litisatham GAB isom.stosur IL -MEM Bran; bitYNAUNO Pitoprat,_ 4, tram . 3toiln is . idesidnous =betimes - bevies mute Mote • totttte miteHatiht the mews Actors et uild 2 C Mmileee tbeepudee ma Bee - .11t id* ou.uu nram 13 477 1 7 their costacurre with Be. peter eta,.. • =egg eeetie,eei. trßots s le l droe Ned new sub-_ stdyiede aw ralatiloslutu O. se e smart crighial met et the append:us Be the ammo !haste of eeei re a7tr with the atteattres erellexprese' weideu sai a r sad the dittleulty,ll eat hapomitellty,: the media/mom% deleterious end telbodm gray geuerated end, -rendez the 110318411. APPARATUS cheaper mid more &Amble hiermy way.. 003TES, of 370 Itroethrsy, Nem Torklute dented hie Oar. etteutiou to the uumuftetere sad eased Partible Gm Apperstuoted he nupeettally mile the etteutiou et the spohlle to ht=eompleta mid elleloot Meelkhos • •• Solite purekieet guaranteed to every • • • "IL Colll93,7ollltoted_un Weer yet. 2 !.I!Daineny ar DAVID U. WlLLlAND:Pltteburttli,Ta. Rov/bioNs--: , _ . . moo.. Boom ehoslierK . 1000 do do Hews 000 do do ION; , E 4 Ude Mess Pork; '" • ' 341 . 1 c 0 SGltax Oared Dried B. it • _ 10 do do do Mow • -' '2O WA Leaf List k• for. . 114 boxe go, dos pelosieststog Cbsssir. • ' • 221 Mb Massa sad Parody Floor, los Wetly , • asl7 , :7L 1021202 &CO T ARCM SUPPLY, OP FALL AND W1N .14 TAR DRY ROODS —81:18081111LD • CR. (tsttes eon to Morph, sod Dotttiesli,) ban sow opeo a very ssecooload of DOW Good, electsd wtth - south dire Dom tbe to dl bows ot Neer Dark and Philadelphia. tot ' brute.' Ladles' Drew Doodah, mat Tatlett. Mau and Dove 3Peerba Cloth, Osioimarte,its.. - " Flottoels of the beat Aube, k tool stf other Rawls, soxtu -' • oa- * QTOVESFOR - ALLTURPOSES;IS*, &jaws sod suede to order. Coal Scuttles—Vopper, Dna, 'Alliteafulsed slid Comma Doti: Polar Cad Rale and Taste --oesrsati beautiful oe-futA . the best assortment west of them:la:Maths.• In all theft . antiMy, from 2t eta. . tech to n ra sastetesott and tow prim.— Uftwatteping Goode In 'stades' Tether, tt the Dtst ate Slots Wareham. at .I.T. CRAW k CO ,ISt Rood et. EGAL PA-PERS AND STATIONIRY. Wood Meth hare constantly:oa hood •Lep Mock . 01 Othusuperfloe Comma holed Cape sod Utter rams, extra heavy Becord Cepajokkd Lgat typol fwerthapeltoe Lrlef Degoottion and Record Pape", caul arftke., Yneolop Paw, tiehydal sa and Wore., Eye- J 4 leaehlhea, Eyelets. Reference 11!ea, Gaol Bends, end a t mot Tamil of articles nag& 11. Loner. *•• Mao on head a fall stack of Deeds and Deed Paper,Boods, • Mortgagoo, Imryar's Docket., Dhwies cod Pocket Id emu eal9 GGiu"' 'ERIES JUST RECEIVED-- choice L 93 butts 12,45, 6s, as and 191 Tobacco of nolo= brook 6 awes Baruss9 Tobooss bags prim Btu .0W w• • 13 Ulf chests T. II suditselt Tug 60 bus Oolsat92o/1.1 &WC f • 60 P , 3 40 • do e P P B o rstu 3 eases Nutmeg% TO bbl. W. B. Syrup ehißrobrand;) LO togs Newhostlo 11l Carlo Ekslo. For No by 0r.30. BEIRtWat t-DILWOKTU Si3RLS TANNER (STRAITS) OIL; ' • 1.6 bbls isoner's Bark = Sides superior Bolling Loather, rtp .Lola , SOO " Hemlock Soto 20 " Skirting 2"" INdeutinElds, With a toll assertroeut of /reads Celt, liorrocco, to.,llistors sad fir Wa by:11/..WILKINeON, - • No. 217 Merry street. 11ROCERIES-- _ _ MO tin.. mime IL 6affml 300 tif ebmg3 Y. H., Impecid nod Black Tem4 33 bale. 0. dlolum. SO bbds prim. El 0 Suer, 1.40.-lijrnm ' IO Memo froth RIM: 113 Ix: Lump Tu b. With• gm mcal mmertment. oCOmoertee for mastoy ode ROBISON 00. COLT OUTDONE.—Attention is directed to Unitas , UV= &LOOSES. LLE VOLTING PISTOL, ,width is nrocannended fat Ha lightnets and prectdoa— Thy nta oast beautifully dabbed, and for conreatienee to loadln74. and acuity In earn int it I. *mai ad by no Pldol fo th. world. Eionetanen on Invited to asatnlno t t. *Oen did pl-ce of rottinanatdp.• oetti - OAILTWELIOIIT t YOUNG, SG Wand at. PRODUCE—. . 25'itsis Butter; .. • - 10 do - Lad; !LO Inn prima White &sag 10 bble Muter apples. In store sod for Bale by ~ ode . . BIiIIIVICR 0 nitwourn. WRITLEG PAPEEtS.—lmporial, Super . Royal, Hoed, Medium. Demy, - Foolacep, Letter, , Panket, and Oorantercial note,aud Bath Peat. duet mete. ad and tiraale at the Stationery Warehoused • W. 8. lIATILN, Rao DRODUUE-6 boxes honey; 60 bbls emoted Arnim .-.....1--- " Bwert Potatobr. . - 900btakelat Nokey.. and geag _ 2000 Ws Roll Batter. . for male by -. RIDDLE, IWIRTEI 20., not '*t. 11.14DBORD PRlCES—Seamless Bags 20,- .Ikooo - laatort sad reertliog for sale it Yl maul for 2 bushat,to retitle' taking 1007 or order a dlecoant k made: aleo.ligbt near Inas, reads and printed at Neer ;York rot prier. MI unitnr promptly Ailed by odd DAVID4I.IIERI4ST, Railroad Stocks. theKiE SUBSCRIBERS will exchange $5OOO da.a. Fracas Gs WESTERN Lama. Those on marl ellar prefmrod. . lart+ltf - • JOARPIT & LTitCII COO ArrbON'S Sit.r-baccrtNG SYRINGES. Ma istingrit nro nclitmw)..dge.l to be nopertor any flaw In Ilea. Than vr.ststng nnytlong In tOts lln should pH and exam,. them beforr trelo' . APPLE t y AND QtriscEs7_l3 biii - cionatt lid 1. • t in • 31cCELIMILY & CO. - OTATOES! ' POT A.TOES!I-- , 2,000 bus prisiir lissatannooks ats eltiby mrcunocs., IdceIIZERT a CO., pey 121 'Fecund and 151 Front street. 'A MANILLA WILAPPING PAPERS,- • fall ImortwEit of Crown, Medium omil Mob'. Medi= tau:tills Wrappi ra at pe., welfhta. wileby oel9 KAY i 00. FRESH BUTTER-2000 lbs.: prime fresh HuH Hatter. ftre . Was exar; 4 Dble fresh rims, reed *a forsals at 1M Litertv st ILI ' , DLR. VI wigt I. QECOND SUPPLY OF NEW GOODS.— OUTtUIIYIE4I) CO. have Jan opoo.d rcond y et n“lr Wei dtograble good., at Nontk...l col her of rtoarth .4.l3lktketrcb3 . :LT OMM-11,11)ki ULAN K.ETS and Flannel.% sad • full iswortemat of every deocrliotio. of wwwonn bleDrrwo (buds which will travoldwa cheap au the uhewpwl, O. TIANSOI. IA .74 Msrt.t strntv. PUR.N iTU 0.. E, FURNITURE, FURS.' Ttiltls—Persoua detracts of purchasing fan:titans disgra,uilll/0 Wen - to suarnintour stock berm. pucrhall • a 5 draw era' - T. 11. TOOPO•CO-, enrnerThErd and &ctithilald ,A.KLOR FURNITURE—We a Wartantly Tostraraatitiiii'ana bare to, nlo at 3rd KM Bmttteld .ll ' T. B. 'MUM) .1k CO. 150 OZS.Jgainirte; 10 bbla. Whale Oil; t bla. 06 Alcohol; 2 bbl.. rare Cram 'Torten 3 bl:a ,7:131A h(bbl Holum li; 42 bblit;lrdaii• Whlllor.l do do Cotsaln, Juaine'amla awaaeey - aracatowiN FINLIa. SHAWLS, DI r i,MS GOODS, NEEDLE WORK, litouralt,e, O,oda and Docuttica—t gaxl miasma siva* onbartet.s FLSKruy W% L 71:7Wutet KOOKATIVE PAPER _NUM." newst. trsnclitt3les of PaueLi (oe parlors and Oar ream. fir sole by W. P. MAIIISIIALL CA). 400 BUS" IS REDS, LIKE & BUJ fads -..''"6lii:g74lll.V;taZ.lttli—t, YOU WILL FIND, AT OUK WARE trocusk:Parklr, Cbinabsr,. Llbrai7 intd Dltaag4oorn Tartatais, rarraatedia auallty and sad aria* talus: adlll • • • - T. 11. TDUNO & CO. b 7 UTTY-25 bbls Tacked i bladders for P • B. L. rAtiszsrocit k CO, tab Fn. M corner Wood laid itb streetx OTATONS-1000biis prima Neshannoo tbb day,ratehiag and far *Me b /41 , 011COOL,NORINKT • CO.: 14.2famad streat **Mot front APPLES.,-75 bble choice grafted fruit rep relred and for atla at nat.% Lloarti itr.rt• ea& • . . WOOLS, morn It CO. porTATOEs . .4 OO bus prime Teehann oc* rimA . !tatt for meatlV a. IBS Liborir strart. . RIDDLE, KIM'S &CO. DACON-550 country Sides, Shoulders JU,stut 2 sks Oakum" reed and fur sato lit No. ISS„lstrert.. _RIDDLE. MRCS& CO., BALFAL . -041448Y1.!• , - 1000 aka Bar lerifid4 isUctesksament... 4 bY MTCITIfX)Og, HaNtIf.F.RY a co: ti. ANNE and other mak wen,e'd it_ — oe46'• • armonnistv oiie. .eIVZs3IANNOI.3K. POTATOES.-75 Lueh LT . ieV dby recelnchuid 1...0debr t .add HENRY U. COLLINS. NEW PANEL PAPERS—Balmoral and makiwatu i p s , ridearldiT. BMW Vor deb 7 • - -.. • W., t UARRtiALL CO. : . R 01431- I,II3ItiNOS. FOR 75.,43ia4cu ntstfio6inajnot 4peibed is asiartzsent ot trenzh wale .:low mom per yu.t. may AB-100- bbis for sale by D. L. rallezerrootc. a co-, - Se. 60 toner Weal rod Fourth be.. VNEaIAN bpi.. for rale by - So. SI *Grow Weal and Fourth irtl. WRENCIi BLACKEVG-,..Anottiar supply j .. swMackinista, reed • thil l aall f • J Z. UTTER-48 kogaillid 2 bills. packed But Ire anal quality Far sale by ATWltl.L.l.l.liic CO. 