. - "., ...,,' ~.: , , i 4.-.- `;',i, ~,I4 h' ',.:,,, ~.„,..,,, ,1 ~ A , --, il ~.. .-. r"A ..-.....$ .., 410. .„,_ , , ~ ~_, " ,114 , • 1 it , •01k.7r ALCM!! I I..AJORPLERFCL--IIfIE Dlgaly to- Iffa: - ,,,:baseACIIDSZTTRoeTn-r.r Lancoin,'or„ - . 7a ., ,n!..:-.4 ' f . ~...- . : 1 ; : „von", . 1 ja cthugg . = ::. , , '-P ' r' - :-. ,, , Artoo abbectistinicnta.:, - ;; II o for 1 :-- iiis the,:no ay .- . . .... . gittiSbiirnt 1 0 1 1,C t. - - rt . •- : , teenied coieripelliel asd.'neighber . i the.Prea*- . 1 1;ns .. • .h ~ -. ' .Sourzerorceree;Pittableab, Dee. 11,18411. he llB . d Palmer.l 'Tit W' ' , ' P ist . rn ii nett t 45 m de. -._ ' lit c iNipAliy . i:-, L . ,:, , 4 - .t'l .----.. oaten, or!, Etat-- an Pa mer. once-, KAY . . is.• Takeout+ oft tartr Sessions of A11e ... J tartan Banner .t_Aditecari;iii its last - issue, an- • Aired. ef th e i r •- . . ~, Ler the entire "Citizens" ticket has been elected, Corarasi n , flounced the entrance of the. G az a!, open its . sod in Lowell, Jatnes Cook, (Rep.) has been , Om Ccetatr hew sk t rooarmest the Report of th e rz. ve , i .. th the urgent request of litm- NO. SS ' WOOD STREET. 30 lIN S. DR.V =SON , Tlewen appoint.rtoummbv,... arid ., r,„„re th e seventy-second year, in the flattering article, elected Mayor DRS. 0, M. FITCH Sr J. Vi7.13YR1T..13 , , whieniue of Diamond Ailey, ens m - ;;; • ;i t ,...dbi a ma,.. ' ' erect. the elem. a Mat idols bro a an a i mob: WO INVITE ATTENTION TO TIII:IR EX- ~„.„ which we insert belew. . The value of the corn- 0 ,orrif CAnoLtris —Col W. FL Gist, of Union, llnve conclnded to remota .. .. Id M ekes Street, nr 3 ' ,- . pliment therein expressed Is enhanced not only has been circled PElllll A NENTIX IN PITTEIBITIROII, .11_ totaire sOrdinient of • illets t t e r1e.1 . 061111. Governor of South Carolina, by ' by its evident sincerity, but by its emanating the Lreiristure. The fourth ballots stood : „,„_, And msy be consulted at their office, 13 0 0 K. - S , Foirrth Street, , ri...... nottar r a ,, iz ic. ever . ih T et h r e respectl ßowd veetwo,... orrik.. ..., :e 7 he . Prr e rg TILTIT.COI la. P.A.. . 1.1" , ..r eseee.iste synod, win:meet In ttoi tlattee p ca a, Col. W. B. Cam 1 N - n- 191 Portri Strowt, from one of the ablest and most orthodox roll- rlan Church, on Seventh Arent, Pittalnuilh Ortifika: Col .1. II Irby. . -llt OPPOSITX THE OT. CLAIR 110TRL, Suitable I tit the ensuing Holidays, now ..pet. ri AS just. returned from the asternß City ? DAV,111:11 December, at 10tdcloCk 4‘..5 , 1 c giona journals of the country. Proud of ap- _,,, , . let n.. d o iLsz i et ii soo ,... .a a ,,,: li a , , ,, ,c ,r oeraw , mption, Asthma,' dolt r - Sturm mcw ev or T (3, : ;,g rc ,, s ,. ie ,.. a f o r t o i m on s o e f w il l o , n .. . i l . ot w o R fi e l l , l a y.z.t . n . b . c . r . f a r ellovlE Wn, gown . ; alaich . will he found Oho e Itil J FRY.S II STOCK nf . h Ulla ontc Complaints proval from, a source so eminent we transfer the •`"' nocuptlcated with °resuming Pultuonary Disease, includlor, .f..11.1a ing,eplcradidly hound and finely ALL THE NEW ILLUSTIiATED VOOKS notice to our columns, Influenced by the most any at the office of the Secretary of State. It (.. • „ _, ~ _ . „ . „ ilinetroied volume, ; ,nrarnh, octant /hamar, ItilettlOn/ nj the weer, Aso- OF THE 'SEASON. grateful feelings: is La In', e (feet December 25. ' pepein. Galtritiv, Ermal. ComplairAts,cto. The Stratfort Gallery, or Th, I...baksj.care "THE PDITSDUItdII GAZETTE.—This journtil, . -------.--------- T6NG-LISIT. ANID Alvtirix.rcAN:; , l DES . VIM' k SYEES`...I"At e ii iii. m , ''.." Sisterhood, a ith-forty lii e FINE Steel Pot •W lIAT HOLLANDERS THINE or BCERrIa E'S . ar c aaeamptioh 10,..ed alga foe , the , he de. .., ~,;„ just entered upon its seventy-second year, to, we believe, the oldest newspaper in Pittsburgh, , 11 , , Ronan—J. quint's , editor n 1 the PhelalPiPl iststnUteapetfro,d,m,.. W wf,, .af ar p c , A ~,A n . dra.sag traits. and in nll the West. It was established by Mr. , NvilP,l'..l". Ina totter ' l ' ll ^' ,ll .T l - GIN 1804, the trmotk''' ' ardswerpporear s a (",„ i a „, ea , ...a th e y tn e r,•f e , mosey Women of 'Beauty and Heroism from Semi seen, in the year 1786, and has hence been con- "Y." sin " 1 '" l. ' " 1 I h ' .. P .14 ' 11. ' 4 .. " .1 c "'"' ThTl'enkari.llygienic and Medicinal remodh. to l' 1 " 11 2 the ramis to Eugenie. with nineteen superb I envied with literature, politics, trade, and irn- ! eel" . [ awe 'thee: en. not =ere 'Pee: but liteollY teen Illegal'll.- d 14 rviagtiren the iyotom. huh these, they cm WI claul4l.l 31,” continue edrerthier with na, yen mrl 02. , MEDICINAL Steel F • ' - an,rat 10,0. provements, for eaventy - two years, aiding all .INIIALATIONS,witich the, value highly,but that time in planting and building up this mighty pees to mien isras 0rd,,,, from cm, ihdi e nd ortierneut ; only ae /Windiest, (Ascent/ nu eurritOw sifol mhos Dud The Gallery of Famous English anti American poeulatieu West of the Alleghenies. • •in the Pulsed 51a..• " 1 alone.,) and Invalids are esrnestlycantiourd agaliestwasting Poets. Illustrated with over one hundred - As political parties were divided in an early I This ir en ',mut fra.m not of the many leases reverend the pricing. time Of curability on any treatment baled upon Engravih9 on Steel. 'day, the Ca:tette was Federal. With the rem- • from the 11,dinnd a „rir t ,, ~,a , l•nr e ly when Hollanders the plensibledrut false Idea that the "neat of the/Dm:we um -g, mots of that party it became an integral per- l l'.. m eßß the 11015 Pd R 1 " ,.... I re l-11 4 , Amvi1. 551 . 1 1 be reached in a direct manner by Inhalation,. for as before Pue of I I . two ile L n Favorite E n g lish CRS tlc ast- (ion of the Whirr system. When the Whigs ' cot laollate in teltlng Its virtues for thomiwlres. ' 11 . 11, 4 th e toßi of the distalie is in the blood and Ito etch, Curies , with one hundred splendid Engrav ceased' to be known as a distinct portion of the C 1 • 11T1 '” 11—P. ' .I'llR to .14, toe Rmrlaa , e'v Ilelloud RR i - vn/Y ha the tones. 'togs on Wood. polit teal family, it became Republican; and now tent The great popularity of thin medirine g h , to Induced ..