The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 30, 1858, Image 3

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    „ I",xoi433ams.r.
6 . I PEP.PAt.# 30;` 1858.
Maxi TI MPEILISIIIII.—Observationa taken at
,aapeis , Optician &creak, 58 Fifth sy N0V..291.b.
. , o'cloca, a. y 31
.. ....... 35
;11Mr. Dunn Ibrzon PaArte. Martnro, at Nooonio
" Pillh Meet, commencing at 114 o'clock, A. C.
All ace cordially invited to attend.
The Axon:ink TO-DLY- will be. conducted by Rev.
, .
Timm or Jines- M. - Kum—This case of trial
,fog murder came on again in the Court of Oyer
gnd . Tertainer yesterday, (Monday.) Kelly was
timed. into-Moot in the morsnag and hie cow
' sod 'then' and there put in a plea of ..once in
ttirtiL" Thls plea was of bourse very long and
oonhaise4 many, repetitions, for the law
deOnanda thit. Ile,. through his counsel, plead
that, he should rot be put on trial !tries for' the
on o *taw ; The eirenrostaneee of the, case
Ten such, however, that this - plea was not held
geed; The District Attornay, Mr. Collier , (who
we are glad a see Rptirkeo 1,0 an to bea t
post,) - demoired to the plea The Court over
ruled the plea, entering a judgment of Quod re
v/acted. 04 beteg milled upon 43 plead, the
prisoner remained mute, and a plea of not guilty
was entered for him by direction of the Court.
These matters
.ogoupied the attention of the
Court until time of adjournment at noon.
At tWo o'clock the job of empanelling a jury
was commenced and continued wail nearly
The - panel was entirely exhausted before success
Crowned 'these efforts Al last, however, they
, not the following—
Junr—Alez. McClure, John Gillespie, Wm.
Carter, ?ramie ,Cluley, James Ewing, Toomas
Maim, Henry "Bunis, - Jos, einwrord, Bernard
Babel, Jos. Arnietratig,; John Gormley, James
. .
Vialiengeili f iriniptoiily--C. Hershey, Wm. M.
Arthure, Andrew: Weible, Wm. Brown, Thomas
!lan, Wm. Early, Joo. ArlYeely, Jas. Denney,
SamL'A'ndrew, I'rederio Pry, Jno. Lytle, Henry
Haley, Jae. Joe. Herron, M. B. Hartzell,
W. a. Edie, JllO. Id:Gowan, Ben.
Challenged/or Coure—Alithew Hodkinson, C.
R. Johniatt,'David Anderson, Joe; Andrews, (by
Commonwealth,) John Hazlett, Joe. Dorringtoo,
(deaf.) ; • - • - • - -
Absent—SamL hl'Clure, Jr., Robt. Lee, Jr..
Jno. Fitzeinuncies, Joe. M'C. Ludwig, Robert
Jamison, Thai. Peptide, Jae. Brady, Simpson
Honer, Wm. Beatty.
Zirumf.en clecount of Skimes.l9m. El'Eee,
Jr., Molten Borland, Ebenezer Carry. . .
Stood Aside--11..F. Agnew.
The first witness placed upon the stand waa—
Dr. A: H, Green—l was called in the morning
after the old man Weisman was killed and found 1
hint dead; there was blood on the pillow, floor,
atryia , y,latthitete, etc., made a post r mortein
minition with Dr: Madly found two cute en
the head—ine on theiop end one on the bank
of head. Pima a fracture , from the temporal
to the parietal and thence to the occipital hone;
sutures of the ekall • were generally looleaed;
piece of 'kali between occipital and parietal bane
knocked in and lay upon the brain, there was
much aztravaseted blood between the bone and
bare given' Dr. Grose' testimony as a key
to this case. It is charged that Jas. IL Kelly,
erlth twoothers,-(one of whom, found guilty of
murder In the second degree, is in the smiles
tiary, and the other haring been tried was au
fit:W.(o *a:present at the tease ,of this old
man Weinman, at midnight' and inflicted a blow,
or blows on his head "of which he languisho_
and languishing dad die," on or about the Bth of
October, 1857: •
Kelly ban been once tried and convicted. His
trial we reported at the time, as well as the two
()there who stood charged with him. Thai is
three times this case of blood hoe figured in the
newspapers, and that, we. thinic,is often enough.
We shall, therefdrel :hereafter daring the pro
gress of thie,trbet simply. keep. our r
eaders ad
rinetrof progrees c and there let the matter
:Ina. James Kelly hat put himself on Clod
and hin country, and if he is innocent he wit'
doubtless be acquitted; if not; not.
al "Waves" os Tim MAIII:N00.-11 will be
remembered that Mr. Hart, mate of the Maren
go, who was before the Mayor on Saturday,
...barged by Edw./ arta having petaled ow e.
board and thus,manbired a negro man, gave a t ,
- fir Me appearadee on Monday /yes at
h i 1, ... 447 Vira r.
'it'd judmnient. It Minya lqipeired'toitirth
. Mi. Hart foyer did that with which he stood.
charged, bat of course it was not our plate to
say so. Capt. McCallum, the captain of the
Marengo, was re-called and gave testimony at
”The welerelOset is in the stern part of the
htarengo, bn the larboard Bide; the gangways of
the trot were covered with ice, the door of the
privy opens towards the after part so that a per
son to it would be unable to nee what was going
on forward; couldn't see front there what took
place on the larboard side at all, even in day-
light; I west to bed between ten and sieves
o'clok on the night of the occurrence; I sleep in
the texas; the inabes sleep there too; the watch
is changed it one o'clock in the morning; we had
a barge In tow on the larboard side coming up;
I first beards man was miming next morning!!
This testimony. will show that Reese must have
been laborieg under some hallucination at the
time in which la alleges the act was performed;
as he could ..not have seen from where he says
be wee, any , thing ocenring where he swears the
guilty circumstance triumphed.
Mr. A. A.. Russell was swam, and testified
_that Reese time to his office lent week, saying;
that he had been to Kansas and had bought 160
acres of land for $5OO he took with him, but be-'
log out of money, he wished Mr. Russell to loan
him enough to get•home to Bedford, which he
did.' Reese said he knew Bissell in Bedford in
1888; came back to my office the next day the
worsefor liquor; told the story shout the mur
der, which I put no tronlidepoe in.
Mr. Rennig, mate of the Marengo, Minas
End* Dr: D. W. Shaw and others, were SWIMS,
sinitteetided to the. good character of Mr. Bart
for peace add quietness. In conclusion, the
Mayor discharged Mr. Bart, and he left the 'of
fice with bia' friends, doubtless very much grat
ged at the Irina .
:v i
"i: , I.
4'. i,
BeruzumCoumr.--Court met et 9A. u. Pre
eenl; all the Judges.
WM, ut. Woods; D. C. Allegheny. Affirmed
fors7oo Ind coats, and reversed for all beyond
that amount. Opinion by Lowrie, C. J.
Page's appesi; Indiana. Dial:dewed-at the
cost of appellants.
Rupp es. Orr; Armstrong. Affirmed. Opinion
by Losnde, C. J.
Road in Moon and Robinson townships; Q. 8..
Allegheny." Resumed.
Burford vs.., Wilds; Armstrong. Reversed.
Opinion by Church, J.
Reed in Wag Nei township; Allegheny; Q.
8.. Itemmeed,
~Qpinion by Church, J.
Chsrpennineit appeal; Somerset. Affirmed.
Optalea by Thompson, .1.
..itinghanesappeal; D.C.; Allegheny. Quulte'd.
• 'Conley et at. vs. School Directors of West
Deer. tosmiffilp; C. P. Allegheny. Argued for
plaint/111W eta, by - Hampton, and by Woods
' Mary O'Hara's. Penna. Railroad, and Jetties
O'Hara vs. Same. Continued.
Garrett vs. Martin's appeal; D. C. Submitted
Izl i pdy for appellant, and by Cochran sod m
for sile's. aL vs. P., Ft . W. &C. R. R., and
Commenweidth vs. Same. Equity continued.
;Yabttetown Iron Co. va..Cambris leap Co. et
aL Argued by WilliSMO for complainant and
Lawrie contra.
Sarno vs. B=o 2 Motion for a re-argument
Commonwealth ex. rel. Thronria vs-Commis
rdoneril of Allegheny county. Motion by Mr.
Williams to set aside judgment in favor of re
lator, andlenter judgment hi favor of respondent.
1:1Or;. ° 8.. N. Ili Ann Gaon—We learn that Col.
Smomil W. Monk, formerly of this city, bat at
present ono of thy Burpremly.indges of Nebraska
Territory, was dangerousbr wounded with gun
in Ms handl or ihiad; sl?few aye since. it
appears that, 'doom d- by another gentle
man, ha was out - huntinif on thoprairie,ind pass
ing Into a eTurepUf bitebei with r view of driving
some prairie bens from their Cover,his comrade,
who.did.mot quern ids *son* disehmted his
gun twice in sucerstion, the Ant load
Went in the heaCand the in. the arm,
indicting two. snore r . though not dangeroas,
wounds. His, numerous friends here will be re
joloutto lairs that Ms not likely to be attend
ed with any miens mulls, and . hie
! Reedy
oinvidemenes vas Minddently looked:Or. ,
Inn mac Jobilfo'hison,. of bfalbeer- alley,
nibs liana falba neweysperi considerably,
since, ld regard to. solo ',difbasiltiee
wth "militia had sobbed him of the affections
at bde vire, hufieen arrested, lately, on Oath of
his wife, for aunty of, the peace. Ile Is sopa
rated front her, but., on elating the home she
oocipiedi-on Pride.* night lut, he , found :ter
c micurilieroand. =do is manse attack tipOs
k ^ ' , &tour PsariesTRECOITRID,-oM6Cr ta Thlgla . 1 1 : :
4 on Saturday Ifterneoss. ' reooverodAtis. Tees
''' Abi Dimond, a oupeissolthwasd by an. Oil:
6 i v DM rtetetir arrested lor robldo_g
~ .
