The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 25, 1858, Image 3

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    • firtfsburgt-Oattir.
MONDAY- 1 itOthING, Ott 23,
. _
City and N0P719
~,4 1/ ZAN TZMPILRAWIIt.—ObeerVaiOIIII taken et
oga.Vs Optician Store, No. 58 run st., Oct. 234.
IN SC?. xtrAtm.
58 .
9 - o'clock, A. x.-
6 " P. L..
A Menitaa or the Republican County Committee
will bo held at the room oftbo Agricultural S.adety.
on - Yr - Mop, Oet. 29th, at 2 o'clock, P. n. The fol
lowing gentlemen comprise tbo committee :
S. 11. GEYER, Alleglieny.
JA.MES PARK, Jr., do;
SOLOMON SALA, Birmingham.
J. W.'F. W RITE, Sewickley.
MOSES CHESS. Chertiors.
JOSEPH KATE, Pittsburgh.
PERRY MARTIN, Upper St. Clair.
ANDREW MILLER, Pittsburgh.
L. IL. CARLISLE, West Door.
S. F. BARR. Lawrenceville.
J.: W. RIDDELL, Pittsburgh.
T. A. ROWLEY, dn.
ALFRED SLACR, Allegheny.
Atoll attendance is requested.
BROWN, Chairman.
To Onn RZPITILICANFtuantim.—Wo nod it twee:,
eary to remind our Itepablican friends. that there
aro only two Republican German papers published in
.Pittsburitb. the Fr;,,,d," published by
3leters. L. .t W. Neel., and the "( liiiries," published
and edited by Messrs. Llnekufen Dauer. Tho two
other Gehnen papers heintig to the Demonratie
Br his CAM is our column of Special
Notts* it will be }Well that Dr. Funtlenhurg has
resumed business ns n Dentist.
Tux cache-alien of the "Centennial Hirtlnfay
of Pittsburgh," on the :!sth of November, will
doubtleas he extensive. The Frohninn and other
Musical Societies, and some of the Literary
Associutinns, hare alreadyeignified their intro
tiu„-fitirticipate. The several military and
fire companies of this vicinity and tradesmen of all
kinds, will be invited to turn out in a grand pro- ;
cession. Besides which it Is expeated to have ,
Toe Co
re. on Arrangements, Invitation
orations delivered, eto. The Frolasinn Society '
and Finance. appointed at tar meeting for the
are to bare an ode composed for the occasion, to
' Centennial Celebration on the '".ith pros , will
be sung after the delivery of the oration of the .
. meet at the Mayor's Office this evening, ut 7
,s. i
o'clock. 11.
- ±WEAVED, Chairman.
- We are pleased to
learn that the Hoteliers of
______ •
the otty.and vicinity have agreed to turn out in i Tire exhibition of the Westmoreland Horse
_pr.:wanton, : mounted, and in regalia. The i Association, at Greensburg, is reported no he-
Batt:hem- can turn nut abouttwo hundred strong. in g mte elf the best and moot successful ever
.ad when mounted and in their regalia, woke- no [kid. The address of Gen. Stokes, on Thursday,
like display, 1115 any other body of the same num- ! was eloquent, entertainieg and sensible.
ber. -- .They will add materially to the demon
stration. P.n.eostatirrnte—Thonias Smithson who shot
11 ' f r 'mr.r, b. , . :n re-committed until Sutur
e, :-., nth, for further hearing. Pr. 3l'Don
teeti"ying before the Mayor tout N 1194 Henry
i 9 lot out of danger.
SANTCPC69 —Judge McClure, .0n &thirdly, „
passe, the following -sentences: John Traylor. ,
convicted of assault and battery, on oath of his
wife, was sentenced to pay the costs of prone:,
non and undergo an imprisonment of three
moat let in the county jail. John NlcLairghlin,
.!Orl , ie , eti with Taylor of a similar offence, was
sentenced to pay the costs, and six months im
John Brooke and Henry Brinkman, convicted
on cross-suits for assault and battery, were sen
tenced to
pay nominal fines and the costs.
John B McDonough, ounrictr4l of nu indecent
offence, on oath of Lizzie Murphy, woo sentenced
to pay the.eum of s*so for expenses of the girl
and maintainance of the child until the present
time, and 75 cits: per week for sustenance for
fire years; pay a nominal fine and costa of pros.
ectidon, and give bail in $5OO to comply with
the sentence. •
James Flynn, against whom there was a oharge
of surety of the , peace, on oath of John Huey,
was ordered to pay the costs, !Joey baying died
before the meeting of the Court.
Goon Nroes.—A reduction in the prices of ;lowing
Muehinei is announced in our advertising column.
We hare heretofoire. expressed the opinion that the
prices of thin invention have been ton high -1,1 high
es to place them loayonii the reach of many of those
whom they 'Muhl most benefit. Their utility is-es
tablished beyond qnestion, and at the present prices
wo see no reason why they ihnuld nit-be found, as
they ougli ito be, in every household. Several varieties
are manufnitaired adapted to # nt i nita tmpi tea . So
far as public opinion baa been formed and uttered,
the preference is emphatically oceordcit to the
Wheeler end Wilson al whine for family use, and for
mannfactures in the some mum; of purposo and ma
terial. During the present Interim the trials have
i been numeroun, and all the patents of any prate,
i thine bare been fairly brought into competition. In
. _
Tue body of a man was found lying on the I iyet Y ` ate ' the Wheelee and Wileon .. c hi'e ha .
railroad track, at. Altoona , on Wednesday morn- 1 :.`,",':, t f it , e r, i r N et :t s. k i e7 k i . n . Z ..„ 1,1:er.73.1,n insta nceo,,l. the
leg, and it is supposed that he has either been ' K.,, niurk . 3 . , Illinois, wn.o
no ~ ,, ,,, ,t , is in- • n nn ' e . l
murdered nr that he fell from the Express train ; t h e f a ir, „f t h e ct„,t,„,,,t , itetrott, Chicago n o s t.
going East. There were no scars or bruiees.on i L eg i t i tt i f i t „ t ,. e t tee d e h,.;,,1 . A t t h e 1 - .0 , of t h e s t.
his person, except a wound on the left side of . Louis itlevilailieal Ais . •.o.ot •ii the eglantine° nim
ble head, which fractured his i , liall The around !ists•l of tiunnty ti , .. la Itrat ..r the Ilit7bcit nonial ,
was evidently given with a round or blunt in- • - ic , •lic:- oh , ' V , ' •,' l• • ~• n' t '• loin uniriln.l '
etrument. From documents about bin person, 'L ; • h'r the "'h . .'" a'• I " '1.1., '''' ''''''' tin, h hiha"' 'led
In thought that he hail. from- Chic-lir& ; h e h a .I only Ns . .tan , a 'lt'' , I , ' , t" aattts 4 of 5 : 0 . II
alga a ticket from that place to Nen- York, of '''''''. fi.'' - I" 'lc' o - , , '''.. l- ...I;l's‘i.tni w's brow
had in hie possession thirty-nine dollars in cos, nor ' b ''' o ' lo-- C '''''' .l '''''' " I ' '' ' "''' i l '''''''"^ l .
4 1
tea and:halves. Ile is stout built, and about
fireleet six inches in height. Ills name is cop- ~,,. G .„,,, ~ A tte , „ a . , . ttt ,„,, e , h „ et
eelee,,,, ofpond to be D. T. Bernier. The 'verdict of the, cs,„
ir t o t -Or,, to ~.A1 :l.,• at
a;tttioyo ur „,t your t er ,.
COrtater'el inplert was that he eamo to his death trinity ...,,,e, ~,,,,, „lye th „ t i ng „r th y • t q ,
by a blow inflicted in 90111(1 way to the jury un- , Men'.--ebrt ,,, all Ae , "'' ,4 iii.'lli 'late evening, at Ti .
known. n
' o'clock, in their nouns on Fifth street. The lowing
! •
~ . ,
New Bunnians —We have not yet taken the
pains to learn bow many new buildings have
been pin up in Pittsburgh and neighborhood,
ibis year ; but we learn that in Birmingham the
number is fiftp.ii , e, including a large and fine
church, and the number in East Birmingham is
about fifty. If the statistics of building, this
season, could he collected, we have no doubt it
would show that a 'lieu largo number of new
buildings have gone up, in spite of the hard
tithes awl the constant croaking. We are glad
to vote the growth of the two Birminghams, as
iudiaated by the figures we have given.
Sactitres_Orvicts.—The new Sheriff, JMIRS
L. 01/AII %11, Eery., takes his place in the Sheriff's
office Ins appointments ore ea follows.
Cliff Clerk.—tiso. R. Allegheny.
peputke.—Harry. Woods, Peebles.
Richard Denver, Reserve.
Frank Patterson. Elizabeth.
Samuel Clnley, Pittsburgh.
Jailar.—John Small, West Pitteburgh.
These are all good appointments, and we con
&stelae the public that the Sheriff's office is
now in good hands. •
Symons Couttr.—Before Chief Justice Low
rie and Judges Woodward, Strong and Thump
son--Saturday.--Cote. ex. rel. Jame!' M. Qos
line ,e. Stark, Shetiff of Luzerne county.
Habeas corpus. Conn orders bail to be accepted
for appearauce of Mr. Gosling at next term at
Philadelphia, to await all orders of the Court.
Cattle ire: Brockway; Elk. A rgned by.Pettie
for plaintiff in error, and by Johnnon contra.
Court adjourned till Monday morning:
• Mcssne. 11171117 & Minna, of the Masonic Call
Literary Depot, send us the Opira Dancer, or
the Mysteries of London Life, by Gco. W. M.
Reynolds, author of a variety of similar works.
Also, Webster awl Ilaytte's celebrated speeches
in the U. 8. Senate on Foote's .Beeolution of
1820, and Webster's peat Speech on the Slavery
Compromise, delivered in the Senate, March ith,
1850. -These celebrated speeches will amply re
lay a careful perneaL T. S. Peterson & Bro.,
Pniladelphia, Price 25 en!.
