THUBSDj TmltHtmii or Wit." Sricui.MioH.-Thc lesson isughlby thoremtsion 0f1357 UalrcaJj pwliftllj forgotten, and ire scfem to beonthe eve* ol another nra of wild speculation. Ibe abnn dancoof money In all the eastern cities contrib uting to iMfcpromoUon. The imports of last wees at New York afford clear evidence of this, as will be seen by the following comparison: • ISST. ISS«. 1S&0. Dry Goodie... „...«2J2Q,9fil t «»,*» $3,M3,c05 GnternS Umbaadise... j "71,735 2^21,254 Totsl for th* w«*k-.JC,M5,4ti2 !SUUO,OCO Wr*Tlou*ty reported— 7»M3£*o 3,7*1.681 6,003,0*0 SJeco Jan. I—...—*U,loS£ll ifS,OM.CH $U,547,908 We were on the top of the speculative wave atlhis time two years ago, and yet -it will be seen that oar imports this year are ahead even of that reckless year, notwithstanding the pres ent depressed condition of trade everywhere throughout the country.; -.Hi would be idle, we suppose, to utter a voice iof warning against such inconsiderateness; the almost that can be done Is to note the facts and wait for the 1 catas trophe. The bulk of this large importation of foreign good, is of manufactured articles such as could as well bare been m-unfacturtd in this country as abroad, if we had a Uct iff that would afford suf ficient protection to our manufacturers. This our democratic administration steadily refuses to give i and hence, while paralysis has fallen opon our domestic industry and thousands upon thousands of mechanics are idle, wc, a tiordy nation, able to do all our own work, are sending abroad to boy what wo ought to make at horns, at the rate of six millions' a week! Is not the pictures mortifying one ? Tina Tiitrtt Millions. — The open avowal in the late democratic caucus of a determination to tteal Cuba, and the news from Spain that tho Cortes is unanimously against any proposition to sell that island, demonstrate that this govern ment has no intention to buy, and the Spanish government no intention to sell, Guba. What, then, can the thirty millions be for, which Senator Slidell proposes to put into tho hands of the President i' Tbo Washington Stnftx, a democrat ic paper, says: , . “Opportunely for an intelligent judgement on the $80,000,000 proposition, we have authentic information that tho Spanish government will repel bur advances for the purchase of Caba with scorn and indigoation. The ministry have declared an inexorable resolution to this effect, and they are sustalnedby the unanimous vote of .the popular representatives. After this demon stration, will any man persist in the attempt to acquire Cuba by the means proposed in the Sena torial caucus? If in the face of an indignant remonstrance from the Spanish nation. Congress shall determine to deposit the $30,000,000 with the Executive, Republican journals may well assert that tho money is intended for some other object than the purchase of Cuba.'" The 'object to our mind is plain. Uis to fur nish nivast oorruption fund with which to cany the next Presidential election.' It can bo no honest object; of that (he public, can rest well assured. Con Butt.— Tho North American of the !lilh, has the following in reference'to this noble hearted slave: “Bon Butt.—lt will be seen thattbis devoted friend to the people of Portsmouth, in the day of their desolation, has renewed the advertisement of his appeal for assistance to enable him to redeem himself and family from servitude. “The contributions by the charitable, to Bob's freedom faud, are not so large as his peculiar case merits. Only about a fifth of the required sum has been contributed, and nearly half of that by the members of the Corn Exchange As sociation. “Bob will return to Portsmouth on Wednes day next, and upless his well-wisoers bes«ir themselves, the poor fellow mast necessarily go home disappointed We have no donbt, how ever, that the-fund will yet be made up here. It is said that fhe people of Portsmouth will apply to the legislature of Virginia for a special act, allowing Bob to continue to reside with them when he shall become free." The services which Butt rendered were ex clusively in behalf of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and yet the people of those cities fend the poor fellow to a northern community qthich has al ready contributed thousands in their favor, to beg his reward. The “chivalry” that would be guilty of such ingratitude—that would permit itself to remain a debtor to a down-trodden stare—is f not worth talking about. The same class of]peopic who thus requite faithfai services, would justify the shedding of the blood of a friend and neighbor who had given the] slightest insult. Poor Bob! bis only hope for help remains with the mnch abused people of the North—whom, we ore told, eboold take lessons in courtesy and politeness from the chivalry of the South before they can “pass in good society.' 