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No.-417Stietrth 84.4 onor Wood. I RISEI IVSIACIKENZIS, Atkin:lva at Law, IttoACifalattP Acwot , t/tUbarliby P.-- Is sad_Oldo Otgatith4ower. _ .To • üßrat arKNIOLIT, - ATTORNEY AT Law, and ablielux of skio Bwk it Pluhbursh, No. l lo •twa., phi:share, • delft Tusk:Kt S. k A. P. MORRISON, AT u torneya Ur; 01Mee 911 tottnt. .t, war. Wood, fittabargis, —wy24 - - LX. 801X1XXX1X.....-01".1.11.13313.4........... Xtratall. BUROLEFLELD & CO. (iftteceseors to Mur phy . 1N46.1, .d- Denten &apt+ andetuitt In 7 Umod., Norlh-eand curnor Foartehad Market 41,4 ntiktough., .at 10VB; Dealer in Staple and Fancy C Dry Obi* .10 of the miginal Bee Wm, No i 4 Vanua streetaqtniburgh. ,fip 11.PALIdZit, No. 105 Met Street, Dedirtig Mts. ihivs•tmeilzw, *ad Carriage:and Wagon tinqattory.. . SWEGP.I3 Mite. Agent. :Comm ramitMad &Pitt . and Disiond Alley,- . .,,OULD,-,respeasf . i form tLe pe nuolimi ' • sad tun rantwallthe badmen of ihwrieft making /a all ite Waihmiw, tad tante, prepared to come ordain tat Wypent of all dateripthoonehadtas w inn* Fr fro. Marrhants' ' nalkinsti cuttillwasoltd Liti patronage liber be. stowed apes hia.weep tha old stand ofr an illgele vs A Cally o," he would aesantila Meade that tb• maim nun and anew non win be gtreetnall bin °titan M i 111111446.14 having mo oned the earlinweittwbeettrarkmen, sad WU% ample apartananteshewbon Su the Ankihing of tite work sirA poilmartman unwary work tow on hasa L entA olds Ibr Opine non All wart warranted for IA men ear partieduatuotion 0..1 ms*ln• . Comm wind ,Ciarwlstigie 410,11.161105, BROTLIER i CO aria" ;re /k/orent itsbeizei WOUtVIDIT' PECTITTLIAIN: Ibro WC *lad; and thwinuitioppeigit iimurvto assonfactorlag .oerringee. liaroactewr, Mike end Chub% In ell libehr nth All ordweitiffibe eiliiinded with Arid reoird and hentitint took. will a/sin be attended to an die newt rearonalg• twine, thildi In all Oar week the bent 'Laura Mate, Pointed Mimed Ma, they teal COCA-. Ott Um ell Mee lime than Irish their patronage will he welliedy shddkd w tall or their wort. sWa Punibrennewnw whined to stew them a Gill heirs paw: AR. ,0!BRIEN. OAN - BE . CONSULTED at Dr. &atth's;eartier Ptltti 'aoil irattlitleht Omit, 011 sAID, WONIDDAIII sod ISITODDILTD,troot 16b SirftiablarmeostrltnlitoDetid: - , Jellalyd• . 'i .;,......;i:. 7 ..;,'.:. , *:;:::,; -.14,::i.:-',.....:4.',L,i1;.'f:=: J0E11121:11tiater=......110111.1201171;:...... e. muse JOEUT:lTztoUpsorr. ac trona fraiNTERs, GLAZIERS AND aaatricaavvas maraD.DTUST.. Bliss Palutlnk exuated elogums 4464111estels. 'Mud Meek 041, Tcrwariiroak. Jspus and :KWh& Patna Drkrv,. 11118 Wine nays very issporiu.srl.l.l6 Thiladelybis gad Pltarbuse4 , llllo44 Led alus luad mei tousle.— We eeePleceelle &Odell Ware for ; Mutes, ..111.1401414, others ei 04* obosidat notice. ...we Use seol. , thlea ids bY Wens; Ylabbee tiiee. ' meet bYawablY Vim* Wart mutt with u. mut!, : •••• ` .i:y :~, . • - • s. OITBE J4IGN PAINTERS, r e m (01litit 001a , BvildbalthIrd armee, Wafts ood sod Alookel atrosta. ~ 1111"cadors promptly otsosolod to airdlooMmitol asap/odor omiliZNlyd IL MOM • ',Wall Pam., Warebalum. WAZTELP:t . aAtS/lALt T Priori PO Plains W 44 'trot, known tooth ornsiadPimposo4ll,rtien may b found an ext•adt, essatjamt dim/. 11 loa *ad dPAW au=. , kr l ir' „Ilenalano; Dinka Boops. masers "nudes ma._ armi, perkily ant low* prkee_ dmiara. .. VIALS'S. P.SA.A.* 00. I A A ZIMINDSON & co.. - Na5.,46 'and 08 layni aewecznee n wle4,lwaesecinsi lad PISIIIS MU= - PM= BITILAL CAME alArriums tp d mic., 1 weal mud* we maeumfor yew..., dt. and naiad eat. - ' ',, ••••••±. a P 29 ** 4 • TORN .11,- 'Rum, 81 WOOD 81%, betwoor vieneae azt texiiii Edo Aint for 011/CILICIIINO 1903 fr lkw!sayPAlCO son A- amittgra Atop L' SUZIODEONS fad earti . • ' 13H0., Nor 6; FIFTH • iL i a lmaillh. o 46ol4o.l!kg. l'est OW Nom a earn . % ( New Taft) vatiaillid Ormt sad llama DlKarllllloB, C aul'ANllAl4._&.Zttlnazuott smart.* IMMO. ad a..24ccuntartil, D.J.,* is Mara sad ea acHjauf242 MANUFACTUR, 113. mal_baskr to Ana /draw, mad of Made Bol a - AtontAbe h r Ut lLLlMUEo WMO4 alb triTALL/rie DA I / 1 8 00.11 Dotal Anat. .- ~ _, .~ `.~_ ~: ~~ ...ug ly powde r oceabez wa o=l :,, = THE STABLISHED _ iv '.ad 11DILEY, - Vholes'ale ▪ nerwhaicie., %Ma...banns and Agentijor , • • dud. 7 . lldid No. ierz Liberty orrki, FL , , J 030,10 ▪ EALINES K&Co»hwe he; • 4A4., genseeede Ckwasid foams. to . Ifleodog .I ".." oo arydo, No. 410, ammo Wood Auld /aura 4. - -Ltlizissroox .t co., wiwi.z. 11 .4 11/101hoggists nad .11.undliatarte at Wldla.Leed. IPklLltharpyearrar.Wood and 71tmt arab, Pilaw tMr itb. , . Mar jBOMOONMAKER, MANUFACTURER i a inits m a 1L.4 UM, [Alborg% Put .9:4ln.k.u. Alt Vandthw, Tnrm. TORN 'HAFT,Jr. (SOCOSSSOR TO JAS. tl X'Otli7.l3il k olooloto4 Kdl Dmsgke and Dealer In Itlaka,011!, Diempilipeloiximeryotd and 84th arena, ISt 71301, Meelkins. b. Joa t tp,,s OLESALE DEAL T iss drArkiiCrao mi tT , ..Aus trausb, )1, ) , 411oediriWilatriC Elst.e.arimmut, 7 witoialsAa AND dlikpublocOemeOglibettr 'sad Clalr no, MPH TLIMINGASUPC,ESSOR TO L. mbar 4 024earear Rata mot natniaona.kapi ll7temoKattill No 4 web moortownt of Drop, lledetesetieds, 1r000n.1 04 111 WWI* Pa. poosoipkim oor , o errappoolot at ND MUG riff; ; wargr:Or WOO 4 . litnese, and' Pirt{b, , Akita: ii t _ ln = ,V . TWte As ' Poristillatt.litorchatito. &Qom talrottora lio wee, Am,. In* Botott, Butter, - Untold Oil, Pot otlit ; itietle, Grotty Weil Pm% aorPtodnoo I S min...t. • , but family Mot Ebony.. on lititiL-- *pa! .13.toditme' Maim Ws celobrottil Patented Poutittolittu— Now Ile /woad wiod - Itt Pint ots., borrow Wood gait erutium tea ; haat'!" P. . aptlyd' IfiE SS AfuIIENRY u. OOLLE2o.7annrding and comm a+. me:et...m.4 Demise 10 jab..., Laka Nish and Prodow 20 Wood K., abore Warr. PI ttilbargh. : mYn tiVID ILERBST, - FLOUR, 'PRO. dare, Protiston and, Golsodaidoli Itorobarit, No. 20 7. ottootoorser Hoak erre otteso tkot to thvolaot Ilrotr, Pork Meek Butter, Grob. Drtod Pruitt, porde, to' LEX,. g u .11/fr_ l l, (SUCCESSOR To ntoll amt .nd am ur4 l° ' J. Wda st..runftr i A, PL gAGLE wARg uTh ------ m .- JAB. GARP rsiss, Whelemd• Aster - to floor, Prerbekese Rod gettriztre. 6 %oath !teat, omen Liberty . cub: RDD njiT era corn ndlidiet to and Doaleni ill Groceries and Pon. Inno. No. Int Idavairtad, Flttolinsaly Pa. ...Id. onikitod and oittonwtory noturnarelat• - • delikbll/111ffl .nguriWV fl2ent9. RRFINNEY, AgoittEureka IniuranceCo., . Md."; Maur stmt.- A A. sEo ß m Ait i r. =r u jiliZ t :r 0n.p.127 of Manna, A.MWWL: MAILSHELL„ Secretuay Citi EL GORDON Secretary Western Insur , aw.rompsayon Watantreet- 717 GAItitNERCOEFIt.T. Agold, for Prank • ilnllty Immiance Oaugalky, NortFort corner Mot and "MADE . Agent _for Delaware J. l l l l 7re:O i gen . t Farms' end JOSHUA ROBINSON, oonAgen tineni Inman= Os, 14 FltLb Amyl. D W.}4:EXTER, Agent Great West. h. wa.lpanumePN,97 'runt .tremc • eraquis. oßnisox & n Carpets. &c . , 1144,4,51— MeCLIN1'01.1K, . Dealer in ( 3 .lPilz. No. 212 Market tea torn MO2 Gootsi, 411 a m a II al— ' Vtigsiciatur. ME==l eigtolotttp. Contutiooton, arc lIITVIICOCK, IeteCILICERV t. CO., [Eneeessora to Ilannm,31 6 Creels deo.] Forwarding and Commission Merchants, And Wholesale lkaaers In Produce, Floor and Wool, 153 hoot and 1= and st, Pittsburgh, J MINA apnlyd—od29 A, A Ja muuzia iflcrur, Grain and Prodnoe. Commission and. Forwanfing Merchanti, No. 124 PecondSL,pittabary,ll, Pa. my2llly4 • want wind .