The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, December 10, 1858, Image 2

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    1 1: ttlsbur 05attit.
ronututs.....D. L Z 11014.4. SIDI
13, RIDDLE & CO,
sDrross and PROPRIETORS.
. prZW13331C1:1.4303 .
FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 10-, 100111;
- ininHong.-:-A moot, remarkablo thing in non
-node with oar national finances 'which will
not WI to attest pane attention, is the marked
diderenoe between the President and the Seers ;
tary of the Treasury on the proper of rale
lag revenue sufficient - to conduct the Govern
ment. The President boldly asserts his opinionti
in fa* of specific andAgainet ad valorem du
tied; while on the.other hand, the Secretary de
nits, if he does not attempt to answer, these
ims*tartt ,, propoaltions of his Chief. lie argues
• 'against home saltation', and in fiver of ad vs.
beams ; tries to make out a ease against the
snandsetnrers, and places himself in direct an
lagoalim to the statements of the President.
Thus, for instanee. the President says:
"In regard to the mode of assessing and col
holing duties under a strictly revenue tariff, I
. - have long entertained and expressed the opinion
- that sound policy repiree thu should be done by
•+, /raffle duties, in eases to which these can be
- , - ,PrePer app e . They are c adapted to
. • commo dities - . which are usually sold; by weight
• and measure, and chief:, from their-nature, are
'of equal Cr of nearly equal value. Such, for
example, are the articles; of iron of different
ele:es, raw !agar and foreign wines and spirits.
In my deliberate judgment, *per , * duties are
beak.if not the only titts of essUring the reo
.attle evereuf false and frandulent invoices, and such
has the practice adopted - for this purpose
r. — by other commercial nations."
• Bathe oontary, the Secretary argues that "if
. •
frauds have been practised upon the revenue, it
is not owing to our present ad valorem system."
And when recommending a change of the tariff,
listded of endorsing Mr. Buchanan's views, fa
vorable to epecitit duties, he pointedly says:
to the principles of the present tariff
01,1 would recommend such changes as will
• -
product the amount required for the service. In
accordance with the suggestion contained in my
loaf annual report,l recommend the schedules .
• "b, F, 0, 11, be raised respectively_ to 25,= - 1.10,
15; 10 and& per cent. I see no goodreasons for
'haling departed in the act of 1857 from the sys
. • t tem of decimal divisions. The present state of
thingraffords a fit opportunity of correcting the
ern?. This change will increase the revenue
'from customs $1,800,000 upon the basis of the
'..' 'importations of the last thee year."
Be proceeds to argue spinet both specific dn. -
s' ties and home valuation, and urges that all lluit
I. needed is a slight increase of the Present rites
entertain articles, some of which are the raw
materials used by our manufacturers.
Noir r enikh. of these represents the govern
. ment.--the President or the Secretary' The
Washington Union, it is to be remarked, carefully
• omits; the slightest alrusion to the President's
views, while giving special editorial prominence
and endorsement to these of the Secretary.
Which is to ahipe the policy of the government!
''aurionseiectiele. If the Cabinet and the Pree
• ident erste one of the two mitst give
eittr—coie plan or the other mast be the basis of
abainlaintive action. Is it not most likely that
the President's kind words for the iron interest
Areninotintended to.he pertienbirly impressive
and binding, that they were designed rather as
sat.indbridind" . oPixdon than as administration
doctrine, and that they were thrown- out for
"Banoombe," to appease Peonsyhanis, while
the plan' of the Secretary Is to be adopted a; an
- admildstratlon measure? That is the look the.
• ; whoa' thing wears to as.
gEWAID AID /111=303.--Tha Leer:MOOD
jOUITIAbI bare -made L. MILL ado Cyst wbat they
styli the "treasonable and fanatical abolition
distrlnes" propounded by Gov. ewarl's Ro-
Chester Speed,--eaid xioatnnes being a philo
sophieal statement of lb, antagonism between
'the free and alms labor systems, ending with a
prediction that the united States would become
either entirely a Free Labor nation or entirely
- a Slaseholding nation. By the extract below it
wilt bejeen that a ditdinguished Southern dem
ocratic Statesman bad before propounded the
came view ;
"Bet it waefoond the pub ... lleb • ~.-
..,1.....,-.4ltaindip illtt etr"beite the
.47,i the dal
-when It .moat bear sad adopt it, or worse will
``follow:' Nothing ir more certainty written in the
.Aloolt of fate, THAN THAT THCall PEOPLH ARC TO BT.
,7113:11 ; nor is it Fin certain that the two races,
eguallig free, can not lks in the same government.
Nature, habit, habit, opinion, hare drawn indelible
lines of distinction between them. It is still in
empower to direct the process of emancipation
andleportation peaceably, and In inch slow de
ree as that the evil will wear off Insensibly,
and their place be, pa:ripe:au, fined op with free
white laborers: if, on the contrary, it is left to
force itself on,
human nature must shudder at
the prospects held - tip."
The author of this "treasonable and feoati
cal doetrine" is Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia.
It will'ie . found in his published letters.
Tug Asuszen PASE.— .; The President puts his
ples fof the purchase of Cuba upon the ground
that it is the only way to put an end to the de
testable Slave Trade sod secure the civilization
of Africa; and almost in-the same breath re
commends the payment of the Ambled claim,
which is simply the claim of some African Slave
Traders whose slaves were liberated by the U.
S. Supreme Court and sent back to Africa. The
motive for this inconsistency is to be found in
the desire to propitiate Spain as the first pre
liminary towards our purchase of Cubs from
her., With the usual plantation and provincial
sagacity, cot the statesmen of the South, the
Cotirt of Spain is expected to be mollified by
paying this paltry claim of the Amlstad, and in
Consideration thereof surrendering to the Yan-
bwretlcs the ever-faithful phir id of Cubs.
i. - If, being, the filarlTTrade ie so iboniinable
detistable as Mr. Buchanan says it is,
rsonti that we ietirly expend hundreds of thous
. 'ands for its suppression, why should the Slave
Tenders of the /misted be paid for being baulked
univoray entarprise ? Is it usual to
paj? 7 , - Alsbeca and dames for the stolen property
• taken fromm-thus
con .4 /nation,' called to urge on the Governor the
.prinwfatiert having a special leasion of the Le
.' ?..,.,',vAigiiistare'to grant State ; id to railroada; was a
• failure. Only fd r!.e e n counties were represent
• - 1 . • ed, And one-third of the delegates was opposed
-to the object of the tiouvention. A aeries of
e l ,,wesolations recommending a special session and
tTie granting of,State aid to railroads to the
itioount of $8,000,000, on "the Tennessee plan,"
.;:.; was adopted by a vote of. 99 to 41. The Gov
,trenor,wlll. badly call the iipeolal session.
linifilen4a of the Assumption of county rail
triad debts by the State, in Wisconsin, held a
iFge convention in Blilwankie, last week. A
66mmlttce consisting of Meuse. Catlin, Weeks,
,Daila Others, have honied an address to the
of GU Stale, urging the necessity for the
tuntitteption of railreedi debts by the State; for
the - moon,ong_i
'amthars that the State can
i...4JettilOrord,..luissy these debts than suffer by
tbk_depiistilatlairea property „ loess of character
___-.-- 7 .—ainithnitainallon of business. •.
Na,' VOLomit.--Thla day the PrnmuMws GAL
- u rn' has leached _the. sad of its 72d volume
and of. the 72d seal *lnce it Ins established
It his been in the lerlloll of Plttebur h and of
monntlpriaciples foemore'reare than tbe Psalm
lit *gas to man ; it was established within
- the same - year... Alba adoption of the Coast - ha,
• ' thni of-the United peal" end It has, never
quarreled with thailoatrament: The Gazette 'fa
still hole and'imerty ; it is Cloying on old age
lhat . =brlngs neither mhos nor pans; it is
_to tale thedalddn , thersuse of justice it
ini•time ; -it lute no gear*, of any of
litlea;nr other foes, if any other it may have.
' But neither Is. IL unmindful or as friends. who
-• have Shipod_. through thick endthitkitito
1 • still do Masi by and 'who, in every Joel
hontimirde , ostiii,Mbk *ways hare iihatiffer of
inlY l "4 6 it nay posseiwizerted4ribitii behalf.
diwoh i ••,
" car saw "Ilnii
nling; " 414
of ads
r a ratand. oddrdv,
n teeth
' (luta,
1121 7._bq I* , .;d
- 4TI
Iss agssl9llr9
ir m i do e „
- ,7;1111f)!B
• Tux .T.Latnr-,va?zgr ItopsiT—The.lo4owitrg
Vie; tke:jleni:And 'nays in the Foust, 'net the
reeoltiticin'of,Ate. Dewart; - Instructing tee
intAie .Means,to'.fer.Ort n hill in-
creasing the duty on coftl, iron, lend, wool, nod
j Inch other articles as need protection easiest
foreign competition. .
The question being token, the motion to eus
pend the rules erns not agreed . Yens 102,
nays 8l; tert-thieds not 'voting in the (Grua
live. The vote ',seas follows:
Yeas--Mesers. A drain, AM, Andrews, n nei t,
Billinghurst, Bingham, Bishop, Brayton. Boffin
ton, Burlingame, Burroughs, Case, Cavanaugh,
Chaffee, Chapman, Clerk of Connecticut, Clark
of New York, Clawson, Clark B. Cochrane, Col
fax, Covode, Cragin, Curtie, Davis of Maryland.
Davis of Massachusetts, Davis of lowa, Dawes,
Dean, Dessert, Dick, Dodd, Darfee, Effie, Fenton,
Florence, Foster, Giddings, Gooch, Goodwin,
Granger, Grow, Hall of Massachusetts, Harlan,
Harris of Mar) land, Mira, Dickman, Hoard,
Horton, Howard, Eluyler, - 4nrs of Pennsylvania,
Kellogg, Kelsey, Kilgore, Kunkle of Pennsyl
vania, Landy, Leach, Leidy, Leiter, Lovelsv,
Marshall of Kentucky, Mason, Maynard, -Mohr
gomery, Morgan, Morrill, Morris of Pennsyl-•
Tanis, Murray, Olin, Palmer, Parker, Phillips,
Potter, Pottle, Purviance, Reilly , Ricaud, Ritchie,
Robbins, Roberts; Royce ' Russell , Scott, Sher
man of Ohio, Sherman of New York, Stanton,
Stewart of Pennsylvania, Tappan, Thayer,
Tompkins, Underwood, Wade, Waldron, Walton,
Washburn of Wisconsin, Washburno of Illinois,
Fashburn of Maine, White, Whiteley, Wilson,
Wortendyke, and Zollionffer-102.
