■' - • «*»!' ' T .... 7 ,„.V;«obiei JAJU6OS. tthovas jashsoh.....—-”^ osiail EEAin: ®‘ ,utD Tamil s m s c and les s & co., ' jru. 103 WOOD STREET. HTWBtrttGH, lIIPOJITBBS AND JOBBEBS OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, - - Would respectfully call the attention of _ : THEIR CUSTOMERS AND MERCHANTS GEAERALLi, : „•*»/,» G A /rsT»- ,* ** » - -SO- , i .COrib.lANl ADUlllUi- Favorable to Purchaser* as those <>l N ?rh§lrTerma and Prices will* iousur*h. . r -jO, IS i£ RPO RR , feg navo now on h3a i^- r S 0 Sli straw _ bonnots and rats.% a*'i PAHASU ha ' ?onon9 wl9hlDJ? t 0 paT ch«o e.tber by , ofnmk «1« to «, »« tad «xunlo# «. 1 DRY AND OROBJn> IN OIL IN FRANCE. j. < , wjLßßjurrsD pvnz, tn ctoio »aJ *o*rriro, for »1« In#two JOSEPH M. STRONG, J?o. 83 ReAdo Btmt, Tort, ActDt.VirUlo Montagna * Co-.Pari^ SAMUEL. SKAY DBAPEBAND tailor, Jfov 12 ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, PKNKA-. Has just returned from the Eastern Cities and fa now nwlring Spring TfStlnSd ku4 Coating* of *Tor7 Ttrlrtj a ' , totho bortdlT .Id r.t””loi * No. 110 J?e»rl Street, Boato . coKMssxoTiitßcn**™ TOR_T,IE wl * w Boots, Shoes and Sole Loath er. Upper in roosb, CanrTod UatJjtr, Bod, FolUb anJo, WM, Bp. Spuos *<: SkIQS 1t» rough, finished, .Lining* r ' Bow, Morocco, Kid nod Root **■*.«, *"« narrow Lesthor. HsraxscEtt •*» p. H. SOtJTHVTICa. Cousr««»6tn*l, &utoo WILtIAJI BURBAGE, 101 Pwirl " " «, CARLTON A CO , HH.Sut* [ ■pjaofcrsre anj3\ sign , paihtino and qlazi/ng IN ALL ITS BRANCUES. , 4j ,aoa i«o- sg*2B str„r. “ Moßitroic co. Porwarilins 'imtl Commission Merchants, And Agents for the sole of Pittsburgh Mam tocmi Oo n .lgi»— -a ore.,, LKiD UIOKS. 11KMP, I’ttODUOK, Ac-, K>U.ilrJ Promi-t »'t» tion to rcorlTlnj? *»* finwsrdiog v SO. 41M3omm«relal Streot, de&dtotc J. 11. CHIUSTV, HI 153 Tiiri Slrtrt, Pituburgh, Prnn«., pmetico, offer, hi.'ll" Lrrict. IB BURQIOAI. AND SIEDICAI. CASES mFreoi**' _ ~ E.r.w. o. o»«rj. | s" n n ;i i r£: I,M KM CLUan IlaniT.J.Blabam. . *• S' 51?' I j<*» a M rf,ur » r ~ J. B, 11 i . Jacob Mt:oo u, B { t .r. K»1- ciyTl^rdf. ■2S«SSB‘,>S > s»t. Plain and Fancy Orate Fronts, Sic. Solo Proprietor of tho celebrated Patent Om Uuiintsoami SnoEEOoNSri'iiNr; COOK STOVES. (Jflipo and Ko^m. joria iyJfc 50,4 Woods*., i**t |l,mrK *** 1 " BTASea AND FARINA. Made by the West Philadelphia < ‘(Kiret PTeiutnai awnrd«>«l by the t-*™" l * ,M * **• November* l> ‘ a J «ej*9b-IGl.«rtS**rch, in cuhtoul'i: « **' i!o bo*e* do 4t»papel».» I ?T S do v*Ho<: iUo, R«ansd, rur* and ! <-«r» «rr . u... ftH f.ir Innndry n«*. 1 Skk ;",T££ ndlvtou ,CLMUi IS A YuU*U. AR.Ot-_^lbe.Co.» r »l | »sb CT4t*Mt» All kind* of Tobacco, Snnffand Clgari sssss «pgldydfe IXKNXIejXKV. Da. W. F. Fusdrsberg having rg '^sfr •'. t oro rf't»Pil'ul.ur g l..lth.b.i»t«nii”->f U hUtotaro resiitora. c*n ba '■"»'> *’ hl * ' IOISOORraSTRKEI,I«™«»»'«' 1 ,,, boar« from 9><«. to r **• ** nv'iiol.mk:* rt eoUtAjaa jyx x£sT MoLAM® mjINl MiUfCTACTUBO OF Alcohol, Cologne Spirits and fnstt Oil Ml,* A-0..16S *nioa~a±iSz?_ . ST O V E S , ORATES ACTS .KAWGXB, OF EVERY VARIETY, MAN 0 FACTO RED AND FOB SALE, WHOLESALE OB RETAIL* BlttSffiLL AC CO N*.'J3r» Liberty St ,PKt«borg«*, «’*' r-*)4Smrt MITCHELL, HERRON & CO , . ; KABVrAOtC&EIfI Of Purlor dml It«alin« STOVES, Slate Fronts, Fenders, Cooking llangts, kt ■ - lOi lilbcrty Bt., Pittsburgh, P». fit BON, , jiMnikcttim* «nd Dt»l»r< InUltloJ.ul TOBACCO, SNUFF ANT> CIGARS - AND baftobacco, Comer aflJ SttsbOuoup a , •eaoflydfo Forwarding and Commlaßlon Morcbant, AND WHOLI34IJ! DUAL™ III . ; Cheese. Butter, Seeds. And prod oca Oeof'rallj* A«r No. 26 mod sireti. _ ; RAIZ. HOAD SPIKE COMPANY.^ 3liiipU)Uworth. -Di W. O.BWwell. \ " (Jfiiecroon* to ForUr, Rolft <£ gusdt.) 4 RAIL ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS and boat spikes. & * ~ ißOjajdfo tfEBBBPMB, FZHB’i Oflioc, Nn earth. Il greatly fariliUtoM the yrnceM of ti>etliiQg by aofU-iiiog Ibe gum*, reducing all tuflamhiatloii—will allaT.l'** D * turo t<> regulate the hoaola. D-T-nd npou iU ninth*™, il wilt gir- jcoUu-jonn-lvoii, awl relief. aud h-a»li lo y t nr (nf.mtH. Perfectly *>afi* in nil cae«-». pbl» vntuahle prrjwreUou l« th- pn.*>*rlptkn ■( « »'C of •b« mo-t.'Tj«rienr«l and skilful r-tmale PhyalcUtia iu Now RnglaiiJj and bM Ueu u*od with i,cv*-r-Jntllug *u-oe®*lu (iiiUtons of ca*,-. , ■ We believe il Uni busi au**-«»tfc-ry nod Diarli.— In Chiblreu.« h-'lher It ari«*« Irani teething ct Troci uliy olli-r canw If life tnJ liorJlh cau be estimaU-l by .b-lUr- and r,‘ut»,U Is worth lls Weight In gold. MilhMi. ..f u.m« .r» In »„ Uoiud Hute* Il i» an old ami well-tried retoody. Bute. u^ R *" KOSLY . i&CBNT:S a bottle. genuine nnle*atb* fac-ai tulle of CL'KTIS M PSl»* ai.NS, New York, l« on the ootMde wrapper. Sold bv Drucclati throughout tin- wori.L DR.QKO. U. KEYfIKR, Agent for Hif-burgh juidawlTfeT A.lviKKiCA>4 WA YHOUESALE AUEKCY Foil THE SALK OF American watches. I\V iviuiM most rot, fully rail II"- »»'■«- ion nt tb. j.al.li 't.’ lb- Am-rico W.b-b,. u»w Mbit -b.lv.ly (alrod.i™!. H- mu.ofutit't lu. I lifnily wl.t'H-l.ul tl,.i. i'i,t‘o« tonOJ.itw i‘*n b. 0|„„ tb.,„ “,f. .rot r-rr,. t ti.u t-.lt, I’T (h» wear, r iwi'l sollrr Ilavib£ liwii Wi.t.U-wUr A**.!- Ur tb« wl- of the** \V»trbt-«, the ptiMn* »»*/ I** «»»<*» v*ran»-1l t1..-lu at Ht« Tery l-.w . We bar* u 1,.. « *orj lar.* -UK kof frtl.V Kit h«-I M.*T«*» *F Alt K, HSK 'iol.n JKWM.RY In *»i*, (' rr»l. Harivet, C»was •>-« >*'■ I I‘aiotiic- » • Ont I CUTOK3 «- ih.u>>iill* p**— "‘ J • uilifnailitf ••'!>•■ t—mutlil *.»<<«• na -I BUMIT *'-l *'Nl| DAVPABUiH ' .-Mf/qi. ■•l-.-i’KS ..i DtjrKD Plll^Vsi W»i*Tr *U I Swi-i* ' "tW. WaflOlClia^b- MBYIUN, - ' 1 -• Kol 42 Fifth Btr»+t. a 1 Nngnsti . SIR JAM KB CLAUIUt’S OELKBIIATF.iI FF.MAI.E PILLSI prwcriptioa >.