• ii: — : rr— i ; •i - v« ' ,+;: • ••• :.• -k*:- " r j '• • '•V; * ‘ *! . , ■•■•a 'tv;V • s ■ - - - 'S'■ ' s S::lilSi:Ssi| WiWpSiyjWS ' ;i > :k; ’' •; : -y--^ MMMI ; ; i • v .t *i 1 '• . .;< v •-.*.' *'• 1 v , ... pSlSjl|&ii ,-.J'•?•>■• ’.♦.•*-»•<• \* s*>?- •.•••K , <:’;VtV-*, l . v. »,v . - ..•£&? rtjfrfeAu • • - * :\' •- V. » . i; ; : ik'ji' % r AsIV EM=MMS MEE *,. • • j l : {'***r-',L .... {t I - . y hm—-a.ao»«n..—sewm assart ■'•■-'B-i HIDDIiB ft Co.. * pmofmjstors. MOBBING, SEPT. 27, 1868. f PCBMCAS STATE TICKET. raimmicMi, — JOHN M. XIAN,- of PhflsdripMa. T7HIiIAN E. IBAZER, of hjaltv. XXriIBUCAII COCSTY TICKET. ToB ptwftM*, OSK. JAMES K. MOORHEAD, PttUbnrjK ooirouß--£S»mraxcr, ROBERT UcKNIOHT, AllvglMayCltj. smrea, JOHN P. PENNEY, Pittsburgh. J. HERON 708XER. Plttaburgh, WT.TAS H. TRTSB. do DAVTO X. BATAko, PeeUw, JULIUS f. ZOLLZR, McKaaaport, ROBERT P.JfcPQWELL. AU»gb«ny- JAMBS L. GRAHAM. Alligator- ntmtr. AKUMKOM. PltUlmrtf>- tICBZVI PAITBUSOK, liultaia. ACDITC*, c JOHN M. LARIMER, Obtrthn. CfIAUNOET B. BOSTWIOK, lawreneetMa. • ROBERT B- DAYIB, Ohio. A Dnv»m Asantwnr.—At the opening of , the campaign Mr. Wiiliema’ organ in thia coun ty argcud it eras all folly to talk of submit ting the Bailroad tax question to the Supreme 'r _ - Court, for the Judges all had their pooketa fall * of railroad bonds, and being thns bought op, thtir decision was a foregone conclusion. Find ' ing thak thla reckless and utterly false statement YU retoiting to tbe public mind« its author took it baek, and the gross libel was withdrawn t though neter apologised for. The argument is •. j now changed; and Mr. ’Williams assures his hearers from tho stump that if they want~to get a favorable decision from the jiupreme Court, they most elect Rim to Congress, and this popu- will be sufficient to continee the ' Court that the Tailroad bonds are unconstitu tional. In other words, that the Court wiil be swayed by suoh au indication of publlo senti ment, while it is deaf to argument. Now, we had fancied that the Supreme Court was a legal body, eminent for ils learning, fair ness and impartiality, whioh based its conclu tiona and Jeoirious upon the law and the evi dence. it :liiBisßO,theonlyargumentethatneed be presented to it are those drawn from the law and the facts; and if Mr. Williams* legal powers be as 'great aa we are told they are, and his ease the clear one he says it is, he has only to display his logio and his convincing facte to the Court to ensure a favorable decision. Is this the charao ter of the Court, or is it not? Is it a body con forming its decisions to law and reason, or is it a mere reed swayed by the wind and shaping its decisions as thiijor that candidate may be elect ed or defeated ? If it is the former, its deci ' sions cannot be offected by a thousand elections; if the latier, the sooner we get rid of it the bet ter ; for in that ease we have no need of courts to decide questions that can be settled at the ballot-box. Tht fact is, and no mAn knows it better than * Mr. Williams, that the Supreme Court will set- Ue this question-upon its merit*, solely, without - regard toour political squabbles. The returns ; of the election cannot be presented there, . either on one ride or the other. It is a grate legal question and not a political one, and must .be MtUed on legal grounds—firstly by the eon ‘ ititutlon, which no election result can change v and secondly by the facts, which are past an a unalterable. A legislative body or an executive officer, may be swayed by poptdar totes, but not a Court. The Judiciary is the stable branch of our government, to which any man or community can come with its grievance and obtain justice upon the merits of Us plea, with out reference to other considerations; and none but a demagogue would hold it up as subject to other influences than those of law, justice and reason. For one, ws hats all confidence in the integrity, fairness and impartiality of the Su preme Court, and feel sure that it will decide the railroad question upon the basis of the law and the evidence presented to it, without refer ence to any outside influences or results. Who ever e&ts his vote for the demagogue who talks otherwise, in the hope of influencing the dec!- gion of the court, will do. a foolish as well as useless thing. Farpt the State Ticket. In the hubbub of excitement about onr count; i ticket, we must not lose eight of the Btelo ticket. 1 Ihe people of the teit of the 8 tote ere looking for in old-fashioned majority, in Allegheny, for Bus and Futv, end we mint not disappoint them. Let erery Bepublicsn throughout the county eee to it thet the Stlte ticket i> properly cered for in erery district. Ex-Got. Porter, the father of the demoetitlo candidate, is well known to be a reilroed bond holder; while Jobs M. Bsad, tho Eepublican ciodidlle, woe the ettorney oyomil the bond holders in the Sharpless cue. Vet we will tex ture to eoy thet Gibßon, end Dunn, end Lynth, and WflUama, end Burke, end tho Democracy generally, will tote foyPoarrn in preference to «... Tory go before thepeople withllleortß of professions ou their lips sgeinst reilroed tax ation; yet on the only office thet hu anything to do, practically, with the settlement of that question, they will all tote for the son of a bond holder in preference to one whose antecedents are on tho side of the people. We oltc this merely_.ts.in eridence of their hypocrisy. w « “ k for n 0 rotes for Mr on the g: -nd referred to. He is presented!!, a sound, honest lawyer, and therefore trustwor thy as a judge on an/ question; and we ask the peopleiio rote for him, (his legal qualifications being conceded,) because he is the People's can* " dldafe, in opposition to the Administration can didate. As such, let him be supported earnest ly by erery opponent of the Administration; and no Eepubliosn in this county ought to Bp satisfied with leu then 4000 majority for him and his colleague upon the State ticket. ~' Wa understand that Mr. Williams declared in ‘ Us speech, in Allegheny, the other night, that .