„ BOND, ....JOHA wan. CANNING • 00111 4ISION MERCILINTS, No. R2S North &and Mrect, " PIIILADELPIIIA,'• rat the de of Prialtme avd pure tom or 171 W, W.A.:, A olden satmste4 with them Will be promptly tot vrambat. ni ap33 dam* ICLUXIII L1C 01111 ......,-....10112 L. MOIL S. LOOS. -, ,Tos. s. Lzmca & co., - II ow. 914.11 It, "At 4 Liberty at, Plitativirgh, Pa: WHOLESALE GROCERS COM:M4sSION ann ncrsaawrs, - DEISM IN PLODR AND BACON, Tin Plate and 'lllinetes Stook, Pi'TTSBURGR MANUFACTURES • bllxtly IPIERs CASSACOS t. PRISM-WY. U. RICRAC. SPRINOBIL JIARUAII6H & 430.. COMMISSION MEROIIA NTS, - DEALERS IN Wool,llides, Provisions& Produce Generally, N 0.295 Idburty. Street, Pittsburgh. • 4k CO, • '• .o.a. of elossea,-/ealpla Co,-ffttsbarst., GENERAL COMMISSION • &Ng VORWARDING- DITC.RCILikriTS Levee and Washington Avenue, WYANDOTTiI CITY, ISSZISAS TILBRITORY, 11161FAILENCKS: WY. - Joesph B. Leech a Co, antl PlUst.argh 11.rchneta gaue JytlNlArlyT EWIS.t EDGERTON, (Suocessore to L. ;a T. Marva & ) Wbolesalo.Grootts Clocluilscluli membate, 10? Wcod .troot, ritt4ttrgh. tor: ("Tx OF Tlik firm of /Mg & Commladon Itorsbant, and Baler ilk Plg IleP4 and Blooms, No. Te Water stn.!, be. los 51.u.ketiPttt.burgh;Pa. .pl 9 HARDY, (SUCCESS(/' TO OAR. 1Y a. di, Jones &Co., 4tirmi tz.3l Kommlseloo vul,Porlrar.Ung Der ilret sad Ifelry Ti iydx.. • WARD T. ALEGRAM , GENERAL Cseatni Was Metchnst, sad 15 - hoists's Dealer Is MAD. thawed Tobacco, Imparted sad DOILIMIIiC Onl• Baser !a, burgh Ps. &a, No. 211 Liberty east; meats the 'mato( Wood, Pitts schl.2l, ROBERT DICKEY, Wholesale Grocer, Produce =ld Commtsdon Merchant, No. 131 Prost street, nese Wood, Piretbargh, P. cos co ., t. WholanaloGrocen, N.. 1 sod SO Wood otre., Pins Wri A LEXANDER K GI, WHOLESALE JCL Moo aroittsbu aresta in*ortar of Soda Aida No. 273 Mary t. P rgh, Pa aptlydo orms & COOLEY, YTCOLE-L ALE ORCk• • CAM nod boat ratranbera, denim to Proloco and AlleyPittanargh bogblauufacta Pa. a.lll IVa too near Merry pkta num -Jo= a. Duaroare. QHRIVER. k DILWORTII, WHOLESALE Grocers, N 0.130 auld yy; Second amt. aad esalth.tleld,Pittat.rgb. lOU 110T11. Tollll FLOYD & CO. WHOLESALE Grocomad ijosozal.do. _by •• N. 173 Wood ood 128 - - Liberty Amt. PltlaburglL Jold WATT WILSWWiI—GERSALE GRO CERS. Cantohhketv Illercharth. had Delon. Is =at Pittsburgh Manufacture...N..2H Libert7 nme, h. )nom TSAI3II DICKEY: 4f. CO., WHOLESALE choc m , Ccectmimam Mara uta,a tut WJm In P ru:or" Na BO Water drat% an 4 hutaucreat, Pitt•Ontrgh. WJ. cOUTC /I F 1 0 N BALE Cr.cvr, r•roack. sthl CRICIZZOICIDLI ldecr.bant. and Maier I PlttancrAla ifsanuLknals,l artaelos, 119 Lamely street. own,- Lirrywy ay,pletalnzrala a. coya Lrr firaL, LELI &.60.:1110LJESAL1 A rm., Perdue* mad Commfastatg Meretteetet nett • ere in Pittsburgh 11.kmfaotes, No. woad street, be. sewn Water and Fruut et, Pittel.nr..h. 18 10111 ROBISON & CO.. WROU SALE. 1.11,14=, COMM:Mt.. Marchanta, ntar "INvlera In all No. 256 liberty we Pitutnni.Jo] 013 A 4:: 3 5 ,,u,E1 OEN, Crounoinioo liorell.lololl Nolor i. Yonlhoin., Mats Floor, and all 1111,18 of Clocattry Produce. No. 211 Lib erty wee; =oath of &oth, LiNtra.l ...I nas =Moon caludgomont, Jaklyd .111. e. • •• • • • • • ..... -101213 ROBERT DALZELL Sr CO., WHOLE AA, BALI% Onven. Comadatioo arrd Forwarding Iten dmata azi Dealer. In Prod:would Pittalmrgh Idaanfartorea, N 0.251 Liberty atreet, Pittsbaryb, Pa. - roy2 Ural 1913tAtt aptilli3.• 122LER IN PROMISSORY NOTES, Honda, tfortgagm aid an mimifital• br mummy. proooll /OWL 91ryligh 0.1 Agency, oil rape.able EMS& nom lobbing to Invest their money to good advantage, aan Wimp And And and woad slam paper at my ulnae. tor sale. • All C062112L.-•110. sad istsetissrs strictly costitleischtL M GRANT ITERIXT, opymits BtPWsathadral. Nook:sellers, tcc U S..RENTon, 20 S. Clair ottw43; TV .e'Doserhaßellgiocorand hoollaneoas Bookad Deporitory otAzonicast 2ract &dare Publiesalone. mrlotddrirlyir ! Wlll. G. JOHNSTON & CO., Statiotiers, . 131 askrisoklfatutfacturtas sod Job Printers, No. Wood rittaburgb, Pa. 0030 a. COOURANE, (SUCCESSOR TO Azi • S. Bedler,) Winded. end Relall Denier In Beek. Atatlonery and Perot Waging; Peden! elreet, 6th doer P. IL of *ulna Mum*, Allegheny, P. OLIN S. DAVISON, BOOKSELLER AND iltstiooor, mecum to Asylum t.gws, No. 6.3 Market Moot, mar fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Tr" AY & CO., BOOKSELL ' AND STA -2IONEBB, Na 66 Wood arsee, pen door to the cor ner of pdrd, Pittilbargb, P. pchool mot Law Books co. ehsatte to hand. L.READ, 800 L R AND STA .., MONIS, Na T 3 /math at., Apollo Daildlogs. lINT & M 11, BOOKS& sod Stationer, ldssonia Hall, PM street SunlitULT. .B•tvrniture. Purniture, • WIIO463ALE AND RA,..., • E. P. DEO RIFF, .87 DOWER'S'. (Wholesale Ware fouse,) • . and *so ricARLIII, (Retail Store.) NNW YORI. IT nme or Tretttpiiv• &Marl Retailed 4t Who' Nicea at the Bowery Kole. -FiCoarracond. MAIIOCIANT AND BLACK WALNUT PARLOR FURNITURE T a . Brocatalle, Wales and ?Inn. One seat and concave Fendtun In groat varetj. Also, - • _IL FAMELED &UMBER PURIVITURE In matte from SIM to $lOO. - SFRIXO, CURLED HAIR, ; MOSFAND WRALEBONZ DIATTXLIESEIIG es Also, Feather Bediand linking, Piked Prandum UN Dad. ateasb, sad Paton lbelbßocklng Ctradßat • Dealers wlllDad at theaters stoles, the Winn and Lest seartnent abut) , .atahlhhmentln Saw York, and can buy etcher at wholesale or null, cheaper than at any other Donseln the ntr. andßamd J.A.MICS lIIIITCRE E ZIRD CHAIRS, R'7IOLESALE AND RETAIL, Embraclog fiery styl• of IP 17' .7t. N` "1" zr Es , ROSEWOOD. MAHOGANY AND WALNUT , Boltablo for PARLORS, CURSE/1Z AND =grew toOND, Liabl to sAy NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA - L0W8,12 PRICER. ipirivel7 article made by hand and Warrukted.-p CAITLYET MAIM SnipUM •ltb •D 7 quantity of =wenn% sm 0111114% rouomble time. norms die STEAMnoin Fiuttlabidl at the shortiot tioclos. WMUMOoIU, Nos. 77 AND TD TOIXD salxlU PJITILWROM OMB X.10.11.1.........41100.. TaOMll • ' To B. IFOO2IO AI CO4 ITIRNITOBE AND ,O,IIALRE4 . - Of Said don: Do n T YA l 7l"oltY—Toirral Sty Woos and Arm. 40011/i Wankollit .. 4ol, k 4 Imilkleld IL, • §TEMBOAT - CABINPURNITORD—We mconstantly assaufwathst 1113131110A.T ODIN LNITDRIIsad. tarifa tn. suation of Intmated to naramning In • ' • 101(bituT ma. TOCINii ace., VIIA.WLS ANDDDESS GOODS of twiny „„) variaty style sad quality, • lulu lumettuant4a4 ch,,auar. than May no be found to the city.; ILludo/1 LOVY, 74 Maltreat... TIRUOS.-r °ream Tartu. Rhubarb Root, Coloand. (EV.) Cat 14 1 1ics, lk Oatheasum &els, lodide ttble. =and irADi tty balL luza tis 1 ~. itacimows*May, am. aothwarobr kao. , •-• Mad: ycZ FnTATOCS-800 bus prime French Creek aasmack Pastas na'4 in_qtA6 nala by - - • . • Ituanky Ntalltdn. DAILY PITTSIint-Gll Pam. Cotton Mills Pllitialliarglhi. ___ .. KE T IN u - NILDY, CIIILDS h CO, 11 ANC A 0 Paso A No. I hew." 44 ShrotlNfir, • ' Ce Carpal Chain of all .ton.ton and ab odes. lt= Twine; Bed Canxls, Ploo,h Linea and. tooth Cot. • " IL pa of all oiLivia and ilaiaiiiiiticion‘ flattlnif. A fllif"Or.zrfi left aa the ILA:llnm. flfors of Logan, Wilmot Wone.fia.rveh will dare attantlon, Ja2.s:ly ____________— Groctre. JAAtiCS IRWIN, 7411 • 7 tUFACTUTIER SULPHURIC ETHER; Sulphuric Acid; tw.et Ptarit.i of NIU'N Nitric Acid; Hodowie duodpeo Morletk Acht. • % Aqua Ammon* rep tiltroote do Nowiede i3ohdioxo mya MA,' be touel John Into • Soon, ST Weber street 1.0. iiouwboa.. • PACUILIF t JOlLtfillOnt ItANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN W • E. emus & co's PATENT ELAS •T• nc FIILE AND WAWA-11100W tat..11y.....Vr_ DOOILNO, 133 Mt. Brut?, 11tubttrghra or-14.,111 . _ TATE & 8024 PLUMBER AND GAS 11 17E11,-NO. 10 Youith Knot, Plurbrozh, ark! /World Mort, unobr. • broth Ereolifor ILu , Alloritro.y. 11111.8rory drocrlprkai of Itutass for Water. Oar ora &ram JOILN cAI t rPOIGI.I. 4 • VrANUFACTUR EROPIiOOTSYhr‘ iirj. 4.d 81101:.. , er of n - y lewriptlrm, a 4 4,1 otraet,r tlabtagh. P• ot..11:1y4: E EDALS I MI, 01110EZIAING P14.N03. PESSBYLVSEI STSTE AGRICULTURAL I.IIEISFY A Mete ...Goon, et bald at Mt...AA:A.. 167.1, ' • A I/tel.:Ma AND IiLLVSti Pennsylvania Rum Anrimdtural Sackty at timer exklbl thee held at Intraburst., !MN • . A SILVER MEDAL. Pentnyirsals, Ptam Arrleultaml Pant ty at theirGott held at el ltsbursb. • A .SOLL 3IELUL. Siam Cleanable Mechanic Ass•clatrou. Maaa. amenable Mechanic Associstans.EM..._G e bi Medal )lase. Cbaraable Ilestasnio Am/ocean...at Medal Alma Chultable Mechanic A 55 0..ta110n..14L.... geld Medal )lan. Charitable Mechanic Atianciation.lB47 .... Gadd Medal Maas. Charitable Sisclanio Amoctatann-1e30.......ti01d Medal Mn... Charitable Mechanic Amorintua..lo.s3..._Goiti Medal Altratr.o Cuunty Fair New Fmk.