,' -
slgr Itml of,4ll Skinner in Throthunriils- , llAlle
i filled with 4ileildistr "ft Other - AN*" V*
Iron. Mission fit! rpT*l*--iin• 46,60114r3.0r.
obloark). - .-....,. ~I.„-..,-,,,,.•,,.-..,...,,-. . ..: „t , ,
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OPIIOIAy PAPER 01 silie oirr.
rnria GALIOLICIaeII kiellennen, (Jr/MIRO J LY
/858.—An interesting paper on the successful treat
ment of this dreadful affection, and the allied dis
eases of scrofula, table mesenteric*, etc. h the
hypophonthites of li me and soda, has just been y
sented to the Academy of Sciences by Dr. .1. F.
/Amain. It ban been known that, among the in
organic or mineral substance' which enter into the
composition of the body, phoephorus is to bo met
with in conehlerable quantities, bat chemist,' and
physiologists are, as yet, enable to decide whether it
is found only as phosphoric acid; that is, in a •tato
of complete oxydation, and, as each, no longer
to be burnt by the oxygen of the atmosphere, vas,
for instance, in the mineral matter of bones) or
whether it also exists in a lower state of oxydatioa,
and, as Noah, capable of keeping up the slow em
bolden whicireasurtitutca one of the principal p
nOnnella of life. Opinions on this point are very
nearly balanced, the celebrated Llabig, for instance,
stating that it is Impossible to decide the question in
the present state of chemical analysis, while his
chief disciple in England, tile late Dr. Gregory, Pro
fessor of Chemistry at Edinburgh, declares that it is
absurd to suppose that phosphorus can exist in the
animal frarile in any other condition than at, phos
phoric acid.
Dr. Churchill, by a series or scientific deductions,
which it would hi lOreign to our purpose to examine,
came, in 1855, to the coneltudon that not only was It
ria2OSS/Ary to admit that phosphorus /misted in the
body, in en oxydisable!M combustible condition, but
likewise that the proximate cause, or at least an in
dispensable condition, to the existence of consump
tion or tuterenlosis, was the undue waste ar the de.
Octant supply of the principle. Donee, be drew the
obvious inference, that the meant, of curing the dis
ease consisted in the restoring of the deficient el.
For this purpose it was °smeary to /elect IMMO
compflond of phosphorus, which would be at the
same time oxidixable and assimilable, that is, capa
ble of entering. Into and forming a part of the sys
rani. These COOdiiiollll wore found to exist in the
hipophosphites above mentioned. Dr. Churchill's
views were lint made known lasi July, in • paper
presented to the Academy of Medicine, and sashes
gustily embodied is a work on Consumption, which
appeased in October. Sinee,then, the Author hoe
eotitinued and extended his researches, and his re
cant communication to the Academy meth:tenet* le
fended On the observation of forty-one came.'
The cure of Conmimption, in the second and third,
stages (at a period,' consequently, when! there can
be no uncertainty as to the nature of the disease,)
can be obtained In all eases, by this treatment, ex
cept when the existing lesion of the tangs is !of
Itself sufficient to produce death. Contrary to the
opinion generally received, the third stage of Eon
suroptron is, all other "rircumetanses being equal,
mons amenable 1.6 `vestment thee the teemid. Tiered
itarypesdiepolition sums inn° tr ay to cotintereetthe
effsed - utitheirjrpophosphitee; patients in wheat it
wen stiesgly marked recovering as rapidly 4lit others.
The paper has beet Warred by the AcadeMytO
committee consisting of Drs. serves, Andra!, !and
Claude Bernard, and it is highly desirable that these
gentlemen should lime es little- them as postible In
verifyieg whether and holt far Dr . Chtuchilrer ! views
are founded in troth: mars particularly* the author
*tattle that tie 'remedy! dlicoieted by hint has. not
only'a curative Ofeet, but sill, if need whenever there
auspickin of the disease, preveletitadeverop.
maid, sod dam act as a pee ureate!. with itigur4,ta
consumption, }its' t as ?activation, does_with leotard
to smallpox, It to already astansivelynseeffereagh.
out the,whole of the Continent, sad tavorablevendte
have. been already obtained m Emma,'
. oAmmoy, I
Italy and Spain, u wall no at St. retivibug amid
w:0 stab* *kite, that, In. eonsequanesvoi , Dr,
ohnrshili r s &moray, the.lskunsfaetate Of! thy - b:PP
phosWles in Path, hal efreatlyt
ftrllle iMPOrlant* kfifele r bore they wen
fultdaessisuiedepiciamme thelabims.
R umataris.....nutfoilir)eing Interesting Items
we ottp from the Methodist Christian Advocate
of yetiterdiy:'
`ltte nits ht: E. Church in the y settle.
meat; etikhe Oil Creek road, will be dedicated
to the worship of God on Wednesday, the first of
December, 1858. Services conducted by Rev.
If, Mule/.
The examination at Pittsburgh Female College
at Unclose of the Fall term:takes place on the
3d of December. The parents snd friends of
the College are invited to be present. Tho next
term commences on the 811 i prox.
On the 14th of December a festival will be
held at some convenient place in the city, the
proceeds of which win bo devoted to! he payment
of the debt yet resting on the Trinity M. E.
DIrDICA,27OB.—The dedication of tho
ham street blethodisM. Church, in the boroug g h
of Birmingham, took place on Sunday, the 21 st
Ind. The following brief history of Methodism
in this place may be allowed:
In the year 1634, when Birmingham was a
small appointment attached to Pittsburgh, with
a shabby frame building for holding services,
Bay- P. M. ArGlowan purchased a lot, and a
email, one -storied brick building was erected
thereon—at present occupied by our German
Methodist brethren. Something over a dozen
Dears ago this building, becoming too small, WAD
exchanged for a more capacious edifice on Center
street, belonging to the Presbyterians, who coca.
pied it until it came into the possession of the
Germane. During the latter part of last year,
the congregation took dope towards securing the
present location, which is conceded to be the
best in the borough.' The her. 11. D. Fisher,
then preacher in charge, Undertook the work.
nesistedliy a noble set of laymen, and secured
a subscription of ;5,000. While the work was
progressing he was sent to KatlB3B, and Rev. 1
Gustavus A. Lowman appointed in hie room.
Notwithstanding the hard times end other dis
couraging circumstances, the church was finish
ed su aicien fly to be opened for regular service at
the time named above.
The building is brick, sixty by eighty feel,
two stories high, built with pilasters, and has a
steeple one hundred and ten feet above the
In the. conferences patronizing the Pittel.orall
Cal tartan Advocate there were added to the ohurch
last year about. 11,000 souls."
Luton quantities of Beef, Pork, and miscella
neous freight are being carried on the C. & P.
Railroad for New Yorirallti Philadelphia. Yes
terday there were 2329 barrels of Potatoes, 288
barrels of Beans and 57 barrels of Apples re
ceived here from Buffalo by the propeller Eu
phrates and shipped to J. B. Canfield, of Pitts
burgh. This is a heavy consignment of pota
toes. A large lot of Beef also went aver the
road.—Cleretand Plaindealer, Saturday.
The receipts of Pork over the Cleveland &
Pittsburgh railroad for the week ending on Sat
urday were 1300 bbls. and of Beef 210(1 bids.
The Cleveland packers find it cheaper to ship
through here to New York than over the Lake
Shore.and New York roads, notwithstanding the
tonnage lax, although Cleveland is directly on
the-New York route. The receipts of hogs
week, for shipment east, by the three western
roads, were 128 cars—a large increase over any
previouttyear, and showing that the tendency bf
this traffic, oleo, is to this point. The Pennsyl
vania road furnishes to western shippers, beyond
doubt, the best and cheapest route to the East.
Tits following letter from Gen Semi . WWI
notreeeived,until yesterday:
New Fork, Nur. S, I Sss. j
Geot/esitn: I am gratified to the receipt of yojr
reqnest that I will share in the interesting exercises
proposed for the 25th inst., at Fort Duquesne—the.
We spot where, • bondred years ago, our then in f ant
stern empire may be said to hare been baptlied In
It would be my pleasure to aid—could mypresenee
contribute anything—in keeping olive among our
people the suggestive historical associations to which
your letter alludes. But my habitual occupations of
duty, and other reasons, forbid the time and travel
requisite for me to' participate in your eclebrali..
Wishing it every meccas, l am, gentlema with
sentiments of MO regard and respect, your obedient
To Messrs. It. Emit, J. 11. Foster, cod other',
Committee of Invitation, Pittsburgh, P..
Nov. 26.
1'.5.--I am dteply mortified to Gnd that tho fore
going replyas not (by tome socidenti dexpatehed
on the day of its data.
IV. E.
Tun Market Cm:ashie, Simpson Moore, was
held to bail on Saturday, on complaint of Mra
Ann Kelly, for on ati92llit nod• battery on two of
bar children—a newsboy of els yours, and a
match girl of eleren— who were , selling their
wares in front or if,. market ...ran.' : the titan
girl was Hung Inl 01 the. Were! limier atm roe. Pif'
a horse, and her skirt torn off, Moore threat
. to retaliate. so it is Mated, by a pros
flop ing . etwat. Ow* ntaltlvew ray ..tong withett 1
•••• ' •
Literary Society will celebrate their second ani.
nivereary nt ,Lafayette Hall, on Tuesday (this)
evening, Nov. CO. The programme which we
have receivedidlowe a great variety of selections,
--orations, dialogues, etc. Young's Brass nand
is engaged for the occasion. Some of the most
Promising young men in Allegheny city lake
Part. Tieketfof admis.sion 15 cents. The Swill
ner Society deaeri•es. success, and the liberal
patronage of the community.
