The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 22, 1859, Image 2

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- '©ajetlf.
n, r. —° u tiros.,...#. wools .....itrsenj. cnccrr
late Dxmocratio Cohvbbtioh —The
Penney Iranian and administra
tion jonrfiola arofelicitating themselves with the
reflection that the late locofoco convention,
which endorsed the President and did not en
dorse tho Gorernor, is anoffspring of the people.
The politicians, tay these papers,"have had Ibeir
day in traducing Mr. Buchanan, and noW the
people, through their representatives, have! risen
in their majesty and declared for the right by
crushing out all disorganizes. This, however,
proves a most wicked pretension on the part of
these LeCQtnplon organs. Tho delegates to the
lato Convention were chiefly office-holders under
the national administration, or the tools and
creatures of oflico-holders, and the work which
they did was cut out and prepared for them at
Philadelphia and Washington, the “pooplo” hav
ing nothing to do with any of the arrangements.
As an instance we might mention that whilo the
delegate* from old Berks were voting to sustain
the President the “people” of its principal oily
were voting (o tho tune of nearly a thousand
majority in c nderanation of that eminent
individual. As u<!>e material of this distin
guished body, we have scon a statement which
will enlighten the reader ns io its quality:
We learn from the Harrisburg Telegraph that I
the Lccomptoaiies were represented on the floor
by Collector Baker, of Philadelphia; Jacl; Cam
mings, Naval Storekeeper; Thomas FI. Forevth,
officer in the Philadelphia Custom noose ; Billy
M’Mullio, leader of the election frauds io the
4th ward; Cunningham Gilbert, Neally, and
' Morrison, officers in the Navy Yard and Custom
House; John H Brenner, general whipper io ;
Timothy Ives, ex-Portage contractor; James L.
Gillie, defeated Leoompton Congressman; At*
nold Plumer, ex-Canal Commissioner, (has also
a son to the Land Offico in Nebraska;) Col.
bearer of despatches or Envoy Ex
traordinary from his Excellency James Buchan
an : Hugh Clark, another Custom IToase officer
Hei-ry A. Qildea, letter carrier in tho Philadel
phia Post Office ; Marray Wh&ilon, Collector for
tho port of Erie; Victor E. Piolett; Boggs, Post
masterat'Johußtown ; James A. Gibson, Collec
tor ef the port at Pittsburgh ; H. Sproul, Clerk ;
United States District Court, and J. H. Phillips,
lato Jailor at Pittsburgh, together with a num
ber of larger aud smaller spirits, all ready to do
tho work of the Nuio&al- Administration.
These aro the “sovereign people” who have
taken upon themeelves the authority to sanction
the course of the President, and in the name of i
tho people of Pennsylvania to bid him God speed 1
in his infamous course. They have ample reasons \
for the faith that is in them—these men of seven '
principles—these votaries of the five loaves and j
two fishes! After all, the President has only 1
been endorsed by. hia own office-holders, and (
not, aa was at first asserted, by the delegates of
the party. Got. Packer need not winco tinder
any idowa that may be aimed at him in this
quarter, and we are astonished that his friends
betrayed so much feeling in regard to the
matter. \
The great power which the patronage of the
general government wields in the organization
of the Democratic party is shown in the small
number of politicians and editors who adhere to
Gov. Packer. Hero is the case plainly staled—
a-vital principle of the party has been violated
by the President, who at the same time controls
the parse-strings of the nation. The principle*
pleads in vain for tho support of these patriots
—the purse is omnipotent, and the crowd of
oursce goes with iti
TU Lady of thu Isle: A Romance from n«al Lift. Dt Emma
D. B. N. Socthworth. Philadelphia T. 11. Peterson A
Bros., Publishers.
Tbo name of Mrs. Southworth has justly been
- enrolled among the most popular and faecinating
_ of the American writers of elegant romance. Sho
baa become a favorite in many a householtTm
our laud, while her fame has even .reached be
yond the Atlantis. T/ie Lady c <f the Isle is equal
to any of her former productions, and abounds
in thrilling incidents, happy domestic scenes,
nnd amusing adventures, whioh are alltery judi
ciously arranged. For sale by Hnnt & Miner,
Masonio TTatl.
Fobbtoh Items.—ln regard to (he New Gov
ernment Reform Bill, the Daily TeUgraph says:
“We have the best anlhority for elating that an
important movement has taken placo amongst
the leaders of flTo Liberal Party. Lord Palmer
ston and Lord John Russell hare agreed tp lay
aside their liulo differences and go warmly io
against the Government Reform BilL The
lions now to be determined are, Whether a meet
ing on the new measure is to bo c&ltcd, and
which of the nobio Lords is to convene it? If it
beheld at Lord John’s, it is understood that
Lord Palmerston will attend.
The Star confirms this; and states tbj
would probably bo antgej ‘
"ora John Raa-
confer as to the course
_ Liberal Party on Ihe Govern
:form BilL
sell's oq the 1 11]
to be la]
Tho Globe gays we hate every confidence the
measure will bo dealt with in no desirtf to make
lhe crisis subservient to personal ends, and that
the principal members of the Liberal Party will
be animated with a spirit of co-operation which
Lhs great interests they represent have a right
to demand on an important.
Th s Morning Port docs not think the bill cap
pass a second reading, And, therefore, looks
forward to a Ministerial crisis.
Tho Paris correspondent of the Daily Hexes
says that the otter absence of war enthusiasm
even in.the army is bitterly lamented, and causes
unfeigned flarpriae ia the Imperial circle. The
whose term of service has expired, do
not re*enlist in spite of the great advantages
which are held oat to them.
Russia.—A Marseilles dispatch states that
there is nTßuesian army of 60,000 men od the
Pralh, and that her army in Georgia' has just
been augmented.
Tho latest correspondence of the London Times
says, that confidence in the euccess* of Lord .Cow
ley's mission to Vienna, was, among official peo
ple, redaoed to t.ho very lowest degree.
The Paris ComtUutionnel says: “We learn
that in consequence of tho communication ad
dressed by Cardinal Antonelli to the French Am
bassador at Rome, the Emperor nos ordered tbo
immediate .evacuation by oar troops of the Pon
tifical city. A" message received here, asserts
that the Frchah corps tfarmce hod been forth
with withdrawn to CivitaYecchia, there to await
the transport vessels which will convey the troops
to France.
The Jfoniteur of Saturday, March 5, contains
an article from which the following is an extract:
‘•The serions condition of Italian affairs has at
tracted the attention of tho Emperor, whoso en
deavors are to conclude an alliance in further
ance of tho interest of France. The Emperor
has promised the Ring of Sardinia to protet him
against any aggressive acts of Austria, but hi?
promise extended no further. The Emperor de
nies that Francois making warlike preparations.
She has not exceeded the effective force he is
accastomed to .maintain during peace. Assum
ing that preparations in the arsenals have re
cfelvcd any extraordinary impulse, it ia,because
' changes were necessary in oar artillery and in
• the'whole of our fleet. All onr naval, prepara
tions are limited to the arming of four frigates
and four transports to meet.imminent emergen-,
cies. It is absurd to represent the Emperor as
pushing war, and to east on him alone the re
sponsibility of h&viog caused warlike prepara
tions in Europe. Where can any one point out
woirds, diplomatic notes or acts implying the
wish of tbo Emperor to provoke war. The Em
peror isnow examining the varioas reaeons of
tho present complication, bat this mast not be
regarded as any provocation of war on his part.
Resides', to examine these questions is to meet
them in way, and nothing outhori
zesthe belief that tho issue will not be favora
ble to the conlimjation of peace. It is reported
thattho King of Naples has offered to famish
the Pope with battalions of Bwi»s. troops which
trill probably indace,the Emperor to relinquish
his. intention of withdrawing his troops from
Algeria.^. ... . :
lUAVyjSAte.—Tho NeW Orleans Picayune
states that Mr. Laurent Mikndon has sold his
plrjntatlon on tho right of the river, a
Uttlo nbo-re Jefferson city, fur one million dbl
iSUfw2'. c ®?W*s several thousand acreapf laid
handl 1 * * ’ mnJre<l ' md '<*>y« i « ht
- ottip "imiMilMineMnrtSfeaS
I [For the DaUyPittebargfc Gtutfe] " '
The Tonnage Tax. - •
ho. m. i .
J My last letter ported oot the
peculiar means, and style of argument, resorted to fur
tho purpose of depleting the State treasury; alluded
to the ficttbatthe railroad lawyers were as confident
m tlieir “opfaion.” that certain of our city taies
imil tb “ ““J” wbidi <!>•
Vara Collector settled thograru question; and
mentioned why tbe Pennsylvania Company vicari
oualy assumed the burthens of two other roads. It
snowed that if the tax were "unequal,” that would not
justify the present and proposed breach of contract,
that the plea of "benefits to tbo State” was more
than counterbalanced by benefits conferred by tbo
State, that the pica for untrammelled commerce, was
special, and with tho other ingenious special plead
ings and glittering generalities used by (bo company,
would apply equally well against tbo interest or the
principal duo oo 'tho main tine purchase, or to gain
exemption for most of tho tax paying pursuits in tbo
State, It gavo figures to prove that many of tho
corporations of I|enDsylvania are required to pay a
much larger tak In proportion to their capital, and
income, than is levied on this never satisfied appii
cant for public benefactions. If disposed to follow
up these figures to convince you that the aggregate
of taxes paid by the company is at least bno half too
little, tho argument should bo continued In those
•'Xo reasonable UAH ivill deny that the public
burthens ought <a btara just proportion to the meant
of those on tehom they are imposed. Income loses
should be graduate by xrealth ; (ases On projKTtg
should be regulated by it, value. To chMgO land in County, worth only one dollar nor acre, with the
tamo tax aa land in Philadelphia County, worth ono
thousand dollars an aero, would bo universally ad
mitted injustice. It would bo confiscation of tbe
rormer and immunity to tho latter. To compel him
trho hat an income of one. hundred dollarr, to pay at
Much as one icho ha t an income of one hundred thou
tand dollars, tcoti W be revolting to the sente of right.