* he "had been called from the close contempla tion of classic anthors, from boohs whose lore « is utled to the unlearned and common mind, to defend the people, who are to send him to *' ■ ' Congress” Hie ears must hare been open and 1 • v f v - remarkably acute to hare caught that call. Ao. . ; cordinglo bit own calculation in his organ of <* T ;••••'• Bsturdsy, be bad but twolro constituents. Ha - saysibat'bn an ararago only tbroo mtn ritit * s*T .. primary intoUng in’the country. Ur- WlUlamo had fovr totes in contention, which was just ' • iwa men tban bo would hare raeeirod on»’ “second ballot. ... ._ But about Unit, clatoiea—wbal in the world '■~f' • '.will they do in case Mr. Willlims goot to Con . groat to ea.e us from local taxation 1 hat C-r - TriUtho mutetdo . .... •-!: ...Wb«r« wn it.njapht, »t«o Uujnmontltu d«p f jtodiea o'er the hied of jocr toitd tyddu. i i..' ’'JUat! »1*» : BtgetpldetsousCweaoethtlrnte lcsnyebaoTor the portly Tolumee that contain ' f'- f ’ jjjnuii and geotut! wrotehed, wretched poor ■: ' our barbarlam with nofonning mind - * of fceebolder to keep our thought! luntd to ' .ibn thoughts from Horace or Luoio! Jutl -V- „■*, world wat staking to the tact that Mr. . .Traumas wn. dcTOtfn* himself •afe*** V?.:*; tßt olWes, had renounoed til tctroh for filthy ■ Sfe arf’gbsndoMd th. broken glass bath. ■SsUroi" to rigrmnt boots C“d work-a-dsyhots; uj with the iibhoniJ •b»»r*r, . '■ CoL Bm f ”“ th * v f*!T • ‘ la on tbit sooret riltnoo of the mind, whM pharsaKu pasta. Iff noiseless sw'aad with importunate «ty exclaim, come n2htrb from do** lo eoatempUUon! to spiloef ' TonUcnn and .dusty- toolUr--** “ Coupese, won’t we Btsphtm, •»* Staphon-tald •‘won’t wel” Andac ■ ’.A' Fiomeliiesio etudes, Sir Thomas he haf «o®f> And reads Sum Ego Ptdo—l. am some. j . M w - ■Jr , p «w;-Pimcg h laboring nadarthn ingmi d** w#» uivbe clecWla BrijffifiifW i*’ : Ba^> Poutxcal toJis,— Th-ftwople’s conferees of the Sixteenth Congressional district, compos ed of the counties of York, Cumberland and Perry, met on Friday., last, and unanimously nominated Benjamin Jonken, of Perry county, • I ss their candidate for Congress. The adminis- | (ration party have not, as yet, agreed upon a candidate. Mr. ILtUIy, of the Franklin district, is now . stamping his district, endeavoring to palliate his ; political treachery, in Congress. He recently visited Juniata, and from the papers of that county we learn that his efforts in that county : hut not resulted much to his advantage. The I Franklin Repository says? I “He addressed the Democracy of Juniata a 1 week or two ago, in the Court House in Mifflin ! town, and of oourse endeavored to explain how j be had managed to swallow Lecompton, after haring turned np his nose at it in the most con temptuous disgust. Among other speakers who ! followed him, and whom the people present call- < ed out, was James Alexander, Esq. Mr. Alex ander begged to be excused, but the Democracy were inexorable, and he had to gratify them. He proceeded to address'the meeting, and con cluded his remarks by stating that ‘he was still a Democrat, bat oould hot endorse the onions Irtcompton doctrine of Jatnu Buchanan and Wil son Retily.’ Mr. Alexander's speech was short but to the point, and he sat down amid the thundering applause of the Juniata Democracy.’’ The Republicans of Indiana county are now in the field and preparing for the election day. The Independent , or Saturday last, e&ys: “Daring the last and present week our friends in different parts of the county have,been hold ing meetings, which we are informed have been well attended. The people bare been addressed on all these occasions by the Hon. John Corode and A. W. Taylor, Esq., and also some of them by William MoClaren and Horry White. Eaqs. The people are becoming deeply interested, and the best of feeling prevails throughout the coun ty. The little bickerings and heart-burnings which euoeeeded the nominations have nearly all disappeared, and from the indications manifest ed we feel authorized in saying that the majority in this county will be at least two thousand for the whole ticket.” In Chester district, the triangular 6ght is con ducted with great bitterness. The friends of Bromall, Hickman and Manly, respectively, are all at work in earnest. Affairs are so compli cated that it is hard to tell which wing will be successful. It is contended, however, that Del aware county will decide the contest, and that Delaware will throw its influenco in favor of Bromall. In Philadelphia, the prospects seem to be fair for the People’s candidates. Lecompton, with all the assistance of tbo Custom House, is below par decidedly. Stevens has made arrangements to visit every distriot In Lancaster county, for the purpose of addressing the People. The Timet thinks bis election by a large majority is boyond a doubt. Political Rxthibctior. —The Albany Journal contains the following in reference to the fate of the nine members] of Congress from New" York, who voted for the Nebraska Bill: “Nine members of Congress from this State voted for the Nebraska; BilL .Where are they? None of them have ever held an office since.— Walsh ran again, and I was beaten. Camming, Cutting, Rowe, Walbridge, Walker and West brook failed of a renomiftation, and were suc ceeded by Republicans. In Tweed’s District four tickets were run,; but not one of the four endorsed his course. Taylor, after being three years buried at Owego, is dug up by the Demo cratic Convention but only to be buried deeper than ever. There is such a thing os political re tribution, and New York Congressmen who mis-) represent their constituents are sure to find it out.” The “retribution” reserved for the faithless sine will be visited oh the Lecompton traitors throughout the whole North. It will be felt by Ahl—by Reilly—by Dewart—and others in this Stale, to say nothing of their un fortunate associates in other Northern States. These gentlemen will dud that the people are not as blind to their interests as they thought they were, and that they know how to punish traitors, when an opportunity is offered. Poor Mr. Reilly in the very outset of his electioneer ing tour, in his own district, met with some very unpleasant impedimenta. Ilis Lccomptou votes are already rising up against him. FACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. THOMAS WILLIAMS, tb« democratic candidal*, for Coo frees in the Allegheny district, bai I»*Ai ih* Attorney of every railroad in (he county bat tiro, sad took hU pay in the proceeds of city and coanty bonds. He alio rode on free-pmwea over all the finished roads he was counsel for. JOHN M. ERWIN; THOS. DONNELLY and AUGUSTUS HARTJE, three of the democratic candidates for Assembly, signed recommendation* in faror of railroad subscriptions by theeounty—tbo flrit named forthe Stoabenville road and the other two for the Allegheny Valley. JOHN M. IRWIN I ha* also a tree-pan over the Pennsylvania road.