1 - i.■'••.• RIVER. Notice to Jtluonrl. BlT«-(», who ore aatborisw to contract tor tu. • UcBEtOE A CO, (late °f yp.t9 _ - nplg.>l?o (Hpard Included) From Pitts* eorffta to (be Gold JBm*i-Special Notice to Gold Seekers— v A Rote ObftMc. > * E33F ONLY 250 HUES LAND CARRIAGE. , riAPT. BEASLEY, of St.Xouia, \S3U% \y <« drsngfatbnt JigJSMQg bnUt expressly for lUn**s Illrei, haTJog gOTenanent cod* tracts, ,sbe millnmregolsrlj Utoesn Lesion* oub City snil Ft Biley, end will make connections ont hundred nila cbcrtrt.SiLy' WUh Bwall, Major * Co.’. fitngVcidS rnnnlni direct to Denver City and pike’s pi ok7 Cant Bis prepared to receipt throogh to the mines (Denier Cim els r l ' ** for each cabin passenger *aV>“ ° r, " w6 "- Wii1 """- mrl&iswT - Mr 4?.';-. # iOßonganel** River O. B. Man Packeta j SrBAWEE JETS’KT. SOX, uSSo» C 4«. J. 0. Woodward, j Caw^mmSuez. TjTJjMtmt kiUZE&NE, Our.fi. Cmitit. HE ABOVE NEW STEAMEItS ARE XK»w nuuxing regularly. Morning Boats lan» piu*. *t B tfcloek A. ILf and Evening Boats at 6 bo^Cl^^VSLyMonong*. H lea's iw-ng, Oreeo. bwoogb MdOensTa, connectingat Brownsville wi& Hack. Bpting*; connects at Bice's hack tar Jefferson, CanokhaelUrwn and *B Oreensborwngh fer Morgantown, Vo. a * lM ® cn ßgra ticketed through from Pittsburgh to Union* town tor m&aleandstito*oonu on hosts included. . , _ Q. W. SWINDLES, AotST, HrowT«rniß Wharf-boat;at footof Grant at. JJJIOTTT a» EGOLAR Mf'-ODIU RIVER, fg» «■ PASSENGER for JjIHBOQg Lwenirorth City, Weston. 'chtaon, fit. Point, Brownsville, utoo City, Kearney Oily, N*. OJ«-nwood, PlaUmwu'j, ai: Marys, Balloriew, Ctraacll Blnfls and Oiout City, through direct, without re tMfpiag.—The now u»l msgulflcentJy fiunr I V v "DEQULAR TUESDAY PACK-, JAIETPOIi £AN'ES TILLS.—Xh« flno neW(fcSjgH3| •toamar KMIIA GUAliAM,Capt.MU3*oi Arxaa,will leave vn the above and Intermediate porta KYKEY TUESDAY, At 4 o'clock r. tL Tor freight or paasago apply on hoard. oci-t FLACK, BARNES ACO n lg’ta. FORDAVEN PORT. DUBUQUE., fßfff a. Bt. PAUL. AH A K EPEE and fie. PETERS. —■■nie tMantunl pimnger iteamer DENMARK <> r i «ir«y, wil [leave for the above and ail Intermediate porta on BAT* ®stt» Inst, al 4T.M. For freight or passage ojjply ifct. Eoute, &c. For st. lo üß7~qalkna77 Dobnqoe. dt. IW, Bt. Anthony, and SUnnenpoli*.—Xft«tplendid pMengor«teameruJ^4J^7. ttpt Job* C. Uems »U 1 le»T* tor th« therein doll interne ditto no THIS DAT, tho Ki loft. Torfreight or jms«p» apptjr OD board or to _ mrl " FLACK, BARNES A (JO. As*t*. E Oil ST. LOUlS—Thfltinn ittom- . fCP» er JELA-TI.NGS, Cajit. B. IL Porter, trill lesre for ti>« »I>oto and *ll Intermediate portao^iill^WAx 22*1 lost. For freight or paango apply on board or to FLAOK, HAiOjXS A CO, Asti. EOK ST. PAUL, DIKECT, VIA , JCSr* Louis, Keokuk, Burlington, Utuca* -LttllW lg **Und, D*Teoport, Gelena, Dabuque^?n3rt^^m Qilea, ) UCfoM*.,«a(lBt.l>auL—The frne passenger !w a V1 T ii L 4 A , T De * B ’ win i«»*2r a« aixjreaadaU lnteriaodiKio ports on THIB DAY: the 25d for freighter passage apply on xnrU For hock da- , ns-* VESPORT, Tia Et. LonU, Alton, Umol-MS** uw,Qalacy, Keoknk, Bnrliagton, Muscatine,KcF™tons Si"*'"nporC-pio «pleodJ4 stumer ROCKET, Captain H, 2l£vJtivS?** for the Rbovo *nd all Intermediate porta /“FPf 8 DAY 221 &t 4 o'clock, f. m. For freight or paanga, apply on board or to -P*y FLACK, BAE*fE3 A CO, Agent*. FS^f r -^ DIS & ilunois ,^^: KTVER.—The floo ateasw DR, KANB jjgWWg japt. Shuman, oil leaYeiijr Iheaboro and au loterae- JUlo port* oa THIS DAT, aid Inet, at bur o'clock™. CT P“**g«, tpplj oa board or to IfLAOE. BARNES A CO, Agents. s»Sgi)bUU, &(. pOB NAgHvS&^Tho'^lSrrxgi -L did passengor steamer fgsSEß will leave Car the a&P*o and all totermedtute ports cm FRIDAY, lio liStii Inst, af 10 o’clock A. M. For trslgbt or passage apply OB board or $o PtflS FLAOK. PAUSES & CO.,A K ta. IJifet'B sJeafc, &c. MiSSOUSi RIVER PAOKfiTTnSrL —lbr SL Low, Jifld-sm City. Lexing.j&™ lffjgf «"*» aJarpat City, Lcavauoarth City, T Ustmu broth* City, Omaha City and Cbuneil Paaseagtr steamer NOiITIUIIiNEB, CapL P. A. Alford, will 1 r ? r aboTe 40(5 all Jntcrmwlfato porta, * or lreigbt or passage apply on board or to feiidAwtd FLAOK._B4KJiE3 ± CO- *' . ■i/'OC tijt 23« s /Homes Hibtc’ BESmolnes river packeTT TiiKo'oau to desuoinks city, JiffiSgysr DIRECT.—The fine paswcgor oteamer DiSSMOINRautTx C*pl. A. nine, will 1«t» lor ll»o aboro and all Intermediate porU on THIS DAY. 22d lc»L, at 4 o’clock, P. 51. For trelgnt or paassgo apply on board, or to or** FLACK, BARNES A CO-, Agent*. tea 6 nUSXtt. B„J. -ENDEii TEK NAME AND STYLE OP '"'Stoss & OOBPAS7, HAVING recently purchased the extensive COAL WOILKS, lately cwiwd bo McGllrery A Smith, are saw prepared to •prnSfh CoaJ, et tbeir J>p°L immediately below Jos. Wood & war {Lolling Mill, (n boats, barges or vragou*. Tb*>y will abo furnish, with tbeir own teams, la either of the cities to maonfactawor private tamilies, at reasonable prices. t(B»Wo have secured tto rarrlcaa of JOHN BMITLEY wbo has baJ many years experience io the Coal business in he capacity of Superintendent and salesman. jsl8:illy \\r 'g» r K, tbe undersij . 1 trial can cboer/ully r MENT.jwld by lIAJITWEI corner of Wood and Sixth at*. Darid DehaTen, Allegheny, Jos. Or&ig, Diamond, * iStfWy# Charles Snyder, “ • t ■ L.T.GIarEpCUy Pedestrian •- Jw. HUands, Reserve tp,. : r Wade Hampton, Pittabn'h, W. W. Malr, J. OId f Plumber, ** J.Stesrm, Petin’a R. R., Hennr Bayer, Allegheny, - • Dr. W. A._Ward, Dentist. * Pittsburgh, John Hegrav, Tobacconist | • Liberty«tract, j ; mrS I SUNDRIES —100 bxS. 5s Tobacco; 20 kega 6 twist do r tO bbu cat and dry Tobacco; 20 gro. do do lb. pa’# 20 u fine cat chewing do 76 hf chesta Y. U, and Bl’k Teas; - 200 boxes Mould Candles; SO do- Star . do , 100 do f C O Soap; 60 do Ollre do L 150 do Bosln and Palm Soap; 200 do groand Pepper and Ginger; *0 dp pore Mustard; 25 bag! orain Pepper and AUpicr. SUO lb# prims FcaLhera, Tcgatherwltli a general assortment of manufactured good# in store tod for tile by LITTLK A TiUMJILW, mrll No. 112 Second #L SASH 'AND DOOR FACTORY—Mould tags,Sub, Door#, Window Frames, Shelving, Ac, on band and mado to order. Scroll Bowing of errry kind done promptly. Carpenter’# work, Kepairiag and Jobbing done at IhffToweatmes. All order* from the country or other win will be immediately attended to. Call oo or address J. A n T. PBICE, Ccmat Piajusq Slill, Water atroet, betweta Federal and Bearer six, PttlO Allegheny City. QUNDRIES— 100 bbls. Ei. Family Flour; SCO do Sztza do ICO do Sapcrflna du 25 do No, I Lard Oil; 50 bole* Star Candle*; 25 -do Etearioe Candler; 50 do. Oleine Soap; 40 do flerman do 25 do Pda do In Btcn and for tale b j KKA, LLOYD A FOBS7TH, 015 75 Wator street. &:;KP AT£NT GRIDIRONS, > PATENT GRIDIRONS, PATENT GRIDIRONS, Another supply of thjeolebratod article. Dyipeptic*, Id- TaUda and Eplcnres will makoanotoof this and rail for one ■where yen wjH And (ho largest stock of Hoate-furotchlag Hard-rare in tho city, at price* (bat cannot (all to salt all atscs of purso, at tho Iron City Store Warehouse of W. W. BRADSHAW, Fnccccsor to T. J. Craig A Co, M«n3l Wood rt, tarlO mt door to iho tigo of the Golden Guff. lOBACCO—2O Lxb. 5s & 10a J. W. Priddy Tobacco; .10 baa. Rascall A Robinson Tobncco: 15 u W.lLOraal'a do » catty t/rs. choice brand* % lb. lump; 17 *#s» choice 8 t»ist Tobacco; 5 “ " Pitta-plog do mr7 WATT A WILSON. Tor nalo by . . -AZIN'S~ALBA ROSA SOAP.