'C11.EMr.4435 R. pale by iIIiANS--19 eacke priroo `omall-white, for' 6.3.47... -ce23" "AttITILL. LeS tv,„ OT tsli-5 calks ree'd *nd for sale by. 11 °TEL Y 8 ' EIL-25 'prime sec 4, - ' reed awl fur We by 'oc2a WIRY tYYLLYNB. RAINBERKIES.-13 .barrels , reeeived tw costolgemontsael fur male ui ^SIDIII.R.IVINT2I2 CO PUTATOfi'S.--lialmahl for sale low by odB RIIDDLIL WI kW :Jk CO- HAWLS AND OLOANB3ust owned at • taiaaavnln crava. 16r11 1k - T— 1500 but Kett Wheto iur sole *a t MeOltnkg'i 'o. Q, 1 17, 11, '; 4 50 bile:ern, 0 Cre 0110041i:ft M 114. 4 111. %MOIR- A. 8:.-100 bas: bis . :da, reo'd by ars , "- • Ult..llt , CPLIT.II I:e ►rt:l:~ ~ ~ ~fC~] - ~3at .~rra ir,.9 aWiIV • •--Atztter--2 Casks Utr• lk-A.,thff,fitffenol4.*Ok'' ~ ~, . . 1 9 1 0STRANGERS....A.ND,V/5114148 TO . *;. l *** . ' . ' . ''. . : ' ir""lim j-IFRI S'Ant..4fArfrAND Deffm ,- txteroar nr - .. .- - ,-4 , -' AzzzoffElfz , 4 l tale. l / 2 0.r , thicia, or cown .tin Peart-littvain Mill, BA L D.owiak*„7,o2—,BAust,..., m0d0n,,,,. a n o th ", ll nalSt= ' ' ' s \ - .. .'s t -- • rE37TRAZ7PLftreG, N. 11.4 _ i . _Au.caniefr _arr. Aide:liana actr4upsdorSitek ..4.l.ftia: tot si r lii . nor BMW sapless and Ems worleng Behistry, we en he.' Jest eowertitlow, end cat pees se \ soak below those Prwihetewa teeter weeds :CO otaL menthe bx 3om•- .01M; -Jobbing, Beiseting, to., istrosrlyweeteel to. iiir&rese .nesing. Bill, Water lit., bewares redesoland Beaver es.; Allsitows. Mr - , Po. ie,,,--.18 ~Leather, aid es and Oil. Tlig atthiiiOliber would Viiiieit. the titteution 0, atarettanta a:A etritogers etsitiog the cit, its hi. pretesit *velum. Idea of LUTHER, 15110 K 111.41)124W, TANNERS' and CURRIER% TOOLS, TAN NEWS Oil, ta.; clan to the trade at the Immo market i.rictlV H. sotkita an aaamloetiou of hie stock. , IN W. WILKINSON, 217 11.1burty streiet, Pittsburgh Stucco Worker, JAIRSIOWENS. CORNER ELM IND WYLIE ISTREETS, QT1104:30 AND MASTIC WORKER gives piiticatorattootion to all onion for work lo hfo _ Clea= and OIiNAIISIESS .oiltilodo.timiam o 0 'bort uoUtts.• ' ' • • ' -sp2tlld =its —WM! oux.----...oensi enrol. , lIVP - 11kIE, Avition a. BAY LEW r Bankers and Broken, 3 anal 5 Devonshire SITe ot, BOSTON. 1)B. & S. give fartieulorettention to the . Woes of lake Superior nod ere prepuriel to funoleL Niad* Infortuntiou reepe.otinet bete. A tomahly reelow of the Plackaud Money kliorket, with quoiatioxie dial the Canal Seraritire erill be mat to /toy *Urea desired, myiklyd:ver : union nteeiestutte Cement. , • . 'TIRE FAVORITE -MAKE, used. and ap. A. proved by Railroad. Contractony Bridge and Cistern' Slobbers for ysars bast Warranted of best qualify sad for "le at the very lancet market oriole, by LtECW • urrorimoil, OVA No:11a Second at. and blb PIM at. JJOAN THOMPSON 1 CO., 135 Third st., tatrijnet received and for sale • large lot of English Venetian 11,,d, Itcchelle Ochre, Vermont Ochre. French M, American Zino, • White Lead, jet° , and Whiting. L!GAL 'BLANKS.- - 'Declarations, Commotkeumts, - - on Bills of Exchange, on Notes, " an Donde, Presos of fluMmone and Affidavit, Deeds, Idmigageo, Judgement and Common Bonds, printed Ina eupenor mew ner on the best paper. Dockets on bend or mode Loonier. Pepe& Looks printed with neatness ond dispalch. WM. G. JOTINETON & CO., 0013 . Prinnre and Ptettoncrs, 57 Wood R. StINDRLES.- i.Eu g ar. 3uo Sago Minna Soda. 300 Bozo. Oerznah any. 1:60 Mt+. Roam. - 1 00 Hays hi Coll* Soda, fooo Casks ood Ash. [. 4 ] ALKXANDInt KING CZMIEI DA E lIANGINOS—W. MAR- A. SIIALL &W, are now opening new Pape's. Hangings In every ati le of Lloth, Oeld, Falba and Plain finial. Beau- Will punt. in plain tinaa oaka and polyehrenle. liocurt dee bordera, kenos, spree, endue*, plunnoa curtains. air elm Cheap glazed and plain Wall Paper, in great gnaw titles, of good della.. Come and bee, 01,18 Pin. 87 Wood atrnet. Rl7, TZ SC lIS' OUTLINE ILLUSTR A TIONB TO EIIIAKSPEARE Schlllees Bowl; of the Bell; Tight with the Drogoo; ribtolin and reitweec Beam'. Ballwite, Goethe'. Pewit Lod's Peltier; The Chtdden.A B /astque . • Midler, with colonel Ilmateatlorm The shovelled Met eagtifeitely' illuelneted boeke wow opening et DIISISONT Book Scorn, me 2.5 Mi. AI 31.1., ewer 400 etr eet 50BAGS11.10 COrFEE; lb hh 'a. N. 0. dog.; 40 6blo N. O. 31olaomy4 30 boxes swotted 'Tondo Tobacco: 33 ht. chasm 'LI:I.mA Black Tama U taloa Family Salmi., in poppy. • 10 do ratract Loprood, Togetherwith toll osautratiat of Sidoes, Wrappina. too kc lae4 JOIIN Met7lLl. k D RUO S.— Cream Taxi., Rhubarb Root, Cionsibur. Arrow Ifieit, Citric Acid, I{4o Arabic, CaluteeL (Eng ) C. Liqudair, sitodaranni bailile Punnt, • . Epsom bane, labile Iron. MACE GOWN k YINLET, set lfd Liberty street BOSTON AND FARINA CRACKERS.-4 bbla Just reed and for 9110 at FILANCV3 Family Grocery and Tea Store, Federal at_ Allegheny. esIS NAVY OAKUM.-200 bales best Nary Oakum on band and fur ask by nag JONE. 9 A COOLEY. JIL:RESII ISCII'TER-701) lbs. prime Roll reed rod for sale at Ind Liberty at ucn 111 bOLE. MILTS it OIL BELL lIANOINGI anxst RGDOCrItIN IN rttnmli Du m . 11,11410. I :44 .pond., Put up to th" iTE BEA NS - • 1 . , IrOYTD & CO, 173{1 1 cf:7t. fr 7417 A 'LE7 sby the bbl., on band and receiving daily, for rate by IIit , DLE, WI lITS k CO:, 1 , 511 IJberty 2r k URI/S. PRIME SUG.A.R; k, 100 btea Erles Yatully • For rte low to 1110.6 by ALEN. FOR-CrITI, 0c1.2 7:. Water advent. DRIED APPLES-40 bus. choice new D Apples; 00 bbts.Wintrr Uterus end Itatetrat Applra ....dead for sale et 154 Liberly st. ocr) -- RIDDLE, WIILTS A CP. SOXETIJING INlCE—Fret.h Smoked Sal ~0., freak Smoked dtri_and freoll Smoktillfirdiegtun Hariogi tut reed and fur raln at TRANCE'S YAddly, Or - r) sod Ted Store, rtdoral at, Alirehror. re: CANDIED FLAG ROOT—A ilelic6us con lection for imparting fnkarywnen to the A fital , b ruPPI7.I4. bred by .24 JW... YU:Una. BAKER'S CELEBRATED COD LIVER. Oil.. ookerior m,.nl POW 111 TM, Aen , lttrlrply lure reed by • 30S. F1,F11114‘9. TiOLLOW AY'S WORM .CONFECITION S. the mat pleasant and etrecnntl worm specific ere dlanussred. Another apply Just geed by . oc2B . JOS. FLAMM). PORE OLIVE OlL—Pure Olive Oil, auite ble for table nee, reed tbh day by 308. odd earner of the Diamond end Market it. B ORAX—En g , Refined-20 bble. for &ale by R. L. FAust. , trucic a co; ea; - . ICe. 00, °mar Wood and roe rib stree!s. WHALE OlL—Bleached Winter-1,500 F~llf. for isle by IL 1. YAIiNESIN)*It. S 'CO. FLOUR SULPIIUI-20 bble. for enle tri oen B. L. PAIITIMUCK di' CO • POTATOES -100 bus IV°. 1 Potatoes fur fatally use, lo store 8.11 , i for We by e 727 WU. 3i CUTCHNI , N. No. IN L+bottr et. MACKAREL6-26 b1i1.4 Large now,No. 3 .1.111. and 1 half bob Liu 3 Jdxkeraldo abr. , Ind loi,ble by 0c27 W. WCUTIARION PISII-15 LPL, N. 1 White Fieti VT mei tor Ly. Arm ectueßi. WHITE BEANS--9 busin Atoze and fur sale by WILLIAM. Arcarrutirox., or:: . N 0.195 Liberty•troM: CIIESTNUTS, bus Chestnum and 5 bas. tlicknrymte; T 5 'b.. Be Wren. rec'd mei (or We at 135 Llbnrty st. oclt. RIDDLE, 14 - 14T3 t WILLOW CITARCOAL:I :7 IrtippIy of enperlor Chem.! In bunk iend ..14 teat reed this day by . Inn, Mar QC lIE N CK'S PI/ LUCE IC S Y R Ul'—Anoth- Ajar supply uf this excellent Copgh remody sec/ this day by oat/ • ' 403. SIAM ING. B A ENE'S PILE' LOTION acknowledged to bet ulterior to ahy artier, now io h.o for that dis• treising disesse. A large eupplY prat ~,ed by sad . . JOS. PLl5.lllliO y EATIIER. BELTINU of the best oak tan oed Loather, sized all widths, for owls st 2G and •1? St. elsostrest. J. dE IL PHILLIPS NDIA ItUBBERBELTING of oil tho dif remelt elecs and thlckoceeeth et the Twits nut.ber Depot, ar.l - 24 fit. Car Wed.. i. A IT. PHILLIPS., Soto Airbete S , tfle Ci;ml.-any NLIA RUBBER ETEAdi PACKING I 5,1X10 ILA con hand, of 114 taro.. 1111.04; Lu , Squ toolo , l k.n. oc2o J. Ar 11. P117L411.0. nEAN fiEtiRIE T S just reu'd 'and for ; iff, at lliANCalrEl f iI (irocarypul Tea §tore, lalerel .t, £s••s. 5 5 • • • t 4.315, • JERSEY SWEET POTATOES-1U v Jun recaiirdel sad kr mina PRANCE'S Ymantly Ort .. , ri sod Tat Store, Irodentl atr.t. A Ilechtm y. oc7 MANILLA RCP.E.-100 mils assorted idzcs lLnOla Rope Teed and fo °M.' by vela JONES-A 0001.16 L, t.Ratozat. ULOUR-50 bble. extra family Flour reo'd -mut tor wog by, °air p4Nat, risuu.u/s. ; for We by . NJ! 9r15 ISAIAU DICICKv • tr. :OATS -500 bgs prime old in store and for ...leby J. B. OANKIKLEL ARD-15 kegs prime CountrrLard. arrir ,ljjag sad to /Wain , ace WAIT' -WHOM. r:iOLDEN SYRUP.