— PHILIP H. STEVENSON, another democratic can didate for Assembly, signed a protes} in the demo- I cratic convention of 1857 against Repudiation and i In faror of railroad taxation. ALEXANDER BLACK, democratic eaodidato for Prothonojary, Toted for tbo city subscription to the Ohio and Pennsylvania road and has a free-pass over said road. He also signed the recommendation in favor of the eountyisobscriprion to the Allegheny Valley road. • ..... WM. ALEXANDER, democratic randid&U tor Coroner, voted In Pittsburgh Councils for tbo sub scriptions to the Steubenville end Cbartier* roedi, and to borrow money to pay interest on the Steuben- vllle bon1B58; Jitsolvtd, Thai wear* opposed to the payment of Interest on railroad bon da limed by the county until the whole question asto the liability of th« county on aald bonds has bean passed upon by the Supremo Court. We are in faror of loaving the whole ques* tlon to that tribunal, and of waiting for its decision before any further steps are taken by the county to* wards the payment of said interest. Extract from Addren Republican County Com mittee: “Tho Convention took no action on tho subject ol Taxation for Railroad puopotcs, because the poet' tion of tho party bad been previously defined In a resolution adopted Inca convention held at the Coart Hotue os the 6tbds£ of January, 1853. Thatreso lutlon took ground against the impoaition of taxea to pay interest on railroad bonds issued by thaooun ty until the legal liability of.the county to pay said In. Ureal had been determined by the Courts of laal re sort, after a full Judicial investigation of oil the facte oonnooted with subscriptions. In that view we concur, audio 4° the candidates upon oar ticket The Republican party, as a party, 1* in no i way oonnacUd with theee unfortunate and flUdrieed subscriptions, u they were,all made before It came into existence; but the questions growing out of thoso’subscriptions ire queationa of to-day, whioh have to be met, and we have no inclination to shir* them or fire them the go-by. Grave doubt* bavo al waya exiatad, and now more than erer, aa to the conrtitutlonalityfiegality and binding force of .these snbacriptiona; and[ inasmuch as they grievous burden oit debt-opon the people,.-there ia a manifest necessity that those doubts should be -solved and all the questions Involved broUght-to the test of legal scrutiny before the burden is shorn* .dared. As a party we ere not In favor of Hailroad taxatloo, and will; Apt . consent to the voluntary Imposition . -and. collection of such: taxes. -The whole matter is now in the hands of the judicial tribunal* of the country for examination and adju- until those tribunals have pawednpan tke facts and the legal questions raised, antTdirect» tax to be' levied for the payment of interest on rail road bonds, it is but proper that no steps should be taken that would either embarrass or teem to antic!- nate their dheMoM ?be Bupremo CouriWridse to* • Sdno willdetwmttrtbla question, U'wigpaMd ex r -fhVr forlhe < A Candidate at Last. —The Pott of Saturday, announces that Jons Birmingham, Esq., had been nominated as the regular Democratic can* didate for Congress in the 22d district. He not be snpported by Gibson, Dunn & Co., the I Administration preferring Williams to an honest Democrat like Birmingham ; but the Post will 1 support him and do its best for him. The con- I test will be between M’Knight and Binning. ' ham. Tiie Boston Transcript says of “Autocrat Holmes: “Who could have invented the stupid itory that the wise and genial Autocrat was go- | iug to sutpend —that he had finished his Impe rial talks and retired to his inaccessable palaoe? Not we. We never thought of him but as one !of our friends,—our guide and philosopher i while life is left. We are glad to be informed, as we have been, that the papers which have commanded suoh universal admiration are to be ! oontinued indefinitely—with a new title, certain ly but with all the characteristics which have given to them their brilliant and endnringfame. Whoever made up the false report deserves never to read another witty nor pathetic line: to be banished, in fact, from the autocratic presence.” Vahitas Yahttatum. —The Boston papers are chronicling the death of bq old man in that aity, named Francis, who, after a long life of pcnurioußness and note-shavings, left a fortune of four million of dollars. The sum is not al together contemptible, but in thesodays of mil lionaires it is not startling, and ss tbe result of nearly eighty-three years devoted to money-get ling, the game seems hardly worth Iho candle. This poor old mao, before ho died, was consid ered the richest Individual in Massachusetts. — H. r. Times. Rtcn Ruodk Islandsrs, —There are 205 citi zens in Providence- who pay a (ax on $50,000 andnpwards. The highest Lax is by Alexander Duncan, whe pays $10,621 81 on properly val ued at $-1,040 100, A rich man that. Colfax of lodtano, candidate for Congress at La Porto, was introduced to a prominent German a little deaf. “ 801 l Dax ,” said the German, “to the dy vil nut ter boll dax—l pays him now two timeß !" Weakness or the Stomach and Indiges tion. —Another Ore.at Curt effected /.y itarAarc'j Holland Bitters.—tho wife at Pieter Do Witte, living la Holland Sheboygan county, WUso nsin, inflert-d much from n’caJbifii of Stomach end Indigestion. She hod boon under a physician's care for some time, bat tbe disease seemed to baffle even bis skill. She purchased eomo HOLLAND BIT TERS it our office, which hM given tone to her stomach; her appetite end strength ere returning. end we firmly believe tbet tills is another greet core effected by yoor mdeidne. We here still to record many wonderful cure* effected by this remedy, bnt mmt wait another opportunity. One thing yon can rely upon, wbat we have published are from persons much respected In oar community, anil are literal ! I, ire.. J. QCIHTUS, i Ed. Sboboygnn, Nienwsbode, Sheboygan, Wls. OaCTtov!