1 KroSAPriNG.—The telegraph has been bring- log us accounts from Leavenworth of excitement , growing out of the arrest i-fl* sHjond dteWe; 4 The mniderni wete ijno < Tint fellows, wbi els) toed tint tbey >Uled &«r sister lit obedience to- of Ood. Ibe defense mode WM lb*t *b*X rw* tU' IP^ ■li J ag*-' ■■ # v . ’ ' '■y\ -fi. 1 :* *? ' t: \ if '-fi > ?.'k ■- $ . "’4 £&.?,• uaiTOV—sTl»V" RIDDLE & CO.. ■f-boTBI£To*JL 'XTTSBTTRG-H : T MORNING, J* N '- 27 • 18y ‘- ~ > ' r- A Tli..L*rviPco^Aii«lrlav.l>Hgciilty« ; / : ;r' Scabbt fox'Nnv Yontt— : The an- ' (Tromfe London lime*, jin. t:j“ * ""! pUumnt ftrt fas jut ten dmtopod—lt or io j _™~~ .11 „ ! * * i be hoped thnt thrtstomsebs ot motion enUr»>ill ALE, U. iW ‘ nothin the 1 ooTl disturbed by lb. announce- ’ V Jj! wi p^bo of displeasure B , eDt _ lhll „ U hin the past few week, (be enr- j ngninettto government of Aaelm Ibe other day, , of 1200 dieened .beep hare been sent to 1 n ‘” » "*O. »i«s» v>t or by the Emperor Napoleon, giro but a mourafol (hb m „ kct from DatcheB , county. A dlseaae NEW VALENTINES FOE 1859. preaage for the destinies or the year on which , lf , he „ K , b ,.. it „ p[ , M rs, ha, seriously af- __. . „ ' , , we are just enlertng. If we pot and* all mo- fMttd a> flMks o{ the Kiuthess eonnty formers. Wl, " h <, partner* U allowed or authorised to contract any more d»;bt». liabilities or obligations of any kind, in the name of said firm ot Cridge, Wadsworth A nor toeollcct any claims, before n receiver is appointed, and notice thereof publicly civrii. hATTUKW GRIDGR, Ja2o:twd*wdlaw SAMUEL WADSWOUTH. Allegheny City. January IS5l*. _ n. v. 9—ja2l-3td UNDER TBJS NAUB AND STTLE OF ROSS & COMPANY, HAVING recently purchased the extensive COAL WORKS, lateljr ownnl bo Mcflllrery A Smith, are now pit-pared to fttrnlah Coal, at Utcir Dvput. immediately bolqw Ju. Wood A Or** R/dlidß MM, in boat*, bargeecr va|oni. They wßi al ao fnrnbh. with their owntrami, in either of tb» dIM to manufacturer* «r private famine*, at renaonablu price*. hare *r>cur*J tb«* tervlce* of JOHN BMITLEY, who tut* had many year* experience in the C»ol tmatneaa in he eapenty of Superintendent and aaleemin. jal’i.dly THE undersigned have associated with them. In the makufiwtnro and *ale of MtLaoe'a Vermt f«Re and Liver DiD*, Mr. V. B. PORTRR The atyla of tbo flrn will (pntlßWMbervlolixa FI.IMIMI BROS. nttalmrßb. Janoaxy Irt, 164 i* —Jalvdtf Dissolution of co-partnership. —•Tha partnerahfp heretofore oxUUag between W • W liradthaw anil T. J. Craig, under the nun* and atyle of T 3. CKAJO A CO. *u ibis day. January. let, IWU, dU*olv*d by mutual eonaent. The book* of the firm will be "found at the (44 atand. Cither of the oadenlgned are authorised to nee th» name of the late firm in the aellleiuent of the ac~ Count*. Thoee havingclaim* aialnit the Ute Ann are re queatrd to preeent them for aettlement, and thoee indebted, w ill plea** make payment t 3 either of the ooderalgned. TJ. CRAIG, I i*ls W. W. BRADSHAW THE business will be continued at the Old Stand by W. W. BRADSHAW, who, thaokfnl tor paw* #o literally teatowcd un th« Ulc firm, wi«iU India * ci>utinoan<-* of lb* aam*. aauriag all lh*l any order *lth which b* may tefarorad-aball tntwt arjth prutnpt and faiih fol atwolhm: fjalft] W. W. BRAXtoHAW. TJ. CRAIG will continue to manufacture i TIS and SOKETiBON WARE fat tb« praaent at tba Old aland on tb* Hit atdd of ihi tKtnrel, No, 17, when In .will te happy to (apply hi* old friend* and caatoman viih anything in lb* Tin and Sheet Iron War® lino. Jobbing, Kou&na and Spouting don* with prvmptn***. All order* by nail will racejva ptompl atlaotlon. )«» THE undersigned have associated with them ta tl>« CbamilMkm Btulom* Jams* Fuun, late of MuubtDTiUA. Ohio. The *tjl* of tb« Arm will continue m hen-tofoto. NIMICK * CO. alix. tunes.- —ja»p rmitt ww.t. rates. NIMIOK Ac CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the nle of Pag Iron snd Dtoorat. drfeltf 95 WATER STREET, PITTMCSOt. jB-fto asbtttißtmrms DIVIDEND* The diamond market house Aeendetloii will pay to the (Stockholder*, is current luoda, FIFTY PER CENT, of the original amount lor which certificate* wore iwmed, with lateral, uutil January I*l, ]&>9. Tble, with the dividend* heretofore made, will teare doe to ■tockbolder* Twenty per Cent. Holden of certificate* will preoent them to JOHN MA GOFFIN, Em]., ; Treunrer,«t the Iron City Hank, on or at ter the Tenth of Febrwj next. ' Stockholder* who hare not paid in fall will be rvlailnreet] (n the name ratio aeaboro eta U-d, without Intereet. 