. - attocellawolus. I ---- - ----------,-----;_--- ISIETED STATES , ..:. L FAuusAmpsi ruAilrosursoaLscs. ~, U 7 . T ug a n — dersitediitm . ngbeenappointedez- - - ' , aztor.Agents !beside of these celebrated BMW. VIILCiNIZEII COTTA PERCIIA , - I ... twum ,a by the original lamb" Eck T. FAIN. . - 1 3 33 --,' . ishimg * OD.. rropectlhfly Invite the attratkuk of the boa. r . milizNCl, ise.coninurdc,A o th AIIaINTIAARY 0 nAAIA'S , A IAA " 0 An IA Pe. 033.1./%7X3. AND 2-1.06 E - alba& Thar Stoles hos been sohJected to the E WINN CLIAILLES BIAGGI. TIM 04 all the priedgel •NeUroculs to the Vetted Etat. (dale Ag.. 10 for Wrote= Pennsylvania and porta of Ohio, lead Itesed, media etbry brio* of bushes' throughout'. Th &Ns and Sltryleid.) the neld„ sod their =dime accuracy and greet dorability we. 01[1100r them the reptAstion of being VIE STAND Ware-1101Mb No, 7 R Wood Street, AEV]7IO II Milos =ERE CAN EN NO APPEAL. • Ws We prepared to Bit or tor Mauler, Portahle. Da. PIT T SBUGII. matt, Rolling XIII, ITAL.Ccal,Fuliroul end Osnal Realm, ev This Belting is introduced to the.notice or Saill/ACTIMALYLIRIZA--: '. WSW it WNLLN, lilt requiring belting, es poserming bee wbkh Mtn fd No. 315 Lib4l/ Sir. "'" °G:,..,"'-'241,..,..,,:ne_w_.% Meer bran co mbined in any other, viz: bar its durability. gerig- ' ' ' - --- r• --. A n- Its nut behtaffeeted by on ordirtary beat, oil, wide, hot or cold eater or steam, may bo used to arty damp place, el. pealto the weather, and even muniug tbrobgb water without injury. Owners of Lumber Mille, klanufartnrcre. ideghluiete sod Agricultural Implement makers are mir ticuiar4 imited to examine it. The Perkins le • moat desirable article, Will mithcr stick nor melt, and will prove to all requiring it, the beet steam parklog ever used. It is mode it. attests of any thicknem, kr, .very part of the Bloom Regine and Roller.; oleo, all. MM. Loge, An. Also, Round rocking, for Of Ruder W. 1., Piet... and Stuffing Boxes—also, Round Belting of soy glee and length, all of which le warranted neither to suck nor no It lime el any time and thickneas for fire engines, storm orbet water. No trouble to keep in order, will not rot or mildew—will lard longer and resist a greater poseur° than any other. Abundant reference to thou ming the tame, both here and In the interior of Penturylvanis, States of New York, Now Jersey,Conureticut, blamichusette and elsewhere. On hood, 300 feet of 2% loch IS ply Butte Bertha Hoe. imitable for tenet glom or Main packets. noludly --- . _ . 1 i To SPORTSMEN—DuponCe Rifle Powder in no.l cadger., or smaller gunalliieig alnh Shut. Legg and Cape, for ale ralltANOrg, Finkllyt.irocery and Ten Si , " Federal Went; Allegheny. l se2l. ' ISON I VENISON 1 I—All kinds W ild Gorse, Dub Wilmer" Oysters, Ewing, Diet, Rutter, ode, rontred dotty and for ale al N 0.27 Aide it. soa) RIDDLE, WIRTS & ItURNING FLUID! BURNING FLUID! —A aaporlor at licla of Burning Finid MeLnuNctured sad kept coostaatly owbond and for anle low a, aolll JOS. FUMING, ror. Dtamood and Market MOREHEAD'S MAGNETIC I'LASTEIL -;-. ram 1. ooe - of Me mad valuable Plaatera nom in age tot paltuo—vismomallem, AitbninairplY received Ulla day by no3o for. Diamond and Markel at. GLYURRINX--50 lbs Price's Lnadrous for aids tow by ' B. L. retancirocK a co., aon No. Oa, corner Wood sod 4th Ma SAGIO.