized by the All.
'''.....;„.„110- e • • eembly. Affirmative recommendation. Report
1" adopted, and Presbytery attached to the Synod
of the Pacific.
Overture No. 15—From Presbytery of Emme
line, asking the Assembly to renew its testimony
on the Observance of the Sabbath. Recommend
that the testimony be received. Adopted.
Overture No. 16—From Presbytery of Tusca
loosa—a member was received from the New
School Church, who had been received into It
from the Roman Catholic Church, without re
baptiam; ought he to be baptized on admission
to the Old School Church 1 The committee an- 1
swer "yea," in accordance with the deliverance
of the Assembly of 1845 on that question. Re- I
port adopted. I
Overture No. 19—From the Presbyteries of I
Mississippi and East bilasissippi, in favor of a
Presbyterian Commentary. No recommendation.
Report accepted, and overture put on the docket.
Overture No. 20—From Synod of Pittsburgh,
in relation to temperance. Committee recom
mend that the attention of Synod; and Preebyte
ries be called to the subject. Adopted.
Overture No. 21—From the Synod of Philadel
phia—a counter memorial from the Presbytery
of Lexington—in relation to incestuous mar
riages. Committee recommend that the matter I
be not_overtured, the Presbyteries having the I
power to consider. Adopted.
Overture No. 26—Prom Rev. Angus Johnson:
"Is it necessary that Presbytery place ou record
all the testimony in a judicial case?" It is Both
cient carefully to preserve the testimony en file.
Report adopted.
Systematic Bencrokacc.—The first order of the
day—the report of the committee on Systematic
Benevolence—was taken up. Report read by
Dr. B. M. Smith, of Virginia. During the past
year, of 168 presbyteries, 101 had complied with
the injunction of the Asaembly in calling the at
tention of churches to a plan of eyetsmatio be
nevolence. Of the 67 who have not done to, the
most of them are newly organized, or foreign
missionary churches. Forty-four written re
ports have been been made. Resolutions re
ported. Report adopted.
Afternoon gesaion.—The first order for the • af
ternoon was the election of Professors of the
North West Seminary, which was taken up.
Dr. hichlaater—l move to poetpone the order
of the day for tholes/pose of taking op a motion
to refer this whole matter to rho next General*
Assembly, and I have somewhat to say on that
motion. •
Dr, Mollogge 1be9499919dad 69 191d19994619
TOY's plan is not
'ericor Is it known on what
itivance. But I can assure you
runt the An..atilan army which entered
ridinian territory is very numerous. All
T'information received is unanimous on that
point, and the number ia estimated at 180,000 at
least, and some say 200,000. A private letter I
'received from Novara announces that the Aus
(elan troops in the province of Lomellino alone I
` N amount to 80,000. You may peheive that the
colllaion will ho terrible when two armies of
200,000 aseh shall engage each other. The only
news brought by our informants to-day, is, that
the Austrians are concentrating themselves be
tween Mortara, Robbie, and Palestro. They
have removed the two bridges they had erected
on thi Becht, near the last named village. A
body of 3,000 Croats cream! the Po yeaterday,
at a place called Bella, under the very eye of
General Gyulai, who could be distinctly seen on
the opposite bank of the river, giving instruc
tions to hls officers. A siege train, escorted by
- a regiment of Bohemians, has gone back to
Lombardy, takiog the road of Gravellone, and
has been directed oa to Cosal Pusterlango, a
borough situated on tho main road from Milan
to Mantas. Yesterday morning, 4,000 Austrians
marched from Castel San Giovanni, near Pia.
culla; to Borgonuovo. All these up and down
movement/1 look as if Gyulai has boat hie head,
and does not know what to do.
• ..
The French army is still increasiog, and al
though I committed an exaggeration in stating
yesterday that it was already 209,000 strong, I
am positively assured that the four French corps
d'armee, together with the' Imperial Guard, em
anate to 100,000 men. The force under the or
- den of King 'Victor Emmanuel awl General La.
Marmon, that is to say the six divisions, com
mended by Generals Cioldini, Fauti, Cucobiarl,
Giannotti, Durando and Sonar, together with the
six battalions of Cacciatori dell' Alpi, under the
',orders of Garibaldi, are not lees than 75,000 good . 1
fighting men. Oa the whole, were Austria to
attain every new I should think it extremely
kiProbabla that abe could have the power to
withstand the 285,000 combatants that her ece
mien are ready to bring into the field. The day
of therreat struggle le near at band; for while I
ant writing, the telegraph announces that th e
Emperor and his, cousin have Brrired Genoa,
where Count .Carour, Arege, and 111gra, are
'gone, to FeoeiTe tam. .
.o^mrAidft..l the London Timm.
le preaul e the Ans-
triani bavenot been iiitingwithmaout b lllOl3lO settled
phis, built " IS nertainlY moat Mia o w / t o dt v lo o
Willa that. CU nag; ;minnows him all
. .
- ~..-,_
g4 , i 1., i ,- '4' ,
along had; little meaning lo those Who observed
them frees' this. Bide. , After coming to within
halta dozen miles Of the Dora, and Borne 25 of
Turin, they have again retired.
One of to days papers eays that the Austrian
sects or spy) -captured on Monday, and who
hanged 'himself with his cravat in prison, was
an officer of Engineers, who had come to exam
ine the fortifications on the Dora, and bad al
ready sketched plans of them. In many places
on the approach of the Austrian the young and
middle aged men made their escape, the idea
having got abroad that they would be carried off
sod made to serve as eoldiers The exactions
and rough conduct of the invaders have caused
great exasperation in thecountry. Some places
are reported to have been stripped of everything
including even the agricultural implements.
Letters in the papers give various details of the
extortions practiced. One from Castelnnovo
Bolivia, said to be written by a priest, says that
they did not do personal injury to any one, but
were overbearing and insolent, and need mena
ces to exact all they desired. It sayer:
"The requiehions Imposed on the place were
for 24 oxen, 14,000 rations of bread, 200 hecto
litres of wiee, 160 Backs of meal, and I know
not how much hay and straw, besides 25 carts,
with two oxen each, for transport; and this after
they had deprived ne of all our tobacco and eat,
and reduced us to the point that we could
no longer cook our bread in the oven. In short,
if we had not been totally abandoned by our army
(by necessity, ae all know) I ammreyou that the
peasants here were on the point of cutting all
their throats, and would have done it but for
the prudence of the gentlemen, who saw the ex
tremity in which they would have placed them
malice without advantage."
From Pontecurone come similar accounts. The
railway and - telegraph were destroyed, the eta
tlon-house was knocked to pieces, and all the
harm possible done. The horses were turned
into the fields, and the people were compelled to
fetch buckets of water for them.
The Indiprodente of Toxin statee that a female
spy has beet discovered in that capital by two
of Garibalee soldiers.
At Tortono (we read in the Turin correspond
ence of Le Nord), the pillage by the Ohlans bite
been in every way worthy the soldiers of Attila.
The shops have been broken into and rifled, and
the Croats kayo carried off all the cattle they
could find. At Ines, in the evening, these Van
dals marched howling through the streets, and
fired off their muskets at the doors and windows.
Tlto Bishop has had a ransom of 15,000 francs
imposed on him; some say 35,000 francs. The
officers regard all the actions of their men with
the utmost indifference. At Castelnuovo, Scrivia,
Vigalleolo and Ponteourone, the same exactions,
and the tame acts of vandalism have been per
petrated. Doubtless it is to chronicle these hon
orable successes that the Austrian Gazette pub
' lishes the following:
"Our troops are highly satisfied with the re
ception they have met with from the Piedmont
vie people. At the same time, how admirable
' and exemplary is the discipline of our army."
A letter in the Paris Prase bears cut the state
ments above quoted, and adds :
"The following is a recital of what took place
in one day at Tortona. At 84 o'clock to the
morning the Austrians entered the town, and
installed themselves in the castle. Two officers
went to the authorities of the commune to de
mand 60,000 rations and provisions and forage.