Nays—Messrs. Anderson, Atkins, Blair, Be
took, Bonham, Bowie, Boyce, Branch, Bryan,
Burnett, Burns, Caruthers, Clark of Missouri,
Clay, Cobb, John Cochrane Cockerill , Camino,
Coo, Craig of Missouri, C;algo of North Caro
lina, Crawford, Curry, Davison, Davis of Indiana,
Davis of Mississippi, Dowdell, Edroundson,
English, Faulkner, Foley, Garnett, Goode, Green
wood, Gregg, Groesbeck, lan of Ohio, Hawkins,
Hopkins, Houston, llnghes, Jackson, Jenkins,
Jewett, Jones of Tennessee, Keit, Knapp, Kun
kle of Maryland, Lamar, hlaclay, htQueen, Mar
shall of Minot!, Miles, Miller, Millson, Morris
of Illinois, Molt, Nlblack, Nichols, Pendleton,
Phelps, Powell, Ready, Reagan, Ruffin, Sandidge,
Savage, Scales, Sewing, Shorter, Singleton,
Smith of Virginia, Spinner, Stallworth, Stephens,
Stevenson, Stewart of Maryland, Talbot, Trippe,
Vallandingham, Warren, Watkins, Winslow,
Wood, and Wright of Georgia-82.
We have Underscored the names of the demo
cratic members from Pennsylvania, and it will
.e seen that they all voted for suspending the
rules. The election has had a visible effect upon
them. It is also to be noted that the whole
Opposition from the west, the southern Ameri
cans, and the eastern members - who deserted us
for various considerations when the Tariff of '57
-was passed, nearly all united and came up squarely
to the mark Mr. Blair, of Mo., Messrs. Knapp
and Comins, of Mass., Mr. Wood, of Maine,
Messrs, Mott and Nichols, of Ohio, and Mr. -
Spinner, of N. Y., were the only exception,.
SHALL rut ltl.t.tonrn. RULE ?—Jetrerson . Rivis,
backed by almost the entire tgutoorsey of the
North, declares that if, the majority of the peo
ple elect a Republicao to the. Presidency the
South will not submit to it, but will dissolve the
Union rather than suffer the majority to rule.
The Boston _Val well says :
"We ask that the men iof the North should
keep in mind these threats of Southern men, not
indeed to be frightened with them, hot to test
their sincerity. Let us know, and we might as
well know it first as last, whether we live under
► government of laws and constitutions, or one
of slave breeding and slave holding sufferance.
According to the Constitution and laws of this
land, a President and Viee President must be
chosen every four years. Certain qualifications
are demanded of the candidates, ono of which is
that they than be American born citizens. Cer
tain qualifications are also required of the voters.
The entire mode of election is prescribed by the
laws of 'the land. Suppose., then, that the
Republican candidates for President and
Vice President receive in the year IPekt a ma
jority of the electoral votes cast., fairly, legally
and constitutionally, every Union roan would
say that these mutt be the President. and Vice
Preeidentjeir four years, and every Union man
and law-abiding citizen would acquiesce in the
judgment - of the people. But Mr. Jeff. Davie, in
his 'patriotic„unioti speech,' says no. •lie
care not whether by the Roan or by the peo
ple, each an election is made, one G0VE3531:3T
Theril`iir : bne Southern mon, however, who
takes . mare eeesible •iew. Ile is for illssole
gon before the next Preei leniisi eleetion itoorod
0,f15,_,1.10 says :
Caere of the first. 1(1,0 Disek fie
,...e.neels rote, we will find in our midst an or
ganized Free Soil-party, backed and upheld by
the power and patronage of the
Federal Gorernment. The election will have
been made under the forms of the Constitution,
and if =ego into it, it will not do to say tee tral
not submit, bemuse' Ire hare Seen fusty Parroted "
;7, am‘r It o fob'
is not distant
before us to official votes of Massachnsetra and
Michigan, which we condense. The following
is the Tote of Massachusetts:
R. 1.0 -5 ,7 "
Governor—Books 67,700 m,29,
Lawienos, Amer 12,094.
Gov.—Trask. 69,247 Th0mp.50n....33,217
Congress-I—Elict 4,654 Bates. 1,708
2—Buffington._ 7,358 Wilson 2.941
3—Adams 6,524 Anstin .....
4 4,506 Waldron 3,511
s—Burlingame. 6,214 Beard 5,62.3
6 —Alley ..... . 5,587 Loring, 2,1.16
Lord. 017
7 —Gooch .. 7,129 Welch _ 3,866
B—Train 6,196 Butler 3,514
9 —Thayer . 7,290 Wood 2,962
10— Delano-- .. 6,947 Osgood__ 3,276
11—D2T7CL 7,631 Plunkect....... 4,911
Total Cougremsiooal rote-70,12G
The vote of Mitliga s h iv as followv
Republica. Lstsaaan.
Governor—Wisher. ..... ....65.202 Steam.. 53,667
Lt. dorernor—Falrfieid..6s,olls Mauro... ..... 55,907
Secretary State--L5bc1L...65,876 King 55,735
Treaaarer—McKinney 65525 Kanter....--55,192
And. Oeneral—Case--........65,49k Adam 55,356
Att'y. General—llowerd-65,006 Bother
Supt Schools—Gregory-65411 Jaeokes 57,848
Land, Com's—Sanborn-...05,4196 Ball- 65,647
Coogrea—V--Iloward...-13,0413 C00per........ 13,123
4—Leach ......16,136 Darts ' 14,015
Total Congeal,
It will be eeen that Michigan, with but tour
Congressmen, polls as heavy a vote an Massa
chusetts with eleven—an evidence of the great
progreito of the west since 1860. After 1860,
Michigan will probably double her present rep
resentation in Congress:
DOUGLAS IN VlBOl/11/I.—At tho. Convention
which nominated Letcher for Governor, the fol
lowing resolutions were offered by a son of Gov.
Wise, anti adopted:
I. Resolved, That, trusting to the patriotism,
wisdom and fidelity of the present Chief Magis
trate of the Union, and In view of the conduct
which has hitherto characterized his direction of
public affairs, we recognize it as a duty, binding
on every true democrat, whatever honest differ
ences may have arisen on isolated questions of
public polioyi,to rally to the support of the Ad
ministration, in the name of, and for the sake of,
the party whose best Interests MUst remain iden
tified with its owm
2. Reeolotd, That we rejoice unfeignedly in
the late viotery, so glarlouely achieved by the
loyal Democracy of Illinois; brethren la the
same political faith, we recognize their mecum
as our triumph, and, in common with patriotic
men of all sections and all parties, wo find a
special canoe for congratulation in the defeat of
a dangerous sectional organization.
Subsequently, some of tho faithful discovered
treason in the latter resolution, and demanded
its reconsideration. Tho reconsideration was
carried, and, then Mr. Wise tried to sagar-coat
the resolution by adding the foikrsing:
"That the citizens of each State of the Union
are entitled to equal rights with citizens of other
States in the Territories. That every citizen
may hold every species of property In the Terri
tories authorized by the lawn of any of the
States, and that this right cannot be effected by
the action or inaction of the Territorial authori
ties-. That It is the imperative duty of the Gen
eral Government to protect the rights of citizens
to every species of property in the Territories.
But it would not do. The Virginians would
net siallow Douglas, even with this sweetening,
and then the obnoxious resolution, with the id
by r. . were laid en the table
Taira.—The.of3olat iota for tongtetsmen in
lowa, at thelaio elect, waa.sth follows:
,Bmpub '
' ' 23,6 .1 Tiamit e :„
:1 1 ,ff,p g i,;1i _ 25 ,764
- - 45693
.eittplitett494i.;l.Bl39' •-‘
4lt .'l4ititt Vale it Willbe ni
• !!
95,60 q1i0 .1 .4Ar10ut .
Ate fall 4 0 - 40 62104.3,_
Nsw Twaix..ELaix... - tou —ln all tile municipal -. —
oeetion,, USId in NlassaohnSettS' , XXod L' .
the we the Repuldicann have beenXXIT a n,i it t O if!.
e, ~t; btu the i i,realrtt-auegene.ii lb at at 44M P 1 YJ 1 4.: will the Urtvent "i
In •0 boo. The vole
I'. NT,
for Coalrolier .30. a. {..1{..1{.•w..i , ~,,, io
T own s:a ) M... 10,17 e, PEILMANIf.N•IIII.I : PITI'SULAC.I , II,
ce11, , .•' , l eaui.iny. 11.: iiver holh, tut ai, .
•• • 1•, I I.' e," :•••I 1 .e..,"
r ort r.l
• L.• Intl. ,11,,
,n„r .rite tot. . R e p,,L Itrooetiltio.,;;.;.,;,,tl;;; Cltrololo Consiaolts.•
1,,7t7'. Town:Need, Ttiuniony, IG,7ilii Lynch, • "',•••,,•••
anti Tainninty, ; %Vaguer, Amer , 12.,•11:3 '•
The - it••jUbn.LiA c 6 Cl One bait of the Cotnnto uu.. YlTcu tnl u:
Council, and theiipposit ion bare MajOr IJ f: 1;144 , ":••• ..
• ity it. the elchool I:oh-1. The Raper', sap the '''""" . " 4 ... 4 .y.:.••••
oppo.ilion have MiTer,l,l der:ling . ennogit of "'"
• School row rui-tietiere and local aclio'ol olt
not only to keep !Le - Bible in the public echo A*, MFMCMAL DOI ALA ri,,N5,„1,,. J. J 1...,
j but to render rearimably ooceeeofal wittil yver ; : o- '"ti) n. thorioo a. , ' ood
deavors may he made to tether it to thus , from ', 4 ,"7 .• , l „:: "l 7' 4ll44 "" . '"''''''""'" ... '""""''''''" ,.
which it has been excluded The Teihnite say, tii;i:Poa C ii ' d " e l l 7 :i ' t " r i l; ' ..7i kt e " : " t u t n .i et e n.' : '" . "'''. l 4"-"P"
• "The victory is not IM much the victory of a toori....lied to t ;.'"; • 7:::;• 4 r n o
party as of public virtue and public decency 1, -.1
It is this which gives it value far.beyond that of '"I'Y loose.
any mere party advantage. Lot us hope that
its lessons will not noon pass out of niitol " volt
Tuc True Perm of yesterday Las an netielo
• 4 intended in is
show that it is ki, as n necessary
eonsequenee of iis position, opposed to Itail• SEW c a t 1` EMIL:MI I'M
roads. It in opposed only to those Roads which
do not
oto awarded t
.yl,ll/.1:1 91.t.t0 A g, it
DuAin Or A V nrIEILALILE Mare—The Duy lesto wit bolo, :Lid ~,,, ise;,-
Democrat announces the death of Col. Thome'. TII:S PIZI:.II
IticKeen, of +lesion, at the ago of tit; Ile eras a ' ssrltr: WIII.:1:1.rlt
native of Ireland, and emigrated to the United ' Theo gene 11,“ Inc.