Either would, in effect, introduce into the State the
condition of France in tbe reign of Louis XVI.,
tjhere, through partial exemption from taxation of the
aristocracy, lay and clerical,'the bnrthens of govern
ment chiefly fell upon those least able to bear them.
This unjust discrimination led to tho revolution, as
it ougnt and as it will in any country cursed with
such a system, and uoablo otherwise to break tb n se
oligarchal bonds.*’ I
The comment with tbe figures would bo well nigh
conclusive, and these words so apropos and truthful,
strange to say aro quoted from-the letter of Mr.
btokes to Mr.' Speaker Cresswell, tho object of which
rettor is to get a corporation of thirty millions capi
tal, and nearly two millions and a quarter net incomo,
treed from taxation. The logic resorted toby this
incorporated cross between a Shylock and a com
mercial Josph Surface, to overcome “tho ill effects of
our country education," is indeed surprising. Its
Jesuitical professions for the public welfare, and tbo
incongruity of ils objocts and arguments, as shown in
oach labored attempt to deceivo, aro amusing. When
examined they remind ono of tho tremendous bat
teries which the Chinese orected on tho Canton river
—of canvass. Tho Celestials may havo had a few
real cannon and in this the simile fails.
It is a well known fact that the Tonnage Tax
stands now to the Stato as a part of tbo price of the
Public Works; and that is alone conclusive enough
to prevent its repeal. The modo by which this is at
tempted to be answered is by asserting that “the lce
uJatnre intended the tax solely to protect tho Stato
Works; that the works being sold to tho company
need no-proteetioa, hence tho tax should bo repeal
ed. A law to protect tbo Stato was a law to
protect the recem«n>f the State. Jn this case it at
tempted to provide that tho reduction of tho canal
toll and business should bo mado up by taxes on the
cause of tho reduction. Tho tolls and business de
creased in a ratio, which had it been anticipated
load t 0 doubling the Ux. Finally tho
Public Works, with depreciated toll list and decreased
value, was sold. Sapposo Mr. Stokes or Judge Ew
ing or Mr. Speaker Cresswell had been the purchas
er of the Main Line at $7,500,0b0 and set up ibis
claim that the tonnage tax having been designed to
protect tho Public Works now belongs to tho owner
of tho lino; could any member of the Legislature bo
found to advocate the claim ? Possibly there might
under a promise to share the spoils. But how would
the faithless. and corrupt legislator meet tho in
dignation of an oatniged constituency, when
onco his perfidy should bo fully understood’
There is no more justice in tho claim or the present
owner, than if any other company or individual had
been tbe purchaser. I have italicised the word “m
-tended” above, because those who use the argument,
lay great stress on tbe intentions of the legislature
as meaning the tax solely for protection of the main
line. There ts no force in the argument ofintenlion
as opposed to existing facts. For instance it might
bo proven that tho legislature of 1846 did not intend
to giro tho company a monopoly of the
carrying trade, or ever to roll the canals at any
price; but that proof could not alter the facts as
they now exist. So, also, whatever may be argued
as to tbe intentions of a former legislature, It cumot
obliterate existing facts. When we consider tho
price at which the.jnaio lino was sold contrasted
with its former value; that in tho very bill under
which it was sold was a clause fixing tho price at a
million and a half more as a condition of the repeal
of tbe tonnage tax; that the Ponna. Company (as
stated in its report) attempted to make the purchase
under this clause, thus expressing its willingness
to consider tho tonnage tax as a million and a half
of tho value of the main line—that tho Snprcme
Court forbid tho consummation of that part of tho
proposed bargain, among other reasons, ‘'because".
(to quote its own words) “tho act of Assembly pro
posed to give the Railroad Co. a consideration equal
to $5,600,000 for sl,soo,ooo,”—and various other in
controvertible facts of the same stubborn kind, wo
must believe the tax row stands as a parti of tbe
prico of tho main line, and ought not to bo giveo up.
No argument about tho intentions of a former legis
lature can bo allowed to controvert truths so glaring.
If any partisan of tbo Pennsylvania Railroad still
persists in asserting that “the argument I’uriropcol,
based<oa tho fact that the works designed to be pro-
have become the property of the taxed road is
sound, the fallacy of his assumption may boishown
in still another way. Tbo samo legislature which
imposed this tonnage tax, chartered tbe continuation
of the Baltimore A Ohio Road into Pennsylvania,
fixing as tho priee of tbe charter also a tax of tbreo
mills per ton per mile on all freight If the Balti-
I more road were finished to Pittsburgh and claimed
| to bo exempted from paying the simulated compen
sation for its privileges, and its proportion of tbe
public taxes, on tho ground that the State having
“parted with the canals designed to be protected”
ought not to collect the tax ; would there bo any
reason in tho claim? This Penoa. R. R. and its
partisans would be the very first to cry out "rob
bery.” If wrong to continue tho tax in ono ca9e it
certainly is wrong in the other. This suggests also
that the proposed repoa) -involves tbe
futuro resources of tho commonweal
to p*y, requires our repre-
guard and preserve. If (be tonnage
tax is repealed, justice to tho Baltimore road trill de
mand the same favors for it.' But what chanoo, sug
gests the reader of this, will the Baltimore Company
hare for jostico, when Its powerful rival controls the
legislature ? That is a question foreign to tbo matter
under discussion.
In connection with the arguments above contro
verted, tho friends of the repeal are accustomed to
assert that tbo Penna. Railroad “did not injure tho
main lino by its competition.” Without going over
the whole groand by which this is so clearly refated
in various reports of the Canal Commissioners, and
particularly the report of 1855; it may answer to
call attention to the fact that the injury occarred in
two principal forms, first, in compelling unduo reduc
tions in the rates of toll charged by tho Common
wealth, and compelling the Commissioners to resort
to an improper system of discriminations in the ar
rangement of the toll sheets; and secondly in greatly
reducing tho gross amouot of freigbtearriod. * It is
enough here to state that in 1853 there was carriod
by the Transportation companies on the canal, 108,-
674 tons. In the same year the Penna. Railroad car
ried 82,450 tons. In 1854 tho Transporters carried
73,774 tons, and the Railroad 164,475 tons; and this
change was even far worse than the figures show, for
the business left to tho canal was of that kind,pay
ing tho lqweat rate of tolls and consequently toe
least profitable.
tho t&x bnrthtDi
Whit thee&nal wonld havo carried after Ihopnrchaao
of the Tranaporters may bo imagined. The jjropo :
eittoa that the main line was not injured and depre
ciatod io volno is too absurd to require mo to porsae
it farther; yet absurd aa it' u, some persona slick to
it as if for the parpoeo ufLillastrjiting the common
impression that “error may bo reiterated until even
its authors begin to think it truth.” Uaviog alluded
to tbo Commissioners having been driven by compe
tition to a system of discrimination', it may be as well
to expiatu that tbeso discriminations vrere not mado
as now, in favor of tbo cititeas of other States
of Pennsylvania. Every man who
chose coaid ship goods from ono terminus of tho lino
totho other, ferthosamo tolL If. the wheat was
raised in Pennsylvania it could be shippod at Pitts
burgh just as cheaply as if it came from Ohio; the
discrimination was as to distances botwoen the ter
mini. It coaldnotia any sense be claimed to justify
the present system of the Poona. Road. It bad,
however,.a merit wnich we commend to their atten- 1
tion. If produce was delivered for sale in Philadel
phia it was allowed n drawback over that which di
verged to Baltimore or passed through to New York.
The merit ordemoritof whatorer system of dis- I
crimination is ohargod to have been practised by tbe
Canal Commissioners may be decided by its effects.
Under their system, any advantages given were to
the citizens pf Pennsylvania; and any citizen who
resided on the line of the canal and railroad could
ship by either for less rates while the Commonwealth
owned tbe canal than ho can now. Before tho rail
road existed, the rates of freight on prodace from
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia were greatly lees than
now, and when the “tonnage tax’ 7 is given as the
cans© of Ujo present exorbitant Tates ohargod to resi
dents of Pennsylvania alone, it suggests the question,
why, when the Penna. road paid both the tonnage tax
and the toll* over tho Portage and Columbia railroad,
ft could afford to carry at lower rates than now, when
it pays tho ordinary tax alone? When paying tolls
on tbo Colombia railroad, the oilicers or the company
were constant In their outcry against the exorbitant
charges of ths Commonwealth, as an obstacle .in tho
wo j-of or redaction of charges they professed to be
very desirous to make benefit of tbe people of
Pennsylvania and “the development of.the resources
of tbe State." They are relieved of the “exorbitant
charge and the result is before ns. Is it unchari
table or nnwiso to judge the future by the past? If
not. then It la wise to expect the oppressions of this
company for tbe porposo of increasing its power and
filling the pockets of its stockholders, will be heavier
in proportion as it becomes independent of tbe peo
ple and tbe legislature.
Warned, by the number of pages, that tres
passing on yonr patience and that of your readers, I
most ask yonr indulgence for another letter, and stop
for tho present ’ Respectfully, ic., sees*.
S'Uvrday, March Iff, 1859.
Union Union Canal, says tho
Lebanon Advertiser, Is being filled with water
tbfo week, jrfepatatorjr to opening throughout
by Monday, fat ■. thv holiness of
thteflesaon* laWdaltlon to the ordinary repairs,
considerable iaiproT«neat 7or tbo intro speedy
passageof hoato,ucdspecially (boss of heavy
tonnage, hasbAe'fftt&doai several petals, during
the irtyter mtH ot BSYj£»tira.
-'-•'’Nsw EAHPsaiaiEticnoß.—Tholast Concord >
Democrat contains, with very trifling exceptions, *
complete returns of the New Hampshire elec
tions. Thus, tbo gubernatorial returns indndo
all places thai voted for Governor except Cam
bridge and (I&ri's Location, which, last year,
gave 10 Republican rotes to 7 Democratic. The
total voto stands: Goodwin, 30,259: Catcj 32,-
7-ltl—Goodwln'a majority, 3,513. Sanbomtoo
-did not rote fox Stale officers, but the Ilepubh on Representatives to the Legislature
was 300. So that the whole Republican vote the
preseot year. amounts to 30,CIO; in 186« it was
30,215; showing that in 1859 tbo Republicans
have cast 401 voles more than in 1858.