.. Ora readers will otwerre by our aarcriirinr cal
umny,' Cunt Cooper's refinol Isinglass Is now put up
unall sissd packages, 'cambia for families, by
whom it Is mach used for Blanc Mangcs '
ao. This article has been manufactured by Mr.
Peter Cooper for the last thirty years, and its purity
and reputation render - 1i desirable alike to the con
sumer stud to the trade.--Brooklyn Daily Vt.,
Ptart.. 7 -04 Taeeday lea v e freight car on the
Indiana Branch Railroad, loaded with cattle,
took fit* and before relief could be given, nine
head of them were burnt. . Several of the
poor brutes died in the car; and the' remainder
were no badly burnt, that they had to be elaugh
tend inunediately.—lndiana Ind pendent.
Tits race between the four-oared row-hoatr,
Coabfjo,d Gullett, over the three-wile course,
enSienrda, wad s very exciting contest, and
resulted In,these bouts making the best time on
record—the"Gullett, being the victor, !Inking the
-diaesueo in :20:44, and the Carahly very. little
Rsv. 3ln. Nonni, who was elected to fill L 1.6
015 ea of.Pritsident to the Western Unteersity,
bas intimated that he will be unable to accept
the post. Ore is at present principal of en
Ainuletuy . si — Oakland. hiksiesippi. Circuit
al/MCP have transpired elnce hie election here
which will prevent hie leaving his present pool-
Fon. Cacfroaaita.—Tfe •rtould direct attention
.to the card of the California Steamship Linc.
via Nicaragua, in another part of this darn P -
per. The line ls composed of first clas's steam
ships, which will leave New York for San Juan
on the Sth and 20th of each month.
Tux die
tnie disturbance in the District Court Room,.
the other day, has ended rather seriously. The
Court iropoyed the following fines on those who
were prinotpally engaged in: the affair, on Sat
%lnlay: • Judge Shafer, $100; Robert Woods,
$75; J. R. Hall, $5O; J. C. Bidwell, $2O.
cscen.--Biulholomew Shannon was before
Mayor Wester, on Saturday, charged with res
cuing prisoner from the watchmen. In de
fault oft fine of $lO, be was committed 20 days
' argument on an eiception taken to the
import of TiOWCII appointed to usess ducat:Tee
tidal. an Act of Assembly providing for 06
'Waning 'or Diamond alley, was postponed by
?nage McClure till next Saturday.
C. meeting will be•beld Ibis
',nu* at the roome of the Vnang !.ten'e ("brie
..-ititedesoolatioa, 1a.104 ., be quite
' Tax Mast
_wasa :was mentioned in.Opud on
Satittila btitnna argument was bad, and it 1111
.Thor.iars or Faros. HOC. aeon Bible T , ncitietth naC
Ourseterr, and other subirMe. nY 3051 .‘b
opley. Phil
.nlelptlioi J. B. Lippincott Co." Adams....
This is a neat ' little work, by an esteemed ; Allegheny _
friend of mire, very handsomely got np by the I Armstrong..
publishers. Mr. Copley was semei years ago an ; 8eaver.......
assistant editor of the Garcia, and the book be- . 8edf0rd......
fore us shoves ns that he has lost none of his t Berks
ability and dummy as a writer. It is a collec- , Blair
lion of iniscellanotterskefehea en religious sub. Bradford....
jests, all of which are written in a truly Catholic •
and Christian spirit, and are entirely free from Butler ..
sectarianism. It is a volume that will afford
pleasant reading to all readers of religious , Carbon
works, and we commend it to their special at- Centre. ...... .
tentiofi. For tale by the booksellers generally.: Chester.......
• C1ari0n.......
A 14:11 , 1011T train, eastward, clothe Vetere:l. P. ; Clearfield....
It., oti Saturday, struck a cow while approach- C1int0n.......
tog thh Johnstown Bridge, which was married on I Columbia.....
the cow-catcher until the second pier of the Crawford.....
bridge was reached when the cow dropped in :Cumberland.
front of the engine and threw the engine and I Danlthin-..•;•
four cars loaded with coal over into the creek. j Delaware ....
The engineer, fireman and conductor, who were Elk
on the engine,- escaped with but slight injuries. ; Erie..... .......
The upper end of the bridge at the point where I Fayette.......
the engine left the read was somewhat broken, ; F0re5t..... ....
but has been repaired, so that trains enter no Franklin.....
detention. The paseenger trains on Saturday Fulton. ...... .
night and Sunday morning changed cars at the Greene.........
bridge, Had it not been for the fact that the Huntingdon.
bridge was a strong iron structure, the result
would have been more serious. ; Jefferson--
Juniata.. .....
Luzern°. ...-
Northamibl 'ad
Perry .
Philadelphia ..
Union. ......
TIENTUM.—The Republicans of Tarentum
' nod vicinity had a grand jollification over the
late election in general, and that McKnight
in particular, on Friday night. They had a
splendid torch-light proce(bion, with music,
banners and transparencies, the latter being of
'the Most amusing kind. t the of them represent.
ed Mellhinny mad Tntner astride of a barrel, face
to face. discussing either the tax question or
Kennedy's bill for printing the Sheriff's procla
mation. Another contained on one aide—•• Pen
nsylvania good for MO ;" and on the reverse—
•• Freedom and Protection." Speeches were
made by Mr. McKnight and others, end the
switch Republicans of that ettl of -the county
had a good time of it. They did excellent work
at the late election, and they have good reason
to he proud of it.
litsneo BOWNIAIeis making his tour through
Western Pennsylvania, performing the varied
duties of his position as Assistant to Bishop
Potter. He last week officiated in laying the
corner Clone of the new Episcopal Church, in
.41tounn, and on Sunday true to Ordain Rey. Mr.
Lewis, of Meadville, as a Presbyter.
COUNTERFEIT $2ll notes on the Suite !Sauk of
Ohio, it is St%tea, are in circulation in the East.
THE nerve Fair at New Castle is said to be
quite well attended, and succeeding well.
is expected to be a rem interesting ono to the mem
ber% of the Aecociatinn, Wtiuen reports from the
It.iily Union Prayer Meetings, under the control of
the Association, mill be reed; glen reports from tbo
Prayer Meeting% held in thy Engine Mouses. An
interacting report fro eon..Oen itilim•in led to
coneidtr the propriety of employing, an agent to rep
mcnt the Al,oriati,n in the eity, and to bring it
dirr,:fy beftdo the miud of every young man in our
midet, will Ise read by the chairmen of the committee.
Other matter' of interest the A:no...nation will he
belore the meeting to eonsideratien. We would
thereto., respectfully urge loom the .members a full
attendance tbis evening. A Masi...
IF roe wish to get the worth of your money,
go to gown's, Federal stecot, Allegheny, where
you will !always find an extensive assortment of
every thing connected with their business, in
cholingconfectionerynf everydescriptiou. Plain
and fancy Cokeo, Fruits, Nuts, Pickles, Pre
server, Jellies., Se , &c.; also, Bread of unsur
passed quality , frvsh every morning. Parties
supplied with their delicious Ice Cream on chart
Sruancsr.s and others whose time will permit,
will find it to Breit interest to visit the establishment_
,of .1. 1.. Carnaglian, Allegheny city. Ilia stork of
coon's and boys' wear. furnishing goods, 1.3
found'ennaog the beet and at fair rotes.
Or.twerr, Et- MCI. Liberty etreet, serves up
()jolters and all the reasonable luxurica in rho neat
eat style, ut all rcaronahlo boors of the day and
evening. The rooms aro new and richly furnished,
and riertors can he aernmesodated in the beet style.
Meal. carved up to parties on And. notice. 'llia
beet of family bread, cakes and oonfectionaries eon.
stonily nn hand.
nn Woar Iteoseturrsi I. a question lolly and hourly asked
by parents, 000100 a for the health of their children. All
Vhe are at all oropashit".l with tat' artlele, will lumudlsta.
It answer, Ur. IleLano'• Celularated Vernalfiqe, prepared
by klemunrltren., Pltntonral, Pa. It has never be.ot known
to ball. and Is one of the rnomlles that ran I. used.
A friend of ~unt 'only handed or the fullowtrig statement
to reference to tbt. Tenant: Tv:
Neer Yes., depleatber Thth,lso2.
G. effeelen:—A t oiner lady. et MY aennalntaere oil trio
for a lung MTH, 04 ry much trouble," aith <worm*. I advised
her to try Ur. olcLnue's Celebrated Vermdfuse. prepared
by .lemlnr tins., ,f rltt.burah. Pa. Olin acoodluglt par.
anted and Ulu': one ri 1. which eausad lit r to ObLenarg e a n
^nen,' I. :re quannty of woryls M., vow Immediately
reli-eut ,t all the dreadful eyruptorue arcoutpaot lug this,
d lot rapidly r,ttrecred her usual halts. The panne
loot , •re-snot arlsb her awe In.rit1011.11; her residence, hoer.
ere., In Mr/ street, and abn rerers to Ent. Hardie, No.
Hunbanau plan,
1111-Purclawere sill be careful to nth Idb Mb. /I . I.4INE'S
DELEIDLATED VY.RNitfUOF, manafectured by YbrailLtiO
WM. of Prrresusou, YA- Al other Venalturas In comb. ,
lent ere wurtblees. Dr. 11•Lane'n grannie Vert:Wage, &No
big celebrated Liver Pllla,can now be bed at alt negeolabl•
drug agree. Nowegotanlme witAutat Merton:Cure /If •
g.AlhelleT IT HllOl4.
MatilLna. for Riadfoal porpasaa, of a vary superior kind
will bo soot (too of Erproci charara, wbaraver au Cabru
runw upon a conlittancr. of Toni/011am A.liinwa Gr. GEO
O. KEYSER. No. 140 Woad Plwaborgli. P. abllblawlr
m us cm, n to
Orr.. Cade k. Parqu4tta Private Dna& 76
Pam 111 Circle ........ I Whole, I4.;•11 53,00
nallcxy 251 Prark.ll.lllU ii4Xeg .....
