’- 5 ' ■J; i ‘ V s. KIDDLE S CO., xbitors and PB o >' l,1 _ PITTSBUBI TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 15, 1859. ~ Ten Tb uu>n° War ii. Eobope.-TLo la»t grnt conflict' ia which .England, France and SardinU were engaged against Rnseia, wan in desd terrific, In the means of destruction em ployed aad in the sacrifice of life and property which resulted.. In these respects the Crimean war was not singular. In the fact, however, that the.contending parties withdrew, like prize- fighters, into a lot,” on out of the way "place, and there, in a comparative desert, tore each other in pleceß, the Crimean war tfas singu lar, and to a remarkable degree unattended with the peculiar horror* of sacked and plundered towns, desecrated shrines, wd depopulated dis tricts. The wtt, which now appears to hang like a thunder ejtoudabove Europe, will desolate the most popdlons and cultivated portionrof that continent] Austria, Bavaria, and all Northern Italy, wili be its opening theatre,and -if a second Lelpsio qr Waterloo should follow, through all tho land of sunny France will there be desola tion. The Crimean war will sink into insignifi cance in comparison with this. The New Fork Tribune has a carefully prepared statement of the contingents each of the powers in opposi tion to France can provide. The following aro ihefigures: vis SIXH* Austria 800,000 I Ninth Corps «,000 PrnssU 400,000 | Tenth Corps.-...-4-,000 Bavaria— 70,000 j Reserve Pmaion.lt.ooo Eighth C( -- 46,000 | , .1,418,000 ligbtb Corps.. T0u1.... “Of. ibis colossal force, the last five items, i amounting to 218,000 men, are always ready, < an, 07,000 strong, are her most de stractive arm, and are the most effective horse in the world. The matf or portion of the foot, or light armed corps in all tho armies, are supplied With the Minnie rifle, or rifle bore muskets, carry ing*ehot a great distance; the cannon in tho ar tillery forces are for long range and combine' aU those “improvements" calculated to make them most destructive. If this war shall come—which Providence forefond! it will be the most terrible which history has yet had to record. Tho above figures record only the forces bn one side. More than two million of men will be in the field in the aggregate. Usios or tub Orposinon—ut , tho part of a element V f «PP°M‘»oato -> iemarhey. A ‘writer in the New rus, in surveying the political field, re marks that of the republicans aro anxious for a geoeral coalition against the party in power, and coolly adds, “To effect this it is hardly necessary 16 say they mast abandon their present platform In i*eganl to the Slavery ques tion, and come out as nationals of the first, water.” The Ezpriu correspondent can hardly be serious in making such an unreasonable de mand of a great party that two years ago car ried nearly the entire North. He bos been merely indulging in a little bravado for tho pur - pose of tickling the ears of a few conceited na tionals in tho North and South. But whether he is ecrlpas or not, we feci inclined to adopt tho language of the Newark Mfrcwry, in refernce to this extraordinary proposition. That papeT Bays: *»lt is title, undoubtedly, that the Republi cans desire a combination, in the next Presiden tial contest, of all the elements opposed to the Democracy, bat they will not permit the New . York Exprcu or its correspondents to dictate the basis of the onion. They will sacrifice much to wrest the country from the role which disgraces it, but they will not-wbandon one jot or tittle of the doctrine touching the extension of Slavery which they now hold. This is the fact, and it should be perfectly understood by all those gentlemen wLo think to patch np auolon by taking ail things and giving nothiog.” why should the Republicans seek a utftan af ter giving up the very principle upon which their organization r&ts ? 'ln that event it would bo a mere struggle for political spoils, without iho eclat of a contest for great measures. The Re publicans do not understand that mode of con ducting a battle. ,j - Raroßtican Tbicmpo*.—The Albany Evening ;! Journal shows the most remarkable gains for the Republicans in the town elections. They now i foot up, Republicans, 4SO; Democrats, 204.; Americans, 23. Last year they stood Republi ?•' * cans, 455 ; Democrats, 212; Americans, 44, V IheLocofoco and Know-Nothing parties in that * ' State are rapidly disappearing, and in a few years “the places that now know them willknow them no more forever.” From NeW Hampshire, ve have all heard, ■d " There has been, as we supposed would be (he case, a sweeping Republican victory. It is of ' no use to count the majorities, as*, we carried everything. We have watched from day to day the returns «of the town elections in the State of Maine, for marly, perfectly reliable for locofocoism by from six to ten thousand majority. We have before us returns from about thirty towns. As aspeci .*• , men—*we find in the towns of Sweden, Albany, Waterford, Frybnrg, Lovell, Norway, Paris,' -• Stow, Livermore, Bowdoinham, Bast Livermore uid Hiram,which ire have written down just as-tboy occur in iho report, and which we have nof'selecled as exceptions, for they are KionTt-rouß Republicans elected and fire Hepo :}■ crate—one of the latter being of the Douglas etripe. This too,in wh&t was formerly tbeGibralter % of ebomidetoocrracy in the Stato. - cans -bare largely increased their majorities wherein'- the Free States, except in Now .'Hampshire, where, although* tbo Republican "l iiu is larger than it was lastyear, the majority T •v 11 if lessV Oar friends there sajr that they can S teat locofocoiam so*asy that there is no ose in , - - getting out our whole party- Enough go to the '/ *• polls to giro the 1 ’ a good beating, and thatV all they want. It ia reported from HarriaburgOhat Ihe Cora miUesof tbo PcnnaylTaniaLegislature'«» whom wm referred the petition of Mra. Emllj h.Jry fordiTotce from her Jmaband, Mr. dimes B. Fry, bate decided to report a Mil granting the petition. We are not Surprised at. tbia decision ia the Committee; bat we ready to be liefs that ib will be adopted by Legislators. Certainly there is ho other means by which that body could so deeply injure the State in the \ opinion of other communities, os tbo passage of ■, suchabilL Whaterer the fact might be,it would ; be totally impossible to oonrinoo tbe public that any other lnfiuenoe than the money of M". Grigg coald hare-led to the passage of so groundless and unjustifiable ad act.