( ?U Jfttne* OUi**, W-D PbyeW»n Extraordinary to rhb »ell known M«l»-lu«i. no itupo-.tiuu.Ul * bom «lh hars vsrrr J-rn Im-vm to r.iilv>hrr*the »d A. U. STEEL; Sl’KTNQSftnd AXLES, CSrar Eon f,T COPPt:r H PUEPSKD cop PK&jjiaTOMA. IUiMMI still t Ultimo*, Pj*:lU>r rcU*r, Ae. **vl bo*J(irfl to SIETAIA TIN HLATK fUKPT IKON, WtKR, *o. Con*Tnnt»y <-» hood, Tinm«o • M&chiue* and Toola. Uun, Ko. US Pint I 2« Seronrf «lrtW, FlUibargbf P*»*>“* gf-'i pcx-UI order* of Copper cut to any P a,t *' my^JAwlyT aide, OH and Leather Store. D. K-irkpatrics& Sons, No. -J1 “1 §U, betwwa Maxk«t *O-] Cbwtont U*ve for nl« DEV; AND BtLTKD HPANISn IIIDF.d, Dry and •Qrc.ro Patoa Klp»,T*nofrni’ Oil, Tintp-M’ Onr rier«' Toot# At thr lawc«t prlc*a, and tipon the trim*. of leather in the rough wanted, for which tht> hifitmt market price will bo glren to c«nh, or taken to rjohaneo fnijJlllc*. Leather lr«, * r • ' ln ' l thrir Cb'O.tcal propertlea examined, and apprornd by tho mo*t dtstiDgiibbcd Mrdtcal FacoTue* alt orer the world. Their (tcAtrocUrenffr to all kind* of Terrain and io»cU h»a »«« «-iiifled io tbt* coootrj by tho Director* of tbe ra«i.m» PoWk Institutions, Planter*, Farmers, ProprUtoi ,( HuteU, Warthonaaa, Maßofartori**, »nd by rariou* di llnguhhid private cltlviis. Numerous TretimooUls end Certificate* «-f th* efhoact these Be medic* can bo wm *t tbo DepoC F-r •*»*>, Wbg|..-fAl«»tir, JCWEPH METER. Praeticn! Oicmt-t, 6t« Bro-vlw»y {cor. Uon*tou M.J Now York. OfDorolAKontforUioU. »»<1 CanulM, PRKUEIt- ICK V. UOSHTON, N<> 1,1 A'“ ,: »"«»••• n,, ' , 4,7 Rrosflwojr, New York. .t- BBEan.M^wjra NAN. AHoßhony. lilivc Bruml.v whirf. .11l guarantr. to b. p»« «.■« »> <" ' l ! p„rcb»«lto.m.t. iwblle *Mt. Aa» (bin cfcn l« ofito *nperior!fy. mfl7:dk»F ‘>KO. »L KBYB^U^Wwdrtm] u N I> i: R T. A K I N fl. 1-1 TLo tmdcralgoed It •» u ' wudetUk* 1 I log | D til |U tranche*. J!« will M,iut»r «.rp««, »t- QJ t*D“« oD rcawnnWi |J V D K II TAKING, Offire on DUmoo.J »trr»t, ooar Orant, adjoining HnU Paitcraon’i livery «t»Mo. tnrlWmJ yj ART WELL & SUEpUARI\ Corner uf Wood tod klzth Street*, Sole Proprietor* of the SOT EH CAPILM, a reparation inporlor to &U other* in the world for the hair and wbia ikcrf, pwduclog * strong, healthy growth hod allaying all orera&d Irritation oftbeacaljs and leaving »wfT,deUcat*» Liw mdaiot* WTW before attained. Oa*raot*e ITTSBIJBGH: TUESDAY MORNING, MARCt! 22, 18-M- ai‘ t‘A‘r'tii~or tub cirr. City ami N**w*» IteniM. SiBAN T**"rßßATonE.— Observations taken at Shaw*# Optician Store, No. 53 Fifth st-, yesterday. I* 809. !9 BQADB. 00 42 M 54 9 o‘sl«k, K. M Barometer. ?A3- Uailt I'miosi Prater Meeting in All*- Ghent. —This day and every Jay a I'nion Prayer Meeting is held from half-pafit eleven to haU-|>«t twelve o'clock, in the First Presbyterian Church, Beaver street, Allegheny. 11 i? for all, without dis tinction of person or denomination. Ask a!iJ 7® •hall receive." «r Dinr Union I’ritbb Mbbtiho, at too Frol Methodist Protostant Charrh, Fifth Ftroct. oom laeneins at II o’eloek, a. «. All are eord.all,- .a vited to attetiJ. Nones- Owing to The pressure of matter upon our columns, we are obliged for (Am morn ing, lo transfer our eteamboal adnSrttsomente lo the ronnpn paok Look at them. Towsso-ir Elections. —-In makingup tho names Mow of officers ejected in thoTarioUHtownshipa, we have followed exactly the felling and the reaulta as wo found them in the official returns at tho CoUTt House. Wo mention this fact, because many of our friends throughout the county, (we thank them) hare sent us tho returns on slips of paper, which differ materially from the official returns, not in the results so much as in the orthography of Lhe names. We con cluded our best plaq-.-would be to follow the of ficial account. ( y„ ,f„ Township -Judge, John V Homes Inspect ors. Wen L M’Gcary, Wm Calkit; Supervisor, N Mil ler; Clerk, James W M'Oary; Auditor, Iw 1 uff; Constable, Jacob Ncgley; Assessor. Wm S Calkit; School Directors, Matt’w 11 Murdock, Jas Kennedy Whole number of voter? on tho list, 137. Within* Toimph ip —itaito a largo vote was out i this township, ob a local question, to wit: tho dinsy of the township, which ia desired by the porn known as Braddock’, Fields. Pasty linns wero not drawn. The following is tho sow m full: .lodge: Jas Kelly 95; J„ Carothers M. ors- Dan! Hunts 51: John Johnson 89; John bhaffsr 47 Anditox: Doncan Hamilton; no opposition. As sessor: John Perehment 95; BixH Dn* 1 ■Directors: Matthew Henning 1M; Isaac MllH *6, W S Haven 103. Supervisor: Elijah *> Wiliams 184, John Perehment S 7; Michl Linbart 10- Clerk. Jas M-Clearv 82; John M'Afce 101. Treasurer: John Shaffer 93; <1 M Young «*». Constable; Jno Much. ° ll s-.Mr.VHcv U‘- —Tn-tice of Poaco. Daniel F. Kevin; Supervisor, Samuel Neely; School Doctors, Philip Cre« bad 7S votes; Joseph M Scott' <6; m 44- Elias Reno 43, Robi Stevenson 39 and Milo i Scott 34 the returns do not say what number was to be elected. Assessor, Marshall Wilkins; of Elections. Elias Stack; Inspectors, David M ilklns, Jas McPherson; Auditor, Elias Reno; Clerk, C .ch ran M Neely; Constable, John Buckley. RW Kliznbtth —Juslico of Peace, John logram. | Constable, Thomas Bonnet; Judge of Elections, Dan I Jester; Inspectors, James F Lewis, Franns b l ear „„l: Assessor, Cbas L Jester; School Directors. \\ m It Lewis, David Lynch. .... i,, Justico of Peace, JuhnMUy; >uporvi so,,. ,lJDawson, A .Hlkdnnd ; Selmnl Direelors •; v,.. Chas Norris, Samuel Courtney; Auditor,Hugh D&A.sMsnr, John Mitchell; Clerk, II V Thump, eon; Judged Election,, Wm Morrison; The, Coiwtnoy.Tsanc Ilhonds; (.’on,table, John Mer '"/VW.1... lot ilist.