—Be careml to ask for Iloerbave’t Holland Bit ters. The grant popularity of this modi cine has Induced many imitations, which tho pnbllc should guard against purchasing. Pi.i.l at $1 per liottle, or aU bottles (nr $6, by the pro prtettra.BENJ.PAGE, A 00., Manufacturing Pharma cantiatasnd Ohetniita, 27 Wood street, between Ist and 2d gts., Pittsburgh, and Druggists generally. seStidAwF Sptctal plotters. LDARV A CO . Leaders and Introducers of Fashion fo .Vo*. 3,4 t' the Awt'riean llai.A bar led foreign manntoctnrvt* not only to Imitate It tn gnecral appearnaca, but to -junitr'e* l .•ren to tb» ti» «f otir trad-m»»k» T1»o«-» wl*r* lw»- I**4 ttwjfeuoiti* Watch are not likely to ll they redact Ifco article to % proper acrutlny when offered for ante. To lluw, howerer, who bam oarrr purehaaad the American Watch, and ara not familiar with it* pacollarl tip*, tn would cay that tboy u«nr nt« In any doubt wtulaTtr la rapid tn Ifoaa etrOjicalu o/’prnuinttvu, eiffiwd by oaraalma, *«r*riaMy accompany *t«ry Watch aold by tu, and ahonld t* demanded «<1 ernry perautf offailn* thma Watcbea for tale. ‘ We ham t» add that the apurfooa article* are Ilko otir Watch In apf*«row« only, and are internally of tho moat Inferior Unlth, and ntada upon the mry *»®e eyttam that bM alrcadj floctUti Otf cown tty *rrM IFjicArJ (h.ti «r* ««< oa/yemrotatnuf <* con*«4fil mirtr rfrrpnur, but reoDy ujeleu to o>e tnenm. - Any peraon who wl*b#a V* purchaee on* of our WttcbM, will find Ib4n with «*ir •Kent*. M*ur«. UEINK MAN A UKTRAN, PUuWr*b f Pm. APi’LETOS, TRACY A Co. ■l«:tyd*wT—julo W»Ub»m,M* AIOTfHSAJiI MOTHKUJIJI tfOTIIKftHIM Don’t fail to procure Mr*. Winslow’* Sooth ing Pyrflp tor Childrt'nTa»’tl»!ng. It h«i tio «*jna! «a «ftb. It great!y th« proccaa of teething t»y »oft*iilßg lU* gsraa, rcJnciiig all i n®* aim ailoo—will allay p»la. •»'! •* tnra to rrgnUU tb» bovela. D*p*t*l upon It, trintlur*, It giro restto yoorselvee, and rslkf and health toy* inlknu. Perttcllj aafo Id all mm. This valuable preparation (a tho prescription of no* of aba tnosteiperiencsd ud akitful female Fbyalelaiia In Nov England, Mid lias been (Mod with natur-faillng atjrfeai In millions of cmm. Vf# believe It the beet and sorest rsmody to the world, In all run of DywnUry and Dlarboea In CtitMren. whether It arlaee frmn teething ot from any other can**. If life and health can be eatlmated by dollar* and canta.lt U worth 1U weight In gold. Million* of liotUM ar*. aotd every year in the Hotted Btataa. It la ao old and wtU-trUd remedy. ! PRICE ONLY 26 CBNTS A DOTTLE. I gg*Nouo Kennlnenoleaitho ffcc-almlle of CURTIS A PEr.- RINH,New York, |eon (h« oatalda wrapper, gold by Drugglrte throughout tlte world. Da. OEO. n. KBYBER, Agent for Pittsburgh. I Ju2»UwlytcT Tbe Or oat Bufllsn Remedy. ■IR JAMBS CURKI’9 CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLSI Praj«rad fr*>ta a prescription or Blr/amea Clarkn, M.D., Phyairitra Extraordinary to the Queen. Thli well known Mrdielneli no Imposition, but a *are and safe romedy for female DlffietUtlea and Obstruction* roo any eftnaa whatever, and although a powerful remedy, they contain nothlnghortftal to the conatltutlon. | TO MARRIED LADIES It la peculiarly salted. It will,, !In a abort time, brlogoo the monlhlyperiodwith regularity. - |‘ That ISU* have nntr been known to Jbilvherethe dirtc I UonMontJUseeondpaeeqfpaMphUtartiiitUob*cnc&' tot full particulars, gat a pamphlet, free, of the agent. N. D —il and 8 portage rtampa enclosed to any author! sed agent, will Insure ahottle, containing over M plila, by "K-fAIiNESTOCK A CO, Pittsburgh, wholesale agent, and eold by all dWggtata. fc T Tunnßß ATKKT MATCIi MACHINE IN THE worldi A FORTUNE MAD* WITH A SMALL INVKBMRNT. THOMAS’ PATENT MATOU MACHINE L* a simple, cheap and perfect Match Maker. Toe Machine omta only SIU; la driven by hand, and will make the tor* tone of the mannfcctarer ln» short time. Where good mod la to be bad rondUy It matedallyreducea the oant. 4F4sv«rel bounty or of"**** tala at a moderate ertoa. forpartitmlars callat o AEEnil COUNTING ROOM, fifth stmt laMdAwfctfT • W. , BFRINO, PLOW aid A B. fiTKKI. SPRINGS Mil A ALTS, Oner SMU and Pint Stnttt, PiOibmrgh, Fa. isaao rotas. ........ - —•*> * oat **- I>. B. ROGEKB 4c CO, iuscricnntx*B or Regers 1 Improved Patent Steel Cultivator Teeth,' Otmet Ron and Pint (Bruit* PHtilurj/h, /**•• .• JnSfclydfc* . STAROU FACTORY FOR SAleßi ‘ The Rochefltor Starch Factory, in thorough sod complete working order, capablo of tuning out two ton of Starch dally, will besold on very advantageous term*. This !*• farorahleopportnalty for any one wishing to enter Into e safe and profltabla basinearn A good ran of custom being already well Mtabllahedp-aod re-iulrkga compare, tivelv small eepl teL r For farther information anqolra of ; “Sfißifl! P HENRY H. OOLLINB, Wo. 88 Wood at. 1 yprr.AMTilgmA. WM. MoKSB & 00., jVa, S 3 8» Front 8U and Ho;* 33 • Letltla St.,. , IMPORTERS 0F....'. fohbi&n dry goods, , Arc coiuitaßtfy.rfrdciYiiig on consignment, j ikisfl LINpNB, BHIRT FRONTO, great rtr&j: Alab;' eoralstlntin pert « ot v'f&tsL tJttiytf! 001U14 . TADBt VELYiRdiWACCAS^ASaiUSS^ CLOTHS, Ac* • ■■ ", gpmam ■ MARKET street, PERAASEHTLY I 5 PITTSBUROH, J And may bo consulted nt their office. No. 191 Penn Street, j OPPOSITE TUB ST. CLAIR HOTEL. Dally, oxcupt Sundays, furConammptlOtif Aitlinia, • Bronchitis aud all other Chronle Complaints : complicated with or causing Pulmonary Disease, Including | Catarrh, Heart Diicate, Affection* of the Liver, Dyt pepeia, Orutritii, Frmai' Complaint* DUS. FITCH t BTSE3 vonid state h.it their treatment of Consumption Is baaed upon tne /oefthat ft* ducat* ts uti inthilAoodand tyrtem at large, both be fort,an • durtnp to development <» thelungt, and they therefor wnoloy Mechanical, Hygienic and .Medicinal remedies t" j.nrify the blood and strengthen the system. IFJlft there, thpy uso MEDICINAL INHALATIOffS, which they-ealne highly .but only as ttUiaSivtt, (haring CMrotj'r' rjpxtiohm «J'd atone.) and InTallds are earnestly cautioned against wasting the precious tlmoofcnrablllty oil any treatment based upon the plausible,but faJso Idea that the**eeat of the disease can bo readied In a direct manner by Inhalation,” for as before stated, the teat of the dii»atr it in the M BREAK inWAfiH INQ, IRONING or otherwise. 