— N. Y. Trii: T t is to be presumed that the members of tbe • ' *ylranta Legislature know how to judge ‘Wldence before them in this ease, and -i doubt that they are oe capable of •Veir minds free from bias os the ?jy r 'w'ho is one of the editorial W me, end to whom,-probably, /.e above belongs. As Air. ' ■3 Grigg with a keen eye ’rlgg, 1 ’ the imputation ■ ? .need fey ',’ame •v bad* from [For iheDal! Jriltonrshfl»ze&e] J'l BjiijicivATioa io EussiA.—ln len of the gOT- | JUID SMwttiWnnttS. ' fcjUßinCM jxoticts & ®Sanß y~ t rr»rV">if“wOßKB~FOß SALE.—The ' ""oiroioiwiA£-^;sv i s a ’} ; Th. Tonn.K. Tax £££& pSrf «..ocip«ia», ]Vf ASO N i C HALL. ' p OF THE ON- CntiU* «d Eocb*,.*rC£| on ‘ ITS-Not.cb .-TlTjS'iial MeeS £of t& jfzzgss.% attrsx ■ ?z s t:itr*u u. ». c. r i, r m FUi -^ s iSfearM-s^sssss xp th. dicut. practiced in .bo gmml "c„n6d ol ,,'o ot w.laa, On. Jno.adkoMOW« among Ih.aam- r p> C «■•- ,' ° “T. «■- « JJJ ,* ” B n.o.e, h<,.;,?n o, cit, ot “ T ,Vff t g S.a” wkUh.tl» Prana. Bailroad i» cnacarorinstu b er. A general commission bad been named to K t, M D ta ‘ ° ,t ™ n ™V( »r» 1“ d lsw! play off on onr innocent fiood ojd Con.mon.wth t h, projocl. of Ibeoo thrw UoTernmon.o f'AKKWKLL COI'BSK '- 'JOHN r ».'.>«!. X?'. A. UK«» ~ Judging from the past and present operations of before tboy are bubmined to the Cenlral Com* OP ukalil*** 4 FKO't Tnr: H/ 1 * 1 ! 1 - 11 —" »/- Tii«-» * h.-uiwtho woe ptaceon WEDNESDAY, the before her, for her Legislative and Executive do* »y , hc mioi; , C r of the Interior, three named by* ’ TIIKV mth wm. K.nimiok. f »- *«. «*** n„„ihO-of S’o.rf <»>» Um 2Ut tti - partmenta aro likely to sink intomero c ° Dtr i™ no the Governor General of these three Provinces pos IT ,VKLV BB TUB U»T aik\ M to wh ejlm-w, ‘°qSixN. j .f March, u-ih inrh..nV. ib. SSL m the to carry out against tbo people thokchest. of aco - . DO t,| M from among tie ProT.noial KKHBIR.iII .L.ioU,- ■“ '■ in ll 'S'.*".'VE.'i'jmi."ini .''it .“niiaiho PUn»"4 i Ohio .oJ ohtojna lo4luj, w r„nr,jno w*-w **"’ .oHm-.-* r. Tnb. . Z2Z&SZ&&* . 1 coiumallyTkcommesi* the ZStt™-*"*- ‘-^ r j sSSST»?»^S»tB* 6"f“ou.!o nna“r,.and ,bU. .wmionaf 03 "tUF Ul ' V , MT IpOB'SALE OK W tonnago tax, in ail iU-beariDgs; *« alsod^-*^. m«D.—At Ui« rjllage ot ManU.eJ.of congeoUoo of lh« RICHARD Til i • U! e\UL It UMUMAN. P -ti.rj bri-k oar Citizens, but Judge Ewiog (President «f the. , on , fl| c, ft Moudey Hth. MARY KMMA, tf . UK bt»a( K.v. R. Qu Prldfty M*r«t» l«U»i • ; 7 TT U - n?'u io !£* JIJ L KxcuMbn Ticket fromi that SUUonjto kto. : . Cniontown RoilrooJ, .bich ia expoctc.l-l'J tb« »»> ; H'rh«»ik wd jl »»"“J' "°° u .io-oJ a. Thi.d .MU.tNi.hl. lul'A I'.TN EHSII 11' NOTICE 1 ..e till- ,*Sk. .1 »■■. ■■< »Pi-ty u OKO. , bnrg h .n.l rolnro r “' L i laf tb. PwMylwDlaCanttal : «x»^-««»»«»*'.'“*•“ HENRY THE VIII. C b ,lU ?; ITX ™f ’ augostosbeaulkt, a^-,. Olmwa Um. «ao J««“ x . 10 o'clock, A. M. . *a-T..~M ««»*» #» »»■"•*• B-McoU... .. “ i SIMICK .'ell str.i.uk»iw..t.. "0J..00.1. Aiiwb-Of. , ? ,«rrnr!_r JSSrioi*’ “ J 7 r pS antborltaUro | Oheonio •i>UWUI«A.-We bate m our poe- ' qn-ul u, u «.ud Üb» »-*«“ w "'* l ' r “* soaS’tboT P b.“o diitribntod liberally. A free I .ha. U w ««->»' <«• d ~"“ 1 dl »*“ b » Tkkct . w 7, UUJ .. .11 .ho prtmw- »«* »1 M-U BBU.X B. Ci„. _ .I'll and mSjoDdon. PreM-.bo good common .on.o of BMtoad &«.«• sm™. H.Wa wd m the door. i Si a WLUMWB TJOK SA LB.—Stovoa for wota"g.^A the neonlo. and now and then a-communicalion from WeeliaJt Uk* plfasnr g N. B.—No tlckeU wiJl U sold at thf *fl*' u «* l,v “ 1 ... .. ‘. . P Iwiion.Ha-.thr l-»t «c>.-ui7. ~r m - t*** rft * toc i^ in ‘i*** ,,J *1 Sr,b few moment/and admit its truth to tho life. P «.Sold st 11 p« bottlß, or .!x boUles lor %i, by tbe rn> PAMDKL L MARSIIKLI, lir «u. CIIAS. H • BWSELL M ,| w ? .ik n. Q Ouy Bt«e Wa^nv.^ I Ton have a mill on a fine ftowing stream,’ busily O^M Waier bftvten jfarkt and Wbcd ffir i. l-t, KBAMIB-BLSKUa. ww bk*u= 1 —> ! J S M-~H >Ssi C S S«.« - «*• - d -IN retiring fr ; ,, fir., nrPavs, B.asfu. W privilege. You fear.a rival would injure your usi jiVpVn 9.tlbtrttßnunito, *y-iusnr«’» P iiiuittrt»ora»iD*g('hT aim, agaiMi j lo.uioM'' l '-i" T?OR SALE —A harm containing 2-I‘J acres, ness, but finally-we agree on terms, \ouaretotiro J?tCu) lh.. InUnd Nsvtgatton *Dd Traotpon [ .. |tt , bur y ch r >j Hri h U. w. u »'A\Mi. H looclosrru 40 In moeitow, lmUt.ce W*h tiTubi'nsl. I»H« mo the right and the water privilege. lam to pay you | aUon. ’’ „i» w*»rrd; improreuiont* hc»wM«g t»on»e, roc-1 six wnts a barrel forever tor all tbo flour I turn Jut; , PARTNERSIII P.-The ui.dersipnM, barili K ..j orchid of " r . this is your rent compensation te the rights j d*r in- anm- » U J «t, u- ..f 4 c ; j kn.J«, nu»i» u.V h?»t gm/.ifc «»r ms on your land and water, and incidentally to pteCect ! , b - vi»r~ and «nu.. « aution PR. 11- JU* Apply yo/in some measuro from the competition of my 1 !“ i b>s «f OhV.i, 3-i .i.