-I?pycsi for sale by u. 4(.-4ateasTOCE. a CO. deg ‘ mazer of Wend and Vint sieL S _ lIPERIOR CARBON OIL--A full supply of dnoCrl oOOcomtanilyon band at • JOS. FLFZIINGV, de4 . cordniDbEndud and 'Market et. SODA ABll-Jlt) ko forsalo by- D. VAIINENtOCK & CO., - do] No. GO, ow nor Wood and north oto • CLOVES -1000 lbsfor s.Olo by A A. 1A11NE. , 1 , " 8!(V. surocrWessl mut First a P. no ED 3OTThE WAX-200 lbs for sale b D. A. FAUNA - STOOK s ti.). earner Wool cud First 0.. B RITISH LUSTRE2S eases for solo 1 AA. FAiC7 ESTCCE a CO.. .m. 19 tomer Wood and Firnt etd 100 BBLS. MOLASSES; . 71:1 MI6. primp Sugar, now landiog, direct [tom New Orleans, for sal, .(11e.0 . 1 JAMES IiAROIN ER. SENEGA ROOT-300 lbs for sale by B. L.FAIINESTOCK & CO., No. CO corn. Wood and qtth ua —U " t-- sta,.a or , et B. A. FMTNESTOCE. & CO, dolt potter Wood •nd TIM ata. OPIUM -200 lbs for sale by D. A. FAIIII.BSTOCE ACO. dM corner Road and Firevedr....t T ANNER'S OIL-75 bblsfor sale by B. A.PAILNESTOCH • CO.. de{ corner Wood sad First strests. BBLS. MOLASSES; 40 IifIDS PRIME as 151:1"gt" to "'l"' k"''''''l' ll3lS3 GARDINER. ROSE PINK-5 bbls for sale by 11 A. IMINISCOCK & CO., no3o • owner Wood awl lint am GARRETT'S SCOTCH SNUFF-3: hi) for ndn ty B. L. FAITINESTOtH A CO, Ara N. GO. rumor Wood . na Fourth otrretn. _AbIPBLACIC-100 bbls for sale by L. VAIINESTOCH . de: No. CA, corner Wood and Fourth etreete. FAVORING EXTRACTS--20 Oro. Prey oo scbl Merrill'. for We by 11. A. FA lIYIBSTOC6 a CO., nen Coroor of AIWA sod Vint .trrets. BATAHBRICK-2500 for sale by FAIINESTOCK & disT . rover WOW aed Cirri btreet& BLACK LEAD CRUCIBLES—No. 10 to 3i0.40 for sate by IL A. FALINESTOCK A CO., corner Wood and Pint atreota. A PPLES-400 Lbls Missouri Green Apples jOILJOst received and for ode by de: lIITCRCUCR, 31eCREERV t CO. -7 'IU - a • UAWLS AND DRESS GOODS • it jA Ceeeriveilltii, day by 7 - C. HANSON LOVE, • 4,4 74 Markrt strcrt. BENZOIC ACID,—ISO ors for sale by . B. A. FAILNIZTOCK A CO.. A 0.7) ' teTll.l . Wood soil Lt am. BS! BAUSI 1-,10,000 2danchester an latkl2_2 3,112% b94,11.1g11 In gore and to ex- lie ft eels by IIITCMCK MoCIIKKRY k CO., mat 12`-' Sodond and 151 Front street. PINK' OT-21.10 lbs fur mile by D.L. VAIINESTCPCK aCO., non No.oocorner 4th and Wood am 50 BBLSWRLTEBEAN D S u kbl vi sale Lp IRS Liberty street. 20. 1113 LS CAMWO B OD for sale 11 oda - No. GO . co L ro l it Wood sod Fon.rtel:?:t I EANS--": 12. skn Small White; 3 bbls do Joseree'd oo regarrieurarattor me by 11.011 FAT DICKEY C CO, 13& Pooot street, near Reed. ~ f ..~.,~~ , . ~ % 4hL -:. CIORN MEAL---15 bblg. new.. freEll ;round Cornlll.l, tor We by 13.2 A Water etr.t. BuTTER-I 1 1,1 6. 1 „,,, rarinitrf"' . _.-• ' tons Chulask , urn n, ;in tini6t*f"s t Tgrinonk, DkCAKEICS t CO. FEATHERS --3 0 sacks now landing fro Walser Peso* and Tar sale by deT ISAIATI DICKEY L CO. A. DOZEN choice Slaughter Kips; "21 6 &am very.priata Calcutta Mpg Ved and for male by WM. WILHLNE.ON. COPYING PRESSES, COP - TING BOOKS, Brodie., Oil Paper, le., for ~. b W.S. WAVES, Aal : corner write nod 211 • . 40 I.IALF BARRELS MOLASSES; bbdhhdi ff. o.tmsr; for W. by Ant ILLIVIODCE, McCRECRY k 00. 1 00 BUS DRIED APPLES--`25 BBL E VDTLVWTRA 0 °- M 5 m "' L dis 3 : 1 ' i . :: :1:. 