-Clork, Adam Mohlor; Inspect or, Wm C Winebiddle, Hon Potter,on; Judge, ». N Burchfield; Constable, Philip Stager; Win Women,,e! 44, K Pntterjon 6J, Jh, School Director,. Adam McCaslm, Jn, Chod ” l Awe-'inr, IV N Borrhtield, on opposition; Andiior, L F Winebiddle. , , p tri —Assessor, EmaSiuol blotlor; Inspectors, John Duff. S J Taylor; Judge, Thomas Park Su porvbors. Matthew D Mitchell, .la* Snively; Auditor, FroncD Willson; School Directors, tha.- II Johnston, John FiUsimmons; Clerk, C Soively. u, —Justico of Peace, Joseph liiland*. As = Win M'i'ully; jaatiro. L> Urge-; , *2s Mun-.y: 0n.1.b1., J.-bn Morpb.l Town Cl-k. W IJuver- School Director*, .•'am'l iil»nn, A »r«, .i.imefy The following is the result of 'tWelwintt tn tbliU.nnj.bip on Friday. V m Hng*- mao wa? elected Ju?«i« of the IWc, having rcreiv ed 119 voter John W Patterson, bis opponent, rc eei.e.l IdO votes; Supervisor?, Jonathan Neolj; Jn-l/e ‘‘f Electinoa. William Dilworth; Inspectors of Election. John Shark, Geo Chivers: Stevoman- Auditor, Andrew Stein; Town Uerk. Oeo Chivers: Constable, 6o 6-’5 101.262 701,171 2tl‘!s7s 5*0,166 718.157 B'k ritlrb’sh Exchange B'k M. AM. *• Mechanics’ l •161.842 1.156.682(7,069.162 ,2! 029,468 1,130,17116,982.847 67,625 23,489 Treasury N«U»: 4li.| Nous ot «th<*r Hanks $ 48,356 131.458 68,321 5,301 24.146 >,31;. 21.256 Mechanics’ Iron City.. Allegheny. Tm;o»iHrv Kam.woai> Bonn C.m*i:B Ou Sat urday last, the I'Hh, the cases of sundry bond holder© r*. the County, came up in the Supreme Court at Philadelphia* Mr. Howard appeared for the enmity aud asked fur an eilenstou of time for the filing of anewcTS Judge Thomp son growled out something about Ihecounty be ing in contempt ; but upon learning tha no .writnin the Thomas case hare ever yet been served ..non Ihe county, nothing further was kaid upon that subject. The Court tired the l Mb of \pril an tb- lime for filing the anewors, but declined to -ay at what lime the hearing would h- had upon them The counsel for the bond- L bolder* urge! ihat tho hearing should be at llar- I riahurp. in May. hul ihe&'-ftUrl gave 0" I lion of wliat i. would doi*Mm. respect- Messrs, jT. William*, T J - barton, LsqSr* put man appcarnucofoie®»ounly p, ,v U Mtnntn fiockboldem of the I above company held their P.-iat'al ©lection in the the rooms of the >-<»n.pKny yesterday, with the Uowinc result: ' yVr „^ n ,_Curti# liustoy, Pittsburgh: \V. V ,(■ Trfeper, Pittsburgh;/ J.»3. w. Clark, Boston; John Slan-snn, Michigan. Yi M Kaheb &Co —Attention is-direcled to the card of ibis firm. »bioh we publish 10-day. This is one »r the oldest establishments of the kind in the city and well-known for the superior character of the engines built by it, nud it 13now as well qualified as ever to Buslalu in well-earn ed reputation. Mr. W. M. Faber has been oon nected with the firm for ten years past, and the other partners hare been practically connected with the establishment, first as workmen and af terwards as superintending partners, for a longer time—one of them for twenty years. This is a sufficient guarantee that all work entrusted to the firm will be well-done, and we take pleasure in commending it to the confidence and patron age of all who harp orders to glee to their ItSe, Diuusutob Cakbsi. Coat. l’nnrEßTT sale of ihe railroad, coal property and apporto nances of the Darlington Cannell Coal Company took place on Saturday at the Merchants Ex change. The properly had been Advertised for some time In the Gosrlte, and also in New ark city The Economy Society were Block holders, and had also loaned the oompany a largo Bum of money, secured by mortgage upon the properly of the company, amounting to $lOO,OOO. The propeftytwas Bold by the Trustee, on account or the EconSdy Society, and the sum realised oyer andabovo tMa mortgage was bat $ll,OOO. Mb Geo. B. MitTKBBBBaRB, formerly of this city, ami who bml many warm friends and ac quaintances here, baa as wii! be seen by bis card in to-day’s paper, established himself as a commission aud forwarding merchant at Golum bus. Ky., the terminus of tho Mobile i: Ohio R. K., on tho Mississippi. I* miles bolow Cairo. , Columbus is a thriving town with fair prospects before it. Any of onr merchants who hove goods in forward |bat way. will plcaao remember Mr. Miltenbergjr _ ■ PiTTSutrtloH thought Iho “Old Folks” might draw away from tbo Campbell Minstrels, but Masonic Hall was full last night as well as City. The singing there was elegant. There are several, among the finest voices we ever heard. Everybody appears to bo given up to enjoyment of the rich musical treats lhaL are offering. That is well. The Campbell's will sing again 10-oigbt. Go and hear them. “H will pay, sit.” Scatter School Mabtibu.—An adjourned meeting of teachers and rrieuda of Sabbath Schools, iB to bo held thie erening to Dr. Swift s Church, Allegheny, these meetings havo been held with succcbb every week. Their object being to enlist a deeper interest in ibo causo and to cMI forth such expressions as may lead to furthering an enterprise so beneftoial and power ful as onr aid lo tho church. The moeling will no doubt be a largo Cantata —The Cantata of “Esther, Iho Beao li(oI Oneen " in lobe performed nl the , ' rE,b -'’"' rian Church, ib Scwickley, on Wednesday (to morrow) evening. Tbe doors .ill open at seven o’clock, and ihc 'lctcla arn dS ccnla cacb. The proceeds are lo go inlo ibe lrea*ary of the church, aa re aro informed. It 1 Vvlu, Esq , i« leader of tho company, and Iho singers aro all drellerH in Scwickley. SnocKiNii —A eon of Mr Utley, of Iho hem of Farrow, Unmbrrt A Co , coal dealers near Eliiahelh, was thrown from a mule on Saturday laal, near the coal works, and dragged by bn root, which caught in the harness, until ho was so Injured that he died The poor little fellow was very much belored by all who knew him. He was 15 years of The R*v Cookman.