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II 'NADI -•••••cloudy . - 39 42 39 .29 4-10 9. o dad( ' a. 12“ Tug coral's. Z.. COURT or oiti. 41; Teuusee.—Before Judges McClure, Parke and Adams. The Court RootiwumeWdedyeeterday morn . Lag witiran attentive crowd, which stood there noiselessly all day. — At nine o'clock the jury and Court took their places, the prisoner wee put in the box and the trial proceeded. Hugh Riddle, sworn—Have lived in -Beaver "••••Tittotet,;',Alleiheny city, lance 183:4—I follow 7[•titialtrig; kept my horses at head of Fleming • : :-..Jitriett about two equates from where I live; . went to my Stable as soon as 1 got up, paned -., houed,„betwlxtYoar and five &dock, and noise; saw no light and met no One on the eteeet; fed •my harems, cleaned and partly geored.one• *hen I was done gem ing, or partly dine, heard the clock at Baptist Church strike five; eharch Stands at some distance from and t'• appellate !heatable; nod Ilea the stable at ton inumeeepOst firm. came down the same street I went up, on -the eppoilie edde from the house, ..,,and.there Wasik - women • Flood' an the pavement on the IMMO side With me; she said, "for God's eake - ga over there;„ they are -Liming murder,” ,anar d e at id as go," and we' ,went over ; the door Dimes' was about a foot open; I pushed the door open and a woman lay on the Boor on b* right aide; didn't know then that her throat witioca; I looked around and eleeieg it was dark • in the room observed a coat - hanging over the • . wthdow; child, was lying ' clam by the woman and Itook it stad,drine it beak from the woman .talittle; the woman was slim but very trifling ..,at the I began with my bands - to pat the :..firs out; Mr. Evans came is then from the front ~..doevand up to that time there had been no oth er perapn ill the room; he seemed very much die 'leered and palled by me, but whether or not • he. saw me cannot say; he passed through his .basement and went into the bask room; he turn ed around in the,back room and said, "Some d 'dol raise has killed ( or murdered) my wife an e my money'" 1, was therein the room by myself, and at this time I got a little fright ' ad and went out; I, however, gave the woman a eltke. and found she wee deed; was frightened ;.. - .2beeanna be 'had mad the woman was murdered and he might have dammed the door to, and " - kept tee there;! I then went andthe 'per .lloM 1 met, was 'Meat Rance, nit next neighbor, - said her I told the circumstance; went in to • my.-back porch to weak myself and Dill was washing himself neer by; I told him ; the story and he went at once; there was no water - ibreirteetherlebile I was there; was no fire in ' the stove ;' put my hand onit and it was rather on the coldish order; might hare been • milk-warm or so. • C roesexamined:--)dy stable is two squares :above the North it is against the foot 'of Nunnery Ptah .. the church where the clock is, is about half a square on the opposite side of the Common from my stable. The wham was sub. . lented to a close and searching arose-examination but the main Points In his teaUmany were not •teneaelsfrilly assailed. All the main facts to ~ ,w hilth'the • crotaexamlnation was directed had :' ,- beretlirought. Out; by previous witnemes whose testimony has already been RublMhed. Kee, Eliza Bhankity, Sworn—Lived on Jack 10i, _#ret`t May; rear of Enna ' " horse is eep e_.arated Lora the front of my house by an alley no wider than for a cart to paps; went over be cease Mra. Scott . nid. Mrs. Evans was burnt to death;..when leant° Mr, - . - Evaas was there tad - 1 - - raked hint "if she'.. was dead wbeu he came owed le- said, wringing his hands, "he his ;didn't kaow;" he then went to the door apartment and t Smith% still 'wringing h between is hands and crying "Ohl" I never caw him btL. tore inmy !tree. thhik it was twenty minutes to - atxtehen I went there '• Crolie-elanined—Ylien came in Everts was. Standing at the head , of his 'wife and Smith wee eating his breakfast ;in the batik room; Evans kind of went behind the front door and then Weed into the other room. Windt Louisa Erma, ," =EMI wunout pu, her andel oath, to which Mr. Collier moat decidedly ob jected, and rofcsndto.goon unless she were swum The little girl cried, but took the oath VA the Bible' and was peel upon thestand. • Skit with my sisters, Josephine and Minerva, la the: back room up stain . ; toy little brother ;Alfred is two years old, and we are both at the Orphan '"Asylum; my little sister wee named Anebel and died at about 6 mon - the old; need to help my mother met the table; .my mother's name was' Louisa we ate in Abe basement; had no regular time for breakfast; mother generally got the - -breskftuti;!_my mother is dead, but I don't remember how long; tired with Aunt ..Ellen • while after my ; mother died; she live, at Indiana (Par) my mother ii buried in the new Cemetery; ! I got up about light the morning my mother died; I hoard screams; put on my dress and came down; there was nobody there but my . pa; wanlittle dnabel on the hoer, sad when I went to take her; up somebody tapped or touched Mb on the head; del'nt hear any one When came down stairs int; the door between Mi. Swilled !room and our . (in thebalement) was open; the front door was also open(' it was light In the kitelum; - when lear my ms lying there, did not knew what -ailed her sod didn't see any smoke or !fire about her, - don't know what time my ma or pa got up that morning, but my ma did not call tne;.Wvat to bed with my mother the evening : before; she had been - washing that dey, and ehe want to bed and asked me to her feet; I don't Mind whether .pa was in bed then or not; don't think,l saw Main bed that night; pa was stand log in the kitchen b mj ma when I came down; the little baby was lying -.till on the door; elon't think my pa said anything to me; 'I bust, out ! crying when Tear 'my, ma lying. there; Mrs. _ Moor s took nit to house and gave me brut . Istd; Mrs. White tookl.he baby; I don't mind of •my pa doing or saying anything when Appe l came doeutetairs; he mu standing some pVtoo in the rearm, pa was upnrairs when I came back from breakfase t aitting by the table; don't think pa was in bed when I went to bettnor when I got up in the morning; when I came down my ps welsh Ms shirt 'lures; he bad on a white shirlorhile I was trying out on the pavement think . my pa was=h the kitchen; did't see him mane ant or hearth& scream; I am most-sure it was toy Pa I heard cry ("Aldan Inas up stairs. Ortmemcamined--The bureiTt stood back In the room, And I had often seen'My father and Mather at 'it!' bureau stood on one side or the ream and - bed on the other; don't know where my father kept his money, and dOn't remember of, his Counting any mosey on the night. before my mother died; when I came down, my mother's elethei hid bentiOn are, for they were burnt in lutlem . the Monday beers my mo th er died, -...she woe teaching us all the evening to sing the little hymn, beginning—. pt. Baldwin, recalled—The direction of the intend jihad in my opinion indicate that her Abrostwaieutbysieft-handedperson; thewound extended to within a half-Loh of the left mad to I ',Mkt& ai - inch lad "a half `of the right ear; all ,shil.iredae, &Merin, and all the wades of the - ,e,bessa, were cut off and, severed; all the blood is a liereon's badyWould run out of such a wound in the epee of aveniinutem it is my opinion as ‘piokosjenst:Man, from the nature of the cot, thst it rim tante by a left-handed man. hfre..- - .Varner,ewora—Am the mother of the late: Louisa Evans; jean in my daughter's family ?Imilifeitralleantillithin eight days of her death; "nlep&lni lkielted , with. the children; they were in bad edreseatances, Mr. Evans bring out of work and ble)elfeitad children bed off for clothing; . family ism* went to bed about balm came boats from twelve to one at night, or thereabout: they bad had seven children; he had no money when I left; have often semi the trureauvirswets but did no<new of their being 'note& Rite Identified the ow, before mentioned stiallint,as Evana , .] When Evans badmen*, he nsially got • op early; the faMiiy were hard ell for foodttl . ..ol l . On eretti . ixamination,.it was drawn :out UM!' MU kabala &mussy he pot some silver 10M . wean &ewer; . Zulu never maid in at night, except, Sunday nights; he bad no steady work; but jobs; it was Mre. !Evans who sent entieborrow the Atti.qioon &aim—David Verner, 'warn: Am married: Men, and live in Pitleburgarepegi, s„day.arisn &nine . * week in We house, in . Oa tabsr;,/857; (identities die razor as Evans' prop ectiy.