States in Ilia year 178'3, before the ooneltmion of 1 teeth. of 1110 1,,,,„,,
I peace with Great Britain For thirty seven I st..s•ls, mid,,
years he Was either presitlent er clitThtet• all the !..htsti, 1,r.w1,1e1. n;11
EaelOn Bank, and ale° held iu cliC 7 coursie of his • rut. Stay a,.. ill-its
life several other importnut posts of civil trusts. times os..
Ile left on estate valued at about A quarter of a ' 471-send fur orb,,
million of dollars. It is mid that Cot. McKee; 1 '01: mots/ter Ihr. d,
when a boy, heard the first gun tired by the eel- 1 tedneed a. fllow..
ebrated P.ol Jones in his great fi ght with the ' N ote M dr ii i i,„„
Serapis and countess of Scarborough. 1 e, , .1'
I aro do ~
Tat bone carrying ghost of the Spiritualists, ! tin d,i '
whose performance!' we noticed some time since,
has berm .at work again. After performing ' 1) " d"
many wonderful feats, Dr. Orton Bays: "At lan! 1 Do do
as all of us were standing at the table, suddenly .Do do
there fell loin In the midst of us a Lug cantata. 1
My ably Mt of the smallest bones of the human ;
body. This bag was of muslin, and about fifteen
inches long, and it fell directly before my duce ;
—much nearer to me than to the other partite 1
a „, ¢.iv;if, ,
m -
present--in a direct line apparently fro. the 1 A.A. _ . ?Ni l . ....- -
rd. (.+4.:11,
ceiling, entririth such force that it marked the i
table whereV; street.” The parties present 1
;nrr...A.rmr .A.N - 3::. TAILOR,
were Pre. Ort and Redman, and 'a brother of, ;re. CC 7' (,'LAIR STREI.T,
PITT81;1 , 1I0 11, rrrtN .1..
the latter '',
Invitesll' it t' I hi s
Tuv n or y. - 4, R. Giddings d e li vere d r2O ,v pu :te oil Jr _lnn ..1 uric :111il betOl
lecture in Boston't week. Ills subjects were, l um " ...1r.. " 1.7 b. , rind! , n t""t tn lg a CL,. Cesa r " The trial of Jo C i v Quincy Adams in Congress' r. , r ~, yr. "... Itrld CI nor. a l't"rr ran sty and not..
for the preeentatto of a petition purporting 'to'
adardx4l t. , we twit ' lt awl cm, ntry I rad., w 1,1,1, will I~
come from claret, ;" aid "The Reminiscences of 1 mad" "P "" I ' r r t' st telt " and Il'l'rt'th, none a r . " "II" ..
! ef, at any nlier alnlllar shodirmnoot In the, rlt . or:: rlte.
Twenty Yenta' Services In Congress." Subse
quently n thane!' was given Mr. Giddings at the • Writ si I TRl:iftri T t
Parker !louse. Senator Wilson presided. Among , NOW trim: Stn 0 from Phil's, el tibia.
the spe.kere were Gay. Batiks. the lion Louis LOUIS MILL :R, ' Muittfacturci - if all
B. Comius, the Han. Charles Francis Adams, the 1 kinds of laullrl and tleolleinrn : a bor., 01..101, and Car
Don. Moses Kimball, Mr. Charles Rale and Gen. rieeo-n o b er; ,i. e d,., l a L a itj a u ss i,„,,r,,, 0,
, ‘ 0„,!, "1.. and
Scheeler "'not, st N. Mt , Wirrt short, .tone Corr.
Tne Paris - Tribunal of Correctional Police hoe - 15,,, regal , ', dean , ' nisi altered in Ow 1.. ,rooms,
been engaged et ith some amusing cats. It has 1 u " .4.11... 111 I. "rd. , at 0,1,1 rod"-
sentenced to a heavy fine a philanthropist who _'" "" I. '''' hi ll' h 't , f " : " I. " t4h ' ' ....., I .... r.
provided the satires of one of the suburbs. of 1 Jou-br COO] icAN Ar , lilt , 0 .
Paris with remedies for all their bodily and 1 . . assure...masa, or •
moral ailments. Like Deleamara, he
..had ,an ' Iron Ratlines, Iron Vvaulta, Vomit Doors,
ail,. trimenre—"t 0 inspire love by magnetic at- I Window Shutters, Window Guards, &r
traction." He, however, told his cuelomeralhat , i , o
Smt. 01 Se.r-rni Irrett and 56 Third Arr.?,
it would not set unless they kept their nails and
• (Belt/Pn 11 - ,nd nod rtal - ket.,) PrrTrIS.CI:CIII T.l
teeth ecrupolously clean. This benefactor of ry,-„ en head a r „,,,, }„, en , r a ,,,„ , fara .,,,,;,, 0 ,4
mankind was making a large income out of this IrntaLla I, all ptiri. , ,a4 r tiler aitPutrao pant tn on.
specific when the police interfered. :I...Watt rnt - e1.. - .1. Jobbinr:, ono at then tt1.1n... nag
.. . _ .
- an. r Oki..
Teesa: is a remarkable unanimity of opinion • ve.r .— ;:pv`h e. FRIEND,
Amocg the different greases of the country, so A •L , -1. 0 142 . * Fl.; . 51 , S. A "1' 1, re 11.',
far as they hare come to hand, In respect to the
merits of the President's
.e. Inv..
ti So. b. shiner .Li Message which is pro. 7
trounced one of the least creditable that has iE- . ' ttra: Ilu C11:1 NCEIt Sr .
seed from our Chief Executive since the.+ALaski- inv..e.,,,,,,,„„.5avi1y .fade In ~,,.7 , ‘ „ 0 , n „,„.
Gan of the Government.—N. Y. Tom, A : Ina, or Si ' , tern Wiwonstn
' I:33:S6IIEGATION at. SINGI3II .. WILI att,,,l la Ow par ht., and 11.-.4 Krt., ot
-It is slate d that . etha ne sea,„ „ a i k „,j, „, 3,1,,,,,
the Rouse of Bishops of the Episcopal Church of „ ea _ ~„,,a , ....
the Untied States have issued a pastoral letter in . w 1 r4....- -
favor of congregational singing, nod a new
iitpiscep.l hymn both for that purpose is soon to
fbe rammed.
1 BO.:TOtt, Dee 7 —Hosea Insley, ,Republican,)
was yesterday re-elected !slayer of Chelsea.
,John Sargent (Rep.) has been re-eleeted Mayor
of Cambridge.
}Tan robbers of the Union Bank of kinder.
honk have been arrested in New V ark and neat
, t Kiwwawrhowk tw. triftl.
iricm. Paromier's Marlpoea mine yield:, from
l. to $3,010 sorry we , " I: 11,..., u art. milt
I. "rewire./ by Mogan,
The public debt of the consolidated city of
Philadelphia amounts to $*20,000,0110
DIED—Un Tharlday moraine. 9+l , 1.1 I LLI 111
51'CULLV, env .1 Gre,l4 awl 14.11 a MI.. ,g , tl I •
The funeral sill take plamra .4 DAT fr. , 13 14 , r , •
af lU party.. r v taart Lreart • L, pt, Ail. altew y
Cemetery. Carr iaa. w ill I••ave J.:A:natio riable.
WHAT LEES THIN ~. vy 1141,K1L, VE.S
ethitn n 1 1.1,A ft.twycsn.
Neuw.bu4c, 111 a letter dated &q.t. .t b, 1,54, tint. remarin
‘litm XOl •,I•“vc tint I Lyre publixhe-1 aeveral MI •
caten lately 'l7anan are 1,4 . p..,014,' but literally true
anti tiataa.l Turn , ctlottt• r.ltteatitat, ttlttt att, yt , tt ,n.y rz
I , ^< , to on. tar lar:a fr,rrt "try 11.41Nn )
Tblo extrwrl fr..rn one,.( woo, I.ti e. mceit- I
In Mr Uollsml ~ - We ra,y
can fl l It , I:awl warm!, Ansrrl, awl way
A lwaltn. rn t.,tin2 11. vas Icw• 11wret...11.•
Ca:OrtoO . --it , [earful to oak f.o I,s4ltovesa 11.11404 Me
ter*. The graol. popnlarity boa
maul Imitations, whkh the po talc should guard asoOot
irar-84141 at $1 ;4,1.411,, Oa 1,411ra h.s It. by
prior Ja.,t CO, Ilsootarcarina Novo*
omtlata and Chemist/427. W„ 1,41.4:4, 1.1 and '44
Ma- iltubargb. Fa., and Danaglaa anyaeratly dalDoltoP
55paigt filotirre,
irbel.vooll.l7 . CO-,
131 Wood St ro.d., Is+l.ll
onw tr,rivlog x 1.3 r, e.,
111144. n Pay 1,1•1,10, •
Stink 1441,1,•,
Atm:6 Nl.Olll.
Copes, Ilalf Capes, Pl.-p01i0...,
Mule and Col,
Also, Pelt Donne,.
Th.,. goo'. have twen oweere• .1 nab meet • emi will
bestAd at mall profile
Iselin wleLing 1 , , Imo hail;
cell andcreneleo. em mock. = ni ; 17.1. II •
iter.ll. A al
otizsr ,
Via NICAltAtIli A • •
(YANA!. COI! PAN I', l'iloPitlEr( , ils.
user TOltit To lA] ntaltottoo,
Mat titbit,
Romani cabin
The Nana' of ihalealands Inclehled.
Tim eplatediel ehataahlp WASIIINetTrig, of Pull. lone re
Oster, Capt. 'teary etterrleill, 'mean. been MN.) op at'
prowly for Ihe California trade by the Nkomo, roiter,weil
Iciorc her pier, North River, New Yea, no Monday lb. nth ;
of December, at Y I' N., carrying peostmaare, mall., end ;
freight to Pen Jnen del Norte, to ma mma at Man Juan del
Sur with the well known and monenoillonn etrionelap 11E11. ;
MAN, flap). Commits, for Ran ' , mender°, California. Throe
.pleudid ale orahlio. mmorpmeed 4,1111.111.b1ikr.f..!
the ..fnty and comfort of panwingena. The bahnom room
In thoronshly repeare•l Neel In gem] order, owl am ' , emery
Par palmlike and freight, apply onfy at Ilia taco 1.1 the;
Company, to Ji/lIN 111.4%kItTeal, Agent,
Mliciinelic—nol. No Iliworlin, lire., New Viol".