— -This dislao* guished minister, who for two yearn officiated as pastor of Christ M. E. Church, on Penn strfet, was, on Thursday last, promtnled wlth a p.uso of $4OO by the mombers of the Green Bireel church, Philadelphia, Of which for Iho last two years he has had charge Tun Ually Ohioo Prayer Meeting, held in the First M P Church, Fifth street, was well at tended yesterday. The change of hour appears to suit the public better than heretofore. Wo understand that Rev. D. J. Yerkes will conduct the meeting to-day. Tho hour is 11 o clock, and the serrlees continue one hour. Tun valuable property to be sold this evening at 71 o’olock. In Baris’ second Boor auction room. Fifth street, comprises fear Urge loin on Water ’street, one brick house and dot an Fifth etteet, end two lota to ‘he city of Allegheny. -Abo, Bank, Bridge nnißnllrowt Btxto. Fitth lectbbi or nn Coras* before U>o| practical businessmen of tie mtjr, j* *? 1 Tuesday evening, at tho Merchant# Eldtange Booms. Fourth street, by Prof- J C Smith These lectures arc attracting much attention Bnu arc largely attended. I Tin. following named gentlemen have been : elected officers for Ihe ensuing term m the uu ; Webster Literary Club: President, S. S. Japs; vice-Prcsident, Thomas Gallagher; Recording Secretary, John W. Hay ; Corresponding Secre tary, E. H. Jack; Treasurer, A. 11. McFarland. Litebaby Estebtaiehest.— The Franklin Literary Society advertise an Entertainment, to lake place on Thursday evening, in Lafayette Hall. Sc© advancement. Tne soiree vnur'-tle of M. De Ham, this eve niog at Lafayette Hall, when hoe music from some of our best amateur stagers may be ex peeled. The sale ot hotel farnilurc and Qilures at Sabi's Hotel, Third street, will bo continued bis morning at 10 o'clock, by ?. M. Davis, Aoct. Don't forget the festival al Ihe New Anbury Chapel, Ibis evening, for Ihe beneht of that church. Pkrsoss gulag t« Allegheny city will find th® establishment ot J. 1.. Carnagbdti A Co. well filled with first-class clothing for Men and Buy*, and tlm newest style of piece goods for custom work, BbirW, cloves, hosiery, and a general Imp of famishing goods, make their stock a very attractive one to all who desire to make purchases in their lino- 1 S. A. SrnnEETT, M. !)., gives special attention to all affections ot tbeoyo. Cataracts removed by a ueir and safe method, caasing but slight and momcn tary pAin, at 277 Penn Street. *• Ant of the following articles can be obtained at Bowos’ well known stand, Federal street, Allegheny. Good Family Bread. Cakes and Confectionery in every variety. Fresh Peaches, Tomatoes, Plumbs, Citron, Pino Apple, Brandy Peaches, Assorted Pre serves, Jelly's, Pickles and Ketchup. Capers, Wor cestershire Since, Pickled Lobsters, Sardines, Family Chocolate, Baker’s -Broma, Ac., Ac. • They respect fully invito the public to an examination of the above named articles, all of which they will guarantee to prove satisfactory both in quality and price. H The Muttony Liniment ettre* Rheuniatttm.- The Mu*tann Liniment cures Stiff Joint*; The Muttony Liniment cure* Burnt a»d H <*«««*■; The Miutang Liniment cure* Sore* and Ulcer*; __ The 3fu>tang Liniment cure* Caked Bream and Sore Ripple*; . The Mustang Liniment cure* Aettralgta } ; - The Muttang Liniment eurct Coms and W art'’; The Mattang Liniment it worth 1 000,000 DOLLARS pan asrum To tho Doited SlalM, as tho preserver and restorer of valuable Horses and Cattle. It cares all Sprarns, Holds, Wounds, Stiff Joints, Ac. Will yon answer this question ? Did you ever hear of any ordinary Sore, Swelling, Sprain or Stiff ness, either*"on man or beast, which the Mustang Liniment would not enro? Did you ever visit any respectable Druggist in any part of tho world-m Europe, Asia, or Amorica—who did not say it was tho greatest discovery of the age ? bold every where. Every family should have it; threo sUca. Barsb3 A Park, Proprietors, New \ork. Also Lyon’s celebrated Insect Powder. t Telegraphic BMaWo M.iss. SfuKeh l!Hh.-The Conner ticul riSor cleared itself quietly of tee from he momh/to the Holyoke dam, prerioue to the heayTrain of Toesday: but eerioua TSTtlnded the sudden breaking up oftheh-e above that point, on Wednesday, nii thoretfull ef that rain. At the bend in the river/bove Northampton, a largo dam of ice had accumula ted, and gave way about noon of thabday, com ing down with such power aa to sweep all the ice before it, and the whole tnassemking against the Hast end of the bridge between Northamp ton and Hadley, swept away tyro piers and three spans, or about one-third of/e whole structure, Homo men were crossing that part of the bridge when the toe elruA it, but by Beet run ning managed to Hadley shore before it moved off on its voyage. . Wbcn ibis constantly accumulated mass of heavy ice Whcd Holyohe, (be up afternoon train of the Connecticut river rood was just passiog ayonnd Ibe carve of the pond by the. river bauk, and was stopped mid-way I J U B' masses of ice ponriog in upon the track.both, heforo and behind it, and pulling themselves one above Ihc other, learing Ihe track I o pieces and twisting tbs rails up like so many willpws. for tunately the spot where the train slopped es oapod Ibis extraordinary allack, bnt when the tlood passed by it. ii found its retreat and nd vanco both cut off- t a , Fau. Itivcß Jrm-Tifin, M*ch -t.