„ A Liget questions will be went to thou' wishing to con- Rhymes and Roundelays of Country Life, su ranks among the most able, dignified, and gen- i r enny imitative.. which the publlC 0100.1 ! on "-N lt um I.l°;lhe7r. for conoultation. tny'dovrfctf P maiming. tlemonly organs and advocates of that party. t ' perbly illustrated. &old at $1 per bottle, or Kis bottles tort's, by the pro- — SAMTJJECIA 43FRA:1" "With mere partyjahi, h owever, we have I petett.re,DEN.I.PAGH. an., A CO- Manufacturing Phartron ' •ipps,Arha.aza, AND TAILOR, Christmas with the Poets. Illustrated. By nought to do. The Gatielte, - under its present I mullet...l Chemists, 27 Wood street, between lot and 2d I No. 51 SD. CLAIR STREET, Birket Foster and others. I proprietors, and its able editorial corps, we look ! vus,iviwboreh. Pa.. arid Drum-ins generally. delOstlwll . PITTSIIIIRDII, PEHNA.„ Pollok's Course of Time. - Illustrated from upon as being, for facts, a reliable paper. Wo - -- -- -- ! find it doily stored with the earliest news, and z -- pcitat - sz.'"o - tiCes - . ----- -- , Invites public. attention to his new d beau- designs by Birket Faster. It ful anwortment or Pall G oo ds , corodoting or CI the, Caner not defiled with narratives corrupting to good , ' ' i,,-Alkir,' iiii - i - F. - rii — ort. --- o - c E. --- eiEt - i - irili. - ; The Proverbs of Solomon, with twenty tilos morals, nor olTenaive to true delicacy." I • --- ,mores, Tostings and Coatings of every variety nd style, . adopted to the bent city sod country trade. winch will be trations, by Gilbert. , mode up with promptoros end despatch, end at 'tee aglow Lays from the Holy Lind, with sixty splendid on at any otter similar establishment in the city. oa•dlC --.-- Illustrations. Lyra Geri:nettles, or Lays from the Land of ' Luther. Translated from the German.— Richly BOund ' and Illustrated. Finely bound and illustrated editions of the Poetical works of Poe, Burns, Scott, Milton, Moore, Byron; Hood and others. The Etching Glob Series, comprising the Po.. etical Works of Gray, Goldsmith, Keats, Coleridge and Bloomfield. Finely Illus trated. The Sabbath Bell Series. Beautifully Bound and.lllustrated. Tosettiwith a largo stork of fine editions , of the lan't tiro. In every department of Literature —ALPO— _ _ aCCO . , RDIroRs and PR OP.R 113,70 R 3 Yl'l'lss~l~C~s= THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. its, 1858 . A (Inuit Itwatow.—ThoWashington Union, in urging that we should take possession of Chilies. has and Senors, in accordance with :he reoom. mendations of the President's Message, puts ti upon the ground that those Mexican provinces are hammed by predatory Indian tribes who make a descent ; :npon them, steal all they can lay hands on, and then retire over the line to the territory of "the United States, where they are !court from pursuit_ Hear it "Senors:is to-day in the most miserable ecu dition. The whole stain is the prry of the Apache Indians. All cultivation, rx.cept in the immediate vicinity of the towns, is abandoned. The high roads are daily stained with the blood of the people:. The whole mining region of the Northern portion of the state is abandoned and the oommeretal world is deprived of the silver which it so much needs. From researches which will shortly be made public through the Indian Department,. it le ascertained that more than one-fourth of the Gila_ Apaches are Mexican nhildren liho have, been carried. into captivity: tad have grown up savage. Annually, hundreds of both sexes are oaptured. They never return except when familiarized with the Indian life. What ie this to the United States! And where is oar authority to avenge the wrongs of oases- sins inflicted upon a Lreigu popalution? The answer in plain. These hare their hennas in the Unita:l,9We.; North of the Gila Rirer. From the valleys of Its Northern branches they descend into Sonora and Chihuahua; plunder, murder and Lake prisoners, and return with their ill gottanihooty to their homes, where they re.,nin null; want or inclination ligalu sends them forth. Secure en their retreat, when they have crossed our boundary like—which the Mexican dare not cross —they pursue their way leisurely tack. We, in v i ne, g ive sielicr to these predatory band,,, and be= oonw partityps crirrinis in the despoiling of the fair irrovince upon which the run ever shone.": - . We do not nee why we should interfere for the protection of citizens of another governmeni ; but admitting, rer the moment, that we should do so, it does not follow that taking military possession of provinces devastated by Indians from our Bide of the border, is the proper way of doing IL If these predatory Indian bands take refuge on oar soil, our power to capture and punisktbem, there, is unquestioned, and the proper plan would seem to be to erect military posts on the American side of the border and seise the robbers as they come over. This plan would be as effectual as the other and is open to no objection; and the marvel is that any other, upon the reasons given, should have been thought of. But such a course would not suit the purpose discloied in another part of the article from which we have quoted; and the extract we give below will show that the professed desire to pro •.dect those provinces is all bosh : "The recommendation in go message of the President that the United States should assume a temporary protectorate. over Sonora and Chi huahua, is founded not only in just right of re prima for agyracated and long continued ouh ages upon American citizens, but upon principles of self preservation, and upon humanity for the people of those frontier States." We are called upon, primarily, therefore, to take possession of theaa provinces as a rtprisal • for alleged outntges by the Mexican govern ment upon our citizens ; and secondarily be cause, in so doing, we would protect Mexican Citizens against Indian thieves who make their haunts upon our eide of the line. A "reprisal protectorate" over Sonora and Chihuahua le justified because "assassins," having "their • haunts in the United States," "descend Into Sonora and Chihuahua, plunder, murder and take prisoners," and return to the territory of • the United States with their iligotten booty, where the Mexicans dare not folio! them. In the last extract from the organ's article it is broadly asserted that a "protectorate" over So nt.traand Chihuahua is justified by "right of re prisal for—aggravated and long continued out rages upon ova citizens," and in the other para graph we ere told that tnsteatl of one cilium. be ing the subjects '4,F..e0e1at.0c00! . .1 . "7".1.