-2.5 bbls. Golden Syrup NJI on Mod sod (or malohy aMgli A,COOLAY. TIMOTHY BEED--175 bus., this 'day" redd for el • , !, 1 P.I MOLASSES --100 bbla. and GO half bbla, N. O. Molomoo for oak '''JNO.11010:0 .1 . CO. gNSPITALSILMETINGL-3;4; and '54 in width. fur sale bir 3. R A. Virilitt FLOM-4.00 Libb3Jur.saleloy!. •rl 7.1 . 11A.Nr. k ANJER, 124 f!..rod kt _ 111111HTY BBLS. N. 0. MOLASSSSArriv tmc and Cyr tale by 15e2.61 JAS.QAHDiNR R. lEEOPS--9 bales new tirst sott'Botii - ib riE rhe:[er)aPby ..PrruNtOint.oAutAtiDet*l.V.; POTATOES -75 Ars-Ncallazimobk Potatoes 'led and for ado by • Tao mr pi. RE - : SE—ln egi an 4 biaz n „, , a , .If:wade by oel; MENIMIVIZiYaiNte.' CitigitSß- 1 260-bms.i•piiine . 6l - ittligrelieg3 . reed end far Nile by . awiar U. rinititlL:r.3 ItottAuttor ree'd and for py by aolV 1' OOLLISIL 1 1: ;ST.-05464H ,5 51 1 4 5 :: : . 5 - 56.41.1•51 , aela . ; A RT L . • 5 A1114%1 , R T. PZEIMIDY & SRO .IVREAT, RYE AND CORN PURCHASED. FLOOR, CORN MEAL AND HOMINY MANUFACTURED AND DEUVPMA, \IX PITTSRLIRGH ,LVD ALLEOHEIrr. Rermm—Otalf on Dellur7 rokf ER HANGINGS SPRING WAIS, 1.• flow or. tor Luredlots and Sao. Tho West styl. of PARLOR, HALL,DINING ROOM, Clll/7XII =TM OZILIXO\PAP2IIB Many entirviy Dim designs- tor Piro-lloard; \ Bhadta, Todars,*. . i. CDIILIKDSON & 00., Mr, T.I.J •••••..- PALIILBABIIf. , IS StIAL Lie& —Tiltundersiped havingbeen squinted et dogrel% gents for the ante of those eeIehretARCALEA, Manufactured by the minima 'aerators; R. A T. YAM-, .BANKS t 130.,rorpectfolly turito the ettention Inasseotomunity telho aupotiority of these geld. over stß others: • , I These Stitlos bare boon muldreted to the SZVERBIBT . TESTS on eft' the principal liallrouds Io the United fitateit. and lentiand, mdia every branch of businaa througheal theeentd, atutthole uniform *OBll4 osid great durability bees gelutdibr thorn the tejadatiou of being .TB:6 STAND. &BD IOWNWIIICIITIMRIS CNN BB iO "MEAL .! - . Weareprolittei 'Omutta,POrtable, Dot oilszt, Bottler lUM,Afey,Onel,ltullrondandOehil Bodes. aa luairraernsurincts, _ ISUBSKY 'W ELLS,. 824 Liberty fittest, CcommterifillZOir, selifird ' Plctsbrodul'ut. SUIWRIES-- 10111.016 N. 0. 31c1mass—cs06 cooporags a 60 lihd M. 0. Sugar; - 60 MA entalicd as6l POISM - Sugar; 26 MN Bolden SyrUp; 001.14111Mors dm 160 bags Mu Ouflost 7o Ike 54 Tobacug 70 cheat Y:11. erack.Ts66, 10 half abeam Im aid and-Ounpowdrie ToO 26 knit, Pa rps_r and Allap/cm 100 - liga Oreund Pepper, 110 tom ]leotard--amotteil mtalllßM o Lk. Wound Gliargun 54 Lg. Page6Starclu 20 tierce. Mee; Imi bat Star mid Mould Cavils*: 100 h. RoMusind Borman Soupr, tca Sugar (.Land llanau SAM petl& Caorsamd IIaMK 10 GO do Bacon Sbouldurm MI 141 s No. 1 Lard 0 1 13 60 pro.. assorted Blateld 60 Mils 51611Lsrgo Slackarsh 26 half Llils N 0.3 410; 101 l 411 Gaul.; 1... I 11, Wrapplog Paw, arsortsd slam; 51 dos earn gamily IlroomE Also, Pll6.loirch mautlfactured grodsoil 611 diumlliilmmir.l mils by (so= ) LITTLE ft TRIMBLE. 112 Ratood at. r. GROCERIES.— 300 flags raft to Edam RIO Oofros, 160 llMlChirets 'Young Hymn, Imperial awl Ulna Tma. 111146,PrIme Sugars, IM Mils. Rantiol do. 100 o N. U. Molaasoa, 100 o .Rostsru Syrups, 1161 Bra Boit Ilmnds Tobacco , , 25 Kg+. kis Twist 'I Tameallro4uo Rios 60 Kg. 11) thelo Soda, 50 Cu. 20 1161. No. 3 Large 51arkercl, 00 11611 11014.. MlO.Sidmi.N. Y. Sole Leather, 11612.11 auk 00, 25 Bp. Pomp,. 60 Onomid Pepper, Olufmr, 1161 D 0.13 Panty (bon 500 1/116 Wrapping Vapor, 1711 h a gem-Eal assortmout of eta ry ankh+ iu the Grocery las, In Mors a n d tor sal. , by AMIN FLOTD k 00., ael 173 Wood street. i7O LW. N. O. blob., I , ts loge Primo :16 Lola ILdttruure and Now York Nyrup, 100 boxes fla and ks Lump Tangs. 100 birdman V' /1., Initrarlal and Mast T... 60 lids Large 00.6 Nunzio% 1.61. Dry dal! Herrin= 1604loasei Oommou to Pansy Corn Broman 1)0 .loten Pslined Ilnekntr. to Magri L'uta—..sorted gran 400 keg. Mar. do do :SO La. W. Glans do Ma 100 log Paul Starch: 60 lia.• NIo Ourdinr, :40 Lis 110.44 Palm, Ult. and Okiluo &mpg (.50 bundle. Wrapping. Paper. For sale by atiltH. RORIAON f CO. QUN DRIES- funo 00. L. primo CI., i'onyri :61..... la. 1 , r...;dere.lan.l 37 Idd. tin don Fyrula .4133. 1 11 Syroi 1 . 3 1.,r chests V. If. and 111 tr 3 WC* do do do 2 1 ) bog* (bale. Privu; to FAA. rirnentn: a bales Coml.; 15 1.1.1 a. Plten; 50 bbl, N C Tar, largo terir, 13 Inds AptaTtuVentnur, ZS tierces nice; 23., 6.1.?.1 etrca and country 1.1 1 / 3 .., 430 MAP. seddMao Wrapping Fa bore.). Wbole.). J. Woods' Starch, Together nob a general nanortenest of (iroc,l. and Tilt. loran InanufecturednrOcier in store and Ar wat. hy WATT A. la 11.PON, No. 21,3 LiLcrty.l. GROCERIES INS law /444.15411.1 25 nod. augur: 15 libia...Woiraner; 25 In Ayrarr. Wt cheat. Young Ilyann and Mack Tau; 30 Catty's Prime do do for tautly nee; 15 illna Lama No. 3 Slacknrel; 20 Ilif bide No 8 51ackanal; 25 &Ada no. 1 IL Lll4 'PUN :A) Bosun Tobacco amuort..l Frond.; iW f 1.... Wrapping Pape< 300 ItuAra W. It. Memel WU Sluts Palk S 0 Ltoscs Pada bnop • T.t,rether with a gonerml aamortruent ortlreccrica, Iron. Nails and Ulaar, ba whine rnaw,.atda carom W.ll. 31.14.vreinurt, not Na. I% Liberty Aloud D RUGS—Santitnie; li~pr Pimapbb Um, halide Zia,: Cltraus Put.. .14 &UteriCOM &rep nine: Pt &Inaba; bi" Clump's a Campbell's Almelo: Map ../.614 Clack ?Jenard Peed; • ClarreM's &utak Fault • For Amlo by a L. enevir.sroci; a ah. sol 7 No. CO. coraor W.od and Fourth 4ib. Rije EBI ES Itbde N. 0. augar, LOT to prime; 1001.1.1 m N. 0;510am., ma; DA do N. Turk. opatior, 20 do A Croobod 5122 m. 20 do C. Poloollmd do try do A. C0.12m do 50 do N. 21 do Btemcbed 105.10 102 30 do 10auk 012 Id do Largo Nu. R ilackezel, 10 du 11....unur0 llarrlow For ado by 81.1111Vgll I LILWIIIITII; 12.1 an.11021 1 .m001l *lrma. - - 1. 5 7 1 :1 8 ~2.VS."TB n bR ^ I , C IL TF ht cheers Young arson Too; Em do laudk du de) C. C. and Imp. Tou.; 20 1, Loan jloyo loop. Moo, a law Ripply of la ttobargh nmaanctorml as liclos Car Kale by re2o MIII/ Tril 0141VO10TI1. ../11 . 11i11122. • CELEBRATED" ' 30DAY CLOOKB, for Ooniging ZOOM dud Parlor. lammOriinont lu Ttoseiroodrames.ologult pattraam TOY not mrolivd and for sale Ly Y. 11. 11.600 it ('A, 10.30..dtt " Jim...lOn. N 0.09 VlCtbatrool COOKINO STOVES, RTOVER4 RADIATOR STOVES.. 'SNOW. All tin& oI Cl.! &Attain /Ire Irwin, Virn In..Etwarbo. Sloan pay Tin Wan in 01l lt. 70 T. I:CRAIG 3.434-Wora at • LADIES DRESS . GOODS, Shawlm, Ern torrikleritaiParits,lTaitarke, Balsamit, cs..„—mid s hag.. Int of how samado aramAlly—clim °pawl by BURCLIFIKLD & CO. ' Bicacaiesor w AlßsTby l Km. Balgi-Osaycrllthradilicrket Weeds. SItEAMSSTRA.WAVRAPPING PA -OvrEA Doubt. Croon; 6inale Cron and Medium pod nerateed apd for sale at omaufactarerf prima. at Paper Warehome of • W. E. MIMI, h:0• • • • . : comer Mahatma /Mead sta. W 0 L FF'S - AROMATIC; SOIIIFDAM PCIINAPPS., • inperiop, took, diuretlookotklyspep, tic and I n rierall•g conll4l. Jinailr o Mat i lrd by boroir of ILO .11butwod sad .Market, et: at all dints ramrod to, furnish. &mint= hotels, steamboats ur pubilo ome with . fare lure " ' ra ". ' l4 1 IP notitri -4sts oppout. Pim d Bhalthli4l4,dm`4. HILL'S FRANKLIN' ALMANAC' • • rongartrour 4 Blltens, p;ES 11 ILOASTED JAVA A.ND RIO COY paa ofa Gov Jiis Cottee t tor eltic at nt VIM 3 , 'S Feud emery ilia Mai Etta, Yoissal et; V — RES Li, ; OIIARMINO, INTERESTING, POPULAR.-- , ' A iaever 7ort,'Ly /C. s:Roe. 1 inv. to I Ith fai4'or Alooro.ou ► Wide, Vilda Rai! kr 41; Roo. On tiont . l2 mo.vohomoitoyir rawly ar.d for tdo. by 1.0.214 ' "v.T. li - . REND; No. 7131.Voilreb'st:' WALL I'AP.MIttL—,On exhitrition , Ili.' 87 .Woof at.; bewiltillal Parr kiwis pod gthwo Co which thaattenalon diltritogrocroikilitlrobt Iv topnettlir Invited: , 11,-4,IIIII . BOrfASII k cQ AILTILECIEW:NO,Neir-Rod-,lesirib 5 ,D rrig e g ogijca)mrla. Cianka, Needle Wok sat 7 Do- %I nc ,t,,TlV . !- '777 12= k'ffiVE,' flitatirtA t iet plAAllairtFAU-OWTZ US:--Voi. telt: Hi triatuffig, rasteabetatedos - ftelt, drilling sot wilsotaltrankt Irlattnttorad• Imr- by • . , A .710 C-r: 'alkitttalllLLlPS, No. YO ma 28 St:Mira: r VORING-.1 1 .16"1,W. „. ply of Pram* %Pamirs tel•britiedt Illsottik •.. kocm.or mktg. OA A.,..ttatiToa bawl at ' 1.. - I MA._ 7,,,--rea , ,ol-nne kt.ol.9itz AWOL , &LAMM PR/11CH .M BENOMmEjambomd, - 4 4 4 4 4114 4 40, thwa 0 . 