. . ..4..,i ii. -I?'"""''''''''''r•-• . ''.'. 11.' : !'. 7 . ,iiii --.':i;'''. ''''''''s" -i.".l274—'2.ii— ii'''''r°- 717.173:''''77-illi"i'i'"i'27iit'il '7 iiii'ii-i'... ii-'-'ifi'i F - . . . - . • ----,..i.'...rf,:i,i:iic.';'.!‘.'iiiii,,:i.;-, ...... it" , .""-. : '' • •••• ..::-:- ''': . . - ---.. ..... .-. ! - S ...,•, - - X.' . • -- - -7----"77-7---.--- . ~. _ . , ..,.. . . .. . . -ei. ... . -ii. , ii _• „r . . , „ i' - -- , . , . . . , ... • , . . e . . . . ' • , . it. ii . ~, . . ._ . - , .. _.,. ...._. ..... ~. ... .„,,,,... ...„._ .., 4 '• ' ; .7t ~~; ~~~- ~'x ~ ~ ~~ .. *iikrair o f s :lNl IN 86. -- - ---- ,' ;AE, AOKZOWN & FINLEY, 'Wholesale Nnoreats, carom NI Naanaketnnara and agog" tor .., ~...,,,7 Lee.Solld and Mid Nsteado,Nn. 7d7 latnOy urnat, 1 ••:. ; ~, , Nit.tdmagb, ea. .. 2;% - i. , -'-',.:, ''' ' ' '-• la IfAIINESTOCK & Co., lato of the flrm )3 17:',,zr ..:!-.. 'Z.. : ; :, , , a: saiosaads a as., and sonourre to PM:II4 - ros in Dna*, No. 03, oornarlicoodinni .nom '" , '''''g i -r -..kt: FAIINESTOCK & CO., WII(U.S, ' alb Dragglirts and Manntaitureas Whit. L oad, -" indLitnange,corner Woad and inn2t atronts, Piti. jr...BAIIOONDIAKER,MANUFACTURER . , o,er White Land, Rai Lea,l2no. N. , " 1.4*.n-Pot .ty and Irboleasi. Dealer In Paints, OW, varnones, Tnrpan. -, • .• 1 ilea. Ina, No. liVi.l et., PittAburth, P. cellyd . . JOSEPH FLEMING, (SUCCESSOR TO L. . , : . • .•-• .. • Wool . A . Co.)coroor brutal nowt and Mammal, tole anotaatly asbied atoll sad amhplete anaortroentaf Drag% liadklast, Idallidne Marta, Parfoilery, swo4 all artklea low talodoit to LW Maslow. . ..., e 4.4linklans praertptions raudall y ootopouodad atoll yalkly -_ -__ _. (JEO. H . EYSER, DRUGGIST, .. * xy. 1 f --- K • •". ' "' - : 1 -': ' itow.9 street, cantor af Wood Arad and Virgin % :' .‘ •.- ' ' A ay, PM/burgh, Pa. 411E011 lc lIIITCHINSON, Commission Sad Forward!" Merchants, dealers In Wester, Its •-• Dins ,Clmoss, Rog, PIA. Baton, Butler, Linseed 011. Pot a4d Pearl Ashes, Beedi4 - - grain, Dried Prult, and Produce • 'l"m rstr ttlair ' d Iri g i: Y ou ' C I A " cel7l . := ' Pnteuted Pawl Stints. Nog 110 Beeuod and 145 First us; between Wood and Beilthdeld it.. Pittsburgh, Pa: spfdlyd ~' .. ,~' :~;': , ..4 0 • .1* 4 e " • 'At* • •-•• -UAGLE WAREHOUSE.—JAS. GARP 12),LNCI4liPbokeale Dealer -in neer, 'P.A.ltem and ; ',PeeKbr , ygenerally,Na..-41. &Twits street, between Liberty, saillaithartil.Pattabargb, Pa. nutty ,IDDLC, WLRT9 CO., General Com adaskaa Ilerehants and Deal.. In Qrocerie• - and Pro . '• • Wean Liberty stn.; rittabumh, Thu Allirennidgcrenantaaolicited and mtanoctoritilTyLer 4., OA R RI E R. et SECRETARY Tantrum Dompagy of Pittaborib,. saudiagm...thonA.! 4••••«-r.: . . .: • .4ARDINBR COFFIN; Aput for Frank t • • - .. lasorante (kmainv,lla , comer Wood •- riU A. MADEIRA. Agent for Delaware Mutual Insurance 00., U 'Rat...treat . - .1•:•t.,:=:- . ..:.•:,:.;•: 41-.-. , ~.. ~.„.... , .. •','. , i'il:.-: f/S; , :;+'•:: ,1 : 4 7!!..". ' fre.":lt'',* '''' . li : :‘ ~',-• .it , ..,, z::i,.:::,:,:.:;•':....i.,-.1.- `4'.1...'4:*11,' —:•:- .• , :-.:•—•‘1-.:: , !., ... -,..:•,..; o v- ':•-;' .: i'• :•etii.ll;;:r4::&.i;','g; 1* ,: !.. :,1-!: : 7 5 ...-.. ~ ; - 4 ;, •: . 1 : ::: : ::: ; : ',.:;, ..I.l':' •: : :•*71::•:1t5 , 24 j : :I. l;•''' , ii"-;: . ....; ';- ..-I'i...:*; , A4 41 . 4 ",;. - in: , .!l , ;•;-: , :.. , . - :.„ 4, •!;N - 1. it „,: -:`, -:,!!)-. •' .7 .4,te'..:k-'-:. ''': , ..-X s . :t : ! , ; 4:11i.' '.l::i.'i , :! j,.-:,:i, : , ~,' *•;i1ii...i5,'..'"2:::,:,:,; - ? 1 4 . 1 11 !17f: .- : . :{ T : - ...,,....4... .: 1 ; . 1 . ' 44 ; 4 :: .,, %; . .i. , ?•\;§:::: : :1 . ;'1 !,..i . ..i,;::',--4. , 4!1 , 7 .. : Vt- , •,.i 1 ,,1 ' ' :.. .1 , . ,: - . ' , -..' , N 4,:;, i' 4 l;' -: • ,-.. .;:' - ' - ''' .. : . " . : ..4;.: t*.z,: , .- - .• 1 '.. .:•'::•:-::::i;,';:?::'*:".''',-;!,1:4,0t ii:el 0 '; • :,.,•:;:,: •-.: ' '.4-... : 7 4, - •-;,.. • ~,.:.:;.•,-61,;,,,,x,-"0,; ' •;*V. , :v.kilfs::l:::si4. ii! ' i i i ' .• . :: :44 : o-!:::: : .:' I ;liti:ei44‘Vg::i . l:4: il4.}ii:;-'iv t i...7li ,ii- ),,. .:Y.f: ',.!*Tc.;:!:''! "!:* • N:i440., - i.l ''' , ',;'4 . ,::' •i':•C';.7 ' , 4ei:! .- ?i.41;',4 4 ;;," i it4.- 41!'. :.;- A; 4 1;5•V . ,5A,V.: , ~:. :,, 1.•;;;•`.:`....;1:,i'..;;;;;..:;....:, N 4,,• •'::,,, , 4.4•: , ::, '.t).,••••..1.•:'11/4 ,:•:•:1-!-41--.'- ' , 'Tl.zit?- - 1•:.*:4:: - %v•st•:*,: ; ; ; ::: : , -,'.:• , 7. - !;:,:,:,...r., ; ::z.:,** : N.:, :: ;; t .:i ::..: I .t . * . :1 .4 .!.. 4 i,!:4707 . :.!' . :...‘ii :‘ . 41'... l i ... i i ! . ,. ,' ' •'..;,.r,,j ' r: . : . .' ' i ' : ...': *. 'l4; .:;!:,:? : i ' ' V . r ' ii ". .;• ' ::. ~:, ' ','7. .. 1 . .: 4 ' 1 : : •: • :I .‘ ‘ ":! -. ;:1,!::.e:, ...q : ''..4 ..3 . ...C4:::. r '''' 3 1:' : ..:'1 .7 : :: : ; •{. : ,'••: :: . S;. 7:‘ ~ , • IarIi.,LIADI D et/LINTOUDI,: Dealer. in '' '.;' ,. . 1 ;" - Tr' N.-pea - we. lie Dissir.e4 front ._.1.31... or t " 5 ' "- L : - — Air- U. dr. it. ancAs.a.valt. „,....;...,,,4 .. • gA/AB. IN CARRIMEV 01j4 1g.% ,:• Dam TIPGS 11‘ .. N0. eftutt!. weeid ww, w EMBE ~ "I SIMENIMI r - '' .'.y * . - ....., . , . - - #IIO.BpORTSMEN. ~--: MILO] 1 ao4 Vl4' I R it tla . . „s lT - d - i - i_! 4 cimlitimc or a _ air _ _414 .........4;,4„„ai..4L..Anstb.nr. ~....:44 _.---:-: . ' .... : fr::::.;!' ~T ht !ANA ‘,. ()vv. 1,3....4(11 4 ,•4 0 , . R.. 0161: yofi, yr ',......- —-—t : ~ i.- ~ , tr, '," 10 --:.: - • , wow& ,. .0r .. &A , / 4. , , . • ...- ... j'..;4, ,A_ , —• --.-. lllgpipmeine" • - ''.."'.. ''''''''.- '. ' . ' ;''''''' . '''.' '- ' IV •V g " . 7, .• 1.0.q,c.,,,,..., ,a:• ~_ Etugglifto. OLIN 11AFT, Jr. (SUCCESSOR TO JAS. - Irentlay,l acteleela *ad Beall Draggle 'cod Daatar 1., , trw,,t., en 4, b r ,„tdik, t. come Wad awl Bleb Meets, ettabonce, - uramseowieve lb, Dr. Tore, Madklaw, , ----- - - - - OfIN P: SCOTT, WIIOLESALILDEAtr, on., Tarnishes and Tyantilii, No. rie wtia =t l : . rom mgL itattaniani: majiimaterSenanca - 111:nimonfeByrop. ' :av9il:l74w leisure. • p t&UR & REITER,MHOLES&LIIAND Nab Di7iisiste,ooneetot :Liberty ind St ear eta, Vrobuct Efialeco. CIIIEESE IYAKELIOUSE.-11ENRY ' .ILI COLLINS, Mod %ger itt Muer% Puttee, Lake Ash wad Prature . 111 ward st4skbare Witter, Pittsburgh. my br ! TIAVID •0. • lIERBST, FLOUR, PRO - . • Ay- duos, Provislouend Cotton lotion Merchant, No. din liberty street, corner of Mind, Pittsburgh, glees his allow Mon to the sae of Incur, Pork, Bacon, lard, Ohio* Butter, Orate, Ihissi fruits, howls, .110, do. . iiirrOcritsigummuti respectfully sollottedk scalp .:Fuft§l47ll, (SUCCESSOR.' - TO .•,, . ADL Soisyth dearr,) l'*ading add Conunhododr . Mn% Doslrr In Wool, Mira, Mari liners,' lard arid Lard - • ON And Pr.dnre guarani; Na. lb Water rt., pitub.rgi4r*. fusurante.itlitatg• Agim -r iEtaroica IneuraioeClo 4 - .; ft& o MARSIIELt, Secretary OM. • waif losormboe Ouarpsay. 94 Water street ' M. GORDON, Secretary Western Incur A; • sum Ocrtapaay, IV stmt. • • tiUNTER, AgentTarmers' and A: lnairanon Co, SXIW - ater rayon. • OS I 141-ROBINSON, Aiwa Continentil R Wpp 1 !:: EXTER,!,:geut G rea t wplt., Caciito OBiwsON .00,, Peabria, OarpetisolK .„, - lustt fiIACKENZIE, Attorneys it' 01310*No. ea roue* west, Plitsbufgt,y. Yo 4 Rd IMle Conankianiontr. :atmeter 11'KNIORT, - - AT'fORNEY . AT -uw,dna Solicitor of 11t. 13•00.41‘ittabol , jgh,114. 110 JOSEPH S.. A A. P. MORRISON, AT soroop, at Law. Mos No.la tomtit m*t Wood, 10 02 Scabs. I. W. 5te1eK.1LD......." Leen. 1.1X.6111... W. IL Kearny. 1130 .00,Asuccessore toMur'' jay k Barr-Mad.) Whalwale mi. Retail Dgaters Sues .4" 'Ade, bry North-mit eun!wloarth loud Itorketntai Pittelui. • LOVE Dmor .in Staple'and Fling ~• gloc..l*. sign of the origins! 