—For soft. > -\£j eoiog tad whitening the skin.—The o»**f this Soap . ... <■ JglTee to the thin o snowy whUcoeu, and a velvet lika soft- W -T new which cannot bo altered either by cold or burning ctl rn-ura. a roppfyjajt received by FLKHINQ, aril earner Diamond and Market etn-et. Sundries —978 sacks com: 115 do Wheat; 4 Dry Hide*, '> - Xoarrire cnateamerllanaoniaibraaleby ", ttr? 1 ISAIAH DICKEY A 00. JCST RECEIVED DIRECT from the man 'BfittCorcn, SO piece* C-4 Oiled Baize*. of Ehglieh make, • la imitation of Qa«, Rosewood, Maple, Walnut, SlabogUDy, ' Marble* (gr«n and white,) Granite, ic, for sate by rail - J. &.JL PHILLIPS. VITIIEAI—IIS Kicks now landing from ? T ■laaaer Haroionfa Cor tale by «*!» - ! ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. -S.CCOXOH SNUFF—2O bbls. Garrottes for D. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00, Wig coraerof Wood and Flrat $U Transparent window shades.— GoU Dortorf, PUta. Gothic ud other btyleafuraaleat the Oilcloth Wararvoisa, 28 A 23 Bt Clair atreet. fei J.tn. phieupb. INDIA RUBBER CLOTHlNG—Baptismal Pant*, Wading Boot*, and Short Boot* (dr mie at the India Robber Depot, Bt. Clair »t. J.IH PHILIPS. “OLOOB OIL CLOTH—Of all widths, from ’ Ij 2-4 to 2«,oaildf a ruperlor quality, for tale whole ; ■..-*> aad retailby J. A llfHlHJffl, a de29 SBandgSSt, CUir »tnwt. A I*L wool helains, figured and Apiala Mertnoe#, IrlsfaLpopilm* fancy and Black Silks black all Wool deXftina, riald Cnbmere*, Ooburra, Par xnettaA tobofirondat DD&OQHELD & o vs, nol7 Nortb-oa* corner 4tb and Markct’«ti. NEW, EDITION.—Tho American Eclectic Practice Of Wedldno by 7.0. Jones, BL D, extended r ftnd rerised by Wm. Ehenrood, M. D. 2 rol#. 8 VO. 800 pp. -ff KAY A CO., 55 Wood Street.’ GLASS-"3OQ boxes Bxlo Gloss; • 200 do "'loxl2 ;>do . a UOOVdd . 10x14 jf do - _ . • Qb bgpjand for.ealft low by KISO» ’VS v TTIBGINIA TWIST TOBACCO;—IOU kgs* \.¥ fi and 8 twiat.pnm# arm/, »’o to th* trade law. ' L > wM»ws*atE»M££;^ C" EDABEOCKETB AND TUBS-SOdoz. Jiadtot. «nl SO m*. £*£#s • ,-'V ■ jaiflffltenegug, - I ajftft :ißchi6«n ,, Blaf*Pw Cent Loan.lbr the 1359. POPULahT TRADE Beacfifcof-tfc&--amp tho ' w of St. Mary. ‘ - ! riddoss asd uii-LisEnY goods fs pursuance of an net of the State of * ‘ : x Stutlsm, eptfflirf “an»ct toprortda for tlo RIBONS! RIBOXSU . B1B0KS.•" the Ship Caoil, tnond iba rain AfFtiPfl \ vtc mif t n-nnr. , . nlia «. 8L Slinjtnd wp*tfcna tb>trn*: Mptctiiie tlib g AIERCIIAiTS, JOB* Bam*, approved February litb, 1559, tbs oiidertucm-d , JL BEO.S. DKALKKS kCBBONH. MLLLINKRY Coreiaoraod ?t»to Treasorercf said State, hereby id>« : AABCasii BUYKUd iu aiiaecttoas of the coautry uo«» that on MONDAY, tbe 25th4By of April next, they i TflECAnUftlbitON HOUSE, n thohighert bidder. bonds* the State of UUChambtia Street, New York. Michigan rf urt less than ot» thousand doliars each, to the ■ Jojin FARRELL. atUuUDI of one bond red thousand dollars, (or tho perpoto ErfTAULISIIED 1 V)». mestlomd in said act, dnly executed according to the re- ” e “? ri ’ a new principle—i now era io tho onlrMMnta thereof, tbe principal redeemable in the city of i rkbouu Trade, whereby we casks this business fiais, sim New York, at the pleasure of the If tat*, twenty years trom PLt a* ioa? of a&owa tauuou. tbe first dav of July text, and tbe interest parablo half ; »vk efclLt. F«R CAstl l VTH HUY FOR CAgIJ! jearly at six per cent per snnnm in said city. Too tjilt ; Woaw with 6MR ortrr p*pm. Ask no Second «nd income of paid Canal, after paying the exists* of tho : * rtee - Uavonll c-or goods marked in PLAIN FIGURES, »u cars and operating thereof, are by the State pledged and , laal ®a«» woman, and child “boy alike,” and receive tbe devoted to the redemption of the hoods and the faith o( the. i * , ®° for their money.. State Js pledged for their paj merit. Persons wishing to bid * Oor prtcei for beet Taffeta Ribbons, all colors,are for said loan will please aldreo propoeals'to the unmralgn- , ♦'<». 1 12 eta per piece. No. 4 3i% cu. per piece, ed Stats Treasurer, at Lansing, Michigan, which will be j */hl& “ “ ” G S7U “ ** opened by the Governor and himself, at the ArtLiaa Bank, i 2 *• •• 9 *• *• to the dtj of New Yoik, wbereths negotiation will be com ; 3 .* •• ** lit $lO. j.-, “ pitted. Penont to whom said loan or anypart thereof may, { No. 1G piece, he swarded, will be required io deposit the amount thereof , " 6 offi» FANCY KHtilONti “all •tyl**,” “all erdors," “all to the credit of the State Treasurer of the Btato of Mich*. • quilitka,” at prices DEFYING COMPETITION, Inn, in such jap* as he msy designate at the rime and AND FOR CASH ONLY. place tbe bonds are delivered. Said act is in tho following Our EHaMHbmrDt U tho centre of attraction for RlD words: * , BON 8. “An act to pniTido for tho repairing, preservation aad, “Quick Sale*,r “Light Profits,” aad ‘'Good Value,” for operating of the Ship Canal around tbe Falls of Bt. Mary, 1j Caslu and,to perform tbe trust respecting tbe tame. WuxxxsS, By an act of Cougreas approved August ££th, lSs2,tbeCongmsoi tho United States muted to tho State -the right to locate a Ship Oanal around the falls of St. Mary, and also sewn hundred and fifty thousand acres of the public lands to aid In the construction of taid canal, aud, WfUREi a, lk« said act was accepted by, and the eondi lions thereof made obligatory open this fctato by au act ar preved Februaryb, 1863,and, Waxuis, Such canal having been built snd accepted bj the authorities of this Btato, ls found to need repairs lo order to its preservation and usefulness and tbe du* perf-ttviiimcc of tho treat created by suld act of Congress, and tho nsstiut of this State thereto, therefore. Szcnsnrl. TheptepUnf the Stale <•/ MicJitpon tnacL, That UieGoroinur and Stoto Treasurer, uro hereby authorized and directed in the name and behalf of ths i«oplo ot this State tbliegotiate and contract for a loan or loans not ex ceeding tn all one haudred thaus-mil dollars, redeemable at the pleasure of the State, at auy tinin after tho expiration of twenty years, from the first day of July in the year ona thousand eight hundred ami fifty-nine, on tho bestand most favorable terms and conditions lhat In tbolrJudgment can | be obtaiued, at an Interest not exceeding sLrprr cmlun prr OAnum,psyoM«balf yearly, to be expouded and applied solely io making from time to Umo sueb repairs uj>an tho locks, gates, and wails thereof, aa the Board of Control created by the act entitled “an act to provido for tho collec tion of tolls and for tho care, charge and operating of tho St. Mary’s Falls Ship CanaV approved February 12, IS6&, may deem neewary fop the preaervaticaaod efficient oper ation of said canal, and the full performance of iho trust above red tod. Section 2. Porthe purpose of effecting the loan or loans aforesaid, tbe Governor and State Treasurer are hereby riu powered and directed, after having first advertised for such loan in ono of tbe daily papers in ibe cities of Detroit, Bos ton, Now York and Pittsburgh, for at host thirty days prior to negotiating said loan, to cauao to L-u mado oud issued, bonds In sums not lees than one thousand dollars each, to b<> signed by ths Governor and countersigned by the decretory of State and Btate Treasurer, with tho great seal of tho State affixed thereto; which said bonds shall be drawn in favor of tbe Auditor General and being-endorsed by him shall