/ - ..................m.........m... , .d. • -- ,MAPSEOWN :Wholesale J:)ri:ilic)lii3t, 7. k . tr • ,'Velsteimeal iiiiidiesiiviribe ageat - sw "flume , . .? Ng limlk7o4walik. Ifthlitalibaly tareet, Mr & Co., late of th*firm ,IMIIIIIII CO, sad 11111COIMEI 4 lbehiblevnirrisc" akcomerw.46,lo= LA. & wucuz .l..D.txtd• maa.t.giinai at *dm uaa, mindistrocemt.woo4 tad Frost an" Plus. , - T 801100NMAKER„MANUFACTUREit u • et Whit* leaArlted teadAtl4lldat, UtiolU t t Sad lrbilDialaraistilikAXlCrutedabokri 't WoUrit.; =MO • JOHN WIIOL.ESALE D . v or In Dino, Palati,ol4 ••••) vi'Aliontecrolllkseek• tad...at/co.' • RAIIN iTETTER, WHOLESALE AND at tamely isedift:. Mir ito., /MUM BMW", TOSEPH FLMLINCI; (81111.3CESSORTO L. Mk= 03.)osinmir Maluieneatnsa d,keeps cmginar oa hand spasigaimpleto pocatiNst of Dr, miaow, M.Sktemi mftchdtmlipry o n4 an arlicks per. tiztort k R. GEO..--:- KEYSER,. I 7 TTOGIST, 14:111rood atm; arm at W ATM 6. 1 Alrpn yaidabargei,A. •• ' • ilrobuce Authrs. imioNimmit - ' L'Bou. =Mx - vardtztig inwagtera s. .men aboo••.' May kub, Bean; Dattari Limbed Oil, Pot 0.44 and% DOA - , Itraitexad Pioduce WiiihadtrilourAtinprdis Wood eadßailtklK3sii.Pltbstant4pa.,l-2,. 411LEESS. -WARIMOITSIL—BENRY , IL OOLLTlROotintirding sad Cbmalsdou Idambatit,sod &lobe ase•Olottei;Lake PM aid Produce gemently, ~116 Wood it, above WAtotylittabargb. • RAVID 0. lIERBST, - PLOUR, PRO,. doryPrortgon and Corarolnekro Merchant, No...AT , attest, earner of Band, Plltsbarch, Elam. bb ittet. • " ttoe to theists of Moor, Pork, Becox Laud, ChFqee, Itotter, Greta, Drkd Fruit% Bea* &a, ko. • iiireekaktmentatespsettolly aolitittato tautly - FuItSYTH, • (SUCCESSOR TO zs. roma a Satletalfonrardths cimmu. ider• thane, Dated Id Wool, ILldea, Mow, Bosom, Land sad Lard Oil sad Produce dedendly, No. TA Water Nttaborddy ' MEE 42:LE - WAItEHOUSE.-JAS. GARD- N Wlloheak Donler in Molar Providosts reers4ll4o. 4 &mad inert, Meer' liberty ri413442.4014.1 .411itargty . . ---- ;%.;^,- , AN41541484.46. • AIDDLF.y WELTS. & CO., Genetal Cam etae.ol,s^=l,hir...ndnDealen Oracetie. Prii; • lar*Pasigummia•oncittl t a =ry returns 'par - • • EMIEZI7= R FINNY; Agentgureica Insurance;Co, w A- 743 A-11.11, 1-E Rv — SCOREWLY Pei: d mine& liksanmes Ompany of PltUtre„ Joneelluiling, Fourth street ~ _QA.NLIIEL,Lk.MABSRBLL, Sec:retarl pit- IV sent Insaranee Cosopeidi, 94 Wider otreet. "ut 11, GORDON; Socretary - Wegerisiimi; - . ostootomionW99 Wear stmt. iI,,.GARDINEROOFFIN, Agent for Erimk •• U s rho Insaraseo (koorpowy,:co ram rood A.' MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware J11.,1 • icturitsantie•Clo.;ll.2Watarstreal. • . • : • 11 . gent on 1011,.';w: IVINDIMTER,Agent Great West :, .ASJi.onaLmrowo go,g7 .I.gt. • Catpm. .13 081N30N4.00., Dealer in Carpets, &a, Nia,2l Ma street.