faisctllantous. AKERICAN ARTLEICIALFth W E- RS * - 7be spbealbor: tan. .34.0 to tbetr .tatibllm a Mtea, Porerel *Met* of belreoretedge4 Wulf fms , az r.bo,. goods On • sada .17 Wore tlft9tut I.4warotaitzg roe. maustit • At. h w it o o to . z. „,,m....qac5, Which Win be brow% both to irk. ir ektic, yln advence of say abstilez • goods .e'd t'III.73.IIMAIRELON, sum'. CO, 233Brosbdwav, Nevi York: T ACE BDCIIES, FANCY TRIMMING ideeaMennera hatriett est•LlP..hed • Factory at fin. G Brow:ray. on an extenstra male, for the Pluhtdth= of tfie "b o n r••• Ottlar the ottuteut of Mr- Tame Jack tV.P.,(o,4'l- "I6t • - • NVIIOLEPLLL MITERS To •zsmin• - th ttr samples, which embrace many entirely mow darana, at WO ilmadwaY. Weer York: : •12 tared J. Cl• It ENDKERON.TSFITTI .1 CO. TO ,WHOLESALE DEALERS IN's OSTRICII,I7IILTO6; sad' Irar4o4 PEATEUDIS,TXI.6IidIIifiII, k La addltitkat to our mod Imliortaliou of els deeeription of reds. which emery quality, style awl *slot, salt. !de for H - .oust Thumbs" Magee, ay te., we bars ex boded our facilities for ausanlacturtug the leading styles bauble couutry,atul orill execute orders for nny qvantity abort oaks. J. 0. II RN Dlia.Rni, BMYTII t 00, autansd 2UO Broadway, Now York. PAPER UANOINOS Ow Bt.& of SPRING WALL PAPER Is saw open for Inepectknt sod Pale. The West styles of pAju.Oir,IIALL, PINING ROOM, 'canna CEILING PAPER A sathry ow designs for Tor 1111Indow Ebades, Tostem, to soutrNzaom a 00., W., VTIM otn.o. - State* Worker, JAMEY. OWENS, °MYER .E.z..1 .410 WYLIE STREETS, 9„, TIIOCO AND MASTIC WORKER b... 7 ghee particular ottration to on ardor* for evil, in his Hub CIESTRES and. ORNAMCfIII of all kinds fUrnishofso 'abort oak, ap2ltlyd, OM A. D... .....—Jeitre waruit. DUPZE, IathIGIC m SATLES, Bankers and,-Brokers, 3 and b Devcrrnshire Street, BOSTON. DB. S. give particrukrattention to the . Minato( Lake ttoperfor,ind So ft...eh nibble bakemstfonesp..6log them. A sooothlY nslew of the Stock awl /loner Necktie, with gentatiotti of Ml the Oanna Beeerftke will be not to any addrea desired. • ' Union sTdroallo Cemout. THE 'FAVORITE MAXE, used and 11p- Bail=by Iteltrced Contractors, Bridge u 7 Chrterrt' . year. put. Wurauted of bra quallry ud for Nelms& tbovery lowest muuket pricey by - Laza ■irtrlonirtiBllN, - N 0.114 Second Bt.. mut 145 First et. TORN THOMPSON & CO., 135 Third st., whs.. just recoland and for ulo • lam lot of • ' itoellat Pear . a Ited, • Vermont Ochre. Yrouch Zino, • Anierleatalno, • Atiblt• Load, • • . and Whlttag. MURPHY & BLIRCEIFIELD havo Veo'd lot or Pigaxed Scrim Muslin., astetrided Also, regris and Linen- Cullers, home thin ninaL And In. an now offering our &rages and Granadine Ram at Wart lower priers than sold at early to the *WWI. 13RE CATAWBA - WINE.-1 have this P dal tonstsodDs Ism spopfy of pars Catawba Witt& •Asi,•supply of var. Watoto. Itrandy. Tbs. wishing dame of the awns coo alioss procure a genuine ankle at JOS. YLEILING'S. all Corner Cleaned sod Market streets. fIITRATE N.AGNESIA:—A fresh supply %Jot ibis saleable ntedicdna in &dation and in ens dry slate conitasitly nu Land lit.' JOE. FLEMING'S, nell• Caente , Dlatnond and Market .na _TOtt FEINTING. executed accurately, protoptiy and In We beet war by WM. G. JOHNSTON CO., seat) Printers end Stallonere, 07 Wood et. PLEASE CALL and examine our Stock of Drees (Ueda, nevi Cooke, Needle Work., Mourelos Goode, Lc., Detre perch...la, elsewhere. C. CANNON LOVT., Den Mextet St. BLOO S ! B LOOMS Cold Blast, to, :Ain by DITOIICOCK,IIcCRIKERY/ 00., 1.. r/ Bt.cond & /runt. G Al . .us ' e•.annoc a to mini Ms day end for sale to dealer. t 7, . . 111SC000CK. IdcCREKRY 122 Eacond EL, t 151 trout 12IITTER.-600 lbs. fresh table Batter re esiti4 and I, .16 by BIDDLE, WHITS & CO., • "Nu 166 Llboly weal MACKEOWN Y . LE are Agents for Thayer's Fltad and'Sothl Extract. Th. trade sup piled at otanteact were price. odi ▪ EELS AND MORTGAGES, PRINTED • ea for nal. 11 W. B.ILAVEN, Job Printer J0r.20 Noe. 31.23., and 85 Market fit. • WHL largest -stock of Shards, Cloaks, Dross AIL Goods, 24.1iCa Work MEW., tb.t va "" ..ti Imo* able Li 'OM*. C. RAN/014 LAO 111,; , 1 Market at. iNG fLUITh.—A very 6uperiuraru dn or .T grg A rglj . cn m o r s . ta . tiz on orl . han nd l i and furclo /101) LlVEti 01.1,—A large invoicu of N.) Rua:Moses rer:l red and for sale 1.7 0011 MACK Milt a FINLEY. 167 UMr7 es. L BUTTER.-2 tirkins primu Roll- in au/ for eale by car DAVID O. ILIOtBra. u . Liberty nd /land d • eIILLNBEHRIES.- 2 . 5 bble. prime Large Pad re oe!rod awl for sale Y 7. B. CANPIZLD CO. lki - ACKEREL--60 bbls. and 50 half bblz. /IL rad W large Ilia 3 liar.‘ertl In nate and tm. TT ult. by WILSON'. . . • FRESH. BUTTER-1,000 lbs. fresh roll Butter received and for W. at 1.55 Liberty et. ' IDOLS, WlWrn It CO. - • A • us. exsey PO- Woes remind and tor We at ,18:: Liberty ba. 11111 BIDDLE. WIRTB CO. GHEESE.-200 bxe. prime Cream Cheese in kora an tla . ale ISS Liberty , st. mIDDI.X. MUMS It 00. 1 - 1 ARK. FALL DE LAINE selling off at .1„/ •grestredaettoa at 111.11LPItY A sußcitnnws clueing Got sale. aula STRAW WRAPPING PAPER, all aim, at mnaraft.cturers p ces.W . d ri Porsal PE e llAM,Papere Dealer, • anl3 ,Ne. 31,22 and 13 Market gnat. ALAIIGE MAP OF "OUR COUNTRY," with Ewes, Territories and Counties. distinctly &- COY Isle by . W. &TIATFYi t Etatlowa, nol3 corner Market and 24 stream OTd OES-100 bus. at 25c to plate lot, Rand ackd good.' lIIICIICOCIC, IfcCREERY & CO-, tk•torid and In Wont .trot.. h. Ja - 4 114 UTTER 'FOR FA3IILY ,USE receiving AI daily aid.= of ILIDDIA MILTS k antelF6 Liberty •treeL w yAk hoieo white vrheat in bob or to lot welt, by 307 10. C. IlliltUST, bor. Liberty and rbmi .1. / 000 bath Wheat for Bale by ILITCUCOCK, CO., .1,25 IV Second awl 161 Trout meet. 500 OAEEN ALTED OALFS . Sin store for mho by SPRINGER lIARBAUGII !CO , . No. 209 Liberty streeL ..130 boxes German Clay, first opal - fly, Just received petablp .fisaton," at &lame., and farad* try Jan • A LEXANDIKR HMO. COLOILED PAPERS-45338 and '2:14 irs rood and for tale at reasottatorere priC by ' 111AVEN, Stationer sad lexper Denier, corgwr /data end Seropd , M LOUR-20 bbla. Extra Family, made o . • ju selected welt. WheAt, exproooly tor tamili aso, store sad tat We 07 ItOIOCILT DICKSY, •1 ,19 _ 124 footstool. no. Wood. IL 110 JO 'AllN= sizes, COO forLIT, sale by • rr0.141 Water street, Al OAKUM-3 bales best, for aid .70N ESA COOLEY. by No_ 141 Water .treet. ingi3 TIMOTHY SEE bus prime Timoth ;' .11. 16.11 received cad fx sale `K IbsLa W nn y Caret. IRTa - BorrErt-9001bis fresh Table Butter reu J.) .3 for ado at ISS Liberty decd. •42 • RIDDLE, IVIATi k CO. 'RUTTER-18 kegs pri l iteL w a . Lawrence County reue.Thater,im storsani r 00.,17.3 w,504 • finy D • WAN. VOTAiOI;S-60 sacks Jer6ey, In • stqh, and for sale I.Ar to close out. "WE • RIDDLE, WIRtL CO- r . 1 H BuirEit—ooo lbs. fresh Tab Batter, awl tor sate ea in Liberty meet. . ' RIDDLIt, Wlll.ll 00 V ' E— u assortment of • Mama. Rob* oo hand sod for We by , /Olt Ell a MILEY, ?C. 141, Wale; greet. • - .--50 boxes Croam Cheeae, extra ptudlty, memo] and kraal, by 111... pll imam %mars a 00. .(APP RAS.-1(4) bbb. for sale rq - B.A. IMUNISSOCICICO. 0011 _ . aro., Woodard Vint air *4OOO 11)6 (lak. 'EN AND BUFF • - ;1./YTE. for ado by J. t 11. PHILLIP& JU.IT RECEIVED — CteIt 1ap 5 2r . 9). - A r a - - - "°*". ....,;. - - ...44 „ D RY APPLES--. 5,000 bus. to arrive' . •••••« • sal. by oc2 13 Anil DICIINY & 00. Op. ' ~ ...---- -------- _ 1 ,- :::" .. ...., r iIIEESE-,-200 boxes prime cutting diiesi :.•.;,,, Wr' IL/ OWL, rod and I.:r solo it lIHNItY 11. (koLLINS diERICATI OC lilt ' —4O MA E,. for Bale by oat - rt. A. Y IVIOTOCIC 1 CO. • POTATOES -100 e Ne bug. prime JR_ fiat iree4 and trir tesin ley I. B. CANELELD CO. ,CEMENIC-50, bbls. •S'srolusky 11 yaraulic' orrior ortlitio for Dodo by J H. C.N111.40 , fX). YOTATUES-200-bus. to arrive and +itLfa...o)y ... ne.s ITENNY ITAXMLYWIL. AU D IstyrrEK teed and for sate by odi • HENRY ooLtian , ''.. - TOES-75 - sta: 143h:snot , * Potatoes - - -s. 100 i - Ned ... 4 -fa.d. 1 .4 . - . ITENRY. 11. MUM: 8. ..e . . 4 , G itEAS4-111.ii esussi, - kegs -and bbla.. - reo'd •- .., •...as for era* by .L «t 1:, I.I.ENIIT 11, 001.LIN8. CI LigESS --`2450 • los. crietis•tuttilig . Cheese ' ..ed . 4 1. , 0 3 ** , 7. Mum. towns. - • UTTEI4-- yeah Stoll liuucticrated*ad fq allay I -:Ulan 8:001AMilk , - D-EANs--smalt„Afkildissuio stare stidi ;A - 4;i% , , MIIM= Pittsl:4lU6ll aud.Oakland Nurseries. praibr , a . n i lr ,-..mvictir - enktuty, 2 years,. 137•44ies,lisir - Imst eR 11 la this WG,OCO Grope Vities.ll Elepdard2 auxlB yam 26 2a,003 Pe.h, a rarialev. woo a . ..rams., of duo Ludy radetko, from m.ll to . , Ith a burr etatt of•Apple;l'ear--rtandro'd and dwarf -- -.746 , 17. 