- -..-.1841- -fluid Medal Masa. Charitable Sigthanic Amectstlon-Me.... Gold Medal American Institute. Neer York— ..... Medal Maine Charitable Mechanic Ans ociatims.l33ll-1411ver Medal Masa Charitable Mechanic A sseastionl.lBl4...Ellisr Medal Mn.. Charitable Alectlenic Asenciatied..lBlll... Slifer Modal Maas. Charitable Mechanic) Associatlon..llll7....till ter Medal VI member Vo. Mach/ink Ammtation....-I.49._ativer Medal Franklin Inatitute. Penna.- Medal Worcentar Co. Mechanic Amocid il n n....lB4l l ....hiteer Medal Maws Charitable Mechanic Assoctattou..ll4))....filrer Medal %Furcate, Clo: Meebaalc Aesuctition....-1561 Medal Wonceeter Cd. Mechanic Ammiatlon.-.lssl—SiMer Ohl. Raft likened rif Agrlculture—...-.1662....811,* Medal Ohio Male Rain-Tor A g e icaltnre....—...l))3—lln Mr Medal ICentoeley Methardo' Inetltate ..... Medal Mn.. atarltable idebhanio Amocistion-ltrior Mead Man. Charltabla Mechanic Amociallou..ll)s4...J3llear Medal Litod. State Pair. - 176 6-41rir Medal Mesa Charitable Metbanic aaaoclahm..lano_nrmLa Medal Wor.P. Fair, .......... 184 1...Branze Medal . Masa.Challtable Meth/010 ASAKAItIOO-1836.-Bropie !dada/ Mar. Chatilabie llecbA rot l sumic AmocraMns..lad-.Brotite Medal pply of • • CSICSERING NONS. PIANO PORTZ!, Of Seery docriptkrn, manufactond by them,conalellog of their ()RANI; PIANOS, P 4111.012 ORAND PIANOS, SQUARE PIANOS, AND TRIM NEW 00TTAOE,OE OPRIORT PIANOS 11J10 WEIR NEW ENLARGED ROA LE PIANOS. &WSW ea& Ry JOUR 11. MELLOR, Sole AAnbt far Cakkering & pone Plan. for PULannagh, No. BI Wood Meet, between Diamond allay and Yowl& Hann. oc&dawr • - SIC MUSIC! NEW MU j. Della Lew,e, hong atlCborus.. 28e. 1 Dreamed I saw at Bame White me. . Oh( Changed le the Beene 'rotted my olorp ' 1 Mlma name ..... .... -___._ .... MM. . Theo in my Drams— 2,5c. Oh I 11bou' Sweet Cheerful We Par t When the Purple Vine Za, Janette, &Spanish Good Night. beloved, Serenade by Longfellow ~ with Llittogreph..._ :Sr Ovum releiteeph /Mottled., rolka, , llercb... 21e. Au Beloit., Poten, Aug. Herzog ......—...... 2so. Wlunie, with Uthogrupbl.......--. 2k. Star of ths4orningotew Bong end Chunte..• Um. Jest remised by OILeRLOTIII 118 Wood street, Shel Door abuse Filth ettewl. Jar MUM melted pat paid. Oda 8i:.10.1 iv IN- -- .A7 - 1 , • 1.. ] , 1 Nog i AOIIOIOE LOT OF TUE „..,.:. mpatrALGEDISTAINWAY a SON'S , NEWYORK rIANOSJuat rerelrediatonog them a Three EtrlroM Lads XIV, of 7„Si D r eg td .., perb workumusblp. ' t We roateh UM Instrument agednet any Grand Pleue la his city d volume, gen IWfMty ot Mon The Rolusrey Pl a nsre beyond all doubt the mmt perfect oitoe made anywhere, and is destined to become the matmauler Irstrumeate ill the world. They .re foll y warrantee:l by theMumma/ the subscribers, sad volt be odd et New York &story prime. For sale by , U. MADER a IMO, No, 51 SUM street, Sole agent tor gtelnanys num- Alm reeelsrd, inu lot or Nuon's 4 Clerk's, d aim Duntoaree Phu.. ' .am2B PIANOS I PIANOS!! SPLENDID NNW WALL UMW OY PIA.NO FORTES AND • EEONEI; Just arrirlok at tb0 ... 014 retold Me m d Piano DEO Depot^ of OttAI(LOTIE DIAJNt N 0.113 Wood etteat, aeoad o.A. above GO. BC..rai 1112,4 Planar w il lbe odd eery' Imo to duke room for a rime stock, .45 . C 0 0 N Gltcg - kgL A WORD .TO Timm Litaauca. MIZE HEATED TERM IS APPROAGIU. ING, and we can the attention et the Lattice to the bat that , COOKING, IRONING, .tc, Can be IN,. With oitohoihy, wttbont ottoman hut, with. oat soot, nt—by sal with dispatch—the dro bolus allaajalawaly asome mink . . linsgrati's Gas Coating. Stove; To otilch rro popoctrally invite your mutation, st No. T 6 amithfietd meet ' 6• A.JOEINI3ON ii hrto. Ail - lbway Gad City Alibis for We. opihdly G omm -ET: SOO /UP Yak to Prime Rio Cotto2 l / 4 160 11altChoet2 rovog D 72.% holArlid • and -16 lack: Tom.' . . . 60 ILhda, Prima Bonny 126 1114.: Itothvd do. 160 •.. 14.1 - .1 ifolostar, , 100 ••• .1 - Zattere ltyropoi • 126 Dna Dios Brooch Wire . cy • 23 Kdro. ElLt Told . 20 Tkrees Carolina Plc*, • • 60 IC" at Club EVA. 60.1322.. d •. .. • • Nag large Markerel, 50 Halt Bbblg. WA Bides N. Y. role Leather, • 26 Shia. Yank Oil, •16 1 4 —M* POPP.' . • ". • enke, • 60 Bea. Ortand Pepper, 60..0 Ginger, • SIB Dozen Fancy Corn Broom, 600 Bag Wrapping Paper, WAIL general W ang argat l taant et every an/dein thatirneary ore Par roa by JOLLY /LOYD Ilk 00, eel 776 Woad PITTSB !faanufatturers. .._ ...___„, HENRI' GAGRINIG., No. 459 , e oroer ' Pro. and Trotnur Street., Pittsburgh, Ps., MANUFACTURER OF • 11E51P AND Mir.IIANILLA imp WILDA, lIIIIIP AND TABBED a from 11, 10, to P,t.i' loch, VILIO and Common Packing Ban; Tarred awl Ppuu Yarn, Emit and Dull Cord, Wool Twine, Broom. Tplutt auJ Pelting Taloa, Alan and Cotton Boino Taloa &a Its. 4 full supply or the above art Iclos rouatantly ou hand Or made to order at the lowest cock prima. lattl;lyd WELLS. RIDDLE it, CO., • • Ml Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, . KAM/F.191W ar WHIPS, THONGS AND bW ITCRJtB. Order. 6 ,, lidted O the trade, and promptly *bk. ped sa per Instnactios. • TRum-6 menthe, ar 6 per caul discount for oat. 6625:1ydiwT . VA/LTWRIGIIT & YOUNG. (Soccensits to. John Carriiiight,) MANUFACTURERS and. Importers of 4111, Pocket and Table) Cutlery,linegical and Dental In.. strnments, Gunn Pistols, Fishing Tackle, *c, No. En Wood ninliek They glee special attention to the manufacturing or Tress., Supporter.. &e. Jobbing toed DePelog with Poii. plait, and despatch. apibilly --- - - - OOR HEALD & CO., dwarielon, Plain and' Corrugated, GE.A.SAVANIZED BIEDENCT IRON, for lloating , Oattericg, SF= ling, Itt. Agents for Wooer. Patent Imitation Raman Skeet Iron. 6"War.houb.—No.l36 Ant Strad, PasburgA. gir27:lyd A. 1,1(0.1•Ve. (Buoceoorba 4. Lyovaiou.) I.IIUM or LOOKING GLASS VtITACTRI & PICTURE FRAMES AND D 4.ALEN IN VAR//D'l'Y'r GOODS. 6/41. No. 138 Wood St,. Pittsbargb, P. MAN M9ii.ll.lS Sr. C0,,L(r.A.1-Cr sins sourossemess or atGar.:Ers PATENT ATMOSPHERIC FORGE LID TRIP 11/MIERR. A3LNIERS of the following sizes &.0., nlydeb order: As. I. Lift 710. hill Wow, ibc Price Mk 015. 3 "lien". 1091" LSe. 4, "=Di " 00. "1, "•4.) " 41110 " Iboo. " " 24 " ." 2200 aiir °niers solicited. /0r 64101 " particulars addrose SIORSUA A OULTART, Prrrbsuscia Ps. MULL. .... . . . WILLIAM BAILERIILL & co., 61 Penn et, below Marbury, l'itisburgh, Pa. STEAM BOILER MAKERS AND SBEET Dcll lron Wnrkera, klanofwtontre of flaroblWa Patent Locornotlre,-Flood and Cylinder Boller., Chimney., Road ie ., Mrs Belk Steam Pipes, A len, Salt &gar rata, Iron Yawl., Wallows, eto 110, Illookamittd IfOlt,Brid g e atld Viaduct loom, done at the &must rue tics. All order* from Alamo.. promptly atuendtel to. JIM In uzirat 1 tlittsburg Qoa'ettt .. 