INbora era. at 7 o'clo , It . Cu, LOU 7%. Ito: Oint.
op" from iu 11l 3 u'clock.
Thn, night+ RA... of th. NEW .11(LEANerVIVILISII
nt.EliA TROUP.
1ll•e li u: ALM DUI:3Sn. Pl/33.1 Monno Anilnte; MIII
0 EGII.OI A 111110/11, T, on•r Contralii4l4 Mkt A. KING,
Secourla Donna: Mr 1 , 113.1,, /limn Bono
too Mr. PRANK 111LVOIL Primo Ilorro., Mr. V. B.
SWAN, lloeso Prarolono Mr. 0.11. %CRUM'S, Frroodo
Tamar; MriJ.ARNOLLI, Sorondo Bow,. at,
A. ILEI YR, Jr ; Manager, mr. W. S. LTSTES.
I o tonaopeuer of the groat sorrel'« of the al/trot:a fernad
atthar, and at the request of n large ntanlgr °tour coin
seua the outnegsment kayo auroral their germ. far SOS
ITIVFIN Tll ni:11 NIOIITB ONLY, na they ;Immediately
proceed In Itaionond to open on lb. let of Normber.
MONDAY EVSNINO, O.:tutor 23th, 135 e, will loe pro.
salted, IJ7 partltulur legato/C. author tho haat tuno.
Ilelnen celebrated Op, rq In 8 attar, rnolll.l It,, 11011 E.
1111.31 E GlRL—Count Andloltn. Mr. P. Iden,,Theoldonq
MISS Glides Modem Arline, Mlez Rnsalle Durand..
iI. newest Vrencb etyks or Panels far parlors and
other moms to snln by W. P. MA !MCA LI. . CO.
ANISEEI?—ca lbs. fur sale by
Cona.r of 'Wood and Viral stmt.
S YRUP—S Mids. Golden Syrup just recd
and fur aalu, allotment and retail, at FICANOL'S
Ir@orrery ails Tea" etnro. Federal at , Allegheny. GelS
ble Just reed and Er eelo tat If:LAMA'S Pierdly
Onferry awl Tea Morn, redurat et., Allegheny.
NAVY hest N - nry
A.l Oakum on band and fur sale ky
e 0 • JONES & COOL*S.
WIIE AT— 400 nckB to arrive and format)
WOOL -9 NA nics l'i . uct Weal for rale by ' ,
008 . - "JOITN FLOYD 40,1
COFFEE-3bo hagsßio Corea fur aale by
ors JOHN FLOYD olk Oit
STS 100 buLthis daireied by . -
11:.!•09 mwir 091104
I Human Jodgeo Canal Com..
torimis. I Haat I Pnrlzr.l Frazer. I Fray
Wayne ......
West morermi.
Fritter's majurt
Total you, f.,r Su.
Pennsylranin Cr"J g ressional— , wiri.d,
Pm ~,,,,, lravel max.
1.1 Ryan ... ...a..192. ,
Florrno. . ..... .
N.:ltniger ....2. 4.42
:NI alorti. ... ...k Berl in_.
3:1 I'.ll - e. a Wl' i
' land}' ...
Ithi II t 11.00,1 9.:191 Phllllpa. .....
Sib, %.w] 9,701 10. 130.41
tith Hickman ....6.:Soll Manley .
liroacnell .......4.676.
7111 1...n,necker...32.1: oberta. ..
7ul , limn r ._..-7.321 J. 0. Jct... .
7.a.ona ...... . . 0.51 a i Ilnilltha.
loth Kl - iiii,r ....b.SP7iWeklel . . ... ..-....
11111 0,01 ... _7,173. Wert,. . . ..
... ..... , .. .
12th Scrautou ...10.11t M'Keyonl.l.-
lath .211ormsker ...11,5 , 411DiuttIck..
14th tittm ...—.... 11.163 Parkhurst --
15th 11a1.... .... 4..4. - ts While._ .....
11111 J to. kl o .tl,l4BFlshor:.. ......
1711 )I'Phsrs.m....9,lllV:lteilly
!till Melt .. . _8,114 Prtsblng .
17th t.,,. ..... ....I,za7 F,ter
341, Knight... ..... .1429. t. Montitt.n,ty
1.1 31.rhesj ....11,529111urk5, . . ..
2.11 Nl'Ktul.t ...Al29l4'llllam. ~.
:2'o Stettsrt.. f. 721 i 51 . .10nk .r. ...
24th 11.111...... ....... 5,7051t111114
27th 1tabbitt.._.....11,96U Usrslutll.....
.1., IV u n
la the shove table we hare put the vote for
Nehiuger, Rickman and eabwartz in the opponi
lion elitism, because it was all cold in condem
nation of the Promident; while we lolOu put ilia,
for Cake in oho Buchanan column, liecanae he
was only nominally an anti-hem:noon [non and
the vote for him was given mainly on other
grounds than that of opposition to Ililelianan
obie clow•incation it will he seen Blot the
.14,n0n. and if
the role fur Cake be transposed, anal due allow.
ante made for the Republican votes east for
Willi...and Montgomery, the majority would
run up to :3,fast. The Philadelphia Buitritn,
using thin latter classification, makes the ma
jority 73,47::. We think our classification the
fairest; for while it la true That many democrats
voted for Mel - anger, Sohwarir and Hickman who
cart hardly hr counted as belonging to the op
position, they are not more numerous than the
Repuhlicons who voted for Cake Williams and
Montgomery, and who aro counted on the other
side. It in impossible to give the numbtTs prop
erly, and the one class - 11W a fair offset *pliant the
C. ,,, b , r1.nd ottfl Pr •ry Rerr.s•watire I, '' ........
Cumt.rlnicd. Peru, Total
II Vardy, ,4, ..: Cs 3 1,7 SG 1,40
11.1n.,.4 op . ... ~....0 1.,1 , , 1.01
':-mort, D. ............ ....LAN 11,13 4.667
Aartzell. IL.. ..... .... .2.RMI 1.m.3 3,18.'1
Stunt's ruv),ity 1,, 1r CUM,. 1 , ,8 i s.l*Curdrl nucjntcly
over flart74ll, 2511. nicul, I' Onnrxrut) ...I liTardj, tOi , .
r , " RI.) dented.
,Special ffLoticro
Cntata.—Principot ftepat for the vat f Mat f r nnualird
Anahoti Actrawry.—ln nnbmllttng thla Machine to • di.
rrimitating public , nn napsose has too .prod In Its mann.
f•ctnro to render It perfact in eery eascntial particolar, In
ord., to km.p pare with the arondni rut improver/n.041 of the
sgn, and Oar. it foremoat In 014 branch of American Man.
ulacturn. ro FAII ftX P 110171.1) LIE WII'II.II3T ()NE
Itatall Ptlce 110.
It le aatulrably solapetsd t, pre.eot and curt. every form
•f Mecums, mach all Cottautnutlon,berofula, Palsies, Ilhaume
that, nyepesala, forme of Phyalcal and Mental Prratra
that ausl Nervous! Lascaatsa.
One grand resinro of this Appatatim la Unit it ui away
ready - for um, the power being obtained from a Yormanen
Magnet, no Aebleor , dbur ingredients being required.
B..l , l,wbolenalulnd retail, by
074 1.41:0. 0. KEYBRR,
nt'.ls . .lkarT IChnl.salm Ornpgiot, 1413 Wood of
NEURetrila.—Thin [dui and common d ia
cAse, which physidens do not appear frilly to understood,
to greatly rtllovect and In most Instances a permanent
core may be rtrected by weem of WILFION'e Pi LLB,
which regulate the idornach nod bowels andkraliice a sooth
ing eamt upon the wryest, which canal the nOl rein.
They ore prepartil and nold by D.L. PAIINESTOCK A CO. ,
Wholesale Druggist& and Proprietors of D. L. Felintstork's
Verodfoge, No. CO, corner Wood nod Fourth stniets,
Pittsburgh, Pa. P.o advertisement on 4th page id this
day's paper. ra23-dtwli
TAnoce—A fine article, for sale low at
DR.. R "NUR'S, No.llo Woal.t. oc2.l.ltirT
ARROW HOOT—A fine finality, for solo at
DR. 11.1tYRER'8 Drug Store, 140 W. at. ta..=alinaT
BRANDT—A small quantify for cab
at liltYBElt'B.l4o W,.4 et. ne23aillarT
Koper, orllo Woo/ et., boa over., kind of TRUSSES for rho
rrilof And core of fiend. or Rooth!,
-..BIIOULDER BRACES—A large aseortment Ilk
HR. KEYSER'S, Nn. 140 Wood O. ord3olkorT
- DAVIi.
ABDOMINAL. SUPPORTEms of eviiry kind at
DR. K ETRRIVeI, Ito. 144 Wood at livrT
OLn Ron Wui•lifur—l ill/11113 of 11111,P
tier gnallty. (IPA. 11. KEYSCR,
oeniiler R. 140 Wood .traet.
Is prepared studding to Phartnecy and eboodaty, with the
greatest arenntry sod Chemins! km:masts devoted to their
of the Bladder, Kidney., Gravel and Draper.
LLAD: READ: READI—"Ye enlisted read," the Bellew:
leg rartidcate of cure of over peen . Mangling
/I. T. liatnisom,— Dear Si, I have been troubled with
en of or the Illedder and Klde.y. for over twenty
years. I have tried Pttmiciam In vain, and et Dot rondo. Mel gi ts your genuine Properation • trial, an I had board
It highly epokeu is afforded 111. Inintodiste relief. I
hare need three bottles, sod I hare obtained more relief
fonn Its effects and feel much baiter then f hare for twenty
y.ars previous I have the grmitest faith In it virtue. and
{enema and shall do ell la my power to make It
known to the aillictod. Hoping thle may prove edvanta.
gems to you It aylvtleg yoti to introduce the medicine. I
am truly yours, DI. MCCOmeicit.
Le•l•tawri, Pa. Jen. M/, 1R57.
