laffictUantalus. ' =RM. P`e art±Ste WILKAT , ,RICE Alito CORN - PLOURtCOiNIikAr „: .. ..,!ii , A.NIIi'ALTURED AND ; '"AND 'IIb3IINY • ENMITTSBUBOH- AND. ALZBIMENY. seatelyil bi Dellury PAPER HA ZUG,I N4llB. I==2ll sr/tufa WALL P.A.1.33R Is sow open lot hutpectioa awl 8.35. Th. atm* Rlle• of PAIIOR, aani., DORN° ROOM, CIIIIIOII CEILING P.APERB Many aintlinty new deft= for firwEaards. Window Shades,. Team., in ZDSIUNDBON t 00.. rru STRiIIyiERS AND VISITORS TO TEM rem— AND DOOR FACTORY IN AL.L/FG/INNY.--11ulks. s, Contractors or othsrs whaling huh; DOOM, Wlsdcn• flhuthsrs de Mouldings, should call st the • CENTRAL PLANING MILL And exitaine onr avatar Work and ilaith, fur with our pramakt raparlor and due working Idathir.e.rr. we. aro be. ydnd CotapeCtlud, and °autism am mach 1..e10w thole -PrOdactud aniafatior Mick., Call and examice tn. yoar.. - wham Jobbing, Itoptltittz, ke.„ prompby tattnolot to. .7. At 1.1. T. rn.wr.. Sil•Contral Pinning ma, SVack at,tatweeskr.leralaad Beaver ate .. alltsti.ay Cd7. Pd. - "i4"°°l' MTMMMrnTrT•7 I I HE subscriber would solicit the attentiim T nietr.hents end strangers et ttin6 tha city to hie present aria:rive stock of LEATIIER,MLIOK PINDINOS, TAXNEILS' end CURR 1,611.15 TOOLS, TANNER'S Ott, kt which he offers to the trade et the Lowey market prices He eolidnaa esaminstiim or hie stook. W. • WILKINSON, • — MT Liberty stmet,Titteburigh AMERICAN ARTIFICIALFLOWERS;:: The sotgerlbem bare added to their ertabliehment mama ertleta of acknoerhedged abfß7 fromTalre, mid are zmundiebutog , the attire goods on • male never Wore" at. tempted In thls cohnirl , wace.sALE rotat4attas •re rented to nnnardns santplesorhlch wtn na found, both In price and porfertion, largely to ktinknee or any similar ',oda °Semi In Mit market. J. C. LIHNDERSON, marrn 1 co.. Vijo BtftidiWlLV. Hr. Yprk. L ACE RUCHES, IPANOV TRIMMINGS, Iheanbactibern hating aetabliehed a riKtnry at ho. b Broadway, on as extensive Ikea, for the productaxa of the above goody (ands the management or Mr. Edward Jima. aon,) suptictfally solicit WIIOLVELtiIf To umoins their rroples., whkh embrace many entirely tine deelgun, at= Broadway. Noir York. anLitend J. C. ILENDERSON,SSISTII a CO. TO WHOLESALE DEALERS IN °maim, ruitons end A. FANCY IiEATLIERS,TRIMINOS,Ar—, • to addltltion to our usual Importation or this description of goods . which wren every quality, style awl color, rtuts. tile tor Bonnet frtromlnda. Fringe., An, do., we have needed our facilities P.m manulacturing the leading style In thi. 000titry,and will execute orders for any quantity on short none. ', J. O. lILNOEIISON, SISYTII A CO, atiland WO Broadway, New Turk. littieee Worltar, JAMSII °WILMS, CORNER El l }! AND wrraz STREETS, QT6OOO AND MASTIC WORKER Weerartictilarattattloo toell ordentfor .ork 106 b MMUS sad of .11 klnd. fun:abed sliort notice. araLlyd am, S. 5irm—......