6th.—TtaertUtb made by this Machine ii more TIhAL TIFCL than any other made, either by band or machine. W. C. ELLIOTT, Aficnt, AT THE FIFTH STREET BQIRT MANUFACTORY, PITTSBURGH, PA. 7k~Crp7 MARKLE, uixurscTcaxas nr I'RINTIHO, JOB ASB ALL KIXB? OV WRAPPING PAPER. Warthonit, No. 27 Wood Street, riTTsBURGn, rA. mj4:tf (t Rags bought at market prices. J. 11. CIIHISTV, JI. Di, ' 1M Third Street, Pitttlufyh, Pctnta., Haring had the advantage* of Eastern College* and Hos pital*, and severs! years’ practice, offer* ht* ptof«»iion*l service. In SURGICAL AND MEDICAL CASKS. unmm Rer. W. D Howard. 1 Col- Wilson McCaodlrM Rev. D. U. A McLean. Hod. 11. A. Weaver. T. 11. am, Esq. Ujo. T. J. Bigharo. j k. Huotvr. | John H. Slrllur, Esq. Jacob McCollfater. Keq. niY.'llvdfe "W. HUIjMBS X SON S, Muraa t* Foreign and Domestic Bills ot Exchange, CERTIFICATES or .DEPOSIT, DiNK NOTES AND SPECIE, NO. t? MARIAS?"BIUrKT, NTrsilUßOn, PA. cmml* <« all the principal cities through □ tth« United Rtate*. a|.23-fcly JOHN COCHRAN « B UiaKiracniKcsa or roa Oalllnlt lr«a Vantu, Vanlt Dodra, Window Window liunrds, fcr., .Vui. 91 .VrrmJ Street and SJ Thint Street, (Between WmlandUarkrt,) PnTSIIUROH. I’ Hv* CO ba»d a variety of now Patterns, fancy Mid p aln, •aitabls fur all piurrs** Particular attention paid l rn* clo*ingOru**LoU. Jobbing ifoo* at short notice. trirQ wm. vaxorvoL- ——■ «•»*• ****** VANOEVER & FBXEKD, A.TTORNKVS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CIIAXCKIIY , •»'«. ft, Mint's Mack, Dubu-f »<, At tea. Ay-(V pcrcbfw" and Mo of lt»*J Estate, ol> laluiog Money ■>••■. Minulmctnr. *ll Uni, of SUomCnifoon .nUMill Ilicbln ary; CaaUnga.lUilruad Work,'BtOMn liuilej* nod t*bnst Iroo Work. , .. Jobbing and Repairing dcoeonafcorttKrttee. mf4 ‘ ,: .Y"*s M. "KrcTTITTk to p I’m” DENTIST, Extracts Teeth without pain, by an entibe it n«w AoaMtlwlie agent applied to the t««th and guffli only. Teelb from one to foil aa(U inserted no the rari-Ait metallic !**«. Qa al»n ineerti fa*th on mttn I'orutain bast with conllnnoua gum, wbltb la beanty, claaollnMa and durability cannot tail to plena*. Call and examine apech *|UO®co No. 61 Fourth atreet, below Market, (aecotid ■tory.) Plttatmrgh. ___ jt>7:lydEc fIAMUFiL G-.RAY MERCHANT TAILORI JVc. ftll sf. CLAW STJUSSTt PITT3BUBQQ, PENNA* la proparod to furnish hia custumora and boyar* generally, wltb tbe Uteet and moat Jkahlonablo •tylea or Spring and Snmniar Qooda of aaery Tnrloty, which be will make up to order to th* entire aatlafactlnn of tboae who may taror tboru with tbolr patronage. np'i&dto , PAYNE, BIBSEIsL A CO., WiHtrricrtmiM or CooUing, Parlor and Etenting STOVES, Orates, Floats, Fenders, etc.. And Minufttcwnin of tti, OelctniteJ OAJPITAI. COOKING RANGE, 80. Mil LIBKRTV STfIEKT, jylMydfc ■ riTTSJOROn, BA. ‘MITCHELL, HERRON & CO., KAkcrActuiuaa of Cooking. Parlor anti Heating STOVES, Grate Fronts, Fenders, liookins Ranjes, it 10. Liberty St., PltUburgb, Pa. !>"KOni~ANDISUSOSi, No. 181 Liberty Street, Pitteburph, Pa., ■inuricrmi, *D> wuolisiw Biota u, Efiry Variety uf . PATENT AND ENAMELED LEATHER, Shoe Leather, Split’, Morocco, Fmeh and Country Calf Shire, Solo Leather, Carriage Oilolotltß. Arc, All of which will be fnrabhedae lh.low.flt Oeah Ptlco. WBIDEBWASTKB.iI 'Foreign bxchan gu;. SIGHT BILLS DRAWN BS. DUSCAIt, BHKRIIAS St CO., . , ON THE ONION BANE, LONDON, IN BUMS/0? ONE POUND BTE&LINQ AND UrwABD3.l . Abo, DUU ua the principal dib* “»* tow " ot Belgian, Holland, Germany, Bo«b «d ollwr Boropeaa lukin Wood Itroft.ronigr of Third. PITTSBURGH BAU rACTORI D. O. HBBBST, Corner Liberty t#4 fltTMtii . PJTTSBVBGB: PA* Manufacturer of all kind* of light Bags raitabl* &>r Grain, Floor, Me*t,Boclcwi»c«t*fl*l^ Orocan' on,prints loot* tadappropriate dlaipito aoppljr of Banml*** W on hand, and Grain Many in tbaU&oo. AU ordfni^rompt- HJHNK.V EUCOLOuINS* _ - Pnrwrfing and .commiwlonMotcnant* J ANDWHOLKSAUDKALIBra/ Obon^,ButM>r^.Se«dni» , i»b, : And |Todnoe Xfo. Sb : ffixrf jCmi. PUtetmrik. - - . RAH* ROAD SPJ&B COMPAIfT* Jii«pliDUwortti..-..—~.D,W , .O.'OiaW«U. * t#*?*:* *; ■ • ; nirmwraiai? ;BMb»04» spikes; IMP; Fall iuiJ Winter Stock of LADIES’. in SAKS* an.l CHILDRENS’ BOOTS and SHOES; MENS'CALF, KIP AND COARSE BOOTS. SHOES, OXFORD TIES. GAITERS, OPERAS, Ao. BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ BOOTS. SHOES, Ac. •FORDS’ lIUDDFR SHOES, A very superior article ami very neat, direct from tbs Manufacturer*, which be will sell hy Lho rsia or neiifli at very reduced prices for cash. Tills slock comprises one ol the largest assortments to be found In any city, suitable for city and country sales, end haring over twenty yean experience In bnyieg, he trusts that he can now enttall tastes. He respectfully Invites all |u want to c tit. assuring them that they wfl! be pleased. 7letnetnl«ar the place JAR. ROBB. No. 89 Market Btreet, satiT Third Door fioro the Diamond Market. JOHN SICA&THY, BILL, CIRCULAR AND CARD Distributor and Foster, PITTSBURGH, PESX'A. WILL promptly attend to the distributing anilJ’osting of RILLS, CIRCULARS, CARD 3 AND PROGRAMMES, For Railroads, Ships. Steamboats, Amusements, etc. All orders either by mail or telegraph, or otherwise, sent to the office of the Daily Gaxette, will bo faithfally at tended to. Packages forwarded hy the Adams Express Company will bo promptly disposed of according to directions. sc27;3td RPHANS 7 -COURTSALK.