}.l lionowed. that of him ones; I generally Aimed in the kitchen and kepi the razor on an abelfl¢ the capboird; inua len .41 slide , 111i*Ot irotired, for ha. usually awn, in: after we wgysibi bed; he said be Ina Short et nionoy about ••,ilia...zdadle iliasel4 wider; I, iMa, .kfaa a innney and be , iiekod int, for 11, DOI Wald not pay him; I owed lain $l3, eines Ceeseweeeeleed : lied been at .reette•- acme Webb' Ufa. my wife eimm , on froM 111lisob, ithinow Itha been: duylig tinia th ey bad .01444 mti;- 6isa--futimme with bleatee .41 1 44115444AtkVPA-4NLAik ii ottho Arplfs =7° , 4: - • zils ursk- (Oat City and- N'erwis • end from the West; I was Deter in the house 1 Eizatawar's ' Pranos„,Thia firm Wail elliab. egaht until theiticider:.''' 1 lished ,only uit) -- iints' 'Or ten--years ago, and William Millertnrornr..l..reside in Allegheny ; already- t heirinstrumentamaybe found through chy, Ohio at.; am'aequainted with the prisoner, . out' the length and breadth of nur•land. So who botrewednfine,about,the linteatietriftwas rapid a rise in public favor, and inch an aston- Wad; $2; he retained ' enti'dollatin . ..a day . or -ishing reputation gained in comparatively as two; saying it wee not roll that the man who short a space of time, may well be looked upon he owed wouldn't take it. as setnettting very remarkable, especially:when J. MoVlcker swore=Ain itisqnninted with We conifider that in no other case on record such Evans: Bar hal the night_befOre the murder; he a result has been obtained, short of the labor of Eva n Into a drinking hone- kept by Charles a lifetime. Wolf where I Was; •We (I and my company) The firm of Steinway & Sons consists of the went in for beeri.we afterwards weadownstreet, father and his three Kona, ell practical piano: fire of ns, counting:Etat% and he left us, but he makers, alike talented, energetic and enterpria-1' came back to oar company again and we left him tag. But a few years ago they commenced c ad e tmated about 11 o'clock. ' Making pianos in a small shop by themselves„, A. N. Burchfield, aworn--Saw Evans the . and yet such was the superior quality of their, night before the murder; I keep a pottery, and instruments, that they immediately rose in pub-'1 at about half.past ten, Evans and two and three ' lie favor, until they are now considered among others were there playing dominos. ' It wee a the moot sucecsafal manufacturers of this coup common thudom, as we keep afire there and ao- I try. They have three different factories, and quaintances frequent thezdace. , employ several hundred bands, and yet are far ' Mayor !Hueber', recalled—Mr. Evans told me from being up to their constantly increasing that (pointing to it) was his razor before he . orders. made his voluntary statement. Their agents in this city, Messrs. 11. Sieber Hugh Riddle, recalled—Evans had on a white & Brother, tell ns that th; eale of these piano shirt, a little rolled up at the sleeves, when I . fortes is altogether unprec e dented; that, within saw-him, and raggedes of the undershirt ap-.) a few weeks after having received a supply, peered a little the undershirt was whits they are sold. It appears that of late they have 11.1 Marshal here re-called Anthony Smi th , been adopted and selected in preference to oth -le orees-examine_him: didn't have any center- ere by persons whose opinions are highly vain- Wien with a man named Hipsley or Alex. Max, i able. For instance, the Principal of Locust Well or fittoU on the morning after the murder; . Grove Seminary, Rev. George 'P. Rider, and never said to them or, to any one that I came Mrs. 5.13. Hanna, PrinCipal of the Washington down stairs and took a light breakfast with . (Pennsylvania) Female Seminary, have supplied Evans and his wife, and OD account of the rain 1 their respective institutions with these fine in alltingwweintht htor fbedeetonagainthe;stnee7e Weyer nursingcold so, th eor baby; any that r u n m o o::: , speak aand remarkable . 1 u h c o o m e .9 i n . t h h o e tdd ha highest ve thing like i i ; never told these man I saw her sit - , terms of commendation. It is hardly possible I pat the flannel tag and the razor together into I been otherwise thin fully warranted by the 1 the floor barrel behind the door in the back base. 1 quality of their manufactureother words, meet, and kept them there till the officerseame. 1 that the Steinway pianos should not be all that Here the Commonwealth rooted their ease a n d ; their most enthusiastic admirers have repro- Mr. Marshall made the opening speech to the seated them. jury. Ilia speech occupied about an hour in ita delivery, and set forth what the defence would .... ------w----_____ llama ream lifast - rio.—The Committee o I prove. The first witness called and and sworn was ; pointed by the President of the Tame Men's Josephaa Iltpsley—Reaide In the Third Ward, I Christian Assooiatien, to arrange the holding of f Allegheny, on East Lane; have known Evans ! Union Prayer Meetings, held a meeting Tuesday four or five years; never saw Anthony Smith . afternoon, in their room. on Fifth street. till the day of this murder; went to Emma' They determined to bind Rouse's version of house about 7 o'clock on the morning of the him myself, but beard him talk with Scott, facilit y of its use. Burchfield and Maxwell. ! The witness was asked o state what Smith the Pealms to the Union Hymn book, thus aft murder, and sow Smith there ; had no talk with fording those who prefer Psalmody every needed 1 TIM place selected for the Daily Union Prayer Meetings is Masonic Hall. The openin meet ing will be held next Monday. The afternoon g ernoon said to them, when the Com t monwealth objected, 1 1 that the persons named as having talked with meetings heretofore held at the rooms of the Smith should be questioned, and not a third Assooiation, have been discontinued, but those person. After some discussion, Mr. Marshal in theirtlon, morning will still go on as usual. stated that he wished to ask Hi ale in reference A Committee appointed by the Evangelical 'to the conversation about which Smith wail in- denominations of Wheeling, have established a terrogated. Mr,. Collier then withdrew his ob. Union Prayer Meeting on the following basis: jection sod the witness continued. __ let That the books used in praise shall be the . Smith did not say that Evans came down "Union Hymns” now In use, and (as the leader glair' with him that morning ; he beard Mrs. m ay re q uir e) th e Psa lms o f David- Evans ta lki ng with her child and w i th some one 21. That those who engage i that sounded like a man; Smith told Burchfield and prayer be brief and pointed.n exhortations that be came down to see about the weathe, 3d. That the congregation, during the singing took a bite of bread and cheese and wet-back of the first' hymn and doxology rise, and that to bed; after he got back to bed, he said he durin g p ra y e r eac h m e W il l " afarta to hie ow n heard Evans a bawling. All the real was eimi- usages, aa regards posture, but that all are most lar to what Smith had testified , as before pub- earnestly requests.' to observe eome suitable Bated. Joseph Scott, sworn— . posture for such service. The morning after the murder I had a conversation with Smith and asked him what he knew about it; he said that on that morning about 4 o'clock he, (Smith,) Evans and wife came down stairs together; he (Smith) was going to build some atone wall and Evans was going to the country; seeing it was rainy they went to bed again; at about 6 o'clock he came down again and it was still raining; saw Mrs. Evans with her feet on the stove nurs ing her 'baby; heard a man's voice and Sup posed It was Evans; went up stairs and after a while was called by Mrs. White and went down 1 to find Mrs. E. dead on the floor, as before ie lated; was a police officer for a long time; have lived there since 1840. Cross-examined—Wet tip to the house with the Mayor; Teets wee there; no one was present at the Drat part of the conversation I have re laded; didn't tell me how that he, Evans and his wife happened all to get up together; I saw the woolen rag in Smith's hack room on the flour barrel andshowed It to Smith in the attic; asked him if he had senile before and be said yes; then gave it to officer Teets. A. N. Burchfield, re-called—Atop. the eeidence (10 minutes to six) away from the Court House. Sr citrintrme COURT. vreSeVl/43.