«r w,.t of s nSw mill and improved machinery; my failwje to 5 "»*»- hr cUAltL>:s 6. Ht^vlX. -city. ’- |0 comply with the terms to forfeit tho lease. I think j frank s*. HlS>ki.i. cusiomors —destroy your busiuess-—bribe your mill- , The „f n...flrm »ui ciotinur •* ers-tura off your wator-and finally, when your- i*TuTr» NMtiCK * o' establishment is silent and dilapidated as a conse quence of my efforts, buy it for a song, and giro my notes in payment You still congratulate yourself on having the rent, or toll, left to help mako up your losses and pay the interest on your origiual largo expenditure. L finding that, owing to my now hav ing tho Increased business afforded by tho stoppago of yonr mill, the rent of six cents per barrel is quito an item, beg jon to remit tbo tax. You have no mill now, why should you collect toll ? In despite of this cogent reasoning, you insist on having your due. I thou resolve that your family and neighbors shall pay the six cents' per barrel, and soon persuade some of them it is your doing, not mine, and wo muni make-common cause against ,vom. But you aro in exorable, and many of the neighbors, thinking the law ought to protect them against extortion, aro un willing to resort to tho suggested method of robbing von. Failing in this, I declare that the putt-you ebargo is illegal, unconstitutional. I get the opinion of my attorneys to that effect—perhaps endorsed by some judge who wants to grind his axe at my mill— and, fortified with these, refuse to pay what I owe you, demanding at the samo timo that yon shall give me a clear receipt and a quittance of all future claims, 11. H. RYAN. or if yon do not —mark the dreadful penalty—l will ,en “~ appeal to the Supreme Court! " . . unty '"-- What will yon do ? /*•«« an ««etiho», » / - vo grown weaker, and tho-argumonls onmysido __ 1 :tty much tho samo os before, 1 will get rid ot '' 3 “burthen in my trade" also—and finally when .aonM £»* f notes becomo duo which' I gave for your mill, «lo .«oa>»r with - a think I will pay them ? Not I. “Yonr rickety . l mill was worthless ! 1 only took it off you bands m motives of pity. It would have broken you ' long .go. Bolides, »»...r.V ENT' to 1 Jll bate to c..llr,r.T.A»H'to-<&rtryif tbe Legis. l&turo so contrived as to deter any one else irom bid ding. The tonnage tax, which was imposed id pari to prevent just such a result as this, aud mainly failed to prevent it, by being too small a sum iancxi the object of attack—and tho arguments used are precisely of the nature of those given above. If these arguments succeed, similar ones probably will bo brought forward to gel tid of other dues to tho commonwealth—and.finally to avoid payiog for the Main Line. « It is on ingenious plan, that of making tho people of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia believe that wo alone pay tbe tonnage tax, and therefore ought to get it taken off, but a moment's reflection will show that tho subscription to tho Marietta Railroad, tho stock holders’ dividends, the salaries-of tbo officers of tho road, tho tonnage tax, (be interest on thoconstmuiiao bonds, and a hundred other things, alt cams out of tho $5,2110,467 22, gross earnings of tbo road last year. All the expenses of the - read are “taxes on trade," and ono is no more a re* oa trade 'than tbe other. If tho sum of two or three hundred thousand dollars paid to tbo State of Pennsylvania is picked out tbU year, to be denounced as a “tax on trado" and specially eharged to the citizens of Pennsylvania, what is to prevent some other item from succeeding to its cheaply manufactured odium ? And if the sum of $200,00 is so direful in its effects on tbe trade of tbe road, and U the grand cause of discrimination and eTery evil, what is the effect of too $2,163,4 15 64, tut earnings shown by the report of last year ? This is indeed “straining at a gnat and swallowing a camcL" They magnify the gnat into a great elephant to hide tho from view. 1 The last annual report ol the company says; “tho citizens of Pittsburgh complain, and justly of tbo laryc discriminations made in the rates of freight ia I favor of more distant points, discriminations which I ore necessary to enablo the company to meet its obli > gallons, but tboy turn their closures from tho ea»r*c to the effect, and demand relief from thoso who have not the ability to grant it, without a sacrifice which -it would bo unreasonable to aik." This is unice sentence. It admiU that tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company, a creature of the legislature, unjustly op presses ‘the eltizens of the commonwealth. They “turn their censures from tho coiun to the effect!" Is that a justification,even if correct?' But it is not evon correct. The effect the citizens of Peonsyl vania suffer under; we/eefit In all onr business re lations. The cause is the obstinacy and greediness of tbo Railroad Company exhibited In th? exorbitant profits they demand from those who are compelled to use the road. Wo censure the cause while wo suffer under the effect. Aod what is tbe “sacrifice which it would bo un reasonable to ask?" Blmpty that tho company should charge citizens of Pennsylvania wherever they reside no higher rates of freight than it charges citizens of ether States for tbe same articles going the samo dis tances. It is simple yuttfoc, and it is wonderful that every honest man In tho State does not raise his voice in favor of legylolivo enactment to compel this justice to be done. In tho seotenco quoted, and tbo context, tho Direct ors claim that tbo tonnage tax is the - cause of the wroDg dono to the citizens of Pittsburgh, pnd they try to moke it seem that wo of Pittsburgh alouo ure injured, although every citizen of the State who uses tbe road is equally wronged. In their eyes, tho $2,- 163,000 of net profits is nothing—it is-tho $200,000 which does the business. When tho glaat’s back was broken by the last straw, of course it was tbe straw did the mischief; remove that, says somo wise doctor, and ho will got up well again ! And what is tho nature of tho remedy suggested by the company?. Merely that wo, because wo aro smarting under lojurios inflicted by tbe company, shall turn In and aid it in repudiating or getting rid oflts “obligations" to tho Commonwealth. The com pany wrongs us in order to compel us to help U to wrong tho State treasury, aud the creditors of tho State to whom tho tonnage tax is solemnly pledged. It seems idle to waste timo and paper in the ex posure of these simplo sophistries, and yet if it is not done publicly as well as privately, we may bavo to •eem to swallow them on all occasions. Thera is much more to-ho said, but I have written more already than Is convenient for your columns. Satcrbat, March 12,1853. Ton Ouukst Ihqa^itaht. — 4 correupomleut in the London Tima calculates tho ogo of the great California tree, in the Crystal Palace at Sydenham, at about six thousand four hundred and eight year* 1 It must havo been planted, according to thnt, when Adam was a very small baby, if not before. Tho same writer refers to another California tree, which mast be at least seven thousand one hundred and twenty-eight years old. The .method -in whioh the computation was mode is this: the writer took two pieces of tho wood of the tree, one of the hoart and another of the sop wood, about an inch equaro each, and he counted the concentric layers, which are supposed to indicate the annual growth. .In the be found forty-fire layers to the; inch, and in the sap-wood twenty-one; andna the treo Is fourteen feet in diameter, ten of hewt and foot of sap, the result was eoailyobtainod. The second treo spoken of was thirty-nine feet In diameter. Washisgtos, Friday, March 11,1750.