—By virtueof an order of the Orphans Court, of Allegheny county, dated September 25,1858, the ttndendaned, administratrix of Christopher Philo, deceased, will sell at public sale, at lho Coart lloaie, la tbocityof PitUhorgh, od SATURDAY, O' toher 23,1858, af Id o’clock. A. H., the following real t-state of said deceased, viz All those two IoU OtLand situated in the Borough of Birmingham, in Allegheny comity, numbered fotirtoou and Uilrty-nine, (Uaml 39,) in Richard Edward’s plan of lota In said borough. Lot No 39 (muting /*n Orniahy street, and lot No. 14 on Unino alley. For further Information apply to MARSHALL A BROWN, No. KM Fifth street. Pittsburgh, or to MAKUAKKT PIIILK, Administratrix. ISirmlngdam. LIST OFAPPLiCATiONS tor Selling Li* rjoor, fil d in thn Clerk's Olllr*, for Allegheny coanty, up tr>S<-pt.26,ms. TllOB. A.ROWLEY, Claik. Bumluhah, eating house, lstward. Pittsburgh. Cubhsge A. G , with other goods Ist ward, Pittsburgh. Curry William, luTern, Birmingham. ’flippy! Henry, tarem, Manchester. Ottflii Andrew, tavern, Upper Bt. Clair township. Klein Michael, tavern, Duqticsne Boroogh. Pattemm John, tavern, 3d ward, Pittsburgh. Leather, Hides and OIL THE subscriber would solicit the attention of merchants and strangers visiting the city to bis pmieut extensive stock of LEATHER, bHOE FINDINGS, TANNERS’ and CURRIER'S TOOL 3, TANNER’S OIL, Ac , which h» offers to tbs trade at tlto iowist market prires lie solicits on examination of his stock. Ilata and Capa. TAMES WILSON, 91 Wood Street, is now TJ receiving a fresh supply of Hals aud Caps, now styles, in great variety, to which he invites the attention of the ru>27:lwd. too bids N. O. Molasses—oak cooperage: M bh>la N.O. Sugar; 50 bids Crushed and Bow'd Sugar; 2ft hbls Uolden Syrup: 2d hbls Baltimore dir, 150 I tags Rio Coffee; 75 bxs 5« Tobacco; TO eheste Y. U. and Black Teas, U) half cheats Imperlaland Gunpowder Teas; 2i) bgm Grain Pepper and Allspice; JOO bxs Ground Pepper, 100 bxs Mtutard—assorted qnalithr, 10 bxs Ground Ginger; 50 bxs KuXe's Starch; 20 tierces Rice; 100 bxaStarand Mould Candles; 100 bxs Rosin and German Soaps; 25 tc* Sugar Cured Hamr, 8000 pounds Canvassed llama; 10,( 00 do lUcon Shoulder*; SO bids No. 1 Lard Liberty, down Liberty to Ban down Hny to Pens; «i;> Penn to St. Clair, dowu SUClair to bridge; atroM bridge u. Federal; »;p Federal to North Common; along North Common to Rant Common; dowo East Common to Ohio; along Ohio t*» CWatnut strict, and arrow bridge; «P Me rhftnk- tu |Vnu; dowu Penn to Hand; up Uand to Liberty. LI Wit? to Seventh*, np Seventh to PmUnfleld; along •imitbfleld to Fifth; down Filth to llall. CHARLES W. UItKWKU, Grand Uanbal. -“■ °"“" 1 U*r,h‘l Ccoflse & Backwell’a English Pickles, Sauces, Catsups, etc. TOSFkPIIB. BUSSIER, NO. 110 SOUTH fj Wharves, Philadelphia, importer of the above superior ituotlu hu cow Undine per ahlps Plymouth Rock and Crown Point, from London, s foil aaaortrotnt, comprising— PicalilU, Chute Chow, ftlXedPickUa, Gerties, ~ . Onion*; C*nl|dowrr», and Walnuts, Quarts and *“ Pints, Mtuhroora and WaloutCstiupa, k Perrin a Worewlira Santo, Iburvcy, John Dali, Reading and Bobo Sauces, Durham Uoatard, Essence Anchovies, Col’s OeUtio, Table Balt, SDanish and French dovea. Jellies and FrntU, Balad Cream, Ac. For aale to the trades* low a a any other homo intba D. S i»26:3wd* niANOs f pianos n BPLK.VDIDKKW f^n>|V FALL STOCK OK II V| fl PIANO FORTES AND MBFODEO N B, Just arriving at the “Old Established Piano Depot" cf CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. US Wood street, second door atom 6th. .‘ipTtrai StCMnd JJaad PiinHH will beaold eery Aw* to make room for a new stork. ___ »e 26 r. n. muaa. .wn«on kiuol RETZSCIIS 1 ' OUTLINE ILLUSTRA TIONS TO BUAKSPRARF— jit lilUer’s Song of the Bell; Fight with the Dragon; Fri Jolla and IVgasur, llnncor's Ballad*; Goethe's Paust; Lord’* Vtnyer; The Golden ABC; Foniiue’aOndln*, with colored IlmeUsUoua. Tt;« ab,,vi»aml other exquisitely iUnatrated hooka now opi'itlug at DANuON’S Book Store, ec2s No. 61 Market, star 4th street, S~ TEREOSCOPES AND PICTURES—Just recelrrd a large and railed assortment of the latest and moat beautiful English and French Pictures, both on paper and glass, recently aehetod in Now and Ttews in England, Iretnud,France, Spain; Italy,BwHr* erlaod and Palestine. Catalogue* of Picture* fnruUbed and any view can benrecured—if not on hand—by ordering. «25 JOHNS. DAVISON, 61 Market at. • OfiA Chmcc Qoi- Vanilla Beans; nine; Tanks Beans; 8 hbli Canary Seed; Tube Colors; f>6 cases Kxlradl Germantown Lampblack; 21 do OhreOil; Kec’d and fur nit by MAKBOWN A PINLET, Nq.l67 Liberty street. JLEASE call and see our all-wool Pi&id at 31 cants; double width do, 37*4,and the cheapest lot French Merin<» In tba dly rt 62 cents—all colon. w 25 O.UANEON LOVE, No. 71 Market ft. ' j*LOUK—2oo,barrels White 'Wheat Extra . . Family Flour, la store and far sola by was ... mToacoc& McCreary a 00. OK BBLS LOW GRADE SUPERFINE FLOOK.foraalelowtocloeaby w>2s - HITCHCOCK, McCTIBERT * 00. SWEET POTATOES—I0 l bbls prime quaU ty and Urge sire, for sale by •raa mToncoOK, mcohebry a 00. Thirty bbls. n. o. molasses arm ing audforsaloby [*e2&] JAS.QAIU>INBR. ANNUAL STATE TAXK OF THE Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. Baplamlter EBttai'ROlli and 30tb a \ and October Ist, 1858* Fair Ground!, Ninth Word, Pittsburgh. Annual addresses Friday at 2 o'clock P. M. Awards of Committee anhotaoeed lm- meaiately afterwards. Articles fur exhibition addressed to A. 0. HSISTER, Sec retary, Monongahela House, PHtsbnrgh. ' All article* and stock Intended for exhibition trans; orted frre of charge- ! . Office, No. 68 Fifth street* where entries will be received and exhibitor** tickets furnished. Books ofentry cloeed on Tueoday soon.: Pteminm Liata and Hat of Judge* fnrnUhed on application. •• JGF*Jleoib*rv 1 Tickets,sl,oo. B>ngle admlmlon. 25 rents. most become members. A. O. UKISTER, - SsereUn State Agricultural Society. DAVID TAGGART. President. eeA-dkwtdT ELEGANT Velvet and Cloth Cloaks just opened; also,Shawl* and Dress Goods. se24 „ , 0., HANSON LOVE, No. 74 Market rt. SEED—CO bushels rco’d and for sale by. «24 M’BAMB A ANJRB, No.l2A2dst. : Enamelled oil cloths—For car riage trimming, raiuntsetared oh. dock, drilling and muslin, of different widtlia.fbtaale lowby - ; ae24 J. A n. PHILLIPS, No. 26 sad 28 Bt. Clair rt. CLARK'S FEMALE FILLS—I 2 gross oj thoao celebrated Pills, rec’d by JOS FLEMING, ■t>24 corner Diamond and Market aL . EEATHERS —lOOOlba in store and for salt by ROBERT DICKEY, ael? ' . Front street, near Wood. POTASH— 3 casks purePotash,fn Bfcore tun for aale low to claw consignment. R.DICRKY,. -»IT. . i •• - Front street, near Wood. T7EATHERS—IGO lbs choice Goose Feathers I*, received and for aale at Itolibertv street. - ' i ■ lUDDLB, WIBTB A CO, . EGGS •- bbls - fresh Eges juatfeo’dand: for aale by , .■ : a. RuBIBON A CO- ■ (10FFJfiJSrrrl5.0.. Jbags prime Rio . Coffee re^ / driving andfgnmle by ■: . R.HOBINSON AOQ. : Aru YDS ..GREEN AND BUFF OH/ CLOTH,for sale by J. AILPIULUPS:^ CHEESE— iOO h°*OT Extra Creabt/or-Cufc?' Upg, to aale by , ;. 