Should any doubt tie. McDoratick'e statement, he refer.
to the following gentlemen
Hon. Wm. Disler, or Governor, Pennsylvania.
Hun. Thee 11. Florence, Philadelphia.
lion. J.U. Enos, Judge, Doze few., Pa.
lion. J. S. Black, Jodg., Philadelphia
non. D. R. Porter, es-Governor. Poomylvattla.
Gilts Leeria.Judg., Philadelphia.
Hem It. C. Grier, Jeulge U. B.ooUrt.
Don. G. W. Wooderan4 Jtolge.Plitiedelphia.
110 u. W. A. Porter, City solicitor, Philadelphia.
Rom John Bigler, azGorernen,Witerula.
Upit. Dank; Auditor General, Wmhinglon, D. O.
dud many others, if becalm,.
ga.Be6advailastnemt headed
ootoma. . mr2.ldlns4,o
TEIGNI4Y-13. ClOL.L.teis;
Petwaxding and CmunnadotrAtisonanit
AND waouszils'anumm
Cheese, Butter,
o Seeds.Pisib,
AM huh=
DO NO. II 1110 anNii.~wa•
1,0 -I
J over Fro. .....
t..nieJodgo, 1.4`5.
arnoy 1567
The tn. steamer SILVER WAVE, Coo.
Jot. S. WMitlen, will bore for the Moro and as I !mama
Meta port. no the fleet rim of water. For freight nr
peewee apply no beard or to
—The floe Motor" NATICL HOLMF.S.
Cont. Kennedy wilt Root for the aboTe. and lo
y Not. ten
fleet rise of water. For freight or patiellge
aPPIY on board or to FLACK, RA lIKEn A Cl) , Agto.
FOR ST. LOUIS—The tine new
/411ENA NMI, Capt. French. Will
trete for the above and all Intertondlata porta on Ma .1
'lag of orator. For freight nr passage apply on board or to
nclf FLACK, RAlttflOt k CO, Agent,,
VIM ST. L0UT...1.110 splenditiali t
steamer NEPTUNE, Capt. A. Poe, will
have for the abovnandall intermellota ports on the Met rise Or Fnr freight or THAMLIVI apply on boonl or to
oda FLACK. BARNES at. OD, Age
he too now Mesm CA11111111)0E. Copt
A Dean, for the atorn sod er
Immediate pot. no the brat rue
of water. For freight orp••••go,•pply honed or to
nett FLACK, BARNES A M., Agent,.
—The Son iteomei MODERATOR, Capt.
V. Marotta, will leo, for the above and ell leterrnadlon
port. on the tint rite of teeter. For freight or pounce
apply on hotel, or to
net) FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agent,.
FungT. - LOUIS & is
The toe .Lamer AMID:CIA. Copt. J .
Cntl.7 , will leave for the above and all intorno into torte
to the trot rite of water. For (Mold orNaito* apply oni
board or to cola PLACE, KARNES Agento.
- - -
Ado Orleans, &c.
F OR MEMPHIS AND NEW OR. LRAM; —The Ina Wootton lOWA, Capt.
Moor oral loan tor tle Awn arid all W
th e, e
Cr;t not of aster. For freight or ro orn/ m no. loon
p apply on
Want or lo .0014 PLACE. IIAILSC.B tW. tete.
OKI.EANS.—The aplondld or olortateraili • • • •
Copt. A. Alai.* Intl loon for tam shore
. Th eaf i ruc hi ne „ 4 .„
. 00 k 9 fiffilidji - ,l lro ati
.d all latonntollato porn :a no tint of Inter. Tor • ,
froStt PontleAPP l 7 4A bra'a ms A REDIXT geoIr eD RATES
Vellre -
oaticAns—avaumbessownsnum °do',
Gft,,`" me ta v . ?! n*4 l o PFAIITHERING.
,Ary • &ma: lledllua;',Dark
—• • N
= AM, WARNEEI co.Wirillif
4 14 -.lollii:pf: .. #o 10'06 "hpi.:111111,y00101i,Cli,
rr ORLEANS.—Th. Sao otpaaTar iOUI7IIIII
AIkUUMI,CIPt• lateelted.vill have forth* atom =ld &LI
latonsoll*e, plateau thelnERBT 1111311.0/ WATER, Ile
or mhaaedorto-
- -
Nutt - Tuna, Oat: 23.—Demarara dates to Septem
ber 29th have been remixed. The sugar crop was
nearly all sathewed, : o4 lt_proves to be the most
abundant for twenty yeari past, Drudoess wee Mall
at .Bertice and -.Demerara; and eeveral mercantile
houses: which ltd-suUctunbect - during the money
pressure in the spring, were .again commencing un
der 'favorable auspices.
Wm. E. Cole, recently of Kentucky, where h e h a d
been %waged in teaching school, committed suicide
yestertl4, in consequence of having been swindled
in the purchase of a ticket for his passage to Cali-
fornia. .
The steamship City of Hakim° Baffled at noon
with 240 passengers and 8 885 , 000 specie.
Rocar.artn, Oot. 23.—Ira Stout suffered the pen
alty of the law for the murder of Mr. lanes, yes
terday afternoon. His death was not SO immediate
as it should have been, having straggled for come
eight or ten minutes. Ilia demeanor was firm and
his manner collected. He addressed a few words to
the crowd collected to witness the execution, In which:
be aceneed the prosecution in his case of 'vindictive::
ST- 14tis, Oct 23: 9 r. N.—The overland Cali:
,of the 7th, has juet arrived, being four. days - r. No paper. were received. Arrange
ments being perfected by which regular ex
changes will be established betweeX 6t. Louis and
San Franeisco.
Put tanztruts., Oct. W.—The advance in Penn
sylvania Fires yesterday was caused by an order for
purchasing a large amount by the Stata for the
Sinking Fund.
NEST Ontrana, Oat. 23.—The Iloward Association
regret to announce that the epidemic continues in fatal
prevalence and cautions tho unneelimated to keep
away. The deaths from fever yesterday amount to 42.
CINC/371t1 . 1, Oct. 24—flour rentaina draft tomd ale. coo.
1111.1.1 to 400 phi. at $4,1.0.g.1.5 Wr cheioe and extra: receipts
2.500 barrel, IVlteat dull and ...tattle:l at POraosl.oo for
prime ro.l and white. Rye declined to 70c. flarlry7o6X7P:
lircsiers . is offering at 70 for the beat. Wh ky
forln is in good
demand at IS4. Thcro IN • hotter demand Bacon; 200
lihds sold ou 'change , at tic and Pc for Shoulders and 0i1. .,
and W bhd, both st 73i, packed. Mousy nutters cc.
New )emit!, Oct. 21 —Cotton doll; ales 1000
Glair Ilan; anti • Enn Ltda. Wheat fiat; .alt 42a/11 bush:
soothern r J $1,04a1,05; Western $1,0301,07. Corn, pales
(3,tai hush York away no slf to;Olrs9. I.ard he.ey
Whisky steady nt 1120521:5.i. Hides Atcady; Isate rs lei ! )
30. Tallow lower; ale. at li%tnln. Frolghta on Crain h
ILeosr es 3 5/40. Stock. blither and waive; Chicago $ &tuck
Island (Ol Central It. 0. AS; Illacis (onn.! bonds
)lirti wan Bonthern 241.5: N. 1' Control cat,: p en ....
Coal hi/laicals k M 1... lit Caton CO. fl) . Virginin
Mina 9/.45; Siloam:lH Face tie Oaten, A Chlrnia 1.4%;
Coal ,9 LI`La 1 0'4: Cleveland k Tolislo Panama It. N.
Pacific Wad tlo. COL,. Tennessee Bites 91%.
I'ltiLtorLriii Oct 23 —llromlatulTs continua to l'utme in
eery freely, and rlca Ste dec/loinic, sall alai of super.
flue lima at $5,121ir45,25 and extra at m
$5,1405,63 , „. Rya
•or S43T!!, eat Corn meal SL3. What la ary amt
the saes pro limited at $t X 0050.00 for white. lasi bombe!.
now rye hrtinght ac. Corn Inn OnanlAA and lower; sties of
yellow at tiflaLl, and now at 7C5i.7 , : about 10Li0$ bushels
at. .std at 42142t4e.. Coffee a very firm, and 101)
bags Jim wind at L149t1 3 .c. A cargo of /Latish 'alai M s .
15.... broncht lac. Provolone am - nuict tail s Ohi o
100 lay sold st _St's
$l,OOO REWARD for any Medicine that will
excel PRATT A BUTCHER'S MAGIC OIL, the only Italian
Seemly hew .old for Ileadught,
71+Athacho, / 4 136. In the Side or Atek..4prarru, /Arise,. V.•re
77.1,11. /Ara, o , atracrerr ands and Murder; the or, a rep
*tam,. fee...Ay eriwarrereal that Will act apes then, AI. :MI
r Ihr.lnlnra Thoaranda of persona Lava tweh cQr,,,l of
three. Culliplaintx try this new discovery. All art Incited to
.givr it • trial. Priacapiti °Pita AM Washiuvon etrast,
Y. For ale hy DR- O. 11. EF:TREIL. No
ru P. Y LEM Allegheny.
etguatore cf Pratt a Fletcher on the wrapper, ear] n ame
blos n dm butt le„ apliDawY
The Great Basilan Remedy.
Profs .ad fr..n tt preoctiptlott of kir lattnos M. D..
Pltyol Luraordiroury to.thogort.ll
Thi. ktintnt Medicine i* no Itnitoattidn, but st nor.
.ml ri.ntedy f, Potato Dtdlttittles and (tlndructlonn,
rt. any tvosit whatnot% innil althongh a posrerfal tattiody,
taut cnntoin nothing hurtful to the, ronotittition.
TO SILLILRIED LADIF.3 It Ls pent:atm anit.:4 It a 111,
a stint Lima, brlusan the monthly port:A .Ith trga lath y.
rho. Pint %aro ...tar ',era /now. In A.
al 14,10,1 d page •if p,,,phref are wc.fl
n,ll pnrilcotet.. r,t A pamphlet, Una. of Ih.. anat.
end n faatta.t. ntarnps nochand 4.0.7 ant.
