The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 24, 1858, Image 3

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    Lum togrMwm'corPnw.
szdla ZIPC W 0 R 13.13
~ „.:..., ~. Pialat, hi' CURDY At CO,
jotwooz , ' mkt DOLT OOPPER„ P 8.11210 COP
. aortims,untakm ata* sp.umirm /kr.
.... swald= , sed Aden to IMPALE, TIN PLATO
• ' . IRON; rag act.',:;(kestaatly on bunt, 2finon'•
' WA oot& '
.... o roovkoson,No.l.49 Find coed 120 Second tercet,
Zr., ' . .,_ -
,Plttabaliabi Paluzik,
*& 1 AlliMettelardmi alOuppir cot to say &dad gonam.
` ' 10200:011~
' Don't fan to procure Ides. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup lir Calm Tssdhing. It has no equal entaarth.
It greatly banns/es Ms process of teething by softening the
gams, reducing all Italmsznattott—Will allay psim and is
taro to masts tbs bowels. Depend upon 11, matte.. It
wilier, rest to yoursidni and- relief and Minh to your
Infanta. Ploiticul ate In all meta.
This Is the prescription of ow of
she mast nail and skilful female Physicians /a Now
lingland, sad has beat used with newritilLog maim in
mlllions Maass.
Ns halm It M. beet and meat remedy bt tbs aodd, lu
all num of Dysentery and Diarhoes m Childrett,ihether It
aim hum teething of Rom MU 0 / 1, ...
If UM sad health can is ostimatal by dollars and mut; it
Is Worth [gaveled In gold.
imbue at bottles are oold every par hi tha [WWI
etatil.- It an old and well. ied remedy.
'ellirtfaeo rootdoo warmth. foosholle of CURTIS Plat
mw Tort, bon tho outside
th , ollshoot the w :a " '
wt. Gila Atroat for Pittartugh.
1-- - _ Bags! Bags! Bags!
..... (I.IIXICIIS sad GRAIN .D.E6LBILB any b supplied
with Bap killable to their Mudss on the shortest notice at
tha Sollosing ItzmoSa PIK33:
8116.1121L65-2 bush Itga $210112.3 'p 100. -
-,,, , .., .• .. 3 " " 314)33
• ,_
~ ILMIR SAM, neatly designed and printed to order
-34 dr bbt. sack. (untdascited)SlOGaLbo TA Ico.
6004. . (birched or ochleachol) die hi 1000. .
.0 iodo.
I 171 or s.soguld
1.120 r /- 6 .• "sago* mu.
- sat Pockets,,flams, Grocers Spools, Wool And 61doPluil
.'. NsigirrmlintO ardor et r lon prior iie Goy manufactory In
' ....•-......., •
• 2APDB ZAGS, from 2 m. to le /be, for Grocers, Tea Dela
assysta. at about the rhos of paper.
' , lutist wishing can bars their cards panted upon thew
bssa as tbsy are mad. • DAVID C. Ilialtnr,
Pittsburgh lias Manteactory,
No. 267 Liberty most constar nand.
- -
I;: , . E. uses ! Furze ! ! . 7. ty. — TiaTi
za - oacaßazi et CO-,
131 Wood Street, Pitteburigh,
t .
pis are pp replying a taiga sod of tro th mule MB
'1 . Hudson Bay Pablo, .
Mink liable,
Stow Hertin,. _
spot, I[4U:spa,d
TiOu chwines,
Muff* an
Ahet, /eh Horkaora.
Thewegoods bare twee *elected with gnat care, and all
pa aatd at aauil prat.
Ladies-eriabirag to parch.. (real, FURS are Invited to
Walt awd . iwiale•
our stock. •
. .
8111IP LIRE. 4Lfril
. ,
• Mr TO= TO Ulf inseam,. .
Fires cable...el-- ..... —s22slUpper eters-ago Sloe
boomed table...—_..._._.. loolLower steerage BO
D ' - The transit of the Isthmus Include&
Site splendid eteamehlp WASIIINUTON, of %00 tom re .
.001.p1.. Henry Churchill, batik - been Bitted op ex.
pilielyfos the California trade by the Nicaragua rents, will
kmenher pier, North River, New York; on Monday the 611
ef Denentber. at 2 P. IL, carrying plasengent, mails, and
Nettght •to Han Jima del Norte, to matelot a tan Joan del
Nor wit!, the well known and comma:hone stwunah 1p ZUN-
I/lAN, Capt. Caeendy. CM Ban Francisco. Cantonal. Thee.
nedendld stestnehhat oder ansorpetwed szeoramalatlons 41.
Lgood onset, : ~,..,,.....„,r.,.ofdpiretagers. Thenoldstreozzyte
Ter Wage and freight, Ripply only at the or. of the
ilhallimaty, to . JOHN P. YELV7..ATON, Arent.
‘...aNdloadfe—sols No. 3 Bowling Green. New Tort,
• th e Great Engßats Remedy.
; ...41
fro= • prescription of En James Clarke, N.D.
Physician lteraordi to the Que... .
A pia. Wee known lfadlotua Is rkil latpatelon, but • sore
aisdALA remedy for Aimee Didleultilie and Ohernetions,
Mahn, Calnelrti.4o.ll and although 11 powerful moody,
• . *0 ftet•Ja bablei Muth' to the constitution
TO RARITIES LADEllid it 0 peenlyey rolled I.: stilt .
Monthly torkde
b•*HtiaLoriwthi ttbragularlee.i
_ ,- zwric ...,.... x.... a1 , ......m. /a ./.......,.....
.. • -1.,,, , j ,, y wler ' .., 41 , ,c717., Y !.( r " , .rf . :....
.::.-11 end L tKiells•All- Pill."4"1*,10,104
sad spat, will ineiri a bottle„contaliird - 0 4 6iefeitdc by
aril. .
R. L. VAIitiIgISTOCK A 00, Pitiaborgh, rholasaie agent,
W ggle. ,
M s" " ea:4de fe T
SAMUEL (}l .A."
7:171.4%.32.1E112. AND"
166. 62 Sr. CLAIR =ZIT,
Invites public attention to his new and beau
assortment of Fall Goods, Consisting of Cloths, eat
Vestinp and Coating; of every satiety and style,
adapted to the best city and country trade. laid. will be
owls op with promptness and domplitcb, and at rates as to.
as at any other abullarcatablislunent in the city. oc:aite
FORS! FUnlift
New - 33`0.r, Stordl from Philatielliatia.
LOUIS MILLER Manufacturer of all
Waded Lodbm, sod Geopemerte Tura. Matt otat ear
flap gotta' dolor ini.lottaboßobaa de., Le, 16 Moab and
ntatl, at N 0.138 Wood street, above nth.
Vont eapedzed,olea'aed and allertid to the boot manner.
Goo& toads to order at abort Dotted
. Medea dapplar fors bought_
Extracts Teeth without pain, byiut vines-
LT Alf Analsehatio woe gipplled to the tooth sad gam.
only. Tooth from ono to toll sent lanottad on the 1.11.11
meta lto boom. Ho also turns troth' on entire 16rceinin
tan !Mk anatkukaas gnat, which to beauty, dankness and
nntwilethy cannot 14/1 to flews. Call ma elitntno aped
83Loilino Na 51 fourth sheet, botow Market, (wood
likt,7,)Plunburgh, je7:lyd ro
- "-Cheese, Butter, Seeds. piett
And Proclaim Gommll7,
twit Na. 21 wed /111 rod. PULhois/
IBS Third Strait Pitl,banyi, 'Penna., •
Arne, bah the.sdnulhips of Heirthrn7College• and Hon
petals tea mensal yoane practice, offers lifs profeealaaal
W:l3. nowird. Ool. * Wilson m
Am ILK. ALAIr-Loa . s. Lk. 11. A. Weaver.
T. 11. WI, Esq. Mu. T. J. Blibsee.
J. o..linutar. . Jobs H. Mellor,
Jacob TN. • my&lydfe
BTOVIC W0rt.13.8.
numncivniiiiminun RtrST MUM/ OP
f:ialii:a#PatiFir`qtate Pronto, &o
Sole Profirletoref the celebrated PATiNT Gas
!Beasznoriad &coax Ockmeummo
~O tnote and Hales Room,
Rididyan Nei 11. VireledllG.Plittebwri
Ant:tad; *Mobilities, !I magistl elfgars,
iitymeoudy sanit the building No. 129 Wood street, le
MAWR tithgimAtontagratablishmrat.No.43lssix
Ansi i . vidlontbacr wino iplassed to rendre th•fr Wood;
Di.' W. F. Findixnamo iiiiTing reva
inried to Pittstmrsh Tfth the liiinntke of adling
idetntin• madras, can Dr bond at Mr 0/4101. NO.
riga= armor, behmos Wow end StolOrkeld eta.
.:4110411e• &nun bps a. N. to 4r.N. • naidande
N. 33014.711:Efil
many IX
Ando sid Dawdle B
1011211110ATTE OP DEPOSIT,
. NO. ST NAME= 51:11EZT, /211211178011, Pa.
wade es all ths principal dthmthrostib.
eat % l e ' lt 'etk iwo.afgatta. arZatly
• asst. szeD aPnce COMPANY.
Alumna W. C. Bidwell.
itria,-Boe d deed)
AND BOAT sons.
wad OriaameaktO pa
" 48-1).-0114114,1141,1
.AveWliiteXatidand macs Pointe.,
. all Midi of Paint; 014, Valre Window aim,
Ermine, az.,
7 AAA A id aitrod;tose &ors above Ririe lllatik
. .4. ;1,..11 MAXIXLE,
2 N O- 'PIiPE.R.
...11Nag!hess•,, ND. sr Wood Str•st, -
.3,3 3 , 3 .; 7: . 3 ;71117.1tririry
_ .