7 » y ' ' HENRY U.oOLfctNg. ' LIME-i-160 hhls freah Tame rec'd and tor Vj r -, •;. JRNRY H. COLONB..c. itL OLOTH CLOTHING—Or all kinds for f aaleatNp,26and.gßA.Oalratraei. 'i* - nttLCI«miCS>yER3-10 Art vide nd- U.w UKU> r«jiwj>iKKSSSwSfW l ** FOR POTASH ! ! For making soap without lime, with little or no trouble, and trifling expense. The cheano*t hud meat convenient liriteta erer discovered (,tt the purpose. ONB POUND BOX will mate NINE POUNDS of KtiKGANT HAES BAOP! end eevetal gallon* of Soft, or one barrel of the Utter Erer; family can make all the Soap, both hard and soft, they dm, from their ordinary kitohen grease, and thl* Lye —nothing eleeie required. PRINTERS and othera min* Will »nd th»‘ , OONO*NTRATEI>” 117 frr lb. Cheapest a»d most Effective jrftcfc they can potti bty use. A tingle trial will convince anyone oflta groat ntillty a, ftir*Mla by all DRUGGISTS and OROCKR3 .In tho Coontry. , . . Beware of Counterfeit* aa the eucceeaot our article nas excited thoenpidity of imitator*, who, wherever found, will be held strictly accountable for infringttnentt on our Patent. Manufacture*! only bythePemuylvaniaSaltManufactur* log Company of Pittsburgh, Pa, who mannUcture the WARRANTED PERFECTLY PURE, and tba ONLY REALLY PURE SALT la the Unit* d State*. AUo, Oaustlo Soda for snap Soda Aab, maker*. B*l Soda, Refioed B Diamond sad Mytot at. PALM SOAP—-A large euppiy of pure Palm Soap; also, a genoina lo< ofOntUaboan, rac'd by . . JOS. FUUfijHPA m 24 ‘ eornar Diamond and Msrkatats. GO UN ECK'S.PULHONIC SYRUP—I have OnoetTed a large nppty oftbbaxoaHatatttnifr mad kina ako, alarge aopply of BcbaaclrtcelaliMtadgaiWaad Tonic. m2*.. Jfo.lLKMlNQ.corPtoaopdAllarhetat.- EGGS— 8 bbls fresh' Eggs reoMo&d ibr eato atISS Übcrtyit /REDDLE, WIB3M A CO. SUGAR— 30 hhds N. O. Sugar in store and' fcrala by »el 4 R. ROBDiBON * 00. bbls Syrups In atom and for aatoby aa!4 • ; . .•■■„ B. BOBUfSQX k 00. . “VTOLASSE3—SO bbla N. 0. Molasses in XU. >tora and for talc by R, RQBINBOS. BICE— 10 tee fresh Rico justrecM and foi **leby »«H r ; /R. BOBUffIOS k CO. BUTTER— 600;fts. freshtable.Butterre ctlred and foe aaU by RIDDLE, WIRTB * CO., act* Ho.m Liberty atmt STONE WATER PlPE—Eec'dand for sal' by, aat& . , HIHRY ILOOLUHS-, /"IHEESfi.—SO boxes Cream Cheese, extra 1/ *00. ANILLA ROP£—Full awornueui uf PITCH AND OAKUM-—2OO balec beat V.il O bbU b** <5? *»«!. by <»™g A OOQCTT. K~d. UljWitor ttrtet GOODS— * 00. tavßjwt opaoftdi nmagaitaai. rtock «tf DRBS3 a»4 BTAPL* QW»da».tO wfclcfa U»»y Intlt* tMtloaof P«rchM>w»» north. «n eoroar of4th S>dMark«ttr—t». -•» ■■ 8830 M" —AOKAKEO-25 H>l«'"No. 3 Eon ;ei rec'd .yifotMi. bi 'na mimfEiMLiKi. OttLN OlL—Best quality nn hmul .ml foj jMl.tqr »1» A. A.IILMIW T> 10: IROT AND BLOOMB*-lSOtoii« r Cbjrail *%!»•! no MW Jmkk Itoa. ?-"!r -- »: BOMBOIT * 00.- ; jJWKKF Kymoss—4o 8»ck« largo nenr mottejs. O?" ttcct > E K Of tho Asso rt. pose of electing Director* and adoptingfelitm governmentofaaidassociatkm,andthetrsaietSl *sw£ other business as msypropcrly come befau »>i|V.T° THO 3. BA EE WELL, W. BAOALUT **•*“« 0.0. HUSSET, THOa. M. HOWS. 11. CTIXLDS, EDWARD BAHM eeSlidtd Allegheny BridgeCompaay.. “ JT^ 3 * Instalment Notice.— ln .pursuance of a Besolntionof ihe President and Manager* of tha Company for erecting a bridge over (he Allegheny rtvw, op peal t* Pittsburgh, la the comity of Allegheny, the its ond instalment of Five Dollanper share, on thensv Capi tal Stoek of the Company, will bepayable to tbe Trotsaror on the 20th day of October next. ' eeSOJawlmd WM. 803E8U83, Treasnrtr.. Omoa ostu* Pirracaaa atm Boswa Marum On, 1 - ; Ptmktmog, Sept. U, ISSS. J. ’*■ f]T5» Notice. —Tho Stockholders of the Pitta- Dv£r burgh and Boston Mining Company ere hereby no tified that a special meeting will be held at the oOce cf tht Company, (n the city of Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, the 6thdayofOctober,at3o’clock,P.M,to consider tbeseb ject of organizing an additional ecaopany.wlih a view to a aoro rapid development of their axUßilvo mining territory. By order of the Board of Director*. . ■el&dtd THO 3. M. HOWE, Secretary. O* UnionPratzkMextikus. —These meet logs are held daily in the Boom* of the Tocng Men’s Christian Association, at Tjf, A. 1L» and S P.M* continuing for three-(bnrths of an honr. All persons are cordially invited to attend. Ladles are aflbetionately invi ted to be present. Come for Jive minutes, if ho longer‘ euSktf dFot ftmi. TO-LET —That store roomcorner of Wood, and First streets, occupied by Robert J. Carson, as a llqnore store. Possession given orr tbe first of October— Inquire of n. It. RYAN, oe2AJwd N 0.61 Fifth stmt. . OR RENT—A three Btory Dwelling Etf Boom on Fifth street, (No. 100,) containing iT Iwß ' rooms, beside wash house, with fins brick stabfeaad carriage house attached. This heosels suppUsd wuh hot and cold water, bath, gas. Ac., aod being in a central loca tion is admirably adapted to tbe wants of a pretaadoa&l man, and will be rented for a term of yean to a good u«- ant. For further particnlara enqalreof--- , l mrl2 ALEXANDER KINO. 0 LET.—A large well furnished dwelling with all modern improvements —for rent low ton good tenant. Jolt HITCHCOOg. McORKARY A 00. TO-LET —The upper story of Dr. Irish's new building,No. 64 St. Clair street, containing ronr roams—one 60 by 30. Water and Gas In tbe rooms. Inqn'reofDr. IRISH,In tbe building. se22:dlw dFotSaU. FARM FOR SALE.—A small Farm con talning2sacre* of land, all under cultivation, with Dialling House, containing 12 rooms. There Is a good vein of Coal on the premises, and a bank In operation, with in 4 mllea of tbe city, on Squirrel Bill, Peebles township, adjoining lands of the late lion. Walter Forward, and com manding tbe finestview in this region. For further par ticular* enquire of L.J. FLEMING, s*4:lmd* > on the premise*. Family horse for sale.