-rf „Mel- Gina, '• 'r"skis resident within the territory of the United States, and sheltered therein after deliberately committing and return ing from dune plundering and murdering earn- ditions ! And according to , the Washington ' Union the President justly recommends that for this 'conduct of 84. , 96581128 sheltered by the United Staies, we shall make reprisals, not upon the assataine, but upon their victims! Thia is Presidentialund orl.in-grinding logic. The Union farther contends that, as Meiican Indians commit outrages in Arizonia, and the Mexioin government door nothing - to prevent thorn, we ought to seize Sonora and Chihuahua. So that, whether our Indians commit outrages on Mexican citizens, or Mexican Indians oom mit outrages on our citizens, we are equally justified in taking possession of Mexican terri toryt Mexico meet bear the penalty of the wrong, whether she is the victim or the doer of it. Tan return of the Niagara item its cruise to the coast of Africa, with its cargo of captured Africans, has already been duly announced, A correspondent of the Tribune, who Was on board, gives some very Interesting incidents, which are well worth recording. After a number of the poor Africans had died,- It was resolved to have a pool marten examina tion, which remelted' in prohibiting the sailors from "giving any food to the negroes, because in their enthusiasm to nourish them, they gave food which disagreed with the weak and debili tated constitutions of these unfortunate species of humanity." Although every attention was given to these miserable creatures, sevenly-one died during the-voyage, nearly half of which number were females. The correspondent con tinues, "I must tell you, though I would rather have , - ...,been spared the occasion, that we had two naval courts martial on beard, although our absence. has not' been very labgthened. The first wafto try two sailors for drift. Their orimeeconsisted in abstracting from a large box of shoes, which the Ainerioan Colonization Society woo sending out to' Africa, some twenty pairs of the very. choicest the package contained. A counsel was' - given the prisoners, and every 'opportunity pre. Neutral to them to establish their innocence, which, however, they were unable to do suffi ciently to satisfy "the law's just majesty," al. though they loft no atone unturned to avert the conviction they too justly deserved. They-were sentenced to ad days' solitary confinement, and to lose each about $OO. The second court wan convened to try a broad-ohested mariner for a lees serious "offense, that of "disrespecting his superior officer," and his priniehmentonsisted, In .remaining under arrest while the watch toil •which he belonged was below, and working with( it when on deck. Before narrating * the Concluding circumstances our voyage, let um remark on two peculiari ties 1 notice d tho ,negroes of whom lam writ. • ing, as I have not—seen a published allueies to theta; Many bad on their arms a_kind of eir inteacisonvoark, which seemed to gain reverence from those who were 'not thus particularized, and to denolea sort of ruperiority in the tribe to which they belonged; others possessed double rows of teeth, ranged like galleries one Laded ' ! another, net eftebtrieity they effect by prevent ugshe pulling out of their first teeth, and by strenOCualy replacing them if they do fall out. * Thilu negroes are subject to an abdominal die e.Which is so disastrous in its nature that w id er h ow any of them live a month when it .attiolts them although I am informed they linger years aiteetts appearance." • Wh en t h o Niaisris arrived at Monrovia, the d several of - Liberia, the Pres e$ 010 most distinguished cidrene of the Republic - • - appeared on board, and "congratulated in glow . ' and eulogistic terms '-cur country for thus. ' = showing such a noble example to the..• . • - world." The minion of the Niagara was one of ' . ::: ,Ithleh the people of thi Thilted Sitting now feel •,- ' • rtted. It was 6 ndislon of himanity and ' - :" ,.'latirahlrbich will beremembered years hence, ~., tn the honor of thin great nation. •.. . ~ Tax ^banana Srssiosno Inman Eldflltio "Via N•w York. Tribune, of .ye sterday , referring to th e offloorreOf tbO alloying steamship Indian Xiaptrs, says: ' - . , "Tiro of thiOteeni—Astibi one lisalstmot engineer- 7 40 - iorrirorn of, ittinsblp Central, Aunties", oriorbicloAkey ,uw.. tint,gaini 00010lIta. Troolts4 buss ims - abios Ala aldpirreck nntli the dlari rmitri us 41. phone vo ' ' ° • Now AbIERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. —Most of the Cycapedias which are now, and which have been in use for years past, have fallen behind the times. The great works which were truly great and which, as far as they go, are so yet, do not meet the demands today. Chemistry, Mineral ogy, Geology, Heliography and many other soiences and arts which wo need not name ate in their great loading features modern. Some of those named above have been born within the century; others—ambrotypy and all its sister arts for example--are of yesterday, at least as regards the latter in their specific application. In view of these facts and thousand others kin dred to them, a New Cyclopedia has been a de sideratum, and we believe the lack is fitted by Appleton'? great work, the fourth volume of which is now on our table, from Messrs. Hunt & Miner. We find some remarks - in the Cincinnati Cottimerrici touching this work, which are so just that we are glad to be able to quote. After speaking of the_British Cyclopedins heretofore in vogue, it say : "To those, therefore, who