1 .4.501 , 017.11 17VIlerql Tarietlar.ol l, l* V 1... f`nrabn37. On 7d.llonaerlants, Mean Three wieht3( . .: pia extra article of choice Teri rid. ntignt I find ft tailreir h.t.nnet orlaulne-my stuck lat...re , gm-Arai:kg edeewbere. ir‘WiertrY 3710. )11.1111Xleill,h , REASONS fbr buying at home in place of frown,. Pedlar,: Ist. We mold Che Trees tut all A pp fro.. 31 to 4a thet they charged 100 76 Mita for. le (24 inn) 1214 thstabey charged 17 fur. Pesch at 12% that Ow) char, 26 for. end other neap in Pnnlx`rtion. 2.1. Von can dm there pleated • few hones after they am taken op, while the pothers' Mee hare weary hours to ' peat on canals and et railroad depots Lehn they reach the planter. 24. If °AKAN. occur • proptinkm Is dill goat to etwred them. Let • pedlu, where la be .101111 hitTIDOCII. Jr mrllaiiertf I Me/wrath and Oakland Ware ;Am IrAIREAS IVS PLATFOBft SCALES. THE undersigned having been appointed ex- A. dud. Agents for Chesil. of thesecelebtatodSCALES, manufactured by the crri,„lual Inventors, N.N T. FAIR RANEE A GI, respectfully invite the alXimtimi of limb.. leer community to the superiority of these Scala over all others. • • Them Sales have been subjected to the SEVEREST TESTS 'on all the principal 11.411.r0mb In the United States and England, end in every branch of bustnose throughout the world, and their mato= accuracy and great durability have gained for than the reputation of beteg TEE STAND ARD FROM WtIICII TISERK CAN BE NO APPEAL We are prepared to AU orders for Counter, Portable, Dor. mint, Rolling Day,Coal.llAilroad and PanlBcalee, Ii eisuuracrtraste • veto. HUSSEY A WELLS, • ' No. 82) Liberty Street, Oomniercial Row, soltlyd Pittsburgh, Pena. SUNDRIE 100 bbl. N.O. Ilulaises—oak cooperage; 60 blob N.O. Sugar; 60 bbl. Crushed and Poled Sugar: 26 bile Oolden Byron 20 bats Baltimore do; 160 bags BM Coded; TO b.. 6. Tot...A • 00 etas. Y. 1.1. and Black Tom. lOW :Mesta 'roped:amidOunpoirJer Tea _ 26 boo Undo Pepper mid Allspict; 100 boa 001.04 rapped; 100 ban Idustanl--assorted qualstloo 00 bad timond Ginger; 60 bmilioxel Starch; _ 21 Harem Blom 100 boy loan and Mould Candles: 100 boa Rosin and German Sospg toaSugar Curial IlamX 6400 pounds 0•11,111• ed liamg 10,(40 do B•COZl.Shouldenr; 80 bit. No. 1 Lani 0111 . 80 grass mortal Blacking; • 60 Able No.O Large Bleekarel: 26 half bit. No - 1 dq 100 tuattsCasidiL_ 600 bdis Wranidug Paper,anorted alas. 60 dos extra ianilly Broome; Also,Pittiborgbrossufactored goodaotall descriptions. for sale by, (rot} LITTLE • THIMBLE' 112 Second GROCERIES -100 hhds fair to prime, Su garr. 160 Mae N. O. Molnar.; 1 , 6 bogy Prime Rlo Cottro; 65 bbl. Boatman and New York Syrup; 100 boxes 5. and Be Lump ToLumo; 100 blf emote Y. R., Imperial and Stark Tear, 00 bbl. Large N 0.3 llackaren • 25 bbla Dry Salt Homing: 150 dozen Common to Fumy Corn Broom.. 100 done. Painted Buckets; 60 dosen Inba—uoortal atter, 400 kegs Nall, do do; SDoluv W.Cliam do di 10062. Pearl Starch; 60 Use Star Candler, 2:41 bre Hoehn Palm. 011 m and Of sloe Sown 600 bmoilm ]Stopping Paper . For sale by mat It. RORISON t CO. QIINDRIES-- 6,J 300 bp Mir to prima RIS Calm 75 boom of 5. and 10, Tobacco. 97 catty bows .I.li lb lump do 60 bble prime; oak. coopentge, N. O. Molasses; 25 bbd, N. 0. Sugar; 60 bleb cradled, powdered and CoSr; 57 bbl. Goblen Syrup; CO bbls S U dyntp; 70 hf cheer • 1.11. and Bleck Tea= 50 boxes do do do 80 bap Grath Pepper; 10 bags Pfrnauto; 3 bale. Cassia; 15 bbl.. Pitch; 50 Dbl. N 0 Tar, large bbl; 10 bbla dpts Turpentine; 25 tierce* Plae; - 250 Ws .m'd elsce city andcouutry Wu, 000 reams we'd .10es Wrapping Paper; 60 boxes J. J. Wood? Starch, Together with a.general Armament of aroceriea dud Nib. burgh manufactured artteleeTn Wore and for sale by orb WATT & •W7lO/IN,Nn. 200 Liberty rt. G ROCERIES -- NU/ Coffee: Ilea. 25 Blau ?doWing, 25 do Syrurd 50 chest. Young nyeon rani Black Tom - 50 C•uty's reime do do for (Avail, use; 21 Halo Ler,. N 0.3 51•21o.rel; Illf LOU N. 3 elackarol; 25 Bela No. 1 Well. Fire; 50 Boxes Totacco as•orted bnuathr. _ 100 lOmureeWr•pging raper; 100 Boors W. IL eberee; 130 Rol. 50 Noses Basin Soup; Together with • general Slop; of Groceries, try., Nails Masa, will Oa sold on ros•ooable ten.. • 101. Meet:SC/IEON, oc4- N 0.105 Liberty Wirer. !--28 tons No. 1 D RUGS—Sautanic; 11)pr Phoppttatc Lim, lodide ZLac ULtste Potrabi AcritricanDmp Clack: • Nitrate 24soti. 31 . 01 es A - Cuoplcell's Ei.arcL: kuM Black ,Ictets.r.ll; ilanctr. Bc..tra saleby 11. L. FAIL sal7 N 0..). corn, wna ',mart!, et GRUCEItIES- - ' tia O ble. N. W. Iv. 0. &lot o. eves oak Lir to prime; a MI do N. York PlroLM 30 do A. Croebed boll-r•, A do 0. Puleerfsed do 2D do A. Coffee Jo 60 do N.C. Tar, 20 do Ittentbai Wbble pik 30 do Bank OM 10 do Lame No. 3 'Mackerel, 10 do Ileleloeute Mentos. Tor We by Einursic t 1/ILWORTII, 130 and 132 Seemed Metal_ A THINW CELEBRATED . xx. N., 30 DAY CLOCKS, for Cortottog Kroor and PILAW. All 11.116112006{ In Itorremood car.; depotpatterns int nootrod and tot W. try .1. R. No .. A CO-, 1.04310 Jew..lor. No. WI Tlrlh street B ELL 11A.NGINGI Door Ik at $2,60 and apwards, put op to Ow best style by J. D. ItATITEITD, . Lol BipladDld Bt Railroad Stocks. TELE SUBSCRIBERS will exchange4sooo j. et R. R. ETOCHS for WESSERR LAND., Thaw ow the 31hovairi river prefer re& =MPH 0. LIRCII A (X). TEREOSCOPES AND PICTIJItES--Juat tacriaed • Wes and sariud aiiisortmant piths Wain and moat beandlrial Zniplah and Fraud, Daturas, lanhon mar and alma recently eeb aal In Naar YorkuomPriaing and anima in England, laelanot, raance, Spain, Italy, Salta. *dual and Palatine. Catatuputai of Maur. fur Waned and any view am be procnnisi—t/ not uu band—by °Melina. fan JOIIM S. DAVISON, al Market at. STOVES! srov ES!, STOVES !I !—Tho obeaptot and best wmortment of Oooking. Parlor, Of. ace and Umatilla Storm to be round to tbo city, are at the Iron City :tore Wareham. or T. J. (MAIO t 00., No. In 4 Wood street. Vattern to need will do well to make • note *four name and number. All goo& abipmd free el charge. 1 5 TI 'ROES RIC . 76 boxe.6e Tobsonce, 76 Id cheats Posits Upson Tog 60 do Blest do 26 do G. P. and imp. Tram 260 looms Chemical Ohm Seep. A 1.., Ainslie .ap ply of Pittsburgh manufactured articles for mi. by a AllAlVtia t DCLI7OII3II. C°(21"11 STOVES, • PARLOR STOVES, RADIATOR FITOVF-9, y ti PERS, AU Mae of Co.. Vire Irons, Fire Iron Bterl Stove pipe,"lin Were In all Ite variety, et yyp T,J.CIt A IO & C0.'8,13.1 Wood ht. ADZES DKESS• GOODS, Shawls, Em 1J brolderies, Prints, Chintzes, Mantillas, }intent, Maw tars,—&al a large lot of nt good. Renorally—Joat °Paned by BUROILFIRLD & BUIC.II/07 to Murphy & tiro sea at P. P. corner dth and Market areas. 500p1g.". STRAWbIe, PP Engle Croa i nl G llleHn A nt . fart recalved and for We at nuannfactonars' prisomg. Apar Warshaw, of W. S. HAVEN, la% meter Harked and ilocond eta. W HOLESALE PAPER WAREHOUSE. V —Tne attention of dealers la Halted toour largely locrineted stock of Writing Papers 0141100ns and planting al lon ratio. I. 0. JOIINETON 2 W 3, b 7 Wood at. 1 - Wllare at all times prepared to furnish &midway hotels, eteamboole or pololk home with forfeiture sod CAWS of ens deseriStlon &aired- " T. it YOUNG It CO, edit Oppoelts Firs d Boom. Smithfield greet. LI ILL'S FRANKLIN ALMANAC • YOB 1859, PUBLIBIIIBDITY 18 51. JOHNSTOS, Pentane, Etattoiver• do N 0.8 78 , !M Wood atreci. FRESIIIIDASTED JAVA ANDRIOCOF INICE—eIso Leguayrs and Old Our 7.n Coffer, for We IIIAbICE'S Y. oUI lirocery and Tea Blom Ywlerelat, Mlrgioso IZ • FRESH, CHARMING, INTERESTING, POPOLAR.- - A new work, b 7 A. B.ltoe. True to the lwe# . or Alone on • Wide, Wld. Bun by A. B. Noe. Ons neat 12 reo. volume, now_rew ly nod for ale by nal .1. LIMED, No. 78 fourth st. WALL. PAPEI - exnAition B7 TV Wood at., boantit'ul Papnillatigloge a l um and prig to whidlt the Wootton of attangsra and cittaans lapedally Invited. MARSUALI, & CO. DAILY RECEIVING New and Desirable Dreas Good., Plan,* Cara % Hanna Work an.l auntie v.)ooda of ovary daactiptla, tot CL HANSON. Lovi., 74 Market 04. ENAISIELLED OIL OLOTTIS—For car -Ihp trimming, mentifectured an' dock . , clillllng and m aldtlokfur sale low /I mat .1.4 IL mutes, :tn.= and 298 L Clair at. FLAVORING EXTRACTS—A large rep ply at Preston calabrated eatntinx artracta km Ina maw, takes, plea, an, =dandy on band at J 07.9 30E1. moincrs. CMER VINEGAR FOR PICKLING PUR KIVA for Matan /SAMOS'S Family Grocery and Tea Store, 'Worst street, Alt. g'ltay. w= llt Fritir.Y'S pATl:ter BALI. V ALV t,l ty PUMP—A fresh Javan tualvad and Winkle ti A A. HARD}, ___ toßtNe tss, itiiit...,f,...,,, , ,7 .7 ... ,_ t.9 . ?7 ... .: „...;,..1.?..0111001.: ' ".