THE ’ ESTABLISHED IN 1786 Btusafetß, TTABTYFEIiL & SHEPHARD, JX ■ DRUGGISTS, ■ ialSfly Xo. 166, comer cf Wood and Slxlh street* TIT MACKEOWM, moleaale Druggist, Tv ■e QubwOH Manufacturerand Agent tor Thajer’s . BoUJaad Fluid Extracts, No. IC7 Liberty street, F«tu burgh, g* . . -7 jsSQAyd EL.FAHNESTOOK & 00., law oftho firm • B.JU Fahnftitock A Co, and sticcewora to Flemiß? Bna- WholsoloDnjssta* No. W, corner Wood and Fowl* Pa. A. FAHNESTOCK. A W., V< UK'Utr . iflatrazzOt* md .MB&nfactcTM, ct Whit. I/wI, TTi-aI aaJtroot Mu-- bantu - ■' r “ a > .. JOHN 1 P. SCOTT, WHOLESALE DEAL «In J>mth Mou, oauTiralil-M u« Dywmifn, No. 23,Ltbcrt7 rtrrcU Pitutinrcb. _ ' All orders will rrccjTenroznptaUt'nUini. ' tbr Sdivnck's PuUaonlegjTup. marfUydsw • WHOLES ALE AND rl prnggirtarWrtierof liberty and St. Clair iIl, SSSficrglL' TOSBPH PLKMINH, (SUCCESSOR TO L. •I- \fQcCX A Co.) corner Market «4not and Diamond,keeps. «a*am*!gaßfc*i»*fuH&od complete assortment of Dreg*, Wcrn^ittfryTlM l^" o flheeff Perfmmrv.and all articles per* .. gytoirriajmi prescriptions cartfhlly compounded at all tourer, •.> ’ I'. 1 ; ; Jaftly —bj geoTji. keyser, druggist, 1M Wood street, corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley, Pltt»bqrgh,Pa. , ■ 1 ?toHute Sealers. TWIDDLE, W-IRTS & GO., General Com i\imissionMenhantaand Peelers In Qcocerlce and Pro- street, Pittsburgh, Pa. reiornsßTia ieutsort dclfclydawT JAMES HOLMES & CO., Pork’Packers and Healers Is Provisions, comar of Market and Front KIWtL ' Ja&ljd* a. cuTOamsos — B ; LK f cu * LEECH & HUTCHINSON, Commission waronririins SkirtunU, dmler. - wrro- Qumo, Hoar, Vilh, Unroll, Hotter, Liusood Oil, Hot and Pearl Ashes, Seeds, Grain, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally. B«stbrandaPamOyFlour always on hand.— Agents foe thereto afTladlsftn Co’s celebrated Patented Poorlßbreh. NoSTIW Second and 145 Fint-sts., between Wood and Smlthfleld sta, PftUburgb, Pa. ap&lyd CHEESE WAREHOUSE.—HENRY H. OOLLIKS, Forwarding and Commission Merchant,and Dealer In Cheese, Butter, Lake Fish and Produce generally, 2fl Wood st, fthore Water, Pittsburgh. tnjTl Eagle warehouse.— jas. gard- INER, Wholesale Dealer la Slonr. Ftovlsloas and '.Produce generally. No. 6 Seventh street, between Liberty aud StnlthSsld. Pittsburgh, Pa. £3«Tcrmfl caab. rarSfly : Insurance agents. TJ PINNEY, AgcntEurcka InsurunceCo., ft Water street i A. CARR I*< R , SECRETARY «; Pennsylvania Insurance eompany of Pitubnrgh, Jouet* Banding, Fourth street. SAMUEL L. MARSILELL, Secretary Citi- Company. 34 Water *tr QBINSON & CO., Deader in Carpetß, Ac., XV 23 Fifth street. ' CTTILLIAM McCLIfm)OK, Dealer in VV , Carpet* No. 118 Market street. foO_ ' W. D. * 11. fI'CALLCD, Dealer in carpets, oil cloths, MACTINGB, Ao.No.STFonrtb street near Wood. attomegs. tt. T. QALLCWAT - -U- T. BaWDttr GALLOWAY A SANDERS, attorney s la\v. AND S EADS, GALLOWAY db SAXDKftS, " Heal Estate, Collection end Tax Agents, . Davenport, lowa. - 'Staocrft Rohm, f it, Patrick A Co^ BprfMbrHarbaDghftCaj A. 1L illlicr. JaSftdlgSwSmT IftTSIH .Jfe-M AOK KNZIK, Atturceya ut Law, OffitsNo.CQ Fourth *tt«U Pito»burgb, Pa. Notary l‘pt>_ ffoln * ~ - - Robert m’kniqht, attorney at* : Law,ami Solicitor cit tho Dank ot PUtiburgh, No. 1 lit gout tli Btrn>t, Pittsburgh. ' dg t B JOSEPII S. Sc A. P. MOiUUSON. AT* torsrys at Law. Ofilcs No.t-S Fbuith st., ar.xr W«*id, Pltiebaxsh,Fa. ciy^ 3tj) Soots. t. «.ncacuriXLo..—...Qeo.a. BtixsetL— w. a. kuupi:* BUBCIIFIELI> & CO., (successors to Mnr i>hy ft Burchfield.) Wbcltsalc and RctAll Dealer*.lo 'Stapleanl FaucyDty Goods, corner Fonrth and Markhtetot-Pittsburgh. *"1 \ /TTjTi.' liOVE* Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Gtlods, sign of the original Bi-o Hiv«, No ,4 Market streo{.yijtabnrgb. , II: 'PALMEU, No. 105 Market Street, XVa-D«*Wfct Bonnets, nets. Straw THmmfrigs, and fctt* vtioods generally. Carnages. : PblladclpTUa Carriago Bl*»of*«,ory. THE subscribers have always tiHtid a flnw mtuKmcnt t>f NEff and OND HAND CARRIAGES of varlocs Jwcrfptivosaud ton#- l>!o fur (be Tarim's porpow*.. Orders from all' partiof the codotry executed wkh promptndfl &Qd dispatch. Uannfictory nrjd Warrrooau, 1201 Jfnmkfcrd Rom, oboro Girard Areuce ■g- . RESKIIAUS, ALLGAISft* RETRY. iJlfL—Tbo “Rtchtngo and Richmond” I'Jkptirerß. R. rNy/paatfro prorates erery f*w mlnnto*. Ja2-ftjfcfcTr3mP ■ flU AGES! BUGGIES! •B&STOSStBAROUCnEB.GfttIII? JD everything in tbo lino, purchascu^^^ 1 ■ most rellaLlo s&'i EASTERN M ANCFACTDRUKi, V, Togolber with a fall usottmont of elegant ■* Enttrn aarneii InSTdry Tarietysoittbltforsiaglaor douMoteamn. Alsrf, ‘ **»«■, and other Item, too frametona to mention, •“constantly on hand and fur tale at reasonable prices l»j Diamond ttroet, near Liberty* Pitt*bnrgh, Po. Ccrrlafn bought and acid on commission. Repair (ng neatly and promptly dona. sel?:dly • Carriage and Wagon flannfaetory. * M. Ij. STEPHENS, Agouti Ko. 133 Third Street, WOULD respectfully inform theegOftip public that bo la DOW located u aboTeJgjsSai; acd baa resumed tbo business of jCarrlago making la all Its r' varieties, and is also prepared to executoorderslsr YTagons of all descriptions, Including all work for Irom Merchants’ a eootlnninco of the patronage so liberallT be stowed appo him while at the old stand of •‘Bigelow 4 (x>, ha would assure bia friends ibatthoaamo care and alien. • tin will be circa to all hi* order* as heretofore, bavl u;r » .. cored tbo jßTTico* of the best workmen, and baring ample amrlmentselsewhere for the finishing of flno work. US'fAgoolwsortoeotofbsavj work now on band, *olt able firt Spring ta*w. All work warranted fur 12 month*. 4^. Particular attention given to repair*. Jal4:lyd ' ' Painters. roits inoxrsos„.-~.'. aorr. raoicfSos r c. - r JOHN THOMPSON 6c CO. tTdusb painters, glaziers and n G RAINERS, 13 THIRD STREET. Sign I’AinUi.g axecntod'W'itbbHUaess aad dispatch. Mixed joints. Oil, Turpentine, Yai®*b» Japan and English Fatent Driers, very superior article Philadelphia HilPltt*Wgh'Wh»o beaded way* on hand and forflulur 3 - Wo aroprtpared to Grind Color* for Pointers, DruggUuor tbo shortest notice,** wo ltaron mill which nfed* br iieam- "Painter# will save money by getting gWreoteugronodwiih oy , mrfrdly UooSselltrs.^c. T TT S. BENTOUL, St. Clair Btjcct, . Tf .* Denier in Religion* aod Miscellaneous Book*, and Depository of American Tract Sockly'a limitations. • mrlOaiowlyP f TSTM. 0. JOHNSTON 4 CO., Stationer*, ■■ r t ‘’ffiTsttlr, Book Mannfjctnrcr* and Job Printers, No. ;W good afreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' E**i COCHRANE, (SUCCESSOR TO • 6. Sadler,) Wboltealo and Retail Cooler In Book*, .. gmioowy and Paper Hangings, Federal stmt, 6th door £. ' - Jb'of Market Squire, Allegheny, p». TOiiN S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AND •V fHotioMr, ntnwt to Dsriwn AArfii-w.No. 03 Market (UreOi, soar Foortb, piustinrjjh, Ps. Kay & co., booilseuSks ANi) sta j£??2PS?J ?