— Dcady, recently appointed Jadgo of Oregon, is the leader of the ultra Pro-Slavery party in that State. The Cabinet had a lengthy scesion to-day.— | The President eaid if he had a Congress elect to ; convene. ho would summon it toaeet in ninety days. The late day at which the Southern Stiles hold their, elections,and the fact that some of them cannot hold special elections without the author ity of their Legislatures,embarrasses the Cabinet., greatly/) If the Post Office Deportment benot txtricatcd/rom its- financial difficulties before the thirtletfrday efJonp,. the Government will be lTCoßgreasis convened previous tor' that date thaiPtepublicaeszausiinevitably or ganise it . * Whloh hcrn of the dilemma shall the AdolnlfltratlofttWWpt • jOßce; ViaA * 'tlbV Five Hundred Dollars Beward. The undersigned having received letters 1' vhn. M. lie... Irom several merelwnts of Pituburgh, Informing him that ' B*ma»aiU», Oopt. M JV'* HW ' lr,g ' •mod uaprlodpM ko «W«i •« *«“£»• L“'“sUnh. selling a mUc-d aodpolsoaoiiaUquor, under hl« trade mark, 1 jjj CanfioliT Frauds Boilers, “SchicJdtn Aromatic Schnapps,*’ pat np in bottles jvltfa la- I & narhaogh,' j £>»*“ ablpton W, rrr W „, and UclmlUc, of bU .0 1(W »,.b, or » «1- j O. Jj™" »'*“*■ Imitation thereof, and believing that m»ay o»b*-H in differ* ,— — - - - - -yrrs. p.i.o it cotclti«Bliltbovort«.ooso s odJollio~uo>W':no 0 .b0.i- j TJ ARTWELL A SUEPUABO, C3B, in defiance of the peril* and penalties attached there- j -U. to, and to put a "top to the pirating of hi* trademark bo. cow offotea iwatd of fire Hundred Dollars tor auchovl- Corner of Wood and Sixib Streets, dence as will lead to the detection and conviction of »nj g-dr Propri.-torj.cf the FOTEIt CAPILU. a preparation person or parties Implicated tn the crime. superior to all othtta In tho world for the hair and «hie- The reward will bo paid to any potaon that may have been pro «ta C tnu a -troop, healthy growth and allaying all Innocently employed in the manufacture cf »uch counter- ; , ew ftnd | rri ution of the scalp, and leaving a soft, delicate, feit, either a« a wrapper, htbclor, printer, engraver, or Iwt \ moistbre never before attained. Guaranteed tret to tie maker, open the legal conviction cl the guilty employ- | couUin wiy j pJuri .»u» ittgrvdluil. , »* ,rl ‘ rr. And at.rh persona are bereft? cautioned against eu- , Vexviekley Presbyterian Church. j PROPOSALS Wilt be received prcacut .v. 1 hey oro alao berohy inlorcned, that all or- | W y iRCH trtr this Church, acrord daw l„rbouU* or moulds, engraved blocks, or printsw | IDR lo t bo p u n# and epeddcaGoua. which can Le «o«-o until wurlt,t >ho umvl iu the preparation bf-euch counterfeits, are Üb* 18th instant, at John Way’s store, tn > signed, uuhwstnc articles »oordered are to be delivered ; JullS WAV. Jr » at bis principal Depot, 22 Heaver street, New York. And j EXT * ER .77.7717.^777777. .“.7.7 nonaav j asdcjwo*. all pereous thus engaged in aiding nud abetting the manu. [ UETjURR * ANDERSON, fuctute sale of such countorfdw, after thepro>cftt notice. ! TTrrfIQLES ALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN ■wiU bo houl nmouablo to the law. j yy FRUITS, NUTS and SJPICEB, CoNPEUTIONEUY, All cumm.mioUoD* t . be addressed to me. ! SUGAR#, FJttK WORKS, Ac. No. 30 WOOD bTKEBT, IT nnr Plin WOLFE opposite St-CharDs Hotel. Pittsburgh, la. :_. ,Dr }*’A y _ a . ; fiIFsHA-RRIVALorTOREIGNFKOITS ' | 1000 bones MR. Raisins,Clemons brand: &00 half boles do do do 800 qtiar. do do do do 800 boxes Layer do d» do 10UO drama fcmyrna Fine Zo mats Arabian Dster. 10 cases Bordeaux Prunes iu glass Jars; to kegs ' do for cooking; 60 boaes Leghorn Citron; •it cask* Zaote Cutrauls rec’d and for «U. b, KETHER * AffDRRSON. •12 No. 39 Wood st., oppo-iteSt. Charles Hotel. mt I.V-'.iJ'iup r55a..".:..... z *»*»• Spring and Sommer Arrangement. jTCEVN n. \V. GRAHAM & CO., JTjjg; MKRCHANTB. SBlt'l'lXU AUEXIS, ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD AND WIIARF-BOAT PROrKIETOUf, C,A 1 RO, ILLINOIS We bore just pul down Irou Tracks nod SliJts leading directly from the Old Depot to oor wtftrf B o * l - eu abU-SUN Uj lorwnrd Freight to and from ill* r«llrusui with great dispatch. »k« without the oipunore or liability to (Inmost, ansroldob!* in *cy other method of handling. Wealoo give prompt and careful attention to rtahipments by River, to Sew Orlwuy, Memphis. Xr.. _ mrls~-’.ni‘l DinfOVNTON’S ICJCCrrTJjjK.fc n _ -j*rf?tffGIVETHESfiVENTH LECTURE ' AT CITY UAL L. (iN TCHNHAY EVFNINfI, MARPU K.th, liH Huhjrot—WAßM BLOODKD ANIMAL?. Difference be tween the nuitn-d* that exist with man «ne I‘. Ft. W, & C. U. R. Freight D*-pol, HtULurph, Pa. inrls:2wdUAltwT Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Ac. tR. n. i-ALM First spuing stock, tnr!s:l«il AT 106 MARKET STHF.KT. ■O~VTT eTtTTi' n“g~ ff\ UNDERTAKING. - Ttio uudcrrigm it W pn pifred tu atb*nd to uudortai lop Id all it* branch**. lie will diniuti-r curpaoa, at tend to laying out and farniahtox every nect-Mary lor tbo pntp**r interment «>f deo-aard tu» rraoonaMi terms. Once tin Diamond utroot, near Grant, adjoining P.oUrt U. Patlersou'alivery stable. mrliioid RORKRT WILLIAMS. COUNTRI RESIDENCE FOR RENT.** —That beastifuljCbQDtry Real do nee, lately iurco-Jfcl phxl by Mr*. Cook, to Eearlckloy Y.lUy, 1* now lor rent.