- • CLINTOCK, Dealer in N 0.112 Market street. . fed • w. 6. 1111t. - 11. DIVIDALLIDNI, TVLS.LER, .CARPETS, 011 'CLOTHS. S42TISIAS.U.No.Strovath etr.4 Neu Wood. aMrneVO. ~EISII tiRACKENZIK, Aitorneys at Lair, Ne: 60 /earth Meat, Ilttabargty ,Notaripoly - 1t~t!"717...t.A72!1NZZ41 17121P.2:0, Pl. . . .... milt I tv Soobo 4BURORPIELD k 00. A Otlecessors tcadur ; phy Burchfield.) Wholesale sod. Ratan Niters In mplimmid rutty - Dry Goods, North...lmi corner Muth lad Market AL, Pituburigh:. • LOVE, Dealer in Staple and Vane,' la. Dry Goods, Ake or the priirlrul ate Illro, Do 74 Darter street, Pitigatrgh. .11) IL PALMER, No. 105 Market titres* 8 1. = Iraor 1 . siret4 11.14. - tomr Thauaop, mod Carnagns. CARRIAGES' BUGGIES! ROCKAWATS I r!.eyor ! ToNs, Baum:mugs, alas, • AND*versilLingixt the line, pa rchnsed from aerrsiz. stiatoracrouss, - • TnoUsT with stun smortiosit or depot .Ir.luiteris Hansoms ' • Is onrory'rar;sty kidogle or distbl• tams. Also; rids, Sprint, nod Wm. luso. W.nomeroe.to meotloq cenrtnntl7 oo !mod sad for We st..reasoosbla mi Licerl br Dismood sintre r .orsr Mort,: Pltasbergh, r. . Dal:4oA rod mid as ratosdasiost. ins oodlir sod promptly doss. - • solrolly carnage aid Wagon liannfactory. M. S'InEVECIONS. Augen,t , . . X o:l22Vhf rd Bassets r ; xiurouLD respecifn i lly inform the' ey public that he Is ova. baLted sad has rasomad the baiLoam of Carrl:e la u its .eselattaa, sad la slaw prepaad to easenkkordertiotWolices dactisiow,lnclading Minn* fuelni!liseekaate ass. &MOW scanted'the; latessiaisisifberslly ter stowed him whSlitat tits aid stand Id .Eatadirs rkeo.," hi aware Ma friends that Ma assaa. taro and ans. Malvin be Ores Wall ids orders.= batatofore.baving oared tat. sterna. of thabesimarktom. sad Wring snwle apartments obeterbar• for the dalaidag stew work. sa-A. goodassortarent dhow, work mow set hand, soft.. ablator Hart use. Wortwairsated torn months; 4irrenkataratteatkargisett to maks. Jaillya Ostack-aidCarrtate Factory. 3,0 . 11 II 60111.8 OTIIIIG H. & 00., Cr~P qf Samoa mut BeiMeas Strrdh ALLZAHEINT CUT. IpprOULD RESPECTFULLY Di- mit, WV fano their Meal* sad the public paw Vet w il ly VW • mWaVa art 1 " ' l ‘ 2l t I=l . ea. Ryles et /ul.band peoportitoto - tillozderellrbe iritatadwtm dart reword to doribttlty and trattiy et tlatshe jleipos will also be attended wen ter moat rewettable tanatt:ttelag all their work U trot Intern liherte,Tolie and Wheel state, ti, feel omit. dear that all who brew Mite With their patronage s will be nochnew we ; marled to glee thew a will WNW Pm. Allatwms. num 3033:a ' 1 213031030N az CO, HOITEIS FAINTEM'OLAZIERS AND BRAIIMUMS lanza stun: Elge Nlatlnig immtod Witialpshmn and lirspotno. ?Mud - Palm.;Palm.;OlL,. v i WittZgrn a lt, t a- ) P" sdpar i rat i Rbibb PatM: it i lip Initobrunbirkno lead ohms on /mad mod for ono.