1 0.79 17 12Y4Cariltb - ly A Bortattai•,; t.*A IrlN'Ott DANK, ro. 65 YeritrEk Street. /11' 185 OPEN. DAILY FROM St' To 2 O'CLOCK, 'Jaw al Weibel** And Datard4'etentors Gold May first to Itomaber ftrat,tona 7 to a o'clock; and tam N . .Telnber first to Slay hat. from 6 fo 6 o'clock._ Avant, neared or ..i• ust lea shad onepellaa soda dividend - of ills grodts dectired Mks a year, la Zane and Deannber. Interest bee beat dedilved anally,th Jane and December, goer tie Bank was. organ. 5.4, at the rata oraLt per ccota scar. latent% If act dr eam eat, Awed . to the =tit the de r i Z r Pli . n&O„ and bearatheasnielaterad leant Ira oat tamltlng kheiVrntertOrteaeraltlen to ' An ' -c a nt us book. - at Ws rate, mono 1,111 double In Una Urania Teeny making In the sggregate Este anomie sate MP= • Ma. Hooka contitalng the Charter, Hy-lana, Dula and Balm thrabbed grab, on application at the orboa. . Prealms--GEOZGX DIME. Ho:wont! trepboro, Judo, Sbidlo, Alatatideoltredioy, Robert Robb, 'William B. Loyola', Dargeta, %man J. And,..3 John U. Baeloran Albert Culbortoon. Jobn B. Coatold, .1131arbser Ctolbo, -Mom .11-Carrim D. 114 laxim a no t rt il o' : Wlllhm•Doogb,. Fra Peat, /litY. Gilmore. Junto ELMoo, w Witham R. Han • Str.rderry and A NKINIS HOUSES OF JOHN 7. EOM. NNTITUNT4-:-..-...-...........8UDV0RD 00., 803IERSt - T, .SONERSET CO, MOUNT PLII . ABANT.--....WNSTMORND 00., CONNELIATTLLN,--JAYNITE CO, • Palms UNIONTOWN BRONMBCIL -u " • TIEWTMOUTON,I—..76.TNiTS 00, • • Deliadts, reiZred, i;isooltati made, Drata add add collected, Pack moue sad aped. bunght • sad cold stecke, liote. mid other 13echridec bot.ght .. cold 02 CM mLioa Cwreclcdolecco and collections .I wild:ed. TIREAT:II-EDUOTION OF FARE6a kJ( TO Eunopa— Wroso Ifeso Pork. to &ma- lb New Tort from S.A. snapices,lThari,or Bremen_ mantels, Havre or Benue first Cabin.._:, glo First Cablo---...--sige 5.......mtbin...:-. to Second Cabin_.... 4 in Steerage -.-_ .. -_. .10 Steersge.- - -7 40 la the ant : thus peddle wheel stearnshiii - A1ti11*.,.2,11C0 tons, O. D. Ludlow, contosnder, and FORTH STAIL - 2,600 tous,Menkrd Carendy, commander, to sail from pier 'No. Korth River, .10 0000 preeiseiy, carrying the United State mil, sic—. \ • Lorre /lee Pork for . Borilkamptont, Hoerr itrenters for Sootharapft and firemen. Sxrd"wipe.. f New l'irl. Adel. thderdstraditrzh 2/ April 17. Apdl 21 North lit. .. April 17. . 61 .1* 34.. ldny 14 Adel, 4, 11.9 AS. JunAlth ~ Joao Ph North Stir " Joao 12. July .10. July 14. These dean:whips ranch at Mere. Flirecto dellrered London arot Pori.. For polankre or freight apply to • _ _ _ 11. TORRANCE, Agent., N 0.6 ItorrUog Greer,. 6:1!1. York. Cemetery Marble Works. No. 333 Liberty Street, below Wayne, 'P'ITTSDUROII. PA. MATTHEW LAWTON, PRACTIOAL MAIPIILt MASON W RESPECTFULLY TO IN Gnu tils Meade end tbe publlt generally, that to Ins hued Um &boy*, for th e teransfitrtereszkd of *very variety of Marble Work...nth le Monuments. Tombs Tabletaand Gravestones, of oter7 misty sod form: &Leo, Mantle Piece., oeutre Table, Pier. Barra,.d Wash Plana Sop, Which be is otioring as low se any other outsblishment Wait of the FUOUWAIUS. LLia atuck la entirely noir, and tom been seketed by himself. expressly for thin market. Hs is aim grew.' to build Burial Vaults, enclom • Bar Lots with Mar ble or Mona, and to execute any other work In his st arty of the Cemeteries adjoining Pittsburgh. 11.1111. If 1%.11541011 TO Rat. T. lb Lyman, • Robert Beltway Itsq., lime Wm. Wilkie; Joke Chßlett, Rm., Joe. It. Bboenberiemy Rtd, W. L. Bt ,g BM., (Marlow Bomacrap, U. Ltill,Beq., Thomas Scott, Rm., 4. B. Curling, Peg., W. P. Beam, Rob O.R. Mite, E.. The Trade fUroisbod .111. .1M.% of Poreleand Dames to Marble. ellkmt Oulatuul or to tLe remtb, at prime. We tonal. toadeermagerewata V.ll tho manufrcturon of the boat breads, a conatent I ': of Ilydruallo Lb. moot, Wator end Looterille Ltroo, P teeter Paris, bo th for Laud and Stucco Work, alt Of he la promured to Amulets at abort nottoo. zuhleelly BOOM AND BEICIEs, CH IC .A:P 'ir 0 11. CI,A.E3 EL. J A 11 E S 'ROBB. TITIRD DOOR rnor-rnria . R A 9 na h1 tr . * Y . ,,...,. 1 4 Makin r q t . ran and Mater Meat or • • LADIES', SIIRSIO3' oniACUILDRENS' 0 . and , KENS' CA 14,, KIP- AND COAILS otivr.6, FORD 1112, OAITYLIS. OPICIAN An. SCOTS' AND 11,201)±101‘. . MOM,. a.. }.O livatlva snort, A., •Ap , A . AA , lona lorvy mat, au.. en'itli the m..,,,,,, ,_ .. .." . 2 11l fall by the rub or PAcILG. at very no.lomJ pre ".".1 . M, Ti, .. „" Na of. ob. , a ho lArg..l. onsortutonts to be , 0 ~.,7 , y. mule roe city -alol cuoutry sole, sal twee', y.usortoirloooo lb ,buytoK be tr.:. that to. o o tom inti ef-..rts. He Pc 'teeth.% all ID %mut to c JLA•anring 0,131 tlest thus, yeti bo ol.ausal Re.,lll•et ti." OW, JA$. 110110 1110. 1,/ ?lonLot .sin...l. twIT Third Dtar nom the putelboot Sosset. O. FALILNICSTOCK 4".. WritTLESAMTn Et.FLITGG IST..? ' No. GO, cornor Wood and Fourth Sta., PITTsBURGIE, PA.,. DEALERS IN FOr,SION AND DOSIEMC DRUGS, AIEDICLNES AND CHEM' CALS, OILS, DTP. P 1 UNSA. kiP/CEO A LAMS' A RIC 01611 descriptions. P And everything appertaining to the Drvg Pointe Those In wtat MPoro and Gannlow Ari!dm, will do well to give as aall. We. gitehsttemo to IA Mg UN SA eale he haanht la Me nr other 'markets, and warrant everything to giro vallifaction. We era the solo Proprienara and only Alszatfactarara It. L. TAIINSIMOHI ricaurruag, DR. R. A. WILSON'S Tonle, Catbartto and Antl-Dympsptle Th. bat an for lemma, other In children or Waite, art offered tothe paillc b tmthaddeelly the'rernd fug% prepar ed by 0. L lbsimertock. Thirty faars experience In this clams of modieltio has tdren a ttall 'guarantee that thin is ea artkie ovary Way wrathy of coaldenna A. n can far mama It ctalma to be solegstellrd, and a* a merchantable article It Is papered and sold uD. L.Tahnectock's and no other. at the proprietort4saylih to have It ambulated vr,th way other article of Veratifoge now to the market WILAIIIII PILLS have had rme local existence for over twenty7m., unapported by adverthh4 of any kind, and held all doulde the price of. WWI, they aro war aul d yes with all theme dissitatrtage. +charter tried they have In no Impala, fallalfo' rawer . the ntmost satlsfectlen performing all the remthements ofa rotatable pally audi cm,, and et ouch ar« ravomualtdrd wore of the milt srorthiaad tospeaLble Often! of the 'land. Ilear for In. erage *hat Ca. Ma:Alma/la, of Ifashingfm. al= Jethuary 1839. Dr.. 14 A. it . 111..,--1 how. beau v3.10F your Au 4 Dyspeptic pin., artwauccwhai tratarett for many yaws, and can trothluily aty Ma& I Lath to.ver b3ll[Al aay medial, float t. them In -taistaitar 4 Crtctia.• Lac Biutuab and heed: tlaoy have nearteiled to relinvn toe rroollowlaChe and 44......1A1ty• Irtt my s'etrut its bait, condition that:they LnailL Ito ooaddeadly cuumeud your ytlleua CO skol Wahl} ruittoktalo rnomboloo. WILLIAM 110Piillit4. • .32...1ArT 13 ItE DI 0 A - DISCOVERY ' • OF THE A - GE. I% i l (. KENNEDY; , _OF ROXBURY, U jj . j. Woestreirred OMI of &If &Wilt.° 1.0.1111 mow), Mai =nye every Mad Of Ul/11.1n from Ma Word gr b rf ace r ml4mrl' lo ho. It ov.r oleoi Modred uwe.rof tleve" r ozovits tWorMloll(botb thuader Helms O , Sw t hin LL mthm unur two tkorelrod eortifleal. of Da veloN all wit tweotymiles of Sodom Two bottlewareowerroated to onro • nand° g voro mooch. Orge toitro.bottla will care the Walt MO of plmples at the jam Twu to throe Amur the system 'of WI& Two bottle. are vramolea to core kie wOnktaMter fo !Am - 1 ; 117.t14nf boittei . sir ‘l to Om U,. i•Orejt, ear of (toot° Aro !odds, oils waifs:l:OW to cuts .41,booloin cif it. Two bottles •.-• warrant./ io eats runo,lNl of tat' so 4 blotchy noon the hair. ' , . Pour Wait bottke aro 0vt.,,a1•4 to ototcuatebt rto; atgal ChM bade loin earsaegy aispeicdorthiakhi.: ,„• Trato nfl thausbottlettro tres:ntatea i toccaoand, • n Two to throe bat!.an 1 / 2 tiirtyli 4 l 14 'au ,4r . Ti., tool bottits aro tarmac! totattattabarac, *alto tiglatottlta4lll aadttoi•orof CatO OrICTOCIti. A booollt b alwaystwarlautid fro& .lho drat bottle, and • perfect eon hyrartmated Ora We &Joni qtr.ontity la ta filbiggt66l6 1,11 . 