800 Woo, So 64 liarkolooneet, Pittobargil. - . forl9 105 kinrket Street • Dealer In Eaancia, Ilata. Straw Trhaatlagn,aad trawflowlspaarally. Carriages. - -- • C/tft --- Rfi --- GIESIBO I 3 I OIESI ROCKAWAYSI Ell AMTOBOB, BAROIIC MEL • A ND "61Y . i thag in the time, purchased from Bta ALISTAIRNALANUfACITTRIAIIS, - • 'ford. gith fall a... Sea of elev. dogto or Amble toaatc Also, ' Alles,:a l o ri gs, " and "M" eiber ' % Tan tnewerob u s i :o ptun agottote by , ' • '! eta ...ad ftle JOHN S. AFIAV/lt, - • Diamond WO; mar Marty, and cold An cmituesto tug small .41It.ALIgl, doer 4 / 1 . • • • • •Carriagt Vaud Wagoa.dasurattory. • s•ricp - xxinza . S: Agent. • -~ir nn Strut and Diamond WOULD respectfully inform Oessauk, publiothst be is noar kmited and Las rammed tip. badness of Cnritsgs tasking in all Us sd so. aucstratasrsbr Wamoas osiffeJos, sad Islam -• • of ell dasediiilons, gas iron for, Iron IterLastd thou of th tW at s s.rrip ileondl be = g rho Zr rand Anmi.. a it sill bo giro:l ' 6:l:lns ordain sii "'g. " : 11311::: cured tti• madam of the non. workmen; sad baling ample . lipazikraPta a/mob. ro for the finishing of hos work. gooll soortuowit of buoy work:only on haul. snit. for np=o.s. wogri=inntarson:l2,,,,,,:jl, • ‘ . 001113)11 MCA Carriage Factory. '7Oll/111019, BILO'VELMR * .CO., &oar erialamiead Seimairarads, , . .. . • .. . : • .., : -..VirOLD.RESPECTItILLT,,IN-•*m• ...-...,: -:' tone that; tliwide, end tb• yoblietroo ,,,,, reIW, that they ere woorfetwelog Ourieret, bawrortos, --- - - -,.- r.oreye, ghetto% Staten .M Chwiterfla ell MO TM. • ote styles a finish awl propene: a. . - - .... MI owierewitl be .seemed with Wirt mew.' to durability .., ~ rind beauty allele& Rewire will .In be ettesdad tow ..., the WWI irtlir torme. Using In all theft - lima. the . , . .:._,- : 0, , :. ZlWOroli tum a tlibefte, Poles end Wheel etoti, Owl forl ON& who favor them with theh , patromp willhe ~..- * .r.rV.. sax*, isillidkoS on trisl of th,(r work: - ' ". 4 —", ",:,' PIIMMINCI Yo reipleitald 10 lON thee e Doll talonpow ... .. . . iltmaitiam3; CAN DE CONSULTED - at Dr.D,RaNatort. Fifth and .1110,0•11 Aram% on SlDAlYaudtwl WEDI4SADA 0 and SATURDAYS", 1000 on tik•BrowarrMe Ikea. ; • /48414* Vaintas. JOSH TELOMPBON. Ar. CO.. 11 . 0 USE PAINTERS, .GLAZIERS AND , ogusaail; TUIRD 811ilitST. Bign•PAtoting ,:aucUWI . U b 00"4" di•P•ach.. Illzod relate, Clic • Tarpoiths% Varobbi,,himm sod, Patamt. Wars, ank tren ". sad W othst coa:or. Painzats, Dnujarts e ; tbeisbortat noti.N . boa II rant mebich reeds by dean% int.e.nTesy, by 'getting r , a,alreetori , groamt vitt , • • . tawny Lorre &LANs:, _ 110IISE AND -BIEWPAINTERS, war (mutat Ofilsoltepam pr dth eromP U t4re Y et, mid betwera andlhurtet dna* AU sit.dtd , isreixes mecute4 In sopakc yd siddlll "upbointirp. -... Irglar 4 Lii-11.----•...,.......—:-. ....roam 0 smut i:, ::...1" . 1 1 ..: -'• LI ..;‘ ..., • , •:' . liyall t.apiir Warehouse. : L :f..IAriLTER. `P. MARSHALL; a CO, Lu, i . pommies Desierkin Wood rated, balm= fourth ..... West szA Distusd Alley idol. MY b. ftba ....miend , re 1.. • '... Trtairet of "riff a P.per Lfiaigings, for pa, - • ' lot", Mal, Woo Booms c ssl OhoutooS , also, wind.. I . : ' - ' l: ' 'llk" *P! Orm / Wi,i'vtivrittirli..crida.B"=llXBrl L. i•10i1airm0n.......—....--....--..-....1. ii. iimaas. L,..4., .Third-EDIIIINDSON- s te ad Drifts 98 •—• .-.' :- *i.".umw ood. mgmilhetw, unt ... la , AIA. Pargh_ ! I , l g= W "ra. iiniorz. . • .i'ATXXT WrILILT. WRING UOTTAIO.29 7 4k5.; • ~ :.. Todd *ICU tholk .ausotko.of purchral , . t r e ls icitr. aid Wiedinfa- Commission, Ea. nrroncoort,,lteCHlClCßY & CO., Dineemars to namon,WCrotry /. cot Formirding and Commission Merchants, And Wholedlo Doders to • . Prodatoo, IFlomor and Wool, - - so. It 3 Aron sad 122 Boma st../21 1 dowet. soltlyd—mydr BlettAlliE & A• JSR, Ploui; Grain and Prodnoa. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, N 0.124 SeeoedSt. e PithDrryß, Pa tnyaklyd 110 - LIBBT ' BOND. • • • COMMISSION Iit..NRCELA NTS, No. 22£1 North Second ,PUIL•DEVPIIIA, • ' For the solo of Prodoe• and parasol d HBO ln, lo AoY orlon outrosto4 w ith them 90 howyoutpuy forwarded. ■LWOLY LE5C1E..............10101 S. WPM 309. 8. Lazes a co., N m.. 419 & .1144.1.1aertyst., Pittsburgh, P. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION manumArrrs. DUMB IN FLOUR AND,BACON, Tla Plate and Tlnner's Stook, AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES. Jyll.llly SPUME= TlAlliltrint...l.9l3ll:l3l V. tmn cu SPRINGER HARDAUGII & CO.. I.CQ.MItI SSION MERCHANTS. , . . Wool, IRdes, Provisions& Produce Generally, No. 295 Liberty Sheet, Pittsburgh. • J. 12 hfcA.LPIN & CO., (Late of J. 8. Limb, McAlpla Co. Plttabargh .) GENERAL COMMISSION AND P0RAVA.R.D1.27 . 43-111:1012.0ELA-NTEP Lay e• and Washington A WTSNDOTTA CITY, tt ANAIS ThILKITORT, - Jcsisph tl. Lux% t Co., and Pittsburgh hisralatuta goner aUy.bilniktrigT • .....n. ■: oun+o., Xi...EN - IS& EDGERTON, (Successors to D. Morgan a Co„) Wbolnside Orucem aud Ow:Embalm trmlumM,lo7 Wood street, Plttabargh. mr2 HENRY S. KING. (LATE OF TnE Arm at Kin Moorkand,) Oomlatmlon Merchant. and o In P)g Moral and }Wawa N 0.76 Watar Wad, ba• loirMnrket.rittahurgh. -' *Op A A. HARDY, (SUCCESSOR TO HAR -11.„ dy, Joan.. Co.ooanntlatlon and Forwarding Mer. chan4 Apnea tha Mallow and Indianapolis Unload, cor ner Mgt and Ferry Ina., Pittabamb,Pa. Jaltalyd EDWARD T. MEGRAW, GENERAL Comm Won Merchant, and Wl.dnnle Dealer In Mum tffiettoodTobaceo, Imported od Domenic Cigars. Sunfl. to, N 0.141 Llborty Mat, oppootto the bead of Wood. Pitts burgh. Pa. miatly Otocero , WEf.OLEIBA-Laa GMOCEIR., 11) and AO Wood At 110p_OBERT DICKEY, Wholesale Grocer, 1.16 Produoe autd 43otamloslao Korr.boot, No. 134 Front ow*. wow Wood.Nittobologb; Pa. ap6:l yd BAGALEy, COSORA E CO., Whollsal• G,oc.n, 214.. IS sod AI Wood street, Pitt. bwifb• - A LEXANDER : NO, WHOLESALE 1111jileacir sal I • at Buda Ast4 N. .1711LIbatg ;Ina, Pittsbaret, P. apL•lyd• ONES & COOLEY, WEIOLELA.LE 6110- ey Altu s and float. fangsbms, dnalera Protium wad Ititabstrollanahanns, N. 141 Water streA, ha. (Awry Alley.rittsburgh, Pa. 1113.26 QIIRIVER & DILWORTH, WHOLESALE 10 - Gibeadt,ll.l3o . tad 131 Second street. (Lotwoos Wood sod - Birdididold, PlUd4mpl.. TWIN FLOYD W & CO., EIOLESALE J Orman owl Commtalosi Bl,rcLej No. ITO Woal end VS Marty Went, PlCtobluxh, Pile • - WATT & WILSON, WHOLESALE GHQ. MRS. Cbrnuabol.m 31o,rlut!OL. no 4 Dradurs In P. Om pat. ounhanti PlNubtre. Marudurturu, Nu. 2U3 Lltarty erturt, Pitt.l. IH - OKEY A - CO.,' W HOLESALE mom, Oommin* • rth. D. 1.. fu Pm 4.00, eo Water strnel, and q Prmt atm; Piusberrio. McCUTC F, O'X WHOLE -Whi saiz Omeer, reeds mei Cogronemion leerchera, rad Dealer lo Pittelelreb Iratmetiattimd Artictn, Meat, NM., comer of Drawer, .7, Otubnuth. r. A TWELL, LEE .& CO., WHOLESALE 11 Gnxlss, Produce and Oorandnuloo Merchatn, sad Dealers In Pittsburgh Atanutncturom, No Nag Woof Insect.. lama Wants and Front et-, Pittsburgh. upIS son. lIROBISON I CO,, ;WHOLESALE . Groom, Colulabatos .Idsrchautsould Dealers b all of Provistous,Proloos and Pittsburgh IlaaufaCtunia "rla 255 Liberty street, Pittsbusgb. JUIPlyd ROBERT Q. KING, IVIIOLESALE ORO CS/1, Commbolost Mon.bant, nod Dealer Is Pest hal, Rob, floor, sod all kludge of Country Prockteo, Ya M 1 Lfb arty street, mouth of 144rth, Plitebarittr; P. Mond ad• new male w comignments. Jolnlyd /Mall" L. SWUM. OHERT DALEELL 19110LE 113# SALE Oro*" Commlohin and :Pot . wanting 11• - -thuds and Baden I n Pralwaandlastiallarget Stroutactares, N. 251 Lib.l7 •tm , t, Plualaarea, P.. roy2 • Kral Estatc ainito WIDLIAR WARD, DEALER 'IN PROMISSORY NOTES, lkoids; Morrmcgros and aR secnrltleifor money. 