desire a general dictionary, the New American Cyclopedia, now in course of publication by the Appletous, in New York, presents strong claims to a prefsr ence. Not that it is the! intention of the pub- Ushers to exhibit any partiality towards the United States—their object being to hold the balance squarely, and to give to American _sub jects, interests, enterprises, history and men, the importance which they deserve. Four volumes of the Cyclopedia have been publiseed, and up poart to have given general satisfaction. Some few earplugs have been heard ; but they hareall come from partisan and sectarian quarters? That the work is perfect, is not to be supposed- 4 that it is, so far, exceeded by any other of equal magnitude is improbable. The number of its articles is unprecedented, a forge number of able men have contributed to their production, and everything appears to have been done to render it as complete as possible." Tex Sml . roSto 01.1.1.[11T ; or. Tho Shakepeare t4ist.rhood. New York: Appleton A_ C., We are indebted to Hunt fr. Miner, the enter prising booksellers, of this city, for a magnifi cently executed volume bearing the above title. It comprises forty-flee idea portraits, on elect, described graphically by Henriette Lee Palmer. Among the illustrations are ideal portraits of Lady Macbeth, Ophelia, Viola, Beatrice, Resat lind and Miranda. Each engraving is accent ,. panied with a well written sketch, in which full Justice is done to the beautiful creations of Shakepeare, and copious extracte are also made from his most popular dramas. The binding of this work is superb, while the paper, letter, press, etc , seem really incomparable in their execution and finish. The 4 -Gallery" would make a most acceptable and appropriate holiday gift, and as such it would be an ornament to the p.rlor table The book ha 3 Levu easteu up la a manner calculated to rellect en:dune thecorn -Itorr:thr riitiete and tLr r .” • r stActonVllrtn It,a. I t.. - y hare added to the attractions of the holiday reason of the current year. - Btom 'Laos WOILIC.4.—IL is useless for ns to reiterate the oft repented expression of "hard times," "stagnation In business," "depression of the money market, Sic.," as everybody feels it more or less in every branch of burliness, not only in our own locality but throughout the State. At one time in the history of Blair county we could bout of an many forges and furnaces as any county in the State, of the Game population and territory. we, however, in com mon with our sister counties, have had to yield to the pressure . of the times, and at present make ecarcely half what we did in the past. As far as our information goes the following forges and furnaces are in operation in this county:— Upper and:LowerTyroue Forge, Mary Ann rage, Martin Bell's FII:TIVICC, Blair Furnance, Alleghe ny Furnace, HoiNdaysburg Furnace, Chimney Rock Furnace, Sarah et:truce, Upper Marla Forges, Middle 'laria Forge, Springfield Fur nace, Williamsburg Furnace, and Cove Forge:„ The above few forges anti furnaces are ell that are in operation in the great iron county of Blair, and that they aro all worrying through with a prostration of trade never before felt in the same business in Pennsylvania We rrjr c iice. however, that the 'enterprising gentleman .who have charge of these several eetablishments,ton. Hone to keep them blest , thus giving employ ment to hundreds of men — and feeding many families which might to-day, be in a destitute condition. —Blair Whig. BLA IR COUNTY Irems.—Adjutant Oeterloh of the Fencibles has been elected Brigade Inspec tor of the above county, in place of John C. Innis, deceased The Register (Hollidaysburg) says the home thieves are about again. On Thursday night last, a flue horse belonging to Jacob Nofoker, residing in Freedom township, was stolen from hie stable The Blair County lVhig says: "On Friday evening lard the Wash ingtonian Temperance Society of this borough met at Gardner's Hall. The officers were in their seats. The meeting was conducted in the old style by song singing, speeches, &c. The persons who addressed the assembly were Dr. Coffey, Dr. Junkin, George Raymond, Judge Caldwell, Judge Jones, A. DeArmit and George Bowers. Quite a number of persons were pre sent, and not a few signed the pledge"....On last Friday morning, a man was found dead on- the Sand Ridge near the . Phillipsburg and Spruce Creek turnpike. He was supposed lobar.) been dead for serer:ll days. Two bottles of liquor were found upon the person of the deceased flarnish, of Frankstown township, in Blair county, killed a bull calf a few days ago, seven months and three weeks old, which weighed, when dressed, three hundred pounds. The hide weighed eiztylour pounds. Tue fact that Mr. Green opposed, to-day, the attempt of Jed. Davis to urgu forward the or ganization of Arizonia, provokes much specula tion. Arizonin in regarded as the first step to ward Sonora and Chihuahua. There in touch dissuasion among the elaveholders with regard • Al President's policy of aggrandizement. It ho strongly opposed by the cautious and prudent Southern Democrats. A majority of the Hoene Committee on Terri tories is against reporting the Oregon bill. The vote in Committee stood four to tour to-day. Zolllcoffer, who le opposed to the bill, was absent. The Republicans in the 110111 , 0 have dotcrmin• ed to make an effort to repeal the English limit. ation in the game act, so Wto put Kansne on en equality with Oregon. They maintain that the same rule should be applied to a Republican aa to a Democratic State.— Wash. Cur. Tribune. ETD Or TELE MAN woo .11 , L= 170 Ration's Mox rum—Benjamin Lett, the man who was con victed about twenty years since of blowing up the Brook monument at Queenstown Heights, hut •eacoped as he was being taken to prison, died in Milwaultio on. Thursday last, from the effects of poison, as is auppoked. A few weeke ago; he started on a trading voyageth Mackinaw in com pany with a man named Wilson, and arrived there and sold his goods, but was soon after taken violently ill, and brdught back to Milwattkie opeechless, when after a few days of auffering he expired. Wilson hatsbeen arrested on strong suspicions of having been the cause of his death. As Orriatei ne Tioosta.