—The flood io the Connecticut riter continues unusually high and three bridges over the river between this place and Bellows Kalis, have been carried awav and railroad Iravcl is intercepted. The rircrie now falling rapidly, and (be ice has the Connecticut river has been increased byibe heavy raius on Saturday. The river is Dow An feet above low water mark here, and at Hartford it is J'l feet above low water. The bridges at Charleston and Walpole, N. U-, have been owept away, and the railroad bridge at Sullivan is impassible. All of Ibo lowlands and meadowa in the valley are overflowed, and maoy houses have been flooded. Nolosaofltfe has as yet been benrd of. Tbe water is now ■eceding, end it is thought there will he no fur ifr damage. • _ 627,33 p 359,5& 225,400 68*50 53,'034 148,953 $29,656 17.767 11.195 10,925 29.101 17,950 $90,2111 37,869 29,77 s 14,296 23.315 $215,029 $ 157,331 220,522 195,290 Ai.ii.vnv, N.’v. March 21.— The acciileot on the Urcnt Western Railroad, happened between Hamborougb and Dundas. The storm had washed away the bank, and the eDgine ran into a chasm nearly twenty feet deep, carrying with it the baggage and two passenger cars. The scene was a most horrible one; a terrible storm was raging at the time, and a torrent of water was rushing through the chasm. There was the utmost difficulty iu rescuing the dead and succoring" the wounded. The cars were com pletely wrecked, and tbo engine burted itself in the soil. The night express tram passed oxer the spot in safety only half an hour previously. The Killed are as follows: —Jonas Boytr, of Chicago, Alexander Brand, of Hamilton, G. Mor gan and W. Milna, brakesmen, and two others ■ whoso names are not reported. Among the wounded, some of whom are dan gerously injured, were the following. Henry Past, of Buffalo; W. W. S.milh of Kala mazoo; J. Adams, wife and children, and E. B. Bryant, of Pontine; Thomas Suckett and J. Smith, of Livingston county, New York; Adam Wilson, of Hamilton; Hiram Cooks, of Cleveland; Columbus Lesser, of Detroit, with others whose names are not reportod. . Hoston, March 21.—1 n the School Committee, thi« afternoon, a communication was received from bishop Fitzpatrick, of the Roman Catholic Church, stating, in temperate terms, tbo objections held by the parents of Catholic children to the readings of the Bible in the schools. The subject was indefi nitely postponed. The excitement Is dying out. Washington Citt, March 21.—The grand jury has under consideration the case of Peter b. Duval, of Philadelphia, which was certified to the District Attorney for tho District of Columbia, by order of tbo House, at the iostance of the special committee, to examine the accounts of Mr. Seaman, ex-Superin tendent of Public printing; it involves tbo charge of perjury. ' Louts, March 21.—The river is about station ary but as the Upper Mississippi is swelling rapidly another rise may bo expected here very soon. There is nothiog now from tho Illinois or Missouri. It rained all moruiog, and there is a prospect of us con tinuing all day. Thermometer 4(V\_ Savannah, March 21.—A letter from the post •miu.ter, at Apalachicola, to tho Albany, Oa , Patriot, Kays that the harquo E. A. Rawlins was token by tb< British steamer Vixen, on the 15lh, in St. Joseph i bay, on suspicion of being connected with the alavt traffic. She bad slave equipments, but no papers. - Looisvii-i.r, March 21.—Tho river is ruing ra pidly, with 11 feet water io the canal, and 8 feet steamboat water down to the Indiana chute, and nearly 7 feet for ascending boats up tho middle chute The weather is clear. Thermometer 67°. LortsvtLte, March 21.—Gen Scott loft for the oast, on the Cincinnati mall'boat, to-day. New Yoac, March 21.—The bank statement for the week ending on Satnrday exhibits an mcreasoof loans of $1,388,000; Increase of net dopoaits S2o*,- 000; decrease of specie $137,000; decrease of circu lation $103,000. WAnnuuiToN, March 21 —Official Information willgoont irr to-morrow's Pacific mi.it of the ratification oi the ten tiUaticn with Indiana In Oregon and W>ublogttin. Mr. Slckbsa’ trial will comment on Sionuay we-K. r.x pintlor Dodger a/wl»t* the District Attorney. Yteorge P Morris, the editor oi tb. Homo Journal, has t>*i>n appointed ranoul lo Harro. . , „ _ r Ad ulUclal tet«;ra|ih dbquUcb ba*J>c*n sent to No# York, nu« muruirnc to .to «nt by Iba California mail steamer, an ti (macing that there will bo no proclamation for an extra L«iouofCotutre». • Tliero is much speculation os to ho# ItoSSvtoof I»»PontOfflc Doportmootwill bo |„ j.imrl.r. 0.0.11, u.. M ioDno-lm .oob.oHJ.cU, It U iUe law authorizing tbe Uxutng of aoDtrocla will con tinue to tmcarried out, embracing the issue oftrcaaarj rfcuts, a* nmol, but as Ihdr Is no money to pay them, they vUI in tbo bands of tbe contractors, uneM the boats of i.viui. It Is not known Ibalany other evidence* of ccrtlfi- of indebtedness will be issued. p, Unis March 21. —Tbe overland m*il to the 2&th says ,1 I of 11,. P«cW Rollro—l WIIId Ooogrra. o.auloo-1 n .„ C h dusatis faction at Ban Francisco. Tlia Ixgbdslnro io definitely postponed tbo bill dividing tho Mato Into Con pr,‘»»iimal districts The expedition against the Alogoere lo 111. Democrat ». vera tight owirred norr Fort Arbuckle between 60 troops Tod W Witchida Indians, under Urnt Powell, and a Urge body of Caroaticbes, in which two Indians and two soldiers were killed. PRtuoEirnu, March 21.—Forney’s Pros eoaUloaa call for another Democratic State Convention to vindicate the pttorlpleo of llio poxtj.oalraged ood loooltoJ b I ‘ h ” reiAtonof tbe 16tb, and to proclaim tbeir confidence In tbwernor Packer, who was outlied and prescribed at the Conreoiion of the Federal Dictation. TheCoorention is to be tie Id at narrWmrg*onJhe;i2th of April. Munsmu, March 21.