rithint,Orttt. TIIIIRSDAir ita viV 7 Dgq,:'.l'6;" 1868. Ml=ZZ=V:m= '~Y'`ericl NeygslteatY . -- A. 2211214 and Dopaiture of the Mails. atia4(tartott2aor) •,••,-• lotrista mem. n.r . Phlbtialphla,Nor iotit,llal-• • - 1 • 122,81 Wft. ' rll 210 A x Pbßatbipbia;NewYatk,Bat -' • X 12 am; ' W 8 ,484 / 7 4111 td_ 7171 - 1:a1 " 4,.4-,„ . 1212 toto' to.tßiatinuath P X 12 gin. 21110 %1Oidonall--- - ,a sr 1 • Ootom ladlartapolla,LoolotioNash. 71110 Ir.Lottobti • • • ' Toledo, Or-- - ay- 1 r x Buffalo, --. ,—.-4:10 it 12 alta. Ettattoovillo, Newark, 111;eling,—Znneip _TUX. II 12 tam wapmall to 1 0 1- tertline_ .. e x xin. Way-enidls diverging flan Zreidine.. p x 12 no., P.ol Xci•Ki ll •2lxXerirades Bend. un;ok elarktt ais Alley Valhi R. BPat 12 In'. C o oorikvillo, oloatotra, toi rid Pittab'S Cottatalatille lC 12 itro. Ilakortto n , Butler,Meroar:Wrodotio,to. 7rif 12 ma. glannentb•g, Waehinglon,2lrayensb . g, de. IPx 12 KID. ItrownsaUle, Ik•llettr000, Oookatotro, kr. rla M011044.1 a r it 12 Ea. Mena Tzxrraercise.—Obserrationi taken at Shaw'a Optician Btore,•No. /58 Fifth et., Deo. lith. • Hoc rnAos. 9 o'alaak, A. I 12 " —. . ... ..... ....... xir;lLtug Usto, Panne Maiturtchat Masonic Hall, Fifth street, commencing at 1i o'clock, A. M. All are cordially invited to attend. The exercises Tann' lOW be conducted by Rey. Wm. Frahm , Desecasvon or Cutrucnes.Lz . mentioning the outrage upon, the new IL E. Church, in finalesluwo, we did not stitle.olt the facts. . ' It appears that nuke user libierY had been giien to .tbe Wiedety and a book case for the books. The books were totally rained by tearing and by filth, lid the case damaged end defaced. Th e ladies of Birmingham had by their industry ' earned tite.money, Le buy the carpeti7kbout the.' pulplOildelt.wers•almotit. entirely ruined. Mrs. Wareitly bought the Bible for the church at an emphasise( .$22, but also -a finely bound hymn book which; cost $5. Theee are ruined.. We have no doubt that good will come out of this evil, and that the good citizens of firming. bam,'ofwhich there are plehty, will rally to the sesetteaf, theeeelety, and puait and the edifice in a better condition even than it was at first. Itli,painfuLto think of the depraelly s of that heart which co - uid stoop to so. devilish a depth as to do what we have to record with so tench pain.. - We Observe in one 'exchange pipers fre quently items about eleieue boys and young men is connection with shameful atria like the above, - 1 which make one blush for the himan race. Peel example; the Marini Liarifirery, of Monday, sayer %Soma thieving rascal entered the Baptist Church in this borotigh; a short time thee, and stole teem - the tiollectlon box one dollar laid fifty, cents in small change, that had been defected for Sunday Behoirl'pmposee." The Sunbury American, of last week; sayer • "Soma idle scamps lately endeavored to break up a meeting in the Methodist Church, in Sha. mokin, by throwing cayenne pepper in the 'teem7'lD ens the fellows reform, they will, in the end, exp oe s sensation more heating than red pepper." Errescre from minutes of a epecial meeting of the Pittebargh Gymnastic Association, held on Tuesday evening, Dec. 14th, 1858. , The Committee appointed - to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting; submit . tad Mite following, which were unanimously adopta Wheiess, It has pleased Divine Providence to take from our midst our esteemed and worthy fellow-member, Mr. John Layton, and while we bow with enbmiiisionto the will of the Supreme Ruler,. it is therefore li'esoked,'That we have heard with deep and heartfelt sorrow of thedenzise of oar late fellow me.mber; Mr. John Layton. Racieed.,- : That in his death we have lost one of one, moil valuable ,and energetic L membere, and •we bear testliaoni tolls many'noble and honolabli qualities of bead and heart, and shall cherish his memory 'as one whose nohility of IsSid endeared him to ne nil, Resolved, That we lender to his family our sheers sympathies and condoTements id this their awl bereavement. Romfeeil, That - the members of this Aerioeid- Son will attend his funeral, and that a' Dopy of these proceedings be sent:to hie family and pub lished lathe daily papers. • • ConimiDee—Robert L. Cohort, Jae. M'Oregar, John 'L. Awl, .Fral k k Van Gutter, Martha V. B. "tardier- Gb =Woe the - poweidum wan aimed and a meeting of Republicans of. the First Warding' -evening tostiggest candidates to be nominated on Saturday next, James M . : Kee, fsq., was call ed to the chair, and Leonard S. Johne, Esq., was chosen Secretary. The following gentlemen were named and nelented,43 candidates by the Solent Connoil—B. B. Sterling, David Fite simponn. • • Clositsca Conneil—Abram Fryer, James Rem, Joseph Ross, Richard 8. Darkheircer, James N. Kees. School Directors—William - Warden, W. B. Hunter, John F. Loy, John Dunlap, Wm. F. Richardson, John Grace*, Wm..Erans, James Nelson, Wm. Little. Constable—James aracei. , Judge of Electiona—Jaa. Inspeotor of Electians=Evan Evans. Assessors—Jacob Glosser, Caleb htuwel. Oa motion_of Mr. Johna, sated that of the gentlemen nominated for School Directors, those two having the highest number of votes be con sidered as nominated to serve years and those two having the next highest, for 2 years. - - -On tobitiou, Messrs. L. 8. Johns, John Bold and John Warden were selected to preside at the Ward election on Saturda - Y next. Oa motion of Mr. Oracey a committee of three were chosen to procure tickets, &edam on motion the meeting adjourned. . Eason COI9IECTID.—The Importance of the principle involved in the case of Hutchison etal. vs. Ledlie & Chun, demands that the decision by the District Court should be correctly published. We are informed on satisfactory authority that the Court did not decide, broadly, that one part ner could not, under any circumstaneees confess a judgment for a partnership debt so as to bind the partnership property. But they cfsi decide that one partner could not confess a judgment to bind snob partnership property, In contraven tion of the rights, of his co-partner, especially where snail judgment was intended to annul and avoid a previous arrangement of both partners with their creditors, respecting the debts In cluded in the judgment, and ere In one set of oreditors, to the exclusion of -.others, a prefer epee to whioh they were not entitled by the joint arrangement of both the partnere and the cred itor.. Dtirater Coorr..--Ployd vs. Wattage; snit for wagea. Verdict for plaintiff Di the Stun of $45. In the first trial of this ease-in Jai:nary, 1857, the verdict for plaintiff was $745.. Johnson Mayhew vs. Gee.' Hockenbury et al. Plaintiff mond to set aside and reasonedled. A. G. Coulter vs. Jacob Smith. Rale en de fendant to Show cause why the rule to choose arbitrators in-case Nov., 1868, should not be striottreoff. ' ' • Ju. P. Tennis. •nr. - lObn G. Miles and Michael Perry, executors of will of Dr. Peter Shoenber ger. Judgment set aside on the pound that the sameirsi entered binsistake. Borah Matti To. L. R. MoAboy. Case con lohnChug, for two of San? lie Lean, Jr. ri7John Brown. 041 fed. GLUT AUCTION BALL or A. Kormaa's EN- T/AC*OOC OF Dar Goons._ Fuss, CARPETS, Clo.4ll:kite.—liartog determined to quit the dry goods bosiness, and wishing to clot, up the same, u scion all possible, I now offer, from this dayforth; my entire stock of dry goods, eto. at !set ism; on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at private tale, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays sod liliiturdllBl, at , Itablie , austion: The goods are fresh and good • goods4and have all been pas eltaolood'at the wery......19011. price possible for cub, and comprisenretryartlak usually kept in a dry goods store.; The' fret auction will take place on Tuesday,' the 20th cast _ . - bet those wishing to purchase .ptititii tali can dos°, and g et gesde at nest cost dub% MO week; and on MondaYtt, Wednesdays - and Thursdays; after wasde, tillage w h o lestook Is sold; fa id be hocied That gaits a somber c f - memberimid frieudstof theYomig Mews Chris tian - Amoolatioa,go . over to Ilinstoghi l e. The delegation wlllleave the. rooms of the As sooistion, this, evealag at a quarter' after viz. The Meeting is to' be held to the hlethedist °bask miner of Ormsby and Birmiagham Bte. expected that the alit be large,e!nd ,• , . tiffa.; - Larroit's. - Foxaaaa.—.Mr..l47tow .wu biii*lrtneifiliki with willaki honors..' ne sprowtnent seedier of the Daquesoe' Orem *ad that company earned oat with full rolab add apyiespattled thatches of Ihetzte 'cotapotdon tWaraw la to the last tiding place. The taeadien of Coutatila lad *tads and nlatiree of the deleted also wads _ ,- *ra. Salem skriesaikenf says:Pittsbu r g h bee' leased the Iherliat Vest Moos; se East. aleattee;4ii this fOi AM term of mem years; and are about•• ecomenehtst the oraike at anon ioubusupsiaiiiitE*FspOity ftirfiritiossaatiogui prflur.7 7 • • 4 4 911 . 