Don't fail to procure Mill. Winelow'n yilnyJs
lug Syrup for Childnm Teething. Ithea un equal ,:n unlll in
It greatly facilitate. Um went. of !nettling by otoßculteg It,. ,
gum*, reducing all Ineanneestlnn—wlll allele pain, and ;
tura to regulate the bowele Depend upon It, mothers. II ;
will ghee roar to yoursalven, end relief mid health to your
Pmfectly wife In all cam..
This ealuable pretraretlon I. the prearriplion of ono ot
she nmeamperimiced and atilfnl female Physician , . let New
ringleted, and hem loans need with eicenr•fulllng Prilfr..l In
million, of coxes.
We believe it the beat mud segos' reused, In the world, In . ;
.V i ew.. of Dy.entery nod Dlarbema la Otteldron, whether It
sriem from teething or trout auy other tonib.
unte and toollth Cantle' mainutted by dolleive nod coolebit
is north Ile weight let gold.
11(111ou. of bottles are told emery year In the Ilullod
State*. It le an old and well•Irlail remedy.
SrlitonegouratianninuthotstylenileofollltTlie le PER:
HINS,Nner Pork, Is on tie *nimble wrapper,
Sold by Druggiats throughout ilm world.
DR. GEO. I EYSER, Agent for Pitteloirgh.
The Greet I:4 1011 m iletnedsr
?Indwell (rum o preictlptloo of Sir .116:848 Clark., 81, 0,
Pbyeislan Ltirsortlissuy to thill.iupoo. , .
Tali well known D.N.licloo is no Invoxiil.u, hot ft lots
=dub rowed/ pm _Yer.4l4 =Witte* 4.1 01441444thitey
• tom sal atom It batmen...4d &beach. orilrottorirtnli.
thoy arottain within; burttal to the cottellbillue..
' -TO ildolilaCO.LAME4iiklirocol.lo7 soittal, 1 . 1 will;
hie at.thtizothhilitioh the tisobary pitiolvtithioytularity:
. tiatt rllt*ttsipt ,
. i' kisoitoadNfpoher , / thiditr 7
tioliiiii aiteixiel -.- PathEak l tutled l o 6lll iewie t
Roe NI/ pardp jg wokepagao3lo4 111 0i 1 4g 11 1 5 groc
- .1tL11141. it55q.,40.4441 tehaystotberh,
-isdhihnt:lllMAßito6ll4l °,.1°1•'1.60-14/PI
Miai1...,;. , .?' 47 '; ' - V. , ..- . .... -, ~. , . -,•: -, ~,-.
A l a a
- "0. .r 4 - 111 .?P. ' .
~,...!;', .:1 : 1„ : ;.:,.. : ; . 1:,.„f„ . .,..:1:-4.;2.7.-; -..,.,.;... •-.4. r it.-., ':,-.. •.; ~ ;': 1 .1.-:...
.. . „ . - . . .. . .
I LCI V ki:lt. it Al KR'S.
11 /ISl' 1•11E111l It tit Ihe
roilk xg.A ,t, t .1„.,
J/ WAS .Viii' r
,11. l El: t CV A , t
t ttml t.. thr f 12.• Mitt hi. , .11It
r Tin - a.• Nl:telont t
t .•f t o t rtiralvtl Sta.r in:110 , 1114y', awl
tt!tlp, even 11 V 1,911)1 0111.
Irtrittly thr ! in the 1.11-
dais finish told
}l:.+4 table 00
p ith toter and drawers 'so 00
rgo size 05 00
do plated 00 00
rated and pearled TOO 00
.1n proporlims
Ltorr, Agent.
PI 1r. , 13t'17 , ;11. l'A.
kV S T-T INT c's • r N 1.N7 (1 I
Plttsbnrgh, Penna.
otnei,No. n 1 PI nrlce
rf eY•an.E4.1,1101•2,.1 , :; , 1 Hu+ in
X j
• •
r......ini••14 ',ill • I. I, .0, t
Ile.l nu.i gnat.,
only. Trelt. CI, 1.. full woo ut.,..rt .1 !tu.• ',none
invcrt. t-rrh / . . , rrolasn
Wtr vral, cuotiuuuu pm., sr ..11 , .!1 qty. e leAulmo,-+ and
dnr..l,l , ltr, 101.11.1 fall L. plo.A. ..aculhe erorl.
pa..o2lca N. lvGalt ntroct,l.ol,,w NlKrkut.
sinry.l 1t.7.1
Grate Fronts, Millers, Cooking Itangcseqi4
194 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pk%
W 141 Y 1,4) ;4
hlsbufa,tur,ra and thalc. tu 4.11 londm .1
2 - 013.1 3 1.C0C.),
Cvrran rel 4.1 I humimai
1 . 117V11U1.711. l'A
Pittsburgh Steel Works.
I.l.tmts. ourrs td CAST fril.34 .1.,,5PK1NG,1•1.0): wad
H. H. HOGFILHH it , ( . 7 0
lingerie In.nrovr.l Patent Morel
t 11.11 iVt.toll'n...ll..
tbrrot •••11 rtrol wr i pl. n.
ivtirticiN ri:xclinNo
s (1 TII ILLS 1.) It AIV N 11 Y
DUNCAN, 1 , 1111011,MA &
1.(111rilo H fERLIMI A NI, 111.1N.%1L1L ,
111111.1, Lhn ptinrll.ol isna ..rro. of ',mat,
11.10 w, 111,Mongl, I."‘tr•iwati
.n, 1.xu,1 aitol loy
LAM. 11, %VOA.' A Ma A ,'O,
11.,i4pre. ..reas ol
1.) W 1 , 0.1 At. CJI s V I 1./16Y
A IV I I fIUA 2V ter :
Wlllls, I as.oil TIPTsi 21110 l'hltTioa.
111, kinel• .31 1'i1ia.,1 , 114, ‘F111 . 111411, itreirqy ;/
I II f.,., Ilrof., AV,
mrlr 11.11,
W.& I/. It,IN
014.10#111111.1,101 1.1A661,15
All kind' orrultatql.t. Mho IT. ud 4114tokr•,
lokati ule I.llllliiK N,I It/l1 Wood
4 4 41 1 101 i t 1,11.1 1. M.lnl.livl.itiq,ll-,N1.1 401 twig,
141, W. P. rusq)kreiii:Rll Isitviwy!
I wood I. 1 . 111alattal•Ill• 11„• II,l.nll , •u.l
,a 41•1••••/, Ira l'altatl al 11•11114111 H• NIl
111 vIIIIIITII Ilt.lutomlVsl.l .u• 1 PittlitirynN mt.
114.10nt. 14 , ..1 ~,,, u . st 1.. r.v 711.1un14.
/ AM. MolaVill4lll.lN
.110111irliAtAlin OP
Alcohol, Colngot AplrllN and rnsil oli,
I 4. 0, 41 11. AO,. likn rod fin ti.o.olt .Vr....1-
I ) 0 11 10 1111A 01 /1 11.14 -.V. .111..1.4 ....d' 11,4 11.11,,,,.
11111.11111,,,1,, Id., ,•,,,,,, ,4 .401 '4O )0111.. 1it09111.1 ;
li. T 11ti.m.,...../,,,, :4r , 1 Ilia 1..011 11,01.1.4 with
, . aillit.il4•ll of tho 111044.1' unit 014001. 1.1 014.1 IWOIlly
; y. 1,1. • I la.rn 11 1,.1 Phtololnno In %nib, 1111411110 i 1 •o0 0 10.
1 4.4 4 - 011170.11111.1.1 l(opornII , n1 n WO, no I Imo bont,l
II 14i1,Thii 41.11
1444..0 141 Ii 1 1111.411.4 Ins lonnedlolo t,11.4. 1
11.10 1111.4 114.0 11011101. .011 I 1.1.1 0fi1...1 1,101,, 11.1101
i r“. IN 411141..fij fool 1.111, tooth, 111 , 1 II 1 h.l. lilt 11'10111y
' y.rk Knolnito I bay. 1 h0'g,1440.1 1.111, 10 11. rlk 111.. awl
001141 V. i.troro, Kflii 0141111 M .11 111 nil, pawn- to • nkia o It
, klstporn h.. hho .111101.4. 111(11110$ 110. inay .1.1 , 01,0 .4,14,1,111..-
, (011011 ) 11 . 1 0 100411 1.1.1 yak I. 1011.4000 111. 01041.1.0. I
1.111 trio) yonlo, 111. fitillonatco.
Imolotooro, l'ok.. Jon. VI, 5011. -
Illionl4 any 41,,,14 Alt. Wlol2.orni:4les ololotont.l, 1.1 wren
to lb. followllifigollool.lll
Jinn. Wm. illitlni, a. tlovilrtior, Ponnoylonoto.
0.0. 1 . 11.. 11. YlurPl/00, 1•1111.41nlphis.
11011. J. (I. I{ hop e Tlo
, Jud, i,ho O VII
N ,
I lion. J.)l. Inkk, inA t o, Millollolh.lito.
1 UM. 11. 11,, *f (1uy.111,11., 1`.0.1iP,V1.. , h 1 .
11./11. Ellin /.011 , 10., J 4,110, Phlbololphin.
Ilion. It. V. 0 11.r..1.4g.. 1/, 11.0011 1.
11. u. 17.11'. Woodwitnl, Jll4O. 1.11111.4.1040.
1144i..W. A. l'otior, City 4011.104, 1 1 141•401111.1.. •
' 111.101,101.410010404,11:4111101.14.
I 11014. 11.11.011 4, Auditor itonorol, W 0.1110.1.0, lb. 0
L ,
._Atml tunny othoto, 11 fil‘V. ..111 y, _ .
H '' l l ll , l l li l it4 ' , l lll, " , l it ` .. l' l4l - 11 ` ; : lift ' ll!l e :
1 11K1411101.1.01001041110 1 . /INPAHATIOII . .
- tItIASIK/Glett anbullin l'ItIGKIIIIJITI(Itt. -
Is proponal *wonting to Ilia tonay awl IlhotutOlrt,hollti thy
( oentset ihcogennyldol 011(whitgol ktiowl..lgnihmuthtlll,4 llolf
I rombhuitlon. i .