—River rising with eight feet wate' ! Urge, on tbe Folio. _____ . - Woklu Famous to a certainty is Vr.lUostet- M'. MrtraKJ SUra.d> luiwrj I"f U l 32fkSSis'i M5^ffi^'W^«SSSSSSS!g M%i cvi H job not to teoatiroly re fiSdia lifts** l ** mmttUyto rad procure ihli 'tSrSniM* •&* *•>'*■ PP*r»Hr.«r«7 ,r tAre, tad i s3Sass“-- •wr, .;:,i„ : , [-■:. LifcSJsifssS __ _ coSinSrofAßSSaiHcS roK Miscn. luua Diem, V. P, B. W*-P- JMMKH, W. M’Cuxsr. Wosoa Mrma. iveefcJy Heriew of tb« puwimxstofilarKeU [Rrportel tptdally far the Pittsburgh CasdU. ] Pjtcktccqij. TcxSDit, Masco 22, 1559. There it a moderate activity in all departments of trade cro.iQS * f4U l“P rwvt ‘ a «d improving condition of attain Tho trod- wtih country purchasers U ?alt?ciw»uragins. the tirc I nL ’* ‘l o . ll * b “* ay The wholesale grocers ero also meeting with a employed. lU *J"™ d £ de.pmto-.d interest U the m 0 . fFutime * j, bt Ul somewhat under Ibe «*« * ‘ne creat ioJtSest,which was a forgo buyer here until Si ib of ISM took place. b nol now tn a con aiuoa to arc UU. S all to. ,«cfofer.J Harm. Button Kxcbto K . b arc driving oalj for tbelr ™,i“7.V OoUii' d«ltoni™M b«« W P*S -a J to’taS £StoSUfS&lbl trad. U tool. , . i. There is cot, however, a# much doing on told S. S*ed. Thi r«.ipt. ol tamtor ftam ft. Ail.sh.ay to. light, tod there is bat l.ttl. prodcc. ap ft. Monongahela to como forward. The markets during the week hare undergone W*** change. Flour is not no firm, and ha* evidently taken the torn downward* which wan inevitable after the forced ad raofo to which it waa subjected by speculators. Grain ot all kind* 1* Rearco and In request at oar quoted rates. We continue tn receive from all parts of the c 2? , moet encouraging accounts of the winter crops. The wheat looks well every where. The fair Bpring weather lies also stimulated plow in!: and the spring work Is at least a month ahead of this timo last year. Borne fear is felt for the froit after the snow and front of Friday and Saturday, hot it is too soon yet to determine whether any, or what, injory has been di W- ) a fen items from oar exchanges : - mao -a* an effort marts in lbe-ee»ly pari of Ibe wrk K 6t up the rates for mon«*j. bat at the clow* the indire )us arc that a signal Cailnre was tbs effect. lostead of the Market Doing placed In the condition to jnstify blpher rate*, ihe accomolatioo of capital lias bwn growing larger, an.) 3 {fen to loan money at lower rotes than wo hare hoard of In tbi. market tor some time ban been made. The hank* h»T« te-on doing more tbls week- *nd °/ tbom an *t M In waut of paper, Tbo pause lithe activity of trade bhs bad the tendency tornako tbo offerings more United.. On the street, 6 rat class paper can be readily pieced at f v> ft for double names, aad 6@7 » cent, for endorse-!; an J for call j loans we hear of offers as low as 4 ft ceut. with good stock collaterals.—{.BalL Amer. . The money market Is abundantly supplied with «sp [ tal, and prime paper is outside tha'banks at 6@d cent per annum, and short paper scarce and ranch wanted at three rates.—[Phil.N. Amur. The supply of money among tho loading stock honee* is Tery abuudant at 4«a*{> "f» ceut. Money was more freely of fered in large lol* on call than at any time since the Ist of Jannary. Pap-r c«mlnn«i in moderate supply, and gees freely at previous rates.—iN, Y. TrilmLe. Exchange runtimes lo lw lb© ahs.u tout theme i.*r discus prfon In financial.garters; tbo pressure tn<-rvH*-vt in severity and a }-£ per oeut. Is iv» the drawing rate for New Wk by all but the two exceptions. Drawers were compelled t»> pay fall rates generally and instances « «r*we i-rte-l oi reS teing asked for gwl bills on New York. Tho advance s«ems to produc* r.<> relief, and on eftort has been made to effret a concert of s- tion and establish the rate at %, which would jollify sorter* in txtendmg tho area of the sonrcee of anpply • . , , _/ , , T .„ No new feature is presented in Ihe market. To disposition to make it an object of ■m'cnl.tfon, * few days since, seems to hare bren merely a “l w ‘“..ni any well grounded cause. The tram' haj bwn v«i> r k ■ and, fortunately, not very tuonyftoi tjp operations of thai class of men who *ro constantly on a ke- n scent for a chai.ci lo pocket an Irresponsible pjdflt od tho necoasanca of Ulo Buyers of Provision* sre-ni to bo approaching the views <>i holders, and operations are becoming more active. A 4rk«’t cnolitiiw without animation; ll»® rapplv of Poarls/s abundant »0.l wo >junt* at G\l&G\y, Pots are nominal at^ l £oda Ash "toady at BUTTKU AND Mills— the rcisOj.ta of Butlrrare to light tbst tb* inquiry absorbs all ofl»-r*-o demand ami s»M aro makioß regular!) at 11. . 8100X —demand hdbl and |u uißlian**d . •.»lis of rilj creJ Hbnnlil.ni .1" {• 1 "» “"JJ 4t 10K - and {tucar Cured Hams at 11 1 .yd. 1 -. Aid'd 1 /«dei J«J to 80-.u.1 **BBANS— Uk- runtime* liu.lO-l. aml mI-" I making only iu tin* small way »l fl .-0 l-i etin-lly P"me | while. Inb'mrwllat fl,t;ia.l.£). ... _ .. f .. UlliXDMS—*«irc* and lirin ; [.ru- .i fio«> ) lur romtuoo Ui choice, »ml »■>. «»w.'• > BUCKJfK AND TUBS—The faculty pn«.‘«*» l '‘ r . funds) nt FallaU.n and New BrigLu.u urn loi Bucket* @{1,75, and Tub*, s4,7s* ManmaßopeTcuil. > 3 c * ftjMauilla Ropo. j* c J ? Hemp Hot*, cull, 11 c ft Hemp M 1". cul i c > xESSlffi, roll. U e * » Tarred K..,*, cut, WcV{ PKklnjt Yard,flue, U c ftlPnckiuiilanJ.eum 10 cyt ft BKD*CURl>3—Manilla, {LM, s2.;ft&s2.oQ dor Hemp, *1,37,rA00@52,7i» * d«- Hemp Cull, if r.t* tt ft. PLOUGH LlNES—Manilla, R 7 ct* ** d<»*. 11.-wp. ,oc. COTTON YARN? —The market ia st**»'l> at tl>r following quotations rounD v-uui No*. 6 tMOiucliuW* '2O c .So7. 5..-W-0 No W 0 10 ' ‘s' ,il ’ v No. MO »C «» s, ‘ ,o '•* , No.“ 00 Sc «‘ do • Cnrp*t chain, omx-uI. -Oc £- T*'" 9 11, do wbiUvV'S Caalkintr- tn rnta, Ulc “ Family Baiun* .. . lie •ri i.i 41. ‘* ItAtline, N->. 