1,1 'yens, eili InLairr a 1‘c:I1A, rnntaining n tr ;rt'l•i 1.., 11
start, nosh.
n I. I"one at, ar..t old ap:::',3lo 1.
Pittsburgh Steel Works
JONILS, BOX - 11 C(,),.
MAsafarton.r• of CASTS rest: .I...SPRING, NAMA
(bran i:ou and firsf Str”ra, Pitt, AfrovA,
Id/ 1110 /Of . b b .qgdka
I). A. ItOCi
Ito/germ , Imprnvel P•telst Nteel
~,," 10. .and Aro .Oroll. iNth:....h , A, /h.
1.-o• I ~14,4
....., C. P. M
.. LEI.
~ ,,,I.
I,INTIN.I J.•it ANI) Al. , IS OA IbF
\V 12 A I'l' I N G I' te. It,
W *re hose, No. 1 i We, Nitreel •
11' nr.VGlt. P - . 1.
k.,... uo.i .1 ~ ...k.t. g.H..... u,.i.if ft
tirgulat F:tramrtu.
Monongahela Moot U. S. Mall Packets
STRAMICR . JFP Fititrulti.
Mad '
CAP, J. L. tVott . trrast.
aaa nutultag row:11111y Morning koala hamt 4 h 0 , 1..1 A !it, and Kvenlng lt , utta at II
I'. It fin' Al' Ellanha.tfitawt, 31‘.2a.nge
Pay , Ate City, Oreatillat.l, Caltittruts
and thr, cor.rt ti tlg atlth Lta4ka and Catectita
for Utlit.ll[o.4ll, Faritetto . ll2,A, tlvrtototi.aii, Wayst , altur,.
llantlicharltoiro and Jetbrat.
ramseugera nckrted throuh 111. Pltabur r al, toL4O/
was for $2, tnela and xLltro g nurus au bunt. hull:aim—
aosta returning a
from Drotor.rille ItAve at S o'clock In nu
marnlngand IS In the evening. For Ihrthar Information ati.
quire ea the o.llm, Wharf Dont, at the leotaf Rnai atr,et.
ant., U. W. Ii111141)LE11,
lA, ET FOE 7.ANKAYILLO fine naer
atoamr, T.3131A Olt A 11A St, Capt. 11rtnita. A rar,trir , .;;:
hr the niarto appl lanwnialtato pore EVF:ItY TUESDAY,
St 1 o'clock P. a. For fret.clit or peasage apply
beAnl, F1.1,01C. RAIINES k Co...lete.
einrinnati, &c.
Is V ILLR.—The tine nee Weenier H1P.1,-
.111 IN T. Capt. (in,. W. Ebb,rl., will lonia for the an nn .ad
all Intermtvliala porta on tit, tlrat rise, at I' For
pasaairn apply on Iranl of t.,
fLACIC. A , Co, Al," . .ta.
- • - -
13as1 btlic, fic
• .
1: moon., maxn ATE, °nut.) Mar.4tl,
*III Irnrr for the. atkivo and oli n t 13..
Or.t rie. or vrotpr Yor froleht or pswiogr opuly board
or to +cl3 FLACK. IIkILNKS k Apo.,
Louts, &c
BINUIt.—The lino Weeny, HENRI' CIRAFF.
AirClialock, will l•wro for the abow• and all int./media.
porta on Ilia Drat rise of water, at lu A. M. For Irrlglit or
paaamgo apply on lward or to
orill . • FLACK. BARNES A CO . . Agqnt/..
FOR ST. LOUIS—The splendid
now ',reamer METROPOLIS. Capt. R
Calhoun, will Iwnni , or the. alo.ra and •II rOrrniemato
porta nu the first rlao 01 watrr. For freight or parragn apply
ou h ar.lor to FLACK. lIARKEI &CO.. Avoca.
. _ .
F OR' T. LOUIS & KEOKUK. L ar tik;
—M.. Rau 'law atramar JAMES WOOD,
Wt. Rota. Hordnuan. will Intro for Oar abora
outllarc porta ou tho first e1...4 water,. 4 P r . For Orly!tt
or prage apply au 10ar,,1 or IQ
or 7 FLAOK. TlAltai * Aw. 1.14
FOR ST. LOUIS.—TIie splendid
stNuner .. YCLTSSN Capinlr,
L. Z. Brlckrsl, will I. I Ow whove ~,d nII snollue Att.
ports $,O ILn Ara 1 . 1. of Val..r. V,ur trolght in pownigx ,
apply twi board or lo
EtOWolco . G3,#4, 11. P. Josco, W. Muss, Jolts 11.. Cos
ono., P. U. Brosoo.
IRSlw[eit Bth!'e4if far tha riitsbraqh auctu.]
vaaa, Ocr. 25.1668.
FLOUR—walea from P Root irrsa
hood, of 100Idownar,
bbla toper and
eztrs at $4,75 sad $5,10; from wagon 50 bbls extra at $5,00;
and 76 bbl. extra Wally, white wheat. (sum first hands, at
$O,OO. from atette„ , 2so bble in to at $5,00 for super, $5,37
for eXtra , am:145,75E56,00 for tam y do.
' GRAlN— .ales at depot of 250 b Oats at 42c. Rye, 173 14,
from find hands .0 73. Barley 250 bus Spring and fall from
wagon at :0376.
OBOCERISS—saIes of 20 bp Rio ()ogee at 12%, and 10
bbla N. O. Molastels et 53, to country trod..
OIL--ealee of 5 bble Lard 011 'No. 1 at 860 10 gal., and
lido l.-1;11- 82 .1. of 10 bbla L.:devils at $1,25 a bbl.
BUTTER--eelea of 300 IN roII r t 180 SIIW
POTATOES—saIes of 160 boa Neahannocke from more at
80c.,and 250 do do at 15.
BACON—sale, of 4,000 the Shooltlere and game at 6i' and
MEESE—plea of 50, 125 and 50 Wm W Rat 7 , 4 '11 . 1b:
WllLSKT—ealee of 70 bbl. rectified In lotent 24, 2 and
2002 god. and a 2 do raw at t25%0021. ,
CU ESSUTS—o aale. of 10 boa at $3,00.
BEANd—aaloa in the small way of 60 boa small reldle at
APPLEE.—a 'aloof 10 bblv /retro at $3 GOT Gl.l.
sold t
-1110.Loa 303 heads, chulce, from Cleveland
(111A13.8k1RALF......—mare of 10 bbla at SI2,U) j 1 bbl.
There no evidence. of increaed moremant in Maim,
walk.. A feeling of increased confiderioe in the future, Jo
malfating Wolf In arias, garter. The great alrands
swear money at very low rate. Is gradually warming spec-
Wallop Into life. flocks being the most sensitive of all
marketable commodities, first show the effect. of an expire
ratty of the currency, precisely es they first show a contra,
tan. gtocke, however, aro but the weathercock that points
the current of currency, and they norm long.rao utinue to
entrance, nor long show a sinking condition, without moat
other commodltie. taking the same direction. All the good
dividend .forks are actually rising, and amp of the reales
are quickening Into life. The Fall River Monitor .peaks
thns cheeringly of liminess matters in thig pace;
"fall river begins to look-like Heat again, Co for as good
and staler businees is concerned. Our manufactories tuna
barn in full operation for some time, our merchant. Itrethe
Imre good business, and one streets present a far dlfterat
rapoct from what any did a year ago, when, willow ve rk,
a bard winter vas staring or In the face. Oleo welt abroad
with greater elasticity of spirit and seem to look open itho
apprtrach lug cotton with literature and promise."
So al thy grain trade. The coronet now nu It s way to
Oswego. Pi. Y., by way of the latest, le ettimated at 245 ',as
bushel, of a lantsentl7l,B2o Natal. of corn. The impale
at titanic, fey three dant ending Saturday moon, were lat.
491 bushels of wheat, 02,1.78 torabels of corn, 2500 baba,
of rye, awl 9,035 bushel. of barley. Thu canal end like
exporte, since the Ist of October, were 30.927 barrel. flour,
549,311 ballets of wheat. 150,61 U babel. of corn, and 20..
r+,4 Night's of oats. Ti,, import, since October Ist tare,
0118 lags hone, 810 550 hue wheat, 1100,070 Co. art, and
97101 bus tate. With the agricaltural and maufutnring
tutorage settee, the metastasised mercantile branchra of
trade will not long retain idle. There are may Cm be.
liene that the cries of the late revnlsien ha. paved and that
the upward movement has already trammel:teed. neat le
even n a viaiLlu, within the prat fortnight, an becreatal
movement in money. This demand will Incases as rot • I
deuce Increases, and within A year we may egald we a r n.
statement of the old high price. for ratan earything, nd '
ae nicklen an ebneo of credit.—PhlL Ledge.
TaiscCo.—The Loutallle (Ky.) Commercial burl..`
the 15th. Ina., Mllllll.
" Chola selections of manufaeturing are very Kara a d
much aught for. Fla piebald Leaf, miteble fur wrappe a,
world OPIIMIROLI $l6 All nand kinds are In denand, ir h
few offerings end grog competition. To apply the irate
of the local factories ahiputonte from alma. azy peat
would bare • terrain for probe, an, melee. to apply becomes
more Itbentl. manuterturen will Go ...pelted to stop it pa
thos tr their present, and be unable to fill their orders.
There Is no rhanun in medium end lower grades. We. quota
Lea or Trutt, $1,2545, Lugs. goal +hipping. $5,25(95,75;
Leaf, sn.3o ,O; Leaf, choice manotactraing and.lllpphig,
$0,50412; Chola selections, $ 10 .0 ,10 . The tale. for the week
comprise 10) Abdo.