--suns nan. DUPRE, UEOK & SAYLEI, Bankers and Brokers. • • 3 and LS Devonshire Street, s r 0 N. DB. & S. give partieudarattention to the Minn of Lake Soperlar, and are prepared Wham:deb reliable inforamtlotirespectlng them. A monthly. review _r the Stock and Maw Markel, vitt. qaotstioni of atilt) Corrent Secu dike be cant lowly address deelmd. AV:VA-me _ Union Hydrate,. Cornea*. _ Tr FAVORITE MAKE, used and au roral by flathead Contractors, Bridge .4 Cistern nen for you* pea Watrazto4 of beat quality sad far al rat the very learnt market prim by •LEECEI R RUTORINHO:f, 4a22 . !Pa Ile *earn at. and 113 Ptret et. . -TORNTII GNIPSON 4 CO.. 13,5 Third et Lime Fist rnceirtel and for Ws • lug. lot o - !Webb Venitlan 11e4, Vermont Ochre. french Zinc, • Ameticao • j• 10 ' • led Whiting. GAL 'BLANKS.- _LA DeclarsUote, Cormnonemarh, tal Iltals of EseLactge, • "eO NOW, Precipe of :. Judgement sod see on the be. Dock.te as with oaelasm ‘ r ;•'•-•••••:.- .101115STO'k k rt ‘6 , 1 Ittatt - m , n, 67 Wt.! Ft CEM W I.Easar 47.0 Bac. Mira. &Ma: .. , 30 Boxes Garton. Clay, - - 250 Ebb. Rada. DA K. W Carl. ec4.., WO Casa Bova A•h, Tar ALEXANDER KIND MOLASSES -14U bbls. Igolasiee; Ed half We. N. o.d 100 tdd.. Footern dynapo. JOTIN FLOYD A CO. IT) trout .t. OTASII, POTASIL—A eery superior ar 'Napa( Pawl. tn.Laatly on liao4 at Tin; B. OUT.—A PERPETCFAL LETTER El3l.l)tt, just reseirta =I for vac by W. S. HAVEN, Otttinuer, A 4, corner Uwkot And S.A•oed .la. WURNITURE, FURNITURE, FURI"iI TURG—Porsons devious of rxrehsetnt ftarmrittre or chal" will du 'ratio emsalhe our stuck before phmehatillig ehmithere. • • S. U. 'SOUS° t CO., chrner Third and Sm ithtle Id sumo. FINEINE FURNITURE— We are ancoaftanting sod bora for nolo at our Insorttolm, co( Ger 3rd and Ernlthteld oar T. 11. YCIIING k SWEET k'OTATOES—r-10 bbls prime quail -41"v"."''.7117t1b(LOIC. cCRE RAY a co. pllf. ONLY FRESH :STOUR Of DI GOODS to the cite, tow tiles:dog. New etylo Prints, Sot (011. nod the lattw - ixstozent of el r Mode of erweasable Dry Goode lutW city." WBOAILDS-25 doz. nowstyle Zinc V., Butt Vouth mot reed rpm Oltrdattgat and tor rale whokoml. or retail, us FRANCE'S Vara, Grocery and Tea Store, Federal arr. t, Allertmny. cre TIMOTHY EKED WANTED—The highest market mac In sub wilt b. ptd.l for choke rat by DAVID C. InIIIBST, arA - carnet Manta and Mad errata. GSENii WANTED--Cash will be paid 0 Itmenr. crud. of ctsailled. Pgr largo lot. of taco ea extra price will be pal dy DAVID C. IiEREST, orgj. ..owner and Mod tomr, OPPOSITE Gm "Girard House" you will sods Ilk go Stock of tuna.