1 l*< •J7c - Ik* N'i -i,. .IV Cuierlrt Y«rn Candle* irk. n... :i*; *•;•! * .'X ■ 1 ‘ OANDI.KS AM* St>Al* —Ottiiill*-" an* att-a.ly at nnr quota H.uV« * dii.i«l l’. M ~ munl'l P Hint mUinantiu-? . oap Mi ■- rrr n i! % X SSZ' ami 10 for Sawyer'sT-dlct ACaslll**, f-i a tl'Mii kal OlW»; and 7 for Gorman. , CHEESE—that** has been wune improremeul in tin >ir maml, this woek, tat the market is anil ralh.w dull, c mb •. . W. K. sell* steadily at Id. , . ~ ~ DIUED FRUlT—there in " rcgu m d-maud t_n *'** emair way anil sleazy s*l**'«t tor A|*j»lt-a amt &-■.•*> !■>« t c«i <, rt,bntnoBpe€olathomt.rement. ...... FKATHKKo —prime Tennessee are 10 stumi iuis i > tbo retail trade aUS, will, only a mwhmte FEED— steady sales of l*ran amt Fhort* oi jt.fO f* I'-d Qm.for ShipatuHs and Middlings . Kl^ll—Mackarvl No :t large aro tirni at f 1A000;j.1...W) to country. *llaliUx and Baltimore Herring ruin at s«.oy. Lakn White $lO.OO ft I>M, and s?>,&o t* hf. bbl, nud Trr-m *it BRICK— Ibrre an* small tut regular **\r* A 1..*! Tarat£!Mi>s3& per M. , , 11/H’K —the market, alter banging awhile at the ftfinrM □ot'xl Uat week, has becnn to droop, and price* Iroto h»t bandy aro a ehad<* under our Uat quotatioasjaaleaon armal of super at sV>o(3d>,C2and extra at sft,7slsli>7. From stop*, the ruling tlgurra aro $5,76, SS|2A and for the three grades. saroral lots of tour tlonr, amounting to I4*» bbla In all, aold at Rye Floor arils at s4,u«l. GRAIN there is a conthioed nctlre inquiry for all kinds of grain. Oats soils readily at to from drat bands, and 6T fromjrtore. Cork is not plenty, aod meets with quick sale at b from Drst hands and 90 from store. Ills t« coming forward In small parcels, and about l&tK> bus sold last week at $l,OO from first bands. Baelit Is not coming io to any extent; wo quota Spring at vs<®ttB and fall at 7fi. Wasar i* scarce; "ale# of Southern mixed aod white at *l,3soo*» firm at 12%<413. . QAiJ PlPfc—tbo following are the quotations for wrought Per Foot. ftr »oo«. W Inch Qas Pipe.... T eta. IK Inch Gas Pipe,. -S3 ct« Q .. « .... 8 •* a " “- M ft 9U “ 2>4 “ "- M “ ft * ** toS “ 3 « “ -V» “ ft _l3 “ 3« - “ -.1.60 " babiect to the cnsWmiarj dinroont. HAY A fair supply »l scale*, (ind Bales ol a*** at *i>M *\lOMlNY—there la • light inquiry front the retail trade, and mlm by the single l>t»l at s",w. HID a firm fooling, and a good demand for all that can be had; «aln» of Green Refif Hide* at CJ^alT; Calf do at I‘j; Green aaltedHldw #n«l I )r > Mint Uhlrafrom tdorr IWaJISH IRON A NAlLS—apeeial «v fur large loU,bul raid rales r tintio our quotations: tsoit, *c. Ootnmon Bar-4 ron per tfi ..23£ Juniata “ “ Iran Plow Wing* “ -*>4 « •• Slab* “ ...4 RAILS. Iod to 1W Nails f> keg. ..WO gd to ttd “ Reads A genre Nails keg 3,76 Od a 7d ** “ 4^5 M “ - ....4,W *d « “ ..—4.76 3d •• “ ....6,76 2d “ 7,00 Cnt Ppttm 3 !•» 4‘4 loch ** 6 to 6 4,75 Wro't Splk- f 4 Inch ell length* BJ-* •• S Ifl •* W Dollar Rivets ? O 0 H aOixi mo*. Hi*. 13,14 1 15,1C*17?8>*M “ 18,30,23 i 24... “ 6 « 2Q “ &*•*! .. . LEATHER—the market n »trs-Jjr at onr pr«Ti.«i« tigaw Bed Spanish Mo ft... Slaughter “ ” - Upper d0r..... ntUi. •■ “ - BttrtlogLoilhir t> »•■ “gig imirli iloiog; prime City Nr>. I l.lielrlat but there are no largo operation* reported LUMBER— Chore ba« notjlwen mgeb activity. >e«, in Lntn ber; lot* of all eommuo have noli al.Si. and wind c " l j»“™n and clear at sB.so(3—Clorcr I* dal) at JS.CO Irum first haodj and $5,75 from' store: inllbemUil way «*l«* am makiu^ Timothy L* in roqowt at sl*s, und FUtm-oJ atJl.OVrfll.C* SALT—we not© a Uir d*;nr»n■ Import* »>>* fUwer. HSI3VIU.F, ~r tton. V'-S/XIS « dotssj, 3 bbd. buu * W.lz; beau*, 1 do egg*, w fa Krn jen: \ A Stewart; ‘2 bbl* egg*. M*- i bb! ? **l; 1 !: K 1 ck copper .crap*, Park. M'UardT A lO twakeu #CK», 1 bx totter, Kwd SSUelnton* 50 *k» potaloen. Sleolo A Murdock; » bx glatfr n^tewel*,* > A cm, 1000 iUxefl, Heed; 13 M cattla, potatoes 4 do onion*, 8 bbls egg*, 1 do bean*, cwoer. MON NAY. CO—l4 bbl* fl inr, Canfield; 3 tons pig metal. Miller A Ricfcotson; IU.OW ft lumber, Price; 1 cak waro.llO gala, RlngwalL ; 6T. LOUIS, per lowa—«S cak collet, 35 bbl* sand, Bakr wotl. Pear* A or, 400 do floor, (02 bide*, 6 bdl ikln*, Clarke A cm 75 bbl* sand, Carling, Uobertaon A co; 1 do tngac, 1 de potato©*, 2do Boar, 2 bx *otp, 1 ko raitlo*,l do powder, lido candle*,2 do orange*, I*k coffee,! kg lanl, lbg feath er*, Catbto; 40 do* brooms, Graham A Thomas; QbO bag* wheat, Kennedy*. 20S hides, Bawyer; 2 hbdxiogar, Il’Clnr kao; 155bdl bidw, M'Caaf, Oak* flaxseed, Soydam A eo; 11 bdl bag*, BmUh & co; lot coal boat rigging, Swindler, 41 bbl floor, Gardner. ' - v lUVKRNKWB. T Ynterdjyih# gooditamer Bock«(,Cit5 gi'S£J , « i*' wth?ffiSU*>i “» «*■ tatj torn oar^ts^ ^s^S fnlfy ©t the rakodid . . cf jut twinesr »»• SSri.Sfes-i”»s- 1 New was there a mow alesant 0 to ««ak.lb'#* splendid steamer*. We know F r *£*sfc!i “-id ««ral tttnzj CI.J, Iho Norlhwner, u, ” r '?”“°JJ’ l^^11 , ta Others. AeciJeuU neTorbsppsn to these « mar k *» i ■et of officer*, Till head tor the fait* of Sto Anlbony. > bolter chance tor going in that direction will offer. The bcautifnl asd safe Emma Graham at 4 tbts • Teo, “£; isyonr only chaneo tor Marietta; Ilia «■' Che chance you Deed ask. , , t ,l- The Monongabela, a beauty, is n.w nearly-tvaily ur tn Missouri. gee her advertisement. a The Hasting* is loading «Ub dispatch for Et. I-»»»■•• 1?; St- : Louis, Doan, for St. Panl, the mjxt boat to leave art« tb.IJ.M., -The Dr. tel. joßtooly ™. dols River. Sho u first-nUe The ntmonU is a ur»* ra boat tor Nashville, C&pt. DazteU i* *afe^'s^ b _ TbeClncinnatl Commercial of yesterday say*: , -Dacotah, Com. Perry and Moderator, from rlttsbcrgn, arrived with foil carp**- The Com. PrrTTbTvXo theThcAj and rno through botlrbeeda of her larboard cylinae. Brnah Creek,on Saturday. She will bo ropured fact*, lD* Dacotah has 455 tonaof railroad Iron tor 1 -..kuk. Too i. rrueae, from Na*hvlHe,and iwcbevtor, Or-»m Louisville, a™ in. The departures include tbc iron and Aurora, tor tit” Bt. LOCT3.