Aid ell,
-;A 2 Abe, les ohs vs soma Abwi. • ,
No 3{ Bt. mar Eqreet,
— llfitte*Aiiiki.r.;" - •piermrsowia. A .,
&ids allude p Vamptying with the urgent request of hun-
DRS. O. M. VITCH ez J. W.4131,1{..E8
Here weaned to remain
N• And may be consulted at their once,
o. 191 Penn Street.,
! BULL except Annum tor Ctananiptilhas e Animate
Broachitia and all other Chronic Complaints
complicated with or catudng Pulmonary Meese, including
Galore I, Heart Disease, Affeeetions of the Liner, Dys
pepsia, Gastritis, Female Gompfainti, etc.
DR& WITCII t ATE-E 8 would state hat their treatment
otConmiroption le based upon toe foci that he disease ex
ids in the bided and wan, at large, both before,net c during
haterebrpm, n t in the lung; and they thereto, employ
Hygienic sod Medicinal remedies to pur . ify the
blood and strengthen the system. Wilt these, they use
BEDRSLEAL INHALATIONB,which they value highly,but
only ss Palliation, (hewing no Curative effect when used
slams,) and Intends are earnestly renamed against wasting
the precious time of curability on any treatment based upon
the plausible,but false Idea that the .seat of the, disease can
be nailed to a direct manner by Inhalation,. for mi before
stated, the sent of the disease is is the blood and its effects
only In the inn.
inA.No charge for consultation.
♦llst of gelation, will be eon to the.. wialalut to mo
nth sie by letter. mySiidartettli
ThErrminta, HEREON & co.,
Cooktriz, Parlor and Preatinti
Grate Fronts, Fenders, Cooking Ranges, ke
104 Liberty Bt., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Monafacturoro and Donlon in AD Undo of
Corner of SnalkArkl Str,ct and Diamond Ailey,
DA Glans..... Juno, A. SUM— .... -11.111 . CULLoco,
Plttaburalt Steel Works.
JONES, 130 V -13 & CO.,
maudimeturarsof OAST ETHEL; al.°, SPRING, PIAAV nod
Norm= Ron and Aril &rests, IYasburgh,
1.140 anal ........ . ..... ...................
D. li. ROGr MKS &
Roger. , Imuroved Patent Steel
Cultivator Teeth,
Cbutu. Boa and Fire &S .- eel - 4 - 75114Z urpA,
OHM T. LW Lll..
.LOGAN & Olt
Imparters and Dealers in Foreign and American
5l Wood Street,Pittaburgh, Pas
A full and complete assortment of all de
wriptinas of lIARDWARE. at Wholesale and 'NOW, can
be had at price. satiates-tory to the porelooer at the above
•Taoa or every description in large variety. Merchants,
liechiralcv and Partnere an, Invited to roll. se29allyfr.
illbtqa. Null . ..Lk
ritch, 1.
.7017:N . COCELF 5c BRO.
1 .311/ACT.1.10.15 OF
Iron Rolling, Iron Vonlts, Vault
-- Window Shatters, Window Guard'', kn.,
bras. 91 k0..411 Strad and 88 ?Lard Sired,
(BoWood and Market,) PITTSBURGH, 99,
I1•i on timul • rarlety of not Pattern . ..l, flux, mud plain,
oitable for all parp,... Particular attnitloo pfld to an.
.498nntigGran, Lon. Jobbin4 do
ns at short furl,
..... .... .......... O. 111.11 D
• 4-3.
_ No. I, Shine' . Mock,latrbugto,
liarCoNectloorpromptly madeto any part of Northern
Iwa, or Western Witnensin ,
Will attend to the fourth...and Bahr of Real Boat sob.
talnina Money on Bonds and Mortypuyea
P. D. 1.11.1. DR.
Wit.l3lll.N G. TON WORT{ tS-,
Pittsburgh, Penna,
Omen, Ise. Si Starke' •Ireet.
Ilantrfactor• all kinds of Stearn Coiri ore and 't It
os; Casting., Railroad Work, et earn Rollers an 4 bluer Iron
Jobbing and Repairing &noou short notice. rorga,lydic
Also, Bill. on Do you-noel chi. end towns of Franca,
Belgium, nollnnJ , Germ,,y, :01 other European
- States, court:tot v nn hand nod for not. b} .
attlyme Minim* Word atm% coroi•i. (MIA.
'ftlaro---SkAT Dr
AILDIr/r t.
PIA, we am fully Juardlell by taw ammo. mortOcate.
prominent non . ti . nuethasislis coastiyvd;abmwe l i e d
them nod prored certainty a. a oonra For tick and
Demons ,boadathe they are inralnable. Fee Manual of
Smith Prepared and sold fy IL L. PAIL-NEM= &CO,
Wholesale Druggiet., No. Co, cornrr Wool and Fourth ate,
Pittabrtrgh, Pa.
ONE of the most pleasing, at the Fame titne
toffectlrk remedies for Dytmepele, and all other Mellows
seeing from a morhld condition of the illontach mod Liver,
I. Dr. thattettera Bitter.. 11 not out, 'Grooves the dire...,
from the patent, but by gislok tone ti the orymna of dime.
slosh .11. them In their functions All who hare b led it or.
kometedge Ile excellence etedwoptrlteity, and we therefore
commend It to the intfferer. Dr. flostetter'm hitters as •
rook la too well known to need praise. It to therefore
netwesmy at Bile thee to. do more than direct at:cation to
tbh prepare:lon, winch iv eettaltaly ottegnalled by any
fore the p u
blic,bl mthdled es we are shut Ile widespread rep
aration pro ennkient to twill, all or It• ezteheme
as • teller and remedy tor all ditemes of tbn stomach.
fold by dm:gable sod &rhea mortally, ever) wir-te,
DOSTETTICIt k bal/11,1, mannfachnwre and pcuptiet.vs
68 Water mot SA front st, dcll'dkarT
DAY EVENINGS. December 24th and 25th.
for the hettollt of gahlodh Schools and Fru:tiller
Them are the only Printings of thr kind on exhibit
In the Unitod States, and should be seen by everybody.
/Won open at CX; to commence at 734, E. M.
atirAdmlstion 25 mute, Chlidron 10 rents.
Ji-A. For swicy years I have loam troubled with genera
weestnessand lawsuit., both menial and phyalcoi: c•pm.
listlemnass, dull headache, pain lu'the had and tempte•
coldnme and tendency to stiff.% palpitation el ILe heart,
my easily datterod or ratitea, appetite sortable, stomach
and bowels arauseil, irlth pain. Any mental or physical
exartiox utiernre to Ming on all the aymptuam, nod I Lad
Insildltion, falling of the comb, and great pain to Oast re
gime Cl.. physician after another tabulated his .kill and
Emir. me op. A patient and pars...mans use of 131 A A
BILLI.I/0 OTHHIN 1:CA2110-L1W:4 Isrliciately cursaul ;as,
sod I have no words stufflo . tant to alums my thankfillums
I G.
truly nay that ham been 1. nib= for sassy ysar.
Mtb whiles and &ranged meontruatio. After while I
bad other trouble., each as pale face, Indlgeatiori, wasting
&ray, general langoor and deblury, pain to the .moll of the
beck, • sat of aching aud dragging mosaftoo,pnin Istwasti
the ehuoider lidaderienendlisg down the spine, her of nine.
Ma, trouble la the stomach end bawls, with cold handa and
feat sod dreadful net - roomer. The !met anoltemeat rook]
make me feel es II I should fly away. I tried' doctors and
drugs, and maryiblog. oue after sauthnr, without the ben
efit. Om bottle of MARSHALL'S lITRRINE
CON chaugsd some of toy symptom fur the better, and our
lam entirely and radically cared. I wish that err; wo.
man mild know what It will do,. CLARISSA OBSJL.
for • bang time I had Uterine complaints with the follow.
ling symptoms I was DIVTOOI, emulated and Irritable; I
seamed Mahound In complaints mom of which I will try to
tell you; pale In theloser organs, and a &chap no If mMe
thing Ir. gang to fall out; inaldlity to walk Murk. on es.
-went of • feeling of fullmeesr, ehlng md drigging, end
ilocoUng palm in the back, loin., end extendlog down the
logs thejultingpicduced by ilding caused rem palm Rpm.
inane and mans In the eide, Motown and bowels
ac he,he withrineng to the ears, every gbrrof Oh. body
s gnat Irritabillty; Intense normumme, I mold
not bear the Meat excitement without being prmratrd for
tidily; I mold scarcely move emit the house, nod did 1141
take pleasure la anything. I had aims up hope, baring
tried °running. mei supposed,
sato, but • Mend called
s ti ool l oo t o Ramp 1.14
I took it,hoplng against hope. Wet fortuustely It cared
tos and Acre fa not • Junta:dem more gnae.Ml woman In
the country. I hasten will me It. It le truly the woman's
ti , WO In need. Mn.. FLO/W.lolk LULLI.
MARRHALL'S LTERLtirea ThfOL/CON willartain
/1.12_ fmeithe Winne Muer, lkypreard, impulse
sr aremericantna—gthmlne,e,,rtaeenta,r_Do.
If&l=Klanos or 17rinary Omens,
conerames etf Vrate. Heartburn, Chrtiverters, Nerraniness,
Intintina,flelpdahlons, Creme, Diefortsd Steep, and al
treed*. organic or sywynadic, wens:44MM Ma Merin
711oprtar of MarthalN Gt.,fne Clotholtoou it (ho Dollar
and a Baiipor sin& bora On eh, receipt of ota &tiara
hoe botaesohall tricot bylorproujrre of charm to the end
of thou-pro's route.