-- nroprignond tor:Wad Odor, rbt. Parrnoro., 'or *Wert , tho sbortrin nonce, nu no . I V i rdcb :alb& by ,Union will orrre moot by pittpy •. • )Pluat-ara: ' ' - • - 1000USRAND'SIGN PAINTERS. hart (Old Pod Offiablarktingyfhlrd atm; bet wars Wood tad Sakes apex Ell cedar. promptly Waded W. ' ZireilaszectOd-al owpabtotlla - m347a74 Monti:llm Sic. • & RENTOOk WI St. Clair street, Ai1ki,U44:11411611301 sad Idlicalmwou Books, abd Dqadtory of Aioaryiul Tract Soeletes • : 1 1' • I 1 ., •tatotiers, aunt BOOk Xlllllbettlrori and Job Priatara, B.:41001MANB,•($13001C8SOR•TO • B. B• 4l .)Whateials =Craft° Defiler hi Bodo, mkt rim Mgsi labor otri*t, W door a Market Square, , JOM/ DAVltikoN:Boo . ggiaLtigit.4llD staki.i;aixeNertopsfumaienowlill" 114 - ,, attnet, font* ritut=o" ; - _ 41'? AY & BOOKSELLKEB AND:EITA , - • 510N1341 1 0. Wmi , th.l best dOot PO& far PIU Pa: " soopion• sesaassioom , ' - • • -L.101111: BOOKSELLER. D t TroNEßottLYltotaiblet, O .llO ainatage, • UNV k NSA,.. BOOK: . , itgau .13mtt gliMiust :Z .ALER IN -PROMsacrattleilSSOßYtor IMES, Itertpristsed all aue par. kn!Andlir="6ll,ol,. , 1 !bon wistiiiig to taisiCthair obligor is 04 am ohms glaul Irst setiVampaaelfrapqrtat= saw 411111fteeitidietkartidlitsninii ottlo.gimmi!MidhL 011:0314NT ITEM, "panne St. fears 1:11#1. t 2 • t , '4- ILL WO% DELU3II4III2ItaItD ifteh m tp, haclika alike all Waal &Lens, Ouh Pit udir, be MOO. _ NW_ 1,...~~~ ~ .~- • PanaraMILCUS. Ist* of OA AM of S. 3.llsUktpottr. - 61 fat & SPEER &BIDWELL. I Valloy.Parge,Plow :WofkL. 7.0 4 rambialit. MANUFACTURERS of every variety of Flotts, Plow esstlngs, le, at Om aunt approved Pat. alt for ttsery kind of sort and tillage. Thelr Improreti Patent Iron Centre, Patent Iron Cent.. II Ironlll4l4e, °entre rob•lioil, Patent and Centre Levers, Steel Mouldboard, Pryor, Cotton and other Plows Ire WAIWITZO tp sta• entire stalsfsettott to notate* erg, both td totality antattaptation to uee. 4/31.0rders ars solicltsd. IiVELLS:IIIIJDDLE & CO, 60 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., VIONG4 AND. SWITCHES. orailsiodf.s nib, ft...4...d promptly Alp; Tonor-6 nouttuy or i For Foot airroost. for Cad, HIC•NB.Y 'eXtftWiei, No. 489, m•ser Wakut Slreet., Pittaburah,, Pa.. • . K .ANuFACTURER OF'AIEMP AND ITAINILLA .131tD COMM more AND TARIM), RCP from ),,j In, to l Inch, It sod Common Packing Yarn, Tarred mid Smut Yen, Bath end Bell 0 .4 Wool Twine, Broom, Tying sail ;Irving Tmitte,,llar. mid Cotton ilethe Tula% , , , ISLA ampbt of th e aboheiztleleri constantly °ahead or Me4e to mato at the leviest amh prkvs. 