Arenza Saba, October 21.—8 y 1101111,, Oak k Co.-11951
bags Rio rake, ti154512; 1 :,c, average $19.71, 60490 day., arid
s mentlts; 25 idea Muscurado molasses (tart) 22)4, rash ; I
40 I-ida New Turk at nip, 2 1421!4c,aub ; Co bb1.. 11,,,, ..-
',at, Pr, rash; lo lads Porto ilia sugar., gAtt,tie, - csek 1
. .M cask+ Loudon porter (pints), $1 70, rash : lid Md. Ma
rantahela and Marino whisky, :1734,3004., 4 menthe; 021.1.
whisky [damaged). 22Itilec, each.
tictoher 11)-1U0 tlereee rice blemegetl).lit.,,asi s o, rash;
1.1 hale* tieorgie anon, lite,: orate —; Phil, N. Amer,
Import• by Railroad
" •
P..C. IC. It 11-13 Qin, cloak, 10 110 bogs. nyriser. 457
balsa retio, 022 bblonbloty, IV do egg, 24 pkg. butter, 75
eta baron, 16 bu do, 111 ta, beat 72 bidet wool, 40 tibia oil,
Co, boles broom rook, IR pkga tobacco. hd do ond, 160 Lidlo
onatt,,, 024 IVA floor, Clarke A erg I , i tios :gap. 51*Cond
leas, 3lrano A no TO bbl. door, Culp: :kJ da..l (lordlnar:
do lard, P & co: 23 lodes rtittOri. Park t co: 2 hbdi,
tobor,n. J Odor. '
C. t I'. R. 11.--101.bIs apple., Suromous: : e...,, 76
do apples', 232 bus µital.:, liosathe, 41 bgs potato, 2 tide
layna, L Ouoa 56 do apples, Itrock: 10 1.. oboe., Lambert
& Ihlptsui:2s do. Roo, PI leg. dasarod, 22 do rye : 1.3 do bar.
hi. II Li Collins, It, aka outd, llortert 21 1.1. floor, ix bgs
11 do potatee, bun, 26 aka rag, Wallas,: 17 do,
"Brown 1 Kirkpatrick; 02 bbl. apple, 15o1paths 12.5 tall* pia.
per, Perth:nit co: 44 sty rjo, 110 do corn, Cot oulcuos, 11
see.). T Poll b.til starch, 5 tibia oil. I 3 A Patine
, otock k Co; 24 bk. rattcti.-4, Watt t Mi 11... In bill. jaitair,
iler al, 125 do, 50 404 potato., Drude, S. bblo lour, korai,
' 121 do apple., Hatter; 1.1.1, .1 dl !Mane: IC do, 11.47-
•100 4: sks barley, S Rorbaugh A no 3 tga butter, C
rags, Atsroll, I.e. 2 rio 31 All. wagon stuff, ld'lrblouey &
e..; 70 do, Lerch A 51,r. 41 tibia apples, Lb:moult: 7) do,
potabaa, 3,4 .24 rya,. V do mead, 270 Imo ber.
S 11ros-n; rraitborrlet. Jekluo; 7 do butter 7, Riddle, Wlrto A n•,lfdo flour, 75b 1.. ohne*,
Leech * ilutchlnson: 044 du, 121. rirr 94% d o
r. 44 V . rarAvertirdl, J B CauC•ll7 I(oi)..bua potato., 1111,i
r.s k, 41 A. so. 7: bale* hop, 2 esira stock, 12 do hog,
ner, 55.1 cheese, oks rlvg.l. 1.4 , 1. V . gg . .. 75 ptgo
butter, 42 rullo leather. 12i: bale. %had, is) 1.1.1 s fi7
141...1.,), 11,0 boo gloom, 10 bids 1.114, 61 do lard, 12 .k, reed,
1. co;
P. Ft Ir. AC. Ft 11.-200 e, I 511.augblin
or. 10 kg, botter, 17 dr,. brooms. W Coop, A no SAS do, Per.
ed : 171. ba. J II Cano.ll. :10 do,Charel, k Inseh
10, no. t, 13. i„ potet,es %VW. bro.: 3..1
MI. pup,. Pert 1n• A 35 Jut hurter., Loa. A err , 44 I,
44:nar, Al od.. no; 3 kit. hotter, Rails, Dilworth:
artSsiellea, !drabs A r:4 7.4 boo eleoni, .1 04111,4
.10, TI II Collin, 12 bids rid.,, IV llntzblnik
title , Won A Brow. 3 Wide ndsorro. W A Ii Rinehart:
aati/e. 4 do bet, row stem 20:4 balm door, 400 do whisky
124 14414.. ev, 1011 kg. bon,. 491.1,1.
11.1 I.olee. 10.1 s .11, Clarks A e...
I), Ai St ATIoS-1 ov4l shorn, 3 , 4) too rya Maid, -
born; Id.. eggs. 1 pkg butter. Krott Graham Ano 114 lads
spols.,3la,rk 12.10 •iareb, Kennedy, Clilidr A co; GO bella
I.l.its.statr; £l.ll A Spree: 55 doz braours. bliellingno 2 urs
abort. Taylor; 25 balsa rottoo, Patti* no PE bides, Tag
art; 73 Ida. flour. P Potion.. 400 004 on, x 4 ,k 4 04 4. tx,
do barley. Slrupsori A 0.01133 do barley, Cent; 2 car star e s,
Retro: sli Ltd. door, elaylor: 11.9 brwma, S Mercer A
f 1..; cart, 10 s.e potatoes, i, Peternio, 40 rt. oat.,
Rockford; 25. k. barley, Nadal,: 10 Lulu husk, Edmotel-
DOD; 40 bra otaroli. J 4' Fleming; IS can rattle, °norm ;hl
tads eggs, 44 do butter, onnont 1200 bus wheat, Voegblls-,-
154.10 do, 300 do ryo, Ur) .1.. cart, Konuedy A Ito,; 24 oks
WU:Arm,/ Craig pn
ILIVIEft. naves
A portidn of the crew of the eteatner R.Jdph oarlrsd
)..terdey no the John 11. Dickey. l'ront Vr. litteghalter,
este of the pssoengers, we learn the hollowing In relation to
the msldent.
On aunday at 2 P. (1., the Itodcdpb made a lauding at Do.
laney'a. 0 1 3 011 0' 1,14ad Droll, for tbo purpose of woodint.
and Immediately after atartefl on again. She had scarottly
one un yards from the wood tame
when she .
geneact h dred a
stamp, or aws. which Wes not wan above
the entrees of the water. She struck on the latboard aide,
and Immediately began to All. Every rfArt was made by
officers and crew to dep the leak with blanketo and by
ether menu, but without &roil. She woe run upon a bar;
end her pump. act ageing, bat eke nook very loon. The
Great Weateru cameo along, bonne for the South, nod took
her possour eugers eft.
\l ida informant lett to :dewier, for.
word main dock was dry. and the water at her stern Was
half way up her stern pool. Sho was settling down at the
steru, but if the malt hog chain irtnild hold. she will prob
obly be rolled, by the Submarthe No 7, which !us gone to
p,,, She had no freight InJored.
Tnr Fly log Clod' which had a bole knocked In for by.
snag, aud partially stank. hos been rabod. I toe law reports
her With two fest water to hot holdotod another reports
her bard aground In Dog-tooth Lois Dem.
Steamboat tie/peter.
ne, Brownsville. I Ilizerno, Dlizarnaellla.
Telegraph, do . Telegraph, do.
Colonel Bayard, Elizabeth. Col. Bayard, Elizabeth.
vra—.l feet 0 in.
FOR 185 8 _
In 1458. Aldo at tito
Ins boon unanimously awarded to WHEELER t
This combined testiminy in fully conclusive that
Wheeler 1c Wilson's Sewing Machines
Arolog very beet 'n0v10.12.1114 no arceont of
Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on
bides of the fabric eared.
Economy of thread.
Simplicity and thoroughness of conatrum
Portability, ease operation and man
5. Speed.
fl, Quietness or movement.
7. Strength, firmness and durability of
scum that wilt nut rip or ravel.
8. Applicability to a variety of purposes
and materials.
9. Cotnpaettteßs and elegance of model and
SEAT: ' bus. lisd sad White itc,
• srstossmasrask,
FIRST PREMIUM awarded by the Allegheny County Agricultural Sc :ciy, held
September 1857. "AS BEST FOR FAMILY USE."
And the Penna. State Agricultural Society have awarded to Wheeler Wilson's Sewing
Machine the highest. premium, "AS BEST FOR ALL FAMILY PURPOSE'S"
•THESE MACHINES which have gained such an enviable reputation one all other
Machines on account of
Iles 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewed.
2. Economy of thread.
3. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. •
4. Portability, ease of operation and management. •
5. Speed.
G. Quietneas -or ni.rrement.
7. Strength, firmness, and durability of Aanui that will not rip or ravel.
H. Applicability to a varietyof T. arprmos and materials.
9. Compactness and elegance of model and finish.
Are now offered with all of the latest improvements and advantages at manufacturers
prices by ALEX. R. REED, Agent, ti FIFTH S MEET: -
M1.0.11.C111 . 1 .
1 - 1 , 0 0 .1 4-1 NCB.
Cheap and Durable Fire and Vii r at‘r-Froof
T IIE }IMHOF PERRIN & JOHNSON haring, by mutual convent, been recently distutlr•
ed, G. S. BATES and WH. JOIINSON neon notice that they have entered Into partnenhip for the purja— • of en,
rYiug on the nbo‘ , I,, mfine Rusin..., /nail its brinnehen, under the mune and firm Of BATES A JIMINSti..; ne the o,lt
STAND. 75 Smithfield Street, near Innmand Alley.
We are now prepnred to aver, with our Stll'llltlttht ROOFING, aeon or flat roofs, over rough Innrd.t, old nrouple,
rompwdtion 0r metal roofs, stemboats, railrand cars, At., being admirably adapted to witbetaret the esti an. rhankee r
weather, or the notion of fire, and it Is not Injured by being tramped open Ito also etlend Ileentheln
Reefs In the loon thorough meaner; nine, to Cementing Tiu. Iron, Coppar or Tdot Routs, ranking them water-tight, nod
onnring them against the action of dm wo.ther. for $1,30 par square, (one hundred square feet.) i/
sztzivraLEl ROOFS CEMENTE D , •
?renaming them nod rendering them FIRE-PROOF, for $2,00 per specs--cllstonnt far large roof'.