&particular to writ, pattoffica ddress, taro, county
mold Mae. M soal ow:retake the &Alicia< will be seat
oa receipt of the
U. Addron
D. OM. 1C11414140 Wood 4., Pittsburgh,
81. of the Uolaou Mortar.
GOLD IN Beavan COutrry.—The Argos says
that Mr. Wm. Morrow, of Raccoon tp., Beaver
county, while digging a drain in a coal beak,
came upon a rock containing particles precisely
to the eye like California gold. Mr. Dodds, of
Moon tp., same county, made a similar die
°Gym., Quite an excitement Is the coneequence.
Remember that is not gold that gllmers."
Tate particle of th e . eubsthnce discovered and
see If it will bear hammering well. If it will
r outs n out indefinitely, then let a chemist test
.... ”Dr. Winter's congregation, near fi'elleno
ple, are building a new cborcb- --/k-cm4anY
composed of altlzene of Pittsburgh - hays leased
the Sterling Cool Biatiralestine.
Ohio, and are a bout,commencing the erection of
an ettlelliTO establishment for the manufacture
°leo-11 ' 1-( M T beAnonv alio says: "Our Coun
ty Commissioners were welted Upon last-week by a
promintmt business - man of . Pittsburgh, who
informed them that, as the agent of a number of
persons, holding bonds of the enmity, to the
amount' of about 150,000, he was instructed,
unless:immediate prpiision, watrmadirto meet
the 0 1 1 tetandifig Jain*, tgrmileav,operpanas
guitiSPE.o • -
Special Sotices.
Permanent O ffiae
Wednesday evening last, between
9 and 10 o'clock, the large frame eiabie in the
rear and attached to Reynold's Hotel was en
veloped in names. Before II o'clock the whole
structure was a smouldering ruin. A large
quantity of bay, oafs, &0., was consumed. Dlr.
Reynolds estimates hie loss at $1,590.
The fire issuppoied to have been the work of
an incendiary, from the fact that it originated
in tble bay-loft, and when discovered„ was fall
ing down from thereto the ground floor.—kii.
tanning Free Prete.
Tun Centennial Anniversary of the- birthday
of Scotland's immortal Poet, ftobert Barns, will
soon ho here. It is proposed to celebrate the
04Calli013 in a proper manner in our city, and a
meeting lute been called for Wednesday evening
next, at the Aehland Heine, Fourth et., to hear
the report of a committee appointed at a prelim
.inary_meeting. We trust the admirers of Borne
—and who le not?—will turn out on that oc
Tug Board of Trustees of the Associate Synod
will meet in the U. P. Church, on Seventh et.,
on Wednesday, the 29th iota The Presbytery
of Westmoreland will meet in APHeesport on the
first Tuesday In January, 11 o'clock a. to
Pastors and &Wane are reminded of the orders
of Presbytery, that a collection be taken up in
all the congregations on the third Sabbath of .
December, for first Synod's fund.
New Blosio.—Mrs. Charlotte Blume, Wood
EL, near Fifth, needs us "My Mother," wards
by Miss L, Johnson, music by 8. A. Earle ;
"The Last Meeting with the Old Folks, , " words
by Sidney Dyer, 0:111c10 by J. A. Baker; "The
Winona Gallop," by Prof. Henry Rhobock ;
"Souvenir de Brie Oslopada." These, with a
large list of the latest music, a • full assortment
of pianos, by celebrated makers, musical imam.
merits, elo., are for sale by Mrs. B.
Foa ona Wen:Vt.—Thom who would have
Holiday advertisements in our weekly, circula
ting throngs all parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio anti
Virginia, will do well to pass them along to
day. Send them as early as convenient this
morning, as wo are pressed for space, and the
first coming will be first served.
Tna next Conference of the Methodist Episco
pal Church of the Washington district, of which
A. Holmes. Is Presiding Elder, will be
held on the last Tuesday of February next, In
Baldwin Chapel, on the Littabmigl . t sad Droinia
filiO nl4 An. Bala fon PittOvssit.,
Vittsburg 6ayttt.
r_t P.di PPR or Till CITY.
City and News Items
Mon TIMPITIATITRZ.—Observations taken at
Shaw's Optician Store, No. 55 Fifth at., Dee. 23d.
UO 42
...cloudy 45
.rain 41
o'clock, a. r.
12 • er.
" r. x
DAIL I" UNION PRA raft 'MN rrrNo, at Masonic.
11 ii, Fifth street, commencing at ll J o'clock, A. N.
All are cordially incited to attend.
The exercises To-DAT will be conducted by Rev.
Dr. Swift.
:al . ' DAILY Paaran Mnrrina will be held on
every evening of this week( Wednesday excepted,) in
tha 17rst " United Presbyterian Church, on Seventh
Wed, (Roy. S. C. Reed's,) commencing at 7 o'clock,
evening, and continuing one hour. This prayer
meeting is conducted on Catholic-Protestant princi
ples. Ministers and members of all ovangelical
churches, and all other persons, aro cordially invited
to attend.
"Batt Dote:"—We thought we had done with
his matter. We think it were better to have
been done with it. Davis was frightened and
had good reason to think the man was drowned.
It appears to have been the general impression
on board the steamer at the time that ha was
drowned. Why not let Davis alone since it will
be made to appear in all probability that he was
acting under a sense of duty. But this is neither
here nor there. The facts are that Capt. Alford,
one of the defendants in the matter, on Thurs-
day morning instituted proceedings, in the Dis
trict Court, for false arrest and imprisonment,
against James Davis, the complainant in the re•
cent prosecution for murder, and had a espies
issued for hie arrest. Under a recent rule of
Court the bail in ouch canes is limited to $6OO,
unless specially decreed otherwise.. Mr. Kirk
patrick, Capt. Alford's connect, applied to Judge
!Tampion for an order fixing Davis' bail at $6OOO.
Tho application was granted. The captain also
preferred a charge of perjury against George
Deck, watchman, another of the witnesses for
the commonwealth in the recent investigation.
A warrant Pet' his arrest was issued. Mr. Hays,
the carpenter, and Mr. Fitzsimmons, the mate,
have also commenced proceedings against Davis.
It won't pay.
SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—{Ye regret to learn that
Mr. Small, our efficient county jailor, is lying
very low from the effects of a fall received on
St. Clair street a few nights since. It appears
that some careless person had allowed a broken
grating to remain over a coal vault in the side.
walk, and that Mr. S., in stepping on it, fell
through, receivitig a severe cut on the knee,
from the effects of which the stately of the limb
is jeopardized. This painful accident is the re
, milt of a very blameable carelessness on the
part of those who leave these man traps open.
We speak feelingly on this subject. Our shin
yet bears the mark of's deep and painful wound
received by falling into one of these coal holes
the first week in October last. This on not all ;
at the same time, we tore and nearly ruined a
pair of new pantaloons, and, only having one
other pair. it was a very inconvenient accident.
Joking aside ;—we shall hear of some one killed
some of these mornings, unless this bad prac
tice of leaving coal holes open be reformed.
Curves.—We are informed that since Mr. Paul
sen came to this city our dealers in the article
have sold more chess boards and men than ever
before, not simply in the same length of time, but
in all time. J. S. Davison, on Market street,
Messrs. boy & Cu , and Hunt .h Miner, hive all
been selling, and one of those houses ordered one
hundred set of men and boards from New York,
yesterday, to meet the demand. Let everybody
add a chess board to the Christmas gift this year.
Just look over the advertising columns of the
Gazette, decide what you will give, then go and
buy, but he ever to buy of those who advertise in
the Gazette, if you would have the best. Then,
whatever may be the gift chosen, throw in a
chess hoard, and set the children to learn the
game. Just look in at the stores of our adver
tisers. We need not designate them by name.
Ton will find them offering everything to the
public, (rota a penny whistle to a German flute.
Linea tar
SOCTICTII3.—We note with pleasure
the fact that Literary Societies have been or
ganized in Conneautville and in Venango, where
a regular course of lectures will be delivered, by
gentlemen of the vicinity.
Before a similar Society in Warren, Warren
coust yi .A.til uidekoper rn. , , Paqz,totlisedriikt.