4. alurt. DAILY A ? . purn 1 F 3 - I=l nn f rs m L. ,..1. au Cr CI . Airrll E DAIL .1' GAZETTlL.stkenktettN an the West, and Jimmy aneaouire ,the,butineu een, and reach mg att caner, co-adation it i s tedueownte to edam, dime at the bed medium thrtooh Dulidltn nutde-ihtlwdau 4al- Tag 1986K24' GAZEITB is tinted aip7 day and sawn:* y, on a large biaiiket end, andsontains addition to the news of the week, a earrfuitzepresmed mut rdiale rs;Dortqfthe Mask*, 00111,111ErCitti f n fers, and an accurate Busk Nots /Ad, oorrected "i = r e: Ude paper—making it 44.hest Cienaseratag Nosailliager SULU Wed TERMS. DAILY—Biz Deltas per aimutsr . l pueblo in W1T10000.40 wlatiegLa w m enL i tsklubist Lb. Claw are tan:isi ' ,ed tir 0511044 forme rue copies or» 1 - na 00 -00 And one to the person getting upiseh; ArAdronee payments are 'Wetly required, pia no pa per will be sent atter the Wee I up to which it was pad. • . Rates of Advertlava. 1 Square of 10 Ilnee, 1 76 “ 3 " /60 I .* 0 • 1 1 76 , 1 ° 0 • I • ...... ---... 3 00 1 4 00 " •• 6 00 2 7 13) 1 " • I " • - ° 4 00 1 ° 0 0 12 0 «ti 00 Yearly advertise. are eintlCled to 004pluire,chsat 00 &els 44 plasm*, par .2a sar Adverlaannesta althOluatr44l4 Mice. oo TUX STORY OF Lemrs:44w', Naw Pout. —Captain Miles Standish, the sturdy fighting man and leader of the colony at Plymouth, had lost lids wife, Rose who died shortly after land ing with him, from the Mayflower, on Plymouth Rock. in his bereavement he turns an affec tionate aye on Priscilla, a beautiful orphan girl, se a suitable successor; but fearing to plead his own cense, he determines to commit it to John Alden, his intimate friend and companion, who was a comely, fascinating man, and an accom plished scholar. The mighty Captain as the event shows, placed too much confidence in the persuasive tongue of his friend, and too little In his own exertions; far John had long been a silent admirer of the maiden, and what was still better, had shown it by personal attentions which she fully comprehended. Accordingly, in the beginning of the poem, the hernia little captain--small of 'stature, but big in the COUSOIOI.IIOe39 of valor and the re membrance of his exploits in Flanders—is rep resented as stalking about in the room of "his simple and primitive dwelling," while his friend the diligent smile John Alden, sits at the pine table writing. Both are thinking of Priscilla, but the captain mingles in his meditations some self-complacent reflections upon himself. lie sits down acid selects from his library of three' books—the commentaries of Cresar, the Bible, ' llarrtft's Artillery Guido designed for belliger , not Christiana—the volume that most suits his own mood, Closer, soliloquizing at the Same time an amusing parallel between his own and the old Roman Oeneral's history, the moral of both being that all their successes in war were owing to the fact that they had fought their own battles in person. not trusting the command to others, sod all their failure. arose from a ne glect of this precaution. And the aaptairr most emphatically clinches his conclusions with the sententious words: •• MeV. what 7 elweet th; with • thing to he dome rou mud du it jolt - ell—you must not leave it to others." Affecwo isterval of silence, Alden is diverted by Miles Standish, who, ISZIE=2I eYnyl lb* bvit with • b.: 01 the porylsroneconor, eadezr and Wad as as .00 dof o.loSer grottadang OY tousle!,, • states the message to Priscilla, which bedesires his youn¢ friend to take for him. The strip hag, with ready humor, euggests to the captain his own maxim about not leaving one's own bat-i starts "to other.," but Captain Standish declares that the rule has its exceptions, and that while' not afraid of bullets or shot, he cannot stand "a thundering. Not from the mouth of a woman.", and moreover, that being only a fighter, he can- . not argue bit cause with the skill of "a maker ,. of phrases, - (so. John Alden, though terribly' aghast at the undertaking, finally, after an haw struggli.„l surromiers file lose for Primitle is for litteudiah., Mild carrion them tt. Ile finds the beautiful mead singing at, or, Peatad at her wheel, and the carded e Plie,l et beer keen, her whits •bauder g t trans '2 r:lM. fowl on the treadle en Musette, motor. Onus lode on Aineworth. her lan Tay the wall . woM r isalin Look El I Printed to Sumter . ..lsm. the wont, and the Matic together, hennh hewn, angular 13044., like lashes la the wall of • churchyard, Darkened and orarhoog by the running sins or the venoms As John approaches her and gives her the bunch of May - flowers (the trailing arbutus) he dhas picked on his way through Plymouth woods, er beauty and cordial greeting renew his re gret for his many loss opportunitlee of not an ticipating Miles Standish In her regard • he was abashed, but she, growing communicative, tells himclie tale of her loneliness as an orphan on the wild ems - shore of Plymouth, far from her English home and friends. Here John, think ing this a favorable point, .eelles the opportuni ty tnperform his errand; but the story, which by the way is understood to be historically trtie is eo capitally told by the poet that we must give It atlength Therenten anewered the youth, "Indeed I do not coo. demon ;on: Etooter hearts than • womm'e bare qufhd to this terrible winter. roanle an oh tender and Eroding, and needs a stronger to do there mom to yen now, with an offer and proffer of swans Made by • good man and trim, Wei dlandlab, the Captain • of Plymouth." Thus be deu re rered hie Menage, tho dexterous writer of lette— Did not embedllab the theme, nor array It in beautiful phrase,. Dist mune straight to the point, and blurted It out like • school-boy; Ens the Cop ed, blamer could hardly hare mid, It more bluntly. Mate with mumentent seat morrow, Medlin, the Puritan maiden. Looked Into Alden', face, her ems dilated with won. der nog his wools like a blow that tinned her and rm. demi her speechless; Till et iategth mho embattled, interopti lame rag the ominous al "II th e gree t Captain of Plymouth is m very eager to wed Why does he not come himself and take the trouble to woo eau? HI am not worth the 'twang, I an. sandy not worth the winnin g ;. , Then John Alden began explaining and 'soothing the Satter, • ILaklng it won, as he went, by 'eying the Captain wee lIW no b l i— eforsn. la thing.