1 P01L= 7 / 1 . 5 altar ' 6- .ltrttattili73m!b - e g lr. - wltl.;ltowr: Temple" and "Prince." We *dour respects to the • distisgetished• "creaohnree" on board the boat, Where Ibund them 'quite retiring is their maniere and neat all inclined to eat a Swell. It la true they bad a distinct apartment 'and - their own servants to wait and tend upon them, bat although ncoleing distinguished at tention they were not at all puffed up. When they cameo* shore a large crowd was waiting to receive them, but theytook no notice what ever of the curious and anxious multitude. The morning was damp and the strangers Tere clad accordingly. They wore a thick, sof under milt with overalls of India Rubber, but were not whet...you might cell fashionably dressed. Flora Injure beat everything, in the contest at St. Louis and was victorious over "Reindeer" at just about the time Douglas won the tough race in Illinois, and yet, all you could get out of her yesterday, was a very quiet snort at the crowd, while Mr. Douglas has been suturing the whole 'country, at every port he visited going South, with his antics. What a good thing a sensible horse is any ways Fiera and her Prince took rooms at the late High Sheriff's public quarters (vulgarly called a stable,) where "every delicacy of the season" was nerved up in the "meet recherche etyle," •John being as is well known the most "acute" eatererin the city. The visi tors only staid long enough to wash and comb a little; then in due epeed and with becoming regard for the dignity -of their position, they left for Baltimore on the evening train. Stun crass Csratnarrnts.—ln addition to the two eplerulidenimaleab eve mentioned, two other Sigh-mettled celebrities lent the light of their countenances to illumine tho smoky otmonprefe of the city, to wit: the "Benniky Boy," as.he is named by a resident "character," and his amia ble tutor, Mr. Haaron Jones. They came on by rail„their last exploit having been on the bleak ehores_o_f Canada. Some of our readers may have Been a portrait of Mr. Heenan in the Pic torial Brother Jonatean in the shop windows. We have not enjoyed the pleasure of a sight at 'Mtn, but dare say It sold portrait is not like him now, it was when it was taken. These latter, unlike "Flora" and her "Prince," came heralded with what Mr. Lewis Campbell once called in Congress, "lampblack and rage," I. the newspapers. Last evening the lovers of the art Buie assembled in numbers, how great we are unable to say, at City Hall. As we posited there, at 8 o'clock, we beard shouts of applause, and were informed by boys who had climbed up into the windows and around the doors of the Market House, just opposite the scene of the then impending encounter, that they i. it. Heenan and liaaron, were goin' in; were "hittin' out ;" were "at each others mugs," etc., etc, We cannot any whether or not these two peripatetic perfoimers hed a paying house, but have no doubt thst the glory whieb encircles the croppedlair of the man who fought in Can ada but didn't win, was enough to bring him many dimes. ~-- Assautt.=-The Green County Republican, of Monday, gives the particulars of a terrible es 'null made by Isaac Pettit, on Tuesday week, upon a Mr. Abraham Huffman, both parties re siding some six or seven miles lowa of Waynes burg.. An old feud existed between the parties in reference to some land. Pettit invited Huff .man to his house, and there struck him a dread ful blow behind the ear with an axe-helve, which may prove fatal. The assailant then fled, but was arrested in Washington, taken back, and committed to jail. • . CII/110110 wins Pesionv.—Three gentlemen residing in blanehester, Allegheny county, who *ere witnesses in the trial of Frazier vs. Ander tniii,',relative to the erection o(a house in Dar lington, tried at our Court, were recently sued by defendant, on a charge of perjury, before Justice Smith, in Bridgewater, arrested, and held to bail for appearance at Court. The ground for this accusation appears to be that in their testimony they staled that the joists in the holies ran in a direction different from that In which they are really placed.—Dees, .4rirtm. Tine Washington Reporter gives the Preamble and Resolutions ad - Opteti by the Commissioners of that county on the 10th inst., and says "From these resolutions it will be sten that the Commissioners-have concluded to offer no farther resistance to the payment of the interest upon the bonds of the county - issued in favor of the Remplleld Railroad Company, and have so cordingly determined to levy a tax to meet the name, with the least possible (Way." • • Ranossis.-i-Mr. ;Linea Wilson, late of Wood street, hao reirroved his hat mon' to Federal et., Allegheny, oppodie ;he new bank, where he is prepared to ottdr to his old es:demerit a large a nd ee-0" 1 .14.....11:Cek • of hats, Caps, etc. Mr. Tuitfi l4 .k.omer, of Market rtroet, dealer in wall paper, iificting op 11r. Wilson's old stand, otrves neer Diamond olio, nnrl inionclo r ton, the new premises, in time for pxiansive stack of paper, . PArnino...--Thrtoesood num ber of .his e;cellentimidabiesViittical Publica: lion has been received and is for sale by Hunt & Miner. Price 10 cents. Its contents are a Itcdowa from Lo Prophet, by bleyerbeer; M 7 Childhood's Love, song, by F_Lotow; Thu Blue eyed Belle Waltz, by Burgmaller ; and the Travelers Evening Song, by Schubert—all first Tux lodide-4nm, fine robes and articles of gentlemen's wear to be sold this. morniog, at 10 o'clock, on the second floor of Davis' auction rooms, Fifth street, comprise the most attractive and valuable stock ever offered in this city at public sale, and is, perhaps, not surpassed by any in extensiveness, variety and elegance. La dies will ilnd comfortable chairs provided and foil opportunity for selection during the sale. Quics Wcusx.—Mr. John E. Zeigler, through mail agent between Philadelphia and Chicago, arrived at the former city on Monday morning, at 8 o'clock, with the mail which left Chicago on Friday evening, atCo•th —making the trip through in 138 hours an - d 7 - - minutes. This clearly shows the advantage possessed by this route over all . others connecting the East and West. Tug BSI! BOLT AFTALIIL—It is now stated, with What truth we cannot say, that the deck hand alleged to have been thrown overboard by the engineer of the Ben Bolt was a puddler named Howell Morgan, and that he formerly reeided in this city. The parties charged with the of ream will have a final bearing on Friday next, at ten o'clock. hiessns. KAT & CO. present to our readers, through oar columns this morning, a splendid collection of hooks of the most elegant style and finish, calculated for the holidays_ Give the an early call, as their stock In going off with the ti, greatest rapidity. Vennter.—We understand that the jury, in the cue, of young Arentrue, tried in the Cambria County Court for the murder of Beamish, req dared a verdict of guilty of manslaughter. - Tll6 Court of Quarter Sessions of Washington county, on the 13th inst., appointed Tbos Boyd, Esq., of Independence, County Surveyor, in place of J. Dl. Lindly, Esq., deceased. Tire new tire engine "Kittanning" arrived at that place on Monday, and was takcia,in charge :by the Fire Company organited for that purpone a short limo alone. Fon a seasonable and superior articlo of metes or boys' clothing, road — y made or ordered, buyers are directed to Carnaghan's, Federal street, Allegheny city. Finnerhite and fancy shirts, gloves, hosiery, under.vvear,All. for men and boys, may also be had at nramonabl• ra fts for cash. Tow lovers of good things can have their wants supplied at Bown's, Federal streek_Allegheny, they haying just received, direct from the East, a splen did assortment of Jellies, assorted preserves, fresh peaches, lobsters, green gages, .to., which they can sell at unusually low figures, having purchased them it the very lowest cash prices. They have also on hand a superior assortment of fresh thannfaetured donfectionery, comprising the choicest qualities, Which they will dispose of cheap for cash. Their friends arid patrons ere cordially invited to call, and they will be convinced it °rico that they cannot do better in either of the : • , - PA A ER THE 1311 EAT ' STRENGTHENER AND PAIN: DEBTIIOIISR. The bent and cheaper noise hol.llLansedy la the wezbl. Simple atrl plewaant la Ile ap: pllcatkra, certain and effectual to Ita result. A beautiful, nclentllle external curative, appllgable forthe relief of Pala at'anythne, In soy place,ln any part of the human rya, tem, and under all areal:W..lre. If Ica pot this Platter anywhere, It pain L. there„ the Plater w.lt ankh there Tul in the painzbee ...unshed. no Platter magnetize+ tho paha nosy, sad PAIN CANNOT EXIST WIIERE TIIIB PLASTER • IS APPLIED. Rheumatism, Lamaism% Stlilioeis, Debfilly, Ilerniusoouy' , Neossign, Tyspepals, Coughs, and Cada, Pains rod Ache. .olettsj hind. down nen to Conn, an irsreedialtly rslicrel ond„ with is Ilittlepstiesor,perwoontily eared, by the magi. rni I.a.licifiltbilllONSilo.PLAsraq. It is the GM. . Plug. olreet, astiSit; lanietnitest and cheapen remedy is enbitetens. Us" appllpltlon Is =teasel—a ouelli to the I "iliale, the &limb jraortigi,ind the teeblo bsbat.