4 ., , , :I: „ l: •a 800K..57- On all the Hanks - and -NJ Broker., cm:at/wily' no hood or printed to order try • 1 W. S. HAVEN, Printer adll etationer. YSNISON, POULTRY, WI LI) GAME, dc. —.4 whole Deer, Wild Turkey, Duck; Clumeaute, Squirugue Riarbite, to . fur lisle by- - _ DIDDLV., WIRTi Jt W. ------__ 500 (MOSS W. S. lIAVEN'S NO. 1 PENA teat received acid furred , ' el Itie • ii;t.i - STATIONARY WARISHOUSIS, earner Mutat met Eineend at. ... __.-- -5 4 BBLS. GARRETT'S SCOTGII SNUFF b *ion .61 for sale by WM. BAUALEY, 19 giod Z 1 Wood •tre.t. ~" 4,5, . ..:;:•Z‘ 4 .1:: - )::••!-_ , :.!:,. w:> ..,-iT -:!,_:;• ''''''' , i:.4:i;::l:: :+i,kii.,il4 1 : 1!4‘,;;;; ; --ti k j k.1. ,- ."-!V,' 4 l (t!!' . 1•1'.0 1 - . 14: ;"'! .: N : .=7 : i : i*:: :1 , • : Z..1 4 .:A4Z-Sq.4Nl,' l'tik:iiiii4;:: - .'' •• 1.'4 , 4 re - . 1. 2 4 :":1, • :.': - ..7,.,.z tl.'•,_it CARDAMON SEED-leo lbs for sole L. /AIINISTOCK CO„ Nn. CO corner Wood and lth sta. 3 CASKS BLUE VITRIOL for sale by 0. L. FAILNISTOCII a Oa, no= 74e. al corner 4th and liVeM 137117CVANTED—The highest price pea _LI! is tub Cor Bye, by RIDDLY, WIRTCO, deft . No. ISt Libtrty pt. CI.IOOOLATE,.OOOOA AND BROMA—A • Coat:tat raptly ot Walter, 114vor t Co., always oo Wad sad torah by WM. BM:IU:Y. . . ....,,,, . Q.T. LOUIS FLOUR—Fagiu's -4 ace," the . _ S beet.floor mode Iti the U. S., far MO t, epee ltd. by .. . del ' I.IIIrOIIOOCK, /fret:NE/1Y a 00. _ - - SAGS. 8.10 COFFE.g, choice new crop, Ia iture tor rale. by WU. BAGALSY, IS end Wood N. . -TOMACt.-4_ca_tes fur sale by • J: . 1.:41 ,, , , Effr a. A. lAllNinit A 0 , ), tt , 'l, do% • comas( Woo 4 sod Aral OIL .~ r~ ; :;:w'~' . ~: BINE FLOUR -100 bias. ezirs Flour for Fate .by des REA r F0R51711,,, . B .lloohl CORN RRUSII-3ten intrila H. COLLINS. jaREASE in Ibis, kegri Lunt cans, for wag. NJII cons, bagel., h& IIYNRY ILOOLLINS. :5 - A _ lIPS. PAINE N. 0. SUGAR, for nal by . (414,6) bicHAltil • MUER. . lauxi-100 eke. recd and for sale by date Hama IL OCILLMA. -TVIISD APPLES-40 bus for sale by .0 20 • MINIM IL OrILLINA. Y ~ , .. , • wen sugsavE.oounic. - _T ----------- tfTTX.W—ZUps S9I . d Pac DA L gm_3_ ° fioNoaht4'aL" ratENSYr;—. inbcticriputtk& cjitiv,re2,;ll 1 1L?.itad for. e by del New Sugar, 1.0 B.'BIB 4,41,/imaale!nF,.,l.o2 CUDBEAR for sale by D. L. FAIINESTOCH ! CU, No. CO corner Rowl aod INurth 'AN VARNISIL-10 bias. fur salt; by FARNESTOUK k C 0... corogeol Wood sad First No 00 JIAIR-60 eacks in store and Po sa .17 r ISAIAH MOREY CO. AltD OI constantly on band and for sale by la Mi !PALM DICICZY 4! c 3. 100518-0 ton Tenn. Henry Clay i'c;ro3 to dot* ISAIATI IPICKIRY a fIEESE-50 hin of aw cutting Cheese kr We by del . pil It. DALZNLL & CO. RAN - BE l taigB-115bb/2 1!'A T TIVII'm. KIEL) APPLES—tut) bu forFird; by no2i DY,1117 ILOOLLINS • BANS-50 boa Small IVhito Beans read Walt by dea ILIOTRY EL OULLINS. H • • SB,--3.00 for no2o 2 bbls Fresh Roll this IrdrivelLdie by WVIERS-40 -Slicks on 'steamer Poland &CO. PAP&& - -white nna Brae. Broad _um .----3---AVEO,POTATLS--/Lt bias: tee tind f — r ate sit 16 Marty rt.: O twee] RIDDLA /1. RTA Coo. BACKS 'APP 'jai LES dor I / k) sad tor .04 , U-1 OARDIANY 4,4 i • n t rtrioNde ' mum II; APPLES--i°.4l]fo •Sale. (.1.41] '. 1 0 21 enri BUIS. N m BUSxO ILICA4IIIr.