-ellCh thing. I tb• words gsw ling harshly Foil on the tar of Prierilbi ; and quick ea • dash she made seer "Hu he no time fu snrh things, as you call It, before het" be Would t• be likely to dead it, or mike It, after the wed ding That It the gee Yen Mhtm,t• with you men; you don't understand tie, Man you hare made up your sleds, aftet Ildtiklog of this one and that one, Ch .ok.ifs MierUng, compering one with another. And are offended end bort, nod Indignant, perdue, that • woman Does not respond at once to a lore that the never me pected. Dom not attain at. Woad the bright to which roe hem Men climbing. Thls IN to right nor u Lie sorely • woman'. erection le not thing to m e w lfor, and bad for only the Biking. Whiga l tte . tort, =tenet only ..y. It, bet "ewe dolt,. but salted • • - .d in but waited awhile, bad ho only thawed that he loved 61f., Even ltd. hare iro COPtinnn [no of yorira—who knows I—at laid might Old and rough as be 1., but now It can lever happen,' Sall John Alden went on, unbar:nag the words of Prig:cilia, Meat tbe n soil or his Woad, enpLiedng, persuoding, ex pandi Spoke of his g courage and skill, and of all his battles In llow with the people of God trelad awe, to outlier Mille moo ; Hew, la return for Ida zeal, they had made him Captain of alymouth ; Ifs *V • eendemon born, could taco his pedigree plainly Newland; Back llugh Btandlais of Danbury 'MN, to Laneuhlre, Who was the ton of lialph, and the grandson of Manton do Standish; Bale onto east estates, of whleb be mut heady defrauded; Bth bum the family .ems, sad had for Its creel' a cock ar gent. Combed and wattled gala, and all the rest of the blazon, Ila toss • rasa of honor, of noble and goneretta ant re; Though he son mesh, bees. kindly; she beam bow during the winter lie had attended lb. sick with a hand as genUe as a zoo- • man' Somewhat bty and hot, ha Maid net deny, sod strog; Stern as • soldier might be, but timely and plambloelways, Not to be laughed and wined, because la was little of am. ton; Poe be was groat of heart, ezmgoonhumm, mmrtlY,COnr. COORS; Any Immo la Plymouth, nay say woman to Ea gland, Might he happy end proud to be callsd the wlfa of Miles Some But am be monad and glowed In Ida ikaple and elo4und Warman otultelomatal of tielf.aud fuller the palmed his slat, Am la id,/ MG Maiden omiled,and with gem orerlauttitg With ughtor, . . Bald s tratauloas yokes, Why don'tlmt oPeak for your . ... self, John!". . . .4 lima turns out that Jahn ROA like tl l lO4lll- stool, of Coleridge's “Oeneviere," and 1. - to:Psi/tains. relinsijrll --- ------111111k litalle. Company. OP PIITZIEWRG : - iltsast. IVAT'StroLril ' iltb.l.lll4l.l3ll41 :7 7- 4' 01111•• No. qa POI/ r t 11l S aea . —..._. the pleadin g Lona _. iti - AltbLE MARIE . 14 2. blot: h i:ill 1 .9_ bas. . , mac • mob /Wear,- With glikb be odd enogbae• I go jjj. at low pricer. linnunineta a Oa W. End* AL &Conan., awe and Wad. Stand Topi a • interpreted bb awar ' kr ° " x " . b " 4l. 'le and Blow Hauiba, amide by . A••• 7. hoot • • /tit PazdAfr- Flowerer, the pc:mallow on to say th at . 1a bia bapoduayirzit Dows : . ~„ . . trztrar.:% ---7 vie eoa :7b l ? raltistbh:s.usitne-xPecoacrot". fn?.ealudthl charmer'. ".blllintl!'r- p.l='nlszrettVe et the ttltief Ch1ik., 7 .1 :.%=...." . ~..,,,..,......... u .....W., ii:„ o r i senoe, fa o r &aims, for bilitailatrircit. rem ..., w T N IORTABLE FLOUR MID CO -DOW ~,,____, A l ,47- 4 7 : , 0..,.... 4asestis,tsepase., mo tet" the whe t i tt r Tf l i t e e irat i tf and disappointed jr_Th.siaaphst and _ ...... aves alsktu i s lb. bed ...tb, lllo ''',A0 L ./ aim '' .00 . 40 4, 61 - , - ..zia. i, —... "1 .. , , , , , lians 4 . rd5k.!....., ad .C 4 1 , 11 41 obas ' eee d ItiaLisnd with Aistaolterytil e =j b x -nud a t t =4...ut. itstavitunt7F..' =l. iii!!l '.::-:.- 11__,..14,1°1trilaibowniegr eeit ten i t "t4t Al A: ._, :param,---"i"blll"t7r.,,ltt'!ejlreir;l7W=D77 4 ' 7 ' 1/° " ° " 64 ` s-41 ° _ A l i a ,. . r*inatatme ....:',..:.i;':": 4=4;Aplii#a:llo4lol.4. T.ltt .:; ,--._!,:: 1 ':....i.7..it4,4p0447_i.V.q; t.. , i:‘,1'' . 7 . i .Ik-7.i4;iii1frqk,::.,177i....:;,";'4LYt---:;',44,Z44tik4,-0.gf131, 7: 4 ''''',. ',41 1*14.7 1:•:','"?':;-_`'7.),,a;--4,-,f,,,.:;:,-4,74-V.t.^,--:•,',511y.W.4‘..er.,_,,,,,,,,--,,,V-,A,, ..--71k,TA,,,:.,--,,,,1...,.. _ - kl -- :.;„--,1,-• , - ';':"..L1...,,7"%.7;0a,54.-^,=.4'''' '';''...ixi, ,, ,.... " 0. . , ; ,,,ra15.' .•-•''''.-- -' ——. ~- F.Z., '::>,-.. Ve'l'''''''''-- attack of the red men, John Alden resolves io abandon the settlement where be has met with so undeerved ralefortutie, to forget Standish and Priscilla, and embark In the Mayflower on its return to England. Ae be is about sailing the sight of the sad face of the Puritan maiden, who stands among the crowd on shore, catches' his eye, and reverses hie purpose. Ile determines to stay and bee friend, if he cannot honorably be a lover to her. This he deco very effectually, though studi may refraining from the advances of a lover, until the report comes that Miles Standish is dead, having fallen In a battle with the Indiana. The lest obeli:103o the anion of the lovers is removed. They lose no time and a wedding in the result. John Alden and Priscilla and their friends are in the church, the simple rites of marriage are performed by the Elder, when to the surprise of the wholecongregation, In stalks 'the apparition of 'Miles Standish, the Puritan Captain. He be, escaped from his toes and he returns to Plymouth ; not to oppose but to eine lion the wedding. He extend, the hand of friendship with More shan eien ancient cordial ity to John, *Wee Priscilla In a emlitly, old faehioned way, .Whblog borjoy of ha wadding, and loudly landing her busbaue: Then ha aid with a stalk, "I should ban rennombotod the •Ikm— If you would ba well served, you must sorra prussic and 1:1301:MIT, No man mn trader cherries la Kent at the MOM ofObtist• captain, the return Them of of ttheir he weddin hty g party is enhanced by mig who joins the teat of the procession from the church the account of which Co beautifully oloaes the poem. Tun OLTDIpIO Guam—A foreign paper nays that the Olympic Games, after having been dia oontintted Aileen hundred years, are re-estab lished at Athens, in the ancient Stadium, by a decree of the Queen Regent of Greece. This is the most remarkable 'revisal" of the day. These games are said to have been instituted by the god Jupiter himself, and on account of their supposed deviae origin none but those of the beet possible moral character and most heroic attribute; were permitted to take part in them. Among (he eminent patrons of the Olympia -Games was Herod, the HATO Judea, who find ing the instittition declining even in his day, m otored it temporarily to Its old magnificence. The last of these games took place about the year 440. The Olympian plain is now known as Antilala, being opposite to the town of Ulu. We shall look with skeptical curiosity for the magma of the first revived Olympiad.—po e t. Courier. EXTIATAO4I3CII ni Rion Lit, IA lILZWID. —The Limerick Chronicle mentions the follow ing case of extravagance: "A landed proprie tor, who came of age two years ago, has been obliged to leave the country la consequence of his embarraatnent. On attaining the age of 21, he had £50,000 in bank, which he hes got rid of and accumulated debts since to the amount of £400,000. He kept open house for high and low." AN ANCIINT Cutracn.—The “First Church in Hartford," Connecticut (Congregations), must ba a model of its kind. It bee been in ex letenoe two hundred and twenty-five years, and has never dismissed a pastor. It has had ten in all, nine of whom have lived and died among their people; and the tenth, the venerable Dr. Hawes, has now been in charge of it for forty years, and seems likely to remain, as hie prede cessors.dld, till death. MI Hon. Jefferson Davis has spent most of the Summer in New England, principally in Maine, and it la reported that, though he brier made speeches on several public occasions, he has not uttered a single disunion sentiment.— On the contrary,-he hall been uniformly lavish in praise of Yankee institutions.. Ile will have to explain when he goes back to Missisippi.