—A short thno since Mr:. Hickok, State Supiiintaletd. of Common aohools; removed Mr. J. K. Krewson, the County taaperintendent of Schuylkill wanly, and ap., pointed W. O. Beide as his suocessor. The re. » moral was for wnegitiot of duty end incOmpe ta i ley. ” Thelmeaproildes thatinCouriiirinper intendentinanleraniored from office for‘apeoi tied oarnenerMr. Karmen has that In, the Protivonotii:y*:ollAe lof Sehaylkil,l-oouty an affidavit aeltiigfoith liiistimp i evi in the sue r and spoliodo Ike Court of Commotaleis, torrt *it if - giro' Wriiitie st; kis Initithe cossoi. 13=C GIELEI2 PARK, AT CURDY & Co.. MANUFACTURERS OF SIIEATIIINO, HR&ZIERS' and BOLT COPPER, PRESORII COP PER BOTTOMS, Ralrod cull Sonoma. Spoilt, roll, Ao.. Mao, importers End Dealers In METALS, TIN PLATE ERECT IRON, MIRE, Ceartnntly on bond, Tlnnan's Machlors and Tools. Wareham, No. 149 Fir., and 120 S..ennri street, P ccccc surgh, Penna. ahr.° lot 1.14.3. of Como, eta to any deslrod pattern. Irlyl,lln..l.lslyT 010'1`11FIII81 MOTH 1,41t811-010T-111-1011LiS111 Pont fail to procure Airs. Winslow's Sooth- Iron Ratting, Iron Vaults, Vault Doors, log Syrup fel Children Teethlog. It has no equal en mrth. Window Spatters, Window Guard's, &e., It greatly lieulitatos the FMCSss of teething by trawling the Nos. 00 Srmnd Sired ami rA Thini Stqd, gums, MalaCi .11 kaiSMUlatioll—will allay palu, and is (De emn wood end yl ar k„o piTTyynnum, PA, tom to rigulate tho bowels. Depend upon It, mothers, It cn hod • • variety of nor Pattern% fiehey and plain, ent will givr rt , t 10 yourselves, and relief and health to your I:.“'",r.ibrv:2lWll? JOb .. . b f.i.g docke /...11 at calm short notice. taro ion paid to ett• Infants. Perfectly mfe lu all c.c.s. Thlt 'doable preparation is the prem., !talon of one of 1 atm ra,sit wits...loured .oat skilful female Phydelam In New England, at ..I has beta miel with nererfalling IMICC(411 In ['Ail...A MS. We behest. It the hest and unrest remedy In the world, In ! NOLICITORS IN CHANCE:NY, eil sex.. of Dysentery and Warhorse In Children, whether It No. 6, DaMl'Dirs Thwih arises from teething PI from any other ranee. SeTCollmtlone promptly made in any part of Northern If lowa, or Western Wisconsin. life mid hoslth can ho OltiMittaVi by dollar. and cents It will ottood t o t h opto ,,,.. oott o sgo of yt o m lu t a" o b. le worth It, ...Isla In gold. s I tatulna Alone, on Ronde and Mortgages. _____. wiltlydfu .. !Milo. a loath , . aro mold every y.a.r mm the United ; liu.6l.osußOti ................... .... .... ......--.......r. H. walk' Eliatel II I. nn obi and sell-tried remedy. - • I WITLIEOR DGOOLJS3 ITILsoI .11.111.1. 1' , .10 1.1 ONLY US CENTS A BOTTLIC !ROBINSON, MINIS & MILILERS, Sir:ince gouulne unless the fetc.imile of CURTIS a PER- FOUNDERS AND AI AC SIAN INTO. MKS, Nov , iurk, Isola the ouleido wrapper, Sold ty forogglata the nine the leortd. !WASHINGTON WOpli S. DR. OD, 11. KWO KR, Arta for Pittsburgh I Pittsburgh, Penns .in . .....dawlyhiT . . I OBloa. No. Al Market ...... .; NV 1.1. QI.F. S A. it, it. A. G Id ZS ti "r.' I alannlactora all Rinds of Steam Engines end! ill Madan. I cry; Castloga, Rall road Work, Steam Dollars and abut trall • 16. celebrate. I Work. JobOlog and Repairing dn. on ' , hoer .al., r26:13a11e AMEBXCAN VIIATIDELEIS. HEINEMAN & MMUS, No. 4'2 Firr❑ STREET Have to st”re t.staltal nwurttnool ATCHEB El= MEESE MATERIAI ===al Bags! Bags! Bags! oßnerne and GRAIN DZ tLEItn caa now be rarrrll,l IFIM Bart their train 141,nrte. nnikr• . leowlnt anq crr 'pacts 88AIILE , °-2 I , n+ll I no SZIO: 2`, 11 160 • • • • a.3...a 11.01316. •• • • • • 1/ ^ hr. •• '• i.• • 1.411,01 Salt 1,1,40. 11dm.. CsrnerraW,al an.l 14.1,p0u. nal,, [ll.l.4o"tar ortl, ae as low pt I.va *a any manufactory In ...'miry. Lit It 10 9, from 2 as. to 1011 x. for Circa-rra Teo Deal. or rtc Abollt W. pock ut paler. - wiatting tan h. , . tti.-10 prilittA npoz: tLrx 1.,1, lb', ar.• tuaLlo. DAVI! , f l'ittaburglt Bag 51ann tsctory, n011,..1t1 So. Cr 1.1b..11y.:(Y1 corn.. Hand. t U !! ! McCOFtI:, 6t CO-, 131 'Wricarl Street. Pittsburgh. Al., Dills oo the principal titles and tot,. of Prance, lIAVING JUST RETERNED FROM NEW , Bolgium, golland, thruway, /Weak and other Rains. SORE are now scrlritur n War loth of fresh wide PURA 5ti11c0..a..,1.1 on Lmd a.] Lic ;slob/ WM. IL WILLIAMS 00., Banton, Wood erect. norrwof Third. cvmprlalt,,t lin4. , a Bay Fable, !dial table, stoup Slartm, tibeelau Stiutr,S. C. . 1141 f Cap.. Victoriote, ould Cuff, Also, Fels lionuma. FIARD WARN,. 52 Wood Bt Pittsburgh. Pa. _ Taws rood. hare boon .:tomcat watt great not, and .at ' A full and complete assortment of all de b. lo,ld at amen protta. I saiptiono of HARDWARE, at Wboletala and Retail, can 1../k• fr , o; ru RS are Imllal b be had at , prlove eatletuctory to the purchaser at the above roll Red exenalue our stock ' teal:kit establlthmect ---- ac a CA L. Lb s 'll i ttr . ! L A I x b E. TE. A ... dab b Teener wary description la brae variety. Id enchants, Mechanics at nv el Farmers am lital to call. _to al allyfo. _ • Via NICARAGUA. AMERICAN, ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC SHIP ("ANAL COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. OPPOSITION LINE AT REDUCED RAT N 4 - max To sal% rn.A.Onsca. .... Upper nt..rage.. Ivo; wer au•era,.— litmt .+t 10 .. Sto , 1 c.Lu. The t remit of the Imbrium The , epleudid etewnehlu A?III SOWN, of 2.10 , 0 tons re Abater, Capt. Henry Chnrebill, haring bran fltrel op or measly for the California Ind, by the Nicaragua routs, will leave her pier. North Rivcr, Now Virk, ou bloiriay the fah of Decortilier, at 2P. Al eurrying_uumngere, [Balkh and height to San Joan del Norte, to ritoorot at San loan del Sur with the wall known end remnuallade wearnehip II Cll. bt A N,Caut, Cavenly. for Sau Freedom, Callhamia. 7h•... etdaudid stasnmilips offer mouirpmeril serminuoilatione Poo the mfety and conifort of rfte•erijer.. TM I ethmes root.