— ;TOeseli kid all It .111 goon a Cahn Osulla Bleodng. Mott ostoothle, sad without anneyanns or *nimble. It. prk• le within the nosh of sdbrYielibr poor; 412 a/ bate It wbo ore slob and suffering In anieray. . WAN IRS should bi stony. supplied with Ibis luta** hie POSER. 'lt will be the Good Phroteltn to 'o7 hoosehad, ends .lA II 1 4. 368 . 2 .4 alnico' notice. • - Pat up to airtight tin boxes. roil bets otll inks six to eight pleating, sod soy stint tau epresd them. Pik* ,25 coots s boy, I) . oth - full so:lomin &action& D.O. ItOciLIEUI &111. . Lttentor std tbstpitdes'•l9 Wale* as New York MOICYADISIIAGIUMCIPLABTER L laid by ill &ag ed' la stoiyeity,tointobil SWAP of Ike WnWod Ram omfsillti. _ • ,274V,1! sotto* The 'wonderful eraccese which the family me:Mines, prepaid by D. L. Fahneetock t Co. hare tart with, may Indere others to Imitate and counterfeit them-- /Catmint° well the labels and wrapper', when par.:bash% either B L. Pahneatocre VorzuMute or Wilson'. Headache Ms, nod reoeire the medicine, prepared by the above Orin and no other. It 1,, PAIINESTOCII k CO, Wh01e... 1 . 1 "k gide, No 6CI, corner Wood and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. deli-o.lle/ K. DICKINSON'S 31,10NETO-FeLICTRIC MA etaltl3.—Princiial &pa .f or the cafe of this Carina/led Medical Attriliary.—la entoniitina thlv machine to a dfie abninatiny, public, no eryamee has been eparrd in its mann. factutv to render it perfect In every esenntiel particular, to order to keep pace with the sondet fel improver:kite tithe t rem or, and place it foremost Oils branch of Am em hfan nfactnre. NO FAMILY PITOIILD DC WITHOUT ONK— Retail Price $lO. • It f. admirably adapt.' to prevent and core orory from ditonso, nob as Coaromptlon, Scrofula, Palsies, Moon.. Mom, Pyrpoipais, all foronof Playeical and Mootal.Prootrto Mon and Zierrorm Dlunara. One grand feature of thle Appentee be that it I, alwaye ready for nee, the power being obtained from a Permanent Magnet, no Acids or other ingredlentsbeing regutred Sold, wholesale and retell, by DR. GEO. D. KEYSER, oe-S:LIEI.T Wholex;le DratElet, 140 Wood et., Eitenb.g. $l,OOO REWARD for any Medicine that will excel PRATT & BUTGREWB MAGIC OIL, the only Indian Remedy now sold for Rhetonarrn, Neuralgia, Headache, Tbothacke, Ads in the Ride or Sub, tfprains, Renfro. Sore Throat, Risme, Ondronted Cords and Muselee; the on , reg stable .mody disoevered that will act upon thorn ana her disjoint. Thousands of persona bate heon rend of these compladots by this new disoovery. All are invited to give it • trial. Principal ogles MO Washington street, Brooklyn, N.Y. For intle by Dll. GRO. R. KEYBIR, No 140 Wood etre., andJ. P.FIAMIING, Allegheny. Elgnatore of Pratt A Butcher on the wrapper, and nen. blown In the boffin. apUblawr I ONE of the must pleasing, lit the same time ofre , eilve retnedlee Dmpepsla, 'mut all other dimmed arising from a morbid:condition of the Stomach and Liver, Is Dr. llcatetteta Di n ers It not only ramose* the disease Dom the ayatem, but by gg to. to owns of dam e., olds them bathe° Sanctions All who have in led!! ae knoulsd. its Nacelle°. and atopotiority, and we therefore commend It to the ma'am'. Dr. llostattarle IMP°. all took to too well known to neod praise. it is therefore mem.. at this time to do mom than direct attention to this preparation, van. Is certainly unequalled by any be , fore the public, tetlafied as we are that Its wideeptmd rep. citation must prove aultaletat to satisfy all of its excellence as • • relief and remedy tor all dims. of the stomach. Sold by drticglate and doalera generally, everywhere, and by 110.31 . 6111 at A SIIITU, mmufacturem and proprietors SS Water and AS trout sm. dellutkorT GALVANIC ISATTERT, OR FiLECTRO MAGNETIC for Medical mirpram, of a very impeder kind will Mimed (me of I..rprem charms, answerer stir Newer rem, open a remittance of Ton Duller*. AMlrese Dr. GEO K. KRVSEIL N 0.140 Wiled ea. Pitteberah. Pe. eiteelawl RAIL ROAD SPIKE COMPANY. Joteph Dilwort h.... ........_.DI W. 0. Bidwell. (Summon to Porter, Rolfe tt Swret.) .I.IIII,CIVItILS Lr RAIL ROAD SPIKES, CHAIRS AND BOAT SPIKES. PITTSBURG'S, PRN N'A B==:2tnea House, Sign and Ornamental I. iiint•rii, AND GRAINER:I; D 1,11.111 In Whit,. Load and Zino Paints. Also, klDd. of 1 1 41uto, Oils, V0r141104, Wlodo. 4114" P. 1 117. Urn.hot, to., 141 .111.0e1 /tired. boo door. 441 , 0. l'ifyin 44r114.1ydre TAPIOCA --A fine article, for sale low at 4,1RF.Y111111 . 11. N. tie '1 . 4.0t141. txlll,l4wT ARROW BOOT —A line quality, fur pale nt DR. RRYSEIL'S Drug 14.-4., 110 WoNI at. ocW:Jelar Fa - TEA BRANDY—A s mall quantity for Rale at KRY9RB I I,I4 O Wand at. SMOULDER BRACES—A large a , sortment at DR. KEYSER'S, No. 110 ot oe2:l,4lfrerT lIERNIA 011. RE REHR. CL'RED—BT. OCO. Kelm,. of tio Wood h....very lint of TRUSSES for O. rellef awl ray. or Ronal.. or .Roplum. 0c2.-blikerT ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS Or every kind St Da KEYSER'S. No. LW Wool at or.Z-.IAmT OLD RTE IA ISEET-4 have some of suite raw quality. OF:O. R. KRYSKR, 0c1.3:4Am9' No. 110 Wood ortrt Olt 18 5 8 H IGHEST PREMIUMS nAVE 4E FN AWARDED TO wipprant & wu.sozws SEWING MACHINEN, OVER ALL courrrinoN, BY TOE PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR VIRGINIA STATE FAIR INDIANA STATE FATE 01110 STATE PALE lOWA STATE. FAIR li'i . i: . ' iiiti,;';' DAUPHIN COUNTY FAIR, WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR TilF FIRST PREMIUM Has been un.imoully awarded to WHEELER & WILSON as "BEST FOR FA.WILY USE." This c.cmhineci tcatimony i 9 fay conclusive that Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Initial's Aso the very heat manufactured on actuunt of 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed. 2. Economy orthread. • 3. Simplicity and thoroughness Of construc tion. 4. Portability, ease of,operation and man 5. Speed. G. Quietness IS movement. 7. Strength, firuiness and durability o seam that will not rip or ravel. 9. Applicability to a variety of purposes and materials. 9. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. These machine! arc now offered nt greatly REDUCED RATES. v RUMS. R. REDD, Agent, ocl8:tf No. Oi( FIFTH STREET. I=l Damasks, Diapers, &a. CiONSUISIEHS OF RICHARDSON'S LIN ENe, and thom &skew. or obtatolog the GENUINE GOODS, eleaild me that the article. they puteleese toe nettl ed with the fell name or the arm, SIG ristisoN, SONS rf OIMEN, us a guarantee of the soundness and &debility of the Ouods Than =Mon Is reordered essentially *woman as large quautitlem of interim and defective Linens are prepared, swum after twaeon atA sealed with the name of RICUMIN SON, by lash Moses, who regardleis of the lojery t.hos indicted alike on the American consumer and tho manta, toren of the genet. Clop* will not readily abandon a Inuineen so prolltaLle, whilopurchaeors can ho Imposed ou with yowls of • worthlom charetter. J. 13ULLOCAN di .7. B. LOCKR, ge7:lydis Agents, 343 Church areal., Now York. . . DURCLIFIELD a CO., (sucoes.r.i to Altar phy & Ilnrchbeld) ere now receiving daily from N. Vi k and Philadelphia, new purchase. of Goods of ration kinds. Will open tieday bhewls and other mdida. IL 1 ing mar determination JO seU every Arlleir al lowest poled We price. Purchasers will find It to their advantage 1. look at our good. before making their selectiotu. & 00, nelfkilaw? at North...eat corner lib and Market SUPERIOR CUTLERY.—Attention is di meted to the Splendid mortment on our Weir.. of Pocketholtea Carrinkractires and Forks, Dinner and Tea Hulse+, HamraMama Dental Inditiroonta 'lllechenicor tools, tr. In Pocket4miree In ;particular, nor stock Is not equaled by any eatablistanent In this city. Every maker of prominence In the world Is represented. 0053 OAIPIWRIG IPS a VOTING. 86 Wood et. DRY FRUIT- -- 20 rocks Ury Apple's 2 do Unposind Prosbog 1 bbl Pelted Pearbos. To mire on Wainer IN.;sod, far sate by tied ISAIAH DICYMY • 00 EW CROP_ SUGAR AM) MOLASSES -7 - 216.Wd0. .prlmo quality: 45 bild4.Bovar, do din 14 .. 114 8 P 44 Woomera Denmark and Dloloand. for Wu Id de7 WU. BAGALBY, 18 and 'XI Wood stmt. DRY APPLES AND PEACHES -20 Bop Applow, 8 do Pooches; 1 tdd do Now landiog from steamer for We by ISAIAH DICKILY A CO. - R ILL PAPER—Super Bill Paper, long and haul, Blot .4 M, :. doge nod wide ruled. FIT W. 0.