In a very few cases the missing retorns of (he
vote for members of Congress have necessitated
the substitution of (he Governorvole. With this
understanding the majorities of the successful
candidates are as follows: Marston, 7*15; Tap
pan,l,o3l; Edwards, 1,100. Tho following is
the comparative statement of tho Congressional
and Governor votes by counties :
Marc*. 00-*l»iu. flat*
...W44 6.IHH 6,803 otoi30 t 0i3
—2,716 3 483 "CT7
•~V« 1.860 t.? 34 1.863
2,322 . 2.313
Tnppan. Ooorc*.
Mmlmack .4.829 4,780 1836- 4 7M
linUbonmuh. .6,450 6,465 6,470 6^467
Kdnanli. Barm
CbMhlro .8,400 3.272 3 444 ”238
SoWvm 2JXS 2.161 -±2,* -‘w3
G‘» ,to » 4,310 4.729 4.TW 4.72 S
°°7- 1,405 1,200 1,405
la spite of ibe tremendous efforts to defeat
Marston, and bragging l 0 that effeol, he falls
behind Goodwin’s vote only 153, in a district of
nearly -5,000 Tolers. Edwarda falls behind
Tiio Lcgislalivo (IIouso) returns show 1% Re
publicans, 124 Democrats. No returns from
Carroll, Orange and Ncw-Durham which have
probably elected one Republican and two Demo
crats— ir so the Douse will stand 190 Republi
cans to 120 Democrats, making a Republican
majority of 78
Boors Oot.n Coir. A dangerous counterfeit
.haajust been detected* at the Treasury Depart
ment at Washington, in the shape of as.">piece,
the exterior of which is pure gold, plated upon
an alloy, of which gold seems to ho the haso.
Tho coin contains about three dollar? worth of
pure gold, and is of such really superior execu
tion as to mako it pass readily for genuine. It
was detected by (be treasury eiperts in conse
quence of alight flatness at the edges, but which
woold escape unnoticed in its ordinary circula
The Fi-nvral of the Aeronaut —On the 9th
iaslAnt tho funeral of the lost suronaut, Mr.
Thurston, took place at Adrian, Michigan. The
few remains that were collected, together with
the clothes found with them, were placed in a
coffin, and after short religions sertices at the
residence of Miss Thurston, they were followed
to the grave by a few friends, without any
parade, in accordance with Mr. Thurston’s known
sentiments while liviog and the wishes of his
Wheat Prospects. —The wheat crop in St.
Mary’s county, Md., except in low lands, is said
by the Lconardtown Beacon to look very promis
ing, and is much further advanced than usual at
lbio season, nwiog, perhaps, to the mildness of
the past fall and winter.
The growiug wheal in Frederick county (Md.)
is also said to present an unusually fine appear
ance. The Frederick Citizen baa received some
stalks which arc from 12 to 1-i inches in length.
The only complaint of the farmers is that its
growth is too rapid. Sun.
Chronic Diarriicea.—AYc have in our pu.>-
KMicn the r-itifieste of a reapectabl* citizen, tcvtifjlog
tba» he wa* -niir*»y cured of fbt« Cixadfot dim by ciing
Hxrhavr't iSoiland.lhlUrt.
Wo shall.take pl<a*nre in tbn c«rt»flc*to to any
poison doubting thin nUletnent.
Cacti*?*!—Ho enrrtul to mk for B<i>rhan-'* Holland Bit
ter#. Th» T r«it po,. o tahty of tbl« modicino ha* InJnced
many imltatiTj", *htch the public ehovlcj rnard aratnet
J&toto *t $1 »’:••* botiifc, or 111 bottle* ter *4, by tbc pro
prfctc.rt,BENJ. PAGE. I*., A CO., Manntactartug Phann*
ceatieteaad CbetniiU, 27 Wood vireet, between l*t and 2d
fta., muLcrgb. Pa-, and IVogglgta jene rally. dAwF
Season Arrangement 1859,
Daily northern link, re*.*
PACKETS FOR GALENA, pncnuni! -Lg»g*ty
bTiLL WATER ANOST. P AUL.—TUn fcdl*wj!?EtftSS
magnificent «Me »iiee! steamer* will compoee ihia Uoe f. r
.bo coming jw, leaving u fallows:
OiiNRV CLAY Ci r , t . t»iwe«»-.orj
Mouthy NORTHERNER -- A lfurd
Tneaday ... .CANADA *• I
Twaday VEMBINAW -- Griffith
Wednesday..LUClE MAY.„._ - J D Rhodes
W*dncad.y..4UNT LETTY •• O.ZmSJ“ O
Tbnraday....METROPOLITAN - T B Rbod.a
Thursday-JIINNKSOTA BELLE... *• T B IlUl
»n-Uy T ._..L>EW DROP •• N w Ck. r
t>w»y x;nippEWA - &*prtlr »
*»tnrday DKNMAUR - (i(j r „
Saturday.. .Wil. L. EWING- . “ M. Orton*.
Tbo Northern Lin* hw» born In aaecaaffol operation dor
' year, and for regularity, comfort and perf-a
rellttbr’.ity In ©Tory re«p*ct, b», never t»* D ilir paM~l i » „ ut
organization on tbf Weatera river*. Having added all u-tf
Ih * Lin *' “O'* Prepared n> offer lucreav
cA facilities (or the transaction of all business entrusted t.
them, nud hopo to merit n cunUattetkm of Iht. literal p»i
r».n*K« heretofore *o Rurally bo-.ti.w~J opou them
Forany infortoati it that may bo retired. at t',l
Wharf Bout, at tbo foot of Lncuat atrort, or at tb* Non tit - n
Patk<'l OtH. o. No *.7 Coinm-nia! atrrot. Utw~.„ .->1
nod LocuaC WARUK A MIALKfL General A„ci7
n>rt.“JJsrn'l s'
DISSOLUTION. —Iu cuuseijuenc- the
dratb of F. Faber, the copartnership of F. a tc \r
FABER a CO.Ia dissolved. to take effset on (be f„j, L., ’
March, IsS'i. The arcoants and bn-uneM of tb> i*i„
irill be at tiled by IVB, M. FABER. All p-r*. As indebted
wfl ge» tha nr russify ot making liuraedtatn ps))*,.,,*
WM. M. Fa|bk'
BEN. P. Klwp
.'UL.turgb, ! 21, pi t „„
ti.rln- r. ..f a{ , w ,
iuuintof v. n
S3issS«!a~?^k-.^"^oSr to ffil
i*tJ*MlFr.urtbo lit Inat., (Martb, 1659.) will eontlnuo at the
old work*, tbo business of manufacturing Strata Engines,
Wuoleu Machinery, Machine Cards, Castiuga, Ac.,94 former
ly. aud cow solicit from their friends a continuance of tho
ravors heretofore *0 liberally extended to the lata'firßi
WM. 11. FABKK,
IVtsiurgh, March VI, —mt2£2wJ
WM. M. FABER Ac t ’(j.
FOUNDERS, General Morh’nfat* and Duller Makers,
Dear the PcnnsylTaui* Railroad I*M»euger Itnnot Pitts’
burgh, pa..
Manufacture ail kinds of Strain Engines, ranging from
three to one hundred fand fifty bc>r*e p*>wer, and relied fur
Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Jllast Furnaces, Factorise, Ac, Ac.
Givo parti.ular attention to the construction of Kngiuea
and Machinery for Grtat Mills, aud for Upright, Malay and
Circular B**ollll*.
Havo always on hand finished and ready for shipment nt
short notice Engines and Kellers of any description.
Also, Dot-bed Boilers aud lhe«t Itea work;- separately,
and Wrought Iron Shafting. Hangers and Puilies in every
var/etj: aud continue the mannlaeiore of Woolen Machlut
ry and Machino Cards. -
Our prices are low, cor machiuery miw.ufa;tured of th.
boat quality materials nod warranted iu all c*e.-« to gD*
from kII parts of tb. couutry solicited and
promptly filled. 1 _ nirw-.ltl
Commission nnil Forvarding Dmliant,
S T K A At BOA ’J’ A < i 1C N I
nS'CcfelcDmenta respeclftilly eollcitss] mi22:dlm
TURK, Ac. —Coleman’s Agricultural aod (laral Pernio
my; Allen’s American Farm Book; Gardner’s Fanner’s Dic
tionary; Thomas on Agricultural Implements; Browne’s
Field Book of Manures; M’Mabon's American Gardener,
Liebig’s Agricultural Chemistry; Feasendto's American
Kitchen Gardener; Downing's Frutland Fruit Trees of Am*-
rlc»; Barry's Fruit Garden; Thomas' Amotican Frnll «;uUii-
TiM, [jnhV'iJ _KAVA_CG., bft W.odst.
New books from’ applWon’sul
Onward; or the MnanUiu Clsmherers; Diary ofLsdy
Morgan; Letter* Inun Spain: by Wm. C. Bryaut; TbolUuk*
of Iret* \urk: their Dealers, tbe Clearing llonse, and tho
Panic of J 847; The Book ol Chess, Ac., with a series of Taira,
with lilastration*; by 11. R. AgneJ; The Fooler Brollisrs. the
history of the » bool and college life of two young men; The
Manual of Cheer: by Charles Kenny.
From T. B. Petereoo—The Big Hoar of Arkansas, and cthrr
J. D. Lipplncotb—Trosiltian aod Ols Friends: l>* R.
i M’Kcmie.
Mayhew A Baker—Alice Learmont: or a Mcthi r’s
Tbe United State* Customs Guide. J. 8. DAVISON,
all-2 cernor of Wood sL and Diamond alley.