— Tbedwelling cootxtne nun* rce-ms, wltlTUath Room, Kitch en, Wash Doom, Lawn Oardea. Stable, Carriage Hon**, etc. ' Good Snrinjt of water, with n-wsrrotr, etc. For tCrtm apply to Meaxra. JOHN C. McFADDKN ASON, Market street, or the undersigned at Sowkklay. mrls;4td«iw*T D. L. gHIKLD3. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTlCE.—Letters of Administration haring been grautnl lo toe under stgood on the estate of Mr*. Bnsan Cook, late of towlckley township, Allegheny county, Pa ; all persons indebted to said eatate fire ruqueated to make payment,. end tboro bar- to present them, properly authenticated, for■••t tlament. mrlSiShl* D. L. SHIELDS, AJm’r. ERNESTIN ON THE HEART'S LONG ING; Uf" and Adrentorra of Major Roger Sherman Potter, illustrated^ Brandon, or One Hundred Yeats Ago, a tale of the Amuricau Colonies, The Hlemmescooea, or Dotlingi by the WajtlJo, by Her. Jo*. 1. Nicholson; Pe*|Mi from a Belfry, by Bor. F. Vf. Fhrlton, M. A., Rector of gi. Banlulpha, by “ *• “ Ltfo of Mrs. tloflman, by Uer. Geo. D. Cnmcnlnga, D- D ; Life la a Risen Barfc-or, by Robt.S. Condlish.D. I> ; Uertrsm Noel, by E. J, May; From Poor lionxo to tao Pulpit, or Ilfo t-f Dr John Klttor, Tbottoctabl -,or fine Thoatand and One Home Amnsumont; Uogar, a tale of the Esquimaux, by R. M. IWUlanstyim; For rale at DAVIS A CO'S, No. <5, Odd Fellow's IlfilMlug, Fifth St E‘ OREIQN NUTS- Iob finils Irica Almonds, soft shill; 10 bale* Bordeaux do do Hi do Sicily do do CO do do do hard shell; LO bags English Walontr, l'K) do Filberts; to bbla. froth Pcacon Nuts; DO bags Bntr.il or Oreaui Nnli; IWA) bus. Ground Natr, MOO Cocoa Nuts, Jtut rac'd and for tale by KEYMEfI A ANDERSON; mrli «o. Wood «t, opporltM St. Charles Untrl OREIGN FRUITS— -400 boZea Oranges, sweat; HOO do famions, Palermo, Jost rac'd u'd far sale by UEYMER A ANDERSON, urli No. CJ Wood fit- Charles Hotel. TAR. FOSTER" ~ ■ HOMOEOPATH No. 133 Wylie Strort. ■\rUtQINIA LEAF TORACCO—2,OOO lbs. j fresh' Cigar Leaf received on cuaalgnment and (or nale by EDGKKTON A STEWART, mrli 107 Wood street. WHEAT —115 backs now landing from etnamcr liartnonln for sal* by mrli ISAIAH DICKEY A CO- SCOTCH SNUFF—2O bbla.' Garrett's for sal* by IL A. FAHNESTOCK A CO, mrJS corner of Wood and Vint its. CASTOR OIL —50 cases E. J. for sale by JJ. A. VAUNKSToCK A CO., turJi ... - corner ol Wood and yiret «U. NEW CjrJ? 9 B by Express this morning at a co ' IHJKOHFIKLD & •TiURC/-- i,D &, Cu. have this morning If ge lutof NKW GOODS. __ inrlS _ C 1 day thin week at . Jrmrls_y‘ BUROIIKIKU) & CO‘3. C"eMKNT _ LIME—-Ercali for sale Vy mrjf> HENRY It. OOI.LINP. Tl/fETALIC superior, for JIXL r*lo by ' rnrJS HENRY 11. COLLINS __ C” TiANBERiIIES—IOI bbla. ior 'sale by tnrl& HENRY IL COLLINS^ TIMOTHY SEED—SOG bus. for safe by mrl/i HENRY 11. COLLINS. BLUE MERCER POTATOES—I cor load for mIo by tnrl& RIDDLE. WIRTB A CO. ROLL BUTTER—3 bbls-just received and for solo by mrli KIDDJLK, WIKTB A 00. B~ AGON—2,OOI) lbs. Country Sugar Cured for sale by rurlh RIDDLE, WLtvTS fc CO. SPRING UOODST—- ’ JAMBA ROBB, S 3 Market afreet, Ua4 juit rec«iTod lila’ Sew Spring Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Which be rill sell cheap for cash. i.Annut' man heeled gaiters for $1,35 and $1,37. Children* 1 Fancy Bhoce,Gaiter*. Ac. of every dctcrlpllon at yerrlor prices. Gall and examinu his stock. J r r JAMES ROBB. Shpea, Ac, t>f every description mads to special order. TV/f EYEB'S MIRACULOUS VERSUN DE IVI 6TROXER—for tbe deauactiOo of Bat*, Mice, Roocb w. Boaa, Afttt, Moth* and Garden lo«cta- TbMime orre demption for all cUlee, Atmaea, rnithim**, market*, fora* aud gardens, Infeeted wiUi any kind of Vermin, ha* there fore com* For Mejeffl preparatfoa tU *. n °" el ‘ comelntredere without merer or MI. And. IrymlLiaday the' watchword of U 1 boßaekeepere, mottiiaW*, iMppta* men and huebandaea efaoQtd no more ' Vermin, lot Meycrti Vermin Dwtioyar can be bad, wboloMJe aoaretail, at . ■ JOS. FLEMING, ■ -fr.rff ■■■ Corner Diamond and Market * Crest TJOTATOES, I“! Jc\ POTATOES, . .Forpitobj^V,wW J. 3. QABHBLD AOO, ROCERIES—2O hhils. prime N. o.Sugar; KSOM.L‘N.O. SObbliXiX OoM*n Sjrnp; U.li UnlUoivr.rc Pj-rop; , M “ Ko"iu tioAjn Chw.v. if.Tkv 3' *• ch l2ii9pffuiai CAtjy» V. U. Tea; do do bxi Tol.ACfo. AM -1 Kcut- «. -1 2 r, bbU Herrin* io j.irfcle Mgi |.niOo RIoC' * itlmr * fl \aAM» U'rm* for j*wod |>aymeuU. •tfrll WM. iIeCUTCMKOS. V.'.'i LiWrty «t, S'~UN J)KI ES—lOo'his.liTrobjuu-..;* •ji) /*> bl'li cut and dry Tnlw».; 2*» pit». tin '!•' 1 4 H'- f»‘* ■Jil " lioc cut < brwiiu; •!■> 7:. bf cbi'Ma Y. 11, aud Itl'k T-a*. ’.IX) boxra Mnnlil Cnnill'"-; (0 .1.) Star .1.1 J.xi .lo C 0 8^»r; '.II d . Oil** lb) 1.11 <1„ It. Mill Bd.i I'altn WW d.i fTcund IVjipt-r and U.n.or. 7'' du j'im. Muxtard; but** drain Pfji|.araDd Ali.|...i-: ;ttK. Ilw priiuo Foatb'-ra, Tcculbur u uli a giDorn! oaaorimrnt cf manufvtarvd p.nU loitorc and lura»l4l*y LITTLE Jt tKIMIU.K. mrll N... m jw.iiui »t. PAPER HANGINGS ManotW-tureMM ijl airxH W. P. WARSHAtI. «t paid on receipt of prlie. mrlt AZIN’S ALBA KOSA SOAi’.—l'..r »„a ening aud uhUenlna the skin. —The n*r*of this Soap glyrs ti> the akin n inowy whltoneas, aud a velvet like soft , octe whicb.u nirl-1 J. A U. rliMjlilit'. Mineral palnt—io different abodM for sale by W. MACKEOWN, ror l4 Iff? Liberty street. STORE tifIADES uf ail sides nnd beautiful j.ljk.uji.ad »d lotrrwl U. Checker or draftsmen.— Ebony, Boxwood and Bo»ewood for aala by W. 8. lIAVEN, Stationer, mrH Corner Market and Second »l*. SEAL PAFERS of various colors and sizes Cor «a!o by W.B. HAVEN, Stationer, mrU Kca. 31, y and S& Markit at. SHAWLS, Dress floods, Needle Work, Cor setts, Hoop gkirtx, Ac. Also, all kinds of DomesUa and UUplo 1* 7 Oooas. . „ , A . . mr!4 0. HANSOS LOTB. H Mslfat slm*. GREEN APPLES—IO bbls. in more null for alio by arH ISAIAH PICKET A CO. SHELLBARK IIiCKORYIfOT§-30ek«. ia«tor»*nd for nki \>j IfIAIAH PICKET * CO- QU&fAC—2OO sacks in store and for sale by Q nr U ‘ ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. HITE CREASE—2S bbU. in store and mini.br laumMcgKYtoo. OXTON—22 boles in store and for Bala by milt , » > mug moKCT«co. rjVMOTUY SEED—IOO bush good clean ■A' nod. tents b* - KBOUtWISXB *O9. FOK SALK—‘Jw acres uf laod in Ligonier tp W-.tmor-Und co .on lb» Om-nst-aiy ink* 3/5 . „ L'.. l3 mil.