HilAttijlailithlNVlNi 111.111'.A UNI'lli14:4;7.11;..;;; -
• of Iho 0144414 I(lithoyji, 0100,...1 and Merv , .
iii , sli;iinipili;iii 1te,,,1, - 4 ---
- ~-
J _.-111 , 11.5111014)'61 tiIiNtIiSX:PIMPAiIiSSION t
lln worl.or ooloints. .. 1 ---... ' 'It1 1 1 4, 4 011 "
j IST OP APP:I,IOATIONIi.(4.7tir, leelloo,'
• jj
An, op to thTemb.rnfi'
'mato tkvl, 0,.0n ahlpao t t f
h ,
Idillat Mittel, evokr, ;
inlkiaThoou,FMl t
War3o.ll..Thntlt4 Plttoborici ," 1
, W*11a..41 0 1, 4114 . " ..: ::" , .._ r -'..- • ... Z!
Yalu Ineoli: ab . i. ' ~titiog=o.i.4.• '
I ' , 74 7 71 GROSS WI 41, EfIiVISWB
, ‘ 7 - nappsoisotarleszava.
) - - 4 e'9 l , l =4lgamousli a =2ll ,
mknlifitt l lo l l -
' -` :The Best Family Paper Published Is
A 1 . 16.Tri
ri f:SIONE D ems:Air:lgo a spirit 1,1 11„ 1 .,
n<nnnrourrri Artivaf rrottort r , thr.
r•r rar, LI. 111 erll arr 3 rrr.4llll, 1r • r
tr) ervirr, Its I Ilustralirrts erro lersulltrtl—lta Edit,
11.‘1.1tru..4 on ....urn; co , 011110 mill, Ihrr
r•r ti r..ught irrr. r-,rlr4tr, writ , 4r
prwl.l tvon
wrvhly at V. 14 rrt erririni
I r / rWI.Err N y
lIOW To Do GOOD ANT. OLT "PAU, / olt I P.”--Tedo,.
Ad fot our--Pubtientiotr. The tvrtun xre such. IlleJ
~„ ~EV1, 1 7 Lanally uin toe 0,1.111,
It:. ior
Pay Your Taxee
, 1 1 1.1 f; 1,44 a unpaid City and tin,,ine4,4
T..... MI I tfn er new. I", tho hirti Ward have
1.1iL..1111 IT, lino, r and MUSS 1311 PAID
1./a - I'llll ITII. I ern 111111't 111 of Andrew Sle
tls.• hour+ r.l 71.. • It nn.lll to I
r it. nn 1 71,imp,. will .oay.ClHlrl.) ,
anTwji,mg the
v 1
1 1 f) II
M A tat N. (•,.11, rl' or
AN?COAL muti, :I itiont.
‘_/ fir, kindly% rreulity, day without nttrtitiot,
cno In• without noilink lhx llntl, tolkirix it e 4,4...
1 , 110. ,frHrubln for lor topd eltatol er 114 e.
N, ilia tot - xithnr rite promptly fill. 41 by
.1.10 ..orn, Altll..rmon mt. awl Railroad
f 11,35E1.) iIOGS-.-8 Hogs this day rei.'il
I_, ..4fur ...I.• br t1..11 II ExltY II COLLINF.
Ts'-so saeloi ree'll and for cola by
I.J don; IlkNltti 11. COLIANS.
, .
11 4,1 L Ey __ 100 eke. ree'il arid far sale by
GREEN APPLES--20' Mils. reed :mil for
sm. by .1.10 HENRY 11. COLLINS.
N.,R' DM GOODS opening almost daily
il-iii C. lIANAW4 um:, 74 Market et.
Sxtensive Subtle Sale of Omnibuses
M.,N It AV SW/01i 20, J
A Flt VEST AIS A t0, , ,11(...r, xt ll.e I , pot
Mutt Ft 'ltatlrovl, to liirl....l,l.lreet, ad.m.
lb.. 110.1.1: hatlrm.l, 14.11414,10.. n,
k ..111tomonn Gloomool, la,. 11.1 ay. o.roo, 1.,n
k.molo nal inn !mnion. Alm,
lb A number of ea rs %%110.04 end n I.ri, /inantlly •1
flnrnen, of the 1.1 , 0%,
/Arne attention et purrt qt." 1.l
vild /I to Iho
.ale, :14 It r..rnprlnee. stock of /6”vrral of tn., Inrellt
In Um ell, nt Phil/1.1/401A fly urtl, of
Roller's Mercantile Word & Copying
tlnnilfteturtnl by Jmnent J. Bottler, Agrnt
Itrtnan.-For I tAtto• anJ Itert-t.l, t,nly
41(1 . 11.E—Y, Molt, I t.tDrot an unrj...,,,
C0m.1 , 4 —F.,r Leto r-Itrr to,ly
.•Itan , c from a anEENistr
btu. tr n d. 91 ttn , lDt•entonnot rut, Not, wltlcla nn
Ptofita V. 111 fd , 4,,trny F L ata Wen ,
nu Ittlurt..l to the l'unt-to Ia ItL4—,.nee which [lmo tloo,
lit , tot Ulm omatrtltt.l NI7IIT Y.NN DIPLOMAS. TIMED
A tlentinn i. Invlted to Itt. , runowlr, etotlll.-attot from
hot Chilton. N..... York .
"I hare, al th., rivinst 14 Gww. Mcarat a Brawn, of Nor
analyzra Iwo sampleh .4 F 1. 1 .14 lei, one marloa 'Ar
11.1 , 1 , 1 Wfalug .11111 d. IL. a J
Ilk,. alter . 11.1,.• aloraestile 10,cord
, . . .
of find 1 , 9111nf 111,1 Mi !aka to contain Oho .amn inzredi
entr, and in lbw Roma !auto of combination.
ot.rorn the rc.rsit of the ....long tenth to which I hay,
stilirci..l them, I find they aro Nati In grittily ea well no
durability. J ANtEoi IL CHILTON, Di.
NPR Son k, Ni3T.,11.• r 9th I , :h. by W. a HAVEN,
orrncr ..0 Nloticct eoA y, cond
British Reviews,
Blackwood'a Magazine.
i. petni-h th. 1-11uwin4 lea.leog lirstifth Period..
rfle 1...VP0N tit - AE . 24 ' IILT', r•ntive
A:plSatli , ;ll KEriEIV(VII))), )
rut: .Va Ern BRITISH' ReeiFlP(vr, CLunl. )
rife IrESTVI v ' srox NR 4 iVIEIe
RI.A(. X 1 1 , P , LY5ED1.1711 , RG11111.4(7.127.NT (r 00).)
Three Periudical• ably repreaent lite petit:cal
paint, of tireit Brilain-1111,, Tory and - Radical—hut
ladttica forme only uue feature of their eharu - ter. Al tlr
Faits of thcinaat prur.jiind writera it &tem., Literature,
Niorldity and !Lel igion, they eland, av they ever hate thaw!,
dunrivalled in the world of latter., Leine .coroodertal ea in
irrellval•le;to the tebular and the profwvional crtan, while
to the Intelligent reader of every chum they furnish a tuore
tierreft and eativfactory rev,rd of Ilia current literature ut
day,thnatehunt lila eceld.than ran povreisly he niall.l
from any caber eource.
efl, - e recelvt nr Advance SI ttttt front the Britleh
lernltv ter. Cr'.t additional value to dune Pencil.t.. Ina,
notch al they ran nuar he placed In the howls of enbacithere
ILL yoneof tharnnefttertrura._...... ...... ..... ..... .
fa 00
7 no
1,, al f..ur of the ttertewa 4 IX,
Furl ackwaxPoillacavina ll 00
Put I ackwocal and one Review 5 00
Fc.r Illarkreceal bud trio Iterinare 7 no
For Bixt wood and three Btelevre ..... ..... ........ ........- 9 01/
Fur Blackwood and the four Roelews 10 00
Af,ney curr/P: t a lAtiligale where ioio.d vcd/ i.e received
cLu nui NC.
A,htce.uut uf enty. five per rent from the above prize
will Le ullivriel to Virus urder log four or ..... ocoples °rimy
vr roof the above works. Thus: Your tvpies of
lilarku Lest. or of one Iteorter, will bo sent by one aldnes rot
yr Derr r Ides of the four Hoy-lowa and Blackwood CA. Vitt
and melon.
to oTi tlwiirluelpal Cities and Toni,., thy. works will be
deliverod, Free of Postage When sent by mall (tie
I , islage to any part of tin Collie! States; wtll ho lot
Twenty-four Ceuta t ynr for ulllacklrual,'• and
but Fourteen Cents. year for each of the Resit-mi.
N. 8.-Thu prioe In tlreat Ilrityin of lb,. five Perhullrals
above liattlhi I. Sat per mom.
arr Iteituttancre ahould always be addrerieed, peel- paid.
're Publlelters, LKONAIII , DCOII . A (Xl..
No. D 4 Ovid Street, New York.
- _
tl'LElt's 1111E11Ni, AND COI'YINti
...UP INKS -For fluidity, depth of color, freodem from mold
sod thirebility, these iv km aro superior to all others mean
lured In this notintry.andFully, equsl to Arnold'. bomlou
Irks, but onich hose In price •Iletalters supplied nu liberal
terms. W. O .3OIINDTON Co.,
,1„s Statinuers,Aky,uol rL
PIIILACNTS-Ilosawupd Writing Duke Flee ltirlfiug
Trro ennui. Can s,, Portlollos, Albums, terra Sortalet,
cold Petitll., time Stationery, tr. A choice assonomet
of farts,, Flgores and ninueroirs fancy article, purchased
rocinitly L.l ,mob, and will to sold at very I am
imithus tut ...Minim to my mum tad wish to elam oat my
11.41 lay aleck , pt oy ions to mak tug baproverocols.
_.1,-5 K.O ClN)Hltatili, Feirmi et,
MAIIIILE MANTELS, nlnnufactureA by
machinery, al Ivry+ on heed at very low pries.
b omit tlll.l antiW intoned tote.
Mmulomute, Tablets, and ores. From., a lame nod bean.
tlful stork always on head
0111., No. Old Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Wormurn,
No ATI, Smoot Reknit rerotut Ott!.
0 „1,,
T I Kit-
Stbbil. Priem Roll Minor;
btbs • tz , ittittsla t Pharsatite
15 . p„ r Chieli,.; go do 'I %mhos. For selo by
lill/Pl.g. 1(1 11(0 A CO.,
. .
olonf INZ Liberty sin, 1. ,_
.1- 1 1' FEU Pr.-
Ly :( .., ka I.IY .410 b.;
:$ .1.0 ILltop..ob,l Se.lomq
1 111.1 N. 0 ,4 Nadi.; ,•
. -
To aAla oil slosmo , or Poland, for imle by
ob. I:11141I DICK a 4:,4).
