fittoriciattiraii RUM PLACE FOR, ,RVERGIREENS, ir..-23,C , 00 extra doe, growl:fern/ MAK Lira". VA , "Zofrelli 2.4 WS feet. Amor Sato 214 fort.. Cum COCO tx - azlr three yews old, dwarf ood et, Ovr Moretti Etook Varner, drp eIrD VS pkosare tsthOin ton ir Werrl, ottlt, polOt plrtaborgb and vxkload h anent-, W.:4U, , oendtertfA , ' • •iritiX tan goo.. J AtStrliancov43 XrdiORTANT TO CONStMPT/VEs I CIIfiRCIIILLB DISCO VIL t THE ItYPQ.PRO.SI"IIITF.zi 7, of LIMB, SODA and PO ASH, Imam 3JX Ttoi rat Text C 0 N$ IT II P T . . . THIS now and important 1 .a. me 'A.:at:an:a of sciar.ccsoiss (Co.! made by the celebrated Lt. John rain: la • and flow commnsdatted to the Yrtnth An. in 1550. lama been adopted nut L. now theCriuunt of Europa nob onpnarden cla.ld prevatatative or thin wait hand the lutnaoltaco. Ihe liypopbon the 'oet exatosot Ityteisos to Crar Tel • it their (alienist. L Lana 51.845, Jr. Chun-bill. by • eerie Itti pea, catao tatb• contholon. that the • Of t nil 61 , 01411, an ...armlet condition ( seuteptlon) era. • deo-mule tho spar • roe It coutrdne tea oxygenizable state; I Mona it&tenoe, that the mewae of curl . dated to rar , rhsy, the tieficient elements. For this purpose, it was hemmer,' to pmed of phosphene, stitch elmald be at u ! dyable and assimilable—that ie, capable of • • tonning a part ot the eystem. Thou-ninon' to exist In the HypophnrphiLer of Lhar, ' which seemed bht to Mal the two minis or conadtst,on, and nee • Olt. alum, V.,, , prrpealitloo• to have •• action. On the hbui they inauche the I ever that tiny be, a ••, constituters now. the otter they tee the ....4 powerfe2(stood far superior wally hither... %nom.. 1., _ . . pT Ellysiolcr4ical eir.te 01 thtir WO are! conk< ofmorons ponor of their silminlatredion, together with ar, cmujort and arendth. The opy...dit , ttainthiery Manner. 11e era. 131.100.11 b. more; abundant ; the ' • PASO Skip b= unte.. cr.aa and prehntna symptom, disappear with rapidity that I Its Jippoprtotyhttor,.. preecilbed are taw for the tirst time offered in. • .. 1 In the United histee by the undersigned, II Price IPA per bottle., In • concentrated .Three Dottie, will Do mit for $5 when • It la also put up in large bottlea, randy • dared by Erprem or private hand. am company machpackage. Circulars and al Clan may bobtail:led by addressing (with • J. WINO dmarimit and Foreign holleillendtaiT . 49 John S • WAIREIANIK , Si PLATFOL TIE undersign' ed having been I *sive Agents for the de °M ow.. mean trued by the original invent,' BANKS A CO., =Teeth:My invite the at boancososounlty to the other. Them Egglm taro been mildmted • Cho SEVEREST =TS one' the principal Unmade In the Unitml grates and England. and In ertd7 breach of Medium throtemt the world, and their uniform .ecnrs sea grtml. have gained for them the reputation ofl.. ng TILE 'TANt. ARD ISOM WIIICIITIEERE CAN DE N APPEAL. Wean prepared to-1311 orders Mr Counter. Portable. Po, mast, Boiling MM. U.l.COaljtallroad and Canal ScAle.+, At 111.11Z177ACTUISIte MOW. WELLS, ltlyd No. 32S Liberty Street, Cu va GAO 0 MIL ES ill ... Baca Primo Lilo 01301 200 liege 11 la—all 11i...; 03 Binsl and 6's Limp Tv. =0 11.15 - : loan do dio bacon; UM Dawn ricnibta; 100 Ulf chests Y.ll. Im'p, / 33 Dogrn obi; Black Vas; 1 30d Boma 'aim, Olio coil 100 Pliga.ll. 8.. and Lapor Pimp; Utile= 60 Box. earl Stwili, 11 Bbl. 1: nr7lol-151iale 011; 50 - Italim II tan= 20 In as N. Y. Eyraii; 1600 Band! If lia• 60 1111601, do 0 Drib N.C. Tar; I 25 IMann' Tor ado by .115 ViTALNET HALL RESTAURANT, miss 10 HALL, FIFTH .strvzez 5C13E11.13 Vi.t.7.OXCIZI:M, E=C A LL THE DELICACIES OF dk., 2.13; TILE BEASON, premood by the moat or t a l i - palmed .Caota,s.rve.lup at tLo abortao.4 no IIIEtTCLOCIX A. - 1, UNTIL TIT UPC r eCLOCK P. M. All erfklas.ln th: !ho, pomliar to t o East, Icon ot 'Booth, recilltred dally by P..aprt,, awl to tal out, ord.,— licitintata maw will And the tab`, at WA NUT LULL all that that could dear.. Depot too °yaws, Blab. Gana awl oati, _Voittotabloo in tbolb %noon:1m (ola col I:iya _RATHER AND 0 L.—The subscriber 10.11.111 attention rf 11;m-hewer,. his extenet•vo et. a of LJULTOLER, OIL, ca, J , ..t rekviring arst,L•cloill. part a =0 Shies Red Sole Lont , er ,• 60 den irrsteL.l,l, " caor, ned Fr.,11 MA•rc , ..ns eA * • Upp, 40 " Easwro la• Let V4tabargb Fitl; G 5 blots 11,, , e.011, • emu° sad EL. wr KO, G;O-.., O•ngreta Wab..t.a.7„ AGEICan Ices W ILSINLON, 1246 V 'ULOANLZED INDIA III; MIEN STEA PAOHLIGI—=OO ib, In thee* U•O'lles end tope of 711101111.1.1. It b prepared ett Mitt 3 , 41 deg.-. Pnareto bait win not affact It, and Pt rap.r.or to aver; tning Use, ten subsume hat .3 much elnaticity which ntar.ds to high a degree orhent nod my housed about nit rinc.2 wham paoktcg 4 neorsury. J. k fl . PUILI,IP3, AM6_ Nos. '24 nod 29 St.Clale ate, t. T. W.saaltlGUlLlilf, Virmieb DlaKee, 13=ESID sit:mg:on pnid to the repairing of Wat.:uta IS•Lte•relry. • arldl work Inrrastod. lIMMMEE3MI AjrARBLE MANTELS, manufactured by ASA mnebinery. Wont. on bona w vet, low prices l'arnituro and Woobstand Tot. 31onsmant.T.I.blet. sad tiravo Eton to, • 10-sto nnd boon. titril lama always an bud. Mee, Na. 211.9 Llbcrq =oat, Pittsbnrnb. Warcr.oto, O. ETD, Mantel Roam on sacral min . w. W. WALLACE. TO SPORTSMEN— llupout's Ritlo Powder In pound tagiitrry.ur ormalor gn.crl m ' clw, ehnt, Lead 01341 Cape, for Went IiIIANCE'S, FA.lly Go..tkry nun Tes Rona hiry..l.. Allegheny. VENISON! VENISON ! kinds Wild Gam., Crtsh taltlmore Oytters, foolery, berth Nutter, eto tooth.] &Ili =2 for role at No. 27 Vllth se. AN/ ItIDDLL.IVIIIT3I pIIRNING FLUID! BURNING FLUID! .1,0 —I. Nowt= article of Burt:dna Fluid aad kept noo•tantl7 oo baud nod for vie low no71:1 all requiem,: It, the best Mono v..A used. Ir Is nrade In aborts of au; Cobham., trr ever r port of the titrans frlaelmd hollers, hoe- Lets, afr,f, We. Al., Round rucking, for Cr Hadar (leads, ',earns , and rituffirm Bram—raw, Yarned Belling of aby agth, oil et which in warranted neither to aura r pert Ito. of arty ate and thickness tar Ire engines areau, r ot agape. No tratahle to harp in order, 1•111 not on Idk. —will leaf longer and retie' a greater time no) d.b.a. Abundant referee to thew re,int the obwre, lay.n hare em' to the Interior of, Mateo ~f-,New York, Tonal, Conarcricut, Maaructutette sad elearliete. :covery in mptluu) chtli I 1 ., . • ly of Ala,lkl~o uab , u , * n 13=3 bahercul. la Oivie a the plu phoe lie wrta the °twain, wn• On lam!. :d:10 feet of 214_112E1r 5 ply Gotta terchn thee, sot: Able for Pro engines or ere") perkree. nolOol I y SUNDRIES.— chreir Young upon I CnOI " • I II kr family n , Black Yea. bug. ‘l{.. , rlor TO.. .team tr.l, 100 Lace ItioC.:Ce.e. .b. bble. lirur 1,1 Hord In PicYle. LO 6 . I.l , reltri lint( drum. C. 411211 thry, Ito rbln. -rot, .0 Lin. W. IL on rare nud arta on zorsountir ter m. WIT. M'CIIIVIIEON. ' nor IUS Llberl) oturt. swan tom. roe time oiy tug Itttotttol as (owlet It • •a and tista_di, to of usydation, f the Lippophes• • tece•Pcid specific iprincip:e, whet ' • force; and on •efucrahng arias ithowo by an in na filo Greg - day werusafreling Gf cf . ) TiF.GS SUP. CARD SODA—New Co-.;:e 5 casks Coppers.: or. Sulph Morphia: 5 or fleet Morphia; La lat Olyeerirds L gross Atriandlud—f, .;.01.1-d bawl.. li) lba lod de lags Linseed ( 1 11; 13 do Alcohol: 10 do Turpentine. Ilwelved and fid by W. MACKE.