-,--' -7, , ,s., ~ ' • 4 7 TIME awl Main Ind a to order at abort notic e . A.N . DCOUNTING ROUSE nn .a. In gold toe par N T.D. YOUNG *OO. as= 1 . n LIVE .01L—LA A., 01 4 P"thl , toT , % c;nli :An- Am.. t ili asbi llllll-, , ,61 .- ~,. ... .._ GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICEII isciilanconL 185 litd r atinit IaMML Torten:ma er AIL! Ektr.4, Sant Ste Marie,) (aerate, Portage ',eke, Copper Narder, Eagle Harbor, Eagle River, Ontonagon, La Point Nagfieid and Superior City. The Nee. and Splendid Fast-Balling toa , Premare Steamer. OITT ofCLEVNLAND,I ILLINOIS, J. al. LUNLY, Masser. • 1/0101 P11..1611, Blaster. And mmly Wed up Passenger Midlreight Screw Steamers IRON CITY, turcui.AL ROCK,' GEN. wawa. J. S.Ti-anza,Mairli.P.ltrno,!dssterlo. Ream will compose the Lim, far LOB. City at Cleveland leave• elevelaade MONDAY, May .......... _ ...... -.et 8 o'clock, P.M. THURSDAY, Mey " THURSDAY, June ..... MONDAY, June, 14,-- THURSDAY, June MONDAY, July THURSDAY, July 15 MONDAY, July %NI ..... THURSDAY, kerma MONDAY, August 15,-- . THURSDAY, August 2A,....... MONDAY. September! ..... . Tlll.lll.3ltAlt, September 18,-. MONDAY, September 27,--- THURSDAY, October 7,--- MONDAY, October THURSDAY, October 23,-...., MONDAY, November 8,-- 11113301 e leave MONDAY, May 10,....---- THURSDAY, M.y 20----- MONDAY, May 31, THURSDAY, June 10....-- MONDAY, JO. 21,....... .._» THURSDAY, July MONDAY, July 12, THURSDAY, July 24 ..... MONDAY, August 2, THURSDAY, August 12, MONDAY, Aurae 23, THURSDAY, Ilkep temper 2,.. MONDAY, September 13, THURSDAY, September 23, MONDAY, October TI,II.IRSDAY, Deader 14. MONDAY, October 25, MEM CITY. Dillitolt. Al 10 o'clocAA.;ll. TIIERSDAT, J. 3 do,„Cdo 17 do.g4tty 1 do „do 10 do 2g do`Atlg. 12 do do 28 do , Ilept. 9 do do 23 do Oct. do do 21 do Nov. 4 do do 18 cry MINERAL ROOK, bag TIIRBE BOATS kris • through themes°. I Ft 0 N • Levee Cleveland. AT 8 O'CIOCI P. r. WEDNESDAY, June 2 do do 16 do do 30 du Jolyl4 do do Vi do Aug. II do do :15 do Sept. 8 do do 22 do Oct. 0 do do 20 do Nov. 3 do 17 With the Salm and ORR. TAYLOR, ma log Cleveland 1413. •w "ILL ERol[ll7—...hav been fitted up expressly for the tiavellng public; Mug w> knowledgod in point of speed, acrommodetions,erulappoin4 melds, risuscosern. The "IRON MIT. comes out WNW pletely renovated; her Cabin beingexteuded her fulllen giving hor first clew Passenger twoommodatkut; while Preighting facilities—with the .IdINERRI, MOH . ' and GEN. TATLOR"—are admirable. ; Yore Pleasure Trip, the Upper Lakes are becoming each imatteeding wagon more popotuc none affording the tourist, seeking either bueinees, health or pleasure, so many attrao. floc. Leaving Cieveland, the tnow/ler perm over Lake Zoe, through the beautifial rivers Detroit, St-Clair and It. Merru and over Lakes St. Clair, Hui. and Superior: ing the Inland of Heckinse,and the Pictured Rock; vWttng Marquette, Portage lake, Copper Harbor, Re g is River, Ont xonagon, La Point, Hayfield, sad Superior City, with many other localities of intereek giving the scientific and enter ' prising imliicleutopportunities for visiting the Copper and Iron Minec the meter of baler the cool and bracing cli. mile, and attractive fawner,: and the aporteman and laver of the romantic, the most inviting facilities for fishing and expiating. The Stratum. makp the round trip in eight day.. Ramo for any of the tripe can be seemed by addressing HUSSEY & 211`BRIDE, FORW ARM° & COMMISSION MURCHANTS, Cleveland, Ohio. N. 13.—Mark WI Packages. .Care aaaa Ili a Yellatuu, Cleveland, Ohio." seddatand l!Tr. . 1858. C RIC A.GrO. MILWAUKEE AND LAKE SUPERIOR LINE. STEAMER LADY ELGIN, K. II TOMPKINS, Com . r.J on J. TAnca, • Lear,. Chicago Laws Afdeottarkor.,l Learn Superior. At ll o'clock r. u.l At 8 o'clock/b p . lAt 6 o'clock A. It. Mooday..-Jutur 21 ITuraday-..Jula:l3lSaturday-Juue 26 Tbursalay.-July 21 friday-- July 31Wadocaday July 7 T . 046 7.. - 13 } Pkanent Trips toCbilioroood AND through B o day... 31 Grecnokto. Boy d` ad Lake Superior I I tdooday..-.Aug. 16. Tuoulay...•ug. 17 13aturday....Aug. 11 Friday . V Saturday.. " 21 Wodody._Sopt. 1 Tocaday.-.Sept. 7 Friday--Sept. 8 Sunday.... . 12 Saturday-. . 18 Sunday— " 19 Thursday.: . 93 I Friday........ct. 1 riatarday43o.. r Weduanday..l34l. 6 Wed/Au/lay . 13 Thusday. . 14 1100 day....... " 111 Tutuday " 26 Koduogy. . 2T Surolay.-.- . 81 Moods, __Nov. E. Tuaulay-Ettm. 9 Elatutday....liov. 19 Je16,1.1 derriereriMarble Work". No. 333 Liberty Street, below Wayne, MATTHEW LAWTON. PRACTICAL MARBLE 11A50.N NVISHES RESPECTFULLY TO di Am. lA. Meals sad Slobwwe paerally, wt.. low leased the above premises, kg tb• manolbetato anA *ale of even lnsloty of Marble Wofif....k Monuments, Tombs Tablets and Gravestones, of eyery variety and fonxo. rll , Ol. Mecca. Qevtre I.o A . e ' r, Derma and Wash Nand Tops, An, Which he is offering as low as thy other establishment Wart of the Enuntitail. ilia stock entirely ne, and has twee selected by hitovelf, expressly tor this inerkok Us te also prepared to build Burial Vanitsonsckwe Bax Lute with Mar. ble or Maus, and to execute ..y other work In his 1t... a any of theCernetertes adjoining Pittsburgh- ILLSII.II mactemas TO Bev. T. B. Lyman, Rothrt thalway,thg, Hon. Wen Wilkins, . John Chblett, thg, Jew. U. Siwouberger, Keg., W. L. Illocetht, Keg, Marla. Brower, kn., J. H. KM, Seq., Tkomes Scott, Esq., I A. B. Carling, Fag, W.P. Bann, Eno., 1 G. R. White, Seg. The Troth furnished with all kinds of Pdreign and Domes tie Marble, either Mashed or In the nthgbe n 1 Wholesale price. He basalt* maids arrangement. wlth the mannithtneen of the lan brands,the • warden% ettppl=ydrthUlo Cle ment, Web er attd Lime, end Perth both for Land and Stucco Work, all of width he le prepared to furnish at short troth:A irdallodly GAB FROM ROSIN OIL POTTY PLUTO /%111.TICFLIailia, TIE 111611 ILLUMINATING PROPER TINS at Gas from ,Ratin and olesgiouto rutetantes have slew* made them IL favorite matstial for the mans facturoof Illuminating Gaa. Magyar Oxopardes nee Bow itrwith cual,in order to supply their customers with* Su perior @nifty of Gas. ROBIN OIL is entirely to.. from all dnats and rams sub- Ponces, and pads at ono, Its Brilliant Illumlnatlng Gsa. , The greater erightal cart of the apparatus licr the mane. (soars of coed pa together with the attention and expense tip required, and the difficulty, if not impossibility, ‘ t c f " tgrely .operating the ozwbokisome, dateteriou• oficadicsi pit., generated In coal, render ths ROSIN OIL APPARATUS cheep:and more deolmtale In every way. 8.00A2183, of 870 Broadway, New York, hal devoted Ls entire dietitian to thapanufacturePd mleof Portable Gas Apparatus, mid he nepeetfully calla the attention of the public to bli present comlete and efficient machlra. Perfect atiefactiou to p Use minhesor guaranteed In ovary cue Ice• further Information edam. B. °GAWKS, Sib ßrcedway, New York; • Jyffialawitly or DAVID IL WILLIAMS. Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS AND mamas, CHEAPO FL OA BH JAMES ROBB, NO. DU MARK= @TAUT, Tuna, DOOR FROM Tall IRJLRERT uouss. d recalTe bb Imp ==1!II=!IU1 . LAMS', htISSICE and CLIELDRZNIF BOOTS wad BEIM lIENS. CALF, KIP AND COARSE BOOTS, MOM, OXFORD TIM, GAITERS, OPERAS, ho. 8019' &ND votrrniF mxrrs, mom 40813' BOBBYR SUOMB, A very superior article mid any seed, direst from the Nanntecturen, whmh he will well by the rm. or PLCSAYI at very reduced prime for cosh. Thb Mock comprises one of he largest ammtments to be found in mly city, sultable for city and country aloe, sad baring over twenty yeareeiparience buying, he triads Mat ho can now suit all Mates Re revectfelly invltteall In want to o dL muting them that they will be pleased. Remember the place. JAS. ROBB, No. 89 Market Street •627 'Third Door from the Diamond Nerbet. To the Whip Trade; I'VE WOULD inform our customers west, nod others Intereetwl, that we have inunhared the entire r ock nod good Mm the of HIAISLaTO N a MMOORE, of Twin WwatY, We Stale, who from Ude date decline Imam= In oar rotor, and have loft their notes and account. against portion Weet or the Monntalan with as for .11ectIon. We will, as icon as peaslble, wait upon our caw toners and Chow of the latearm, for the pltee of collect logp the emanate doe,and reneleinktlealr ot . for farther wi lI O p ar ew stork Is now tarp and will samsrt•d, canZU every variety of Buggy Whips, neon Whipin &wear and Lashes, and top. we ask the attention old WELLS, lUDDLS 00., No.Bo Fourth litres,. Safety and Economy In Light lt-ruy will you burn Camphene and fluid, if if whoa yon MO get • cheaper ano bettor light. Pore lienoene oft, made from the gm of Canial Coal, prodnors the cheapest, most brilliant. .toady Pleasant sod min Poll ablo light ever offered to the public, and ma danger of eg plosion; more brilliant that go, and quite so them lamps of the roost annul* and easily managed construction. for We by T. D. t 0. HODKINBON, No. 11Bt. Clatr at, oast the Bsidge. Birlieware of a counterfeit already to the market, mad. from Oamphotte, with .little Coal oil to scent It. foniully SEAMLESS BAGS—A constant supply of all rates on bind and for bale at to.oracintsre prams. A liberal dhavont to the trade. DAVID IL IIDREST, - sae • corner Liberty and Hand sta. dayAROMATIC CACHOUS. , -- An excellent article rvrinrrsaning the breatb 3 mar reed Ws y .106.7alttero, re2l • corner Diamond mid Mutat 4. MEN FUN—Three groes of llobb's genu the ?dear Pon Skin Ponder; Idao, 2 groan of /Jam Yen D. rec'd by JOS. FLEMING'S, en 24 corner Diamond and Manatee- AUS! ' SOAP—A large suppsy of pure P 5061 4 al" tenni= 110 JOB. FUof Casale beim, riled by MING'S, 444 roma pbunood and sta SCLINECK'S,PULMONIOSYRUP-.