-.70111 , 18T0N k CO., do 7 Paw Maim, 57 Wood Street. XTRA LEAF,. LARD, Put up In fitting and pall., MR FAMILY III6E. Yor wxle by .dollard GEO. W. JAOKSON, N 9.12 fourth greet, nem' Marty. GREEN APPLES-100 bble. choice Green del Appiee to awl. per steamer Cambridge for sale by REA if FONSTIII,I3 Water at. D RIED FRDIT-25 bogs Dry Appl; 2 big.. do du lb bags . do Paarlve. To mice per steatow Cambridge for sale by dell fIEA ronortn. faERMAN CIOARK-25;000 Curioai• vt ea.; • superior mak* InlOth boxes, at No Per box, for ashmt 711.1210:67., Tatleral Allegbooy. - - - - - 111 Ft t A euperzor Artie Mims 'Foot Oil tonittantly onlaod as deo , . ,JO3. FLEMING. KEEN APPLES.--2 bb a..zeo'd and for .b t o , ago RIMY IL DOLLING IMMIX Ilt(D1-60 tons fornslicZsa ..:.,.,.,,~' _',Ali 11-O.IIKAP , CONGILEIMIIOIIfdir. Wissouraion Dec . 11. House.—Mr. Comins, of Massachusetts, gave no tice of his intention to introduce a bill to modify the tariff law, and impose Specific duties on Iron, and other articles to which that principle can be applied.. Mr. Bowie, of Md., introduced a joint resolution, to be passed with a view to obtain a modification or reduction of the ditty on - American tobacco by for eign Governments. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture. The consideration of the Marone impeachment case was resumed. Mr. Houston, of Alabama, sail that the resolution heretofore reported from a portion of the Judiciary Committee that Judge fWatrous ought to be peached did not pass upon the guilt or innocence of the accused. That was tbr the Senate, the only com petent court, to diraidelha question. Be argued that an offence mustncif necessarily be Inch as is in dictable at law in order to bean impeachment, and cited, in support of his argument, the case of Judge ;Pickering, who was dismissed from his office, the charges against him being drunkenness on the bench. The resolution pending was inlayer of iMposehment, for which the Route, by 1.11 against 92, adopted a substitute that the testimony. taken before the Judi ciary Committee in the case of {patrons is insufficient to justify preferring articlees of impeachment against him for high crimes arid misdemeanors. The resolution, as thus amended, was then agreed to by a vote of 113 yeas against 88 Mr. Boyce, of S. C., called up the report of the Committee on Elections at the last session, setting forth that, in consequence of the tumult, riots, intim idations and injastice at the election held in Novem ber, 1857, in the 3d Congressional District of Mary land, the said election was an unfair one, and should, therefore, be declared void, and the Speaker be re quested to notify the Governor of Maryland of tho fact. Mr. Boyce offered a resolution admitting Mr-Whyte, who contests the right of Mr. Harris to I/I'lfeet, to the floor of ;he House during the consideration of the subject, with the right to speak. Pending the consideration of the resolution, the House adjourned. SENATZ.—Various memorials were presented or bat little importance, with the exception of one from the Convention of Iron Masters, which met In Phil adelphia, Dee. 20th, 1049, which Senator Cameron, of Pa., addressed the Semite, chewing by the tables prepared by the Secretary of Treasury that advs. lorem duties on iron Is alike opposed to the interest of government and the consumers of foreign iron and steel. The Senate declined to call up Mr. Clieg.. man's resolution for the abrogation of the Clayton Rohrer treaty, by a vote of 29 nays to 25 yeas. A fter an ineffectual attempt to take up the PACifie I Railroad Bill, the vote being 29 yeas to 29 nays, the Senate went into executive session, but will probably resume public proceedings. After an extwmtiveWession of three hears the doors were re-opened and the Senate adjourned. WA onleceroN CITY, Dec. 15.—Mr. Cameron, of Pa., in his speech In the Donato to-day on the occasion of presenting the memorial of the Convention of Iron Masters, demonstrated bis position, from elstiorate nannies, that the iron manufacturor gives an impe tus to our agrienitaral and commercial interests. The manufacture of a thousand tons of pig iron employs 70 men, or with their families supports 350 persona, earning annually 21,000. The present mennfacture of a million of tons represents {minions and varied agricultural, commercial and finenEitd interest'. De quoted certlficatee from Philadelphia and Boston ma chinists, allowing that the low price of foreign iron is not advantageous, to their business, which is better when all branches of industry are active. The prices of British iron fluctuate greatly; for instance, the quotation. for pig iron at Glasgow have (Wonsan,' from $3O to $lOO, and for bar iron from $O9l to In. flow, then, ran we justify a system of dutt,,, h i ch Is liable to such fluctuations and rsc.l,o,,,j r .t y j Be- Tides, advalosoulduties induCro '„e import of inferior iron, which has been the cans of accidents on rail roads, Amer,aring frac: 15 to 70 per centum, while good . 6 . l can wean only one per cent. Mr. Came ron Cow Do remedy but the ostablishment of a specific An advalorem duty of 30 per centaur on the average New York market price for the pan five I yftr.. gives $9 90 per ton. Iron masters will be content with a specific duty of $9 per ton for bar iron, The memorial presented by Mr. "Cameron was ordered tame printed. The Vice President has appointed Jefferson Doris, of Miss., on the Senate Printing Committee, in place of Mr. Clingman, who hat resigned the poet. The SCOW, in executive session disposed of mach trtiiness to-day. The appointment of C. N. Pine editor of the Chicago Herald, was confied as I. S. Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois. All th e Illinois appointments . which were made during the recess of Congrees were confirmed without oppo sition, together with the appointments made in the other States. The treaties with China and Japan were ratified. The appointment of the lion. William Preston as Minister to Spain; Oen. Ward, of Georgia, an Minister to China; and Hen. J. Glancy Jones, as Minister to Austria, were also confirmed. On the confirmation of the last named appointment there was a party division in the vote. It is stated that the Ron. James If. Clay, itepre• sentativo in Congress from the FM district of Ken tucky, has written a letter declining to belt candidate for tet.election WASZINGToac City, Dee,. 15.—There ie n o w mat h lees apprehension of trouble with Great Britain than was anticipated when the Ita was first re ,eehri -reseweetingAinv twertiit'eviarti issostlesethal sending to Congress a Wee ifeetaaare n tilp not well feeinded. The administration boa call • dee ennead- • putt friturit eay that its setters.vrillkediatcheo„ meet the -reasonable expertatitees erthe The eorrespondence called for by the runlntien of the Committee of Foreign Affairs was rent to the lions. to-day, end will be presented to-morrow, an- ; til which time it will not he accessible. It is known, however, from the dispatches of Com. Mclntosh, that after the steamer Washington was boarded by the British officers, he demanded an explanation, when Capt. Oldham disclaimed any intention to exercise the right of march, saying that ho had merely board. ed the Washington to get. the new., end after it was known that an English government officer was among the passengers; in other words, they had merely made the usual friendly visit, the same as our officers make to British vessels. Sir William Gore Galley and his secretary explained the latter pretty muck the same ray. The promi nent fact occurs, however, in the eorrespondence, that Great Britain exorcises a pmteeterate over the Mosquito Kingdom. Sir Gore Ouley'a secretary said that Great Britain had abandoned the right of search, and that, therefore, the visit was nut made under it. It is further elated that a meeting was held at Greytown, when the inhabitants resolved that they would maintain their independence, and applied to Sir 'William Gore Galley to usist them in so doing. Ile informed them that the proposition should receive due consideration in the proper quar ter, and that justice should bo done to all parties. Cote. Mclntosh thinks the explanation of the British visit to the Washington satisfactory, frank and fair. The fleet Surgeon reports the health of the Com modore, such, that he should no longer remain on the station. New Yong, Doe. 15.