* ard Chalky. ettntr ow, numaracturcr, ooE Warranted. T. D. YOUNG .11 W. - DIG IRON AND 1LL00319--50 tons Char .'. )3010DATION. I al rt, J.llet at 7 eau A. 31.:dhlrmpt at 6:30 P. M All ',iv m. nr, 1..1v 1.4,r, be tire,' Chimp' and Jotlnt, r , throngh ItTlll,portlAl hone nna Lrkporg. - AI CII/CAlii), tutll dl the th.r. At:lol.ler, with 11.,k 1.1,11.1 lV..wt, .1, -CIA E.:l. At I.F.DRI A ..1 , N..r10N. %Int ia 11.1.tingt..ti awl 1ttt,.,11..t.r. M ou t h NIS)3IINtii..N otti. llitto Is Contra! ILAN:trot. North and St. At ePtiINGPMI.I., with Ornet WeA,Jr,, (111 ) nuih out, 1,:,,at t..r 1),,..tur,104 %I nit kyr Jarkgpurille sad At ALTON, will, Turrn !Woo no and etelmet, or, thy , itil t. Al gr. 14.11118. Ivlib r , ldr, /4:I1i nix, lin Esul, 11"..nt by Pacific IbtilKorol rtnti IlbAnun et,on,rn to-Norilwrn N;ts. amyl, Eartosms nud Nubreobn. It. MI p.. r. uo tbn !Ili owsfrod 11•.slougir.1.1 rin•rm. /0 - Tbrough Tick... can 1. , ...1,ta1bet nt all lb , prtt....p,t ibrailmibl 0111 cm *9...Through Thketa ohd Wrbight.4 ot.s k w tui byttny other Root, A. IT. MOORE, 11‘....1 e.upvtlia-Ltloxst. E. GOODRICH 0... nt. u:u•r nl• uu" 7 : 4 l/ 1• Yeup.Ylernra Unllroati. 1h314. Eit A ItItANIA-- MENT-011 tulit.firr 31..nday July MIL . . . . . THE MAIL. Tit A Palm.oper our].) nun do lock, PiltAturph rpnr, arriving fa l hisadelphta at lIAn P. Y. I'll E FAST LINE daily, esruptPuoday, al I:L 0 P. Id., In. tiring la P1.,0.1014 Al 5 PI, awl clopping only et prin cipal odat..,nri. TNT: HAPRESS TRAIN leave. tho titatko nr.ry ovs nimcut Tlii.. Johnstown A ceoenat,lal.uu Erato iravva daily, , x• opt rsten.lry, NI., . 1int11 , 64. And rnattelut t,r C 401.4 =ugh. Fw-i A , •.a, el Turt 01 - .1: .I,til• , t ‘ , Sivitliq, at 10.40 m. The ft , r Turtle 1.uv0n.1,113, Steta , to 4,4( 0.11, M. Th. , Third Arennent,.ll.l4.ll TI tlo I.n it L•nvu daily, 1e5.1,1 Al A,A , P • TI. . - , Rot tlrnillg 111 , 11'1 it 11/ 1 . 11t.11.11gn n. 5.1100 e6. — Ex pr4ve 1.45 p.m 06:00.; Al. 100 4 10.: 1 . 4.1 10, '2,15 m J 01.0.1 0 ,40 Acc.o4tion 11 ru, i.• l'r••• L Arcuimio.lo. 1100, 0.`,10.. 0000 ..1.,.1011, 111401..m4 Third AcTonirtic4loslso, 6.10 p. 01. Train. rnr Illairmrltio and Indiana wrntect at Elairroilln Ittter.rrrion watt) Mali Train Earl, F:rrnera Te.sin Wertond thr Johnltcnan Arrannnolati..r, Train Last atnl.lVtat. Pittntmrth, atorplug nt all Sta. duos ..a tlm mat Cmonlltsille Sunday rst , lici,aa Ldluw..Mall Ttnlst,7o.l a. m Esmond Wain, :?::10 ltvluroittg Trains tram Mtnbunch and Cuannllsvllle Itoad, nn itto at Pillatmrgla, x. 45 n. m sad &JO p. m. Tl:.ttaYttlii2ofi•lii. will dud It iiv.ttly to their ha., nt, lu Kviwt East nr West, to tray.' J.y the Perim.) lvanits road, to the li