-.• have reoelved a laiga auppli of ILL altellaat 4.d e 1 shax, a Una apply of Sebnock's celebrated Saa-Weed A Toaks. addi JO,!. Ha:3IISO, ear Diamond k Jdark• at. ETENSION DINING TABLES, 'of va donss ids es and prices, dnisTrd and In warehouse, .ors T., B. TOMO t CO- NIPPLES--2--rose supenor o : ri Gum 'kis"? b 7 —" Yam=ixt sec - - dnarVisno PAYER-15GO. ream; as ind feriae by HENRY lI—OOLLINS. N0,..1 , 811WV , in: more Arid MEDICAL, DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. R. KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, RAS Ili a dlcoferr In Coo of ota I to It to o'a elegy ih : taadc .tur '"n*Dl 7: l l... P.4l:" cam.. l 7 ) 11 .7 '""14 L; 1 . : hb. Phoeteloo over tao hundred ecettfearee of Its valor, Two bottles are warranted to core •ountenteore mouth- One to three bottls gill care ths 'cord klod of pimple the boa _ _ Two to throe bottles win emu the miens of WA. Two bottles are werranud to adze the worst mai, to the month and etomach. Time to fill bOttle• ars worranha to ears the wont owe of erycipelea. Om to two boWeean warronewl to cure ill human of the =MI • • No bottlaeare warranted to ewe rannlng of the tare sod Matches Moog tbe lour to ale bottles are warranted tir. CUSIS corrupt and MG. one bottle will ewe ecaly eruption of the Ada. Two to three bottles are Intrusted to core the aunt despe rate Cnes of etumatallon. T .° I° Ulm both. ere warranted to care the word cam ot tingwerm. Three to roar bottlra are warnnted to art aalirtwam. etre to eight bottler will care the warn came of inroad& A bandit is alwaya experhowed from the drat bottle, and a pertert ke aura la warranted when the above quantity la ta n. El== Inhabits to Alma who have In vain rkd sll medicines of the day, am that a con• moo weed gro - vrTnir tha pastlateN•W sklold m ' ala ehould etre every th e eyes.= yet is now a axed. bat. If palmy *humor It hoe to start Thane arena sew and; hunts or hais about the waiting some oases and a yours. I peddled um • thassand bottler of nth the .1 yof Boston. I know Resat:Le ta every ems. It ho. ready done menet the greatest corm ever done ta Mule ehtseetts. I yave it to children mars year obit bold people of sinti. I have nen potawany, Isom lbokhat children whom eda oft sad 'QM,. eliftivd to • 7. 11,01 440 isf health by one bottla To those who ere added to a elsk headache, one WWI will alwayeent• It. It eves peat relief to catarrh and dial. amen Boats who hen been mediae by have taken end bm.MPUted by . in. the y sound It warts =N.Y. tat er lt io there ism, denosuentent of the Nue. of nature, It will amen* stapler Wino, hot you must not be alarmed—they always dolmens . la km four days to • week. There b nosier abed mutt ham it. On the wiatru7, who that belling is over yeti eV feed ywnel( like • newpersea. I bend someof the MA erstravapott enc. slum of tt that man rave Urtentat to. No change of diet is •veie . .at the bed you ant Yet I likewise terb.se when donated in meatoli, ellsealveamece. Wool swelling of the nook and under the gain - Prtee 50 amt. Price of the Malical DisOuvw7_dl_Par 1 . 418 . 1:11111157TION8 703 ZS& Adolt, one table spoonful per dot Children oier 'eight tPoonfol; ehlldrenfrom Ave to yam, tea eptentaL As . no direction to be ands appa_blo to a ooligrtltutiotts, take enough to operate on the bowels Woe • day. Blr. IiNNNEDY givis — aerecasal sittendaonelnhad cane of =MI Sold Wtrelenla and nIPTI at Di. HEYIIII6I.'B, 140 Wood On. * 4°..r of Th Alba, nod J. P. mama, An. eabZ:lintlkw7 BEJAIBOLDII GICNIIINIC PREPARATION Alihly Coneentratod Compound Mold Attract Hegelin, Apr Disease of Ow Madder, rvineys, Grand, Drepsy, Weasel; Obstruction, Female Cbsspiento, and as Diaccuet qf Ute drawl Orpnes, Arising from Excesses end leoprudenotee to life, end r. storing ail Improper Discharge.Ovm the U/. 46 ". or Sexual Organ; whether esleting YALE OR FEMALE, Prom whatever mom they may have originated, AND NO MATTED OF 110 W LONG ITANDING, Giving Health and Vigor to Ow Frame, and Bloom 10-llte Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE: AFFLIOTEIDUI limns Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes oil the Bymptornsomoes wiskh will be found ludisisesikm to Exertion, t Los of Power, Loss olifensory, INfliculty of Breatidag Gen eral Weakne, Honor of Di. H Weak NereNaTnsmbling,Dread fol Horror ofDeesh, N t Elweata,thad Feet; Waltefulnem, Mumma Won, 1, [Wu. eal Ismitude of the Muscular Syst Enormous Amedteohth Dmmtlo Symptom em, ", Wetßada Winching of the bOdy, Dryers of the - Ilkley Pallid thantedenoe and r.mption. cc the Tn., Pain in Ilathaleer einem of the NyelMsa - quently Black Bpoin Plying bekun • the with Temporary Suffudos an= of Night, Want of at. Motion. Great Mobility, Bahl with Morro, of ' Society. Nothing` I. more &drab eto suth P. tints than Sotltude, and nothing they more Dread for lanes of themselesr, ro Repose of Manner, no liarneetrism, no Specs. latloo, bat a Horri d Trawl. tton from quehlon to ..ether. • • . Pb.... symptoms, Ifa ll omd to go on—whkle thie medl lurartably rennoes—moan follows LORy OP POWER, PATOTTY,AND EPILEPTIC am of which the patient may metre. Who Can my that them essesere are not frequently followed by three dined dins—INSANI TY AND CONSUMPTION? The mom* of the INSANE ASYLUMS, and the melancholy deaths by CONSUMPTION, bear ample with.. to the troth dame amertlons. Lo.. mato Asylems the mod melearboly exldbillou eppeara.— The =antrum. la actually so4deoen4 quit* destitute— neither Mirth marls( emorldla 11. Should. woad of the woke occur, " It t. rarely With word wan fermis Tow Naha ta. af.fbegallet . 10=h1 mot end ben brought thonsandenpon to untimely .es, then Malamutes ambition of envoy noble youth.. I *Abe cured by the nee of whir VlSlrti l a s n y R o emedy . 1 - IfyahU/LIND r CT BOOM a w e curr cure 'Tr y I mw. to convinced °Chemin:soy. DEWARD or QUACK NOUTRUMS A QUACK DOCTORS aho Dimly boast of abllittee and reform.. Citizens know nd avoid them, mid sere Long Sualerfng, Money, end Ex• pee" by mewling or ailing for . bottle of thi. PM*. end lIPECITIO REMEDY. It alleys all pain and tallammation, Is perfectly plement In It. Mate endodor, bat tramedlete lo Its action. Halmbold's Extract Miami to prepared Moiety eaterding to the Wee of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the menden smarmy, and Clteutical knowledge arta care devoted In Its combiustion. See Pram= DEWEW Velnahle Watteau the Prectke of Pliyak., and mad of the Int. Standard Works of Iftdklne.. •Sfir al 1 0 0 - Ow hundred dollon ill] be paid to say Mudd= lobo on prove tbatlbo lgodldno Word . Pottonb, ad do tedbaceyd Adana& colt be roam! to Ro,. that It u ttozzoot god. Otass dittos oar not to g hors boob tented. Tb► our of VOLUNCIII SIZTINIONT to posoodd of the gravid:of, vouching to virtue and cm-otho potent, la immoono, wabnclos wail kn.,. to 100.000 Bottles Have Been Bold And et. alaide todanc• of. tailors ho. belt reOcetedi Pernmally applaud twins nua an Alderman of Me city of Philadelphia, IL T. IW OLD, Maniac mho Wirer dilly aurora do.. my that him " contains no Mar. cotio,Mercary or ay that an purely Pegstahla. T. LI:), Pole Marafactarar. 800. and anbscrlbed Dew* me this 23 day of Nona her, Mi. WM. P.ll2llllAHD,Aklorman. Price $1 per Bottle, or Six for 85, Deliveria to any Addren, iccomnarded . 