1.27;1yd OaIELIDWILIFORT•fa,TODNGi— (Iineocootas to John Cartinight,) ATANUFACTWERS,. and , Importers of .1.1.1.P0i-hotnnd Table Outlay; gaigioid and Dental in; 10113.2.64 Gams, Plotob, Fishing Tackles to., Nogg Wwod street. They give venial attention to tho mannfachning U Truman, go Ron; td. Jobbing and Derwin with pun. Walt, aid 4vitch. - ~; . • oplibily 00:41811.11.D , &-C 0., insolkotruig or Ameriean, ?Jai. , and Corrugated, GALVANIZED SFrEKT IRON, ppouting. la - Max. ratant itattatietotnaala sbett , iron. /EirWilrekopes—A.l34,3 Are Street, Patsbtavh. soul reeunetaiiu or HUGa PATIENT ATMOSPEtIMIC FORGE AND TRIP WIENERS. HAMMERS of the following sizes &0., mile to ordrn -110. 1, 2111. 2 la. 1611 blow, 30944156 Prtit $ 2, " 9 " " 6628 " " 450. " 3, " " " 11609 " " 600. 4, " 1e" " =059 " " : SCP. 6, " " 4 6, '" . 41150 " " 2500. "6, " ' 0 54231 " 2t121 Ar. Order. solkltel. }ger parttcalari .Cho 3101111.13 i comarc, imaivny : , Pr426910i.0.0, Pa. 111.11111 • • • .2 • , WILLIAM. DAZUKULL 4304- 61, Penn et, 'below /doe Pittsburgh, PO. QTEAM BOILERVAREII.S .Alar MEET 171.nat Wfirkiies; Manufacalrera d. nazikhilrr ratan Pateritatlie, Mord sod. Cylinder Donato, Ctalitnep, Brelniten. iir. Cod, Stade Pipes, Coodonwe r Cell Pet* 'Beim ranejrostTowle, Boar, etc Alto,Blankrmlthe Watk r anksead Viaduct Item. dorm At the eherteetro• the, ardor. from • didance piostsittlY 'Method to, • Plena Cotton' Mills, PI (tab argil. r ,ENDUIDY„ CUILDS. CO., 31ANUF AO narsasa- • • :lama sal hoary 4-aStaaaitnaa Carrot Manor all colora and &had.. 0 1 1 k Nina, ' Play- Linea sal Saab Cord: °fall Wawa deacriptionr, •ikir&are 'ttir latt. at. abe Molnar. Star. of I.ogata Kiln. 1414= Waal etseetorill have attention. ¢'.ts:l7 • RISS IR.WIAr. 1116iIII/ACtIIHER O P ITLPHDRIO STEER; Sulphuric Acid; ftweei Sphitsof Nitre; Mule AO% • likdtattat• Aendyer slmistic Aqua inusionla,ll/7?; intro. do Posior'• Soled:fate, m 39 Wl* bead at John Irwin k F.; rrt Wat,strunt_ WILLIAM TATE do SON, DLITMBER - AND - (MS ' FITTE D . No. 10 j. *Arab rfttabargh. and Weal erreoe, ender eel.% Zgoeletot Hall, Allegheny. • Agrivery denniptlna of tidings for 'W•fer,Zlkai and 1t..,. • JOHN CAMPBELL, ANUFACTURER OF 11001 tit _,LILL - battaaossar d t s ai . pttaa, A 0.54 SW HI street„Pttabnyth;Pa. . tammisston, &c. •d 2. CalirrlZlLD & Coma:dodo& & Pormriording Elerchmats, - WESTF,IIN RESERVE CIIESSE, Burma, [AEA " ... 444 " 4441 MOVANPV` : : oc2 ..... - REA & .(Sycemors of J. a w Rm.) PRODUCE bIERCILANTS, No. T 8 Water ritirolearati, ',Ratans IN Flonr, - Babort and Produce Generally. NPINNAL Airk"iilo3 ems! TO. THE SILO or 110 «Zs LEON AND KOONS. VATOLIALCOICK, BiIe.CRICJARY A CU., • . Receemons fa 11..tbssmOrereery &Co.) Forwarding and Commission IderchantA, And Wholesale Dever Pralines. Flout cod Wool, n. 133 Treelaia Seamd -1V1. 