* from LnUOtc: wrtl wa. "'A MS Cr.rf Will N, aoM low for will . \ M .rr, A M .ly toflßU. w. MJ»N. Sooth 'Jinl mil. '..rLl.-vi.;..,, th- Di*m ~-1, All«nh«oy iutx. KIHICK ”' s MW,,R ! city. -—fjs- Sc CO., • T7OR SALE.—The undersigned offers gfl fnMMI S S I 0 N M KUC H ANTS, H fr M » r h,. |.r..s»rt? In the IVtrouuh of N*«i<:k-£JJL i^ ; n tins lark’* l Tinok, l)w«lliiaK Hun**, Fnuw Barti~aLo For (lio *•*!«’ *jf . iinck Spnmr llvunf. with from ten to lortj P*H Iron »ml Bloom*. ' „r urcoud. «* On* r , ' r ''*"“ t ' r may d«-sif**. , rfl , !lf 9S WATKK FTKKKT. Hrnf dime- hint, nod the KronnJ.-.uh.ml tne iSj’fSSOLUi' lON*UF' OU-VAKI'Np'KSttii*". - Eft mnluiil mow-in on th" nr.l d., -I January ,W.' lto-M. ««, iMW nrtiMi.u| «r» -I.! >• »,u ; rjusK country rissiimsncb form will pistol tUrni for irmtmeiit. )A>|K , MU .. IIALL : A Vm“lk-i^maD, k in *dj«o« to AU*T;b*»J i ,KNKV,K-.KA R V. «*W TUB undersigned have tlua day associated , „ iiant> goblin*, T*u»ut llou*. Ac. Four «»•*»» with them in Tlw.ru... Th hfo> .1. Into of thr , ljude tho most “>“»[“* ’ * 7,f Lford *Co Th- -iv.- ..f th- &rm 1.. r«ft.-r , jt , l ,„, c^va ty ThT- ar» w««nd liuadml t rnil - I'. K.\ 4 KOKSi TH. * ■ Aj>j>)•(■, P ‘" 'rv. Ch-iri*’.. **'k*'j* fln'**ei'iidttiun.— '■ S S-Tprin* S culiiwtwl ** iaipruroii, I Htid iuiu 3 i<.“f iu apoailloO cowmauduiK a Uue view of the ' iwu ciius iUid mrrouudiug country. M'9:dtf FOR^SALE— 320 acre* t>f finely timbered land In Onlli. county, Data well w»Umd, M in>mGallluiK>lia,2;< n.tlrn liom Ik" Oblc rlrr.r. Will bn „.|cttJ I M.bcr In Ntlnbanib or Allryb.n, OrJ. *Pbly » a ™ L*- I UII.NN. fonlb aide of Oblo .Irani, 3J door weal of tbo Bln j uiaiinl, All< , tchen>' City. __il wholesale druggists. dbaibas is paobbcb, LATEST STTLES OF A 9 ABOVK, WHICH. FOR ENGLISH and FRENCH BMYTII * SNOWDEN'S, Now Tea Rtoro, M Fifth atrrwl. _ ... »LKI. fOUJTTU 0. ILIt I * l • • KKA, LLut 1) koksVTII, WIIOL E S A L I. 'i I. I) >■' ER S. Jlr.il--n \M PIC, METAL ANl> It LOOMS, No. 7!» \V*» «r *»• rrr l, Feb'y 1. __ |--1 iMJUI.OU, 1 A. isani Statnnrnts. '-j MEANh. Wfc *« irJ l.imiia, Bills anil Discount*- .. . Ht-nl Kktntf ami Grcmtnl Root ami Jlmllunwiu. . l LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Profit* and Warnings I'l.iW‘xi-!*;2 i Unpaid l)|TUlcl»‘l» and SunlK-Imn Acr't. iS"S 15 I>ui Ut otli. r Bank" lIS.IU 1 .) ‘.<9 Tlx* *!»»*•• i.cm-. l t.. it,.- t.o*t .-1' nli'v and IndiH .1 till N 11AKl'Mt. (audir. to and nl-d tln«Uth March *|s..'.i, l»d..n« «• nirla Al-STIN UM‘MIS. hotnry Pnl.lU-’ HUtemeut oftht JlmliaaU’i kail Mantt factrtrrr*’ Bank of PHUbnrgh. PITTMifRJ-11, Muiidnv/Miirth l4tt», I'’.'-'* ’J4p.-tior* Dun plb*r Bank' Due CommouwHiilUj. B.inaaud Discount*. wi«l Check* of other Banks 54.929 67 Due by eth.-r Bank* 35,i*13 v> The above statement l* correct and iriw to the Ixwt of my knowledge and belief. W. H. DEN N’Y. Cashier. gworn aalncril-vd l>efor« n»n, this 14th day of March, A. D. 1869. mrlfi J. F. Msceemuk. Notary Public- Statement ofKxcnange Unnkof Plllibg. I’lTT.'urtr.n. Mompii, March II lit, 1359. Loansaud Discounts -$1,555,25* **- t.jwie in Vault 220,061 Iv Duo by oilier Bank* - . 13.579 in> Capital Flock. Circnlation ... Contingent Fund an I Profits 194,890 -11 De|>oaltv« Ini'-to other Bank* ' sl.'.WJ,9v2 10 I certify that the above statement I* true t*» the l«*wt of ray knowledge and belief. 11. M. MURRAY. Cashier. Smorn and subscribed before me this 14th dav of March, IMS), rarla 0 VF. KIUNKST. Notary labile. Statement or the Cltlaena* Bank, Pittsburgh, March 14th, IM9. \ A&ihfflJ. Loam and Discount*. Coin in Vault. Notes and Checks of other Banks.... . 1(),98i* 03 Due from Banks and Banke rs.. . r 18.321 25 Miscellaneous AcronnU 5.020 3*) Real Estate, Ar LIABILITIES Capita) T-tocU . Individual Depositor* Circulation Coutinm-Dt Fond and Prolits. Du" to other Hank" / $693.7 IH 5 9 The above stmoroent is correct to the beat of my knowl edge and b*diuf. L D. J(JNKS. Cashier. Affirmed before ttu* this 14th day of March. 1869. mrl6 J. F.MACKBNZIK. Notary Public. statement of the Ittecltanlci’ Dank of Plttabnrgh.. Moxnw, March 14ih, 1859. LIABILITIES Dno to other Banks. Duo to Depositors... $320,779 9fi ASSETS. Billsand Notes Discounted. Ihie by other Banks 30/291 93 N'it* « and Checks of otiier Banks 25,701 95 Fpi-ao iu Vault IW.ttfl 45 $857,518 50 The above etatomsnt is correct, to the beet of ray knowl edge and belief, GKO. D. McORKW, Cashier. Sworn bcioro mo till* l ith day of March 1859. mrl6 A. Vi. FOSTER. Notary Public. Statement of the Iron City Bank, PiTTsouxuu, March 14th, 1859. Loans and Discounts f C76,!fif> ne by other Banks 13.8*53 15 L LABILITIES. Don to other Banks. Individual Dv|iuslls $307,498 57 The ahovo statement iunrroct (■> the bast of ray knowl edge and belief. J. VY. COOS, Cashier. fenorn auiEsubscribed before nie, this 14th day of March, IM'J. mrlfi BOUT. PINXEY, Notary Public. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND: Tuxh'e Pti'jca of Popular ilutie for Ten Cent*. MustciL Friend” is filled with the bool Piano Solo*, Boots, Bong*. Operatic, Arias, Polkas, Maxttrkss, Quadrilles, Waltemand evrry other species of musical composition (or Voicn ami Piano by the boat Amer- IrAU aod European Composers; prtntod on full-sized mosir ,4>aper,adapted U) every gnule of |N*rf4CEllEtT,ftT«alobj J.B.CAHniIDEW. i'OK SALK.—A tract of* land containing 1 nine and one half acres. situate on the Fourth Street iH.«l"'iii tin"- miles from tlw Coart IXous**. « Att’ys nt ts»«r, No. fO Fourth street R" VIJUNG - >Yinr“SlfE “ SitU AT£ ON Tin: MONONOAUKLA KIVKR Foil SALK. —This properly adjoins thn Pittsburgh and llcwtou Copper Work* and |m* ooe o( tbo Wet Undlujri on the rit*r. A. W. GAZZAM.I37 Fonrtlij treaty STtAM~MiLL FOR - SALE OH RENT.— Frame Flouring Mill to Ltwn-nreviHi", fronting foot iOi Chr»tnnt street ami extending bark 1W fe*t to Kwalt st. For full description and terms apply to MR AUSTIN LOOMIS A CO., 58 Fourth st._ T,l 0 li SALE. —A very desire PjS JP ablr-two story Hrirk Duelling House, in uid leadiui: i*i Wmsilrr, and within about two nill>* of thnPitts btiricL, Fi Wayne and Chicago 'lUitruad. The south, east and Doitli-*'H*t.