0 , 13 i• f u Tlll/ tied all the Wonubau tataioluasaf Oa do, a* that a tom. mm trout growf to tat p am; ad awl utast should taro run hama•faibasystetc .yot it a tear 4 died , If you hats abamor Itbat talent. f nave an no fa nor tado,lnaot or has about the sulangeour ant' cot yam.: Latddlal oars thatutaabotthe of ain the taint: Prot &gab. Ittelfects twenty 'raw • Whoa • tataydcaul tamper the g,shat mot Ccocabau MAO, obatotta: I gm It ta &Wm avers yaw' tat toci4 peopio 'or 'May. r,T. wapoor pm~ orpsonsir.lobtlng obbarat lobar ati6 ism soft and ambhl: l6 "." l 46 " 4 " ' Ws ' of baba by one bottle. tuthautsbuzas salami easki i iotalkottltoata• alatyteuretb , lights gil•4 to atamtg 'Oat, wok BOW wbuttau bautotavolor Ita. be tegalsted by ft., Wiwi* Ow body I. wand ft* wake allitaitntrtat abet thattlitat,_Get i rse' Wolof stuaa,ti actoottry aunt oot ba alartuab-tbaystwayarr davits. trata,!Therthtuttotabearstaltfaoutt:tlatta . toutaryordestbalbuitog bolter Ida buil aurnolatku a mmt urtr4 vor =thuartt uni t kart ..I . uatearrat .. lailarboaria "1= alflutai. "Us alatteutflab4 afeale* sakloo l , 4 4 l U•efifeq , A IVF*4lratitrAti""4-'"*'''''' , -4 "7 , 7 : 1 1 r. . 020 , 016.4rimite - 0.1 I gii=e John 11. Ehoentargoi 11. Gronou Murphy, reanoct, :moo D. Holley, loons Ilenlotsu John 9.oennhin, . . Jame. W. HaGamy Mariam Heap, P. A. Madeira dobAlM lleilw Walter P. Marshall, Wilson Mier, A. PL Patna, ]l.D ' John M Well L. Biagyalt,: George . Pa A.Gem Alexander Tiadli, Theobaid" Uatidaatter, Znamistin. and SHONA PILL 8. THE ,GREA . . DR. M'LAI4E 7 S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chu. IPLane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human systenj. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS, DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEA 1.1-ACH E, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy.and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad inifiistered in, accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented pOpularity has' induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, • PITTSBURGH., PA to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their . manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. - M'L-tne's Cele brated Vermifuge and -Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among, the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the, Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEIINI Itllo S. Pittsburgh, Pu, P. S. Dealer. and Malarial,. catering hon. than Fleming Bro., *lll do mil to voin th.rr orb re adincliT. mad fatr tome ind In. 11.1,0n'0. rnTornnt Bros. Pelttough, Ili. To tine. • lehlor P , " Own a trial, we will forwanl per moil. petit ;old n part of the relied Sham, one los 4 PIM. foi twr ltr threacent portage idarnpr, or nna vial f Venuifere fourteen threvergra outrun. Al/ °Were Wu . . Cguel.i !nerd b. ecoutoptuded I tweet, 4.111 4 . 1.01:. - _ 1 1/411 1 &ft CalcarrOtelriffer -" rcA•rtryig or :"14ii.arSorao d Compound Fluid Extract Bnehn, $Io Direr! of tAiDtaddes. Kidrops, Don•poy, Wetabost, Oftetneculera. Ftmle Coospfounts.oact nal rpu Dasoates of an Segued O grilling from Remo. and' leormidencles Io INN and re. sereetngell Improper Dirchernes hum the Bleukter. Kidney* ar Flomml Drawn, whellwr•xl•lf og In MAZE OR PJ141.11.Z, Pro,. whatever rause they may hove origlemted, AND NO MATTER OF HOW LONO sTANDLN or, a.,,0n so the Pre*. owl Bloom to the Pallid Chteh-t , JOV TO TOW ARVIACTISOtit It curte Nervous and Dthilusted Prigervre, sod remover all the Synipinuts, aneo g whieb alit be found Indirpoeitlon to ligertion. boo of Power, Lem of Memory, Difficulty of Sleuthing Gov ern! Croke., Horror et Dis ease, Weak Nevem, Trambling,Dread -- fel Miser of Death, Night Sweat., Cold Neat,. Wekefultiem,Dtreaten of Vision, Larumer, trnir'er. eel Learned. of tiro Muscular gyetsm, Often gnomons A P ru hi wi t h e :kg ' ' 11 . 0. P 1 a ; tg= Otto ark' Palll4 Coma:dance ' and %rapt:loos on 'h the Pam, Pain lathe Dank, Hee einem of the Eyelids, Free vend, Black Spots Plying tutors th• Ere. with Temporary Suffusion and Lore of Sighg Ward of at. tendon, Great Mobility, Restleouices, with Horror of Sudety. Nothing te mare deetrable to such Pre Made than Salta* sod lathing they 00010 Dread for leertheethrelverg no Itel,oss of Manner, tie Erumertneee, no Specie laden, but a Herrfed Tumid. Hon from one quart/en to another. There omptuno, Hallowed to gr on--which this mall ulna Invariably removes-oono [alums LOSS OP rowan, VATDITT, AND EPILEPTIC FlTS—in one of which the of may expire. Who tan my that them ilieWn. are not frequently firliewe4 by throe rUmful dlresses—lNSANl. Ty AND CONSUMPTION? The records of the INSANE ASYLUMS, and the usolsothelyileaths by CONSUMPTION, bear ample lateens to the orthicon assertion. In Lo- natic Asylums the ramt mebineholy mirßrition appeare.— The Oeuntenance kg actually widen end unite destitute— neither Mirth or Grief ever owls it. Should • sound of the voice occur, Ills rarely articulate. wWitliweful mtaitrell wan &Spelt' too milieu maids his grief beguiled.. Debility is moot terrible and has brought thee... Weapon tlardortods to untimely graver., One bleating tna et many 001.1. youths. It ran be cured by too ulna et this Int'allible j _Remedy. If you are eulTonng with an of Min above dialoguing ail menu. the FLUID EXTRACT DUCHIPwiII core yen. Try It and be convinced& ite edimce. BIiWARK Og QUACK tiOITRUM.S & QUACK DOCTORS who falsely bout of affilitim end reSgeoree. Clam. know and amid them, and tram Lo n g Suffering, Irmo, and Et= pawn. by sending or calling. for • bottle of Ode Popular and BPWI7IO REMEDY. It alley...ill pain awl lullaormation, la perfectly pleasant fa it taste and odm, but Ilutlttalktake 111 Its action. Etelmbold's Extract Erachn to prepared thrixtly According to the Wee of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, "vtb the grained accuracy and Chemical knowledge and curs devoted in it. cambinetion. Sr* Profeaser DRIVERS' Talueble Workson tbeVractlm of Physic., and Most of the Tate Standard ITorksof Medicine. Kr 10 0 - I - Om hturtred dollars will be paid to any Phoricleti *be cati pure that lb. Medicine err, inj tiled • Patient, am the imeimeny of thaimands mn be prod.:wed to prime that it -lote gnat good. Ceatoof from one weak le thlrteati years , Mewling ham beim affeetreL The mama %MAINZ/Al TKSTIittuNT In posieuelon of the Proprietor, vouching .ite virtue. and curative power., is lumlletlat, embracing names well known to 'SCIENCE AND FAME.' • 100,000 Bottle Flaw. Hoeft SOld Arid tatt 4 idaoa Marano ago Minn has been reporlidl' •'• renarally appeared bolero me. ao Alderman of Mal rity of Ploholelphla. 11. T. Dkr %1 OULU, .Cboodst, arla being drily sworn Mao aay.llmt hi. prepandlon mead,* no,Nar mtle,lfereuty. or I olorkars Drug but ira tartly Iremd.olde. 11. T. 1113.11140 D, Sole Ylanoraetoree. , Sworn rod onlacrlbod broom am IW. 23 day of Nurem Mr. laar. • Wt.". lIPEA . . Arica $1 per Bottte;iir Sit tor 1fr...19a/idered torn Ataxmanled by rOiabier void railiondbla MlNutlflcalt, of 11«d.1 Cuflotkat,Clersyguou and albew. Peeparid'ana *obi by_ M. T, 11261fAIDOLIN ' PractfokaanctAludyffoof Metiisf.• No. 52 South . l'enth'Strest,'below Obesinuti' Assembly Buildings; Phila ' .rer• To be-hod of ORO. KEYSER, solo Agent (or Pitt.borglimdol: all , Drisigitto and Dralirs throughout the 'United Skeet, •'Oonoulito and ihrifiek BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask for.FIEMLBOLD'S—Taks no OMkr CURES GUARANTEED. . mr213yd..7 ATTE WOULD inform nur custourbre*.elik sad otheis littecested, that st, hate 'Ottawas% the 4Mb* stock and good will of the ream of IILiStaISON k /MBA of Yolk county,ta this &Ate, Tbo A'S& 4i4.) 