-•1 swsi
amtote r nat any own which
l• 1,0•• l•• s.a.e.. the
viad . UM- Atemoved.: ILL wag as
knowledged to he an able production, but the
democratic editor of the democratic paper in
Warren, In an article. upon 44, animadverted
severely upon the lecture. the Society took
up the matter and passed a resolution highly
laudatory of the productiot of Mr. If., and with.
drawingthe name of the democratic editor from
the Ilst of lecturers
Ihr. maim BiTentsous COAL —We learn that
parties from Boston—amongst them an eminent
chemist- , -were in this city this week, to negoti
ate with one of our most enterprising capital-
ists, iu relation to the investment of capital in a
large Oil Factory, to be located in the Bitumi
nous region We are Informed that these par
ties have thoroughly tested the Oil yielding
qualitiee of our Bituminous Coal, and are able
to titmonstrate a large yield of a very superior
article. They also chtim a discovery for ex
tracting an oil containing the gas which we burn,
and from which gas is easily generated. If this
project is successful, it will revolutionize our
coal trade, by opening up new markets, cheap
ening the manufacture of gas in the Eastern
and Webtern cities, and developing a new held
of usefulness for our Black DiamondA
Arrnacrions AT Lon yarn; HALL.—There
will be especial ex it tbi t ion of Ilamison's celtbrcutd
paintingl, on Friday and Saturday evenings, lot
ILe benefit or S.,bbath Schools. Res Mr
Marks, who has recently retArned from a tour
in the Holy land, and io a very attractive speak
er, will lecture each evening, and explain the
peintinge. The programme is very exteneive,
and embrace, a great many interesting feature,
Our citizens could not spend a portion of the
Christmas holidays more pleasantly and more
profitably than by going, with their families, to
Lafayette Hall. See advertisement in another
Tun Washington (Pa) &amine, says: "04e
of the two partite which left our borough acme
time since for the mountains of Virginia, for
the purpose of capturing deer,returned on Mon
day evening of lot week, having in their pos
session five fide deer. The other party arrived
home two dale afterward, having succeeded is
procuring sixteen deer. Their rambles extend
ed through Preston and Tucker counties, Vir
ginia, and Allegheny county, Maryland, in the
neighborhood of the head waters of Cheat river
and the north branch of the Potomac. They
represent game of all kinds as abundant, but as
exceedingly difficult to capture.
lira Lira Cams Turner. —ln order to gratify
the general dubs for a record of the chum problems
at the late blindfold contest between ten picked
players of our club and Mr. LOW/ Piano, we pro.
duce the following games, reported by ourselves, and
carefully revised from the official mord. We gave
Nos. 3 and 4 on Thursdaimornln : :
2. K Kt to 113
4. K Kt tka p
5. K Kt to K B 5
8. K B to Q 3
7. Q Kt to Q B 3
8. Cooties.
Q P tkl ß
to ll Q ß Et 2
10 0 ..
11. Q to X Kt 4
12. Kt Oka Kt eh
3 . Q to K Rt 3
p to X B 4
QB to X aq
0. p to R 5
p tkep
B. K. to 11 eq
0. p to X 6
O. B tke R Bp
' I. B tki Itt
22 . Q tke It p
23 . Q R tke B
Q tke R eh
26. p to K R 3
26. It to K aq
2 7. Q to Q B 4
29. K to Kt NI
22. Q to K 2
30. R to Q eq
31. Q to K It 5 cla
32. Q to QS t h
33. It to Q 4
34. K to It 2
p to II Kt 3
p to R . R 4
Q to K 5 ch
K to Q 7
R Ms Q Bp
Q to Q 5 eh
Q to Q 4 eh
Q tksp ch
p tki Q
X to Kt 3
K to K B 4
h to Kt 5
p to R . R
K to X BR
K to K B 7
R to Q Bb
IL to K II S
S to Q lit?
R t QB 8
R the R ch
K to Q Kt 6
K the Q R p
lit Pa
p_toK B 4
Blot B
K B tkeE peb
K B to QI
h. K to K DIN
11 .Q10KB3ch
10. 8 B Its Kt
1. Kt tksQ
12 Q K t toQ
WY 4
4. Q KtR.B
S. K to K tit 2
d. K It to K Br,
7. IC p tke Q pch
g• K Bto Q 3
19. Q IL to K .q
at. Q Kt to K 4 rh
21. QKtloQ fir,
tk.Q Kt p rb
.4 .Piogit2
.5. K K tl. Q
IfR. rs r . l.9l:9l—chit
I. p tn K 4
2. K Kt to KB 3
3 . p to Q 4
4. Kt tks p
5. Q tks Kt
0 -Q Kt to Q B 3
7. Q B to K B 4
K 11 to K 2
U. R to Q n q
10. p tks p
11. Kt tks Kt
12 . Q to Q R 3
13. Q II to K Kt 3
If. Castles
15. K B to K sq
11. KBtoll3
IT. Q B to K 5
18. R tke
14.. Q R to R sq
20. Q t o K 3
21. K Btu K
Suspended fur
22- K B In Q 3
23. p to K IS 4
24. pto K It 3
25. p tits 11. •
2 0. /3 to K 11 fq
27. Q tiu Q
29. P to LI Kt 3
20. R to K e.l
30. Kte.n g •
aZ. 11 t.. K a
33 it
mt. JAS. Kiva -t fork.
I. p to K 4
2. KttoQß3
, 13. p tks p
4. Kt the Kt
8 . Pto Q B 3 -
6. p to Q 3
17. Ql.l to K 3
S. Kt to K It
11. p to Q 4
11. Kt tks p ..
1 11. Q the Kt
12. Q to K B 4
13. Q to K Kt 4
14. K B to K 2
it& Caelloe
114. K B to B 3
117. 13 tke It
118. Q to K B 3
119. QR to Qeq
; 20 . P to Q a 3
sod tostomed when It,
no King returned.)
21. p to K Kt 3
1 22 . - R to Q 4
123. R to Q stl
24. QQQQ a the K R.
25. to R R 5
26. to Q 5
27. R tks Q ilt
128. p to Q B 4
...f29. p tog Kt 4
12 1 ,,tit, ' •
21 .
fr n
135. it,' ita ....
,3 8 ..1t to Q 11 - 2 - ''''. ,
37. P. tog 2
1 38. R to Q 5 eh
'139. R to 4 3
40. p to K R 4
41. B to.K B 4
42. B eke B
tt t : toWks i Kp .K K KPP K: K t 2 6
148. K to K Kt 7
149. K to B 5 44
1 80 . K to K eq
151. It to IC 7
1.54. K to Q ;
155. Rto Q B 2 .•
56. It the It •
157. R to B 3 eh
56. p to II 7
1 89 . K to B 2
80 . K to Kt 3
61. II to B 4 cb
62. P to B 8 (gums I
i 63. R to B 3
and Pattleco resigned.
ss p to..K.K 4
36. f;W Q
37. K to K
38. K to K 117
39. K to K 7
10. P W K Kt 4
41. p ikcp
42. P. tor t
' 4 " 1.. l'i t t k :K t
45. K tk• p
16. It to c l D 7.
47. It to vll s
44. Rto y R 7
49 .PtoKt1
10. R tkc pch
51. !I to ti
52. K to Kt 5
53. p to K It
54. It to y IS
55. p to K p. 6
56. K to K Kt 6
57 . P to K Kt 7
58. Kto it s
59. pto R eh (gum
60. 9 Lo K Kt; a
61. yt.. K Kt act ch
62. K to 11 4
63 . 9 to K Kt 6 oh
I. p to K 4
1. pto Q 3
2. p to Q B 3
3 . Q B to Kt 5
V K 3
5. II to K 2
S. Q B tits Kt
7. K Kt to B
S. Q Kt to Q 2
10. Castles
11. p to Q Kt 3
12. ptoQ B4
13. IC to It tog
14. K Kt to K Kt my
lb. Kt toK R 3
16. Pto Q 4
17. Kt Lk. p
18. p to K D 3
10 . ( 4 to K oq
120. Q RMB .4
21. R to K Kt sq
22. Kt to Q 2
29. Kt to K B sq
24. Kt to D 2
25. Kt tits Kt
26. Kt to Kt 4,
27. Q to B .q
28. Kt tks K 2,1 p
29. Kt to Kt 4
30 . p to R 3
31. It to Q eq
32. Rto Q B 2
33. K Kt p tits It
34. B tics R
3 5. KR to Kt 2
38. K to Ate
37. It tlts KKt p eL
88 . Q tits
and Bamboo cosigned.
3. K Kt to It B 3
a. Q Kt to 4 Ili
5. K 13 3.3 K 3
6. Castlen
7. K B tks Q
9. p to Q Kt 3
9 . Q B to Q Kt 2
0. Kt to K 2
I. p to QB 4
2. Q to B 2
3. pto Q 5
1 4. Kt to K RI .
A. D to K 2
5. pto K D 4
7. p tk. p
S. Q It to Q aq
A. Kt tons
20. K4to K B 4
21. Kt to K
22. q t o R 3
23. Q to R 3
24. B to K R 5
25. It to K R 4
28. p Ike Kt
27. Q to It 4
28. Q R M K B eq
29. B to Kt 0
30. It to B
31. B. lks Kt
32. It to K B 5
33. It tka K B p
.34. It tka p
35. Il tke B oh
36. Q tits p ch
37. K B to B 6
3$ K the It
Kates Kula Le.—The above named ueeful and
popular individual has been to Dr. Kepler's, and
has emptied his budget full of all sorts of nice
articles for Christmas sod New Year's presents.
Every kind of Perfumery, Soap, Cologne, Heir
Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Portmoniiis„ Pocket
books, and all eons of fancy goods will be found
in this establishment. If there is any thing In
the medicine or toilet line that you don't know
where to get, go to Keyser's, aid if you don't
Lind it then you may as well give it up. We re
fer the reader to his many advertisements.
Tim Iron City Shoe Store, established at the
corner of Smithfield and Fourth sm., Mr. Joe.
B. Garrard, proprietor, is a place where it would
be well for all persons, wishing to purchase such
goods, to call, if only toeee his large and well
assorted stock, which boa been all bought (or
cash, In the east, giving him an opportunity to
put every thing at a low figure. Ills motto Is
"Quick sales and small profits." Give hint a
call soon.
lowing ticket was nominated yesterday—Seleot
Council, William Phillips. Common Council—
Aaron Floyd, James R. Reed, Andrew Fulton.
School Directors, 8 years—John Mareball,•John
Wilson; 1 year, Richard Parker. Judge--Joiin
W. Riddle. Inspeotor—Robert ROdgers. As
sessor—John Constable--Roht. Ilague.
the Fair at City Hall was opened for the Ant
time, and judging from appearances we are led
to suppose that it win be entirely successful.
This is as it should be, and those who contribute
to the support of the Orphans will never milts
what they gave, and at the same time will hive
contributed their share to an excellent object.