Tun Loin. Cnixoturs is the title of a most
attractive little volume juat issued by W. S. lleJ
.vea, corner of Market and Second. streets.
Nothing is over -wrought yet all is sprightliness
and animation. The writer deserves the thankti
of the community for this contribution to litera- ,
turn and to the cause of humanity. It is a "Plea
for the Poor" that must do good. There is not,
a line which any one need wish expunged nor a
sentiment approved by the author that is not re
fined, benevolent and consistent with piety.
Buy that Gook. It is for sale at J. S. Davlson's,•
at W. S. Rentoure and at J. L. Read's.
Now TO Bata SITVATIONS.—Tbere is one de
sirable feature of the Iron City College, and one
we believe peculiar to it, which we must not pass
unnoticed—it makes heel - fan express aorta very
effialenaagent in procuring situations and occu
pations for such . tin it qnalifies to hold them.—
Aferehante dlogarine.
OnAT MASS MIS SWIM] from Wm. Simpson,
On knateedny evening last, from Lie farm near
Mationingtawn, Lawrence county, Pa.
Rictrtalt Connors.—ln Select
Council, present: Blesses. Bennett, Berger,
Brown, Iferdnian, Kammerer, Kizumid, Little,
Miller, Morrow, Metargo, Pollock, Phillips,
Witid and Preset. McAuley.
Minutes of loot regular and special meeting
react and approved.
Mr. Ilerdman, from the Third Ward, present
ed a memorial from the Allegheny Fire Company
praying assistance in liquidation of their debts.
Referred to Committee on Fire Engines and
The petition of-Andrew Schaub was presented
by Mr. Ward, of the Sixth Ward, asking ex•
emptien from the tax levied upon him for gra
ding and paving between Fulton and Caldwell
street, along a lot which ho has recently pur
chased from Michael Klinefelter. Referred to
the Finance Committee.
The President read a communication from the
Controller, together with bills of sundry amounts,
in all reaching the sum of $B2B •_>;, chargable
to the Contingent Fund. These hills had to be
liquidated-before action could be, had by Coun
cils, and their action is called for. The nature
of them bills were—exchange and discounts to
Kramer & Rehm; postage stamps for Treasu
rer's office; nerving notices of assessment, etc.
On motion of Mr. Bennett the Mayor was au
thorized to certify his warrants iii favor of the
various individuals named in the report of bills
in the Controller's paper above referred to.
In all of which action C. C. concur.
The President read a communication from the
Diamond Market Association, with the following
resolution :
Raolved, That the Building Committee be
authorized to contract for making doors in the
front and rear of said building and make the
interior - arrangements to correspond as far as
practicable with the first story of the Market
(louse on the Soutti-east side, and also erect a
stairway in the West end of said building in ac
cordance with the resolution of City Councils:
Prorided that the consent of Council, to such
alteration mid improvements be first obtained.
The policy of adopting the suggestion of the
Market House association and agreeing with
them in regard to the proposed improvement,
elicited quite a spirited discussion, in which
Messrs. Ward, Kincaid, Brown, Bennett, Miller,
Morrow and lierdenart joined. Mr. Bennett
moved that the Councils adopt lie proposed re
Yeas—Messrs. Bennett, Brown, Iferdinan,
Pollock, Phillips, and President APAuley.
Nays—Messrs. Berger, Kincaid, Little, Mor
row, M'Cargo, Ward.
The vote was thus tied, and Mr. Miller, who
was out at the moment the vole was taken, but
came in and voting in the affirmative the ques
tion was decided in the affirmative'
Council then proceeded to elect the member
for Auditing Committee from the Select Coun
On motion of Mr. Kincaid, Mr. Moorhead was
erected by an unanimous vote.
An ordinance, relative to the eolleetion of
taxes was rend three times - and passed.
An ordinance supplementary to an ordinance
to allow draw backs for prompt payment of taxes
for grading and paving, was read three times
and passed.
. Mr. Miller eutunitted a resolution to repair
Second street between 'tress Street and a point
opposite Chestnut Street, the same being in an
impassible condition, and that $lOO from appro
priation No. 41 be devoted to said repairs. Re
ferred to Street Committee C. C, non-eoncur
and amend by making the appropriation $3O,
provided the Birmingham Bridge Co. contribute
$50. , . 8. C. recede and concur.
AO4ordinance, authorizing the grading and
paving, etc., of Sinallman street between Car
roll and Morris streets. Read three times and
Mr. Pollock Submitted the bill of Daniel Lit
tle for grading Mulberry Alley between Alle
gheny and Lumberman street, $55,75. Refer
red to Street Committee . In all of which
action not otherwise noted, C C. concur.
Mr. Katismerer offered ao ordinance supple
mentary to an ordinance granting certain privi
leges to the Allegheny Valley R. R. Co Referr
ed to Street Committee. Not acted on in C C
Resolution front c.. C., at former meeting,
taking $4OO from Appropriation No. 2 and
adding to No. 7, the amount to be equally divid
ed inzepairing streets in the two districts was
concurred in .
Coustoa Cousett. —Present: Mears Bailey,
Caldwell, Campbell, Darlington, Dickson, Dig
:nam, Streit, Floyd, Hamilton, Hunter, Ilutchi
eon, Little, 51'Canilleee. 5 1'0eary, Norris, Reed,
Rote,Robb, Sergeant. sterling, Thompaoo,
War,lll'Kelvy, Pres't.
The minutes of the two preceding meetings
I were read and approved.
Mr. Thompson presented a petition from citi
zens reciting on Liberty street, relative to the
dama g e &tiein g from the enteral ion of the grade
of said Street, between Wayne and O'llaez etc
On motion of Mr. Thompson, referred to a
,special comLo . ittee of three from the Common and
Z4;r: iarawit=pcb74:ll:377:
C. eon
car and Kincaid and Ward appointed.
'From the samea petition relative to the tax
I levied for paving on Mulberry Alley, between
Factory and O'Hara streets. Read and referred
to Finance Committee.
From the same, a petition of like import from
I citizens on Pike street. Read and referred to
Finance Committee.
Mr. Bailey, a communication from James
Mackerel], relative to grading on Centre Avenue.
'Read and referred to Finance Committee.
Mr. 51 'Candless—A bill presented to the heirs
of C. Gibson, for grading and paving on Centre
avenue, with the following resolution:
Resolved, That the assessment for grading and I
paving,nbarged to heirs of d:Gibson, be referred
to Finance Committee. Read three times and
passed. S. C . non-concur in these four cases, '
and refer to Street Committee. No further ac
lion was bad thereon in C. C.
The Ordinance aboliehing the office of Clerk to
Committees, laid over Oct. •.25tb, came up. A
motion to concur in the actin's of S. C. wee lost
by the following vote:
Ayes—Campbell, Darlington, Floyd, ilamilion,.j
Hutchison, Serpent, Sterling -7.
Naya—Bailey, Caldwell, Dickson, !Agnew, Er-
Tett, Hunter, Little, M'Candless, M'Geary, Nor-
ris, Reed, Ross, Robb, Thompson, IVanl and Me-
Mr.llobb presented the following:
Whereas, The members of this Council, before
entering upon their respective duties, have hound j
themselves to endeavor their faithful discharge ]
under the solemnity of au oath—thereby reeog
nieverxing their accountability to God—and wishing
to cherish a proper sense of that accounts
bility so as to act under its Influence, and be-
Hering that an appeal by prayer to God for wis
dom to direct us in the discharge of our ditscult
and varied duties would have a happy Influence
in securing this result—
Therefore, Resolred, That our President be is.
quested either to lead as in prayer of call at his
pleaeure on some member of Council to do no,
that we may thee be wisely directed in the man
agement of all interests committed I.Q our care.
Rend three times and passed. •
Mr. Dickson presented the following:
Reeofned, That the Finance Committee be
authorized to contract for a pair of scale. suita
ble far weighing hay, stock, coal, &e., and have
the cams placed on Rush street, at the most
suitable location', to be paid for out of the reve
nue derived from the same. Read and referred
to the Finance Committee, with power to act.
8. C. concur.
Dr. McCandless preeented the following.
Resolved, That a committee of three from the
Common and two from the Select Council be
appointed to confer with a similar committee
from the Councils of Allegheny city, relative to
vehicle license.
Read three times and passed, and Messrs. Mc-
Candless, Darlington and Campbell appointed
on pert of C. C. In S. C. resolutlon indefinitely
Council then proceeded to elect two persons
to serve on a committee to audit the city ac
con counts, sodd. Messrs. Errell and Campb* Were
y electe
Mr. Sergeant, an ordinance to redoes the eal
ary of the clerk of the Standing Committee.
The ordinance fixed the salary at one hundred
dollars per annum.
Mr. Reed moved to amend, by striking out
.'one hundred" and insert two hundred. The
amendment was adopted, the rules ern/pond
ed and the ordinance, as amended, read three
times and passed. B. O. non-eoneor and amend
by fixing the salary at $2&. C. C. non-concur
in the amendment of 8. C. In 8. C. action ad
hered to, and Messrs. Brown and Bennett ap
pointed a Conference Committee.