---- Pie, Justices Woodward, TA, Chief Justice Low- Church. _ _ -- ;:borupsou, Steong sod ielleville Railroad va By ' by Rimier for plaintiff in Ewing contra, and by iernsr ton et al.; Fayette. Ar dela io error, by Kane , dared by Alitler in reply. tealtb; FityPate. Argued. iK. to error. /had by Kos , Fayette. Argued by How . Jiver, and by Ewing contra. Johnstotes Adoea. vs. Johnston; Fayette_ Ar gued by Patterson for plaintiff In error, and'by Ewing contra. Gebhart en. Francis; Fayette. Argued by Fuller for plaintiff In error, and by Kane contra. Cook's Appeal; Fayette. Argued by Senator appellant, and by Rowell contra. U. S. Czacurr Coda?—Before Judges Grier and Irwin—Wednesday.—Two or three civil suits, not of Much coneequence, were disposed of in this court, In the morning and part of the afternoon. Shortly before adjournment, the case of Wm. M'Coy, a citizen of Virginia, re. The County of Washington, came up. It is an action brought to enforce the payment of fifty-two coupons -of $3O - each, attached to bonds issued by Washing ton county Lb the Hemptleld Railroad Company. G. P. Hamilton, Esq., for plaintiff ; Thomas William, and J. 11. Hopkins, Ergs., for defence. A jury was empaneled, but the case did not pro gress far. A. Slim, of Washington county, who signed the coupose, was called to the stand, bat be had not gone Tory far, when the Court adjourned till this minting - at tan o'clock. lIILETIIO or 1101 CZETRAL BOARD OF ERMA 11031.—Tbe Board held Its regular monthly meeting in the office of the High School, on Tuesday evening ' Members present—Miller, Ma3laster, Butch inson, Begley, Kay, Thompson, Sergeant, Var. nnio and Singerly, President. The Priocipsi of the High School, Prof. 111 c. Lean, read hie monthly report, which was or dered to be Sled; be else eabmitted II comment. cation from Prof. Dickson, of the klathematioal department of thew:l6oot Inggteting the neces sity of procuring certain instruments for -his department.. The oommunication•was refetred to Commit ee On High School 4 connenniontion friiin P. Duff, relative to copy books, ,was received end read. The com munication was referred to the Committee on Text Hooks. Mr. Miller presented a petition from W. H. Williams, asking permission to enter Ids eon as a pupil la Mellish SohooL The Faculty was ordered to examine him, by the same standard that those who are now In the school hive been exasained, - and to admit him if found qualified. The following bills were preserated,'and war rants authorirstd to be drawn for the same: Dispatch, .for publishing, Auditor's ...Report, $l9;- Gazette, for same, $22; Courier, for same, $24,90; Joseph O'Brien, for white-wash Lug High School Rooms, $17,76; Mrs. Bilebary, Janitors= of colored eohool, - $403. , • Mr. Hutchinson , from the Carimlttee, reported a Bet of lost : tales In- the -Eleoond, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Wards, and'lccommended that the collectors of, maid wards be exonerated of the taw* contained in said lists; provided they make oath before one of the Itldertoettof the city that ,aahl taxes can not be • • • • , .„ The mere was received and adopted. Mr. Varnom, from the Committee on Tea t Books, submitted a report noommeriding thel adoption of lite text books now : ip nee in the schools; provided the ward Boards or teachers' may select each copy books' is • they - may sp prove. The repoetgras adopted. • , Mr.. Varnum, frsca the Committee on High School, to whom was referred-the application of Mir. Bort, asking the nee of one of ate rooms.in the High School, hl which• to hold his- Normal class, reported back the application without any actin: On motion of Htitahlteci,; the ;nib jolt was again referred to the-same committee: with power to ao4 Mr. ThocopionenbMillesi an application from the Dlreotors of the Seventh Ward school, for I an 'additional bomber in the Prhaso Deport. ' meat of odd school.. . - . . . - . On motion of Mr. Hutchinson tbe opplication was referred to the Committee on Teachers kind aihrlesorithpoltet to act. -The Oommittee woe 'ohm requested to visit the other schools of the city, had; that In smsequenee of the indisposi tion of Mr: Miller, a 'member it said conunWee,- Mr. Hell,- banppointed to act on said oomminee. The Highand Colored Schools were ordered to btoiomfkiliaik / 8 0t dad 25 tli root., and it was recommended-to the•Mard Schools to close thelt selfoolo on the eon! days: . - _ Tits AintrWisoar.--The. couinilltiew of to. bietwobite, boiler unikerei'litild'billitlitOtniditT.P. sdl meet at : Shioes onciithicinriniagst seem o'clock, Tanen and nietireinentlenther ' makers' ifouimittee will read'at - tlitillftltlirOrj. Public tiebeet Ileine,--eatner -of Vibe _ nut etreinwon. Friday 'vexing, Um 12t1t.- The nodose - mune In at too late on hour far-taind '•virtialug oolumin. &ad in fatenensiaere feytki r , film e.c 10, k , i.',A4 ' • " ' Late 11" ' r 7. a ' lters, 4 a t_10 lZ 0 0 , s 4 " 4 . s' 9 " 4 "A emi it 4 tott rlt sett , • AT A MEATIBO of the Committee of Arrange !ileitis for the Centennial celebration, held at the Mayor's office on Wednesday evening, 10th inst., on motion of Mr. Wm. Phillips, Ma - Honor, Mayor Weaver, was requested to preside at the meeting on the 25th inst. The motion being seconded, hie Honor replied Gtnilemen--I fully appreciate the motives which have prompted the mimes of this resolu tion u a mark of respect to my official position as Chief Magistrate of this oily. lam never theless constrained to decline the distinguished honor you tender me. It is earnestly fitting in the first public commemoration of an event of such local interns!, that come one of our old and venerable citizens should be selected to preside on that occasion. It will afford me great plea sure, however, to contribute all in my power to wards the sue:efts of the proposed demonstra tion. The occasion is certainly one which all Pittsburghers must regard with a patriotie pride and is worthy the importance you attach - to it It wan then moved by Wm. Little, Esq., that the Hon Wm. IVilkins preside on the occasion, and he was unanimously chosen as the presiding officer of the day. J. S. COSOBAVE, Ch'n. "el were call - es. logo s It. the Princips a Tiii w ove . - esolations were passed at the Teachers' meeting o s but : Resolved, That the Principe a - Schoch; of- Pittsburgh, Allegheny city, aturin 4 adjacent boroughs, be requested to mutter with their respective Boards' of Directors, with regard to the propriety and meet appropriate manner of participating in the approaching ••Centennial Celebration," and report the same at the next. sleeting. Raolved, That the Preeident call a 'snood, ••eating of all the teachers, at the Iron City:, •liege, on 13stucday, ,Nov., 13,0 t I! o'clock, P. al. Air a meeting of the eoransitteo appointed by the Fireinen'a AAMOCiiIIIO4I, held at the lilayor'e Office, November 10th, it was Raolard, That the Captain' of each Fire Com pany in the city he requested to meet with the Committee on nest Saturday night at 7 o'clock, at the Mayor's Office, and that each-company be requested to meet at their respective engine houses, to take meunres relative to the Centen nial Anniversary, on the ?Ist Inst., on next Fri day week. WII. J. Monsoonal's, Seely. S. ll'Canny, Chairman. Ar an adjourned meeting of representatives of the several Literary Societies, held last eve ning, the report of a committee appointed to adopt some general plan of action was made. The report advised a general turn out by the societies, on foot, under one banner, with die. thictive badges on the breast; the racers of each society to walk or ride at pleasure. The societies will take action upon this suggestion, and report on Monday nest. Buie Constr . " FaxsacsScatr."—Mr. Deer, having instituted some fifty-six suits against Messrs. Watson, White tt Co. , for issu ing what Is known as "Furnace Scrip," or "Shinplasters," had a hearing of his case be fore Esquire Cox, on Wednesday afternoon butt, which attracted quite a crowd. It Petriken and L. W. Hall, Esqra, were attorneys for the pros ecutor, and Hon. Samuel Calvin and Wm. Wil liams, Jr., for the defence. The Justice has not yet entered judgment in the case. Let hie de cision be what it may, it is expected that the matter will be carried up to the Quarter See• dons. VULCANIZED GOTTA Psecl,—The rapidly in creasing demand for goods of (Ma class, bag In duced the opening of a hoes in which every thing in the. line may at all times be found, including Packing and Belting of every diserlp lion. Our readers are referred to the card of Mr. C. Maggi, of No. 7 Wood St., in another column. Burman Assoctaitox.