• • •
' ..!it , 1.111. N 1011111..., prim. , quality'
Mob , Mtaaat, 444 444 , -
L.. 1,1114 p.. .leaner. nontoark .11,1 Dimond. Vor .110 by
ob.l WAIL 1440 4141tY, IN maul 20 ,
Wood ol yr.
. AN!) .. .
:O llnfo ANA.;
3 33 Pr.:be.;
I tin a. Now Ininllng horn rlimnrer
Pnr...l*, 1., .1. 1111.1 IA II OICKKV a co,
- -
T AI,RA LA NUE 1100 KS—For en& by
rholoorr...4ll. l o l ti
long and
." 1 " IV. h. J011111:1 .Iw, 1111 4
.1.4 PANT Donlan, 1,7 Wool ntr.l.
Itio( ic . —MI kinds on linnti and
mad. , binder n 1 stool nollne by
Ir 7 Vapor Ma 1..., ni Waal atn.d...
poi o i . 11t1 Ina and
' 04. ..l. by 11140, W. JACKIiON.
No, 111 ronttli cheat, near I.lbaely.
Ls, tiAliarrrs tttVisiUFk
si U
In atom and 1...ha10 by 11,1. 11AUALKV,
do? Wand%) Wood *triad.
- • -
01 if 1 11111,S. N. Y. AVM BOSTON — SY —
f‘.. , In atom and lon aalo by Md. lIAOALICY.
r, cusb:s Kum 120011811, in titoro
& 11 1 , and dm ludo by Wlt. 11A0ALNY,
1110 OOFFEN -anneal new
4(,,, prop. In Moo and for man by
ital Wlt. LIAO...LAC, IS and 'AI Wool •L
U.-A, /All NOM% A CO.
earner of -Wadi sod Wiest Or.
eases for sale by;
do format Wood AAA First slit
a 'AVAN-VIIIII3C-1710:rbionle tty
vornef of WOodaailFirat att.
brobo. 44reonIf - Apples - for gar;
by idaSi- 1111CNII.0 11. COLLINS
WE WANTED—TiIe highest:price paid
Is cull for Pis, WIRIII &CO,
No. ISt Litisoly st. Agri 11ROMA
eonitint oupply )4111.x, !akar On.. 'always on
halal and Smola by . WK. 1110ALAY.
T.1.0u15.. ilr.9ollll—Fagites -"4 ace," the
to last rtosor Mohr In lb. U. F1..10n ale In ranee 41.1.14
d. 7 1.11ENI000K:. LOU.
100 WXES OligESlVreceired and for
pd. by Ida] ntouuß WIIM A Co.
2 - 00
.1.1 s co.. us se.
SMAWLSTSHAWLS I—The largest stock
/a Ma dwasara. antlealx . ranr and at T•ry two
{FICA. , taaaj Laile.74 Marko al.
i4r - galsoN,Evutiny,wim , GAME.
.. 41 ;s i fte
F - - -
&LLB OR RiniT.—The y substriberioders for enlediff4R ,
.r tent that dolightfatCoautry See no
n. tt
Adeeinemi4.4. In_ Rimini° Tp, ad aren't to.Alleithimy
V-dr,comurising .Iglit seresof ehd, taml, with modern
haat Lrla. Dwelling of 14 roorm; 044ra Spring
Haut, INN, Frebtlo;....TrnalgtliOnge, iv Poor aCrealyte
under .lr a:0, prornltes W to the rute.tvalughlo Vine.
Y.rd lit ~ w ort'. Them am eteretnl toadied Print
Apple". Pear, Chrrrlet l'ogcbea, tonal of which
town nu of lei at great cr.v.t, and aro ill Ono coot:ilia.—
Theo hole Is ' , Aloe land, blzhly cultigatc4l and improved,
and Minded to nihielti. ti retnimodirtii a Hue clew of the
two cities god aurromullog country.
soghlt(• it. Iti - J1: 4 1.
FOR AI.E.-Iho3ol and Lore 411
horgli and Allegheny citing owl adjoining ItorouAhg;
wegoral h.n.houn ,ountry rth,stn. gni Parma of Jlferehtelrn
In every dlredlen, and•at notion., priced, some very good
GIP,. die, • le: en nimollty or Weetent Land for ple or
trade. Per gong wishing to purchun would Ila well to tall
and examine 'i.e Iteviiter ;and them nailinlr lo tell to hero
their 11120.11 at ORO. IV. BUNI`4'44 Rud Palate
MCC, Is ' , lle otOblo strret, door vre , ..t of the Dino , oil,
A I legli.usy city.
Foundry and Machine Shop for Sale:
protniaes, known at the "Toronto Foundry
ITIOCIttnr eitonted on the co - fre, urge..tit
and V idea* at mete. In the city iii Tlq.n to, C. W.
The prornis..n are 161 bet on Qa.ers /trent by Itg feet en
Victor,* latent, and enctain .Goulding Nay, 1014.16
Machine. Moro Moonier's, Entreat idatLawitli'a
and Coro Monleing Shops: Endue awl it 11. in t' 14,...,1 C.....
Oren, Cato, Wood Shed,. Ann. , e. it.
or...pieta order, and titled op will, the Wt.
Steam Engine. he., de , manly new, and ugh .1..
- ,
Assign. of the Witten( Cloorge U. Cherny G, l;•..
Toroiil3. C. W., Non. 12. Mg.
1. en, tonrodhlp. lota the property of lir. Wm. A.
druasrd. noot. denlrable lota, forming part of
the :truil of ha,l cfruplull by the said Win. A. klmperi,
will boon.. hr nude at Pul•lic Auclito, un [her.
mi.., on SATURDAY ths 2fith 10,1.. at half-past two
I'. It Th." lots offered are atm:, a nil lu distant from
the city lice, and or situvto.l nu th, Pith. rd the Itrad.
donleu Field Pinitkrowl.thit. b_iur at all tiroe+ e.tdly oszces-
Able Irmo the city. inualho.. P... the itemises every
bull hour. Thu prupownl early complunun Pitts.
burgh and Conneklntillo Railroad a - hich la•nre this prof*
erty, will aflord further facilities to purl:liarse rs hat iug their
plasm of linslocm In tho city.
Tim Terme of Sale will do oneifuni I h raoh, and the mip
.log b, t bred la/Dual Imitalmenta, with iuterrxt
I. For the deferred payMetito, the bonds of the parchanem
will tie Inken, iiecnred by a mortmige on the prop,ty told.
For Ow eniivenninee of them bolting in pnreham,
ohm,n sill hr in at the corner sif Fonrth and
Grant iitrerte at I 1t1.1 . 0.Mt..1.. Ni., on tie. ef gsle. mono.
vey them in and from the rale.
For pl.os or torope.rty,oool for fu•lit, nprkiy
ti 11. II El . lloltN k CO., No. 92. Fourth nirr.r.t. m , 0
1...11N* FON, No. Poor, b Pt. 001.41(
The Store Foundry-and Plough Manufac
tory ■ttnated In the moat flourishing
part of the city °fat. Lonta,Mo.
to partite bacingibe mean. of pnr. baming n gee - 460d
Ito se already eaddtllehalt
On nermint of the doclinlng health of nor eenlor partnere,
s, Mr far .ale our, Plough Manufactory arid ihr/VP
dry, with the ',nehmen; paten, ege end goeml alit of the con
cern. Thlewitabli•laueet hes been In foil operation forth,
loot ulna ;core. Th. Id:einem to well establiebed and the
hoots and eetabliehmentmell known throughout all region.
of country tralltug-with this place. Ft. Louis In the hest
point in the Milted States far the manufacture and sale of
both Slate. and Ploughs. It has on nellenited model for
both. The ground Is eurmient to extend the dorke to may
&aired extent. It le aitnated in the meat flourishing nod
rapidly tut mooing part of the city, and within than, minarre
of the Iran Montana, Radioed. '
We will sell the whole concern, complete as it stands. or
we will. if desired, call theiPlongh blachinery, Tonle, Flu
toree, te a separately, nod sell the Foundry, Machinery,
Patterne,Toolm. rift., Follow licaer in, to, by therm/elven,
end tent the grnond end bolldings to the purchaser. For
further Information addrede 71. JI MITCIICOCK d CO,
ocd.inut St_Lnitte, Misinntai.
FOR SALE OR LEASE, a Int on Fourth
Btreet,bettraen StaltbllBlcl and C herry 100 feet
frnnt by 85 1e p.
A lt,t o Third curet, over @m4rhtlrld, V. feet frnsrby 85
leer deep.
Norm IVAt.—The mottre bouto.fol by 11. r. Wlthine
mol Carroll street. and klproce alter, G 4 Lot front by 120
diNT, nearly oppootto to Pennock k Ifort . tt Fontoiry.
The ructarct tonnileo by ftnetillnon, N'llkint and CarrO
streetta and Spot.° elref, 204 feet front by,120 &op.
On Allegheny, Carpi. end Buller etro•ts, the
Allegheny Valley Rallroed Station, forty cooti,not.f.oLt,
each 2t lest (mat by ILO foot lop.
Eight term of ground in keeerre tosrwiltlp. port of oat
Lot tr2S,beticren trio Now Ertchton rood and lliltdolo Com
elegy linty in Allegheny (lily, 1%1,4 Went. beln,en Rest
lane end Cho. nut 01,1. L.
A Tract of Latal In IToarrnort land County, on t h e Phffs.
drlphin furnyik, mllthi from I.ntralte-75 scram in calth
ration of tit h bottom land—ZMO
A Trotct of 1.1,1 too. Lieouler. Wehtmorelntol c.oty, of
orrlsolff 155 Third eltotet. aleme pmithlel 1.
Coal Ladd' For Bale.
ploco of coal tsn.t, containing 29 arm., elto4te wltblu
lice called of Bruotoirtllo, on the Monongahela ricer. the
coal n Hoe at,re ht9h cater mark ; there le throe pile
feet opcool. and on the place there is a neer brick hove.,
nut pit ice further Information apply to
E. LILLE'S, Pike Item,
WmWellston conicity, Pa.
C r, Ufa SWINDLER, hod. Sletionsatiela Wbarflort.
lOWA LAND.—The subseribl
ere oiler for sale on farorabls terms six bandred acres
Choice Lands, situated in Weleit and Ilmmck mintiest,
adjacent to lines of Patilroads new In entre, of construe.