become transferable and bo, delivered to the Governor and Stato Treasurer, and ho transferable by them in such form as they may decide, to he redeemable asaforesaid and to boar interest FLACK, BAUNBS k CO. at aforesaid payablo on the lint days of July and January, in eoeh yew, In thedty of New York or elsewhere in the United Btat«, should the Governor au !ta brilliant Illuminating Uaa. The greater original coat of the apparatus for tho mann- Cacture of coal gas together with the attention ami oxpeuee constantly reqoired, and the difficulty, U not impossibility, of entirely aeparatiog the unwholesome, deleterious and generated In coal, render tho ROSIN OIL A » ~“J US cheaper and more desirable in evory way 8. COATES, of 3T6 Broadway, New York, has devoted bit enure attention to .the manufacture and aaloofFortabloflaa Apijaretaa, and hofcepeetfnlly call* Uie attention of the public to bis preaenfcomplete and efficient machine. Perfect eatlfTfartinn to tho porch user guaranteed in rverr case. For further information address 8. COATES, STti Broadway, Now York; -or DAVID XI. WILLIAMS. Pittsburgh. Pa CARPETS NEW ’CARPETS!! McCLINTOCK’S CARPET WAREHOUSE. „ received oarsopply 0 f Spring Carpet* and Oil Cloths. Oor stock is (nil, aed complete, comprisiuv Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, and Velvet Carpets, new ds ugns; Super Imperial aod extra Three Plva, Superfine, Ta pestry Ingrain;ail wool Fine, Unionflce ieotton chain aod ..wool filling;) Plain and Twilled Venetian Car pots for itairs andhalletall wool Scotch Carpet*, Cotton Ingrain Carpets, ileap, Listingaad Rag Carpets; Ruga, Floor Cloth*. Wool and Linen, Blalr Crash; Wool, Linen and Oilcloth Table aod Piano Ooven; Door Mats in every variety: Chin* aod 0oe« Mattings, Stair Rods, 4c + Window Shade*—Bail, Sreen, Transparent, Ofl and Gold .Bordered, all width* aod lengths. Alio, oor floe assortment of Floor Oilcloths, new patterns, from 2 to 24 foot wide, beet eastern makes. The above goods have been selected with great care, end bought at the lowest cash rates. We can confidently invite oar former customers and the public with great pleasure to onr extensive stock, which, for designs or patterns and brightness aud cemetery of colors, cannot bo surpassed. Oor terms shall be accommodating, and goods sold at etub era price*. W. McCUNTOCK, fefr.dAwp No. U 2 Marketstreet. icd, after a -faithful ommenJ MITcniSLL’3 LIN t h SHEPIIAHD, DropgUta, Is Charles, Livery Stable, Allegheny, B. Bo bison & Co, Liberty . street, Piltaburgb; Wm. Moon, Grocer, Alleg’y Samael Young, Editor of Clarion Banner, George Blchardsoo, Paint er, Allegheny, T.B. Sill, Pitta burgh, Ju- Slaglll, Allegheny, J. K. Holmi*, Pitm burgh, Bobert Craig, Allegheny, B. Boggcr*,. •* Chas; DeTalen, *• RECEIVED, this morning direct from the manufactory, 60 of those excellent patent Cair-t Sweepers. Ladle* and hoosekeepen are Invited to ernmine the sweeper. Its utility U undoubted. For cole at feftdatr) W.M'CLINTOCK’S, No. llSMarket^t. NOTICE. —Having purchased the interest of my partner, H. McGeary, E*q, in the Franklin foundry, the bnslnes* will In future be continued In wy own nemo. The fanner costomenof the csUblMimeat end the pnblle will And a supply cf ell the various article* tnaa n factored at inch an eatablishment, ric Mill Gearing and Rolling Mill Casting* of ©Tery description. au*s Uatur Casting*, towit: Mill fur grinding «and, TeaaoCakca, Stop P*r®i riattSWag Wheel*, 4c. All the Costing* necessary for the construction and repair of T«l by Railroad Coniractora, Bridge and Cistern Unudors for years part. Warranted of best quality and for sale at th«Tery lowest market price, by lekou* nuTcniNsorr, •P 32 Wo. 116 Second st, and 145 Pint sL APE R HANGINGS—W. P. MAR SHALL A CO. are now opening new Paper Handnc* lo every style of Cloth, OoM, Satin aud Plain flnlali. Oeao tilnl panel* tn plain tints, oaks and polyebrenJc. Decora tire borders, Utters, figoraa, statues, pictures, curtains, cir cle*. Cheap glared and plain Wall Paper, in groat quan tities, of good designs. Come and se, No. gy Wood street. TTIRGINIA LEAF TOBACCO—2,OOO lbs. T fresh Cigar Leaf received on consignment and for “ !o by K DOES TON A BTJJWART, prl6 107 Wood street. gUGAR AND MOLASSES— *3" 60 hhds. prime N. 0. fiuyar; 100 bble. N. 0. Bdlicru, On band and tor tale by ;mrfi JONES' k COOLEY. ’ POTASH —fo casks lirsti sorts for sale by B.A.FAUNRBTOCK ACO, ' Corner of Wood and First streets. EEFINED BORAX—-8 bids. for sale by B. A. FAUNKSTOCK A CO, g»I0 Corner of Wood and Piftb streets. CANARY SEED—IS bbls. for sale by B.A FAHNESTOCK k VO, mr t° : Corner of Wood and First streets. pASTILE SOAP—IOO bxs. forsalo by v B. L. FAHNESTOCK A CO, _ mr ** Ne. 60 corner 4th and Wcod sts. FLOOR— 500 bbls. Supcriino, Extra and White Wheat Extra Jam ily Floor for nlu by _ 1,15 fi. KOBIBON A CO. 4,0 HI , IDS - HUME N. O. SUGAR in store ,V, 110,11( * * a ‘° hj . <*REOH & HUTCHINSON, lflg No. llg becond and 146 Plret strwt. 20 S AG 3 PEACHES; 'WVJISdo do do - Apples: 100 bos. small white Beans, PP In store and for sale by WM. BAQALEY, IS and 20 Wood »t. BURCHFIELD & CO., are Closing out their winter stock of Bilks and MonsDo LaitS at very tow pneea, they hare also received » sapplyof Bprlag Goods. UTTER—2 bbls fresh roHreceived‘and for > sale by [tnrlO] HENRY ILCxAIinS. OPAL CANDLES—BO boxes for salo by J.h. LiqqELT a CO. LEATHERS—ISO lbs. prime new Feathers for sale by mrl ATWRLL, LEu a Co. kRY SALTED HERRING—SO bbls. new Jest rec’d. mrg J. B. CANFIELD A CO. CORN MEAL—IO bbls. for Bale by fe2 HENRY H.OoLLJNP. ■UTTER—RoII; Butter in boxes, bbls. and > half bbls. ~ mr2 J. B. OANFIKLD A CO. WHITE BEANS—BO bush, rec'd and for br J. S. LIGGETT A CO. IME—2OO bbls. fresh for sale by oxl . HENRY U. COLLINS. CORN, CORN—IO,OOO bus. Corn in store and for sale by HITOHCOOK, McORKERY A.CO. •LOUR—IOOO bbls. white wheat 'Extra FbaHly Floor for nlo by R. ROBISON, A QQ. /'IHEESE—SOO boxes prime cutting Choose V tbrsaleby art R. DOBISON A CO. GOFFEE— 20Q bags primo Rio Coffeo for WtotT- I mi R. ROBISON A CO. ■WHITE bushels new crop; TT touH.uhlta, forwlgby yFISTfI AOO. OLLBUTTEBANH EGGS—S bbls- to jqrfrfritad for sate bT V ■ IUDPLA WIBTB A 00. - T 3 OLb BUTTKKr-3 bbls. prime roll this JnitUyieCdtr 4 -*5» v .fi£BBIR.OOLU»S. HENRY A. SHAW, Unton flydraulle Cement* ROUCHESI ROUOBEaii Nowgtjlesand Paterae, at a saving of 20 PER CENT PROM CREDIT PRICES. Examine oornmplee, and be convinced. BLOND LACKS; QUILTINGS, Ac„ Ac. , Oar line of these Goods always fall. We Import and “Job** them at one* for 6 per cent adTanco. Marked priree on all Goods “in Plain Figures.” A SAVING OP 40 PER CENT ON THESE GOODS PROM 1 CREDIT PRICES. Our intention Uto make the Ribbon Trade na staple In 85 domestic poods. To do U»i«, we must eel I ANNUM 1 LIJ ° N D ' JLLARd WORTH OP GOODS i'KU i \\o am Union Men. “No North,” ‘ No South.” Weeo- Itatlhe pauonageol Merchants! In every section of the UnU-d State*, and are the servants of all who favor us with thdr ttade and patronage. JNO. FARRELL, CASH Hill RON HOUSE, ' „ . _ llOChamhunEirMt, New York, aearttie Hudson River Railroad Depot. J«U.;4irjii To Dealers tn Artiflci*Tk7ovv7rs, oitrlch J/-vrr»F^f lber> » Ffcn «y GOOtl*. As OIIN C. HENDERSON, SjUYTH & CO.. i h [‘’’“'J'od their sales rooms to th- lofts of 3l;i w?2w?