--A meeting le to be hold in the Pulalo School Moues, in Mononga hela City, on Saturday nest, with a view to the organisation of a Building Association, or Mu• tool Aid Society, in that place. Tax Ode for the Centennial Celebration—"Oae Hundred Years Ago"—musio by Harry Kleber, words by Mr. Plimpton, of the Dispateh —will be sung by a °barns of about 80 voices, accompan ied by a brass band. Tamuo will be an atlionrned meeting of car penters this evening at the blayor'S Office, to make arrangements for the approaching Anal- Tan Butt of Beaver County has declared dividend of 8 per cont. A CAllll—Lanus' FANCT Fuss.—A. HoTighe, earner of Grant and Fifth streets, respoothilly Informs the ladiesthat be bee just received his first stook of fumy fins for the winter of 1858. He would also , say that pureltseers who buy for cask will And: this the cheapest assortment of lbw goods ever brought to this city. The following are stew of the styles and pci. . 250 Bata Royal Martin Viotorinas and Cuffs, s very faebion►bte otylaot for, at $4 00 a eat. 470 Bela Mountain Fitch at $5 50. 870 setaitench Sable at $4 00. 800 sela real German Fitch at all sorts - : of prices. 26 extra large Corage Capra. 40 sets real Mink!, of Capes, Malta 7Seeta . eites Sae, real/hone Marlin 12 net real Sable. • ' Tcgeihalvith 144 41 : 1 _10h mill be hand walr C iv: t aLth iti f e er ba si; u ; :ti c am ' i al ot leo tiose 4ll'at er Y b 9 e l w ill ie ulf4 h , to Cuffa bny . b " 1%, ' LADIES' , CLOAKB .4111) FITIS largo assortment of fuldonable belts, In Bea ver, Velvet and "Broadoloths, d the lateit styles of Raglan's at . % per cent. less than the same goods arw sonally, sold , elsewhere.`, , Also, over Oahe hundred;sethi kit ladles' fancy • Innt, aro now offered at A. ItleTighe's, corner of Grant and Fifth streets -Purchasers will she And at' hlo'figlie.it the - beat and awaited assortment Shawls In this city: •• , • •11 , . Trim tailoring •Inaines4 In lis various bnineherp faidniaing plain and'fancy work tot both eacoe"and Ow b oarsfolly. sinnidods andGrp* M A, at I- Corupthwes Mast strooti , oghsoy wiry. Added he this branch eel boldness, sr too dock of Malan& chinking. and a fedi erarioty of deriatyla. shirts, und•V•irear, LW and winter glossy:Work A nalm r -11411 , 4 il kig i i , 1 71, ; f' 4444/ .1 at , '!" 1 , 1 i0 1 /f• •,. : ii- wei:.Seilitisiettlietwwetit:eef jai. meow ;so" , ;co Itennh*/Nal.wit; . 1 . 01 1 1 W***1*-111"4 *iat.:tioiriii azeiumk - **ropswi - -, JAYra: - ribisidik Otiditioastkw. .174106.6.7= and ri,pr**llli 016401 . „:..,6fraillt- 1 --; ' ' ' #O l / 1 0 1. ''. -.-. - 4 : r•Pitla . -4 - - 131 1 4 '-',Z, '.' 4- ' . ..*2. -- ..f. ~i.......', .., , ... • &CM= To EfEDDATtgetr.lnbetedhew. j og ...i...,„0„...„ Web atplaing to is atedtn. , bum oimapect far a 'el Maud. esteem*, Ih• Wi • w w z i ateters, ~,,g,,e reins, of the hrilihnit alms. Drt actress wow playLut ... at the Pittabur . gb neaten a., ~ Nemunber 4.1., ISM. 0. 0. 0 „..„,.... , 0 . 1, it uu 9f the Pillabugh Theatre— Due En The undenigetstreepeetfollY nelson that. if eon. Witten& UM the semmtementa [dime Theatre, a sightma t y brappropelsted for a Compliteentu7 genets to Mu J. h. 1,,...v.„. mi. imingurion lii, rf men*. *oldest to the COUMLIfte• of Um lady, with whom we beg you to summa. Mate et. the subject. We.are *dared to make respect for her, who, of ell aria;this request, by oar profound acre...ta r ts Me at fol representation of the ituMme,yretheo u . od T b.„,i l Dab. id creations of the great Masten of the Drama, o nr Nun n . t o her mins end purity Duds Ifs chief sone. be one reserence for the tadifors umeeptkme of ituttyrUi poets—true philmophers of humulty—tro.t., l:l ~, ~,,,,. relay—who spode, by her lipe, lemons of wisdom virtue to enraptured thousand. Pen 7 re•Pedfully, ya ea etu, Will A. Stokes, W. Moyer. Thanes Z. Seam, 11. D. Foster, &A. Illiare. Joseph Casey, ,-.. • Junes P. tare, C. Baribeler. t. It. L.Goldee, W. J. Mamas, James IL Rhine, .7. 11. le o ,A. Aim W . Eisner , lobe LL &as& W. Sweets welde Edger Cowan, Wm. H. Whitney, D. (Tx.% J.O. IrChneland, W. D. Barroll, Jobe C. Harper, a, p. Kerns, Wm. L. Smith, Wm. Auden., W. D. Alexander, Redmond J. Gmee, If. E. Plimpto n, A. IL Barnett, X. J. Keenan. lobo coil., ... . li. Roberta Harry Woods, W. If. Stewart, •• N. Tbompeop George L. Era*, Jure. T o dd, y r , .. Day. Smith, j Alexandr Watson, lobo P. 0111.1. . hillwaine, l To Gen. WIG A. &ohne, Wm. IL Maid; D. Fodor, li. J. Urott., James P. EAU, °therm oeetiemen—lt ern me great plreaure to re. popd to your. regoest.that • @gilt abottld be appropriated fora Compli mentary 'Benefit to MAI Sm. DeveePalt p* consult mien with that kdy, to whom have comment ted your highly complimentary tokettione.sre havedmignatedltriday evening, the 12th Instant, for the bacent, on which occasion Mies Davenport will appear as "Julia," In the play of The flunchbaek," and "Julian.," le the emetalY of "The IlotatY• moon.. On Mk acclaim Mks Davenpo r t e du .1.0 rate Poetical Defense of the Drema,..7 written by a gentleman hf Westmoreland magy. /loping that these arrangements meet your approval, I am, gentlemen; ram' respectfully, • To.obedient servant, ()Humes a. PORTEIL WlLae, OR WC ICU IS VCR BEST, VZRRIFITOS oa Woo. Durum? I. • question =llya= hourly asked by parent., anxious for the Meth of their children. All who the et all acquainted with the sends will Immediate ly sneerer, Dr. McLane. Celebrated Veretrifore, prepared by Menai 8r0.., Pittalmrgh, P. It hse er been brown to COL eh hi one of the Want mood= thnev tow be used. A friend of oure lately headed cm the following Oedemata In refresh. to Mr Vermiform New VOSS, September 23th, 1•52. fir a Certiress....—A 701114 lady of ow acquaintance had been boor time Toryism= troubled with worms, I =steed her to try Dr. McGehee Celebrated V ero= by Fleming 800.., of Pittsburgh, Pa. at Prepped onl put , y chased and took one teat, which caused- her to discharge sn 0,,,,,,,e1 large gneertity of won= Rho was lentoedlately relieved of all the dreadflal eyurjetom• =tom panylror tide diseue, end rapidly reordered her usted n th. The you= lady den not ebb her sense mentiore4 :o* ever, le = fifth street, and she refers to lb.. Ml/ ent.lll, N a 8 lienhatten place. will be =Tafel to mak for DR. idiRN vs OIL I'V''LtITYD nainstrox, manufactured 0 BROS. of Partotosan, Po. All other Venallureafre pen. leen are worthless. A.. IPLenee gaud= Vettoffo •ho his celebrated Lim Minoan Row b. had at oll le dr= st dA eeorm Now pemdme winter/ the :lm m oclol et GALVANIC Birrßar, OR ELICTRO MAO 0 Mama= for Itatlcal purpose*. of • very =per! r kind will beer= free of tore= ellen" wh en em nom op= • remittance of Teo Dollars. Addeo.. Dri OR , R. !MYRRH, No. Ito W 0.4 et., Pittsburgh. Pa. sd... Telegraphic. ... • . cis, ov. IL—The overland mail with California dates to the 15th alt, bus been re • red. Frazer firer dates to the 4th state that the iver f t flu fa ll en considerable, and that gold his bee en out, but the weather is too cold to work n , an the miners are returning to California in large U rt. Oregon dates of the 6th, state that limb: a d en s are seeing for peace, which Col. Wright refuses, anc „ de mands ma unconditional eurreauter, with - all heir women and property. The. soldieniare damn, log the grain Geld. and previsions of the Indians, who are reduced to a state of starvation. 'The American Commissioner had interfered to se cure to American' at Vitloria,accused of patty crimes, the aid of a Counsel op trial. George Penn Johnston had been arrested for kill tog W. J. Ferguson to a duel. BOSIOO3I throughout ths State b very doll sickle the sailing of the *tamer. Flour dull; salmi ranging from 89,50 for Domestic to $l4 for liaxall. AUGUSTA, liil., Nov. 10.—A killing frost is report ed to hare occurred in thie vicinity, and it is certain there hoe been a heavy white frost. The growing c ot t o n cr op ill StippliS9li to be aerinualy damaged, if nlled. The Wilmington,(. C.) Journal reports a pilot boat baring spoken a darer, in charge of LleuL Stone, of the IL S. sloop-otwar Marian. She is ex pected to arrive daily at Charleaton. zuenn, Nor. 10.—An adjourned meeting of the Railroad Cou'eution met GU evening. The at tendance wu much larger than at any precious meet ing; $400.000,000 of Investments were represented. George Min, of the Michigan Southern Road, was chows chairman, and G. B. Anderson secretary. No *.".a WAD DIDDIACted. To-.l g ht, nearly all the guany Pastan roads will he represented. - llostom, Nob. 0ta , „ 44 tr. of Lawrene+, Stat.