So far things went on with a certain degree of
order, but soon after a squadron of buzzers is
sued from the castle, and proceeded in different
directions, pistol in hand, and causing alarm
among the people. Every one ran to hie house
or shop in order to close it, but in the twinkling
of an eye bands of soldiers appeared on all sides,
and prevented them from so doing, while the
sub-officers, with blows and threats, commenced
the work of pillage. The public bakehouse was
rifled, and hundreds of eacki of flour and corn,
and all the money that could be found, were
carried off, and stables and cow houses emptied
of their cattle. In every street might be seen
Croats leading away to their encampment an ox
or a horse. la the evening they went through
; the town in a slate of intoxication, discharging
their pistols against the doors and windows,
and uttering imprecations against the inhabi
A letter from Genoa of the 10th, in the
On returning from Turin 1 stopped at Al
essandria, where I saw about 60 Austrian sol
diers who had been made prisoners in engage
ment!, of advanced posts. These unfortunate
fellow were Ina pitiable elate, scarcely clothed
and come of them without shoes. They presented
a melancholy spectacle. If all of the army of
Francis Joseph is like this specimen, wo can
understand the requisitions, spoilations, robber.
les, and pillage of the bands of Gyulai."
[Spain! Correnpoodenco of lb, Patzborgh
Assembly nt4rest .lenatbi um ell DIS. • en- I
tire history of hi s connection stint New Albany.
and North Vest Seminary. “I am hairier," he
said, "of postponion this matter, because there
has been a state of division introduced among
the ministers of the North West, which will be ;
fatal to the future welfare of this Seminary, if
now established.
From the time that a movement was made, in
the Autumn of '56, for establishing the Semina
ry, down to the present time, its authors hare
been assailed in venous newspapers and pamph
lets, which have originated these accusations or
lent themselves to their circulation. These have
been directed against the professors in the semi
nary; but more recently epithet the directors.
All these have reference to alleged opinions on
the part of professors and directors on the sub
ject of slavery, and intention on their part to
make the seminary a vehicle for the dissemina
tion of certain views on that subject. The-sub
ject of slavery l not before you, and I - do not
refer to it only in so far as these parties havti
&reeled this necessity. Opinions we have never
held base been attributed to no, in utter disre
gard to abundant evidence to the contrary.
These have been the matter of appeals to &mor
bid state of mind existing in the church and
country on this subject. Thus a feeling of preju
dice has been aroused which may prove fatal to
the best interests of the seminary. This is the
whole "head and front of our offending."
Dr. Pdo&laster denied that these aocuntions
were just or true; laid down his opittions on the
subject of slavery, which, he Said, coincided
with the expressed views of the church in 1818;
declared that benever had and never would use
his position as Inatruotor to teach his pupils in
regard to slavery any more than any oteer evil.
In regard to the action of the Assembly In 1846,
on the subject of slavery, be denounced it as a
yielding to the domination of the Southern sen
timent to which be never would submit. Ido
not pretend to give you any Idea of the various
points of this extended 'Teeth, preferring that
your readers shall have the benefit of portions
of it, given verbatim, hereafter. The speech was
strongly antl.alavery throughout, and was listen.
ed to with Intense interest, not to say excitement.
The Seminary Question was again resumed.
Dr. Rice took the stand in reply to Dr. McAles
ter. Ile could not see how Dr. Mold.'s two
hours and a half epeeoh had any connection with
the question of the election of professors. For
the honor of religion he was sorry the quoetion
of order was not submitted at first. Dr. Rice
proceeded to address tho Assembly, when the
house adjourned.
DYSPEPSIA.-- The worm foe of humanity
Ir eo well known, that we hardly feel dieposeil to therapy
time or 'pare In Its exposition. pew have ivimpod rtafering
from ono or another of Ito varied forms. In fart, it I. either
• Canal or a COMMOENCII ofatmort 00000 other diseamg and
taken 10 this ensue, we believe one rent air—IMEIIIIA PR'S
HOLLAND BITTERS—wiII always mlllgate, If not effect
permanent care. We might nee etmeger leaguer., hot, m
we &readdressing 'r enaming as well m • remenahle torn.
enmity, desire to oid the preindlce which would south
to what would mem mere boasting.
/ndigeetlon, !heartburn, Ileadactio—Sick od Nemess—ln
fact, all that have their origin In Impaired dlgeetion in
which are Included' BILIOUS DISORDBRB AND unni
03111PLAINT7d, Mental Ditiordare, hritoAtlty hulLipanfien
to Think, Deputies:or, I/Tatman of Ppirits, !Uremia Bear/
and Treadling, desire for Daritude, and a number of other
allectlons of OLD cite, , rendering a man unlit fur Inter
ware with the world .d the society of his family—will
all, in meat inatatimA be found to have procerAled from that
dlemaed elate of thlgestivo organs erhich thin medicine fit
eminently calculated to relieve.
Bean CAZIJOI.:—The (leonine highly Coureutrated Boar.
bava'a 'Tolland Bitten Is pot up In belt pint bottles only,
and retailed at ft per bottle. The grant demand for floe
truly Celebrated kledlclue hu Indorse] many Imitations,
which the public ebouldgnard against porchaidng. Beware
of impoettion I See that our name is on the late) of "very
bottle you buy.
DICLIAMIN PAOL , lA, a 00., Solo Preprietere, 27
Wood street, between let and 21.1 its., Pittsburgh, lea
1 3 tErt—Jlt 1 o'clock P. W., May 31, at Ms mother's real
lence cetwr the corner of A telerwo caul Lacerk etreet•, Al
g 7 Qty. kIAIIB BTAOISOOOSH, &awl 23 years.
turwral will take place on Thursday, Juue kJ, at Io
o'clock •.a. The friend• of the fatuity *contra«? to anent
Mt) fintrtistments.
9 1 11 E linii4‘r.igned citizens and tax -payers
of the cities of Pittsburgh eel Allegtomy,..l ot the
Itorough• and Townehlps of Allegheny county, have oh
aervial with profound regret lb.. roorm pittsued by some of
their relloar.cittsees, to regard to the City and (~only
Donde, lamed to pity went ul the enteertr.thme to the etcek
of onr Railroads.
While there may be, and doubtless me, hnneet dillerroces
of opinions among the people of Allegheny county, uaim
constitutionality of the State Law, eirlog power to our
Menlo Ipalitire to issue three Banda, ea wells. to (hearted:en
or %misting our railroads In that mad; cud alwi mt hi the
manner Its which they may have used the .1,1 a, afforded
thorn, there ]could be none at to our dot, to abide I.y the
decisions of mar Judicial Tribunals.
kloppoiting than that lb. w.uon on thus subject, which
has wrestledamong us (orr aortae tuna past, would subside,
so w supreme Crt hat prom-oared it. Judgment
upon the main queetlint of our reepnosibility for tone
Benda, we have retralotd hitherto from a public and formal
declaration of oursimthnentit upon these ....inns qineidlune.
Finding however. that the recent decision of that Court
haa only led to a morn Violent expression ..1 ommition to
the pep:tient of the bum's, and to threats or extreme resis
tance to Ile eolurranneut, ete owe it to our
to rpeek out
and let nor relloacclllneas of this and the other Staten of
the Polon, well as the world at laryt, know that we have
topatby with thaw who advocate toy ouch measure.,
We viva to countenance to nor took any part lo the anti.
tax meeting held In the oily of Pittsburgh on the Rid, or
February lan, and we prole. agaitut the sopmattien, ever it may siscsn to hare be.,, Metaled by our allemo her. that we mtherothe to de priociploe, 01 Isi • •4,1-n4
to sustain lib IV n.
We are paternity winalblt or the lore of etieriwter ••
ebtpavlea cod Mw-ableing somentintry. which we
abroad by the illwlvised course which • prtion bees
of our people ham I:111MM.
We WV Swell, that our coalmen' tal et edit and nor mann.
farturiog intereate are sniffling fn..] this VMS, and we
lime far more severely than troy would be front the tan re
quired to rod our railroad debt, htiStily a. that ma s h( wkigh
,therefnre, opm principlera !loca-aide deeding, de
Here cure Ira utterly opporal In any atom haveno another
object than the fair and final deterrothedion by cur Ceutte
of our kluticipal Itabllitha, and , that we mend ready at all
thnee to antuult cheerfolly to their deelyidoe, and to pay the
team, the itapotition of which cosy be required In c are - 3ring
their Ju fru .nt. Into execution.
katerrtalatng them convictions, and curious to counter
an,as far as may be In oor power, the dimattat• Influence
upooctur beat interrste, of the rthauthorited arta of thme
who hare undertakeO to speak to. us In the matter In head,
we d hove attache our oath. to MU paper, that we may Thy.
dicale °omelette Indivkloally and collectimly, from the re .
preach which oar cm:dittoed ellen. would doetty brink
upon oa.
We hold to Bonds of Alleghe
Pittsburgh or Allegheny whs.
most or eebrilptiou or sto.k .