Thln hoofing liChenper than any other kind of Roof end Is Insured It name rate, as thet,xl caulk, nod
le fast iminweedlng all other kinds.
Rooting material far enle, with In h , •e. •
ay. Rani - canon and nertinnat, al win
do. 75 Smithfield Street, near IlßiamonATESd Alley, Pittsburg/4;Pu.
c rod ••••th1....• in preparnin it Y moll
Lm inn
N I, .—Ourcainr.ln n..l rend
No. 133 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
slockn of
EN er brought to this market, of great variety, adapted t:
A 1, 1. A N L wr 1 N T E R S A i. ZC S .
Having purchased muter from tho Manuliwturars, •'hiefy for C. 1,11, and selected with
They feol ensured that they can offer Superior Inducements to Western Buyers.
Alliriderchant+ Pittahurgh, ruler to purchase I/ .4e, or on their way to to
nod nor put chaatng elsowlwr«. Alfa-Particular attention given to Uni.y.
ocial.twamT et II. CHIT.I , CO.
, ._.- ,
.11For tunny jean.' has, nett, trot/hied with a ,. .. , .1
: . _t r /,,./:' . 7 , (1/17/ ... , , ,, L./i.,, '1 , eroarinnot and languor, hoth mental wed id, eic..l. or nr,
j , '
..,-(,‘,'. I ' ‘,./1.1 . ,/,/, f /E . :/ — . ' I atlftsneas, dull hoodoo's°, pain to .no need as .1 . te,,h r
- - r 1) „,--;/----"" c i olotnraa end tendency to miaow., pal wt.,. • 1e...,
L.,. c.ry easily an! 4r«l or eadrod. °Need,.... .., 0C II
doh City Commercial College,
; and bowed, mango , doh pa i n. Any . • di jet 11/
~,,,,,.„0 , ,,,,,,,,, t „,,,,,,,, iiik ,„ ,„
, ~.., b.,
. ..- Prtfrhury,l, At.—Marretred 1955. ' ' l:addition, folilug of the womb, and g .. • ate tbAt to
etre 9TUDICNI, ATTINPIN n , JAM. 1 4 333. .1,11. One phy.orian oiler norther eel .
..,• Jif .thli!alle
NOW the largest and must thorough Corn- gII, lile Up. A portent and parsoritr,, ..,••••ri mai;
4. 1 1 , n^rch , f , ' , .... , 0 1 the c.1. , • 1 ..,",“ Vol mg .^. 1111A1.1,..9 UTERINE CATIittLICON 1 , 1551,1. Clir,llt . ,,
prrpot , d for ACIIIYI Eltalt, of thi, Connt 1,,, 1i.0.0.
erordsantlicient to ex .n , ,r. - t......Minu.
J. C. Surrn, A. M., prof of itooh•krepina and Selene° of ...I I b4v... - if., i m a l - fi s` x . f . „ 2 ,66 5 , m4.
• .I.T. lA.vrecTr, 'react°, of A rltlin.elle mot Commercial I
Col: elation . Ir an truly way that I have beans soferer,, Wells Aware
_.. _..... .. . .. .
J. A. 111.11D91, and G. J/ Teach,,re of Book w " h
Repot. I,ad other troubles, mach face, p a r
as general languor and debility, fedi, in U., zooll °fri t ,.
A. Costar nr.,l W. 0. Alit.i.ra, of Pi0...3411p.
e.1,‘,11.1! AND 111.70K.K.E1.:P1Nti, • s •ort and
vorraliarrr.l..o,lVl(.llll. 01.14 t• t. 11•• :0.10 CH.-
Alt It IlAiler t , AVID IIti:UNKSS itto, trouble In ihe etotaarli ay.! •
WRISINti—DETKCIINITCOrNTEVEIT AWN EY dr ,!'" d , ( " I "" ry lr`" . • .""' "
—IIKKCANTI I,E I'AIitIIKSPONDENCK-0113IIIERCIAL ""`"" ". 1 "10 ,01 .1 fly •
LAW', iire taa4ht, nail nil idler enLjecta urtodeary " o " r3 "'"" , """•
Int thn one,sat and mor.ogb ..1 a practical NW. ant. MAK.Sua-LA • e,
(A):4 eaVirtif for irniptOina f. r •1:.. A .1 I. yr
11: PS Etat/ nil:: lam Pnlirely awl 11'1141:nil uroet. I v. IL% 11,1
Ittuo ILL.,,yr it loot ,1 rill CL Aft 01,1:11.
„ti., Cm..., I r L.
' - For • long tloo. I hag Usoneso Ctllol4/01/43 ~ 0 l! 11, 1./11/.. •
It, xl:11//,1/1r. 100$ oorsono oront sat., a:A ir“nol.l.; I
V , l' P:. ,, i1,%t 1"Y 1111 , 4/Z IC.
00-inod to n!..00.1 is, rouse , of Whirls 1.01 sr, to
, I :UFO/LTA N 'I . INI FOliftl A Tll/ N. hdi . n yi.i, d. Li,. ...t..i.. r,ate,ood a fro Its., .st uono ,
htsnlors. ruts at any tiane—No recatinn—r,m„ „,,i,,,, I ii,/i, Awn goliiii 1./ Inn VIII; .11•WilIty to t0..16 Onrlo or. o.•
tot—teed sor at plen,,---riratlontea ttoowtrol in obtair ..,^„ , . - ,,,,,,,1n t ,,, n „!
~ ,,,t. .! ,
„„ t , i ,d,,,, n , ~,,, i i,., 45 ,,i n a ,„I
attnattono—Tosmm iv Pull Potorrowshil Emir., .. - .!.,::: , ,-e . .- - -, , - - q.... , .„,„,,,„,",„,,„ g a..„,,,, tho
kv.er6 ii ti. t Imo a 1./ /4 po-La-11.1rt,1. r.:.F00 por a ork-„fg.,.`' ••`,l Poo , 1 , ..; , "to •,, n ; .,,,..
tionory i vv.,- Entire co.s. SOO to , so i 70,011. ,i-L • • , i i, i n i •Ii1104.•041 I 0..1..
li.-3.1.1 , 4,iii / sow r0.0.....41., hai , prt,o 1"
F, C.oil—Ctionlikr—Spoostoon• or thoone.•
_...,,,,, n lEPS :, , ,, nnini lt h i .. ,:ia:; ' yi: i.,
toental AV ritt6,- so 1.., two otosort. ronl ddroirn.iicr6l,
, i ,r
~ - .•••/citenlelil Vrltlmill I,li, i•f tib ir.llll.l LI,
ant F W !EAKINS, rlttalotrtrl ,-." •:. os ' more ato , ot (Ito t0.66.4,.-141 MO, Ant
• - -- - - - a' '
PILISPEItTIe IIOLLIERS, ATTER ~,Chdrei in anything. I had gi ten up hope, haviiii; •
P.47.thitt....6 I eupposed. In reit.. Lot ft trict, 0i11i..1
PER. 13.1117 & JOHNSON • l ~e lt, hoping liiiIIIIIIII. hopn !lot fortunately It cororl
tinning Inin , nni ,,, the „ ti,n,iitnni for tnttnittnnt„ti„g cod m 4 thoro lo not tt he
or wort grotosnl won.. in
. the oiontry. 1 LIMO all 4 -111 U , Ii I Ilellita3 Iltu VIKIIIIII I II
0 01 4 3IIII.:
, blond in timed. • - Shit PLintENEft LESLIE.
W 2l_ cie,ii . ,3: 3 s 8 . cc,,s If. i I !tall A LL'N CITEIII.VE CA 711 , 11.1(.1,.X to4lre.rtnin
• ly i'fil, 6h/Ilag of the Stn h, irtif, ,/
Surpr. ,, ,./oreguh,
PATENT ELASTIC FIRE ,or Painful Menem:aim I:Foaling, In thz.nnUti.4ll-. and IN.T..
. eanqqlll.4.l:ul O
n , ya or Unitary ry . ons, Dife..ti o n ne 10.
andenenr-c of Viva, iforricuin, o.itis.oece, Ni.reen,oe.,e
WATEIL PltillOr CEMIENT [LOOPING, yufgein g , yiy,,,,,,f 0n , c,,,,„, , ri,,,,,,,,,,,, , .. ~,.d ,'
A RE now pro >mat' to execute orders for any ,
trnichlw organic or 4 - snail:die, coqueetrd oral, tne 1.4,in
drimiption ..hoofs, stoop or pat, at thn ellortiwt no. !
tics and with tlO tansoot taro, befog determined to, put on . 7. /W Poi. ref ll.L , awr , u 4, 4 . ,.. IC or. mad..
RooN that -..not ho vorpasied for . ands Lliti/Ber single batik. On !hi rrony rf on daffore.
Cheapnewov anti Durrstrliity. ; So: tolais Mall he act: by coprtosdree qj charD4,l.o tio: en 4 •
, of Mr cypress ronfe.
Our lionfs are too well Ithown to require tiny eulogy hunt : ty,,,eti c .,,k ee tn, e yw e 11, ~,v1,... ~d,jr „ ",,,,,i ~„t tt i t,
04. T00th... 14 10 In r.‘.• of 'hi , lk.n.x ...I ....Pl. ca , , and Slate. lis teelguaranne thor the Jfaludweiciabe east
is ayes by caning at our Ofllro, Na 75 Smithfield street. ,
~,,,,,,,irsegh, ..,,,,,,,,.