|Uartoni ara partly cleared and improved— the remainder is covered with superior timber—and tbs wb.4e is well watered by springs and running stream*— rit» sn-U.'U is considered the finest body of lanJ in ths u.'iot). It wiliwi sold endindedor in linos of Railroads now lu course of eonstroo- S ion, and one tract only two miles from Cooutj seat. Tlie td-ov.' will l>v "oldloW for caul], or cXch*U£!>d -ftjT larininp lands in this or ajjuiuiof; counties -iii. -- * ANJKIC\‘HP-vmd*L SaLK Ol i Tl.» LET.—The House Pj&f r now occapini by fL K. MclioWlN, No. 2TC. Icon Ebi) ntre«L Rnqolio on th« l>rvmiaos. fcl&au $1.9(53,932 l«l .4 315.000 no . 532,175 00 W. C. U. THOMSON'S -NKW SKIRTS FOK ISSO TUE INDESTRUCTIBLE DOUBLE EXTENSION SKIRT, WITH PATENT EYKLKj FASTENIN'!, J IADE WITHOUT SEHIXG. L'olv<-r*«liy pronounced “the moat perfect Skirl ever mads." THE GOSSAMER EXPANSION, The lightest end must graceful Skirt eror prodnred: THE PICCOLOMINI! By mcanv of clasps—this heautifnl end economical garment can t-» taken u> jd.nw, unshed, and pnt together again at plcaanre: $093,701 59 .$440,000 00 . 70/273 u 7 132.910 00 All the al>oio hare Thomson's celebrated patent Watch Spring Bustle, and Are stamped with our name and trade mark (the crown.) For sale by the principal retailers «vurywbi-rn. W. 8. i C. 11. THOMSON, ( t v.l 6u.di* 233 BnwJwny, New York. LYON'S JUGSKTI POV • Wili d'Mruy (harden Initz is, CeclroicAcs, D-d- s .tnts, Mo'Ju, and al! petti rtf' the rcrtnin TIIE importance of a reliable artic, kind is inestimable. Is warm wraitier teems with three annoying foes. Tals powder i article discovered which will exterminate them. » nr of U'tanUtA, from the Horticultural Society while amidst the ferns of Asia, observed that , lUbline upon a certain kind of plant very so 1 ileul. This fact was made use of to guard tneir y fmm these intruders. Qaautitien ol the plant« home by Mr. K. Lyon, nod found a positive ins* in every experiment. It la simply a powdered tally pi'.pored to resist tho effect of ago and cli als and totters Patent bare Ixou obtained fr»,i ments of England, France. Germany, tnd Kussht, (torn the World’s Fair, and numerous medical and horticultural col leges and aocletics. ( LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE U. STATES KxtccTtTi Harbor, Washington, 3lst Jan. IESS. “M». Euasdu. Ltosv:—Dear Sin 1 hat* the pleasure to inform you that the Royal Commission of tho World’s Fair, at LoDdoii.bave awarded yon a Medal and Certificate fer the nreatTalue of yonr Magnetic Powders, for exterminating lnaectnfke. “MILLARD FILLMORE, Chairman.'' Tho shore was actom{>anied by a eertiQcate of Pnnce Albert. 21,446 77 41W5.578 17 It la Free from Poiaon. New Yore, October Ist, ISES. Mr. E. LtOlC—Dear Sir: We hare analysed and tested your Magnetic Powder* and find them perfectly harmless to mankind and domestic animals, hut ceitala death when In* haled by hugs, ants and Insects. JAMES R CHILTON, M. D, Chemist. LAUKANCE REID, Prof. Chemistry, N. Y. Hospital Mr. Jour L. Itobt, Superintendent of the New York Hos pital, My*, “he has expelled all the bugs, ants, roaches, njytbs. Ac., w-itn Lyon’s PowJtr.and finds It of immense vblqo.” $857,420 00 Every gardener antLhnuao*keeper must bare a direct In tere-t in an article of this kind. Reference can be made to tho Aator, St. Nicholas and Motropoll'an Hotels; to Judge Meigs, President of tho American Institute: JameaQordon Bennett, Gen. Winfield icoU, Cyrus W. Field, L. M. Pease, of the Five Points Mission, Ac., Ac. Judge Meigs says, "Th s discovery ofl'rof. Lyou l« of national importance.— ThoFnrmcra’Club hare tested it thoroughly. It will des troy locust*, grasshoppers, ante, moths, bags, and all Turroln. Garden plants can be preserved, and bouses made pure.” Arrangements are made through Messrs, R AKN.ES A PARK of New York, to have It sold throughout th© world, klauy worthless ImlUtioni ate advertised. Ib* cautions! ••New Yore. November fith, lfivS. “In retiring frtun business, I nave sold all my Insect Powders and pills, Li-ltera Patent, and the ercrets pertain ing thereUi, lo Mrsarn, BAI.NKS* PARK. This. Powder la a tlUcovery made by myeelf, -and broQght from the Interior nf Asia, and Is nnknowu to«ny other persona. The genuine ami efTi-rtive article is pat up la tin nnnßtere, and will con tinue to bear my name. "K. LYON." Kata and mien ennuot be reached by a powder, and are killed by a Magn die FiiL Order them through any Der chant. * *Tts Lyon’s Powder kills insects in a trlcf. Hut Lyon's Pills sip oilxvd for rata and niico- Sample Flaska.tlO regular size*, bO mil* and f i/'- r - Follow •lin-rtiB. > T>LCOMS—4O tons Jtmiata Blooms tost LHTLEETBIHBIB. ssl2 Ko.U2fecasdst{ ' ' isiueational. ; ‘j SKWICKLEY XOADEMY.—A Classical AM> C-JUMMfUL UOiRI'TSO SCHOOL FiK BOTB, o*l * t Kt. W 4 C. H K . I- mile# from Pittsburgh. J. p. TItAVKLLI, A. M , PriadptL . The THIRTY THIRD FKsSION w»1 commenee CO MOK* PAY, May --M. _ Tel.m«. per of fire mouth*. For Circulars, fcc., enquire Of John Water street, orT. 11. Nev.u Wood ilrtet.wof Principal. Sewlckley, Pa.. rorihancodAwetP Penn Instltate, CORNER of Penn and Hancock Th* ensuing term will commence on TUESDAY, Sl** ln>t A Unified number of pupil* may obtain •dmtamoo. Terra* tor Tuition and Stationery, s£t per oessfou Of twenty two w«k!*. ank4:tf J.K. SMITH, Principal. TO LET—A three, story Brick House,®. situated on lines, Itrtwoen'Second and Third itl.ffl v,jUi gas, hot and cold water, Ac. JSAAO JONES, uiri:lwd corner of Ross and lint *t*. T 0 LET —Two well finished two story Eg Brick Dwellings, containing nine rooms each, oaj£|L Wylie elreet, ne*r Chatham, within five minute* tnunof the Poet-office. Enquire of mrlaltf lm. 8- A. BTKRREIT,277 P*nu Street. TO LET—A comfortable two ' Dwelling containlngsi* room* and finished situate on Washington eL, Allegheny City. Enquire of lr a a. 11. KIMi, No. 211 Liberty*!. TO LET—A Score Room on FifchSt., EB; in the most (Wimble loeationeu that grout thof-JCB.' oujrlifare. Apply at 185 Liberty street. ; - ' u-t RIPPLE, WIRTS* CO. m*o LET—Two large first-class Ifwellißgßg I tu let, With all tbe modern lmpraßjajDtfc- ■- _ ’ HriCHOOCK,McCS£fcRY*OO, .