Tun Greensburg gas works commenced opera
tions on Tuesday, 2let inst., end on that evening
Moorbead'e Exchange Hotel was lighted up for
the fi rst time. AU the buildings In which pipes
had been placed were brilliantly illiunlnaled on
Wednesday evening.
11)/11.1113-.-3 bple. anuill white In store and
sorfire tiy • 141 WATt 4 111MK1L
WASHINGTON Cris. Dec. 22.
Roust—Mr. Carbine of Massachusetts, intro
duced a bill regulating the duties on imports,
and for other purposes. The bill was deferred
to the Committee on Ways and Means.
On motion of George Taylor of Kentucky, a
special Committee of five members was ordered
to be appointed to investigate the accounts of the
late superintendent of public printing, with pow
er to send for persons and papers, end to report
at any time.
Messrs. Riobto and Morris, of Pennsylvania,
severally made unsuccessful efforts to introduce
propositions looking to the alteration of the
present tariff, .with a view to the establishment
of protective and specific duties
Mr. Covode, of Peon'a, asked leave to intro
duce a resolution for the appointment of a Corn - mittee of five members, to inquire into the facts
of the charge made by the President of Iho U.
States, contained in a letter to the President of
the Centennial Committee of Pittsburgh, that
money had been thrown into Penn'a to influence
the State Congressional election, in Oppositi on
to his wishes, and to report the names of the
persona implicated. The introduction of this
resolution was objected to amid much laughter.
On motion of Mr. Taylor, of La., the Committee of
Ways and Means was Instructed to inquire into the
expediency of repealing so much of the act as pro
vides for the debasing of the silver half dollars and
other small coins, and making them a legal tender
In sums not exceeding five collars.
Mr. Bingham, of Me, introduced a bill to repeal
the English not for the admission of Kansas Into the
Union. Referred to the Committee on Territories.
BD. Loiter, of Ohlo, Introduced a bill authorizing
the people of the Territories to elect all their officers.
Referred to the same committee.
Mr. Blair, of Mo., asked but did not receive the
consent of the noose, to introduce a resolution de
claring the Snprento Court decision in the Dred Scott
ease extra-judicial, illegal and void, and asserting
that Congress Should vindicate its right to - legislato
on slavery in the Territories.
Mr. Bingham, of Ohio, introduced a bill providing
that the present mileage system be abolished after
the present Congress, and that the members ho al
lowed only their actual traveling expenses. Referred
to the Committee on mileage.
Mr.-Morris, of ill., introduced a bill for the adm
elm of sugar and salt duty free, and also a bill giv
ing. the citizens of the organized Territories the right
to cleat their governors nod all other officers.
Mr. Parnesworth, of 111., endeavored to introduce
a resolution instructing the Committee on Naval
Affairs td inquire and report what further measures
are necessary to carry out the articles in the Ash
burton treaty fur the suppression of tho slave trade.
Adjourned till the 4th of January, in areordancu
with the joint resolution.
ScRAXll.—The Senate was opened with prayer,
read by &Catholic priest, who was clothed in the
white surplice. The usual number of mernori
ale were presented. A message was received
from the President, but its contents have not
yet been mate known.
Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky, introduced a
bill to regulate the manner of election of United
Shattaes Senators Referred to the Committee on
Mr. Stuart, of Mich., attempted to bring up the
Agricultural College bill.
Messrs. Fitzpatrick, of Ala., Iversen, of i/0., and
Bright, of Indiana, objected, and the Senate refused
to take up the bill by a vote of 20 yeas to 2.3 nays.
The bill granting $3O per month to the widow and
family of Col. Turnbull was willed I, a vote of 3,1
yea, to IS nays.
A motion was adopted that aeon the Senate ad
journ it be to re-usemble en the 4th of January
next, In the new ball.
The Senate then adjourned.
1. p to K 4
2. Q Kt to Q B 3
3. ptbp
Q B 4
5 4 . .
41E to
toE B 3
K Kt to KS
7. K B to Q Kt 5
K B ft, Q Kt
d. p to Q 3
Id. Cagle,'
Q Kt to K 4
14. Q tits Kt
13. p to K B 4
14. Kt to K K t 3
15. Q to K B 3
14. p dui p
17. Q to Q Et 3 oh
IS. Q tks B
9. Q to Q R 6
0. R to K eq
1. R p tks B
B tks p
'3. R tim It
5. R to K Beq
'7. pto Q 3
B. Q to K Kt 6
29 .Ktk0Q1124p
30 . Q Kt 4
91. h to K Kt sq
32. K toK eq
,33. Q to R 6 eh
34. Q to S. R 3
35. p to K Kt 4
36. 1 . 3 . t0RR 4
37. -
K to Kt eq
Q to K Kt 3
Kt p tke R p
K to It Ng
Q to . K B 3
Q tke Q
R to.h B
R to K Kt 3 ch
45. It to K R 3
R to Q 3
R to Q 4 eh
R to Q 3 eh
R to K R 3
R to K It 2 eh
Rto K I
R to R 2 oh
R to K It 3 eh
K to K Kt 2
Eto Q R 4
K tki R
Isa tka p
and Black resign.
, Cl.
Y. 6 810811 4
a. li KM. B 3
4. H. RI Um 8p
O. li to Bog
0. Q to 6 0. ch
7. KII 107
I. Klllks 4 Etp eh
9. Qto B 5
10. Q tk.Q ce
18. 6. B 110 Q 11
IL IC to 82
16. 14 El to 11 BI
IQ p to Q 3
IT. Q du p
11. Qlltoli 3
10. Q Kt to Q 615
AL K toll B 2
2.1. B to li i
JlB to Q Kt 3
22. H to K R 4
24. Q B Ms lit di
05. and lir. Wood reaped.
Latest from Europe.
Sr. JOHNS, N. 8., 23.—The steamship Pacific, of
the Galway Lino, art iced to-day, with Liverpool
adelees of the 9th inst. received at Galway by tele
•The troop ship Bombay, with :inn soldiers an
board, of whose enfety fears had been entertained,
had returned dismasted. Twelve of her crew were
• lost during the storm that dismasteil the ship.
The Queen's proclamation roulgeied. in fei))
gives amnesty to all the rebels p cre m ep flaue engag d ed
in murdering the British.
The French government will allow the appeal of
31 Montalembert to come the Supreme Court.
The answer will las simply the Emperor's pardon,
which, k is Mended, covers everything.
France has concluded her treaty with Japan.
Lirerpoot, Lb... S.—The Brokers* Circular reports
a decline of Cotton since the last report. especially
on the middle*qtalities, since the sailing of the
.4rehla; Uplands have declined 1.141; holders offer
(rosily, but show no •11. position to press sales. The
Bala of the last three day to 15,000 bales, !
including 2000 bales for esport and on speculation. ;
The market closed, 11 - cdnesday, aid. a de- ;
°lining tendency. Mnsirs, Clare .t Sous' Circular 1
quails IC'ett Orleans middling at ;I Lad
middling (*) 11-18. upland ~
. Liecepoit Breadstuff. Ifarker.-3feelms. Richard.
son, Spence (t• Co. report the Breadstuff. market as
very dull. The quotations for Floor were nominal.
Wheatis nominally unchanged and vary dull. Corn
ha. a declining tendency, and all qualities are lower, *
ta.icptod24k.4Leir andeLieOrfaliet &'
• circular reports the Provisions market Se general:3-
I. .11.1
la 4141 i Ontlaary, yroatwo .alts 0.••
li regnlsir. '" 'Lind teettilet' bieyeierttiet--heldfrtg.
the quotations aro nominal b
have been male
at Stero,s.4a Id. Thee). •
low nquir
and the prices at ire' is y f r
SU, quoted at
Wasnixoros Clvr, ether Boyle,
Si, Patrick's . Church, ~, oshington, opened of
Senate thb morning with prayer, in full priest's
thus, the surplice and cassock. Tide is the first
ocettaion mince the foundation of the gorernment that
the entire vestments of the Romith clergy here been
worn in either chamber of Congress.
Father Boyle road from the Itrwriary Bishop Car
roll's prayer, for those in authority. The Senate
chamber happened to be crowded at the time, and
much interent and curiosity ems manifested, with
ev appearance of devotion ; both In the Senate
A large number of members of Congress left here
to-day to spend the holidays at boom. Many others
have made arrangements to follow their example.
In the Senate, to-day, a memorial was prevented
from the grandson of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, of
Rhode Island, asking aid to publish the rormspond
ence and other papers of thot patriot. The memorial
was referred to the Committee on Library.
The Secretary of War has ticked theogrese-for on
appropriation at nearly $414,000, to pay the, Florida
voluntmn called Into serviee by Gen. Varney and
Col. Loomis, in 1357 and 1955.
Among the many bills introduced during the see
dion of the Home, to-day, was one by Mr. Branch,
of N. C., appropriating sl,ooo,tunt to enable the
President to conclude with Spain a treaty of amity,
and for the settlement of all differences, including
the cession of Cuba, to ilO used by him, if, he think
fit, In advance of the ratification of such treaty by
the Senate, if there is not., at the time when the pay
ment le required, so much money in Treamry
available, the President is anthorlsed to borrow it.
The bill was referred to the Committee on Foreign
Wasninoron, Dec. 21 —The government this
morning received a telegraphic dispatch from
New Orleans, giving a few particulars relative to
another filibantering expedition from that port
against Nicaragua. The federal officers will he
forthwith inetrocted to; redonble their vigilance
to suppress it.