~,,ddr , ”
Iludilinge roverwl with the shove linotlng can be won nt , Dr. if Et). U. ILEYBEII,I4O WoM - et... l'ittativrgh, '
11. Notoorix, cruse ,ii Wylie and high bowel; J. neck's. I eidd.dn,cp
shun of tho ...him s inciar
hotel. corner of Grant noel Seventh etreetis house of
J 0 V T 0 itil E A. Dliii ft EIL .4 1.: kd
W. O. lane, Esq., Diamond alley, opposito Patterron'm
Stable: Store of R. Siraw,corner of Elarket nod Second eta:
shoo Home of It. ll.Sucoop, same block; Browneville bone(
I Doak Buse of Itubert Flynn., Lkingrveis, between ISchetor
sled Wylie etriong Store ofd. 11. 111clioberts, IVt.lnger at.,
Stable of A. Braille, corner of Water alley and Sandusky I
street, Allegheny; House of 11. II Wilkins, Esq., Woo d
Ran: Hones of A. Kegley, John Scott, Woe. McCall end Mr'
OA • 1•/II, East Liberty; sod messy others too num-lone to 1001,
aptdsolyT N 0.76 limlthdeld et.. Pitteburgb. Pa.
iTgiVoi. I
Ai 10•
W. 1). & H. M'CIALLUIV
'long.:Unity invite the attontion of strangers 014!iing
Fair, and glair customers ienoraity, toe largo and varied
morttnent of
Just selected by one °Me Mtn sow In the East, raaCellag
In parlor VELVET stud BRUSSELS, TakticE PLY,SI3 PER
SIST' end COMMON OAMPETINOS. Also, a large lot or
PIANO COVERS, fte-, lx., AS.,
AR of which Ire are prepared to furnish at
Greatly Bedewed Rates for (loth.
IRIS 23 L I 1.4" 3EI N S,
Damasks, Diapers, tke.
ENE, met those &airbus of obtaining the 13 F.NUINE
OW DS, should in, that t h e articles tory purchato are mei
ea with the lull 131410 M of the Linn,
as gamut. et the Foaminess rind durability of the UNA.
This thution is rendered eesentially neetheary to large
quauUtlea of Intone , anti &realm Linens are itn•partal,
'tenon after seaarin !god ecaleti with Shelter:neer awn AL RD
SON, by Irish liouthe, who, remsrdicas of the injury thee
Indicted alike on the American consumer sea the MOSAlC
talent of the genuine Goods, will not seedily abandon a
be nethe at profitable, while purchasers can be imposed on
with goods of s worthless chthecter.
Agents, ad thumb street, Nee. Vet
To the Cliants of A. B. SPCALHANT,
Raving left Pittsburgh toroth's torn pontrlly In WatiAng
ton City, I have placed my - brillnishtd buy business In the
hoods of 'REM& M/CIIENTIR, Attorneys, No. 60 Fourth
intent, to whom I respectfully - recommend those who have
hitherto employee toe professionally.
je7.l3nolis • ALFRED R. IIoCALAIONT.
+'0F4:111e. , 11;7.0 et , atl=l
FOURTH STREET, between Weed and Market, Pittaborrgb
Taken In the mem MLR OF TOR ART, ILL eatlnfaetary
Mill Furnishing Establishment.
1„) PANS, MILL iIIiABING, Fire Brick, Machinery, to'.
ley. and Cullom 0411 kinds wads to order.
Orem Bus, gash Weights, !dB! trona Proof BUM: ,
. anchor Bolting OlothA Own end Leather Belting;
Portable Mont cud Bove .11.111 e—the best In use;
French Burr Brent 111MhInm, used to thy city mills and
over the West; scour the grain, take out the chess and re.
move the smut balls befurethey are broken by the banter..
gnat& Burr Milt Stones, made of eslected block.
Peteet Shingle kfachlnee—cut 30,1:00 to . 2),01/0 Bei day;
Itate4 Patent 'Water 'Wheels, well ha 100 mills. Eno
mnchu the emirate:4, and twice as much es the Meet ot
the other Wheels In use. with no equal amount of water.
ZaAlaguqin.f Wbeirl. glum 00.11 who Want gearing. Of
Ike N 0.3 11 Liberty street, Pittebnrgh.
selhamdew T W. W. WALLACH.
Steam Nortele Works No. 3 114 .33/, 3%3,
Liberty Btreetr Pittsburgh, Pa.
MARBLE MANTELS; matibiniiary
It l ow pricer, Idonizasent“abletL umbra &0i1...H.-
61sta. dock on hunt. Furniture end Wok BtarniltOt
booms; Skarn, Marble wad flkuto • therthe,. wok SF
iseenthers au abort notice.
mold low to tho trade Otike 619 1.144411.0.1
.17, SV:WdlarAelL.
I,,The simplest and. bog 5w444. or m. kW ( d
=ll tolam
• tountry. tiiktig ebd beraro, Inm ossoina mike_ k. po win
inorzotnes, rot vnst wMD Liberty Et.,
• • ' w. weLLAct, .
aparati AZ. 01W !TONES awl
acni %tau
15W. , ! : .!'' suGAR ar P'T.M . Bal!
G- I. OSS 1 1-1. A i kt
. •
Talk of beauty, it kuutnot exist without a lino bond of halt,
tben read the d
mob bottle, awl lotion-fug,
on o and
me ylf ou sk noire. are elrenlir
stoop eon a doubt
TITM—We mil the attention of oil old end polo. to
this wonderful preparation, which turns In, k corm oeggicat
color, gray halr—erwent the head of the Mid with a tatintri
! ant growth—non.ea the dandruff, itching, owl all eutvlio.
Nwitliwal flow of tn.. ownf.l blind-;
and hence. If aged as • [134 . 141311 . dr.ewt, 11111:
preferre Da color, and keeg. It from f• to 1 , 33 - 3.13333 1.1.1
age, In 1111 its natoml bectur. We mil tic. upon tiro bald,
the gray, or ribmwod in I
llscal tome it; and .relk the
IxlJ yonng
will not, m they ratite the tretna ks, fir the
curl, ever be, without It Its praise Is upon the ton, o r
The Agent for Prof. Wood'. Hair IteirtwrkfU, to Now IE3
Ton, received the following letter in regd.) to tiro
live, • few weeks ninon
Dais lire., Conn., July TA 155 g,
• M. I ..tvaawoarc—Pir. I have ire , . troUblod with •1411. •
druff or scurf on my bowl for racre than a yretr, 1.3 hair
began to tom. nut, scurf andlmie f.otlwr I sow In Pt New
Haven paper about 9Yoorl'a }fair 11.tonitiee" e s a corn._
/ adierigat your store on the first of April last, and tor Kin
ed non bottle to try It, sod 1 round to toy sattefaction It IVllar
the thing; it removed tl.oceurf ail bale began to grow: it
Is now two or three moires in length where it neu obi rgT. I
hare great faith In It. I with yon to 1113114110 two 1.141101
more by Mr. Pont, the bearer of thin. I don't Limn. m way
Of tho kind is need In this pia., you may a ii...r)fri
fors ,
many bottles after It Is known here.
Yours, with reapect, Itlll,o •
-- •
• •
Poor. Woon—Dear lin: Your Male Puttanarria, Sept. a
itself bunetletal to too. jibe front, arid ciao r 5. two I. ;Ant of
my bead almmt lost Ito covering-yin far , nr I AAlre
used but two half pint butt!.-e of your Pew v. ve, and
the tip of my head is well amide.' with af t 5 'tine mop of
young halroml the front is also konewitv . I •
Lowe tried other Preparations ailicsit m. arlkatok
or. I think from my awn pennantl m00r . .. ens join •
Induce many othera Coley it. Your, n , r,folly.
D. It. TUOM AP, M. D., No. klAt
PM/. 0. J. WOmr— Viamordes, Z.' ISNS.
Ils you are elmut n nufarttlio
and vend your rtmently discovered Rai, Ros t torv ma ivo, I alit
state fur whomsoever It mop coutanD," 010 to r 41 , 1 a
and knows, othersto use it—that, I have, 4 . J yvaiS,
been ho the habit of using ether Muir Benf and thol.
I Bud yours vastly impeder irony other I I. e...•[0,-
ly cleanse. the header dandrntf, and will 'nth': oral,.
or ere edit n.eroreeny pens,'. hair to 1.1.. Lai youthful color owl texture, giving it a htedthY, glue,
pearence; and ell this, without diecoho bonder O v. m
mi re tm com ly sod Me ti r
es to every es:son which it drop, I. . •
color and texture to hair. one doefrous •a'" ,W!
Respectfully, years, wri.sorr • KIND.
for otla by GEO. IL IMBED, 140 Woo: et., DIPOM-41b,
O. J. WOOD eh 00., Proprietor., a 1.2 Rrow,raq '.4 •
(tu the great N. Y. Wire Itallhog Estobirahlp , Jl, '
Market .trust, It. Loot', and er. 4, 1 t`• ' vxd •
oats. ap2:l - ‘,•-er ober- 2
llivnuurrane --
_ D;A sumo Kam ?Meth trnr4.o:l - , 4 •-•
P 1 27.4 , 8C1RG11, Pa. - s.
sptkeen•thlrig natuilly In a Lea. eks. •
aand to ostler at OE time.. Lr 0.... • Ittst.. , tarki", •
retiabte; rakia v,t and colitortable.
(or -Outintspa to -fmtarlds,-.. 11!;411kr' ;
panctully attemsaftcyasailboam. - -
sir- u.r....103p g 1a and sokl; alto, kept ; ay the
guaxoz~ YLs--
OP hEtil
Bunn SALLERIEtt, No. Piltit owt, atite INdlis aid
nd 2 tar/n 2 . npinsim 21
Untta ,ttnnt. PllO
51°0,04 '" •
nabbed oil sr amt.. Mom Canal Dr Mak. pidwatfar,
and Raratioa Room on thn antnand
-14 7: 4
PPORK:-ANA:7„i3 REP. 1 ,- AV'
ArAzi 2 zpßOF79/0,1Y 4 '
001 27
11442-./kett tanlaie.Pront p M et e
Rigioxii -, • - 01], - IWE ILtIJ
gubmeele_ &Um* 1i=1M1,404"- •
LoPrsrilleratik zirA ,
Pottqa•NOttalue, Colored itrasttatkris.:
The Oporiaid•othar :extinfsitely• Inks uostl
41fai • !!AVlB9NYll...*:•ton...2,__n_ •