—The Times' Wathington correspondent says that the Secretary of War hes been called on for the estimated force necessary to garrison the military posts In Mexico, according to the recommendations of the Massage. The Military Committee of the House will refuse to report the hinter the increase of the Army. The Judiciary Committee will shortly report a bill amending the neutrality laws, and removing hind rances to commerce. The House Committee on Foreign Relations hare agreed unanimously to report a resolution of inquiry relative to the visit of the British officers of the Val- Drone to the steamer Washington. It asks for infor mation which may ho received in future. The !louse Committee on Territories met yesterday, when Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, naked for authority to report the bill for the admission of Oregon, with a recommendation that it pus. It is opposed by the Republicans, who may they are unwilling to admit Oregon with a population of but 40,000, while Kan sas 6 refused admittance with a population of 00,000.. The vote stood four in favor of, and four against re porting. So the motion was lost. Tho Committee adjourned to Wednesday, when another report is ex pected. It is now understood that Zollicoffer, wbo was absent, will rote against Stephen's propoaltion. Gen. Soott sailed for Charleston, Mitt ►Rernoon, on board the steamer Marion. Sr. luvis Dec. 15 .—Leavenworth dates to the 12th have bo on received. The Timm hat advices from tho Kansas gold mile. to the Bth of November. Mining operations were generally suspended. The number of persons at the mines ready to commence oAerations in tho spring are estimated at thousands. Ellemmiegray Co. ' bunters of this city, yesterday made a shipment of the dust to New York. River still falling and clear of lee. No news front the upper streams. Weather dear. • CINCINNATI, Dec. 15.—Tho 'learn:we ktoetA inches in the last 24'hours, and Is still rising rapidly, and there is now 32. feat 7 inches In the channel. It rained easy hard up to 2 o'clock thin morning. It is now cloudy and cooler. Mercury 55°. Borrox, Mass:, Dec. 15.—Tho Royal mail MAlAM ship:Eatope Nailed at half-past ono o'clock, this af ternoon, for Liverpool, vim lialifax;with 830,000 10 specie. Sauey:tax, Dec. 15.—n o'clock P. ..If.—The tele graph line is down between Truro and Halifax. Thom were no signs of the steamship Arabia, at Halifax, at the lart advice' reoelred this afternoon. Louislnce, Dee. 18.—Tho river is rising rapidly, with 11 feet on the falls. The weather is cloudy. Thermometer 30°. COAL OIL AND BURNING FLUID—A vigry imnerlor article of Cool On and horning Fluid comiently h.nd JUS.FLISMING'd d. 13 mrnet of the Diamond and Marl LANK BOOKS—AII kinds on band and m.d. 10 ardor M abort optic* by W. 0. JOHNSTON & p.p.. Deems, 57 Wald stmt. LAHD OIL-10 bbla on steamer /Modem tor, to arrive, for We by ISAIAII DICKEY / W. C - '® bbls forma° by N." wag nurna U COLLINS FLAXSESL OIL-10 bid& reel this day fdr nate try dela .108. MUM. LARD 011.—A supply of winter at:l%hr Lard OH Jost rood b 7 rostra ryniduia DRY PRACURS--12 Backs nowThr Hale by 111111TVER Ji DlMulttlf, - putitp . ISTONE—D) bble.!o , r Hale . by IOSE PlNK—Thuoirr-3 bble. for sale by &I& IL L. riururoo; 00. • TRY APPLES--25 bus. this day Tied an r.t. by dab 1:1211111 IL COLLIN& ; Lei... 4 44P - 4NET.I 2 FIVN hic. • o mercial. ' 00 I. I 4 .71 '• 4.1 . • Isuur DICKS; T. P 4 B. P. Joxesaulisokus, Jr , D. W Quo, J. B.Coecturs. pITTIMULtoII I Rep.lrfal 4etialisr for the .P24oibirrg4 Prrninitons, Trithaskr, 113 c. 16, 1838. ' PCOUR—the market remains unchanged ; sake from store of 900 bbla In lots at $5,00 for super, 15,m5A5 for extra, $5.50 for family do, angi.,5.5,512 for white wheat do Off.All2—a steady detaand'for Oats, and light ripply at 5'4 , 9 from Drat hands; Corn Is &Isola regular request at 76000. Email mains of Hy° from wagon at 75 and Barley at 665370 for prime Spring mid Pall. OROCX.IIII2B--aales to city Undo of Sugar at 7@11.;' and Molasses at 38: the in qtdry I. not active. FRUIT—Is safe on et - rival of 49 bus Dried Poulin, guar. ters, at $3,1.2 and 1.0 boll Apples from store at $2,50. Corn. berries, 11 Las at ;12. ASIIES—a sale or 2 rd.. Pets at SS, cools. OLIZESPe—saI. of 117 bon choice at 9 and ID Jost 9!..1. DEANS—sales of 31and 04 hos prim; anion white from stars at 11,60. PCYTATOPS—demand loss active; sales from store 202 hos Reds at 85. ONIONS--ealee of 5 blots at $3,2511 bill. 110119-3 ludo of 125 head Ilre at 0, gross. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. The Tribune Dollen, the fart that " a het wax nmdo lip on Friday to take a ...is. of a million of Treasury ontes at par—the notes bearing 4% cent. intern.d. The Secretary will probably accept the bid, hailed Invited the proposal. The market for Treasury notes hie been rather morn artier within a day or two put: We notice sales of bonnesaq.noo yeetanily and to-day, at par for 4%7 cents, and 1-10 . 14 cent premium for 4 3 A Ti route. The Government Loan It In fair demand at 4% prem.: the coking price 1. 4!...; prem." The statement of flank averages shown a regular maul of of those imtitutiod• during the week. The expansion of loan. couttnues, allugh to moderate extant, and has grown, probably oat of imounts for Southern and Interior lots bank.. The lo in the pede line It about what was anti cipated. The heavy foreign shipment of Eaturday did not count la the average and the California receipt went la nnly to-day. Th e decremo of net deposit. Ls somewhat unexpect ed, atid is not recotelleable with tho other Domes of the atatument, which Indicate about an even movement of de posits. The fallowing Is a comparative statement of the condition Df the Now York Banks for the wnele ending Dm. 4 and er. 11 Dec. 4. Dec. 11. Loans $110,333,821 $152:1.20,115) lOc . $ 181,605 Specie. 27,407,7= 27.195,522 Doc. 212,3115. Circulation 7,937,517 7,750,156 Dec. 60,351 Depoitita. 89,511,Z0 88,901,900 Dee. 559.2nY —IN. Y. Trib. P01L1.1.3.111 . 1 earn.. Halm, Dec. 13,1958.-The receipt. of Calf* this week amount to nearly 1,300 head, all of which have found purcbmen at en advance of 2.5 to 50 eta. *lOO lbs. Over the dat ruling rates of last week. I , ..tra quality mol Wardell '. ATOM. Drove Yard at $lO 1.1 100 Alto—the highest rate realised for many week. put, and from premlit Indications, it I. likely that full pricey will he obtained dur lag the whole of the coming winter. anthr—the offering. 01 Sheep amounted to 4,000:be.d. no oles were effected at from $3.,*-15.6 * head, eq.] to about did° m, dremed. The market has been very brisk,' and prlcee have advanced. 11000—the arrivals et Phillip.. Union Drove Yard amount' to 4,134 brad, which cold at from $(4.... 0. 7,75 100 Of, accord lag to quality. Cultmarton Rice 1114.33 r, Dec_ 10.—We have again to reporta very good demand throzeghont the week, sufficient o,,aluorb the whole of the receipt., which moonlit to 4510 tierce; and et emy firm prima, fully yustnining the nil. mum quoted tut week. The transactions have been made at prima ranging try. s2.V„to 5,3%, the bulk, however, bey _ in* changed - bends at $74.1,45ffi14 ti 100, for good and fan quality. We renew oar quotation. of last week, to which we refer for nigh% rate.. It will bo men that the extreme rata paid this week le not eo high as hut week . .. extreme, but title ts for the mama that no they prime or choice quali ties were among the receipts of week just ended. Import. by River. I,IOIIONGIAELA NAVIGATION CLL—I bblf, egg., kcennd. les., Mean. A rot 150 gall. atone woe, 1 / I mhinefy: 166 head hogs, Limy; ICOO G eradlo 26317,51onfkomery; P whl.ky Clukt B do Poor, Lambert C 2164,t00r 8 do do, Hotebinaom 3 b.. babe, Roush; 1214 ft v olUn g. 51•Closky: 7 Lb'. Ohl.- ky, atkinslntim 145 N. ao• • bailey fe SCHalo, 35 eke herby, WIISYLLyii, per Chevoit-22 eke MOO, Comfy: 00 WI cal' pf , Por, l3 ".ona Orafson, 100 eke earn, ...en 54 do barley, k Verner; 21 1.51 potaioe., Little & Trimble; 51 to do, Chore). k !mei; 20 .k. barter, 2 Ltd* poultry, owner. ST. LOUIS, per 51arinor-1 br, Salndlon 3 oak and 6 So h ware, Lirlumton, Copeland & CO: aso hid., PHI, 10 tad, 1 hs applee, Brownsville; Flora Temple and Priam, Iron., by axons. for DalUmun.. CINCINNATI, per Belmont-74 144151, Booths: 24 Ithde snnar, 100 bbls niolassea, Benny; 10 hhds soot-, Brown k Kirkpatrick: SRI bhp Otror, 400 tins wheat, 4 Itttht Oil, Clarke St rot 16 do ell. Dalton B sum 12. lihtlt 'moor, 30 bins cool.ss. se*, B on DU do whisky, Galway; 196 clo flour. Gardner, 6do whisky, llaslans: lsgs wool, Ilarbangh no; 16 esk starch, Koonady. Childs & or; 315) bbls floor, Llg. nett: 175 do, Iseecb & Hutchlnsan: 10 bx tobacco. 31 . Cantl. leas; 12 hhtls .near, u,LOla mOlssas, Elercor k rv , 150 do do, 31'Clorkan; 75 do whisky, Smith. 