-, meeting of the credi thiL A.hlitional cl aim! will be pre was held to-day.• hm. tooth., with the el•lnt oe-Geo. Peetho Loodon. *son._ 000, will swell the earn owed ty. ~,,, et a.. ti me or itS ralhtro to four millions Or xx.. , - New lions,. Nov. to-r. &CIO s Congressional Discrtet the GILISYMNPTIB have o n j • tap-, •.1 of the 24 towns. In Westehlr m -t • • ety the rehnha show • slight gain for Ilukte resisiflembibit.„ • ed by ten or twelve majority. ' WARUISCITON Cm, Nov. 10.—The Collector o Mobile bu been applied to fora elearanco to Walk We emigrant vessel, but he him referred the question to the Secretary of the Treasury. New Yonc, Nov. 'O.—The steamship Persia sailed t noon with $BO,OOO in specie. CIWCINTIATI, Nov. 10.—Waatbor cool. Thermo:a etar 45°. The ricer bas flan three Inches within tb lut 24 hoer,. T•i•ltraDble Markel, :in 17013,N0v. lg.—Cotton ...it; We. 1700 Wed Floor Arne; Naha 1400 Ws State, and Ohio nand hoots—, Wheat buoyant aka 40,000 bash; while $l4O. Man de. dined: ...o.ae,ooobuA :nixed 766677 e; yellow 350830 Rot booyant asks of Ms. at 31740. prin. $13,706614. Reef newly; ad. at 6106411,60. Rama quiet; odes an*. pickled halm at 14;9;c Old dry malted sbooldere at 806 X. Ranee steady at 111E6lSo. Idwarel Oil *toady. Sugar steady with salsa ot Idascorado K 70e. Rotuma steady; N. O. .1d .046 e for now. QC. Arm. Tallow Arm, Rides Arm. Spirlh: Tarrentlaa dolt 4000 sallow sold at . 1604672 e. Aka atnady at 304 N. Cotton freights to Liserpool 7.374 Mgr 001s1,. to Liverpool iscissi. • Broca 3lsazwr.-.4ltoeks lower: Chicago & Rook Island 46X; TlllsoN Central boot RIX: Lacrosse * Iliterankes idlehisso Boothern =YR N. Y. Central S4X; Raadlng 61; 6111wankee & Mitalarlppil4X; Yintiola slams it Wiles owl slaw 119%; Galata &- lftle•So 7eR Mlehlgin Con- End 684: eleSetand hTokdo 33; 1111aob Casual Railroad 13. • O.O?Li —Beenssbue destined reeript.4,s4o haw Wee he SW for Inferior, and 113,4 far the brat Sheep buoyant; nrainpinllpalk nen atpien,no fortwin.. Swine active iit1534®%%. P4ILIDIZZAIA. NOY. /11,4n1/10110114 b aelllnft froelf $5,871,00; Timothy commands $24234, nod Plumed at $1,60 Marl. rather !Inner, bot devold of act:tally; aalee of superfine at sfr; antra 50g544,110,5ad antra family at $5,75.ad. Th. resselptame deamainit. tat atUl moss thou ample for the demand. Bye door doll at $4,12X, and cp., meet .1 $3;75. Wheal of good quality .carte and to demand; WM tool (*Jared bold at VA and whits at $1,3381,110 nye...IMOD arrival at 75... • Corn astranoted.2m We. of MOO bush old yellow at 81082. Oats admold to 44.. Mar Pork flora at $17,60. 600 to beef sold on private term.. Rams Whoa et 1412; aldes 034, and ahoolders 7%@7%. onto Whinkey Oro. at MO. Onecurvanh Nov. 10.--flour onehangok, IMO bids sold at $1,25€4416 for superfine, and 54.7805 for extra; the rteeipte are moderate. Mislay firtio 1400 bbla Vold at 111 e. Nog. acting 4,e00 head sold ala for future delivery at $6,12,4 ®400: th e prevailing rate to 66,25 for December doilvery. and $6,80 for 600 head to he delivered In the and weak 11l January.. The market einem hnovant. Provhdorui areactire for future &Demi bat the per tionlate are kept prtrate. Orson hams wive at 80. The detnand for all arPcles In the Pork line hi epeonlatlve and the buyers country drovers and feedera; regular boner Sr. operating with peat tuition, on the groan& that the preened_ prima are too high to be mita Money flatten are unchanged. The weather is odd and cloudy. Burgeon, Ner.lo.—Vlnir active awl enchanted. Wheat firm at $13501,23 for red, $1,20611,30 for white. Corn bet ter; old white :/@,lr net yellow'&108S. Whiney dales iimusemcnts pITTSBUROR . . THRATRE.- SOU Leases AND hlutpa... Evans Drucerce....::...—.— PRICES OP ADMISSION: Drew Mole k Paquette 00 Ticksta to PAW* Boom 76 Parolly.Clecle- 2. Whole Boxes, . -.....56,C0 Colored Gilkey -. Proootaluie Poise - Colored Bain- . 60 Cowl op= ai7 o : olock. Outdo 'bee 734. Box aloe . elecolo to 3 o'clock. • . • • Positively lath debt but. broke the ointment tragedienne /dim J. M. DEVICE POET, who NU, rsoneet c repeet her greet rendition or CAMILLE. ..In=etae or ei tteXr u otho length or Ode vett play, TERIESDAY EVENING, Nor:1101,1558, wilLbe'prometed the greet play of OAMILLE---Eat . lathy Wm Derenport; Arman Mr. IlloPertend. To roneinde with the amosing_DANCE—AREAOOIIIIBX Ithßi ol me Tornbtill and Right. end Mr.. lithEit end liartitateow. air• Friday. grand Complimentary benefit j. DATNNEOUT. • • , ilit`ln rehearsal, and will be epredily pradtomd,• new play. written by. Oli ver e L. Leland. Esq., a like...entitled TUE CEASItIA. I at, THE 00IIST OE whkb will be porn:km*llln this Tbeetre for the Era time, and pro Odd with* moth splendid rad. • Nr.Cllntook's Caxpet and 011 Cloth . . INAIEU2IIO I IIaiIe • - N 0.112 Marla wed, sear abet/ WE RAVE NOW: RECEIVED OUR EN; TIGN Fall and Plater en,* of Goode peembeeed Meet from tbe maannetaren at mdseed_prlose Oar elect ornalste of 230 pleas of choke Velvets, Yineetry laded3l vie; Yoke% Medallion Genre- (tee breedibs Mabee; a moon)1000 lee ImPorlot tbronelf eel mew Legestocamelleg. Floor Olt Oteithe from 2to 24 feet wedeln nen sod dmopettereleTh2tlen BM me Stair ear. 're IMAM, Dan*, Geom. last and carve* Wages Drente for meaner moots, teen 01 se erlae, 100 Pelt Cloths aid Wailed Crumb Olathe Dream, GU Meek. Liam far Mahe hearth nameable and &no come Table 011 Clothe Beermood, MebegenY mat 0 .2 MI Mena:Bard Gbretameble earning, te. • 600 pairs Gold Bordered Ole Pend and Landempe Fended Veda, -Medea Wier% Patent Gude iliterse' Gam sod Bali Gotland for WM , dow nada. • Geentleal patter= euri,% , ‘elottc Black Xastmalled Mamba Coareand Cblaa ' for edam etarble„ La. Door Illate,Beir Bode &a- Oar amtmeera and Ibe peak are Inrfted to exenthe tblir choke cede _ teostmateak, we an deteradad all at Mawr. Mae Straw Itaakto Works So. 049, soi, oga, Jtaborty stivis,P4llo!iing*.P.a. *AMU 31ANTELSonade bytimbinetry Wkwrefarokomoonik Ohm Wow. oorekeltontord:rinitroll - Ord WWI sem 9.94. ampoas *Mae Nektd4 aid 11,1 , :1111990,100410 9 -14•199Faatkr ...- :?t4l4tW' , r. c.saamera i al R-00FING - _..................„........... _OCIICIIWITIE OF ARII I TRAT/ON FOR NOFEWBEIL i • intraln Gotta F. P 4 C. Mansur., PSL Dans, J. I. Cheap and Durable Pare and ' Water-Proof Raman.. F.J..titr-utsma. -.---,.. _____-__.-...._„____ __ i ELISTIC CEMENT ROOFING: - ''-. ,-, Pli*TBlsl/51G&I igalt2LlCTs LlMPortetikediaripfor the POtabwrph osege.l THE FIRM OF PERRIN & JORNSON haring, by mntnal consent been . recently diesci r ... AnraorMath Tatmanar, Nor. 11, 1858. now t _ thi ... kit i i ~,,,,,migid and d o n .; „h. of ed, G. A. RATES am! WSLJORNSON giro boll., that they have entered Into nett It about 75 bble from wog.. at $1 7 5 and 15,00 for sow and rying_ o ath mnia's'. Sam! Matinee% Man Oa brambles, under tiro mune and Ora of RATES 2.. Jr;1111"TOPN4:1:i76:roer,l; eats. Front atom We. of about 600 biota in lots at $5,00 trAnm. 7 5 Stokatiliteld 5 t , ...Diamnd Alley. for caper. $5.25 for extra, mod $5,5.:545,62 fur family do. We are now prepared to anat. with oar ms Room° steep or dat trots over roc h 1 o. edd At ?-- GRAIN—Oata in demand; aalso at canal of 170 boa at 43, composition or mobs roofir. ateansboats, railroad mos &c.. being admirably adapted to witbstatft th7..io --4'"'„,. and ate do at 45. Barley, &Xi boa in lois, iron, ,sago n at 00 weather, or the action ,of ire, and II 1' not Waled by Wog tramped noon. too ala, attend l ' e Be) m old *rag '''' id 0" ~,,,—, €0630 for Spring, and 65 700 kw fall. Ityo, 450 be. rro o , Woofs In tiro most thelongh manner also, to emanating Tin. Iron, Copper or Zinc flours, making th ' em altar.tisi, - O rm.. i wagon at 73. gore, ONI bar from 4,...1 70. Wb..t, . Seen ring them against the action of tiro weather, for 81.50 per ernaro,(onobomired sonar. foot.) . - - w - ...a We of 330 berschoire eon White at SI,L2 on wharf. ILIICON—taIm of coo lba Lbman" and Llama at we EIZEINGLZI $ l, OOl l B OZISTII N T 2EI ar.d lit,4m 4400 Ma Maid ei and 0%; and 4 tra Sugar.enred Preserving them and renderthg them FIRE - PROOF, Mr 82.00 per antomi--discount for large roots. Hams at Ipo ?Lb. ...,„,„ _ . - ... iii - i , i , 24 25 c, iid n i , Thia Rooting to CheapeM than any other land of Roof, and ls loam,' at union/may mew rapj,",,, 1 d __. - ,. • „„ -- •• • ... of 30 D°M no Is g e efedig all other kind.. 111 . :L i i iii , ii, if , m kid . it vi 5 4 ,0 . f , too too . Had g material for solo, with Instructions for applying. References and cortilLates at oar MOW.