«V'w»V«?sijf M . r, * d J r tosxhiblrthHr mniptMof FRENCH FLOW HRS, which exesed in variety auy impor tation* yet madu, numbering Fifteen Hundred Styles: the larger part made in our factories in Paris, and patterns con fined. We have also manufactured an extensive variety of Amis- * Q c^aM w ® havo every conceivable quality, style sud prico of manufactured gouds, and the .materials for minfacturera. Our stock if'Mrich and Marabout Imj-irM Feathers Is largo and varied io ijuaiity and sty!.-, and to meet thn wants ? f w .‘‘ have purchased and converted the entire • buildings, N->. ;> lituadway and Urwnwich streets, into on.« Factory and air prepared to produce Ar. T 1 !•' ICI A L FLOW E R S nuuor the muiiHcement ofonr Mr. K. V WELOII , „ FEATHERS trader tbo nini.ngrmcnt of n nvvp LACB, BUOHBS'.dfcc, dkcV Under tbt> management of EDWARD dACRHON, or tho lato dim of Jnckscm A March. Cor pnri>ose being the development of the abovo branch es of Home Trade to to their follest extent, we havo im ported material an<\ brought over French Artists of Paris iau reputation with a staffer assistants which, with the J? , *“ own vfu-ieccy of the management, U a guarantee Jhat tho pradnru of our Faclory will surpass in perfection liny goods heretofore made lu America. The sales d.partment la conflow! to 343 BROADWAY, and is under the following management. The b rtnch Flower Department, „ . . , J. B. BSIITII. Ostrich and Fancy Feathers, _ IL CEEiaaTOM. French materials, p, ualb iitaii Urciiet) OrnametUit 4tc*» . „ a. ■ffUITTJSMOIIK. Aiiriicis DtpuTsissr it Flowkls, Kccats ako Fahc Goods. under the mnnagemeat of onr »lr .1. KENNEDY SMYTH A 8. LEMERCIER. i- h - DAVIB A Mr. W. NUTTINO. Tho 1111 OJ.TINQ.—In this loading dtii artun'nt of ooi tasioi-ss wo purchase and manufacture the choicest do- BiKai in the French Market, and n-colro by every steamer the. iostatyle appearing. Our tiatrs are strictly confined to tbeßTholwale Business, and we respectfully Invito merchants to examine our goods J. C. HENDERSON, SMYTH A 00, ..... _ No.3l3Broadway, New York. JOHN 0. HENDERSON A CO., No. 6 Broadway. lIKNDKBSON, SMYTU A CO, No. 102 Rne de lUcheloau, Par»4.. To Hotel Keepers, Restaurants, Drug ' gists, Grocers Public. Dr. Brnnon’s Bitters from their ea&ellent qualities, been recommended by the MOST EMINENT PUYSI UI&NS Mu must r&loabio and neTer-faiUnn remedy for DYSPEPSIA, - DIAKUHtEA, DEBILITY, HEARTBURN, BILIOUSNESS JAUNDICE LIVER COMPLAINTS, BLOOD DISEASES, Ac., Ac„ Ac. Are also a sure and certain preventive against Fever and Jsue, Cholera , Summer Complaint*, £c. and i< tim moot rateable and efficacious Tonle and Ad pbbHc* Creftl, “ ? Compound ever offered to the nfiltk 0 BITTETtS ALL DISEASES OP THU bLOOßwinbe thoroughly eradicated, and all thoso who * xce " * n\IGOUOU3 STATE OP HEALTIL */F£-°., 1,, ~. KdT,VE ORGANS will b« stimulated and PER MANENTLY STRKNGTUKNED, APPETITE will bo errat debilitated subject restored to nt-H Llrh Tbis rem.vly hu n very acrcaable taste, and will be ta ken readily by children as well aa adult*. •All penwna suffering from any of the above roroidatet* ate mvlUd to try DR. BRUNOVS BITTERS. IDusc.—For an adult, a small wine-glassful three times a day; tor achild, a small tea-spoonful twice a day. K. . CKUOBJ, SOLE AGENT FOB THE UNITED STATES, 713 Broadway, flew York. 45“^,W at 50 rent, p- r boltln, « par dm.ri, ,2 50 p Cal K-u: fj-tra BtUsrtfar liir-roo nt, try tt,, or tern at the. priteof S.U& j»r .C*> Uwjhton Hit-.cr f I,—. p*r gallon 1 or stile by nil Druggists ami Grocers, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT JadH»ly-t 742 BHOAOnAV, X }’ arfioncultutal. Arc. Tyioifr place for evergreens, L.r A s*“ extra fine, grown of lisa flnesl Lardy va rttilre, from to 8 feet. 40,000 from small to I'/C foot. fiOOO extra fine cherry, 12,000 peach ml 2 yarda, fine three years old, dwarf and standard. Onr Nursery Stock In every department is large, which It will give us pleasure to show to onr friendi and tho pabllr. Pittsburgh and Oakland Noraortea, Oct. 27, IbM. ocJ7:dAwtfy JOUN AIUKDOCn. J*. J * tl's’s E "s SUPPORTERS Mad® t o order or Repaired. CAMBIOHT A TOUNO, Mo. 8C WooJ .1. T> IDDLE, WIRTS * CO., Nu' 18.5 Libert, Av street. For sals open arrival: IS>J has. Closer good; 0 udi Flaxseed; ■* . w **£«• roU 200 bus. lakesbore Potstnvr. 30 bb,s. Dried Apples; 160 bns. small white Beau* * i??* « ** #i * cll «S t>o bos. seed Oail'-r; 4 bbls. Potash; Rotten f-9 Sundries —100 bus. cioverscod; Timothy Bred, KWbus small white Breoa; o A 10 bniDriw! Klderherrire: - l> b » Walnuts, far sale by R. ROBISON AGO. BLACK CASSlMERES^— Burchfield & Co, always keep ap their assortment ot three irooda. Mected with much care, of tho most approved mauufuctnre, and sold at a modurate adranco on cost.' Also, Fancy Cal sltnercg tor mon amt boys' wear.. („]4 ROSE OINTMENT —G Joz., ior tetter, ring worms, plmplesoo tba face,and other catatinoaa oruD uons, for ado by U. L. FAiLNRJsTOCK A CO, No. 00, corner Wood and Fourth sts. T) UTTER.—I bbl fresh Rolt' ~ ' "Tt , 2 “ " r*e*>hxl and (or at ISo Liberty at JolC_ HUIDLK, WIRTS4CO. SUGAR —15 hhiis. N. O, bunrif?|og lb« bro&lh. A Urge supply Jo*t rewired by ,Joaern Fleming, M ~ Corner of Diamond aluJ Market at. CLOTIIS—I3 uitcim e ld & Co. invite tbo especial attention of gentlemen to tludr riiuice make of tbc*« goods, plain and twilled, and which ®|li always sell verv low for quality. f«J4 Q/A BBLS. TANNER'S OIL, in etoro and t»U for sain, 2 this Thick Oil, suitable forgreasieg pnrpoAoa, for sale WM. WILKINSON, 217 Pt. PURCHASERS OF DRY GOODS of "cCery Tariity will Had It greatly to their advantage to call and examine our stock before purchasingolsowhere. faM C. HANSOM LOVK, U Market St. DRIED PEACHES— 7fi fbusli. Tcnnessco halves, in store and tor silo by' J. 8. LIGGETT A CO. Parsnips, turnips, onTons—For aale l>y the bushel RIDDLE, WIHTB A CO„ IS3 Liberty street. WARDROBES. —Both single and double, lo Walnut, Mahogany <£c.,flnUbcd and Id atoie. rrn. yocnq a co. CLOVER SEED—IO bbls. primo Clover Bt*d tu ro and for sale by «cIO LKECfI k nCTCIIJKPON. >EANS—2SO bus. Small WhiuTTioans for > islo l»y EJDDLK. WIUT3 k CO-185 Liberty p>t HAIR BRUSHES.—A largo supply of Frtneb, Kugllnb and Amrrieau flair Brtuhea ja*t ro- Jrf? jos. plsminq. T>OLL BUTTER—I bbl. fresh roll Butter XV» nicM and fa r sale by M’DANK k ANJEU, • lt- “ ‘ 124 Booond atreot. rENN. CORN—IO72 sks oi? stoamor Daco t«h io orrlro and for aalo by J«}7 IBAIAn DICKEY k 00. P~ APBR WEIGHTS. BiU Files and Check Vilcs far »ale by W. 8. RAVEN, J* 29 corner Market and Second «U. 1 F. BBLS. WINTER BLEAC'D WHALE 4 OIL jn*t tecM nod furutahy W. MACKKOWW, IC7 Liberty atm*. ROLL BUTTER.—IO bbls prime roll Butter Just roctlvoj uqO for »ale Ly J at>> UTTLK A TBLMBLP. Allegheny" CITY "WARRANTS^ $3,000 Allegheny City WnmntfforMl* by JAMBS BIiBSUALL, Round Church, Liberty itrwt. SUGAR —100 lihds. prune N. 0. Sucar* 60 bbU UcWj WbiU> do ‘ ' R. ROBISON t CO. For wla by MOLASSES —500 bis. prime N 0 Molasses- IDO do Balt, and N YSyrop; 76 bf bbU Bioliuftm and Brrnn, fei* n. noßisoN & co. IVT 0. MOLASSES—4OO bbls. Plantation , • UoUssjß hr uls by JOILN STOILL A SON, fcU No. 257 Liberty «L DUY^APPLES— 2& sks. this day reo’d auil I far Blip by f»3 MARY II.OOLLINfI. LARD-— 2 bbls. and 20 kegs rcc’d and for 'i«ri»by- fe3 ; U. ROMBOW * CO. T EATUEKBELXiNQ of tho best minnfao- Altur»»ia»»lo* naa by ■ J.4B.IBOLDS. -l-X* [SlttOQßs' kt-XJCOtm ... W ILTWTT-T~ Pearl Steam Mill, ALLEOfIENT CITT R T. KENNEDV & BRO. WHEAT, RYE AND CORN PUKCUASED. FLOOR, CORN MEAL M ANUF ACTIJRED AND IX PITTSBURGH AXD ALLEGHENY Terms-CASH on Delivery. NEW‘STOCK JJyfEW STOCK! CARPETS, OIL CLOTUB, MATHNGS, 4-., AT THS FOURTH STREET CARPET STORE W. D, 4 H. M’CALLUM Rrspcctfolly InrJte the attention of strangcn visiting the Fair, and tlielr customers generally, to » lat (re and varlM Murtmont of CARPETINGS, Jont M-ct.