17 reliable and rerpcmdble Oartidcates from Profreore ofitedbad Oolleraa,Clarigoles and others. Prepared and fold by M. T. LM No. lIELMBOLD, Practice:amid Ana Careita. No. 52 South Tenth Street, below Chestnut, Mmembly Buildings,__Phils. jot- To be had of GEO. U. PUITER, Sad Agra for Pittsburgh, eutdof all "Maxi*, and Beaters throughout the Beited Sorter, Ckusitdiss astd British Prove.... • • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask for gELMBOLIYS—Taks no Other. CEO= B. L. FAIIINERTOCK i Co.. W.IECO.LRELAMEI 13R17afaISTEI, No. GO, corner Wood and Fourth Ste., MILLERS IN FOREIGN AND_DONESTIC DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEM -0•14 PLINTH, OILS, Dltt• HMS, BPICP2. LASSWARR of all deocripUoes, PATENT MEDICINES Anti everything appertaining to the Drug Bueinte Those is want of Pure and Genuine Articles, will do well to give as a all. We gaaraoteeto sell es low sui Can be bought to this or other markets, and warrant _ everything to give mithtbaloo. • • We are the Proprietors sad only 11.1,21factores of DR. B. A. WILSON S Tante. Cathartia and Anti.Dresciptic The beet care for wormi, either in children or adults, ear offered to the mane is undoubleully the Vermifuge, prepar e of by B. L. rabneeteck. -Thirty yam experkees in tote claw of medkim has given a Imre guaranwe that thla to an article every way worthy of .coulldencet • Al a core for worm it ad= to be wasfunled, end m a wiwalf.ltllbis article it le prepared end odd es ILL. lehentock's end no other, o the proprietors do not MA to icon K confounded with my other article of VertalfagenoW in the market. WILSON'S mut. have had ■ mere looel existence for ors , Muh Pea, natopported by adrertithig of any kind, end bid s t *able the price of whet they are now mold at, yet with all these disairantepe where.r need they time In no instance tailed to render the crown sat lefactlea performing at the Thquirealnutil of a Minable Pails' racdt. am, and ea Ouch ere recommended by ease of the moot end tap...Dols cilium of Ms land. Hear for I* name what Del. Wm. Hopkins, of Washington, Pet, arm WAIIIIINTNI. January 11368. Dr. B. 4. =ton, .PlNsburph, tare been Ming I your Anti DraeptiePille, when onation required. for many ' years, and cep truthfully my, theta Um tweet found any medicine *Kato them to relieving •nes fain affections of the nomach end Wad: tbsy hare never to allure me. from beadatie, and hare allays left my !yearn to tatter rendition than they lound B. I must Sdently commend 70111 . p111e as ante and highly valuable medicine. loom impartially, WILLTAId I/OPEINS. a:MAIM • CARRIAGES! BUGGIES! ROCHAWAYS! PH AIiCTONII, BDROU,Ongill, OWL AND everything in the line, purchased from lam mom reliable ItAIiTZENMANDTAMMIM Tog the mitt atoll aaaortmantofakgsnt lensturit In Roan variety anitablolor dine* or double llama. Alm, Axles, Springs, and Mbar hem, bx , utm.t." to mentloq ctrodantly 'on band and for asla at nomad* vim by . .101111 B. DILANIIDR, Diamond Stun, miff Liberty, Dittaburgh, porridge' bought and mild on commlation. Repair. ing neatly a&l promptly dOOO. oarrAly NIM NAIL PLATE FEEDER.—tittep mem Mat agli-aating Nan Plato Tooter for Silt 11.00 r 7. TOL Imprommt ammo, alai the am► say or •Ma or boy. to attend ettoh mathioa Oae twat MUstared toartagoldnag, gold oath mall* 11111 cat bong Mb Ida Mb Moan attocba Um tan tag 'booby than ad by bond, rah% three bolas out of bar, =Olaf the nap 4 more matt, ea it to fed- by. gam' ••• ••••;l• tun at. gnaw speed. It a travail* and notlmlo to aet tat o f grobroad an vplltd to agy madam Dow to ail at an•PO• 11 " 0 •ma amt. It Is imaated to mamba maw. £011.01.. Tab lab hobs satichod an %mu to aymttent at OM Patrol lb. Asitiaa Utah*" -*Pad paw.. New TOOL. :luaus astll Swam 'll the Nat 7 Itsagaao4 - '16 7 saclul= • ,Wad, -gtelnad. THEIREATEg'? EIDENNa AND FAME. 4URES GUAW TEED PITTSBURGH, PA., B. L. TAIIRESTOOVB VZII.III ILL% 119 PILLS. 11101CaL 'THE FOLLOWING -REBlEDlES'qtreOier ed to the public as the betsmeat lwriecti which'radi cal edema Mford. • Area', Canisavic Pius bare tan prepared with the ntmeet skill le - Lich the medical proission of tufa age pmesemeand their *Mkt' thew they have shims whichaurpreminy combinable of tn.beinellatherio know; Other preparation:a do =neer ins cool; but this corm lush dmgeroas a:implants, eo quick mdse.:weir, as tenure en efflcscy nod a power to uproot dime. beyond any thing which men have known before. By removing the Metroo Haut of the internal organs awl stimulating them loto healthy action, they elute thefountalns of We and vigor, —health comma anew through the body, and the toss Is well again. They are adapted to disease, and diemu only, for when taken by one In o l eo heath they produce bea tie effect This is the perfection fedisi It hma nn. ramie to disease, and no ( b oy mre. Tender children may take theta with impunity. If ham sick they will core them, I( they are well they will do them no harm. , them to come patient who bee teen prostrated witb bilksta complleing see Me bentenp, totteriog form etraighte; 1., with etrength again; me his long lon appetite rebate me hie clammy feature* blossom Into health. Glee them to ewe sufferer whine bui blood haa bed ; u In ecrofuts till his skin Is covered rash sores who men or don or HO". migulah. to been drencher:llmM, sad out with eVer, potion which ingeoulty wild suggest. Give him these Pills, and mark the effect ere the male tail trom hie fed,: me the new, fair elan that has Meth ender these me the late Icier that le clean. Give them to him whom mgry humor. have planted rhenmatiarn in Ma joints Ind boom; move him ugh be ecreechee with pain; be or; hoo been soaked through every muscles( Ids body with liniment@ and salvo. give him.thore Pills to purify hie blood; they May not cure him, for, alsahe are macs which no unseal i power can reach; Ma mark, t h e ewals with crutch.. now, And now be milks donor they hare cured him. Give them to the lean, sour, hampird dymearlic, whom gemming e very rem bee loan h is bod y . every smile from his fam and every muscle from his body. See himippethe return, and with it h e Meth; see the mw man See her that was radiant with health and bwline.. blasted and too early withering away; want Omen:he or mental atignith. or acme buttes dier has deranged the Interred organs of dig-entice, award Wien or secretion, till they do their office GI. lier blood Is vitiated, her health is n0.,0 m e nd er three Pills to stim ulate the vital principal Into re visor, l to cast ont the obstruction; and inhale a new vitality luto the blood. Now look agate roam biome. on her cheek, .4 whereletri. by eorrow sat joy buret. from every faith.. gee the meet infant we with worms Its wan, eithly features tell you without disguise, and painfully distinct, that they are sating Its life "way. Its pinched op use mid ears, and rents lam aleapings, tell the dreadful truth In language which every mother knows. 61s, It the tidy In tarp dome to sweep them vile washes from the body. Now torn again and me the ruddy bloom of childhood. Is It uothing to do them thingd Na are they hat the marvel of th is and— And yet they are done around you every day. Urea you the leo mama eympteme of them dietempers, they am the seder cured. - Jaundke, Cortivernes, liemb ache, Sidemen., Ilearthorn, FA, Stomeeln, Names, PAM In the Bowel; Flatulency, Lore of Appetite, HMO EVIL Nen:r eales, Goateed kindred complabas all arise from the do. rangements which three Pills rapidly cure. Take them perseveringly, and ueder the council of a good Mimic!. if yen am Gerit,Saks thetuhneliedoody by each advice as we give you, and the distressing, dangers.= dimmers theyone, which MUM so many millions of the Lemur num, ore mat out like the devils ot old—they must burrow In the Priam and in the um. Price 26 mute pectorm-6 bases for $l. Through • trbd of many yearsited through every nation of civilised men, CMOMT PICTOILLL been found to afford more relief and to cure morn came of pnintonery Maws than say other remedy truism to ennobled. Osseo ofd pparently matted onneumptlon have been cured by it, and thousands of stifferem who were deemed beyond the reach of hettnanaid knew b matured to their friends and usefulness, to mound health and the eajoyments of life, by this allspowerfUl maidens to disease. of the lungs .4 throat. Sees • cold had settled on the lungs. The dry, hacking cough, the gluey eye, and the fade thin feature. or him who was lately lusty and strong. wideper to all but him Consumptiou. U. hissers:labium but the disease. is gnaws ins st. hie Med; and Mon Its WM symptoms moor and More aver all his frame. Ile I* taking the Cherry Pectoral nem; it ha• stopped las cough and made hth broaden easy, his s e e is sound at night: his appetite return and with it Mb strength. The dart which pirrosallaa dike is broken Searoely any mighborhood min be found ' which hen mot some living trop Übe dila to sanadow forth the virtue. which hare won for the Cherry Patera an Imperishable Mown. Bunts neefuluem doos not end T. Nay, to no. complithee more by prevention than core. The mantissa colds and coughs which it come me the reed which would have ripened tut dreadful harvest of Incurable, disease. Iniluessa,thoup, Brondeltis, Itharemene, Pleurisy, Whoop. leg Gough, and all Irritations of the throat and loop are easily cored by the Cherry Pectoral, If tenon in aemou.