Lyon, SiKIT b & Co.,
Jones, Boyd • Co,
Ors:, Benuett Co
Zug • Painter,
Nimiek A Co.,
II Plestey,
'Singer, &Mick A Co ,
Jones it I.nth,
Lloyd! lace,
McKedght• Bro ,
Chem, Wilson • Co,
James Wood! Co.,
Ileenon, Preston • Co.,
Weal., Millman • Co ,
Perk, llcCurdy & Co.,
N. nolmes • eon.,
Bendy Wilkina,
Wm II Smith l Co,
Imkevell, Pears • ttr,
Carling, Holmes ei A Co ,
Jos B Lyon • Co
eny comity, or of the cities of
rch have been isured at pay
of Rano:rade
41/1 J 111111coatrenur A Co,
Jamee A Ilatchinun,
Atel'w Ackley,
James Holmes A Co,
Goo A Berry A Co.,
Thomas Bell A Co,
Wm 8 Garen.
Park, Palmer • Co,
Ring, Pennock A Co,
/ M Pennock A Co,
Remedy, Child. • Co.,
Jahn Irwin A Boria,
Witliam Dean,
Calderon A Bro,
Wm Thaw,
Wade I:Lamm.,
Jot. 9 MI worth,
Richard Cowen,
Wm .t dlorriun,
W T McClurg,
Romp, Melo • co ,
Peanut A Gam,
II Child, faCo.,
Logan • 0
Whitmore ! Wolff, Doff A Co
WM 8 Laurly A Co.,
"wpb Woodiren A Co
idcfArrd A Co,
ryrtwright A Yours!,
Wolff, Jr.,
Dan A Co.
Wm 11 Willttt• • Co
8 J 01203 A Co.
Kramer A Halo,
It Patrick A Co,
Semple A Jour.,
John D
Jamea llerdman,
Chu 11 Peahen,
Robert Di. key,
B Cooper,
Wm U Lippeneolt ,
J B Garrard,
F 1t..,
William Lae t,
A MllLken,
V Bea.,
new Chu Walther,
IF Id Wright,
U Rut,
Columbus West,
Chas 1.1 Buyer,
W T Moore,
W P Prindenburg,
Thu W Pb...,
Wm Richter,
J Welasert,
L Wnernenberm
Frederick Menial,
William Pre.,
Edward &M/her,
R Deymer, •
A Wolfe,
.1 U Demmler,
Edward Fooderlyli,
JwmPh Abel,
J Anguatos Beringer,
Samuel Floyd,
John P Scot,
AD W 0111,
.113 Smith.
(Iwo W Wrymast,
Thom. Stool,
W EintAlgtus,
J 31Dortual,
Geo W Gardner,
R A Ckumingham,
Thomaall Mabry,
D McLain,
J K Montle,
Chu A Collor,
Thomas Woods,
Rder'd Do Haryana,
Samuel 011. y,
Lui Wade,
James 31-ontooth,
J G Backofen,
A Uoistalu '
John AlcD Grattan.
ri Marx,
John Anatolia,
8 McClean, Jr.,
Sam'! A Long,
Dilworth A Bidwell.
Jams. II Child.,
Chr latopher Slade.
II Hepburn,
Ph1:11p. • Best,
A t It 11 Chamberm,
Cunningham, .t Cr ,
P Al aunt.,
Robert Galway,
Jame. Kelly,
James Swim/bens.
15, , 1d 0 Herbst,
John Watt,
Burke & Barnes
Long /A -
J Y McLaughlin* Cu,
McCandless, Mean. d Co ,
It L Allen,
glades Atwell,
James Brennan,
Samuel L Aiarshell,
II Botdmell,
Leech • Mali;
John A Cmtgbey,
Fleming Ben., •
T 11 Navin A Co,
N American OR • 00,103,
Luce. 011 Co.,
Z Sellers& Co,
B L Fatmestork,
Lyon, d Jones,
Boom d Tetley,
Rhodos d 'Vetoer,
E Prownfel d Bro.,
Otmdklott, McLain St Co
1. I.llmhtleld t Son,
Wibion, Payne &Co,
Arbuthnot Jr Bhannon,
WlL,on,ldoEltoy A Co,
Campbell .% Maack,
David Gregg A Go„
Jame, McCandless.* Cu
Henry 11
George Maud,
Daniel Wallace,
8 Id II Bebout,
Thee Id Williams,
Andrew McMaster
John McVay,
William 111/arms,
Geo 11 Thurston,
Walter 11Patmeatock,
Biting Gunn,
Jae 8 ;Hug.
B Matt...ger,
Fraud, Jamboo,
James W
Michael Carnal.,
Henry Brown, lt
A A Carrier,
Philip Gnat,
A Beaumont,
Blau' Lloyd,
L R Llelghlinngston,
John WlSlsnmon,
W L Harper,
.7 0 &Mu,
J T Stark,
0 AI Seibert,
W 8 Ilaelntosb.
Thou 0 Rutherford,
John Crawford,
H Parker,
,Banmel L Pennock,
SO Childs,
Beth 11 Prim,
J J Robinson,
I Mends,
lleorge Bingham,
Henry 11 Atwood
A Rinehart,
James King,
. .
To tartly •nd for ule by
Corner &often.ld end Front rtreeta
RYE FLOOR-50 bbla. that' ground and
yore, recedand Gm We
..1 a. LIGGETT II CO, 7C. %tar 93 /root mi.
F REl a i t T
v. lte B
. LOU.IS.--40freta:.
opts to LBOBIBOI4tOO,2ULtenytL
OOIL--150 (161. pinta so quarts
V Om sale by B. L. ItAILMTOCX
IDOL No: 10, coma Weed togitb stmts.
CASTILE 1304 P-40 boxes in Mora and for
wives eue•eaw•ree• nue. - r- faiscett...
r liclitita(.llnSounrcmtnts.
MRS. BLIT 31 r -0912/ z
will tie a Featival at
VALLEY GROVE, wear Milton Station, the ,
Ithetly WAY Rehroad, an TRUIU3DAY, Jose Setb. the pit. epectfolly balm. bar friends end the pub II
reeds of whkb Will be nutlet to the lignidatiotrof date of
=l et
. theOs ecb.
U. at thp nett Retnitilkan Conveution. for the offlre of .111 SATURDAY. the dth day cd June Mt. for flu.
V ali*/ Or we IL P. Mach. tie Malabo lasJent mash.] a fall supply of
, 0 Eloandsl Tad will leave the Matt. ate recloCk, amistant Judge ot the (hurt of COMITOO &C., Of ; . 1 1 B i ght thg o f ab fi d
A. PH. of Excnnion Tickets, will he hut
county. ~,Atjewiledels the Propouth to kends the wbota irotk, with
, ths elevfalou the gradlog berwial th• dtr Mut.. wbith
ttarty-n re aut.. thus prAbllog every one to be.prewent.
Friend. of the rause will bear In mind. • Pianos and Melodeons. i—STArCr
ram to he had at Jam_ Daze!' & Sun's. Water Wert, or
of 8. Dane A Cit, Liberty street, aud at the principal llnek
r o .o f o t ,rn b . n ,r c , l , l th. : p r j ;f m :P .r D lt:l ,, t E l e :n: li rg: t h , l l l:47lk A eld e m. i r_ ,Ll i t 'l l . a kl,_. .f. dt tlh:e;
d wo 'l ir p 7 ; b___________ l: ; : a va' id al".roPLl.,l7;“„.tobtt:L.3l,l9k7irrifth..ElLEß.E...ipicum of PADa•
TN the Court of Common Pleasof Allegheny
aunts ; No. lacer December Ter in, 1851. WILLI AM
1. lb. nutter of the voluntary , assignment of B. Ram Jr.
Co. lbw
Is hereby given to .1 parties interested that
on th. :nut of Hoy, n it, II P. Bakewell, W. Bakelite'', True- ;
cgs... Mader the voluotary assignment of R. Page, Jr. land 0 0
O.their Rage, late putoess on B. Page. Jr., k 00, for the b.u.A t
of medltors, promoted in Court and tiled • enktemsot
no d petition c onin g for th that the said 11013.1. Page, Jr., had
effected a settlement •Ith all the creditors of ulduelgoor•
and of staid firm who had presented thelrelaincs to sold Tone
tees, and that tall Trustees had thereupon eurrendared and
returned tont.' B. Pegs, Jr., eurtiling member of maid firm
all the reLIMILII/Ig IMMO) and effect. to the hands of said
• Assignee nod praying that mid statement be taken a. a
Inn/ eccrinot and settlement by meld assignees of said trust,
foot they .ny disch•rgedfrom mid nosh whereupon
it was ordered by the Mort that the mid account nut .et
Wiali be allowesi after the expiration of three weal.
from that date, and the cad esslgNew discharged from mid
fret nOll. and
be ahoy. why wish account should not be
allowed or Mild assigned discharged.
ro w old
Jemm Carothers )In the Coon of Gammon Plea, No. Dr`
Sarah A March Term,lB6B.