- Mmes.:a for fel* by .A ,CASK 8 • PRIM CODFIStI; MON. NAPO 111:0 We Or 1 00 B°2LES 611EINE received and tor . ttbsi ROMA wters/k CO. 15 bbla just recd an arm .145914 M. Pithsfflliintolus. GAS FROM ROBIN QR. 00 Waite VA.2 • I`SE FLUID .KIJITEICRLA.I.J. 'PILE EMU ILLUMINATING PROPER TIES of 03.1 from UMW and oleaginous rtibetancee bevy ilways made them a favorite material for the mono factureof lllrNnnOog Osa. filmy Oar Companies, me Roe In with eosUln order to supply their customers with a Su perior Qmailly of Ou. ROAN OIL I. retied, free from ell dram and sob. irtmees, And yields at once, Its BrillLmt Illuminating 0 as. The Vetter original coat of the append. too the mann fetters of cool ge. together with the attention and expense eoludeutly requirod,and the ilialculty,ll Oct impoesibility, of entirely separating the nnwholeaome, deleted.. mei °Renal. gases, pi.orittod Ia call, reoder the 00515 OIL APPARATUS cheaper and more draftable lu every way. &COATES. of 370 Broadway, Now York, has devoted hi. eutiro atteution td the remonfsetnreruni !Aloof Portable (las Apparatus, and he respectfully rolls the attention et the public to his present complete and efficient machine. Perfect mitietoctlon to the purchaser goer:mice.) is Co." 11..110. For farther informatiou addrus. S. COAT&R, 370 Broadway, Now York; frAhwilly or DAYII) 11. WILLIAMS. Prilaburgh, pa. ' ..I , J 11. 1 E S.— S 50 cheats Young llyeon Tea, r3l Bettye Gina, 50 cheats rasa Tea, IA boo. Superior Tobin., A.sett. , l, 100 bag. Rio Coffee. 50 bide. New Part flooring in 50 " Liege No. 3 Backend, 23 half blots. o • 5 drums Cal FM prime , 113.1.1 y. 100 bbls. Pall, NO ban W. R. Cheese, In store and for elle on reasonable lei ms by IYM. arcu rcnuoN. n 027 1103 Libor ty .trec t 5( K EUS SUP: CAIIII SOD A—N ew Castlo 5 cank• C. pprn • 2a on Oniph Morphia.. of Aeetlorghts: lb. Glycerine; 1 gran Ainandine—Lr happotl lU lb. lad Potaaok 20 bbl. Linseed Oil; In do Alcohol, to do Turpentine. •Itecelyed and for outs by W. SIAOKEOWN, Wholesale Dn./jets eng.ll No. ii Liberty stns., SERVIOABLE, ILELIABLE AND NEAT —rho popularity or the Pulent Cline Gun la attested by oil who nary them. They am prrf,ctly reliable, and re .tuble a /mat walking edict no accurately, that no one would sweet 11 to be anything el., molest, indeed, mil dimly assailant would endeavor ha moot it from it. owner. They area most logenions invention. Trice from tau to Ofloon dnllsrs. Wa will take pleasure In exhibiting these good.. CARTWItIOIIT A YOUNG, nol4 No.Bo Wood atm, , ASIHUNITION, &0., &C.— is dircotell to nor brilliant assortment of rtmarms, embracing slot Guns. Plat obi, and 'Leval, n,40 the moat celebrated Knellida,llermau and American manufacture. We are now offering a very superior article of (no - ranted) Stab and Tivirt Doable Ilarrelled atm f or 910. Thom who me to wont 41 anything lu theshape of o firearm, onoold cell at CA & YOUNO noLl N 0 SO Wood street. DIIALON'S PAPIIIAN LOTION, for re moving freckle* pimple., mad, nod illepoto mhos." and incipient iollommatfon, restores the olio to n state of purity mud softneas, improving and banotifyir.; the eons plosion, modeling tbo *Liu .11 sod Monogamyt. A fresh onggly loot received by JOS. VLESIINO, non corner Diamond and Market no er ONSTIPATION, DYSPEPSIA, Th_ esediatnnu tog ailuirnte hat . . been tied° errgtethy mudded by ruing the food — ha :dent," than by ell the drugging that has been practised. The Dralenta I. also tuanudatured Into I-rankers that may be kept fur lava They aoit the toot &diode atomised, The Eandenta fr,th and round and the cracker, may be had orthe thlateriber. mole .1. 