— Every fenally thorad hare it by them and they will find It mawaluable protection from the Wa prowler which tarries off the pout sheep from many • Sock, the darling lama from many • Lome. Autheotiated evideum of three fleets, with dlrectionn for the treatment of meth coohale; may be found In Ai.e. American Almanac r of which ere publish three million., mod scatter them broadost over the earth, in order that the deb everywhere may have before them the information it contain.. Droggistemd dealers in medicine generally b een them for distribution gratis, and alm for sale them rem. lee,oprepared by OIL J. C. ATER, ?meth-al and Annlytl. d ied Chemist, LowelLidam. leidareemF GEO. IL KEYSER, 140 Woad B. A. FAIINESTOOK A CO., corner Wood and fleet et., and B. L.TAIINFSTOCLC A OD. thrum Wood and Fourth at., Agents for Pittsburgh mod P. FLE.WING, Federal at, Allenheny. F4:o2wirs2.ol INVIGORATOR! PREPARED RE DR. SANFORD, Compounded Entirely from GUMS, IS ONE OF TUE BEST PURGATIVE syt. LIVER ktEDICLYES now before the public, that sob as • Clahortir., easier, milder, mod more effectual than any other medicine known. It to nut only • Clffhartic, hut • Lim, remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject lts morbid realer, them on the stomach and bowels to carry off that Matta, thus accomplbdaing two purple. effectually, with out any 0f... painful Riding. expertouced In the operations of wet ChlAurtics It strengthens the eyerem at the some time that it games lk sod when taken daily In moderate. dorm, vrilletrengtlien and build it up lath atiamal rapidity. The Dna to me, of the principal regulators of the ham.n body; and when lc performs its functions well. the powersof the systems. ~ rally develop..Thestomemh Is elamet enftrelyderpendent on the healthy actlonot the Lirefor therreporperfunts W ....ri.fu..u0n,h..u. stomach italkalkthebowels . are at fault, and the whole spasm sufferslnconessuanc n of one omen—the Lim,— liallagmmelltodo itsdoty. "" toe the diamosse of that or gan, OW 01 the ploprietor• Et hes 'bedsit Me study, In prermesormoretbauwenty . yeast, th to find we. remedy wherewi tooountersembe e 4 many dem... . to rhich We Liable. • Tbprovethat thlerernely le 6 bled with EWER MI6 P hem hat to try a bottle, and f The. Outes remove all the.rem.M.lM.YM.Ftethev el !armorer.. the stomah, l Purifying the ritood.i. whole machinery removing effecting • radical cooM. t iIi.EZIOEWAIT.ACKBare ' better, pre.sfsd,by I Lfrer Invigorator' Onedere ether In UanF and prevent the from • Only onedoseta en betas ' My one does token at pally, andea es E. (Meth. taken lia r mutt SilfOnedoeo o two ter I dfeck Headache. . I Om bottle tak n foe— lr I mane of the and Onlyoneliews ly I One dam often repeated le Novbss.• and • preform. liftleftuly one bottle is system the affects of medh • lftLeCtne bails Mk= for lovas Pe hardahral color Om does taken • short goy. theeppetfte,a Make. One does often riposted rhos In Ite worst Giume, bawl Cooptainfa yield °lame two dorm cares at- Chlbireim then Lou surer , the world,as It never Jeff. .PA `.w bottles cures abeorbeaSa. We la boplasm. in ream pseventlee tbr Pew, and and e/I Avers of • itft. with eerteinty, *thousands wader.' virtues. . . . AR mho sue i ism giving their WithlaraStMa talintolry is• fare, sir Ma Tiftta• fn the mouth with the /nrigerater, and swallow both I,Vnei., atlastfoand,any pawn troo PLAINTA any of ha (Lams, coarictlon ts tertAilo. toorbld or bad manor horn , place • he'd°, flow of tole, cme., toot% to dip. well, laving tome end health to the the cll. of ' the alleluia— (cared, andwieff lb. =Woad two of lb 'ent to relieve the stomach ristng uld retiring, prevents Fight- mmimi - - • mewl .111 core rfrlo7wlwW , . spowtfuls will alway...Ulm male obetractki removesth • makes •dict cure. relieve@ Ch afe, while • sure care for Ch oler • of Cholera. needed to throw ant of the eine after a long sicken. Jaundice removes all eal from the elfin. time balmy eating .gt Vl food digest well: 'mires Olsr• aro Dra r• while Summer •nd almost to the nest doe. tacks mama by Ulmer In ester, or weedier remedy In Dropsyi by azdtbg th mending Ale medicine aa a Ague, Ch Fever, Loos Typ e. It operates are grilling to tasting to It. The Liver Invigoritor Ye a hicientlflo Afedkal Discovery, and is daily - working cares almost too tu sat to believe. It MIN as If by magic, men !Refire doss /Wing beset, and toldom more than one bot tle Ls required to cure any kind of Ilver Complaint, from the worst Jannelles or Dlepepein to a COMM= Utuduohe, all of which are the result of a Dimmed Liver. PRICK ONZ DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. DR. SANFORD, Prop - totor,lls Broadway, Now York. OIL OZOAL IMBED., N 0.140 Wood stroat,PlttsbarED apfalydawr PERUVIAN swayrr 0 R, Pratecterd — Botullon of Protoxide of Iron, nAVING SUCCESSFUL +-11- ly penal ;he ordeal to which f . 4 .4 G. u. diecovelide In the Materis Ma11.:2 A • sue redacted, tenet now be mete. • ••fr.. ed .a• as eetabllabod Medici... Ita Memy Ineming M0Y"t3123E11.03X.416., Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia Bronchitis and Consumptive Tendencies, Disordeired State of the Blood, Boils, Scurvy and the Prostrative Ef feote of Lead or Mercury, Genera! Debility, and all Dis eases requiring a Tonic, or Altera =Jive Medicine, is now beyond question. The proof. of its efficacy am to numeroue, so well authen Mated, and of inch 'medlar character ' the! safforers can tot restronably Imitate to receive the prodered aid. The Peruvian Syrup doe. not prams to bee cure-all, but Its range ht extensive, becalms many dimewee, apparently unlike, are Intimately related, and yetomeedtun from one catme,may be cured by one remedy. Tbe class of disown for which the /imp provides a ..nre in precisely that which Immo often the hlgheet order of medical *lll The fait. me tunable, the 'Macaws are acomeible,and the minty and ofilcacy of, the Syrup Imam trovewlible. Thom mbo snag utak be an opinion from dkintereeted lO parmem reenacting che character of the 8, rarotennot beeMbdied mith the hlloming, mom numerom testimo nial. In the hand. of the agent. The signature. are th ou of gentleinen well known in the community of Bonne, and of the hlghed respectability. • ' • CARD. The oaaatifgoedl baring experienced the beneficial Mace of the "Peruvian Syrup," do not halide, -to rgootumand It le the attention of the public. hoot our own tapffience, as well as from the testi:am, of others,- . whew Intelligence and letegrtix are ellsfistbsf uttktahle, mobs DO doubt of offlcary to coma of Ira plant Moses of the Luny and hoed:dal Passage., Dyspopda,Ltlvr Oomplathejoromy, Neuralgia, eta. lodeed Ite affects would be incredible, bath= the WO character of the.. who have lammed them; and be., volunteered their testimony, as we do ours, to Its rettoratlie power. Rev. JOHN PIJERPOIN'T, THOMAS 0. AMORY, THOMAS A. DEXTER, PIPTRIAHAEVET, 8. H. KENDALL, M. D., JAMES D. DUNN, SAMUEL MAY , 'Rev. T. WHITTEMORE. Emm It la wall known that the medicinal effect of Protoxide of Donis lot by even abriet exposure to air, and that to sum ears a mdation of Proem-Ida of Iron, with.mt farther oxide eon, hes been deemed ttepeesible. In the Peruvian Syrup this desirable point to attained by 00111111.1111011113 A TAT IMAM 011001r1 sad Oda solution may replaos all the protoorbonates, nitrate.. and tartrates of the Mater% Sidle& • A. A. IIA M. D., dryer a the State of Maaa,Bcoton, D. A. A. Sold by N. L. CLANK A C 0 . 67 dolor*, No. 5 Water street, Bodob. flotallod by all Ida. Da. GAO. U. sun% No. 140 oud attmot, alg.n of the Golden Mortar, Arent for Pittsburgh. opU•dastm Pittsburgh Btamp and Stencil Works - • .72q0. bi.d.T - rillaWß, • Stamp. Stencil and Brand . Cutter , _TOBBINO CUTLER , GRINDER, in.— tP Wise, Stlneofaend Raton, Orotrt, At; Hotta Elutes Luttrell& Table !Wert Itseared, and General Jobbing at. leaded lox LOOSEN:LTD AND DSLIALANOTIL Aa. 138 Ilsattlaneldnear Meth, P . FITHSI7/IdEt A. tarn* blaVard to make astrlthts to the amp.. ea then tof aitiodge tooeaL leveled or do any Wad of auttUa work what et/wt. rett maw a t Iso LL HIND 6 nOSERRI Annwamias .° 7 l l maw owiOUS ": =,. =:•.` 4 .=" r-I.i". litailroabs P.Wirrivatinsatrim4. l-- lIE aREATCOTRALJOHIMI - iterate, cortlvicrtrig , thilithia eitha with Western, NortleWattern, sed 53IIHrWestert Mats by a coedit/nom Bantry direct,' TM , toll. Orb ace noctut Pirtaturgh with daily line of Steamers biall writ on the Western Iblvane,and at Chaoland and Sandtedl7with Stearrion to all puts on the North-Western lake". =44 the 000.0 direct, charred, and versatte route by which /HEIGHT can be forwarded to end ROM the crest Wert. BATHS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA a PITTSBURGH. MIST Shoes. Hats and OW., prate/ MI Goode, On Lae., balesl, cranks,) Drop, Go but and Carla} , Feathers, Furs. SECOND • ghA r d e g and Ticking, tin original West . Brno On bash,) Hardware, /wither, (ha rolls or Utast) Wool and Sheep Pelt% THIRD 1 .443 Heri/r, Heron and P.