6 .4k, lb apl.:l.yd•—my= laLimaLm== Flour, • Grain 'mid Prndtacies . , Comininionr ' Forwirding Merchtiritk, Ato. 124 Second de, Ptittsbangh, P... • (TANNING* sow), •COMMISSION -MtROHANTS, No. 128 Sorg Second Street, ?lIIIID66PIIIA, Po r the ale of Proinos end perches, of Pleb, Au, An. Any order. entrusted with them edit be promptly fin 1r 0.14.41 b►9Z6dOms INALOCIt• &tom, ~ ... 16/L.F I L 708. B. 402:m a CO., 24 2414 Llbarir Plitiburigh, Pa. El:Mouse= GROCERS COMMISSION MEERCIIANTS. DRAMA ?LOUR AND. BACON, Tin Pinte and Tinimeem Stoolk, • AND PITTABB - BOR MA.RUFACTIAgS jjdully linalei aukaticoot...mtaanar rrrrrr...W.m. iorcrtiCa. lIPTIINOILR'IIARIIAVGB & Co., COMMISSION .MERCIIANTS. Wool, Hides, Pro%isions& Produce Ocherolly No. 295 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Hl2 •UD R. 151115........ —..D. goalarron, - urns EiXIERTONT (luoceston - to - D. 14 T., Morgan t C 0.,) Whaled. Grocer. red Cklmoilerfoo Alerslirote,loTWeed street, Plttobergh. - Istl2 ffENRY S. KING, (LATE OF THE in" Ki.A Mottrite4) Om minden Merchant; Vesta la Pig Metal awl Moms, Ito. 75 Water street, be. krar Markel, Pittaburgh, Pa. . 1019 A A. lIAIiDt r (SUCOESSOR UAlT ja.e dy; JOIN ON)Oonualgilm astrurfrardlng` 31,r• do= drlbir sad Ipflan , irpolt.lletroan, tap PltObarthi , 7er4:174 flatiott, Sg• ;TOLtNIL , hiELLON, No. 81 ,WOOD EP, beton= Nomad Alloy MA Fourth otutot, 101 Sole Agent intlindlaiLlNO !BONO' (Boom) MCS, MA SON . 41) . SOW& 11)214 PIANO 1) 110/01 mud ORO AN ifiIIMON/Indßoind Duda b iltosidand Markal Gmbh , MEER BRO„ ;No.. FIFTH of InaOoldenllarr., 8010 Apat forNiniki . Cnior . York) unrivalled Wand and llamas _PIANOBIond OAVAANX po 10 0 !Ma. DILONB sad OMAN n in Iduolo and Suricallustnuaturn . (4 :Lir Ire ; ,111' i I . 131. and Deadarba Plano /artery sad Impostarotldnale and Mordcal Lartnumnia. Ada Adana for LW ILLIGIVItO 111,11Madan Rre BALLET. 11.431.6 A CO.ll Balton llama, WM; sod orfthatit dßolnen Attacbourtit 113 {Vogl Went 12.3 - • elpqnlistsrp. WWl:it P. AVO all - -• Wan Paper Warehouse. • ' ALTEIC.P. MARSHALL & CO., Im gz ipc i = tlr, 87 Wax 1 7.174., berzo Fourth . dmisat army deueriptiva o b.n nsper flaaeml, tor-Pat law, HON Mktg Wow szt,obasbent. 4.0 o; Window littados, la grad variety ai knrod - pries. okotuttry dadare. rl6 •. . • WALTYR P. 11.1.1181LCU. Ak 00; 1:. CINTL CQAL makes a most ,brilliant dr,kinalsi readily, lasts all day wltlicut ailonticro, an be handled without Dolling thee tusods.inoklerft. ppm , Dab dedrablo tar padorarld obambaz.ams. .1 . AWlPOrdisre for:OAtiNito, ANTLIJIAVITE OA SOW for silber city promptly ilk d - • • W. A . alcOLIII0.0.; 041 i• DEPOT.. . 440 . .otabile Amen.= at . and Exilread V.ENZO.N, REEF, POULTRY, AND BUT bbude r t. icon sown - T 3 Ina Ikaraala, Misc.:Luta, itabblts, too t ' o T41"3b144X," Wia7:2l4 : , IBS Liberty atra:lt. issOks llookwheed Flour, rlud atten ' ba br 0.110F04 ti . 