In connection with the Naval restorations yes
terday, In the Senate, that body, after re-open
ing its doors, passed a joint resolution, creating,
temporarily, the brevet grade of Admiral in the
United States Navy, with the view to confer it
on Capt Charles Steuart, the oldest officer in
the service, and as a recompense for having
been harshly treated by the fiction of the Re
tiring Board. On his death the rank eball be
ST. LOUTS, Dec. 23.—California papers by the
Overland mail furnish few additional items.
The Pitt river Indians massacred several whites.
The mines of Southern Oregon !are yielding
Gen. Harney has revoked an order forbidding
settlers from locating in the Walla Walla-coun
try. The treaty between the United States and
the Nesperes Indians establishes a perpetual
peace and provides for reciprocal assietance in
the event of owar with other parties, and agrees
that future misunderstandings : Lo settled by
their respective chiefs.
Direct trade has been opened between Puget
Sound and China.
Passengers report a never° shock of earth
Istetax•rotts, Te concurrent resolu
tions being adopted, Dec.
the 22.
&cot h e immediately wont
Into the election of Henry S. Lane (old Line Whig
and Republican,) and Wm. M. McCarty (Antt
comport Democrat) They each received twenty
nix votes, a majority of the Senate, and were thus
elected. Alt the Lecompton Democrats, together
with Wallace and Gooding, Anti , Lecompt u n Demo.
crate, refaced to vote.
Jeoes, alone of the Anti - Lcoomptoniten, stood
fairly' tip to the wore. The Rouse concurred in the
Senate !etiolation' by a vote of 51 to 90, and imme
diately proceeded to elect Menu. Lana and 31'Carty.
Darla (Whig) and Blythe .(11110ependenL) Loather
with all the Lecomptcu Democrats, refusing to vote.
The AntLLeeompton Dertiocrats all Gem.
Tremendous applause greeted tho announcement
of the result.
New YORK, Dee. .13:—The preliminary examina
tion of Wood, Eddy & Co., who are charged with
being connected with the Georgia and Delaware lot
teries, was copeluded today, Judge Hassell has
resenred his decision until Thursday next. ,
Tnos. FLITCHIE was tried In Butler last week
for the murder of Frederic Schmidt„, Judge Ag
new presiding. A verdict of “Not Guilty, in
manner end form as Indicted," was leturned by
the jury.
Tony are to•bave a grand military parade iu
Washington, Pa., on the appraaabiiig Bth of
January. The Blues and the Rifle, have Invited
the Wheeling companiee to he preemie, and they
have accepted.
Commuraiet.m—The proprietor cit, the Iron City
College bag done more intim* yeszeitopoptdarlso
the edam of mucous% Wio'anyothetloitttndou la
the erountry. Adrertlim-thellostfaxturre
the most liberal talizieo-4copps tholeet.
eves the mole thorough abut Reetioel,-tidiumtlottlO'
=ate, and to rewleith i lddrk the *min
thf/.4:11P14.11115, NL-44
errTstitaccm RYA [TIME TN.
I A7r.. y f ti.: Pi '1 ibur".
PrrratuntOn, Drp.
tnnta.-1 v olt nrm not active: .Ire from
!torn of Et , Ma. is ton ot 13,10(450,12 for Popnr.
for ontra. and $5.00,5.20 for familyan
a RA IN—oath srero no Arm,: 4 , 111 U o wharf 01 . 2 M,
00 and Ito an from at., Corn, 1 m
25 hush o n
or wh:,,f
72, and 200 do Ent rem.toro at 00. Harley. 20 an.l 101
hush from wagon at 62 ,, ,..0,0 EP mg, and :MO [ma Rye
front tra,an at 75.
fiROCERIF.9--entes of 5 and blob, ifal.r at 7'6, 10 hie
31oltuutom at :'
11.911.1:0—a rale of 'X rho 9,A • Alai
ItHOt .l! (oio;— a woe of 0 tuna 01 $ l Ol q, lou•
SALT—valor of 100) and I=o 1.. t!, hn 1 at Sato
FIRE BRlCE—.tlea of 10,000 at $.2.04a5 ",
ItUCKIVIIEAT FLOUR —nutitnava +ale, of 12n ea, al
Inn Iba.
At et enlog the tie-el canto in wits fair haul. bringing
among other things n large let of coelboat riggin. •
Thnnuly boat> going ant wore the Rummy, well loaded
In Cincinnati, and the Jklitirre• for Wheeling. The ICen
West did not get off, bat elan will to-day.
N me ashville le the favorite pots of oar out bathe{ b.f...
So fifteen thomend tons or railroad Irn is goingforivaril
The tianotah end Wallace will load with '
tone fourth or the rtramer H. P. LilLberd la adtertiaed far
ante Monday. We believe it a, Mr. who de
It V
rig. roll hia lakes.{ In her.
s', -. It i, a fart we have here:el.. et itr din both o n e The Hoe ing et...enter Deutuart wee towed around to her ain
0.,a. that thin Irina. ha. been 0.1,1 with Ire 'l n •rtet• in ti , AnArt..Y Riker,
tie Tb• laiik ,
foreign Salt piece the erring of WC:, end the a - onithilletse• i r. , lYing 1... are Lho Stater..., Grand Took' Red
ha. barn that all the .c.... 01011.00 of that article since then, . the Denmark. The timid Turk lima been there ma long that
had to be sold Cl raimionly low coal it regular rat.; end the , id. hee , bk.... • part el tba i amtee•Pe et there
mil! ...ea h, to the coo., and coot,. and
blrerrird i that bichdig.
Kilt he, been edit within the pant week ow to at Stageo - 0 i Th. , "ill net be Much bueihiaai of .y kind doing hi the
tag, and Tut KN bland eu 10. an '-^ , c. re r L.. , clay during the nark, except earl, a. nil Incident to .tlie
This operate vriy unfasoreldar a,..i.,{ th e i0,,,,,,,,,,,1 Chnintln•Al am,
;U. iltnnnilli - lni, el Salt on Ilia Ohio and Ketarrlio Riv,, ' We clip the following from the Commerrial of yerfilliday,
! . . ,, s lite'rraithem In a hoatttnn enable to wall We arUcle they 1 '' Steamer Peter Totten, Curt Dog, bound the 1111Werill.
.., ~,,_ .... ... „.,...,.. „,„,, ~,., , r , ~.,„. ~,,,, ~..,„.. •,,,.. for tire °rte....1.101 a a 4.10 tett nu Into the bank. tem
a. teat rert 11.1 11, in, nlernn Mennorla ..n 100 On, T. e ' nete..t."`" u. "'"n't'le. kti.....ir14, en . lktruen, neirtiitir.
, ~„.,....,,_ ~,. ‘,...,
~.,,, ~,..., ~,,,, „. 0. o k il, , and Inionntly tank in i:ix ty feel WWI, :1[1.• I. Ow I. [OR .•t
L.,- -,,...,,,,,i ~.:.,-. ..,
~ ~.,, her tergir. Including len° bide. el door, n !tract lot et' tan!
an veer Pleeweati r ittk l .4l o•ol4ktaitterratiso who_ killed the j W:1-ftO rdriar...,4,
g,...e a loch the biLe .IV i. ily,-krinVe*ek.:4lll.olllll,-SantAM...._,.._ .1. 11 .... , r AM. tilal9atay on Itio_Puthic. .- •
lea i In, 11,1 nK In. 4 ,i,. j 1 a‘..11.. , n eta ferrign omit num. ..'
.6--.5.14.'-h4.01:11k.0111VS. -
in a 1., i'f,', evall and the morts doting that year ' Dctin. la 'brc i.. A • • . 1'
~,,,, ~4., ,I
al-labir t0ad.,,, 11,, nre,„,„ y„, „,,,,i , teat water /e, reported in then mediae weer t...Strele -
n ... ...
... c.
cal ,I „,, ~..0 , 11l . pa :,,,.,,,. ,„ ~,,,,,,,,,n „ A p.n.!, Wort. es that the Arketunas mitt packet,
—iCiri. Price Cor.
Irene, while on her ward [ripen thoitith text., a few .
.1. below' Little Rork, eumuntered a tong, deranging lair
Luna !Wetly, ..i Dm co Friar —The Fruit crop, that la,
the Apple...aid 1.,. a.m.,. a e;,.., tad failure north of kt a ,,,,,, elm - board engine and a portion of the upper wort.. eh.
and Liiseta'n li 4... lied num.,. an.l a frcil ia innil trateo.l f a'aht to New Ili kat ' aar ral'aita " a.
The Lomat - file Courier ,if, WraineNlay gape
ea. but the lover, of the P. arli anal the Apple lit the dried
1401 i 1.4..111: eat OnNo.—Tbe swift "with Eaglo mune
rilrtii.%"7ll'c'aji."'t'ai - ii - e r' a i nlit i ; n a l ' :n7r:o L
er, T a ' n n e ' i 00'0 1
f :I: ni i s zTu ' lTl7 . - ,' ''''''''''''''" 'Ma Part 'ley 'al '' , ' l "' ara " with fall ' had ' 1
lug our noi,„ht.via at heolarille. nu 4 at. laini. it. liberelly i daal 4'a' P'flabara ''' the teat 4 th '' ado. ' n e tathra 'd
.he i, ha. the tiellcatimi. are that nut oily the etim mi. , aa'a.'" "a ' laa ' "'tat ''' . 10 " a 'ugh snail or ' rn i al, b. r'.
(.....her hat.' of coal."'
h laaiu isaan I, 1r in an; tabitr, Lot 11.1 the great bolt
of the .. .Leh, must hole teen engaged la drying fruit'
last summer.
.. _
APPI.V.±--.11, nt
i 1 1,41
CRANtIER.Iti I I 514.10 or $l2
palesnor 31 bra nc
th, or tr. tong m. rd h6l.
- -------,.