8. JONES, I*rc«Uent Pittsburgh, Jao. 2Alb, IS#*—dtfcblQ jpiKiRTANT Td RiVEK MEN! OPPOSITION TO THE STEUBENVILLE BRIDGE A public meeting or steamboat cmltxiat men, ami all others Interested In the free uavlgatiooof tb« Ohio river, will bo bold at LAFATOTTK HALL, Wood street, on Pit! DAY, JannarjSfctb, at l-Oo’cloek a. H-, to taho rocaanrw* tor opposing the conotnietlon of lbs Railroad Bridga at Sten tieiivlllo. Able speaker* wlllbeln attendance. Jndlsdtd DROWNED. — Fiv* Dollars Reward.— Drowned in the Monongahela river, war the point, bolweoii the steamers Alma and Jfazel BaturtUy afternoon, Jan. 2Jd, my sonTUOMAB, aged 10 years. The above reward will be p«i«l .for the recovery of the body.— Apply to tlio tmdtreiEnwL Hughes* Alloy, botwoen WooJ and Market street. Ja3s:dtf JOHN_LONU- PRES H’ ARIt 1 V A L **’ OF TIIK CELEBRATED GOLD BIEDAL PIANO P O R T B S The public are respectfully Invited to examioo the tplen* did assortment of Pianos, now on hand from the celebrated factories of WILLIAM KXABB * CO* lUttimon. I/AIMtCS BROS* If(W Tar!:. IIALLET, DAVIS* CO* Button. OmprisJngtbo LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT . PIANOS IN THE CITY. Them Instruments bavo taken the lIIGRTT PREMIUMS wherever exhibited to competition with others, and are pro nounced by such undoubted authority so S. THALBERG, 11. VIEUXTEMPTS, M. STRAKOSCH, G. BATTEK, and others, Enual.lfnot ACPRR/O.R TO A MY IN THIS Ct > UNTBI'. ALSO, MELODEONS From the celebrated factory of GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. The largest Factory in the World. CHARLOTTE BLUME, 113 Wood 2d «loor abore Cth. SHAKESPEARE'S COMPLETE WORKS —New and elegant edition.—The plays edited from the’ Folio o(1023, with various read lugs Irons all the editions and all the commentators, no lea, introductory remarks, a historical sketch of the text, an account of the ow and pro gma of the English Drama; a memoir of the poet, and an essay on hi* p*ulns, by Richard Grant White, To be com* prised In 12 volumes. Volumes 2,3, 4 and 6 containing the ct.iiintllr-n tfow ready, for sal* by _J“*[ KAY A CO., 6& Wood «t. COHN— 500 bus. just reir i hi Her ;rux f* • gttoatAtTtianntntt. INTINES FOR 1859. CURB FOR CONSUM] DR. CnLIICHILL'S DISCOVBBV I Genome Piepwatlon of Dr* J. P. Churchill’* Compound of THE n Y P 0 P H 0 S P II I T E S or LIMB, SODA and POTASH, * BMCWC UMptfOATB* masrasr or c on b tj; motion. The great Chfcmico-Medical Discovery of tbo celebrated Dr. J. F. Churchill, of Pari*, first made known by him to the Breach Academy of Medlcioo about 2 year* ago, mark* a ne{r and Important era in the annals of Now, (or the first time In tbehlstory of the world, bate REMEDY been found that sondjftstrikei at the very foun dation of Pulmonary Din xue,andby restoring the deficient chemical tUmcnU of the 6i«xC,lncrea*e» the principle »A»c* omiD'fnfw narvoui or vital /one, invigorating the nutri tive thos not only CURES, butaino PRE VENTS, tbo development oflhiahUbcrtomoet fatal Scourge of the hnman race. 49»Cantlon to tbo Public.-®* Various preparations are already In tho market, purport* log to be based on Dr.CbtirchilVs discovery, against which we solemnly ciution both tho profession and the pnbllc. Let no ono be deceived, but ask for and aso only the pre paration sold from the s la General Depot in the United Statu, No, 40 John street, and bearing a/ac timiU signa ture of J. Wiscnxma, by whomaloDo Dr.Cbnrcblll’a pro* scription Is pat np uf a ozlublk as» chemically ruas roast. In all Nervous or Scrofulous Complaints, Debility, Lom or I VmiPovia, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Female Week* I nesses, it is a aoreralgn and invaluable remedy. 49»READ THE TESTIMONY.-®* From the X.y. American Medical Monthly, for May, 1863. “Whatever may be our conclusions with reference to tbo claims of Dr. Churchill, for the Hypopfaospbites as sovereign remedies in tuberculosis (consumption.) Trans can ns no OOCBI as TO TBS TALUS or TItSSB SALT* as REaCDUL AOnm." from the Morth American Jfedicut Reporter,fur 1955. “This Medicine Is scientifically prepared ami reliable We have used (tin our own practice, In phthisis pnlmonalis, : and other forms of disease, with 1 very satisfactory-result*, j* • • * la case* in which this remedy wm I given, thirty-seven were in the incipient, and twenty three I in the second and advanced stages of consumption; the re- I mainder were beyond hope. With the exception of the lat ter eases, which were much benefited, ail but throe, which are still doubtful, recovered perfectly;” Pries $2, er three bottles for $5. 