'Persona can pm...m . .lmm through my Arum on MOAT able tams. Dime ulehtng W loran their vane t° good ad... Argo; ann almma And frotgadirecood clam paper u tny vines, kr ads Al aemMu sueng O l T o A m and *nmtecrtkgr s..7t rnicntly cCoantl den a tla .Mo M SET ate St la hedr l. pilaf 43ooluselltro, Bic !IV B. RENTOUL, 20 St. Altair street, Ty Dealer la Rellgiou• arid Illsoethiaeoun Books, sad Deporttary at Malec= Tmt Ssciet)% Pablicatiotas. .aulikitmrlyV WM. G. JOIINSTONIt CO., - Stationers, TV Block Book-lifurofoctursto sad Job Penton, No 67 Wood street; Pittsburgh, Pa.' enCO ;fil COCLIRANE, (SUCCESSOR TO Sadlorj Wholesale .a Rebdl Dokter In Hook., atarlonory mad Paper llngiagsr, Patera' street, 6th door & IL of Market equmiAnnb..r. Po. - "r WIN S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AND u &Wow, toocookat to Nod.. Agoro, Na. ea Market street, neer roarth, Pittsburgh, Ps. 17" AY CO, 800 Niz : 'BSA D-TA -31 TIONERS, No. LS Wood hoer, next door to the car ear a Third, Pittliburgb, Po. School and Lan Books onn• dandy 00 hand. , L a READ, -BOOKSELLER AND STA ?! • T/CP.tlat,'No. 7B Toartb mt., Apollo Bonding". Q.NT_& MINER, tib6l3 - EErnfit apd Stationer; Slasoale fiftkEreet. . . . E=27l Frirnit - u're, Furniture. WUOLWALE IND, RETAIL. • ' • H. P. DEGLIFF, 111.44iwyaay., (Wholesale Ware lioase,) aad 460 PEARL Bt., (Retail Store,) . NEW 'T -Olt[; ortgraati-1//va Dollars Rats:led at Wholuala Priors at tea Boras Eton. • ILAIIOOANT AND BLACK WAL2CUT P.ll, E.L OEL .1' tr a ?CI T R In Vonstnlle r Ninon and Plotb. cans men and annum Itundtnn In gnat nest,. Also, ENAMELED CHAMBER prmairmaz in trot:lllMS to Lino. SPRING, CURLED Hat, Moss AND WULLEBONI Mit-TWRICSSIMEJ, • ' W.Ltbm , aod PrlalLllllms Bea- Didgtitt a Patent t tba - ahrei g a I" iba largeat and best aallOttlaellt area, establishment-to Nem York, mad as boy Other wboliaalo as Mall, damper . tb an .t aby otbor bousite the city. • ataYibleed ,JII.MICEI W.. WOODWILILIA. FOILISITURKZAND CLAIRB WIIOLRBALE eIN.I) Embracing every ape of i.„- A osinvottp;;MAJletaAn ,WALNUT, PEEWEE, QUANDERIS AND DtilOid gt00)18, • • Erited to any in • ; • -NEWTORK AND PHILADELPHIA, L.O TVE R P S. yrtgary article node by bawl and Worranted.-SE • • • CIAIiNCE AIAWILER Entmlial adtb any gnwllty _ nf FORNITDRIB and OEIIO, • name AND STEANBOATE •Natal AND 812111, WaYMEOOIII, T 9 Tann megbdif ' PATSBUNGO, TITO!. TPTP1....„.....Tag. toaTe........JANTS lams • T. n.ltOcio & co., - " itisoisaralaas at • r14114M11111 AND . . OLIAIRt3 I.l.othitY.-"tersi a.,lnt.wes IrylG im; Rea& Jxwoi ttekollstL•4lol,lFLAClLlMlthfleld AL, ,_*o-ATAJABXN. nitIGTURZ-46 o p toreir4 tap .agolg . bosts. • ;owe , .11. YOU/Mk OD. - I - x;pt vPictio& ----1---- 1 ..1r.6.1.. .., 4 . 104t fituf I livil ...ga_462oouMemWAllicainrirai,v - ''''' - 7.-TAI toP,a4 -.7 7 ll'':1111"- - -s""...' •“1-11tisia,A4# i F f 74 A;1V .M ' ‘- jura l t ,,, :; ll ef.. 7:4411igViji..00.1-1.-,,,,, rF141.-74=1`!a=7.7,,,-,',.; - 64 4 ,,ta 1- • 4 - 4 ,- •, ; ,..-z z.-- PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 2, 1858. DEEMME N 0.489, corner Penn and Wednut Streets, ritt•burgh. Pa.. MANUFACTURER OF HEMP .131. MANILLA RED CORDS, lIIMP AND TARRKD ItOPNB from 14 IN to I% inch, Moe and Common Packing Yarn, Tartid Lod Sinto Yan, Bash and Dell Cord, Wool Tains, Drosm,Tying and Sawing Swine, Ms and Ootton Mlle Tait An. wpply of the Wore articles constantly nn hand or made to order at the lowan cub OM. 1.27,13,1 W/CLIA, &IDOLS & SO Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., te HIPS, -THONGS AND SWITCHES. Orders wdbitoi freer the trade,riod ponaptlfildre ped ma per Instruction. ' -- Tarso—s mothe r , or IS per seat. dimormot for ad*. „ordtklydkerT OARTWILI - 6111T .Ib.:YOUNG, , (Stworeore to John et tioni . ghtp) ...t.i. MANUFACTURERS and. : rs of . AIL Pocket and Table entiery. florptalad . strantattn. Gluts. Phttels, Mailing . ThekJentien n . S4niVnad Wed. They glee vedal attention to the. Ain of .Truss, Snowden. an. Jobbing and Sapaing with pone. Walk, and despatch. ople:dly MOORHEAD & CO.. deue.riean, Plain and Corrugated, GALVANIZED sturawr IRON, Rooram, Guttering. Spotitiog, te Arxre for Weed e Patent Imltatletaßnesht Sheet Iron Sir Warehouse—Arm 130 Ant Stmt. ntrig.,ol - A. 'LYONS (Booctooor to A.Ljoas *Co.) KiRITUCTRZU OP . . LOOKING OLASSdc PICTURE FRABIES, AND DEALER IN IT.A_Fan'l'Y GOODS. atC.. No. 138 Wood de., PLII•DdrED• Pa. feldtt MORMS do COLIFA-Fer. BOLA IGUIIINACTITIrid Cl liIIIGHEIrS PATENT ATMOSPHERIC FORGE AND TRIP HAMMERS. • lIAM3IERS of the following sizes &0., mule to °Oen Na. 1. LOS 7 in. hill blow, SOO lbs. Peke $ " 2, " 8" " " 461:L " 3, .19 " 11899 " OM. " 4, "16 . 23085 " " 900. " 370 " " " 61100 " " 1000. a, " " 64201 " IT' Orders solicited. for particular. addrese 1101111/8 • tX)LTART, Preasaoooo, Pa. & 61 Penn st., below Marbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. STEAM B OILER MAKERS AND MEET Iron Workan, MarmAidaren of • Itaraldlra Patent Locoolothr, floadaml Oylltalor Sollera,Clamooya, Smith. vire Bod, Swam Pima, o... Sewer% Halt Paw, Bohr P• 116, Imo Yaw Ir, Lite Ikeda, et, Akal, Bloolunolthe Work, Drld..4 V mama Irons, do. at Um atgartrot 00. All collars from a dia..e promptly attoadod to. irel:l Ponn Cotton 111111 s. Pittsburgh. ENNEDY,CIITLDS CO., MAN (MAC 11 TUBBI I / 3 t Peon A Na. 1 baav7 44 Shoat:bun °lapel Mahe of all colors ono abeam Oottaa Tadnir, 0 Bed Mar. Monet Linos arof Matt coot Rape of all al. drocrapttotur. Elatttair. ftOtdoro left of ilto !Urdu. Ptore of Log., Wilmot, t 0:4131 Wood shoot., till h.rs LLtaotloe. palely ILEZINE3 meNoir•ervraxa QULPIIURIC ETILER; Sulphuric Acid; 10 Sweat trallita of NKr% tirade Lid; Anadybra Herta& Arlo Aqua Ammards. Friti Nitrous do Salutrara Hay be round at John Wray A Scars, &7 Water weal. J. ..511.11.111- P ORM N £ JOHNSON. ANUFAOTUR ERB AND DEALERS IN E. CIIILDS CO'S PATENT ELAS- T . TIC FIRE AHD WATER-PROOF - CEIIENT ROOFINO, 13.3 Tana Bram, PituDares, Pa. ac.14:,1,1 -VILLIAH TLTY.* EON, PLUMBER AND i3AS FITTER, No. 10 Yettrth greet; l'lttehnigt,nnY !Islam! street, nether. esatb Reeslekkr 11.31, Allegheny. • - /r. Beery tkeirrlystuat of Itlttlnp f Water. er snd neatly JOHNI3 LINPIUMLL, M ANUFACTU RE ROF BOOLA IL • Lul. 1 . 2 EARCH 2 ..a7 4 . 8,71 Pcks.,aqs. emit end arm; Plttaborgb. Ps. Q adttly4 _IOIIN U. MELLOR, No. 81 WOOD ST., betstreir lAAArArd Allry as* Yenta. Altrodd. &A. AAA. tor CIIICIUMMI &WNW 'lawns) POLNO rowns, Mk. BON A IWILIN's MODEL - NiLLXIBIIO4II and OROAN OAJOIONIUMIA, amt.tbalar lo ihriespd hhaloO 00046. JIM IMF:BM BRO.. Po: FIFTII Li,. at., Alan nerbo 0n14.n lisrp.Snl. A rant for RVNNa • CILARKI , Perk) unrivalled viland and VI PIANOS. and CAE • ART 41 NEF:Drilllha yerrauwa MILO. DBONS acid (MIA LIAMIONIUM. Dorlore In Musk sad 'Kaska I.tramentot. fe6 CIIARLorrE BLUME, MANUFACTUR- In end Dee/er M., Pert.% Taaperter of Miele sad klueles) Ilveiroreeeta. Itele Attest the the [IAMBI= KAMA slap for lIALLES, DAVIS A OM'S Dodos Plum, with me/ walbeed lieleeLe AtD/ehmeet. 1.19 Wood etreet. ewe pßizu MEI) A Fp ! , •WOLZILD I/0Z Offil=gll PIANOS. PENNSITLVANIA FirATE dORICULTUILIi. 80016 TY At tbrtr eshlb.2lm h4l .t Pitt•borfb, 1955, A DIPLOMA AND VILVEM MEDAL. PenmylvanDl SIM. Agri lOtural Porkt, LL tbalr WADI. lon MULL Pittsburgh, 1848, A ELM MEDAL. Mfullrmd• State ApicMutts! Cgociety at their •i6lh( by held et I•lMMurgh, • (IOU) MEDAL. Mu*. Charital.lo Mechanic Aseiciatlno.drell....A/eld Medal 31ara. Malleable Mechanic Ansneletion.Midth-._.Goid Nadel Man Madre.le Mechanic Amadeilon.ld4l... _Cield Medal Mem Charitable Medlar& Asserertion..lB44...-Mold bleat] Maas. arachnid.° Mechanic A eeederlno-.1147.--ileld Medal Mane. (harilabie Mechanic Auld Nadel Mao. Cheetah% Aleclumdc AnoclalloalBo.3-....6.1.1 Medal Albany CooMy Fair, New Vock...-.-...113L-_..11n1.1 Medal klase.Chacitable Mechrrak Amencletinal3s.......oel4 Meta Arnarloin Inaltuta, Now Yorke.- -.111:4---Ould Medal Melts Charitable Mechanic haruidiattna..lB3B-..1 , liver Medi& Masa Chultalda Mitchank. aissoclation-1a11....811ver 3ledal Masa Charitable Mediu& Aerociattan.lB46-.Bllver Modal Mae. Charthibilillechento Medal Morns:es' Co. Mccharila AneurdsUon---11146.... ether Medal Frank Ila heal lag, ream.. - Uri, nada) Woccatcr Oa Mechanic iisnoclation.