• $ Se
Dolt illOgllSlLlt.
CIA to too tlnv , •a. TtL• roeritas of dried fro it (Amok. and Alt RIVED... ,-.. I DEP./UM:D.
Pearl-N) at Ho, plat.. Ow 1.,,t urel, Late born, In rolit.l ! Lttr.t.t'v i,ro wlnlvill.- 1 Lt. , V., glntl.lll,
tonnhern, 22,f , a1 Imo_ ...offing; it rr..-Ipte fr.nn tht. I, , Tel,, H. Telegraph, Ar.
~.P t.alNv, '111 , h 1,. .1r to PLO , . . at,inn o,lklo tontli. rho Ooloncl 11 - utl, Eil.b.h. I C.l.ll.yard tili.thetla.
nwpon.ling !tam 11:11t yrar Tl otal toothy ma-, ir.t blinerra. Whtellng, 1 Minerva. Who,ling.
all last a:4114.1 .I,K, 46,517 bush., no t that our rr,tipt• 1r. , . - Marmon, Cir.rinnati, 1 EvonotnyiCihriplleti,
Frpt Ist to thi, date, 1!.i.4 year, it .1:1 he arch, ra,of.l the . Hat , , ,.. SI. 1.11114,
. 1
entire reretpl.. of 1.0 ....on. Tho tt,tuantl, nutwithattol- • 3,,,v. sin,
log. c...ntinutn ; , ...1, an.l 51 I. , rt lq.A. Is paid 1,,,
"a,!l. I.iniatllir,
frorly on arrival, sonl p:1,14 for 1.......hea, anti wo Iludetatitht !
1 11/0 boom ha, iol 1 :,.... Hu•ls. Applai ats.l Pc....hea. to or-
Tito otoromocto of Drootistutia, Lire sunk. Provoti. tot, etc.
o - ..[ h., born follow.
11bral, 1.0
t Oat.. Ln
Rye, . ...
... 1,07 I.; r. 4.1
Lire two rtn 12.51:1
.. ...... Inr 10M.31
11 1 , •41,1h.• .
Tbo tatfi• s the r.4.tparAtiv,
blinnrnts of flop, lite..nri r., the selt.tor rark
log el,mman..o4l
litrei r/I. 10 II
Itecol,ll n,C. Ihr.lB.
Total Rpt«ipt•
Fhipprd 1.
Total corplac . ............. ...... 145,342 10,74 Entlmatlog this city consumption nt 1.1i,000 boas shwa No
thl. wo hare n balloon of abont 120,000 bogs packed nod I
e packer* haoda 111* earn to entimitto thn mom's pock
logid. at It. o , o on—actloct 915,C1it hoal P ACkod Iwo *canon
( Ib
Thu reveipts of hav, , Lien numparat Icel . , light the p..t
week, and the - bull:3 . 'llas, thus teen enabled to tare up
peter. lolly 50 routs per oat. her lots averaging 175 Its.. and
pwarda, linary ones being hold nt $7,2.: at the close, and
those averaging 2110 rhs. being In quick dun:vend at t. Thu
probability it there o ill. net to noiell river 50,00.1 more
packed hero the prevent 146. n, thongli at present It is rath
er difficult to nuk.,n cioese estimate, an there are several lot,
still feeding in this Starr. which have Muni mold to arrive.
awl will not be in boluro t he sew year.
re , eiPt. Suring the week, the ern aiion: and, roinpal
Civets., Ilte in., pas... , mead
a. by hnllwnr.c
Prom River
......... .
Slaughtered at Plalnsville-
Pn at Newton, daring .earn,.
Taal fo.. the Ivey]:
Prtlionaly reportr.l
T..tekl. GO ter, for e
Nemo time la., ore la
• 11150 :..............t.....18Z35.
. .............
Imports by Railroad.
I', el. W. it 13. It. /I —lO bge b w dear, J /1 Draft; 23 eta
corn, 11 do barley, 20 .10 tetra, While bruin 10 bblobotlet
Brodorn 9 tone lire clay, ratars; 24 blb handLes.M'Elroy;
bin benne, Biuk noun 10 bbl. WI, 3 A 11 PllllllB4 250 bge
nate, Grazier; 4 bide ogle, RO3; 13 eta elorersetd, Drown &
liirkpatrl.l2; 1 bbl egg., 1 do Fodor, 12 eke rye Our, It Dal.
null t cro 440 bus barley, Smith & co; L 111, coal oil. 11 II
Palmer; 05 doz bucknte, W A co; 10 DM ar.
Perkin.. & rot 7 41.10 coal oil ,Padre; 70 duo brooms,p J pe
Moon, 13 Idda pearls, Gabowell A on 9 can cattla, 2 do hop
owner.; 113 bale, wool,lloo bon candloa. 320 do air, 11 to
bona, 10E14 bbl, num* pork, 100 du l' or, 43-43 hided, 042 bble
lanl nil, GOD b.n. batnu, 31110 boa whet., ;hal boles bump, 284
eke oil cake, Clarke & co.
W 11141:LINO, per 51luerva-3 I dds pickle+, 2 de eggs, Vet
el.; 2
to tdbaccd, klurphy; I 3 bit psper, Ilkuum 6.97 sk
G„,p.y, 6 ste bids, Ithodrn t Veruar; 21 .k. wee, Ayklry; 4
bbl. dour, Llgmdt g en ;t: de, 3 bo poultry, 33 be, 2.5 at oat
tot of lumber, owusra.
ICINCINNATI, per Ilannoro-25 144 inobourao, 5 do lend,
sl'Candlern, Moat., 4 co; 4 Eihd. cuss, 51 . 47r1ckv1 47 114,1
floor, Saaidas; 12 do alcohol. Hayden: 41 bp 3 , ,X4, Larks,
WO lihla flour, 10 has candlau, 4 . 2 aka ehorta, Liggett & co:
ISO bLia flour, William, 0 do [nohow., ^
holm Nyord
I deNdird,..n, do whiaky, Loftier; 15/ tio-alrorohnoalak
100 do flour, 31cCollongh; 5 !Ada now, 10 boo candhos, IS
bbl. oil, Jaa.palzoll; 4 labia lard oll; 413.1nd map, 25 do con.
dins, 10 aim poaches, CO bbl. fluor. Whito bran, 142 do mob...
den, Rondo 4 co; 411 do flour. Loeb & Ilutchlnionu S la& 40.
boom, Mazurka 40 141,14 whisk'', / 11 .41 I , do rool dm*, 2 bad
dopr, Maar 2do erigar, Iti tibia 1130inletl> WIkMIN4 1 do
coal 011, 100 h 1 Co flour, 275 bbl do, Cldrko A co; 200 do dr,
Mercer; 35. k. apple., Canfield; 100 ILI floor, Black t ax
ws .k. whet; gerroddy; 4 bp rap, 0 La dr* 5 kgd do, 0 da
ST. 1401.6, per Day City -33 bbl. 9,151.4. MO do goon
12 do madam Black & otc - 2 do do, Bhl4 115 Lollar hada
Lomat; mo tons pig t 0..., Singer, flung. 4 roc I 14.4 to.
bocce Ibdindler; 4 bbl. Widow/tor r /0 klnis ICAnners AMIN.
L drn 2do do, Itazarlo, soa bales notton,6lo by whnak . l4
do Leathern, Marko A no. ;
BT. LOME,. per 2.1. 0 oil bb 1 .4 2 - &U.. , *.- dr2
Wen, Id'Cturr, 6 g do, north= 030 bbl. door, SS bide., ` a
MI sheep damn, 1' nk. wpdi • Mute ii. cm. 'DX, bnis dra o d
Lcotalac 3 aka pnarbedAlablidger 60 bbl whisky:2o bg NNW
.1.0 doer , dlen,.l,Parkk d o, A an- 90 OW Naar, Wallseer..4,o
Irides, .. 4 11 .r an • nd tree* leLonglallta 5 0 42 .• PC 4 a 10 04,310
Bono A. ~104 ILL whiekh Cori L ors - brit tackling,
6,1 0 ,01 .' •
.. . . • •-• . ,-.,.
, LOTruppna,g, girl:Wad-333 bbla Plonk= do ralnerLl
mate; /00 ban gar* ktoxi Corks A cralo3bidea,
Noanamg 00441510 M B.4oiszetter,
• ........ ~.
:,,-,-.,.. .' : \ Lr.' '',..• ''Zi1t.'1.3...., . ' '..
FIRST PREMIUM awarded by the Allegheny County Agricußim' Society, he
'September Mr, "AS BEST FOR FAMILY USE."
And tho Penna. State Agricultural Society have awarded to Wheeler t Wilson's Sewin
Machine the highest premiuM, "AS BEST FOR ALL FAMILY PURPOSES."
THESE MACHINES which hive gained ouch an enviable reputation over all oth
Machines on account of
ter 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both tides of the fabric sewed.
2. Economy of thread.
3. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction.
4. Portability, ease of operation and management.
5. Speed.
G. Quietness of movement.
7. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam that will not rip or ravel.
4 . Applicability to a varietyof purposes and materials.
9. Compactness and elegance of model and finish.
Are now offered with all of the latest improvements and advantages at manufacturers
prices by
No. 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Ever brought to this market, of great variety, adapted to
to A. L L. A. N D WINTER. siA.LE,I3:
Having been purchased DIRECT from the Manufacturer ? , chiefly for CASII, and selected with
They feel assured thatthey can offer Superior Inducements to Western Buyers.