81ugle bottles only, In concentrated irJutiem, tetit by mall. prepniJ,.when *(>ecialty I ordered. All orders for three bottle* or over will he w-utby | expreesatcoet of tiio party. Druggists must send their or- I dera direct to the imdcnigprd, or they may have a different and spurious preparation sent them. I 49*Winchester’s Gonutue Preparation of Dr. Churchill's | Compound of the Uypopboephlte* of Lime. Soda and Potash I is sold at wholesale at tho eole General Depot, 40 John st, 1 but will be kept by all respectable druggists throughout the Culled Slates. Circulars and all necessary information given to nil parties enclosing a stamp. For convenience in I receiving our letters, correspondent* are requested to add "Box 2761” in addition to tberegular address as l»>low. J. WINCHESTER, American and Foreign Agency Office, Ja?4:3mtlAwT[l»j 49 JobnBtreet. New York. omoxmiiro & sows’ Iffrtl fffrt UPRIGHT PIANOS. THE SUBSCRIBER has ju*t roceiyotl nn other of those beantlfol HKW IPRIGHT PIANOS, Late brought out by Messrs. Chkberlug A Bons, of Boston- This instrument is of the same style and quality as the one that attracted so much attention at our State Fair last Oc tober, and which was Immediately sold to go Out of the city, thereby preventing the subscriber from having tho pleasure at sbowing it to many w£o were desirous of seeing the same. The new upright is similar In shapo to the Boudoir or Cottage Plano, now so popular In London and Paris, but In every eawntiat of a good and substantial Instrument for LASTcro, it Is far soperior to toy upright Plano, cither of Foreign or Domestic manufacture. The case la made of beautiful rosewood, and is an elegant piece of furniture; the site about equal to aaznali bureau, j and suitable for any parlor, but is more eepedally adapted | to imoil rooms and places where a Square or Grand Plano I would be Inconvenient tor want of room. Every means I hare been made use of to give strength and fiumbUity with* I out SRcrifldog tho toss, and Is WASturrxb to stand well in B. RAMAQK. l}. R, ADAMS. Tbevosn it of the most pure and brilliant quality, ap proaching as near a* possible to the unrivalled Grand Plano* of the same distinguished makers. The roues la clastic and easy, and the con pass full «*v octaves of lbs same scale of the Grand Plano*. Tbe prioe of the new Upright Pianos will U- frem {£so to {so*—according to tbe style of finiiti. The above Instrmnrnt Is tbe only one that the Messrs. Cbickertng bare been able to famish since tbe oue sent to oar State Pair, owing to the pressing demand lor tiw-tu from all parts of the country. Tho public are re*i>ectfuHy invU et to call and examron this new sod delightful in«tnm>eut. A new supply of Chickertag A Sous' new scale seven oc tave square Piano* will be received this and the coming week. FOR BALE ONLY BY JOHN Hi MELLOR, FOR OUICK£RIKO% SONS' PIANOS, ASD* MASOX ft- ITAMLIX’S MBLODEONS AND HARMONIUMS. In Pittsburgh and Western Penn’n. So, til Wood Street, (Wait Side,) Ootwreo l»l*m.TTi4 A IKrry »cJ Fourth PITTSBURGH* PA. EKll I C k’ r s ’ PATENT' CAKPfiT SffUPCS.—AcrntDoDHtic l&Teotlon, «nJ war ranted to gWn tatUftctton. Jurt rK*trrd »t th* Osrprt Btor* of W. M'CLUTFOOS. US Uukrt Btreet. Oalj iyibt for (tie Uianhctunr. x. x. yangirotTa,- *. 9. kacxixtosii CRIDGB, WADSWORTH At CO. IMPROVED PATENT Oscillating Steam Engines UiMqulled tor Ecnaany of £aet, Simplicity of (3 tut ruc tion, Cheapnwa tod durability, Offlo, ALLJEfIUENT CITf, North end Aqiwdtwt. «»»_ Shafting and Polity* of ait size* tuida to order. ; tnylfclydJkwf Phlladslphta Carriage Hanofactory. THE subscribers have always oarges bund a fine assortment of NEW and SKO-sc=3 ONDIIAND CARRIAGES of ratios* deaerjptlene and iniu bU for lb* ration* purposes. Orden from all part* of the conntry fronted with irntnptncM end dirpakb. Manufactory and Yfercrooin*, 2M fmkUd float, lUn Olivd Arenoe RKCKIIAUS, ALLGAIKRA PET AT. N. B.—The “Ktcitange and Richmond" ruseoger 1L R. ChrapaM the premise* erery few minutes. Ja2lniAw3/nV "Whit aechlne Shell I Obj ms GOOD REASONS WHY TIIE LADS, WSBSSBB. & CO Machine Conuaendi liMeli' ns the Best in the Markut Firxi — li i iota wider rmgt ef than any other, And i* equally adaptedto the finat fabric, and the bcavleeltno" ferial that U manufactured. £rconi.—lt makt* a’kandeotno elastic stitch, alike oo both tldca, and tiot liable to rip or break. TAint—lt cao hem, bind, •Ulcii, quilt, and Rather. fburUi, —H U simple in ile construction, eaaily managed, and tx>l liable to get out of order FS/Ut.— fu proprietor*, iu a challenge to other cawing machine*, o&erod an award of $.,000 to any that would *c.-oa>pllsh the Mine work aewell uud »« quickly, Imviug It to tlleluU-rvsfed partita to decide; atui «*Ua challenge not bating been a* yet accepted In good faith, the superiority of the l«dd, Webster A Co„ Machine it cohdatively eeUUlahed. . A. M. MABSQaLL A 00., Agents, Jalfcdly Allegheny City. Mason & Hamlin's Melodeons. JUST RECEIVED—A new lot of Mason &, Hamlin’* MELODKONB. Fornto «.uly hy JOIIN 11. MELLON 81 Wood at, Sole Agent tor Ohlcbfrmg'a rinmw, and Hiwott A lieml Melo Cruehod Sugar, > In store and for sale by Ja24. WA'IT A WILSON. 