'thictindimainani in our firer; pad ' hale IA theft take'issd socoants "galas& partteelarad tha -11,Santeliet atielot , collection. Wini LI MO US' Villii,lll*Vieb Ogren.' Imam and Ulm of the late Armaar thy pupost of What, tog the saaausb day arid recadairig theft ordenifilifehtme man. Our dook• Is now largei axittrih,ll sastatlit,Ckas varies ,of. itrem,Yrkipsi IRO= . • q. ffirikAls Lfisik. : B,saCto It we ask the antuan of : 624.11autf - • tonethrtmet: MY • NAIL - PLATE ' FEEDER, - -Shet; tataadtt Patenslll •-lottig xerptiai Ifoolvifor ry,lll. Itoptlillelela dais untywtet the Items. AV of apt= er toy- to atteolk each oatahLps. rtho.toutd. :alb often lOU 111411inakaild zoiabbiervlll ant - vole •tialbetilifi tato Rader attacbod:thatickoba dottebytbole tbd by band, saving throe hands ant of tam asakhay.tb. liana more perfect., saint fad by mana, •ad. can be ran at • .groatorapeod..l•4 yery•tatyloand not liable to ittottcof order, and cm be applied toaoyaatchino ooir, at aotapatatlaey alma test: It PiltztrantAt bairn* perfect onto pay." eatlitoeraithata• feeder snot:tail aso beierti. ittc9oMtlos &lithe Tabor tb•Asiatiois Institut.; Crystal paha% .Ziata Took , Artilieodars.for kr_ Ma "Protatotwt . -101,4ftd ealety,su4,4 . 0.0403314 / 1 2.1d/Lbt. , .--- , WHY will you burn Cumpbetoiend Sulk T T Idol' you esaptatMpandbatftor UAL Port . AiligirlislOsse, m alawalOCClalstereasliproascom I lz, . 411"1"*1 . 1 .....•0tat, ' 1 1210 1 01 ; t airt=ibUtios . qte• a L ab.44 OM* "BA" mslyway , tartrild - twe , 11,091rx .., ,—, - =.- 2 ~..+T. Di. , ilP, HOOKLIMIONi^;' , , , -, i 1.- , 7 ,r.. , ' , . ,, KT• 3 $ ll .. ' ' 111 " F . * 4.301.-4r. M=M:i ""f' _ :;;ifi~o~~is IN 47.-(1.(: ‘ , 1 4:09, R! PREPARED 'DE: 0013"; .. compon.nded Paitthily trunk ` , tribaS' IS ONE OF TUE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER 31 11EttelaTS now beParathe pnlfftei ',b.' act. as a CriThartin rosier. milder, and more effectual . WWI any Other medicine known. It is net only a. Chlhoulia, bat a Lire/ remedy, Likened on the Litre to eject Its morbid miner, lben on Um stinnach and bowels to carry off that metier s thus accomplishing twoporpeem effectnellYs •,:h -at any oft,. Went girding. expermaced in the operations et most tlitikrixer. It iffretigitsFnal the syn.° of the mute ame abet if P.M. In and when taken duly In moderate dawa, will it...oaken end buildll rep irlthassrsalraphlitY. / The Limn is on of the principal regulators at the htenan body; and alien it performs it. Junctions wen. lbersiltersuithe eyetunate , telly dereloped.'flteifonnkh feeblest entirely dependent on the healthy actionoltlie Linke fortheproperperforne g ananfitefunetionclihrodie it.chleatferdtthebowels ere at Welt, and the whole eysienseu6srsloconeetinenc 0 of one organ—the Lime-- raringl ctiasedSo do rte duty. For the dlsearna of that inn. gain one of the proprictora b has nuidnit Itle Wady, In a practiceof more thnntwenty yew", Nand Keno remedy wherwrith locoonteracithe 4 many derangenits la which KU bah!. Toproreffut thlereineely hi bled with 'Li UR COM. has but total A bottle, Mot These (lams remove all theetetemoropytylnpfuther irnigerethig the Worniedn Purifying the B lock', whets machinery mooring effecting a enthral cure. BILLICIUSATTAMPure be tier, pr•rfft led,by Lirer/nrigorrenr. linedeee after eating le sat and pres e nt the fowl from Only onedisetaken bolt. ewe, Only ono done taken at gently, mot co re a. Cat. . One dam taken atter earl SirOnedoen a two tea. Sok One "bottle tikeio tot' . re cas:, of tb7;= . ...str , Ono dee often impute:4 Morbut. end a preeoutive 1111.0o1y ono Width to moan tho offoott of saodt . 11113...0nts .bottJa takeu for lowness nr gnastbrwl eol6rl Otte doe* talen s dont gor the spitetlte,ft nukes One doss often repeated Odra In Its wotel forum, /1/,wet Cettnpletinft )640 Otte or IWO 11.11. Cute. ate. Chiltirro: Ow., to nu .turrr, tlto world, a It ',ter /mit. Zinn fe• bottle& euree sbe,rbeuts. We lake plea&urelarecoun ' , recently° (or Rea and; cud all neer" of • R. with outland'. Jk thdtttabd , enaulenul rme. An ..40 WE it are dicing their unanimous testimony inns Eason dh with the Ineigeeater, Wed /Kir Ma Wafer in t 1 vn • • Ilaw boh Ingo/her. TbeLiver Invigorator ory. and le dully workingcares I a Scientific IfotlicallMeab Alt:tort too mum to todieve. Ic ear. as If kr magli, rem thr.firri dwe grirtv Leacgi., rad tehlom more Com 000 bot. Ito I roquitml I t.ttro say kind of Liver Complaint, from tho moat Jotted too or Dyepopols tot comm. Headache, allot whither& the result of a Dimmed Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE DR. SANFORD, Proptitior,B4s Bro.dway, thr tOrk. DR. GEO. IL =MDR, NO. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh Agmut. I.l.6:lydsolf PERUVIAN SSRUP! 08, Protected Solution of .Protande of. Iron, HAVING SUCCESSFUr ly plumed the ordeal to la& Mare frateaNt, must 1113 w b. fere edElatc7 la cluing X. Mil Ya Affections of the Liver, Dropsy., Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Consumptive 'tendencies, Disordered State of the Blood, Boils, Searcy and the Prostrative Ef fects of Lead or Mercury, General Debility, and all Dis eases requiring a Tonic, or Altera tive Medicine, is now beyond question. To. proofs of its tallowy aro . 3 numerous, au well anthen noted, and of Sorb peculiar choretter t that gam. du not remernelly herdtate ,e receive the proffered Th. ff.enorien syrup 401!. not profess to be u careaff, bat s;..ll" " gat . 7l ' ; re b Tan, =Vs'e case, may b. effell The these of 411,00 e for which the Syrup proridea s ean is pra.cheq flea whk.lissso often haftlerithe highest order of oieoirel Thr:`ffid ars tangible, the Limoges an arrearible, and the safety - 9d effsery of the Syrup lawn Worototble. Those who may whit, f. ntnilnion from dishMarested possum respecting We shareetefit Sim t 3.1 CDs cannot Ctl to tw satisfied with the following,t , oug Melilla the Lends or the agents of gentlemen w.O known In the ronsd4tdil or BoM.cms and of the highest respectability. CAM). The undersigned having experieseed the beu;AflLP_.a . ..f.... of the . geruvinu tiyrup,'' do out hesitate se recurour." tu Um •!..11‘1011 of the WM., . • Vs,. °Or cum ex pet mutat, as U. of 11sYscrity an. Ayr. ty sts.stscs, Itos me Inciment hi...ese• of the Lunge Sod Bronchnst gaamgra Dyspersta, Li rev Complaint, Drtry, Neuvelle, etc. Ind...ed Leltorre.hble, nut trum the high chat atter of thew who have withesued them, mud have voluitif end theirteatinemv, as we LsaLna. If/ MIT. stirs pourer. Env. JOHN gIERPOINT, SIIVALII3 AMOILY, THOMAS A.. DEXTER, r7ft YET, S. 11. KENDALL, M. D.,. JJ.111.13 C. DUNN, SAMUEL MAY, • Rev. T. WELITTEMORM. It ta well known that the medicinal effect of Prob.sldo 01 Iron is ii3it by oven a brief enamel, to air, and that to MAIN TAIN • solution of Protosido of Iron, without farther °sada don, hat been deemed Impectibl a. to the Peruvian Syrup this desirable point Is altuttord by culnularma IaOWLS utuaz usirorwal and this enlutton fareplace all the protrocar oars tea, and tartrate. l Malaria &Gall.. A.A.DAVY-% 11. D., Aatayer or the State of UM., Bodon, EL S. A. Sold by N. L. CLARK & 00., Prepriotora, No. 5 Water street, Baotou. Rotallod by ail Animists. Int. 050. D. KEYSER, 'So. 140 Wood intact, sign of the Golden Mortar, Agtvit for Pittsburgh. :_aprkdaleSm/ rl l ll.ll r)LLOIVINti REMEDIES are offer edit .oe pol.lic at the best, tont pollee, which med . cat science /novae:rod. Arab Cam rare, Pius have been prepared with the unreels/till which the medical pretension of tote ape women, and their egrets shoes they hove virtues whietiser uses any casbinetion of tuedicfneghithertoknown. Other psvaratices do meteor lee geed: Mt this cores sorb dangerous ample: its, en ankh ands° rarely, cafe prove an efficacy ate al a arer toriwmt dimes beyond any thing which mac nave known In- fore . By roweling the obstruc tions at Line interuar , organs end ,stitunlating them into healthy actlon.rind veneers the fonntaim of life and vigor, --health Innw anew throogh the lardy. end the sick tom Is wall again. They are adapted to dtserae, and disease only, for when taken by one in health they produce bat lit tle etlect. , Thies Is Itin Kola:Mut of medicine. it it antatto.