Mr. Campbell presented an ordinance provid
ing that after this year there shall be btst one
Street Commiesioner. Laid over 013 second read
ing, Councils refusing to suspend the rules.
Mr. Sergeant offered the following:
.- Resi)lord, That the Trustees of the Gas Works
he.ilquested to_ erect a lamp post on the corner
or Second and Brewerystreet. Read and refer
rid to Committee on Gas Lighting. S. C. concur.
lorni Mute Ewi Lawn."—We regret that
ere have to escritlcethat little ewe lamb of cum
neighbor Digham. We slated that the first Bug.
gestion of The celebration came from Rev. Geo.
Duffield. Yesterdey morning we acknowledged
that the honor. belonged to you, and so It does,
if one considers the publk suggestion. We,
however ' took hoe:salon yesterday to look for the
dale of Rev. Dutbeld'a letter, and find it July
22d. Subsequently he wrote kohl, on the same
subject, under date of August 4th, and that woe
the letter we thought bore date of,lh* :bat Of
September, but end we wore Weaken. •
Afacsseiftr' ea continua to tarry on 'at
hie ebkataud,l67 Liberty street, the Drug busi
ness In all its brushes, u bereteibre eseried
on by- eern - lit Finley.' Mr. M. le /Lang
rate mtdsof bittillese• Mend
patronage. ••
&tar of , Vida...Außloch vU aesobilida
ptNeveowattkommingsla 4sil ikajloothioilt.lll
i ?WOW
Bari Brnuatinri tor theireet preceding N ov , 29th:
- - , ,mi /ipect..l Lamm. Depo.ll9.
540 , 44 9 1 1,611823 765,815
248,77-1 1 ,4117,2&5 479,783
171,570 834,004 223,356
. 06,092 600,186 00,314
82,040 720,310 85,0 1 4
101,416 585,537 146,109
97,4001 5 74,435 69,673
Pittsb'es 279,25 G
Exchange Irk 643,340
M. &M. " 211,097
Citizens' " 109,040
Mechanie" 210,000
Iron City " 214,725
Allegheny " 209,25
1,843703 I
1,749,773 I
Last week-
M. iii ... .
Iron City.
Lmt woolr
Frue.—There was an ala • of fire at half-past
ten o'clock laid evening, sad the heavens were
red away In the direction of Butcher's Run, be
yond Allegheny. We started for the place, but
on Seventh street met the Neptune Boys coming
back, who said that the fire, wherever it was,
had been extinguished before they reached the
place. We returned on this information.
I'. 8.--Since writing the above we learn that
the fire was in the village of Woodville, Reserve.
tp., and that it destroyed a soap manufactory, a
dwelling house and a small outbuilding. We
did not learn the owners name.
Jones—one certain Jones—alias Bonny, who
exhibited the Panorama of o . Journey to Cali
fornia," in this city, haileft for parts unknown,
t supposed to be Cleveland,) 'without settling his
printing and other bills. PasehiMaround.
_ _
Sale of Wet Goods this morn
ing at 10 o'clock, nod of Cabin 'Furniture, &a,
from the wreck of steamboat Fallon Ciiy, this
afternoon, at 'S o'clock, aL the Commercial Sales
Rooms, No, IA Fifth street, by Mr. Davie.
D t. vans of fashionable clothing, eithei . ready made
or ordered, will find it to their advantage to examine
the stock of J. L. Carnaghan, Federal street, Allo
gheoy city. Ills facilities for mokiog fine work are
among tho best, and his prices low for each..
on Week Dairrameal Is a question daily end hourly asked
by parents, 811210 ms for the health of their children. All
who are at all acquainted with the orticle, will inunieliate
ly amwer, Dr. Widow's Celiihristol V emkEhltur Preltmell
by Flemieg 800, Pluaburgh, P. It has never been known
to fail, and in ono of the&Meat remedies that can be need,
A friend of mire lately handed at the following statement
ro .fereoce to (hi. Verralfugn:
NEW Bout, Liaptember Till, , Pr 32.
Gott/emea:—A voting lady hu mble d ono/ ueginaintance Lod Leon
fora long time very much mbled whit warms. I odriaud
her to try Pr. tic Lie's Celebrated Vermin, prepared
by Fleming Bros, of Pittsburgh, Pa. She accordingly por
chmed and took one vial, which mooed hoc to discharge an
unnarial large quantity of worms am wee Immediately
oilseed nf all dreadful symptoms acriusponylng Has
disease, and rapidly rverimired her until hoo/th. The Tome
Indy domino! with her mine mentiotied; her traideuen, bow.
e ll.,
I. BM Fifth
plftna. street, oral she Were to Mrs. Routh, No,
3 attan
llPX.Parthmers bd careful to ask fir DR. mq.A.NrEi
BROS. of PirretimMtv,To All other Ecnnlfugea In cobliur
tem are worthier.. Dr. llELane . a genuine Vertulfoge, also
hie celebrated Liver Fills, can now be had stall rotpeetable
drng Herm. Nonegenume ma/lout tietiguahrre of
ocittimmlwT PLEMING BIWA,
Latoet from Europe.
lIALIVAI, Nov. 20.—The steamer Europa has ar
rived with advice., to the 20th inst.
Liverpool Cotton Market. —The sales of the week
amount to 58,200 bales, including 4500 to specula
tors and 7000 to exporters • all qualities hare ad
retired t on the week. Hollers offer freely, but show
no disposition to press sales. The improvement has
been chiefly on the middling qualities, and the mar
ket closed steady. The sales on Friday, the Nth,
re estimated at 0000 baler, including 1000 to specu
lators and exporters. The authorized quotations are•
oilcans fair 70: middling 7 1-111; Mobile fair 71: mid.
filing 7; ['Mande fair 70; middling, The amok
in port amounta to 222,000 baler, including 247,000
bales A merican.
f. ire 'pool Proeirions Marker. —The
pe)rt Beef as heavy and: slightly dm
doll at 71s. Bacon heavy. There is
quiry, and prier. are weak. Lard dull,
ket doted firmer.
Lierrp,..l Ibra.l4ll: Breadstuff:l eon.
tieued dull. Flour very dull bet steady. Wheat
quiet but steidy. Corn very dull at the fart gel
Frederic Hulce, drothcr of Lord Elgin, hail been
appointed Minister to Pekin.
Franco A. sending reint rement/a4la Cochin
t'Lil' i t ; hn,t ore pppain Pr... Moot of the
Preach Commission to cvnsidez question of negro
1t..1.,yrt Owe, tote ttl p a p erer Vaple e , la dead.
The atnamer liazoola oo the loth lust.
The new flreat P.sstern ship Co "any irduli O
ized ; ni,noo more are required to finish her. rgan-
Lords Palmerston and Clarendon are Paying a
visit to Napoleon at Compeigne.
A letter from Homo a:ntre that all the Catholic
posters had tablreMeal remonstranees to the Pope and
requested the release of the boy, Mortara.
The pope replied that the boy's return to bit parent!
'' T i e r' Clieln ibi'
The mails hare reached England. There
King of Delhi, was sent undor escort to Calcutta_
An explosion occurred at Kurrachoo Arsine!, blow.
log up part of the building and destroying one
million of pounds of ammunition.
oRTI.AI4O. Nov. 2S.—The steamship North Briton.
from Liverpool, with dates to ‘Fednesday, the 17th
inst., arrived this morning.
The steamer Indian Empire, which left Halifax on
the 28th ult. for Galway, Ireland, had not been
heard from, and the fears for her safely had been
heightened, hy'reeent heavy gales on the English
The gales no the English roast had ant causal any
isarters to American vessels as for as heard from.
The Itritish Parliament bad Leen further pro
, ger.l to the 13th of January.
Fears aro entertained for the safety of the ship
gineuurt, Jong overdo° from Australia, with a largo
nuntsof masers,
The f;end9n Times pablithed rather a hopeful
tide on We Atlantic Cable, and urges upon the
irectorn the propriety of accepting the oiler of Pro
.or Ifugbet, to work with his Printing Telegraph
Wasnreome City, Nov. 29.—ft Is said by gen
tlemen who are particularly Interested, that while a
recommendation will be made to Congress fora mod
ificalion of the tariff with the an increase of
the revenue, the means by which this should blipf.
tested will not be designated by the Secretary of the
Treasury. The mildeet is
the h
In the
political cir c le. es to whetter there shall be a speeitic
instead of an advalorem duty on Iron.
A letter, brought by the steamer Quaker City, soya
that a number of Nicaraguan adventurers have land
ed about 40 miles from San Juan del Sur, and recent
private advices from the South, state that those who
were prevented from going out in the Alice Painter
have made arrangements to reach Nicaragua by some
other con vey•nce.
• •
- .
Congress will be officially informed that the let
disturbances in Washington and Oregon territorie
have resulted from neglect to ratify the carton. tree
ties concluded with the Indians of those territories
WA111120100; Nor. 29.—The New Orleanspaper
of Monday last, received by mail, furnish addition.
pal-tinder. of Mexican intelligence.
The Vera Cruz, of the I Ith Inst., contain, an ac
count of an engegeseent batsmen the forces under
lion. La-Lave, at Tengonapan, sad a body of Schee
marts troop., who were endeavoring to effect in-ad
vance towards Vora Cruz, by way of San Salvador.
Tho Zak-quiets' ware mat pen. Camancho
and neat by lien. La- been, who very rapidly defeat
ed them.
Vidauri was energetically preparing for
now movement against Miramun and was full or con
6den , n. Ile stony, in his address that his logs twtt
not so great ag has been supposed, nod etporlaiirth
lots of life was but ;mail.