° ISholesale uroggiat, no2O No. IC7 Liberty strent. SERVICABLE, RELIABLE AND NEAT —The . popalunt) of Ihr. fate a Chaa Gan II attested by all who carry them. They are perfectly reliable, and re aesublo a neat walking stack so accurately, that to one would suspect It to bo apything elan, miles% luderal, a I of gorily assailant retail etaimf of to wrest it fruni lta oa stir. They are a twist intemlum 113,43,itq1. Prlca Main hp to fllteser dollars. Or will take plemme In eahltation good. s nols No. eal Wad etr.o.l. VIREARM . S, AMMUNITION, &C., n A,tllitAl atoricted In our brilliant assortment ~r lacunas. embracing Shot loon. ligles, Nl+, awl suede rm. of the ems leLiratial Sorg:lo4 4.1.111/3 Li arid Amer, trisinureetut airare now off, ring a very inip,rior art iris of (aimsnuted) Sn.s au I Twist Doable Barrelled gun f, t $lO. Those who ata In watt of anything in the glop. of o Ilrearm, should roll YOU NU tio2l No. 5.1 10,,A nreot. DIIALON'S PAPIIL N LOTION. tar re• worth: freckles. pimples, soots. tad &vela reamot owl inrlpiebt luilarnmatiou, restores the skin to a state id purity nod to-Norm, improving and lictutifying the con:. plerion, retalering tam akin putt and thin.werent. A hael stipplyjust received by 300. 0.11511N0, . -Wen lu r rruutur ud .7 12-irr «sister', All ft.. r.-urral truly rum . y Dr. etrurc:.• • y purr 4..1 • ores, by tn. 7.— .resl by Express, use, when or- Ie directions It delltediuforms- stamp enclose:l) • qTEE, gency Cala; t, New York II! appointed el , .brated.SCALE..., IL. & T. FAIR. • •atfou of the bale over oil , corner Diann , tel and Market nt. CONSTIPATION, DYSPEPSIA, &E.- Tliesedist,ss ing aliments hare been mare effectually reatoryd by ettlng the foal ••E‘eatenta," than by all thy drugging that h. leen practised. The Ewalonta a al.° ; manutaetoral-cute crockery; that nifty be kept 1,,r yonne , They suit that:ll'M delicate stomachs. The awalenta trial, and sentud and the cracker. may lr had et the outyscriber n 024 J. 1.. It E.11./.74 Fourth atm, tT ARUE SUPPLY OF FILL AND WIN TEL: DRY 00131. S ELLS Co., ;on, ;r, Ir• Ilurrby and 11,tctallnid.) hare none vv.., awateaent ef thole.. now Good, ne;«ted Ith new., car- I frogthe leading holm 2 of New Yorl. and Fe'belelrh to, eat ; bracing Ladlee'lLrroy wnln tn great eerier , avd Wear I. Cloth, Ca...lnner:a FlaLne:.. I .I,e beet tuzk,e, sad all other I'MP% , I- 13 tbs. caTOVES FOR ALL PURPOSES: Fipe,. nil or, 'Lad trllAir• to order. Cosi : 4 ,,atles--0 - .3Ar, OalTatztzedtattl Comm-, Ire, Parlor C01in...6 nod —tlevr mu.] I.may,t/ful i Oat to,el s eat u• at 0 the tnounta:t.. Fradere 14,40, th , it (r nn eask to aDJ ioa pnr..— Iloax:.oping tit ..t. is a - arirly, TI tlw !r•:, ity :toga t J. T. CRAW CO, tit Ito,xl It ATKINS' CELEBRATED DAY C for i. ttlirt Race, An ns...rtniwtt Inttertm oast Imetve4 ha Bale t y t VW E ST. CiEORGE!..; BANK 11 Flrll _II —Neer I Mul.rel In d , l'ltlthAl, , alcum, let D.• du ilaekarel Iu LAD.. .. Du da du thal to We. Al, eat.. largo Ilertrug ...I A!. ',T., • , okvd Herm:. U,a1,1.r.r..tml I r et:deal ea.d Allegbetly. lr EN 1 zILIN .! ' VENINLUN :!—ltr,t ....,a In, re, 1,11; I': ......AL...,t,. P.:7; :/,,,,f,t.lrn ..., Itstrbi,.... frtial "rtrr.... Tz11.1..r, i'111.1.,...5. th..l. 1.,...! tice.s.,, In any qcmdttir... 1. , 11/11‘...1 , “ 1 ,. I. ,•r 17,1., 4.,,!7, 27 rtr.L fueAt 1 . ..17 1111.An.P, WIT:T..; _ kr: , . r I.:Y.I'RA V' A .- .511 . 1, - Y •' .•••• 900 D.ALF r! -it • nes Nee I NI, eerie. N... 2 .1./ Nee 3 el e In nnereeena.l 1' a nit by tt...2 . ' J I' JO l'ltl NTIN‘I pt•At,t,tt..e• it th 0 , 27 W. . JUlilr:ON W.,: et Q n HAWLS : SHAWLS ! —The Ltrife,t 1.. j to the car. • enthe:y nec . .1,1....en.t et very I,rg fIREEN A I'I'LLS-1' ; ' 0 choi,e Cot c,211 Apvic. r , .1 , 1 .9 ktP,Sl* r TEATS FOOT Oi L--A arti.•l , . ~f F,:t fitEb PE.kl:ll:,: 1,1:, bright hull kr, II I r I BT !Cl{ EY p RESCorI", NEW V.OILLGME,,: _if_ i sle t rr:tr I.y . 7.7 I -.OA 1.0.1:K1;Y TR I LBA LA NCE BOUS HI!, by w. J. 41 • , r A. I V.. 4 rt4loapru %14k•, .t, UTTEU----te bt,li, 1)for onlri 1,, I trt, ere, .1.45 lil lADIY, \VIT.:, 1 C‘', t.,1 . - LL11)1A. W t AILLYSL.f.'S lit ()ERIC 'ILI h ultk;AT C Itlchm.4 (ham Whiu.'• ,t...k•penr, U/3100 Pra,. r Uy 2,11. • r 1.,.‘ QILKS, BLACK AND FANCV—BURCII -1.3 r 1 .:u, 01 hn..• nupply y wt north .{r.... ~,[ILY i'l, l / I :A—L.'.l);l bbls Aurunt sial, 11,01. m. lu .Vito awl 1.4 wale by 3111A:01i ANJI.II. 100 ItEAr6IS itATT INU l'A .I I 2 reedited lor aide by W. BAIA V7:N, roper corner Aliirket And etrertn. r• 1 B urrEic--16ou ib, I' 'lnt,le Rutter 16.17,1 nod far enlft at Vn. I.:, I,lb^rty kt 11 , 115 lIIIMIA, ISIRTIk fit_ FLOW:.--.. 306a1 , 1 7 11 . 1 - 7;I iy t” orriv.• iwr ••134 Mr“".nd 1., ..1.1., u •,..Lt lIIT.OIItX,CIi, MrCItt.F.RY k CO ILT DE:i.-1.50 dry flint and .50 green Naltyd I.A.w aril vo and osZto by !tit bR HAI:RAM - HI A 00 A YYLL'S-175 1/1:1 4 . Beild , wvorn, rr, r•r'd ler sale st tM. Liberty et. IL I WI ItTei A LO. ILLS I•RANK4AN 4L:kIANAI.!IW9. Cr fclatOi Ly ma* WSI, G. JIHINSTUN Ai CO 'PEED ihittliEY.---.500 Mod). et low price , . ;e.er22i 1111q1COCK, bIeCHF,II:OO NU. Ait 1(1 - Wainprime now crop, • Jliftt rneil sol.) I), 1.11 [IX 41) TM! 11111. F. 1 00 l,sv Flour for ',ale by L,ooir.:l HITCHCOCK,7IcatIanIY R C - I. NUTS---30 bee reed and for by eel,' 1100310 11. COI.I.INS. I( in SACKS DRIED APPLES arming wi for gule by nl6l J. t/AJLI/SEIL. _ . POTATOES! POTATOES!!-1,500 bur. La arrive Oil. day I.II2COIVeIi, MGCRECILY I CO. QYRUP-50 bbln. Penun. and other brook 1..7 no. lo alma net fur axle by ATWY.I.I., 1,00 &CO RYE FLOUR—n bbl. Eye Flour in Fg«. ani for Rale by nrL• I.'llo4Nr,d AN/lest. A I 1 Oble. Plantation Mblamsta arriving and foruin by J I, I3OIATOES-50 - 0 bug Neshannocks; SO I It.t,juet rt.,211..1 , 1 tor hi J. I‘. Y I MD * 1' F OUNDItY IRON-50 tens for side by gtilt V 11. 0041, INS OOFFEE-7-201 bag , . prime Rio Coffee in stons and for & IEIIIIS .1`;1:11( 0 itLEA ti S S Ul3 allt . in tore 4 end fur We %OM to o)otv MeRANICA A Ntiltit LolL—bls on Eum rrlmer 31ode .J 1.4 10 b tor. to only., fur oak by ISAIAH bIeICEY A DI EIVIENT-100 bbis for sale by . uoM lIENT: II COLIINs FLAX 1:11.61) OIL-10 bbls. recd this day 1.4 , 1 for rile by' del3 .109. F1.14111N11 ARO OIL—A Ifupply of ttinter strained Lard on Jsiii.e.l by JOS•1".1 0 11 FLEXINO, Dk t . Y si i e v itz for v erLl T o t py DIV " B I'D for : bale by d mroo fr. DOSE PINK4-BRIGRI--3 Ult. fur tale by JIA) ,1,416 4 3...L.RAILNEKTutIg AO). all/ fur solo low to. 1.11041 LY COLLINik VIM (WOOS „opening camurclttily .1.1 d:II.OWN Will, If UROP ISUQMPUINI)IIO I, ASISES‘ amp •. -AlestwOrkriiktat irt4 - IEIP ,0 dela T Z. 55.57 55. 5. 5.555/115 Pearl Steam Mill, IMMI PURCHASED M A N GFA eTu lin AND 04;.... %I, Tenor—OA:3llml th , ll, try pAI , Eft !I A N IN titi. ci.rr g.,eu fog s.s.l rwl.. The okylr, of Many •ntirrly new ‘1,.+1,011. Inc Fire-Itnarity 'Window TUE subscriber would solicit the attention or toorcheinteiond strungurs tinting Rio city to bit present iiziorwivo %Lock of LEATTIER, 10100 VINDLNUS, TANNERS' tinil CURRIER'S TOILS, TANNER'S OIL, kn . which he oßoni to tho nt the Lowtrt notrio-t prito Ile soli, 411 eramlo.lion of tilt czTucco AND MASTIC WORKER art Irolar Attention to .01 orlvt .1, work i.r him CENTHE- ~..1 OILNAMENTV of all ttn.loi rnrnistird o *Lott bOth. el.2l:lyd ..... D 64 Li E IL. dr. sAYLEs, Dankara and 13rokera, Devotteltire Street, 110.1'T Ull'. IFI I: S. 0 " paiticalftrattention tr , the )I—: l, aAl Lake :imp...rior.n.l Are pc,pared to furtaml, rolmbl , 14. . Jr, ..ctiug them. A monthly 1.1,t , ; Mat1...1, with a ytulnt,na a 511 the Currt.:.t h, +rot to raly 111% . 1 ‘I r FE MAKE, used ulul ap y Railroad Contractor, Dridge, an I Cistern 11.10.1er. S. as, past Warranted of beat quality and ha tale at th. , i,,strat nkariat by LEECII III:TtlilINSON, apl2 N.,. I lu Seeand at. and 143 VIM 1:. HANGINGS—V. P. MAR- A . 611%1 I are now opening urn Paper ilatirr”4, In neer,' •,,:, .1 Cloth. tlaid, Satin and Plain Ilniah. I.lvati tiltd panel, is , plata Wale, oak. and polycb rani, ile , sera [lee bower., netere, florae, .tutus, pirtnrca, turtn/Le. tie. elec. and plain Wall Paper, an greed gnaw tinea, et t; .