CIGARS —20,000 Principe, asVd brands;
10,000 Regalia, ‘Washington do
10,000 'Undress, do
, 26,000 KI Tnlipln, Hlerman,'
25,000 Half Spanish,
£>o,ooo Common,
Jail fet’d and for sale by RETMERA ANDERSON,
mr22 No. 3» Wood at., oppokiteSt, Charles Hotel
Fine tobaccos—
-25 gmas John Anderaoo A Co’s Fine Sol oca
-5 “ do do do Amulet;
25 “ Mrs. Miller’* Fine Cut;
£0 keg* Natural L*af Fig Tobacco;
£oboxesDuiciaalmaajinlOtb boxes;
15 “ Diamond TWirt,
Just rec’d and foraaJoby i UEFHER A ANDERSON,
mr22 So. 30 Wood at., opposite ft. Charles Ilotol.
SUNDRIES— 2357 sacks Corn;
KOI do Wheat, assort tri;
I bbL and I bag Flaxseed;
4 bbls.Greajtr;
4 Dryllidao,
To arrive on t-oird atesmur La Create for Sals by
SUNDRIES— 1> Backs Dried Apples;
2 do do Peaches;
3 do Feather*;
I bbl. Lard,
To arrive per steamer I* Cresao fur win hy
mx “ a ROBERT PICKET, SIS Llbtrty »L
ENVELOPES— Whitu, Buff; Blue, Canary,
Enameled, Kraboeaid and Silver Bordered lor vale by
„ w. b. haven, stationer,
idt*2 Corner of Market and Second atreota.
YISITING CARDS—White, Amber, Ivory
and Enameled Surface iu store and for vale at the
gtationery Store, of W. 8. lIAVKN,
mr22 No*. 31, 3J, aud 25 Market st.
GLUE— 10U btls- for salo by
mrt3, Comer of Wood and Firatatieets.
aala by 0. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00,
mrJ2 Corner ef Wood aud Flntitreata.
BACON— 5000 IbsjTcno, Bacon Hama to
arrive per iteamer La Crosse for aala by
. ibt2B' BOBSST DICKEY,44B Üboriy atreaL
1&Q08—24 tubs toarriye for Bfiic bv
JElmriS .... ROBERT DIOKBT, 84V Liberty at
TjUSH—Mackerel, \Vhito Fisb, Trout, Her*
JC Itofirfc.,** «l»by ;' WfiY & OOLUZfS.
Jfetßjflabttiißtintntg, I
H. CHI LDS & C 0.,;
Boot and Shoe Warehouse
ftud eitcnalre flock of
Oferery variety, am] Uteat styles •n*l fashion* aila'iWJ to
Spring and Summer Sales,
Whkh lutTing t*«n pttrdiiwd |.rinripally far t)A?u.
Dlrrct from the M ana fact ur« r*,
Ai»d MlKtt-l wiiL grmt cirrulu ninthly and
flatter we me able 1.. nil.T
To our fcirQ.l* wlio rosy (•»ot in wit*- * rail
MITCHBLL’S patent,
I'l'H Hi.VS.
V"l rii.. AM>
Wl.iUinre highly i-i-jmm.'ii.livJ t|j« Kn«tr>
•“Uie* for Hi-ii (Jornl-illi.v *ufl < ti««|>uvri>—ON C
PAIR tiavlugLp«>q foiiuJ t>y mtohl t.ul, to
wlllflit.l U i,> thnlr olvinu;;* t. . nil rt ,„i „ T
sminr onr itock
*irPArti.-ular ft I (<-o t ion -iv-n i . ..rd-rs.
Boots, Shoes, Hats
BorJisrKTS, dco
W 11 0 L K..S A L E
fNr.. C>*. \V« >.»«.! Streot
n»i i.,.» „i >r*» Uit t.ry •i.-k ,f HOODS
Plttstiureh. P«»UM. t is
pnrrhntrj d.n-vi n«iu Uio NEW KNOI..INI' MANI'
TORIES, m th» L')\I’KJJT OAKII PRICES. all of wiilrh ~||
l“*'<li"pa*ed of at a small adTtitjrepo COST.
wlm haro heretofore j-nno F.««t for their
goods, for itio future »lt! aaro t>oth tun* and money by
making tbrir purchase* from him
are rxjooated to nil h*f>r* lm> in/, and »*t.
I»*y themvh.s of lb» fact
©.B»C«tifnlai atUuttou giveu Dul >.;aiil
1 “59
Spring and Summer Arrangement
lJBl& -V- W,GRAHAM .t CO., gggg
CAIRO. I I, r, I X o I 8
Wo hire jmt pul down Iron Track* an.i fiti.U* leading
dlirclly from the OM lV«pot to oor Wharf 15,wt, which rn .
able. n» to forward Freight to and from Urn railroad with
prtal dispatch, and with.-nt the expoanr* or liability to
damage, unavoidable jn any other method of handling.
We aleo giro prompt andearoful atUntkn to reahipuieuti
by Klr*r. to New Orieiina, Mempblt, kt mrl.V_’ , .nid
Cans Statrmcnts.
Slaiemtnl of the Bank or Pittsburgh.
Pirtsaiion, March 21<
Btlla tDd Duronnta $1,721,7«n !>■
fbvil Estate and Omuml Rent 44.7*6 vj
Stockland Miarellaneoo* 4.9*3 77
Due by other Banka 29,W0 44
fUnkNolMkChkifcUJ.Trwu.NotM 45,26<1 no
Sperto (gold and tih'vrl 4YJ.2&9 VO
f2.22H,0X' a:
o*j..Ul Stock $1,142,700 60
Profits and Earnings IM.IH os
Unpaid Dividend* an 4 SQ«peu»« Atc'l 2,7<>0 06
Dneto other Bank*. .' 5*i21l 30
ail.GSI «>
y>,KM,47 |
rboaboeo.laum.ut t,- " rroft ,‘“‘s.° ‘GTSiPY'" l
edge and belief JOHN IUTTPgIt, CmW* 1
Sworn l<> and •ahacriV, ,-t'us2lst.U«C:b, Itj.M, brfoTe mo
mrS Notary Public.
Nlaiement of (he aiercbwnts’ and
facturei’a* B|ank of Pittsburgh.
nrrsßUJt'in, Monday. March Slat, ISM
Oirrnlation. $ 271,092 fiu
I>no Do|iuoitor* ... .i 226,41X1 '.'.2
Dae other Dank*.. 2!‘.7*S II
, l Dtn* 7,714 7^
t Loan* and Dior. I^.vi
ti - l ° |yo,S2» ?s
Nolen aud rh<cl:«is other Bauk* . .. 6*.221 l*j
Duo by other Bank* , . -u.lud 1.l
The a bore statement 1# correct end true to the l.r»t of ray
knowledge and belief, i W. n. DENNY. Cnahier
Sworn nnd ■nhacriU'dlbcfc.s* me, thlaSlat day of March,
A. D. mr22 J. V. Uictotlt. Notary Public.
tHßUnent ofKxenange Hank of Ptttibg,
Pnrsntnuin, 41o.iDiT, March 21« U 185'»
J>>an»aijd DUcoudu $1,585,912 W
HoaJ Ertate- 45,W0 t*l
lo \ aalt no
U. S. Treasury Nut** oo
Nute»« aod Check* of otbw Rank* 5i,5,257 ws
Dtie t»y other Baht* 17*766 75
Capital SLxk % Ms.OOtToO
Circulation .. f42,W6 ijo
Contingent Fund and I'roQts 1<*6,!r.:4 23
Dvj>oeilos SSJ.SS'J si
Due (o other Uftoks 37,509 S 3
J1,‘J«&,620 4:5
1 crn-tUy tbal the above statement is truo to the best ol
my knowledge and belie.'. U. M. MURRAY, Oaaliler.
Srooro and subscribed before me this 21st day of March, 1 Sili
«r - C._W. ERNEST. .Notary Public.
Statement of the Citizens’ Bank*
March 21« t, 1309.
Loan* and Discounts $603,102 IT
Coin In Vault M.OSO 03
Notes and Chocks of other Banks .5.3U3 Oi
Duo fro® Baidce and Banker? 10,924 jft
Miscellaneous Accounts 5,020 m
Beal Esfaf", Ac fI.OOO ou
Capital Stock
Individual Depositors
Contingent Fund and Profits.
Due to other Bank"
The aboveatstemoTit !* rorroct totho host of my ki.uv
edg»> and U-llt-L EJ>. JONES. Cashier
Atßrmml U6,re m* this 21at .lay uf March. 1*59.
J. F.MACKENZIE. Notary Public.
Statement «»r the Hechanic* l Bank <
M«*i<*r, Starch 21st,
Dae to other lUuks
Duv to Depositors ...
Bill" and Notes Discounted S7W..V>7 w.»
Due bjr other Unlike 2*fjno f,>
Notes nud Checks of other Hanks 24J45 W
Speci** In Vanlt 1'>«3,473 37
_, , JV30.2.57 00
lot abovestatement is correct, to th.i Ikiol of my know!
dge and bolint. <IEO. D. -MdIRKW, Cnsbi. r
Sworn before tm* this 21»t day of March 1 *V>
A. W : FOSTER. Notsrr PoM«\
Statement of tiie Allegheny (lank.
'ITTT3DOBUH, March 19iU, ts6i*.
Notes aud Bills Discounted 718.156 <;x
Coin v|
Notna and Checks of other Baoks 21,246 37
l>ne by other Banks 7 737 07
Dos to other Bunks
Indirldnal Deposit*
-v _ *345.001 16
The above statement is correct to the best of my knowl
l(C* and belief. J. W. COOK, Cashier.
Sworn and subscribed before too, this 2lst day of March
mr22 BOUT. FINNEY, Notary Public.
Statement of the Iron City Bank*
PITTSBtJBOn, March 21st* 1559.
I>*us axnl Discounts x $ 701,170 rs
Due by other Banka. - 17,010 pi
Notes and Checks of other Banka and
IT. 8. Treasury Notes 8,315 37
Specie 101*301 60
Circulation 200,036 00
Dne toother Banks - 668 01
Due to.Deposltora 148,962 76
Tho above statement Is correct according to tbo beat of
»y knowledge and belief. JOHN MAttOFFIN, Caab’r.
Affirmed before tno,this Slst'day of March, A. D., 1869.
mri£J ROBT. FINNEY, Notary Public.
ed Farm of 62 acres on tbe Yoogblogheay river aod
ConnelltTiUo Railroad, 20 miles from Pittsburgh.