ACQUIITA. Nor. 21.—The Colombo, Times of Sat.
orday says that Osten At Alden's Circus Company
had all been arrested while playing at Auburn, Ala.,
ID consequence of a member of the company baying
killed a men at Lochapoka the day prerious. A
crowd of sixty followed the company to Auburn,
and fired come twenty shots, fortunately without in
juring anybody. The company submitted to the ar
rest, nod returned to Columbia for trial.
Sr nouosanno, Nov. 2t.—The engine California,
on the Delmiare, Lackawanna a Western Railroad,
liltatted to a train of empty coal cars, exploded
*bona noon to-day, when near Bpregueville. Thos.
ortegn, p
isax instantly killed, and Rdwanl
Hawley, engineer, supposed to be fatally Injured.
Two other persons were badly injured, bat will prob
ably recover. Tho accident is supposed to bare on.
coned from an orerprenuro of stemma.
New Yonic, Nov. 20h—The Bank Statement shows
tho following results:—Decrease to loans $87,000;
lama, e in specie $867,000;
. thicroani In circulation
52 5 5,000; decrease in net deposits 31,212,000.
Nan •Yoar, Nov. 29.—The steamer Illinois ar
rived from Aspinwall with dates front San Franclpso
to the sth Instant. Her now, to mostly anticipated
by the arrival of the Quaker City at Now Orleans.
fir. Louts, Nov. 29.—,The Overland mail, with
dates to the lot, arrived lost night.
The Circuit gout appointed a Commissioner to
proceed to Almaden Quicksilver Mine, to examine
into the condition of the property, and report upon
the expediency of appointing a reviewer. The non
anivala fr om eastern porta MUM CO UlLlOrabitl em
barrassment both to Important !sod Jobber*.
CoLoners, 8. C., Nov. 27.-. Two begot* were
taken for United Stotts Senator t0.41a7, the last of
which resulted as follows. Ex-Gor. McAdams, 251
Mr. Mernminger, 30; R.Barnwell Matt, 25; Gen.
McQueen, 21; Ex-Goy. Manning, 21; Mr. Chest
nut, 21.
emeritus% Nov. 29.—1 t rained all - Saturday
night, most of last night, asid b now dark and
gloomy. The liver has rim ton lachm within thir
last 98 bout% • Martin 7 840 -
• Cunfuririr Ckk clamed Olt
Mlaticig hl4olll:o4ll4gritt Yat4 OhloOrai ao
-4.1,(1.!0!,41,014: "001 a. • -
--`Mitnosi)4l.olo. 2 v; , -/ma l.
awn *M
011bugw anteldhl Warqmtied
Punitgittia, Thane; Norris= SO, 1858.
Blaine.. is without change—tat enough to keep dogma. i
Con at boy and nut enough to brag of. We are, however, !
• Rhin sight el relief, On &Urdu night we bad • heavy ,
fall of ' , now, succeeded by a henry rain which continued i
tweety.four haunt without luteruaLsidon This will give no
we Gel almost Cletaln, a ocul-bast rive, and impart vigor to
nil branches of trade. There le, it le estimated, about 0,.
00o,Ots) boa. cud awaiting ehipment, which the people be
low are ise notion, to boy awn are notion, to tell. Large
nembera of men, too, are walling tbo chance of labor which
the transportation of real affords.
The New York Cantle
his Y re closed, the cold having been
Much more intense in th mirth th an hero. If the rain '
should open the 011ie to • , °thong navigation, the tido of
western freight will set in h direction, and Impart an en
imation to the freighting Mobutu that will boa welcome a
the smiles of May after • long winter.
There has been neimprorOment in Breadstulf, during the
week, but theta bait been a visible stiffening up in Corti and
owe. The latter to growing name while the demand con
tinnee active. The Southern market has taken ch
largo nee oat that we Ora likely to find little en oug h for .
onr own wanto Corn le.
generally throughout i
tire West, Ai Louisville it in quoted at 4E050, but at Clot
cago Prime rug. from 48000, and at St. Louis from 808870.
In this market solos aro making at 7(8976 on arrival and to
arrive. Potatoes have also advaemd, and tho flog specials.
tor* are keeping no Um prices of Hogs with a encuaaa coal-
Roble to their 'kill.
Motley in plenty at bank, where the scarcity of Oral clam
paper la • matter of gm - prise ae well me complaint. Scarcely
nuy really prime paper Soda lts way to the Menet. The
&dinette of trade, however, makes money outside. of taut
really ecarce, and we therefore dread a mold,
aa one of the wont thing. that could befall ns. If the :IV.
ore korpoPen and &Pardon Opportunity for Imehtemwo elan
experience a relief that will ben as benellcial to the cookery'
worth] be injurious.
The Philadelphia linnet. mays:
"There la little or no alteration noticeable 111 the money
market since the eke° of last week, and the steady rote, for
the beet paper rouge nt Onoll l rent. it annum; very little ,
of that clam finding Its way outside the beaks, who waist I
first clan names to absorb their balances..
The N. Y. Com. Atlvertber say.
"Primo paper Ls .411142 mm, and the beet endorsed goes '
freely among the communion houses at 431 cent, tar sixty
days, And 4X(45 for ninety days to six months. Single
-lemma may be emoted at G 47 ill cent for atrictly first class.
In the bank the rale. are A little more firmly held, and
there Is probably lea mishit; to their line., open
es low terms se were accepted."
The Cincinnati Commercial of Patnrda sa
'`lntelligence prejodifial to the reputat i on yet of the Charles.
ten Bank at Kanawha, based on the rejection of It, nate. by
the Bank of Wheeling, hasplaced its notes at a diecount,ind
will probably result in their being thrown out altogether."
A corrnepondent telegraphs tu from Parkersburg that the
Cumberland City (Meryland) Bank failed yesterday. I
In the
market there le It very genl gniet. Fleur I
hoe nothing m ar e thanlocaildemand, and is dik e ly b, remain
Walesa,. late European news ISMe to be unfavorable an to
num.—Tile Billie are still In the temsudant, and manage
to keep the market in a feverish and excited conditi..
Their comes is without a paratlal, end the climax is capped
today by two Wee of ;000 head each, weights 200 Ma, deli
verable let to 16th of denary, at $0,11(:): reapectively.
This le simply betting against the market, and wa s effected
by • . person who has not, we are informed, a hog, and
probably wont ba and mret likely wisut be able to get 4000
head In contract t im e . Who will tat a gainer by the .tionopera
is a matter of Indifference, bet the effect of each tuna.
actions le pert:tick. to the regular packing trade, erpocially
with those who don't see throngh so transpveet an act of
gambling. The market is fair, probably buoyant, for horny
tinge, at prices whkit three weeks rime would haie eeernep
beyood all justifi.tion; bat we tillage remain so disquieted,
ttnew who hire regular orders to till, or need a certalo
amount of stock ror coabletlied mutton, mei' remranab/Yeo
poet to eapply their want. by taking cored moot,. Inter in
the sexism, and leering 'Tem:lnters to enjoy the finks of
thnle natures,"
The Chicago Puns of Signed:ay oaf,
I. o. b, Corn le inn - War—lake r.f No. I being nude at iiiltli.Ge
and 48e en truck. Liar Cern is Ic lower. Oak are
1584t8ic fo e old crop in lugs on track. Barley doll end 1.10.
07 4
at 0042 c for No 2, and tiSe for No I In aura. A ear.
g ine, ando of 10.0 there a.., bus re 1 Barley was receiv
wayn b rday etween Buffs
4 this port,. the propellers Tona wa n da and Alayne-
11,338,938 0 ,344,180 1,800,134
4,335„775,6,213,928 1,895,702
94,930 12,9d3 130,2i1-2
PI too
owl Antos of
otter Flank o.
to I non
Hooka, Hankm.
$ 166 , 84 91 2108,684
20,172 145,765
12,98 G 140,178
8,594 21,977
27,500 40,782
340 09,198
11 , 0 05 20,003
S 80,43.,
$ 159,455 $ Gthi 295
171. ) 190 633:527
1 355,993\
Tbe rely iPS fairly flooded with all 'kind. of Poultry,
houinvion denied. are at a to do with the
remise pile* which they hare on The request front
e fell the roontry folk. to vend rto more poultry If
The rtweipta of bone Ilve atol draeved, for the 1.0 forty
eight boon, Foot op 10,268. The market for live hogs Is
quiet, with tworrely any demand for light bop, which *emu
to preponderate. Hoary hog., however bold their ORO, and
front $4,6&41.75
The er ante grove and light a(={ol.3l groan.
ucwe receive from all ports of Illinois and
lowa are to the effect that owing to tho shortnega of the
trop, rerunn are sending their hogs to Market nut half
We sow gouttotasu today who ban been through
Peoria sod Lvealle canille. in Ibis State. within the hut
week, and be tuoinree no that the corn Crop is lunch abutter
than ci nimercial eon generally bar„ mticuleted. Time, ro
porta 6,111 to be well verified by the condition of the bogs
whtyli are arriving here—for never before were there such
LlMarray of tido Lek togeetilitale sent to this nivrket
A Io La
•Pt+te the fiyilowins: front the N. 0 Pirnyn,
...Sugar—The r ,,, eipta bare holm lib•rat, mud have mat
iIL u bur demand during IL. pivot ,rank, but generally al
bm prima boyera, tbunal, the market elute. firm at
'•1 quautene, The cola, bare aumoont.d m:about 714 a,
ebuttug 11001 today, tawny at the maga of ear
which am reduced about !,,,c
1 094';
Common lollo 4 .deotontots ..... ....... .. 4 , ..',W4i
PFair to Fully Pam .......... ..... .... ................ .... totc,faJii
tlmo and Choke. ..... —......... ...... .. ...... ...•. 6 i .. r .rie;
C....alrlfogal. Clarified aml R.tined 61,947!,i
11-erlC.rt.r.oolm7s,:l hhd.agalcet 5317 4.1. th.•,
I.lg ‘4,11 lan! arar Tutol rroripla glory Ma
or *lac.,
her lx.'Pri h 11.14. agrJnat '423 to the ammo lltor Imo year.