-d I,J one of the Arm now in tb* East, ronsisttng to iwrtof VELVET and BRUSSELS, TUKKK PLV.FUI'KIt- FINE an.) COMMON CAUPKTINOS. Also, a large lot of Wl NI»OW SOADhS, MATS and MATriNO oF ALL KINDS, OIL CLOTHS, STAIR RODS,TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Ac. 4r . Ac., , All of wblf b we are prepared to turnHi ivt Ortntly Refined Uutetfor Cu»h. . . Oar of HHRIIsfQ WAI jI i PAPBK Ia Haw epen fur laaprction ,i,.l ,-ii Thr Isk-.i rtjlaa paßfaOß, hall, di.mso room, church CRlt; l S Q PAPER? K * n? entirely ocn design* for Fire-Boar!*, Win.l. Shade*, Test**, Ar. M aOMUS’DSUN A CO T Leather, Hides arid Oil. HE subscriber would solicit the attention of merchants and stronger* visiting t?io city to LU * tock of. LEATHER, SHOP FINDINGS, -KikK ~ Bd CURRIER’S TOOLS, TANNER’S OIL, Ac., nlcn be offers to the trade at the LOwrrr market prices 110 solicits n Q examination of his Btock. I , Vll W. WILKINSON, j _J? ‘-17 Liberty strict, Pittsburgh.> kitncco Worker, HJIEg OWENS, VORXER ELM AXD nrLIS STREETS, STUCCO AND MASTIC WORKER uno R irM particular attention to all orders for work t„ his OKNTRKS and ORNAMENTS of all kinds fnruiahed o short notice aj>2l:lyd AMU*, dcpu ••.••jambs dxoi..—. uc.twt bulks. DUPEE, BECK A. SAVLES, Bankers and Brokers, • i an CJuki Cojipi-ror; oxgulpb Moriiliin; 6 o% Ant Mvrpuiji 2u Iba Glycerin^ 1 Kroa Amandin*—k.r cLaddcU band*. Iba lod I'olajni; - (Ml; 20 bids. Tanner*'Oil; awo galls. Ljdwmvl oil; fr*) BparmOil; 200 do 'Elephant Otl, For talc by _ _ T_H. KEVIN A CO, 24 W.n.det. ATKINS’ CELEBRATE!/ a 30 DAY CLOCKS, lorCoontiug Room and. Parlor. RVfl AH assortment in Rcwnwood eaaea; elegant pattern* Xfcnr fcnrfunl]) mm. li>JO “ country cored Bhonldcrs; _For *al*by {mrt}_ RIDDLE, WTHTS Ani 90 KEGS PACKED BUTTER"; " 4 tibls do do Beceired per C. A P. It. r,. t iui fetvsaleby SURIVEIt A DIUfOKTH, ® n . 130 Md_l32 Becood street. WANTED— Beewwax, for which the hiirh ret priro will be paid by B. A. PAHKKBTUCS A CO, m . _ _ corurr •&>] Ut »u SAL SOI>A—Iii.OUU lbs. in casks and bbli ,or **** by ' ur6 FAHNESTOCK AOO. WHEAT 'AND COHN—I 6 sacks Whcu ZSJ M Coro, Ou steamer Kata French fur sale by mr ;* ___ _ IBAIAII PICKET ACU Q ) BAGS prime Bio Coffee: V *J\J fio bbli. Golden Byrnp; 103 “ crashed and pulveris'd Fngar. .. •?*?” “f*? £jr “ Ifl b 7 BHMVKII A DILWuKTU. SUNDRIES- —4% sacks Corn; 13G3 do Tran. Wboat; 4# do do Flour, To arrive on sleanxir Sh«nangu for aalo by .* ,r 2 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. SOFT FINISH BLEACHED MUSLINS.— BURCHFIELD A CO. baro received another caae of SoU Finish Bleached Muslins at 12U cents. Also, Irish Doom, warranted all pore tlax. mrt Houghton sEEDLiNocoosEBERRi* ~A fine American Horry that rarely taiM-ws, for •ale ut the Pittsburgh ami Oakland Nnr«rbn, at $1.60 our dy _ K. DAL7.KLL A CO, Üb-rty »I, SPRING MEASURING TAPES, lirnMoml Plated for talc by _w. g. n.IVKN, No*. 31. 33 au4 56 Markrt aint-t. €OU N TING-HOUSE rultN I T URB.— Desks. Chairs, Tables, Stools, Ac. _J*? 1 T. D. YOUNO A CO. Assorted colors ground in oiir>rnuie J»y JaJO T. II NNVINACO. Decorations —iionierd, centers, Ten tera, Fire Hoard., Oak Panels,'Piovrotj, Window Ciir toirta. Oiling", Picture*, Statue*, Birds, Ac, for ral* by W. P. MARSHALL A 00 SUGAR AND MOLASSES.—We iuo con stantly receiving N.O. Sugar aii'l SLdasaes, lx*l quality which weoffor to the Irad.i at llio lowestmarket price*. J»l« , LITTLK A TJUMBLR. LINSEED few bbln. for sale of good wesforr brands, by JNO. TIIOMPBON A CO., t«l4 „ 135 Third stmt. WHITE GREASE —2S bbls. on steamer Olouwood to arrlro for sale by fe2B ISAIAH DICEEY A CO. PAINTERS.— I have received a new urticlo of Metalle Paint which I wish yon tooalt and examiue. fo2 a HBNRY H. COLLINS, 25 Wool st. rENN- CORN—22BO sacks on steamer Lebanon, to arrive for sale by fo2o ISAIAIT DTCKRYA 00. PITTOCK will deliver you any of the Eastern Dallies, or tho Cincinnati Commercial by tearing jour addrewat fa2s HUNT A SHNBR'B. jPILQVERSEED—2OO bush, clean seed, a \J soperior articlo, for salo by mrl2 RIDDLE, WIRTB A CO. COFFEE —200 bags prime Rio Coffee for sale by foli ° R. ROBISON A CO. inn BBLS. MOLASSES arriving and A \J\J to sola by JAMK3 GARDINER. RYE FLOUR—4OO bbls. puro, a choice ar ticle, rac’d and fur sale by J. 8. LIOQETT k CO. H™ 00FLAND 7 S GERMAN BITTERS—IO gro. for sale by B. A. FAIINKSTPCK A CO. BLOOMS-— 40 toos Juninta Blooms just tec <1 and for aale by UITLB A TRIUULK, _ mrl2 No. 112 Second*. SHAWLS, Dress Goods, Needle Work, Cor- Mtta, Hoop Skirts, 4c. Also, nil kiuds of Domestic and ouplo Ih-jr Goods. mrl < 0. HANSON LOVE. 74 Market etm*. IITINDOW SHADES.—A now and large If Mssrtment of pold-Ujrtk-rod nuy W. MeCLtNIGCK, tTrrl 1 112 Market street. BURCHFIELD & CU. have this morning opened a Urge lot of NEW GOODS. mrlS BARLEY —1,000 bus. Spring Barley in B tore fur rain »«y SPRINGER IIARDATJOn 4 tX>. 50 000 WALL PAPER ior T ARDOIL-IO bids, tu arrivo on steamer by W - P - MABSIULLACO. Xj Commerce for sak. by IfIAIAII DICKKY 4 CO. RIO COFFEE—7S bags Bio Coffee for aulo by rorS. JONES A OOOLBY. LARD OIL—IO bbla now landing from lUomcr Commrrce, for sale by mrll ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. 'ROOMS—2OO doz. in store and for sale by ► aril LITTLE A THIMBLE, U2S«conJ »ENN. CORN—2IBB sks. on steamer Tern pert to arrive for ule by ISAIAII DICKEY AOO CLOVER SEED—S bbls for sale by ' CmrlO] EDQEHTQy A BTBWART,IOT Wucd sj. LIME —200 bbls. fresh for sale by Pirr lIENItY n. COLLINS. INDOW CURTAINS 'AT WUOLE -BAU OR RETAIL. W. P. HARSIIAU. A Co. BOOM COEN BRUSHES tons for sals by feg HENRY H.OOLLINB. |V UiTE BEANS—2sobush, email whiti; tg' by BIDDLE, WIKTB A QQ. BDTXEK- AND • EGGS—Adviaed to arrive abb? RIDDLE, WIBXS *CO. B - L. FAHNESTOCK & CO. .\o. 00, Corner Wood and fourth Street*. Deal.M*- in Koreignand Doiuc'Uo Wll’US, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PAIXTS, O/f S, ft V E Srt'FFS AND HOMIN’I >i L hf.'W Aii K vi| Al.i. DiLSOiU PTi ■»N 1' A T E X T M v. Il Ii: 1 X E s DELIVERED, Or rvliabl.* brand*, at l»«riv,t market rst.«; and omtlunc uppuittuoloß to th* Drug IS-i-in'wi. We pnarnnf-e l.> *#>l| as cau be t -ought in tbi* it otWr mirkr ts, nn»ti-r, Wmtuu.rei*D-l cuuutr Tn atiitn.: "UaTiug been subject for Urn |a,t fly., year* at short Intervals to aoveru Headache, acrorupaui-.-il with loss of are petite, wv.-ra Cough and ccnetnl debility, totally unfitting me f.ir ba-ineß*, I procured a boa of Dr. IL A. Wilson’* T«>u ic, Cathartic and Auti-Djipt ptic PUS*, nud nOtr Ukhnr th*m arccnilng f. dir.-cflmi*, I w„* perf-ctly restored t..tnr Tormor Rood health, and 1 run heartily r.cmmend them to atl similarly afflicted." mix axo \‘EMnrr<;£ For aalu by risiwctabl* Drnßßudt and Patent Medi.-ine IXrolotH o T iry wlnro. mrlUnlAwF THE LIVER IN7IGO R A TO R! t'REl'AKhb by i>rt. S/NFoRI), Compounded Entirely from G-DMS, 1 S ONE OF THE BEST I’UKG ATI VE and A LH Kit MIiDIUIN’ES now l.'forc the public, that urtu aj> a Qithartic, easier, milder, and mere .