-.1841-Mber 11.1.1 Mura. Charitable Mechanic heendallon-11568....1111ere Model Wm-cater On. Mechanic Areiciation-1861....i1l leer Medal Wormier 00. lischankt deanclation-1651 Ohio Matkilnard of Agriculture.- ......11112....M1ecr Medal Obi* State Ikertri Agricalture-.....--110.3....h1/ ter Medal Kentucky lidechanks' Luditate...-...-11138.-.Silvar Medal Mars. Carultoble Illebhunle Arrocialinn..lhiede..Alhear Modal Masa. Charliehle lischanin ananclaikin..los6....2llrer Medal State ....... ifsss.Charitsble Mor.bardo •sasobstka..lllso... Brous 31.11 Word's lalt, L0n&1a....-. ---1841...flonass Medal Mum Clailtilds Medusa. Assocastioralfd...l3roose •10.1 Mass-Classiisbls If ecbsolc aasoclallo636so-.Broare Medal • • fall aspply of MIMEO NW SONP PIANO FOR2Z • Of envy dascasstlua r .soosavfostarad by them,corattlai, of th.lr GRAND PIANOS, PARLOR GRAND PLANO:, SQUARE PIANOS. LED EDDIE NEW OOTTAOE,OIt UPATOUT PIANOB ALSO TULIR NEW ENLAJtORD WALE PIANOS. - VP - Tor solo by JOUR U. MELLOR, &de Adoutfor Ohitkaring h Poo.' Moos for Pittsburgh, No. Al Wood street, botooso Dimond allay awl Irourtb street. org.lsof J. LARGEST AND BEST assortmeet et PIANO YORTRS In the eltyaleat thicelebrstrd Sectesien et WAI. KN A RR • CO. Balllsoonn RA DAVIS A CD., neaten; lIAIN VI BRAS, New York; BAI/SIGAILATXN A UXINS, Ihuntrtirg, and other celebrated mane. PR1.1101.11 111. MARRAIIRLODRANS. Memel bud Plano§ 118 Wood street, 21t 3 .1 1 4r " Z r y: F i lt i g rt Le'''. "Ye Boas of God li.wiikelo Glory,' .rn OICLEDRATID • • BIARSEILLA IRE, • DAPTED to sacred words, by Rev. J. JO& WILIINDRIIN 'RILEY, D. D., Pastor of Christ M. Z. cb arab, Pittsburgh, as tangduring the ramp mooting. .pd revivals of 1968; price WS mom Juts published nod fia. N. by ' JOHN IL hITILLOR, oc3o No.BI Wood stmt. DIANOS AND ME LODEONS_, Jetzt received • nor lot of I.IIIIOILM InOr PIANOS and AIASON Ililf4l,llWis MELO/MONIS bo open and roily, for W. on • - 7 triprolng, Oct. SOUL • • •IL JIIELLOR, Nn. SI Wood et. • _ PIANOS. A011011:1E LOT VW ;TlLE iffis m UNEQUALLED STEINWAY t DON'S rtAtY TURK PIANOSJaat reashedoanstg Momenta. &timed Loa XIV,. of 734 octaves, sad g th , perb workmaboblp. Wa witch this Instrument . whet orsed pls.. Ir k tbia slry fbr aysadeor, volume ared twenty et tone. Yb. Steloway Plana are beyond all doubt • the suet perjhet owe nude anywberet Ara are dedlW.l to :become tbe food popular laitruseats tbo world. •They , are folly warraolad by.the coakarsaad tbs sulacrlbere, sad salt be !old at New. York factory feioee,,Yoe auto by &LAMM A-840,110.01 out. greet, • = YAISAIddI Fotaidony'. ar.lot of 141313Altfldark% awl also firIATIIEDRAL' CILLNTS.LA.OOIIection of Cotbodial. 01 . 454 Gregorian Topes • idsotoll to, ttro . .eonUolot sn4.attsaioeal orticet or thi Protottiot Itpleittpsl Charehi ,aloo ientcei Set the Elekr; Comilutdoo,aod 556 Huila of the /1 1 44 b/ Titan. ergo. MusD:A V. 1, 5 .15 Tor ads still, Menlo StonVo • . . • • • P. 17 14 V. JFFERY'S PATENT DOUBLE -ACTINO BLIMP, rilth INDIA;RBOUBlt -BALL VALVES, -do- ter Clatat:AWall tGe gtattro WM!, BleuribostA la , Thew Pumps call threir treanlvierdy AisAdredsitt. :lihperritiletia, cad from their simpty of roostroethroi Are Iraellable to getout, otAri . l eel Sr.. more isee4 repair wi,=== t roe AVAhee ' the pot I em to tarnish soya thii Abate 'Nieto AAA Mooted 441 be pleusil to hi Animus toti 644mlniniumnialy,wat. ,r,ql. - ?A-Toliii.W44l4* - 14., - Taiiwomaagurms. • -,loomovs;mt!im bric rarma 00 to $l4O —.s4tos6 per month. VittsbittO Cqttte. aBLISIIED du I:, [ PATt o AND WEEKLY n B. RIDDL3EI , . nna RUM tIIMMIELD. ALAILIC• OR, TEM TYRANT'S A SICILIAN STORY OW EARLY TIRES CHAPTER L ALLEM. • Not. far from the city of Syracuse, when it was the Metropolis of all Sicily, an object o longing to ambitious conquerors, and one of the m ie n cities in the world; not far from this pli,apon the shore of the sea, stood a Man whaled just landed from a vessel that was now sailing away towards the North. lie was quite yoing—not over five and twenty—tall and well preportion ed ; with a muscular system finely developed; and poSaessinga fact not only striking In its Manly .beiuty r bat remarkable; in one im.youog, for its stern, resolute and self -relkint 'expres sion. His dress yes light and simple, and evi dently of Greek manufacture ; the lower limbs being clothed in close-fitting goat skin, above which ho wares shirt of white linen, confined at the waist by • belt of fine mail. Upon his head was a cap of woven stuff, the Lop droop ing over the right earl and his :feet were shielded by a pair of sandals. His 'Only weap on was a short, heavy sword, whiShitumg in a leathern scabbard, from his belt otmitil. He stood for a while, gazing about, as thiugh unde cided what course he should pursue Oat finally he espied an old fisherman, not far ofif, who bad just come down upon the beaoh, an d towards him he made his way. 'A bright, pleasant morning, goo; air,' said the youth. The old man east his net froM hit shoulders and gazed up. He carefully scanned the fea tures before him, and then replied: 'Aye, fair sir, it is a pleasant morning. Ws have many such on this coast.' • 'And yet It storms eometimes, 1 suppose,' sug gested the firstspeeker. 'He is a wise man who little heeds the storms he cannot quell,' said the fisherman, with a nod of the head which seemed to give his words more meaning than the circumstances under which they were spoken would Imply. • 'You are right there,' responded the. other. "But tell me—where can i find Militating, the heretic t' • The fisherman took another . careful lodk into his interlocutor's face, and then answered : 'He lives upon yonder mountain ' which is called Catalano. Do you wish to seehim 'Then follow the path that leads to yonder cot, until it briny you to a small stream. that, and thee alum your right hand yon will see a beaten track. Ile lives in a cave near the top of the mountain, and this track will load you directly thither.' The youth thankal his informant, and was upon the point of turning away, when the latter resumed : mean no offense. Your face looks familiar. Uhl' the mot of a countenatoe I fended I had seen before.' 'You'll at least remember of havingneen such an one on this teeming,' said the yelling Ulan ; and as be thus spoke he turned away. 'Aye,' muttered-the old Sicilian, half to him self, but yet kind enough to reach other ears ; 'and I call on Neptune 4o witness that I have seen it before. Such f es are not multiplied theyare not plenty in Syracuse thine time& Alas I more's the pity.' The youth hesiiated for a moment, $a though he would turn back, bui he overcame the dispo sition, and kept'on. %t to be had begun to as cend the mountain, het_stopped• and looked be hind him, and sew that the fisherman wan al ready upon the water. 'Can it be,' he said, to himself, 'that my (ace is so little changed! I think I remember that old mao, for he has erred hitt nets long in these waters; but how should he remember me ? I pray the gods that lbw be not many in Syr acuse that will yet be op obsiitant.' With this thetravelet on up the moun -4.15 watil he had reaob • ad table of rock, from whence he could aid the ch . ,' beyond. .The great taste Ile vale spread. out before him, tett walls, its temples, and its palaces ands tear - rted down his cheek he gazed upon the • o. Me clasped hi. bends upon his bosom, an with a few muttered words, be 'Warted on a a. He crooned the stream, and took the path to which he had been directed : but he did not 'follow Um one who w. • stranger to its windings. lie pursued his way with an ease 4nd assurauee, and, at times, with, an abstractedness which could have been in dulged in only by out who knew well the way he was going. Up the steep rocky height be climbed, and, when he finally stopped, it was before the entrance to a cave—a cave which sta tor% had fashioned in the mountain's side, and sheltered from the cnn's fervid heat, and the fury of the storm. At the mouth orthis cavern eat an old man, over whose head some four score yeare had rolled. Ilia hair and beard were white as the fleecy cloud that sailed above the menu% and floated in silken, wavy masses over hie shoulders and breast. A mantle of gray cloth enveloped ,his frame, and his feet wereetted with heavy sandals. Ile wee engaged over an old manuscript, but as ho heard the sound of approaching Yootstepe he closed the volume and raised his. head. 