100 bbls sm. I 1,;24 303 he Orrun Mom. - Jag noo'4l ana by, 0115 • /1-201118 011 0130 SUNDRIES--80sackaDt I lOQ~aO Villa Meat, lia'"*"tr rartro'fi,it ri .gr " 11°°!', -A - P2.l4ll9—Ruseetp fs ; sale by ' • .C l 'l 6 1 9 9 .r.el.? 2 . 04 2 ' L • a. - • ME= WES MEM TT§BURG4 , ;;k. 5:?!". f. rl`, fflatuitcal. MEMO LESSONS. tlotiftslikELatlON AND exbrorN - c, LESSONS_ MB. WILLIAM D. SMITH: begs to inform the musical PAM that, atter a long stresa-o. he hoe main taken op his permanent residence In Pittebergh, 'where he will devote Ms entire attehtion to giving lestruc. lion. in Vocal Meek; and, also, on the Mute, Violin' and 111, roan in Phillips' Building, Bt. Clair street, Pitta burgh, when be coo n ho wen from . ten to tuelre o'cleek daily, Tarns made known by applkation to Mr. Smith, at his rooting, or at thematic storre,or lathe stop or Ilion, o.Vener4Oce.; on Market street. den .Pmcritrt. J..AALICS W., WOWDNVICI,L.. FU RN LT 111EXPIN.D , C BAIR& WHOLESAIR AND RETAIL, Embrith.g.Terviulp.or, itosnrcioroitAirciamlYWND - NrALNulz _1 eaftabtertoi PARLORS, MUMMERS AND DININO ROOMS, Equal to on, In NEW YORK AND PIIIILAREL.TIIIA; L 0 W.Rlt PRIU BB.. owls by , baud sn4 Warrmted.liili cemsr - MATII;ItS , led gith on 1( goo4direirnrg g riliend (Inning, on ninon' eieroin HOTELS AND STEAMBOATS Parnislial .t the shoggit upDco. Wesimoox9,Not:77•Joß 79 TRIED STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA r'..#.49911 , 11,.......e1abe.i.T09e5.44...rm1ate a- Tana ,: -- 41nuntraue: — AND -- CHA IRS .!':7.1) • ' asaiption. f ACTOIII6-Ideria rixrelalfklieand Pen a. demo Warthouv4, 3811 44 - Amithfield M. - QTEAMI3OAT CABIN FURNITURE—We °A : ug . thcos la rated fa farnlshlas loafs, °f mild.keT T. B. YOUNiI a CO. Atin-orit itbbuttssmentg pm . rzart. - - COOTUth'sEt sirpr,D asinLASS, SUB,ET• IItaIAT4I6aLIA Very oitensively smnal for BLANC MANDE, TUU, AND WINe JEWM. tun sox - Sefif}•inw Preserves. TboEhred. with dirocUous for talus, to put up ft] owl' Packages lot Vamili Use, and L .old twat& ths.ptinclpst. OturiorsandUruggloU throughout the Milted Ptstuu I 022i.30t4 PrIT.II.OOOPER; 17 BurilieSUP. W. Y. DLL LIARDSI BIL LIARDSB P II ELAN'S IBIPROVED BILLIA RD TAIMES AND COMIIIIiAIiaN CUIRIONS.—Pro- Riled by lettenipatent e dakd-- Tebruary D. 15.56. Iknember L ID:. October 2% ISM. January 12, labs. ISL.Therthentirriprevemenle 1.44.1 u these Tables metre them astratheased In the 1.0. M. 'They the lm offered to theacientille Ballard Player theombining epeedwrith truth, newt before obtained lit stoy DUDA ?We. Palm Roam. 783 .. 4 TB Btmdtnt. N. Y. Ilantlisetory; - 63 Ann street. SAXONS& A COLLEND RR, Solo Aimee, EWi NAIL PLATE F EEDER.--Sber oroitee Petent Pall-Actlng Nall rule Feeder Dar Nall Manillthery. 'Thin Improvement dors innweith the nettle eity of a. man