2 GROSS NESMITH (English) WATER PROOF PASTE.—Jo*t the thing for this weather. In ■torn and for aale by WM. WILKINSON, j-i 217 Liberty Street SUGAH AiND MOLASSES— -100 hhd*. prime N. 0. Sugar, 100 bbla. do do Molaaaes, Arriving direct ftom New Orleana and for sale by del6 LITTLEA TRIMBLE, 112 Second 1 Of! BAGS DRIED PEACHES, 22 hags 1 Aw LI Dried Apple* and-S bag* White Beans, landing from steamer fit Louie for sale by WM. BAtIALEY, • Noe. 18 and 20 Wood etreet ERESn ROLL BUTTER—IO bbla strictly prim* 3do I*«b Bftr. a» Bockabmt Kloor_M cts Derack: 8 Drest Ho**, Jo** rec’d and Tor tale atm ÜbSt,7S.l fsStT BIPPUt. WUIIS4OO. PARIS GREEN—2S cans for. sale by B, A- FAHNESTOCK, A Ja2d corner Wood and let »t TTYXOS. FRESH CHARLESTON RIC) Vy joat rac'd and for ale by ' . B de2 3 Wtf. BAQALKY,IB iind 20 Wood it FOUND— A pair of For Corps which th MUSK— 25 ozs. for nolo by B. A. FiBtHSTOOT * CO. corner Wood and let eta. Dry FRUIT—SO bus. Frimo Dry Apples; Mda do do Peieuea, - - |g£4 TV ATT A WILSON. COFFEE— 100 bags prime Kio Coffee; drt> WM. M-CUTCUBON. M OLASSES—6O bbls N. 0. Molasses; 30 M M'CDICUBO*. T Nu - 1 Land for sale II COLLDta. iSES, instore >ARLEY—BOO bug. P rira “ Spring B ill nor« w 4 fur nlo l-J H DAtiKM AMJWt. 'ALL BARLEY—WO bus. prime *loyta»to™opdfof nloby MogAHEI GARDINER. JR, for sale b' \G4BDUiE&.' ATS! OATS 1—5000: btuhelsw irrronoocK, iicObii ilka, all wool Urine*, Cobnrgi, tooos,Ac. K.7*M*rt*rt. T AK1)—10 kega rime NOv •1 Jagdfcr—toby . ' lonlderbbnd B BOOMS—200 dosen best mdbrMfefcr r &3Q LUES A Ofc, Mtriat itiwtt. A CiSB. j Tub subscriber respectfully lofrtTtßf the public Ihal be h&actNM op bc*Jo, *od hi* extensiTe HOST &> fllNEa FURNITURE AND ''j Chair Manufactory IS ONCE MORE IN FULL OPERATION. V«!eßtionpQt ap la lot* of Hl* SALE* ROOM at proMDt, auJ until the Ist of April. U SFLANS’S BTTILDINQ, And directly opposite the POST-OFFICE, where Le loteu-le Of every description made to order, and par ticular attention given to the manu facture of riain and Fancy * 3 ial7:tap ii fcr OF F I PRODUCE 1 PRODUCE!!— 6 bbls. Prime Roll Bolter, 60 pilis, Chicked, 200 bos. Smalt Whlto Beane, 60 “ Onion*. 60 “ Dried Apple*, 60 “ " Pe*ch*a, bright halfe*. 60 bbl*. Bttra Family Floor, telert brand*, Foreale by RIDDLR, WIKTB k CO, j*22 186 Liberty etreet. STEAM JOB PRINTING.-^ CARDS, • CIRCULARS. 1 BILL BEADS, BILLS LADING, BAND BTLU>, LABELS, AC., AC, printed at short notice and in the bent attic by WM, 6. JOHNSTON A CO. t , Ja22 57 Wood street. WM. WILKINSON, 217 Liberty fit., Pitts bnrgh, would solicit the attention of merchant* Tu tting tb* city, and all other*, in making op tbeir stocks to his very extensive stock of L EAT HE ft ant TANNERS’ OILS, which being purchased before the late rise, lie is enabled to acll upou reasonable terms, He bis also the most extensive assortment of LEATHER, SHOE FIND INGS and CURRIERS’ IDOLS to be found Id the city. Ja£Ldtf HODGE’S NEW BANK NOTE PLATE DELINEATOR—A complete; spurious and altered bill detector, givlug comet prlntnl descriptions of all the genuine notes of every denomination of all banka do'ng bus iness throughout the United Stall-* nod Canada. Price one dollar. JalB BAY A CU-.65 Wood st. BROWN'S ESSENCE OE JAMAICA QINQEII—Tb|» Ksaeoce In warranted to poveos in a concentrated lorm nil th* tkluiil'li* pr.,pertim of Jamaica Ginger, and will bo found ou trial an oxitlliut family med icine. A large supply ju»t rerrivi-il by Jus. FI.KMtNG, jal9 i-oim-r Uinm.ioi) »nd Market at. M“ EYEU'S MIIUCULOUS VKirMINTjE STROYKR.—An nut.iillng r*m*4y f.,r the .l..itruc tion of rets, mice, bugs. ui„il.«. imulio*. ±e This!* supe rior to any ether propnmtlun n<>w iu ii«i. It is not u poison and It never falls. A large supply Ju*t received by jtl* J 0.4. FLEMING. P- hoduceT— , H bbts. Primo Roll Butter, 0 “ Fresh Eggs, 3 “ Country lUrd Snap, 100 bnsbs. choice Neehannoclc Potatfc* 250 •** “ Farmer’s Delights “ 50 *• *“ Onion*. Ja«t retired and for a*lo at IS:> Liberty Pt. I.y >l7 KIDDLK.WtRT* k CO. ■ 0" “irsioiLslf " 2000 gallons W. B. Whale Oil: SO bbla. Taanf ra'Of h 2000 gal la. Unaeed Oil; 600 do par* Sperm Oil; 200 do Elephant Oil, T. H. KEVIN * CO, 24 Wood at. SUN] 3*6 I 4H6 in-. (A M CELF-MADE MEN, by Clio*. C. B. Sey Q moor, many Portrait*, 12 mo. $1,20. the book be placed io the handsof all youth by thol parent*, aa an luceutivo to noble and virtuous actkm.*'- fidttmvn jtm'riam. J. b. READ, j,js 7* Fourth street. COLD WKATUKR GOODS.