217 kills sheet Iron, Thompson: 50 Okla lour, 8011. RIVER SEWS The Kiser, as weeould not !Yelp anticipating yesterday. WA. rising at • rapid rata last night. There ern, at 5 o'clock 15 feet inches by pier, sad riving sofa.: that boats worn sparring on ea fast m they cynlil, sad vet could ecareety limp up with the advancing ware. There will be al least :sr fr“, we think this morning. Cp to beat evening It had.rimn eight frost since Tinsley night. There area little doing at the levee. We may howercr, expect a largo fret of rafts dew. the Allegheny forthwilh—st that there Is email doubt. se rerni large rafts here already mairtgtheir appearance. The only arrival; yesterday were the Itelmont from Cin cinnati, loaded Just as deep as she conld rein, leer turmi feat may be found elmwhere In this paper The Chevolt ram, In with a small freight from Wheeling. and trot beckat no The straerve la the beat b,r today. The Orb will nave thin day for Louisville, Capt. Way in in command. The La Crow, Capt. Devirmey, will leave today for Nashville. She him her. pet in first rate order, and no better boat ran offer. . The Cheowng, Capt. Yrettch, with • very lull freight, mostly of railroad trim. left leaf night for Nashville, The • Cremona, of the reatilar Cincinnati lino, hilt on Tnesdid night fdr that port. The N. If vinyl., Copt. Kennedy, for 0,. I..diw, nod the Nilo fling, Capt. kik:ldiom, for New Orlnane, all 101 l yesterday, with fine load.. We hare no other Items for this niortiing , Tbo Louisville Courier of Tuesday coy. • , TIM' eosin:se ficrinrcr.—Testorday niorning 40 stated that a pair of goal beetc, destined for the Ponth, had mat on it,, tall. the evening preview. They licion,ed to Jno. 11SaisovitestreiesElSetbotaankitrpt,saa wavoamatswk. • ~t : y :;:.:' a.,,;1' vn,;'..ea, irli,:ri!"..lbtiit,lw;s, rt., the) will undoubtedly lie liwt. rt., ,o, the noir, also bwhinalng _to Watts struck while fratil:ll7iti..:RwrAttly7.l7:.7,Tatt.ritTl:'Ziwrl 17; • Vewterday mortilug, as the ricer one falling, a foot of coal . boats liege .tatted to go through the cooed, but n pair toi -1 hoiging to M i ellowky, of Pitts trgh, drifted ton for iwt Icon the aborr, and lodged on the mot of rucks, Jtiwt above Ike mouth of the canal, and Lad nut got .oil at dart. One of them .prong a leak, and was n o winking ormndition.' (Yost--Contideroble *ale. of Yittalingh coal, by tho barge load, were made yesterday at 9 cents VI bushel?' The St. Joseph Jour.' of the Ttb lost, annotturcs the kliworadl closed with ice in • lewd pack, at that place. Steamboat Register. ARRIVED. DEPARTED Caroms, Brownsville. I Lucerne, Demean - 111u. Telegraph, do.I rapb, do. Oolong) Bawd, Elizaboth. 13:1713arard.Elinabeth. Belmont, Cincinnati, I Chegi,lt, Wheollog, Chgvoll, Whoollog. Rica-15,54 fact and rising Tei.gr.plal c narks Is New Volk, Der.. 15.--Cotton mien 1000 bales. Flour don axles 7.500 bbl. .t 1.5 . ,L545,50 for Ohio. Wheat dull; Wm 5000 husk; and $1.7.2; white. $1,40. Como declined; sales 10,000 bosh at 76(713!.‘ for mired and 700.78 for new yellow. Pork dull; old mem 1060 grime $13,601.13.73. I Whiskey firm at 2.320. Sugar ardy; N. U. 7fin794'. FreMbts.on flour to Liverpool la 9.1. Cattle Narks/ —nacres advanced ye per IS; aalea at Ow 1054; the averags price la 8f08%; the recelpi• were 2,555 has& Sheep and Lamb. advanced 25c per head; sales at $307; receipt. 6,800 head. Swine, rerelpts 24,000; galas at 6.91p4i; dressed hog r sell at G1N7, 3 .',c. Stock Ma Krt.—Stocks cloned firm • New York. Central 77,t 11 n 7c d ti f igto ' fiaterefilZi Eirt."l7BsVCle.:l:l'er'ndofitreol: 311.4; Panama Mali S.O. Co. ' 18?1: Senutosee Mrs. 94; In. Dana two and a half'. Palhanrte,,tn De's. 16.—Flom quiet; .ale for Odin/wit at $51254 for superfine, and $5,3774 for Ohio extra, and to trade at L5,12%45,15 for co mmo n and extra, and $5,k714 gos 7 for extra and family fancy. nye hour and corn meal unchanged. Wheat dull; vales 3000 book: goal mid prismr red at $1,10117. nye commands Mk. 40/ 1 / 1 .1 hush new yel low corn at 70 and white at C. 4; old mime, and worth SWAO. Own less Inquired for; sales 1000 book Peons. at 45c . Whim. koy more inquired for, sale. 503 1 4 / 4 Ohio at =!..irou, and Pennsylvania bbl. at 25c. Corns:van, Coo. 13.—The river la raising at the rata of twohachea pee hour. Weathar cloudy and becoming cooler. Money market unchanged. Floor and IVhlskey Amer and withoutchange. Bogy are firmer, hot the sale, are con hoed to .00 head at $006,75, tho latter rate for a lot averag ing 2= lb., and the former for • lot areraging 170 lb.. Pro. vision. bald more firmly; good brand• 81... Pork are *den blo at $l7, though 20libbla were mid at $10,50. Bulk Meats In fair demand for future delivery, at 634'4.0 for Shoulder., and 77.140 for Old.. Omen Wahl and barrel Lard nand. nal; -400 kegs hand were sold at 1174, which in a briber do. cline. Moles*. lower, and suing at 3149-32 c. Sugar dull •t at the rocelpts were large. Coffee Orr GOO hags IF 1.12%. Ilstrinomr, Dee. lb.—Floor dull. Wheat scarce; while $1,3501,50; red $143. Corn buoyant; yellow advanced 2c; ..least 07c for while mid 70 for yellow. Whlakay• Cum. Pa'CllntoohtCaxpot and CU Cloth WAILEIIOI39E. ILT Morlalsetet, near Lemty T V E HAVE NOW RECEIVED OUR EN TIRE F oil em,l Wintor ittoci of Saida, Our direct fro m the manufacturera at reduced prima Our atock conalats 01200 plocea of °holm 'Valente, Tapestry Velmta, X and 84 wite; Velvet., Idedalllon Cootre (two breadth. lornishee a nans)1 00 0-pcsImperial three-ply, and super line, Ingrain emceeing; Floor 011 Cloths ' from S to St foot wide in new nod choice patterns; Vonitianllail and Stair car. peis Scotch, Iloteh, Hemp. List and Bag serpelm 100 pea Woolen Drogget, for coveting carpals, from ;;', to 1 84 wide. Felt Clotho and Wooled Crumb Cloth. Druaget, Oil Cloth, Linen, for stain, hearth ruse, table and plartocaTorgTable Oil Clothin Rosewood; Mahogany and Oak all cloth.; Bard' Ottints,Table covering, do. 000 pairs Gold Bordered Oak Panne! and Landscape Painted IVlndow Shade*. Baile'. Pateut Made Fixtures,. Omen and Bug Holland for Wiyn dow Shades. Beautiful patterns Carriage 01l cloth; Black Enamelled oil cloths; Cocoa and Chinn Matting for Ohm chm - chee, de. Duar Mats,Ellsdr Hods, Lo. Our customers and the public are Invitod to examine thl. ehotco and ex. tonalre stack, a. we Ara deiertultud to Nell at eastern prices. oe3o4ilwlW. WOLINTO(112. BUTLER'S WRITING AND COPYING INKS—For ilnidity,depth of color, freedom from mold col durability, theaelnks are superior to all other. mann lactured In Mk country, and folly equal to Arnold'. London Inks, toot rotieb le as I n pr i c e. Entailers supplied on liberal term,. W. EL JOHNSTONCOs„ dra Stationera, SI Wood al SUNDRIES-80ancks Dry AppleB; 53 do do Poacturd 100 do Tenn. %%oat; 50 do S. g On el +atm Outer to artin for flp ludo rin by • S.F. &lour, d. 12 URNITURE OIL OLOTII—One case n 'mperfor quality. &Or& manufacture on Canton IaIODO4 ID 1011..01013 of lloworael, Mahogany, Oat and Marble of dlfleront.klado, for redo It the 0/1 Cloth %re tool:es. 26 and 28 66101a1e no3o J. k H. PUILLIpIi. pRODUCE-42 btvA3 IT ea Flour; 10 do White Ileana. • 20 hoc. prime Clovemord; o bbl. packed Batten 60 WI Matra and Ystra Family Flour Reed and fur mle by E. 1.1,117:10, No. 211 I.lborty et., GROCERIER-40•hbda. N. 0: -.. 6ugar; 75 Ws do Notice; 40 do Byrom choice blood; 10 licr0:0111cu 1311111TICR • DI7,WORTII. 0:10 bond suJ for Lao by T la s POWER OF PRAYER Illustrated in the Iroaderfol &Way. of Dtrlne Orate In the paints nt 1a157 and HMV by Samuel Inman. Prlncn, D. D., fur ails by d.O 7. 8. DAVISON, 61 6larke tac, QTEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITURE.-- We are conitantly ma snaring 13t6ninboat Cabin Mars and tonDture,and do a tall from lb,. Intorrated a fursdattlna brats. [dr4] T. U. YOUNG .11 CO. TRIAL BALANCE BOOKS—For sale by w. O. JOHNBTON ON deal , Stallanem and Blank book bfabara.67 Wood at. g 40 P!iLM SO IL AI' 74 =%. I V k by,.. 1 - 10M1 B-400 bags prime Rio Coffee 14 ihornomemarslaby L. A - A*4sw,, . _ WHEELER, kWVLS°N'S PULEIT .PREMIUM .1"8.1101GY SEWING NIA.OHI.N',ErS, AGENT'S OFFICE, NO. 68 FIFTH BTRNET. FIRST PREMIUM awarded by the Allegheny County Agricultialil Sonia - S.', held September 1857, "AS BEST FOR FA3IILY USE." • And the Penna. State Agricultural Society have awarded to Wheeler Sowing Machine the highest premium, "AS BEST FOR ALL FAMILY PURPO.SES.9 THESE MACHINES which have gained such an enviable reputation over ail other Machines on account of ter I. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both aides of the fabric sewed. • 2. Economy of thread. 3. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 4. Portability, ease of operation and management. 5. Speed. i. Quietness of movement. 7. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam that will not-rip dr raveL 8. Applicability to a variety of purposes and materials. 9. Compactness and eleganco-of model and finish. !