Ciirottierst Libel in Divotsa.
AND now to wit, this 28th day of May,
1 9, the Examiner in the above am, J. Bowman
avenue, Tan., le he, eby ordered and dimmed to give ten
dale notice lo the Plttaborgh Deily Gazelle, of the time and
Piece Ortbe taking of depositlyis in the above can.
Prom the Gout.
May 23, 1859. Attest DANIEL ARMSTRONG, Prot',
To Y on wi ll
Carothere, the Respondent abet, named
Ton will take notice that depodtlette la the above nee
will be taken at the oMce of the undentlgned, No. 001 Fourth
sheet, In the city of Pittsburgh, on Friday, toe 10th der of
Jane,lBs9, between the homy of 10 o'clock a. Y. and 0 o'clock
9. w., when and when ron me/ .11,04.
JeLdtd J. BOWMAN SW EITZER, Tauzin.,
Have received another lut of these
finlllog 12X renta—winlh 19
At Nom-Elet c.oer of
11.EdrEi NY iNsustericn COMP'Y
°met—No. 37 Fifth Stmt, Bank Blook,
IPA 40 JOEN, Prosidsof: JOIIN D. MoCilllD, VI. o
Prosidong D.. 31 ROOK, Bocrodery. CM.I. WILLIAM DEAN,
General Agent.
Dirlizerogs-- Immo Jooot, C. O. Mr..] MIL' ,
O.PIIt. C. Grey, John A. Wilson, E. 1.. Issoliongook, lobo]
D. McCord, Isaac id. Poriuook, lb P. Blotting, Capt. Woo.
Deno, Thigi. Al. Moro, Darla. J.& I pi]
UR. ICNTI It RI S 3 'l' och-1
( 4-177\- .
V l \\WW\OWScka
OUT, t winalre... of these lino I nOrtnnents are re.
atm-canny Informed that a new Invoice or them m
tly expected. In a rm., day e no boe , to be again ably bp
anpnly the drman.l fur IltYw nporlor Piano /cwt..
11. KLEBER S lllto.,
No. Flab mreet.
Amon,: the John) who bay.. putchalmJ Steinway Plaur.n
wilt, in the lut few months, sto
Nev. G. T. Rider, D. D Ince. J. McMillin
A. B. Dry/In. D. J. Gardiner' Ee.i.
I. Drier Sproul, E.,. ,Mra. P•tyzerald,
It. Ilnehnsen, Flag .J. 11. Thomp/on,
L MAT .311.,/ Daly.
Mon. N. /Swing. Uu1.m1.4.11. W. 3/. 1/..nally, Enni
C.pi, J. Birmingham R. O Plevengon. req.
'i:11...30; 7;.';r141,
Ito, N 11 ..17 ! ;1
R. Van Deo., D. D
Elotticulturni Exhibition.
8031ETY t, 11l hold Choir June[hill. of Fruit,
PIOWYTA, Planta, etc, to CITY HALL 1., four dap/, boOlt
olog no TUE:SI/AV... 000 7th. All gruuer• ar•••••ll , ited
Prvlnium in
rut, ha.l At JA E.t R. 11.10.:15 . 8
A Coll nnwal a •tore. of
lisif bhls . an] v., film .Lky, male t9'
.1 E. CANFIELD k hl
The Ent of ur n Lettors from Hennas, tab, Cal.
&rata, Ac, appnere this week. Il,a Lettere era Inked for
with much .nterest, aud wit: all appear lu the ewmi- Wort I y
and WoeY le Triton; am w6ll an *a the Daily. Terms. Datly
Ni: Semi-Week le Trlbuue, 13; Trlbune, 1. Vor tub
term., we Ttl bun.. Of atoy d.te.
Addeo,. 110/LACE 014,ELET L CO.
30:3.1 • Tribune Ilullrihro. Neve Tnrk
No. 27 remelt Street. over FerrY•
1 1 11 E 6obserii "Z....resrT , :tfully :trap mnr.teN to
the patrol,* Of Itoclen errAhHALrue u t ll.t h o
t• path i.repar.,l n, 41 , Autall
l'A Urn:4 AND IT FLI , INfir
I. e.ur Lett 'tile onh
ASfiplientlemen and •Ith Meals, Ificlodlog
harty delicacy of Ihn sow, lo style equal to any first class
otel, at all boor. day and forenlng.
osyaurl rod
itiVux Err
Cincinnati. Ohio
. 1117B.cisr' fora term of yin., and re-organiced to mane
department; the andaraigned can safely sa, that their ar
rangement; tending to the comfort and antlafactlon of
gneeta 1 1dt/rig the city, vial ho each a. to grata, the de
mand of .y .ycaro.r at the hones.
A trial to Kindled.
81 1A.1_, LENEICRC3ER dr CO
tßu.kstors r., .R. Puntar, .1.
No. 101 Market Streot
uoJerslgund will dismiss I, Public flab, on
14/11, P31%0.
Algials - 'sarnususs on Lou.
'CICHS, fur storage, A., lithe.ame Is cot psi,' arid Phnllai
rev:lmnd Aurora that Woo. I; INK t 31 I Tell ELL.
Pittaburgb, 14th, ItaS)—myl4.lmil
AI I orney and Connsollor at I at
roslE.dly es} No. 144 thorlh Ffr
CaSILL , kitAtiltoN DENTIST; Mee
mei Aneldenee No. S 2 ORANS NTRRET, +47.1
teopostlk tiro Court Boum, bollet to he con .alt the we.
f soy that may farm lon. with their petronage Any
the various atyles or Teeth loom teol If wiel,d. to,2:dlyta
fj_ROCERIES.-100 1,1,1 s: N. 0. Illolas
A 25 bbl.. OnlJnn N y rup;
100 NO? Rio Coif,
10 Cil.ll Young Ily•ou Tea;
60 do black Tu.;
40 cattle. 1 01.0 Tea for femdt wt.
75 boxes Tobtuxo, superior brag.),
29 barrels cot and dry Tonere.:
feloolb toper Carb. Sod% New Coatis.
(0 bores assorted Prier,
Etol6 Mpantelt
22 bogs. star Candlm4
25 borne Mold Candle,:
Loxes Preston's Eagle Chocolat.,
60 down Cincinnati Wash botenl,
100 do Broome 76 doken ilortotr.
75 balm No.l and 2 Batting;
21) bide herrings, in Pickle;
At do do to dry 2111;
160 do Monongabein thdt;
100 bOIINI Climate: together with ao tueortmant of Iron
Nalla and alam will be sold on liberal Moms.
my 27 WEE 11 11 . 01:1TCHISON, 126 LiNnt et.
- Damasks, Diapers, &c.
ENS, and thctie dethott. of obtaining the GENUINE
GOODS, should Nee that the article. they porch nee Ina sral.
ed with the loU name or the firm,
ICIARDSON, 4401 , "9 gt 0 WIEN,
ea • maarnatee of Z the noundues• and durability of the 04.1• 4
This caution I. rendered easendally I:woes:my aa large
quantities of Inferior and defective Litman are prepared,
Deana alter mason and Bealo with the name of RICKARD
BON, by filch Munn wbo rmardleas of the injury thus
alike on the A mer ican consumer and the coatiofac
name of the med. Goode, will not readily abandon •
business eo profitable, whilepurchasent eau be hopoeed
with goods of • worthimecharacter.
Anemia. ae Church street, Now York.
Great Alterative and Blood Purifier.