„ awn*. Cottle and eeo. aale BELL HANGING! [...r /lAI4 $2,50 er. l• uc 1,1., b‘,21 , 04 it• _ . prioN •11. FlA,ll;titt , r; z: rkin. a,• ! . t . R K A BAG., sir I r BOSTON N 1) FA lIIN A CIiACKERS.--. JO 114. .1 an I L., FILANCI:.3 en.l 1 , 11..tal et Allogbeo). t '44 d•vr Flllll .1 tiII. , 1,-. trn•Ltri• t,. .an , Ir. M=l .ale wi P. 14 A. CO . roim-E .r nrrl inr wrna.v WIF,N 4 0. . 7 E...q4 Lard. a,. I, g•I,. V:IICrS CO it.INL - ERIUES-tOrho i,:re in Store kf and Ca .3:01 , y MIT Li. iillllol,e, • 1 it.V.CI:I..T:It I F.S- - I 10: ••Ii El= 5f BUS. SMALL WHILE MEANS: I nwmu. Fur .44 1., .5.1: CAN VICLD k . . . W Wir 11 , :111% , 111::s t 1. • thy ~, ::2. Nl,O I", 0. ti. 11 IES--12t) I;ritesi Salted Bides; Gi 1)r, rti..t aa,p•-t 00 .1.00 No lokle I. 11.11,13Ar011 A CO, N.. NO Liberty.,,.., rEOETABLE COMPOUND —l7r th, Tia. , ll awl Anoth, hvah orupl,l) Jo& 1 , 1.11111N11. aoroer Dlananoil 6 Alarbro.t jur. t tt 11 A•l . - N• - • M ANILLA, hIIUE AN 11-:crim. rrcrivril as.' fur ,11. .1 tli 1,,K, 11 az bon,' ol W. S. OA V EN, 1,1•... r Donl, tsoL cQrner Knob t aml lot [MIL'S FRANKLIN ALMANAC FOR iso, by WM. CT JOHNSTON t CO. 67 BEANS _ I.g. ninall White Beam, for uo. L I .J It.C•NATI:LL, A CO. ()ALM SOAP CO lit Calgute's in and 3 lortip• for said I.y n. L FAH NE.qTOCK tOll. ISSES BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, ITS Be-derma, Ar and 1.., m i. t r y . T. U. YOUNG A C) C buxen prime rutting, reedlL/no t ing ...I. I, 1011101 K. 8111TH • 1.70 , 119, LiGrrly tHOPAL bblr for nolo by o. A. irklitilitSTOtlti *W.‘-1 non carom, or Wood sod Sire. etrcere. SUG Al{ 110(i II EA lAS-160 euund nnd t loon Ftsgar blt e for wile law I.y. • ^.3) WATT& WILSON, No 7.01 Lli.orty et. CENTEIs:NIA.LANNIVERSARY-11ndge. ni , .lUwnr n W. 0 JOHNSTON & 00.11 •,2O Stearn Cribb's.: 0111 re, 57 Wend etre.l. ANFOttll C. lIILUS FRANKLIN As, S MANAC frr 11 , 47, cold or retail by o7_o W. 11. JOIINeTUN & M. 1 4 1 1. A VORING EXTRACTS—A large sup ply of Proton rolobrated flavoring calracni far Ica mim, pica, &c., corvinintly on bwvil at FRENCH Ia.IIINOS—PIain and Printed , A full assortment at of 111),Fle HVI ELI/ ea,., to Murphy it Uorthfluid ()IL CLOTH goud mewl:merit a widths •tvintylen mt 2C, nod 1.4 fit, Chlr )4117 .1 6 11. PHILIP:.. flt AFFLICTED should not logo sight of oho Lint Ih *t oho may oetabllttanont In tho city In Tro we aro toginnfnethred le At I)LATFORM SCALES that will weigh two I tit fine Wienbel IRPi;11 correctly. for ..ale eery tor er by Ile ItItAll,7•1 Ponrtb ALMANACS AND DIARIES FOR 1859 Wholrv& and Retell, • WALL 1' A lite' Paper Ihingings, l'ava, Window Stowe., tc. Freeh .t.k tgolli E,C 010111t.tS, fillegbenr. PPOTATOES.-30U bus Peach Blvasomsand bv.hannt.clu; 40 do Hub, ttc . .labd for by .. von ItIDDLIC. WHITS k 00. vitEsu Buntat.--12uutbs, received and a1f{6,161. by [twlB], RIDDLZ. 1911113 Ai CO. 'AR.0425: kegf.gtopotry Lard for solo by • WATT A "wrtsox. VANS -4 bbls:SmalflVhite for tato b • " U. Z. :FAIIN&STOCK •. WHOLES .LS3 `. JakT.I3G.GrISTS No. 60, corner Wood and Fourth Sts., P TTSBXRGH, PA DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CllEmj. cAIA, TAINTS, OILS, DIE STUFFS, SPICES, . I.ASS WAKE of PATENT MEDICINES And eneryt4a n9 'viper/wining to tAe Drug Bwincr.. Thew is want of Pure and Genuine Article., will do roll to giro tw a call. We guarantee to tell tot low ma can to teut.,ht to Mit or other market, end warrant ererythlng 1.. Oro noisfactlon. W, 3, the Pale I'l.l:printery and only Mano6o.l2ms of B. 1.. pAIINZSTOCK'S VELLIIIFUGF., DR. R A. WILSON'S TonCe, Cathartic and Anti-Dp•peptie 1313313111 The tent rent for warms, rill. r In children or mluitn,orer eil"rv.l to the P.b/iC it .d...tibtodl, the Verml logo, pmpar ed by IL L Salineetock. Thirty years experience In thls bow of otellolne her Oven a ware guarantee that this It an article every way wo, thy of confidence. Ai a CUTE for t , ll it claim., to be eferqualfuf, and am • merchantable article it to prepared and hold ea D. L. Patineertock'a and no tt , otho r, at the proprietors 'riot wlah to hare It confounded with any other artklu of ermllnge now In thy market. WILSON'S PILLS ha e bad • mere local orlatence for twentyever I ..ty nen, tinny orted by volvertiaing of any kind, and hold at double Um pr of what they are now sold at, yet with nit !ht. diovadOptinfire wherever Meal they hay. in no butanee tailed to render the [tercet tatlefsettan a Prrforming all the repti4 ments of a rateable family medi cine and am luck are nWommenoled by mune of the moat , worthy and nnipousible ctitlzTa, of the laud. Hoar for In. at iie what Col. Wm. Mid ire, of Wwhington. Pa., ^eye Wnsuminvon, January it, HES. fir. n A. IPl7mn, Piltsbarph. Pt :—.I. bone been Pang Y".r Anti D)lltsptio pule, nne occur-ion monired, for many y”nt e • and can truthfully any that I have wear fonod any Ole , tliciOo 14111•1 to them in relieving me from lareit4ol39 of the stomach and bead: lief' hfve eerer let" to relieve me hoe headache, and knee aiwnya left my apiece In letter rendition than thug lend it. 1 must confidently commend you pH's at ante nod highly valuable medicine. Tours, neyertftilly, W ILIA Act HOPKINS. nodallwT THE GREA I BIEDICAL - ,•,„ -t DISCOVERY OF THE AGE, MR. ttENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, LIAR ditmovered lc O. of onr common pngtnro weep, • totondy that cur, every kind of If tinntn (nisi the wnfst Prmlttla to • common Pimple. Ile ban Mini II In over alevee noodled mown, nod never esrept lu two emu+ (InAlt thunder bum-w.) fin Ims now la lag pons.wnlans cm, two It uttArtniraft__of all within twenty rotten of Ironton. Two Lottlot taro vuttrranted to en ro unnlng torn month. I •on to three bottlnw.illcorn the wnrst kind of pimples of ttn, T•o to throe hotline wi3lac - sor the era , . of boll. Two bottles are trurenutod to cure the were: eauke rto the mouth dud etyma soh. Three to eve bottios ate sterreotal to cure the worst eas• of orpdpelda. - one to two bottler aro ererrenteJ to curd all humors of the Two hotlteeero trarrentoJ to core ru.logut the glen IMO Llotchm among ttoe heir. Your to do bottles me urscreotrl m cnrecurropt rad run. ohm ,. ulcer,. 000 .111 cure scaly erootou of akin. Tv. to three bontmare tremolo.] to cure the most den. raw uso, et rheum:atm. Two to flare. lootira are war mntod to eon the wont an of rlthfwmm. Throe to tour bottlw are warraute4 to cure salt rheum. Fn. , to olatst bonito-Jill cars tho wont ra•n of anfolnia. A hrooflt I. alwsy. e•lMrt.ncrd from the first bottle, and • Pr tiort cure 14 waryantol whet. lb. oh,- quantity It to. item Nothing 1-ok•ao taierobable to the,. who have to rain 01..1 di the trLoste.rful medulla el the day, ot that • coma mon weed vowing the ',Lags aid stone walla .hoold cure every bum, In the yet It I. tow • lltted tart It you have a humor et 1.. ire !mart. There are tvAl. nor and.. hew. us ha'. ILI•Vtll It. eluting 11.1111r.11.11•Mi out y.eurs 1 inhlled over • th.looind Isttlea of It in tho y of 11.evh , n. I toes It., Ilerta 111 eery raw, It ha. r tiny dme. on.ineot the o..ste.t cur, ever done In MAMMY Cif T. 4.5. I data Il to children over • year to o ld sixty. 1 itSlTimwm rx.r. only, wqrtny leaking vl3lllll - .41 *he* el at: wit ulft and flabby, r..t..r-d 4 , • vernal slat. of health by owe testtln. T. the., whoare subject to a nick headache, one bottle will alway.sure It. It ult.-great relict to catarrh antl 0r... hew,. *ho hats twen costive for years, he,o tar...noel he..n rt,nlaw.lhy it. When, the lady le onnud It work. unit. but where these tinny derange... at the Moo. to:n. ot restore, It will muse very 1 , 111,4. k Ung., bet Jeu :net n-t t.. alatlo../—thry Aiwa,. dinapprear to from tear et we.tdr."Tl.sre I. never • had moult from It. (ha lb. that fts•llng it over you will feel your...4f like • .r :a I beard•osno or the eiatrara t pult nun.. worn. of It that an Ihden..l to. No clew,. of diet la ever o•re..wery; eat the beet yen can [mt. I hate Illewtme an leer!, whkie, wl.n witutorred In 11. L., aleseolve• acre, olons .es. !ling ca- the net), and and, the ears. Price bi r•Ln to. I . rtre of eh... Medical IS.... , very $1 re bottle. UNA. nne ntl.l. voontnt I.r day. Chtldrou over l,ht yest.,4e••.rt chilktr. a (tom Elva weight pars. In vt...nrn,6, A. no dirnctiv• t. - •• mode •ppllrahln to all mrnatttralonn,Lkomnonth to or...rut , nts the 1.