[Twtiml than any ® . r ratoHi’iiio known. It U not only a (Sortie, l.ut a L.Jtvrrpra«ly,ai tinsiir9toa Hit* Liter toejoct tlx morbid tunttor, then on tlii* etniiiai.il and bowels to carry utt that mpttor, thus uccoaifiUshlui: two purposes etloctiwlly, with. °ttt any of the painful bellupi oxpomocod in the operations of moet Cathartics. It Ktrvngthcns tho system at the e*mo timo that It purge# it; and when taken dally in modi'tate (Wfl ’ will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity Littr is oni! <>r the .p* nn'lpul regulators of the when it. , , wr it* lonctious Weil, thepoworaoftho systemair i. > loped. The ttowrcA !, . fifty action of the « f K, lh rP r T , ; n ?' , * ;r,n -W !r -’- • i i '' , '*-lf<>nß;wheDtha «tomachi™tfauU,rh..Ww,uf‘| H » -M-ti.-i.dtb. whole ayateminiyem lncoDßi'.|iu>i,. .f) ~i . Liter baTlogreatedtodo itaduty i>..ii,. .f or . fan, ono ol th« proprmt.ii!. U, uu i.. j; i,,, nij | v - SSf cli 2;I"' ,r " u, " , ‘ ,l "' n, >'. .!>■ : ■ - *■••• £«*-» KUuSS '"“'“""'■■''"‘'K!!" !' Toprove that thisremMy ik bled with 1.1 YEK WJJ has but to try a bottle, unit Thrwo Quins remove nil the System'S!! paying In tlor Invigorating the ■t.uuach. Puri/ytng the JUood, whole machinery removing eflcctiug a radical cure. BILL tO VS A TTA OK Sir* \ 6e 11 e. r, /■ r e ten ted, by! Liver Invigrrrator. Out* dose after eating Issnf and prerent the from Ouly un-doeetAhen befuro mart, Ooly otu< done tui on at gently, and cores Gis- OOe dose takon after each 4J' - ont>do» of two tea Sick Headache. One bottle taken f.->r fb canae of the disease, and Only cue doeeitnmrtliatoly Otte dirw often tfjimted is Mcrriiut, and a preventive •S-Only one brittle Is system the effect* of modi- bottle takeu fur lowneosnr nouuruml color Ope doee taken a abort gorto tbeuppetite,! makes One doee often repeated them In its wont forma, 1 Bmael Otrmplainls yleh) Oneortwu doses cnrwi »t- Childirn: there is no surer, the world,os it never fails. 1 «-A few bottle# cures] absorbents. We iaka pleaimre llm-Com preventive for t'er-.r and, i and all >Vrv*rs of a &d.' < with certainty, A th’.n«an-i«! wcDiierlul vlrtC'S. | -Iff lohnute it are giving /V favor. 49* Mis tTa.'rr in th twallcio l»/!h tofftilifr. The Liver Invlgorntor I* • Scientific Medical DUo)»»ry, and ladntly vurkioi; earn* airnc«l too £i lhati OU o h*m Ue lareqalnrt'toTnnraoy kwj ti 4r»tuc Complaint, from Uif »nr«t Jnnodlcr.ir I' . n—i,«i» r i ii*—— i fLi nd _| all. I v.iifrh ore the rrHttb'..f , 1 I iv..i TKICt ONE DOLL.Wt J’EK DO7TI.S. DK. ?AN FORD, f'l- j.rii (. Hit adway, N. w Y..rt. DR. GEO !i. KEYSKK.No 130 Wwrl *tn-et, I'ittahnrgb la. Agent apf. lydau-V THE GREAI th' :• ; MEDICAi T? DISCOVERY OF THE AGE MR. KENNEDY, OE KOXMJRY, iiAS diacvverwl !□ oiui of ~ijr conittiou . «o>JTlli»t cor-, over, ki„J o) Iluuun ftoio U,. scrofula to * common Dimplo. or *' r e * Mcn handrol cases, anJ uevti ww except j n uoawmflxxh thornier fcamor.) Dp has iy.v Si •».CJ!fT*‘ O l? T, T, tWO hnll ' lre ‘ k,^d »* F«nM-««n» jwoto tbrw bottlo* will sroitr the system u f Two bottlra ape warrautu.l to con- the u..r*t catiV- t t„ th. month end stomach. tIM n " Thxw to five bottle are wsrrkcUnl to e nr*. the «.%tit ext of eryajpelaa. Out to two bottle* warraaU-d to our*- el) humor* 0/ th< «7M- . warranted b.cnn mooing of the un and among tli9 hair. Four toeix bottle* arowarraut'.l t-cmururrnu »v\ mo- Blog ulcer*. 0 One bottle will euro scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottle* are wnrrantixl to care the moat Jen*- rate caaoa ol rheumatism. ' Two to throe bottloa are warranted to cure the Worst easm of ringworm. Thn-e to four bottlce are warranted to cure salt rhunw. Tlto to eight bottlra will cure the worst of acmfnl* A U uefit is always sxponcuco.l from the Orat bottle, an. a 1-erf'Tt t nr* u warranted when the afore quantity is f lwk«».) tmptolMblo 10 thoep who hare lu rata fled all the uoud-rfoi medicines or thee, day, u that a com mon weed growing tn the futures, and along old stone wall# aboold cure every bniimr tn the system* yot it is now a Died facL If yon have a humor ft ha* to start Thoroarv no if* nor and*, home or ha’s afoot Hi. suiting anmn cmio* end nut youre. I jWilled OT«r* thousand bottles of It In the rtcinl yof Boitou. I know iuertecta In evsry .case. It ha* a ready dono *om*of the gr.AU.rt cures over done In Moeav choK.Ua. I gam It to children orer a year old: tooldrwpl* o| sixty. I have aron i«*>r, puny, Wonuy looking chndxro wn(«> fleeli waa sort mul flabby, restored to a pctfiot ■ tali' •>f health by r-no bottle. To those wboare subject to a sick Headache, one bottle will aiwnysrnrolt. U give* great relief to catarrh and dictl- P rM - Dome ulm hove b*i*n ccslivo fur years, have takeoand bet a regulated by it. Where iho l-ody U sound It works tmftomsy, bnt where there Ltsuy derangement of thr.fnnC' U«.u* ot nature, it will caum very singular twlinca, but you must not be ajarmed—they always disappear in from four day* to a week. There i« never • had result from It. On the contrary, wheu that fooling is over yon will ft*! yourwelflitr %ue» person. I hranlsomeol the mmt extravagant ena>- dlun»» of It Hint man ever listened to. No change of diet 1* ever u.-owaarv; cat the best yon Can got I hare likewise an twrt>, which, wheu simmered In swoioil, diaaolvoeaonrt alone swelling ot Iho nock aud nmler tbo cars. Trljo M r»*nt?. Priro ->f the Modirnl Discovery *t per bottle DIRROTIONft poll U.SIT Adult, .nr table spoonful p. r day. Children owr eight years, a-towrt *]*•>.uful, children fn.m five to olghc yi«ra, tea apounfol A* no drrrrtion can bo made applicable to all constitutions, take euongh tooperate on the howel* twicn a &r. KKNNRPT gives percousl ttumienrela lad rases of trrofula. H.dd Wh..hrj»lo and retail at l»» KKYSEifB, Uo Wood ttreet, ruruer ef Virgin Alley, mod J. J-. KLKMINO, Allr • Unnr .. V.’'“ _ ' ml.VTtlvdlwO JgELL HANGING! QRKAT REDUCTION IN PRIOBM . . . Door IMI. hi £2 &o innl- Irom (lit- akin. ttine before eating giv-is \i io'jtl digest wi 11. c.trea CAronte Dtar *h 1 1 e i’unmir and nlmo-dt*. the Unit d»*e. tork» fanwvj by M'irtnr in safer, oi »pee.lier r<-m>-dy in Droj-iy, by exciting the OM-ndmg til* miHliciut- aa a Ague. Chill f'tvr, four Type. It op.-r*W» an* willing l-> testing re it* U'wiwtrtr’ji lei.-imony in Ol uth /iirfyoroi’iw, and J. D. MATIIKWB, I3H Xmltbfield Bt. Uailroais. —mi™.. isao. TUg PENNSYLYASIARSigB^a X CENTRAL RATl.ftntT) OWW TUcapiciJy e>/lhu Boadittunc fqwd loany iatheccun i fi2- TURk£ THROUGH PASSENOBK TRAILS Bfr ! fH BIN PITTgRURUU AND PHILADELPHIA; connect- I ing direct in the Uujou I>epot, at I’itUhnrzh, wltli throngfc. rJ *.* fr.»m all Western ettie* for Philadelphia, New York. UoetuQ. lUlilmor** and Washington City; thnafarnlahing ! for th# transportation uf I'aaseagi.r* nmmrpassod i Mr »ivsd an i comfort, by any other mate. , KsprwM anj K»*t Liu«i ran through to PLiladclphU wuhont change of CJr . or conJactora Bisokiog Lart are.utacl.wj lo train: Wr«alntflTj ' f .tr 1 ?!. e T r ,° , ‘ n ‘ l *•'“« Tnuua. Ihe Krprets run* daily. Mail and Past l ia« . , ~h r;>ft , iHdly Train* connect diract for New Yora The Mail Train leave* the IW.p-r St„tion ev..,y morn- : iue, incept Sonday.) at few o’clock, Piifhnrrh tlro« ar- I . rirtjig in I’hiiailrlphU at 10£0 rb. e ” | I ILe Fiat Line daily, (except snriday,) at w York 10:20 r k ! The J. »„ „ A(X^ IiI MODATION TRAINS: , SnndJy,) at TraJ S If * V ? f rX "P T uin* dL«C^™4S; r, -‘“ s “*“ First Accommodattuo Train f. r r- t. . •. df “tell Jl k Second Accommodation Train i.rT,,,;! daily, (except Sunday.) at 4.10 r P Tnrl!