TMs old established and invaluable rents.-
dy for theme of Scroftda.or Belk Übmorma.
and White Swellieg,Eroptknas of the Skin Blotch,. or
Pimple of the Pace,Otatinate or /Scaly KrUptions, Bolin
which arise from an impure habit of blood. Pains le the
Boom, Weakeued and Debilitated elate of the System, ari
sing edam from • long and protracted oem of Meknes. or
ham% labored under au attack Of .yphllls, tbt, med. of
which atilt remain in the natem;or haeleg swallowed a
neat amount of drags, calomel, 10., which may h ‘ ,.. f .
fated the hour. or their calming, called the; mkt:deem,
which mantime. glee. rim to • chronic ulcerous Mal an ,
end email beam ocaudona ll y comeawey. Attacks of Rhea
math. to comequmme of . Waned or abused tioaatltuthser
long atanding Mho= drift-Hong the Pale sad the Eats, or
the Bloated Pam, slava indicate. or tequbm the em of
Inval.ble panacea; or ebonld the 141tietit have latoml
under an affection of the Spine, Ileelmki, ittnotlica or Tel.
lownea. of the Skin, Chronic Affectkom of the Liver, Ham.
roam, or walling of Flab, Ulcerated Sore Throat, lUp Joint
Coneplabak In short, the mod loathsome &masa which
have pot nary other medicine at defiance, a. volt aa the
ekill of the profemion, for more than • quarter of • Century,
have been perked: eradicated by chit great vegetable p..
nacea, la .11 camea of eraptiom "Aleayse's .4/341enu ngi
Ctiestmatt,..hotdd Se media conmallon with the/imam.
The two wlll cure the moot chronic aadoballeate eruptive
ellemaew. Retail price of the Pantuata ASO per back a
bottle. 54,10.
Delivered to any address on receipt of
.No. that Eara Clark, No. 4 Treaton Mreet, Chart.
town, Ideas. While in Phllopelphla she raided lath Wm.
IL Shay, 16th street, 4 dean tallow Nava
The use was. enapitaO al Wild year, elating of the
malt obstinate chancier, coming the whol e
the sale of the foot to the nvoll of the held, falling eat
Initable la the ultimo. The mon =wind or the prof.
Ike lbsclisnal la etcsamplishiet atm -Dt. Swains', Pa.
nicks wet ellkteot to maktatOperreot Cana
Ponteredoely by DIL IMAM; 41110lf,
DI. ( 3 ! IL MIT&11= Mei streak
!Staid -Mt aniburin.
, .
• .
11 - 31. °MUM Chaim:um
U*Tticat.ts Pdst.t.nx trill n candidate for
Melodeons from the Celebrated Factory of lb. oftionnTfAtflat. i~nie ord'"2::
-- .021 d&vroP
PaTtICIE will be candidate before tho rex: Repub.
Bean County Convention for nomination to the °Rica of DI,.
nit Attorney.
toys: iartT
itile' Attorney before ti. Republi ill can County Con s
vention. Di.
Seurat e.
BC) his Shoes, Hats, R"'""—
No. RR Nv.,,t Strews.
ILts no. la store Ids ♦rq large stock of GOODS
purchased I lirert from tits NEW ENGLAND MANIL
TORTISM. at the I. , thV EST CAR! PRICES, .11 of whirla
be dlepo.d et • lime!' adraoccon OOST
Arit - Boyors who her. borelofore r,nrse R. rt.g their
good; fur ill., future sLI urn Loth Umn and imm, by
making filth pnrrhad•y from Lim.
tirlkulorm aro rwineate..d Ia rrall Lula, buy , DE, anti “t.
lety theruranlvt, fir It. tart.
Irk-Pau neutrar sttevtlun HISa D tn.‘rd..r.
191 S. .............. . . .... 151 , 1011 CH
131) 59 SECOND STREET, 101
• •••,..•
Campheno, Burning Fluid and Spirit, of
klatmfacturt rry .14,44-ripu..ta
Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials and Freara
B I "/". T 1-3 I.t. IE3
(lava constantly un hand V. 1011,1 gt aJas of pp.:
Peach and Apple Brandy
13 rag Intret.Cri C.3zurziort•ual
For Bankers' and Li OSILICES Ica.
of th la valuable val.. ha• poluial..l
ou tut , 1511. of January, having 1..N..n rt by a rapid
and ar .1. shawl, a ...curt,/ rrllurl and
rectrll,l,ova rern /mord. and la now ronery for d 01.., to
nch as haves not alreal7 ith
Several hundreds of the n.oil Bahkor. and Moranents io
• different titian of the Union, hare ...abet lu perfecting ltd.
R eference Record, tho. reeling a reracione and tellable
rnpend of the pecuniary condition and proapecta and butt.
nee. capecity cd about Zbuon inercantite firuie, to twenty.
six of the principal duo- and venires of trade In the United
The Nave York Merchant., Rank, .111 iii•htetaiti by o
key wrocupanying the book, lb., grade of cre , ht, character,
habits, and capital of curb a. will he to deal alth
hint, while the utiboblown merchant will learn with ne•
onrecy, the exact foundation tAI which the New York linuwe
base their boatcea.,
1 To i s for any prawihlc error that 'night occur in A
•ork tio yigantto in rfofail and to keep purchasers informed
of the changre that matt nramp Into place, the pro
. prlator: lune • prattle doh, el of et-c c.rcrtzons etcry uyei,
The LIMO and trouble such a work mast care, lb.. lowa.
It must prevent, and the Baltimore it tatibt have te aocriring,
• annud and profitable trade, nuke It toratuelde to whole!,
wale Merchants, Ilanuteconrera, Note Itrokere, and Liantoj
i ',w o .. j
ow. and yet 1.., e hale. iochotruir the two weenban ,
nest 'ohms., the ,bore oto.srrootooro. and the food/de. s. , { .
.. AMA, Is furnishes! to •orewrihery at Oue If nudred bobir,
hie• per non...
Frill Particular., Lot embraced In thin adveitiaotriAnt;
rnsy he oPrained , the onto, .1 the proprietor. end ',whiten.
era, J M. 11ItA utaRzET a 80N,
No . .M7 Broadway, New York, I
Over Broadway liauko f
R. El NEVIN, Jr., agent • I
No 6.5 Wood otrte, Pittsburgh. N_e 1
Al n rJ
mt 15
ne fection of Dental Art.
n R. N. STEBBINS having opened an office
at 191 Penn street, le Prepared to manufacture and
haert teeth of the above deetription.
In Intrainclog theme new and improved styles of Dental
Work to the citizens of Pitteburgn, Dr. S. feels assured that
they will meet the same favorable moeption which he. bore
accorded to them in New York and other localities where
they have been Bitted; and he furthermore believes that
they ars destined to supescede, a they certainly excel all
PUR9TY, and in every quality which renders ArtiOcial
Tait* desirable, and are at the seine time ranch len
eila p isfira.
intent! of this work may be teen at his office,
Carriages and Buggies.
y. burgher., and strangers visiting the city, the enbwrite
e has opened • Wareroom Immediately In the rear or It e
hihnongahela lion, on Yiret street, for the wile ci
Of his own manufacture—the material Co eolented with
groat care.
Having teen tmgagwl thirty-three years la the hash:saw
and the last seventeen years In Allegheny City, with Co lo
wof loasionok onfilnlent guarantee en ht the quality
his work.
The public are refl.-mini!, incited to cull and examine
hie work.
gysi_Factnry on thestreet
nod U ncut ~
amine°, Allegheny City, 34/1141e"
- 'New -Stock of MeLocleons.
JUST RECEIVED, a splendid new lot of
Melmleous, from the fertury of Z.. UAW., trus
tee, Including all the sty lee mad« by this firm. This mate
of iustrumeuto bare been epprorr4 by the musb
data In the country, as Dr Loaell Mama, GO, F. ILar.t, W.
D. Dradieary arid othere—coureomeutly they eau le relied
no aa
owio befog fist clan instrioncntg. They are bon. for the
I. Their pore end musical opeility or roue
'2. Their great prover of tone.
3. Their quality of tome.
4. The. prompt arid envy touch.
6. Their beautiful my le of
O. Their durability.
7. Their cheapness, of price
For sale only by JOIN It. MELLOR, al lYned et.
Descriptive rlrrolars sent to aey *Mims. myl3
No. Bank Block, Fiala Newel,
W E beg to apprise our friends and the pub
lie that we have removed to our now OFFION. NO.
35, DANK BLOCK, FIFTH 011tENT, where we will he
happy to fender them oura, end twos, our ample
Captol, with an fllrWrielled of t w enty year. to the bush,.
in Ula city. will enable. to maw the wants of out customers.
We will continue to transact the
Rectangle sod Mukin g Dusinesa lo all Its hr.lgchwe
Commercial Paper Olean:total and Negotiated:
Racket, Bonde and other &scurf ties, bought and sold On
Prompt attantima given to Collections la city or country.
Defewits Received to Par Fund. or Currency
Interem allowed on Tiro. Deposits.