°* *trwt, next do«r to the cor -Biffrflblri, Pittsburgh, Po,■ Ccbooland Law Book* cou • gtmQyoabmd. 't sta ' Building*. BOOKSELLER ‘ Tl t n n d.6aU<»y > MMOPigll6U,yiftbgtr«;t. . " s?ra( : jsstait agents. 1 ■ r/ULUB WARD, ' 1 T~.Ttjr.ER TW PROMISSORY NOTES, 1 I Eosd,, Sloßragcs ih4 oH S* am >- I i?CrttmcMpr«mreloaMtltfoosl» ®y As.-3CJ.oa I— taVcai IliirmoMJ '-**jUlwai«l!«dfct Mid would clour 3 !”'"'™ , . «ad lot«v etrfc' l ' ...• Office &KAKT street, drppnplla fit. Pant» Oatbw**- •: Jaldtf. I • ' * 1 ©ptolEtEH?: TAIAZS f. - . ■ WaUPapetWarthouii. -TKTAhTER P. MARSHAL' & CO., t®' , , ~W-. portcaind Dealers, 87\>’ooiistre«;t, Lotwoen Fourth - tttmtsad Diamond Alley.where may be {baud an cxtensiTa • of every description, bf Paper for Par lva, Balia, Dialog Doom* and:Chamber*. Ai.n, Window “• Shade*, in great variety at lowest pride* to conn try dealer*, .yaatt i;: Walter p. Marshall a otk AOO sacks in store and iop ealo bv isiiinnKjareico. DUQtrsssna tel on szorb, COI»ESIAIff, RAILOAN CO., JlanafactnrtTi of Iron, Nails, Steel springe, Axle?, Wrought Nuts, Washers, Spikes, Bolts, etc., etc., llare removed to thair now and extoasiro Warehouse, No. 77 Water and 91 Front Straet, Where they are prepared to exr-cule all orders in their Uoo having a large and complete assortment cf “Duqueroe” manufactured goods con stantly os band, which they of* -ter on liberal terms. fe9.dtf Iron City Btove Warotionse. WW. BRADSHAW, (Successor to T. • Manufacturer of-UN,-IRON and COPPER WARE, and Dealer in BTOTE3, Acu No, 134 WOOD STREET, between Fltlh' and Yirrln alloy, Pitta burgh. Pa. fc&lyd t. Q. SETIN. B. H. FIXLET. ft. P. BITIN. T. H. KEVIN At CO., No. 24 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Fenna. TV/TANUFACTURERS OF WHITE AND XFX RED LEAD, ZINO PAINTS AND LITHARGE, and Wholesale Dealera in Oils, Paints, Varnishes and Tnrpon tlno. Jalidly BTTQITSSira rOTODRY. JZ. McCOY «te co^ LJ2ERTT STREET, oppotile Ferjia. R. R. Depot, PITTSBURGH, PA. MANUFACTURE to order, on short notie©, •CASTINGS, SHAFTING A PULLEYS, of all sites and dmcrlptiona, of thobeat materials and latest styles; also WAGON BOXES, SAD IKONS,-ORATES, Ac., always onband or cast to order. AgpOnlfln left at the FOUNDRY, or at Cartwright ft Young’s, 83, Wood at, will receire prompt attention. iafcdly i. A. SPACE, J. C. OIDWAU, tate of the firm of J. 8. Hall ft Spoor, late ol Hall ft Bpe«r SPEER. A BIDWELL, Valley Forgo Flow Works, . No. 13b Liberty Street, near Fifth, I'iltsburgk. Manufacturers of every variety 01 Plows, plow Castings, Ac, of Ibe most approved Pat torm suitable for every kind of soil and tillage. Their Improved Patent Iron Centre, Patent Iron Centre Ilillsidv, Iron Centre t*nb-Scil, l“aUut and Centre Lot ere, Steel Mouldboard, Valley, Peacock, Sugar, Cotton and other Plows are tr&a&AtiTED to give entire uttsfactiou to purchase ere, betb as to quality and adaptation to use. qri« solicited. pcttlyd WELL.*, RUDDLE *. CO., Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., ■AKCTACTtTBDLS 0? 4tTHIPS, THONGS AND SWITCHES. TV Ordori solicited frem thetrada,aud promptly ship. p*d as per Instructions. TxßJts—C months, or 6 per cent, discount for r »» tv ts2i-IydftwT / CHUT Will OH T a VOiISL, (Bnccenora tef John Cartwright,) Tk/T and Importers oi It n Pocket and Tablo Cutlery, Burgical unu Dental In strumenta, Guns, Pistols, FlshiDg Tackle, ftc n No. b 6 Wood street. They giro special attention to tho manufacturing of Trusae%Bupportere, Ac. Jobbing and Rep&ing wijh puoe tu.illty and despatch. aplSuily MOOR HE AD St CO., BANUrACTtEXKS'Of A ni Uce. Al! orders from a distance promptly attended to. Je*3 , Penn Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh. KENNEDY, CHILDS & CO., MANUFAC . TURERS of— Penn A No. 1 boavy 4-4 Sheetings; Carpet Chain of all color* aud shades Oottou Twine; , “ Bed Oords; u Plough Lines oznl Bo«u Cord; u Rope of all sizos and descriptions; Batting. left ol the Hardware of Logan, WiUoi ft 131 Wood street, will bare attention. JpSStly | ~JAMES niwiSL MANUPACTUREB .OF SULPHURIC ETHER: SuliJiuric Acid; iiwwt Spirit* of Nitre; Nitric Acid; IXoillmin'a Anudyur; Mniiatii- Acid; Aqoa Ammonia, >'FP; ' Nitron* do Fowier’a aolotlor.; my 3 May t“- tixmd al J-.lm !•».•, A y. -u.». 5-. T Water «fr«vt. WII.I. ! A 31 TA TK A NON, PLUMREK AND (J AS FJ Ti'ER, No. 10 Ft:rj;h, Ta. w3klyu J. S. LIGGETT A tO., I? LOUR FACTORS and Produce Commis ' &100 Sl-rcbaiiU, for tiu sal* of Flour. Grain, Seeds aud Produce generally, No». 09 acd 70 Wafer street, Pittsburgh Penn’*. • f-2S-1y T B. CAIfFIEID & 00., Comnliilon A Forwarding Merchants, And Wholesale Dealers in WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BOrrZR, LARD, rORK, BACON, FLOUR, FI6EI, Pet A Pifu 1 Aabi-a, LI cared A Lard OH, Dried Fruit acd Product! gvnerolly. Koi, 141 and 143 Front Street* PITTSBURGH, PA. HITCHCOCK, McCRKEKY A CO., * [Sccctssora to Huffman,M’Crtery SCo.] Forwarding and Commission Merchants, And Wholee&lo Dealers fn , Prodace, Flour and Wool, jYn. /Vtnf and 122 .Setondvri-, IHtUburgk, /b. ap3;ljd—my29 - . . ,fSTc&AtiK 9b AiIJER, t>U l,fM 1H i/A oar, Grain and Produce. ’* ,• , and Forwarding Merchants, ' ' >‘?a. 124 Second Si., Pitt»bur. PAia or packaos atiery roducwT.price* fur cash. This stock, coniprift* oj>o of eutrnlly Insites all In want to c dl. aamring them that tboy will b* pleaaod. Hen’eirbcr ihoplace. JAB. ROBB. No, M Markat Siroet, 0f»23 Third Door flcfn the Diamund Markol. WALL PAPER, FINE PAPER HANG INGS. CHEAP WALL PAPIiU, Border*, Window Sbaici, Curtains, Pepers, Ac. New pslUm opsn for tba early Spring miss. liariug built a new Wall Paper Sales P.«wtn with iocTiasod focllitlc* for a larger siock thsu hero tuforc, and which will be .coaitaatly replsuWiod, ptuxiiaa tra will find at all times n gooA a«ortment|at low f iicts. . K.'C. C3CILIU.NE, 0 VedrmT St, Allegheny.v Ordiiic aUt--tided to for Paper Hinging by iba beat w»k men. HERRICK’S PATENT CARPET tWLLI'Ert—A gtcat Don re tic Inrentiou, aud war ranted to giro entlsfocticm. Just rtctlrotf at tha Carpet stnrccf VV. AfCUNTOCK, 112 Market *tr«t, J*2j;dAwT Qjly tho Manufacturer. QJUNDRIES—SOO caaks Soda Ash; 2C-0 tog* Nitrate Solo; 63 kfr£* B 1 Carb ( , >- IXO boxed German Clay; _ • 103 bbl*. ficap Rosin, .’ anJ for tale Ly ALEXANDER KINO. DRY PEACHES—2OO bus. prime halves lot s*la low by IfITOHOOCK, McCHEKRY A CO, J* s 123 Second and 151 First «t*. AOO BRICK for ealo by> WVV . W. MAUKEOWW, f«23 50.151 Liberty Itrooi. *U..