• I. thoroughly reroired Ktx,l enter, mid the c o untry healthy.rinseet morbid uric. For giaseago awl freight, apply only at the Oleo of tho . _ - _ Company, to JOHN P. YELVIGITON, Aconl, oci2i'finulte—milii No. 3 Dowling Orman, Nwal York. get') allberttorMcnto. . . The Great Engllan Remedy. jIMPORTANT TO CONSUMPTIVES! BILL JAMES CLARICE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS! Pri.iwrod from • peeseripUm of kir !einem Clarke, TIIE ILYPOPDOSPUITES Phyele inn Sitraonlloary to the How. of LIME, SODA and POTASH, hisit well known Hadiadoe la so impositkra, but • aura ! - midwife remedy for Female Difilculties sod Olictrimtime, • SPretrle IMAM Fan Tall rtuavac 01 I C ON SITM.P TION - rum any carom whotevet; and although a powerful remedy, .they contain nothing hurtful to the coustitution. I Oir LIS new and important Dis cov ery in TO MARRIED IbADTE,9 it it peculiarly bolted It II -• - 0 the Itrioetanut of lUMUCULO,I3 (Comminution) was In a d'art time, bring on the monthly period with reignlarity. t. mod•• by the reletimted Dr. John Fronds Churchill of Parts, mama, utecr fan knees fo fuifrvherethe d i„, rind first communicated to the /beech Aralemy of moods. 112 IMO. It her been adopted end L. now used throughout Nam an thesecond yoga of pamplJet are well observed. ; the Continent of Sloop, with m ot comma as Fel' prolcul , " • fare, it`MTilt••b, the mid preventative of thls mow formidable MAIM. of N. B —AI earl Piatdge c.d.." , to "of ' the Human awe The Illypriphoeuhitie aro recommentiml by aril agent, will Immure bot Uri, containing over AO Oily, the most eminent Phymemas of New York, who promrilay return mall.— r It far their D. L. I'AIINNSTOCH ik CO., Pittsburgh, wholesale agent, ' cha,..ahoh by a wale! a d aal in a ;;;a „ and mid by all druggists. l'enldk*fra T , dnetione, came to ceinehilou. that thePrethank maw, ,14.5C.D11-2.Y B. ' or at all events, an awential coorlitien of Tuberculosis Forwarding and Commission Merchant, 11. 1kI ,, a 1:7 0 1 1 7:1r a ' 4c yaa r ' a r a lh ir t a th ,, * (,TT, ) ,,.. " th h a e •S ua bMl a , a b h l : AND WHOLESALE DEALT& LN Inkeence, thit the moms of exiling thd diarase con- C.Theese, Butter. Seeda.Flub, slated In restoring the deficient elements. ; For this portiere, It wet tressamy to select come C.ur And Prodnee Generally, ; patina of pbuTtihortts which eheold bast the Came titneo2y. Aw 21. Wood tareet. Pillaborgh. dirahle and eicimilable—thatitacamble of entering Wound J. H. DDILDIT T, D., formfirg •the ember, Thesecondltlamwere found timiklat In //yepoplemplillet qf Lino, &do =inlaid, - 163 Third Street, riit.burgh, Penner., Mach room Met to fulfil the two refiniultes orturdslation, Having lied tha advantage. of Keeton, Colleges and Hoe !or bush & sod taerimilaUon, noose M i thei flyrphow (Hale, and woven, front' paktum, offers hie profeeslonal tom. On araaPao,; to hTl:aaa.priaa,sAM: movie.. hi SHIM ICIAL AND ILEDICAI e CASp.I3. I over that ma be, ekkAmmititeiles mwronsforem end of • -- ! Wernher the) , aro the most powerful f iermalfwFVW. Col. Wilson licOandiesi. lion. ii. A. Weaver. 11.. m. T. J. 1:11glism. John it. 31ollor, Emi t Mass. Esq. iny3:13,1111 R. W. D. 'toward. 11,../. D. 11. A. 111c.LeAu. T. H. MU, rali. J. IL. Hinder. Jo Pot. ETNA STOVH; ALEXANDER BRADLEY, I.I(CF tUll AIM Mart Or COOKING, PAALOII AND NESTING STOVES, Plain and Fancy Grate Fronts, &a. Sole Proprietor of the celebrated PATCNT Oaa BURNING and SMOKY CONSUMING COOK STOVES. OfHee and Sales Room. mrl:klyarc No, 4 'Wood fit.. Pittsburgh. Pa. W. AL' D. REN DILIIIITACITII.I.I ISO PUI.RIIII 111 All kinds of Tobscio, Sisuirand Thnencestly islientbe tratididg N. 1510 Wood street, in addition to Weir Man nflottiriug Witeblielwit,no.43lrvia stmt. where they will be ',loaned tome/ea thuir Mewls, apTitlydre .DILNaI.tV.VitY Ft:MANDEB° haring roltig t ur p e d to pistsiorsh,s4th the Intenbutt of making it hisfutare residence, can be found at Lb 0/710K NO, icurinumg BTXUSEY, between. Wood nod t mithfreld INLAtis bents from D A. X. tot r. r. «..udeoitb 10 Jim= 1••01•1•1 • Colegnelpirlis and Flail-Oa, 1adi6117161 re& tatAattcabmAtemet et ANBERIIIES-5 bble. rec'dland ibrls,kt -%/by &LS HE= U. O=lM lU=NLIMMI Now .1 4 `tir Storo trona Philad LOUIS MILLER, Manufacturer! of all kinds of Lodlis ata Gentlemen's Furs, Neigh and ear ring, Robes; dealer In Buffalo Robes, kr—, kr, whidesalo and ratan, at No. 133 Wood street, shoo 31101. Fors repaired, cleated nod altoro.l In tho best mauves. Goods mado to order at short not.. All kinds of shlpplou tnn bonght. JOHN COCHRAN Ar. RHO MANIIIMIT4MS or TABDITEJIL. ....... ....... ....... fIUIPIT VANDDVDR & FRIEND, A. TTORNMICES AT • M. E. DENTIST., Extracts Teeth without pain, by a Li Mr Anatethetle agent applied to tbe feet , I only. Teeth tram one to fall setts Inverted on metallic bases. Ile ale. Ineerte teeth on treir! lass with oontinnoua gem, .filch In beauty, el. jut - ability cannot tall to plea.. Call and en tra.ol2lce No. GI 'earth street, below Merl mid Plttsbnesrh. MITCHELL, HERRON & t i • 11...CM - 1171119 Or CaOk.i Wt. Parlor and Henn na STOVES fr Grate Fronts, Fenders, Cooking Ranges, &e 194 Liberty Nt.. Pittnburgla. Pa. mr22lcly tV 11: IL" MA N & h. ON Nam:amnia:um and Naler• in kW* of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CI,GARB, A N D LEAF arm, f SolitAfitld Street and g . Aies E, ont Agcy. rA: Pittsburgh Stool Works, „TONICS. BOND & CO., elssofactarmrs of CAST STESt aIpo,SPRING. PLOW and A T. !Thett, FPS INtiS nntl A XLYLS. •wa• /Is 5.,107,...1,11.1163..., Itogerel Improved Patent Steel C`niti onto r 'repth. Orme Sus and Pied Sreto. PtOrvent, Po. ordtlyn, P`OI7.3 I CIGN .EXCLIA.P.TGIE. SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BY DUNCAN, 911E11.11/1.31 A. CO., ON TIIE UN/ON . BANE, LONDON, SUMS 09 ONE POUND STEELING AND UPWARDS. LOGAN 6 GREGO, Importers and Dealers in Forrign and American N. FIOUBLEAS K SONS. MUNN IN Foreign and DORfeAlie Bills of Exchange, CLATITICATS3 Or D 1517051; MOTET AND SPECID, • - NO. 57 NIAIMET SPRIXT, PTITSBDROII, PA. sll_Callentlunn mule on all the prinell9 cition through. .. . 