• Matte Mdlw d asg, noe° more._ Tender children toes take them With Impunity. it they are oat they will cure them, if they are well they within them to Lena. Ogre them to rem. patient who ham been prentritted with billow. cm:opinion we his heaven, tottering farm Mimed. with stontleh eve**, his 'long lost appetite return:, sac him chasm, festarn blowgn. tutu health.. Giro them to some earrer..r nb.wr km blood has bond otit In ecoofnla till his skin is covered with sores, who stands, or site, or Main mgnish. Schee been drenched inside and oat- with arm trotion •lath, togeoony amid armrest. Oh. kite Shawl Milk and mirk the effect: sus the scabs tell from his Ludy; see the new, fair akin that low grown under them, see the late leper that le clam. Oleo them 40 biro whew angry humors have planted rheumatism in Ids Johan and ferm more him and he screeches with pain; ha too hem been snaked thronsh every merle of his body with Maroon re end Worm en him these Pills to purify h4-blood; they' may not cure Lion for, alwil thermic as.,. ankh no moral power can mark, he walks with cont.:her now, end now he walls albite; they bare cured Lint. Phi them to the leari,scur, haggard dyninidc, ortionanawing stu n. ach be. king ago woes ovary mile ft., his face and every muscle Irmo his body. Sr. his appalte return, and with It - bis health: see the new man. Pee her that was radlintirith heath sad lunar:ma bin/404sta tau only withering away: Wicht if eternise oo mound anguish. or, Kam lurking diw mei, hen deranged the Intivoil organs of algal:too; aelbar Whin or weratioa;tlll they do thole ones bloid Is vitiated,her health la sores Givelter these Pilla teethe ulate the vital principal iota renewed vigor, to cast, eat alts; otetroctions, end inroona new vitality Into the blood: Now lookagaln...the roses Wawn on her cheek; anderberelitew ly.arroar of Joy bunts from every faintre., See thanwert Infant :aided with wurmk Its wan, Weld, Mature. tall you witticet dhguite: and naliehelly &that; tint theyare essing Ranh away. --Ito embed op tua and earkind teen her ; 4osidettkiall She Meedfal truth he teastwsm what; every mother know. Oise It then Plahrin large dome to sweep then vile parsidtee flea, the body. 'No* turn igen awl me the ruddy bloom at childhood: , le It nothing to ‘ll these thine/ Nay, steamy-, not the marvel orthis spat-. And seethe, .are dame around you every dey. Hen you tholes. endorse symptotand thesedlrtempins, greyer* thewake scared.. "Jatindice, Coetivents, Lea& ache, rideoche, Ileatborn, Pool Etoreach, Nausea, galn in the &Welk Intuleney, LOIN of Appetite, King's Evil, NM. ralgia, Oemtind kindraltorimialuts 1111 arise from the de= nffitemaate ,whlch them Pills rapidly ewe' Take' them nuasseringly, and under themenell of a end Physician If puma ir not, lake thernindichmaly ; breath adviastut glee you; will thedistrethung,'Mingerotel Weakens they care, which edict it many million of Our harem , seen wn art out like the devihrot old—,4boy Mink harm" In Wa beck. cod in the sea: Prhe lib cents per boa—ti borealis $l. • Through atrial amain years tad &Mash , mety Mann of chilbsid men, Ann's Onsnicr; Pachibab hair been road. to Whirl mono roller and to mire more lama at palinoulow drentaWerni erryotlicr remedy' bonsai twynanthid.'_ Mawr etemly settled anwomptlen ken pee cared by It, and ttbboonermads of .sufkren whir. wan deemed beyond reach of Mimeo aid hive bean t to their frienda mot useffilons, tosound health andthri reiner life, bY' this -111Iiioarerhanotidote Isffieners or the lent* and throat, Llano gold had settled, on the :lap. „-Thndryi htelhr eough,lhri gIaMY eye, and the pale thln ' feature, of Wm who waslately IMO and etrongitrner to all but hint 00.21M._ ptka.l lie trinewntldne Intthedimmie Is gnaw , log at . his vitae, and. -Mews lie ,ffital symptom. more and tone verall LL frame, taking the Cherry Pedant. utentt hes eteggleithit hand filet renthinit Way; Idaelee9liscrest eenlifi4 'phobia and 'titbit hie rtrougth. The dart which piercedbir.ldsa,ir bnkanT, firmer any neighborhood can be found which, bea cot some Leh* , trophy like Meld ribcage North the ernes Whtch haynynin , Linthitthwry.Poctorst en • renown.: BO ihr war:Whew door ridttind ewe cinchibblis ninth bY worm:Win than room. - The conntitort colds and coughs which it cured oretherded which wont& hereripined .&ft'n dreedlial: hared tor Incarablo &num brdtienbc.rbotdu Afouchhir r UanweirescalcurityrriboePt ft* Cough . , ens iltirritathxdor thrithroal and luny. two. Nay Meted bythe Cherry Pethirar; if 'inkon In erooonA• Army tanally.shoold bare It by them, and theywria itod rib an haraliablo peeteethea from. the Isctictiont prtmlicr t lic, a ` urrior drib, perentehreplrem snarly attawkrtle . F.l'°O. da ' or :.lKm6llam ..eye ideoce of theiribwitr.ritilk'diri ke the. treetreeta 44. maw .corriplabit..rney_ p..4_,,,t1 #7,21 Alitanann(Whlch we FOOStbrse As ter "than , linuarttnt over theearth; fortroder Oat Aber oink occrind.we Cony lomihoinii thotiEthwindirosaidondw maniac Douseste astelstedets ha niefficinegatemdlytens there Ibr distribution antis, reed 'elan Gm Sale these rem.. by DS. .i.c.4Yziti !tactical end Armlet. Vill:=4lcresll,llses, - bilnlfinendt trizo.yLltsralirt4in Wood ,*,1 1 .-.44 , 7biIrIiESTOCH. S wboa =Kt *4A, VAIMEMXix k ktoeor net Weed .33 d Pittsburgh w5,,y.P.',111.131010i , swam_ Works 3210. Atuzulli :iuld ...Brand Outten,. TOBILINGAUTLEIti -GRZNDER,..I4- fry Kalnor,Sdromusdltasats GroaWicanik _06401 loatted:Talo Ham liparsd, umwd JOON.' at tauSed px LOCUM= ANDI4L4HANOKB. illndthastilitzeorarimar•Stslll - • j 4 GA A. Ana tiproperUtpaurßftw_the WV* idifilatior drisirti bdrc e • powa ri r. 1110/391"-. .41asalpilar, at 1 WaM • _ • T IIE GREAT CENTRAL; connecting the Atta innea with Waidern,.. Sorth•Weadatu r ee ,e ~ e eith, we eterh States by a continuous Railway,direct, "Me e eet tA ee oven u rium,,,,sh with MAT. line of Stamen to en pale on the Western Rivers, met at cuirelead handaik, e mit Steamers to all porta on the Nardi-Wm:ern he r a , the most diroct, acapag t and raid*. nxda FREIGHT sari be forwarded to and from the Gra t t LUTES BETWREf PHILADELPITILS PlTTeeiT re. FIRST CLAPS- - ROott nom'. end (bps, Boone, Dry Goode, (to Immo, balm and troute,) Drugs, (In boom and balca) eo For Me. EROOND C1.A.0h." —Domestic Sbrothui, Shirting nod Ticking. On origtoni babe) Drags (In auto ' ) lianbrant, • laratber, (In rolls or Dom* Wog and Stump 1.1& Enn ward Tuna) chAss.--Auvi* (W casks') Hemp, Rama and roil, (loose, or in oaks.) Tobacco. manolartor ed, (except ettrara .pri,) TOUT/I Fah, Baron,Boa. and Pork (lb caskipt boxes, laatirard,) /ard and lard 011,,Nalla, Podia Ash, r• d.d‘ Tar. gitce, ..... IIASUIL-75c. per bbl. forth. ORAIN-4n car load. 2...5ci per 100 IN. mall torlber norloa COTTWV-112 per Wawa Emending GOO ter WiliAriotit I koh.rr ootico stlastfonnii,anypern. trim PLALVT,Ici any tie :on.. conviction is certain. 4;44 . goOd.. from any pant . osot or6thod ,ems Et r° 2 I n o " d oo *u° Agent= Mod 1101 . 1, 4 1,1 4 or rilboborgb, will bo fonnrded Wilkoo • morbid or bad mattor Prow pp..* healthy drra of causing foal to dlgoot giting tone and boalth to tb* Ma aims of the dtsesse+ -„, Pumas doom—C. B. Erane, W Kfiby aired, &dna; a. F. Clarke, En 2 Bator Homy and No./ • IFillion street, and John 51.:Donald No. a Battery Moe, Nes York. Platte irwia a Co.,.and ,Pringtnan a arms, Chtlna•tt, O, H. C. m0bi1.... mow% lll4Drammli, Bell s Co, sod Carter k leMett, Ladeillle, Ey.; P.O. Riley a Co., Eratinitle, lad.: IL F. gas ,FL Look, Mo.; Run Na, IVonaley 2 CO, blosuplasToml.; ImeCh4,o,4C .111.; P. Ohs, Ft. Wayne, Ind.: E. l.iSsieadar PaDa4 hia lat grim Eneem,Baltlmonn D. A. Boman, linecorga. 1 10118TON,Goel Freight ABM, MA.. T. 2. B CO l T.Anr.L.Altoaca. Pa. Yana) e t . S. LotthO 4t t eatt and Chicago 110111 Road. eitrea, OldtoVatis 4the aceaspazel use of th e Aclotat to relievotbutouush rigiug and *paring,. retiring, p7Tente Night eight. [ewem the bowel. UtKneil. meal milt elm Dyspeptic. span - ads sillelssayereliscre . Inaluatatract'a tomoca•the Dakar a perfect cam , rattan* Vtolie; satire curator, Ciao /Cr a ISMIB. - 'nUMMEtc ALMANUEIICCIT. 185.5.` 'MEW DEPOT, tomer of West v an . Ba nn t i.l • mud Cunt Stret t, Chicago. • • • 7.;natt . Mktg o likoo A. as. ti,d 0:16r. vs. Attire la St. r. Y. tutd NO, . . needled to throw out of Om duo alter along skim... Jaundice removes all .al from din okla. I..amt Kist Bt. &OP a.4r.sed O.EOi. it, Arrnco stChleago at...—..