_ Are now offered with all of file latest improvements and advantages at manufacturers prices by ALEX. It. REED, Agent, 68 FIFTH STREET. A NOST LIDERA). DISCOUNT TO oI.RIZOT.VEN. H. CHILDS & ) WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, No. 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., LT AYE NOW IN STORE ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE J.A. Amine of BOOTS AND 5130.. ES Ever brought to this market, of great variety ; adapted to A. Is L AN 33 NV lIV T Fi. IZ sA La S • paring been purchased DIRECT from the Manufacturers, chiefly for C.:Ulf, and selected with OREA'f,CARE 'A -S TO QUALITY AND SIZES, They feel assured that Choy Gan offer Superior Inducements to Western Buyers. SWY-Iderchnota stoking Inttaturall, olther to porch:Lao Cluats, or on their u-ay to Eastern titles, aro Invited to call and axanolne our st,-k, lotora puronastug 414-Partlonlar attention givon to Orders. oeT:dite3mT R 0 0 1 11 1 - N - . Cheap and Durable Fire and Water-Proof ELASTIC CEMENT ROOFING. THE FIRM OF PERRIN & JOIINSON having, by mutual consent, been recently dissoly ed, U. B. BATES end WN. JOHNSON glee notice that they here entered Into partnership, for the gewpme of enr. eying on the idiom hooting Business, In all Its branches, under the name and firm of BATES JOHNSON, et the OLD tsTAELL 75 Sml t hfield Street; near Diamond Alley. We nre now prepared to cover, with our SUPERIOR lUMPINO, steep or flat rade, over rough hoards, old shlnglea coons...thou or metal roofs. et... Moats, railroad oars, Ac., being admirably Moto ! to withstand the verlons changes of weather, or the action of Me, null it is not fujewit•d by being tramped upon. We also ettgnd to Repairing oil Gravel pooh ln the nowt thorough mance,: alm, tu Cementing Tin, frou.Copper or Zinc Roofs, making them wittorMom. end iimrlng them itgainst the action of the weather, for $1,511 pgr square, (ono hundred square feet) SUING-TAXI It:OOPS CEIBTIEIIq TEID, 'renaming them nod rendering them WIRE-PROOF, for 82,00 pir apom--ellitronnt for large rook Tab t. Rooting is Cheaper than nay ol.htr kind or Roof, and fie insuredat mow mos as awls! oafs, mud a fast anpemellug all other kinds. Rooflug material for sale, with instructions for applying. Reference. and certificates et our Once. • BATES Sr. JOHNSON, 75S T • • ' N. nuthhold Street, near Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. 0. —Ourrahrae la net rtuJrrel worthier in preparing. it for the roc& oclatiimdAwY tirgulat Zteamers. Monongahela River 11. S. Mail F!ackete BTHAMERTELEOHAPU. FITEAMMI JEFFERSON, lAEA (liirr..J. . Cam Growls cask. rpICE ABOVE NEW STEAMERS ARE nose II:in sing regularly. Morning Boats Imes Pitts. burgh et 8 edelu:k A. AI.. and Evening halts nt 6 o'clock P. M. for l'ltiteetv.rt, Ellssbetlitoten, lionangst beim City, Esilevernon, Payette City, Greenfield, California and Brownsville. tlirre connecting viltb Flacks and Oath." 6,r 1 311104L0W11, Fayette thirbadv,Morgautown,Wnyntrburg. Carmictiseltoten and Jefferson. Pane.nngeia ticketoil through fnigu Pittsburgh to Ont.. torn for 52. meals turista...rooms on boats Inclusive.— Boats rtito ruing (nut Rrinstisrille learn at it &clock in the morning and siu tho evening. For further information ern Quire at the Viler, Wharf Dora, at Situ foot of Grant atinot. m 35 O. W. SWINDLED, Anna, O=iMOI Fill. . AND . . y C I i I L N E T v t :L , ; etaimier IDA MAY, Capt. May. Clint John Greenough, TIM lea, for the Mien, nail all intiTlllUdiate porta, on Till DAY, Pith in t. For freight , peon go apply on , iaril _ to deli; FLACK, BARNES& CO. Ante. Itoutokil — e, - - 011 LOUISVILLE.—the fine Fsteamer ENDEAVOR, CapL Markel, will leave for the above and all Intermediate yx•rte ow TIS DAY the IGth lost •at 10 o'clock, A. Y. Fer freight or pantage, apply on lewd, or to FLACK, BARNF.S CO., Ante._ Ca; ..,LOVISVILLE.—The fine tit.aatoe ria..lE — CiinClthwte,wlttlettee for toe wee.. •t• ee TII za at 1 loch e. l'er trelat.t or apply art ie.. I, taLta 1.14131 FLACK . 13A13311 ES CO, Agts. —...- Fora long time I had Uterine complaints with tho &Mots log symptoms: I wan nervous, mad/teed and Wiled* / , .. - seemed to nhonnd in complainto; mate of which Twill try to"'.," - MN you; polu itt the lower eirgates„and a filings am If scene - • . D.Lit.: wasp:dug So fail nn,; bfl Inaity to ire tr - meth on 3.• mount of a trollop of Mitoses; acitlng an dreggiott, and shuotingt.mius {lt a10ha...1:, loin., and estoroling down lb. ; ' 't In t o. the tottiag 0rea0.....1 by rldllitt enemaenema grbat paint "pat wilit- nbeOtiogn nod faltln to Ito bide, ittoml4:l3 nod bowelm ' headache, with rfurring iti um oars; asory filar of th e WI, . . seemed pore; groat irritability; Intone. horror:erg:ES,/ could . • hear t . Most orator:tent without tetog prostrated for ...._.......... .. r—J... lA' OR NAS lIV Itrk: -Tlir,-Ptlmm.ii4- , F • 1itri:ir 5 U...." V " ...t.....t " ,,,,....., th. b !,, '*. o ' t d .. d'd '" . .r SAES AMP), Capt. H. II Frnch. till! I ,,;fhtiali t ife j t, . tgalf*t.ts_. oo .oi alai'. and all interMedLute forte on Tlllo DA , '''', •.'""'• TEITLICON.---- [to. 10th lint. at IP. M. For freight or mummer, apply on I tool It, hoping against hope. Moat fortnnati4y it cared imatol, or to ' ;.1..1,.] FLACK. ISAIINES It CO., Agenm. . M-e ; •°d d ' •••• t• sot • h••lihi. rol Ito !M.A./ I Malnall In [lto co / trusted' mlll orio IL It letrnlythe Vitanlte. _____ FOR NASIIVILLE.—The tine o illt i blond In nom!. FLORENCE LE/SLID. ' *enamor LACRO:IFIE, Copt John S. Derelb MARSHALL'S UTERIXECATIIOLICO .V . s7Rlcalain ory, will loots ror ten above and all Intarmedtie. tra . ..r.;:a l if ..„,_,•'' • • .,...,.. U „'”F•1 t h• Watt.,__... irvit... 4• PPlrl.FM...Drtrultsr Tills DAY, 10th Instant- For freight or parange. apply . ... ''..,..., _".......'''...... ...1...A M AII./....tiOnt , m/IL l ta• brltra or to nb:ln FL ACIC. NARNW3 de CO., Agents . .. 1 ..1 .. cirithlct's or Lileary Organs, RdeAli,A, or In. ____ catatitiena. of briste. ileurtburn, Outioenesrervourruts, . ; /hinting; o r g a ns Cramps, Disturbed atieset.-., and ea troubles organte or rynipothetie, coarseded wit/. lAe Merin eryotr. r=atl itouits, fic FOR ST. LOUIS.—Tho Sne pas .senor packet ARK ZONIA, Copt Conway, wlll leave for the above nod all Intermediate ports on TIIURSDAY, 16th fort For freight or transago apply on, board or toFLACfC, BARNES A tA).. 414 Agents. FOR ST. LOUIS.— 'Menne now steamer CA MBRIDOE, Copt s. Donn, for the %Lore nod Inimedlato ports on lane DAY leth Inst for freight or portage, apply on board cr to dol3 FLACK, BARNES d CO., Agent.. FOR ST. LOUIS —7ho 800 steamer NATIM HOLMES, Capt. Kennedy, grill Imre for the itrove and nil lutermtli ate port on Tills DAY. IGIh lost For freight or plumage apply.oo hoard or to FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agte. FOR - Sr. LOUIS—The fine new erteanfer PANOLA, Captain ?dawn grill loarrefor the above and all Intermediate porta rat ti DAY, 16th lost, at 10 0. it For freight or passage apply on board or to del FLACK, BARNES A 00_, Aponte. Atli) OEtrans, &c.' won. MEMPHIS & NEIV OR- A: LEATM—The I*pin/did etearner ME TROPOLIS, Captain Callao., will Dare for the above and all I tertuodiate ports 1111 Tlll3 DAY, lath IntA, at it o'clock, P. w. For freight or patauge apply ou hoard or to Idol) FLACK, BAILVI.:3 & CO., Agoot.. WALLA.CDEV FOUNDRY A ND Itirnistilng Establlehm on t. STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, SALT PANS,MILL GEARING, Fire Brick, Machinery, Pul leys mud Outings, of all kinds made teenier. Unite Bart, Soh Weights, Mill Duns, Proof Stalfg Anchor Bolting Cloths, tlum and Leather Bolting; Porlnble Flour mod Gore Mills—the best In use; breech Istur Stant Machines, used in the city mills and over the West; scour the grain, take out the chess and re. more the smut bails before they aro broken by the beaters. French Burr MIII Stones, male of selected blacks. Patent Shingle Machines—cot 10,000 to 2.0,000 fur day; Rose's Patent Water Wheels, user! in 7090 milts. 0010 as ranches (he overshot, and twice so much as the most of ['soother Wheels in use, "with no equal amount of water. Catalogaes et Wheels given to all who want gearing. Of. flee N 0.319 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. salliOmdAw T W. W. WALLACE. Steam Marble Works Leo. 310, 321, 323, Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Ps. MARBLE MANTELS, made by machinery JAI. at /ow prior.; llotrumoote, Tablet., Orare Stones, largo stock on bend. Porollitro and Walt fliitod Topa; bumming Moore, Marble and Prone Worth% made by marbleery on abort notice. Slarble told lost to the trade. 