Also, a Lot on Main street in Bbarpsburgb, 126 feat front
by 200deap,wlth building* thereon, euJtabU lor a physician
ur druggist. r
Also, 320 acres of Prairie Land, sov*o miles south-west of
Alsu, 13}$ acreavin tbe west side of Chicago.
All or any port of which will beaoldos reasonable terms
and a long'Credit gl*»n on three-focribs «f the parciuue
mosey, or tor an Improved Stock ram (& Penn
sylvania or Ohio.
For particulars, address U. T. (TILLIAM,
mr2l:2td*wtfT Bharp>hnrg, Allegheny Co., Pa.
GROCERIES —20 hhda. prime N. O. Sugar;
160 tbb. N O. Moluaea;
60 *• Golden and Balt. Syrnp;
60 diHli Yoaog Uyson Tmm; -
60 « Übclf do
UK) bag* Coffer;
21 boxes No 1 Chocolate;
26 •• Star Gaudier;
60 ** Mould do
60 “ Boflo Soap;
76 b&lcd No 1 sod « Batting.
mr2o Wil. McOUTCUBON, 105 Liberty ft,
J & 11. T. PRICE, Manufacturers ot
• Bub, Doom, Shatter*, PrauM, Bracket* and Moolil
,or* of every description, baring all the I kteat and moat an*
proved woodworking machinery and evetyfecillty that u
reqoUlta. We are therefore beyond competition. HcroU
•awing pruuptly done. All orders from the conn try by
stall can be filled at the lovnt rata*. Call anfleee before
.porthaalngelaewhera: J. M □. T. PRIOg,
Central Planing Mills, Water street,
ar3? Between federal and Deem eta,, Alleghany.
IME—3OO bbla. fresh for sale by
steam marble worka ~
made by machinery
Alivuys mi hand :it tho li.\vest j.rioc
OUT SIARUI.E MANTELS—They an- aloaya neat.
Md morn U> the Unity i>r a bottae than any other article
that can.U porcbnimt with the uiuie money; and Uaidra,
lh.-y never endanger thu anfety of o how* and famdy by
taking Iht, a« wood mantlim very „ft~u do
T..,., f.r 1f,,.;. ,S|„,.c.
a BK.ii~rtm. stuck vs o\ uaku
N. U —Our«U*.k ot Mm hi-n* th- laigmit in the ttnt,
and being niaunfactuied by machinery, l» got op in Utter
atyl.*, with more dispatch, anil at !••», «.*t than run he done
l*y niero niinual labor.
Warcrootn, Lii>erlv fc?tr«*et
Mantel Koom on ilie Kecond Storyi
Ori h F. ii l*.< LIUKHTV T'rttFET, UITTMiI'Ki.H
i h: a im h; x <; i n p: h
1 P P I P K N I * |] j i\ t;
WiKA.M KN(j|Nf.S on linii’l ;m<l made to
a.- , (irate Bar# and Sash Wright* alway* , n hand.
Catalogue* of Wheel* given to nil who want gearing
ANOHoK BOLTING CLOTHS, at redu.-rd price*.
FRENCH BURR SMUT M ACWNKS, utrd iu l’**! Mill*,
and t-hcapr. better n.d many time* more durable th*n Ir -n
CHINK?*, PORTABLE MILI-S (or Fleming amt Chopping
KO?*K'd PATENT U.U'KK U HKKIS, «H ,sr.*, g,*
Mills, are cheap, au,l warranted t j g, T e aatlaUnti ri
Fhx n. Itmg for Klev.i , r », umMhird price ~f le*o„. r
ttS-Odlra, ::10 LiUrlv .Inc!, Pittaburgh. |\i.
Hydraulic Cement.
SUBSCKIBKK in the A-ent
,f * t *‘ l * 1 oa,,t J *•■'!*• of B>'lntont'4 Om-nt
C*-m-nt la mnr.h miperb.r t- any other «old in thl« market,
tor fiit.iT Work*. Foundation*, Ui-Urn*. Fireball*
elr . alt warrnuUd good InreeGou* f„ r nslmf lt „ u . „„
barrel. We invite a conipirinun of tbit with any other (*«-
mettt A Urge Hhvk trill he ■ !«»,. k.-pt on hand, and wild
whole.-,|r i,i„| re**,i *t tow pu.-e. vv. tV. WALLACE.
• 1 > L.her;, »r . Pittaburgh.
Piaster Faiis-loulaville Lime.
1 50 PI.A SI i. K P iK IS tV.r LaruJ
A W 100 hide pluiw 1’..,., w ,.,„
Hm bbl» t.nm«vil|.. i.tii,.., »t :ji<* u, eft. .i , pitt.bnrgh
Vt .. V I,LACK
500 WRISPSTUNK. •,!, f.,r«,leat
,tl*l Lllr-lly «11~ ( |*| M*' ..t,
K 0 0 K I \ (;
7 5 Smll title Id Street, bet we* u 41 h amt St |»,
u rirrsuruGfj, rr.S’X'A
I>*al»ra lu their Improved GUM ELASTIC CEMENT
ROOFING, wblcli u applied over aatiiratcd frit and can
vaw, for a foundation and the surface' sandod, making it
>ire und Water-Proof, sd<l warrants] not to CRACK or
RUN, nor I* it affected by HEAT of. FROST. It mo I* at
plied over Steep w Flat Ro>fa, Fteatubuat Uecki, Railriwl
Cara, Ac . and i« ti .1 affected by In ing tramped nnnu Thta
GUM CKMKNT applied to Metal R.«d. is mw h cb«ar*r
ana tnor« dnrable than paint. Two coaU will render an old
I.oaky Tin < i lion K.edj- r* ,-tly liirhl and * ur vi,-Id- si but
little r.ei.
Aleo, \» bfileyale d-sl.r« in RiXjFtNiJ MATKItIAIS m
finding Unm Ooieot, S.unnited reii i*»v-r. Aephilt'.im
Brushes. Mnpa, Ar ,Ac . with printe.l tn»tiu ti..i. r i .
ing tbe same, to tho«r tiring at a •butane*,
N. B—PartlrnUr attentHTi paid to Hepainnr l.mi-y <tei
at. State, Gravel and Caovaia Roof*
49*0rdt-ra Sotluted.
AGENTS WANTEI*—T<* art in the large cnnnirv
towns and ciii*w in the |Mi*ine*« hirlT .(AwF
A. M. MAUSIIAI.I, Ac <•<)
mrl* Str.*o«,
W.'x>. M4KSHALL i. CO,
n* c> \v o p is: n i
new wall papers
$097,431 Vj
i..\te-t s-m.M ur
{440,000 00
05,260 27
.. 136,945 Cm
.. 38.93 b 72
.. 14,290 o.i
New Wall Paper Store,
removed fmm hi- old stand i-n M:»r-
street., has fitted hid
Ktsuanpo «nri C«mvemenre,
i mmol h« atirpsaead. !i« out fffoni f.,r nle an A"sortn>ent
$837,310 33
I. O IF /■: S T HI A I! KK T f R lc n s
Cilisem' Imorauct Comp', ol I‘iitsliurEh,
SAM URL L MARStrBLL, g-rnt*r»
o&<t H water Street Mtcwn Market cwJ fTr»d N't
•SJown* Holland Cargo IUAe on file Ohio * u i Ml*
■taMppi Riven, sod TribnUriee.
sgsien !«» or dsouup b, Kire .41*0. against
tbeperits of (he Sot sod Inland Navigation and Transport,
Wm. B»gmJ#y,
Btaoel Um,
Jm. M. Ooopor,
Ju. Pwk, Jr-,
J.B. C*nfl«ld,
B. lUr^Mct.
Oapt. Soia’lo. Voaug, I
Judo o*l'
Carriages and Buggies!
bnrgbera, and atrasgera TiaiUog the city, (lie aubeerlb
er baa opened a Wanroom immediately Id (be rear of tbe
u onongahela ilouso, on Viral alrett, Idr tbe tale of
Or biaowo manofactnre— the material all relectcd with
groat care.
liaving been engaged tblrtj-tbroo yeara in tbe bntlneaa,
lad thu tail aorentorn year# In Allegheny City, trllb-an in
reaio of brndncaa, U aufltdeot gnaraotc* aa to (be .mallty
if bia work.
Tbe public aro reapoctfoliy Invited lo call and rxamino
b(i work.
*3.Factory on the currier ol Federal atr«*t and North
Omumou. Allegheny City, JulIN POUTI!
Rope and twine wakeuooseT
Matmhctnreno! all »lr«a
49*W«nboQM,No.4S9,conwror P*nn*&4 WalnoUtf,
'VSIES2P&* o** 0 **- Kff ' *<?•*• B* freight Depot,
Pittttaftft. , ttrlfcSwaMlttft
•f f., -f-., J
w. w. Wallace
b u WAi.i.arE
> 'I. tOHVsuN
|nine Prvptrminn <•* n r .
t ii k h ;;v i ifi'
| .of LIME, 30DA and POTA6H,
j a sj i'-irr Bixrr.T rc-x rut trcatmct;-f
LET--T\vi* well tinishe<l two story pa
X Brick Dwellings, --..Liajuinc nii>4 roiiiiai-ach.onjs|l
Wylie street. near Chatham, vttbin fl'raiminot'-* waiE of
tbu Poßt-itilcv EiMjniro of
juMMif n n . *. A . FTKnfIKTr.TTT street.
rO LET—A Store Koom on Fifth St.. PS
In the most d.-slrabl* location rn riiatgrrat thoe. CSr
Apply mi IsA Lit-erty street. ' “ :.
w lUDDLK, WILTS At CO. /•'
TO LET—Two large first-cl;uis Dwellings ' ‘
to M.Trlrh oil the moteri. Impnrretuont*. • fis3
nfTC!K»CK, Jfi-CUfIEUT 4 CO,
_/ %l 1 N". li“.‘ una |il Sfcoofl st.
r po LKT—The Warehouse Koom and Office ,
X nn-ar t>y I»orter U. Friend 4 Co, W Front et. ••
Als", l.ofts suitable tor storing cotton. •
JSt~C*utlon to tltc Public. ; ISAIAIIjDICIiEY ACO.