—a hand some Roan, sUc years old; a pacsr under the saddle and a trotter In harness; is perfectly safe for k lady or cMld to rids or drive;-will not scar* at tbe locomotive, military or any city excitement; will stand without being hitched, and Is warranted perfectly sound; to be told only forwent of use. Edqnlre at tbeßtore warehouse of set T. J. OBAIQ A 00., 134 Wood at. OR SALE—Ten acres of lahd, four milaa from Allegheny city, on the PatTytvlUe plank road; improvements good; new farm boost, with a good well of water at tbe door; new frame stable, and a run of water through tbe back part of tbe lot—wilt beeoldat sbugain. Also, four lot* in Esat Übo- ty. JO by 130 foe teach, will be sold low. Apply to GEO. W. BUNN, sooth aide of Ohio street, 3d door wastof tbe Diamond, Allegheny city. (mIS Valuable City Property for Bale. THAT very desirable lot on Water Street and Redoubt Alley, next to John Irwin A Sons, being lUO&eton Water aod Front streets, and 160 deep along the Alley. . . It will be sold together or in lota of 20 or 24 feet each. For terms, (which will be made easy as to payment,) ip ply to JOSEPH B. LEECH A CO., arAdtf. . . liberty Street, Pittsburgh. FOR SAL£ OR LEASE, & lot on Fourth ■treotjbotVMQ Bmltbfletd and Cherry-Alley, 10Q feet front by 65 deep. A Lot on Third street, sear fimlthfleld, 40 feet front by 85 feet deep. ' > - • Nixtb WAnn—The square booaded.'by Batler, TCIkiM. •ad Carroll etreeta and Bproca alley) 64 feet Croat by 129 deep, nearly Penooek A flart'a Fonnnfy. *£• square bounded by Baatlaan, Wflktns aodOanol . etreetaaad Spruce alley, 26* feet front by 120 deep, .«•. On Allegheny, Carson and Hotter streets, adjoining the; Allegheny Talley Railroad Station, 1 forty coutiguonlots,. each 24 feet front by 120 feet deep. Eight acre* of ground iu Reserve township, sari of oat Lot 226, between the New Brighton road and &i Udalt Cent* * t p{»ty Loty In Allegheny €3ty, Third Lane and Chestnut street. A Tract of Land In Wcstmorela&dC detphla turnpike. 7 aillcsfrum Latro ration of rtcu bottoni land—soo acne A Tract of land ne~«r Lluootur, W« STBacret. WILLIAM U nr?l6:dtf 166 Third street Ohio iiood for THE mihscriber offers for sole section ten, towtuhlp 12, rase* 10. Stark coast/, Ohio, commonly loiuwu • ‘‘Uowmaa'eßaetiaß/’ooatalalflx MOacrac. Iti* SSutM Ibm igllHWMtof JieeaOtoa. on tba State Soad inning o Wooter, and «Ilhio about taro ntHaaof thePKla tentb, j t. We/ue end Chicago Stailrcmd. Tbaaooib, eee* and dot baeai qunrtvre a tm j*artJ/ cleared and lnpiuM ■ > dndrr u entered with superior timber and Urn whole It veil vntMtxl by iprisgi sod nmnlng streams.— Xhltaecilnn la MQsUvriiJttiv ducal h.xtyof landta the ooanty:• It * ill be sold'nwlivtiledar In quarter*ta salt I ill 11 liainra Totlioe* *Li» d«»!>lr«-l>i Invest In realaitatta beUeroppartnnttT i« ***"»» ••«•*** ~ • r J. tJ. SWBITZXft, ocXfcdawtfT No >»'»> tt 0 Dense'a. Pennsylvania annoe Ho. 196, or at B. Eleber'a music au-re, No. 63 Fifth street. anS&Stawlw HI lnatrucllon ia German. MR. FREDERICK APPEL, Professor of tbs Germanliatiguaje and Llteratore tn the Western Unirwriity of PenMytTanlakndtheOentnU High School of Pittsburgh, begs lean to inform bU friends aod the pub-, lie, thatneisnowpreparedtn.twumeble ItssoDsia tba German iAOguage. For further particulars apply at Ho. 170 SmUhflttil street. aa3ontawdlp Pena Institute, CORNER, of Peun and Hancock streets.— ? g will comment** ca TUESDAY; 61*t . 'X Inst. A limited numb- pupils may obtain, admission. -" Terms for Tuition ami StAitntivry.ftSliiermalonoftwoßly ; two weeks. aoS4:tb J. a.MMlTH,Prtndpal. • . MR. CLEMENT TETEDODX, announces to the public (bat b« baa token op liU residence In Pittsburgh. an 4 is nom prepmart to giro leaaonsia Vocal Unite. • --- »'•■>■*•? s:’.-:-. For terms and further bsrttcuiar* apply to John n. Mai* Store, No* 61 .Wood atreot. auSQrf&w auction Balw. P. M,; DAyiS, Aaotloneer;. ; OoaaMtoiftl WM BbcßMt Ho. &4;TUth Bfcmt. IMPORTED OIL PAINTINGS At Auction —Ladies and gentlemen of Uate fn the Tina Axis, wQ please notice’that a deocilptire catalogue of superior tan*, potted oil paintings t» be; sold tn the second floor atlas rooms, No. M Vi Oh street, ouThursday creator, September 80th, at 7 o’clock, is now preparing, and will be ready for - distribution Id a f«v days; Further notka wilt begteen of tbe tUse when tho piloting* will be arranged fdrozamlM* * ticß. r \ ~ esBT - - V. M. DAVIS. Abet/ CLOTHING, CLOTHS, GASSIMEBES, Ao., At Auction—Al t(i» eomrofretal alee rocraa.No. 64 fifth street, uoTaotrfftj morning September 28th, at JO' o’clock, tod < o’clock, eTtnlng, vnll b« cold a quantity"of heavy over eoara,drewconta, pants and reat*, black cloon, euaiaett, ladle* afcawlr, taea'a cape, carpet aad liattter - travelling beg», Ac. r. Am. 1 i | T>UGGY AND BAROUCHE At Arcnox— I X) Otf WedDMdty moralog, BepL'2tlb, at 10 o'clock, at ' \ tbe commercial h)u moor. Ho. 64 Fifth et, will t>« told, OdCXmOiot Top Bony, fn good order, ac* etaadtsc cop, .well finJebed Buoacbo, made by celebrated eaetiraißaaa factniew, ; ' P.U,DAVIg, JtacV . TfcBANDY, &EGAHS, IRON SAKE,.fkc^ n ArAtrcnoin-On Twßdajmondifcßept. SB«£, •*!», o'clock,** lb* commercial nlaa roonat Jfo.M VllUiatrwfe wiUteaold, 4 wiialrtth Cak Rorhelfo Braadyi 6 »cli, wpardot : ftOOOwpar Bpanbh Bum; r -- ,i outfit tlxa Inalilki ICTOKES AT AUCTION, **; So. ~95 Wood Berest, on Toeodty sod WodaaAdiy cnslap* ■JIiTORTGAGE CONSTitOCTiON JKUUgj JSJL At iuo«fa»-OBn»d» ordoek, u th> OanambTsab* Boo ° l * > , 'Vj- ** «m Util, no Onion: «iw Of jtoocUon Saadi, l*orf In N.“ Sk In RPHAMySOPRI-AJMOPBNEP I I BotlXn PUttBtIBSB,- ; V/ »>fc. at nz nVW*. ! - 1 sft22SaSsSSSWsMlifth IsiTSui w , r JUq, ttetehtxntor «r I «<0 U ieM- • • t I fctrofgronnfi ritnto to BoaUiPtU* / i mdwnnb«r»d 38,83 «&d Mltftt*-* | 0 * ifooodlotl» ptaoflottUUoQt tjrbrfni' 1 u ((tffincL lo Uwboroogkor Bftaingtuin.Ttt: Jfoo.9l* tl ; ° u>493«MTlSßMeh«tro&tofSBli*t«BO«*oa ■xtcndtairtoclc 100(tottouritay. N0^177 tog Mehn front ot 24 fnt on W«*hlnitonatmt,’n*w.«*’’. ending Hck 100 feet to Watnot/nDor; SOS nadZl3, inch haring % front of tt Art 4* Wrtitdhgfcm atm l tad ox - - . i t TUUfartlqwrtaMo. TcnnocMte P. M. Anct. • GTOCK. P, F*; w. & 0. B. R. 41 1nm>* T P m», fa l&U to writ yafch—en, by <: v - ■ 1 r * Wl. . .. •r.M.Mmtet.'KkMMltik'.fv -.U) ' illMlil 100118 > CB„ ItwfcMttt* Bieluuigt. QTOCK.BALES BY AUSTIN LOOMIS & ~ P OO.' AT THB MKBCHAWTf WXCIUHQB Bt|OT fl THtSWAX -STXslN9'’*Buiki Copper Block, Bond sad BcsTSrteieToidU-poWte- brio •ttbsHmbsat^Bxduaso by^' r \ : :* AmnNiooniioo. 1 1 S9tML Prafta snd Loaas oa Bcri lotsto twgodstod «* nwnaUs toßni by . AVStIR JUKUOS A CO, v ; -. #*g| A - '- ';. Bloc* • youßratoA W yoßtthofc^-’ TUMBER.—Boarda, joist*’ and :acantlin®:v | ’1 s W.W. WAT.TAOm,/ [ TITBITING PAPEKS.—Tmperial, .Sap«f-! V/iMasti* JKoytl» Yaefcoti sad CobumkUl boU, sad osth.PwA.7w*- *•■