— Ilia pro•slavery orthodoxy le already called in question by !leveret Southern journals. W. D. WAlfllll3ll2ll, a younger brother of the fatuous three, wee nominated to the Minnesota Legislature by the .1 1 epublioans of Ilettnepiu .Mm County, Mlnuesola, and there is talk of adding to the Waahburnee in Congress next There is mill attother brother in California,y wear ho was a candidate for Congress in 1866, and,who yet Intends to add his name tori tho catalogue. _ Tea comet is having a siogular influence at Buffalo. . Gentleman who altiqx toget an early view of it is the morning are perplexed by see ing two oomets spieco each with two tail% be sides a great variety Of other stars not distinct ly specified. Some of the Buffalo paper* are in great tribulation about it. A. a .•..drift, I' .I. ngra.-- waLLAno 11,1 11V - 11Y es co. 81 MAIDEN LANE, AND IT CEDAR STREET, NEW YORE. PAPER w.AßEixotrsim, Erre.; dooeffpfloo of WILAPIPINU, PHINTINIi AND WRITINO PAPER, R•ND OR WARR TO , FANCY, COLORED .1 ND TISSUE ORDLR PIPERS, BLOWING PAPENJ3, ENVELOPES, Shrew and Sonnet Boards. TWINE H O USE. WILLARD MARYUT . & CO.. 84 Maiden Lane and 17 Cedar Street, NEW YOKE. HEW, COTTON, FLAX AND LINEN TWINE 6, 1N11.0.101 ASD KAMM. ITRID COM:IA.I3M POTION, JIM, rAZ Y LA /Ur AY DIDIP R E Tarnd Btutl /nada ( 1N..., Linn/ Thrends: SEM TWINES. • ellogag i ne, A WZ,V i lg u.ds no4oatecni ' — T ------- ----------.....____ ...DAMS 00-11 N BRE LLER. T" proprietors of the"Pittablargh Novelty Work.. having. through Mr. Adams, (me principal mechanical genius of the nrm,) obtained lettan patent, dated 17th or Auguat,lBsB. for • new and alto pie Matra. meet for AhcilLag .tr uly neat, compact and port/Mils, combining durabilit uity and cleannloal • ft... 7 appends*. to weary ' farmer's ham L. mow odered to dm people or Mal:initial States at • very low price. n."P•We hare rticle . tim , WOW for aide, but manufacture a sell the .tour work.. Chatter to ha compact fo . rm It I. dew tined mon to become snort of Made It gym Hardware &Imamate altelL The If &chit. are of two slam, weighing only about 11 and 60 pounds, sod may be secured to • poet, pillar. or door,a• you would • coffee cola We add no more, what wen It speaks toot NU. ao-amdm. F 11111 . 0 STON.00PILLAND & (a). PROPERTY rsoLoicas, ATTENTION, pl my um do zOZUWEION Ile•In; Increased Mel+ &Mita. Ur manntectudng end APPIAN! W. EL OMMIX.I:3 du CO'S PATENT ELASTIC FIRE AND , WATER PROOF CE MENT ROOFING, A RE now prepared to execute orderafor eucy ou uof Roomostksteep dr flet, at the .bone. no. Um a= S the t ova, that Roof. being determined to pet ts cannot be earpameed Oheapuetta and Durability. Our Roof. are too well known to require any eulogy from as. lastimonfale b boor of this Bootleg aad samples can be seen hymning at our Otlice, No. lb Smithfield street yL Buildintp covered with the above Roofing can be men at Nelms% corner of Wylie sawl Nigh vireos; J. Beck'. W. O. bal new 'IOW, corner of Grant and Seventh stream Holm of k, Nam, Dimond alley, opposite Patterson's Stable; Stove of W. Straw, rmmr of Market and Second eta.; also House of S. ll.Sucoop, lame block ihownni/le Wharf Boob /loom of Robert Ilya; Waver, between W.b.ter and Wylie streets, Starch! J. H. Mcßoberts, Webster . st., Stable of A. Bradley, corimr of Water alley and Sandusky straet_Alleghenyi Nouse, of 11. B. Wilkins, Zen.. Wood's Run: Homo of A. Healey, John Scott, Wm. McCall ti ani Own, East Liberty; and puny other. too'nulnerou• to mhirlen on. PCRIITIV • OHN8()N No. Smithfield et., Pittanugh., I'.. • PIIMPs. . TEFFERY'S PATENT DOIIBLE-AOTING U PUMP, With INDIA: RIM= BALL VALVES, do• signed kir Cisterns, Wells, Railroads, Mills, Staunboale, Ae. Also, as Barden and Fire Engines. These es Pumps IQ throw from keenly tojtee Atoefird pal. &nap lees minte, end from' their aimplielty of conatructbn, am o get out cronies End WS more earnre 4,11 than an liable ty other pompom: pair. PRaving been appointed egent hr Allegheny county by he patentee, I am prepared to furnish any - of the above ampa and Engler, and shall lbe - pleased to have any one tons of purchaelng cell mad tmandne them at My Wan knee. N. Il..Yeenehip Wein. for We on literal terms. A. LIAIII/14 - Comm of front and A. merry streets. je:4lmdt.l. Pittsburgh, Pa. WALL.A.CIII3' POD/WRY • , f . AND idin EtuntsMng Establishment, QTEdlil ENGINES, BOILER__ S SALT 1..1 PAN% VILA OZATOIO,IIre Mick War bery, Pol. 1.1. and Onttep, Oen lands wade Warder. Oret• Ben,Forh Wehlittet UM /raw; Proerfantrg Anchor BolthigOloths, Own and healhar Denbo • . Portable llourAtalCornillata—the best In ewe; • french Bear Matt machlaita,nsed ht the dry =Ma and mar the What wear the 'grate, take oat the chew sod re, more the swat balls betbre they an broken by the roster.. Preach Starr MOH *aloof melecbalblocks. 4 . Patent dangle Mac a,ce tlO,OOO to A:4 oo4 . aer TX Uwe'. Patent W Wheat, newt In 7IXO es mach as Me or t, and twice a. macho the most of anteater Wheel. In with an Keel orn.wat of mat "' Catalogue" et Wheels with all who want Ace gamin. OP N 0.2110 Liberty street, Panther/sh. walked' w T - • W.:Or. WALLAOS GAZETTE. . Insurance. Merchants' !nuance Co. of Philadelphia. WIS v. PETTIT, mac..—..D. J. McC.lllll, fix n Amohnt of Own° Stock paid to and invested--400 u., 00 P 1,21 %stribn n. Cargo Risks on the Ohio and 2tOvviaelyie Limn and aa C tufa. [mores against. low or &maw. b 7 rim, iN ak.a.. agai.vt the perils of the den, md • Navigation and Tiansportarion. . - DILIIXTOILI. Wm.V, NM, Joh• C dietitian:my. Jahn IL P.M7, D.J. Ilictain46. P. %Vitiate, R&M Onilion, Beni. L. Woolelm, John A. amin `Charles B. Wright, John J. Patterson, itilmod T. Posey. WK. V. PETTIT, Prod.:loot, Pr Vi E. P. W/TICEIL, es aidsot. DEN7E+ J. AWARE, &cram?. Be` , _Lamb A Co., Pldlade 61 • 13 . cit, Morgan a StldSaler, do P . n TAW; Bro. a 00., do. - Pluoroy, On/dwell A Co., do. AL IT. Umo a Co., do. Stoleadts, Joules aCo., do. PITTSBURG/3 OFFICE, No. 97 WATER. ETUEET auekdtt E. W. POINDEXTER, Ax 999. r PHIL4DELPHI4. n. ntaitoro Curies IT..Bancker, Adolph E. Bode, &erg* W. Ilicturda &mei Grant, Thomas David B. row, Itordeiralittreric- Jacob 11. lizeith„ l'bi'. "r 4.4 =A Morrie • Putt .l .leii . r dent.Chsann O. 8.. 4 B ecat7. • This Ocienpany continue& to make insurance., permanent arlisolted, on every description or property in town and try, et est. S. low me are comic:cat with security. , The Gotopewsy bare relearns! • Lem contingent howl, which, with tieirtapital sod Proeulanna, midi inreeted, maned &rota. protection to the ammred. The /mete or the Company, on January let, Mil, pub lished Agrenehly to the Act of Aenembly, were es ( f ollows NO Mailmen— .....--.-- .4 18,199 08 ItrtusMT, ";.-------- : 3 ' 966 14; C.k, ic:. -------- * .....'"' 41 in W 1 ;403 4 4 81• u war itinorporallon, • period of twontyone yoar; the/ Owe Fah! upwards or One Million, roar Hundred that:wand Loma by Ore, thereby affording evidence of Ow advantage. of Ltuarrano• iu well aa their ability arol illepwition to nowt with peattiptoor , nil Ilabilitlew J. CARON/at COFFIN, Agent, Office doothcain cor. Wood rod Third rte. Continental Insurance Company. Intopmued ey thq Legasicqure of Pornryivomis. PIRP ETI 7w A r T A CEIART . EIt othorlsed Capital, One Million Dollan Beamed and &awn tdated Capital HOME OFFICE. N.. en Manta Sfreet,asoeit Sezid, Paanddpilifin. fire Insurance on Buildings, Fornituni, Marchandbe, tr. geneelly. Marine Insurance on Curia. and Weights, to Tarte of the world. Inland inennuiceon Goods, Stu, by Lakes, Myers, Cannes and LatutOarttsges, to all parte of the Onion, on the ~o.n Iheoroble terms, consistent with.. city. GLOWS W. COLLA DA Y, formerly Necorder of Doodah., PhiladelphlA WAIL NOW ERN, formerly Beglslet of Wills.. ard JOUN N. COLEMAN, dna of Coleman ! Smith, Importing Hware and Cutlery Merchants, No. 21 North Tiard street, above Market, Phil. J 0881•11 OAT, firm of Joseph Oat !Eon, Coppeeendths, No 12Quarry etroet. Plll . EDWARD V. MACLIETTE, dm of Machette Camel, Importing Cardenas Merchants, No. 12i North Third street, oboe lingo, Phyla HOWARD EINCUMAN, floe of Livingston l Co., Produce and Ceth.annelasioo Iterchente, No. 272 Market at, above Eigh Phil. GIKIR W. COILADAY, Pragsklnst. Outs IfttsoNO2.,eretary.OS JOSQUA ROBINSON, Agent. No. Filth street „Cup et.4lm) Illonolafgalael• Insaranie OF PITTSBURG/L. O m®4—JAMES A. lIIITCWSON, Amaze LLENIVE M. ATWOOD, Secretary. Om., No. 95 14 , Ants Srarrt, &sun Agaitszt aA kistdc of PEre and Marina 21. Awns, MAY Wig 1823: Stock Dor Mlle, payable. demand, cocurod by two approved mime. $1.10,000 CO Brecolcoa Notra.._ 003 Vi / 1 / 1 6 . 