0 " ant Oa UnltoA 100100. • n1151751E1y ZGOEIRCI-T—A.NS No. 54 St. Clair Street, 0,1 lab's Vew .111,1ydfr S. & C. P. MARKLE; 31.0,1/5,01.28 OF FILINTINO, JuH AND ALL KINDS OF VI it A, PPIN I I-' 14. . Warchoune, No. 37 Wood Hiroo', PiTTSIJURGII, PA. atyttf far superior'Many Whim.; known. - . , - - The Physlokskal effects of their am ere shown by en fn• of of nerrourpower sometimes even from the first day of their administration, together with en untomudficUnp of comfort and sfrenoth. Theappchle inmates often in an ex. traon/Inaryminter. Tho evacuations become reptdar and .'mare ; alrund4 the petard... Woes, If any hare tabled, Celfla iti rp es noire and proflitmd. All the general 'symptoms disomperir with • rapidity that Is truly tnannelens. ADP- The ifypepeemilacr,ae precribed by D. Churchill, ern tune fertile grat time offeral In ache/aka/1y pure form in Dm Dolled Ptatee by the undersign...l, Price $2,00 per bottle, In a cesecenfrohgorm, by insul.— Throe bottles will be sent for $5 when red by Express, It is alai pot op In large bottles, ready for use, when or , tiered by gram. or private hand, Ample direstions on compidiy each package. Monism nod all desire:linkman. e lion may be mined by addressing (with a clamp enclosed> t , 3: WINCLIZATISR, Amoricanited *reign Agency Oaks, T Sy Johniltreet, New Yogic. It naliMmdi ' ;LEATILICIL AND OlL—The subscriber Invites ittenthro ofennrcheners to his offensive stock of CRATIIIIII, OIL, to., Jost receiving coaslrflog In part of 1= ilidoeittal Bole Leather. GO ilealtrach, Hip, oral pit Skins, —, F -70 0 'l.lroploo, Mann% Cano, an Prone% Morocco*, 33 " 11:iptx , r Leather. 40 0 litootorn and Pittoborgh Ptak : Lining% . .4 1_2.6 Ibis 'lane's OH, Como arellOalter Hip Skins, Magma Ifebblfar, - Shoe - and Corslerl,Mools, dt.,,fr.., ' • WM. WILEINSOn% .' : Indll j • . Liberty street: - VCR CHRISTMAS AND NEW•YSA,RS' PRESPACTS—Ratarxd Writing Daks, lb* Wrleth/ Owl, Tawlting Casa, buffalo., Altana, Putt. Atanahnk OM Poona, Fine Stational, Act A tattoo antorktnent 'of Pathan Firma and wawa 'Stay articiacsaushmont s***and sift 1.014*Ya7 A:MAO:Wm Aaht. Width& au Withal. um/ afore sal WA tantaltatt - nty nottlay Slottuarrion. to maid*/ Imptorabosta.` - `t do! Nre ouonsusa; r•amas4~sear 1117 71 R'Y .kegi tndlt ;I;l"stiielr arlsti(by 4W 218 it )O.IIgTIL , . F STOOL OF .117 V I3ooli B OF EVERS DESCRIPTION. Y AND POCKET BIBLES, Hymn B4.u.ks, Prayer Bonin, TAMENTS, lu every varkty 4,0 e and Binding. AMMON BOARDS, GUESS BOARDS, CHESS MEN, "(I DESKS, PORTP 0140 S, eau Us] ALBUMS In great variety. LAR SAVINGS BANK.—Statement DOLLAR SAVINGS BANG, MONTHS, ENDING DECEIGLEE 1,165 S due depnGtors, June 1, IMe, 'Deluding dloldeud....-......- Aniouot reuelved .from depositors fur last six mouths-- ............ -_.s 01,:eU Oo Amount paid to depositors fur iho last ale month. Amount duo depoattorn, excluelvo of Dteldend, December I, L 005... Amount of I ntereet nurocuot Inch:La ing Dorember Bonds sod Mocigsgeo. Bank Bills of Exebanyv-- Coati on flood Prrrsitrarn,9, T lsm The Trod... ham tide day declared • dividend of HREE PER C.T.E for the hut MI months, mold. forthwith. If tot &two, will bear lowest from December I.t. ifsleat CHAS.. A. COLTON, Treasurer. SITYDRIES--lieuilock Sole Leather; Oak Tanned do do /french and Domestic Kips and C.di; Upper Lawther-, Lining, Clodlog and Kid Skink Tanners' Oil; Galloons, Oboe Latta, kr., As. • A larze and choice stock for sale by delta WM. WILKINSON, Liberty at. REDUCTION! REDUCTION!! at Bram nr. tkia—Laclies• Moe D 13.11, Shawls. Em broideries, all marked down. Lull aro Invited to call and learn the rodooed prices. dole A: LARO . E . Iot of SEE: • ETON SKIRTS, • mmim2li2tamw .117 RIIDLE.PIRT3 a. CO. TAMED APPLES---30 bush, clean Western, res—trod sad for sale 155 Merry street_ JA. . . MES WILSON having disposed ofa s UM end Cop Atom Coon, No. 91 Wood arroot, ham *m oored his stook of nets atidCaps to hi. [La eters or trod ral sheet, Allegheny City, opposite tbo Near Sayings Carers my lm *mod a large atoortment of lints nod Ca at very rtdocod prime. I. JIM OW mints non Noah —The prompt *Jock most Do sold to make room Lt. Ihning (Mods. doltsdtf CCARPENTER WORN. ANI) JOBBING at the Central Malay Mill, Water street, Allegbeny.— Jnobteg, Repotting and Carpenter Work of every descrtp am done promptly and at the lowest poselble rates, doing all nor tine.% work by machinery, we an prepared to cam. paths on the shoring notlceddontdingm Down and Yeah 'way. on hood and for We In quantitiee to toil par. c ,at Central Planing ARIL Water e treat, between Federal and Reeser rim,Alleitttoy City, Pa .14-445 J. • 11. PRICE. SUNDRIES -38,4 sks. Tenn. Dry Apple.: 1000 do do Wheat; 2.53 do do Flour; 118 do do Com, I bbls. OTOOLI dpplw; 4 do 81 - . 1 Lard, OEI .reamer EldBB}44 to arrive for We by doll 100 I Ali DICKEY & 00. D AILY EXERCISES IRON CITY COL.L.H.G-H. LtrOVIIIIZII2 or conNaaCia Ontntkriolni. Slug. m—Frectlona, scam end decimal. 0 to 10 e no—Prognotiosl, simple and coniponal. 10 toll a m—Percentage, with Its applications. 11 to 12—Internet. Dieconnt, Oommdmion, Insurance, 110 e Mirage and Dimonutftig Notes. 3to 4 p m—ltatbange, Foreign and Domestic, and Arbi tration of techenge. 4to 6 p m—Equatiulte of Accounts, Current end Account Sales, 7 in 9pw—Gentral instruction in Practical Arinbraetic. PITTPBORGH. PA 2 to 3 p m—lostnutlon to Um entire Echool, accompsultd soak Leannot on Commerdal Correspondence. 7 to 8 p to uma 4000 G. 211.1160 titt6l.llMdt. 9 to lon m—Lecture for W. Finn blotting. 10 to II a in—Lg.:lures for the Fecund Dtoblon. 11 to 13 a m—Lectures for the Thin! Maalox, 3 to 4 p m—Lecturee for the Fourth Dlolaba. 