— jmsS 1 n BBL& PIUME BONE SET for salo by XV HARTWELL A .SHEPHARD, - ’ fe?A- . . earner Wood and Ctbst- l nnn GARB SODA, (N*t .Vv" Catihlfernlftby 7, HABTWBLL A ailBFilAß,WoofftC» t ’ fi6bFLAND , S GERMAN pi faatolj ' Ki. rAmnstocs mo. : DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. Manufacturers. . ' JBKMOVA-!.. Commission, He. ittustc, &t. f r BOOTS, BIIOES; OXFORD TIBS, PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1859: dFumfluw, & OARS The subscriber respectfully informs the public that ho has steam up agaia, and his extensive FTJB3STITTJRE AND Chair Mannfactoi-y IS ONCE MORE IN FULL OPERATION. His SALES ROOM ot preuot, and until tho Lt ol April, Is NO. Oft FIFTH STREET. After April Ist ha will bo located in spaaS&’s buildiho, UNDER THE IKON CITY COLLEGE, o And directly opposite the FOST-OFFTUE, where bo intends to keep for sole a fine assortment of every article in his line, and where be will be pleased to wait upoabUfrieads and patrons. FTJRNITURB AND CHAIRS Of every description made to order, and par ticular attention given to tho manu facture of Plain and Fancy OFFICE FURNITURE ja!7:tapl H. H. RYAN._ JATvLEB -WV WOODWKLLi PU RN 1 T l) D CHAIRS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Embracing every style of FUR IvT I X TX R ‘B , ROSEWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT, Bui table for PARLORB, CHAMBERS AND DININO ROOMS, Equal to any tn NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, LOWER PRICES. article made by hand and W*rraut«d.“Kft CABINET MARKKA Supplied with any quantity of FURNITURE aud CHAIRS, on reasonable term*. HOTELS AND STEAMBOATS Furnished at the tburlist notice. Waqxrooms, Nos. 77 abd 7R Tbibd Stbbst, mrtiidtl PITTSBURGH, PA. TOUR B. TCCRO ™„TnQS. k. TODSO JIROS t- TDOM T.B.YOVSO * CO., ; FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of Every Description, FACTORT—JMeroI SL,beiiotea and JYtma. Atnbm WarehonM—Soi. 18 k4O Smitatietd SL,; STEAMBOAT CAbln FURNITURE-Wo are conatantiy aanafacturtcg BTKAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE and CHAIRS, and inviu the attaaUua'oT tboee Interested tn furnishing boots. •eSfcdftwT T. B. YOUNG ft CO. ©rows. LITfLE ft TRinOLE, YY’ UOLB3ALE GROWERS and dealrbs Ploar, Bacon, Cbesis, Prult*,Olla&Prodacs, Hie n-j second CT^PHTaßutton. William baoalb'?, WHOLESALE C3HIOCJER., Hoi. 18 and 30 Wood Street, .vni. sttwißr, late with Of Lewis ft Edgnrton, Pittsb’g. {Garrett ft Martin, Pbila. EDGERTOK A STEWART, (Bacce«M>rs to Lewis ft Edgertob,) Wholesale Grocers and Commission JlereiianU, IOT Wood street. Fittwbtirßh, Pju, J*4:iya , JOHN W UILL. A. BCHDTXa JSMXS a'aiLL. ! TORN M’GILL & SON, Grocers ,and Com ifj mission Merchant*. Agent* Ter the *al». cf Pig iron *4nd Blooms, No. 287 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. fnlVljd IA lexandbk kino, wholesale Grocer and Importer of Fad* A»h, No, 373 Liberty 'irrent, Pittsburgh. P*. aplzlyd* ONES A COOLEY, WIIOLELALE GR(> CftlUi and ltoal 1 fiiriiUhrit, dealer* In 'Prodoc* Auey.pitmbgnwr*. im*tftfrftfnuvEa......—... rogg ft. puwaxm. S DRIVER A DILWORTII, WUOLESALE Grocers, No. 130 tad 132. Second rtrert, Wood and Southfield, Pittsburgh. ions ■ »i,-nim fLOTP— »■<'<»■ rLOTn. JOIIN FLOYD A CO., WUOLESALE GroccrsMid Commission Merchants, No. 173 Wood and 229 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. J*lfl WATT 4 WILSOnTwHOUSSALE GRO CERS. Commiwioa Merchants and Dealer* iu i'r<> dneo and Pitt* bn nth Manubotnre*, No. 239 Lllorty street, Pittsburgh. Jn2ft WM. McU U TOHEON WHOLE BALE Grocer, Prodncw sod Oommiaioo .Merchant, sn.i Dealer to Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No. 1M Liberty street, winter of Btewvry ay, Ptttibnrgh, Pa. myB joa* »Tmi —Lti... ...caas. Anrcu- A TWELL, LEE A CO., WHOLESALE f\ Qrocert, Prodace *nd OummlaJou Merchant*, sod pMi«»re in Pittiborgh Manofactnree, No. 8 Wood «ttwt be tween Water sod Front st, Pittsburgh. splß ftost. «Annmrf--l —.—Sftll'L ft. ftOBUOft.. T> ROBISON* A CO., WHOLESALE lli. Grocers, OoramlasiOß Merchants, and Dealers In all kind* of Provisions, Produce and Pietsbargb Uasntkctora, No. 255 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jalfclyd OBERT H. KING, WHOLESALE GRO OKU, Ootnmlarton Merchant, and Dealer laPratberft, Fish, Floor, and all kinds of Country Produce, No. 211 Lib erty street, month of Sixth, Pittsbnrgb, Pa. Liberal ad. rancea mads on consignment*. JaStlyd m JIIU3 I. BXSAMSIO. Robert dalzell t 00., whole- BALE Grocers, Oomminldn and Forwarding Mer chants and Dealer* In Produce and Pittsburgh Manuthcturaft, No. 251 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. myS_ ISAIAH DIOKEY”* CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Commiwdonslerdiants,aijd Dealers in Prodooe, No. 80 Water street, and 63 Front street, Pittsburgh. iUustcal. Mason & Hamlin's Melodeons. JUST RECEIVED—A new lot of Mason & Hamlin's MHLODKONR. For sale only by JOHN IL MELLOR, 81 Wood Sole Agee* for Cbickering’s Tuinua, and Muon A iUmhu': U.lodbon*. J*2t the international hotel. ' BROADWAY, OORNERFRANKLIN STREET, NKW YoHK, OFFERS indueemcuDi to Merchants^ and Touuists visiting New York, unsurpassed byid3 any Hotel In tbe Metropolis. The following are among tbe advantages which it posseeees, aodwh)Ch will L-o appreciated by alt traveling. Ist. A central locailon,.convenient to places of business, as well as ptacos of amosoment. 2d. Scropnlonsly clean, well furnished and well ventilated sleeping apartments. 3a. *nd superbly famished sitting rooms, with a magnificent Ladles' Parlor, commanding an extensive view of Broadway. 4th. Being conducted on the Earopean plan, visitors can Use In the best style, with tbogreatestoeononiy. 6th. It is conntcted with TAYLOR’S CELEBRATED SALOONS, wbere vlsltora can have their mvals, or, II they dualrr, they will bo farnisbod in tbdr own rooms. Gib. Tbe fore served In' tbe Saloous and Hotel Is ar . knowledged by epicures to be rasily soperlor to that ol any other Hotel iu the city.' With all tfoso advantages, thoeost of living in tbe Ijttirju tiosal is much bidow that of afiy other first class Uoti-1. fe!2:dlm .