—Burunyiti.u A Co. have received a farther supply of those Heavy Canton FUnnela, Wool do ot all colon; blanket*. Men auJ Women* > Coder Wear, and are selling their entire stuck of Fancy D t«i Goods at greatly red need price*. JaiS BLx‘ CK CASSIMERES—BunciiriEU> & Op hare on hand an assortment of Black Camimerrs ol the vlrionos qualities, which they areaelling very low. Also. French Cluths and Doaakina and Canlmerc* for boys warn' d»22 HOLIDAY FURNlTURE—Children's Bu reaus, Bedstaads, Chairs, Tables. Wash Stands, £t>d Swings, all useful present* for the holidays, flniabnl and for sue by T. B. YOUNG A CO, d*3l ; No. 38 BmUh&ald street. PRODUCE— 200 bus. small White Beans; US do. Dry Ayp!e«; ITimothy Smkl; 10 ktg» Batten __ •Ivd bus. M*rW-j t ij 6UBIVKR A DTLWOBTH. vNNER'S OIL, iu store and term*. d«>B ' Soaps and candles— , £■o boxes No. 1 Cincinnati Soap; | Ti do . Palm de do ( XH& 16 do Faucj do do 40 ill) Star Candles; 2S do Sperm do *"?*!» £?* B OTTER AND LARD— -23 koga good Packed Butter; f> bbla. 801 l do __ 10 ken Country Lard. In atora anil tor aala by i«2l WATT A WILSON. ELOOR 01L CLOTil—Of all widths, from 24 to 244, and of a superior quality, for* kata wbelo hl« and retail by «/.A 11. PHILLIPS, 20 and 28 St. Clair aired. !L«ri.'in«tOra laUMmu. CUKKD HAMS—Our own earing, I nmsM afaltoen'aaduMl <«*'•■*.W«| Klc«.teaJabV .. JiMO HOUIIB * 00, I ccmrnntMtMwMalmli. | {reality, ia store *ki*?siiisu. ; :£USMllaiuOttß, NO. 04 FIFTH STREET, After April Ist ho will be li-cate-J io UNDER THE IRON 'rCITY COLLEOK, keep fur eatu a flue aMortawut of every article ,n bis Hdo, end where lw will he pl«w«l t; wait open blalrleuda end jmtn,L*. FUHinTTTRE AND CHAIRS K FURNITURE H. U. RYAN. IpRLES. — Nsahrllle City Mills Extra Family Floor, inixrd Corn, * TeUow “ “ Whito « , “ '• Wheat, “ Red “ bis Applet, to arrive on iteamcr Darotah and fc ja]b ISAJLAII DICKKV A CO. aiUl'loforgrMAicg purpose*, for nl« VM. WILKINSON, AT Liberty 8t- AND FLANNELS, home utd Imported, of different kind* &ad lo*k* »ttd fimt Good*, • Rood M*ort 0. UANBON LOVgr?-! Mfiket *L_ WHITING AND COPYING dity, depth of color, freedom from mold iok«»ro tupertor to »U other*nuum* try,and fully njual to Arnold’* Loudon In prlre. KctmUen loppllrd on liberal W.O. JOHNSTON ft CO., Sfetiohere,&r Wood rt. WATT ft WfogON. All wool de lains, figured and Plain Merinoe*, Irlab Popllaa, Sancy andißlaek Bflkj Ulack all Wool de Lain*, Plaid Cnahmen*. Oobarga, Par mettaa, to bo foond at BDBCiIfSLv ft CO*d, iu>l7 Norlh-eaat comirrtth and Market eta. on BAGS KY. DRIED PEACHES; &\J u do do do Apple*; 100 boa. email white Bnana, ‘ In etoro and for tale by . . de23 WH, BAG ALKY, 18 and 20 Wood at. N' ‘EW EDITION.—Tho American iEcflctic Practice of Medicine by J. C. Jonaa, M. DJ, extended andrerlsed by Wm. Sherwood, H.D. 2to1«.8Vo. BOopp. KAY ft OOn 63 Wood Street. COLTON’S ATLAS:—Any person wishing a copy of the abort celebrated work at a greatly reduc ed price, will fludooe at DAVISON’S, |Ol Market ateat. PERFUMERY— I have just rec’d n largo supply of babiu'acelebrated Extaacta bejng auperior to any other, and alro, a targe supply of Perfumery of a wiy (j«criruo n .. j«is joa.njaiiNo. DRIED APPLES—SO bush, clean! tccrircd »tid for m!o. IRS Liberty ttreftt. do l6 RIDDLE, WIKI'S k CO. T?EOIJR—A choice selection of brands of I 1 extra, Krtta Familt and Buperflna Floor mi band and for nulobjr IdcBANB 4 ANJBR, 1,4 No. 124 Second at. 100,000 IS BRI ’ IUTGUOOOg, ITCRKERY * co . 4 1p2 lUSeoood atrmt ud 161 Front «t- H' AIR BRUSHES. —A largo supply ol French, KnelUli and American Haw Broabesjturt re cit.hl «»y jrtB JQ3. FLEMING. BEANS— 0 bble. Cranberry ‘Beans rec’d ami forealo by M’BANR ft ANJKR, 124 8«od4 »lrwt STORES SHELVED, Storefronts alter»*d, repaired and put up in tbs Intoit stylo at tbs aborted possible notice. Lean yonrordere at tlioCentral Planing Mill, Water sL, near the Poet Offlce, Allegheny. JalP CARPENTER'S WORK, Jobbing and Re pairing will be promptly attended to by 1 earing your ordarsat tbo Oeutral Planing Hill, Water tu, near tba Poet OfflcQgAlleghony. ; Ij^LOPR— i Jj 360 bbU. Extra Family Flour, inspected; 160 do Buperfluo do do In store and for sale by WILLIAM McCLTCHEON, jal&dtf No. 106 Liberty street SUNDRIES —50 kgo No. l—O Twist Tob’c; 100 fioxca Pearl Starch; 60 do Palm Soap; < 20 Kegs assorted Shot; ' , 100 Pin Lcftd- Landlog from lUutncr Bt. Louis and for tale by SUKITtt 4 DILWQKTH. Flour. -100 100 100 POTATOES, Y. PotitoM in atom jai IirrOHCOOK.Mi DRIED FRUIT-59 bags Dried Apples; 24 do do Poscbw, now landing lor sal* bf Uo a> HOBtRT DICKEY. CASHMERE PLAIDS at I BUnOIIFIELD A CO’S, Gorner Fonrlh and Market «U. ; dnlS Only 25 qjnta per yard. A l RARE CHANCE TO BUTS QUEENS WARE, —It belug COT Intention to clow oor «tock In th«, uiimond, Allegheny CUy, on tbs lit otliMnary not, wswQl sell out tbs Mines of our stock of Qtjeeniwsir, Ac, below cost. Jsll ritAKCB HIDES— 355 Dry Flint Hides'; 06 do Belled do 300 Green do do j 100 Dry Flint Kips, In store end for sole by I, . SPRINGER UARBACGII 1 00., j % 17 No. 209 Liberty strsst. HIDES —W 6 Dry Flint Hides; 200 do do Elps, ’■■"‘""“'l&aB. EARB.DOBJt