- small We. of Straw at 87, DATES ...b JOIINSON, No. 75 Smithfiehl Street, near Dinmond Alley, Pitublargb Pa APPLES -4n limited demand ; salsa of 40 and 18 bbls at $3,5064,50 as in quality. N. R —Onreanvas la not r, nderod worthies.. in preparing it for the roof. 0/L—eralea of 20 bbl. of No.l Lard at 850 11 gal. ___.___________ MILU'dI.I. CORESE—solee of 70. 60 and 100 ho. Wll in lots at 7.,ty. BOOR MINIM FLOUR—we beard of same small sales from first hands at $2,12; from 0000.100 nick. at 52,40 and 100 do at lez,bo V i 100 Lba. PofATOlethedotnand continue: attire. tiro taloa Moir. store were about 1000 boa at 70 tor Prokeyes and Reds, and . 75 for bleaboonocka SERDB--mles of 130 boa. Timothy geed at g1,54,' "A 45 IN. and 100 do at $1,60. BUTTER—in good demand- sales of about 3 000 Ms Roll at 161516 c for good, and 1741018, for choke. BALT—seas of 200 bid. No.l at $1,60 5 5 bbl . DRIED APPLES-4n demand; • Min of 0 1 bus at F4.:0. 13YRUF—a sale of 100 bbd. on MM. , . ha.. ROOS—the reathar being favorable, Messrs. W. 11. head live atut Holmes & Rm. will commence killing. today. Sam of 3 00 henna Abo Ifj4 3o...oyort h ralla, and the matted was Om at they ble from ead bare been contracted for, .slices. m_Nov. Ltto Dec. 15, at 4t464,ti0, grow. MONETARY MID CORINIKILCiAL. The Bank Statement on the whole Is • more favorable one than woe generally anticipated, eepeolally to the specie item, hut the continued istentsae ht the loan line is certainly an unplanned feature. The line h now larger than:ever before reached. The ` eat hig line previously wee in August, when the specie shod ispao,ooo. The Increase dining the week peat Is over $100,1)30, while the loan in specie Is $370,- 000. It hi not any dhcover how Ebb (=ream of lams bee been accomplished, when the maturity of of paper le going on to • la extent nod new paper dom not freely offer. The occur., .., of Twin tiny socounb for the Increase In cirenletion. With &turnout, South and weeks, -of some forty-0n hundred thonsand dollars In two weeks, cud th e reemiptof twenty-eight hundred thousand from Cial !rmie and the Sub-Treneury, the malt of the specie count is considered to be quite firorable. The nadrawn depoelte gime no Important change. As the bank bemuse have Nem severely drawn bpan the load depalts must show a large accumulation. The following lila comparative katement of the condition of the New York Banks for the weeks ending O c t. 30 and Nor. 8: • Oot. 30. More. L0am.......—5126093,680 1126,860,493 $ 715,017 Specie .... .70,707,817 20,337,343 Circulation- 7.340.99 8,136403 Da. 370,4 m lue. 341 94.1 17 Depalt,so_. . 103,801,267 109,217,446 410,191 --IN. Y. Mb. Und' Deets-.4309 8,387 87,3'27,9M Ino. 21,1555 hot.Te week opens with lammed buoyancy DI the /log man he offerings orintinue moderate, both as regents pre. muntkititure dellrery, and Uwe Wm • /ergo exc./ of buy. ers today at $6-.holden, generally, cot/lading flnnly for 50,25, end mune advanced their stew. to 56,50. The demand le chiefly , frem • clam of operator. known Am ontalders, though some of our regular packers took hold today at VI. Eastern dealers are Mill following the trade, somewhat in the Madre. The number In pee. In estimated et 12,000 heed. Bums boon were cutting today . sir moderate ex tent. The weather is sten nasathrfatcory.o llama sold to • lags extent Milo for Inters delivery. The al. com prised ebout 18,Ml0 plasm. Omen Elhoulders brought 4l.ic. Wird sold at 10010% for barrel and lies. Then ere buyer. for Dees Perk - at 516,50 kr December, Red $ l O for hmeri. The prices of llop, _Mese Pork and Lard, on the Eth of N. Toolbar, for a few years put, compare as follow.: liege. 194,--- Was Pork. Iltd, Lard. $15,50 ' 510,00 1 •57..-... 5,50 14,00 10,00 1E56-- 26 -491 n. 0m. 6, • 23 00 12,50 In Money bailey, we heir of temporary Lana pt 3 It cont. without both., and 4 li teat, on 30(400 dept on pmbeis ee collateral, sad to tiro old establistial Brokers. ;ad 411 cent, at cell, en mlscellaneous collateral. The Diet -omit Broker• ate pmaing prime ao;p3o-ao, arosplinces et 4 rent., and other lintel.. piper, haring 90 day. toy month• to you, at 490 . ril osot.--frl. Y. Trill A new counterfeit ten dollar mate Made In appear.ee le thia city to-day. It purpeata to have been leaned by the Merchants' Beak or liewburyport, Uwe. The counterfeit la dated July 2, 1650, letter A, and very paper. WI, printed per. The whole note Is wanly assented, Pod orflyon pink .1.. /sited to deceive those not famlll. le ith Pena pot. --IPhlla N. Amer. Adriree from New Orleans, of Saturday's date, report the product Market depreeeed, under advice. of • rise in the Wegent !Mere. engin were arm et 5,35 t." r fait, &La Efolasee• at I.lkg!dr. There wee an active demand for Winte , c heat t o-day, Rod the market *inured 2e, with ware of t 22,000 bushnis, at ill @Lie In store far. No 1 neck and 0241100 for NJ:: fled. Spring Wheat weedull. and declined liaglo, with ache of about 10,010 bushels at 7543 . 0 7 Re for No 1 Spring in store; SG 0.16151 e gr No :Spring 07e fur 11 ejected:and:4c for 'Stump call; tree of atorage. The market cleared doll, with little or en demand, either for shipment or speculation. There wee quite en active inquiry for (kwn, which ron. Hours waren. A cargo of 12,000 bushele was sold earir, hu the terms were Imp, private. Late in the any 27 , 10 bit C. ra sold et Ric efkat; sad Lie for No 1, with Sr star. Barley ceetinum dull. Oats quiet. 11 labwine. Inactive Th.thy Beef ln. fele demand at 81,Tf1e1,8.5. The Provielon market le owlet. Some heart Mcn Perk sold winte hie toda r's L eel yat M. r t nt tooday'. delivery. A cite pecker gold Di old for lode) delivery et 9c.110w 14 - I/,e lower -10] The B th og ...het rental. 50i1,., with largo receipts. Pecker. are reeking prepatatlo. to COLlatnerall i. week. --(Chicago Putiaortema Cants Mo co, , Nov.,, 1850 .—The ordeal. of Reef Cattle show • felling off, reaching atm. 10 * bend at the different yards this week, and the omelet Wax tole.- ably Intik at about previene quotation.. which ran g ed al alltd Ino . o. t-Pi4ly cal worn sit laardollic,od TYjrnad r ID, dreemit r‘g In to Imo—the artinle at Phlllipe rani were:l,l:: brad , paces ranging vet trem‘tkAlMO,lo 100 Ike. oat: " "Aa - v aaa. MA. . lAtalik WA_ Erni which " The Dgmont, which left here on the W' It • • a vied woos months ego, got teak yesterday from (giro with • fair loW. She is In good repair, and will toad again as mon as possible.—The Clara Dean aft yesterday for Louisville with • fine loW, and drawing a auks depth of The Delegate, Csapt. !Baratta, left for Nashville, the Fulton City, Capt itrktelL left for Bt.Louis. and oleo the Orb, Copt Way ' and Bic Wm. Wallace, Capt. Campbell. This day the Toms, Capt. Moore, will Imre for New Or , lean.. This tea tine boat, and •most excellent man In cam ,itariner, Cote brave, and our good friend Reno et the ask, will be reedy for Lonleeille today. Also the Argonaut, CepLlPLean, and the Cambridge, Cept Dem, get-ready for Et. Louie wit.. fall. All them ere .a t. and .11 commanded boats. The following we clip from the Zemerville Cornier "Tom lersoran.—The fine light-draught steamer Lizzie Martin left for Pittaburgh this morning, where she will hen. fall length cabin and thensual number ot state-roan. put op, and ends other improvements made an "rill render her to every respect • Brat.etaaspamenger packet. Abort two weeks will be reqtdrod to do the work. efter which time atm:rill resume her place as a regular packet to the Zanesville, Marietta nod Parkersburg trade,—exinning on the same davit. heretofore.. CIMINO MIMI' --Yestaiday morning two men named and ilyelt. followed • men named Matt Detry on brawl the Endeavor, where they eadenvoted to kick up a roe. An altorectio; 0.14 took place between the parties, Derr-drove • bulls and cut Hyatt mews the abdo m oh eliallictiog an ugly wounded coosiderable length. Pre vlom to this &Michel had eseaulted Derry near the Swan Moms, without Jost provocation, far he was fined 010, by AM, Dotty, and houutiover Wens., the charge at court [Wheel. Intel. The Warren Mall (Allegheny Elver) my.: We bare quite a smart rein hem this week, tett not ea much weJodgeas Mayhew, further North. The river la up to a low rafting stage already, high enough to let the hunt. tore boat. oft, !leveret of them ere Improvhig the ohmic. Three boats go from the Bash Factory of Mr. Jame., laden with mob, doom and The Oinclanati Commercial et Wedneeday nays: "We weta grieved yeeterday to learn of the docesmo of Capt. David Jame... 