[lon, and ono and only two miles fermi Ornate vent.
. The Above trill he India her for rea, or exthlnged for
fat ntihg laud, In Ott
Ode nr et *dating reutloh
rer.X. MeIIANE t A:lid Y.ll. l'ltSerrind rt.
F.4OR'i` ILE—Fifty-one neres of Land on the
Old tredhitioon /toad, nix 0,11,, h the south eild
0i Wm Moung.pahela Llri.l,, aill L. 5.1.1 low. Apply to
. W. BNN, ersatz WalotifOhlo 24,..1, treat of
j d i.,`":::"4 . ''"l.7lErrn.: ' :,
110010. 10, c. 0.1.. Inquire 01
litthll it ADLCIZIGNZIPe
o'ols:ttlt Alt . ya at La, No. CU - Fourth sure).
FR SALE.-4 lots on Mill street, East
Aborty. In by 1.7) foot, s h Will be mid 100. !0.n.-
ote or altogether. Apply to GEO. W, BUNN, hooth side
of Ohio et, VA door wart of Diamond, Allegheny Qty. 0n1.5
11ORSE FOR SACE7-1A hand-
WIN nix 3'01111 , 31d; a pacor odder the coddle and
moat er to hart...cis ,perfoctly MSc for a lady or calld to
eda or drive; will riot afare at the locomotive, military or
isaoy 4 . 0.7 asritetticat; will stand without being hitched, and
warraottal perfoetly ecamd; to lat sold utily for wool of
use. Eilgtdre at th e Mora warrhcrowe of
ar.4 T. J. CRAIG .! CO., 134 11% , 0.1 a.
TUE subscriber offers for sale section ten,
11 township 12, range 10, Stark county, Ohio, commonly
knowu a. "Ilowman`a SocUon,^nontiaining 610 acres. It le
situated three wiles wrivt of Mweifilon, on the State Road
leading to **webs.. and within about two mileioltlxPitt.
burgh, Ft. IVio tie and CtIi4SCNI Etidirted. The *oath, east
and nurth-esel quarters ase partly delved and itoprimod—
the remainder la tomcod with superior thuber--and the
whole is rtell waterol by apritigs nod running stream,—
This section I. considered the boost tiny el lioel the
county. It will Insold .unilleliled or in quarters to dull
parchwacra. To throe who desire to Invest in nisi rotate •
bettor 0pt...t0/idyls rarely otlonol.
Valuable City Property for Bale
rilllAT very desirable lot on Water Street
anJ Redoubt. Alley, nest to Joho Irwin t Sons, befog
PAI Pet tot Water lied Front *Meta, and IGO Jeep along the
It tmtber et to lota of 20 Or 24 feet ratli_
Fm t0p . ..1,(01kb be made easy ay to payment.) oil
toekilit Liberty titicet, Pittaborgb.
got amt.
T° LET new
tw° store
Wahl, Lane, roar Coinntona.
Allegheny. The house I ,, ntalas nibs mast., and is .4 , 0.4
writh antler an.l pas Will be burly for occupancy by Ist
of January nest. Apply h, JOILIa 111WEPI, Jr,
JelPtlrd hi Water atrect.
Fri LET.—A large well furnished dwelling
± with all toalent Iniprovewenta—for rent In. to• gnod
tenant. jolt 111TCIiLVCK, AtcOltAtilltY A CO.
COINERof Penn and Hancock streets.—
The emeolog term will oomc oecoa TIMSDAT; SW.
In.t. A limlti4l number ht I , llolst:hay qbtain , 4dmlialoo.
Trrma for Tuition and 8041pwry, $ per,Peeedom twenty
two Wert". en2taf ' /MATH, Prillaral.
oft. vtitatouttws DISCOVERY:
• SPIWITIO ■ucnl run 1112 71 , ,CITISENT CF
THIS new and important Discovery in
lb. ;treatment of etrainteutoals (Conantotliong w••
made by ILo celebrated Dr. John French Chore:Mil of Path,
and first cangtounhaton to the french Academy of Medalist
In 1506. It he twat. adopted and Ls now need throughout
the Notional 01 Europe with unprreadentrat griectot *a a'
cure .al preventative of Oa toad formidable Koury of
the II moan lace. The llywptgastihite• aro racotn invaded by
the awl outlined Iltyglelans of flow 'Toth, who prevribe
It for their red Melia
•tb loon ea ISB3, Or. Chankhill, by • eerier, of galantine do
detitiOnii, ono* w the conclusion. that thrprsunwire
teat ell ergot., en manual coalition of 'Mem:nods
(fkuunampUott) wee a du•rerre It the system of tba phapho
tno U coutaltut lu a taypoLtable gate, Ileum he drew the
obviate tabs.:we, that the meat. of Outing theatres, eon
elided 10 rctiortny the Sentient einntellta
For this pupae, It was woolowary to Wort aorta Mtn
qnnit of phosphorus which .b.eld belt the nose tinstoxy•
dleable nal tweitollable—thet te,capableof entering taloned
fat tutus • part ot the eyebolt. .Ttuweconditiona were Stand
to alba lu the iimeopaesettla of iire4.9ads audYlatoeb,
whkb seemed best to fold - bile two naphtha of oxydation,
or rombintion,and aniettiobies. Theme of the Ilypophoe•
philes elates three pmparatleal to have • twofold specific
Attica. On the one bend. Ney !scram Ow pi - N(lpin, What
ever that nay be, which amentater wernoseleyre; end on
lite other they are the meet poteurbei biocelgratenfieyagenis
for gaped. tottay hitherto known,. , . • • .
The thyelakarket effect. of their newer. them: kb) WI
emuy of anal/ power lainethera even froth theater day
of their adudribtrattou, together 'Oben senteutiferling!l
waled tad sirtuotA.• The appetite immure often Ist an ax•
treardhary Manner.. The eatenationsbecome regular and
we.,*; abundant :,tbe penplratkate. Ir vs/ baie
cease asp becomes robe and profaned. - 111 the general
eyotplems disappear with • rapidity that le truly uneaten,
Sr Tbe ifypepterphilea ea prepavibed by Dr. Clorchtli,
are now forth* find tinanffered In a cherkicory pure form
In the Uultal gabs by the undersigned, •
Prite $2,40 per bottle, In neonsentratedfcalo, by auts7,
Threw bottles will be sent air $.5 oboe orde••r•W by Swale,
it Walt* pet aptalarge , bottla, rattly forum, .13. or.
dual by hops... or private hand. lample.ditatiloott
rompenyeech peahen... grader. and undesired afore* .
Wm may be obtained by lamming (with a Wawa cod... ' t)
LIZIOrill•U end Nudge Atom* all "1,„*.
naltramdterT • 49 Johnittreebtaii
rLEATILNR AND 1 , 0 ,' E ubsctibe
Inviter attention of Pur6.oo to bL I 0
of LEATHER. OIL, te., just 7
1200 lildere Red 8010 Learber.
do dos Preach, n.t rrepch .110.
*) " 11PP.rimth°'Pink
40 Eutoro and Pittsburg
.rCarrto and P. ' , wid; vinirmilVs
and Ourriir6o ; 91 2 Liberty sheet ree2s
QUPERIOR CUTLERY.tention- in di
tIJJ t 0 thcalfikatrin4t au oar striver of
Peeaur 4 .a.el. .01Dien rex an forty Dinner and Tea
maim, Emma. -11000anr, 'Dental Inatinconerk. Dethenier
/ af ife . .e. la Panerreinilver paetkalar, are atakir not
by aaT•alakllakmant.lalhls dt7•;, -Tray radar
ai7r ;Manua in the wadi lerepnernited. ( .•:
...ey-OARIWRIGHT.II TOUDG,D6ITooder....:.
BY PaWY-50 igs Pckhesi" 50 doAp:
Sot, $5 a I
Ohio Land fin Bale.
J. B. ER - RITZ - KR,
n.lOl 41h turn!. Pittsburgh
Penn Institute, "-
will be Orate tn-11/htusec may. ymb street, oft
FUMY ETWSING. December itoe, n reg edoejt, for MO
benefit of The NNW ASBURY Chta;m44 now mime of
erection on Pennsylvania ATOM.:
The progrouone boo been &mongol nay
be ender the dliection of Prof. JOHN Ittfinassi k who willbe oh:al by number of Amateurs of the elty,,, e d
. 1k clam especiallyfor this reason.
Tickets IS oehts.-to ha hid at the Dank there of J . L.
Read. Fourth street, 11.Kisbar A Bras Attila Bt.tea Malt
street, and at Jahn H. Mellor% Wood lerret. denetd
EXECUTIVE COU111271:2 017 CIEE op /1,1„,
LECIIIENIL—At a meeting gt the
Committee of Allesheny, It was Ordered Mmt the Itelmbh.
can Primary Meetings for nominating Ilayor, Directors e.
the Pow, Councilmen,Ln, be beld ouBATUDDAY t the . IIOII
of December, between the boon oft and 7 o'clock, r.m.
That the rating be by.ballot for the different cuslidaten
and (Nguema. haring the highmt number of rotes be do
ctored the noudnersof the party.
And in addition to the members at ths]pnety, all persons
who bare heretofore acted with other patties and !who en
oppo!edn , tho prevent National Adminbitratlon.. and - will
pledge themeolree to vote for the ticket - idijoed In tioinloa.
tion, shall be entitled to n vote. •
The board of election officers far crwh ward Anil - De a.
Judv, Trupectorand Clerk. •
The Judgeß of the vesperal re ward cartilage gall mot In
the !cell Loose on Die Monday ermine ensuing the 414,7 of
the Primary Nreetlona, et *cern o'clock. P.
.at., aid Jae
rompuing the votraof tha different wards, shall &dui the
persona having the highest number to be thenornlntes of the
party for Mayor end Director of the Pair, and et.the seine
tinteahall appoint au itxern Dee Committee for the onedng
_ _ JOHN IJ. RADA Chalrtaro.
M E± I-
I'o. Fon MAYOR or ALLEammr Curr-4 V —m.
1,074 *lll ho a candidate for nomination for Meyer.
eulioct to the rote of Um 'Republican; at their primary
okra.. on the 11th inst. • do7MA
Pittsburgh, lioremberiet. /a 584
10' As installment of sl:' 50 per share' on
the rapittl etock of this Haut Is required to be teed
oe or before the IZoll day of November hut., sods furthrr
end droll Inetartsoot of t 12,4 0. ler gar, on or before the
15th day of Derotnter By Order ofthe Bawl -
•'6.11:t4n15 J. %%COM, Cailder.