CO, j 477 ' J •" • - No. 209 jdbsrty stmt. TjVLOUR—22S bble. Extra Superfine tec’i ITudforHlttiT wM.M*nctnoK, •kV- 4 - cfdrSah- STEAMER ADELIA roB SALE. | JggfA —Tfce Stem Wkeel gtauner ASuIAjM . •ho now lira at tlrt 8L Loots wharf. la BKRT GALLATIN, tituatod on the Monongahel* river, la , gpriughill township, Fajotte coaoty, Penan, Is now bftred ’ for sale. The tract cons Uta of some 400 ACRES OF LAND, moat of which Is under a high state of cultivation, together with oumeroai improvements. Tbe Old Family Mansion, with some repairs, can be made one of the most agrcoble rtsUencas In the western country, and would bo most ad* lUlralrfy suited fur a Urge hotel. A few hundred yard* from the bow there are several CHALYBEATE SPRINGS cubing oat ora solid rock, sltnated ina braatiful rale, the waters of whlcb haTS been analyzed and pnmonncwl equal in their medicinal rirtnee to the Ur-famed Bedford springs. The property U accessible by rirernr railroad, being within the limits of slaekwater navigation, and onlysomeld or 16mQcefn>mUDioatoira. It would prove very attractire as a place of summer resort, the scenery in toe neighbor hood being bold and romantic, and the river affardingop portunlty for bathing and fishing. Coal in an accessible position underlies the whole tract. _ The property will be eoldoo liberal terms. For farther information, apply to W. A ENOUSH, ftq,(irtoT. B.* McMILLAN, at Bank of Pltteburgb. JalSmao OR SALE OR RENT.—A very desir- £■ able two story Brick Dwelling Boose, in good JqL order, with gas and water fixtures, sltoateonGolwell street, No. 69, Sixth ward, Price very low. Enquire on theprero- Uea, orof jalS WATT A WILSON, 263 Liberty it. Fob SALE.—The undersigned offers fgfl for tale his property In the Borongh of Bewick* JgA ley; a fine large Brick Dwelling Doan, Frame Barn and Stable, Brick Spring Uouae, Ac- with from ten to forty acre* of ground, aa the pnrcbaaer bay dealro. There la a good Orchard of choice fruit, and the ground* aboutlhe Bonne are ornamented with ahade tree*, ahrnbbery, Ac. It ia a moat deatrable property for a country home, and will bo aold on eery reasonable terms. Forffurtber particular* enquire of J. W. P.WHITK, Attorney at Law, 100 Fifth RtreeU-Plttaburgb, or of the subscriber on the premises. dolGritf K. HOPKINS. V «m be held at this safeoTse. to WMar ct; en^OwAT, Ja2i-dt4 f. A. UTWTTAM.astfV. Oma aluqbksy YeunrßuxaMnOßyJ*': _ m , Pittsburg, January 10, Annual Meeting of the StockfioltK ers of the AUertumy a av«M> M wwtg.V beheld at their Otfica, IflWuElLLcsniroflplißr and liberty Greets,onTCSSDATJtoelftdevoflibntoA' A statement or the affriracf the OompssywQlbevrt* seated at the same time. JaUfcdtt - ffiaants. WANTED— ToMntcHAKTa mTvus*. netting.—A competent • time la not fully oeeuptsd, win kMtoflto P?Hnt BcehaJ making out Accounts, Partnsnhip Btafemsuts,. tta; Any of our duslbms men whose bu*ln«* will ncAjßSow wsjn in employing a Book-Keeper regularly, can have their tulnw * attended to thorough buslaassnsTiwsT. Tha CpoAf —Who Wants Money?—Want to • iffIOUUU purchase SS,OOO or 110,000 dollar* worth of. Bondi and Mortgagee. A ppl jr toOB-W- Mlflft ohlostreet,3ddoor weet of the Diamond Allegheny.dty., TO BE LET—That largo and convenient three-story Brick Dwelling House, No. 67 Grant stmt, near Fourth. Also, the three-story Brick House, No. 151 Wylie, abort Washington st. Apply to BAKKWBLL, PKABB A 00, Ja27:atd corner Wood and Beoond st. ORRENT—ALot 144 by 100 feet, on which are erected, Buildings, Btaeks, *3., rendering it suita ble tor any kind of manufacturing, sttnate on Denman street, Birmingham, oppoalteßatuman's Ocal Depot. Ba» □ nire of ALEXiHDmt &UHL \ j*qi Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 10 LET—Tiro large finbebss Dwelling,** to let, with all the modern Improvements. • 1 JEx HTTCHOOCS, HoGBEBBX A 00, 19* Ho. 152 Second and lfil BrtOad at "• TO LET—-A three Btorr Brick DwMIi&MW. Home, containing 6 rooms. Ho. 41 Oocxnm ttni£flHt Baqnlreof Jal4 WATT A WILSON, liberty**, , TO LET—A small Brick. Hw&Uingfto House, four rooms, on Centre ATcnpe,flfl*er*-JHL rills Toad.) Enquire of Jal4 WATT A WILSON. TO LET.—That deniable bouse* ntuid,with dwdltog.tutted,oa LitMrtj and dflarta itiMta well adapfed fcr » MaSlcw eery store, bring cccupiedlas such lot usiiß -fcurtsen years. Kuqalreof janlt Ha 211 LibertyJtrset.' 0 LET.—A comfortable brick dwell^f ing, containing six rooms and finlsbtd-ctfrftrSH*jEk'i iate on O’Hera street, between Liberty and Penn. Enquire ,f [)al4j R. IL KINO, Ho- 2» Liberty st, •. rO LET.