5,966 21 /16 altsrea Mccbanke :7, Back Stuck...at_ 3,11/7) 00 60 do Batik of Pltublargb do do ...---. 2,760 00 60 do Zschaase Bask 'do do ...... 2, 100 do Cleicene do do do .—.—..... 6,176 050 0 00 0 Balks.. of Bcok Accoutaa ..... ..... 1/021ce Yurnttoce .......... ...._. 6,060 89 MO 88 16,1/4.3 78 1 . 1 “01 . 0111: Wm. B. Mame. liobt. WIWI, Wm. A, Caldwell, Wm. W dam Miller. Jam. A. Inechiaeo 8".7. ..11... ta. J". MerWelti . - _ CI W.N ww ,e, A — woo • D. Se ei ,eVenst.ern Eh./sausnOm C/mrs,po.ll9 01 PITTS 11 41 ROB. 17/.030E DARBLEL, Prue/dent. 7. NI. GORDON , Setratary. 071701 Nu. 92 11mor atm, (6perly Co.s Wareboup •Lair., ' Ylitablugh. Tilt a,,,atna al4 L-1.4 Pire an . v( Nano Risks Mae bun/Md.+ nano •J Darranra woo arc well known an the annawanty, and wan are ckiernanad. promptness and titeriddy,lo maintain the Mama, sehieS they hate assunnt. a. erring the bed proteeitan to Mao sehn iPsire to he kernel. ASSET!, ocrorma 31, 1867. stock .4171,600 00 BIW ::::: ,{761 67 Mao Furniture .................................. 240 00 Opisi Account._ 9,478 04 Ceels • 14,84/ 46 0606 Premium ......... ....... _ 40,248 69 Diseonuted ............ ......... 125,4413 73 drone Marale, R. Miller, Jr ., J. W. Butle, Q. W. Jeckpp Jantee McAuley, Alexander Speer Andrew Ackley balk Win. McKnight, Nathanial Alas. Nisi k, David XL Load, WIIII.I LL Smith C. W.W. Elcketv_a, Pittsburgh Lire, Fire and Marine ins. Co. Offico, No, 96 Water Street, prrreetrada, PA. ROUT. GALWAY, PratMeet F. A. Mantua', &toy ALEX. LUIAGLEY, Vke erect. Annan, Futuna, E. G., rivaratnlng Phyaklan. Thla °mown nukes m 317 Luanne, appertai ni ng to tormented with LIFE RIMS. Also. against Roll and Ouzo Riau. on dm OW and kflaanatopi riven and taihntarka, and Marine Risk sea ara/ly. And against leo or Damao by Elm and And %nine: the Perils of the &A and Inland Navlintke Tramporration. .11 Pollchs•panke lained at the Insert new notudatant with treaty Rohm Galway, Banund hfcClurken, Joreph S P. cot t, essatu, Dd. D., John JIMMIE 1111/11/1"14 David Richey, /ammo W. ddiriMetl, Ohm Arbuthnot 11.16-. royal, Atemoder Bradley. Joseph & Lowly John Fullerton. Nattan Hart, — Darla R. Chambers WIIIIam Carr. Robert IL Hartley. John SIVM. rho gr eat w ater , • OP PULLADELMIA. Office fn anspany's JRninting, A'o. 403 Maned corner Fourth STrect. , MAZUR esall2llU. AUTHORIZED CAUSAL-- .....4000,000. Capital pall In— --- Durbin; hammy ht, —.--. 14 os FTHE ZNB VRANCir—Linntod or PerperoaL N4VSG7L4.IVe on Vesuels, thtrgo and Freights. MANI) INSVRANCV by Hirers, Culals, Luken .d Laud Carriage. mama Mules O. Lathrop, lOU Walnut stet. Darling, WO MO erect. Alasantka Whillden, Merchant, lS North hoot Isaac Itsaleburst, Attorney and Conneell 3 John 0. Hooter, Inn of Wright, Hooter ap e , L Tracy,Arm of Tracy Co.„ Goldetnith's Han. John R. /Wordy, erns of Jones, White& AttihroilY• Than 01/leepie,. firm of Gillespie Lelia,. Jae. It Smith, firm of Jaa CoR. Smith A Hen. Hato7 11. Puller, offlint =1 South MEW street John It Voids, office corner of &masth sad .%insein. Jame. Weight, late (Stabler Rua of litois Allred Taylor, °Oka 131111,3 City Property. Joss J. Blom?, office 220 South Third street. • - G. G. LATHROP. President W. OSELMO s nos Psi:Want LEWIS GREGORY, Second Second Vico - Preald.tl B rsarb oS7o 81741 N. Y. JAMES WRIGHT, Bottretarf cut Tll/1140/01, 11. RIOUARDBO,N Andatant Secretar H. W. PoLNDEXTE, Ased, y. 07 iiPIaUX 1i A ,,,, E. 111 T =a Reliance Salm Insurance. Company ci PRILA Ira LPIIIA Oa Ralldings, Limited or Parpetual,3l,lhrnitare to, In Town or COMM,. Office No. 308 Monet Street. CanYar.5177,1126.-663zra $262,466 61.—Luvrted as tono.st bl Iftna Mongsgeoo kaprored City Property, worth doae lb. asnotutt---- .... - 2.-.4120,130 00 Pans: Halkoad Cob 6 pe r M o o r cant.iyage — lnn, ny conniTiperoti;7enni.R. B. Loan- o 10,000 00 Pennarraant Railroad CobiStock I,CCO 00 ' Stock of the Raltance Mutual Luntrancato-- 10,164 00 Stock of Comity Ike Immo:, C0......_......,.., LOSO 00 Scrip or Sundry Inmaraws Companka-------. 475 00 BIM Recruisble, bonne. paper .. 62,711 60 book doconnts, seamed i ntersatodc--..-:.--- 3,366 l 0•611 on band and In Sulk-- ...... —__-_,.... 16 013 Z/b • 5ph2,466 SO , - OLIEIf TINGLEY, PratWant. arscrou. tlataual Waphata, f i' t Mass Ratan &mat, D. 1.1 0. q,"..• William Mass, a. IStanneash Bartf. W. Thir, John IL WarralL R. .Clisaa, . Lathrop, - Rotes Tolast, Chao. Idast, Nair. Jason, Jacob T. Ihrarlag, . Woodward, Ja , Ws Basra, rala Z. Ws. IL amp* y Pitahlr. B. IL BINS,. Satratat. . G. amok Arent -nor Thitd a.I Wood streets ___ - _... _ _ John Al. Ca.• be aW. B4ch 1 Y. • .W. SC• P rIiT .." j 6.c' 3'' it U. c0d„...,.%0r, it T Le, j „ Jam. J. Becia.tt, 1 , i!......: ~,., Wm .7 AucleiZt, ' 'id"4. J. Lt. :JIVE: , Mid. g 4, i• Delaware Olutual Sitia) I Jan taztr Company. farorporat.d Office, 8. E. Comer Third end W arnat .0., Pultawn.llll4. If4aLlif6 INStIitANCIVIoo V uwels,eargn.wile O to an owl. /4 the weed. rtuni INLAND LIVBIIkAN,A3 OD GOWN, U 1 ...1 Lend Dnen.gew. to en pare atAbr Maya. • ••• • INSORANCE.Y on Alerehnudni. fiewerral3,—. Storm Dwelling Houma, We. dewy of t Othtepw, A-m.24165L torlarl, telorgegen, nd Real Ketate..--,.6101,38ei rauedellAnt DIAL entt ether 131.911 Bkci In e.t.a ilaDrond a ineureseenem. 12,60 P. Mr.. 8180 .69/ 95 Oath on bend_ 38092 86 BeINIXIM handl orergente, Prernitirni on Maine Policiee recenB7helneel, end ohle er debts doe the 0mpawr..»....-- Babncriplion William lllartin ,looaph L. Bad, bloated A. Boogie," John O. Darla John R. Promo. ( korgo D. Logarr, Bilward Darliugt:oo, D. R.Cugoa, I William C. Ludwig thigh Craig, r oo k. 111otio• B, Jona, D. Jonas . • Higiar Lrumut, Secret:27. ap 9 :lyd—J.l2 MUniw laanrnnee,il ub 0. WM. BAOALEY, Pnvid.n. LLNURL L SIAR.SILKLL, S,:retnry • 0 r ,. 54 ar w , Artw cm dfarko r t and, Muni tit, 1111-lusurea Flnli and Carr. ettak• uu the Olatu anti Idla LaaINS Rama, 'LLId Tributaries. Sii-Insbree kgbinst loss or damn ge by Ft r tend s .14.att, agtuust be perils af tbu BA and Inland Navigation star Thalami. Ptak , mon D ' k e e n, ,, Ea Jan. M. Cooper, Jaa.;P Iwo M. P enn ock & tiarbangh, &N. basal C. Tonun,, J John C.a phumietpb:i. Wire rind Lila, INSURANCE COMPANY, o. Chesnut Streo OPPOSYTN 1491 t, E TLIE CUSTOM FIOOBC. Will make all kinds of lotioreare either Perpetual or Limited, mr army deroription of Property or Morebeadier, Unma:mete Meta premium. 3L ROMANY. P. WINO, President. ai W. BALDWIN, Vivo PreeMont DIZZATTORti. • E. IL Cole., • Geed. W. Litown, Joespli 8. Paul; John ClayWu Marko P. Itayea, X. . zoidiay P. B. Parvry, C. Shen., 8. J. ileywitne, F. Plactsown,P..orotary. deaktily& Cori iIItALDVS PIIIILIstIING- HOUSE.' • 2,7101/57 BOOKS— OANONEOINI V UOCSE,I7 G. W. M. It inobla,pgiro..6o cu GA ARUNDEL " -GO OLIVIA, or 0., Mad of Honor." " • " _3O . C114111:1E4 VONN Etloopion 50ngE00k,....._ GEORGE CU LUSTY'S -loko Book. No. 2 .... . ... -.