-nwelv ten. • Mt, KICNZIND% mal att../ao. sin bad clan of PlMMil;===o a. vat t.g.. W 1.; , 1 , 1:It • ;l b % ,0r..! .111 .4 11.. firm of 11 AZLVTON • ‘,.. , 11Y., of Si, ( . .41741,.14 Ible ,Eivr il..dotn 6ur invvr. •nd Irft their ',Mons V. 19 NS 14 , 0.11.1..., gruff upon our cu.. ,n,r• .33.1 Vac,. of tht lalo tiro., for [Lc pa rpome of ollect g arnoncts du,.;und r.colving th•qr ordar• f.. 0 further Our .rack I. nut., Ittritet sod well awtortoi, ct.tuttrtong ot.r• arlet, a /Nog, n taps, Ira,oto Itttir, Ratty anti Lthos,s-441 to It w. s.k tht• attention of &al WELLS, FIDDLE t CO, N4L. Fourth strvest. Pittsburgh (Ramp and Stencil Wcirke MOO ntarnr, Stencil and Brand Cutter, JOIII3ING CUTLER, GItINDER, Ktth..kimoors•wl 1:ar"1 - • Or.ud, KM& Rieultur Irocrtnl . Regain:l. and Garivra/ Jntbi at imenEurru AYR IiKLL.ItANUEIt, ME= N 0.1311 Smithfield S ,near dlilh, ,s-rt la girepanqi i twat , anything in the al, a, ;inn olga nr .10 au) aiu4 ut vairk irbat 1 7ii1.1:S—From the Post Office u: Browns io will., P., sterol the ISO, Novrmbvt, • PROMISSORY Nur!: Londe by 11.. m. P omd J. Swearer to the ~rder of Robert Roger.. Emil. and hy trim endaene.l and med.. payable et the ether.. Bank of Plttehergh, dated NoTainter lOth or Ilth, at 4 tn , .ntho. All pereene are here by t antioned saxlnet begotlelleg .Id note, . parnent of ttn...nn ...pp.d by the eubecrther, to whom it wee maned. (w:11 ALEXANDER KING. AT LA N TIC TF:LEUliAl'il CABLE. —We hare at reved , ed Prom the U. E Steam Peigate nury.tra, a large quantity of ATLANTIC CABLE, width , er esti cot In email plebes and mount them In either bra., nr gold, to tun. patch/ow,. Also • freeh lot of thine. Anurican mad< WATelinn. I.)W and Nee the mod the WATCHEt. T AIME,S DLLESS Goot)s. Shawle, Em ! r,l.lrrirs, Cblistr.o. Sinai InIel l•t•, 4.1 • 1,r,, now g ,nerally—Ju openrd 11sly12ItelIFIK st LI) OD., - - Yurr,emor t. Murphy Q em, at S. rorber 4th awl Nlarkrt alrtaqs. - • - p v e . Li a l, Super 1.. 4-1,:.1,111 . ..ti1,114) 1.6, 3:.l hatil hat. Just IKri, i .r al 11., W..rebaine of IV. et HAVE, Itarkol.ok.l ,t..rop‘l hoxe. Honey: ried A .290 , usb• n 0.1111,1, .04)1.tha 1,11 1.11 ter. WIIITti •4) vitrut;s. - _Bags —O,- I, von In rrwrl‘l,n; fir 2l rout. for 2 ~ 1 4.h.t, to imt tire inking 11, wt, ordrr a diwonnl b tn.dA: airs, In4bt floor rackl, nnult, awl prinle.l at Now York not jai,. All order, tw•dop11) 1111641 by :010 DAVID 11.1IF:IIIIST, Railroad Stocks. THE SURSCRIIIRRS will exchange $5OOO «I TL fIeTJCH fnr LA 111 , 3 TL,, on rit.r mr.ll.lf VULCANIZED INPIA RUB BE BER LT VW-10.401 0.4 from I to 20 Ind,. -wale end:, 3 mei 1 ply till. k. It akideartea Fahrenheit with• out being allotted. The were* cold will not dimitilsh It. pliability, and cad tro run lie wet Oarn or tapoesel to tbr e.old without Injury. J. H. PHILLIP:4. 0013 No. 2P andlt Et. Clair street. 500 REAMS STRAW WRAPPING PA- PltliS, Doable. Crown, Pinkie Crown and Medina. Jost ',welted and for sale at manufacturers' Paper Warehoeuee of W. ki. HAVEN, NM • toe her 'Wake and &wombats. IV O.L F i"S AROMATIC Si-311E15AM fir7d B t e n! , l,,. l ,, A rrti:i %',War"A f n o o o kor j ell"p " p ' l'; = 14' 74 SOS, niilllllo, ncla oft e Divuond and Market et. W E aro at all limes pdCo furnish ropare dmilingt, 1.0645, .tramtwata o Istabllc bons. with foruitore awl floury of ant dcsariptlon did T. it. YOUNO A CO, •elll Oppedtte Wits 1 Mune. limithfield stront. lIILLYB FRANKLIN ALMANAC von um, PUDLIDEDID DY. WM. G. JOIINBTON, !FAT . wain COOKING TOVES, CARLOD STOY Kt% RADIArpt STOP ES. VANDIIIII3, AM iamb of Opal &villa, }lie 4=4 Fire Iron 13tan.11, Stove Om Tin Wive In all It, variety, it 100 T. J. CRAIOtCOI9, 134 Wont at BILL PAPER—Super Bill Paper, long and Br.o, Itlns end White. dos. aud 'rid. ruled. Yer cdo lefr W. O. JOI.L.C3TON & 00, .141 Paper I/Nava, 67 Wood street. • FRESH ROASTED JAVA ANDRIOCOF VEr.--olro Laguarm and Old Oar Java Coffer, for rel. at /11.1:NCE'S Forolly Grocery and Tr. glum, Fedora! .0 TPRESH, iNTERESTING, 11 POPUbalt.—A. our Iro.qc., by .t.&114e. Tree to the Lasti or Alone on a Wide, rile Pen: by A. R. n 0..: On, omen tri1i.,10,10 , 0; no. reedy and fur .do by . ..615 • • Fourth rt. VPISCOPALIANS:—Spritguo'a Annele of jj the Anii•riesia Pulpit, vol. V:, Ef.lecopelleto. Autocrat of the Breakheit The nigher Cabal= We. by Contihrielli with many other new bauksAust *caved by 7NO. bAVISON, vOO7 • N. 01 Market street. TYILY RECEIVING New and Desirable nts 0 cob, Elbswl., Mimic :Needle Work and Do. escAtAcitoalo 0r trerplutcriptio..% • • oat C. HANSON LOST, 74 Maria SL as. a , WO • • hi.. AuleatlB.l.L7beely rwatrl •IttDDIAL, • l• 00, 111D.1(6.- - 427 Dry trlintin ,snajfor ado by delt BOUM DICIM. THE LIVER INVI9-OR A TO R! 1 . 9.c1 . 4ED UT Nit 5.41,MRD, Compounded Entirely from GUMS, TS ONE OF Tll E REST I'URO TI VI; as LIVER MEDICINES WPM herb, the pith,. that rt. is• • Oatharttc, cash s, mlldur r aud more ear, nal than any other Medici.% known. It Id not in.!) . a (Itlaurtie, tut • Liner remady,acting drat on the titer to e,iwt tie mort.l matter, then.. thostonach nod hovels to care... that matter, thug accomplishing two purposes eftmotaily, with out any of the palatal h slings experiern,,f in the °perm ems ol moat Clithoetim It etrengthmo the ay,tent et the wow tines that It pure, a n d when ',lien daily tomoderato doses, will strengthm ona Imild it np with ichneril rapidity. The Limo la one of the: :poorly/el regulators ot the Lamina body; and when LI !potion. Its tanninan well, the powere of the a), i. rowel Toby dorelopuiLThe Is chant anti, ely di.pcodool on the healthy actlonot the River fur thepnverperforni- g,surealtsforicti. 1, stomach featfanlt.tbe bowel lace at fault. and the whole aystein enders ectlim•olU.MC 0. of our organ—the Liner— tatring conned to do Its duty I For the dieeloets of tint or gan, one of the pmprtctoraii her Made It his Andy, in a practlceorniure than twenty years, to Lod soma remedy wherewith tommoteract the 4 ming derao ce rn'. tr. hub It Is Lab!. Toprore that this remcityln bled with LIMY CO/Ji bes but to try • bottle, acid Tbisto Gums' remove all' theayeternompt-lying In they Invigorating the stomach. Purifying the Blood, whole machinery removing •ffecting sradica/ mire. BILLJOGSATTA PER. o better, prevented, by Liner invigorator. Of:eiders aftereatlng blear and prevent. the food from Only one &metal:so before 111421. e, Only one dose taken at gently, and ears. Qtr Ono dose taken after each 115POnedone of two tea- Sick nem:lathe. Ono bottle taken for fe mme of the ails, ltd Only onatiosaltntin lately One doss oßon re Morbuu and • preventive Iktt.Only one bottle Is system the effects of% medl -1101-One bottle taken for lowness or unnatural color One duo" taken a short gar to tho appellte,Se makes One dose often repeated 'hero In Its worst forms, Bawd Complaints yield Unarm two Mises cures at- Children: there is no surer, the world, as It corer fails. 141 - A few Natl. cores atosaisnata. We Like plea-amain return. trio - and, for Fever caul , and all !leers of a DJ, with certainty, thnumand.l wendertal virtues, All tcAn us. if are orsng garßix Meer in Me roo• swallow Gefli fiepther. The Liver d, Scientific ],dial Discus altnost too ni wit to helloes. thefirst close gising benefit, tie Is niquirod to cute any the worst Jaundice or Dm , all oferhich are the retail of PRICE ONE DOL DR. CANEORD, Proprieti DR. GEO.II. REISER, N Ag.t. PERUVIAN EIVRUPII Protected Solution of Protoside or Iron, HAYING SUCCESSFUL- Iy paned the ordeal to which e pp e ba new dtsconerien In tbo Materln Medi- , '', w sn 7 i <4 .0 .111;fretod, man now be Meet,. 