< A. FREEMAN, Proprietor. AfIBBICAH HOUSE, BOSTON, IS THE LARGEST AND BEST AR- g§9 ranged Hotel lo the New England States; i* «n-jjjgt (rally located, and easy of accost from all the roulea of travel. It contains ail the modern improrfemcnU, and every convenience for the comfort and accommodation of the traveling public. Tbo slopping rooms are largo and writ ventilated; tbe tmltaa of rooms are weO arranged, and com* pletelv furnished for families and Urge traveling partita, and lodhoQSa wrUccntiooo to be keptw a first daw Hotel In every respect. jsILdIy—LEWIS RIOB, ProprieU r. Fresh arrival BTEINWAY'S nwtlr ed, an Invoice of.a few very sopetlor Stela* I I V'| II wnj rianct among others, a TURKS STIIINGEDSQUAKK GRAND, of botpu and a third octaves, and la an elegantly, carved Lools XIV Cave. Also, several plain* seven and six and three-fourths octave Sonars Plane*. Jf. KLKBBR A DEO, 80T0 Agents for Stelnway’s Pianos, 63 > iflh »t. 49»ParcbsMrs are rwpectfoJly Invited to give us an early call, m tbe sopply of three fme Pianos Is quite inode* ijnate to tho dotnand. Jal4 A CARD—Having closed our store in tho Dltmond, AUrebehy • City, we would return our thanks for tbe very liberal patronage bestowed upon us while doing, badness in tho Diamond, and would rrepcct fally solicit a continuance of tbe same at oar new house on Federal it, star Leacock, where it erill be our'constant ea dcavrr to merit It. WSI. FRANCK, fold Federal st, near Leaoock, Allegheny. PRODUCE.— 100 ibus. Small White Beans. 75 j ° Timothy Seed, ISO “ etudes Clover Scad, SO - Rye, ■ 300 - Spring Darlry, .received* »aar.irMl«iitlBsLll>oit,lttwt l lw ' f e lo RIDDLE, WTRTB A Cf>. AK .TANNED LEATHER BELTING Oftho Vury tJABMmOCg*OQ.. SAND PAPER—SO reams assorted for solo by MS ; - A-L. yAIIKtOTOOK SOl). .* Z(\ GROSS AYER'S WORM CUN FJ£C« vV IION fcrwlibr : CAJB.T7SLC * ixSBKLAED, cor..Wood A Btbit. ; fittslmrglj (tape. TUBUBim) DAILY AND WEEKLY BY S. RIDDLE Sc 00., rirru eraakr. aaova autTumup. TIIKDAIL rGAZBTTLit the oldui Newspaper in the. Hvrt, and having onestattive dmdation amongst the businea *im,andrctuhtng aßd*tttf,il c*feTtimd’JGtPte%UtQ atleer tilers a* the best median through which to reach thepu’Aic. &9-THE WEEKLY GAZETTE is israederery Urdun-j -day and Saturday, on a large blanket theet, and contains in addition to the newt of ih« week, a carefully prepared and retialAt report of tl& MarktU, commercial and monetary of aftrt,ana an accurate Bank Note List, corrected weekly for Chit pap**—making it the best Commercial Newspaper intht JRst ; TERMS I ' • DAILY—Six Dollars per annum, payable in advance, or touts per week, payable to the Carriers. ■ WERItLY—Two Dollars per “annum, payable In advance. Hlnlu *m (n the following terms: Four copies one year..—— $6 00 Ton u u a io 00 lw«nty M .« •» - OO And one to tho person getting up tho slab free. 4EP*Advance payments ore strictly required, and no pa per will be sent after ibe Umo Is up to whiidi it wus paid. Rates of Advertising. 1 Square ol 10 linos, 1 time.-.—60 1 •• « “ B“ *• ~.~L~ 100 1 *• •• " | week...— 176 i •• ° a » - 3 oo 1. « “ 3 " 400 1 " “ u 1 month. 600 1 - " « 3 M .. 700 1 •• “ “ 3 “ ODO 1 “ M “ 4 “ —JO 00 1 “ “ « 6 “ VI 00 1 “ “ “ 12 “ —d»OQ Yearly advertisersareentftled toooesquare,choug ablo at pleasure, per annum.« oo Cota treble nrioe. [ For the Dally Pittibbrgh Gazette.} MefSBB. Editors I : —At Congruis fau adjourned you w ill probably b&ve-more eptco to spa»o, than you bavo had daring the lost tbreemontbs; andmay perhaps bo willing to make room for the following letter written more than eighty years ago, by tho victor of Raratoga,.Gen. Horatio Gates, to five young officers of the American army. General Gates was not merely acting for himself in writing tbis.lottor, but was speaking as tfcopresi dent of the Hoard of War and expressing their sen timect.s Tho letter in more worthy of preservation a s show ing the earnest, familiar and friendly manner in which that Board argued with those young men and the almost parental tone in which it urged them to give proper attention to tho duties to which they were assigned, and more especially to the manual operations of tho laboratory, and as further evidence of the difficulties the patriots of the Revolution had to contend with. It seems that other penoas 'bad boon sent to tho same place; bnt thoy scorned to descend to the manual labor necessary, as the War Office supposed, to a correct understanding of the laboratory art. Woold it be uncharitahlo to infer that there scornful persons were from the South ? • 1 know nothing about thp four gentlemen last mentioned in the letter. But the Grit named was Captain, afterwords Major, Isaac Craig, and probably a more judicious selection could not have bcea made. He was an Irishman by birth, had received a good English education, was a good mathematician, had served an apprenticeship to the trade ef hoojo ear ponter in Hillsborough, and bad worked at bis trade in Philadelphia from 17M till 1775, and would Lavo oo false pride aboQt manna! labor. His subsequent history proved that ho had eagerly availed himself of oil the instructions of Capt- Coben. Daring tho campaigns of Bt. Clair and Wayne ogaiost the In dians, and even during the late war with Great Bri tain his mechanical skill and bis knowledge of tho military laboratory art were called into play. It is. perhaps, a fact not unworthy of notion, that bis son. Col. Henry lv. Craig, is now at the head of tho ord nance corps, the very corps wblch has charge of those duties which his father was detached to Carlisle to learn more than dghty-one years ago. i know not how long Captain'Craig was at Car lisle ; but I find by old muster rolls of his company that be was there on the Lit of February, 1779, and alto on the Ist of July, 1778, and by anothermustcr roll that bo was again at the bead of his company on the Ut of November, 1778. I hare none of the r.~ But 1 am detaining yoUr readers from tho letter of General Gates. I copy ibe underscoring just as I find it io the original letter. The capitol letters are also as I Gad them : PITTSBURGH. Gentlrt-.rn • —The Board have been favored witfi your certificate of yesterdoy io favor of Captain Coven's conduct with regard to you. Wo are always happy when Enquiries iuio tho Characters and Be havior of Officers in the service of the Country turn out favorable. Wo deem your TostimotfcV fully sat isfactory as to Capt. Coven ,* bpt aro sorry any offi cers under bis Command areJu a NUtsation to beun. d«r tho Xcceaaity by mj ‘‘of conrcj/iV; ’heir Ignorance."’ Either Mr.’ has not been «•> eommuiaicaGvfe airlie ought t>Aortirry have boeu Inattentive to matters asaing before them. Perhaps too they have beoa ludolcul or too much abnvo their business to employjthemselves Manually in it. I’rac-tiral Arts are not to be learnt by Specu lation. No person, io our opinion, by merely seeing a complex Machine, although bo should attend to its part*ever so minutely either in tho whole or itt de toil, could at once prnduro a similar one, of h;n own manufacture. Pntcli' - o must complete wlAu Specu lation only begins. The knowledge, it i* supposed you have acquired of ibe Laboratory art, uj well your experience in life, murt convince you of the truth of these general positions. And as you aro sont to obtain a perfect knowledge of tho business, not only on your own account, but to p,um\J-fats it through the States, tho Board make no doubt of your diligently aud manually applying yourselrcs to the task you have undertaken. We have too good &□ opinion of yoa all to suppose that it is necessary to Impress this sentiment farther upon you; becauso if there ore any of you who are negligent or averse to being taught, the Board are satllled, that as moo re garding the Interests of your eoanox yoa woald re turn to your other duties and permit some other per son to occupy a situation so dcsirnblo as that you aro now in. The time you have been at Caillslo was one Argument with tho Board, added to their anxiety'to havo tho Laboratory Art more generally known, which inducod them to write to Captain Coven on the subject, and we shall be happy to bear on your return to Camp, as no doubt wo shall, that ibo knowledge yoa have gained by your residence at Carlisle is equal to the Expectations formed when tho Measure of sending you thoro was adopted. If there is any inequality in your Acquirements it will bo found that those know most who have cL"i<’ most M'ofA-. Tho greatest Military characters bare thought nothing too minute or too laborious. Tho great 7 urrenne carried a Masquct for a Twelvo mouth and tho Czar Peter was not content with seeing a Ship built, but employed himself as a com mon Labourer in the lowest and most laborious parts of tbe Business. We have from nn anxious desire that you should gAin every posslblo knowledge of tho Laboratory Art gone farther into this subject than was perhaps necessary, more especially as you were selected by his Excellency General 'Washington’s Express directions, as persons who would diligently attend to tbo Matter yoa have undertaken. The Board, therefore, can have so doubt, that yoa will use every Exertion, 03 the Eyos of so many are upon you. I am, with regard, Caj*t. Ctuic, I Your Obodt Servant, Pboctor HORATIO GATES, Capt. Lt. Parker, \ Cnrli*U. President. Lieut. Coorßß, | Parker, J 1 fiod in Hildreth’s History of tbo Uoitod Slalo#, that tho Board at that timo consisted of tbo follow- ing persons: Horat'u Gates, Provident; Governor Mifflin, Timothy Pickering, Joseph Trambuil and Richard Peters. ' C. ‘•Tnn Eagle. Nest of tub Repl'limc."—.Such is tbe lofty titlo that a writer ia the February number of the ‘'Democratic Age,” gives lo the sober State of Connecticut and in tho progress of an enthasiastio story relates this Illustrative Incident: A number of years ago happening to be In Paris on tho -Jib of July, with m&uy other Americans, we agreed to celebrate “the day” by a dinner at {he'Hotel Maurice. There were soventy-two of ns in all. We had but one gue9t. This was M. do Tocqncvtlle, who had then rendered himself famous by his great work upon Democracy in America. During (he fes tivities of the evening after (bo cloth had been removed, and speechifying had commenced, somo geotlemaa alluded en passant to the fact that he was born in Connecticut. “Conneei-de-coot," exclaimed Monsieur De Tocqueville, as ho sud denly rose with the enthusiasm of a Frenchman. “Vy messieurs, I till tell you, vid tbe permis sion of de presid&nte of this festival, von very leetal story, and then I will give you von grand sentiment, lo d&L little Stale you call Connect de**coot. Von day ven I vas in de gallery of tbo Hoose of Represent#, I held von map of de Confederation in my band Dere was vou lceile yellow spot dat dey call Connect-de coot.. I found by the Constitution, ho was entitled to six of his boys to represent him on that floor. Cut ven I make de acquaintance peraonclle with de member, 1 find dat more than thirty of (be Rep* resentif on dat Boor, was horn in Cunncd-de coot. And then ven I was in tho house of the Senat, I find do Constitution permit Connect-dc coot to send two of hts boys to represent him in dat legislature. Dat vonce more ven I make do acquaintance pcrsonello of the Senator, I find dot nine Senator wad boraiu* coot. 80 den, gentlom&n, 1 have mado my leetle speech ; now 1 vill givo yon my grand senti ment. “Connect-de-coot, the leetle yellow spot dat made de clock pedler, do schoolmaster, anddc -Senator. De first, give you tune ; de second, teU yon vat you do with him, and do aird, m&ko yoar Uw,.nnil joqrcivilijation*—and then as ho was resuming bis scat. amidst roars of daughter he rose again, and with that-peculiar gesticula tion which characterizes all Frenchmen in mo ments of excitement* be ebook his finger ‘tem nlonsly over tho ; asscuibled confreres, and ex olalmsa at tho top of his voice, “Ah! gentleman dat leetle yellow date yoa call . Conneot-dtPooot is ono Tsry great miracls to me." The population of 8L Louis is 135,000, .of which only 57,657 an Americans—43,674 are German, 52,013 Iri;h,3,‘i&l English, «h 4 7,537 French. ' the free Mibta ana starts ore about 1,500 eaeh, tuUho ftmale dares are tw» ia a&o of the stale. Me. Thurston, the Lost /Ebosant, Found. —lt will be reoollected that on the Iftth of Sep tember last, Mr. Ira J. Thurston-made an unex pected balloon ascension from the vicinity of Adrian, Mich., that the was some days after fonnd in (be vicinity of St. Clair river, bnt the fate of (ho poor aeronaut remained involved : in mystery tbout’.h extensive search was made for hia body, and the lights of Spiritualism were invoked and proved a will-o’-wisp as usual.— Some of the pretended spirit revelations were that Thurston reached the earth alive and was then in a nearly an inaccessible but in the St. Clair marshes; and the latest was that the exact locality of his body bad been found—that the force of the fall had buried it deep in the soft marßb—that a pole thrust down had brought up hair from the head of the unfortunate man—• that the wator and soft earth filled the hole so rapidly that an excavation to the body could not be made without curbing, which would be . done as soon as ico was found sufficiently strong to permit the work to progreeß with safety ! Mr. Thurston’s case was wisiogular and a sad one, and excited much interest. Ho had made a anceesafnl ascension with Mr. Bannister, and securing the balloon after descending, and after removing the ear, it suddenly rose while Ur. Thnrston waa upon it, and rapidly disappeared. As it rose Mr. T. clung to the portion on which he was seated, and remarked to Mr. B. that it would soon come down again. Tho balloon was afterwards discovered at a great height, and as it approached.the earth some persons fancied they discovered an object still clinging to it. The body of Mr. Thar&ton was accidentally found on the Gth inst., about ten miles from the placo of his second ascension. It was in an ob scure lot about a mile norlbsof Sylvania, and the remains were brought to Adrian and fully iden tified. The body was much decomposed, but a watch, money, and several articles easily recog nized, were fonnd with tho remains.