Various preparations are already in tli* market, T?OKUEiNT— \ Lot 144 bv lOOfaet-
lo* to be baso-l on Dr Churchill'* discovery, asaiii.t uL;. n H ... , , .... n. V >^. 1W e *’ ol Wll,C “
w "solemnly caution both the pmlesaionand Uiu pul.lm. fT: , _ „__ l ' ’l, l *’ Uq J I ‘ , u>R"i' Pt f e * 8 ’ > n*ndrrfog it snlta
-1.1» .«, I» tend, k, „l fa , tJ Z !• ,1 I,?’ 7 »fJ»mnOr»nrl. e , .Hut. on Dunlin
pautfon «,U from 111. .l.tfcwnl D,.,*,! In th. Unlt«l 0n,77 "Pl' lsl lt”D«rail .. <J»I Dipot ru
“’l ( No. 11} John ,Irw*t. and Lairing , fac nm:.’. .l.nn- . a . M ADKXANDER __
tare of J. WiNCilUTtn, by wliftoi Alone Dr. Churchill's i.n- -• ” - liberty Mrmt. Pittsburgh. .
K-n|.tjoni S , lU topmAßSUAl 1L «iADCDI»I ,r 4LUtrOB*F. , A»l. 1? 0 K KEA T ’ ’ ‘ "
ne*^ % UfsawvereigoAndin*aloablrrera.riy . m i n" *. a ? J t m th» beat
A3-EKAD I’HK T£STlMO*jyunmoor from cellar to garret, for vGoleaale and rttnll dr?
Promt!,t X. )’. American iffdicul M.,ni!,lv ;,-r At,; l 's f'™ I '' ,n *' nw * 9 * W!rJl rr "Itimit a large thrrn etory WBr-Zatj*
-Wtou-Tar may t- onr*, tu gl * ,MP * ' „ JoIIN .««3?
claims ol Dr.Chorcblll,forth* -> deii.dtf PeWictleyriHo Ihw^fflce.
remedies In tcberculoeU (coo#umj>tiomr^^t‘ i^^i =£i< I '.t^ 0 r "■ *.J i- M —l^4
e.u.o. AWUimta HkW p - ~t ,
“Tliis MMuauo ia A.ientUi'-aUjr pivpare-l And i)AVIS,
We Imre ««.«! IlinourownprACtieeJo |.blliisispuimoi.4li« werriAl gales ILoomi No 64 Fiftwlstto , v ~^,_
AB.t Clber A rms or d.scMe, with very oAtlstst.nirj r-ulu V A , TIS 'l '> Z O7 A^T'
* * * * In sixty-night CAJee in ohijj this ietnody wq LIS, LACES, IIU&H
Ifiron, thirty-wren wore in the incipient, au-1 tweutj Hite - ;- T Auction.—This Tuesday mornlnir, llarrh^WiTV^ l
in the aoceu-l and Advnticed blimna of couunmj.tion; tI.A / ‘ • i > - lt the comaiercial ral«4 rooms. No. 51 t"!
maiudor were beyond hope. With tho vxe. ption ofthr" , wlll lsoa**<rUKl Trimmed Bonncfr; Irish l |b«*N>i
ter am. aibkh vrenvtuucb beneOte*!. all but ibrre, tv ’iargH tpianUly of Laco, Ac , la»Uos* Olcvca. 1
are atill dodblful, recorurrd pArfrctiv." • «|1 t<*. [mh±l] P.M. DAVI? ALvkr^^ - '
Price $2, «r throe bottles for (5. fainj;l» lsjM!wt* is 1 _
o»»ifruied rutuium.stml by mall, pnipaid, when *(m iy
ordertxl. All orders fot three l>ottleii or over vriU bq e \,c
expreMAtont of the party. 'DrugcUts rti •/• ~r .
d«m direct to thenudersigsed, or they nn»y
and spurioas proparatlou sent them. *
*3^Wlacbeafor's Genuine Propitiation of Dr.CLinciiiU'a
Compound fifths Hypopboaphite* of Lima, god* and Potaab
fc* sold at wholwalo at Cho nolo General Depot, 4y JoUii at
but will be kept by all druggiils throughout
tho United State*. Circular* and all ue«**arj- Information
giTen to all parties enclosing a atamp. For convenience in
receiving our letter*, rowepondenu are request*! tn odd
"l«'X 27;>1“ in addition to the regular address a.* below
American ami Foreign Aminev Olfin'
J.C’4 :iin-M«rT(ia] 40 JohnStr*..!, N»w Vi.rk.
TUK BlifillCAN
Mustang Liniment.
TUE popularity of the Mhkmn Mustanu
LunnEisT ia CM-ilcnsir- with the etvillz..ti.m of the
flli'fr articles claim to allevialt. pain ami dintnHa—
tbi* araia. Family Physician*, Government Hospitals,
Farriera, Planters, Fanners, Livery men, Ac- have practi
cally demonstrated this fact throughout the world. No *r-
Kl ° rendred aiich undivided prawn and .-opport
le..m Medical and S.ientlDc men.
ot year* aUudmg hu Urea totally cored, Piles, Ulcers,
Jvimnrs, Running S-cma, Scrofula. Btiff Joint*. Felons,
Periling*,Roma. Bites, Boils,Chapa,Neuralgia, Salt Rheum,
and all e. h*M and pmn* upon man, and Kindred oomnlalats
HORSES, CATTLE, <te., * .
snch as King Roue, Gall, Scratches, Aparin, Poll Evit, Pw*c
ney, Hoof ail, etc- ero *nbdnM and mred by the >•
mustang liniment.
.. valuable jioese saved;
Mr. fi. LITCII, Hyde Park, VL, writes;—“That the hew
*•* considered worthless, *' fI»D case was gp&rlo.l “tut
mnee the free use of Mustang l.lniwcDt, f have sold him for
slho cash. Tour Llnimcutba* been doing wonder* op hers.’
4v'o Ra.ui» Siattr, PnoAurtrai*, Pa.
I fcxtrert) “I u lifting Ibo kettle from tho fire it became
mmianag.-Mt.le, tilt—U over, nud scalded my hands very se
v-rely, almost to a cnep It was an awful sight. Tha Mu*-
tai.e Lintmeut appeared to extract the pala. 11 healed ran
*>lty. without Boreces*. and lelt no soars of account
t.nir. truly, "CUARLEi K'JrTEu "
Sach language cv (hi* is but the constant ani nvlnrsl
echo whomever this article is used.
This Liniment is indi-pensable to p'aut.-ri an d own.-ra of
hurwis and mule*. Mr. John Daniels, Montgomery. Ala.,
•old a stays for $BOO, who wm raised from utter
hj this Liniment. .Every f-.mily should hare It. 11“ wry
particular and ocqulre fur the Mustang Liniment and take
go other.
Sold by all throughout North and South America,
Kuropo and all the lalands of th* Ocean, lor -6 coots, tt*
tent«, and sl,i» per buttle. .
BARNKfI i PARK, New Tcrk.
Alsu, Lynn's Celebrated Irmvt I\avdrr,
f«23:eodkvtfinT ’
Hon. Then. Hi. How*
o*pt. fil&ik iflsrllog,
B. M. Ku r.
John 8. Dilwi-ynh,
Pruda Roller*,
Jobs Hhlptoo.
Walter brrant,
Idwell, Jt.
IVTOtiCE.—On and after tho first flay rtf
Xs| April next, the following urdinanev will be rigidly
“Kattgmerar.n ur person* who shall j .oases* or inhabit the
(KU.I *lmf»i»i4uw<wbnilding adjuiulng to or fronting the
foot pavement wßWtrrtie auhlrity, *hall cs.aße the tame
along the froDt of their n-«jwctive shops, house*. build
ing or property to be swept, *craped and rUaood at least
on every Tuewlay ami Friday . f each week before nine
o'clock In tho morning, and shall also for the same diiUace
keep lb* guttersi open and clean. as well aa oil private alleys
Penalty, two dollars for every offence.’’ 3 '
rumr - aroi^o.v.
□ UUAKK, rlus WORKS, Ac, No. 3tt WOOD BTBPKT
opposite gt. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pit mrLLlyd
0,000 buah. Corn, I
jj’J*** « to tzriXf,
tSS 1 Spring and Fall Barloy,
mm. 3' DQeoc9 Dried Peach?*,
■ „ bbU.OU II erring, for sale by j
ELATJNE—I giosa superior Gel
\A atine, put op for family use.
Just rac'd sod for sale by '-41ETMER A ANDERfiON;
mil» rfo W Wood ft-, opjocito Cbsrle* &?leb
uu« 0 Oclave Mali- gany i'ioco iu order, f la-
One ti Octavo do do do do I'-* 1
I‘iif 6itrt.ii,’ J.. J„ ,I.i do 13
One 6 <>eta»e j,, ,)<> do dp
On- i. Ocuv- d<
I'n- d < >. ta, ,•
On- Fiau.-> in |-.|U i ..r.)*,, «i.>,
One Piano ,h> ,|„ jo j (1
<>ae Plano . .i m ,|,,
<>na Piano do j,, , j,.
****** Cwo" do . ,1.. jo d<
(P'tave it* Ko-eviia-l Case
1 : d-i do da .
At "Old feUblHhed Piano De|«,t."
mrij ||. VV,»..| Street, -;| d,K>r nU.vr'th Mr i
JUST i- \ n.\,.
Pi %N• • ion
‘I I A!" \UI \ |1 • 1
The adiuir>-m ol ti,.. si. I|in
rr, 7 nc311-.l |., tH 111. rj, <y , ~| Ull|4
«•>•>«■«* v<,: l-\ n Ki.KUKK A '
N‘>. Flltli -tnei
As-i'la l"t t hr At it,v> t> »-, au <
r p II K <1 R BA T 1* HR I F V K If '
A THE WORLD CHa! T FSC.h fi ■■
to rr;<,;>t:rF its EQr.n.:-
Swi-rn ■UlMii'-xl .if David Mctjr-tiry. of Nip; r township.