1.. ttKAD, i 1 Fourth Strut, N- ST. GEORGES BANK COD FISH en- 1 nlackarri in bblit. Do do Picking/D.lmm to Ogre, Do do Mackerel Maine, DO du Mum do al Da 110 du BIM in LW Allo,extr* largo Roo Hearing aiftenivagg extra [l.ll mooted Linking, Halibut am! Sulmon, Jutt rectivegl and far axle at inmate family grocery and DM atggro, Pauleral •treat, Atlesbe.l. ura VENISON 1 VENISON !I—First of the rev. Just rec.Arerl; YLe ienuiq Purtthlgra,Squirrel• rftabblta, rrreb Oyster., Tartior,lckerA, Duct. .1 r r . mg. ... 1.17 RIDDLE, WIRTS -k (---X X EXTRA. FAMILY' FLOVIL.— ..-..i~iTJoo nr..l It. okl[T UlCll)..lr, -• 1114 Froutoarivt clear Wo.,d 200() ti I.l' BBLS. WIIITE FISH; 1.0 do Ileriloir. . " • • • .. _ J do No.) )ladeoral; do N 0.2 d.. 30 do No. 3 do It Moreland for safe by I n 0331 J.O. CANPIELD A C.). JOifPRINTING Eircuteil with promptuoi-ii iicrittar, th STEAM .10L' MINIM] OFFICE a IV. G. JOHNSTON& CO.:•: Wood .t. B APOZSIINTS S- 03 la l P e O an U e N xc D eOt X MARROW prepare growth and preeorratlou of the Hair, rompew..l uf ruffled Marrow and Us:Menai Oil, and cemtened with grateful perfumes, which promote the effectof dm room... Ohm— . eapply just reed by JOS. FL10112“1, null corner Diamond met Harlot IfrENNEIIDELL'S SUPERIOR sIIOM E v MADE Blanket/tried Flannel. alai, Fullerton't PIMA V.O.incla twat., with a complete .tack ot all kinds of Dram Clorala, Chau I. Cloak. Needle Work, lir. C. IIANnON I,olllll4.Slmket st, del between ith 111011/ the Diamond. TABU; OIL CLOTIIS--100 dozen of our own and other manufactures, of triparimaddiltty, beau. Idol Styles and color. wholerale and retail, at LW awl tiS Clids istreet. no 2/ J.l 11. PHILLIPS. vol EIIFUMERYI_PERFLISIERY!!—A large assortment of Lotrin's celabrme Perfumery reelsol Ibis day, Ow. • cmcraltionortatent of American Perla.", Them ' , titling anythloy ou this lice, stead/ call al JOE. YES:MI.O. .DLAISTER PARIS, UO!AN OIMENT. CIRGENT for Clidero, dc. GRIND ETONNi WITTE LIMB, at. 312 Liberty rtmet., limber Ali. eellitmd/tir T W: VV. WALLACE. TWO IsUSIIEL SEAMLESS BAGS FOR $2l per Ito G DAVID G. nennErm. FlDAbbigh Thig MAnnltetory, nor ror. Liberty An it Hand Ga. .• BUTTER -6 bbk prime Roll Bettor; Pt Remo, peeked L• lifts ito Jo: In store end for Rlar fett34l WATt k WILSON. P,4 (ALT DU tIUE3NE IN 1154.-51 moire of Rept,. Rohem Moto, ofAtmeltifgloin Regiment, .00 • Oen of fort IM Qom. 17W. f.owon hr . J. N. DAVIRON, no2l 41 Marge* otroet FRANKLIN ALMANAC FUR ot trcholt•eale 01" 0....105T0N, Potliatarm Prisatero, 1i0.L7 Wow, alt Ml. - . OAT. NIEAL AND I'EAILL BARLEY-2 WA, 11,1 a gruntol, kilo 4,1..4 11,1 blral /AM 2 Moho peelor Pf .1 I II A f 1,,, r..t.'.1 and t.a NO. , mt FILANCE'S, PA. •Tat stook, Alloglmoy. i/022 i 1 ile kCial EAT Pal iiiC-A largeid(A . fine I,PDOckorbool Mom, lo :nowt GO toOn4 socks Imo from Ent, ton mo'd omd far sal, t,, Witl rittuict, • no O Po , lorat olmot, Allreatoy : rut ANBERitIES.