'Geed morning, my eon,' he said,. with a look of simple welcome. 'Hind father, I greet thee,' the youth return ed, at the same time extending his hand. 'How!' cried the aged man, starting to his feet, as the aoeents fell upon hie ear. He she ded his eyes with the palm of the left band, and gazed eagerly into his vialtor's face. 'Do I see aright" he added. 'lt is Alario—my old pu pil •Aye, good Artabanua, I am Alatio—oome once more to see thee.' For soma time the hermit gazed into the young man's face In silence, but finally he said : .Sit down—eit down, my eon. Thy presence big eluded a host of varied emotions to life within me, and I must recover my thoughts ere I can talk with thee in reason.' 'Think the gods I find thee alive and in health,' replied'the youth, as he let go the old mates hand, and-took a seat upon a wooden bench close by. 'Aye—l am well In body,' returned Artaban us. 'But,' he added, thoughtfully, Continuing to gaze earnestly Into his companion's face as he spoke, , the body is but it email part of man, and tho Ills of the flesh are very joys when com pared with some of the pains to which the soul may be subject. But tell my of thyself. Where hest thou been?' 'I hare been to Greece,' replied the youth.— 'When I fled from these shores eight years ago, Nought refuge there, and there I have remained ever sinew Oh! I wept this morning, no I go red down upon the city of my birth. I bad thought I , 6mi - done weeping over those memo ries; but when I gazed upon Syracuse they came crowding upon me with apower which I could not resist. I saw the very temple beneath the walled which my father and my brother wore slain ; and I could see the roof beneath which my mother died. Artabanus, there were not many of the patriolan families escaped that foul butchery.' 'No, Mario. Of all who were loyal to the true interests of the people, I hove seen only yourself retard; There were a few escaped, but not many. Were there any went with you to Greece 'No father. I escaped alone. 1 caw my ble parencout down—l saw my brother (Ol— and when I knew I had no relative left in the city, I fled. Fortune favored me. I found a small boat brain, eca chore, and I put out alone upon the dart trident I floated away to Melite t and from thence I pined II passage to Greece. The tyrant still reigns In Syracuse 7' 'Aloe I. yes. And hie deeds aro evil, and the .ptlpple auffer.. We hare had no - peac e i n Si c il y since gond 3Telliuc died. Thou were but a mare child then.' • • . q wol enema year old.. I remember tbe good king well, for my fither,lOn know, wu one of ble thief *Moue . • 'Aye4-you - sere-older.thab I thought,' said the hermit; musinglY• 'And r i finnember that there was some ;nye-, tery conneded. With th e good klog's death,' re marked Abirk. JAI= I not, sight !' 'There 'waltniik intith miger.9.' answered the old 'man: an:: Tir.weis - Teak and weary, and be left the throne that he might die in peace ; and death- scion cauttt Odin, But why hut thou Teittitlnd *Cu you not ruse returned the youth. 'I might guess may thinge, my eon.' butlus thcm wctddberight. bave said ehdt I left larrolailve behind me when I made my escape from this place ; but .1 did' leave one' whom ^I loved-.one about whom mj attention wore entwined with a life that could wet die: , :`fott know of whom I speak: .fdye—you speak of the melon's daughter; lanthe - •• ' .'"•• (other, le --" th 0. 4 1- • 'BAIAwdIY * ‘ 4 l4 'cr i " . 4111 ! ° ; 1, - 3 0 Rtbi k l l_ ll oll'eaet, Adis,, no f*. . • ' 1 1 /M - 1 1 _ 1 0 1 :0 0 , , ,. 4013 04ft0flurwoul iS~ do not tell me that she has ceased to love me. True, she was auhild in years, but I loved her then, and my lore has grown stronger in the separatioit which has followed. I know there is danger to me here, but I came with a will to meet it.' 'But suppose your very life were in danger if you aought the maiden 4' 'Yon may warn me of danger, if you will, but do not seek to place the barrier of fear be tween me and my desire, for I know not the emotion. You, !Idahoan', taught me when I Ina a boy, and your wise lessons have not de parted from my mind. You taught me that there were many thing' more to be feared than death, and I have comb' prepared rather to die than live all alone in a distant land, with the Bad memories of my unhappy country Tor my only heritage.' • 'And you would not turn from death, should it raise its threatening front between yourself and lanthe?' The old man's gaze grew more earnest as be thus spoke, and a spark, within which seemed to gleam some newly awakened hope, burned in his eye. .hly father,' answered Alario, with a flushing cheek, "I mid almost feeloffended did I think you doubted me, but Ido not think so. Show me that loathe loves me, and not even Pyrrho himself, with the blootlstained crown of Sicily upon his brow; shall have rower to startle me from my coarse, Whilelife is mine.' Artabanue started to his feet and grasped the youth by the hand. 'Noble Alario,' he cried, with a joyful enthu slum, 'thou art worthy of the maiden's hand. She does love thee—she cherishes thy memory within her heart as the most precious thing of earth, and fur long years she has lived upon the hope that thou wouldet return to her.' 'o—the gods be praised!' ejaculated the young man. •Bat; added the hermit in a changed voice, 'there must be danger in thy path. Pyrrho bolds his throne only through the fear and en slavement of the people, and he knows It. Your father was one of his bitterest enemies, and be was also one of the first whom the usurper found it necessary to put out of the way. Yon are not only the very . Image of your noble pa rent but you must remember that you had rived almost at the full stature of manhood when you fled from Syracuse. You were then seventeen, and from seventeen to five-and-twen ty, especially in one so early developed as you were, there is not much change. You , were' a man then, and you are no more now. So you must expect that you will be known and recog• nixed. But let us speak of that hereafter. First do you see lanthe, and when you have found all right in that quarter, we will consid er further.' 'I shall find her with her father ?' Teo—and his house i 9 jutt where it was eight years ago.' 'I will go and seek her, then, and—' 'Hold, my son. You hat better wait till night fall ere you enter the city, and also exchange that Greek shirt for a garment less likely to at tract attention, for I assure you that too much care cannot be taken.' Marie was impatient to see menthe, but he saw the force of the hermit's reasoning, and he 'was willing to wait, So he sat down by his old teacher's side again—eat as he had eat years be fore, when receiving insircutions from the same lips—and listened to the story of the tempt that bad been done In Sicily during the last eight years. Hour after hour passed away, and Artabinus had still more to tell of the tyrant's cruelty. 