—A large well furnished dwelling with all modem Improvement*—for rent low toagooa scant. Jal4 HITOHCOOK, McORKARY A CO. FO RRE N T - ■■ A FINK WA&EHOUBB, No. 66 Market Street, gd joining N. Holmes A Bona, finished and shelved In tl>* best manner from cellar to garret, for wholesale smd retail dry mods bu.iness, with or without •-large th roe stcryWsre* bouse In the reir. > JOHN WAT, JS,-' dellidtf SewickleyriHe PostOflfce. fluttion p. M. DAVIS, Auotioiieer. ; Ootauaerclal Sales Booms Ho. 64 Fifth Street. • EXECUTOR'S SALE OF BANK STOCK; —On Toosday evening, Feb. l«L,at‘tfs£'eJoekat-the cuumercial sales rooms,'No. 64 Fifth stmt, wfllbaaold,by order of executor to an estate, _ I . ■ 60,ehare« Bank of Pittsburgh Btock; Al*o on other account, 20 shares Citizens’ Bank Stock; 10 do Pittsburgh Insurance Co. Stock. i ? ja27 P.kL DAVIS, Aucfr.; STOCK P., Ft. W. & 0. R. R. at pmvai* aaix. in lots to suit purchasers, by ,pl P. fi. DAVIS, No. 64 Fifth st. AUSTIN LOOfllS & C 0„ fiercftaHts’ fixchuge. STOCK SALES BY AUSTIN LOOMIS A CO- AT THE HKRC HANTS’ BXOHANOJ JlVlfcT THURSDAY BVENING.—Bank, Bridge, Insurtnea Ud. Copper Block, Bond and Beal btato sold et pUbUo tola AOaTINLOOHIa4C o: Notea, Drafts and Loans on^ Itoal]totato WtUtod CA raasonalle terms by AUSTIN LOOMIB A 00^, artl Stock Nota Brokers, to Fourth at.; IL H. RYAN. iSbutatlonal. CORNER of Penn and Hancock Btreeta.— Tho ensuing.term will commence on Inst. A limited number of pnpUs may obtain admlmlop. Term* for Tuition and Stationery, $23 per session of twenty tyro weeks. aa24:tf J. M.BHITH, Principal. " AHERICAff HOUBS, BOJTMI . ' IS THE LARGEST AND BESTAR-ai ranged Hotel in the New KSglaOtT^tales; Is cms-JoB, trolly located, and easy of aecoas from all. tbe routes of travel. It contains all the modern improvementa/ and every convenience for the comfoxtand acccmmodaOesrOf the trarellog public. Tbe sleeping rooms are large and V»ll veatilated; the suites of rooms are well arranged, and dom pletely rarnlsbed for famllks and large travrilng purtles.. and the house will continue to be kept as a flirt rtetoHnlhl In every respect. Jallrdly LEWlfl RICB, Propriator. Bioajuuuoi>> I It I S X XT B- »r,- Damasks, Diapers, Ac.. CONSUMERS OF RICHARDSON’S LIN ENB, and those desirous of obtaining the GKKUXHB GOODS, should me that the article* they purchase ar* seal ed with the full name of the firm. XICHABDSOir, SOJfS rf OWDBJL /- aa a guarantee of the aoundntaa and durability or the Goods This caution U rendered eeeentlally necesmylSs large qnaatitiee of Inferior and defeettr* unens sore prepared, BcaßooafterseaaonandsealedwithUiesaißaofßlGHAßlL SON, by Irish Houses, who, regardless of the injury thna Infikted alike on tbe American coosnaer and the nanufcr turorsof the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while purchaseroean be Imposed On with goods of a worthless character. B. Thomas, D, D ..twenty five yvars a Miestonary in Syria and with asps, engravings, Ac, Svols. Jnitpob- Uthed by Harper A Bros, forsaieby . JUP . J.L.BBAl>.7BTocrtkst. T>RINTED AND PLAIN FRENCH JUS JT BI2TOXS, all Wool flaldn Mens de Inladb Oohsrgs, and Cilso Shawls, Baglans. ana Domestic Goods of ersry description. Jafl cTfIAHBOH LOTB,7* lUrkstat ADIEB DRESS SILKS snmwit QRBATLV BBDUGZD PRIDES -AtSNU-'Ot •• A-vV"' l deSl . BTOCHymP AGO. BXS. VALANCIA RAISINS: - e/V/20 do Ualsgn do In store and tot sals Tow, wholesale or retail, at VBiHOB’S family Grocery and Ten it, Alteghsny,' LARD 01L—25 bblsforsaloby -% B. L.JAHNKBTOCK A 00, deSl ~ Mo. 80, corner Wood and fextrth its. TENN. PEACHES—99 ska. bright halyes, ... Uo,l^u I ts "DOLL BUTTER—I 2 bu. freeh, inctoths; fV lO.bbU.. do dd... - - J.B.OAMTIILDAOa. JosTree'd and for TJAOS, BAGS.—SOOO Stark ana Man _D cfaMter B**i for b* . jiio mToncocg,McQßWEaY a 00. Six TWIST TOBACCO—IOO kegs No. l, a warrantai article for nl« tar by j.T BDQ KRTOM k STEWART, IC7 Wood >t. 1 nn BBLS. N. O. MOLASSES, tonme, A W Itadicg from rteuners Dr. Sum u 4' **» wJrßAfl«Str I*IA)DR —50 bags Silver Spring extra fami ly Vloorjtnt rectf and for mltbj <*» . KOEKRTPICKiTv IREAM CRACKERS and Ovuter Iw/d nrfftmUrttßAMQggilriwlifaUf^L T\KY PEACHES—2OI sks noirWHiiog JL/fromftwimwt Ucrotw a&d for 'mUjto. j*** • ± $L JaU ' TfliragPiqtCT 4CP. hhJß.priy.fwgte^r^ ME-200bbl a .fbr«^ BIILO}u^ ACE LEATHER of the best qaatthr for lnhby -be 1? LOUR.— 100 bbls. E»tm Family Flour, meathT l* 3B WMiIfCPTOmOH. LOUR.—ax) bbls. Extra Family Flour, OftUrtct Mull,la fton Mln'alUi Übwiy. ■MO. br ' JOB WM. M'ODTOHKm. ■Jj'IXIUK —IOO bbls. Telegraph Brand, a I - npsrloi nrtleta. In «to«> and for ini* at 10$ libarbr ■ J»2» .'TO.SFCOTCIUtDS. EIBH— 25 bbls. N05.1,2a»d3. Mackerel: -. to bbla and SO hf do tunr Wblin H&u,. loradabr l«a I. A CtMOietStOO...v CHEESE —500 has. mild, cattinff in stor ■ad br Min by J«23 J- A Odlm&O d 00. i UTTER —10 bbls and 10 half bbls. prime inSilotMUbr i«a j. a. cutntLa j oo. OMIHY— IO bbls. extra wfaite for sale by JTo %tt. ’enn Irutitute, ftOt'lß. 1. bn. Pearl in store end fo un w j. b. cmißura oo;