—.10:30 r. xi. and 7:10 JOE LeT ACCOMMODATION. Lonve•Joilet .7.00 A. 31.,Chkrwo et L:3O P. It IT Au Tr.ssa now. suss over me new tn. Winton etacogo .11 pueitg through Ilrids,porti, Ativtits And Lockport itiwo tx•forn e.aung yFsce 71- 4... d &vat well. cures Chrenie Dis whits Bummer •pa almost to the tint dove. risks causisl by .Itirmas fn safer, or opeudler rerardy fu At 1:1110AUO, with all the Greet Untern . mid Northern Unto. Drersy, exciting the At JOLIET, al di Rock Mad' 1411roed Tied, and .Cat East, At PEORIA JUNCTION, with Pates sad Oquawka Da m= Mr Pestle, Galesbarg, Darlings= lid Intermediate plasm. mending tide Inv:Whim ma Ague.. Chill Fever, low - Ty p e. It operata am milling to tooting to Ito BLOOMINGTONorIth manta central Wined, North and South. . • At EPSINOFIELD, with Groat Wisteria aIL) Eat/rOWI, Last for tootatar, h.; Woo for Jocksotivillo sad Naples. At ALTON, with To Haute and Altzu Manumit Dirt, At trr. LOU3O, with Ohio MMim. Bailrood ISeat, Woof Psdfla linfirGad sad itiwouri stamen ti..ttortht tit hit. wouri.ltemarw anA Thibrooko. Mao, tool] piditts ?bairn nolo end Allsaluippi WThrough lickota cow bo obtolnwi .tail the pApNyJ EM;2O;:= • A. IL 1700E8. ileaual filopellateautart. L. GOOintICEI Gea.Eutetu"Ag nt DO zul • 14MS. Pensulylvaabi Ratlrcoad. 1840. SUMMER ARRAll9taracimai lALENT—On and after/UT:O July bth. THE MAIL TRAM h.,. the Vantage.. Stalk* every morning, except tlnntlay, at 5.00 o'clock, rittebarkt time, arriving in rhilanelphla alt 11.00 v. TILE I.ter LIN a Aaily, except Sunday, at lt2b T. riving In I . sllndelphis at 5 0. ■., and atopplag only at prin. opal .canon.. " ' !EtaMiKli;ZZ2=l The Johnstown 6 , commaistion train leamePritteburgh daily, except ShmLay, et g:Brio'clock, P. At., stopping* all Mahone, sod ranting as fur iis Cutudneugh.. , nut A Lu mmlation Tmln for Turtle Creek Bridge,leareil ormpt Sunday, at m. The Second Anomunodstion TruM for Turtle Creek tear esdsil7, thmday exempted, 5t4.10 P. ILL— The Third Accurammiation Teals . for Turtle. 'Creek Immo daily, except Sunday, at fedi BeturningTrahmarries MLitt...burgh usfollows—lisprees 1.46 p. tu4 Mall, 1.00 a. m r Put Line 2.26 a. m 4 Johnstown gonummodation 11 n. m 4 Ilion Turtle Creek Ancommods. tion, &80x. m, Second Accommcdotion, 1240p..t0.; Third AccomModslien, 410 p. m. Treble fur Slaimille and Indiana connect at 1 1 11dMitils Lutersectiou with Mall Train East, lhprea Train Went.inhl .theJohmtown Arroutmodatkra Train Enid end West,- Pittsburgh end C.. 1111,016 Trains, Mopping at-all Ra tions on We Pittsburgh hod Ocuthellerdle Boad ,, keredsfy Subdupourptod,. Shilumu--kisil Truitt, T:oo.e. ni.;24dumn Train, m. listurning Waite. from Pittsburgh mid Counellse Ole lied, amts st . Pitiliargh, 6.46, &lo p. tn. . The to pubile will fled it greatly telltale interdeli In going Beater Wow, to Wesel by - the Peansylitaldaltall, al , road, as the some madeLloos now offered catmothe ill an "on y other mote. de the road ls ballasted with sad is mainly free from dust, we use meths sallott; and comfort to all who may faros this road witlithets TOURS. . , rare to New Yolk .. ......_..„.._.....:....._.._:..:T0 00 Lancaster. ' It 441: 45_ ibisgage shacked to all Statimis on tbePens, 3l Bowl, and to rbilubal Baltimore and Hew York. • famengera poeehmina Wads la cars ba cbansedTen Cents In addition to Oa Inathnizorveer s opefreen,tiLaties . H.• ilbn La " . In Ge r." of inrobei. pompaar will hold tbeeto - 171777. and rot , . ~=- o t not onnooling /100. llrmentsanr Ozonnrno Uno. sa4 Banks tf. Utit . w 4t a charge not to .1,4 24 cejlto for ntela Pa Ticketn apply In 3. EITSWAILT:' A dm P. IL IL Paseeiger : on Liberty ind Gnat JaSayd—my9 RAILROAD .1COTIC8: lIE TPITTSBURGII, FF. WAYNE a CHICAGO RAI ROAD COMPANY, with Its &milli Rolling Stooltsual a wpdp, smut, audit. through U. through taouuetis, fa prepared tnadport Pamongerei and ;Freight from Plaadelphia aagrPE•thoigh to Chimgo,St.Louis,luthompoik• Cloolurodf,andsli West and South woo t, with • gres• degreoorrcpalrt j _ eapedlain The DM thet tia•rood..4wm• • direct and oasuatilditid lino between Pittateurghluel Chicago, I. • m!ltfora ix* sato@ that tt. Trains will :Make geml tim., amps:Mum lath Trafnien other Roads.: 141131:1111=111.133 ULU . • • I'lleaprgh...l U. B. .M.11..........._._. I. ... Tx? P. 24 " 2.16 r. 3E. loalr.u. Reach chlgago— Lt at, IA a. x. Lam PUN. A. CIA. A r. ti t . ic;94 . !torah% Xtvrt5..2.40....w. B_2o P. xi. 6.00 • P. 51. 46 2.25, 4453 P.M.', All Tralis mite elm* couniitions t Crwillso for Cohan.' bn; ancinzttl, Indianapolb and SL Lou* elsookt Port Wvhe. vrith Traltw Walath and Wooten, • Itailimitiftei L.Syrtio,Cotttral Illinois and SLLoohnoloo, at Nowt. .oth Train. on Mall. R. A L. B. Lit.. and at Lima with Paton on Lwytue sad Michlgitu . . lirota Chicago. pe. Wayne. Crealline. , 0. !'l.l-...1000 P.m 6.20 A. M. 12.10 p.a. 11.52 ist rspm.-- cir.lo A. a 200 P. X. 9.12 p.m. . 2d .F.xprear-. 5r.26 %LI6 Theta Trains mots cirridooakerthas alai Trains for Ma; 6etphis,l2lltimdre And Nei. York. . Tr the from St.Loois,lndisrumulls, Cincionitl rani (MIMI; boa outgo close cooneetiorre es rascals, orlth dl retutubst tralue. At FL. Wrryne, Treble from aiLoolo, Orortral. Lite note, Lahyotie, intermediate place!, connect withiebottle.... Traiou At Fond, tonnecitoos are made T he Tble tn from Cinciromli, Springfield gad Dayton U. B.' from Pittsburgh to Oreotilue,, being s Mao foe keg Agthle. nem, ts mutat sgCreetlise by the .24t Pewee. ; ,; Ageremeorrattoie Mune—Goan New Bmghtoo SoiAltre sbeny :U. GAO e. x.,.1.34 P. X. Lmve Mint:terry flw r New might. et oaq, A. U. tout /SAO .x. Demo checkKl through, es.l AbAripfor.buditAso. For elegem mol further informal= applY 'oBolll3i Pseerreger cation, arrow. friberg ..and Great ats., D.J. I'dTll.l9li, .114, W.Litartaral .ISL 4poidto Mrs , moat n0n. ,, .'0h1c5 9 ;6,. , or lit kbei Aftots .4 tbilk, flistl9s4l commonce uu..IBB2IIIAY, 10th, fart, Wu! coutriiii noueatzt;eiti , :k , %iiii;Arei.4et•, D. W. BONI, Pager Agatit, chtcago.. . , . J.PthlooB.B.Bnol. ••• -.- • • lori Tito Cri ' 1 COI L 4 a, sIONDA.I Z.nalr 3.00*.x..1 . . • /9,lV, , Rerviur r atelibativll4 wad allatatimaJou tier dividon.brlox r; Voi-derritittirt, 1:1154. Detrak.Ull 0 0 V' .kaL riern i sere Lrtntitg ! to la . Vliroago,cirjAzeil 17i*k4 - 013.1c.+0 viz 00.4..6, 46 usl. isk IVEtleluita visiCll.l PlTlikt ., llo# CCIJAN BUS ..0111012CNAT1,. , (01,,, kniASGßAW . Wibeg4tlkAltbApilaibtaii , tux; evil .84ABbe , trabl. wllY leavo:theipappt of the •. sylvazda Ctutral 11.111ovrtarq:. ' • Par litaubenTilln..Golnabsiy, Dayton, InAlleasp- . ID ? A. '''. olls,.l4minflp, Odra; Manpbla 11100/Altkiii} Tor Ciatcr;,atrais4l3l.lll4l i1L14.134: t 9 thatinstulkliel**lik•virearaa: on 4.lsiu4t, so tu Columbia.'chucisPitl4"4 - Inta bepuri4 Cultitabl4bliyi, &embalm oi rotattrth•Avlltn. , UMW/A • Ilopetialazdeat, a Kit: •-•J.I. JEWITTLy„..i,W k 001.8., vautiNxi.'PALLET MAIO V.U. 1, V CUIT DUN it To'lll.o Oialailtß, 07 T . CARSON 9TIenh'TS,.'NIhIII , IVARD,../ND ' DIXTION UN TAILIBV:BATLIS.-.os gains ISllT,frekht roretwe.l. inhere et itsetWUWeliti4Y. To Ilehoulug ' 2fw-PrlelM,4ftlY To (bare M. , ..To Red Beek 4 ,44. .To , proglfo ,:..t. -- ", — ,44:41Tr: • ; Tolllsheales , -,,•••••••' . - , To Uses To Dusk 4.4, " To • „ ve • - •1 - 2,.. .To Tr, goeyttliebb , -,r,1-or,,orwr To Led OWL:. , 41 4 . . Totkarc ..... `"' 4 .471444/;i'. I pi I:, - l c ":1.0014T11,124ilmil - /rAsabantuait piNiiitar afti4 MIS titll_as i gimp:, it jet. nth ' *SIM delly.letrept iw , Solehfewy limn tie , Telf " 4 ° 4 Elou , PZeiht.W4 Phorp-, ll leave Vapiitsfiniftl.. .srmunNo: ,11,11Trid4 ' • • 01. :Tickets DO* had er.Poteraonatierjailneht Both Traistiooonecte elOontrollerille with Bonito' lialiTgi r : tkeethie . fkllntoetowit' tretobilig," Cluelorlio4,_eph.„eitier tTlen• Kowtow with errata, for height to ;hid Wroto Tilleteitth and aletiotte b w edan ci.tionto• jititiltowl.'l Wig: lim ta Pittobswal* thonimiltri wil imo Duqu"'" D. = I' V 'S lcaed etilitete4 et - Stone; etc., er will et Depot, or et the canal Depot= tr,' "minima MO • Freight Agent, rrtoxyhanis am•Pdrilitrot • U .10.60540WWA.ttelfelir..4 . Too,oco atrespnaers. .rzt.r.t Iztviiihi , skriaAretusorunamotopti.L... , J.J. , nulls V now open Ort exam...• • • r ri 1 rip 13•43 .0 '° 4 ,ooo=k i o .41,0 eftimtg;i Vtilazaati. 60e par 100 Dia. 60c pee 100 lb& 400 perloo to al:rxxxvloxs: EIGHT DAILY ViAINS. • %mem employ...l asystand(paitibargtoSatltoad "..wittrOkkge D..P/TTSBUILGN M E 4.4620- LILE.G.9 Jr. MD; OO ' 4 % IF, tta i gelll -1721WalZdon: da Cadre ItAtroad as ruilenfirt.