'olllro 310 Liberty street, Plttaborgb, Pt. W. IV. WALLACE. aellMmd/haT PORTABLE FLOUR AND CORN 311L1.8 —The Coml.! and beet article of the kind In the country. They ran light, grind fast, and Make fond work. They ere a desideratum to Lumbermen, Iron Madera and settler, in new counter.. For rote fit No. 319 Liberty at, Pittehorgh, W. W. WALLACE. se2MdArrT ‘X. s. OOLItB JAIL velum B. 110LICLES & HUM, PORK AND BEEP PACKERS, DEALERS IN PROTIMOBA dr, Corner Market and Front' mral • CARGO dr. CCPM A MBROTYPE AND PROTOGRAPILIC GALLERIES, No. a Fifth Wee t,oppwito Niro, and he Market, °apneas Flonting'a Drug Stara. Photographs finished in ell or water colony tinted or plain. Specimens and Reception Ramon the gronod door. • Inyttally SUNDRIES -100 sacks Buckwheat Flour; too top pecked Ilutt/r; • 0 keg. No. 1 Lard:" 100 bbN superline Flour. 100 Lb!. extra Bud fatally PloUll • bxe Cream Meow, ltult reed and 'or W.. hi u 41 5 R. ROBISON • ON. CINCINNATI SOAP AND OANDIAS.—. 23 boat,. Carman Sails 95 do Mould Catidtos, 1110 Star Caudle. to antra by ateatuar sad fur rale at FRANCK'S, federal tarsal. Allngbauy. aufra DRY PROPV-50. bgs Peaches; 56Aro .AR. d. 7 plea, to artlro and far sale by ;tiAL.III DIVItIZY A CO CREAM CRACKERS, OYSTETZtktIIi; MS, Boston iunl Farina do, Joot teed nod libt ale nt •PIiANCIR'S Fondly Grocery and Tea Store, INlerel Woof, Allegheny. • 0n.12 100'000 FMB for sale, emit or tra6*. de2 111 TO WOO& IE . CIIIIIIIY a CO: LAlSecood aturol 664 161 Irma gt. _ • SAND.PAPER-2001iimuofoi eale by a . z 13:6.1/PAUNUTOOK A uO., - con we WoodiAo rint _ - 200. BOSH. SMALL WRITE SiTLNS ou bind and tar Web • • • ' 193,tibmt , ft- SHAWLS 1, SILAWLS I—Thelargest 404. In the qty. awns entirely new" "17 tow: Week pa] moms w e st : 'Yeldaeltet NEW DRY 000.112 , enkabnot dcSly d.ao s 74 Mute! 'VW CROP BUO4IIII thoPP is macro, Una irt, Aliesimay. Pr TTSBITEtG•33;I.IUN . W.A. H. CHILDS ---- lIEALTII AMERICAN WOMEN.— • Por many yearn I have been [molded with genera • weariness and !angular, both mental and physical; caprice • liatleownees, dull headache, pain In the bead and tempi. ." midi:lees and tendency to ittiffnese, paiplta lion of the heart, i very easily fluttered or excited, appetite variable, atornach And bowel. erangui, with pain. Any mental or physical exertion woe cum to brithpun all the eymptoute, cud I had IA addition, falling of the womb, and great pain in and re glop. One pityilefan after soother exhausted \lie chill And .f ova me op. A patitrid and pnrseVl6ol4 CM 01 MAR BEALL'S CURIE E CATIIiti,ICON forinnately minted me, and I bare to wood., smilcient t.t expi cut my thankfalnesa Nine. JULIA ANNE sonx.sou. I can truly any that I have boat asafferer for many years with whites and &rang,/ menstruation. After o while 1 had other troubles wadi e. pale face, ledlgatioo , r.ling awaT, general Languor and dobWty, pain to the naafi of the back, a earl of aching and dragging scneation,pain between the .boulder blades externUng dozen We spine, lore of appe tite, trouble in the stomach and letwebt, vatli raid bands and fort aud.iltradfal 11.4,00.1.1. The treat excieemout xonl4 make me feel as It I ehould tly away. I tried doctors and ding" aud everything. one after another. itout the ben efit. ono bottle of MAlLfillUeli'd UTE w h CON changed wane of my sputa:nes for the hettkr, rind now I am entirely and radically cared. 1 wish thatevery wo man ovoid knew ahat it will do, CLARIESI OBE& Thep it, of Jart.la/r/ Catholiana is One Daldar ad. Half par tingle luta. On the "...fp. of six dollars Aon baffles WWI be .er.: by =pros, free of aerge,to the end of Lke exprati rout, - .sUparttadar Co write Nepast office addre., talon, county; and Mule. unniratarautia that Me dlediointsoilibe rest 011 receipt of the mon•yr.• Addreu Dn. GEO. LC KEY SEll,l4olVowl st.,Pitiaborgh, 611-claarT Blau or the Golden Mortar. TO TON ADMIRERS O.V A I'INR =AD OP /-1. I C II (.4 LOBS 1,7 1,1 .A. I lt. Talk of beauty, It mnuot exist wlthont e floe head or heir, then read the following, rind If yon ask morg me elltithth • ground each bottle, and no oue tan doubt. I)ROFESSOR WOOD'S ELAM RESTORA. TTOR.—We call the attention of all old and young, to wonderfa! preparation, Which torus back tivitsorighaal , .. .. color, &thy hmr—covent the hoed of the bald with a loam/. , ant growth—mummy the dandruff, Itching, mot all onion. ous eruptione—muses n continua dow of the natural Mild. ...: ~.. and hence, If. mod es • regular deeming for tho hair wilt priewrve its.color, and keep it from falling to extreme old ago, In all•ltanathral beauty. We call feu upon the bald, ' .. the gray, or diseased In imilp tO nee i4etwi cutely tibiYartog • will not, net they value the towing locks, or the witching ..... curl, mar bo wide - int It. Its praise Is upon tho toogoe or tbonsenda. . m. Agent for Prof. Wood's Ear Restorativa Ip Newlin- ~• • I . van, recolved the following letter in regard to the Restore. .• tire, a few weeks elfin,: Ma Loarrawourn--Plo .•- DUP hems, Conn, July 213, laid. . I b tronblod with de* • droll' or mart on ms head for more than • year, my halt ••• began to come out, ecurfandhalr together. I emir In a New tepee,, pager about “Wood'd hair Ileatondiro” as a cora , I called of your Moro on the first of Aprillmt, and parch.. , . . ed one bottle to try It, and I found to my statiefaction item • the thing; It removed the acorf and hair began togroW, it ail now two or Ulna, indite 1..1 length sacra it was na qr. I 1111. mornby 1d great faith In It. 1 matt yon to send me two bottles , r. Post, the bearer of this. I deo% know as any' . of tbo kind le used In this place, you may bore a market for ' ... many bottles after it Is knows here. Poore, with reelect, • ,-- • IttrillEt PRATT. 7. . 1 ... _ • iiz.ADnPuti,Sopt. 0,15u11„ •• - 7.'•- . .'' ,., • •.l Poor. Woon—thar dim Your Hair liestorativel • prorbig: -•-., -,..., . ,-.... Itself beneficial town. Tho front. and Clothe bocapart Of ':•.e• - • , ,, , , my hasitaimmt lost Its covering—ln fact nun. I hare'" ' lls • '-• • - ,..1 used but tiro half plot bottles oi your ILattoraUro, end how '' ' •'' ' the tip of my hood Is well studded with %promising. arm!, of young hair, and the front Is Mao receiving ite benellt.' -- -X- , :a.,• - ,i have tried other prepare:loos without any benedt whaler - --- . or. I think from my own lemmas! recommendation, I Call -.......4 NM= many othern to try it. 'Yuan, to•POCtfoll7, '' D.' R. TLIOMdEI, 11.1/, f 10.484 Pine M. , ..0. ' Vtecanica, Lea., Jane 23, 1853. Poor. O. J. Woon•—da you are about to manothetare eitavend your recently discovery.] Usk Reedomtive, I will' Oats. for Whomsoever it may concern, that I have weed it and known °thereto use 11-41.4. here, for. eral years. been he the habit of using other Reatorutivee, and Mid / fled yours vastly mpertor lowly other I knoer.'• it samba-:' ly clemenee the heed ot.dandratt with one month'. p.p. , . dr use will reetoreeny patentee 'lr to themigleal youthibt. &tor and testara;giving It a h thy, soft nod gbasy artz:L =and all tide, without discoloring th e hands that: , or the &es on which It drope. 1 would, therefore, worm:trend its rolo to every onto ticaircem of having • One: golor sod texture to hair. for sil l . WILEON RIND. her solo by ore. tr. Ma'am; lid rtmunnt.,:. t• 0. 3. WOOD t CO, Proprieton,.ll2 .11roadivey, A. '7 o the great N; Y. Wire Railing Remblhdunonty and - 1111. *Act street, St. Louie. Ma,. sad iota by All good Drug, ' Oda. ap:th atathlydawbir BOOTS AND URI A. P Ftrue 40 11 EUSti JAMES RO BA,L NO. 89 IlAnarr lITRELRIV - TRIM) DOOR TROSI TIIR MARKET 110115 R, nk.ind 1 , 100,4 fiirk • .ad Motor Stook of Luntrainsart , and CIRLD 9'. SOOTB sa4 AR* URNS' CALP, RIP AND COA L • BOOTR 840 OXlPtrao DORS' AND TOIITIM • MOS. IMOLA Are ' .tORDS' RUBDiroznitatc.. • • A try torottat mild. and En; diroct from Um, tiultatactonars, whir.h be.‘lll $ PAIR rAccAalt • Irrn, reduc.d Mote roc aub., , ..„. TAU stock cotoprtito ono of t he largolA otiottiomlA Mb* ckyouttabi. Oar ct y sod coontry AAR* oat' Auk . over twooty yam bOylng, Ito trate • that b• OM pow smell gotta ". U. roopeettulltiovitto In ram to a AIL Louring them Rdes/ willbo • Mitittltnt . tho plocA I : JAB. RORR._ - o.ll9')lotkid ettroy% 4 , ..Lf tbeDbuaant Ilarketw: RITRT"x" Third Dow.ti "NrULUANIZEDIfqD) RUBBER BOSE,- -3,X10 (*et mm 3. (OLIO itlel•• calibre. •Ma •d has gre•• rantago *rev leatha ,se It heed, to 0111• e„, tr_ i„..g,egy tight, vrillvtarmt • very high 'degree 'abate Irithr-7 lej•ry, and Ile net athvted by 'he gervemei. . 0016 J. k Q. rnrcurs, - Nov. 2q sad 2421. Clair ANo. 1 STOCK og DRESS DOODS; ; .- abaw4, Blankets, rfinn 4 l.,'Panttirals, 3 4I and, Amur ether artiste la the Dry Clixele Dee,. • • •• • • ' 4.13 • O. TIANIION LOYD. ii illerker.:atradt.::;„ 4.2,11.0UND ROCK )3A1,4 for curing Ineat.4',‘ . N.K.l9iseksinst roe'd atm for ,d 413 7 . ll ANCE'S,Yedcrat st., IMIXT.BA. SYRUP-1 bbl,. of thiir deSi* •41.6, superka "to *la t.gt *wiled *AA; •` , ne• guathist PILANONT; Adana ' • rgrAN . BEIBALEs-...2q- • clorcoadsomattw. , - , 18 for saki lovrt4 .tUr.1301,U514,-