*l9 No. BB Second and 151 Second at, • TU LET.—That desirable buameaaggg •tand. w ith dwelliug attached, on U»turner of JjJB, Liberty and V Uarm streets, well adapted for a tolly «n>* ary store, being occupied *< *uch for the tarffoarteat jm. Enquire of ?3H Q . c y j a „l4 N 0.311 liberty street.. rpo LET.—A comfortable brick dwell-** 1 ins containing si* ruoma and finished garret, aft-Jfc*. imtn on O’llara ■ tree fob* tween Liberty and Peon. Enquire 0[ (jai4) K. IL KINO, No. 211 Liberty »t. rpO LET—The Warehouse Room and Office JL now occupied by Porter R. Friend l * Co'., W Frontw. Aia.>. Lvfti suiUblc for storing cotton. .. • Lja IflAlAll DICKEY*OO. NO. 75 MARKET STUEET. SPRING GOODS. Co art. HORRENT —A Lot 144 by 100 feet, on which 1 arc erected, Building*, Stacks, rendering It suit*' • for any kind of manufacturing, situate on Denman < * r oj° Liberty street, Pittsburgh* *0 H RENT— J : ■ • \ 1 A KISH WAREUOOSB. No.WMarket fcUuoLad. * line N. Holmes a Sons, finished and shelved .n tbo W oner from collar to garret, for wholesale and «»>*dry “ i ::Sr;r ,h " t ' * /£□£ ”I*3* %s>r', (Etty auction Sales. p. Ai. u A VlB, AuoaonSST r Commercial Salt* Room* No. 64 Fifth Street. New a second iiand BOuESlTvEffif EVENING. —At the commercial sale* room, No. 64 >inh street, will bo soru every oyeniog this week,commenc ing ou Tuesday, March 15th, at 7 o'clock, a large TUktT of o new and second hsud Bocks, comprising good editions of standard authors, popular works of recent publication, and a miscellaneous collection in literature, arts and science; ahb - nnscopieaof Hu Family and Pocket Bibles, a largo aasort lueot of stationery, fancy articles, Ac. nirlA P. M. DAVIS, Anch; Hotel furniture and fixtures} AT AUCTION—Da Monday morning, March 21*t| At lu o'clock, at gabl'a UuU-1, No. 90 Third stmt, between Wood and Btrw'tH, will t-esold tho entire atock of Farnitute, t that rxUmaivecslabUshmtDt, among which are Fcnthor U#«lii, Bedding, HoUnuci, Bureaus, Work and Wuh bUnd*, &xtenaicn and other Tables, iiahoganrSofkS,- Divans Chain Anil Bockars, Looking GUsses, XcgtaTlng*, Window Blind*, Carpets, Oilcloths, Bogs, Haiti, High and Low Post Bedsteads, Cliainber Ware, Difllng-Rocm Furniture, Raite* and Forks, Tabio and Tea Spoons, That* lag Diabe*. China, (.Slats aud Queeusware, Fire lremi/Utx* Cooking Stove atxl Fixtures, a general aaKuiuAut Oi Kltcb - on Liu-uaila,OfficeFnrnitoro, Ac-,*e. mrU » P. M. DATIS,AncL B lIILUING LOl'S IN THE CITY OFAL- LKdUENV At A action.—On Tucfcin; cTßnlni;, March 2il, at 7*4 o’clock, will bo Mid, it (he commerciM .Ml« rooms. No. &4 Filth «t, tint valuable Lot ol UfOCEj,ftitTC»(ft at the corner H YPOPHOSPHI TE of LIUS, BODA and POTASH, a erxcuric uxxdi tot, tea uuuuuit or O ON SUM "PT X O IT - THE great ChemictfeMedical Eiscoveryof the celebrated Dr. J. P. CfiiithUl, of Paris, flm made known by him to the French Academy of Medlcfae about 5. ; -- yean ago, marks a new and Important era In fee annals Of. - Medical Erienco. “ • Now, lortho first time In the history of the world, his » BKUEDY been foand that surely Btrikee at the tuxienrf frh/umarvDtitait.tx&'llratoritig CUd&clait chemical ekmenit of t\e Mood; (ocrem* toe principle »foe& < cotutiiuiu nerwiu or tiui force, invigorating the nnfrf-. riw functixm, yn«t fens not only CURBS, but also FR£» VKNTd, the darelopmest of this hitherto most fetal geemege of the human race. to tbs PubUci'Ct Various preparations an already in the marital, purport* log to be based on Dr. CharcfaQTe discovery, agahut wnlclf we *oUranl> cotton both the probation and the public. Let no one be deceived, trot ask for and ose Only the prr*. • pantion told Crum the bda General Depot la theUnjtad. 1 States, No. 49 John street, and bearing a/a« rinule sign*» -: , tareof J. WBczusns, by whomaltme Dr.CSnjrchill% prw»- ' •crfpuooifl pot op ts a kxuaks An cswcautfcu rots. la all Nerroos or Scrofolotu Debility, Lolls or Vitatrom, Dyspepsia, InfDgwtfcetyaad remale Weak* acßaea, it is a aorareitmaad laTaloabla reaedy, «“RKAD THE TESTIMONY.-® fVoo the J7.Y. American Medical Monthly, Jcr ‘•Whatever may be oar ccuelnsica* with refcreoc* to the claims oi Dr. Church 111, for tbo Bypophnpbites *B«o»irw£n remedies in tobercolod* (coniiamptiua,; titu cam ns no nocaTAstOTarVAirao# Frva i £Ae AVrtA American Bdi-caS BfporUrJbr Oct, ISoS. “This Mttfiela* fa arientiflcAlly aod ntlAbte.-^, We hare ostd ilia Otxr ownpr*Oice,te phthuUpOlmonij>|~-7* t . and other frirnniof dhteese, with , TCT Y*®“jf's c^2> [ iy6f -iL • * * • InslAty-clghtcft-e* ia j-- E.av risen. thlftT-eosen were in tit- lacipfant, JF -g| £ iutheßeceod soJadTaoctd - toaladet were U-y-n-I topa * tor casus, which were much bwcfiied.all bo? ~ . »R> sQU douUfol. rwcwrwvd • S i> Price 12, »r boiii*** hw |3. tuiglo Losriea'fffy,lc cmeenirottd *rot by m«IL prepaid, whno tpocially ordend. All orw*'» k* throe bottiee or ovor willbe aentby rturMs atc»at*>nho parity. Druggists' Burnt seal Ibelr w*' jo«« direct to the undersigned, or they nray bafeadtflefeot . ondspnriooßpreraxaUoaaPntthe&t Uunnldß Preparation of Dr.Charddlfti -j Oitnpound otthcliypopbiwphlteeof liausSodannd Petaab . is add at wholesale at • tba eula Qeoefal Datort, Ah Jnl>*. at ~. but will be kept by all respectable drpzgtot* throofiheot Uio United Stales. Circulars and >ll giT*n.to all panic* wictoaing a, ataap. For convenience is rrecinogoor letters, correspond eota am reonrsiod to add • in addlUoo to the regular addramas below." • . , - J.WINCaBTBIt, > ' . . Foreigtt Agency oflk*^ O JohoßtwaL New Tarfc. SEWING MACHINJiItf. liASS, WSBSS9S ® 00. SEWING MACHINES.' Ar»ari.uowl*dg*dbjaii lobe TUB BtST. Tlioy aro dor* Blß]pJo"aiiJ durable In.coQitmJtiGn tta aay other. No family eho-ild b« wlth£mtoa«.' :• . Tfcry HEM, BIND, GATHER, BTITCII AND.TBIIr^ For Tailoring ™* Shoe-nttiagtlH* ar*oo*i<»n*ljttnk. lag a strong and oMic wffl t to|a ■a.Cßniarj ypoo^iotf.-: aFAIR LOCK-FTJTCII on both aides of tho material yawed ' A. u: UAHSIULL C0 t * Allegheny