- Lrr * V ‘ Tliird AcconifliodaU.in Train f.if T n i • ly, (exopt Sundny.) nt ti.2t> r. u * -fc " w Tram* for UhtiraTille and Indiana, i-tn«., 4 . ~i hilersvrltou with mail traiu K 4 o*t, x''7' ‘ In* Johnstown accuuttuodniioi, tijiin loo.: nc.VW.--t" ' 49* I‘ißt tLn-jrs.ta In-w asliJam ori-ta 11. i i ; - ask h-y-riTTsiii i.-iu" Thu r.iuipietiou of the We-t. rn iv.r.nrciiuu* ~f ttt- i’ , • •yivania Bailrotul to Chicago, m.ike.i this the Direct Mne between the Best an.) itif Orest North West. Th.. coi.iw.tingof track# l-j tin- tUil Kvntl JSn.l.-;. *t I‘itUliurgli, nil ilrayngo i.r liTii-tco <.| t:ptb«-r wnli Uj- vavmg oHinie, arc Advantages rvaoilj nj.. pr.ci»ud l.y <.r Freight nml tin* Travelling Tut iu-. /•AMIRS SlUri'lSO EASTW.IHDwiII find t! ir miraidaytlutUiy l.y fits Routr. ' The Urea tent Facilities offered for the I rotectlon and Speedy Transporta tion oflilvlp, STOCK, And (Jo-31. AccoM*oMnr.\s wjfl, u ,n„| rr {ti!. wn* travelling In e liargn i-f ITKKIGIITQ NVKbTWAKD. ’ By thin Ronl.' Preifclit.l of nil Ji-k riptinna can M f. , warded froai Philadelphia, Ni-w Vork, Boston. „r italti more, to any point i-n the Kalirwid--of Ohio, Kentucky lti dlHDH. WiK-otn.m, lowa, or ty Ra-Jrnad dtrrct. - Tlnj Pt-nu.»jlrrtijh* Kmlroftd a!-, connects »t Pithhnr.-li witli Steamers, by which 0ood« cunt- forward.-d to u:,> juirt on the Ohio, Muskingum, KiLhi'kj, Tenncsw. (’mo birliiod. Illinois, MWiacouslu, Missouri, Kan?u*. WM atiJKi-J Kivcr»; nod at Clovelnod,Sandusky and Chicago with Stonm w» t-« all Ports particular to mark packagw “\u Pj:ns'a it R ’ Morc.LauLs In tba West ordering goods (r-m ih„ K,,.f will do wt )l to ditfcl them in U- snipped tlii' K.mt.l. I’aeiicM attending to their n«u Shipment* from tho E-iet wllilludit tothrir interest to call mi tin* Ag-nta of Ibis Company ut tin- following pl-w,* l, r., r <. shipping; or lot!-r -addruav-l to i-ithi-r ot tbruj on ilni ri.t ject i.t Freight"* will meet with prompt attention. D. A. &TKWAKT, Agent, Pittst-nr/1.- K. i. BSKKDKIt, Pblhwielphia. MAURA W k JCOONS, SO North Street, Baltim-.r LKEOU k CO., No ‘2 Astor Hutiw, or No. 1 5. Wni M N>w York. I.KKGII & CO., No. M Kilby street, Boston. If. 11. JIOOSToN, Fray'd A,ft., Philadelphia L- lIOUPT, (ifn't Ticket Philadelphia. NlOc*. KO>TT, AiihMj&a, l*a. Ja4.lyd Bt. Louli| Alton and Chicago Kail Road. N bL'MSIKU ARRANGEMENT. ISSB. KW DEPOT, corner of West Van Bnren and Canal Street, Chicago. floina to urn. Loaro Chicago at. JhOO a. a. and P.K-1. a. Arrive «t St. Loda _JI:4S p, u and 1:45 a. ». GOING Noam. LviTe E*at Bt. Louis ut 8:00 k. U. an Otfat Ka«t<-rn and N„rtb«rD LI tii*. At JOLIKT, with Rrx-k Idlaud luilroad Wwt, sail "Oct On. East. At i LOKIA JUNCTION. with I’wiria and o>]oawka Rail, road for UiUeaLurgh, liarinigwo and uiUTQj»iiiuU- P 1 ***-"- At (NoTMN, » ith Illinois Oiitral Railroad, North •ml booth. • At bRRI2*GKI£LD, with drvat WesU-ru (III.) Railroad, East fur IWitur, Ac.; Wist for JwK«>nvm«i an.\ Nar.|«-». At ALTON, with Torn* li.tule aud Altou Railroad Kart, and rttaimer* on tlit* ’ At ST. liOUli, with Ohio and Mise. Kailtimd Caat, by I‘acltlc Railroad and Missouri stt-atm-r* to North* rn Mis •ouri, Kunni ami Nebraska. AUo, to all rxiiula on tlie MU- Don ami MiMimpfil riri-ra. Ticki-u cau b»- vbtaint*-! at all tin- iiriocinal Railroad Offlrfs. * 1 M-Tnmugh Tk bota •ad Freights as low as by any otbcj ttoDtr 4 4 _ .. . MOORE, General 3o|WirlnleDd«nt. _*• M GOOJ>RICIi Gwi. Eoair-m Aceot. ' uoj mr?:4lj WINTER TIME, Cleveland and rittibnrgh Railroad. f |N and after MON DA Y, rr-j set r^p&sr-a V/ Novt-mU-r Train* will tear* tbo Depot »t tLe IVnnejlTaiiiu lUi!roaiJ,!u Pitfu- • 'Pt-iit'VTl/’i. < !■<<',•} ,1 1 ."' 7;..- —M. Detroit, Hilwauklc, Chicago «n j A. a. Haiti Cvniir-cU at IljjiuJ u lifi trnJn^b tb<* Lrancli. pM«.-nprr« .IfririDg to go tnChlcng*, TkClomUnd. ma-t U itiirticiiUr to Aik lor Ttrk«-ti tU Cl-wland. Airrr I.uu.— Wall, 7t>s a. a. Kiprcaa £.16 r. a An I Ac fouitnodauoD S-Oy r. «. fcr Whaling, 2ah^v»ll. n Cird, vIH,, Ooluinliut and Cmcinnoti. Tho «a&f. U. train will hu t *t r. MlLl.urgh Arid MVilivlUe, f* Uk«- n, fjup- ngcri going to poititi off tbs Hirfrltnc. 7 10 « w „ n j 6:W) r. W. tmin« »tup »t all stations. i'llUltury/,, (UumAui ami (Anci'nmi/j • S]*>rt Z.ir- n * ® r ’ fan "' aaJ “Hpoinu Id tb«* fftulh The Kiprew Train rn»>« through from ‘rittaburgb to Ciu -7 c) f W ho i; l J h * ni:i ‘ ° f f ar ®‘ dotTlnß ran* at- Indit'd to lach Expires train. n l-awnapra doairinß to go to Colombo* Cincinnati, etc, or any i*. j lut beyond Colombo.-, Lytle abort Un*t mtut be P»r ticobir to uk for Ticket* tU EtaaUoviUe. ‘ IlAgeap l cheeked through, and handled free of chnrje. evru'ia ****** ** ow M ““J ot bor rente, and ctmmjUiuus ThrooKh TickoU cau at pii(*l.HrKli, Harris burg. I bilml-lphf*, New York and Br«U>D. F. General Ticket Agent. J ,J f ._ J. N. JkCLLLOUaiI, hop'i. 18i9. Baltimore anil Oliio Railroad 80., Ibasi THE BALTIMORE AfTHre-csissa OUIO ItAILKOAD COMPANY AfiU EU*^****^?! PU.. Idft*teru disc. W . , ck ViJVASHKfc.,, W “ FU^"- ,h " r " ■■' WINE WATCIiESAJfDWELRV w‘p cr ' ™ r “.**'* “ j r iuw, “ < “ ps!J ,= “■• "*««**« YUHK, 0. W. Pom-U, Broadway, abore tbo v<"Sx& warraslod. i A«tor llooso. l PHILADELPHIA, Colbcan A Cowton, corner Broad SVlSAfli UAIUSLK WoRkS : •Dd^i P " ll '” Ur S;° U °V' EWiaa- I wALita General Freight Agent B. k 0. tt. K Co Tuii FilfsßUßdii, WAYNE k CHICAGO ItAl rJgl H BggS?TTslB BOAD. completed from PitUl-orah tc Chlcoco. WUODKUFrS SLEEPING CAES attached to all night train*. Throngh without change of can. K Oundalkr MONDAY. DKCKMBKIt ISth, IBS>, Tr»ln» n r Plllfbnrth. I Omlltao. | «. w.jm U. B. Mail 0.45 a. ii. | p m I Oiki p m Batpnuil 12.20 p. w. W P '“- Kxpmws,.... ... £l6 P. h. 111:00 r. a. 5.40 A u Arnre At Chicago—Mail, 630 a. »».;Rjpresa lio a h , Returning. A iJS6 *• Ui 0.00 ■Ssfessssiftw -»* «*-* Prom “ •• 030 “ •• ' Through Train* connect as follows Roill* 1100 ’ * , ' ,4i “* tt4<: » Cleveland Pittsburgh Rail *Vau7”u ol ' iO ' s,ll,el ’ b "'S. A trail, Cnjhop “ br V ™». «»«•’. To -4tP\?n!Soi, ' , *? ,a r* S f‘ r,n S fi6l f o»«nmbnit,Ciocina* Al i' Stf Louis, Louievillo, etc. r fc l ,riQ Kfiold, Saaiiusky, Daytou, Cincinnati, a? p! m xr fnr Fl ( Ddl ® y ' Du J tun . Cincinnati, etc. »°f l A rU ’ Ind, St. Louis, and inter- Hlinois. A t »Ui“ad h for *“ POitiU 00 BQK rAJiKJN, Ticket Agent. * 'tSSES^'ZSS*- Compa.iy on tl„. lino of the road, to all part* of the United M J ■ J ■ eoDBl ™> Gen. U Agt. PRu IR«- f! U u.°. P . RIFP II ATIW.—On and after JVLY SOta, 1 m »“ el S“» **lll'e received o» aboTent thefollotrinc rat*w. To Mahoning p „ r loOpoand*. To Gray's iMily j»t 25<. “ ‘ “ To Bed Dank _jit 20c. a “ " To BrodVsßend at 31c. “ •• “ -rlour — Overf.vrbarrrlKmdtmderJifty. To Malioning- 41c. per barrel ** '* To Red Bonk 1 _ 46c. “ M To Drady** Bend 64c. '* “ Flnur—Ftfty ItirrrU andottr. To Msbunlittf To Oray’a Eddy... To Hod liwik To llrody'i B-od 4V. “ ir&tf IL 11. LOOM tH.u>uc. f A| Ti<**t Ptttsbargu cud Conn«JsTlll« R*tlroad. ON and after MONDAY, tbo ‘JOtft Inat., PaoKrißnr TralnaOa3lMfl»GisßfeSss .iIITOO didtj tucoi* BnaJ«„.) Iron, th. l'eatnrtTimi I‘aaKOirvr l>e|M>t, u f,i[U, VK _ ’ Mail Train Ibarra Pittsburgh HxjtreasTrnin “ Mali Traiu leaTt'a.Cooui lisrill© t, KxpreM - ** h-ini k I," Arri Ting at Pittsburgh i m “l Railroad Ticket Oflce " WUU MLPl w %„£££ Freight to and from Plttsbprgh aud stations on tho Pitta- IST" 1 ” «K£dwia lrvE™- r ' s&aEss S.