—..... 15« TUE PATRIOT CEU/SEIL, by Oylv.. C0bb,.Jr...._24 •• TOE MANIAC'S SEGIIET TUE MAW yr TAK/LANCLIE,I4, Dr.J.U.Roblbxo.T " Sent freo of patage on r.olptof pries. Agent. ..Cod. -- _ FREDERIC A- 'MADE, 1....8 Na.... 0 Street, 2,7.1 r. Mr,"7.0 56 NV.ILLI PdPEli etc i.,i---rin ertock i'iiae F.Per Ilonsinne. Chop Wag Paper , P.% ego., Border. Window tfluulre,Aca,"at the Papar ltot of P. C. Ombra., Alleghatcy. Tattublo Doubt, new publications ....ma the Nallee of norida. by Llon.J. ft. (ilt.Olog. Ilictoty of.. 0a...P.1cm of the raged States, Curti. truly Day loot of llwody b Chronology, ...clog the A unit...lei,. of .11.Atorahlu Penton, and Eve.. from 4... Crtattun to the pudic. life • 1 vitt ottani Allison', Diatory of guru., ore. kw.: col.. 8 too, to the Acocunon of 1....., Nttµ.tftc LIN a, luta,. hr. ',VPIII';I,:2: ""r::;.l;',ll',,!'''',7l',l' Z." ,d . „ "J.17,7,!.... It?. U. stone. Prawn arc.. Ltorary"..thtion.., lip.," ..4 ail,-, Giblann, idutastit, hullo Ptc , Atts. IV°, he. Ira . ' Qlrrutee WaslunKton, attain. ftliti.te: ...f. or rt, n 1. , . oeo/1 of Nag..., 12 vol. do ~,,,..,,,,,,, ~ ; , •,,,,.., neat work, Serwoos to the enurcb: Sporg.ania Dee.. 0 . w Pulcht.o... trcet at.i.,,....1c thc.p.,,,,,,,,,,,, ...., - ,. 3 . Bid &T.,25Y, &NA., Tr.nel. Poetry; .......rddad .4watt...a ous Lltatature, kink. Cownanotnrics, ,c, it rstln d e, ol a, new cariety of katlonary, opttnleg dally fruu. pow... now taing wade in tho eastern cit.. A large eto. of Fels.. book. Wrltlnr and Wrapping • Paper. whale:ado and retail by Rtl 0,4,1111.NX, ocls , 6 P.dasal tw. ttle,cheny. ---•- • IV. ----- F - ', —5,77.1.) VALUA li LE Buolc.:..:—N at ar y 1 al Dietary, Dotted Stu .2 rot • to AI 9.0, half at ar . Arnerfcan E1taq......., hi Trt.t. Mourn, 2 01. r-yal Aro The Modred boot. u Oratwa, i. D 'leraellend.loasof 1 tun afore, new Poston ad . 5 cob.. Edger Allrll POW, V. orks (..yiet,, The Itlvers.d Lob.. of F c r ipture,lllbtai int il, Brig Bayne. may., nun Dui, Wllllapta Lecture.. that Lord, Prayrr; Do t do on Urn. tau Precut; Ment af.Thllotoldh.Y. by Prof lint,... llngt. Miller', Wort. to unifurn, itloitnes N.. Itha..ry of Dot/dollen, by Or ...veer, Benno . C.r the New LID, BoatuD11; ' A large mlencllttneous ein TtAtent J.; trod fro. the ode nab •of Now Toth and Phil.le pine 2 ' J t. itEA D. 71 iNanth .t. EXIMEI T. AL GORDON, Beep • Irto “rni w, f; p u ouKr_cinericati jUr et's!). New or . Id, for Feway Bch .01. Toe n. ...l iege, Society, Club, Belohtth sch.A.l. Cie.' fNo.erruet.o...l LI. be.ele.,eny of the wujous Ckan...eolarire,BlL.rs f I i . 1.3p14 Ptehl/.1% .Pchool, Pocket., PSensilllll •,1,--Cillt us , e. ltvi.Ps Psalms apd tlycnn Baoks, of ell denofuliiiirlto, hualsonary of soy Mud. Wriung basks, or. In short, S..ythlus, that Boa ough ktMho. to Le fatted lu the best :ley York or phaladrlphla. . BACK YI`USIZEN TUB I TOPEOSCOPE 1 -.... Call at.D.AVIDSON'S bsloll eTolat, or, r . 61 Market nratr Pn• tb etr_e..t, 113111-(31 DD \G .S' NEV.-- .1-/.. B•P l/T. The kill., of Florid. $1 Oa; hootatelrr . on Gosppl, by Mark. SL26, _ Palect Dheonises, LiAldoord Krumntscher. /lc . sl.o:k The N. York Pulpit In the Revival IP 1858. $1 00. Narratives of Iletuarital./eConverst.us and - 1t.r.i...1 incl. dem. Iht.roducti ri by Boorber, $l,OO, The Church Memorial, or Conulooro. ores of the ...notate sod nit ed rt deecitleta Reformed Chord.* belore tbrt. motor... Lhe..,:... cell I Uuabytetian Church of Not th Aluerire, $1 00. ..- W.lf 8. HItIITOUL. 33 St. Clair eh. . . T.NDFA_iknoiera C 4 F,' bistatica , pol 10=1 ..or d au rtitt: anj 4 "' *"" Pr'"ll.'", Dasid 0. Allen, A.P. D. Evcood P odfflou, l o is% T., r inl. l"l7 ' I'7 Kat C Wand par.t. ul~O~t'L DOE 1S PO~VEH of e f t preduehro toren or modern eeelety and thr rr•utta Ibbot,eapited end end By Chula Ka 'herbed end 6444 with addito g r aving A. lONA% Ef... tru e d orti e oel) Luz & otimoko rrit,...- ! . v - A.DNOT: sem T anstilMO , • . MASONIC ELIA PZFITI arithiyi • soesm 1. am ,14.r.a.mr.3sit, P ROPRIETOR. A LL TUE DELICACIES Ol' imi & za. Taß REASON, prepaed. by tbe meat es - palmated tooks i aerand up of the Mlorteet pi like. from ELT crc tom A. M. UNTIL TW JILTS O'CLOCK P.M. All artteDs In the Eta, peculiar to the UM. Waal or &Kith, monied dad?) by Rapes& said served up to -ea &W.— Beelnem tam will dud the table at WALNUT lIALL all Mat they could desire, aiP•Whatesale Depnt for OyMen, nob, Game and early Vegetable* In their eetweroVE DIK eellilyd W I . O_ll.OllBE Yr " I.V.CI a lallr ()I .k". FV2I/1/a"SAlCDWjo2rnliant, • lifirPartioular +nand patd to the repairing of Watelooo • 0 lowolt7. ZarAll work warrufro 'FLA..' TEA i I ~e _ t at Fra.4o,!--J i .11,„ Family Groewry .4 Toe nom. Federal street. AD enny, 60 hat ohms& Black oxid Omen Teas of Hu las... froportstion, sod will h. sold At pd.* stlet. unll defy con e yetitont. Abdo, mall lota very superior flauchorm n e ' roglish,flesokfaut Tsa, th e /avers of whlch,Ans Iralted4, ~ . : . • . try IL Cboko :Extra Fatally Flour ynt op In mill sushi. of :-. .- onsalglatb and oto.tourtb turtoloi gor . th • ecomankou'ao ..., ~ • 4 tunings not lolaOng to but a *ludo band daring - Ilbs hoe .44 4 ~:.', . • wooden.. for sob at Frances Fondly Grow:, und 'd an .-' • Facland unmet, alleaany, • • lalli. .•. • ' 50T AGIIO7I- car 1 ; 15 bh ic N. O. Sagan 40141. N.(l3lohumaa 10 boxes sanartad brawls T r obreio: 113 ht. chastaaa4 Btaak Talg ' lablZas BAILNAI LK Peprrp • 16 40 • /Saran Lapraua, • To/v*11,41.11b f allaaturtaloat at Baton, Wnippiog. tc. • JOIIN Statal. 4 54;b1.- 1011 - ,t.p R , ID uver ' IMAM, it CO. a»now opmdulcuum , of Cloth, Gold, &inn add Plea Muth. tura pmula to plata tlu oaks and polyar., ii..ness' • tire bon*, tesiam llgnranotmora, pm:um, cuvului elm.. Clump aloud rud plain Wall wing. qua. MIN, of ;,ad Come and nen, nol6 . • _ rim 87.W0ml nu..t pROV aonr . 1600 ticces &cod sbsoldetr • 1000 do do . 11 dmd, • ' - 500 do do ~.-55boi SO bblo Suez PSI k;' . 10 ko Sugar Oaroi Dried RssO • 10 do _OO do - nosino • • • s 0 bbl 13 k,do do . dr4 , -= 130 bale. prim Cottltig C6 s ceen. • e M ZSO todo Xxsrsoad Amity 75dsr. , • .-'•74 etnabwrN Cl , . AR: ' - - •'` - I ul% if.l-2-tt. -4-. f ir s te.arri,... au maK'MW to t; .c. Ib'gasDin gino lu A rl z ' a t tilllm afons-:•7,4t - s •- , , , ~ , 7" .....4W4bUz uss. A.q._ ‘ic. ,z-df&lik'44lr,fic4_l,l-'..,"' ra s = ) , .41‘;. ,, _ „,,,, 5' ,,, • !1, 24 1 -azi , : f. t -,--,,.- ''''..?,":`;'*.i; tnaurantr • Eureka Insurance Company uf Pennaylrunil. oonao .No. 99 Water at., Plttabuzgb, . .. S toc i maims 3IA VI. I/Llan ' k D nen/Illlat-lanyathle on Int onnal nod no tated by two uppronnol Damn Damn....... ._........- traaao,ao Ow, to Plttatoargh ?rut Conapant..---..... I;2410.87 6101 122 81 "a'In td•dlnanno 8;1 n-tocla-005t..-.. 99 do Ideetannlne nan ketocla--c0nt....._ „a 6,4(k.ta1l LO do to T . ! , Damn tan k-artic poi._ 7.,Sl‘tdo look A....:a......!...... k s '' — ... '" ........... itZT:4 ? s.t., a• W.K. 1 • DULI4I4 J. 9.Shoeoterge r . .1 ir, e nan , Itlnt/cia - 1 ' ' .' fo t ! P'''. .702,1-6 . 11 MILKTOMS Jannvo Tb.Rllllt. Nom, Jaws.. Tr.,..1t, FIIIIaco En., Jr., J. V P..lortuts. Jaahm... P. Kyr, liarrnm.l etta4es. Sh3.l. • - Jan.. 11:110Nria Thor:l.C. Ilishal;;;,.%, rw Jr John 8.134.pir.,.. D. T. lIAIiD, VIA. T A. 314ildJii.A..s.gisiFt '5 Wn.t..r Capt. Nark Sterling, a D. Hiar, John B. Dilworth, Francis Sonora, Wm. B. Dare, Jona rililpton. Walter Bryant, elwall, Jr. J. G. COFFIN', Apia, • r Third and Word wort. 02,7303 d 1100.uot, SME ', 47 ITIE EMI