IDdf.rd i.i)
I "In April. »» nr»i »< I can remember, a »di;iU pur,.
; pi- mini- its npp-ari.ii!mi jij upper lip. vrbiji e.*iu l*-t-«ni.>
! nod *.r- I u—d |ioiiltir.n c Parrel. i»n 3 n w.vli cf
: bill-»itn.l. «Jfh. r;f . n.rl Kl'i'linc ll>- sure «Xl*tuliii’. I
| ralU'l on I»r. 1.1 j, nf Si l.t-IHPnrp, abu pronounced it ('**-
* r». and fir--< r i»*ml a u.vb ol «n»*r of Ji-ml and Prenl poni
! tiai s. Finding tPu*.. t-nx'.li-a ol no avail. I called nf- n |i.
.'■h-ff-r. nf Davi-1-v||p-, N.rucrn-tcotiuly, « Im al~. pronounr
| oil t|i« disesso CnnrKf, ntid gar-m- Infernal an I «.jr*»-» v«»t
| t-m Mi-s— tin* latter rt>n»i«t>ng pnodpilM i>r cHtt-i.c. Pul
J “ll P> U' l purpose. «» the di-a-c rontion-il ipr-ading t-rward
I the mwe. I next used a preparation nf ara-njr, i n |„ rr .,
lof «alv- Thia lor a tiro-checked tb- dieoa#-,but tliu Inllnni
; matiiin reen tnor-awtl. I next called npon Dr.if
. ClutrsTlllo, Bedford county, wbn nUo pronouDC-d the di*-
-a*-) Cancer, and applied a salve said to ho a ouV'-rdaillur
j fniedy, but it biw 00 effect wbateTer in rlieckto rtb e tpreod
|nf the a -re. In D-c-m Per, of (bn mma year, [
, outon swat a cr'-at-r part ..f niv npper lip. end hadnltarkid
tb- cn»i'. wlii u 1 nrni to Cincinnati, whom I cumuir-d
Prnl It. S Now ton, rl fh-Kclwtk Medical C-.llep«. H-j.i..
nuinc-l th- ilivtw '» cnttm-nni Concur, Rnp«rindu‘v«i i.j
an 'uunliuaio u>» ul RK-rcnrj Hr applied unM stnc ou>»-
mnt, unij cum mo' r-tn-lki*., My fuci boated up.
tun Hie inflammation waa net tPon-ugLI v removed I n f'-j..
roary, ISiT.b-jirmiorinci-d me cured. and 1 1-ft for Imh!i
hi April the dis-a*- again r-tntnid, and «} violent was it,.’
p.m. mat I could n-t r«-at *r night. Ut,. in Mat 1 rotrnwd
t. tuidnnall, and again t.liu'o J n.t •■•• It iiiid.-r th- rnKrtre «.f
Dr. Newmn, with whom I r-maiiu dnntil S-pt-mbor. dnriiu
"lnch time he mod -trry knotrn r-oiejv. *i,d parllt »:!.•
ID cli'-ckinj; tl>- diee*—. tuil when I ri-turunl hon.-
theraftefe atlll Mt— diarllariritl" tilc-r- npon irrv tar-. ]
continued nsittc .N-wton’a preynmlinue, and alet niedteine
that l c*it frijai Dr. Lit, Put tie* Cotter cuutiiMioii kmuiiiii
until It hud f it ojTlhf Uft nJf f my r.<-jr. Hit grev.'T ;• rr
fton "f my lf/t di-fl,an>i htuia:tj}-k-f,i tay Uf'.ryr I had
Rireu up all lio(i- ot et«r Mm: cored, »iu« br. fcly jsnitl he
tt-ul.l only tile telief; Itilihat n enr- w.s imp ia»IPIo. I n
Match, ]«.>. I I'ouifht h lottle . r -Jtlrx.d geatehrr." hot l
must confers that 1 had u.> I,nth in it I was very ncak
wiltO I ro.rmjeiirod taking It; Pnl I found that 1 gtDood
strength daj by day, and *Lso that tbe ulcrra oommonced
ilr ylnß up. I rontionod, and when tho third bottlft was U
ken my faco was heahda* if hy a miracle. I a fynrtb
(■nCtle, and I hare U-eu h"«Uhi-r since th»u I ham l-x>n for
the bu.l eerou year*. Altlion t h my faco is eadly dlehnitrcd.
lani Etiil Rratolrl to a Providence who ha- upsr-d
uiy itle, an 1 whi»h ha* l>eea don • throOßb the iij«trtitii-i‘-
tuiity ot IdwiuirT's IsirE irto Btoon Suwcher.”
„ DAVID SIcCREAKV and sohaerlhsvl. this 31 «t day of Aoffnst, A. H. 1-/.-
Pi-fnre mo. one of tb- Justice- tt.o i>». ein and t-rtin
BormiKh of llollidaysl.arg, RUirconuty, Pa.
Rifn«es-ru ,t j o[J es. .IOUN GOIU.EY, .t r
D-itg slti..t-i n-iili a Rrievoii* Toller ■. 0 the at rr.» m;-I
la •r-~ nftet f vit'R many remedies which utterly faihd
cur- I»u { [. try Linds,.>’s Improw-d Rhod
A-ar'-h-r, an I U"W, six t»,- kd nfiei tlr.Uhitii; thv
li'iTVL*, prn|,.ione" m j a-lf riir.-il
Th-T H-r l.rnke "Ot, aoutetlune a veara.-ti, .n the
it.a, I- .1 ti.» 11 .ti *. rt. tiding (nun tbi -it.. - a dowu P> 'he
wn-l-. 41~- .r, my foe-. IniUiMintr!j tutind t»,e ln.-uth ou.l
. 'nn -.i. i . • M.mi-J t . • 1-1 f..< t t. rm-ut !•• m-« until nir
c.lPyth. lit.* d H,-ar.!..r V y-rms. at times, w 1 r- ulini.*t
n«.l—K ~wiri fc' t., therracV. al „| a,-.r.-i <.n them, liahle to
bl-r-il at any t,me..n the |e*M ... c,.„n t., i,/t ..t wuik.
a»n,. tlm f - *■ '-rhy thnl I rt.uhl sr,,r c .-ly pr-imt teuriuc .-0
a»T llreh I Parc now Pc-*n rut.'J l!i W.eeks.aud feel !t :si;e
to Mr l.iud—r, and to the {.iib'ic R-nr.rally, tnaVt-tlus
-t-tnn-nl. and I, .j,e (hat <dher* like mys.-lf may ho benefit
ed I r 'l-11,1; Pis vmliixM- (liedii iti.*, her
r « 'M< and >ul— 1 it.—l l-f„r- nio. im<- of the AJderrufo in
«■».! f..i the i-.ty „t PituPurßh. this li'Hh dny of July. A V
1 "V 7 . . . AND M. MAJiTKK, Alderman.
DK.U II U EiSKII. M huleeal,'at.d i-tatl agent for Piris
( • i » .N y l
r |Mifc! £tv;it (rbomioo-Metlical I»ixmv<tv uf
X the rcl.-bi-aU-d I»r. J CburchiH, of Purit. first ■■■ u ]„
Known by him u. U.« t'rfi.cb Ac*A>u»y uf M..|,.-ir... ut-u..i i
je*rs »>:•>, mirks b oc« and loipcrtiUit era in 0,,.
Mt-sliCaJ AMHDC4.
N.iw, t<r the first tune tu ttii- history i.f M.e u-.rM, a
HkMEDY be«u (i>nD<l tn»t sorely stokes at the very'
lialinnof I‘ahnonary During snJ by rej.'r/mv (firJf/L-i.-nf
comical »j t*u f.hxsi, increase* the pliticipl . toAuA
cnuttoitte* usrvoMi or vital fvru, tnoijr.rcdiny Ou tiUn
fire /andionx, ud tlms not only CUKKS, but aIM PKE
\ KS W, the «lrrdo|itueiit of this hitherto mi**! Citnl «J< .>nr~«
of the human rare. *"
IU l 3 r i .i
First Street,CommlsioDcr.
Second Stmt Oommivsinncr.
ESTXRTAU*iiE*fT. —Tfao mem
l'»'r»ofth*“Fraiik]in Ulcnry Society” willciTon
**»« , rary Eatertsihawnl, consistlxaccf Orfglwl wleet
c loVr . k ,' K? iW<3s BircSsith, ISS9.' Tlcirt# 15cts ;
it... .i,J, vV V. al BootatoTM, from tho moajbcrsAihJ at
rr il‘ > v Cllat ' i »PPlh*d to the porc&MAofft Uhn*
r ™ BR * Band. Fcrfurther par
— - ~ '*s r,l^a i- 's * atid pewters. ur22^td*
t-v r « , 'I 0l^ NF • 1, Meeting of the North
the c ;;n%rV^ y v WU I hrid al tUftC-mccuf
TUPS. M. Hoyt; SscroUrj.
It;.* Anntxal nf* th-.
tH«-U...MeT-in Iho “PittaliUTßh *S^p of
Chicago will held a, Vh« **“l
IIOAKD Of TUADIi in tbecily „i I'ituPuJu.
DAY, the Sf'llt day of March n-xt, at 3 °° TUKS
which time tho of tht* Pinvtorirfor Ihayrsp'Js* 1
will la* prtwnlM.
The el,f*iiim for fiflv-*n Dlrcvlnrs Pi mti. Il,e *-u»ui c
year, v ill l— held al tho «.roo pl.wo on M EDNUSOAY, (bf,
.'idth j'r.ixiut-j, ut Ido’tka'k, A. u.
The r ih-iks will to r.l. ard ih“ 2l‘( to IWth
■•f Murch, ladi, iiiclmiro, and the hoMi-rs of stock Id tho
t'iiiv and Pi titisylvania. Ohio nod Indi >r-.t, of Fort-Wayoo
nud (",ii Haitru.vl Ci.-(upaDiiw, wbi >• liai not b«OD con
tertnl lnb> thosica K r.f tho new ccmpai t at that
uut t •• i-nlitlcj p, vet- at «uM elrclitm.