Ah , t,,,,,,--Will t a Itbrral onpply and a good drrnatal h
Rhlpturnt 1 br aalr. or th, urrek• hare
to fall
It you 1.1.14, inelinllng 1000 erlorb were taloot Jo der. Prier,
grnerall, ha, r 1.....0 T eri full and dom. at 1...tW0.. f..r prl
nod choice, and :::rdr:rc ? gal ho larrrlor and trdloar
Half bt.l4 hare adraurrsl to Zll,4ig:r2c It gal.
1.V.4.1..4r4,.i.d.., 10.114 tobla. agal.t 1+.. , 72 k , 0 , 4 mrrnt
1, 0 h ,.. ' 0, ... , 3 hh , .., ,talrod IT,t4K to rt.. ........ as, Is*
AmiPoga—tan market coottnuca marhangsLl and doll: am
s. aanuaaal at a, Year. at tsigasals, and float, hata
sm a / a t niciaii.
AP LICA —them It a manifold fan log on In Me eapply,and,
the market la hare at road 1.6; ire Pinot° good common at
$3,50, and prime to rhoiry et 14ASAA$1.:[..
IIUTTKR AND a'A:ti:,--the supply yr hotter Is light, and
prime Roll sell. rensilly at 176010, soli ,trick ) elintee at It,
WM: interior roll le namely attleable at any prino ahoy, that
giro: for tacked, which la emoted nominally at 11. Eggs
ore rowan, mot In the sheen. of ilea, aro quote ot 1,„ - , oto .
lIKANg--oame lots of white, partially rotate, have been
taken for Om Frouth at sl,26Cial,no ;In the small al
of prime small white aro madman: $1.40141.50 from store.
ltirel r i WHEAT FLA InR--thn market Is dull, the demand
beingMa, atrirted;
stor Salem from first haw at fa1Zai.2..2.5 li
, hie d from eat k 1.....1den2,50--tho hitter for lota In
the small say.
11400 N—A rcry light draultal...l prices atnatly; Sale* of
Stuadden at G 34,7; Om«, at ati'4Bl4; plain llama nXtra
lu ; Plato oantaimad do inhOtl I ; Pngar-crirod do,
NUCKBTA AND TULIS—Tho factory prim. (iamb, par
Nods) at NalloLon and :lea Brighton aro for Docket:a SIM
0;4%75, and Toht, $ 4 ,76016,76 it dor- From storn, hucketa
well In the mtall at ot SI.7NAAn.OO.
RItUOMS--thore na fair anpply, and price* rang. from
07 per chrecn for eonatnort t.. 1 ta Egrinn, extra, Interior ,
Ai.dre pules ranging accordingly.
-- • •
Dlltuilla fltgm, mgt. 13 e . 41, ON / 1 1.11 In Rom rut, IL : .1.1 11,
flrutp gap, mg, II cIL 11111e:up Rope, con. II: c DI ED
l'nrrt4 11. p... eg. II c ii ID T 11211.1 Hope, rnt, 12 c D 4 Lb
Parting,llne. II n DI Eh Packing Ynrn,coLD It/ , )1 lb
II HD IN / ILDN - -Alanlllti, $1.30, P.2S4,DSALNI 11.1...
Hemp, $1,37. Mikkits2,7s Vans..
H emp
cull II cIA VI AN
NJ/Mill I.INILS-51ani11, 87 L-1., T 4 ‘Dm. ID•m r . 70,..
(.113 71N/S Y A ft N S--Tho nutrket la .NNDIy al the IW/owing
Nom 6 to Wiwi...dye :Ale P
lil Eh No. 1G
N. 11 ilt 12.... ....... .21 c 71 IT No. 17.
N 0.13 .......... -....-_22c 11 lb N. 19.
Na YO.
6016111 VAIN.
• ....II c 14 dori N.. 8011..
• .10
r d 0
li Vil d N.. POO
m or N.. 1000.
_43t0.t.r01. 24, li 11b Trine_..._..... 23: .• I , lb
9., 34 rut.. Slr .
...- I6C ..
14.117 bating ....17c ..
D. .1.. 30 1. 44e. R•IIII1g, No. I.. _
eurnrlcl You% 27r ° Do No. Y.
000 11.rsrk • .. .. . a. .
. _ „ .............. ....... . . . . . . .
.. . .
.. . . . . . . . .
............ , / 9 ••'
„o li
3 $ ,
, d ,
No " .
CANI , /,134 AND ISJAP-13..eu11e• . 0, a...di a nor quota
tio,,,--ititiped 12i6, toonl.l 13 and •AlllAlaullue 21*4°C
thwp remain. as beton., steady et 5 for entornou, 6N rot
Palm, and CO for Poorer's Toilet AIN! Queue, 01$ for . mon
kat Olirm and 7 for German.
eft•Noymßjßet— t h e II Mlll only All OCillilitl.l bigotry;
eider in the 411.111 way at 512 IN bbl.
ellEX.l.lll—.llo. supply le fair, nod not much Inqniry he
rmit/ the wants of the retail (redo. Th. ruling figure eon
ozne so he 7!4, although in Slot retail way, aome ,nee. are
making et N.
DRIED PRUlT—there era seism lota of Apples on the
tnarkrl, which are veiling at g; 3.°u, but Peach. are
worm, end prlme lola bring $1,30.?01,79. Some mixed guar:
tr. mot balreo hare .old an low as $3,904,00. .
DRIED littEr—Bmsll gales by the. tierce at 12k11215.
FBATWERS--ree note maim of prime woolens, on arrival,
at 45 Lot .only In email lolls Dom. show (Ley am held
In the mall way .t 50.
PERU—we gavots Sr., from Bret hoods at 70, Mon o 90,
and Middling. et *1,20.
FIRII— reMackaNu. 3 •re lint; at 510,1.0; and 14 do
of 13,00. Ilellfaxtlerriug $ 5 4 0 46400, and Baltimore do,u
$O,OO. Lek. 2lnpurlor White 80,0 V I
9 0 10 4i•I•1•1; hf do, $4,-
5 001100; Trout, 9 8 ,50 It bhil 4. Of do, J 4,60.
lifellUlt—thore Is, for the pnwent, a better supply from
Bel hende, and mhos wore made yesterday from wharf at
$4,73 for .oper, $O,OO for extra, and $5,1 for family. do,
Prom don.. the ruling role. are AGO for mom, 96,9.4 Per
eon., and $ 6 .4W013,60 tor fatally du. ItynPlour, Mn. front
But bonds at $4,110, .11 from Monks! 51,23.
GRAlN—there is • scarcity of Bant, which ellfrene the
mo and
to outs making g h at
can at 40, on an
the feed stores taking about All Mat can be hml. COAX Moo
Is Sarre; Mall% one made yesterday both on arrival and hi
m 11 1.0170076, and the demand oulre exceeded the supply.
Arc is In regular demand, and the iecelpla am promptly
taken at 73. r a celllll ln malerate denoted at al tor choice
Eiprlng,and 00 fo ice Fall, inferior lota Imbuing tiotiads.
Wooer, role. at DO far 111 • 1 1terronenn, 95 fur INA, gool $1
for Whlte, and not much "peeing.
. ,
UROODRIPS—the inaket I. nearly bore of Nagar and
Molessea; Solo. Of Sugar to retell and country trot. at 83.$
09, and !dolmen at 45045. Bel( remain. Bent at 12(q
19%, rod Rice it MODS.
OAR PlPE—the adlowlng are the quotation. for wrought
Iron tubing:
Kr; inot.
INr geol.
b Ineh n Om PIN—. 7 eta. IX Inch Om Plta...tra me
d 8 n 2 " ... CA ",
" u ..... 0,4 "2h po ta
l' in " . .7.134 :1 4 : : ::::::ti :
15r, " " .....= "
Bublect Intim enatoutary discount.
. Lid ir—A fair !supply at wales, and metes of now ,d 614
$llll Ma.
lIUMINY--a reinter Inquiry from IN. retell trade, sell
eidea7of muntnon at $0,04, and choke Pearl at $l,Oll,
HIDES—Weft Dee* Hide* aro firm at 0 and Celt at Itli
green al mated 1114 es have entranced Co INtdolth; Iley runt
Hation, .reek and ineadrunra our Agoras tullls99lll,
110t1.4—are coming In lively, and the peeking hone. sir
been, at work; Wee °Weide or Ms 4eilla 111.101,1
of 2,000 bead at 4,495, r t all t ,ittld'regtiler aide* et iltrewnl q
et 6 for small mod 61$ for Lugo.
!RON A N,Alli&—lltero lam eery Neil &Mem*, 101 l I - soit
Wee aro undaunted, and we eepait our otintellotte •
001I4k OMNI
03A31,11/t1 Ha Irooper Th... 34 ropuntitl. ...... , ... , ......54
.1 Wails a 0 ...4
.11009 100 k,
..I, 14195 h„
t" ..... ~., ..... n
h ." ..„..,,„„„.” 4
DAR vality,..... ..... . 1 34
lad, ................ dp II Ntt
" • ................
II ..... . .......... , ii 'I
........ ..... .. n ktr
- .natt. IA lii.
"Brft; lair? h'
Dandy 5;4,
741111 ired kith aNg
.4 4 aeltm , .