Deal In Specie, Bank Note., land Warrant, kc.
Credit Remittal., of Correspendeute at lo s west p ;mink
Making Retnrcoi promptly tirrt tow), ac directed.
y 12.1
Prom 241 LIBLRTY 8T11F.2.1%
To 179 Minty ST cornice 91arkot.
_ _
G. lIUSSEY A: CO. have removed to
N.J. their non Copper %Caleb..., NO. 37
of Wood 8711 NET, In the Iron Pront Block, third door ceet of Wood
Pittsburgh Copper Rolling NM
C. G. 3 31_7813111i , do Co..
11 •10.11,0131121 0/
7...000 MOTIV".111
Rodool Still Ikalowarand Plats nj" all Sites,
Erase Kettles, Sheet and other Brass,
Deniers In Block Tin, TlaPlato, Lead Wirtylituret
Anllmony, nett Iron, Timm.' Too?, tit.,
No. 37 Filth Street, Pittsburgh, Ps
1111.8beeta Copper Cut to any pattern ./ - spirt:stud
REMOVAL. --T, S. Liggett4 Co., have re
mono from No, an d 'e 1F tor • tree t Nt". '
.ot e
Water and Y. Front street.
a Marti- Anne cutnnitt.
J. 8. LtooEvT o co.,
FLOUR FAOTORS,dnd Produce Complio
sloo Merchants, for tho,oolo of Floor. Os t In, Bonin and
Prcdrue sontgally, Noe. 7,6 Tr,oter and 91 Front matt,
Pittibur Penn'. / faMly
Manilla, !tamp so 4 Dalton Oordalm;
Oaliam, Tar, Piklyikaln and Mr
Dna, Iva sad Ham Drillings, *a
olds No. 08 limier and MI. "41 Stmt.
BIITTER—Fresh Roll now arriving for vale
a: favas ROM MU!, 888 Many stmt.
Pianos from the Factory or
EMI S H. BToWS .41 be a candidate for Deanna.
Mon at , ee Republican ConTentem, to be beLi In Jane, IMO.
for the °Eke 4 .I , eclate Lan Jahn the Court of Cooe
BALTIMORE. monPirue, fe., of thin c,ancy apanltc
For Sale or Rent Cheap
No. 1.18 Wood at, 2d door above Fifth
Pittsburgh, Psuus,, I
Pole Monnfacturers of tho
0 .. ..i0uir A. SERGEAN - r, of Pittsburgh, will
ho a candidate tor County Treasurer before the lie.
publican Convention.
0(300DIfe-srY. COI:LTER, of South Fayette
lownehip, will he a candidate for County Treasurer,
subject to the action of the Republican Convention.
tnrl&dAortc terra Sr. Clam.
1 7 ovrriship, •111 be a csndidate for Coanty Treaturar.
eubJect to the deci.lort of the RepciblicanCourention In Jum
AARON FLOYD, of the city of Pittsburgh,
will be a Cllndidate for oount7 Tres/miter; rubjeet to
the &undue of the Republican County Ootorentluti In Jona
'Pittsburgh, will be acal:Okla! e for nomination at
[bone= Itepublicau Convent ion, for the omen of County
TISE.I.9I , OB.—TPC Subscriber, a
°Tts" reehloot of Wilkins township, isa candidate for
Treason, of Allegheny att:ay, aubJeet to ate decision of
the tleptiblisau Noutitutting Convention.
utpl: B. DAVPON.
Cl..llurrom, Third Ward,
Pittsburgh, bo as candidate before the Repobilean Conn.
ty Convection for the above 11 .111.[J01.1. my:ls.d&lrter
O . ROBERT Giudroan ' of Tarenturu, will be
candidate for County Auditor, ealdect to the de•
eision of the Republican County Conaentiou. myla9teri ,
w AUDITOR-11 7 .11. N. BiIirCIIIIELD, of East
Liberty, Peebles township, will be •candldate for
Csoutty Auditor, shbject to the decision of the Republican
County Courention. mylOolowla
60. NEELY, of Franklin township, will
caudolato for County Auditor, cubfoct to the de
deliou of the Republican County Conventiow aplhdltaseter
A. .111. 111 .A..11.813A. L er: CO
Federal Street,
CE 1MP1CE2.1.11.1,
DE VZ‘OOD & CO., Epernay, France.
As mod at the
Imperial Tabl•s on Continent of Knrope.
WINS at a moderato hrto,'“Ltf"ehTlVOrttotte
7 am and rapidly becoming to da tee t og te e th
city of New York, harin g elicited Mr
Moulata from the proprietary or Om atu•Anu awn, e?..
?humus 11011.1.. Worm,. 1.101 . 11. litm.opora. Rom,
As.rox Itooes...lonudllocto..od . 1 / the loading Porcbsaen
el Jbtwl.algne to th "'Z en thron a hoot lino country.
IS,dd by t
h.- t
" I n L I V. LIGLIWOUT, bole Import-W.
of Broadway and t Broome ittreet,N o w York.
as LE.
pee m
AO. ace Engine Cylinder :14 inch bore, 5 feet stroke,
,ppet T% complete to ticeeragat bore,
two Blowing Cylinders, 01 inches bore, 6 feet stroke, with
Pipe., Shert,Fillavitiocke and Gearing complete.
roe twalcolere w 1 ,613 at our wort.. South Pitteburglg or
at oar Utica, 21 Mute. street.
rogiChlaulaw? ROBINSON, MINIS a MILL: L EW.
T./ 1 0E.—Tbo gobsalber, gratefal for put feu., would
Inform Mil customers and other. that orders for the shove
lee suer be Meme to to. &leers of the Icerarapps, or direct
ed to Box 317, Allegheny Put Offlos, or left at Ur. Shupe
eon's Intelllgenee ogles, corner of Paid sad Med streets,
where • upply Is conetutly kept for We; also at the node
dense of the enbeniber,coroarof Third Street and rut Omer
moo, Allegheny City. .703.EPL1
my 3Ctlerd
IRON SLATES—A c t! sizes sold *
toyal Madam Pilate; 67 Wad d•
T URPENTINE -20 bble. for sale by
DIN [Ott Attorney
tut 1•,11 be a candidate 1.14”, the 11.-pfttltean C .nty Cup
etitlett f,r- Mendel Attorm.y. 1n3 . 2.1A5A-ter
g 0. H. Rirrzs, ,wi 1 },e a twalidate for
Dalruy Attorn , y, trefarn the nert 11,1mhlican
OSENATE.—ELLS It. IRISH will be n can
didata for nomloatlon for tho State Sonata at the
most Republican Convention. arleoglaar toT
_ _ _ _
In. L. 11. Ceradstr, of West Deer, will he
mini:Wet° for itleaenably before the Republican County
Convention. tur2lalts
M.-J. F. TALLER will be rt candidate for
untalnabou to the Legislature, subject to the decision of the
Republican Convention. ror-T die
ASSEMBLY.—JOSEPLI W. Leo - is, of the
Third Ward. Plttebnreb, twill bon cundfdate before the Re
publican Connty Convention f4n . Aefernbly. tnr-TcdafetcT
Fourth Ward, Pitteburgh, will be • eandidate fur the A.
ceenbiy. subject le the tht . talitti - of the Republic. Outtuty
cou..oliun myllGtdlu•
b'Z" . FOR AR•lsllllLV—Distriet North of Al.
Irgheny —CHARLES L. GOEIIIIIND, of Rea.. Low.
ebb", will he anpported by th• German and American Ree
poißcana in the enacting Republican Cunveutiou fur As
tenthly. fur the District North of the Allegheny Meer.
UV' Cot. ‘Vittlem EnPr, of Lower St. Clair
tosent 111 p, sill be a candidate for darentbly, subfact lo the
tlarialun of the Republican County Contention. myakrtcP
Vi& - •lose of Pitt township, will Le
randttlato for Domination far ettaentbly at the next Ito
pu WWI County Courention Loral:Aka-telt
chi OA.. Wk. Douctitsz, of Elizabeth town.
no la candidate for A.taeln bly,•
II toj VT to the decinto
of the Republican County Courentl.... myly;*tar
itlefr WM. A. AnIDERSON, of Indiana town.
lr a csieli.l.ste for Aseembly from Ilan district
north-a - rat of A Ilegbrny. oubject to the decision of tint Re.
publican County Convention. toyl7.3tdr.
_ levrn E. BAYARD, of Peet,leo town.