1851 NI as 'N., eatiall-hc-3 Ntedir eflleacy to curing Y Ea 7i. P. P I 3 I .Pa. Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Bronehitio and Consuruf.tive Tendencies, Disordered State or the Blood, Boils, Scurvy and the Prostrativo Ef fects of Lead or Mercury, General Debility, and all I)is. etm.g requiring a Tonic, or AI era- tire Medicine, is now beyond question. roe prlad• of Its efficacy tau so nunterone, au well autbett Mated, and of scab remits, character, that aolfeme can not tewsonahly beyltate twat.e the tirotlettal The Peruvian Syrnp tb.• o,n prufe. to be a rare-all, but lie raltce le eaten..., Ltd. tuse -many dm an, •pputhlt) an, are Intimately relatt.el, and pt. - m.01111.g Irun. one cans, may be mreel by one remedy. Th. ctw of di.ear. for ortekh Claw Syrnp pruvidea a run Le peeled, that whtcb b n.i often teafileet the highmt ore et of medical .1011. The fame an. .ngilde, the situ...ea Are accentale, and the. s a fety and efficacy of the byrni, loan trovetylbl, Those situ ntalprleh for ha opinion from dlslotereeted Knout rtalxvzting the t hamster of the Oran., taoaot tail to berettol.l stlth the tolluerfug. amonr, nnmeronet centime tthkle to the hand. of the agents. The en,-neturee era thew of grotletych well ktraltti In the nnomunity of haven, end of the hitlett renvectenllity. The anderalgned haring expenieccod the boneddlal etre of the I•Perothtri Syr p.. du tadt heA.tate w n.cornmend It In the lII.ZItIOII of the_ - _ - " r.. t• 11. lurrndit 1.1 'rpm (lee t.igh chotructes f thowt• Lave , 1v...P..1 thew, •ed roluutenrcd this ...Au, as 11 , a, wt.., L. Ito ruitaPr.tlire Niro, how. JOILN YIN:4 . OINT, TUVUAIi A.5lOltY, TUOMAR A. IXICSTHIt, PUTEII UARVNT, N. 11. KKNDAI.L, b., 11 NIPS C. DUNN, SA)IUJEL MAY, Ito,. T. UPLUTTENICILI. It Wren Itrioe - sa that the medicinal effect of Prutoside of Instils lost by events broil csteisisro to air, and that to 111.12.- T Ate • Onltaluu of lirotoside of Iron, arta:oat farther oxide than, has been detoted Impossible. It the fferscriao Syrup this dLeirstile paint I. attalued by COMELN•110:1111e • , tai lout, em cees's; and this iodation oat y lace ail Ma pretosovhorustais, nitrates, and tartrate.. of th Malaria Medico. A. A. HAYS'S, u. D., • Annoyer of the State of 31asa,Boaton, U. a. A. Sold by N. L. CLANK A CO., Preprietere, No. 6 Wale, street, Bogota. &haled by altUrnosieta. DA GEO. FL IEI'BEI4, Na. 140 Wore] street, sign of the Golden Mortar, Agent for Pitishoreb. aplffidawficoff Tllb rOLLOWINO . , RE3IEDIES areilffer ed: parr. as the bat, mod perfect, edit& rnrell. ad echo., um &Ronk Arts's eVre Plug have been &damd with the Carlievit skill which the medical profismion of this soopmessar, sad their effects show they have virtu.% which art {mean; combination of medicineahltherto known. Othoe t operations do mercer ler good: bnt this corm tab danger°ma complaints,. tpahk end Ito purely, as to prove me efficacy eta a rower to uproot disease beyond any thing which MP hoe* known before. by removing the obstruc. 'healthy ot Manua organ* and stimulating them Into healthy action, and renovate the tornados of liar nod tiger, —health earned anow through the body, and the sick moo Is well amlt. They are adapted to dreesse, 1..1 disease only, for when taken by one to health they produce but lit tle &Net. Tide la the perfect., of medial.. It la entente Mak to Hamm, and nv mom. Tender children may take Corm kith Imity. If they are oat they sill cure them, if thej am pun they will do them no harm. Oise them to some patient sho has been prostrated with bit teen r,..2 pI .1 deb& batten?, triter - log form strargitten , dangth again; me hi. hug lost appetite retort.; see ha clammy feat.. bloestee tote health. Gave them to some eulTerer whose tool blood has buret oat In scrofula till ha ekin le covered with surer, who stareb. or site, or Uri in &uncial, Ilehm been drenched Indio and out with every pollen which ingenuity mold some. Glee biro them Pills, and mark the effort; em the ember tail from his holy; ore the new,Toir skin bled tom grown ander them; gee the late leper that Is than. Gibe them to him wk.. angry tremor* hare planted rheumatism In Me joints and boost ea.., him and he mrerchm with pale; he too has Lem soaked through every macro of his baby with liniments and .dives; give him tom Pills to purify his blood; they I may not cure bins, for,,Almichore am cams which uo motel m I poser can neck: but ark, he walk. with crutches ow, sod now he walk, trio.; they have cone] him. Gar them I to the lean, tour, Moon.' dyspeptic, whom routing nom mil has long ago eaten every smile from his fine and every muscle from his body, See his appetite return, and with It his health; me the new Men am her that was radiant with I health and lovelineos bladed nod too early withering away; want of elearee or model anguish. or Nome lurking dhe mem toor iternmal the Internal organ. of digettion, !MIMI baron or aecration, till they do their onto• ttl. Her blood Is vlttaimktrer health ix gone. (teeter them FlUs to dim nide the vital principal Into renewed vigor, to cast out the rvdructiona, .ml Infuse a mar vitality Into the blood. Now I agahr—the rare Mamma on her cheek, and aline lets ly eoe,ow eat Joy bursa from ovary feature. See the sweet luemt wasted pith worms It. wan, sickly feature tall Yon wit hoet rilegnise, and pelnitilly diatom, thst.they are eating its life essay. Its Frothed op ewe and came. rest lem oirepings, tel the dreadful truth In Ithmage which t eery mother Mr.*. Oise It the Pills In large dorm to ramp throe vile parasite.. from the holy Now tnrn agile end me the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is It nothing to do them tlrlnda Ney, aro they not the mervel or this agel— And yet they are done around you every day. llam yen Ore_ eerions op:comes O„ them d Meru pent, they are the adder cared. Jaundlee, Coetlyenem, Head. be, Meath., Heartburn, Ford Stomach, Nam., Palo It the Smote, Flatuleocy, Wm of Appetite, King's Ertl, Net. riddle, Cortland kindred complalnte all mime from the tie anthemorte which theme Pills rapidly cure. Take than perseveringly, and minor the council of • good Ph)slann tf you cam If not, take them judiciously by such Fuld.. we give you and the distremtug, Marren:ma daemon theyoure, wlrkh edict so many milli°. of the human nth, aro cart out ilko the devils &old—they must born. In the brutes and in the era. Price 26 ants per bus—. 6 boxes for Through • trial of many rare and through every mtim of cieWand men, Avsakt cam. PILTOILIL has been found to drool more relief and to curs more cams of pulmonary disease than any other remedy known to lUnnkilitl. Cnneel of apparently milled conthruption have been carat by It, and theoremda of thtfemre who were dadood beyond /be Pasch &human old have been restored to /hair itemisend tanfulnem, to sound health cud the enjoyments of life, by thie all.powerfal antidote to Meese. of the bow, cud thrall. Here n arid had settled on the lungs. The dry, hacking cough, the slam; eye, sad the pale thin Fodorw of trims.ho wooled; lusty And Strong. whitier to WI but Mtn Consumption. He trim everything; but thorn... Is gturm ing at Iris vial., and ehowe Ito fatal dracaena morn and more over all hie frame. Ho le traitor tho Cherry Pectoral num It hes 'topped Idea:loth and mete his breathing easy, his sleep is synod at night his appetite returta,aud with It his strength. I,The dam which placed hl. Weir he broken Scarcely any neighborhood can to Wend whkh ham not some living trophy, like this to Shade, forth the Virtu. which have won for Hie Cherry Pectoral an imperishable renown. Bel ifs vuerfolnem dote not end hem. Nay. It et , compliaboe more by premntion than dad The tonallw ooldo and coughs which It curm tha mud which model have ripened into a drendful handl of Incurablo Hardee& Influenza, Croup, Uninchill; lloanenees, Pleurisy, 'Whoop ing Clough, and all irritation. of the throat end lunge are eadly cured by tla Cherry Pectoral, If t,ekee In mourtr.