SD-Mrrotintx Vihillll4 Pittaborgh, • ither to parch.. QM , * or on their wor to En 9 tnrn tiara, are lnrltad i, roll
and examine our 91,ck boforn pnrrnanlng et4o9rtm, C.l - Particnlnr ntientlon given to Ordni •
Cheap and Durable Fire and Water -Proof
THE FIRM OF PERRIN & JOHNSON having', by mutual consent, been recently disadv
i. rd, G. S. BATES end Wlt. J9II ' , ISOM give notice that they hate entered Into partnerehip. for the porpoeo aver.
sling on thermos, Wading Itimit,•s, in ell its bristermen, under the mono and firm or BATES J011:751.)11; et the yin
STAND. 75 Smithfield Street, nem - Diamond Alley.
We are now prelim .. .l to corer, with our SUPERIOR itOOFTNO, ' , Pop or flat runic over rongli bastale, all shingles.
rompceltion nr metal roofs, ntsamboate, railroad. ram, Au., being admirably adapted to withstand the ration. change. of
weather, or the action of lire, end It hi not Injured by being tramped c pas. We also ettend to iteprming Gt.] War al
Roots In the moat thononea manner; Moo, to Outuenting Tin, loon, (7:upper ..r Zinc Rook making thew water-tight, and
neenring them again. the action el the weather, fore,l,f4 • per minors, i•mellendre.l squat, iNitp
SHINGLE Roors cmramNirmlo,
Preserving them and l'undoring them FIRE-PROOF, for , pitan—dlaconnt for large roofs.
Thin Itootlng is Cheaper than any of her ht nit or Roof, and 13 ham 'lnc %/DIX rat,. dieisd re,is, met
le feet enparessling ell other kindle.
knolng motorial to sale, with /mimetic]ns epplyinx. fistercnces t 1 metigraten uur oak..
N.. 75 Smithfield Street, near Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa.
n.-011/ r.A1,41 meltred u..“1/leep, Io torriAring it far the roof.
_ ocliramd.t.oV
w'L. Pre. a'l.
5.043 3,3D1 Sao: S4O
,31,T., 1E2,, 14.2.4/ 4.1,7
. ~,, 11,54.15 2,43,
2.5135 ......
177 2.52
2.1. I.OC,
0,7 W
7:A./ .1.,15.
19: 18.1
'too II
. 22.1 111,445
Import. by River
2 do do, 1.1. m do, nap, .1.10, I do, Tikylor: 2.:i NI Iron, Lyon,
Short. & rot y 5 Cgs starch, Park, Painter & CO; til.i/,' tone pig
iron. LOOMIS. There Al. an excerilingls Inri, tot of ost
lios, ralike, brat, .
rim.., etr , etc, on hound. from P the
on toont4 whf-h nave pima down.
a Vir;,ei ego,J last night at dark. ahnur 1, feet heta . l.,
a et nt
aud. The weather wee very pleasant turl the air bre,
jog, There was a little ainvetneut nu the wharf
hhhThe ?diner, et: iced heal ITheellar end discharged a felt
The )farm.,re ctmr on frtu Ctocinaell with a very full
A/se, the 11iy City from St. Lriain with 200 to pig Iron
00 bale mum, It, frel4ht may bo figind
pinged iitseirtiorii.
'Doting the day tit.. Ittogrormi, orrheil with a
fine reign.
11. ... -15 fret.5..4 . 4:
- -•----...------ .
- 1 Telegraphic, Markets.
I :sew Poke Dec. li.:1 —Collon dull; sales 1000 bale,
1 Clone firm; sales 11000 bbli. Wheat !Iron .T:000 GCS Sold:
red slab; white $ 1 . 3 0ek1,1.0. Corn drm, now unite 00; F.,
love 00 77 Pork Scan new ine.sl4; prime $13,;(1(it.13.7k.
Lord thou at 11!..0@11;4 WtdakaY dna al. 1).6. e.g.",
1 , salve Zl.O beim no 110,12. kloluse• sold at : 1 5.1lacon steady.
Lleewal 011 steady at 6:4?„.64. Elides unchanged. ..,
Stock 31 arket—Stock s nem; Chicago and Cock 131=10014
I Illiunis Central RAI. "y Y; Illinols Cuntral bundle 34
Crosse and 3111waukie 3: AWch 2...;,
igan Southern .: llifiaotat
Erie le.i
sixes:S:43; Unletta and Chicago 01 : alict.lawa taghli b2C2.:
, Cho:elate' and Tuledo 3148.; New Voctleautrat.;
53%; Reading 41 6 .,,.
Ctsetaltavi, Dec. =l.—Floor CLLOrs in wore freely anCilacir'
market is lea dna; b ut prices aro not quotably laweil l ''
Antos of 1000 lettls at $1,40 ter unirapecteel, and $4,74500 for •
(ow extra. Whiskey opened verynneettled, and sale. :wet,
mods at 021 101 l subsequently Ihruio 541ral 'Bete annulled.
and about Itelo bids were told at 21?.,'17eXd4 , the latter by
log the prevailing rate, thy reveiptsui this article Ward ex
large. lloga dull, sod lt:i cents' lower, cicsinr.
quits heavy at 11 1 ,5MU1,75, the receipt., are 0140 hewleitlitt:
holes; 24 hours. Provisions are dull, end the otarket 14
heavy; toljers held off, but we mould not notice witch de
Biro to nuke re:area:o.ns, In coder to effect ;ales; still their..
WO5ll wenksers IL the market. and hod sales beeao 6d - cod, A
devil. WWI nevtable; 517.5... Ono. , Inged formals port; ton
tno spot z,OO Orb§ were Bold at 514,4:4), to lel deltvorwl next
!day, and hal bbla clear mess at $13,50. 100,VAIO lba bulk
;Ida were wohl at tpw l , for future delivery, and 200 !be Lard
at 163(, the letter lee future dellrery. LinerettChl de
chord to 75. aloleawor boo buoyant; 300 1.140 at 92140.28
cash, and tituo. Suter steady, 0000 ldula neldut6jl4 ,
( , 111,
1111.1 y. Money market unchanged.
Pato:us:watt, Ds, 23.—Flour anady; salty of ...non
.!!!ilro of ;!..:e. - %, awl kcket extra foil at $21,121 ._tor
end isooy lois range from 405,44/ to =7.20, 14: Ilya f our or
Corn Meal bore IA nothing doing; tbr '.:noel bete bold at
$.1.671,; und tho latte.r dr 1.3,..;.. WI. Al; 0n eopply to Is,
rt....F..1 the uonl0:1; eal, red to 51,L 1 4.01,2i,anu white
$1,3541 do. !Lye to anwly at bo foe lrob,/r4re, . 00 : 00 ( or
Penney:l.Di, 41,11: le ht.chnuge:l; eat, :Mg) haa, t o now
Yell.. at 71.::::70 awl 4.. q. al lt,;•‘. beats arwdulk. bus •
Petitbeta solo at .441,;. Whiskey in 'halted demaa . wiles
Pennsylvania at Cil r„ and Ohio at 254,4,.
HAITINOLL, Dec. 2.3.—Fleur doll. Wlieat steady . t $1,20
@1,4:1 (or .bite. Corn arm and adv.:aced le; red. whltoat
fititilii andyolloW at I.:,(&71. Provision, active. Whiskey
doll at 2,53:z.
_Eqptlac 55tramtrs. I'
Monongahela Elver 11. 8. Mall Pncketa.
alg a
044.4. J. O. WOODICI.. I 0441'. 04:01tall Ctin..:k.'
new running rogelarly. Illorrileg
L ltosta ltihre Pitt.
burgh at 8 o'clock A. it, and Evening Banta -01 8
o'clock P. 81. for 3.Pacomemt, FJParelblolnti 3111148-1.
bele Clly, Bollorerook, Payette City, Oreentleld, CallAaQa .
and Dratramlllo, there momectiog with Hooka azak Oma
for Iluloutomo, Fayette 8FM.6., ihntulll6.l4WayMabur r.
•Garmlchacltoten sad &donor,
Pmerugera ticketed through from Plttoberglini 11/nion.
town $2, meals and aratnrooms on brad haduklre,-
Banc xoturalug from Brownsville leave at 8 O'clock lb the
Tomb:wand 61u the arerdeg. For tanner Inknutf,,,, nu.
Tyro at the 014 Ice, Wharf Boa[, at the foot of• Grantatrovt.
t,,...k O,W. RIFINDLTN.ABIper.
(Cincinnati ) &(. • i .',
ra - dirvoystwAvi:zilitili -- -- ----- --."
....- did keermeamer POTOBIAC,CBPB.IIIII3/
mll Imre for the above .and all 4sttaveladLate,/ ^..
FRIDAY, 24th feet at 4 PAL. F.)1E11+4104 44,,ItItaaga M'',
on board or to PLACZ.BA_LtNetB teat -
--::-., - -
Routzbillt AT.
VIM L OUiSVIra. - L - -Theline , .
-E . 0 . 0 . 3 4.' FDA DEAN, Capt. Wenn; .
*ill leave for the above an , all Intermediate port, on
-14.8117RDASI the 2Btb lost.,at 4 o'clock P. jkl •Fre. lelattr •
" :Mt.' "PIY ''''
bc*rd lh7CßC, /I
______ KIM SSAr 6•0 ..14t .
___ •
LOUISVILLE--The splezt-- '.
• .
1., paswager picket LET WAIT..
....will limo for the 'star., arid all mar t 0.,.
a TI/L4 DAT,2I6 Wawa, at 10 -AL - M.4 'for •
FIAC.K,ItAILYX.YkeO. Apialii.
___....._._______ •
• jaaabnillt, tic ; - •
4. ..e , hinnosErc.ptrhi.aM li vn;
will - him' for tlet Ours wad all Intamedtate
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