.11-149 li •A -
.44;4:"'4* 44
Iron Pl ow Mugs
104 to 164 Nulls kow.. 4,60
64 to SI la m a.
Ireoco Nallc
ed •74 " ..... 4,Z
4d • " " —4,60
" "
" „.„mb
701 " " 20
Out Bi4ker 3 to Pi
6 to 6 , 76
Wr°l aP i li" ,
all lengths • .
" 446...:.6X1
Bolbr Rlings ' N tti
lbw U. 111,14.1116111111143
1.42 1 4 1 P+ 1.1 3
• omtnercial• , H
,E E. .. .
. I%l'S
KOWAID filMu. V. r...; C . marina; P. U. DAM. J. I.
Ratan; J. J. OnAwn. - mar PREAlltrld itallara,
w..kiya...i.w.rumpittomrsh i
, .
EriPportnispeday for tie ltarbarph Gzieffe..] . SEW ING .111ACIIINES
AGENT'S orrica, No. ea zuva EiTELELET,
* .r rrastrniskEt. ZRENTIVA.
. _
. I...Er atiNNO.LOGEN - -
OV NNW YORE, auboonco caura. of P.411111..‘
LicLTURRS ON PIIRKNOLOtiV, to bo ph - r o of 0`70. 7 '
by Pour L. N. NoWLIM, of their ett.tollth- r t. litt
1410 IA at
commencing on WEDNKSPAY oraning, Dre
1808, at 73.413'c10ck, Rll.l coutimfing
• srir Athuilho.—riro Looter.. srw.ift. IL o who„gi,
mils cub. Ticknim Mr INA itourop. Ono
INF 1 . 4.111.1b)to al ll+ rluw o 1 twob lovIkMY
I ct...llZlirialo 14 touttonfluni 141 . 1 y id lbOlvoh4o=rit
0 , 44 a.iltiV
#;111k*, *V-0,0,41144:
V 14141.411! ;C.:. ~.74'11/2•44
tfv‘+fii.4 .
415 A - ';' , ''N'ev.V' s S , kkiti!A.V4lat; o ti t 4V4
4,4 MADAPiN*,. A A8.*•,..4-itn444
MANN . NDON4, 4i044.44N0W NUN&
?AM Woo, 141011. PAW,
tiqmOti,o. INts, ' - . •
**INN will Gs oaf
!MI tuoti *IA Perm bowdste.
&cow Aior btloa it.. Port: Nike.
-14-tiortus-ahattr.ll6°aucka,94,thwia p ,i t . ,e 1
lit it........... , 0. 4 ., sad mom lknegoe _ r
22C° 814 "..__' --871 : ......n.........7 •
.4 3 " ,
....... pink Mo.
~. ,
FIRST' PREMTUM awarded by the lAlleghe4 County Agricranral Society, be ,
September 1857, "AS BEST FOR FAMILY USE.",'
And the Penna. State Agricultural Society have a•arded to Wheeler & Wilson's Sewin l
Machine the highest premium, "AS REST Fr LL FAMILY PURPOSES."'
Machines on account of
THESE BIACIIINES which hays gained suola l an enviable relmnition over All ethei
*kr 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on bLth sides of the fahrie sewed.
2. Economy of thread.
3. Simplicity and thoroughtmes of oonstractica.
4. Portability, ease of operation and management,
S. Speed.
6. Quietness of movement.
7. Strength, firrnnesseand durability of seam that will not rip or ravel.
8. Applicability to a varietyof purposes and aterials.
9. Compactness and elegance of modal and 'sh.
Are now offered with all. P
the latest improyemen and advantagee at manufacturers
prices by
ALEX. R. REE , Agent, 68 FIFI'Ef STREET.,
No. 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Oudot of
.BOO ver br ND SHOES
E T ought S
to th A
is market, of AL L NI)
Fr great variety, adapted to
....- .
` A 1 . 9" I N 'l' 1 . R. SA. ' .t. FP, •
Having been purchased DIRECT from the Manufactu reri, chiefly fur cam, and selected with
They feel assured that they can offer Superior Inducements to Western Buyers.
iiaeblesehante shifting Pittsburgh, either to purchase Goods, or on their ye. 9 In Eustere Mb., are i t' 7 4;" to all
and oxalates our etuck before purchasing elnevrhe co. ilw - Particular eitteuUou given to Ord...
Chea G .
p and Durable Fire and Water-Proof
TiHE FIRM OF PERRIN & JOHNSON haring, by mutual consent, been recently dissoh
i.. .4, U. S. RATES and W.U. JOHNSON give notice that they hare entered into partnership, for the perposu of awe
;ling "0 the abort, Hoofing Businws, in all its bunches, under the name and firm of HATES it JOHNSON, at the out
STAN D. 73 Smithfield 8 , nem- Diamond Alley.
We are uow prepared to corer, with our SUPERIOR ROOFING, steep or flat roof, oral. rough hoards, old el/Ingle,
composition or metal roofs, steamboats, railroad car, &a, being admirably adapted tu wit
c o d the various changes of
weather, urn.° action of Cr,, and it ix cot Injured by being tramped upon. We nku attend tu Repairing . olit Qrarel
Rags in the moot thorough manner; also, to Cementing Tin, Iron, Copper or •Z inc
Roof, making then, water-tight, end
occurlng them • ap&lnot the action of the weather, for t 1,50 per nunare, tune It ondred stinare.feet.)
3.131.1VGZE1 itoor.s cEnzazivriazio,
Praarring them and rendering them nitEePROOP, fur MOO per a lnerogediscount for large roofs.
This Routing is Cheaper than• any other kind of (toot, and le trimmed at mime rates as met ti r;.ef•, nal
Is fast supersedin g all other kinds.
Roofing matereil for mole, with in•trocllons for applying. References and certificates at oar WU..
No. 75 Smithfield Street, near Diamond Alloy, Pittsburgh, Pa.
N. ll .—Onrctiorsa to out tenderest worthless in preparing It for the roof.
• tipper Leather VI doz. ....... -. ......... .. ................ 430(pki
Bridle " • " .... ...- .......................... ..$384.12
Skirting Leather VI lb-- .............................. 29(432
Hamm. . . ...... .... ..... _. ... ..................... . ..... ..Y,WB
loitl—same small Wes of country bare been made at
9X.,i city No. I ft held firmly at 11.
011.--themlei a regular inquiry for Lard No. 1 at 1111.4.@
S 5; in Lirweed we can bear of no rata, sad quota minima
at 8910.5.
PUTATOM.the rubbly la limited, and thedenzand steady,
In CInIBINCIPUtaI of which prima Nan advanced; choice New
York Nerhannoelus are millng at 90. end Hyde and mixed at
nBDED3—no Clovor filtering to any event, but a few .nun
ot, Lave Leen picted op at 35,00. It Is plai u that these Bp. ow are too few, to they do not bring In receipts. Titan/by
1. bought etradily at $1.5410ift9 two, as iu quality, and
frliutseed a/ sl,fdagilt's
BALl—we note • Psir demand, and sass cf if, I In the
regular way at 5113.5
WINDOW OLMS—pticea ars BM .na our
quototiotw forth. man bizoth rlty take:-6xB and 739,
8.100; 8310, V 1,76; 8111 to 9311 and Dxl2 to 10312, $4,Zu
8113 to 9 3130049314 to 10.1.15,9440. These an, net doh
Nice; country branda range 50 cents jl box bus. For the
auoroodlog modium alres, 10 TI aint dianonnt off.
LEAD—flou din steady dstuand 31 =5O
01 . R (im Red re in oil, and dry fa. 11, aubJect to the nscialdia
WIIISfiET— L 4491 4 3i(900. not, Lithame 834.
i/t 24425. .mall nice of Raw fit 33, 00.1 lioctified
As we an would be thocave, the river w,. rielng rt.
pi.Py yestenlay, awl at dusk there were 4 (met by pier and
rising. We believe Providence Intends to foyer us, sod that
the river will lot freeze op, to some port:at boil of Mogen
nous of bushels of COOIVIeW waiting IL rim; chill hare got out
wow, Ina hicks Stud mocked the market. Thew, k no trouble
Few/ atiwat meow,. making thor wit..
The Donna Graham, Capt. Monroe Ayres, the over Put.,
tool Zk uolllitle fogket, seas at the levee yesterday, wed will
to there mall prec%ely 4 o'clock th e s evening whets she
will leave ow • ante trip She Is theTey reiely pocket Co
Dedic••• opssol,one wre.. .... ... . The il lortenri,,%. , pt.
Rom ....a1.., day. 1 .144 • /1.4. 1.1.1:tq
Dedicatee, Copt. Nears.
I • .. .
The ge , n ,,, timber., 14 we has-“tele.labore, will Nan to
day ........ The Dr. Hone left (or St. Lints on Sunday. She !fair
net, hoverer proceeded far, when she broke tier theft, and
•wae obliged to pot bock. The new shaft la already mule,
wed she will b• able to bare this afternoon for St.Lonia
She Is to good hands With Capt, Shuman.
The Ecorg.,,,,Boltrhoorec...fil leave MN day for Clncire
tilrebis'me°Mornes'lTen7 all
rit,'•Orneori:titierbc'etfnart4na4nrJeer Riti.all'lcoert
ran be found.
This. we Mlieve, completes the mon/lora at err wharf ;
yestenlay. It rained all Joy Sunday, and yet the greeted!. '
alarmed with FLEIrm. - The rain was falling 141til the temper.
Mare ea nor the freezing point that the 1100 W melted but ;
Ths roll. hair chagged, we shall not receive the J
ESnelumti paper. it ranter, mitt lite oeot Jay after their
Is rained last night at midnight.