— Clevt. Leader. Planting Potatoes in the same hill with Corn. —Emery P. Barne9, of Pharsalia, writes os follows to the Genessee Farmer : Having never soon an account in any agricul tural paper, ns I recollect, of any one having raised potatoes with corn in the bill, i thought I Would try tbo experiment last spring. I bad finished tho potatoes that I was intending to plant, but having some small ones left, 1 conclu ded to plant them in the same hills with a patch of oorn and mark the effect. I planted the corn about tfie -6th of May, the season being so wet 1 could not planL them sooner,. I dropped the corn and potatoes together, hoed them the Bame lime, and dug the potatoes soon after cutting up the corn. The ground was first rate, but the corn was an average crop, full as good os some near by where the corn was planted alone. The potatoes wero first rate—never saw Goer. 1 shall try this again next spring, and, if they succeed as well as tbey did this year, I shall continue to plant them together. If the two crops do os well together as separate, it makes a great saving of labor to plant them together. Has any one tried piantiog the two crops to gether ‘ If eo, give the result through the Farmer. IIouHP.T Bi.itt, farmer, of Portage county, 0., was arrested last Friday at Edinburg, charged with making And passiog counterfeit money. He had on his person $220, counterfeit, on the Bank of America, New and five 3 and tens to a considerable amount of tbo York bank of this State. Ho had also bogus geld dollars. A man named John H. Wallace, of Cleveland, now in jail at Canfield, engraved the notes. On the same day a descent was made on tbo house qf one Price, of Falmyra, Portage county, where the officers found ail the implements for coioiog and counterfeiting, except Price himself. The Title or Mr. —The title of Mr. is some thing to be proud-of now-a-daya, in contradis tinction to Require or lion, lu old limes it was equally a mark of respectability, as will be seen by the following extract from the Old Colony Records, Soft. 27, I<>3l : "It is ordered, that Joaias Plaalowo shall (for stealing 4 Baskets of corn from the Indians) re turn them* Baskets again, be fined vs. and here after to be called by the name of Joaias, and not Mr., as formerly be used to be, .v that William Buckland amt Tbo. Andrews sh%llbe whipl for being accessory lo'ihe same offence.” Was Orncz, April 28. 1775. Joit rwci-ived, a tew VERY SUPKRIn't PIANOS, froai lb« above nsmed unrivalled factory. T yr - vul.oct I}na*ci >O, lb» UEsT PIANOS n>sd» noj « Ij.-i-. ai„l mil- I*. ».■!<] us Ea-t-rn Fw-tc-ry Thtv »r— tiv- jr«r« I! KLMIKtI ft lIRG.Xof.:: FifiL Mt foie Afe-*nl» f,.r Pt. tinrftt ft Sen* WILLARDUAUVKYACU. Si MAIDKN* LAKE, AND 17CKUAR STREET, Straw and Donnet Boards. T WIN E HOU SB COTTON, JTJTB, MANILLA AND AMERICAN HEMP IRISH LINENS, Damasks, Diapero, &c. CONSUMERS OF RICHARDSON'S LIN KNB,snd thou desirous of obtaining tho GL.NUINK GOODS, should soo (hat thu article* the; nro Beni- L''ilu Agents, !tfi Church street. Now York. rjp II iTis E KiTnyfLi iTm n rn^>r T~ X ClllCfi.bP.lNa PlANOri.—Throe f LITI*»WI ond hand Chickorlng Pianos, in excellent! f 8 | 11 order, which have been in uso from one tv two yearn only, n ill be sold at sU*i> each for cash. For beginner* aud the n*e of schools the above Instru ments are most desirable. They are In perfect order, and tho wear they bavo had is scarcely perceptible. They will be warranted by tho subscriber. Foriale by STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SALT PANS, MILL QEAIUN<3, Fire brick, Machinery, Pul leys and Castings, of ail kind* mode to order. Grata Bars, Fash Weight*, Mill Irons, Proof Staffs; , Anchor Boltiug Clotlx, Gum and Leather Bolting; Portablo Flour aud Oorn Mills—tha be«t in hm>; French Bnrr Smut Machines, um-d In the city mills and. over tho West; scout tbs grain, toko mu tiie thou aud r« uiove the smut balls bolero they arc broken by the i-i-Ht-in Frourh Durr Mill Stones, made of selected blocks. Potent Shingle MochiMw—cut 10,Uu0 to 20,000 per day, Hope's Patent Water Whor-ls, uvh] iu ‘Oou mills, burr os rnndi os itw over-shot, and as much as the most ol tlißotlior Wheels In use. with an equal amount of water. Catalogues of Wheels giyeu to all who' want gearing. Of fice No. 310 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. selL-flmdAwT W. W. WALLACE. Steam jMaiDle Works Mo. 319, 341, 3D3, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, MARBLE MANTELS, mode by machinery at low prices; Monuments, Tablets, Urate Stone*— a large stt<4 on hand. Furniture and Wash Stand Tops; Imjxwing Flnuos, Mnrblo and Stoco Hmirlha, mode by machinciy on short uotlr*. Marble sold low to tho trade. Otftco 319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa W. W. WALLACE. sallrCunlAwT POKTABLK I'LOUJI AND CORN MILLS —The simplest ao-1 best article of tho kind la the country. They rau light, grind fast, and make good work. They are a d—dderatucu to Lumbermen, Iron Masters and settlers io new couotrlo*. Fcr sale «t No. 319 Liberty BL, Pittsburgh, Pa. W. W. WALLACE. •eZ3nIAwT PLASTER BARIS, ROMAN CEMENT, CRMEN’T fcx Clatvrcs, Ac. GRIND STONES and WHITE LIME, at 319 Liberty * tract, Pittsburgh. sslLCtndAwT JV. W. WALLACE. TARRANT’S EFFERVESCENT SELT ZEH APEETENT.prepared oa to entiro newprindpjo frum a late and accurateantiyais of the celebrated Ftltsfr Spring iu Germany. This much rstcvmad aud highly valu able preparation villi not bit totffntnnliy remove Djspcp ila, Iyuil{p*stk>a. JiMUoua aCecUon*, Headache. Ilcartborti, Addity of the Stomach,. Oostivrnes*, Khoumitiam, Loss of Appetite, G ratal, Nervous Mobility, Nausea or Vomiting, Affections of thu Liter, Ac, Ac. A large supply just ret’d by JO3. FLEMING, fe2s Corner oltho Diamond aud Market it. crkfVJJULS. Plantation Holaases,oakcoop -O\J\J erase; 200 hhds. fair to prime Sugar; received per steamer Decatur, and for **l« hr . fc2& - ' - SgEIYEB A DILWORTH. . iua BT STEINWAY A SItN.K, NEW Y'-itK NEW YOUK. PAT’KIt WARKIIfJ USE Every deflropuon uf WRAPPING, PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER, OS RASD OR HADE TO OHDB. , FAX<:r, COLORED AXD TISSCE PAPERS, PLOTTING PAPKKB, ENVELOPES, WILLARD HARVEY A CO., 84 Maiden Lone ami 17 Cedar Street, NEW YORK. HEMP, COTTOX, FLAX AST) LIS EX T W I N K 9, IK-OKTTD JISD HISL’rtrTOUO CORDAGE 01 every description ROPE, Tarred Btoff, Fishing Lines, GtulDr Thread*: .SEINE TWINES, 81108 THREAD, WlCK,and *ll kind* of CORDS AND LINES. *SiO’M,eoJ tfebO’tn KitmARDSON’S mrl JOHN H. MBLLOU,Si W.