04, grill he A candidate for re.homlnottlan fur Ammt,
beton, the It•pabliran Coorent my ltd.hetc
DON RIDDLE, of Robinson tosrnship,
will be • cothilidato fur Amsembly.stit , ject to the decision el
the Ittlinlo!ican Conventton. tnyll
.11'. C. A EGIIINEAUGII, of Birmingham,
wit' t o eupported in the ensuing Republican Count
Eunventinn. La nomination ter the Aiisembiy. myl2
. Asscm Mr.—J. LUDWIG KOETHEN, of 1
Pittsburgh, Is a candidate for demi:ably before the
Repoldlian Convention.
Allimrau., of Ohio
township, II be • candideto for Auecnbly, iltdi)ec
to the decision of the Republic.. County Coormatlon.
myl I tc'Y
[o..Assam• -Ror
RICEIAM, Of upper
St. Clair tos - nehip„ will be • candidate before the Rr
publican (Smut) Convention for Asaanably, tram the D.
trial youth of the Monongahela and Ohio. triyik3twlr
LI -7 ,...,.A55cir.u.r —C. M. ROBINSON, Es.q., of
Allegheny will be enpia,rted in the Republican
Convention aa ndldato k.r Aaaelubly.
1:13.3 4..da 5cr,0,14 mi., At/intim!" City.
1 If 1:
usiN, of Findley
canch3.t- for nomirottiOn to Iho
Anartably r..x It heap C..ituty Convention.
J.t vie L. SsslTtt Wig be 11 candidate far
notiiirmti JD for A...whir. from the Allegheny City mtri , t, ItPpublimin C.Jurention. fatad:dalrtel ,
,11 - 1. P. 151cDoTrEtt, of Allegheny city,
•• , ..rwill N. • candidate for renomination far the Anno
bly before the neat IGypbtiew coarnyCorgrention.
W. of M'Clure township, oil
... , 1143A10 for 1 17-unromaluner botoro tbo Repnblic
County Convont myl&dtc
Air I s.tnc mti.Ls, of Wilkins township, oil
w • candidate for County Coutruiutiontr, subject to tb.
dtclolou or the Republican Convoution. 102y16alawtc]
10"RICLIARD BOITE, Of south Fayette town
&hip, writ be • candid.. for County Coussniaslouer
subject to the &thyuo ut tbo Republican amvention.
to, Izt3t. *
.)17?... To rut DELSGATTZ of tho Republican
I Conroy t s .onreers.....,-4, lemma with oloaaure wan,
m e . 0,2,10;0 C. putVicltA, of Peebles township, will be a
modulate fJrConnty CommiLeeloner. IV, here known 3.1 r.
Hower, lonic AA a eober. reliable mans„he le • arm and con.
ithrtunt nu mat, certainly v way competent for the
duties of the olio, We need rob, torn In the
GJEIMI:f1,1011,.1 1 office. The f.ct la appment
,P-7.ItOBEILT Al'et.snxEN, of Findley town
s.," will be eapporb4.l In the RornabllcAn Ctm•cro
lion for the °fan, of Counts Gm.anteniloner. [rip2itertc•F
.11 - 7 - Lr.m . is .J. FLEMING, of Peebles township,
will he • oirididate for County Commisaloner, subject
to lb e decia ion of thPltopribilcan County Convention In June, 1
O b at Vito ROBINZON, of Chortiers township,
viii be a candidata for Camay Cotannhaiocer, •nte
Joel to the decision of the Repabileaa Coaventloa.
Na 99 Water,ftXt.AttsburslLT. hia7l.l4Mli
Da. Tot President •and Directors of 8
(~,,,,,,,,y hare this atiy &dazed a dividend of TWO DOL
~a , i „..,,0,.. re , 00,?. 0? the 'moats of the last sit racikage.
to be applied to deo milociloct no( No ELock Ike rans,:- '
t0)23,1". zip
iitENItY 11. Atif
00.8 . tkeretiti•
Poiaortvgaia InraAxon
,?..13 - AT a meeting of the Directors
company, bold this ssx,• Dirtams, of rive Pitt SANT
being Two Dollars and a Half pet share on wet op 15644
wag declared, payablo In cash, on demand. To tgo
of p. 1,1 cp stock. ond 'fn be*PIM. , to the lkoidatfob of
Rook Noon ontloeg alt fall
paid op.
m110:6:31 1 I I. OM% gPROUL, Secretary;
&ninon On vas tiosetraa's fns.,l
! Pihntetrgh, htey 6,11f.9.
a majority of ther members of the
noatneen'e Ina Co. have designated In writing Sothis Board
of Dievelore of said Om tinny their deal,. meonoeet wbh
the mutest principle, • Joint Stott Coital. with the =pore
. 41 . 4 'Vas. Power. end priellim of a Joint Stook per.
pang, av provided for la and by their Art of - fneo opefhtio ne;
non. is hereby given, the, in rniallatea of the ebovn ace
Lion taken by sold member., the Meat.," of 14.110961911129
will proceed to open books for receiving satectiptkes to the
Capltni Stock of soil Company at their office on the carter
of Market snd Water streets, in the city of Pittabarey On
TUESDAY. the 7th dare Joe, next, at 9 o'clock a. N.M .
Wet day. By order of the Bosrd.
oeyfcdlrn ' Jona: n. mu-um:v. gee./.
ITl4r Itsrr
tr is here-
Com byO t en
tn t h
nSmkontof Oa o
been let frit upon the Capital Stock. payable at the data of
the Tremumr, in the city of Pi ttitlmrch. on the 10th day of
loon proMmo. TllO3. IL IRMA
toyerdhl thcretarik Treaearer Or ottal IllnLageo.
P. M. .D. 11.1718, A.notloneer.
Commercial Bal.. Uoom• No. 61 FMB Etroat..--
Aocrio,r--On Baronial. morolor, JULIO 4th, •t It
o'clock, at tho coommrcial saki rooms. No. 64 PIRA •tree[,
.111 bo mold,
2 one-horse Romero mado Baronet.;
2 " " Carriaro.
kj lIORSEB, wrrn lIANNRBS;AT ADOTION. , --At the
coomereal l. room., No. Urfa st, on Aaturday
log, Jme 4th, a II o'clock sold,a spa of superioraorn
Carriage Llama, with Ilernesa. The hones were rasa to
Hentocky, are or good size nod action, MK trotters andaet
$5OO. my3l P . Al. DATIL% Ana.
A UCTION.—On Saturday afternoon, dons 4th, at o'clock,
o n
the praniaca, will be *old, (ct , mmencing on Waahltiglat
Lota Noe. led, 214, 215, 219 bud 295, In Gregg's plan of
loon laid out on Wahingtoa at , in ths Boroaglit;olßirmlng
Pao tote on 1111.-o rot , botoeon Waehlbgton area and
Spruce alley.
Lot No. 2112, at corner of Craig and William ate.
Lot No. 2319. on William near Craig at.
all Lott on Craig at., between 11 'sshinghni. et. and
Spruce ey.
Loa N.. Zit. 294 and 20 ,00 3 / a nor at; between
Joseph and Crag sta.
an d J
Lots Nos h
as 213.1174 and 575 on :Banat at., between (Degg
Lots N os. 285 and 2E9 on Joseph et, between hfataratt.
and Spruce alloy.
Lot No 298 on Spruce alley.
Lot No. 90 on C.arsint at., between Joseph and &algal.
Lot. CO and 67 on Carson at, with double Dane
dwelling house.
Lot. Noe. 21, 41, 42 and 43 on BreaartilleTonapika rood.
114 acres hill-aldo, Waukee between the !auditor Willhon
Shill/pa and
Title indieputable. Tern., one.foutth cash, radiate la 1,
2 and 3 yaws, with intereat, payablci annually.
my 23 P. IL DACE'
1.145. A...••••
wild at public auction, on TUUESDAY, Jane next, at
3 o'clock P. M., on the premises, 120 acme of prhiosarable
l an,d. This valuable property, eituate 234Milee from the
city line, on the north side of .he MOnougahala tiller a th
Peeblm township, adjoining lands of the late Jame. N 0,,,
deed, bring a part of the old Wood. mtate, comprialrig
bct tom cleared high laud and undulating woodland, and Is
1.1,1 out m to make fiery lot malty aciromlble—mi one.
portion coot/doing about nine azraii—one of tbe moat beau
tiful plarm in this vicinity fa enctc4 lb. manclou home,
with mi excellent well or water CO nVeldantiinfte b.rallnd
other not buildings. The IkAtom land cannot Le mirmaced
in excellence of sod. The cleared highlands error everylw
d omownta to gardeners and Tina growers, while. the wand
lands added Mouttful rates for buildings. MD; property Is
may of nomad by the'Braddoik's Field Plank hoed ink4P, .