-15 bble Cranberries in ‘„, lame •04 for nlo 11 oolb lIITCICOCa MoOltitEllY A CO. -.. . . • G . • RL • • AYSLV DE S FRERICII TIIEUILEAT Rkbard Gnat Wbite'• new titoknwww.; U.lnn r EAellow Ilyeetw. •how anppliew of Wisalwww rw,%.ltwilay QJ mIIJOHN L. DAV 12.03. . IL • " YANCY—ItUIteII- 1 VIKM/ • MI. hales 101 l olopply ol Fancy end Hindi Silks rlialip. at rAirth east corner 4111 And Mai fie& 4trAeLifi FAIIIII,I F LOU it —Zoo 1,1,1 x Aurora City Millie; 100 Rol. It.rellton City 11411 A In otern •ntl for 4410 by n o t WIMP , Ift A ANJZR. .1 00 !LEAKS RATTINdPA PER JUST r...t •wt for Wit by W. B. HAVEN, Perr fivil or, comer fitaskrt and 24 otreAto. 4,4 Ut7l'Eit--1 6101 ilni. Frcsh 'labia I:slttor J—lt MAlvril and for wan et NA. MG 1.11/orty nolfi RIDDEN, WIRTZ • CO. FLOUR.-3001.4,1s.Vitmily — Flour to utt itt, , perr .Ida lit al . wtil for eat& t.l ow= _ II VTOllOOOl' MoCIRKI:RY it CO. __ DES.-150 fin , flint and 5O green salted, A 1 to arrive en.t fur lone by SPRENGER lINKRAIIOII k CO. A PPLKS-175 bblo. choice graftcd fruit— Rambo, Rarest, Golden lisioe. Itallowere. Le reed Mid tar de Y Ibs Liberty at wt [ITN 1 OD. T_TILUS FRANKLIN AGMANAU 1559. ..L.l.—sold wholesale or rebill by aci26 Wll. U. !WINSTON # 00. a== litAitLEY.-500 . bash. at low prices F 1n0w22) iluctiCOCK, IIeCIRIUCRY * CO. -- 'O:gUUAT-10 hit& prime new crop, N. jas wed owl for Nate Ln - ru;& TR 7: IMBLE, ------- 77777 BrZY. low superfine Flour for saTo 1 km.f. by [wen] lIITCIIOOOI{, McCREZRY A co. ICKORY NUTS-:3U bus recd and for [DINKY IL COLLIN& I 0(1 SACKS DRIED APPLES 'arriving ror we by 11.161 J. OARDNEK. nOTATOES 1 ,POTATOES 11-1,509 hue Ito snit. thlt dsy InICUIXCK. MCCR2MY O. * QTRUP-50,111316e Penna. and other brands 1,3 n ow 14 sane , an 4 kr mkt bT ATWELL. LIM PO. DYE FLOUR--45 ' " • atalEXOle bl ":WITANgkANJiILi. A libLs;•Plantation &Names arriving arid . JAS. UAUDINIZ leocrtaTor-pat bus Nelhannockm:soo dd 4.ltiearreedpidtbrioi,477,llAlNNllllLDaoo!, 111111.01CA1iY - .2.1.11313-0 A Law reed na and s a roon. ll A-A- 1411 gassniomiltzto liador 100 !BMpRI STNUTS ""catiu. ju ul f "10 .•1 1.A.X 04 ut, SEE ubai D— v, lo.l sa .a? !ti . recet .n_.m v wta...7l33., ..,.a.....02:: a. r. acraun a. =Man Pearl Steam Mill, ALLEGIIIMY CITY IL T. KENNEDY & BRO. WIICAT, RYE AND CORN 111-11CLIASEI ) FLOUR, CORN MEAL AND 1.16M1N V M ANUFAcTUKED AN DELIVERED, IS PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY. an:I0:1) , 1 Tame—CASU ry pAPER lIANOINOS 131123:12 SPRING. 'WALL P.A.P£M. now open for Inspectlcet and Sale. The latest styles of DINING ROOM, en uncu CEILING PAPA'S..? Many entirely now citnlgna far Fire Window Kbadm, Teston, Le. E. EDMUNDSON /I W. Leather, Hides and 011 9 1 11 E subscriber would solicit the attention or merchants and strangers visiting the city to his present virtcrivlcs stock of LEATIIKII, Ming VINSINOS, TANNERS' nod IJUIIRIER'S TOOLS, TANNER'S 011.. go which ho near. to tlto tradr nt tho to.rrnc niarLvt priors US solicits an 0.1011361. m of his stook. w. WILKINSON, 217 Liberty !Amos, Stucco Worker, JAMES OWENS, CORNER ELM AND IVYLIE NTRPRT.9, QTUCCO AND MASTIC WORKER kJ giver oftrtirodu attention to MI orders for Rork in ids lino, . , CENTRES tool ORNAMENT: , of all Maas forniehodt o bort notice. np21:10 FM A. nrrr. ... urcm ........ lIMILS. DILIPEE, BECK R SAYLES, Bankers and Brohera, 3 ne.l 5r nevem:hire Street, BOSTON. DB. S. give particular attention to the .1_1• min" of Inks Eharterlor, otttl aro pretotord to fornlott relioble jAfromntlon resysetlnsitbem. A monthly ,olow of tho Ftevk And Money 111. km, with gnotatlona atoll the e.orrents,lloll.4l will berm* to any whimsn deolomi. mtt0111..1.c..r riMIE F.‘VORITE MARE, used and an proc.l by ILaitroad Contractor; 11.14ge end Untorn Bbiblorn for Tarn rut. Warnmted of bent rinality awl for nt tOr very lowent market price, by LEKelld 110TOITINPON, No. Ilb !Woad M and 141. First at. PA Al' lIANGINGS--W. Y. MAR- A. SHALL d. CO. are now opealug new Paper Ileuaings In every et, le of Cloth, Hold, 6.510 and Plata Ilaleb. Beep. dial pantie in pieta flat., oak* and PolYcluvair. Door. the border., i,,tprt, Moan* stature, picture.. curtains, cll . - Cill4. Clpup glaztal god plain Wall Paper, to great /teen title+. of god.l dodo,. Como rod see, Be la No fl 7 Wool Apart 1 1 . SL1.itANUINUI I=l Mar 13+11. V1.r.0 ~J et pran1....1.0 dayla 17 J. D. BIATIIIiISS, 135 lAttlillos.l.l 4.14,10 pßomicE D) bblg. packed Butter tirkina do dt‘: 'Ol tm, Rag, o d.. Fla.—A; . . For yxl., 1., (u..:,) ALEXANDER KIM). stAltk A HAtiS-11.)0 oin Afore and for gni , . by DAVID C. HERBST, obi, er rner Liberty nail Hand etrevb.. BOSTON AND FARINA CRACK ERS.--.1 n mud for sale at FRANCr.i Or r 7 .11.1 T... lltorn,Fe•lerkbe.L. Allvglieny. NAVYOARUM.-200 bales best Nsvy Oalnort unhand sod bar sale by ccEl .111NES t COOLEY. RESIT.BUTTER-700 lbs. prime Roll rec'd and I, tale st 1 , 5 I.llnaty st. utZ3 NEW PIANOS FOR RENT—At $4 111 - 1,1 1... s per mouth. Ecarral ritl:l6.l at f. aud $3 per moat!. CIIAILLAYEIE ttLI. ME, no , 119 Wood.= door above Filth rt. BITTER-- kegs pricked Rutter; No I Lard: For gala by 81.111IVILlt A DILWORTH, owl 130 and I:12 Sonond at. LAIR AN I i IV Ynu Es Original Csira- B pciaidd Eynon of Phospbat..." Chsationi A..t. An nabel- .opyly Plat rentivad by JO. rLtlrma, corner Diamond and Mark. al. VANE GUNS, SEVEN .andSHOOTERS y . " - es.o CAI4.I,InI•ITY ••YOUNGII. Wtsat st /IRAN BEItRIES. C BAN FIER RI Bs--36 4,_) ma., chow, In arrive per P. P tlibbar4. P ash , - MetrithatiA" s Cale Eta IT2 Sre.4 and ISI hoot ateretY AGS ! BAG S !!-10,1100 Seamless Man i, cbrlgt , r and Stark )lill It bash and J on hand and for male by oral lIITCHCOGIN. MIIitEBRY A CO. 'TRACT OF LOG W OOD —Three hull o' -data cane.. for sale by B. A. PA lINKSTOCK. ock2 corner Wood and Lt stool. S YRUP -5 !Aids.. Golden Syrup just reedk..) and far tale. wholesale and retail. at PKANOICS Pam) rocery and 1%.a Ram Waderat at. Allegheny. only FIRE BRICK I FIRE BRICK I! FIRE EITLICH"'-11L Farago, Kittanning and Roelooter, for aaln In proltllr 1,1 nn A. A. HARDY. TA RTATic AcID-5001hs far Kau by U. A. VANN red No. 11) corner Wood and 411, oa. W . RITING PA lark lar mtipply at Pri cr.+, - isr •,, - .. 1 0 5 ,, i , • .... . ...--.. ettkety Inenting '. 7C/ 'Y'' B :IP 3EI P= I .A. , . i . Affections of the Liver ; Dro sy, Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Consumptiv 'Tendencies, Disonlered State drthe l oud, Soils, Sonny and tho'Prost tire Ef recta of Lead or M runry, General Debility, and all Diu . . 