*, welted Clods or in ass Tobacco, manabetier. at, (!kb/P 3 agew/ or Hot). te, NOURTIECLABS.-4/keve, flati,Becon,Bee; and Pork (In,easke or bozos, Eartward,l Lard and Lad 02, Nails man Clay, Ter, Pita, /Lade, an-, Gar- ILOUR..-Thcaper kbl. until nertherr.otica GRAM—In cat loads 15e par 100 kw. ontll her,furt otice oopioN-.2 per bale not earceeding 600 Re weight, oral Barth. noko. 13-I.n ship phis, be put/ruler Ratiro." All Oa at Philadelphia or . detention. Paaions Asnwril-0. B. Emu, El Hllby street, Breton; J. V. 2 'Mar Moss, No. 1 William Greet., and John 31cDonald, No. S. Battery Piece, Now York; Piero. t Co., Zanesville, 0: Irwin 00., , and Syringes. Brown, ( ,clown, 04 IL O. lieldnare, Idwlleno, Ind: Dumeadl, Bell & 00, and Carter A Jewett, Lazlle, P.O. V- Rllej t Co., Eransville, Ind: It. Poste,Sk Lora, 31.0:' litr es, 11/on:day A Co., Memphis, Tenn: Leech* .111:InStareder,I Ch ll= grew EOOllll, Baltimore, D. A. Stewart, Plllnhargh. H. IL HOUSTON, Gail freight tent, Phila. T. A. ZOOTT.Supt., Altoona, Pa. JealY goods from any print east of Phlladet• to from packages . ria. itansyttonois oadoconeJgoed to Me Agents of tido Rood • Plttoburgb, Will be forontrdcd without St. I.ouln Alton and Chicago Rail Road MMUla===M . . NEW DEPOT, corner of West Van Buren and Omit INreet, Mango. GOING SOUTH. =NIIMEMS W 11.40 NOItTiL Leave Ban Bt. Louie . 8:00 a. ■. •od MO P. 11. Arrive at adago r. and 7:10 L. It. JOILNT ACCOMMODATION Loaaa.Jallet it7.o.4)eideago - at 8:30 P: M WAU Tratna now run over the new Line botween Chicago and Joilet, peering through Bridgeport. Athene and Lockport. " ""' ' ' COYYECTIO\B: - - At CIIIOACIO, with ❑l the Ore. brorth. Liam • • At JOLIET, with Rceklaod Railroad Want, and `Out Off," East. " At PEORIA JUNCTION, with Peoria iraiOquaerka Rail road for Peraia, Onleaburgh, Burlington and Intermediate Pb. , .at At BLOOMINGTON, trlthfillinda Contra! Balirned,North azrßouth. At £IPRINOMILD, with Crest Watern (Ill.) Railroad, Rut for Decatur, to4.Wast for Jacksonville ..a Naples. At ALTON, with Terre Ilan, and Allan liaLirciad East, ad stamen on the River. At ST. LOUIS, Srlitl ' Oltio and Him Railroad Zan, West by Pada. R.IIroW and Missouri steamer. to Northern MM. marl, Kansas and Nebraska Also, to all polota on the M ans and Illisdenprd riven. AffirThrongh Tickets am be obtained at all the principal Railroad Offices. MNii232;E=MiEl A. H. MOORE, General Superintendent. U. GOODRICH Oan. Eaetern Amt. no 3 =Tally 1858. Pasulaveveenia liallroad. 1858. SUMMER ARRANGE MENT-0n and after Monday July eth. EIGIII DAILY TRA_INS _ - - TILE HAIL TRAIN leaves the Pimengor every morning. deed Stmday, 1•46.0C1 o'clock, .plttsburgh time, arriving in Philadelphia at 111.001, tL TILE FAST LIRE daily, isicept Bdiday, at 105 e. N., ar riving lo Philadelphia at 6 a. at., and stopping only at prig cipal etation. TILE EXPRESS TRAIN haws the Station every ars dog at 9.00, The Johnstown ACtiomumiation train leaves Pittsburgh daily, excoptflunday, at Er2otrclock, P. BL, stopping at all stations, and running as far as Ounranaugh. Pint Accom modation Train for Turtle Creek Bridge, leaves dilly, emmTi flunday, at 10.40. M. The Second Accommodation Train for Turtle Creek lamps daily, Sunday emoted, at 420 P. 11... Tbe Third Accommodation Train for Turtle Creek leaves daily, except Sunday, at &MI P. M. BeturningTrains arrive in Pittsburgh as CalLosno—Expreiw 1.45 p. m.; Mail, 1.00.. or.; Fast Lim 2.25 am; Johnstown Accommodation 11 a. nix First Tortlo Crest Accommoda. non, &W. m.; &mud Accommodation, 1140 p. m.; Third Accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Trains for Blairmille and Indiana connect. at Blairsville lathmectkm with Mali Train Rae, Burn.' Tool. Wutt r ami the Johtortown Accommodation Train East mod Wan. Pittsburgh and Connelsville Trans, stopping at sil tions on the Pittsburgh and Conmilmille Road, leave daily, Pouday eamptodomfollomc—Mall Train,7:oo a. mix Express Train, &SO p. Returning Trains tram Pittsburgh and Cormellsville Road, amino at Pitteburgh,ll.o a. to. sad Cclo p. m. The traveling public will dad It greatly to their Intermi t lu going East or Wee; to travel by the Pertusytunia road, u the accommodations now offered cannot be surpas ed uu any other route. MI the rant is ballasted with stone, and is entirely free from dost, wean plumb's safety, epeed iNitla EMU MEM Be ';gage ehacked w all Rations on the Penneytrania nal ftro , and to Yhlladelphla, Baltimore and New York. Pamertgera parch...hag tickets In can will be chargod,Ten Cent. to addltlon to the Mallon rotor, except from Stations where the Company ha. ow agent. • Nona—fn mem of tote, th• Company will bold tbem• valve. roapmmlble for personal baggage only, and earn .10001 not exceeding $lOO. N. ll.—Tbe Sarelalcx Omnibus Line bea been amployed to convey Pamengore and Baggage to and from the Dopof at • charge not to exceed2s cent. for each passenger • heirgage. F. '-' Ticksta apply tp 3. ef MART, Apt.. .L. Ms P. it. Pamap.tare Statio. uu 1.1110.1.7 and Grant sta. HE Pl worm I R:Immo. •* WAY & CIIICAGO ROAD COMPANY, with Ds ample Rolling Stock and equip ment, amnia through conosaloma le prepared to transport Pssemagere end freight from Philadelphie end Maher& to Chicago, M. Louie, Indinapolle, Cincinnati, and all place. Wert .11 &Kith weatoeltri a great dmreeof regularity and ' VIZ - that Ude read farms • direct and consolidated line between Pittsburgh and Chicago, Ira eugleleut guar antee that It. Trains Will snake good time,-.r tounectiooe with Train, on other flood. ranaoaaa`ramaa aura Pittalaratt. Croatllaa. 13. 8. MaII-- ..... —. LSO .... it. 7.07 r. ia. Ist Itzptvaa.....- ..... -. 210 r. a. 10.00 P. AV ad " —.—.-- 2:15 r. a. Ur= r. R. 1 Itasca Chkago—lst r..avreu at aOO A. lA., 2d 130 r. a. IIt=MMEM UME=E'Itl All Trains make dose CODSIOCUOIII at Crean. for Odom. boa, Cintherstl, Indtampolis and Bt. Lon* Maq al Fort Warm with Train.. Waist. sad Westarn Hallroad for Waylay Central Mends and Bt. Loair also, at Forest with Trains on the IL R.& L. 16. LS, and at Lima with • train. on Dayton and Ilithigan Railroad. From 018cago. Ft WaynelerestilnalAm.Pittab'g D. 6. 0 6.80 a.l. 12.401. 8.62 e. x. lort 0.30 s. at 2.00 P.M. 0.12 r. it. 6.10 a. O. tinprem— &.2.Ta. 0. 1.16 Them Trains make close:contowliona with Trains for ghlia del phis, Baltimore and New York. Maim from SL Lonho,lndianapolls, Cittchmati and Coim bra make doge connections at ersatUne with all Intorning Tram At Ft. Wayne, Trains from Bt. Lori. Central lat. 130* Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above Tnana At gores; connections are madewith Trains to and from eincinnall, Springfield and Nynex. The U. 8. Mail from Pitratnugh to erestlim*, being a - trsin for tool boat. Con, to overtaken st emanate by the 21 NJ/press. ACCOIIIIODirION Tiams—Lmve New Brighton for Alle ghenyat 6.50 A. it s 1286 1. at. Leave • Allegheny for New Brighfon 9.30 a. at, and 6.60T. r. Swage checked through, and no charge for handling. _ For tickets mid farther information apply to GEOBON Pea nger station, corner Liberty and Grant sts., D. F. PATRICK, No. 80 Dearborn fit. opposite Ter mitt ilmtm. Chicago. or to dm Agents at tie Btatiorm Wong the line.' . To commence on MONDAY, 10th, Inst., and centiliter mai further notice. J . J. J. HOUSTON, Gal. Puler and NJ Aga. D. W. DOSS, Aso Agent, Chicago. J. II MOOED, Say& The Cleveland, Pittsburgh & Wheettng 'Railroad. . N D PITTSBURGH, , r; k . ? Diming& OTNOINNA KAMAROAD LINE.-011ANON OW TIMEL—Oe and ar... MONDAY, Ans. EO, Mtn, Maim end hem the Depater the PeutnlyAnhi etril-Balluad so fallow. For Weiisellie , Stenbertville and all Madam on -• River divition below linnalienTilie. z.to a. r. tee Per o . laveland, Buffalo, Dotted; Mingo, and for Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chkago *and the Weld. nu.ena.e. dathing to go to Chicago, or * points hem d Oblcsgo ClevelanA, mat ask for tic eta Cleveland. arrraamoa, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI, (rt. Stenbenville,) RAILROAD, CHANGE OF TLIIII-021 min Ama Mate- Dar, Aug. 50, 1953, trains vtil le a. the Devito! the Penn .;Loral; Centro] Railroad ea follows: For Steubenville, Columba., Dayton, 'unman. , 31KL '" olle, LonisetHe, Cairo, Mernptcla & Ns. Orleans. Tor Cincinnati and St. Louis, and all points 295 o.n. South and W..t. Thee- - - Ptuw Or auy prari for tickets Through to Cincinnati arthont chump of _can. en dashing to IR to Oolumbna, Otnd.n, etc, Ma !milt:id Columbine via litantronvillii, mud ut t via fitantenvilia JAMBS FARMER, linperintandent, O. aP. E. Olaveland. , . L. /EMIT, Stet. P.O. IL AR, Bsoliorille, Ohio. ALLEGIIEIia VAL L .firTIrtgIRIN RAILROAD—RRIIOVAIiOP REMIT DEPOT TO THE COMB OP BUTE= 'AND CARBON STREETS.,NINTH WARD, AND A GREAT RN. DIRTIOON OP TARIFF RATES.