C. IL It, now under centrant with rosponailde partlee So tie
convict. dto Turtle Creek by Alay 1E60; MI; when
plated, will aff.rd auperlor advantage" to Mom climbingacme
porch/um a country horn.
Thloindlopotable. Terms of mile oneTlfth cash, the W
m. in I, 2.3, 4 and & years, secured by bond andinottgage
on no ornate., with tamest payable semennnually.
144-o , nalb llama will start [tyro robe corner of Fourth and
Giant em. at 2 o'clock P. M. on The day of ult. roe fur.
they Information enquire of ISAAC 31, YENNOCE,2fo.S9
Wood et., or my2o P. 11. CAVA Attet.'
STOCK P., Fr. W. & C. R. E. AT Emmen
But, in btn W
[ISM LOOMIS & 0., Merchants' &chap
THURADAY EVEYIING.—Eienk Bridgn Ineanuns mad
Copper Stock, Bead end Baal to mid at pablio • isle
et the Merchanteltachenge by
Auerlo wows & co.
Note*, Draft and Loans en !teal Mate negotiated CA
reasonable terms by • AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO4.
seTl Stoat Note Ittokora.92 Pcmrth
Announcement of the`Propeletor for the
Beason of 1809.
jp_ are eltuate In Delaar e lojort th comity, 18 mile* north. from
Columbus (the Capital o w f Ohe Scioto ttrer,lo tulles
from keine - any 6 mile. from the White Sulphur acselop, cm
the cprioodeld, Ala Vernon nod Pittsbur Rallres4 and
10 _miles from Pleasant Valley or Pprhsgs fitinfon, on the
Colnosbm, Piqua and Indiana hennaed. Mtge Eprlngs
be open for the reception of stilton
On the Ist Dhy of June.
The improvements of 1859 have been largo, enablingthe
proprietor to ...mutate/4 bent Ave to aix hundred gush.
Among these imprommente may be mentioned a largeand
elegant hotel, now cottage row., additional buildings for
amusement nod recreation, extensive bath beam; •• steam
laundry, &a, Lo.
Upon the estate there ye five ErpHfig., all willtinthalawn,
four of which, the White
the tatalybeete, tbe Msg ,
neslan and the Bailee Ohalybeate, am decidedly medicinal,
'whilst the filth is remarkable forth e parity of its intern •
Is a 'beautiful Artesian fountain, .altnat•d near the reeky
bank of tho &tote sirs, At the deth of 160 fiat below
the sorbs. of the Sciak. flews th e r e mark ab streaun ot
ealphor water, which euppile. this Epting. This stream
ti discoursed it irty yeas ago hy • gentleman who was
boring for salt. The water, when reached, at onat atom to
the surface, and has ever since continued to flaw during - an
mesons, without change or abatement, either in quality or
Yor t. are !him Spring. bare been highly esteemed for
their medicinal propertbee. During Abe peat ULM Melt
repa:ion ill this reepat bee bean 4.golarly cullornect—
Thu wire administered by • nbyebyii. Jculkiocialy. to
<p.m:atty. time of drinking, continua. e end ander ibis
systematic plan the ChM were nut a aid gratityin.
ja,tcnileily,larelsie - able la thou clieorden of the Liver and
Storthiclue often afflict gentlemen wbo have been too
done:). Confined to business, and persons of sedentery
Am permanent took. Their el:tout. upon broken Mire
end debilitated cotistltutlone have been not Mendota but
hating, pivieg to the Wood a my vitality, and to the pm ,
too new We and vigor.
to • smith, aperient.. _ •
Invalid. cony rely opt% every ; facility being furnished
them whirl, can coutrilmte b health and comfort.
de a delightful resort during the summer months, the
O ut hio White
th Sulphur Springs ham hoAral in the West, and
h low la e United States. The location is peculiarly
healthy; the Scioto bore is • rapid, i - ocky stremo, the._“oll.ff
Limestone,. • formation hundred! of feet -in thk.kness,
through which the riser cuts It. vq , is everywhere, either
at or rim the =dam the gromida of the Notate are beau
tifhtly undulated, and intermereed wi th nunterons ravines,
which carry off all the sopielloons water, thee Madeting
the soil dry end the aanomhere free it= thathMaldity so
prejudicial to hosing them dretinuttaticee, taken Into con
nection with the altitude*, the place, about I,OiV feet Mom
the level of the one., make the loyalty ma free from Male
riom indnenenua mountain niece.
The Spring property nonage of 320 acres of land, one bun
dred of which is covered hymns of the twit beentlful Cenral
of Ohio. This woodland is handeomely laid off Lido Amite
cad drive; one of the latter being two Mlles to intent. .
• •
BATH. • .
Bathing here by the plan adopted, is brought' lade rim
competition Fhb that at naturally Warm and not Bpdaga
The,, la heated In the bath tub by 'Wain pipet:lb*.
heat not beteg raised Wei enough to precipitate Its Bella, It
de by this netern applied to the entrees of the bather with.
out the lees of the saline Ingredients:
• .
A Telegraph Office, Corornuniceti4 with all parte tithe
country, hai been catablished at the Springy. To betbne
connection with distant points, lOU be • great esnwealenes
to gentlemen who can bear from .td direct their buena.
A. ni si o e y
ar =s t7o
E Le
aheD. Ple W wnie
a d
phur Spring., as the proptlfx, to dotorraleed tomake it; In
erery peutictilar, • trot clan waterhnir Paw. OiElaudi with
the Ilbend patronage untended jut ,esr,.no afart will he
epared to merit Its contharsoca
A livery, well stocked wan borne. a:al tarrisgetje ilitArdi
ed to the Sprinp.
For further infoiniation, arrattgeonente for: nne,,,,
addree. ANDREW WILSON,,Icx.,:, •
toynamde Whits iniphar P. 0., Delman:Oa; Otto,
,ISSOLUTION.—The Partnership . hereto
tun „ n ug os between WlLLiut Haim med_Diston
ii — r ow a, ender the style of NHL InfITLI 00, wee die.
.Oland cm the lath clay of
Drown. Itebennt7, WO. by the death of
lir. Moo
as ID ralta and JAMES PAns j.b.lba ; Lac Pbt;
awed the Memel of Mr. D. Damn. deed, It, Aim
of WWI a Co, th e rotMdry and laitahlue Boatmen
will be hereafter =actuated =any the of sada.. P•rit‘
a Co, by whom the basin= of the leteditto lent be eettledi
SMITH, PARK Ic.!Cto •-•
rzuwrzr. wan]) PlailniXiarri:
Oro. -149 - First and 120 Set Wed .Shat,
Air ANCIPACTURERS of aU sizes and de
iptiaes Coal On Retoita ineernta,Gia MAW.-
,lied Irons, Dug Irons, Wegon,Doseib Sloe{ 24P1444-
Haagen. end Coupling& •1_ • • • .
aleo, n. Jobblng end Machine iUtalnysi Of mr7.,/encoPtiqn
mule toaster.
Rowing • complete PLICITINE 411/0P •_etteald to the
lantoeseeilery !Wog. will Du carefully angndad
, aintae.tit...d slue. ..1, large stock of our own Melte
sad warranted.
,-,_ . ..
Next&fee, Hem Esfm---serand stsea noo n and otteep;
liemer's Celebrate] Patent Me Minute Ice Oreent
P Pmesere—s/.1 slues from 3to 33 Turfs,* pseppbct i , m ,
ia •
ankroood ronmuse—ell tho tato chi* - - -
Coolers, Weller Owlet; Bulhleg A.4..t., S 3.
Pealing Prole Cum.
The larseet supply of the &bar* sessopea._
: itimis ho
h fo: ... md o l r
tur o she city le at. the are, City pt, 7 ~,,,,,,,. w ar . be .
W. W. DItdDREAW, Igo. 1:4 Wood lariats
id M . Wm , dna g, chatum arm.
THE m,TLAN p er' No. 100—The
.1, very tart tor Moteatfle ttal. made to end eeki anlyfiy
W. a. Jousrox s 00,
Eltationere,l7 Wood etevey:,
w-41go. for sib oy B. L. ,m/:Fpanwiraoo.
suntan alcs.
P. D. DAVIS, Artett