— Every family ehotil4 have It by them cud they will tad It MI Invaluable protection from the Imldione peowlor which carries off the parent dicey Ithes many a tank, the darling lamb from many home. Authenticated evidence of them facts, with direct/one for the trod:neat of mat complaint, may be fated In Ayer's American AlMAnac,of width we publish three milllons,and scatter them brvedmet over Orb earth, In soder that the dce everywhere may have belt. them the Information It contalna Druggiate and deeltmln medicine generallyhave theta for distribution gratis, and2slso for ado them • rams No, prepared try Da. J.O. AYSll,Pranticuil Analytt. cal Ob.-mild, Levan, Hasa Jel:dtwOurY OEO. H. KEYSER, 140 Wood at, It. A. PAMIESTOCH A CO., corner Wood and Phut at-and D. L. FAHNE'ITOCIS. & CO., comer Wool and Fourth It., Agents for litabrirch sad J. P. FLIHIING, Federal el, Allegheny. PITTSOL7IOII, PA. ILFW:P. , I IV t 3111YRAN, 4_ Fifth •lrt.l =II 1,000,000 NE ACRES lOWA AND R BHA LANDS are and wilt be open for private , entry. RoZtbra of Land Worruntts can base thaw located en claolkal selections by welding early. Fur full particular*, addrets , • A0001T17910131M11...-0/111.1.11 ZOISSM--.IRISMI ZOOM= /Wing IMES 33 RCYMEOECI2% BARKERII AND REAL Jaunt ....tavvrs, mum rei umael aim cam aidesilatAs Prii•cfpid cuteiv* Jaiiepe. 'AraypaMilit - lociitmuusa.wainnit' OMAHA CIELT,NItraIIsa4MIXOTA L CZT4.Ne6csItI. .fatbital nt Idtt folnadotny i.reou tr.,4 LAT,lllutty ofils couvict lou N rtnin. totabld or bad matt, bow Flora • healthy now a I , clouting food to depot giving tone nod health to Litt vii, rvnre of tbo otmeiuse— cured, andschatis the urs.volunal c.a• of the ficknt torrllove tbegtomirb rbling and waring rooting, proreut. Night- night. 1e0... the trowols cioeners. I weal will car° Dyspoptia. spoonfuls will al waylireliuve weds obstruct's nuuovas the cualus a perfect cure. relieves Chollejsrhile Cr°taro for Cholera holera.ofol aewhel to throw out of the due after a long alektwm. laud remora. MI eel. from the ekha. I Owe before eatlug givee 4.1 dlgent well. • • corn Chronic Pier. while Sr/miner and aimel to the Ant don. racks ranted by Worn. 10 miter, or speedier remedy in Drry.ty, by et citing the montllgnl Llds medicine u • Ague. Chill Feuer, lout Tyr e. IL or.rsgtea nro willing to toeing to Ity 'eh wan Invipramr, and Invigorator very, and is .laily a:irking carry It cure. aa If by magic, even nod aoldom more than on•' kind of Liver Complaint, ft , . ~T ,J.I 10 a tornlalOn Headache, Imomaml Liver. •r,545 Broaden', Now York. o. 140 Wool dOO t, Plttaborrh apfklydsiort tovtoz. Kolmizz nmyrnass attroabis reclusylvaintsillallroid 'rut: CI HEAT CENTRAL J. Nome, ronnectind Lila AtiMi ciao. Wisetorta North:Mester., And -Ponta-Wooten. :lustre tit onidlonaue Itidlwriy dlroch This read etre, tho ., Pitieburgh with daily Hue of &neatens to All porta the Wowera Itlvemand at Cleveland And floadosky with Panne,. to Ail poi ie ou the North-Wootton, Laker, naskait the nowt direct, shearer' owl reliable route by which Vl:Calla inn be amearde7.l to .11 from oho Cheat ut.alvtEx PIIIL.LUELPIII.I. /flan CL-L&S—Lhob t , Show., Ilwai and Cap., Coal., Dry Cootie, tja boxes bales and trmaktat Drneta, Co bore,. And Lat t a) Fitathara, Phre, fINDIND CLA.S.--Doonettis ehoetaig„' shirting arid lichlott ortgawl Drug. Po .aselsA ItssolwAre, Loather, tin rolls or boxes) Wad mad Sloop Penes thoncora TLLIND ClAEN.—Aosils, Stool, Chsita 11 .a45, Pact. and Port, saltod (los. or In caisks,)Tobacco, sintintertnr. ed.,psacopt Cigar. or Coto .tc., POURTII CLAPe—Conte, lath Itiwon,htwe And Pork (in tasks or boxes Eastword,) Lord And Lard Ott, Nails, Soda doh, tkre maw Clay, Tar, Pitch, Soar, PLOCIL-7.5e. per Int uatliturther polka gairli—ja or low!. Nho per 100 Ma. until farther uotleo CtIrEUN —F4 per bah hot exceeding NO It. Weight, call further robin.. ye.. 111 ehliiping goods from n, India: iniet of linlladel Fhb., be tiertireter to mark perkages t ient. Prensiloonin jentlendiki. All tioodsconsigned to the Agents Rind at litilladelphis or l'lttriburgli i till tie forwarded detention. /amour Auzirra--(1. E. irons, ht hinny Moot, inoton; J. I. Clarke, No.: Pang Housn, and N. 1 William dtrcnt, and John 31cDonald, No. II Hatitay Place, PIM York; Piero° Co, Uncoil!), 04 Irwin & Co., aniPlipringutan A Brown, Cincinnati, O.; IL C. Aleldruin, MaillAng Ind.; Ducunsull, 10,11 A nod Niter A Joirott, Lbnlsoillo, HY.; IL O. o'. Ulloy A Co. , litanarilln, Ind.: K. E. SiaA, NI. Louill, Mu: H.' rig Worioley A Co; blemphls, Tenn.; !Locch & Co., Chhago, 1114 J. P. Una .a, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; H. J. Snootier, Ph l1 a 4 gyro A Koons, Baltimore; 1). A. Sten:Art, Pittsburgh. 11. H. HOUSTON, Cool Proight Agent, Phila. T. A. SCOTT ,thapt., Altoona, Pa. .1.511 Y St. Louis; Alton and Chicago nail Road gorttmgagmwAp-to 1858. 41111.4.NUE . MENT. NEW DEPOT, corner of West Van Buren .d Cansl Stree#,Ohlogo. • la•avo Chicago WC and fklb r. Arrive. at St. Loofa 11:464.. Y. and L 46 A. Y. WINO NORTH. Leave Cant St. Luta., at...... 8:00 a. It. and !AO P. N. Arrive at Chicago x[......:...10.30 P. r. and 7 - 10 A. la JOt urr .fIO.OO.3.IHODATION. Lege. Juliet et TM A. N., Chicago et 6:30 P. U. far All Trains now ran over the new Line between Chiregoroid Joliet, peering through Bridgeport, Athens and Lockport. CONNECTIONS: At CIIICAGO, a Itit - t;11 th; ttreat EAsterti and Northern • Al JuLIET, with Rock Inland Railroad Wert, rad "Cat Car," Eno.. At PEORIA JUNCTION, alth'Pdoria and Otputarks PAZ road for Penda,Galrsl•argh, Burlington and falornmliate 'pltwea. Al BLOOMINGTON, witlißllnola Central Railroad, NOrtb arid 13outlt. At SPRINOSTELD, with Orrat %Tudor° (im) Railroad, Naat for Gwadar, nod West for Jack...villa. mai Napitta At ALTON, with Terra Motto end Aft. Railroad Ea4ll, end stormier* on the Mrs, At ST. LOU/d •:11.11 Ohio ait ud's.. Railroad East, West by l'aciflc Rell4ad and 31Iasourl !maulers to Northern Ills aourb Kaman and Ziobrasks. Al., to all points on the colt aad Illaei.slppl rirtra. • •Yfhrough Tickets eau b. obtalne4 et etll the priecibetl Baltreed Offices. WA—Throne) Tickets and Freights as low Y by way tat= Bouts. A. IL MOORE, General Oup.aliateodent.. E.M.GOODILICH Gen. Eastorn Agent. no 3 mrEdl IEISII-9. VVlnter Arrangement. J 1,8218-9 ON AND AFTER MON DAY, DAY, No'ember DIE,. PENN NYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. EIULIT DAILY TRAINS, TUE MAIL TRAIN leaves the 'Passenger Ration every morning. except Sunday, at 0.00 o'clock, Pittsburgh time, arriving in Philadelphia at 10.30 p. r. TILE PAST LINE daily, except Sunday, at 4450 v. a., stopping only at principal stations making direct councc tom at llarriaburg for Baltimore, and arriving In PriLIAO. phis or Baltimore at RIO a. it. . . , VIE =PIMPS TRAIN Imam the Station every morn ing at POO s.r. , atopplng only at Greensbnrg, Latrobe, Johnstown, Wlilmore, Genii-ran, Altoona, Ac., connecting at Harrisburg Prilh the train dire" 1.,r Italtirnote, mill itr. ti ring In Philadelphia or Baltimore at 4:20 P. st. ACCa.I , I3I9DATIGN TRA131.3: The Johnstown Acrotunioelatton train leaves Pittsburgh daily, except Sunday, at 3.30 tieldek, P. 31., stopping at all statiens, and running as fer as Conemaugh. Tint Accfm. tuodation Train for TuttleCrerit liridgn,lrarn dolly, except Sunday, at 10.40 a to. &mond Accontmcdation Train for Turtle Creek leaves duly, Sunday ex . ..vied, ate:2o P. I bird Aremninvelation Train Cur Turtle Creek leaves 'daily, except Sunday, at re... 1) P. 31. . . itofurnizig Trains arrive in Pittabargh .follostx—Expreas 1.45 p. m.. Will, 12.4.5 a. ni4 Past Linn 6.20 a. ra4Johnshown Areninmodation 11 a. m..; Mat Turtle Creek Accorarimihw thin, 0.50 &toad Accommodation, L 2.40 p. m 4 Third Accommodatiory 6.10 p.