'Merciful heavens!' cried the youth, fired almost to phrensy by the recital, -'bow have the people borne all this one, have borne it under fear of their lives. Pyrrha's soldiers are posted at every place where a murmur can arise.' ?And how long shall it last ?' ' ?Till some spirit with a heart big enough Lo love Sicily more than life, and ► soul that fears not the tyrant, shall arise in Syracuse!' pro nounced the old man solemnly. Mario started as he met the glance of his aged companion, fur there rasa meaning upon it of more than mortal import. He dared not trust himself to epeak then, for the feelings that had sprung to life in hie own soul were so wild and arrange that they fairly startled him. He arose and walked out upon the mountain, and ever and soon, as hie eye rested upon the die- tent eit, the tumult is hie soul same to entitle him again. lie did not seek to analyze the emotion, for it was so bold and gigeotio, so genie -like in its misty proportions, that be der• ed not jmndle it with reason. After a while Artabanua came nut sad touch. ed hint upon the shoulder. •Alaiic,' spoke the old man, 'lt is waxing late, ap . d we may be on the more. Let us eat a cruet if bread, and then we will descend the mountain together. I must go with you as far as the fisherman's cot, for there we must find a more fitting garb for you. Glyoon to my friend and may be wasted to the verge of the grave.' The frugal supper was soon dispatched, and then the two descended the mountain together. At the fishermatili cot they stopped, and found that Glycon had just returned from his day's labor. Artabanus took him apart, and having explained to him as much of Alarie's story as he deemed advisable, he . asked for some gar ments that would answer for the youth to wear. The fisherman led the way to his scanty ward robe, and the necessary garments were soon se lected. Marie's !mins of goat-skin were re 'placed by long hoie of bluenloth, and his white linen shirt was exchanged for a dark brown frock, beneath which he could easily conceal his short sword. After this the hermit accom panied him to the southern shore of the bay, and there stopped. •We had better not be seen together beyond this point,' said the old -man. •From here the way Is plain, and you have had caution enough. AL the gate you will not be stopped, unless some of the guard should "lake the whim to question you. Bs wile, now, and cautions, and let me see you to-morrow.' '1 will not forget. 'Then may the glide guide and protect you.' With thie Artabonue turned back towards the mountain, and Alexia kept on. The shades of night were gathering over the city se the youth passed Ito at the broad gateway, and the guard had already lighted their torchea. He had gone a few etepe when a rough voice commanded him to slop. •Didn't you promise me a fob for my dinner, hou lying knave!' the voice continued. .You base mletakon your man,' void . Mario, biding hie face as much as possible without seeming deetrouswo to do. .Good .BaCchus, no I bare. Thou'rt not Hes ,No,' returned our hero ; and as ho spoke be kept on. t 'That's a strong° face,' said one of the eol diors. .And. I thought, a fair one, added another. 'How now 7' aake4 a ihird, 'llea a manger passed 7' 'Yee—a fitiberman, 'Tie said that a Greek vessel wee upon the coast this morning, and we should know whom she landed?' Marto heard no more. Ile turned the first angle in the street that presented 'Welt and then hurried on. The way was (Apulia!, and he had no difficulty in selecting the miens avenues he needed to follow, bat helms not wholly easy. lie had mato) to believe that he took several winding pas sages for theptirpose of- avoiding pursuers, but be could not get rid of the echoing foot-fall that sounded upon the pavement behind him. It slackened when he alaokenod—it Mopped when he stopped—and when he hurried on the echo hurried after him. CHAPTER II 'Within a comfortably furnished apartment of en bumble abode, pear the western wall of the city, sat two individuals:. The first was • man 110010 fifty iears of age, stout and muscular in frame, and wearing the garb of an artisan, with the duet of toil still clinging to him. lie mantled an open, kindly countenanee, and if it lacked in .comelinees, it certainly made op in honesty and frankness. - Such was Believes, one of the moat skillful masons in Syracuse, and possessing a fair knowledge. of architecture in its higher and more elaborate branches. A ge nial, oomforiable.disposition bad' led him into society of his ownoboice, and an antipathy to turmoil and strife, and an unwillingness to as. same Much responsibility, hid kept him from rising to any eminence in his profession: There may have been another canoe far his retaining Us humble position, though every desire of hie social life seemed to bs answered where he was. The other , person—the masons companion— was a female. Elba had seen just , twenty ' meta, and was as beautiful as the poet's dream.' In form atm : light and graceful, her limbs full and round, and 'her whole, fratad full of life and vigor. Her features .weris of true Grecian • mould, with large, dark crag; over which droop 'ed long huhu of silken texture, mass of wary tressea idastered , 4bout her euperbly rounded shoulders. Brood .:the' few • heated frieidlitho soutitheett parteok of the artiatuee beepltality she walk not /*tip, iDdlespe had 'guarded her with kudaer'i earth - 4nd few there were the great metropolis_lrk rrealartia of:§re.•Aithat: diptliklwitAlet:loli *sly; The Willie ereftweel wb*. kiriel,blW Wheel" lovi,iisdhl AeW,7:4 I.4l4,liFfitrt • GAZETTE. VOLUME LXXI---NUMBER 276 not to ope;ilt of her in their intercourse with the outside world. 4Don't call mofoolish, father,' said the maid en, imploringly. 'I do not call thee so lanthe,' the mason re turned. I only wish to help you over what may pray& a bitter disappointment. How can you hope that. Alaric will ever return r 'ldylove tells mese.' 'Ah—but love is blind.' 'Then its feelings are the more to be relied upon, for they come from the internal prompt lugs of the soul. But I feel' mire that he will come book to me. Only last night the birght goddess Electra appeared to me In a dream, and told me that Alone should return. At least I will hope yet a while longer ; for it is sweet to . Bellerus could not find it in his heart to do more towards dispelliog the bright promise which the maiden cherished and be turned the conversation upon another topic. .Only a few words had been spoken, however, when . a loud rap was heard without, and the host lighted a torch and went to the door. When. he returned he made a motion for lanthe to leave the room. 'lt Is a granger,' he said, 'and it i 8 not meet that thou shouldst be present.' But the maiden neither spoke nor moved.— She had heard the tones of the visitors voice, and her quick ear had caught a familiar sound. Belem would have reminded her again, but the granger was close behind ,him, and quickly entered the apartment. Isuthe saw not the hum ble fisher's garb—ehe only saw the *el/remem bered features which she had carried within the sacred repository of her affections foe so long a time. They were changed a little—they had assumed more of manhood—but not changed to love. 'Sweet Electra, my dream is true.' she cried, as she started forward, and put forth her hands. , Alarie has cbme 'So Heaven looks down with richest blessing!' the young man responded, an he folded the maiden to his bosom. 'May the gods preserve me !' the old mason, gazing upon the ) ,, , toot ' , air in wonder. hope thin is no trick Jr TllOll l / 1 110 to blind me. Marie, is it thou ?' 'ln truth, good Bellerue, it ie,' returned our hero, extending his hand as ho spoke. •Sorely thou shouldst know me.' 'Aye, and Ido know thee now,' the host re sponded, grasping the youth warmly, and gaz ing eagerly into his face. 