>oJ»t. WALLACES’^FOUNDRY AND Mill Farnlatiing Establishment. ROVISIONS—SOOOpcs Bacou Shooldora; 6000 “ *• Hum; 2--.00 “ •• Bidet; So tea. Engar Cured Hams; 10 M “ Dried Beef;. • 253 hbls UTihs Pork; 00 keg* No. 1 Lard, In stare aud tmoks house, for *aio by R. KQOIFON A HO. OAO TONS-No. 1 Allegheny Pig wvv 25 tins Maria Forgo Blooms, fur sate by fc2B BIIRIVEft ADILWOTITII. TJICTURES OF COUNTRY LIFE, by jf~ Alice C*ry, Javt puhliihad tad rte’dbr. . v - mt&- ... .■ ; L,R?AlV7BT«»lr, pitta!/jj, D. T. Morgan! M J . T. LiOKfta, “ fFM. MARTIN, PrcaidrQt. THOB.C- 1> \ND/Vi« Prwldrnt. UlN&r LTLBtrRN, fiifnlArj. P. A. MADEIRA, ARoat, No. 96 W«tr>r itrert, Pittabnrgh. ~ w-kstjErn np3:lr.J—M3 1 GKEAT INSURANCE & TRUST COMPANY. . OFFICE IS COMPANY’S BUILDING, No. 403 W V T STRE & T . STATEMENT OF BUSINESS FOR YEAR ENDING OCTO 00 .. 61,433 03 fJTS,2. r J 03 IbwiTi-cJ fi»r Premium* “ “ interest, Knits, £e*. Pl.SiiS 40 49 £99,390 91 Paid Lo*si-i, Expanse, Comrais lions, Re-In«araDC«, Keturu*^! Pr<*n»Qms, 4c _ tTO.SSA 00 ASSETS. Ron! Estate, Bonifs 1 5141,710 00 Stocks „ 47,915 On Bills Rocelrnbl* b ...... &D.Ss5 73 Unsettled Premiums aoJ otlm debts duo tbe Company Casb od lxaad, ant) in tbe hands of Agents At a meeting of the Stockholder*, convened *n the 16th oltlraa, the following. perron* were elected DIRECTORS for the onsalng yew, viz: * Charles o. Lathrop, 1123 Walnut itrocß Alexander Whillden, Merchant, 19 North Prcnt WUUant Dorllng, > 133'i Pine street. Isaac Ilazleburst, Attorney and Counsellor. Jobu C. Hotter, flnu of Wright, Utuitor A Co. R. Tracy, firm of Traey'A Co., Goldsmith's 1I»II. John U. McCurdy, Qrtn of Jones, White A McCoedy Titos. L-Ollleeple, firm of Gillespie A Zeller. Ju. B. Smith, firm of Jaa. 11. Smith A Co John ft. Volt's, office corner of Seventh and Ranucm Daniel L.Colller, firm of C. 11. Grant A Co. Thomas Potter, 223 Arch strict. Chsrla* Harlan, corner Walnut and Sixth streets, Jou*. J. Slocum, oflire IM South Fourth «lr«L At a meeting of the Hoard CHALKS 0 LATHROP was onsnimously reflected President, and lien WM. DARLING Vico Presidi-nt. JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary. This Company has DiSCONTINURD OCEAN MARINE HULL UIShS, tnl duauilesl lioU Risks on Western Hirers Uhen as l.»rrt'ilbre. It. W POIADEXTER, ARißt, ho. 0T Water fiuk i%m'li'As'etc, ci rna Rflianee' Sulual Insurance Company ol PRILAI‘ B L P U I A On Buildings, L‘!»it*-d*«r I’erpetcal, Merchandise. Furniture ...... ............ ......... Ac, lu Town «r Country. Office N«». oOtf Walnut Street. CtrmLsl7T.S/2fl...AwtT9 *262.406 53.-*lnveated as follows First Mortgage uu improved City Property, worth doable tlmno'ontit ' I. $120,200 00 Penna. Railroad Co's 6 |wr C*-ut. Voi tgnge Lisin, $30,010, c<»t ...... .. ; 25,600 00 Allrpthvtiy county 0 R. Loan.. .' 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Oo'sßlock I OO Stork of the RnJUnce Matual Insurance Oo ' 19460 00 Rtock of County Fire Insurance Co 1,060 00 Scrip of tfundry Insurance Comjtaoie* '175 00 Hills ltscutvablo, business psjMT... 62,711 60 Rook Accounts, arc rued iulen-at, etc l9 Cash on hind and In Rank _ 16 0-13 20 * t252,4«J& 89 CLEM TINGLEY, I-raid»ut. Dtai-’roas. Cleu» TiEpltCj, Wm. ILThJtnpviß, Dartd S. C- Stevenson, Samuel Blsphani Robert Stwjti, William Musser.l BetiJ. W. Tinclry! Marshall Hill, j Z. Lothrup, i ( Cltna. Lelaud, Jacob T. Bunting. Bmith Bowen, Wm.M. Semple, PitUl/g. HINCIIMAN, Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent nor Third and Wood streets John R. Worrell. □ . I*. Carson, Robert Toland, Mown Johnson, C. S Wood, Jama 8. Woodward, North-east cot Merchants’ Insurance Co. of Philadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, Pres! D. J. MeCANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in au-i inverted.... $200,000 00 fnrpltn 63,423 36 34 I mures Cargo Risks on tho Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, insures against low or damage by Fire, also against tbo perils of tho Sea, aud Inland Navigation and Tmmportation. ntucro&s. Wm. V. Petit, Jolts 0. Montgomery, John M. Pumroj, D. J.. McCann, K. If. Witmcr, Reno Goillon, ReaJ. L Woolstoq, John A. Msnhsll, Charles lUWright, John J. rattorson, BlwowlT. Puvey. WM. V. PBTTIT, rro-fdont, E. F. WITURR. Vic Dwirju* J. McCoivs. Secretary. < itxr-am. Fi'lgor, Lamb A Co., Philadelphia. Ruck, Morgan S Etidfolo; do. Truitt, Bro. A Co, do. Pmurey, Caldwell A 00., do. - A. T. Lauo A 00, do. Ftelnmits, Justice A Co, do. PirrSBUKGII OFFICE. No. 97 WATER STREET aaC-Jtf R. W. POINDEXTER. AgenL Fraaklta Ptre Insurance Company of i' H I L A D KL T H I A Charles VF. Danckrr, Adolph* E. Borin, George W. JUcharda, Bamoel Grant, Thomas llArt, David 8. Bruwn, Mordecal D. Lewis, Jacob R. Smith, Tobias Wagner, Morris Patterson. OHAJILE3 N. BAh’CKEH, President. Oaudsa G. IHacxca, Secretary. This Company continues to make Insurances, permanent or limited, on every description o! property In town end country, at rates at Low as are consistent with security. Tho Company hare ruserved a largo contingent faud, which, with their Capital and Premiums, safety Invested, iffdrd ample protoctinu to the awn red. The Annta of tho Company, on Janaary Ist, 1661, as pub lished agreeably to tho Act of Assembly, ww* as follows vie.*—. Mortgages, Temporary Load*.—. Stock* ... gl,dU,7n3 44 Since their Incorporation, a period of twunry-one years, Ihoy have paid upwards of Ods Million.'Four Hundred thousand Dollars Loesee by fire, thereby aCurtllria evidence of tho advantages of Insurance, as well as thoii abiLty and disposition to mwl with promptness all HabillUi'S. J. GARDNER COFFIN, Agent, aplfl Office Southeast cor. Wood and Third su. Citizens’ Insurance Coinp’y or Pittxbnrgb* WM. BAGALEY, ProaLlent, BAMUEL I* MAESIIELL, Secretary. OjJle< 94 Ivsttr Srcrf,'lvf»reeo J Varitt cai Khcd Sa taJnaures null and Cargo Bisks on the Ohio and Mis ilsslppi Rivera, anti Tributarily*. File Also, against the peril* of tboScaaml Island Navigation and Traoepcrt. *Uun. Win. Bagaley, Samuel K*a, Jm M. Cooper, Ja*. Park. Jr., * J. B. Canfield, 8. Harbaogh, ,Capt- Bam’l C- Young? JalCi Jobs Cab Hon. The*. M. Hew*, CapL Mark Sterling, & M„ EU-r, , Jobs 8. Dflwortb, Franc!* Sellers, ’ John Shlpton. Walter Bryant, dwell, Jr. Eonon(;Rii«U lmuranc* Conpany, OF PITTSBURGH. Omorw—J AMZ3 A. lIUTUHISON, President HENRY M. AXWOGD, Secretary. Omcs, No.' 83 Warn 6t&ot: fhH kmm Agnimt oli land* of Fire andjlcriM Jti ASSETS, NOVEMBER 29th, 1*45- Flock Duo Bills, payable on «b»«i*nd, aecured bv —“ DUis , 64 " ol KU.bc re h io do™" viSS r.::r":.:: «,788 7« _ CiaXfTTfntM fegsr f&MST: asa*, »» Fire, Marine and Inland lnmnnce Insurance co. of north America ruiLA djslpsta. ’ lucorparat'-d 17 W—CapiuL.....J6oo.o'o. AmcU. J/»!in.iry l’J. l'o'.i —Vyj ci« *r Dnih'CToitS Arthur 0. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, Jcbd •• A Brown. Pawik-I F. Smith, Charles,TaylorAmbrose Whlin.v John Wen, lticii:ird D. Wood, WUltim Welsh. WiDiashß. Bowen, Jamr* N. Dickson, 8. MermWaln, Job* teaajn. Goo. L. Harrison, Francis XL Cop-, lvdw&rd IL Trotter' JUrroiAa Haris, Soc'y. AKTUUB 0. COFFIN, Fteet. INSURANCE CO. of the STATE o? PA PHILADELPHIA. ’* Incorporated, 17M—Capital |2QO,b'A Assets February 1,1559... —... $m R&3 iS. DIRECTORS—IIeary D. SLenenl, Simeon T»by, Charles Hscalecter, William A. Smith, John IL Rudd, HoaryQ. Freeman, Charles S. Lewis, George C. Canon. William White, George H. Stnart, Stmoel Grant, Jr, TbemasW#'-* per. Thomaa B. Wattson- HENRY D.EHJERRERO, " Wimut Dauxa, Sec’y. President. ln tho abore Old and Reliable Companies, can boobtalnedby application to Mfcdly W, P, JONES, Agent, 81 Water at. Pennsylvania 0F PITT.' Office No. 63 Jacob Pointer, Geo. W. Smith, A. J. Jones, Robert Patrick, Rody Patterson, Henry SpronL J, P. Tanner, Nicholas Yocghtly, 1. Grier Sproul, James H.Hopkins. t 0. A. Colton. Chartered Capita 1....—............ $300,000 and Marine Risks takon of All desciiptkns. ometu President—A. A. Carrier. Vloe President—Boor Parrnwo.T. Secretary and Treasurer—l. Grier Stroul. Jal Western. Innurunoo Company OF PITTSBURGH. P. M. GORDON, Secretary. OPFICE,No.9- Waterstreet, (SpßogA Co.’A Warehouse cp stairs. Pittsburgh. Will Injure against alt Idmts of t\re and ilarinc Risks A Home .Institution managed by Directors. who an loeii hnoum in lA< community, and who are determined, by / promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they haye assumed, aj offering the Iks! protection to Chose who deeirt to be injured. : 03,730*51 •100,000 00 ASSETS, OCTOBER 80, 1803. Stock Account* ..$103,500 00 Mortgage.— „ 2.1G0 00 Bills Receivab1e.................. 1,006 40 Office Furniture -nyj Open Accounts. „ .. i?mi go - - 12,130 41 Premium Note* «0,725 M} Bills Di*connt*«l ..... S6 §702,7 05 37 George Bank, R. Miller, Jr., J. W. Bntler, James McAnley, Alexander Sneer, Andrew AeXJey, nolfe PiUsburgU insurance Company. Office, No. 96 Wiitor feircct, PITTSBURGH. PA. ROKT. GALWAY, President. F. A.llntuJAaT. ALEX. BRADLEY, \iee Prust- Inunna aghin»t Hull end r.-xrgo Itisjcx on ttio Ohio and Uidstanippl rivers and trii-nurivs, apd Marine !U,A get; eraliy. And aguifijl L»3k or Damage by Fire. And against tL« P*riU vC too S-e and Inland Navigation od Transportation. Robert Galway, Bamnel MqClarker, Joseph P. Uafcxam, M D-, John Scott, James Marshall, Dsrld lUchey, James W. Hallman, Cbns. Art'Uthnot, WB—niyS6-lj Pb.Uacfeipiiiu rmd Life INSURANCE COMPANY, No* 140 Chusnut Street, OPPOSITE THE CGBTOH HOUSE. Will make all kinds of Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Pro;*my or Merchandise* at reasonable rates of premium. ROBERT. P. RING, President. M. W. BALDWIN, Vico PrwsideaL WUffWW. | KH. Oct#. i Cf iffio W. Brc~s, | Jjiw.-j-h P>icl, John Clayt’ti, ! n. Wiijr. Charles P. llsjm, >l. R. Kngluh. P. B. Earvry, C. Bbcmiau. S. J. Megargw, P. BLiCSCCEWS.!*'*--.-’lory WAVS AND MEANS OF PAYMENT— A full rvualvM* of the credit ‘v-M*>n l tf, lLfi-Oaboru. Illustrated by eplondid !llutuinatedEngra*» ings, showing the Lodscnj-o sceut-ry, cliiea, arcblteaure, costumes, Ac, of tho country, with map*. Tbo UScmraUiinjl are splecdiJ cbromograpb*. In tou rich colors. Tbi.-t is tha most superb book of the seaxiu. Price $d,W in doth; also, in elegant bindings. The City of the Great King, or Jrnn*)«a As it Is, and T« to Be,uniform with tbv nboTc, (.1.60, in elegant bled* Inca. lladji in Syria, or Three Years In J v raa*!om, with «li pin engravings; 76 cu, and in blue and co!>J SI,OC. JaLdAwT W. 8. RENTOOL, No. 30 SC Clair e.i. GOLDTHORP dt KOIiSE, Gas and steam fitters, n«. 130 THIRD STREET, between Wood und gmlthflrld st*. MSF" Always ou baud Chandeliers, Brackets and Fiat urea of all kinds. Plumbing dote in a superior style. .Ml orders promptly atteudod to. • Plans and Pp*ci6catlons, funurhel for Gas Works and Go* Wurfcs <--intructed of any capacity for pub lie or private u-. : mrfclyd 60,00' UAIITON COUNTY, MISSOURI. Correct maps of these lands, on a largo scale, and mode from setnsl enrreys, nhawine theTdpo graphy oflhn country, with each tract so numbered that the purchaser may iclect to suit blmsnlf, may be r-eooa appucatbm at our xlDce, and copies of lb* same, shoeing tbo stream*, roads, timber, mineral region, names au3 houses of settlors, county s-st. to, A*., *IU Immmiahrt gratis to carb purchaser. .(918,12S 03 . 84,a77 78 . 83,908 17 . 81,589 00 . 64,346 51 The title to ibes* lands is dorlred direct torn roTU-amcat, .BJ I. IhmroT, Mlipomn.. Tho um I. cT.r«t at tho ‘iXrS’f'r W 0 , Do ,? L * na PEU AOKE-* Ptl» hWCh “."S lb *>,»'W load Ui iho !„I( doom a ,L .n . • lhro ° “OQihsfrum tno date of purchase, and will be sold In tract* of eighty acres and upwards, but;' Id order to secure t'rery pocsibie advantage to tbs srrriXX, no person will bo allowed to purchase us a Boer more than, a sectioned 040 actcs. - Those InUrateiraro inritsd to call and examlnaoor of three lands, which, iu order to hoTocbrrvct in erery par;- Ucular, has boon prvpam! with jjn-at care , i SVM. FRAZIBB A CO-,' fcllnUaltuT. No.CT Fourth SL Pitfabtrrgh, Pa.'--' . OAS FROM ROSJIT OIL oa otliia , •> i'Aa’nvr fluid mAtrrtat ' The uiqh illuminatinq propee- Gas from Rosin aud subefcmets boTe always made them a farorito uupirinl Ibr the-'auum tseturoof IllmuinAting Oft*. Many Gas Oaspsuios use Ro«'- 1d with co»J, iu ordar to supply their ctUtomora irith a 3 perior Quality of Gas. ROSIN OIL Is entirely free from oil iron and rctevO : stMcea, and yldds at ouee, IU BrilUantnitmdmiGnr The greater original coat of tbw apparent for : i bet ore of coal gas together trilb tbo attention an,*-/ . constantly required,and the difficulty, ft nut U— : > ' of entirely separating the unwholesome, de>* - offensive gases, generated la coaL render th '-V APPARATUS cheaper and inoro oeriridlSa B. COATES, Qf Vort V ' : entire attention to tjib „nd r •' ; ' ApparetHs,*nd; hortJpeatfbny^Vii,' public to hla preccnt complete aud eflj- J Perfect aatlalhcUou to Uiepurdiasr^i/ ew. For farther tiilbrtn&tbo K .l; L • , 8- COATES. 37d J ' JjgteSawdly ; or DAVID U. W': NOTICE: —Having of my partner, 11. Mr Foundry,thebuiinus wit*, own name. Tlie firmer c 1 ■ tho public will iftud a tr ;4 ; nCactuied at sueli on r*\- . r ltollicg Mill Cailtn.r Castings, to »1<: JIR T '- jXir*, Piartenicg * lor the construe:;' - ';f Street Pipe, Dr v : Plugs, Ac.. • Ci*tiog*, : v„'.-£' ■ "• ' Fonurt H. Itnrtley, John U'Gtll, J. n. COKPIN, Third and Wood stni !*. ACK E y OF LAND TOR SALP IN