?Theeeling Timesof iicannley n
Woodside, in endeavoring to Lock out from the le
ves )esterday, get fool of the Emma Dean, The Dean%
Jacketed end mallow. loans were eon i4l away, while the
Woodside 's conk board stairs wore ernialind 1.0 O. jod,ll.lto
nomber;of lutinlchnimal pieces'
There is about H Get water from this to Keokuk, and
probably a clear river to Dubuque. The principal arrivals
uu Thursday and yesterday, were. us folios. Motiong OWN
nu non wh.l; will to
repaired forthwith; Gladiator, with •
fair trip from New Orlestue VT, I. illaclay, Yropino City and
Sir Won. Wallace, from Ohio river. The latter had a very trip, and being damaged in her bull, will Inc
repaired. She looted Cool the upprr ferry landing-, Phil.
edelphia, from Menaphi• V Jamie, from St. Joseph: Reltot,
Orion, Bonet., Le. no grogro., Ga m
s, ou. will go to
New Orleans, and from thence, perhap op Red river.—
i Me. D. teroclllt.)
HAND Dame. —We learn that John tlayer, a hard en.
gaged on the 11. M. Patton bin. 2, was accidentally drowned,
Jot below Eisenberg, on th aTenne — ver. lie full
o r .
the Morn. end Cm wood tl red disappeared for.
VV., Ito chipped in this city and nes an Irishman.
1 he Mary Cook, on goiug.out of the caml, yesterdyflot
eel down on the Rolf., at Portland and antrolied in hr
guards eornewhar. Thia detained her mini repel
—Roo. pour.
Ste amboat' , Register.
Interne, Brownsville.' Inzorne, Brow Me
Telegraph, do. Telegraph, do.
Colonel Bayard, Enzabotb. Col. itgrd. Elizabeth
Emma OranalD, 7 . lll lenrillel Dr Rano, Ai. LooJ
Marmots, Cincinnati.
Rochazthr, Cincinnati.
Ittru--4 fmt nul
Tellegraptita Markets.
Nor Song, Nor.'Z.—.oetton time sales 200160 m righted
nilddlion 12,1,'. flour hoary; males 9600 bbia. Wheel heavy;
30,000 bus sold: Southern red $1 Min
kJ ichigen rhl 1 rAg,‘" 1 T.l.
Corn heavy; 33,000 humid. Min Pork advauerd 10maaJoe
at $l7 41k417 60 for old, and $17,62 for near. Beef beery,
Whisky aterdyat 240 . Stook.: Cbicago it. R.L611..;; heading
61; hlllwanklo L 911or.12; Cautort Co. A 1 ,,.
PHILADELPHIA, Nor. 29.—Plour dull, eloady and ace timu•
!ming; 5,00 U bids sutorther sold at $5 to 5 1.% and titres at
$5 to to $576. Rye Flour doll at $4, and Gun Meal at $3,.
3714. Wheat continues to come fonrard slowly, but very
little demand for it; 3000 bus good red sold at $1 23441 26.
Rye tied at 71480. Old yellow Corn scarce and in do.
mead 90; OMIO bus new sold at 7 0 (477. Oats steady all/
@hi: Prorialo. held finely; dee of Mese Pork at $l7 76;
dead bogs arriving freely and sell ar6e161,.. , Lard mlling at
10010 lu bblo ar,d lIS for keg. Whisky 'outing up 600511 s
Ohio sold at 26, and now held at 28.
Civnivaso.Nov.:N,—Elorar unetianged, with a fair local
demand. Whisky Orm; llial bbl. sold at =. Hoge rather
dull and. for light, tho grime at thecloso were nesulnO;
ealn LOW head at $0 Ihreti 60 for light and VI 76E0 for
heavy; m
receipts 70Mi bead within &be last 49 home. A large
h ea vy; was done In Alm Pork for January and Pobroary
delivery at $l7, with salve of 7000 bble. Lerd la held at Ile
for felon delivery, and It la underfloor/ 'oleo Wes were
verde at adonis.. Belk oted Omen Ideate aredull; the former
is quotable at 6 %0914, the httter for peeking Mousy In
aril. demandi krtchange dull but not quotably lower. The
weather continues cloudy and cool.
nee ßaunnaz, Nor, n.—iloUr neatly: tales trill lug. Wheel
e 110.0,1 , dy; nal
$ h 1
large 1 0401 .=; white $lB5 to $145. Corn 4 eg.
al 2.5836 wit reeelPlA Yrrrialous One, Whisky arm
VAMP A 14, ti YItIH pr.
sigthomatorti r t .- 7 - c ,l
I thaq!
tiitsv",!gue f
. I,llr,lAt',
Regular Steamers.
Monongahela River U. B. Mall packets
TEOar?. J. O. Wool:arum, Carr. atom. Cusk.
now running regularly. Morning Bootle Intro Eitte
burgh at 8 o'clock A. 81,
and Evening Boats at
o'clock P. M. for arKeesport, Elizabethtown, Monongra.
bola City, Bellevernon, Fayette City, Greenfield, Cellffrizila
mid Brownsville, there connecting with /lacks and Coach.
for Uniontown, Fayette Bprings,aforgentown,Wayuesbnut
Carmichul town and Jefferson.
Peseencers ticketed through from Pittsburgh to' Union
town for $2, moats autletatesreonas on boats Incluslee.—
Boats returning from limwarrillo lease at 8 o'clock In the
morningand 6in tho tanning. For further of en.
qui ub re at the Office, Wharf float, at the font of Grant street.
G. W. SWINDLER, Aare,.
_Le., ET FOR ZANEBV/Lbli—The one
steamer EMMA ORA GAIL CapL klinozoa Aram, wi
(or the 'above and Intermediate pOrta EVERY TUESDAS,
at d o'clock p. n. For freight or peassge apply cu
_ =l3board, 4 FLACK, BAILIEB COO.. A-la.
- •
Fdid pow passenger packet KEY WEST,
(Apt. E vane, will for the above and aU interlorchete
rants, on Tlll2 DAY, 30th instant, at Id A. M. Far
freight or pa sago apply or, board, or to
_ FLACK, BAIINRS ral" Agra/a.
si.astbine; arr.
steamer LACROSS/l, apt.Jobo S. Doa.
11,7, Will !rave tor the eloro and all hatermethata porta on
OATCHDA„.I,%Lostant. For freight or tasaagalopAr 'on
at,Aglft_l3.43 /loon.
nee paareetorer ataaaM=
NIA, Captain If. Hazlett, trill /earo tor hrtoteritie,
Stolthlarol, Chtrkarille sod Naahrllleria TI/TS 30/11
Instant, at 10 A. 31. For freight or pump, ePPI7
55t. ouin Volt - -
A : The floe damper 8/LTRA WAVE,
Jao. B. will lease tor the abore arid al/ Luternue
diets porta ea TUIS DAY, :mill/an. For freight or
1... Re apply ou boarder to
Ilan Orleana, ar c.
Votiitiffilirs" --A-Rb—NEAV
.1: ORLRANS.—Tbe lino a... DEFEND-
Xit, Cap. J. D. Rhea. erUl len. for Iho above itTh,, ‘,
ternsediato porta on THIB DAY Nub Inst. For might or
Rootage apply on LOAN or to
FLACK, RA K . E ., E A CO., Agto
Fg."J. AiTtilltS l:Triad
manias, Co shepherd. will learn Milo aborts .d all
Internsestlato o 11118 DAY, 30th instant' For
freight or passage apply . board or to
VLACH. BAlitatS it CO., Agents.
.R. 18 r
FOR 1 8 6 g_
In 185: 4 . Alsd at nth
Has been unanimously awarded- to WHEELER
This combined testimony is telly c.nelesiee that
Yheeler & Wilson'A Sewing Mathinlei
Arc the very Net tusentactnred on eocettrxer
Ihmitty and excollonco of stitch, alliko on
sides of tho fnbrie sowed. 1 -
11 oonotny of thread.
Sinplivity cilia thoroughnes s of eanatrne.
4. l'ortolsility, esow of
5. Spootl.
tl. 4ulotnotta of Inuronlonr,•:
Z. litrvngth, Ori;ineas and durability 0f,, -
poutii that will nut tip or rand.
y. Apltlioubility to a N - arioty of parpoima
and ntutarials..
9. eoutpludlum and olepoio of ntodoi,l49
. .
These uukAttikieu aro offeredltatrutly
41.11. T. 8 arMID,
00 18 : tf No. 68 PIPTII-..STRNET.
Siu N D It I E S.-- . 1 . .
' 60 citron Young Ilnon l'7.. , .
In Omni " `
.En ..41/ uro i t.
:' ;', ' t
60 tms.BoponorTobrino nontral,
100 Ingo ittoGglro L
' 611101.-New Port /toning In Picklo r
60 . lorgelfo:3 Mtk.." ':, , , -
.. 26 halt Igns. o --""
6 dmms Cod itsllgnam , puglty, . -
:100 blga.galt, '',-
.100 Ina. W./LC/men,
MOM and for Nilson noionobto loran t.'
195 Lamy 4404 ''
1.1.3--------------. 411111-403 %4,
Attica,. 06.04 tolice_bdukag ratm*uigt
n___or m. 0., 0..„4„, mg Aatutatua
....a...sum 'lra ala Mt *Tsza Tect.mattar muff
wir (*.maw) itia ofralm4 took Sarnavirtlak ar
1 / 1 0, Mae whoiniAtinint bt lalittdog In Ms ..t.f.te;
Ctualthatiaattl tail af ' OARTIVIUGIrt a Tom,