'By the crown of Pluto, I could not mistake that face. :Thou art grown wondrously like thy noble father.' • The taio were soon-. seated, :and when they had regained somewhat '.of.their composure, Marie gave n brief account of his adventures during Lis, abeelsce from Sicily. Lingle sat all the while with her bead upon his bosom, and ever and anon lifting her eyes to catch the warm glances of his love. • At length the old craftsman went out, and the lovers were left alone. They told over the tales of affection they used to tell in other years, and for an hour the world was shut out from their thoughts. '0 I'murmured lanthe, after Alaric had im printed a warm kiss upon her brow in token of the renewal of his most solemn pledges, 'now that thou ail near use, and my fount of love is full, I begin to fear the dangers which may be set thee.' 'Let us nut thil* of danger now, my beloved,' replied the youth. 'This - should bee season of joy and happiness unalloyed.' 'Aye—but we should not' forget that there is a future, and that we must be watchful of the joys to-day if we would have them with us hence forth.' 'Thou art right, loathe. And I will be watch ful. I know there to danger in the way, but I fear it not.' [TO OE CONTINUED IN OUR NEXT.] inoutanct. Merchants' insinuate Co. of Philadelphia. KAI. V. pl - rm. )10.2Atiii, liccsk.tatry. uws,l. of Capital Bt..ch lucid tu and inve5t....1....p.1),00t , ix; XJ,CZI Blt • . I wfur...• Cor o gt.. It I.L. oo 140 UAW. and Mldolollppl SI Rivers Afui teibotort. I..eures oitoittst Woo or d01f.,..-v by Piny also awoinot coo pont* of too :44, nod Inland ... Novigotloo and Tlonoportraion. . . ",. • 01.00.111 b. CV*.. 0. PAIL J.Jos. C. sfootgoutory, John all Putrtroy, It J. r. McCann. r \ V - Warn, None f1011100,W01.1,. W, Joy., A. 51.. t oott. Chart.. IL Wfighl,Jobo J. Patofloo , 1.3.r0w01T I' C. '. WM. V, PETTIT, ert4ll4.nt, 1: - .I:Vrilligt,'S'Ice thwrideou Dwriare J. Illea•sil. , 50c.g. , 7- ' '• ' - • asrxtUrsi. aelgrx, Lamb k finch, Mors.. t Btl.l d" Truitt, Urn. Oa, •• P1unr0i,,(11.1.1161.11h &viz=lts, Justice !Co., 1111 1 1 1 r" . "- - • PITTSIII9;97II OFFICE, No. 97 It hTItENT aufkLltt • • W. 99)I9DEXTER., elgvot. Prankll% Ptr• inraranw Company of oranceims. Charles W. baucker, Adolph R. Rona, George W. Richards, Ratnnel Grant, Tenor. Raft, David R. Drown, Mon Real R. Lawla, Jacob R. ankh, !intim Wagner, ALerch Panerion, CHAIM& N. RAMMER, Pow:.lest. Castutio 0. Ilmicsni, Secretary. This Company muttons to make 10011-400,,yermarieo• or thallad, on nary dear:ooo¢ of property in town and romitry, at rates as low as ern coacbtent with arcortty. . Ths Company •Intsc reserved a 'ism. ...menisci:o fund, which, with their thrpital and .Premlorm, Safely inceitied, afford ample protectiou to tha manned. ' . • . Tbe Amen. of Ibe Cormiwny, on Jatmary 1.4, ISSI, pulp. Med agreeably 10 t tn• /La of Assembly, were . art • 431101.1 Real R5tat0......... rX .""."" tc-- 84.377 1* 14, 340 00 ....... (C 1,966 • - ylArt.l,7oti 44. alliCt Dalt iet•orporetion, • period of tvreatyekoe Jute, they lam cold upward. of OD. Million, Four Urinated thotmewl Dollar. bower by lite, thereby- affrAdlag exelouto of the advantages of Immune., to well es yiklir ability on tHeYarition to meet withyintnyttreee all I fabilltleet • •• GARDNER COFFIN, Ageta, aplo Oaks Nadeau! eor, Wood wet Third dab' Continental Inearame Company. htoorporated by the Leptetatur. of PenneUmtata,' PIIRPITUAL OU6 ai NB ♦athorised expital, Ooe SlUgor Dallas &heated sad locumulard MOW. - ' ROME OFFICE. No. 61 Wanta.Strett,nbore Pcnisd, PAdutelphia. Ithe Insurance o Bolldlngt, Furnltorn.M.rchandise, Mark., Insurance 1)11 Cargos ett Freight% ; to all pacts of for world. Inland losorscre on Goals, to, by) Likes, Wren, °.ul and Land Corkages, to all plots of the . Unfoimi on the meet Womble Woo, coolefolost. with teonotty: : • _ GEOltal CV: COLLADAYitormerly ;recorder of Beata M. Philadelphia WM. POWERS, fortaerliiteglateraf Willa. /MR; N. COL.E.MAN, ftratotOolesuao A Smith, Importlog liardarAiladCAtlerp ilrochahra No. A North Third rArseasbovalfarke4 - 11411A . ' JOUPII OAT:firma &mph eat Pon, Coppitr•rolltot, No. 19 Quarry xtreeit, . • . NWAIN 11..MACIDIETTP, Ann of' blartioai. a icsia.4l, Imprithielarihrire llerehatita No. 1:4 North Thlro ntrAototbora tiara Phha. . 119 WARD .lIINCIINAN, firm of Livingston a w., Nothmo and Comraholloo MLrcli+nto,,Nu 2.1 , 1 31Arket 11111011 , ' ' EMMMNIEM JOS(INA N 0.24 Veth Argot .(op stain.) I;m==:r;== , ri.0,3-4A111.P...4A . .. IiUTG`III.BO . N, Prxia.t. 11ANItY M. ATWOOD, Omcs. No. 6.3 .Wailut Onus., FM haunt 410riend o?•ki s dl of Arc thurArtsine B. . . • AI33ETS, 1.471".6111n,..1666: Eltdck Due Inns, payable on dsmand, sac , Aso_ •' . • • two apprOsed shimei """ ' • '••• ' $140,000 :Premium '' ... - 61,00 2 116 alOtrollttrachuti;s' 3,98 00 —6O do Indlk of Pittsburgh do ' do' 2,110 (A 40 do Bashanne• !lank do do. 6,050 00 100' do eoas` - do ' • do dd 6,116 00 Balsoce of 800% Accounts:. . .. 2,068 rn Offlco " o WO 88 *,,57 B. Uo h • • . mm.,i; dm:swell.: JRobl. WIWI, Wilwil Mika. . .. W m . R., • .• . -.' , • iobri McDevitt •,• ,; . . . Thos. A. Claris, .i: r , tile.-.A Nil" . , , ~,.:: hapet A„ lutchlann , .. • . . . , ttENItY - 31. iIiVOOTI.4‘I il ' Westirrix"., Invaratioe , , aarint!ony . P- P: 1 T_ 11:/1.0, • 611:01141S DA HBll% 1 , 44,0464, 6. 11. 80 N, eneret - ollloll,N.V2Ny.tiratmsr,"lspai4,4 up suars, - Plt4oufigh:l ' - • - =Usurp upsiudalikinds of !tire and Marivit .4 *Wiliam, mann:o by 4 ,A 0 '44 Mr 0 4 040.1044, 44441 ad.'26.4l#t =4:" , a6 7, l ;eg l et ti m °t' 1V11 . 044141• : • M1210116.041T05516.814 166 . 4. Stook 2,t0.a0 BlllrlablB- • 4,161 sr . .... . ' 240 03' 4024000:_'_.. BlUal. . ... la .$617,611 46- Nattunihl Ilatmos, ,hdd6 , ham Intlabor.' " Abastoder Ppm, Astnn•rAckfty I 3 -iT.0d5 64 .44.P' ' 9.* feettab*Ciker" . 11 & 411 ' insuranct. . . . , Eurekti Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. . Office No. 99 Water et, Pittsburgh. essrrs AT 1; 1.341. . Stock Dne.Bille-•;pairdtle on tientaud and se cured by treoapproved 0atnere.......,..:- rfe.Sfidesi Cub In Pittsburgh Inlet CAL. pally ...1...........• .. d' , I , SAW • Premium' Notre . ':. ~ i1ib99.3,60 Rills Receivable . -- .. -. ...i... 16,96401 1Z Sberea Itechturgeßank gtock—coot ....... ...- RAW* D 9 do klec.banine BankSteck—ever 6,100.03 ROO do Iron City Unok Ste. o. paid-- 7 . 40 , 00 800 do Allegheny Rank bteck-, do tie ... SAO"' - /3.9101.31 • , Maim., J.!". Shoentbergur, tu. W. I . .W./L Nisniett, tease H. Pennock John A. Cla , ,ghey, W. W. Martin. . 0. Willatchelor, R. T. L0. , e11. Jr, It D,Cor.bran„ David Weendliaa, Jamen J. Bennett, Orme 8. Belden, Wm..). Andereore, t J. It, 4ptoptinmann, l'rez!t. ' inyttilln Roo". Frsegrr, Fee'y Delaware Datual Safety lmsarance Company, . hi.tilidf frd L3 ,ol . o zee of Peentiftectrie,lB3s. • Office, S. &Porter TUini and Walnutsts., • PEITLADiLVItIA:' MARINE LarSL7MANTS:di on Tootle CSlgn, and Fnidb, to ell parts of the world. MANE 115 - SIIRA.Vcf.M'on floods, by Rirars, Canals, Lakes mil Lend Cerriacce, to all parte of tho Unto.. FIRE LINURANCES on- Miirchaudiro 13 term Ihrellied new., de. Cindy of 0414 Ontiponp,./Ve5.2.41857. BoodOtortgogne, and Beal &taro .... ---111101,330 9 PldWolphio Llty, and other Loan, • 133,011 25 Mock In Rank; Ilallroad d InsroonroCoa. 1:11,808 QO .... ........ 220,201 03 Cash on head ............. 316,001 66 Menem to bands of 'Agents, I'n - clumn on liarlee Polk-lean:mod, twined, and oth er debte &lathe C &deception Notee.--. WlMans nutlu. Joseph IL &Donna A. Builder, John C. Dl{llll, John IL Penrose, Grerge G. Lalp.rr, Fawn.' Dariitmlon, Dr. 11. M. filreton, Wllllooi C . Lndwig, Ilogh end's. Elpurmr eluded ICrlDy, H. /oars Brwke,, Jamb P. Jones THOS. NM. LitBCl2l, Sectetttry. =II Pitiless' Insurance' Conip'y of Pittsburgh. WM. BMIALMY, I'reaM.4, SAMIILL L MAIMMLIM.L, anreleay Office 94 Mao. &rat, brumew llarld and W,.4 S:o 111111 ("Argo Risks oeigo fOoio ROli MI, aloo * Vl t lfi .. frers,...l a.d. T i ftti , nri ,r t n.,,,,,, 1, Elm A 100, tocoitofl . thR perils of the Oimortil Iffbool Natigof Into Roil T. onsport NW" fa. thwerblotrit CCIZISE . Simnel Roo, I H. M; Kier. Jon. M. Cooper.l ...feint S. DilworthJoe. Joe. Pork, Jr., I frown .90110 l a, loam M.'Proolork, Wm.ll. Hone i. 11/orlon.,lt, John :Shinn,. Copt Sem . ' C. Young, 'Wolter Ltryoui, JoLrl ' ~ John CatJw.U, Jr. Philuctelphin I.