3 to 6 p m—Ksmultuttlori otOnglaatleg Clan; 10 12 a 1.2--.S•turthap, Lector. oa epealal euldecto. FRET! Literary Lectures ever). Friday evening •8 &clock. prlenw histroctiout ou any tabled, at all hours gam 8 ain to p in. Boehm. men and friend. of education aro Incited to WI IRO examine for then:teeing Fur circular coutaluliig tuu Infortoallou and lipOOIM•13 Of Ilusinees mat Omameotal Writlug, endow two letter atampulrear nett F. W. JF.NILINS. Plttaburei, Pena.. Butler's Mercantile Record & Copying EXCELSIOR FLUID INES, Manufactured by Jainism 3. Duller, Agent, gINCINNATIi• O. Itazoon—For Ledgers and Esocrds only. MeanGnus—For Books, Lettere and gooornl pm-poasa. Corrpro—For Letter-Prete only. THESE FLUIDS change from a GREENISH blue to o de..p and permanent MA= mon, which no length of time swilijode or destroy. , These num Inks were first offered to UM Pin= Ia 1851--duce which time them has been them awarded EIGHTEEN DIPLOMAS, TIMEX DRONER AND 021EILLLYER MEDAL. Attention Li (netted to the following csitllleates rime Prot Chilton, New York t • • • .1. here, at the request of Oook,Marritt A Brown, of Now . York, enalyskd two maples of. Fenn, Dor, one marked 'Ar nold's Chemical Wrltlng Mold H.EJ Arnold, London:— the other q/ntier'e Meroantileltetord Fluid, Cincinnati? "I find both of theee Inks tc contain the mom ingredi enta, end in theseme Mate of odnatittiatinn. .Prom the result of thiverinue tests to which I have eubjeeted them, I ffutthey are equal to quality as well es donabWty." • JAMES IL CHILTON, M.D.,Cheirdat. New York, NOM:IINi 014 IFSE. For sale by • • ••••••IF. S. HAVEN, dot corner of Market and &xond streets. FRESH SUPPLY JUST 'RECEIVED.— &vibrate and,Erralenta . thicheri fot the removal of Dyepapela and lapanimptin. No medicine, Do Branded means, but amply Dae thhe food according to directions It cult, the most dakate Moab. fitapplled at the book store, 78 north area... 0041 J. L. BRAD. SUGAR AND MOLASSES— . 10.) hisda.frinio N. 0. Sugar, 100 bbl.. no do )101a..., Arriving direct from New °Mann sod for We by LITTLIAIk MIMI; 11224w:id it. SOAP AND CANDLES-400 bx.s. German Suer. 100 bozo. Sperm sod Etat 0041 of .01 100 box,. Mould du, la Moro sad for solo by LOTTL • TIMM BLE. BROOMS -200 doi. best, quality arriving pee stoma Sir W. We Morena for ale by del3 LITTLE 4 TRIMBLE. A BROW ROOT—BraxoDA-100 lbs. for .ja,„ tale by B. L.PAHNESTOCK & 004 mt. • Fa 80, owner Wood and Booyftb do. 1 OR' !ThtTat° tan:ve brS •0 REScOlni NEW VOLUBLE, PULL& SUE SZCOrID, den ..11.10140011,1t0 66 Wood otreet. II ' OH; 1 •• roll recur ,a. • Lu rar ad !. ri:o.l6.! . ubatty =k m. ' do. tI.TATOES-80 bush choiceßaVoceived :garb. No. 18.6 Meth greet 1. i ll RIOS NEW (MEANS SUGLIkIa store Mid kr Nallicnt to 00INI., WIN Italiksl ,, , NEn tazat VAR4IBR-s'ilN=-""' Ale b 9 Da; Anita, ,RIEDIt ,,-- deli ..„ • IQui , NEW BOOKS Fifh;. 4 Gil/LOREN Bailable for Family, Salmo! an.l 5.1,1ra1h Fehool (abrade., The Float and mn.rßnmpinon. inittiorag et POCICEI% FAMILY I-1 - ‘2"..111N BOOR S, PRA:I7ICR. BOOKS OA COMM re.N'l'Es.. It 1 It. 8, In every style of Binding. Careful personal attention was given to the AIOST PRIIFEOF A BEAUTIFUL PLAIN A C•t , LORED STEREOSCOPIO — RICTURES Of ttlo boot 9c.xry• or ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, 'IRELAND, EUROPE AND THE HOLY LAND. LtdrVisiters and Buyers will find it to he to their interest and convenience to cell be- $173,1726 77 4,100.492 26,744 56 . 22,601 60 .. 614 15 . 12,672 25 173,220 77 FOR SALE OR LEASE, a lot on ourth street, hero-eau Brultlls.•ld and Cborry Alley, 100 feet flout by 85 doer.. A Lot on TWA street, near Sulltbfichl, 40 foot front by 85 hot deep. tern W4444—Tbe ovum bonded. by Butler, Wakfor and Carroll etreota sod Sproul olloy, rlt feet • P2O 1.4 r, ••••••••17 .. ..p.,,11. !cm Ir r ame•Aolk flare, , • A . MAMA WtRTS & CO .4„trioti AND 11141,1CDOrg BOOKS, In Pluni.inni F.legant Pitoling,: AND CHURCH B/BLEB, Indult rat the jaetly Celebrated: tames or tbe OXFORD AND BAGSTER PRESSES THE STEREOSCOPE selection.of all the fore the height of the businc , 9 season renders the best selection and special attention impos- JOHN S. DAVISON, No. G 1 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa delauliwtbar iffOLIDAY BOOKS.-E. C. COCIIRANE, Federal street, Allegheny, boo opened a fresh stock for the Itellday Sales.—Oallery t Panama Poets, With 100 steel etigrarlngg Americani Scenery, 32 do do; Tho Joserldue Gallery, The Book of Beauty, The Pleasure of Memory and Hope. The Sabbath Bell !brie, 10 elegant yule., w ith many choice Publications of the mason; fine edi tions of the Poets, van:table standard works with fine ilitec battens and I leb bindings: Bibles to groat variety; acme beautiful Books from the American 8. S. 0 Won, Tract foci. ety, lkater's, Linn.% Randolph's sod Belson'. London Holiday issuen new Reward Card., View., Premium Books, Ac. The New Holiday Jureuilea In AP& vol. cod imIlA Chlidremi' Rooks, Untessableen raper Della cud new Amucements, ameti, fine Backgammon Boards arid Chess. Sot 55alc. FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sate his.property In the Borough of &wick. toy; a ens large itrlck .Dwallieg liones s Flll9O Barn offers dtable, Brkk bsring Rouse, ho.. with - from ten to forty acres of groan ay the purchaser may defies. There le • fold Orchard choice fruit, and the grenade about the Rouse ate irrostitented with shade trees, shrubbery, ho. It lea moat desirable property for a country home, and wid be sold on very iwieonable towns. For further particular. eremine of J. W.Y. MILT*, Attorneyat Law, 106 Fifth arced. Pittsburgb,,or of the entecriber on the premises. delkdtt IL ROPIIIN& TjAhilLY 1.10R5R FOR SALE.—A hand- J: some ROA. six year. old; a pacer under the saddle and • trotter to harce.; le perfectly safe for • lady or child to rids or drive; wilatot ecsre at the locomotive, military or tat)! excitement; will stand with:sit bolos hitched, and sou'ranted perfectly coned; to be sold only br went of use. Edqn ire st the Btore warehonse of set T. J. CRAIG A CO., 134 Wood st. FOR SALE—Fiftysme acres of Lind on the Old Washington Road, ads miles from the math end of the Monongahela Bridge., will be told low. Apply to GEO. W. BUN N, tooth Woof Ohio Wert, 31 done weld of Diamond, Allegheny city. • 0010 FOR SALE.—A tract of land containing Wee and one bottom., situate 09 the Fourth Street bowl, about throe miles (ma, rho Court Mouse. Will bo mid low lor rash. Inquire of IEOII 1 MACKENZIE, 0.,18,1M AtCyn et Low, No. CO fourth street. FOR SALE.-4 lots on Mill. street, East Llberq , . 20 by IV, fret, each yell be odd low, Dew , are or altogattom. Apply to GEO. W, SINN, South aide of Ohio tt, nd door weer of Diamond, Allegheny Cit . oda tar:..... eash '