•m. Trains La lilairewille and Indiana connect at Mitirnsille Intersection with Mail Train Yam., ante. Train West, and We Johnstown Accommodation Train owa and Wein. . . Putsbargh and Cont.Devine Tralna, .topping at all Fta tinny nu tbe ntraletrgh and Con*llaville Road, lenvedally, Mitalat eampted,rus Train,ilo a. m.; Estate* Train, 0,2 t p. tn. Ileturrang Trains from Plttalmrgh and entmellvvlllo goad, an ive at Pltusburgb,l.4s a, at. and POO p.m. The traselingbnbiic will And It greatly to their Interest, In going Rut or West, to travel by the Penneylentils, Ran, !, as tho accommodations tom offered cannot be Burnes. , ed on any other route. Ac the road id ballasted with stone, and is entirely free from dust, we can promise isffety,speed and comfort to ail who may favor this rood with their pat. renown. Pane to Now York $l3 00 " " Philadelphia .. 10 00 • • Baltimore . 9 60 " • latacaataw . 8 60 • • llarriaburg.... -..-- 7 45 liadslo, a h eam! to allBtattousi on at.. Perusaylvatila Ral howl. Rad to Phlladelphia..l3ahltuono and New Tor B.. . V.,lsinpany ...tit not •odn. olrea I - en...twit - 4o for porno.] bagm.rn only, and for Ito amount nut oxlm,diug $lOll. 0. I.l.—Tho Oustabrd. LMO be. born outployod to move!. PagLeonprrs mud It .ggago to and from thr. Driat, U. charm. trot to 01cortd v•ots for each patmunger and• For ltdiata apply to STEWART. At, At the P.'n.s. Pareettgor Station, on Lawny and On tut ant JAB lyd—roy9 TOE PITTSBURGH, FT WAYNE & ciumoo ILLIT &OA completed from Pitiable -et tc Chicago. WOOIIitUFFS SLEEPLNO CARS attached to all night trail.. Through without change Of cam. tin and alter 31oNDAY, DECEllitEit Inth, 1958, 7.tains trill leave the Station, corner Liberty and Grunt atrta, Potaburgh, es follows _ Pl[tahnrgh. Carat Una. Pt. Wayne U. a Malt 6.45 A. R. 235 p. a.. la 00 P. a. ..... _-.....-- 215 P. at. 11:30 P. alt. 0.40 a. Y. Arrive CLi.ege-11.1. SSO A. u4li.eprem 1.50 a. a. RETURNING. Arrive a Pittsburgh—F.:preps, 1.25 A. Y.; Panenger, 0.00 A. 114_11ail. 4.20 r. a. Acoonanodation Troia; from Federal etr.t, Allegheny, roe New Brighton, 930 .1. n , and 4.40 P. at. • Prom -• 11.10 Through Train, connect . followr— At Alliance, with train.. on the Cleveland ' , lllation-et Bail Rood. At Orrville, Ohio, to and from Mllletelung, Akron. Cnyhogu Fella eta At btatitheid, Ohio, for ML T trawl, Shelby, Sanduatcy, To ledo, Detroit, etc. At Crestline for Delaware, Springfield, Ooltimbus, ti Xenia, Dayton, Intlethapolla St. LiOutel, 1.0111•Viii0, ate At Baru for rpringfield, Senduaky, Dayton, etc, etc. At LW. for Maio!. DAywo,, etc, etc. At Ft. Wayne for Peru Lafayette, Ind., At. Lento, awl haler. mediate porta to CeAral Indiana sod Illittols. Al Plymouth for Laporte. At Wartatah for .11 polota on tho New Albany mad Salem Railroad. And at Chicago, with traine far all points In Illinois, lowa, IVlwoositt sad Nlonesot► For further Information and through Tickets apply to OKOKOR PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Passenger Station, Pittsburgh. E. C. STEVENSON, Ticket Agent, Pattanger Ration, Alimbed,. Through Tickets for rale at all the Ticket Maw of the Corm - any co tho Ilor of the wad, to all parts of the United Extra J. J. HOUSTON, Oen. Paget. Agt, Pitts. gin ALLEOLIENY VALLEY NAILNOAD.REMOVAL OY TIT DKP(Yr TO TIEN CONNED OF BUTLER. AND ()ANSON Sumas, NINTH WAND, AND A GREAT RE DUCTION OV TA ELM RATES.—On and after /MT :Ore, freight will he received a. above at the following rates. T 0..... ..... 25c. per 100 pounds. To Gray'. ----at 2be. To Brody's 81c- " " " floor—Civerfirc bcsrelioadainder Aft,. To Nahoning 410. per barrel To Oraem Eddy- ...... " To ]Lbool Fionr—Pjffy barn/1 and To Orny's To Rod Bank. =IMEZtI=I °moral Ticket Acm To Bradr• Bend- Jrrxtt K. 14370.3fiit Pitrabargri and Vonirelsellle Railroad. and altar MONDAY, t gr a cipm ON :Nth lost., Passenger Traim will run daily (maid litandars,) from the Potimrlianis Railroad Passenger Depot, no followw— Dail Train leaves Pi ttaborgh......— "MAL KapreasTrulti " " aemaxv Mali Train Deism Dennelbrallle .00 C. NO Express 15:00 a. u. Arriving nt Nibburgh .... .... ... A. N. Ticket. to be had at Penueiranta — ftallro Ticket Office, BothTrainaeonnecuatOonnellarille with Bunting ftlialPs Coaches for Uniontoirw Nrcetburg, Cumberland, eta., sad at West Newton with maths; for Mt. Pleasant, Romania, Berlinoto. Po:light to and from Plttaburgh and station§ tbe Pitt. bargh and Oonnidlorille Railroad, wilt be melted and de livered In Pittsburgh, at the "Baldwin Depot," opposita the Deonrane Depot, excepting auch no Plg Iron, Lumber, Stone, rto., which will be loaded or unloaded at the Oster Depot, or at the caml f Depnt, as 'may be enooged with frelgitt Agent, Pernmyiranla Redlrmul, at Pittsburgh: non--my n BLACKSTONE, Rapt; COOKING D GAS. A WORE) TO TEM 3A.13.1Z}Z B. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH I NO, AO we oral the attention of the Ladles to th tut that COOKING, IRONING, &C: Oat% 14, done with economy, without opproasfyo heat, with. out ~0 t, awl with dispatch—the fits Wog always rcady Lu a motoont—by using • gusgrave's Cos Cooking Stove, .1% .1&b we respecally Invite yaw attentlari, at - No.7e Smithfield meat. y A. JOIINSON *BRO. an 4 City RION fee sale. ily J UST RECEIVED -700,000 Gamma Cigars 146,000 Havana 200 tom VtrOatoktansitactucd Tobacco. Tho largest ananstment of p,ma and Tobacco Or Ott 0 WI. city, I. now opm forams Mention and maw al GICORON TritTILET, oalktf oor.thnltho44 Barna and Moscow! Algy, DERSONSWANTINGDRYGMSOriuiy ..11 - kind, either Dram Good., 8h..14 cka., Ne , 4l6t7crk mon:zing Goods.. Donewtkorlll dad oer skrek the lased and moat complete In the MU. r...* lava jell opened pp our mooed atipply this name, and ate daily readthyr Now Goode_ noM O. HANSON ' Nail/et sti ECKER'S EYE BALSAM-41114.bnIsam extellont 1461,4 for 'ors sod blamed E. sit Nuts of pearsio, ocrefulons, sadwhat fs gainsay . ..WWl wi l d ba r i n th. essada,lt Ws boon mod sllth'socosgs. r - Asotber (rah sopP l 7lsst meg by JOS. ;MUM noll oTATOZS-300 bus prime Freud' Creek Neahertooek.Potetoes reed and for ads b. 7 .23 RIDDLE, 1911113 me: SELF-iNKING HAND STAMPS, .14th igolokis, At- Orden neared toy W.E.HAVAN; not ". Stationer, corner 'Kukla and 24 ctrorts: 'IIIIOOMS-200 'doz. tiat gualpg, Der staimerEttlYea.Wasomi *sr awlft , " LIMA sTIUMUIL = ll 4l DOLLAR Stkvt - se's BANK, . No. 65 Pon*, a re * 1.; • C R AV 114 D 18 5 5. el PEN DAILY-FROM, 1112 , veLoog kJ also ea Wednesday it•plentrilay arm , t. Noulabor, Bier; rtesal to • oea r kkiWto MOO a ' .ter ant to Ray room VI to it otiodc, - ••• Doyenne rebelled 'et all 2,4 k.. sod • diridead of the meant elealartd Anton June sad DocembeL Wares" has beau, eed. nually, In Jaw and December, does rod, at Do rate date per WilL • yntr. 4,Z" . " Interest, lima drawn nat e % pleated td the credit - 1 ye Nunes , as prta dadb oer}ttLL. einnehilereet trout:lls days of JO.' and Decenebdombponading Mice • year IV, eat troubling the depotitar go cell groves te:prieleat pan book. At thh rate, money will doe& tee •kw th e .t i yams, making in the twat*. gruanantualre palates oat Al rya .4. , 1.... Ir , p a , . . Book• coutalahig.tl4. Charter ItY•LionOtalso !situp. turalßbod guts, ansicatienrel.ths atm , l GR'dtxrPrr • ,- I or 10.) C.► Hopewell Hepburn, IMMO, &ado, ilozandorßraga', Robert Robb, 141111. m B. Lovel.y, Hill nomtio, tO• L . . 