—the and sifter FREY 20en, IBA feeight will be received se above .t the bib:ming rake. To • To Ale, • • • Orcrfiee barndr aruisaider.rny. To per Wild. To tri • To Brady'. Reed. __Au, • • beerdelbed cow. To Abehonl To ae .J Y a ...... " To B.d To Brudra Deed- - Ake_ H . B. IWO - WTE:O...i . Mr - s1 Ticket Attica. Plitabargia and Commas.'lle Railroad. ro and a ft er MONDAY zinim O 10th Inet.,Pueenger Train wain:to daily (except ihurlare,) from the .IPerinaThee" , Railroad Pasener Depot, ea follow— Mall Train tame Pllttabargh—..—.—..7.oo a... lexpranTrain " • • • . • Ma 'aria harem Connelleville..... —IWO A. 11. X. I Artielogut Pfttabugh—. 1. N. Tkkete to be had at Penstarlrenla itollrced Ticket 014ce, Both Traleaconnecte attlatnetanille otth Bunting& /hare " 4.. lhdOntoe - tr Trortburs, Ocosharlaud, etc, end .t We et Newton 'with ootwakee, ler AIL Ph.... Smhant, Dorlln.etc. Freight to oat from Pittsburgh and etettena tat the MO * : bumh end Comoneettte itaitroolowill be teceirot And de. erod In Pltteburgh, et In. "Beldehn DVntj entette ;ha Dogma,. Depot, eneeptiog re& es Pig at atone, etc, whlch oillto leaded er unloaded at the Outer Moot. or the anal Depot, ea nosy It. Intoned with Neenlysnla Han:road, at ittsburgh: oes—toylo BUDD( STONE, Burt CHEESE -300 boxes choice cutting Cheite thli dgiy reed and for lobby . EZNILTILOOTILYS. 30 . K s l°B 6 TWIST s"Binigrwriebi 80 Tow ::;*cttog sad B • fcresta:xay — tom .7-, ==ll silk ClevellOdi Darin - aid Wad su crier Idle . Tbelbsostte awl tut essursa SORTS laws. D. O. swim, lilmater• Tbs splentlia ma ears Assam SORTUARN LlolllT,J.llpawsay.Lxi ii ii.r , Rt. Intl kisisarTssTallse - • ' . IMANUATTILM, witorall, rrniE number and cLafacter of than 11 .du be. (=rant*. I. the gahlk or -AM& lea, .4 promp. In corryior papa al Lake Foveae. Joe pampa it also v."..„ . cotolat sad speed than bat emor bees. °Sred to tlingoakw oa that routs. l orparr, tntighs or "Arson:towow 11.3.2113 A, eanarrsom & ,A ra For (tabor information agrplyto . . KOWLAYD. Agent, 123 Monongahela Zona; or eta. W.V.!! t Lthft . '4 ,14:32a _ be per 100 lba. 60c per 130 C. 50c pet 104 I 41 fIitEAT REDUOTION OF FARE ADia ILA Vt E111t0PX....- , I Pro. hew rot* to Sloth- 211 Poo nth" fr ftotflo, :,, ~ ° "7:: • Thws . '''•'..: „ 8" ....,70;0 . it e rosi • . . .4140 - r • Becoodtbts.,—.— SO Stoma Catt 10..—,...... 01 . • Steerage --- SO Sheerage..----.-. 40 • 0 To the Ong chin 24404 00.8 ohoL o *.e.: . 034/24 WSW .. ton, 0 D. loollote, coomander, Mot 210/ITH RAUL .10/11/ ~, . totm,Bdwartl Wendy, commander. .to toll Res pier 110. . • North after, at moot prectoo2. 041271 0 1 0041701 t0 4 SW* man, vbc—o ... . . . ' /care /Yew rpriior • atm% Hoare ant sna r l a and &ram f0r11074 Mitt, gentrotoy, Slush 20. , Aptl 7. A „P.. - North !tar . Amil 17. Itaylit.• .. • maw , Aria.' : Iday IS. ' 'Juno .12. • Jut* 10; North Star J.% 12. 301 y 10. • J 6 . = :. Thom steamdape touch at Havre. Spode' Loudon and Purl. Tut pawky or M a lt ID-- - ' ' Na.! Bowline:lpm*. pow York- 10c per 100 lbs DOLLAR SA.VIISGS HANK, No. G 5 Fourth, Stmt. oHARTSRED tit 1865. OPEN DAILY FROM 9 TO 2 . O'CLOCK,. ono en Iffelneoday and Sanunn nerd:won Ma first to November first, from Ito redon k e water Ara to Ma Int, nun ato • ectock. ' • , Docents remand of ell suns nat. Ms than nen:am sad a did:load of the profits doctored taice a rasa* Jane sad Decanter. Inamest has been dictated ..alas mealy, In Jon. and Daman, sine the Dank was argon sod, at the rate of elz per cent. • rex.- - - Intetat, If not drown out, is plead tots audit . water as prtnelpelotodtemetle samelnteen tram no gird dorm of June soadDeoetober,compsoodb& twice a year inn out troubling the &rogue to call or tweet to wool bb pew book. At this rates, money will double bet Oran yens, manic In the agcresrato MET /Mon non mein Mi. Bookie oattablos the Charter Linn, HastandY.in latkaNroMbolpari, 11111 aootioatleaatthe Mode . . anolroll Hopbcorn, John iherebotlee hums Shklle, kinsman Bradley, Leo kl. Robert Robb, Join D. Eelley, 1 William B. Lenny, John Iloodsnon 111111nrgortn, John li.Ongnrs. MITI= Wlllban J. Anderoon .Jams W. Manila: John G. beckobo. Mann Hasp, • - Albert Colbassam, Y. A. Madan, . • talM David Campbell, Charles A. Colton, Wlillabi Douglas, 'rand@ lellz, ?war!. Mame, Jamee & Ham, • WWl= 8. Iramk, Seerektry and r1C61130 sally" .w 1 - BANKING HOUSES Or JOHN, I now. BM:WO -SOMERSET CO, RD BEDYORD CO BO idompr pl. iiiiii,..- ................. Co., coNNaLiavrisx,--..-...YAYYTTE CO., . ham UNIONTOWN nnowNsvras,-- . .. • , NEW BRIGHTON, ..... --I/Ann% CO, . .. INDIANA— ". —INDIANA 0 • ' Depants coo ed liadThwita sada, Drifts 'boarkt, add and collected . .Bank Notes watl . bot and sal Blocks, Nola and other Ikaanitl=ht and sold on can whakat. Oorwapondanco sod collAcilota **Had. • DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. I vE.be ig leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more, especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar reniedies now before the We refer to - - Dr. Chas. N'Lane's Celebrated Vlgrrnifuge and Liver Pills. NIVe do not recommend them as uniVersal Curc-alls, but simply for wtat their name purports, viz.: THE VERMI.FUGE, ' For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various , Anithals subject to Worms. , THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LPI,EF. COM pidtrwrs, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK_ ;:•. HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors FLEMING —BROTHERS, - PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of-their Drug businegs, in which they have beers success fully engaged for. the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their _ undivided time and attention to their manufactUre. And beingde termined that Pr. M'Lane's Cele- - brated Vermifuge. and .X.iver shall continue to occupy the high '•.' position they now hold Among the • great remedies of the — day, they will continue to spare..neither. time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in "the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEILIII SILO& Pittiburgt, P.P. Dealers and Pliyoletane ordain pom. tabtre • then Platoleg Bros, • will do well to toile lb: o . mire dadactly, rode none but Dr. /Plants, Mee. , PleatiV Dreg Pdtteurea, Ph. To tbosta'nlehlog,te 0 ,6 than a total, weal& froward Tor.Oa. rat m M. - Part of the United Phan, or box of 7116,f0r thasacent rootage ramps, or One alai of Venn fm l fear e= throrent stamen Alt order frlnCateada Won be rootopaatad by Malty Mtge:atm • . Jam. RECEIVED-: - O 760,000 Gorman eters 00 U bzr. Dbinufnetnreoriniep. • Tho lerpot assortment of end Tobacco eeseolim..' n this city,le noir open Intexastostloosod _ . • leond CIM4JI MDentenel MUS. • -7 , • 20(1 BAGS RIO COFFER primet %-. elo d o aw n peo rw i, 40 do Mint* ." • 600 onto cues Nutamyo ' frolbi Cons.____ For Ws by oft4S 511 1.° 1131 BTU. 200 Ounce Qui- .1311111:111;- 3 bbi. Nam-, 0* 4,4 Reed C is lobby lIIISEOWN se2s ) Sale? Utmilistrea: Pr - OFARMERB AND 6TORW%itgalltal: 4,-, _Gunmiso wAnua—Thie imodipwilroprgr r the algwd=2 tar " 7 411 9f ill' 141 " lis airiD 0. tilitwrzy Produce Nab; ea. Lthertysed Bad atit. OTS' WEAR for Autumn:and Winter itt, !manna.° a ars, (=lsom to itumbi Tome* Oudnotor, Dorf Wood Soilootto, Cloths, Coif ossoltmoza of 411 kin& of goats ma taxi-ndiesta woofs offotog all at low plias for qmplity. . , MATSON'S SELF SYRINGES.—ADothar 'noes IrMat t y l rlng In ttd:Das ".ft roda t gad' ocli JOB. , cor. Mowed sad Meta Ns, CONO.I9IAND EMPIRE MUM - - _ &weber of thew adebrated Minim! w.4.i oho • supply ot •Masi Lkk sad 1344F0rd naiad lq 703. FLEXING, 'LIMY VARIETYIOE DRESS 15100D4 -- JLTlsbao6 Maki. Sado, &oft Work, No; Aseda , • 16444 dispitt, Met of Dosirtia ars thx.s.hrogt, cup ' ammo uova,mmulama. 101 NCH MERIZNOS--' n and tan.. • . 6 IMMOalia=: Boomicts to 1 a I 0 II : i : • : 1 : L-A.' tan, V dilittiviamhOliVallidil ; ~.'• -- -, - - .• . -.. 1 , , ~,, , i ; '416 .. . T'''' . - -* .:-. ~G;,,1, . .A ~ :..W 4 *'"'. ~:.-',, ~ ~1 rk , .. v•, ,, - - ‘. 0' . . , - - '-' , ''''le i .,•-•,:?' . ... ~2-.7_, .. ,- " - A- - ',...;., - ,-,-..-,,,,tivA.--ze. , ,,,,,L,..;,,a , ,,,,....,.....,...--4,..- - ~.: onnatit. Walter P. In!!" 6 Witlr, ITC John George 11.=- .111exandst•Thedls Theotskt Tareetter.