',IC; Or TOL OLLVIWID 6.11111 11111110)O Z.O. CO ,1
Cleveland, N e i . is 165&
W NOTICE is hereby given that the annual
meeting erieo Stockholders of this pnl~ the
eltot ton of Directors and traonction of other tnastness, will
he bold tho °Moo of the company InClooolattn. on WPM.
NESDAT, the stl day of Jaw:my text, at 10 o'clock, a.
ne transfer books will beclosed on the 15th Detseace
and open on the nth of January.
n02.551.1m F BO .BWELL,Sectotary.
WANTEWANTED—Ginseng, the highest price
D—Ginseng, 1.• pnia mph by ,D. O. lIEBIAT,
Comer trbcrty and Hand greet. •
WANTED4—Timothy; Seed, for which the
best market price will Lo toad by D. C. lIIREST.'
non - Corner Liberty aid Muni streets.
WANTED.—;O.OOO Zushels Primo Tall
V 1 Barley, for arbleh the Ligßeat saartat palm will be
paid by ocl2 J. B. OIN.MI/D t:00.
A NTED.—A steady industrious yeatig,
mon, to dthe dray sad work In a atom Stivahroof
N. KING, No. MI Monist.
WANTED—The hi hest market price
paid for liccenea: by B. L. PAIENMOCK l al,
so3l No. 50, corner Wood sod Foldlli its.
y ooL WANTEP.—Tho bighestinarket
pert. pall 17.rr Wool, by 8. lIMIDAIIOII k CO.,
Jo 19 No 9)5 Liberty street
\ITA NTE D 1-10,000 bus Rye, for • which
LEncilA zurromssoic
No. 1162.1 end 145 l4*. ,
Nv , ANTED.—XS,OOO Dish. Wheat,
10,000 " Oats.
122 Second 551•1151 Tint 9;
C W t 7 OUI.I WUUL!!-100,000 lbs. Wool •• :is
tl at mosso. caqg prim by
122 &cepa and 151 Front eta.
$BOO0 -Who Wants Miiner- , -Want t
porchamm or slo,ooodoUsisvort) of
Dmade aud Mort,v,.. Apply to OHO. W. BUNN, Datalkide
tibia ntr - ,el, 3d door loom. of she Diansoadtdifghooy 447.
arboricultural, &c.
A.-... 11,003 extra Ana, grom ape tibest hardy T.
reeds, from 234 to 8 feet. '
40,000 from mall to . 2% tneL
SOW extra fine cherry, 42,030 peach 1 and 2 yard; Bine,
three years old, dale and stealer&
One Nursery Stock in every deportment I large, wilett It
will give to lowbow Wear Mends and the poblie.
Pitlabargb and Oakland Numerieci. Oct. 27.183.4.
aorpt musnoop,
auction Zags.
P. NE. DAVIS, A.notione
Commercial Salm BoOlaa, No. t 4 PifW S t.
ACCTION—On Saturday ifierunon. . a
2 -
o'clock, will he sold •at the conimercial Wee rowdy No. 154.
Flab strrot, a quality et superior noa.bour rtaidtota,'
whirl has been woll f kept and noll a abort time bar umei7 ,-
among whirl arelDishogany Form, Parlor .Chilra, own,
Table, Dressing' So Work-and Wash apuidgeilit
lamella, bedding, tbs., Chairs, Mill irdatsbot
Cam, Patent Sewio Carpeting,Wiwi
Looking Oliaam6-Ctthia, Olam and QtleenaWarit
asaortmeot bfßiteben Furniture. P. M. DA218,0211L •
OF currnma.—o. liftsuday, Dec. 13114 at ./D kJ&
anJ t P. M. willba sold, at the casateetxhil Wee twomOtit.
54 Fifth street, the Invest sn4 moat desirable stock al whs.
chethiag of/trail io Oils market MD swaseadostailtag la
part.,,340 V.rto ./.41/o. *se 1.-
LtristteViiMir, WdTini 410 dee
dot Suthenders. A lathe neszititief dreZ
elothdeg, Ar to Ivo ieethe - I
end feeee,thidloseresey ererlby their atteatioii:
peiemptary:-- -- elelo P. M.DA I 7IB; Atha.
—7kr.morroW., , Sal order morning, it the comma
Wes rooms, No. 64 liitth street. Particular* ne,xt. -
dal) P.111.-DAV/S,Anet.
INGWINGS.-43n Tuosday
Det-.14t1i, at 10 o'clock, will be aold, laib. IMODEPi
floor of DavW auction, a !Argenta ba i mikakrn •
of &eel togra ingam Ado and waved Una gilt aantrae
wood fransekcompthingthe mat celebrated pirollcUans of ,
the rosarers,ore mblecto Material, religions and
hs =
among them will be found the MlgUmd Wtdadt
iromLandseer, Haney on the Maki:ion of thalgoodallw, •
tionnisbed Amerkans, American Christian , Union. Oaantat'' :
• Family, Fine Portrait. of Icsahington. Clay, Radltal4Y: .
Jackson and Ihschatmin Mary Anointing the Feet of idiom
Rising Family, Immacrdate Wnomn Marriage of Para-
ta7= C P=De S" ot=v
unmoral. collcalon of bmnerona pkces. Tbs collection la
togs with•
composed of the chokelt eableeta, and' all moot be mold on -
Tuesday morning.- to vablch the particular attention of -
ladles and gentlemen is recreated. P.ll. DAV IS, Ana.
NETSJu nt Aoctlon.-..0n Patarday =ruing, D.a Illh,
as 10 o'Clock. will ho *old, on the 24 , door of the auction
rooms, No. at 11112 et, a splendid snort/swot °Nobly trim.
med Bonnet,, in this *smote, most fashfonable mislead:cow
prising a variety °Cedars In Burnt velvet, - Imperial - end
fancy releet also, =dim phdo and corded elk, and trimmed
!tress, together with Mimi" millinery moods, tasking in all.
choke and rare opportunity for tallest° boy their 'slater
bonnets et their meet mice. deb P..IL DAVIS, Acct. •
Friday rooraing,'Doe. 'loth at 10 e6ick and - 2
o . lj. k to the +Network will be sold at the comma dalaslar '
rooms. No. 04 Fifth street, a brge and froth stock of Goals,.
Including logs and small Wool &aria. Pelerical, Hack;
Zephyr Coeds, Zopbyr OrPee, Web' Boots, Merloto 'Linda, -
?Dirt. and Namebeery Wool Cricket JacketnOralkohl
for Men and Boys, CasslmereaandPatinet Pantaloon; QOM,
Cassimere, and ?Ilk Tear, Seal, 'Ruck aird Wool
to which as haelte the attention of parebesers as thle stoell
most be closed out on that day:
de.3 P. IL DAVIS. duet
TOOLS, ie.—Wednesday amitratair;Dscamber IStia: ag
lv o'clankod tho Funadry and Machin Shop, arm al 21
aad Short • roots, hf orderof Wan.ll. Tormyth, SaKaaaa of
A. &via !Co., .52 lhasold • lama quantity of ' , Unarm.,
Tools, Shafting, kn., in lot. to .011 pinnbaams. •
Tennant asir
. .P. N. DATTS,Anet
sus, in lots to nit purchamms;try , • i, , -
apl "
~ , tU:7l~l~t►[IIU;~Ii:L~K~1~t [i'il~TP'St'~~
TRORSDAY ETETNINCL—Bank, Bridge, Instants* sad
Copper Stock, Bond and Real ;state' meld at 'pablto lab
Itt the Mendwala'Rachange by
Notes, Draft' and 'Leann' on Real Rotate nevidalid
. reamonable terms by AUSTIN LOOMIS CO.
R«..k. Note Wolters* rearigual.
the Post Office it Biowns-
Tina Pa,ehoot the lath Noteether. et PROMISSORY
MAR Alr 172.4:63, wide by Mews P.and J.Seesaer ta
the order otßoberr. Itn;ers Req., end by blot eadonted End
mad* Dyable et rho Citizen,: ,Rant of Pittsburgh, dated
Nov.mtne 10th or 11th, et 4 - menthe. All venoms ant here
by cautioned eintiot negotimlng 'twirl note, AS payload of
the lame hos been rtormi by the nubetliber, testiest ft
see • Ilre3l ALEXARD KING.
A. ND Rl4::w WIND'S -
Atmgriliamo /minor, '
Nuttua n, SUSI at. IV the Zrataati Bzlk, Xt.! rerk.
=do:Ma tr..xt urnutiog Jounals awl:II:Mod SPIt140•11-
adu mad vrc.i
Ile Is nottlarlt e 4 to receive adrorthments kir isird'ort '
pubisii,d rata.
AL have Jest received from Me 8 Seim hl' s
/Wagons, • larp quoin, of ATLANTIC( CAME,
we will cat In small rimes and recant them In ellberarok
direr or gold, to'stilt parolamora. Alm teeth lordellea
avillgient .deterfoon made WATLIIIIB. afellf!tribe
CABLE and the WACOMM • • • ..'"" •
- • BET '*6114111" ,
• • • • flithlUlt
LOST.--frotrei is hereby that IT
cation hae been Meat for daptrt. , l . .. r,,•= v; tub,
An the Ci Hoene rant 'of . Plt!kbafsbift •• • , • •
1617, one there: . o rAoete tni_c4pnt
Cante Is hereby demanded whit A my Ida
Eltf&r,..' •
be Imo& •
2 . 88 LS eti . PM l . l5
zo.:Gootner.Weed ana 43.1).,4
7 - 7.
20.BSI'S D: L. YARITMOM & *•*„
- No. **(Ammer Wood sad •• •
It Smith White; 3 b do
imt recd up convlgnment for nI•• • • . *
'now *out awe,. . • •
ritißN• 1;--175 .bile. new,
N., (km Deal, fur WI by RILL k. • *.
C .„ ,
satyr. wee
BuTTER.Li bbl packed rt.
Yor &le by . [deg) It
•P.&01. DAUM
F LOUR -100_144e, extra .;11.4Ibilatilti by .
. DEA. 4.7011.81^T1L
Hooeacksin litokiand for., 8146
by • (&81 DICK 4:11' it CO.
LA itD OIL - conitantliak:lland
M bleb) .. • - • LoLt.satidextra-oco. - :, • •
111.00515--65 ton it Tin* Itehry Ctaßiirgtil
fu :atom seuthemplo WOICZX Y'•
t ~~ ,
'i~4 . .:~:
.... . ~~:
i i ~ =:r::,,,.
I ~~`--"