—The Meaienger, Neptune aud Argonaut, fr-'in Cincinnati, arrived on Thursday and Friday. IVpast^l Ooody Friends, tor Pittsburgh The iVriocnil ; tip t »<* * and down tbo etreett; up tbo levee and ;u-rowi lho '* '' They are young m-n, vigorous and bold. "Ibey c*> r f '• pet-baga, rtflea and other'deadlv weapon*. _ ,■ REvoitlSa.—Yeeterday about 11 o'clock. A. M- a®a _ covered a barrel floating in the river. 110 brought It ' ‘ and knocked in a head. It contaioed two dead malo and female, their leg* and bo»d» ent off, and tbo • tied acroel the breast. The barrel " »•* suffered to float o the fall*. ~ r MORE Coil. ATP Itos.-r-lho great tow boat and levvicy Guthrie, arrived yesterday morning, cnjljr. with hh.W-.i i« if Pittsburgh coat for live “ Louisville Coal O. - , The Guthrie aleo bad a barge in tow with 4« western w»M at $1 *£«M «- f'; r re*.; $1 80 fjr white. Rye wanted U C-.n, in demand ar-d , advanced. 3W» l.o* jellnw -old at «T‘ r o*»t.(hct.ne.lto Mf Cflee firm at U'+'Wx *>r Ri*> sw-hhd, fcrCnha and 1 : 4 for N O hbl» Ch**> M hi>kv *M at <>.ii4(3:3o; Pa at2t)Ui<£2!*c. . .. , ffiwlUKl. M-nwr toll:«•"»»*»»« < to 25 Wheat dull hut on.'haugM. Corujllrm at »or , yellow; 7(V/£77 for white. Provision* dtfll; llscon sides • Whisky steady and unchanged. j FOR MISSOURI RIVER*- [JP^S Tlie splendid steamer lOWA, i.... for 11.. »'•»'. 4 °?\ purls on SATURDAY, Mil. lust. F.i|rro. e l.l or ps«r*> apply on board. j , „ --- jlastjbtlU. &c. MA Captain 11. K. HazML wiU I i'e “ . , ports, ou WTO! 1 ovL wp m V-r At nr p**sag> on boanl or to FLACK, jflj NKS * CO- Agt»_ iUtti ©rUans, (et. T?l)K MKMPUIS fe NEW) 1 r LBANP—Th« splfidM •liami't A 1 I•vi p {'i.r.tAAtii KM* lit will for 1 he.lor,and all .et*prn«-li-U- ports o« TTinRSDA Y, Ml!.' =l. Fur frr.glil rnrsogs »rrU oti Uutrd or t*> ' JmliWl rjl [IK BONNER HAT MANUFACTORY AT NORWALK. Ct)XN rjYm: bonneOiat; u, tract* cotitinno to l*o mad* remain ml l-ofi rr, *u 3ft - •• 4. a ■ : *•> fUT UL Qorae fihoa 1 by ft, 7-18 and ft Inch •'ft. Dandy Tlrn, Ift by ft, MUand fttuch... 3ft Saddle Tree Ift and Ift l,y 3-16 and ft In 1 do “ft, laud lft by 3-10* ft in “ 4ft MANUFACTORY AT NORWALK, CONN, rail* l-“Hi ___ J. 'll. DEBTILER, jV<>. 1D S !.d*rttj Street, four d“Orf a!>or* J'rrbr? Sl!t: U *KCfACTVtx* OF UN, COPPER, SHEET-IRON WARE, 1 dealer In Cutlery, Brass and BritUncia Ware, with * ruriotyof Uouss-fnrunhins article. Patent yreowrs, Wa ter Cooler* ami at tho lowest cadi price, wholesale and rotaiL Boofioc and fc pontine of bonva, and all orders la tbe abore Uoeof boilb.i** will t» promptly attended to at mod erate price*. mflPgnidAwT Tied re Paget of Popular Jfuiic Jor Ten Cents. • Our Musical Friend” is filled with tho boat Piano Solo*, DurU, Son**, Operatic, Arias, Polkas, Maznrkns, UnadrillM, WalLresand wry other species of , mcilcal cotnpoallb'n for Vo 100 and Plano by tba. boetAnwre icanand Eoroj**anCouipoafre; printed ou Tnllnla«!xatwfc paper, adapted to Mery grade of performer. ' ' The f-aiuo quantity of music, procured from the regular p«Lli*hi rs would eo*t more than ten timea what weeKarga. A '• subscription to “OUR MUSICAL FIUF.ND,” will aecnre Dew and toahiouaUe mask worth at least Tko J7un dr«l ZWlarr, and entirely nxfßriestfor tho Luma circle. PRICE TEN CENTS, WEEKLY. Yearly, fS; ibtH Yearly, S2,SO; OnsrWly, SV2tV. Ths. Y-damo commented ou tbe Ist December. IfcSS. »ntl:ltnd*wT ~ “ ' RICHARD BUN’S ~ f IRISH LINENS, Damask*, Diaper*, &c. * CONSUMERS OP RICHARDSON'S IiK ENA, and tboao doelrous of obtaining, tits GENUINE GOODS, ahonld sec that tho articles thcfpurci\nt* nro seal* ed with the toll name of the firm. BJCBAEDSOS, SONS rf O TFDAIY, ‘ ;aa a guarantee of tbe Booudaesa and durabilityof th<* Qw*j« - This caution Is rendered rawuUally necessary at lifgu qnantitlesof tnferlonsnd defectire JJutas are prepared, season after season and' sealed with the name of RICHARD BON, by Irish Hooks, who. regardlcsaof Ihe Injury thn« inflicted alike on the American consumer and the mstiniac tnn-reof the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business tb profitable, wbilt»pnrthaeers can.-lie imposed tis with goods of a wvrlbl«*chir*et*r. 3. BULLOCKS.ft J. B. LOCEIC, ' seTiljdia Ag.mU, 58 CbQrch street, New York.-’ • QUYTII &. SNOWDEN'S : • - a* Firm siuiet. MIEW * Ei store, FINEST TODSa nF!ONB^ XTEi 001 * t0 ' :!a OOWNQJ, fiTOPOWDEM, IMPERIALS 'wa BSGUEII BIIftAKFAftT TKAP; AU pnrchtial atlov-M cub teaalo,who!wil'. wrfrat*a,«. -• s«rrn a bnowdiws, pI.ACK. HAIINKS A PO.. .«™ntt TilK RMNNKK UVT THKHI'NNKR HAT. f UK SONNKR 11 ” UK BOVKKR H AT TtIK CONNfcR HAT T|lK BONNHU HA' r TIIK UONNKK 11 AT, » UK BONNER HAT. THE BONNER HAT. TUB BONNER HAT. TIIF. BONNER HAT. THERONNRRKAT. TUR BONNER HAT. THE BONNER HAT, THE BONNER HAT. THE BONDER HAT, FOR RUMMER WEAR IVII.I. BE HEADY FOR SATURDAY. APRIL B.VI.LAUD, SOUTH A C«>, STRAW HAT MANUEAPTCUHi: NEW YORK. THE BONNER HAT. Til? BONNER HAT. 'f UR BONNW. HAT, TUK BONSKRUAT, THE BONNKR HAT. 1 HE BONNER HAT. TUBIiONNKRUAT. T!IK BONNER HAT, ' THE BONNKR H AT. THK BONNER HAT, THE BONNER HAT, THE BONNER lIAT, TUB BONNER U AT. THE BONNKR HAT. THE BONNKR HAT. TUB BONNER HAT, THE LO.N'NKR HAT. FOR ?UHIU4R WEAR WIU. UK RKADY FOR DELIVERY SATURDAY, APRIL 2. DY lULI.ARD, PHOTO* CO. «TKAW HAT MANMFAOTIUIEU*, 4ft BROADWAV NEW FORK. OTR MUSICAL FRIEND: C. U. BKYMODR * CO.,‘rrs>pri«tew, l3 Frankfort atrnt, New Tc/k.