“ s»?p.zs.& 1 m; .‘fpKfg. • n mjcbbtohb, g nr i- Tj'CTRNITCRE AND OHAIRS-OB EVERY J- toorday kndsmfanled In tßAtsrtrt and WQrlrmaMMp- v . . “ l * MCa T.ATO7Sa«Oft DoLLA a. sXvTmgT'u A'slc ' | ’ No--Cs.l*ourthsfrMfe;' £ ; y“lssfr. l) v'.. l^H LY FkfcfM 9 TO ’2 O’CLOCK ‘V tarda J BTi-zilog*, from it*J Tseibcr flr« t» ® 0 «a ft»m bo D.- :vm:!. r. Dr->.O ,^, froSa « Se'dOdU • - 1 Mi ti JfTkSMwl ef tu» is® l »♦» »®J tL4n ccaDoll* J«or»«•! IvcvcSr. twi» » wmltj; v- T --- »a l icefcrodieijnFw tfxJ, n ( lii- ,-.t!c tifsix f-r out 10 oTpM rifr -t -rfoanivu;. UsJ,.ffilt .. realtor a« ['fir.V4.! t\u»*o.-.V'i.."' t ‘^ xs ‘ l -»• »«”£££ BoukiL---iMi:iioi t;ir tt C |. afcoJ R tAtioflr ('-!»„r»4ij, «sn -i-j'iioti-i »t ii k .-.airt * ■7 rl££tlt.»!«TV Jt&aß. oa<--»nU»r,j rrt-»SM; !**»- •! <’■ I llil! iu.rcv.-iu. •folia h. 11,I 1 , a. - i-irr J-flftr h.er Cotta. j Jotiu 11. WcH-.r, Alou'fl' A. Cnrr.— 1 Jaim'J . Dstlil Oai'ipWl. Walter r.Manduik JuUu H., krilrtf*o Miller, Hoary L-lUng**”, W illUm Dock's* ► Juho U. fUwyer, r reacts Kolia, Gmrpt S. So Idea, *;• < Join. 1). Sen II j. li. Bi.ij»p.: AlexanderTiadle, Theobald Ufiutr.cttrr, Aill.mii s. U^n. 1( , Isaac WbllUer. U ING HOUSES OK JOIIN ']. bkd>oi;d ' souKjwhr.. MOUNT I'I.KA.x.VNr OONNELLSVILU 1 ONIONIXHVN ouoVi'Nyvn.i.i: NEW r . v .—, iNniASA : L ; Deposits rwlinl l>isp.>-io. . , . •ud collected, Ua:ilc gl^i^ io D ’ aJJ -,*^ n K Stocks, Not«wao«l other . ‘ V Corro^u.l o oce a Cd ***' ..UEBKOUD Cu, •-‘•'•O.UEllSrrCt*., .-M'KFrMORE'P (Hi I‘AVCTTS CO.. Cemetery IVlarble Work* ,v " 333 Liberty Street, bolow Wayne MTIBBCUGU, Pi. , MATTHEW LAWTON, l 1 K A 0T I c A L MARBm Si Aao If , WISHES .RESPECTFULLY !f0 IN fortw L(h frii'nd.i and the pnblfo generally. thatis aes iPif.l 111.. aU/ta for (he maanturture anduit> of cTcrj vam-ty of SlaxMo Work, each ltd j* .Monument*. Tombs Tablets ami fesyestonen i.f (Tif)' variety at!'* f- ri> ; '' AIM. Mm Or r:.o :„ J\ vS, ‘' "H,r ‘-y '*? “’*> *»•«* «t<--b!bdm *nnVfet of tlionii.fHu.uuH His a!.H kt» rntirelr itvw, and has been l.y lmn- lf, orproo-Jy tr.r this market, Ileiialta j.rufitirr.Vii" Maid linrUl Vanlte, e«k« -Bar Lot. WitiuSE l-1.-rr P.ouf., •». (o rypem, any other work in hia Uoe, D »n> <-f tin Ca iuMcrlwt adjointagPittaburgh. a mu. ®T pntmsßtos rtf tu r r. n tjJIM, Robert Galwav, Kan.. u a wei Wl k, “ B - John Clii.Mt, Kwj. Jae. It. hboonhorper. is.,. W. f. o.*rlc a Brewer, Hi,. j. n . A. R OnrliDs F«i, W. r. tans,. f.., , a. It. White, &„ tic itb’'e,r! r ' , ’ I J dl 1 k! "f Ror-fen sod ltome. er Id the trogh, st Wholesale with tb" aiasMwl of the lw.l t.reiela, tor w coasL.nt enpplj- of 11, dntnlie Ce ment, Wsterenti Loai.vlllc Lltnp, an,l flatter I'sris, both for Lead »nd Stnceo Wort, all ot w hich he i. propwrod to fornloii at Rliurf noftr**. in»ilfi:dly To the Whip WE AtODLD iafurm mir cumomera west. Mid others lntere*te.i, that wo have purchased lb® t?A!»- E J° t r J UJ ‘) px,d viil of lhe firm of HA2LKTON ft iIOOLK, nf \oik county, In tbl* Elate, who from thi* date docllno htnunwa in our favor, and bare loft tb'oir notes and aecotuiUapvinßt parties West of the Moantainawlth nsrtbr COIIQCUoD. Wfl WiU, u KMD M possible, Wait Upon OUC CHI toraennnd tbesrof the latofirra, for the pnrpcso of collect roppli UmOnUUiatthews, stamp, btenml and Brand -Cutter JOBBING CUTLER, GRINDER, & c ._ r , T rV l m ' or " at " l lUl7orH Ground, Ac.; Kuifr Blade*. inaeri«ni; Table ht.lve* one) General Jobbln* at tended to: W>ChfaMlTH AND BELL-HANGER, K No. 13H Smithflcldstreet, nearSlxtb. * . , „ , MTTSBUBQB, FA. . Ht-UT.- Arm l« prepared to make narlhinc la tbs ahape o. an edge tool, or do any kind of smith work what lrSMvd COOKING BJ QAS. A- WORD TO THE IriSdOtES. TUf‘ heated term is approach wriihat aCd Wt,Call tb * ftUt ' ntioQ wf tbo Ladic-a to tbs K L S 0 • IR ONINO, 4c., wt l "’ d,:ne wi C? ’■[•■’•‘•-■y. u it!uult ..ppn ./Jro beet, sritil ™mra.Jl? 1 -'--'—«" «lw„, rejj,ft, > Jtmgravc's lias Cocking Stove, J4i22?,”7? pwl, ‘ ,;, i r ' ll •“•o'""".■'»•.n jOtC. J.mt E A.JOIISSO.SiBRO. _Jg^witran.]Ci.yJ:i K l,i i ( ;: . r _. a | !i nfMly M’nfcfi. STERS’ ~~ BAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLE, DUMOXD ERECT, NEAR LIBKHTT, H, „ ' rmsBURGB, PA. ORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGESAND every Cling nsnally found in s lint rides Benner, on oen.i end to order et nil lin.ee. JTorr.r K ,!t tra.nnf on 3 reliable; rrJur/or deg ant and ci-m fort able «*Ordera for Carnap., to fun-ral*. or f.,r LimiliM,’ pmictnally attended to, at all l.onm. v ■ A —v«, an uu lICUIR, *sgxs?? “ j *““= *'*’■ t -'" WALNUT HALL RESTAURANT, - BASOSJC BALL, PIPTB STREET, JO ?BPH PEIOKEK, I'iIOPRTiTOH. ALL THE DELICACIES OP «. SEASON, prepared by the moil ex- Ucs'trum cooks * MTTwI,I P B ‘the ahortcat r>»4lSSw *n X rtf V 0 0? M UNTrL TWELVE O’CLOCK P. 81. o* 1 a *Mea in the Luc, peculiar to the East, Wt«t or South, rvceiTod daily l.y Exprefa, and serred opto order- H Sn M » 1110 ul,ll ‘ ttt WALNUT HALL that they could desire. VtSKfa? P** 0 * fye J!l«**, Hub,Game and ear* in tbeirs. : aHon.*Ta_ f e l3 ©clLljd Railroad Btor>irw~ 1 SUBSCRIBERS will exchange $5OOO ef R. R_ STOCKS for WESTERN LANDS. Tbcee on uio Missouri rirex preferred. JOSEPH B- LKECIi * CO. WM. WILKINSON, 217 liberty st., Pitts- Dorgh, would solicit tho attention of merchant* rl*. uiqg me city, and all others, in making op their stocks to mis ' 7 ».*i te J lfi . lTB ,tock of LEATHER and TANNERS* beinft P ar cha3cd before tho late rise, he Is enabled to sell upon rcasonabio terns, He baa also the £?•*, cltonslro aiaortment of LKATUER, SHOE FINn. CURI * I “ E5 ’ TOOLS to bo found In the city. SUGAR AND MOLASSES— : 000 bbls. N. 0. Mol&ucs.fo&k ecor-craccl W ** Golden flynin; loj bhds. N. O. Fugar; 30 bbls. B. Crunhod Shogtir, JiuiwM.mlfcrmJ.l,, LITTLE 4 THIMBU 30 r ™ s " if) liemlock Solo Leather: S\S 20 Otis. Tanner’* CHI; . » 1 «*■•» W*rrtn'i Faljnt LampMarfr: Just received and foraaloby WM. WILKINSON 217 Liberty tmt. T)AKLEY, CLOVER SUED and TIMOTHY JD BKED-200 burtbda for sl )e by UiU 1 mr4 -- . . KIDDLE, WIUTB A CO- WIIiIE GREASE-—25 bbls. now landing rrvm steamer Lebanon, for tale by J?l 4 isaiaii DTcajnr a co. T?KENCII CHOCOLATE—IO'bxs. jostrft •*- cdivod frc»h from the njujufftctnrrf. Also.Cocoft, Ac., for u!o it whi'U*s3l*> or tetui!, at FKANCE'd, Fcjeral bL, Allrphraj. tari WHEAT—BB sacks now landing J. trora et*am»*r Sf r!rwi for salt* by fj-23 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO ROOMS—IOO iloz. for sale by fcl’s UKSKV g. GOLUBS. BKJI AVE'S ~ JJXTt E RS~fbr UARTW2LL* SliKptiAiip corner Wood 1 QQ»3.>. Burchfield & go. how rcc’d new stylo Bj 0 D«r Dress Good*; also, Poll Btchoror £nr lax dream, at North-east corner Fourth anil Market gta. fr-fir SODK FLOUK—SOObbIs. white Wheat soar Flour, to store and for rale J. S. LIOGBTT & 00, Water ilrett R>o ukI, . a O.SBSSESS V tn tier* tor sfclo fry JAa. GABDIHEB. I BBLS. MOf-ASSEa m store for sale }*Z. _ ‘ JA3. QAttPIOTm, UHEASK 20 bbls. in store and for »» k> ISAIAH PICRKY A CO. 50>“ UDS - «mmgnnd for sale - T ■ kn JAM& ,lm:r,i»pp trail Small White jJeana,for V** l * Mo DALZELL & ca BATH’S, TKAYESTNimaGA pteM,3TOln, 6to. J.Ljnntn 5 J?®*'®' SWE£T OIL in Btoro and for cols -U w Lacrt ? S^ 9