I rdo, tboldi rs prea.'siiui’ their rerliflcsU- i f afock in this
Ceiiiphuy to an f Tirlcr-l Ayrnl on tho ttt,o of tlid Road, will
tn sold an Kxinmi-ia Ti. kut ftoru that Flatinn to Pitts-
Pnrjrh nod Return h r *.'no Faro tho round trip, K0o«l from
March "Mb t i April ".!, holh inclnsiro. Rv order of tb»
Prwidout. * r. LVtd AUGUSTUS BSAHLE7. Sec”/.
Penn InstitnCe^
CIOUX£_R of Penn and Hancock streets. —
l TV-ti’ning i-rm u ill commence On TUESDAY; Slrl
Di-t AyjjmitM 11..111111 of pupils may obulu admlwleu.
,•1 m* f,.? Ttiit. -i Mini rut 1. y, f"~ f-or *c.vion of twenty
lw " tt,J k< - J. M. SMITH, Priuclpsd.
T u "
N 1 G II T s .MORE
.»*•! m TFTETR
! n. / '.'/•//, 1 1 rji /•., ;-/(
1. i., 1 .. C ..-‘.rjmos i,l 100 Yenrs A-n! •„
All iiiUiiau
LNK>i: ■' .‘PKN a’
tV it..l TUESDAY AFTEftNOON a!3oilock,
GRAND IisVr.MMT CuNCCRT, f.r Kld-rlr Porions, U
die«, , 4t , , p,i.i r ,.j, CPlMreti. .in Ihisn-rasion,ON 2
IV-nje-nr ut AlDwoa. mi'j'Shl
Mammoth Troupe of the World.
1.-r -A_ S O IST I O HALL.
Monday FCveniiii:. INlarch,
Originality, \ --r-atility and CVmicality
i-trM.Sh.N- Ac NEWCOMB’S
Atat/Ug lh»- old fjToriti-1 uill Ik found N..w Facra. with
N-iv Framrt-s and Ni>T«iytfl, who win* tbn honor of
u.aklng tL-irPrW ajire.-nrau'-c in this rity. In order not to"'
i e dtii.-u nt in qby nn-! drparlmenl of tho superior cater*,onu rt\c«l> this corps, th- Mjcscfrahayo
•[wir-d nsilhcr i.niuin. r I'xjwns- In for thetomlfC
s-iu-ui. ih- P.*t ((.Pin: (Pal. rto had. not ODly for KUii
pun Mlntdr. l-ty.liPut tuu, -nneso fir us to cull from Itio
«Vr.» at the Atiah .iiy ~t Mujic, an<t th<-Roumdl lUHst
1 teiipf, t-f N.P \,■ j \ -irk. Kin *i tu. mPit b-iup a-l-cf*
o l f-t fa« in iiv.dtiul t.»'i lit ; t *.d mperlor <-xc» I’cr.fft
•tf-Ailtiil-t.,1, A-. r-t.n l>rjr ..p.m »t 7 , • {^r .
f St 1 '•>!••• t P A . CLARK, -
n “ A u: :u.d liuniirti Director.
STo Uti. ,
TU Lhl. A Brick |F^S
IPmsc. -Itnstcd -n Dink Lau«*, Aili-'h-nyCilT, ?fc*S
■. >u t it! mo rovm* and adlar. April* ol •
turilMiw- piUvhnJgh.
LET.—That desirable businessES
X »r*nd. With dw-nltln? fttt«rbs<l,oo thacomor of gS
LU-r.y *ud O'ilarrx str-H*, «,.j| a.PtMod for % UmiiTTtO
'-ryst .r-. Ikli V cru-i-., n 4 fl .
Lt.'iUirr.ol JL n. KING,
D,r1 '- N.r^n_Mt T rfy*tr«L
f•— A /ir*;K'l:ifH thre Skory pS
Jf Rrirk Dvr-lliug Ilcu~- -inlainiuq f«i rooms i»*H
*wppli-! With esatid het nii'V* PI water, HitoatetfouTutjTl
-'r- rt, enr* ,1-v.r w< nt -f Ch-rry u'll-y, Ku^uilTOf
, . I’Altl,, M-CURDY i 00.,
•*' • U'» Fim ..ud 13j P-cwi-J*lrw,l.
Household ani> kitchen fukni-
TUIU? At Arenas.—On Thursday rnirnhi:;, March
lu o elect, al Duelling lloujc, No. 115 J-tfta street,
Decatur nod Chirk, will l* eoM the entire itc*t ef
lioofcliald nn<l Hitchca Knreimre, of * family raietitog
among which are: « mahogany spring-sent
«ofa, canemaichnirfc and rocking chair, mahogany bnroaru,
Üblct), high post bedsteads, wnrt and wash stands, gilt
fcanio locking Windsor chairs, carpeting, hearth
ro S*» window blinds, oot> tel Biitannla vans, chuia, glws.
and •jn*»n»wnre,feliool deftsond benches? a general ss.-irt
msntof Kitchen furmtur*. Ac.
P. M. DA.VIB, Jtocj.
Household euknxtnkb at ago-.
TION—On Wednesday morning, March 23rd, at 10
o'clock, at Mrs. White's dwelling boa so, Mo. »X) Liberty
rtreot, corner of Fourth street, will bo sold a genera] as
sortment of Ikntviliufd fnmitnre, Ac. Among which iiro'
Feather Beds, Bedaiog, JJattroase*. Barcaaa. Work and..
Wa«h fitandt, Kxteniloa and other Tables, £ota, Loujfw*,
Chain and Bocker*, Looking Glasses, Window Blind*, tor- ~
I****, High and Low Po*tßed«teAda,Chaaibe'rware,Wii{hff . *
Kootn FaroJtnr*, Knircs and Forks, China; rn aTT #ui j "•-
Queonswarr, Firo Irons, a general assortment of Kik&n
Furniture, Ac. , rerlH P. XI.DAVIS, Ancti
"■'ANU io*"~
. i aNU FokTJSS and dulcimer at
JL AUCTION.—Oni Tlionday morning, Man* ’Ulh tit
jl o’clock at tiie sales room, No. IA f inn struC
will lie aolJoooanperbr New Si* Octavo. .JluwwwJ’C***
Piano Forte, In good urtter,
ono 51ahogau> a-.'coud bad Port*.
One Now Unlcltnpr. (tori*) P. M. PAVIA. Auct.
TOn Mnrch *Jad, &t?’«tA'lvck.Jtt tb* •
commercial •*!«.» tvonu. No.« Fifib strut, will be soldi
M Bliart ‘’ Merchant* Manufacturers Bank ofl‘itt»bnrxh, :
It) Bank Stock;
10 do Citizens’ Bank of Pittsburgh,
25 do Pitts., Fl W. & Chicago Railroad Co.
21 do Korthera Liberties Bn3gv Co. Stock. . -. .
_mrlS A act.
T V noy — Ou Tmnday ert-clop,March 52d, at 7% o’clodf,
at the commercial salt* rooms, f( PifUi atrfcet, will be
aold, those four rcry valuable Lots of Ground sit into oq (be
corner of Water street soil Redoubt alley, haring each *
float of 30 trut ou U'nt'.r street, and extending back to Frost
street 160 f««r. Torims-ctm-fourtb cash, wW«o in thru hn
nn*l payment* with lnti*re»t. I*. M.‘DAVlS,Jlnct. -i
Building lots in tud uity of al-
LKGIIBN’r At Tuesday eTeQloz.Uirrt.
'.".M, *t o clock, will b© told, at the u>oiiD©rtial'ialM
room*, No. 54 Filth ‘t, Out rnluabla Lot of Groood.fltoato
‘ft ™V“V* Ma9 V a gtrwis, tavi Cfr *
-■'"** "X at*dUt oltnsct,^
AIM, the lot oJJululnj Iho oboro, taohuo frettof 4
tool on Cor.j m raj MUnJluu bisk « r«t.
T. W “ rt ' to t»0 UUI 0000,1 p,j.
m,01., with totore.t. toß_ ,t. M^AYI^VotC
O Tuocday evening, March M7)d o'clock at *
aercjaj itlea R00m, Fifrb it, wuitatoW, tbit»»**-
r Wra. B*rabn.T«Uwmeß^pJ* a t
Of lota Jtuata on llfllj stieet, between Write and B tm
h-iring a front of 22J.£ feot, with tbs
•Ilejau* IniUlogtne oecond etory jwabMW Ote
™“ e * on which ia erected a three adry Brit* ****** Xo '
UL TUlolndi-iiaUblc. Ter CM ataeb. -VrriL-Aiiet.
mri2 - • »• nr- DJt VTg. Acct, ■
otock p., ir:w~r(r.inc7r
' 0l "° ' pi Bl
AUSTIN LUU.MIS rw^SwitflitAaDge.
ra at TOKirBncWyjKCUANu,; Kvtav
■£?. r. *.■ vvvsisa.— lW* Eri ' '’" r ‘' Jnrorancn *£d
•t 16. UtrchMl*'J£Kta»*” yj AranKTJJOMIS * CO.
Wfc Hotoflr o faT»,M goc^.L
tfHAW'S GAS STOVES—T. J. Crai^agent
[S fjr thereof fiUrnVOK StOTW, for heating
»sdeookiuS,iß*ifc* Urn attention of the poblic to tho eul*
am Etorca that 1»to givoa «Qtiro satiAfmtioo whew cTer
ti>cr hare Uca tried. They haro been .fuliy taetod da
ibe mwa ritks-and&ro now offered to the dtizrns of
Pitutorgh m something cooalderablj in ajrapco of any
styro that U low.mado. Can and eaamiue the different
etyle« amlrirea for healing rooms, fcr cooking, for ironing
«od Dnnwriee, at tbo While Prom Tin and Stor- Warrhoure
No. l<t Wocdei, mrlG - T. J. CRAIU.
T»4K£R>S NO. 1 CUOCOLaTB, Bromaand
Xy cnro prepared Cocos, jnrt received per raDroad asd
tonawby ! WM. BAQALKY.
Vi wnt a-j Woyj strut.
.95 Cent*.