141 are ontletted, mngt nogg Igg recelv. I=l ' eases requiring a Tonic or Altera tire Medicine, is now be • nd question. Ti,,' proofs of ita ellicacy /we sonum vona, well anthem mod of ranch peculiar chnrac , that stiform can net reasonably hesitate to receive the proffered The Peruvian Nicol/ does not purees w boa enresill, but tie Tangs Is extensive, twee,w many diseases, apparentty unlike, are Intimately relat.l, snit proceeeding from nne mune, may he morsel by ono nxuedy. The class of Tll.eses ger which the Op - eP provides • ran tsprecisely that which has is/ often Genesi the highest °rem of medical skill. The W.I. are tangible, the with... are anconsible, and the eafety mid efficacy of the By rap !neon .. • Thyon who may wish fur en titan!un from dlnlntereetod penning rimpectuig the rhnrect.•r of the tlyrnp, amout Gail to be waled.' with the tllowing, among hurnerimn lestimo. Weis in the hands ul the agents. The eignetrrtm are three of grunion. well known in the ronmannity of hoetee, end of the hlgheet respectehility. The nodernigned hating einesieured the td.neOcial effect. of the t•Peruemu 8 Imp: . do not headed, to recoratoond it to 811.8VIT-La but Dom theislgh chgtructet ...leveed thorn, 1.1..1 loot , voloutr...ml 11, t.• it. r...t.nratlyr poorer. ' RPUINT. TIIVNIAt? C. ALUM!, .XTEtt, PCTER HART ET, AI. D.,- J 4 lIER O. DUNN, Rev. T. warrrmuorne It. c:nld tboa, oho lMlt tratfoloriy, a. K... ,1011 N Pal TIIMIAS A. D S. 11. KENDAI SAMUNL MALI 13112 It {e cell knew that Ms medichml elbel of Prot/mite of Into is loot by ore a bnof exp.:alum to alr, awl that to SIMIN• TAM a oulution of Protonic of Iron, or lthout farther °tido non, ha. lawn d Impemible. In the Penton. dyrup donrstle tollnt lo ottaltuel by 00111801.0101.111 • WAY 00.11* 1:1111110111; MLA ULlO•olution may replan , all flan prottecarbonalm, oltrote+, and tortratm of Mae Malaria Medic. A. A. DASDS, M. D., A stayer of the Mate of Moos.,Dstoth C.ll. A. Bold by N. la CLANK A CO., Proprietor., No. b %Paha atnot, &Con. Detailed by .111ln:wrists. DA CEO. 11. EMMEN, No. 140 Wont sheet, .lgn of Lb. Cloldall Mortar, Almost for Pittaborgh. apl2,lawbmP 111.1 -- t ):ALLOWI N G REM EDITS are 01:CU <44 c.oe pahllc al the hest, man perfect, which wed!. cal wt. can *Zuni. Arne CAT/1 iIITIO Pikes have born peva with the eirmost skill whit:lithe medical profoeskat of thla'ago paeans, awl their enacm show they have virtu. whlchin pienetly c =Memnon of niedichtesthithertoltoown. Other g t q pailltiell• We wont or lees good; hot Oils curve melt tannest,. el:atrial atg so nnick and so se rely. as le prove an odic., asd • power to uproot dhow. beyond any thing Bich meta halo known buktre. By removing the °lateen dons CI the Internal organs and etleoulatlng them Into healthy action, and renovate the hatutalos of life and vigor, —health starers anew through the body. and the nick men I. well angle. They ore adapted to disease, and Magog only, For when taken by on. In health they produce Mt lit tle edger. This Is the perteetion of welkin.. It Is mango- natio 41111..., and nomere. Tender children may hike them With Iropunlty. II they are sick they will core them, It they nth well they w 111 do them no burs Give them to goon retina who has teen penetrated with Whale Doman at freebie bentop, tottering tom straighten with nrrecth again; we hie long lost npretite atone. see ha eisnmy feature. blosown into health. Give them to gomeaufferor whose foul blood has burst out in scrofula till his skin I.