`irrh- arid LAO, INSUFLANCN CAMP.ANY. No. 149 Chesnut Street, • OPPOPIVIE TugT.oll /100f4R. Will male all Mods of Insnrimin;' either PorpoLual or on army description of ,Property or Marclundbe, at roansaaLla rated of premium. P.OBRRT. P. KIND, Pecalibiut. St W. OA LOWlN,Nite'Prosident. lirltiosoao. • • B. R. Cope, lkorim W. Broom, Soitepir'S.' Pant, . Joba;4ll.otuu, s . Wilort, Ota.clea P. Ilayea. It H. tnglinlb, p ."iil+onnan. Mega.Ane, P. rtIACIZITIMZ;gh.-.6.nr iSootif. URADV PUBLIAIIIN6/11.0U815. • NEAP CANON WRY 110IIRE, by G: P. 11. Ruivolds,prlcy„.f.o ers ADA.AItUNDKL . "• '.. " " OLIVIA, or Ibe Ithi4 Gf Lbmor, " .4;0 " COM:LOT FOX'A 13.1anbista ff.. Y........ ." . iIIbCOMF. CHRISTI:II 361. 13.0 k. .. 13 - TON.PATILIOCCILLOSE3, by FOrabb.O.hb, Jr ......... " THE m.A.Ntevss..Ecu.Kr,.. _ ...... TI11331A111OF.T111111•ANC1111,1,Y . 3out fr.+ of pnetage on re. Opt uf price:" iffrots wanted. ' YORDEIIIO A. BRADT, • • 135.Nossyn 141.4 N. T. " •-• PUBLICATION FUIt SALIfBY .LA Joan .s. -1)41;41 ) !..i. alat Itlittrtet • utitt:.Fourth. Row id lacy Orit treardtm I ntanded, aid„gotteitt guide in choosing. fwmii. rib,prori,g an Main (from a outer of an acretaa tmadredUres in'agtobt) with rettruneu . • . , 1 1 both deal nd egeCollon.: Ed*ltrotEndtP.Ltdosottlm GaGardenadon Palk. Ite • or Ma True and Sonotifol in Ns- • A rt ,. 'to": e—lrciwf 'MUT the Woe ef with Nal hill. , 7 • The Iron Trade of the Untied States; hlr tory of MI Ho, bud progress, Cram 1021 to 1857, with tahlie, istatlftics, etc, by French. 3111 e. Standlah, by Langfellpw. nth supply. Dagetees Paragraph 11101 e, largo tit Ina cola. A moat The Book of the Season—A Ciallary of . nacos Engligh and Anmtican Poets, maguifiroldir hound and ilin.trotad with •104 or tho florae fleet 'engraving.. fly Henry Coppoe. • .JOlllB (MDAT ISON, rant . el Market, clew north !great. VALUABLE BOOKS,'New Publications, &e a opening at N. C. CCOIJILANIV, Alh•gheny.— Longfellow'. new watk, Milo'. Standish andother P 0•111.1; . Cart... New Book. The Exiles of - Florida, •by lion. ••••••• Joehna R Cilddltupg llistory of the Conetitotion of the Clotted Rat., Curd; Nro,7 Day Book of Bt,t, •..and ". Chrueology. embracing the /trudges-aeries of Memorable k• Pereons and Creole, from the Cmation to lb. prenent IIme.1• • " vol. octavre Antonia History of gurope, new coition:7 vols. a in., r', the /14:erasion of Wile Napoleesc Life of Johttgan. ddlOt , with Ild'lnl , 4 l SPeethee end Addreeaes by 11. W. Bertou'a Northern end Control Aldo; Living. • stone's South AN.; Lipner, edition. nt Iltuteey,'lbeetittley, Gibbon, Plutarch. Rollo Presentee .Wes kr % Irrulg's Washington, ,taro edition; Xdo of Dr:, , NAUez • Queen of England, 12 vole, dd Saaland, 7 nein- Waylanirs • . new work, Sermons to the Church; Spurgeon's thane; now fubliutlorts. and (reelk supplies in 'bedew/meat cfnidorr Itiogragby, Selena, Travel. Poetry; etaildaniandtalweibuse- OileLiterntilr., bible; Cultrtentaritee,,ad,Writing Papers. uewreriety or Matiooary, opening daily " front. Ortd . uw!l now bobas made in the eastern ‘ltlee. • • A large stock of &boot Books, Writing end Iffipplnes - - , ,,., Deport, whale :4e and retell by N. 00CIIILAN gee:a) a Vadaral.St., Allegheny. •"..4 ' -'" QTANDA.I.IO LAW BOOKS---United States A 3 Dlgeet ' • United State. Statutes at Large, II voLr. Brenham' Nbl Pinls, 3 robe ! Do Rawl! on Crimea, 2 vole; • ' ' Kent'. Coutruraterios, new ed e a vol% Wendell'. Blackstone, 4 odle; Omenleef on Nvidenee, 3 vote' ' • • Story on Contract., 2 vole, , . • , Persona do '2 vole: Do Mercantile Lew, I vol;• - Stelae* du do do retee•Oondeneed Itoporte, a volq •• .!. "J AMCIILan Ralleay Om" 2 edit; • lieddeld on Refleraya,l rot • Stoty'a Treatises on ItallMetitf, Saler, Agency, changa,'Proudasory Notes, Nrpelty, Jurlopfrolonce, Nosily - rloaMnue /id Porta:rot:lp. KAT 0C,!.,1f00d etr.wt. 'MEW AND VALUABLE BOOKS--Nntur" _LI al lllatory, tutted 3nOne,2. yd. royal 3eo, half calf Amerlian•Elequence, by :Week )Iciare, Trois, r , ,yed Bee • the hundred Baton Osiers; . ' tareeliCurioalthe of Literature, new. itnet. rd, 4 vol l / 4 : Edger ADan Poe'e Wotito compete, Ttte.ltlear• and Lake. or &Opt ore, Mutat...Led, Set; ' Itsyne's Zock,s, neer sett. Lecture.. the lord's Preyin • int do ebrietten Prottrions It.taiPbtlooopby, by . Prof. Raven: . Itogn Miner'. Werke, le uniform t , lndlcup; 'New RteNry otidetboottern, bi Dr. Stevens; - Fermi.. for Otte Neer Llfeillashnelt; large..n.cellanepos 3. vigilant hut reed from the trade - Ir.ofEew York end, 1,111.141de. bon'• •t •'• - 78 Fourth,... NEW BOOKS AT IiENTOUIPS CIIEAP - . Book Store, St. Clair elre+t.•„ irsylend'e Sermona to the etturebre; 7 . Dental Bakeee'Llfe and Lebore, sl,2si"' • - 7' Faith to God's Wort% by Albert B• 03011:: I Ileyeeeettative Woono,llithbelo.sl4o. Bate llome;et LitelDeye of , Pahrolienttio, 25 eta. itelstotes New Theory of tbeePooelThees.7Bl.o4 • - Inited orontelYtembool,(Constoothxdiltf.) Change h Boos New . liierleetbi. t/) . 4 y . 00h.4,15 vole 23 Ott. '0001tIre4; 'OA ry S. worn- TO . 3`l3:lirliA.Dilr.s. •-• HEATED TERM IS APPROACH - I. j trio, sad are call the attentlonef the letelka to the. ~ eat that _ • Pan hedoitetelth,ecentemy, without *pervade* twalt - ontsoo . with dkpatch—tbe fire bring always n•ady le ittograve's Gar • UndlitgiStort, ' To Whkh we restktfetly I rertte'youratkition, et Nall tlndthlteidetreot,a A.TOUXSOfft bit°. JrTCoanW.md ' City Itlghtifor aperll.rt , •AtD, BILE V L L PEE pmprietoiibf the 'Pi ttabtiket Novelty V j We or halreag. throught , Nr. 7ejtmei.' tree PtlaWfwl 4 '. mucbental gentle. of the den t ) teletaimet letter Petrwie dated 17th or hotpot, 1858, kern naw owed, MOW& maitre' meat for Ladling Ors,lrnly pest,' compete and .ICortaida • eeI:MA.II4 dorsottio, gunge and Ottawa.; a nerrnewY appendage to weary. hemettere born. now offered the mike, our wake. , °Wog tette 'compact' form It fa IN. Intel soon to tecomoan ankle of untie ineuryfistemare 6217.710 65 'rho !Tubb:log Ara'ir,l,...lllajr,.totly slam' :aad6apoaadr, lad mai lbi • &cared la!, rruit, door, a. yma vniufd /afros Add:no - mare, srenit speaks for owls ' • : IrolOtoaLltlr It. , LCVMORTON;OOPYVAND A OD. .44 4 ti ) = T. W. .ouonnicir, W sad ciaoseAreau,' . • :VINE VATOUESAND JEWELRY, enre 1: lio.=lnn.b.tred,tretwerawooa..o„awko, Vitt. .. ',.• ItirPlialkubit ift.ttloake3 lathe. I+7 ,lecatibit'of W,latt;', .' ' . aadle Al.r.rorli /FIFA 1 received - at TEAII--Just 'France, ...i. funny 4320:ery an& T.. Am*, AWler4l 'Week Ali t '.-* •' . ilhoy, 80 ball" duet Enact and - Mien Tort tor the )Atew '*•." • , famistion,ml4 rill b. mill at ptleir Ibil'irill - defpcom rklu-..i t =ran kA.r - mr...444aCsavambp.. 0 ; •., -- : .-atoickattestateart.Vicen,ing:ti-iiTi ona ni.k. or '2 . ; • ,Air#Ohtkvad 0 . 1 4401=12' billi*Jtelanop o, 00_,..Sw.PAwildr it= i ,_..._., A-Ant.# ' tbe.bGe -- . -.• '.. - i - .....1.0.t.. gßi '.- ' 'Ma Tell aura 1 194 0 0ilanK ' . ..tratt:.". ,,, - t-7, , , , ,E14,1 Z. , : .''' ''jtalg D ,430etsiti4-140 V.513X1,16 0 94.730 DI 100,000 00 67 02,7 08 31 Junco • Thooptillos Jam:. Tragoolr, William Byre, Jr., XV. Pordaton, Joshua P. RS re, Swoon' R. glokeo, Henry Roan, Jarrett Ale.Farlw • Moro. C. I WI, Robv.rtßurton, Jolla B. Kemple, Piltalig, D. T. )lorgots, J. T. Logic, ARTIIV; Readout. C. 114 ND, Vico Prooidout. A A. BlA.httlitA, Aout, 45 Wktor street. Pitt.d.urgti C tNIVPM, Agent, Third NM Wood krona.