4.1.100 Zs Mare J. Anacreon' John O. Backorco, Albert Culbertema Jam B. Minhld. J. Gardner Conn Alamo A. Carrier, Derid Campbell, Merles A.Ooltan, William Done., Rand. George F. Gilmore, Jahma 8. !loon Wilma & Haven. Abordary and Treererer BANKING 110 U SES' OF JOAN 7 . 11000. DADFORD- GRDFOND BO MOUNT PLNAPIAT,-.,.......1D1T510N1CD 00, OONNNLLIIITILLE,----TAlTivg lINIONTOWN,—.--... • 1311OWNSVILLE, NNW DR1011T0N,.......-.-...VAIrESTE 00., • INDIANA-- - -.INDIANA • . Depoolta received, /Idemeauta nude, Drafts bonat, sold - and collected, Bang Norm aid Speck, bought and sold necks, Notesnd other Bectultle• bought laW leldas cam minion. Correspondence and collectkes•ollated... GREAT REM:JOT' TO EUROPE.- 1 / 7 5Wesiinor rock to Abut.h. 2b Nem Perk Jkonelfeelit, =pion, Havre or Bremen. araptom Ram er Aromas Pint Cabin--.—...--485 First atMn....,.....-....111GC - decondCablo-...... 50 Second Ca1dn......: ...:. 1111, Steerage_......__.._ .70 Steerage..„..— 40 In the tint clam paddle wheel steamship ARM`, 2,005 tone, C. D. Ludlow, commander, and NOUN STAR. WO tone,Ndward Caready, Matanander, to sail Dom pier o.N • North Myer et noon prerieely; mtri - yrog the United State mall, vim— , , - • Loewe Nolo link for • '7.11 Southampton., Deere Bream for and Dream. Southampton. Jo= Ariel, Saturday ,Iderm 21 April 17. North Star •• April 11. May 15. . 17. d 41 Ariel, ” Mer 4. June 12. June 15 North Ater " June 12. Joie 10. Jnly 14 Three Mean:ships touch at Norm. Specie delivered London no Parte. For panne or freight moldy to . TORDANC.X, Agent, N 0.5 Dowling Green, New York. Cemetery Marble Works. _ No. 333 Liberty Street,. below WAYRII, PITTSBUROFI, PA. ' - MATTHEW LAWTON, PRACTICAL RAR/ILR - VIABON, WISHES RESPECTFULLY TO IN form his frtreati end the public , general y, tbatie has leased the above premises, for the manufacture and eats of every rudely of klerble Work, rude ae Menttreenta, Tombs Tablets and Orasestoiss, ME!M Monti. Pleeee, Centre Table, Pier, Screen and WWI - • Stand Tom Which he le offcringas low as any other eatabliganent West of the mountain. His nook is entirely new, and has bean selected by himself, exprmsly for this market. Rs is also prepared to build Burial Vaults, exwbste Dor Lots with Her. Ide or Stow, and to erstwate any other work to hie UM, it any of tbeCemelorise adJeltdog Pittsburgh. NUM DT PLIIMISOION TO Rev. T.ll. Lyman, Robert Galway, Enz., Hon. Wm. Wilkins, John Chided, ken, Jno. H. Shoeriberger. Eal., W. L. Ilingwalt,, Hag, • Cluwies Brewer, Esq., .7. IL Sc HilliEsq.64, Thomas Scott, Peek A. B. Our W. P. Baum, Tag., 10. li. White, . The Trade ft:mashed with all kinds of Yontignandlimise tic Marble, either ['Dialled or In the rough, at . Wholantis prices. • He has also made arrangements with the Inariulkoperms , •• of the boot brands, he a emmtnut supply of Hy , • lie Oe.• ment, Water and Leobrolle Lime, and Plaeter Pub,- • for Leadand Stucco Work, all of which he te =VD furnish at short notice. GROCERLES -50 blula. prima N. 0. Eugar; 100 bbl.. N. 0. Molsom 80 do N. Y. Syrurc 6 do Loaertug's Syrup; 150 balm prime Rio Coffee; 120 half cheat. Y. 16, Black and Inip.P.No 100 butt. Lop Tobacco{ 10 tierces fresh Elm o 16 bbl.. Winter lybalo 2) bbla. N.O. Tar; 200 boom Mould and Elan Cana= 600 boons Pala. Baia, and Oliva ....40aPS, 200 bezaw Madew OLus.alt ss,Jr4o a 76 boxea 6. Tobago:a 76 hf chow Young Ifyami Tea; f.o do Black do 25 do G. P. and Imp. Tear, 3)0 Ixrze• Chemical Oliva t Also, &large .apply of Pitts auntamkursi for aale by wan ORR TER DILWORTH. SUNDRIES- ; 500 casks Bode 100 bags Nitrate Sod., - 100 kerns 131 Oarb. Sod. 530 boxes country Mmlow 0 lam. ; 100 do Germso Cloy, 1 httds Primo Ennor, 25 bblaOrlason 51.olasiea, 200 661. Soap Rod% 100 bags llloooffoo, 40 101 chest. Young limn and Mut thly' 600 bundled. Wrapping Paw, • On hand and (or We low, for cosktor good 4 mon. oohs by 0c22 'ALILYANDEIt BIND. 1 5 BBL 9 TANNER (STRAITS) cig : 4 ID bbls Tanoses Barl4 , 20 Side. supezior Wang Lea th er; 400 " ITemlock Bole " 20 " Sklrthqr 2 " Oecutta.Sidk With full anaorlment of French Calf, Morroo.oo, ex., In More find for able by W . vnucENsos, N 0.217 Ltbeirtysinet. GROCRRIEs -150 be,,e prime Itio Geffen - ZOO hf charts T.' U., Imperial' so 3 thick Teeg 35 bbl.. N. 0. Idobtran. • , ' 20 hhds prime N 0 Seger, 25 Dbl. Syrup; 10 tierces fresh Itibe; 66 bona Lump Tubers°, With s general assortment of Groceries for :tabby. „ ode R. 00111150 N is .6i TOON T1105IPSON& CO., 13.5 This 41t., here Jnet recd,ed for 1, 4 ,a English Venetian Red, Rochelle Ochre, „. Vermont Ochre. French Zi% White LM.d, Jell and Widdeg. T LOAL BLANKS.— Decimations, Common Cowls, on Mb of .IB:change, on Nolan- Land on Bonds, Preclpe - or Immo. end ABllesit, Dane, Mactipires. Judgemen nd OOMMOII Bends, printed In • supedermen nu on the beet paper. Dockets on hand as mad• border. Pam POota ns:jr4ed with neatnage end dbrabeh. WM. G. JOHNSTON,__I 00, .oeta Printer. and Btattonste,M,Wodd Bt. SUNDRIES.— rma.. saa magimustalk.k, - 300 Bain Gramm Olay, 250 Bbls. Bala • lco S BI WU. 1146, - " ?:woo, weAlb. , ' lll , A.W.-ANAVR Rom G ROCERIES -40 Mids. N. 0.. 75 bblo 'll= 40 do: d17115.4410dc0 10 daces smarm ititworm. Oa hand and for ado by THE POWER OF PRAYER Illustrated in ea. wood•ribl OLoPliwo 01Dithob goops the /Intr.& of 1857 nod 1 8 5 8, b. 7 aluuttel Inman Pew, D. D., for eats by _ — deb' • 'J. 8. - XikVIBON, GI Shasta AVOTAISTEMS' • BAZAAR AND - LIVERY STABLE, DIAMOND BRENT, LiliZiT7ri;:' • PITT3BI7IIGH, l• HORSES, BUGGIES, OARRL4GES AND everything wean) , foigid * Ent clan Bazaar, on hada and to ardor at, all • timed. Mesas pry hangar gad adfirble; Nada deg .:wand wolf ortabli. . _ air-Orden for cortege* to' amends; Or' thenaddissa penctrudly attended ta, .t all hours. • ' All' Ilona; bought sad .old; shag kept -nrshaige• t. rector month. LEATHER.—. In., raturniziglitiaigii6" bleeds and a gtralon g pan g for Ito no liberal and .nconreadeg patrcstago bestowed ppm ed weld takaocrdelon !Edie satantidada which helm receiving additions weekly, condding of LOCK and OAK 130LIC LIULTII=.-UPOSICKWArgU I a , WILENCII =Nand CALL mum Ua1...... , °"" d • MOROOCO, anon „,riarnmas, coirs;lf4r r' . 7o tctitaaur : : . . • • , Aror,d. tram the dry weds bilkllss:Treare_ DU or angthing fable Hoe. 1 ,, ,d,rz . 7,7 5 E0 4 :7 im.ik • •• - udtial7 oaf, - _ I3 LANKET9 - -BURCHPIELMIV CO:lmire recal••• •to antortmeat of Nittera and bots• aaw iactand nmk p q m. :MON .1103110inalk PLLnneL,"a• ropprior mks of ; Clautua r aad arms' tattler strtatuta, tor - wiuTtiCt full ..aaapettt onclatet filpodcgatisrally, all wad allgitiptioattor quality, at aorta, mud Walt of 'North and Mutat 144 - :" ' W 144. tion,p,t 87 Woottit,Aioatlif and Etio.• to irbit4 the otteittloth of ' • Ora- sod dilute 1. emieWly - MA lIALL ICQ QTBANBOAT: ;CABIN TENINFTURE.- .." w. are.toadiutil - ma ,•matintkeiviiiimolthbuk °bah, and tongtare. iimdds +stilt &outlaw Wended u for buuty; ~. • td.ol) 11 CO. N I STOOK ,QP ; : IS, Ithihrigr,llbukketa, Manadaefast - • .• Xadlas sod *" :1:13 'lb" VIVATIV I V7a4. Xer kat Di M( 80UL0107.-411_ kilt* op; hoott end . made to:order st -4u ; do ? . . paper 67 • mut SAN„ PAPER — 2 1 1112mtior e a . dul EXTRA SYR / 0 -4;bbleof. : ankle, Imputes to the bid Wet eat - • • use tbr solo et - mutton% ROgral 1. 91-)11i*-F91 1?7htfiVr/64 - .-.? earlier Wad's& Mat ilault. QIIGAILO hhds- N. 'CL. Butt''. rr. 'Vet steamer Users On fa az = tem. Jobs B. Shoemberpr• N. Grattan Murphy. Lisaolt. Pennock, James D. Kell % ' Jana. Hardman • John 8. Gmeran; Amos W; Item, Charles Ehark, P. A. Madeira John H. Medlot, Walter P. Marshall, Mom WIRT ' A. 'AL Polka*, N. D Row' L Rlnglratt..: John M.9a ar, . Garr B. Bolden,. made rind* Theobald Unotoottor, C:E=hR. W ite,XS 4. =TON. N OF FARE