'Mk event °marred yeeterdey morn ing, st the Monswe'lleam. The deemed was well lumen as • stremboat clerk and commander, and bee Titres. bare en deared bloc to a lergetircle of friends. FT. Lorn.—Tho Morrison Ys Kennett. from N. Drift.; Neptune, from httaburgh; orence and Alonzo Child, from Bt. Jog snivel on Saturday and Banday. Departed--Cre. mono for Pittsburgh; Denmark for St. Paul; Poetise., D. S. Cater r kr It Jove Tette/roll sad Gladiator for New Orleans Copt J:1111[1:00, who recently died In St. lenge. lame el Mille for Shooo, Dud belt. leaving New CH.., be Is vet of his flontiy. • The Mesmer Brazil flu been wad to the Minot. River Aa. sedation at • valuation of MOM in Mock. hour* Lytle, eged about 15, pantry Man on the Carrollton packet Emme Doran, In attempting. to Jump over the for went hatch on Bridey night, alter the boat had landed at the Loutaville wharf, fall into the hold,and we o eerlonsly tainted that he diet during the night. Qt. parents melds In tbat 'Merman, engineer of the Rochester, met with an occident on the upward trip of that boot, Ile fell down the forward batch, and wee no *overall' (Rioted that It was found wawa" to Ism him et Marietta. • The N. 0. Crescent Of the 3d. Mr: : "Yeaterlisy wee pleuant um Wes out, the alr mol and brecLug. We leant that fret wee men and near the city early mtg.:lay morning. D.lnees on the levee am. noted With stesunboate continues to improve." Steamship& ARRIVED. &mina Brion:mins. Telispemb, do. Dolma Rivard ehtttai Shall& a FOR''IA M. DAVIS Rinz 7 -3 font El In. rialat. I IL 18 am I. -x N xa Damasks, Diapers, ike. CONSUMERS OF RIOHARDSON'S LlN asrxw.rsA %Mone tt :Vl,. of .. obto y ln i g . tte °ENGIN! ed with the toll name of the fan • ILITZURDSON, soh (mina; as a traaratdee of tho madame and durability of tho Goods Thu caution is rendered arentlay neccaury so largo quaint/a of fedora and defective Linea nap prepaed, meson !fur 16.111011 and sealed with tho name of RICHARD. lA= InthiUdeuruhoor feltudla N sof the ay .thus ate on the Amman mummer and the naaolnr. tureen of the pada Ural% wlll not ready oMn4OO a aware a profitable. whtlayurchasere can be hapord on with gads of a woriblenabaracten . • J; BIILLOCHE k 4. B. LOGS d, Auwa,ll6 Moak stmt. New York. WALL4CIIB';FOUNDRY BEIII Fundsblng Establistuent.' . gTEAM mamma - BOILRRA,.. SAL .d.. 1 PANS, tau OURINC'IIre Ifuldigary, laya and Oultap, oras kinds made taller. Grata Bun, Snub Weigh% IGIII Item, Print dtaire. Aar.bar Boning Cabs, Gum and LaMar Baltlag Portable rims and Corn Mille—Glo bast In trim& Burr Smut Maratioacmad In Go city :WM aad over Ma WBl4 sons; the gain, take oat the chew and re; mole tha gaud balls beam tbitare broken by the beaus. hough Dun Mill Stow% made of salactori bkeks.. ' Patent althea lid..___on. DAGO to MXO_O? don .Item's Intent Water Wheels, need In 9000 miW,Saw aszawitaa the ever-4ot, and tyke se Dutch u the most at the other Wheels In tuo.. with an aqua azGaGat 01. Gabr• Cataksaaa of Wheals even to all who Glyn Lie!!qc, Of, flee 110.319 Liberty dont; Pittsburgh: • • - _ 1411.111G:dihr P • • .W. W. WALLAOR. - - PO.RTABLE FLOOR AND CORN MILLS —Th. 'hapless • • article of llto ktod la ties 000ntry. Ttu7 fait, SOO Illako . goo4 MOLL "'La ' to tomborsoria, Iron 'bistro MIA" • rho. For ode ot No, SW Übertzl34., %IL jg# PRiIiTiEG With in"COOZI47 at ill rii*itti *dial& +60:461111144.-: lymk ~~-~~ Register. DIPAUTED. Loserue, /Irorsurrille. Dbete, Nashville, Ohre Draa, Louisville Yukon City, Bt. Lou* t 2 " 01 4 Wheeling, Orb, Bt. Louie, Sir W. ii'ellassr, Bt. Louis, itionsimixows 4r Portability, ease:of operation and matt= ageism:it.s. Speed, -'' • • 6 ! .Quietness of movement, 7. Strength, firmness and durability of seam that will not or ravel. ' ' :'a 8; • Allplleilan y .. to a .. of p , ~ orpr , 1 ' o ta a nisteri , 4 varie t y • 9 ' C l OinNetiwiiiiot elegance of iiiOlv ' • -',-,; '',.:;•,.. --, --,,,,,-,::,••.- • ..,:-- ~, , • . ','1, ; . •-• 7 t, -4.7:: , -,'..:. - , 1L- -, , 4 J...;. - . ; . .. - If •t, :-... 1::Iliesi **gib* iiii",ll6l; . ot . :*l lei r ''' ' ' 7- ' 191°1-100.-'44714' ',..: . lirr :- ;;;"." 7 " ', ":•;; -- 4V `: *,g;; 4 ;4o l o4*ilimmirWAlt4i ,.- tp. WHEELER Sr. WILSON'S P/RST PREMIUM PABEIM SEWING mAcHINgs _ . AGENTS OPP/CE, NO. 68 PUTS STEEET, FIRST PREMIUM awarded by the Allegheny County Agricultural Society, held September 1857, "AS BEST FOR FAMILY USE." - - And the Penna. Sfate Agricultural Society have awarded to tVheeler A Niisonle Sowing Machine the highest premium, "AS BEST TOR ALL FAMILY PURPOSES."-. THESE MACHINES which have gained such an enviable reputation over aTotlier Machines on account of air 1. Beauty and exoellence of stitch, alike on both sides 'gibe &brie sewed. 2. Economy of thread. 3. Simplicity and thoroUghness of construction. 4. Portability, ease of operation and manageMent. 5. Speed. 6. Quietness of movement. • 7. Strength, firmness, and durability of seam that will not rip or ravel. :' -. .f. - 7,:. 8. Applicability to a variety of purposes and materials. . 9. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. :'ii, Are now offered with all of the latest improvements and advantages at mattuftulturers prices by ALEX. R. REED, Aidnt, 68 FIFTII STREET. A MOST LIBERAL DISCOUNT I'o CLERGYMEN. außEdawfloa _____________ H. CHI_LI)B ik CO., f WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE, ~ . No. 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., lairAit, NOW IN STORE ONE . 1:3 1 F THE LARGEST AND MOST EX TENSh'E .a.A...tack. of _BOOTS _AND' SHOES_. Ever brought to this market, of great variety, adapted to . ..;...-4, F'A. L it, A. N .3.) w I N 1:' KE. a (s. .1:. B• s'.' ' ''''' Raving been purchased maser from the Manufhetiarere, ehietl . V fur _CASU, :Ind .- selected witk GREAT CARE AS TO QUALITY AND 'SIZES, They feel rumored that they can offer Superior Inducements to Western Buyers. STAlnrchunto visiting Pittsburgh, either to purchase Goods, or no their Way to 7i.astern t iliu.., 11.1 iusltoil to tali nod examine our stick error., purr...sing elsewhere, Alip-Particular nitro...o given to ()Mem oci:d&w3mT Zpectal iloticts DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETCPELYCTRIC 111S ctrores.—Prion'pof Depot for ke-pds of thin uorimdka Medical Auxiliary.-1 0 nn hmittlug thin machine/ erimleaticg pahlle, no mipeme hoe boon apark/ in Re mann. factor° to render It perfect in every essential particular, In order to keep pace with the wonderful improvemonk of the age, and place It foreman in this branch of American Shoo ofactnre. NO PASIIi.r b 110171.1/ rn: WITIIOUT ONII.— Retail Prim $lO. ft 10.de:drably adapted toprevent owl yore every hoot ordineese, intrh as Constnbtion,Srrofola, [tam, Irjerwptia, all formsof Phytlcal and ?dental Poison. lion and Nerratan Coo grand Suture of tide Apparatus is that it k ale nye ready for nee, the power being oldaltkil from a Permanent Magnet, no Add. or other ingroritenta being required. Paid, wholmala and retail, by :410wT mw.emialo EilYnn. IM[46'R. SLOW REWARD for any bledicine that Will steed PRATT MAGIC OIL, Lbe only hull= .o.; twit! far Rhetrmartnt, Lficdache, b O MILlte, Alin in Che Side orr Back, gpretirt,, Rruixs . Eure 1. Runts,Vatknaid Chrth ilu+ded; the ." JM. table remarly dmroWred dots svIII art upon dant , aim lint I her thaJohlt.: ThotNekoh of Demotes b... I,'o corr.! of com platot.thiatte 41 r ....r.ry. All a. lortt.4l to eh. it klyo, 31: 3r. netpwl Dale, W.mbin.ton Ltrt..t. Broo 14t/Woro nen... a. hy DR. DEO. 11. KEYSER, No Eignatore ofP4I.W J. P.FLE3IINO, ALlegbeny. rett.t on AID d ugh. blowu 111 the hottle ftylisa•lrr artie/e. TOrattio /ow at •-• " , • / iluantitL for halo at ICSYSNRA 10 Wood at. nERN/A OR Iturrcitz CURED—Dr. Gee. IL Reimer, 0(140 Wood et, by ertry kind of TRUSSES for the relDfarol rove of Dernle or Rupture. oeMolthor 3110DLDER BRACES—A large nisortment at DR. KEYSER'S, No. NO Wool et. ouWkiaT AUDOSIINaI. Seri - TerEas of every kind at itgrazies, No. 10 irtad at odllatMorT OLD RYE Winsß - Dr—l have soma of supo rlorquallty. OEO. U. KEYSER, ocMcl.lllrT Au. 740 Wood stew.. • HLRBOLD'S a BRUINS PREPARATiON , lISL3IIIOLD'S Genuine PREPARATION, lIELMOOLDIt Genuine PREPARATION. RELMBOLD'S Genuine PREPARATION. In prepared amonhog le Phanoney and Obemiatry, with the greatmt accuracy and Chemical lorowlmigo &roma to tboir combination. OEN MYR PREPARATION—Foe difit.oll Al attar Bladder, Kidneys, Onwel sod Braley. DEAD! READI READI— "Ye afflicted read," Me rai, AIL ug l tortfilcate of a cure of over 20 year.' etanding: '- IL liguanota—Deur Eir: • I heirs .been troubled with an affliction of the Madder and Moneys for over twenty year.. I have tried Pbyalotane in TRIO, and at last conclu ded to give your genuine Preparation a trill, no I had beard it highly spoken of. It afforded ma immediate relief. I ham toed three bottles, and I have obtained more relief from Ile effect. and feel much Letter than I hare for twenty years previoua I have the greatest filth io its virtues and curative powers, and stall do all In my power to make it known to the Meted. Roping thin may prove advanta groom to you In anointing you to intro/Mee the medicino. I am truly yours, - • IL MoCoantigt. Lewistown, Pa.. Jen. 29, 1817. Bbould may doubt Mr. McCormick's at/dement, he reform to the following gentlemen: lion. Wm. BigieronCovernor, Pennsylvania. • Hon. Time B. glorence, Philadelphia. lion. J. C. Kern, Judge, Tioga Co.. Pa. Hon. J. B. Meek, Judge, Philadelphia. Ilan. D. R. Porter, ex-Governor. Pennsylvania. lion. Ellis Lewle,Judge, Philadelphia Wort R. C. Grier, audgo U. B. Court. Hon. G. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia lion. W. A. Porter, City Solicitor, Philedelphia. Mon. John Bigler, imOovernor, Oalikirnia. • Hon. N. Baal, Auditor General, Waablogion, D. C. And many others, if necemary. OR 185 F HIGHEST PREMIUMS OR 1858- lIATt BEEN AWARDED TO munizmn, a wrzsows SEWING MACHINES, OVER ALL COMPETITION, LT TUE PENNSYLVANIA STATE PAM; VIRGINIA STATE FAIR; INDIANA STATE PAIR: 01110 STATE lOWA STATE FAIR; ISIISSOURI STATE FAIN 1n . 1858. Alva at the DAUPHIN COUNTY FAIR WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR, TIM PIRST PILEIIIIIII Hu been 'unanimously awards& to WHEELER & WILSON sa “BEST, FOR FAMILY ESE." Tbis combined testimony is tally conclusive ill& IVheeler4 - Mihon'a Sewing Machines AT. theivory brit manolletored on Recount • 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike , on both aides of the fabric wired. 2. Ecotteraynf thread. 3. Simplicik*Ond thoroughneee of contras, tion. MCIE=M ~►cgulat Monongahela River 11. S. Mall packets STEAMER TELEGIIAPII, r STF.AME ozd lt Jra:Ttlis. Iti f fiAt CIAF.T. J. C. Woontrjan. i . CAPT. Of oLaz ARE IFABOVE NEW ETEAIIERS .I. now mailing regulisrly. Morning Bowe leans Title burgh at 8 o'clock A. Al., sal kreitiag Beata •al• n o'clock P. Al. fur 1111( reeport, llvabethrown,- Miatitaiga: lisle City, Dal. Fayette city, Orterillhl'Collfornis and litowuse ill. than tunnertititrwith Hacks alai Cicarhea for Ifni .... town. Fayette Springs, Alorgantown,Wayttetburg. • Caratirlswitown anil Jefloreork. Paeneugers ticketed through Iron l'ittahurgh tie Balon• honestown Co, $2, meale anilatats•roonte on - hams "(admra— l:oats returning fnun Brownsville lean st 8 &cluck input returning 6 in the evening.. For thriller infuruiuticiaate, gnlrn at the Ofhas, Wharf Boat, at the taut of Orsni street. u 5 _ ! P. W. !octet. . Cultlznatt, src • JR CIN CINNATI --TllO I ~,,,.... lillaiTt. did wiw paaeongar, atratrier IDA. aldlr• l.+` pt. John May, will leave fur ibo ainito, awl all faunae alato porta positively on FRIDAY. l2ih inst., at 4 P. IL— For freight or paiinges apply : on bawd , to. •', • , nol l FLACK:BARNES A PO_ genla.' FOR ciNCII:siNAT.I--The.tplen- did new irloamor PDTSVIAO,Capt. Wily; will lento ror Um alnico and Oil - littcrtoodiato purrs. on FRIDAY, lath inei aa 40. At. For Infant or paanigro apply a nnio lo.n.l or to • P LACiliDalthiala a C 0.,: 'FOR.----iNt / U/NNATI A7' 7 1061C — ._. ' • --*---- y,LLE.—Tho splendid stunner JACOB _ o wali Cap, Jewel. 'Drown, will loan, fur the ells r• mos .I P?llw,lilwltlo P , ... on po N•re, ill Dm,* for tho rthote AD rioolt ,To portA,„ on TV .1 DAY, DOI losOutt, at 4.P. AL' _for (might or palsage apply ou lo , ond, or 0. no 9 SLACK, TtARNDS co,, FCli CINCINNATI.—Th e fine per*mer RAIORA, Curd Dronoan, !warn furl the share atal.all Weft...liar° porta on TIIIB DA Y. their Ilth, at Forireigilt or parenge, apply, ou board or to tratS) ' PLACII,DAICIROAA, 4Ytiltqtt fSrgXt.rrNlsl,EO —77— !STULL—TN,, Doe new steamer L.13/.4 AIONT, Capt. Ora. llbbert, will learn for thu Wawa and W tnternitallato large tin TIIIB DAY 11th instant, at(r.u. For frelglit or ' , mango apply on board or to • ' • YAIIN Sk OtD Agenla; L ,flasbbtlir 44c . • OR :NASIIVILLE—Th e spl on- Fdid p.9eroger almoner lIAZEI. C.opt. ft. Jtootooto oral 10.61 for tho nlja lot, porta. Tlitid ' DA.Y, lltbroatoA at 4 P.ll roloi " b ' tOr yam. ap oly on board or to riacii, CO, .; non Apoonts:. FOR NASIIVILLE.—The livelaat 1 ,, 4" , -*', a.m.- MARINER. Capt. D. 40; will.' ...LA., learn to the taw:band an Intermediate ports oler . 1.1.. e.,.; :: ..?.., 4, , DAY.l.lth too, at 4 r.x. Pot freight or'innate intlxba ~. ,- . .1,-- . , , f - ; haul or to ' [ttogr , FLACK, BARNS .1.. CO, 41414,.7,`::: ,'-',,, -- 'r.i. _ ..._ _!f,STe.*!:A,;;. FOR NASHVILLE.—The i fine •,....,;,•,i.1.-.., tpmne,OLEN,WOOD, CoPt. J. J. Dttbfo. ‘...;0.4'.1,;-. eon, will Immo for the Moore sod .211 foteramhato porta ‘tttt.'c^...j;: , . , ; . ~ ,e.,,i TIIIB DAY, Ilth !mutat. For ingget or peeottont.plr 0tt.'..7.4ii1.„..5,itt board or to nob ' PLACIL LIARNCS 0; CO., Agr* ~:.%.7-?.,. ,-;,,,,y-s!,-,. 08. ST..LOIIIS ANIMEOKUK • —The One etownor ADDONAUT,I,IO4.., as ter, will leaTo foe the atom anO ellintermor,ote.purte, ! • on TI.IIB DAY, Nov. I,lth, art Poi I .lr.hter pusage epply hoard or to ; nol ZL I CK,D&D..V.. A C0.,..4.4ente: OR F 7B ELaiiiine pee- - i r Ai smogs, stratnerJNO.O.FULIIONT;VMt J.S.Stockadt,oill loss. for tho shots sod al7rt,, ' ate ports on THIS DAY, 11th Inst. ' For freight sr. Isss sage aptly on board or to . . • . • . .01 • . 11/4.13K,,' MIMES 4 CO.. Agoras:. VW 5T7 . 1 . - Otritii — kkiiiCult: _l,.‘ —Tho fine now atentnerJAlll4B 1V0 , 51), thtpt , lloht.lfordtuan, will leave. for ths °hos, um all inter mediate norla on THIS DAY, nth to.t,, of. 4 P,M- . .11 or freight °Plumage limy to board or, to • . - . n • otl • 1 ,_. , • PLACK, EARSEi / C0., Ap0,4.., ,1 rfon sr. 8.1 . LOUIS 11.Lortirit:-. - - --"'-- x. , The m sternum SILVER WAVE, Copt.. Jul, & Id Mlllon ' will lest. e bar the above owl apt sweet. date po is utt THIS DAY,,,llth lam .Fart fro MUM° ll apply ati board or. to- '. - ' - lght of oo . l PLACK.BARNES'&OO ,f. • .. ____._, Agts_ pO,II.,SLIA.NDICEOKUK —The Ihe ote;limei NATIPL-.110141.1i5, Capt. HeiDedy,4llllawnifor the . abau. aud'NlA icartsuen P ato portiou!lTUlS . ILLY; ILIFIut.. , Yor behalf or lusaige •CPyon baud or to . PLACE, 11AltNtS V 1 ()li!&..1A, ono Atc4 r a: sumacr IitIZNASI3O, en& r mah; • will MVO for the above all Intl:m.oM o porc.l as thud ar to- LAY, Ilth hut, at tr. Yor ftirtg4 orprokifizrty ocl4 .1 • PLACK. BA RNitr&C4l.l::llait4 , • • ox sl. L oa is •Thofino ootrotranter OAIIBRIDOE. etpi •8. Dion, for tiro above ond ntordiate I , 4ki=Mg DAY Ilth Inst. Yor frolghtor onmonty, only on boorA'or i 0013 - • BLacitomigNita EOM; A-teriza.„ VOR ST. LOUIS 8: -ICE0.1"--- •-• _v —The 1100 atesporMODlCßATfik. Cot. //: - Montle. trill leave for Lho &bars war lot-roistOluo ._thawo TE or M DS , 11th Inst. • Yo r freight "or-po idsort*ooig o , baard; to • ' od . DAR.US CO. 011..§1`:' LOUIS & • The doe mitteseei ARITAMIA, Cam .7. "Comrart•lll leave tor the aborts sot ellitetotslt.tt 1 0 4 Tata DAY 1h trust Tor freight .•er passey*.pply ink b.hm or to OOIA /LACK, DAMES Ct4Ageote::. • /La) ®clans,• &c. .13 NEEPSPIIIS A.ND NEW OR- LlioiNPHTtio 800 s manor:lOWA; Owe. ,3toore, korro Gar the shove sail oft tott-rao on Tin DArt.llth hut: "tor frefght or Fodor. , WPIT o n board or to -• 1 1LACIR, utuuntsam VOR MEMPHIS ' - AND' NEIVAir o t. OURADIB.—Tbe fin* stoma DEPEND: IsH, atm J. IL Übiv., wili leave Mthe above alal a . "n"disda P,Ution .21:11t4 .PAY• Uth FLACK: DAILVES s CO4 VOIR MEMPHIS' AND 'NEW loggst.', i ORCRAT.. line.ateasaar BOUTAI A4128.1.0,40.ta, fihephent leaTelar thalstee.rat :tertaidlate porta , ea MB DAY, .llth r.re/ett paseeepe oc; ? ocEl • " SUNDRIES-- &XI asts tots loh, Up Nitnat_S • 113). &go BI Can: 20 taa.Pithia Saar, ' 4O hi 'th,sts W ittZglenitta Bit 4 Vu,Bol)ingiti Wrapping haw ii!ur fir .0, zerr, rpr c!kc 6,4; itOOd 4 inlet:sol4n OP; Dery , = -.. 2IIAYA.ZIDIM piwisip#4-000-pm 8.64. Auto' • t" .B ' -.L • .4,c); 443.4AnsitsiOctiCit4vt:?,,' 4,lloiessixieNt litL4 0164,04thiarsialet - -,- iMiiiii 4=1111= 4 1 141p--,